#aw i never broke to 1000 :’( next year
victimized-martyr · 2 years
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I posted 884 times in 2022
That's 884 more posts than 2021!
101 posts created (11%)
783 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 816 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#kyman - 91 posts
#south park - 84 posts
#asks - 40 posts
#eric cartman - 37 posts
#kyle broflovski - 36 posts
#my art - 24 posts
#talk tag - 17 posts
#analysis - 15 posts
#cartman - 12 posts
#chat hoes - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 143 characters
#’no one wants to hear us speak over the show for 22 minutes and try to fill the time’ i do!! thats why i clicked ‘play comentary’ !! 😭😭😭😭💔
My Top Posts in 2022:
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this is what I mean when I say they’re always on each other’s minds, mkay
524 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
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533 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
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570 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
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buenas tardes my fellow kymans
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608 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I had a vision 🧍‍♂️✨
776 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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x-ladyathena-x · 1 year
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In The Shadow of His Memory
Chapter 4–The Pain You Place Inside
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Warnings: graphic violence, morally grey sebastian, morally grey reader, angst, fluff, alcohol
Word Count: 751
Tag list: @hellok1ttycake
Summary: It's been 10 years since you were faced with that awful decision: turn Sebastian in for casting an unforgivable curse or lie for him.
You chose to lie for him and take his secrets to your grave, but that wasn't enough-the authorities found out soon after and Sebastian went on the run.
You never stopped loving him and when an unexpected visitor arrives in your home in the dead of night, you realize he never stopped loving you either.
"I can't do this, Sebastian." You pushed him away and took a step back.
He looked as if you'd slapped him.
"This is a lot," you took another step back and began to pace. The war raging inside you made you want to be sick.
Sebastian was here. In front of you. You had him back.
And with him came whispers of the temptation of power as well...
You closed your eyes and tried to stifle thoughts of power, thoughts of using Sebastian to gain what you wanted. But the fact that he wouldn't mind being used, he'd actually love it, didn't make pushing the thoughts away any easier.
"Why are you here?" You finally asked him, "How are you here?" You wrung your hands in your hair and slumped into the armchair next to the fireplace, "I thought— I thought you were dead." Your voice broke, and you allowed your true emotions to bleed forth.
Sebastian dropped to his knees at your feet, "no" he whispered, looking up at you.
He took your hand and placed it against his rough cheek and nuzzled his face into your hand.
Sebastian's voice was much deeper and more gravelly than it had been the last time you'd been with him, "Not dead. Very much alive."
He pulled your hand from his cheek and took his time kissing each one of your fingers, then the back of your hand before pressing his forehead to the back of your hand, "Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever did and I've never stopped trying to make my way back to you." He said as his chestnut brown eyes raked over your face, drinking you in.
You placed your hand against his face, almost as if to check again that he was real, "what will we do? You'll never stop being hunted." You told him, "You're still a wanted man."
He took your hands in his, still kneeling at your feet, "I've learned so many new things in my time away. We can hide ourselves, weave our own web of protection so that we'll never be found."
"Is that what you want," you asked. You didn't know if you wanted to feel disappointed or relieved that the pursuit of power wasn't in his plans.
"I just want you." Sebastian whispered.
You felt as if your heart was about to beat out of your chest, "and what happens if we are found."
"We'll defend ourselves." He said confidently. "I would have cut down 1000 men to have made it back into your arms."
You involuntarily went rigid.
Sebastian felt your body language shift, but he doubled down, quite literally clinging to you, "please." He whispered. "I've become more powerful than I've ever been. I've hunted down artifacts, relics that can provide shelter and safety for us and I can teach you too. The magic I've learned and your ancient magic, together we'd be unstoppable. Together we could do anything."
There it was.
You closed your eyes again, internally fighting with yourself. What would it be?
Sebastian— seeking power—, it was a package deal. And you were a fool if you thought you could settle down and just have him and avoid what he was offering.
Sebastian allowed his head to drop into your lap when he sensed your hesitation.
"Please," he begged. He gathered your robes in his fists in desperation, "please."
You allowed your hand to drop down to his head as it lay in your lap. You raked your nails across his scalp and felt his breath through your robes as he sighed deeply.
Another exciting thought pierced your mind...You reveled at the thought of Sebastian ready and willing to be at the bend of your will.
I would cut down 1000 men.
That's what he said.
And despite yourself, the thought thrilled you. You tried to stifle the electric excitement you felt with his head cradled in your lap, at your mercy. This man would do anything for you.
"Okay." You whispered, already wondering if you'd regret your decision. But you already knew you wouldn't. As long as he was back in your life, everything would be better. It had to be. How could it not? Right?
Sebastian's head lifted off your lap and looked at you with desperate hope, "on my honor, I will never leave you again. Ever."
Your heart soared.
He stood and lifted you into his arms, kissing you hard and rough.
This time you didn't stop him.
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The God with Locks of Gold
"Every 1000 years all of the Gods get together for a contest to see who can collect the most souls with a single catastrophic event. Last time Poseidon broke the 1M mark with a Tsunami/earthquake combo. You’re up." Response to a prompt from @writing-prompt-s
You were a minor god, name known to few. You lacked a pantheon and the strength associated with it. You, like most gods, required worship to increase your strength, yet with little power you could hardly answer a prayer. You could not strengthen armies, nor could you ensure each arrow landed true. There was no ending famines nor ensuring plentiful bounties for you, for you were just the golden one, an awful little child. Who would pray to you?
The other gods from their mighty pantheons would barely spare you a glance, while the other outcast and isolated gods would derive mirth by mocking your pale, twig arms, and common clothes, and so frail a youthful face. The only thing they dare not mock was the golden mop upon your head, your only saving grace, for your golden curls were beauteous coils that only the divine could behold. And for that, they were jealous. How dare this weakling have hair so fair?
And so, you concealed it with a cap, ensuring that none other than yourself should see your locks again, yet each time they mock or tease, you see their eyes, whether they be reptilian or mammalian, birdlike or fish, attempting to catch a glimpse of your golden curls. Never do they look into your eyes.
Absorbed in your pitifulness it came as a shock to you when Posiden, the great Neptune, shaker of earth and sea, selected you. You, one of - if not - the weakest and most unassuming of the gods, was selected to upstage the god who had sent a million souls to his brother’s hall.
You knew why he picked you, once given the chance to think. The contrast, the juxtaposition, would make his victory all the more renowned when a millennium passed and the next god could barely harm a soul. He would see his glory upheld and untarnished, as the theological joke only continued to fall, slipping closer and ever closer towards oblivion.
So you set upon your duty in the only way you knew how. You scoured great libraries searching for clues while expanding your knowledge. Then you returned home, amongst the people. You spread your knowledge amongst them, bringing hope of better things. You saw the sparks of light in their eyes. You saw dreams and desires on the brink of fruition.
Then you vanished…yet your knowledge remained.
They knew of the lavish luxuries just out of reach. They knew how their not-so-distant neighbors were getting along. They knew how sweet the fruit had been and now suffer from the aftertaste. Nothing they had would ever seem so great again. And so they fought.
They fought from deep within their souls to correct a perceived wrong, for how dare they live with their eccentricities while I live with only my necessities?
And so it spread. A few dozen at first turned into a few hundred, turned into several thousand, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions of corrupted souls. Billions of mine.
Every time they thought of what others have, wanted deeply that which was not theirs, smiled through gritted teeth as someone complimented what they did have, they were worshiping me: Aurelius, god of animus.
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You’re hired!
I got my first CNA job! I start training on Monday! It’s pretty exciting. I’ll be working at a SNF where I did my last clinicial. It’s small and there’s a lot of natural light- “a lot” being relative. It’s also, close to my neighborhood and I can drive there or I can just hop on the Judah and get there in about 20 minutes (door to door) and not have to hassle with parking. I’m excited- a little apprehensive but this was kind of the “plan” it’s all coming together which is... surprising, actually. 
I’m almost done with my requirements for nursing school (liability insurance, titers and all that). All that I have left is my physical next Tuesday, my ID badge (waiting for a good hair day), and then, sometime before the first day of class, I get to spend almost $1000 (that I don’t have) on books! Hurray!!
New books are SO expensive. Like $200 or $300 a piece expensive. Back in the day the “nice” teachers would assign the previous editions so broke ass folk like myself could get them used for a bit/a lot less. And I got really good at finding used books through online retailers, so that worked out. 
Then, I dunno, 10 years ago actual online books came out- not required just an option. And I was like, no thank you. I don’t like reading on screens and, also, used copies don’t exist. So that’s a double "no thank you!”.
In many ways I’m excited for how technology can help people learn. I wonder how different my education would have been, how my self confidence would have been impacted, had these tools been available to me in elementary school and middle school. I never felt like I was smart- I knew I was creative and I could find a work around but that’s different than just knowing the answer and having foundational knowledge. 
AI can identify what people don’t understand and have them review concepts. In my experience  adaptive learning and customized quizzes. And teachers can assign things through the online portal and track our progress; apparently they can see what we’re read (or haven’t read). It’s pretty exciting. A little invasive butI’m not looking forward to staring at a screen that much but maybe it will hold people accountable. Anyone can tell their instructor they read the material but if you’re not doing well and the teacher can also see that you’re not actually doing the work then it’s a different conversation.
Aw, crap, speaking of spending money. I probably need to buy new scrubs for my job. I doubt they’ll let me wear my white ones. AND new shoes. Dammit!!! 
Uggghhh. I hate being poor.
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Jason swore loudly and had to resist the urge to throw his controller down, pissed that he kept dying cause of the game's stupid glitches (Also known as own mistakes). Still, he regained his composure, and smiled before saying
"Alright chat, we're gonna finish up this one and then we're gonna move on to another game. There should be a poll on top for what we do next"
Jason was a moderately successfully game streamer, averaging about 200 to 300 viewers a night, entirely based on his wit and skill. He knew for sure that they weren't coming for his looks, given his weedy, thin frame, overly pimpled face and large, nerdy glasses. Still, it was enough for him, and he was happy with the progress that he'd made.
As Jason got himself set up for the next game, he heard a shocking sound from above him. The victory theme from one of his favorite JRPGs was blaring through the speakers, and he came up, staring at the screen in shock. He knew what that sound meant. That meant someone had tipped him one thousand dollars, completely out of nowhere.
He looked in shock at the notification on the stream, seeing that it was from someone named JockBro69, with the simple message "Can't wait to get to know you better, cutie~"
Jason was completely stunned. Not only had someone actually redeemed the donation goal that he set as a joke (That being that whoever was stupid enough to tip 1000 dollars got to have a 15 minute private chat with him), it was also someone that he'd never seen in his chat before.
Thoroughly weirded out, but knowing that he had to honor his commitment, he sent the guy a quick private message.
"Dude, I don't know how to thank you enough! Guess I'll see ya pretty soon!"
With that, he sent the man his private zoom link, and said goodbye to the chat, who were still going wild over this turn of events, before pausing,the stream and hopping over to discord for the call.
Not two seconds after his stream stopped, he got a requested video call on discord from the guy, and he opened it up, giving a second for the video to load, but when it did, he was completely dumbfounded again. He was expecting the mysterious donator to be some fat, sweaty silicon valley nerd with too much and money on his hands, but instead what met him was possibly the hottest man he's ever seen, standing up and looking down at his webcam with a friendly expression.
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"Fuck, bro! Its so good to finally fucking meet you, I've been such a big fan for a long time, and this is a really big deal for me~
The man had a deep, rumbling, pleasant voice, that shot straight down Jacob's spine and left him feeling strangely... inadequate. Like the fact that his voice wasn't as smooth or melodic as this guy's was his fault, and he should be ashamed of that fact. Still, this guy was pretty pleasant to look at, Jason had to admit. He wasn't gay, definitely not, but he could acknowledge when another guy simply looked good.
Jason scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not entirely sure of what he should do or say. Still, this guy spent 1000 dollars on this meeting, so he had to try anyway.
"So, umm.... I see your username is jockbro69... What's your actual name thought? I don't think I've ever seen you in chat before..."
The other man actually laughed at this, before looking confused and saying
"What are you talking about bro? Its me, Ethan! I'm in your chat all the time! Man, I guess what they say about playing games so much is true, huh?"
At this statement, Jason actually went pale with shock. THIS was Ethan? This was the guy who's username used to be runningLink? Who was an active fan of the zelda series, constantly begged Jason to play them, and bemoaned the fact that no would date him? It just didn't seem right...
Still, Jason, ever the semi professional, continued on, pretending that he wasn't shocked at the news.
"Well, thanks for supporting me so much! Seriously, this means a lot to me... Ummm... so I guess tell me some of your favorite things about the channel then!"
The man laughed again, the sound coming out in a slow, dumb chuckle, before saying
"What's my favorite thing? Do I even have to say, bro? Its the amazing piece of eye candy I'm looking at right now. You're super hot, bro~"
At this, Jason was shocked, but he chuckled awkwardly while blushing, and said
"Really? I don't think I've ever heard a single person say that before. I guess I consider myself slightly below average..."
The guy looked confused at that, before pressing on
"Really, bro? You look super hot to me, you got those bright, blinding blue eyes that you can just get lost in~"
At this point, Jason knew the man was just messing with him. His eyes have always, and will always be a dark, muddy brown, hidden behind his massive frames. Jason was about to respond, when Ethan continued
"Yeah, and you got that super stylish haircut too, really makes you look super masculine~"
Now Jason was REALLY confused. The guy was right, he did always get complements on his eyes, the bright, shocking blue visible and striking even through his huge glasses. But his hair was always a long, unkempt greasy mess.
"Ethan, are you sure you're okay, you're not just seeing things? Cause I don't know what you're talking about"
Ethan ignored the comment, just continuing to press on
"And you've got that hot, manly face, with your strong jaw and amazing profile"
Jason was confused again. Sure, his stylish haircut did help him look much better, but his face had always been pretty androgynous, with hints of baby fat still present in his cheeks. Again, before he could interrupt, Ethan continued,
"And you've got that smooth smooth skin, that hot stubble, that sexy smirk of yours. You're the full package bro~"
Jason laughed at this. Ethan was clearly being way too complementary. Sure his face had a great shape to it, with strong cheekbones and a square jaw, but his skin was still acne marked as hell, his smile was crooked and awkward, and he'd never been able to grow any facial hair, no matter how much he tried.
"I really have no idea what you're talking about Ethan. Sure I've got some good features, but the overall package isn't much to write home about~"
Ethan smirked again, his eyes lighting up with humor, as if he knew something I didn't.
"Nah, bro, you're underselling yourself. Plus, you've got that body~"
"What about my body? I think its pretty average, though I guess I'm a bit on the skinny side..."
Jason looked down at himself, trying to contemplate what Ethan meant. Sure, he'd been blessed with an attractive, manly face, but it didn't change the fact that his body was still below average at best.
"Again, bro! Putting yourself down. You really think those massive logs you have for arms are below average?"
Jason looked down at his skinny arms, and said
"More like logs than twigs man, seriously."
"And what about your legs? You've spent so long working on em, you've got thighs and glutes to kill for~"
Jason laughed again
"I dunno man! Most people say the exact opposite. They say I spend too much time on arms and not enough on my torso and legs. What can I say though? I love having big, beefy arms."
"Of course you do, bro? Who wouldn't? Especially when right in between em, you got your big, pillowy chest, your sexy abs, and your super toned back~"
Jason was seriously starting to wonder if Ethan was on something. Anyone could clearly see from first glance that Jason's body was badly proportioned, his arms and legs being massive from months to years of work, while he neglected his back, pecs and ab muscles. Still, he thought he looked pretty alright honestly.
"And I especially love how you're not only super sexy, you know it and flaunt it~ I don't think I've ever seen you once wear a shirt. The most you'll wear is a necklace, and even then, not like that covers anything, bro~ Only makes you look sexier"
Now here Jason had to disagree. He knew that he had cultivated and developed an amazing body over his years of going to the gym, but that was all for his own personal satisfaction. He never flaunted it unnecessarily, especially not during a stream.
"And I love the fact that you're such a fucking bro, bro. Every other word out of your mouth is bro and dude, you can't go even five minutes without flexing and thinking of fucking, or going to the gym, or hanging out with your other hot bros. We all know that your brain is basically only good for working out and looking hot. No smart's up there. And you've got your deep, sexy voice, too. Makes it even hotter that you're a gay bro, just like me"
Jason HAD to laugh at that. What the guy was saying was just so ridiculous.
"What the hell are you talking about? Look, I know that I like to show off my sexy body a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm some kind of dumb jock. And I'm definitely straight, dude. Don't know why you'd think I'm gay"
Ethan pressed on, completely unabashed by Jason's last comments.
"But you know the best fucking part, bro? Its that power of yours. The fact that any weak ass nerd who looks at you and your huge fucking muscles grows into a hot, dumb bro like us within seconds~"
Jason was busy flexing, staring at his own bicep in awe, as if he was shocked by him impressive he was. He looked up at Ethan blearily, saying
"Sorry, bro, what'd you say? I guess I got a bit fucking distracted. Huhuhu. But who could blame me~"
"Nah, it was nothing bro. You don't need to worry about it. Now should head back to the stream?"
Jason gasped in excitement, having forgotten entirely about the fact that there was a whole stream audience full of lame ass nerds, just ready for him to make as sexy as he and Ethan were.
