#baby lupins
black-occamy · 1 year
Remadora Microfics, Day 6: Sticky
Written for @remadoramicrofics October prompts, 883 words
Written as part of my Occamy-verse AU, so: everybody lives, everybody lives HAPPILY, there will be insane amount of fluff and cuteness, there will be mentions of polyamory. Disclaimer: I have no idea how children behave, wtf am I even writing…
“Let’s see,” Remus pulled the list and a set of reading glasses from his pocket. “We have books, a cauldron and a set of ingredients…”
“Wand,” Teddy added helpfully, whirling it between his fingers in a trick move that Sirius has been teaching him for the last three weeks.
“Yes, please don’t stab your sister in the eye…”
“I can’t believe the letter still mentions quills and parchments,” Tonks scoffed, looking over his shoulder.
“Changes take time, my love.”
“Can we go eat ice cream now?” Lenore was holding the edge of Dora’s robe, her golden eyes staring at her parents pleadingly. Tonks crouched down next to her, messing the girl’s hair.
“In a little while, my darling Bug. There’s still some shopping we need to do for your big brother.”
Read further under cut or on AO3 🖤
“We’re almost done,” Remus put the list back in his pocket and straightened up looking around for the sign of Madame Malkin’s clothes’ shop. “Robes are the last one on the list and we only need to get the winter coat.”
“In this case, I think ice cream should come first, Rem,” Dora picked her daughter up in her arms. “Unless we want to get the new clothes sticky, right, golden Bug?”
“Ice cream!”
“Sounds like a plan to me!”
Remus exchanged glances with Teddy. It was his day, after all. The boy made a thoughtful face, considering the choices with a solemnity of an eleven-year-old.
“Mum makes a good point,” he finally decided. “I don’t know any cleaning spells yet, and I don’t want a sticky coat.”
“And what about the pet? We won’t have time to go and pick one, Dora.”
All three of them gave him surprised looks. Apparently there has been some discussion happening earlier that he missed.
“I’m taking Pestie to Hogwarts,” Teddy explained. “Auntie and Uncle said it’s okay if I take her with me.”
“Well, if that one is settled too..”
“Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!” Lenore chanted, tapping an excited rhythm on Dora’s shoulder. Remus gave up with a sigh.
They navigated slowly through the crowd of excited students and slightly less excited parents. Diagon Alley was packed at this time of the year, caught in the annual pre-school-year frenzy. It was fortunate they managed to get around their shopping during the new moon - otherwise the noises and other stimuli of the crowd would have been too much for him.
“Rem, you and the kids find a table and I’ll get the desserts,” Tonks declared, passing Lenore to him. “It’s lemon sherbet for you, chocolate for the Bug and salted caramel for Teddy, right?”
He sat down at the furthest table he could find, one that was nestled cosily under a huge straw umbrella. The shade offered a welcome respite. Lenore huddled against his chest, staring at her brother pointedly. She seemed to be thinking something over.
“Teddy, will you be gone for long?” she asked finally.
“Just a bit, Nora. And I’ll write you letters!”
“Da, can I go with Teddy?” she turned her golden eyes at him. Remus smiled, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.
“You will go soon, little Bug.”
“Soon means when?”
“In a couple more years.”
Lenore scoffed, “That’s not soon at all!”
“You won’t even notice, with everything that will happen in pre-school,” Teddy offered and for some reason that logic seemed enough for her. “Dad, were you nervous before your first year at Hogwarts?”
Remus fell silent for a moment. Somewhere buried deep in his memories was the day he received his letter and the look on his parents’ faces - fear mixed with that terrible suspicion that it must have been a mistake. He shrugged that image away.
“Extremely so. Are you nervous, Ted?”
The boy regarded him thoughtfully for a moment.
“I don’t know which house I want to be sorted to,” he admitted after a while. “I don’t know if I’m as brave as you or Uncle Sirius. I’m not as caring as Mum or as strong as Auntie Gem. Maybe I could be a Ravenclaw? Am I smart enough to be a Ravenclaw, Dad?”
“You are everything you need to be, I promise you,” Remus reached out, pulling the boy closer in a hug. Lenore squealed, joining in.
“Teddy, you are the best!”
“See, your sister is very right about that. It doesn’t matter which house you’re sorted to. You will make us all proud either way.”
For a few blissful moments he held both of his children, a small part of him trying to figure out how in the world he could be so lucky to have them. He spotted Dora coming in with a handful of ice cones. Her pink hair, long and wavy today, danced around her head like a candy-coloured halo. Remus felt a surge of warmth in his chest, a joy that filled him, head to toes. If he could, he would float in the air.
That is, until Dora happened to trip at this exact moment.
In a split second, the smile froze on her face, her eyes widening. Ice cream soared in the air. Remus stared at it, flying towards him and unsuspecting children, rotating in slow motion.
It was probably a good thing they planned robe shopping after the dessert.
