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How long has it been since Louis and Harry were last seen in the same room at the same time?
It has been ZERO (0) days.
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anchorandrope · 3 months ago
I need to know why L's sisters are always the ones making trouble on social media and looking for attention. I really don't understand why them
Look, im going to give you an answer from PR because that's my life so why not lmfao. And since i've worked with one influencer recently, i have no doubts regarding what is happening at this point with louis' sisters.
Im going to try to explain this as short and succinctly as possible. and im really sorry to say this but this is how things work in real life, i beg you to leave your parasocial relationship with louis aside for three seconds to think coldly about the situation, because i know perfectly well how some of you take every statement made related to louis. several statements can exist at the same time, not everything is black and white, etc. thank you...
Some of you may ask, why always the twins? and there is, actually, an answer to that question. The answer, believe it or not, is not because Lottie is older than the twins. Partly her age is related, but it is not the reason itself... let's see:
Lottie started working as Lou Teasdale's assistant during the OTRA Tour, and since then and thanks to her, she got in touch with many important job opportunities that another teenager who does make-up well wouldn't have.
She has been in Fashion Week, worked for Selena Gomez, etc. Everything from a very young age. Today, she doesn't live exclusively from social media, as many believe. Her income is not only from "being an influencer", she has her brand tanologist, she published a book.... In Lottie's case, social media is a fundamental communication tool that allows her to obtain opportunities that generate income, but it is not her entire income per se.
On the other hand, Daisy and Phoebe were too young to take advantage of job opportunities at that time (1D days) because they were kids... they, again it may not seem like it, didn't have the same level of important job opportunities as Lottie had at such a young age. Lottie was at Fashion Week when she was 17... the twins are still very young and their proper working careers are just starting.
Phoebe and Daisy started their modelling careers in 2020 and to this day, they are involved in social media, promoting products (swaps) and modelling in small photo shoots. They haven't really had a big job opportunity like Lottie has had.
Unlike Lottie, they did not have the same visibility from the start and their income comes exclusively from social media. Modelling and swaps/promo are things they do through social media, their working tool is Instagram/TikTok. They need that platform for their income.
Now, if you have social media accounts set up as public and as a content creator you will know this, but for those who don't: those who create content on social media in this way (influencers, among other cases) have their own tool that helps them most to calculate how much they will earn and that is metrics. The famous "professional dashboard/insights" from Instagram for example.
To hire an influencer (in addition to doing a previous investigation of who you should hire) you should ask them for their metrics so that you can reach an agreement on the amount of money for that exchange/interaction/etc. A fixed base number is set, but depending on the reach, the more money they receive is directly proportional to the amount of interactions and views that post has had. Like on instagram if you share the post as branded content, the company you tag can see your metrics.
The fact that the twins are the ones who post content that they know people will go to their stories/posts/comments to see or will make them follow them on their social media is not a coincidence because the amount of people who interact with them (whatever the reason, as your personal reason is not seen on a metric lol) is what generates them revenue, quite literally.
Yes, it can happen that once in a while as something "casual" because they are people, but not as a generality and even less so when a few days later they do another promotion or they are in one. What is going on and whether it is right/morally correct or not are two different questions, by the way.
This is what happens, welcome to the world of influencers! It doesn't matter if you agree or not, if you like it or not, or whatever, those are your personal opinions (which are perfectly fine, we all have them) but... that's how it is. lol.
I personally don't think it's right to use babygate as a method of generating interaction, and just as I brought it to the attention of the clark family, I will bring it to the attention of the tomlinson's. the child is a huge victim of this, everyone is violating his right to privacy and honestly its disgusting to see after like 9 years. It seems to me that gaining interactions (that lead you to gain money) with such a horrible situation and with a child seems to me something that people should be ashamed of, to be honest. Beyond babygate, imagining that larry and babygate never existed, it's wrong to do this, it goes way beyond fandom, which i think is something a lot of people don't truly understand.
if you really want the twins to stop posting this kind of shit, im sorry to inform yall that the only solution to the problem is going to be to stop following them, stop looking at their stories, stop liking and viewing their posts, stop commenting, etc. any viewing/interaction is reflected in a metric, check it out for yourself (besides there are more metric apps than just the ones IG/Tiktok gives you). If you spread a screenshot taken by someone else or stuff, you are not interacting directly with their account, so it's not the same ofc, but if someone doesn't understand how it works, they will go and see it for themselves and and they will generate interactions. It's impossible not to have them on the radar, i know, so at least i ask yall to focus on what's really important, and not on every idiotic thing that happens, because that way they just make it worse, literally.