"You got it bro~ This is gonna be so fucking hot~"
Jason left the call, going back to the stream and restarting, glad to see that a full 300 people were still watching, even through the extended break. The second he turned his camera on, he could see that people were confused for some reason, saying a stranger broke into his house. How stupid could these people be? How did they not recognize him? Still, not like it would matter for long...
"Hey bros! How're we all fucking doing? Welcomes to today's stream..."
He trailed off, looking blankly at the camera, before saying
"You know what? Fuck video games! Who needs them when you can do this~"
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And as his pecs bounced and bounced hypnotically, the chat slowly transitioned from messages like "What the fuck is happening?" or "Who is this dumb jock?" to "Fuck, bro! Your pecs look so fucking hot today!" and "Huhuhu, I love making my pecs bounce like Jace's~"
And so the stream continued, Jace showing everyone all the amazing things his body could do, while anyone that was watching, whether they wanted to or not, began to copy him exactly. And as the stream went on, the viewer count rose, and rose, and rose...
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casadefreewill · 2 years
Daily Fics
(I’d figure I’d just post this even if I didn’t have much commentary for these fics besides mmmm, good, fic make happy brain juices go brrrrrrr. These are still just fics I read throughout the day yesterday and enjoyed)
Blue by blacklipscurse (bealeciphers)
Iroh insists they create a new life and identity in Ba Sing Se. Zuko wants nothing more than to bide his time until his next opportunity to return home, until he realizes ‘Lee’ can get away with things Zuko never could.
Zuko dons the mantle of the Blue Spirit again only to lose his focus when the Avatar comes to the city. This time, however, his attention is drawn to the annoying Southern Tribe warrior.
Shadow of The Chat by Pearl484
Chat Noir discovers that he has a living Shadow. Unfortunately for him, it is not fond of Ladybug.
Inspired by the prompt: 5 times Character A and B thought they didn’t have anything in common and 1 time they realized how similar they are.
I am absolutely vibing with shadow in this fic. Hell yeah, give Adrien someone who’s 1000% in his corner, who he can’t hide his problems from, and will force it to be everyone else’s problem.
One Does Not Love Shadows by Keyseeker ( @flightfoot )
One of the nearby statues clattered to the ground. Absently, Adrien catalogued it as one of the things his father had broken in order to sell his akumatization into the Collector, all those years ago.
“Who’s there?!” Father barked, swivelling his head from side-to-side, desperately looking for whatever made the sound. “You are trespassing, and I will personally ensure that the police prosecute you to the full extent—”
“Set him free.”
The hairs on the back of Adrien’s neck prickled. It was quiet, but the emotion in it… it stirred something deep in his chest, something long repressed, kept under wraps lest indulging too much broke him.
Adrien's been kept captive, a prisoner of his amok for the past year.
The arrival of his shadow from another world disrupts his father's hold.
Based off of Pearl484's "Shadow of the Chat" and wackus-bonkus's "one does not love breathing".
The Clark Kent Effect by deinde_prandium ( @deinde-prandium )
In which Marinette is an oblivious idiot. And may need an eye exam. Pre-reveal, post relationship.
Based on a discussion in the ML Writers Guild discord on the topic: what if Adrien got glasses, and Marinette didn’t recognize him?
Mayhaps there is no magical masking and Marinette is just face blind.
The Five Times They Predicted They Were Going to Get Married and the One Time They (FINALLY) Got Engaged by @sariahsue
Adrinette/ladynoir post reveal. Pretty much what it says on the tin plus an engagement scene that made me tear up.
Let It Be Enough To Reach The Truth That Lies by Keyseeker ( @flightfoot )
It- it probably wasn’t a secret underground death cult.
There’d be more people around, right? Hooded figures in dark cloaks?
Just his father (and maybe Nathalie?) wouldn’t make for much of a cult.
Yeah! So… so there must be a perfectly normal, reasonable explanation for all of this. He didn’t have the slightest idea what that could be, but he was sure it existed!
They came to a stop in front of the pod.
...it looked entirely too much like a coffin.
He’s not using me as a human sacrifice, he’s not using me as a human sacrifice, HE’S NOT USING ME AS A HUMAN SACRIFICE-
Fu accidentally drops the Black Cat Miraculous while performing his "test" in front of Collège Françoise Dupont, having arrived too early to run into Adrien, but too late to run into any of the students there.
This changes things.
I’m just vibing enemy/not-enemy au’s lately. Gabriel is just awful in this one.
The Son of my Enemy by Saccha ( @sacchariwrites )
Cat Noir never wanted to be a villain, but he doesn't have a choice. Ladybug wishes she could save him.
A reverse love square, villain!Cat Noir AU.
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arduadastra · 3 years
69’ing with din but with him on top??? Yes??
This ran away with me because, this prompt? DELICIOUS. It starts real smutty but it ended softly. I have no regrets. It's been a while since I wrote smut so enjoy my filth fest!
Warnings: Slight Dom/Sub, Oral (F and M receiving) swearing, reader being bratty and after sex fluff.
Want something? Ask me here! I write Din, Javi, Ezra, Max P, Frankie, Oberyn and Whiskey.
1.6K - I mean...who knew I was such a hoe for dom Din?
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What an awful fucking day.
Din had sent you out to the local market to pick up food for the next hyperspace jump and somehow you had come back with less than you started with.
When you got there, which took an hour because your speeder had broken down, you realised you had half the credits you actually needed because the other half was still on the ship.
To make matters worse, some twi'lek asshole decided to run into you which made you drop half the fruit you had bought and smash it on the ground below.
As you trekked back, indignant and defeated, you were seething. How can one person royally fuck up that bad? At a simple task nonetheless?
God, Mando was gonna be pissed.
As the ramp lowered you stood, shouldering the few remaining items you could actually buy and you see him waiting for you. He’s got the child cradled in one arm and another on his hip.
You’d almost laugh at the posture if you weren’t so pissed off.
“What took you so long?”
You laughed humourlessly and shoved past him, he grunts and plants his feet, “Hey!”
You swing around, dropping your bag on the floor and point at him, finger hitting his chest plate, “It’s your fault! You said you’d fixed the speeder.”
He says nothing, just drops the child to the ground and stands up straight. “It fucking broke within ten minutes, I had to walk the rest of the way.” You continue, voice rising, “THEN this asshole ran into me and I dropped everything. Didn’t even get much in the first place because I left half the fucking credits here!”
You curse and tug at your hair, walking away from him now, “Fuck, I didn’t even get those cookies you wanted!" You kicked the crest wall and winced at the pain that shot up your leg.
Mando, as always, was a silent observer of your meltdown. He never spoke unless he had to and in all the years you had known him, you’re not sure he’s ever witnessed an outburst from you.
It had just been a shitty day.
“And!” You continue, pointing at him, “You decided that landing on a planet that’s 1000 degrees in the shade was somehow a good plan. I could barely breathe out there, you didn’t think to check the ground temperature, idiot?!”
That got his attention. Immediately you knew you’d fucked up. 
It’s one thing to yell at him but to insult his planning skills? His intelligence? Yeah, that’s game over.
He tilts his head slightly before pressing his vambrace, closing the ramp. He then takes three very measured steps towards you as you back away, your legs hitting the bunk. He stares at you for a long time. His chest barely moves and you suddenly understand why so many cower in the face of him.
His voice is deadly, “Is that anyway to speak to me, adika?”
You sit, “No.” You don’t apologise though, you won’t give him the satisfaction.
He nods once, noting your lack of apology. He is a wall of beskar and silent rage. His voice continues, deeper even through the helmet’s filter “You think I can’t fix a speeder?"
You shake your head.
He crosses his arms, even from a distance he’s an imposing force and you feel yourself heat at the display of dominance, “You think can speak to me like that? Call me an idiot?”
You look down, loving the heat of his gaze on you. You squeeze your thighs together “I was angry. I didn’t mean it."
He leans in at that, a hand bracing on the bed beside you and another coming up to rest at the back of your neck, tilting it and baring you to him. 
He rumbles in your ear, “So how are you gonna make it up to me?"
You whimper and grab at his bicep, “Anything, I’ll do anything. I’ll be good.”
You hear him chuckle darkly, “You better be.”
You lie back, hair fanning across the bed as you undo your shirt and drop it to the floor. You see his helmet tilt down at your exposed breasts and you groan, “Touch me, please.” Your hands reach for him but he shakes his head, his eyes still focused on your chest. “That would be rewarding you Mesh'la, you haven’t earn't me yet.”
He does begin to take off his beskar though, standing above you as he slowly strips and helpless to do anything but watch. He removes the lower half of his flight suit and you feel yourself flood at the sight of his hard cock.
He takes himself in his hand and groans, tilting his head back and exposing the olive-skinned line of his throat. You can’t help but move your hand downwards at the sight but he catches you.
Quickly, he grips your hand and pins it above your head, the other still running against his dick, “uh uh…good girls listen to orders. So strip, but don’t you dare touch yourself.” 
Maker, you loved it when he told you what to do. 
You pulled down the rest of your clothing and couldn’t help the shiver that ran up your spine as you saw his cock glisten at the action.
“Please, please let me-“
“What? What do you want?”
You whine, “Your cock, please Mando.”
He stops, and brackets himself above you, hand hovering on the light switch, “Say my name.”
You moan, “Din.” 
He clicks the switch.
You gasp at the sudden loss of sight and feel Din moving above you. You also hear the familiar hiss of a helmet being removed and you crane yourself upwards for a kiss. You feel him graze his stubbled jaw across your face, you ache to feel his lips. Din kissed like a man crazed and you needed it.
It never comes.
Instead, you feel him smile against your cheek before flipping himself over, his cock suddenly slipping between your lips. You groan as he thrusts downwards and you suck hard, “You said you wanted my cock mesh’la.”
You feel his hair fall forward against your mound and you whimper around the thickness in your mouth. You feel his hot breath fan your wet clit and you rise your hips to feel more but he lifts away. You grip his waist.
He pushes further into your mouth and you exhale harshly as he starts his rhythm. It's punishing and bruising and you feel him in your throat. You’re powerless below him.
You love it. 
And you know he does too.
He grunts above you, hand fisting in the sheets while the other runs up your thigh, he teases the apex and you kick your leg out.
He grips your ankle with a firm hand and groans as you swirl your tongue around his head, precum bursting out as you do, “Maker. Good girl, such a good girl for me.”
His finger enters you suddenly and you release him from your mouth with a cry, absolutely soaking his fingers in the process. You hear him suck on them when he takes them out and you moan at the image. 
It’s moments like this you wished you could see his face. You wonder what he would look like with your arousal all over his chin, how his eyes would darken as he entered you. You imagine him with dark eyes, there’s no way a man like Din doesn’t have dark eyes. You run your hands up and down his chest, flight suit still covering most of him but your feel the hard planes of muscle under your fingertips and you just wish he would fucking touch you already.
No sooner did you think that he speaks roughly, “I think you’ve apologised enough Cyar’ika.” and spears your pussy with his tongue.
You cry again and he thrusts his cock in your mouth to shut you up. Din is relentless, all those years with a helmet would make you think he would be timid when it came to eating you out.
You couldn’t be more wrong. He was a man possessed as he gripped your thighs and spread you below him and you feel the heat sear in your gut at the hungry display.
He turns his head and sucks a bruise into your thigh, nose brushing your folds and you whine at the burn of his moustache against your sensitive core, “that’s it, cum for me. Cum for your riduur.”
You hadn’t heard that last word before but it sets you off as he laps at your release, moaning around his cock in the process.
“Shit, Shit I-I” Din gasps and you feel his own orgasm fill your mouth, swallowing it down and letting him go with a loud 'pop.’
You gasp and hear him flop next to you, head still down by your feet. After a few minutes catching your breath you lean up on your forearms, looking down at where you assume his face to be, “What did that mean?”
Din stays silent a fraction too long and you raise an eyebrow, “Din?”
You roll your eyes and prod him in the leg, “That word! What did it mean?”
You hear him shuffle around and soon his head is next to yours. While you can’t see him you can tell he’s stalling, “Means a lot of things.”
You wait, turning your head ever so slightly towards him and you feel his breath fan your face, “tell me.”
His hand comes up and grazes your cheek as he softly presses a kiss to your lips and murmurs, “it can mean partner but...” He kisses you again, “I’d like it to mean spouse .”
Your heart soars, “As in?”
“Husband and wife. If you’d like that.”
You kiss him back, hard and press him onto his back, “I’d definitely like that. Riduur”
Din smiles.
Tagged: @evyiione
253 notes · View notes
marmaligne · 3 years
1/1 Hello! headcanon S/O makes good covers of songs and music videos(like those YouTube videos)? Swerve, as a lover of Earth(this is how it was mentioned in the comics) walks on the Internet and finds various covers performed by their human friend, watches and listens to them all and then runs to show Rewind.
[TF MTMTE] S/O Who Makes Song Covers
Tumblr media
* At first, Swerve was having a particularly slow day in the bar.
* He had just dealt with another one of Whirl’s shenanigans which accidentally blew up into a huge scuffle between Whirl and Skids, which got Chromedome and Rewind involved after Whirl stole their drinks in order to drench Skids in energon.
* The resident liaison, aka you, had watched from afar as everything turned to scrap between them and the whole area erupted into a bar fight.
* Swerve was embarrassed to say the least—the one person who ever seemed to pay attention to him on this damned ship, and they witnessed him unable to control his own patrons.
* He decided to close the bar early and retire off to his habsuite afterwards—better than sticking around.
* Turned on a datapad while sipping a cube of highgrade because Primus knows he deserves it.
* Began surfing through the internet and stumbled upon his favourite video streaming and uploading site: youtube.
* At first he scrolled through recommended cat videos, DIY’s and gaming streams, until he found something strangely out of place on the home page.
* He’d stumbled upon the music section and saw your face plastered to the front of a video image. Beneath it captioned “Born this way [Cover by s/o]” and featuring a plethora of other musicians and background singer mentions.
* He clicked on it, immediately entranced by the thought of you having a secret life or hobby, possibly whatever you did for a living before joining the LL crew.
* Absolutely astounded by the sound of your voice—he truly believed you were the incarnation of clarity based on the effortlessness of your rhythm and lack of lisps or vocal breaks.
* Swerve used to invest a bit in musicians back on Cybertron, he never owned a bar back then but understood that Cybertron’s versions of human ‘Harlems’ contained a lot of organized musical entertainment.
* When he opened a bar on the ship after finding the distillery with Skids, the first thing he thought of was music.
* Never found a decent singer cause everybody on the LL sucks.
* Immediately after finishing the first video, he clicked on your profile and continued scrolling, finding the oldest one on your account and beginning there.
* The post itself was 8 years old, which meant you had been in the industry of cover songs and albums for a decent time before you joined the LL on their adventures across space.
* He listened to every single one of them, with themes ranging from jazz and reggae, to rap and pop music from disney movies.
* Fell in love with your personality even more through your music; surely someone who sounds so beautiful has a beautiful heart as well!
* Immediately after finishing the last video, he ran to show the only other over-appreciator of media: Rewind.
* Rewind was astounded as well by your abilities, immediately began recording and downloading the recordings to a private database for future purposes.
* Both of them immediately called a bar meeting at like.... 3 am.
* Ultra Magnus (Minimus Ambus) arrived first and demanded to know why an emergency meeting was called.
* Rodimus and Chromedome arrived next because Roddy thought there’d be a fight, and Chromedome heard that Rewind sounded the emergency alert.
* As soon as everyone gathered, and Swerve stated it had something to do with their dear human liaison, everybody shut up.
* The room fell silent until Rewind began streaming the music to the bar speakers.
* Immediate awe from everyone in the room.
* This melodious voice belonged to s/o? Their little liaison? The one everybody used to ignore?
* Crushes and developing friendships all around the room and you hadn’t even arrived yet.
* The moment you stepped foot into the bar, everybody once again went quiet. When you asked why, an immediate response broke out.
* “You sing?!” and “I didn’t know your original function was a musician?” and “I didn’t know you had such a sweet voice!” rang out across the ship.
* You were evidently startled, and Swerve could tell—Rewind as well—and Swerve had to smash a clean glass against the counter to gain everyone’s attention again.
* “Let’s hear what our friend here has to say, shall we?”
* Everybody once again turned to face you.
* You explained that it was rather embarrassing they had stumbled upon an old ‘hobby’ of yours, but told them that you used to be a well-loved solo-singer back in the early days before the lost light.
* You never gained much fame beyond the internet media streams and sometimes group choreographs, but found a joy in music anyways, hoping to make your life long dream of finding fame and happiness out of singing come true.
* When you realized that such a thing was hard to achieve, especially in your national industry, you basically gave up on trying to achieve it, which is why the date of your last upload was about 2 years before you came to the crew.
* They listened intently, Swerve especially, and their expressions changed from astonishment to sadness.
* “So you.... don’t sing anymore?” came from a slightly downed Megatron—he thought there’d finally be someone to appreciate his poetry.
* You told him no, and the entire bar began to beg. About 100 bots shoved into a small bar, begging and pleading with you to continue your dream and make new music—some offering to teach you Cybertronian if it meant you could produce it in their language.
* The hesitancy in your voice was obvious, but you did eventually agree.
* The LL broke out into cheering, and Swerve reopened the bar for the night so that the others could party away. Ultra Magnus and some other tired bots slipped off down the halls to recharge again, but not before offering their congratulations (and bribes).
* You smiled slightly and exited the room, heading to the internal flight deck for some alone time.
* Swerve eventually made his way down after everyone had had their drinks, wanting to speak with you about the past.