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pottermagiczz · 4 months
Sirius trying to teach lil Harry his name
Sirius: Harry, say Padfoot
Sirius: C'mon lil guy, Pad-foot
Harry: Moo-ee
Sirius: No Harry, Pad-foot
Harry: MOO-EE
Sirius: You're one lil sh*t, aren't you?
Harry: Sh*t!
Remus, entering the room: Hey Harry, having fun?
Harry: F*ck! Sh*t!
Remus: ...
Harry: Pad-foooo
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ssaraexposs · 7 months
Do you ever start thinking about the fact that Dazai literally made tiny snowmen based on his favourite people? The ones he secretly keeps in his heart?
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Said people being:
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Sleeping off
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enbysiriusblack · 4 days
baby marauders for the soul <3
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allllium · 13 days
☾ Best Remus Lupin Fics on Tumblr ☆
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> Fluff <
Period Pains
I'm Your Boyfriend
↳ [ @moonstruckme ]
Little Family
Full Moon Drabble
↳ [ @wasteddmoondust ]
It's Blue the Feeling I've got
↳ [ @jamespottersdaisy ]
↳ [ @luveline ]
↳ [ @bruisedboys ]
Shy!Reader ~ [ @daenysx ]
Lazy Sunday Morning ~ [ @gtgbabie0 ]
No Boundaries ~ [ @ddejavvu ]
Sore ~ [ @ellecdc ]
Missed Hints ~ [ @empress-simps ]
Scars ~ [ @crimsntwlip ]
Kisses as Payment ~ [ @diwatopia ]
Lunar Possession ~ [ @jasmines-library ]
Anxious!Reader ~ [ @madwcman ]
Drabble ~ [ @contrarinshiit ]
Annoying Serenading ~ [ @shiftermia ]
Infatuated ~ [ @fourmoony ]
Touch Starved ~ [ @gtgbabie0 ]
Introduction to the Son ~ [ @starzqzi ]
Never His ~ [ @weasleykisses ]
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> Hurt/Comfort <
It's Nice to Have a Friend
Sweet Nothing
↳ [ @jamespottersdaisy ]
Migraine ~ [ @moonstruckme ]
Blue Moon ~ [ @ellecdc ]
Unconditionally ~ [ @sarahisslytherin ]
Snappy ~ [ @luveline ]
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charbroiledchicken · 15 days
"you used to be such a big reader. what happened?" they ask
"i...have a lot of work." i reply, frantically closing all my ao3 tabs because im not about to go and tell people my biggest kin is harry potter's father's best friend's brother and his little fruity friend group
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letraspal · 4 months
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Newborn Harry got some presents from uncle Moony and Padfoot. ❤️
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theprongspotter · 4 months
Sirius: Aw, shit.
Remus, covering Baby Harry’s ears: Watch your fucking language.
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amiableness · 3 months
Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader ☼ 659 words
"Y/N, love, what should we name him?" James asks curiously from his seat beside you.
For the past twenty minutes, you've been nestled on the couch between James and Remus, completely engrossed in the romance novel cradled in your hands. The story is reaching a pivotal moment, and your anticipation grows as the main characters edge closer to acknowledging their long-held feelings for each other.
James's right arm rests comfortably behind your shoulders, a reassuring presence, while Remus quietly turns the pages of his own book, the room enveloped in a serene hush. Despite the delay of Sirius and Peter, you hope they'll at least allow you to savor this crucial juncture in your literary escape.
"Name what—" you begin, turning to look at James curiously. But a sharp shriek escapes your lips as you spot a fairly giant spider crawling across his left hand. Your book slips from your fingers, forgotten, as adrenaline kicks in. 
In pure desperation, you scramble across the couch towards Remus, your movements quick and almost frantic. With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you find yourself in his lap, straddling his thighs. Remus, caught off guard, drops his book with a soft thud, his arms reacting instinctively to encircle you. His solid and reassuring arms pull you close against his chest, your own chest pressing firmly against his sturdy torso while you loop your arms around his neck for added security.
You watch James with wide eyes and parted lips, a sense of panic creeping in as he flashes you a teasing grin. You know he's about to tease you— it's inevitable.
“You don’t want to hold him? I can just plop him right-” James extends his left arm towards you, his tone teasing. 
Your reaction is immediate—a gasp that turns heads in the room, “Don’t you fucking dare!” You cling to Remus all the more, your fear palpable as you avoid any closer contact with the unwelcome intruder.
You and James both know there isn’t much of a threat behind your words. It’s hard to come across as intimidating when you’re buried in Remus's arms, seeking refuge from James's teasing.
"You can't keep running to Remus every time you have a problem." James teasingly huffs out, recalling the countless times Remus has scolded him for teasing you.
"Yes, she can." Remus asserts firmly, his voice carrying a hint of protectiveness.