218 notes · View notes
twopoppies · 13 days ago
In Louis’s new interview he stated-
"To be honest, the irony of that is that I was thinking about moving recently. I've got no idea where to move to. I like London, but I wouldn't say I'd be able to put my finger on what: I really love it here, I really love it there - I don't really know."
You’d think California would be his first answer.. You know next to his son.. (insert eye roll) 🤦🏼‍♀️
So ridiculous. This is what happens when you have too many lies to remember.
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tobethemselves · 2 months ago
Larry Timeline
January 2025
01.01.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Doncaster [more here] (stunt mention)
02.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
03.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
04.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
05.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
06.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
07.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
08.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
09.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
10.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
11.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
12.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA [Rumor of Harry in Berlin]
13.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
14.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA [apparently Harry is in Berlin]
15.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
16.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
17.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA [Rumor of Harry in Cologne]
18.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
19.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
20.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
21.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
22.01.2025 Harry is in Siena, Italy / Louis is MIA
23.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
24.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
25.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
26.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
27.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
28.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA [Louis via Twitter]
29.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is at Zayn’s concert in LA
30.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
31.01.2025 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
90 notes · View notes
caralara · 2 months ago
like sorry, yeah, we can argue that physical appearance doesn’t matter but when it comes to visible genetic structure…it isn’t deniable or negotiable, it’s just how biology works
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Austin, Freddie, Brett
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Austin - Freddie - Austin
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what a happy family
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face shape, nose, eyebrows, chin
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like two can play that game
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hoovesandfloorpaws · 4 days ago
on the “having a family” conversation, i really hope that isn’t something that they’ve had to compromise on and/or come to terms with not doing because they’re closeted. that would just be heartbreaking 😔
hey sweetpea and huge apologies for getting to your message so late 💖
i've sat with this ask for so long partially because it honestly always leaves me feeling pretty heavy. heartbreaking, like you said, is a right word for it, too, yeah. and the entire topic is so intimately linked with their closeting and also bbg.
we know what we've seen and heard what they said publicly about it, but that's still all pretty superficial information. i'd wager there aren't many people who know what exactly they have been discussing in the past 15 years concerning the topic of having kids together; the amount of times the plans were changed for them and/or they had to change/shift plans around.
i think it's lovely that Harry -who can at least still publicly say he's excited for his future children (unlike Louis who since 2015 can't talk about the excitement for them, because he'd blow the lid on bbg being a sham)-, openly and seemingly happily does so - the last time in 2022 in the Better Homes & Gardens interview.
in conclusion, sweet anon, i am right there with you. but considering their past and current situation, we can't rule out the possibility that they've had to compromise on their timeline regarding having kids. we haven't walked a mile in their shoes, though, so really all we can do is hope for the best and wish them happiness and that things can one day finally fully be on their terms.
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skepticalarrie · 3 months ago
Hey! I hope you’re well. Thanks for engaging with us in your asks! I know your account is tailored to Larry and it’s not like you’re a Liam/zayn Stan account but I’m curious. Do you notice a difference in how Liam/Zayn talk about Bear/Khai in interviews versus how Louis talks about Freddie and (if you’ve seen any Liam/zayn interviews for reference) does it solidify Louis not being a father to you? (Liam talks about dropping bear off to school a such. Seems Louis tells similar stories
That’s such a tricky question, and I’m not entirely sure what kind of answer you’re looking for, my truth doesn’t rely on that specific point. To me, it’s irrelevant how Louis talks about Freddie. He could be with him all the time and say all the right things, and in my opinion, it still wouldn’t make him his dad. That’s just not what this is about and it's not what makes it real or not real... I think people get caught up in how often they’re together and the little things we can see now, but that’s because it’s all we’re left with in the present day. If we go back to the beginning though?! It was all about the gaps and inconsistencies in the pregnancy and everything that followed in the years after. It’s 2024 now, this all started in 2015. That’s almost a decade of this narrative, I can't erase any of that, sorry!