* “Why’d ya’ give it up in the first place? Singing I mean.”
* “I don’t really know, I suppose because I realized that my dreams were unobtainable.”
* “Then maybe you’ll find that here on the Lost Light, there’s a lot more room for change.” he spoke to you.
* He didn’t know it that night, but you agreed with him. There was a lot that the world could offer, even more so now that you knew the universe was so vast.
* Maybe you went unappreciated on Earth, but you now have hundreds of bots ready to fight for a simple song from you.
* And who knows? Music videos would be 1000% cooler if you filmed them with giant robots out in space.
* Your voice alone singlehandedly turned Getaway back to the good side.
✨ Hope you enjoyed ✨
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lottiebagley · 4 years
Cardigan- Cedric Diggory
Vintage tee, brand new phone High heels on cobblestones When you are young, they assume you know nothing
She would never forget the very first time she spoke to Cedric Diggory. She had been sorted into Gryffindor and he had been sorted into Hufflepuff, they'd seen each other around and even shared some classes but it was February of first year by the time they ever actually spoke.
She was best friends with George Weasley, she spent every waking moment with the twins, Angelina and Lee. The whole year knew of the little group and how inseparable they truly were, they'd gained the reputation of being funny pranksters and seemed to light up every room they went in.
To Cedric though, it hadn't been the group that lit up the rooms, it had been her. Her bright smile, her loud laughter. There was something about her that Cedric found impossible to ignore and he loved it. He was in an internal battle, on one hand he desperately wanted to speak to her, to know her, to be the reason she was laughing. On the other he was an 11 year old with a crush and was nervous.
He had decided automatically he was glad to talk to her though.
It was Saturday morning and he had been minding his own business, walking through the corridors to go and meet some friends after having been up to library to finish an essay and she had ran straight into him.
"Sorry, oh my merlin, I am so sorry," She speaks quickly, bending down to pick up the papers that she had knocked from her hands
"It's no bother," He smiles politely, his stomach full of butterflies when her hand brushes his. "I'm-"
"Cedric, sorry I'm not a creep I swear, we are in the same Charms class, you sit behind me" She cuts him off, he blushes brightly at her even acknowledging his existence.
"And Herbology," He smiles
"Y/N, I know," it's her turn to blush and Cedric can feel his heart flip in his chest, she opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by loud footsteps sprinting towards them
"LET'S GO Y/N! FILCH IS COMING!" Cedric isn't sure which twin it is, but they grab her hand and continue running, the girl is quick to join in turning back to shout over her shoulder
"Sorry again Cedric!" she calls, he stands dumbstruck with a look of awe in his eyes as he listens to her laughter grow faint as she rounds the corner.
Sequin smile, black lipstick Sensual politics When you are young, they assume you know nothing
Cedric doesn't work up the courage to speak to his crush again for a while. She simply isn't interested. At 11 years old she cared more for having fun with her friends, by 12 she's beginning to notice boys and sure enough she realises the Hufflepuff boy is cute but thinks nothing of it. At 13 she gets her first boyfriend, he's a Ravenclaw and her best friend hates him.
Cedric has his first kiss, he has girls that admit to fancying him and a few even catch his eye. None last though, because for every time he sees them he also sees her. Smiling and laughing with her friends and looking utterly ethereal.
It's when they're 14 that they next speak. It's their fourth year and Cedric is on his way back from quidditch practice when he hears a faint crying coming from an empty class room.  Being kind to his very core he doesn't think twice about poking his head round the door to see if whoever is in there is okay. It's only the second day of the school year and he expects to find a scared first year.
His heart breaks though at the sight of her. She's crying into her hands and sniffling loudly, seeming to not even notice someone come in.
"Hi," he speaks gently, not wanting to startle her. She look up immediately and the sight twists the knife in his chest. Her eyes are puffy and red rimmed, her makeup streaking on her cheeks. She immediately pulls her hands to her face, trying to wipe her tears away with her hands.
"Hi Cedric," she tries to smile but it comes out more like a grimace
"Can I sit?" He questions softly, she nods and he sinks onto the floor next to her, his back against the wall.
"Sorry, I look all gross and snotty," she sighs, he chuckles a little
"You're beautiful," not one part of him is lying or trying to make her feel better. He truly believed her to be the most beautiful thing on the entire planet. "Do you want to talk about it?" he offers
"I-you- we don't know each other I'm not going to make you sit through all my problems,"
"Hey, I offered," He assures, gently placing a hand on her knee and giving it a little squeeze.
"You sure? it's a lot and-"
"I am certain,"
"My boyfriend, well I guess not anymore. He broke up with me because he started talking to Ella McKinley over summer and I really liked him and we've ben together for like seven months and I thought he liked me but obviously not and I can't even talk to my friends about it. Freddie and Lee would find the whole thing hysterical, not because they don't care, they just wouldn't get that it feels like I will never be good enough for anyone. Angelina is friends with Ella and I don't want to make things awkward for her. And Georgie, he's the best friend on the planet and he would do anything to make me happy but he was right the whole time and I can't bare the look of pity and he will just know that he was right but he won't say it because I am a pathetic, crying mess. Plus, Fred and George will go and try and fight him and everyone will talk about it and I just wish that I was enough cause I really liked him," She rants with tears streaming down her cheeks and Cedric wants nothing more than to take her pain and put in on himself a 1000 times before she ever has to feel it.
"Hey, you look at me," He prompts, gently moving her face from where she's staring at her lap to face him. "You are so much more than enough. You're beautiful, truly I mean that. And you are so funny and kind, I've never heard a soul speak badly of you, plus I'm in half your classes and you are at the top of all of them so clearly you are smart. Alex Mayfield is stupid for ever letting you go and I promise you he will regret it,"
She doesn't even think twice before diving into his chest to hug him, his heart warms in his chest as he holds her to him, stroking her back gently.
But I knew you Dancing in your Levi's Drunk under a streetlight, I
"Cedric?" Her voice sounds shy, three days later as she approaches his large friend group as they all laugh and chat in the courtyard. His friends all make loud 'oohs' at the girl approaching their friend, knowing he has had a crush on her forever.
He jumps to his feet immediately, only making his friends tease him more. "Hey, is everything alright?" He asks, it's been two days since he found her crying and he hadn't seen her around since.
"Yeah, yeah everything is fine. I just wanted to say thank you for the other day," She smiles gently and his heart melts that she had seeked him out rather than just saying it in whatever class they next saw each other.
"Oh of course, it was nothing," He smiles
"Well, i just, sorry that I cried all over you and- I- well it's embarrassing and you were so sweet so thanks," she blushes madly under his gaze
"It's fine, if ever I can do anything just let me know. Or if you need someone to talk to, I'm always around,"
"Thanks, and the same to you of course," She smiles and he nods. Neither of them can pull their eyes away from each other until Fred and George, who are waiting a small distance away let out loud barks of laughter at their friend's clear crush. "Right, well I should get going, have a good day," She smiles politely before turning around. He isn't quite sure what comes over him when he calls out to her
"Wait!" she turns immediately at his shout "You, uh, wouldn't want to be partners on that new Care of Magical Creatures assignment would you?" They had been assigned it on the first day, and it was a partnered essay and research task on Mooncalf's due in at the end of the month.
"Yeah I'd love that,"
"Great, I'll meet you in the library. Could you do tomorrow night right after classes finish?"
"Yeah, I'll see you there," She agrees, blushing slightly as she turns to walk back to the twins. Both Cedric and Emily's friends immediately begin to tease them but when she turns back to look at him and catches him already staring after her neither of them seem to care.
I knew you Hand under my sweatshirt Baby kiss it better, right
'You know, now that we have completed this ridiculously long essay we should celebrate. Hogsmeade? this Saturday?'
He had asked so casually, like it was easy. When in reality it had taken him a week to build up the nerve. She nodded, acting like her heart wasn't hammering inside her chest.
But now, as he waits at a table in the three broomsticks, he feels more anxious than he can even explain. She walks in, smiling brightly when she sees him, sat at a table with two butterbeers, and she seems so calm it puts his jittery leg at ease.
"Hey Ced,"
"Hi darling," He grins, watching her slide into the booth seat opposite him
"Am I late? Fred forced me to go to Zonko's with him, swore it'd only be two minutes but it was a lot longer," she explains
"No, I was early is all," He smiles, pushing the drink lightly in her direction
"Thanks," She grins, planning in her head to buy the next round. "So, good day so far?"
"Made better by you," he returns, he'd expected to feel awkward and nervous but in reality something about her felt so right, so natural.
"Well of course, clearly I am the highlight of your day every time you see me," She teases lightly
"Well I'm the same for you,"
"You are," She confirms. He beams at her and her heart somersaults in her chest. "How have we only just become friends this year?" She ponders
"I don't know, it feels like I have known you forever," He smiles
"Yeah it does. I guess that's just how it is with some people,"
"You know what they call those people? Soulmates," He teases and smiles a little when her cheeks flush a bright red
"If you are my soulmate Diggory, I could do a lot worse,". It was true, she felt like he could so easily be that one person she was supposed to meet. He was natural, he was charming, he was funny, he made her feel so at ease. She never had to be someone else, never had to think for a second about what she said. Cedric just got her and it was the best thing she had ever experienced.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed You put me on and said I was your favourite
"Ced!" She's positively beaming as she stands on Hogsmeade platform after the Christmas holiday's. Pushing her way through the crowd towards the boy and leaping into his arms, he catches her with ease, rearranging his hands a little to hold her up better, her legs wrapping around his waist. His friends pay them no mind as they walk towards the carriages knowing they will see him at dinner and he would much rather have a minute alone with her.
"What're you doing here?" he chuckles
"I missed you," she shrugs
"I missed you too, but I could have just seen you at school, you didn't have to come and pick me up from the station," He smiles at her and she blushes a little. She had spent her holiday at school with the Weasley's as Molly and Arthur were in Bulgaria with Charlie and she hadn't wanted to miss out on her friends antics.
"Yeah, but if I had done that then I would have had to wait until after the welcome back feast and it would have been ages," She explains
"Well in that case, I'm glad you came. I really missed you darling," He smiles, gently placing her back onto the ground
"I missed you too, I was actually thinking a lot when you were gone-" she admits
"That's dangerous," he teases, laughing when she gently swats his arm
"I was thinking that I think I like you, as in more than a friend. No. I know, I like you as more than a friend and I have for a while now and I just wanted you to know that I do.  You don't have to like me back and if you don't then I don-"
She's cut off when he slams his lips against hers. Pulling her flush against him. He kisses her with so much passion and longing that she doesn't doubt for a second that he likes her just as much. He smirks when he pulls away and her lips chase his to press another quick peck to them.
"I like you too, I have for an embarrassingly long amount of time, I just didn't want to rush you after what happened with Alex,"
"You could never rush me, it's you," she smiles and he feels his heart leave his body and fall right into her hands.
"So, you wanna go on a real date?" he questions, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as he begins to lead her towards the carriages back up to school.
"I would love that," She grins
"In that case, I will pick up tomorrow at 8," He announces, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as they walk.
A friend to all is a friend to none Chase two girls, lose the one When you are young, they assume you know nothing
"I have just had the most awkward interaction of my life," She announces, walking into his dorm to find him sat at his desk. She drops onto his bed as he turns to look at her
"Hi darling," He smiles
"Hey," she grins back, eyes unable to pull away from his
"None of this romantic gooey shit, what happened?" Cedric's best friend, Justin, questions from his own desk. The pair clearly having been doing work before she arrived.
"Right," she nods, pulling her eyes away from Cedric as she tugs her Gryffindor tie off her neck and settles more comfortably on his bed. "So, i'm walking with George, Fred and Lee out of detention,  planning on coming here and they were heading into town to pick up some supplies from Zonko's so we are walking, minding our own business and then out of literally no where Alex pops out,"
"As in your ex-boyfriend?" Justin question, fully immersed in her story. She glances at Cedric who's jaw is a little tight, but softens when their eyes meet.
"Yeah so he comes over and asks to talk to me, and you can imagine Lee and Fred think it's fucking hilarious and George looks ready to pummel the boy, which is nothing new he's always hated him,"
"Likes me," Cedric comments slightly cockily, he knew from the off that it was important George liked him.
"He does. So anyway, I'm like Sorry I am in a rush to meet my boyfriend, which only seems to make him want to speak to me more. So he's all like how long have you and Cedric been together and I'm like officially 2 months. And he asks like a million questions about us and then tries to invite me to Hogsmeade and I was like obviously not, at this point George hits him and then we just kinda ran away. It was just very uncomfy and awkward,"
Cedric looks like he is absolutely fuming, Justin on the other hand is laughing at the awkward situation. Cedric is, of course, glad that she immediately told him but was ready to hunt the stupid boy down and finish what George started. He stands up to do just that but stops when she grabs his hand and pulls him to sit next to her, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He sighs, his thumb stroking the back of her hand, knowing that she's asking him to leave it be.
But I knew you Playing hide-and-seek and Giving me your weekends
"Hey, do you guys know where y/n is?" Cedric questions Angelina and Lee when he sees them sat in the library
"Thought she was with you," Angelina shrugs, looking to Lee who looks equally surprised to see Cedric without his girlfriend wrapped in his arm
"She was, we were playing hide and seek but it's been like forty minutes and I can't find her,"
"She'll be in the broom cupboard next to Filch's office. She always hides there when we play," Lee comments
"Great, thanks," with a grin Cedric disappears out of the library and in the direction of Filch's office. He sends polite smiles and waves to friends he passes but doesn't stop for a chat, missing his girl's presence and wanting her back by his side.
He arrives at the cupboard, pulling the door open and stepping in. It was a deep cupboard filled with clutter and her giggle sounds through the air when he trips on a bucket, hand reaching out from the darkness to steady him.
He  reaches out and pulls her into his chest, arms wrapping around her and pulling her into him.
"Found you,"
"Took your precious time," she smirks,
"It's a big castle," He reminds, pressing his lips down onto hers, she kisses back immediately, arms looping around his neck as his grip her waist, tucking slightly under the jumper she's wearing that clearly belongs to him and is too big for her, his thumb stroking gently on the skin of her hips.
She pulls away, breathless and grinning up at him and if he had thought he was in love before he was certain of it now. When she looked so pure, so beautiful, so ethereal how could he not be? the truth was he had been falling for her since first year but his five months with her made it all the more real. He wasn't just in love with an idealistic version of her he had made up in his head, it was the real her. The her that only he knew.
"Which of my friends told you?"
"You underestimate my seeking skills," He feigns offence, and she laughs at his dramatics
"It was Angelina right? The boys would never help you cheat,"
"It was. Now, given I've found you I think I am entitled to a reward, winners choice," He smirks and she grins brightly
"At what might that be?"
"Cuddles," He announces
"We need to study," she counters
"Nope, not on a weekend. Cuddle me in my dorm please. You can't say no, I found you," He grins, he knows though, that she wouldn't say no anyway.
I, I knew you Your heartbeat on the High Line Once in twenty lifetimes, I
They lay under the stars in the astronomy tower Cedric was certain that this, this very moment, was the highlight of his life. When all was said and done she would be it. She would be what made it all worth it.
"You okay?" She asks, nudging her head into his chest gently as she lay on him
"I'm perfect. Are you?" he questions, looking down at her laid on her front between his legs, arms wrapped around his waist and head on his chest
"I am," she grins, moving her head to rest her chin on his chest and look up at him "you're quiet," she comments
"I'm thinking," He returns gently, eyes holding hers and arms wrapping around her, holding her tightly too him
"and here I was thinking you were just a pretty boy," she teases, he laughs and she would swear on anything that lit up by the moonlight Cedric Diggory was a god amongst men. "So pretty boy, what are you thinking about?"
"You," he grins
"Nothing new," she jokes, he rolls his eyes but says nothing, after all she isn't wrong.
"Do you think everyone gets to feel like this?" he questions, she tilts her head to the side silently asking him to explain what he means. "I just- it sounds crazy but this feels so much bigger than just love. Like I can't even describe, it doesn't even feel once in a lifetime it feels once in a million lives. I can't put into words how I feel for you, I more than love you, I so much more than love you,"
"I so much more than love you too," She smiles, leaning up to press her lips against his, he kisses back and it's so soft and so gentle yet somehow needy and passionate all at once. Every kiss they share felt amazing but they would both swear that was the best.  "And no, I don't think everyone gets this, I think we are incredibly lucky to have found each other,"
He smiles pulling her closer to him pressing a kiss to the top of her head and his heart has never been more full.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed You put me on and said I was your favourite
"So, tell me how your summer was?" She grins at him as they make their way down the train in search of her friend's compartment
"I was with you for most of it," He teases. They had spent the first two weeks at her house and then second two at his before she had gone to spend the final two at the burrow.
"I haven't seen you in 14 whole days Ced," she reminds
"My life is entirely boring without my favourite person," he smiles, chuckling at the blush that overtakes her cheeks. She presses a kiss to his cheek before pulling open the compartment door
"There they are, we were starting to think you were never coming," Angelina smiles, jumping up from her seat to pull her friend into a hug
"Sorry, we got caught up talking to Justin," The girl explains
"Ah, so that's what the kids are calling it," Fred jokes, laughing at the bright blush that over takes both of their faces. "Well, I was kidding but-"
"Shut up Fred!" She groans, dropping into a seat as Cedric settles down next to her, talking happily with George about their summer breaks.
