Is that supposed to be the hotel in the picture? I thought he's a millionaire. 💀
Right next to the giant dumpsters, so ❤️ romantic ❤️
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The burden of never growing up and carrying the dead versions of your loved ones in your heart and believing they can still come back...
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it pains me a lot to say this, but all those denials (which have been more aggressive on twitter) have made many people distance themselves from him and stop following his career.
i started following them in 2016, when the band was already split up and the denials at that time were always "funny" to the point that they made memes but now that doesn't happen. and precisely that made louis' fandom decrease much more because he was being disrespectful to a very important fan base that was loyal at all times during walls.
also, i think his team focuses very poorly on how to do promo and on his image. they give the fandom and part of the gp everything that we don't want and that we don't believe in either: a carefree and indolent louis, something that as fans we know he is not like.
Gina, can we talk about how strange Louis' last Larry denial was?
See, he wasn’t supposed to come to Brazil. Everyone found out he was coming about a week before, so everything happened suddenly — the interviews, the meet-and-greet with the fans, everything. Louis gave around six interviews (I don’t remember exactly), and absolutely no one talked about his personal life — relationships, family —; the first interview was in the morning for a famous radio station. At one point, one of the interviewers said "they are asking about F" in portuguese, and immediately another interviewer cut her off. Louis seemed to react when F's name came up in the conversation and made a face like "speak, I want to hear," but things just continued. All the interviews went well. All of them. Until a week after Louis left the country, G1 released an article — G1 is the largest news portal in the country. Some people don’t seem to grasp the size of Brazil and how Brazilians are fierce consumers of the internet — with Louis' big monologue about Larry. Obviously, Harry's name was linked in the headline, and it only took a few seconds for "Louis Tomlinson denies relationship with Harry Styles" to appear on all the news and gossip sites in the country.
It was very strange because all the questions had been about his work, his songs, and suddenly the journalist just says, “… and Larry?" It wasn’t even a properly formed question! After years, Louis decided to deny the relationship again with a single poorly phrased question in the largest news portal of the largest country in LATAM, where, curiously, there are the most online users from around the world. Plus, the interview was released after Louis had finished his mini-interview tour in LATAM, and after that, he never spoke about it again. Anyway, this was the time when a large mass of people stopped believing in Larry after years.
Sorry if I wrote something wrong, my english is rusty
No, your English is perfect. Thank you for this. I remember how weird it was when he did that. I think a lot of his newer fans (or even the ones returning after Liam passed) don’t believe he and Harry are together, and many believe they never were.
I find it completely bizarre. But I also recognize how, in the long run, having people think there’s nothing to the rumors would probably help Harry and Louis’ careers. However, every time he does it, he loses swaths of fans. Not because they only like him because of Larry, but because they’re pissed at the constant denial of something so obviously true (in addition to the way he does his denials lately).
And, while it does turn a lot of people off, it also creates more larries because plenty of people recognize how fucking weird it is that he KEEPS talking about it. And, sadly, Louis gets more mainstream press by denying Larry than he does for things related to his career. So that, too, makes it all so strange that he keeps doing it.
As I keep saying, if they wanted us to forget about it, they’d stop trying so hard.
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next year we should rent princess park together and have a hot lesbian party for valentines, who's up for it
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lately i found myself thinking.... que ando teniendo delirios de que soy tu mujer 😩 (one direction si fuesen latinas lesbianas). feliz san valentin 💋😘
i love youuuuuu 💕
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22 Days of Harry ★ Day 7: Harry + Louis → @Louis_Tomlinson I miss you too sweetcheeks ;) (donate / donate)
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even though the topic has passed, i want to vent a little. i think what happened with daisy and all the drama about erasing freddie's face and explaining why she did it, represents too much of what "babygate" means: an unscrupulous show.
and i don't mean that this started from freddie's birth… from the moment louis saw briana for the first time in his life this was a show. they even posed for paparazzi photos that would later serve to "confirm" a pregnancy.
do you remember when briana's mother started spreading rumors that she and louis were going to get engaged? louis had to go out for a walk holding hands with a friend to shut her up.
not to mention that we even had a birth certificate, photos of louis outside the hospital, briana walking that poor child when he was a couple of days old everywhere, when louis and briana exchanged the baby on the street or in parking lots. all the people who were watching live and in person how careless they were with that baby, exposing him to real dangers: exposed to the sun, to the heat of LA, to irresponsible driving with the baby in the car, leaving him in the care of unknown people just days after he was born, the circus that briana put together when danielle approached freddie and there are even photos of freddie with briana's ex-partners in ~awkward situations
and i think the biggest reason this topic has come back to the conversation is because of all the inconsistencies that were created in the pandemic: the complaint from briana's ex-partner where she indicates that he was keeping the child because louis was an absent father (a situation that made both briana and her mother close their Instagrams for a few weeks), the times that louis' family forgot that freddie existed or the incongruent answers in interviews, the photo of the "birth" in a fertility treatment clinic (??) and so on all day.
(and i mention the above paragraph because there was a period of more than a year and a half – pre-pandemic – where there was no sign of louis getting close to freddie)
and everything i wrote above is not even 1% of everything that has happened. many people who are new to the fandom missed most of these events, and the truth is that i understand in a way that they "freak out" when they see someone who does not believe in louis's paternity.
i am a fan of louis, i will continue to be for a long time to come (i hope), but there is something that has bothered me a lot and that is that in a way he exposes the larries to be seen as the bad crazy ones for believing in "stupid theories", but in contexts outside of social media, he has no problem interacting with them.
the truth is that none of what happens makes sense to me. before, i could blame his team, and perhaps they have some responsibility in how louis' image has changed so much during these last years. it hurts me to think that he is leaving aside a significant amount of his fandom. he wants us away, and not only that… he exposes us to an endless cycle of hate. I still remember that tweet about the chicken and the conspiracy theories. was it really necessary? what is the context of that post? it wasn’t necessary and there is no context, but there we had to put up with every bad word and every insult just because “louis” felt like it.
none of this would have happened if everything had been clear from the beginning. they try to stop everything when it’s too late and in the stupidest ways. they want to deny larry, but louis shows up making a thousand references about harry. they want to say that louis is an exemplary father, but as soon as he had the chance, he sold all his properties in LA. they want to say that louis cares about his son’s privacy, but you can make a timeline since that child was born with his daily photos from day one. they want to say that louis and harry hate each other, but there louis shows up including a lot of scenes of them in his documentary. they say louis hates larries, but every chance he gets, he says hi to every person who mentions the subject.
the truth is that this whole subject has me bored and for some time i have thought that all this hostile environment towards us is going to end up distancing us even more from him (even during the fitf era, many people have already left). and it seems even worse to me that an artist with almost 15 years of career enters the dynamics of the fandom and his interactions are limited to what the “supposed” majority wants to hear.
i will just leave one question, are we larries really to blame for the fact that they can't show their faces to freddie now?
ps: louis has shown on too many occasions that when he wants to maintain his privacy, he does it without any problems. and do you think that everything that happened before was beyond his control?
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i can’t believe the dunkirk trailer tag lines are actually about the Larrie Experience™

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i'm just realising now how louis' movements look like he's used to resting his chin on someone and Harry's look like he nuzzles his person's throat, neck or shoulder. i'm not strong enough for this
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