That being said, I do feel like Louis always fails when trying to show any real closeness or understanding of what it’s like to actually be Freddie’s dad. I don’t think it’s worth comparing things, and I don’t watch a lot of Liam or Zayn interviews, but I did see Zayn talk about his daughter recently, and there’s just something about how he speaks that feels entirely different and way closer to everyone I know who has children. It’s in the little details, his genuine care and happiness for her. And honestly, if we’re drawing comparisons, both of them chose to protect their kids and keep things private (despite having kids with other public figures - differently than Louis), and this really speaks volumes to me.
Louis is a great guy, and Freddie’s adorable, but the connection is just not there, and it shows. I hope this is the answer you were looking for, anon.
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landhinlove · 7 months ago
I’m late but
Lottie saying her mom never got to meet her first grandson is WILD
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fookinhellcurlyyy · 14 days ago
Is it okay to be Larrie but believe that Freddie is Louis's son? I feel like I get a lot of conflicting responses to that question but I wanted to know your opinion. Because I don't think I'm an anti, but does thinking Freddie's his son make me one? Same with the people who think that Larrie was real only during fetus days. Love your blog btw <3
Hi, Anon! Thanks for dropping by my little bubble lol ☺️♡
Tbh, I try my best to be as understanding as possible when it comes to how people consume and interpret the information they see. I don’t mind fans having different opinions than me—whether they think H and L are straight/bi, that Louis is a father, or that Larry isn’t real to them. As long as they stay on their side of the internet and don’t degrade Larries for having different opinions (I hate ableist language the most), it’s whatever.
That said, in my opinion, if you’re a no-stunt Larrie who doesn’t believe or support any of HL’s previous PR relationships, believes in the ironclad closet they were placed in, fully understood the RBB/SBB phenomenon (@skepticalarrie's post about this is a great read), and has learned the patterns and consistencies in Larry’s actions for the past (nearly) 15 years—then believing in L’s fatherhood is very contradictory. L is a gay man, so is H, and based on the information and clues we’ve seen over the years, we should all know they’ve been in a long-term relationship. The idea that L randomly cheated with a woman at one point, got her pregnant, and didn’t bother to disprove it (in any way possible like a simple paternity test) despite being at the peak of their careers at the time is a very weird concept to me.
If a Larrie chooses to limit their beliefs—whether they think H and L only dated in their youth, believe they’re bi, or simply 'ship' them because they look 'cute' together (partly influenced by the BL/MLM wave)—I really don’t mind. I’m not here to convince anyone, as long as they don’t shit on Larries who believe otherwise. Like I said, there are years and years’ worth of information we can analyze that point to the opposite.
Same goes for those who choose to step back; that’s totally fine, but it’s heartbreaking to see some of them turn against HL and Larries. And that’s what I meant when I said that some people just are just not invested enough to understand what’s happening (all of us have our own different lives, battles, interests, and priorities)—which is fine, as long as they don’t contribute to the hate (again, ableist language and constantly using mental health slurs). You do you.
But I'm not gonna be the one to scream at 'chill' Larries “NO, YOU’RE WRONG, SUCH A FAKE FAN” "you're not understanding it enough!" "you're dumb and naive" or "you don't care about them!"—nor go out of my way to trash-talk antis (eyeing you lurkers out here 🤨). Like what @tonix3 told me, for a fandom that has a TPWK tagline, most of us don't do it enough. 🥲
I think, at the end of the day, I care more about the Larries who keep the fandom alive, guide others (new and old), and continue to truly see H and L for who they are (because HL knows we see them, and occasionally they'd give us reassurances - no matter how small they are - knowing we'd understand them anyway). ♡
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saraloveslove · 3 months ago
Louis himself put that poor child in the documentary, shown worlwide, and this is everything I have to say.