To kiss in cars and downtown bars Was all we needed You drew stars around my scars But now I'm bleeding
Their fifth year passes insanely quickly. It's full of laughter and happiness. They don't have drama like most of their friends in relationships, they understand each other on such a level that truly there's no need to argue because no matter what the other does they understand. Understand exactly why the other has behaved in the way that they had so there was no point in getting mad.
From trips to Hogsmeade, parties, studying and evenings in the prefects bathroom they saw each other every day. Adopting each other's friends as their own. All they needed was each other and they were having a good time. They were connected at their very cores and the whole school seemed to know it.
"Okay, never have I ever lost my virginity in the prefects bathroom," Angelina smirks, the Gryffindor friends are sat around the boys dorms with bottles of fire whiskey on the final evening of term, joined as was common now, by Cedric and Justin.
Cedric sits next to her, his hand resting on her thigh and her head on his shoulder as they both blush a little before drinking.
"You told me it was in your dorm cause you were classy!" Lee exclaims, pointing at her with wide eyes.
"If you believed she was classy it's on you Lee," Fred teases, laughing loudly when she launches a pillow across the room and it hit's him with ease.
"Never have I ever said I love you just to get laid," Justin states, smirking when both Fred and Lee take sips of the drinks.
"Mum will be disappointed," George teases
"Would be, will makes it sound like you plan on telling her,"
"I'll have it up my sleeve for if I need to redirect the rath on someone else,"
"Hey, we always put it on Ron," Fred whines, the rest of the group laughing as they didn't doubt for a second that was true.
"Never have I ever skinny dipped in the black lake," George grins, the group erupting in laughter when Fred drinks
"Okay 1 it was a dare and 2 you aren't allowed to target people, in this game"
"Oh, because never have I ever accidentally grabbed the wrong person's hand wasn't targeted," George quips back.
'Cause I knew you Stepping on the last train Marked me like a bloodstain, I
"I just think that you're being stupid," she admits, she is sat cross legged on his bed as he paces his dorm
"This is something I really want to do, it means a lot to me. The money could really help my family out and I really think this is something I could excel in," Cedric explains, he isn't mad. He knew  that she was only concerned because she cared and therefore he would never be mad at her for it, he also knew she loved and supported him unconditionally and that wether she agrees with him or not that wouldn't waver.
"It's reckless Ced, people die in this tournament and I just hate the idea of you doing this cause all your friends have told you how cool it'll be and something happens to you,"
"Hey, nothing will happen to me. I'm not stupid and I know my own limits, you can pull out of any round at any time and if I think I can't do it I won't stay in a dangerous situation," he assures her, sitting down next to her and taking her hands in his.
"I know, I just want you safe,"
"Darling, you don't have to worry for a second. I promised you forever and I am going to give you it," he assures her, pulling her hands to his mouth and pressing kisses on her knuckles.
"Okay. If it means a lot to you then obviously I support you, just promise me you aren't going anywhere,"
"I promise," He agrees.
And so, with his friends behind them and wrapped up in his arms, his promise of forever fresh in her mind she goes with him to drop his name into the goblet of fire, pushing away the feeling in her gut that this was the worst mistake they'd ever make.
I knew you Tried to change the ending Peter losing Wendy
Cedric feels his breath stop when he sees her. She looks like an angel, standing at the top of the stairs beaming down at him. The pale blue satin of her dress pooling delicately around her feet and her hair curled and pinned back.
"You look so beautiful," he smiles as she reaches for his arm at the bottom of the stairs
"So do you," She smiles, and she meant it, in his black dress robes she wonders how she's supposed to breathe when he looks so good. "Ced?"
"Yes, darling?" he looks down at her as they stand in the line with the other victors. His smile so pure and delicate and a look of adoration in his eyes, not one person looking at them would question the love he held for her.
"These heels are really high, please don't let me trip and fall and make an idiot of myself,"
"I've got you darling, I promise," he smiles, pressing a kiss to the side of her head as the doors swing open and along with the rest of the victors and their dates they parade to the dance floor.
And he did have her. They danced and he made sure she was okay the whole time. They danced the whole night, wether the song was fast or slow, they were attached in someway and staring at each other so purely and utterly in love. It was the best night of either of their lives and although they didn't say it, both of them thought as they slow danced about the day they would get to do this at their wedding.
I, I knew you Leaving like a father Running like water, I When you are young, they assume you know nothing
Cedric is panting and red from the cold water as he collapses onto the platform, having pushed her onto it first. He feels for the first time since he saw her floating lifeless at the bottom of the lake that he can breathe again as he sees her appear fine.
He blocks out the screaming crowds, his victory although exciting, nowhere near as important to him as the girl.
She however, seems utterly over the moon, pouncing on him and tackling him on the pier in the tightest hug he'd ever received.
"You did it Ced! You won!" She grins brightly, he's vaguely aware of the twins wrapping them both in towels but doesn't care. Nothing else in the world matters as he grabs her face in his hands, pressing his lips to hers and the whole world floats away, and it's just her and him.
She pulls away eventually, seemingly remembering the crowd's of people watching, he doesn't care though, wrapping his arm around her as his friend's push through the crowds to congratulate him. He doesn't let go of his grip on her for even a second, he wanted her to be a part of this, without her he could never have won, seeing her lifeless and floating had triggered something in him he didn't even know existed. He'd have done whatever it took to save her.
but I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs The smell of smoke would hang around this long 'Cause I knew everything when I was young
The day of the last trial she woke up with a gut feeling something bad was going to happen. She said nothing though, not wanting to panic Cedric.
She woke up wrapped in his arms and she almost asked him to stay in bed for just five more minutes. Just to hold her for a little while longer, looking back she would always regret not asking for that. Instead, she had sat wrapped in his duvet, watching as he got ready and listening patiently as he spoke, muttering every spell he could think of in a mindless preparation, no idea what he would actually need when he started.
She sat next to him at breakfast, holding his hand under the table in an attempt to calm him down, he was trying to act confident for his excited friends but she saw right through it. She only left his side for a brief moment all morning, to wish Harry Potter, a young boy she knew well due to her close relationship with the Weasley's, good luck.
"You should go and meet your dad to walk to the victor's area," she speaks softly, they're in an empty corridor, wanting a moment of privacy.
"You'll be down there?" he questions
"Of course I will," she assures. He nods, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers wrap around his neck. He nestles his face in her as her fingers comb gently through his hair.
"I'm scared," he whispers
"I know," she replies gently, pulling away only enough to look him in the eyes "Whatever happens, wether you come first or drop out after a minute, I am so beyond proud of you Ced,"
"Thankyou," He hums gently
"You be safe alright, you promised me forever,"
"I never break my promises," he assures her, his lips find hers in a final passionate kiss.
"I so much more than love you," she whispers against him
"I so much more than love you," he returns, pressing a quick peck to her lips, squeezing her tight one last time before letting go.
She sits next to George, her leg bouncing and hands shaking as she leans on his shoulder. She watches as he talks to his dad. It feels like the world is going in slow motion as he stands outside the entrance to the maze, eyes scanning the crowd until they fall on her. She can see from a mile away that he seems to ease slightly at the sight of her, sending her a smile before turning and entering the maze.
I knew I'd curse you for the longest time Chasing shadows in the grocery line I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired And you'd be standing in my front porch light
She knew she would never forget the moment it happened. The pure joy and adrenaline, the excitement because he had won. Cedric had won. Followed by the panic, because he isn't moving and why isn't he moving? why is Harry crying and-
The world stopped. Right there. Right then. The world stops spinning on it's axis.
She would never forget the feeling of George's hands pulling her back and into his chest, refusing to let her turn and see it. See his limp body on the ground and lifeless. She'd never forget the sound of Amos's cries. She would never forget Harry's screams.
Her very world stopped.
She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. She couldn't speak.
George Weasley would never forget the moment either. The ache in his chest that his friend had died. The sound of her sobs, so guttural and heart wrenching that they take over her whole body.  The feeling of his best friend shaking in his arms and the pained scream that leaves her mouth.
She was vaguely aware of the feeling of George lifting her off the ground and carrying her away from the crowds. Vaguely aware of him placing her on her bed. Without thinking she moved to grab one of Cedric's jumpers from her wardrobe, crying even harder when his smell takes over her as she pulls it on, dropping to her knees unable to even stand. George drops down next to her, pulling her into his chest in a tight hug as she cries into his chest.
And I knew you'd come back to me You'd come back to me And you'd come back to me And you'd come back
George Weasley had felt his heart drop when he had read the letter from his old head of house, a desperate plea to come to the school immediately and he had dropped everything to do just that.
His best friend was never the same after Cedric. Not even 10 years after at the age of 27. He wasn't who he used to be either, he had lost his second half. But he worried more for her. Her smile hadn't met her eyes since she was 17. He hadn't heard her laugh since she was 17.
Despite it all she never spoke to George, to anyone, about it. She left a room when he was mentioned. She refused to open up. It was clear even now he was the only thing she thought about. She refused though, to talk about him.
She hadn't dated again until she was 25, settling for a quiet boy who didn't get the chance to fall in love with her, because truly she wasn't her. She was numb, a shadow of herself and he didn't even know it.
As George pushed open the door to the prefects bathroom, he knew it would be another moment he would never forget. Like her scream, his Fred's body on the ground, like Angelina telling him we would be a father.
She was sat, fully clothed, in the large bubble bath. Silent tears streamed down her face and George could only describe the look on her face as numb.
"He proposed," She announces. George doesn't know how to react. He knew she would never fall in love again, that in reality she would never want this. Because it wasn't him.
"What did you say?"
"No," She whispers out, George lets out a sigh, he doesn't think twice as he climbs into the water next to her, ignoring that it's ruining his suit as he pulls her into him.
"George, I can't do this. He promised me forever, it was supposed to be him," She's crying into his shoulder and George knows nothing he says will take the pain away. "He was the love of my life. I didn't just love him, it was more than that. It wasn't once in a lifetime it was different it was special it was-" she cuts herself off, not knowing the words to describe it. She had never needed them before, Cedric had known without her having to say.
"I know. We all know. Everyone could see it,"
"I know what people must think. He was my high school boyfriend and I should move on but Georgie- I can't. It was him and it is him and he promised he would come back,"
"No one thinks that. You were young but the heavens know you were in love,"
"He was everything. He still is. He always will be,"
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favourite
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mjfass · 3 years
Learned that Undertaker
Said that he resents that "all boys in the locker room do is play video games" as if drinking and drugging themselves to an early grave is better
Bully in the locker room, no better at JBL.
Undertaker is known as a "locker room leader" for 30 years has been praised as one of the most decent, unselfish, stand-up men. But the numerous things we've seen and / or heard regarding him recently points to the opposite.
Infamously known as the judge of wrestler's court he was known to abuse his position and use his pawns in the form of JBL, Benoit, and Hardcore Holly to take the fall for hazing, humiliating,and torturing newcomers for petty mistakes and for their own amusment all justfied by the dated cliches of yesteryears with the likes of "respecting the business" and "paying your dues" when in all actuality it's a bullshit excuse for bullying all orchestrated by the beloved highly respected Mr. Calloway.
John Cena and Paul London had never taken a drink before joining WWE. Paul's brother was killed by a drunk driver, so he was very strong in his conviction not to drink. Both men eventually started drinking after joining WWE - the reason? Constant bullying & pressure from The Undertaker. No, he didn't physically force them to drink, they both eventually made the choice to start drinking, but guys like The Undertaker and others pressured them enough to the point that they eventually gave in and started drinking. Undertaker has always been a bully & was awful to a lot of the talent.
Bullied Renee Dupre “They took my $500 shoes and $1000 suit and ruined it in the shower because I didn’t go out drinking at a bar the night before because nobody invited me. That’s just materialistic sh*t you can replace that, that doesn’t bother me. What really bothered me is when in Italy the next night they took my French flag – my heritage – they shoved it in a toilet and p*ssed and sh*t all over it. I don’t know what bullsh*t world you live in but in my world that’s called racial discrimination. That was really hurtful.” “What I did do was I went to Arn Anderson who was the agent and I asked him – Arn’s advice to me was ‘Don’t sell it.’ I was like ok. The next person I went to was The Undertaker and I said ‘What do you do when someone does this to you?’ And he goes ‘Well you find out who does it.’ He ordered them to do that because I didn’t go out drinking with him and the guys at a bar.”
Chris Kanyon. Kanyon and Taker were friends until Kanyon came out as gay. Taker stopped being cool with Kanyon and got a free pass to basically gay bash him when Kanyon wanted to do a non comedic gay gimmick. There is the infamous Undertaker chairshot to Kanyon. It's alleged that Undertaker was told (or wanted) to beat the piss out of Kanyon on a segment on SmackDown for being gay which included a real walloping chair shot. It was reported that Kanyon wanted to be a wrestler who was gay without being comedic or stereotypical. Next thing we know Undertaker beat the shit out of him. This locker room "culture" was a big contributor to his eventual death.
Reddit thread that pretty much exposes Mark Calloway as a big racist
The more I learn about Mark Calloway, the less I wish Undertaker never broke Kayfabe
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I’m not mad, I’m just… disappointed.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
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DECEMBER HCS 🥶 — 1. Gael Martinez
A/N: since I didn’t get the chance to write for him in my October prompts I thought why not give it a go this time around? S/o to the fan cams for always getting me inspired to write these things! Also loosely mentions of two other shows I enjoy/enjoyed: The Bold Type + Station 19 so don’t drag me if you see this tagged in those shows. Skip over this if you read this far and don’t care to read lol
Warning: what not to do with strangers? I guess. This is light hearted fiction don’t think too deep about this please.
Using this list as my reference for headcanons: https://cloveroctobers.tumblr.com/post/667419976098103296/winter-prompts
Trope: stranded at the airport
Airports were never fun to you as you got older, they used to be when you were younger since it always felt like a amusement park to you
The amount of people shuffling by racing against the clock to get through the check- in process
Going through machines and being oddly searched
Oh and let’s not forget the racial bias and prejudice involved with that — but it’s always “just doing our jobs”
And getting onto the plane and flying up to become one with the clouds was all so exciting as a kid!
Now? As a adult it was all hectic unless you had special privileges where you can sit away from everyone else and get special treatment while you waited to board + having the luxury to fly first class…it must be nice
It was common for you to fly back and forth from New York to California to Seattle for work and family
Your departure was already off to a bad start since you were rushing to get to your late-night flight just for it be delayed not once but twice with no answers (for at least a hour) on the second
Usually there would be less people flying at night and the airport was almost peaceful (which is why you preferred flying at night In The first place)
until there was a final announcement by 2am that your flight was completely cancelled due to plane issues and a severe snow storm heading this way from the east coast — where you were heading
You tried to be understanding with the workers who were under a lot of stress themselves + a few Karen’s and Greg’s went off on the workers who had no control over that
It was all managements fault as they left majority of the people with no answers, only disappointment
Lucky for the Karen’s and Greg’s they could find shelter somewhere else and miraculously get flights with different airports for another time
whereas the rest of you were out of luck — although management apparently told their workers you would all be issued a refund since they were not sure when they would be able to fly out next??
Honestly you were too tired to even bother looking for a hotel, motel, holiday inn atp and motioned to sit in front of the hard plastic chairs legs crossed
A small laugh broke your attention from sending a text to your cousin: Victoria Hughes and your three besties who probably weren’t even up but this is what you all agreed to do whenever out of each other’s sight
At first you wanted to ignore the sound but after your phone told you that the two separate messages (one to the group chat and another to Vick) went through you lifted your head
Seeing a man with dark ringlets of hair, tan puffy north face jacket and a gray scarf around his neck and with large hands resting against his knees
His ink colored eyes were set on you and didn’t falter as you met his gaze
You quirked up a brow, your facial expression saying, ‘what’s funny?’
He raised his hands sending a small smile your way, “I don’t mean to laugh at you but I figured you got tired of sitting on those god-awful chairs as much as I did—1000 hours ago.”
The young man was sitting against the cool windows while the airport was surprisingly nauseously warm
You hummed, “yeah I think they were starting to deflate my ass the longer we waited around for these stupid airplanes.”
“I’m guessing you’re not a fan?” He laughed some more, this time with teeth
You scoffed, “I hate these things. I always have to pop something and take a mimosa just to calm these jitters.”
“You know…I don’t think that’s something you should be screaming across this abandoned airport to a total stranger.”
“Are you a snitch mr. model? It’s holiday season and I’ll be sure to send some coal in your stocking if you are.”
The man huffed, “no I’m a artist and what are you? I was going with dopey the dwaf based on how your beanie is positioned on your head—a cute one though.”
You gasped, “or maybe that’s a cover up because you secretly think I’m a pill popper, mr. Not so bad looking Artist.”
To anyone else this might have looked like flirting but honestly you didn’t think too much of it. You were not responsible for what came out of your mouth when you were half awake—take it or leave it
The man tilted his head at that, finding it fair but he didn’t think too much of you yet. You were just another poor soul that was stuck here at this airport for who knows how long
“So tell me stranger who’s an artist, what type of art do you do?”
And that brought up a whole lengthy conversation that had you nodding your head and humming along
This was evident that the stranger with the dark gorgeous eyes was super passionate about what he did and that was admirable
However the man he worked for sounded like a fresh asshole but you have to do what you have to do to survive sometimes
He knew what he wanted and it seemed like he’s known for awhile when it came to art. However you could sense some frustrating behind that profession
You on the other hand? It took you much longer to figure it out until you landed a job at scarlet magazine as a writer fresh out of college.