"I promise he won’t bite." James continues, carefully adjusting his hands, one in front of the other, to let the spider crawl freely.
"Mate, leave it alone." Remus grumbles, adjusting your position so you nestle closer into him. Your cheek finds a comfortable spot on Remus’s shoulder. You consider giving James a defiant glare, but then remember he could easily toss the insect in your direction.
"I’m just teasing her. She knows I’m just messing around." James protests.
“James, leave her the fuck alone." Remus snaps sharply. James quickly complies, dropping his hand towards the floor and shaking off the spider. You watch with tense shoulders as the arachnid scurries off towards a dark corner. James glances nervously at Remus, guilt prickling in his stomach as he meets Remus's searing glare.
He knows better than to push Remus when he’s agitated, especially when it involves the girl he's so desperately into.
Several minutes passed in silence before James broke it.
"The spider's gone, love. You can get off his lap now. I'm sure Remus wants to go back to reading his book alone." He teases with a mischievous glint in his eyes, throwing a playful jab your way as he eyes how content you look being held by Remus.
"If Remus doesn't mind, I think I'll stay right where I am." You retort with a hint of defiance, glancing at Remus for confirmation. He responds by pulling you closer, his arm wrapping protectively around you, and giving James a pointed stare that silently asserts your decision to stay put.
That settled that.
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melemart · 1 year
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Keeping in touch around the world
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Remus John Lupin is a dorky nerd in tweed and cardigans who is only strong enough to carry books around, and lets everyone walk all over him, and cries when people go on discriminatory tangents about werewolves/queer people, and makes Sirius help him study, and folds his underwear/socks, and drowns in jumpers that are too big because he’s so skinny that he has to choose between them being long enough or tight enough, and he’s always cold, and he has back joint/back pain, and has a snort-laugh, and a little overbite you can only see when he smiles, and his clothes have elbow/knee patches, and he never gets angry because he’s so scared of being a monster
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ellecdc · 12 days
pls tell me that ur going to do smth with remus inspired by the werewolf post you reblogged 🙏 p.s I love your work!!!
hahaha I think you're referring to this post, so here's a small little baby blurb for ya <3
Remus Lupin x fem!reader who doesn't want her to know too much about Moony [435 words]
CW: non-canon compliant description of werewolf behaviour, swearing [duh]
“Come on, Moons! Time to go!” James shouted as he burst through the portrait hole, officially announcing the end of your quiet cuddle on the three seater sofa with Remus. 
Remus made a defiant sort of grumble as he sank impossibly further into the cushions, essentially dragging you down with him. 
“Awe don’t do that.” Sirius said salaciously, throwing a wink in your direction. “Believe me, I’d rather be up here snuggling with Y/N too, but we’ve got plans for the night.” He explained, motioning with his head towards the sky no one could see through the castle ceilings. 
“Sod off.” Remus muttered; his arms circling you tighter at the insinuation you’d be snuggled up against any other bloke should he vacate the common room. 
James let out a theatrical groan, but his shit eating grin gave way to the fact that it was all for show. “That’s what we’re trying to do, Moons. So let's go! We’re sodding off.”
“Can you explain to me again why you have to go to the shrieking shack for this?” You asked slowly, rubbing the back of Remus’ hands that were locked around your middle in equal parts placation and encouragement to let go. 
Remus never had a chance to respond before Peter piped up. “S’cause Moony’s not housebroken.”
“I am too housebroken.” Remus shot stubbornly, causing Sirius to snort.
“Sure, Moons. I bet that’s why the only thing left of the cushions from the old sofa in there are all the feathers strewn about.” 
“There was something in the cushions!” He insisted. 
“Right, and we totally found whatever it was.” James agreed sarcastically. 
“It’s not only the furniture that’s not safe - he’s scratched the shit out of the walls and floors too.” Peter continued.
“Minnie would not be happy to find the Gryffindor common room in such a state.” Sirius added solemnly. 
“Okay…” Remus relented slowly. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not housebroken.”
The three Marauders stared at Remus with different levels of bemusement. 
“Rem, Moons is so territorial that I’m pretty sure if Y/N joined us, you’d be lifting your leg to-”
“Okay that’s enough!” Remus spat quickly; lifting the entirety of your weight off his lap and placing you back onto the sofa. “Sorry, dove. I’ll see you in the morning.” He murmured, pressing a chaste kiss to your head before turning and shoving Sirius towards the portrait hole.
“Don’t worry,” James insisted as he walked backwards in the direction of his friends. “We’ve been working on him with positive reinforcement, but it’s slow going; he’s really quite dumb as a wolf-”
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daftpatience · 2 months
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youre always cold but damn it if youre not my friend
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
“I love your personality!”
Thanks, I stole it from a fanfic longer than the original piece of work it was based off of on ao3
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lunarlivs · 22 days
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after leaving school harry starts journaling, here’s august -99
some closeups bc my handwriring is tiny sorry
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