I don't know what game they are playing, I have no clue what kind of narrative they are longing for (if there's actually any and that's not just a game to gain followers or to throw Larries under the bus once again) but I don't even care at this point, honestly.
That's ridiculous and embarassing as fuck, if I can say that. I feel like watching an horror kind of "Truman show".
And IF (capital letters because I know that's not gonna happen in any form, but let's pretend it for just a second) this is some kind of narrative meant to lean to the end of this abominious stunt, it's late. I mean, it's never too late, but it's still late for that poor child. The psicological damages that boy has to face with will accompany him for the rest of his life. I really do hope he will find a way to cope with them, as much as I hope he will sue everyone's ass off as soon as he will be the right age to do that (starting with his own parents).
And it's late for us Larries too. Our relationship with Louis is forever damaged. He could amend in the future, and we will may forgive him because, in the end, we love him (I still do) and we know he is a victim of the system too, but the consequences of his mistreatment towards us will stay. We will always be on guard, expecting the moment he will throw us under the bus once again, out of the blue. We won't fully trust him anymore, not completely, if you know what I mean.
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vodkaskys · 3 months ago
People on Twitter (who are not usually very smart, so I shouldn’t be surprised) are so upset because they keep saying “poor Louis” “poor family” that they can no longer post photos of A MINOR on the internet, when the real problem is that to begin with they should NEVER show the child. Because we know that the only reason why the kid and the image of Louis as a father is SO loud on the internet all these years, is because of the effort to prove that he is actually a father, because you don’t see Zayn, Gigi, or Liam, Cheryl, and even Gemma styles trying to demonstrate something by publicly showing those children whose face we have NEVER seen. But Freddie on the contrary and Louis being a dad, from the beginning and until now it’s the same incessant shit to prove something. And now they want to cover her face, well it’s a little late for that dear, like 8 years late.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 9 months ago
Hi! I was going through your blog to see if you ever talked about this but I didn’t find anything so that’s why I’m bringing it up (I totally understand if you don’t answer): do you think Louis is F’s dad? And what are your thoughts about it nowadays? How do you deal with it?
No, I don’t think Louis is F’s dad. Never have, never will. I’m not going to go into detail about why (there are other blogs for that), but the basic gist is that I was here in 2016, so I saw all the weirdness unfold in real time and that was, and will likely continue to be, enough for me.
As for how I deal with it, I don’t really, anymore. Over the past two years, it seems to me that Louis really wants to push this narrative for whatever reason and I’ve kind of just… let him and stopped trying to figure out the logic behind it, because over the last 2-3 years, the hard and fast rules we’ve seemed to hold on to regarding stunts don’t seem valid for either Louis or Harry anymore.
I realize this answer may sound cold, but I’ve made my peace a while ago that this was the story Louis now wanted to sell.
And that’s fine. I’m just not buying it.
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srldesigns6277 · 1 year ago
This mention of Larry and The Child were perfectly sent up and timed. He had both blocked in all other interviews. He just basically said it is what it is, his trademark quote and just left it at that with a slight mention of the child as his reason to be straight. The interview came out now too, after he finished the rest of his interviews and after he left the continent. No one else could ask him and no one else will since he's not in Latam anymore.
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twopoppies · 3 months ago
i know im beating a dead horse because nothing of what they do makes any sense but them suddenly remembering to cover his face now after so many years of unashamedly using him for engagement seems almost offensive to me. it literally makes zero sense. the clarkes post him almost daily and the tomlinson's posted him every chance they got the previous years and louis puts him as a main character in his documentary which was screened worldwide. so now suddenly putting a heart over his face will fix the years and years of blasting his face online every chance they got? the only thing it serves is making them look like victims because poor them they are so harassed by the lunatic larries they can't even post their nephew any longer. there are so many things that are absolutely ridiculous but idk why this to me is the cherry on top. absolutely laughable and i hope when he grows up he will expose everyone that took advantage of him including the tomlinson's because from what it looks like since babygate started again in 2021 they have their fair share of blame to take.