It was almost fairytale like just like you bonding with this man who didn’t seem like a creep to you and you hoped you didn’t sound crazy to him but he engaged in contact with you first so what the hell right?!
Eventually the both of you found yourselves sitting beside one another, shaking hands and introducing yourselves as the conversation flowed
“What’s in New York for you?”
“Work,” you automatically answered and then shared a laugh, “how boring of me I know. But it’s not only work, my friends and apartment too. Half of my life is there really.”
“Where’s the rest of it?”
You exhaled, “still trying to find it mostly but if you mean physically? also Seattle and California. As you can see New York and Seattle seem to be winning.”
“Don’t tell me you’re not a fan of the city of angels?”
You pursed your lips, “eh it’s not for me personally, i don’t mind visiting temporarily but I don’t think I could ever live here.”
It was Gael’s turn to hum, “life has a funny way of showing you where you need to be.”
You leaned your head back against the cool glass as you smirked, “is that your way of telling me I should stay because of you, mr. Artist model man.”
“Nooo, of course not. I wouldn’t object if you did however.” He stated at you seriously before the both of you laughed once again. Everything seemed to be more funny when the winter sun said goodbye for the night, “and I’m not just saying that. As corny as it may seem I do believe in things happen for a reason and we were meant to meet tonight.”
You snorted feeling as if you knew most of Gael Martinez already too in just these short few hours. He knew just a bulk of info about you too and that felt like enough shockingly
They say when you know you know when you encounter other human beings, that they were meant to enter your life and Gael already said he believed in reasons
Sooner than later you were the very few that made pillows out of your belongings and laid your heads beside each other on opposite sides
You let out a yawn tossing an arm over your eyes
“Excuse me, but, uh, Are you really this loud in the mornings? You’re gonna wake up the other unlucky guests here.” Gael motioned to the few others stretched out on the floor or chairs
You whacked him while Gael’s body shook with small laughter as you retorted, “says the guy that lives in a coterie.”
Gael couldn’t argue with that
Soon the conversation slowed and became hushed whispers as the airport seemed to shift to cold temperature now which made you unintentionally shuffle closer to the man next to you
The stranger in the airport’s voice became deeper as each minute ticked by and it provided a soothing warmth by your ear
However the both of you had your attention turned to the flurries that whirled into the night sky and that added to the contentment the both of you felt on this challenging night
When you were shaken by an employee who told you that the airport was now offering the luxury boarding rooms as a complimentary stay for the remaining few of you until the storm fully came and went or until you were able to get the hell out and go elsewhere you realized there was something sticking to your face
A post it that read: didn’t want to wake the pretty beast, had a friend get me before it got 2 bad. Check ur phone + I’ll see you in NY sometime ;)
followed by a little doodle that looked very much like you with a saggy beanie signed with Gael’s signature this looked like elegant chicken scratch really but it made you smile nonetheless
It was around 6 am
As you got your things together with the employee gathering you up like this was kindergarten all over again, you checked your phone as you shuffled along in the line with the other five-eight guests
To see Gael managed to get his phone # into your contacts (s|o to face recognition feature) followed with a picture he took of the both of you, him grinning up tiredly at the lens while you slept hideously on your back
He was under: “model artist man 🎨”
You went to text the freshly new contact: “if I see you in ny, we’re fighting because of that ugly ass picture 💥”
“😏😈 sure thing, dopey” to “oh be sure to txt ur friends back, they want to know all about the perfect airport stranger you’re supposed to marry 😘😌😉”
Your eyes went into slits before you went to take your phone off do not disturb which unleashed a mountain of texts from all four of the most nosey women in your life wanting to know the deets
And so you massaged the space in between your brows letting out another laugh of pure disbelief unsure what was said or done while you were asleep which was crazy if you really thought about it???
Guess it was you who fell asleep first since you couldn’t remember
Conclusion: you still hated airports but 5% less now
Continue along with my December anthology series here.
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blackxkatt · 3 years
I need this out and I don’t know where else to put it because if I put it anywhere where people might see, I’m giving more ammunition to the idea that I’m just some monster or something, and I'm tired of having to hedge every bit of opening up about this with, "I know I fucked up, too". It's time for me to be able to tell my story without diminishing my own experiences.
I used to vent to the void on tumblr a lot so I figure this is a good place to do so. Writing out stuff like this is a good therapy technique, and I don’t hurt anyone this way. Okay here goes
My relationship with Becky was awful. In hindsight, I should have ended it so much sooner than I did, but I kept trying to force it because I wanted it to work. We were awful for each other. We made each other worse people. It needed to end.
I did everything I could thing of to make the break up smooth for her. I avoided Easter so that I wasn’t marring a holiday. I asked Tanner to cancel D&D for the day (little did I know, I was canceling that game forever) so that she’d have a week until we had to exist in the same space again, even virtually. I drove to her house, so she wouldn't have to deal with a drive before or after. I knew she had therapy the next day, so that she’d have time to process and professional help soon. I didn’t bring up anything either of us did and didn’t bring up any blame. I said we were just incompatible, because we were. I told her I understood if she didn’t want to be friends -- she said she did. I said if that changes, just let me know. I held her while she cried, walked her dog with her, and went home.
Over the next week, she began to escalate attacks towards me with no warning. On the morning of our D&D game, 2 hours before we had to coexist in front of our friends, she sent me a list of grievances during our relationship and demanded an apology for them, to help her healing. I wanted to be done with this, I had thought that the break up meant we could finally be done with it. I apologized regardless, because I knew I wasn’t perfect and had admitted when I’d fucked up before in the relationship, but not for all of it because some of it plainly wasn’t true. I asked if I could respond and ask for an apology for my own healing. She said no, she didn’t care, and that she wouldn’t let me make it all about myself.
She demanded Tanner message her practically every second of every day, elsewise she’d melt down that he was spending time with me instead of her, when we live together. She literally got pissed off that I visited his Animal Crossing island before her. Tanner couldn’t even mention me neutrally without her going on a tirade about how awful I am and how he shouldn’t defend me, let alone mention that I was hurt, too.
Eventually, she blocked me. I had spent the entire time keeping the door open and trying to maintain a friendship, both because I didn’t want to lose that, and for Tanner’s sake, and meanwhile she was nuking the bridge. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I couldn’t see myself being metamours with someone who so clearly and actively hated me.
Tanner, on advice from a counselor, sat us both down to talk about our abusive tendencies and how this was affecting him. The first thing she did was give me the most disgusted look when she walked in. She nodded vigorously during the entire bit where Tanner raised his issues with my behavior.
Almost all of what Tanner talked to me about were things we’d worked on in the past, that I’d been fine on, that I’d backslid on since dating Becky. Others we’d discussed before and he’d been fine with, but had changed since. The rest, he later apologized for, because he realized he was being abusive in those expectations and hadn’t been concerned with fairness at the time. Almost all of what he brought up wasn't new, because Tanner and I have checked in with each other and worked on our relationship for almost 7 years.
Meanwhile, Becky continued to be abusive to him, in the same ways she had been to me, amped up to 1000. And I had to sit and let it happen. I left my own house for hours at a time for them to have dates. I canceled or moved my own plans for her. I had a festering wound I was hoping would heal, because Becky continued to insist to me that we’d forgive each other some day, but I was the only one working towards it, while she cursed me at every opportunity.
This all culminated in her calling Tanner one day, during our date, to demand that he choose between us. To try to convince him to be monogamous with her. To tell him how awful I am and that she can’t believe he would choose me. To guilt him for daring to do so, even though she’d forced the choice.
I beat myself up, like I was the reason for the break up. But I wasn’t. Even if I wasn’t in the picture, she was abusive and had continued to be without pause. It was her own jealousy and refusal to heal that ended their relationship. I know that now. But it took awhile for my anger to set in. It did once I found out she messaged him more times after that to try to convince him, once again, to leave me, and once again getting upset with him when he wouldn’t.
I waited for a while before asking Tanner if he was alright with me cutting Becky out, since after those instances, I didn’t see our relationship being positive again, at least not for quite awhile, and I’d spent months swallowing my pain for the sake of their relationship and couldn’t do it anymore. That was when I found out, from him, that Becky had already cut me out with no intention to recover. She had remained in all of our group chats, so that was news to me. It was power I was not willing to let her hold over me any longer, pretending she was the bigger person for being silent in the chats but not leaving them. I won’t be made into a monster for defining and defending my boundaries for the first time since the break up. It was unfair of her to remain in every single chat when she’d made it clear she was cutting us, or at least me, out, forcing me to face that trigger every day, giving me almost to reprieve or space to vent about my own pain. I asked friends to remove her from those shared chats, and they did, and I refuse to be made into a villain for being the one to cut the last of the bridge she’d torched. The last one is the d&d game that wasn’t destroyed with our relationship, and it’s the last thorn in my wound keeping me from healing, but Tanner and I are both scared that group will fall apart, too, if she’s removed, due to reactions in another chat she was removed from. So, I have to continue to swallow that, for who knows how long.
Now that that story is out, I’m going to list what I can about my and Becky’s relationship -- her abuse, her gaslighting, making sense of it all and getting out what she never let me.
-A lot of our problems stemmed from the fact that I didn’t react how she wanted. She would be abusive or demanding, and instead of reacting like Tanner, who would submit for the sake of keeping the peace, I would push back, either calmly or not so calmly due to it triggering me. Both elicited negative responses. We triggered each other this way often.
-She was racist to me. She weaponized the exact racism I told her I had experienced from almost every white person I’d ever known, even my loved ones. She promised she never would and then did exactly it, armed with the knowledge of how to shut me down. She told me I *was* aggressive, actually, that she’d surveyed my friends and they all agreed that I was aggressive, and by insisting that I wasn’t, by defending myself, I was gaslighting her. Oh, and she only used the word aggressive because that was the word I’d used, not that she actually thought I was aggressive. Why did I think she thought I was aggressive? That was my own fault. I constantly made myself smaller for her, like I had for so many racist people in my life. I could no longer be all of me anymore.
-She insisted I was incapable of calm discussion (see the racism above), that I deserved her anger and brought it upon myself because it was the only way I listened. Never once in our relationship did she ever say, “can we talk about this?” or anything along those lines, which I would have responded to (and have in other relationships). It was always blowing up out of nowhere because I said the slight wrong thing or didn’t say the right thing or because she’d misunderstood me.
-On misunderstanding, she admitted that she constantly misread me and misunderstood my words due to her  past trauma and expectation of negativity. Once upon a time, she told me that if she took what I said in the most positive light, she understood me finally. Yet, later in our relationship, she started insisting that every misunderstanding was my fault, that all poor communication was on me, that I was an anomaly, that I somehow experienced less emotions than other people. When I would refuse any of these accusations or point out what I had actually said, she told me I lacked critical thinking or was gaslighting her.
-Tanner said something that made so many of our problems click: Becky didn’t want a relationship, she wanted codependence. Something she admitted she struggled with, something her family struggles with, and yet I never put it together. She wanted all of our attention, all of the time. Every triad date we had was centered on her. My healthy independence was a threat to her. She insisted I was lying if I didn’t have some deep issue to discuss with her every day. She insisted I was lying when I promised her I wasn’t hiding my life from her, that I just sincerely didn’t have any crisis or something to discuss. My refusal to enable any of her bad habits or abusive behaviors upset her. When we broke up, and she could no longer guarantee all emotional energy was given to her, she spiraled.
-Of many things we’d previously discussed and she said she understood, group chats take less energy for me to participate in, and I was always happy to interact with her in group chats if I couldn’t handle a 1 on 1 chat. Eventually, I was scared to interact in group chats, post online, show any presence that I wasn’t busy or asleep, because she would become upset with me for not messaging her individually.
-The biggest red flag I ignored, one that terrified me so much I told no one about it until I was considering the break up, was when she asked me to choose between herself and my best friend. When I told her I couldn’t do that and was uncomfortable that she’d even asked, she got upset, and I ended up comforting her instead of addressing it any further. And without even realizing it, I began to feel anxious and guilty whenever I interacted with Dan. I would fear even mentioning them to her, because it inevitably resulted in her jealousy. I began to interact with them less (notice a pattern? Interacting with my best friend less, interacting with my group chats less, interacting online in general less...)
-Every concern I brought up ended the same way: she’d say I was gaslighting her, or she’d get upset and I would have to comfort her.
-She was never polyamorous; this is obvious in hindsight. She was a monogamous person who happened to form a crush on two polyamorous people. She would consistently try to persuade me away from polyamory and into maintaining a closed triad, and would get upset with me when I expressed that wasn’t what I wanted. She’d often remind me that she’d be extremely jealous of anyone I ever dated and that they couldn’t be as important as her.
-She said she understood it would take Tanner and I time to feel as close to her as we do with each other. Yet, she was constantly jealous of us and became more and more angry as time went on. She seemed to expect a timescale of months to level out a 7 year relationship with a 7 month one, when it would have taken years.
-Along with codependence, she was looking for a therapist in her SOs. She would have a new breakdown to discuss daily, and a myriad of untreated phobias and illnesses. She’d consistently complain about her therapist; when I made suggestions to tell her therapists her concerns or get a new one, she’d brush it off or insist it wasn’t that bad. If Tanner or I didn’t enable her phobias, she’d get upset with us. We could neither make plans for just us two(though she hates being left out) nor bring her (she hates crowds and spontaneous plans). She’d say she’d come, we’d just have to deal with her crying the whole time. I’d express that we want her to have fun, not suffer, and she’d say she’d suffer either way. We were guilted out of most plans.
-Most of the end of our relationship, that finally made me realize we needed to break up, was a slow change that I’m not sure how it happened. At some point, Becky stopped seeing me; she only saw what fit her preconceived notions of me. She made assumptions about me, my thoughts, my character, who I was. She made up situations in her head and got angry at me for them out of nowhere, with no communication, and the one time she did listen that she'd made up the situation (because Tanner told her), she spiraled into self-hatred, not an apology. She twisted everything I said into some kind of attack against her and insisted every clarification, explanation, or evidence was an excuse. When I would point any of this out, that some of what she said was just plain untrue, she’d once again insist I was gaslighting her. I was trapped. She refused to see the changes I made for her, and was coming up with her own reality of our relationship. Nothing I did mattered anymore; even Tanner told me he saw it. He told me that I had done a lot of work but he didn’t see the same improvement on her end, and that she needed to meet me in the middle if we were going to work. But she only saw the monster she’d made me. I couldn’t continue to date someone who was so committed to misunderstanding me. This is why I only apologized for most of what she said in her list of grievances -- because some was simply untrue. I never lied to her, I never gave her half-apologies -- never in my life have I given anyone an “I’m sorry you feel that way” apology. I apologized for things that didn’t even merit apology. I regressed and backslid on so much healing I had done. She mentally sent me back to high school, convinced me I was who I was as a child, when that was completely untrue. So much of the relationship had become this perfect trap -- where it was damned if I do, damned if I don’t. I ended it because I couldn’t live like that anymore, and I wanted our friendship back. We were awful romantic partners, but such good friends. Not anymore, I guess.
-Every trauma I ever did confide in her, she eventually weaponized against me. She'd recreate every one, or bring them up to silence me. She'd use every moment of vulnerability to further convince me I was an inherently awful person and push me to back slide and regress into trauma I'd grown beyond. Any questioning was met with, yup, I'm gaslighting her or lack introspection.
-She said I never showed interest in her, and I still don't know where that came from. We'd talk about life goals, the world, our ideas. I told her I loved seeing her creative projects and that progress. I read her fan fiction and bragged about it. I don't know when she stopped seeing it, when she stopped seeing me. I introduced her to all of my friends, integrated her into all of my friend groups, because I thought I was building a future with her. But now I'm the villain because she wanted to hold my social life and the friends I'd introduced her to hostage.
-One comment that stuck with me was that she said we weren't even dating, just friends who kissed. She said it again in our last argument before we broke up. I literally didn't know what to do to prove to her that I cared about her, to make her believe me when I said she was my girlfriend. I even came out to my parents about her to try to prove it and it wasn't enough. I got to the point where I almost finally had sex with her just because she wanted it, just to see if that would finally be enough for her to believe me. I'm very glad I didn't.
-She was consistently passive aggressive. She would always say something was fine, then clearly be upset when I'd do it. I'd have to press for there to be any chance of her admitting she didn't like it. There were clear "correct" answers to all of her questions and suggestions, and whenever I refused to acquiesce, it would become an argument.
-Intentions don't matter and all that, but they do. They do, because that's shorthand. She'd constantly use that as a shield, telling me my intentions didn't matter, when at a certain point, she had to be responsible for refusing to hear me. And while intentions don't matter, I never intentionally hurt her, but she intentionally hurt me several times, almost never apologized for it, and in fact insisted to me that I deserved it and had brought it upon myself.
-And I defended her. I continued to defend her for so long, from so many people. I knew she had trauma, and I knew she was in an environment that wasn’t suited to her healing. I convinced myself that I just had to endure until post-pandemic, or until she moved out, or until she got medication she could take, or, or ,or-- and Dan gave me the wake up call that if I was walking on eggshells with her, the environment we were in would only change where I was walking on eggshells with her. Tanner gave me the wake up call that we aren’t even sure she *wants* to leave that house with her family, because of that toxic codependence.
-I’m still terrified of how quickly she turned on me. How quickly she made me a monster. Our break up didn’t have any villains; break ups don’t always need villains. But like a light switch flipping, she turned hatred upon me. She told me that she doesn’t feel empathy and only performs goodness because of a moral code she made for herself, but I never considered what it would be like if she designated me an enemy in that moral code.