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tobethemselves · 2 months ago
Larry Timeline
December 2024
01.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
02.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
03.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA [Pleasing post]
04.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
05.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
06.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
07.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
08.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
09.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
10.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
11.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
12.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
13.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
14.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
15.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
16.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
17.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
18.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
19.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
20.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
21.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
22.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
23.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
24.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
25.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
26.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
27.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in London
28.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Doncaster [more here] (stunt mention)
29.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
30.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA [Rumors of Harry in London]
31.12.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Doncaster [more here]
All December 2024 posts can be found here
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homeisxlarry · 3 months ago
even though the topic has passed, i want to vent a little. i think what happened with daisy and all the drama about erasing freddie's face and explaining why she did it, represents too much of what "babygate" means: an unscrupulous show.
and i don't mean that this started from freddie's birth… from the moment louis saw briana for the first time in his life this was a show. they even posed for paparazzi photos that would later serve to "confirm" a pregnancy.
do you remember when briana's mother started spreading rumors that she and louis were going to get engaged? louis had to go out for a walk holding hands with a friend to shut her up.
not to mention that we even had a birth certificate, photos of louis outside the hospital, briana walking that poor child when he was a couple of days old everywhere, when louis and briana exchanged the baby on the street or in parking lots. all the people who were watching live and in person how careless they were with that baby, exposing him to real dangers: exposed to the sun, to the heat of LA, to irresponsible driving with the baby in the car, leaving him in the care of unknown people just days after he was born, the circus that briana put together when danielle approached freddie and there are even photos of freddie with briana's ex-partners in ~awkward situations
and i think the biggest reason this topic has come back to the conversation is because of all the inconsistencies that were created in the pandemic: the complaint from briana's ex-partner where she indicates that he was keeping the child because louis was an absent father (a situation that made both briana and her mother close their Instagrams for a few weeks), the times that louis' family forgot that freddie existed or the incongruent answers in interviews, the photo of the "birth" in a fertility treatment clinic (??) and so on all day.
(and i mention the above paragraph because there was a period of more than a year and a half – pre-pandemic – where there was no sign of louis getting close to freddie)
and everything i wrote above is not even 1% of everything that has happened. many people who are new to the fandom missed most of these events, and the truth is that i understand in a way that they "freak out" when they see someone who does not believe in louis's paternity.
i am a fan of louis, i will continue to be for a long time to come (i hope), but there is something that has bothered me a lot and that is that in a way he exposes the larries to be seen as the bad crazy ones for believing in "stupid theories", but in contexts outside of social media, he has no problem interacting with them.
the truth is that none of what happens makes sense to me. before, i could blame his team, and perhaps they have some responsibility in how louis' image has changed so much during these last years. it hurts me to think that he is leaving aside a significant amount of his fandom. he wants us away, and not only that… he exposes us to an endless cycle of hate. I still remember that tweet about the chicken and the conspiracy theories. was it really necessary? what is the context of that post? it wasn’t necessary and there is no context, but there we had to put up with every bad word and every insult just because “louis” felt like it.
none of this would have happened if everything had been clear from the beginning. they try to stop everything when it’s too late and in the stupidest ways. they want to deny larry, but louis shows up making a thousand references about harry. they want to say that louis is an exemplary father, but as soon as he had the chance, he sold all his properties in LA. they want to say that louis cares about his son’s privacy, but you can make a timeline since that child was born with his daily photos from day one. they want to say that louis and harry hate each other, but there louis shows up including a lot of scenes of them in his documentary. they say louis hates larries, but every chance he gets, he says hi to every person who mentions the subject.
the truth is that this whole subject has me bored and for some time i have thought that all this hostile environment towards us is going to end up distancing us even more from him (even during the fitf era, many people have already left). and it seems even worse to me that an artist with almost 15 years of career enters the dynamics of the fandom and his interactions are limited to what the “supposed” majority wants to hear.
i will just leave one question, are we larries really to blame for the fact that they can't show their faces to freddie now?
ps: louis has shown on too many occasions that when he wants to maintain his privacy, he does it without any problems. and do you think that everything that happened before was beyond his control?
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