Some of this I realized towards the end of our relationship. Some of this I realized after. I’ll add to this post whenever I need to as I parse out more, or remember what I’ve forgotten to add.
I’m not the monster she made me in her story. I’m not responsible for her version of me anymore. I won’t be made to feel guilty or like a villain for finally enforcing my boundaries. I’m still angry that I can’t be open about all of this without continuing to fall into this trap she’s made, of me being awful and hateful instead of abused and rightfully angry. But Tanner and I are the happiest we’ve been in a year. I deeply regret that relationship, but I’m so happy now that I’m out of it, even if it didn’t end how I’d hoped. And I think that says I made the right decision.
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potatosoldier · 4 years
Are you still there?
  /Part 7/
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I am hot, I am sweaty, and I am crammed into a small cot surrounded by equally sweaty men. It was the 6th of September, and we had just boarded the Great Samaria a few hours ago. We were now on a journey to Europe. 
How they managed to jam us into this ship, I have no clue. It isn’t like there is 20 men over the capacity of this ship. No, this ship was made for 1000 passengers and now there were 5000 men from the 506th shoved in. I could have made the choice and went to the officers and made my stay there, I want to be near the men. 
“Joe, darling, your shoulders are like barn doors, I can’t fit”
Oh yes, as the passenger count was so high, the cots were shared by two soldiers. I was sharing with Joe. At first I also considered going to Skip, but then I came to a conclusion that I could stand Joe’s singing in this suppressed place, but listening to Skip talk non-stop would make me an irritable person. And I truly did not want to become that. These men are my companions and I want to treat the with the respect they deserve. I did not have the right to become rude even in these circumstances. 
Also, if I was put too high, Bull would have to carry me around like a baby monkey. 
“For God’s sake, just turn the other way”, Joe grunts as I try to maneuver myself without jostling the cot too much.  
“Joe, please move”, I whine and try to push him. He rasps and looks at me teasing smile on his lips. 
“you wanna continue trying, Bambi”, he teases. I scrunch my brows and pout. Why did he have to make this so difficult. Then I put on my most motherly glare. “Joseph Toye, this is not how you should behave”, I scold. 
He chuckles once again, but proceeds to move over so I’m finally able to fit in next to him on the cot. It was a tight squeeze, both of us were on top of the bed springs, but we tried to be so that it’s the least uncomfortable. Physically and mentally. 
“So you told Muck, huh?”, he whispers once we are in and he hears Skip talking while making his way around the ship. I nod as we both look at the cot above us. “You sure that was a good idea?”, he asks. I could hear in his voice that he didn’t doubt Skip personally, but he was just checking in. 
I smile. “He has been good to me since I came here, He won’t betray me now. And it does feel good to let it out”, I tell. He nods. 
“So, what do you think about going to Europe?”, he asks. I shrug. “I’m glad I’m here, maybe we can speed up the process of ending this war and Matias and dad can go back home”, I answer. Matias was my older brother. I think he is the reason I’m so fond of Skip and Luz, Matias was such a jokester too. It broke my heart to think of him out there somewhere, fighting for his life. 
“I’m glad we’re going to Europe too. Hitler gets one of these right across the windpipe, Roosevelt changes Thanksgiving to Joe Toye Day and 10,000 a year for the rest of my fucking life”, he says in a much louder voice. 
I look at him trying not to laugh. “Joe, I promise I’ll celebrate Joe Toye Day from now on even if you don’t succeed”, I manage to say without laughing. 
“What if we don’t get to Europe, what if they send us to North Africa”, Smokey points out from above us. 
The conversation doesn’t awfully concern me, till I hear these words: “ I like Winters, he is a good man. But when bullets start flying, I don’t know if I want a Quaker doing my fighting for me”
My head turns sharply up towards Bill’s bed. My blood starts running cold with the rage I’m feeling. He had the audacity to condemn someone by their religion and to add to that doubt MY husbands skills in combat. 
“How do you know he’s a Quaker?”
“He ain’t Catholic”
I’m about to jump up and teach the boy some manners when, Joe apparently notices my open mouth and shoves my head under a blanket. And by shoving, I mean shoving. Nothing gentle about it. I can only imagine the looks people are throwing at us. 
“Okay Bambi up we go” he then says and starts lifting me up, my head still covered. I can hear Liebgott and Bill still having a spat and am about to turn to go towards the noise, but Joe keeps me covered till we are away from the scene.
“You need some fresh air, you angry hedgehog, to he deck we go”, Joe says and pushes people around to make us way forward. He really saved me from making a mistake. 
With Richard
The Boat was far from comfortable, that was the only thing Richard Winters would say to the circumstances at hand. Last time he had been this hot, was while running in full gear in Toccoa. 
“They really filled this Troop ship to the brink”, Lewis says looking just as sweaty as his friend. “If I’m going to be this hot, I’d rather have 5000 ladies here. At least there would be something to look at”, Nix says. 
“Yeah, and by the time you’d make it to your destination they’d have eaten you alive, after finding out about Kathy”, Dick teases. Keeping your mind light in situations like this was the key to keeping your head together. His friend had his own lightness hidden in Dick’s footlocker. 
Lewis let’s out his trademark chuckle. “Easy for you to say”, he snarks back. Dick knows exactly what he means. It was easy for Dick to judge other men for seeking affection because his own wife was there. 
Dick only looks at his friend with a dry look and they remain silent for a while. 
“Never thought this day would actually come, of course I knew it was coming, but hell we’ve come a long way”, Nix says and takes a swig from his flask. Dick lets out a small huff. It really was a miracle that Sobel hadn’t found some way to get rid off them. 
“You think we can make it Nix, back home I mean”, Dick asks thoughtfully and plays with his fingers. It was a curious question, not one of sadness or fear. 
“That’s not for us to decide, but hey I’ll drink to the thought of seeing your children some day”; he says raising his flask in what was supposed to be a happy remark, but when he sees Dick’s face, all the happiness goes away. 
He furrows his brows and looks at his friend more closely. “You okay Dick?”, he asks while still studying his now pale friend. Dick just continues looking ahead like he was not there at all. 
“Yeah, Nix, I’m okay”, he finally whispers and they drop the topic replacing it  with silence. 
Sonja / Day 3 on the Samaria/
“Better out than in, there we go”, George says as he brushes some of my hair back. I had been throwing up for the last two hours. I wasn’t sure was it the sea or the smell of the fish soup that made me so nauseous. 
“I fe- ugh”, I puke again in the middle of my sentence. I was not the only one throwing up, no. But I felt very embarrassed to be in this situation. I was a nurse, not a patient. 
Suddenly a pounding of boots is heard and I feel someone place themselves on the other side of me. “There we go, a Hershey bar for the lady. Got it from Winters, tried scrounging and he was kind enough to offer when he passed”, Skip says as he opens the wrapper for me. 
And what I can take from his story is that, that he went to tell Richard I’m unwell and Richard gave him the bar. 
“Thank you”, I whisper and take the piece Skip snaps me. Luz takes the bucket from my hands and gives water to rinse my mouth.  “For a small lady, you sure puke your guts out like a grown man”, Luz teases. 
“Shut up, I’m only three inches shorter than you”, I grumble and lean against him while savoring the chocolate to get the taste of vomit out. He only chuckles and makes a mocking “UGH” noise. 
“Thank you boys for getting me out, I thought Joe was going to kill me”,I giggle softly. They both huff in laughter. “I mean you did puke on his chest”, Skip points out. I grimace, that I sure did. His chest and neck where running with fish soup after I retched on him. 
“Someone get her a bucket, fucking hell, if someone isn’t gonna help her, Imma kill every fucking one of you”
“Skip, go get us some cards, I don’t think she can handle the sweat level yet”, George says as he strokes my back, as I gag again a little. 
How long was I going to be stuck on this boat.
The night was awful, I felt sickly and I noticed that Joe was turning more than usual, probably because of the back pain. We were lucky enough to fit on the cot so that we could both sleep in it, but nothing seemed to get me catch sleep. I was afraid of throwing up again. 
“Nurse”, I hear a whisper. I jump and look up. Even in the dim lighting I can recognize my husband. I carefully stand without jostling Joe too much, and gently put the blanket on him again, after raising it up a little to get a little cool air on him. 
“Yes sir?”,I ask professionally as I stand before Richard. He just nods his head towards the deck. 
As we make it to the deck we quickly and quietly find a corner with no one sleeping in it. He takes a look around and has a seat. Before taking something out from his pocket: chocolate.
“Richard, you don’t have a sweet tooth, how do you have all these”;I ask looking at him oddly. 
“I got this from Nix, he was willing to sacrifice it for I quote ‘holy business’“, I giggle at my husbands expression as he quotes Lewis. I take the bar from him and put it next to me. I honestly felt too sickly to eat it now. 
I look at Dick biting my lip. He seems to notice the softness in my gaze as he utters a gentle “come here”, and gently guides me to lay my upper body onto his legs. 
“Don’t worry, darling. I can keep watch, and if they ask more, I can say that I was just looking out for you as your officer”, he soothes and rubs his hand along my arms. Which feels amazing on my sore muscles. 
“I think it’s time to tell the men soon anyway. They need to get used to the idea before we jump, and I think that they know you well enough to not judge you”, he then brings up. I nod against his leg, this living in secrecy was starting to become more and more difficult. 
I then squeeze my eyes shut as nausea takes over me. “Richie I think I might puke”,I whimper. I always got very stressed when I had nausea, and sensitive. “I don’t wanna puke on you”,I say and try to rise, but in all honestly rising just made it worse.
Richard guides me back gently. “If you puke on me, then you do. Don’t worry about that. Let’s just get you comfortable”
On the 15th of September we finally made it to Liverpool. I was still quite pale after the ride. Eating had really become a task, and without food, you lose strength. But with the threats from Joe and gentle urging from Carwood Lipton, I was able to get food down. 
“You feelin’ good ma’am?”, comes a familiar Arkansas drawl as I give a happy sigh to be on the steady ground. I chuckle “Aye, sir, better than ever”, I say teasingly. He mock salutes me and we start walking for our shelter for the night. 
I walk on Joe’s side keeping a firm hold of his sleeve as I had been told by Lip.
“We don’t want you getting lost, you are harder to find than most of us”
At first I had wanted to tell him that I am a grown woman with military training, but his truly caring gaze changed my plans.  If I could express in words, how thankful I was for that mans care I would shout it at his too humble face. Okay, these boys are really rubbing off on me, I wouldn’t shout, maybe gently lecture. 
Tomorrow we would be going to our final destination. 
Aldbourne was vastly different from all the places I’ve had my training and from what the men told me, it was also very different to them. We were in the middle of a village! We could actually see other people. 
“Come on Sonja, please, please please”, Skip was begging on his knees. We had gotten our passes to go to Swindon for a Saturday night dance this weekend. The boys were all excited about being able to go and actually getting the passes this time. 
“Skip, you know I get uncomfortable with many people, also it’ll be nice to have some time alone”, I try to reason as he keeps pushing my skirt and blouse towards my hands. 
He looks at me with his green puppy eyes. “please, Bambi, for me, Joe is coming too. Aren’t you? Hear that Joe is there too”, he begs. I sigh and look at both of them. 
“Okay, but when I say want to come back, I will”, I say pointing at him. 
I didn’t put on my skirt and blouse, instead I took out my light blue swing dress and let my hair down. It was nice to feel girly again, and actually have a reason to get dolled up. That was not the best part, the best part was actually putting my wedding ring onto my finger. I gave a small kiss to my cross and said a little prayer of gratitude before going to the boys. 
The boys were happy to have me, their lady with them. 
“Your husband is one lucky bastard”. George had said when he saw me. Bull had even blushed when I gave him a kiss on the cheek as thanks for helping me with my jacket. 
All the girls in the dance were dolled up too. I found the music in there absolutely delightful. It might have not been completely in my taste, but I appreciate it nonetheless. Also the sound of shoes clapping against the floor was beautifully relaxing. 
“Would my lady like to dance?”, Skip asks bowing at the waste. I shake my head at his antics but take his hand none the less. And boy did I make a mistake. I was tosses from Skip to George, to Bull, to Joe, to Don (who mind you, was an excellent dancer!) and god knows who. The Easy boys really decided to hit the floor. 
Once I was able to make a run from them, I found Joe drinking a beer at one of the tables. “You having fun?”; he asks and takes a long sip. I nod and smile widely. 
“I can’t remember the last time I’ve been able to dance so much! But I do wonder”, I bite my lip. “Am I a bad person to be here, without Richard?”; I whisper. 
Joe shakes his head. “You’re too good for this world. There ain’t nothing wrong with you being here. He trusts you and you trust him. And hell, you were giggling like a school girl when you realized you still had time to go to him after this. You aren’t committing any sin”, he soothes with a little teasing making me blush. 
Who can blame me, I just want to grab my Robert Burns poems and go read with Richards head on my lap. Was that really too much to ask for? He was my husband.
We continue our conversation, with me sipping a cup of water, until I hear a similar interruption as in the boat. 
Bill and Skinny make it to our table chatting. “He might be a good man, but Quakers aren’t meant for this shit” My patience had been running thin with these comments for so long and now my patience was all run out.
“He is not a Quaker”, I snap. Bill turns to me with an odd look on his face. 
“And how do you know that Bambi”, many of the Easy men were now near our table from hearing my raised voice. 
I don’t know what made it come out of my mouth, but this did anyway: “If my husband was a Quaker I think I’d be the one who knows that and not you”
I quickly realize what I said and plant my palm against my face, trying to remember how to breathe. I hear Joe sigh from next to me: “Well, now you fucking said it”
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gb-fics · 3 years
A Useful Gift
Kiryuuin Shou x Kyan Yutaka (Golden Bomber)
Note: It’s Shou’s birthday! (^-^) The fic is set during Gekkan and no one has to keep social distance ... because it’s funnier that way :D
„Now, let’s get to the good part”, Shou announced and eyed the three gift bags piled up in front of him. “Though your presents are usually shit. You never get me anything useful.”
Yutaka thought of rolling his eyes, but decided that it would be a little over the top. He felt self-conscious when the cameras were on them and tried to keep his expression as indifferent as possible. The viewers were supposed to laugh about the presents without getting distracted by their bickering.
He rolled his eyes mentally, though, because Shou always overdid it with the usefulness of his presents.
“Well, we’re only allowed to spend 1000 yen!”, Jun defended himself. “You don’t really get anything good for that.”
“I think you just suck at picking gifts”, Shou muttered and grabbed the first gift bag.
For a moment, Yutaka felt nervous that Shou would pick his one first, although he had put it out of his reach further than the others on purpose. But Shou seemed to understand the hint. Yutaka felt confident, that he had come up with something funny this year and they usually tried to put the most ridiculous gift last for the joke to hit harder.
Shou fumbled with the bag.
Yutaka hoped that neither Kenji nor Jun would steal the show, but he doubted they had thought of anything nearly as good. He had really outdone himself this year. He couldn’t wait to see Shou’s face.
“Oh, great”, Shou said dryly and held up a book. “Another photobook by Kenji. I can add it to my collection.”
“The new one was released after your birthday, so I thought you might want a copy!”, Kenji chimed. “It contains pictures of me. Isn’t that an amazing present?!”
Shou looked down on the cover with slight disdain.
“Because I don’t see enough of you on tour”, he said and put the book down.
Yutaka knew that he wasn’t going to open it. Shou felt that looking at his bandmates’ photobooks was somehow inappropriate. Which was ridiculous in case of Kenji specifically, because they had all seen plenty of nude pictures of him already. Sometimes, Yutaka thought that he knew Kenji’s body better than his own.
“Aren’t you happy?” Kenji was shouting. He sounded cheerful and it was hard to tell if he expected Shou to be overjoyed for real. His voice was teasing yet proud at the same time. Kenji loved showing off his body.
“I’m delighted”, Shou said sarcastically.
“If you liked that, you’re going to love my gift”, Jun said.
Shou made a face, indicating that he was expecting the worst.
He picked up Jun’s bag.
Yutaka licked his lips nervously. He really hoped the gift was going to be as unspectacular as Kenji’s photobook.
Shou reached into the gift bag, making a big show out of feeling around in it.
“There is nothing in there!”, he complained. “Did you get me something this small?”
“It’s not about the size”, Jun said.
Yutaka smirked, but refrained from making a joke.
Finally, Shou pulled something from the bag and held it up. If anything, his expression was even more grim this time.
“Thanks, Jun”, he said without any enthusiasm. “Just what I needed.”
Yutaka looked at the acrylic stand in Shou’s hand, that showed Jun mostly dressed in white.
Shou placed the item on top of Kenji’s photobook and looked down on them for a moment.
“Do you really hate me this much?”, he asked.
“Oi, those are good presents!”, Kenji shouted.
“You can put it on your shelf, so I’ll always be watching over you!”, Jun added.
“Sounds like my personal nightmare”, Shou muttered and pulled the last gift bag towards himself. “This better be good, Yutaka. If it’s something with your face on it, I’m going to scream.”
“Don’t worry”, Yutaka said with a grin. “This one is going to be good.”
Shou gave him a doubtful look, before he put his hand into the bag.
Yutaka’s heartbeat picked up pace. He really hoped this was going to turn out as funny as it had in his imagination. Shou talked about his AV watching habits openly, yet he got flustered by things like looking at a bandmate’s photobook. Yutaka was curious into which category this gift would fall. A part of him really was curious how Shou felt about these things, although that intention had been secondary of course. Yutaka was mostly aiming for a laugh here.
Shou felt around and his eyes widened in a comical expression. He was clearly putting on a show for their viewers, but it still made Yutaka feel giddy with anticipation.
“Well, I know exactly what this feels like”, Shou observed. “But I doubt …”
He pulled the gift out of the bag.
“Oh, never mind”, he said and held the flesh-coloured dildo up for the cameras. Yutaka wondered, if they were going to blur it. He had gone for a naturalistic look. “This is exactly what it felt like.”
“You said you wanted something useful”, Yutaka said, pleased with himself. Even from where he was seated, he could see that the comment section was going wild. “And this is the only one of the gifts you can actually use.”
“Oi!”, Jun protested.
Yutaka looked at him with a stern expression.
“Name one thing you can actually use an acrylic stand for”, he challenged him.
“That … that thing isn’t much better”, Jun said and pointed to the dildo, that Shou was still weighting in his hand.
“Well, I can name one use for it at least”, Yutaka countered. “If you want me to elaborate …”
“Shut up!”, Jun shouted and nearly broke down on his table with laughter. He always laughed harder, when he felt embarrassed.
Kenji was cackling as well.
Shou put the dildo down on Kenji’s photobook quite carefully.
“I thought the other presents were giving me the finger already, but this one takes the message of ‘Go fuck yourself’ to a whole new level.”
Yutaka couldn’t help laughing. This was what he had always liked about Shou. He was funny, not just when it came to writing shows and developing concepts, but he was also spontaneous and never missed a beat. Secretly, Yutaka had hoped he would get a little more flustered about the present, but he took it with dignity; not giving away how he felt about this kind of toy in general.
“You’re welcome”, he said.
“But isn’t it too big?”, Kenji chipped in. “I mean, look at how big it is! And Shou is so small!”
“Fuck you too, Kenji”, Shou huffed.
“Seriously, get up, get up!”, Kenji shouted.
Shou sighed loudly but got up from his seat.
Yutaka snatched the dildo and held it up next to Shou’s hip for comparison.
“Kenji’s right”, he agreed. “If you shove it up your ass, it’s practically going to come back out of your mouth.”
“Oh god, do you have to talk like that!”, Jun complained hysterically. “Just put that thing away.”
Yutaka noticed that he eyed the dildo as if it was a weapon that might attack him anytime.
“There is no way it will fit!”, Kenji repeated. “It’s even bigger than Jun. Look at the girth. And Shou’s anus is so small!”
“Could we not discuss my asshole in public?”, Shou asked and sat down again.
Kenji leaned over the table and formed a small circle with his fingers, that he held right into the camera. “It’s this tiny!”, he shouted.
Yutaka turned and slapped the dildo right into Jun’s face.
Jun started screaming.
Yutaka laughed maliciously.
“Kenji, stop that, put your hand down”, Shou scolded, but he had to laugh in spite of himself.
“Take that thing out of my face, you are being gross!”, Jun shouted, while Yutaka still tried to rub the toy against Jun’s face. Jun raised his arms to defend himself, but he did it so uncoordinatedly, that he nearly fell off his chair.
“It’s not gross. It hasn’t even been used”, Yutaka disagreed. “Yet.”
“Don’t make me think of it!”, Jun protested.
“He’s not going to use it. It’s too big”, Kenji insisted once again.
The only one, who didn’t say anything about possibly using it or not, was Shou himself. It only made Yutaka more curious.
Jun finally lowered his arms to stop fighting and Yutaka lost interest immediately. He put the dildo back down onto the photobook. He still wondered, if they had blurred it. If so, his attack on Jun must have looked pretty ridiculous to the audience.
“You still have to chose your favourite”, Yutaka pointed out.
“Right!”, Kenji agreed. “Please pick your favourite gift.”
“It’s really going to be a tough decision”, Jun said. As usual, he sounded nervous for no specific reason.
Shou stared down on his gifts with an indifferent yet somehow resigning expression.
Yutaka licked his lips. He wasn’t sure what Shou was going to pick. Of course, it would be the gift of which the choice would be funniest to the fans. Shou was that type of person. Yutaka felt oddly stressed, because he himself wouldn’t know how to play off any of the choices as a joke. Maybe he’d pick Jun’s acrylic stand and claim it was at least good for throwing things at.
“I pick the dildo”, Shou finally said after a long pause. “It’s an awful present, but it’s the only one where I don’t have to see one of you idiots.”
“I knew you’d like it, homo”, Yutaka said smugly, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a little surprised. He would have expected Shou to be too uptight to even joke about it. Just sometimes, he wondered about Shou sexual orientation, but he had never dared to ask.
One of the staff members rushed in to collect the items from Shou’s desk to create space for him, although they had already reached the end of the stream anyway. The opening of the gifts had been the climax so to speak.
“That was it for today”, Shou started and Yutaka tuned out while he continued talking next to him. Shou talked a lot on these programs. Occasionally, Yutaka felt like he might as well stay home. A nap would have been a nice alternative.
He only sprung back into life to wave everyone goodbye and wish them a good night. He himself had to suppress a yawn.
“Ah, today was fun, wasn’t it?”, Jun asked as the cameras stopped running. He seemed to have forgotten that someone had slapped a dildo into his face earlier.
“Did you enjoy your birthday, Shou?”, Kenji asked.
“You could have tried a little harder with the presents”, Shou pointed out. “But thank you for participating.” He always scaled down his grumpy act when they were in private as if he was worried it was his duty to motivate them and tell them they did a good job as their band leader. Neither of them had ever viewed Shou as that type of leader, though, and he always seemed a bit helpless when he tried to thank them. Yutaka thought that it was somehow adorable, though.
“Well, I’m going to remove my paint before we leave”, Kenji announced.
“I’m coming with you”, Jun agreed and jumped up.
The staff members were busy carrying the camera equipment out of the room. Yutaka always felt a little uncomfortable watching them do actual work, while he just earned his money sitting around and letting Shou do the talking. He felt useless, but if he offered to help, he’d mostly be in the way, because he never knew where to put the equipment and one time, he had even dropped a pretty expensive mic.
Shou got up and stretched himself. He always seemed bothered by sitting for too long, but it was probably only because of his bad posture.
He looked around the room.
“Did you see where they put the gifts?”, he asked.
“What?”, Yutaka teased. “Are you that eager to look at Kenji’s nudes at home? Just follow him on Instagram like everyone else.”
“No, of course not, I want the dildo”, Shou said. He spoke seriously and not like he was joking at all. It was hard to tell, though, because he was still looking around the room instead of facing Yutaka.
Yutaka’s throat felt oddly tight.
“You do?”, he asked, keeping his voice flat to not give away his emotions.
“Sure”, Shou confirmed. He walked around the tables and started checking the floor as if the staff might just have dropped his gifts.
Yutaka got up awkwardly as well, leaning against the table as he watched Shou. He didn’t really know what to do with his body, but it felt wrong to just remain seated.
“I wasn’t lying, it’s the best present. I mean, I always wanted to get a proper dildo, but then couldn’t bring myself to actually spend the money. I’ve been using a plug for years.” Shou was just rambling on while walking the room that was now empty aside from them. He didn’t look at Yutaka. “Not one of those small, glittery ones, mind you. You know, the mean-looking, black ones, that are more spikey.”
He turned around and indicated a quite impressive size considering he was only talking about a plug.
“You know?”, he repeated and looked at Yutaka so expectantly, as if he really assumed he knew exactly what kind of sex toy Shou was talking about. He’d probably seen it in AVs before and assumed the rest of the world watched as much porn as him.
Yutaka shrugged, hoping to look more knowledgeable than he was.
He tried not to imagine Shou using anything dildo-like on himself. How flushed he would be and how aroused and how naked.
“Glad my present turned out to be …” He cleared his throat. “… pleasing.”
Shou turned around again, continuing his pacing through the room.
“I just wish you hadn’t picked one that’s the size of Godzilla’s cock”, he complained.
“Oh no, it’s not. Godzilla’s cock was too expensive”, Yutaka said dryly.
Shou laughed.
“Seriously, I wonder if Kenji is right though. I might not be practiced enough to make it fit.”
Yutaka licked his lips. Shou’s casualness made him insecure. He did not want to think about how practiced Shou was in this regard or what that practice looked like in detail.
“Sorry, I didn’t think you were actually into gay sex toys”, he huffed out to defend himself.
Shou turned around again and frowned.
“What are you talking about?”, he asked, sounding annoyed. “It’s a toy. It doesn’t have a gender. It says nothing about your sexual orientation. It’s gay when you are with another man. But when I’m doing it by myself, there is no other man involved. There is nothing gay about enjoying some additional stimulation. It’s physically pleasing regardless of whom you are attracted to.”
As much sense as Shou’s words made, they still confused Yutaka. He felt a disappointment, that surprised himself. He hadn’t gotten the gift with a certain intention after all. It had been meant as a joke, something that would make the fans laugh.
“If you say so”, he mumbled, making it sound sarcastic. He felt like he wanted to avenge some sort of hurt that he couldn’t quite name. Shou’s statement hadn’t invalidated him in any way after all. “I just wasn’t expecting it from you.”
“Oh, trust me, if you can do it by yourself, I’ve tried”, Shou said.
Yutaka tried to laugh, but his throat felt too tight for it to come out naturally. It sounded as if he was coughing.
“Whatever”, he said, scared that Shou would offer any more details that he wouldn’t know how to deal with.
“I didn’t take you to be this prudish”, Shou bit out sharply, seemingly aware that Yutaka was trying to change the topic.
He had crossed the room completely now and had stopped short in front of the tables again.
His words were clearly meant as an accusation. Yutaka felt like they were fighting, but he didn’t know about what. He felt angry at Shou, although he couldn’t explain what kind of reaction he had been hoping for. And Shou seemed angry at him, although Yutaka felt like he had stayed pretty neutral.
“Well, not all of us need to stick to toys to enjoy themselves”, he said, although he knew it was Shou’s weak spot. He was sensitive about not feeling attractive enough to be desirable to others. It was the kind of comment, that was aiming to hurt Shou, even though Yutaka still couldn’t explain his reasons for that.
“So, you prefer real cock?”, Shou shot back immediately.
The question came so unexpectedly that it left Yutaka speechless.
It wasn’t what he had meant to say, but he didn’t know if he was supposed to deny it either. Shou had sounded angry, but also a little insecure. Yutaka couldn’t tell what answer he was hoping for. The mood shift had come too suddenly.
“I …”, he stuttered. “I mean … I did before, yes. Sex with men, I mean. By no means often, though. I …”
He broke off, because he didn’t know what else to say. He had wanted to tell Shou for a long time already, but he had never known how to bring it up. He hadn’t been sure about his reaction. Whenever it was not outright introduced as a joke, the topic of homosexuality always seemed to make Shou somewhat uncomfortable.
Shou nodded.
“I thought so”, he said quietly. He no longer sounded angry at all. “I’ve always wondered.”
“I was wondering how you would react to the dildo”, Yutaka confessed. “I was curious.”
Shou walked towards Yutaka and sat down on the table next to him. His feet were dangling just a few centimetres above the floor. Again, he was sitting hunched over.
“How does it feel?”, he asked. “Sex with another man?”
Yutaka shrugged. Both of them were looking into the same direction instead of facing each other.
“Good.” He paused. “I mean, it’s much the same as sex with women. It depends on the partner and the situation. But generally speaking, it’s good.”
“I always felt silly”, Shou confessed. Yutaka didn’t know when their conversation had turned this quiet and serious. Shou right next to him seemed fragile all of a sudden and Yutaka wanted to hug him, and was scared he’d fall apart under his touch all the same. He remained sitting still.
“I’m attracted to men like I’m attracted to women, but I never had sex with a guy. I just don’t know how to get there. It’s like I’m still the same sad virgin I was in my early twenties. Like, a half-virgin. I turned 37 today and still haven’t unlocked half of my sexuality.”
Yutaka snorted with laughter, although he knew that Shou was serious.
“I thought I’d feel less stupid if I used a proper dildo at least. Like, less as if it’s all just in my head.”
Yutaka snorted again and shook his head.
“You define your sexuality yourself. It’s nothing you have to unlock”, he pointed out. “And what happened to toys being inherently genderless?”
“It’s a silicone cock, Yutaka”, Shou said. “That’s gay.”
Yutaka burst out laughing. Suddenly, he felt very affectionate towards Shou.
“I should probably ask the staff where they put it”, Shou added and sighed.
“Really?”, Yutaka mocked. “You’re just going to ask where they put the sex toy you were meaning to stuff up your ass?”
Shou groaned and made a face, that caused his nose to wrinkle. He still wore his makeup, which usually made him more conventionally attractive, but once he made faces, he looked more like himself again. In Yutaka’s opinion, that made him a lot cuter too.
“You are right, I should just write it off as lost. Too bad, tonight promised to be fun.”
Yutaka’s neck felt hot at the thought of Shou actually planning to use the dildo tonight.
He pushed himself off the table, so he could face Shou, who kept his eyes lowered.
“You know you don’t need to have sex with another man to validate that part of your sexuality or your identity, right?”, Yutaka assured.
Shou nodded reluctantly.
“Yes, intellectually, I know that.”
“And you wouldn’t do anything stupid you’d regret just to prove something to yourself, right?”, Yutaka carried on.
Shou nodded again.
“I’m not stupid”, he muttered.
“And it still means so much to you?”, Yutaka asked.
Shou finally looked up. He wasn’t wearing contact lenses tonight and his eyes were dark and clear.
“It does”, he confirmed. “I’m curious. But I don’t just want to do it with anyone. Then it wouldn’t be so hard. I want it to be with someone I feel comfortable with. Someone I care about and who’s willing to put up with me when I’m being awkward.”
“Yes”, Yutaka confirmed. “Sounds like a dildo alright.”
Shou reached out to slap him.
“Asshole”, he said with a slight smirk.
“Seriously, though”, Yutaka said. “It’s my present that got lost, so I feel like I have to compensate you.”
Hesitantly he reached out and took hold of Shou’s hand. It felt warm and Yutaka hoped that his palm didn’t feel sweaty. He was nervous.
“Let’s go home and celebrate your birthday properly, what do you say?”
He looked at Shou and for a moment feared that he would pull back and get angry at him. Not for liking guys, at least in that regard they seemed safe now. But for risking their band and their friendship and offering something to Shou he might not even want.
“You know, the dildo was nice”, Shou said and broke into a wide, unashamed grin. “But I told you, it seemed too big for me anyway.”
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flipomatic · 4 years
Closed Book Chapter 5
Chapter 1 Chapter 4
Author Note: It’s Grom time. I had this all finished and then I had to change large parts of it because I saw the tweet from Dana that says the twins were stood up for Grom. Based on the episode I thought the twins went together, but no. Whoever stood them up is awful. Also, the season 1 finale airs tomorrow and I am not ready.
Every year Hexside held a huge Grom dance to celebrate Grometheus being defeated and banished back under the school. It was one of the biggest events of the school year; all students 14 and older went to watch the fight and party. Emira wondered why they didn’t permanently seal the monster and throw the party to celebrate being rid of it, but when she asked Principal Bump he dodged the question.
A few posters had been up since the start of the school year, but about week before the event the number greatly multiplied. Some decorations were also put up in order to start preparing, and gossip of who would be chosen as Grom queen began floating around. A lost of the whispers claimed it would be Amity, but Emira didn’t buy into that. Usually an upperclassman was chosen, since they had to fight the creature. It would be decided a few days before the event, so she could only wait and see.
It was a nice coincidence that the day before Grom was the final day of Emira and Ed’s punishment. They would be able to attend Grom as free witches.
Unfortunately, there was still a week until that day. This meant Emira was again, or as usual, trapped inside the Blight house.
She was sitting at the table in the kitchen, debating if she wanted a snack while doing homework. That’s right, homework. There was literally nothing else to do. The assignment was to write about the foundation of duplication spells, including information about the witch inventor behind the spell and the theories she created. It was, in two words, mind numbing.
When Mittens arrived home and came into the kitchen in a hurry, that was a great excuse for Emira to abandon the tedious task.
“How was school?” Emira put down her pencil as she asked.
Mittens dropped her bag on the table, a sharp frown already present on her face. “It was fine.” She said in a tone that did not match her words, moving to scrounge the cabinets for a snack.
“You sure about that?” Emira prodded for more information, not believing her at all.
“Yes.” Was the only response she got.
“Alright.” Emira shifted in her chair so she could see Mittens easier. Her sister was behaving quite oddly today. The other girl had taken a fairly large box of cookies out of the cabinet. “Don’t eat too much, Mom will get mad at you.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Mittens snapped at her, putting the box on the counter roughly.
Emira was honestly taken aback. She thought her relationship with Mittens had improved, at least slightly. Her sister had been in a decent mood for the last few days too, which seemed to have all but vanished now. “Wow, already getting into those teenage rebellion years? You’ve grown so fast.” She teased to try and lighten the mood.
Mittens didn’t reply, instead she started taking cookies out of the box and putting them on a napkin.
“Seriously though, what’s up?” Emira refocused on the topic, her eyes locked on the back of Mittens’ head.
Mittens stopped at 5 cookies in total, putting the box back in the cabinet. “I don’t want to talk about it.” She muttered, not turning to look at Emira.
“Just sit with me then.” Emira pat the chair next to her and pulled it out slightly in invitation. “You can eat your cookies while I work on my assignment.”
“You’re actually doing homework?” This piqued Mittens’ interest, drawing her eyes and a slightly softer frown back to Emira.
“Not by choice.” Emira put on an exaggerated grimace and shook her head. “If you join me, I won’t tell Mom about the cookies.” That would get her for sure.
“Fine you win.” Mittens rolled her eyes and then picked up her cookies to bring them over to the table. “Just for a few minutes.” She sat down in the chair, sighing as she settled.
Emira cracked a smile, watching as Mittens picked up the first treat to take a bite. While she was chewing, that was Emira’s chance to strike. She had thought about getting a snack and now was her chance.
She didn’t even need illusion magic; her hands were fast enough to steal the next cookie from the pile. It only took a moment.
“Hey!” Mittens swatted the offending arm ineffectually. It wasn’t enough to stop Emira from claiming her prize. “Get your own!” She protested, pulling the remaining cookies farther away from Emira’s reach.
“This one is so good though.” Emira took a big bite out of the cookie for emphasis. It was chocolate chip, a great flavor. “Delicious.”
Mittens wasn’t quite smiling, but she wasn’t frowning so deeply anymore either. “Whatever, just do your homework.”
“Aye aye.” Emira said before taking another bite out of her stolen reward. She turned back to her homework, which astonishingly had not completed itself while she talked to Mittens. One more bite and the cookie was gone, so she picked up her pencil to resume the assignment.
Emira started writing the next line on her work, keeping an eye on Mittens in her peripheral vision. Her sister was staring straight ahead, that troubled frown back in full force. She had finished the first cookie, but wasn’t eating the next one.
She looked worried, like the weight of the world was on her shoulders.
A few minutes later, after Emira had written a few more painful sentences, Mittens broke the silence.
“I um,” She started to speak, then stopped and cleared her throat. She was still looking straight ahead. “Are you going to Grom with anyone?” Ah, Emira thought, that’s what this whole bad mood was about. Mittens was finally old enough to attend Grom this year.
“I might.” Emira admitted, dropping her pencil to focus on the conversation. “Not sure yet though.” There was still a week to figure it out.
Mittens’ expression didn’t change. “I see.” She said quietly. “Are you planning to ask someone?” With these words she turned her body slightly towards Emira, eyes coming up to meet hers.
That was quite a personal question. Emira did have someone in mind to ask, another witch in the illusion track, but she wasn’t that close to them so she was still debating it. She also thought about asking that detention track girl, Viney, to go with her. Unfortunately, she was 1000 percent off limits due to her time in the detention track and habit of mixing magic. Emira had never spoken to her and still liked to admire her from afar, but the other witch she was considering was a far safer option.
“I’ve thought about it.” Was what Emira settled on saying, “But I haven’t made any plans yet.” She could feel her cheeks were warmer than usual at this line of conversation.
Now Mittens looked more thoughtful, her brow scrunched up in that little thinking face she often made. “How would you plan to do it, if you were?”
Interesting question. It almost sounded like Mittens wanted to ask someone to Grom. That was the only conclusion Emira could come to. Was it Luz? It had to be Luz.
“Hmm, let me think about it.” Emira tried to keep her voice level, she didn’t want to spook Mittens. It took a lot of effort to get her to even sit and talk, she would probably leave if Emira seemed too excited or crazy. “I would probably just take the plunge and ask if they wanted to go with me.” Despite being a trickster, Emira could also be straight forward sometimes. If she ever got around to inviting the person she wanted to go with, that would be how she did it.
“That takes a lot of courage.” Mittens mused, fidgeting with the edges of the napkin her cookies were on. That was probably too forward for her, Emira thought. Mittens was brave in danger, but could actually be quite withdrawn socially. Especially if she had a crush on Luz, Emira was still pretty sure it was Luz.
“Well, a note is another option.” Was her next idea. “I could leave it in their locker or hand it to them.” She had to say it as if it was from her perspective still to keep up the image that this was about her, even though she was just giving advice to Mittens.
Mittens perked up at that one. “A note, huh.” There was a spark in her eyes. “That’s a good idea.”
“Why thank you.” Emira replied with a smile. “It wouldn’t have to be long, just the invitation is enough I think.”
“Yeah,” Mittens nodded, probably running the idea through her mind. “That could work.” She muttered, before clearing her throat. “What would you do if they say no?”
That was another hard hitting question, one Emira wasn’t sure how to respond to. Mittens had distinctly ventured from just asking about Emira’s plans to worrying about her own potential Gromposal. Interesting that she wanted to know how to react if it went poorly, rather than if it went well.
“I’m not sure.” Emira was confident that Luz, or whoever Mittens planned to ask, would say yes, but she still wanted to answer the question properly. “Cry and move on I suppose. Keep looking until I find someone who returns my feelings.” That was the goal wasn’t it, to find someone who liked her in return.
“Okay.” Mittens looked somber as she turned her gaze back towards her snack. “Thanks, Em.”
“Anytime.” Emira couldn’t keep from grinning as she replied.
A few seconds passed and Emira waited as her sister thought things through. It was silent, with nothing but their thoughts between the two. Mittens gave one last sigh before seeming to gather her composure.
“I guess I should leave you to your homework.” Mittens face snapped back up to Emira’s, the previous stress in her expression replaced with a small playful smirk. “You’re never going to get it done while I’m here.”
“You’re probably right.” Emira admitted with a frown. She didn’t want to get it done in the first place.
Mittens nodded in agreement. “I’ll leave you to it then.” She rose from the chair, slinging her bag back over her shoulder. She took one cookie off the top of the stack, then pushed the last two towards Emira. “You should have them.” She said, not looking back before vacating the kitchen.
Emira pulled the cookies closer to her, picking up the top one as she mentally wished Mittens and herself luck in asking someone to Grom. She was certain that her sister would not be rejected. A moment later Emira resumed work on the awful homework assignment.
She had just bitten into the cookie when heeled footsteps sounded behind her. Her mother’s voice came next.
“You shouldn’t be eating this close to dinner.”
Sometimes, Emira thought, she needed to take her own advice.
Chapter 6
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ruddcatha · 4 years
Thank you again to @heavenin--hell for your inspiration, I hope this story does your work justice.
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Chapter 9
Kagome groaned as the shrill sound of her phone forced her into consciousness.  It felt like she had only just fallen asleep.  It had taken her most of the night to clean the shards from the floor and dresser. She had no clue what had happened, but between her dreams and the mirror shattering, she had been too freaked out to fall back asleep, despite her exhaustion.
Thankfully, she had not had any further dreams after she had finally fallen into a broken slumber.  A slight shudder raked through her body at the memory.  She had been standing at the shrine with three vases on the alter in front of her. The first vase was familiar, she had seen and unfortunately broken it two days before, but here it was, intact. She reached out to touch it, and she saw Kanji characters flare red before fading like ash as the vase broke. As she watched smoke began to billow out of the cracks of the vase, coalescing above the alter, the faint shape of a dragon visible in the haze.  A voice whispered to Kagome, she could not make out the words, but the voice compelled her towards the second vase, a light gray vessel with white and black flowers for decoration, beautiful in its simplicity.  The whisper grew louder as she approached, and she was entranced by the vase.
She froze as Inuyasha’s voice purred her name in the dream, her hand centimeters from the second vase. At his voice she felt her head clear, the vase she had just found so beautiful and compelling now terrified her. There was danger inside the beauty, a darkness that she knew would try to destroy her.  She took a deep breath and felt energy course through her body. She raised her hand to see a light glow had enveloped her.  The whisper in the mist turned angry, and as she raised her head the dragon in the mist turning its head to watch her, its eyes glowing crimson though the smoke as the whisper turned into a howl of frustration.
She had been pulled out of the dream by the mirror cracking and shattering, her arms cut by flying pieces of glass.
Needless to say, she had not gotten a lot of rest.
Grumbling she picked up the phone and answered with a sleep “Hello?”
“Ah Kagome, good morning. I hope you do not mind but Totosai gave me your number and asked me to call you, we need to leave in a half hour.”
Kagome pulled her phone away from her ear in confusion “Who… who is this?”
She heard laughter. “Apologies Lady Kagome, this is Miroku.”
She groaned; it was too early to deal with him.  “What do you want Miroku?”
“The council meeting. We leave in a half hour and we need you to be there with us.”
Kagome groaned. “Totosai said I had the morning off, why does he need me there?”
“It... actually wasn’t Totosai who said you need to be there.”
That cut through Kagome’s sleep induced stupor.  
“Wait what?”
“It wasn’t Totosai. The Inu No Taisho said your presence was necessary.”
“But... why?”
She heard Miroku chuckle. “Something about being the one with the ability to awaken them and a broken seal.”
Kagome sat up straight, now wide awake, snippets of her dream and the broken vase flashing through her thoughts.
“How long do I have?”
“Thirty Minutes. See you then.”
Kagome scrambled out of bed and dashed for the shower.
Exactly thirty minutes later Kagome stood in the doorway to Totosai’s office, slightly panting from her sprint across campus.  Miroku stood inside waiting for her, a half smile on his face as he let her catch her breath.
“If you will follow me, they have already begun downstairs.”
Kagome visibly started. “Just how big is this building?”
Miroku chuckled. “It’s like the Tardis.  It’s bigger on the inside.”
“Nerd.” Kagome whispered as she passed him.
“My dear Kagome, you went on a two year walk about to learn more about different cultures and religions before deciding to study the past through the relics of the dead…”
Kagome glared at Miroku as they made their way towards a hidden elevator.  “And how exactly do you know about that?”
Miroku tilted his head as he studied her before entering the elevator and turning back to her.  “I help Totosai screen all the students.  He can read energy from objects; I can read energy from people.”
If you were to look at their campus, one would never have expected there to be what Kagome could only describe as an ancient arena under the buildings.  She stared in awe at the room in front of her, she and Miroku had entered the main presentation level where she could see Totosai, Inuyasha, Toga, and Sesshomaru standing.  The floor was surrounded by tiers of elegant seats, the room could easily hold 1000 if it were at full capacity.  Her gaze was drawn to the other end of the room to the seven… people… sitting in the seats watching the four in front of them.  Toga’s deep voice teased the edge of her hearing, but she could not make out the words.  Miroku took her by the elbow and moved with her to join the group.
As they moved forward, she could hear that Toga was discussing what had led to the sealing, Miroku whispering the translation for her, however her attention was caught by the group in the seating area.  
A man with black hair, deep tan skin and bright blue eyes sat in the middle, his posture and tone showed his familiarity with the Inu’s before him.  His hair was pulled away from his face, and as he turned to listen to a companion, she saw his ears were slightly pointed, like Toga and Sesshomaru’s. Miroku noticed that Kagome was not listening to him and followed the direction of her gaze.
“The yokai in the center is Koga.” Miroku leaned down to whisper to Kagome as they walked. “He is the prince of the Ookami, and Lord of the Northern Lands.  He has been a member of the council since its formation and was an ally of Lord Toga before the seals were placed.”
Miroku nodded his head slightly towards a man sitting to Koga’s right, his bright red hair tumbling in curls tied with a green ribbon that matched his eyes.
“That is Shippo, he represents the Kitsunes.  He was a child when the council was formed but inherited the seat when his father was unfortunately killed by the Thunder Brothers, allies of Ryukotsusei.  They tortured him for information on where the guardians were sealed and killed him in a fit of rage when he refused to answer.”
“Now I see why Inuyasha said they limited who had the information.” Kagome whispered back. Miroku nodded slightly in response. Kagome’s eyes went to the woman sitting to Koga’s left, her deeply tanned skin a stark contrast to her silver hair and lavender eyes.
“Lady Shiori, the representative of the bats.  They were one of the last Yokai to join the council, there was an internal fight over which faction they would join, until Ryukotsusei targeted them to obtain the secret to their barrier magic.  Shiori is the only member of the council that is a Hanyou like Inuyasha.” Kagome’s eyes darted to Miroku at that.
“She inherited the power of her father, Tsukuyomaru, to create barriers.  It is a unique ability among the bats, and highly revered.  Even as a hanyou she is one of the strongest members of the bats and was selected as their Lady.”
“And what of the woman sitting next to… Shippo was it?” Kagome asked.
Miroku looked at the woman, taking in her long dark hair pulled into a high ponytail and her crimson eyes.  The ends of her hair seemed to be constantly moving as if a soft wind had caught the strands.
“Kagura, a wind demon. She sits as the Lady of the Elemental Yokai that have sided with Lord Koga.  Our research does not have much information on her, other than a note to be warry, she is beautiful and lethal.”
Miroku went on to identify the remaining two women on the dais, Toran of the Panther Demons who looked human with pale green hair, and Tekki, the Queen of the Demon Birds with her gorgeous feathers and wings.  He paused looking at the last member.    
“Hachiemon, I am surprised he was chosen as the Tanuki representative.”  Hachiemon looked like… well he looked like a racoon, which surprised Kagome.  She had never encountered any stories of the Tanuki in her travels or research, and so he was a puzzle to her.
“Hachi is a friend of the family, he and I grew up together.  He is very eager but not always… the bravest, which is why I am surprised he is the representative.”
By the time Miroku finished the introductions, they were a few feet away from the four standing before the Lords.  
“…the dragon cannot be allowed to awaken until we are ready.” Kagome’s attention was drawn back to the conversation as she made out parts of the words.  She glanced sideways to Miroku, who immediately fell back into translating for her.
“Lord Toga, I remember when the pact was first made, and the blood of the Lords was used to seal Ryukotsusei. How do we know for sure that the appointed time is upon us, perhaps you were awoken early, and the battles are not yet at hand?”
“The first seal has been broken.” Toga’s words caused several of the Lords to gasp.  “Ryukotsusei does not have any of his abilities, nor is he able to possess any human or yokai, but he is still dangerous.  We must begin preparations immediately. We do not know what, if anything, Ryukotsusei has been able to accomplish or even how long he has been unsealed.”
“We must still have time.” Shiori interjected, her eyes reflecting her unease.  “You said only the first seal was broken.” Her movements stilled as her ears detected a subtle change in the room.  Shiori was able to hear the thirteen heartbeats in the room, and the rhythm of one had just… changed.  She closed her eyes to focus on isolating the sounds until she identified the change, lavender eyes opening to stare at Kagome.
“Lord Toga.” Shiori tilted her head as she considered Kagome. “may I ask who this woman is that has you?”
Toga turned and looked back to Kagome, his eyes softening as he took in her nerves before giving her a slight nod.  Kagome took a deep breath and clenched her hands into fists before looking up at the seven powerful beings before her.
“Kagome.  My name is Kagome.”
Koga’s eyes sparkled with appreciation at the bravery of the human.  “And how are you connected Lady Kagome?  I know you are not a member of the alliance.”
“She is the one who released my seal.” Inuyasha stated, a slight growl in his voice as he watched the wolf’s gaze.
“What is it you are hiding from this council Kagome?” Shiori asked softly, and all eyes flew to her then back to Kagome.  “I could hear a change in your heartbeat just now.”
Kagome looked to Miroku, her eyes silently questioning whether she heard the translation correctly. With a shaking voice, Kagome told the council about the vase she had accidentally broken two days before, the gold pulse in the room where Inuyasha, Toga and Sesshomaru had been sealed, the mist with the crimson eyes, finishing with her dream and the shattered mirror.  
As she spoke, Miroku translated for the benefit of the three Inu yokai. Toga’s face lost all hints of softness as he listened, and his eyes went hard as he turned back to the council members, watching them as the translation continued.  Inuyasha’s eyes never left Kagome’s, his lip curling with anger as he listened.  She gave a slight jump as he suddenly appeared beside her; she had not even seen him move.  
Inuyasha’s hand reached out to cup her elbow, drawing her arm up.  She had purposefully worn a long sleeve shirt to hide the cuts on her arms, but Inuyasha’s thumb unerringly traced along each cut gently, a questioning look in his eyes as he growled slightly.
“What’s this about?” Miroku whispered.
Kagome sighed. “When the mirror shattered a few of the pieces cut my arm.  I don’t know how he knew where I had been injured.”
Miroku smiled.  “Dog demons have superior senses of smell Kagome.”
“But why would he care?”
“That… I do not know Lady Kagome, but it is obvious he does.”
Toga’s voice cut through the room as he made a point to look at all seven members of the council.
“Time is of the essence. Ryukotsusei is aware of Kagome and knows that she can break the seals.   She is under our protection now, but we must secure the remaining seals and begin our preparations.  If we have humans and yokai working with us, we must begin training and ensure that all are prepared for what is to come.  Prince Koga, you remember the dangers and difficulties we faced against Ryukotsusei before.  You know what additional risks we will face and the impact of the current era.”
Toga’s eyes began to glow as he drew upon the full power of his yokai, once again donning the mantle of the Inu No Taisho, the Great Dog General.
“The appointed time is here, and Ryukotsusei has begun to awaken. I call upon the terms of the pact, sealed by the eight Yokai Lords, it is time to fulfill the blood vows.”  
Koga looked to the six Yokai leaders seated with him as each nodded slightly in turn.  
The left forearm of each of the yokai and hanyou’s in the room began to shimmer, silver blending with gold, blue, lavender, seafoam, green, burgundy, purple and yellow above their arms before the colors faded into the skin, leaving behind a shimmering mark.
Toga’s voice reverberated through the room.
“The pact is bound.”
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