This is a blog that will host short stories of StG, FtM, jockification and other male transformations
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Protocol 69
Originally posted on 2023-06-24 by dumb-and-jocked. (Thanks again for dumb-and-jocked for all your stories!)
This story was nuked quite quickly last time, I recall. So, please reblog in effort to keep multiple copies alive.
Last thing: I am sorry this post does not have any italics/bold! I had some issues properly saving it back then. If anyone cares I'll try recover the formatting.
“I’m sorry Officer, but did I do something wrong?”
After a 10 hour drive with tumultuous traffic, I’d expected to get some rest in the hotel room my company had paid for when they’d sent me to Texas for a business conference. I wasn’t too far out of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, but apparently far enough for some forms of homophobia to proudly exist. When I had pulled in, I immediately noticed the front desk glare at the pride sticker on my back window. When they’d picked up the phone right after, I’d assumed the two events were unrelated. But the cop standing calmly in front of his vehicle parked beside mine told me differently.

“Nothin’ we can’t fix,” the officer replied ominously in that classic drawl.
“I don’t mean to be rude,” I started politely. “But I’m very exhausted, and I’ve got some important meetings to attend first thing tomorrow. If you don’t have anything to arrest me for, then I’m going to respectfully leave.”
“Yer kind ain’t welcome in these parts.” The officer’s response was calculated. “Just cause I can’t arrest ya doesn’t mean I can’t still bring ya in.”
“Is that so?” I questioned, becoming a little agitated.
“They’re called ‘correctional facilities’ for a reason,” he added.
“So you’re gonna jail me for being gay?”
“For threatening this town’s good traditional values and lifestyle?” the officer manipulated. “Then yes, yes I sure will.”
The officer then approached me with a pair of handcuffs. I wanted to fight back, and it took everything in me not too, but I was familiar with how these things could go down. He stood fairly tall and was well-built; a classic All-American family man. I was a college runner who clocked in a few inches under 6 feet, so running could have been an option if I wanted to engage. But I’d wait it out, play the little game until my future lawsuit kicked this homophobe and his whole department to hell.
But something in the back of my mind was still flicking the panic button. All of this seemed too easy for the officer, too habitual. As if he knew exactly what he was doing. As if he’d done this many times before. As if this wasn’t the first time this had happened and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
— —
The last thing I could remember was sitting down in the back of that officer’s vehicle with my hands behind my back. He opened the door for me and I followed instructions, but I couldn’t place what happened after he’d started the car. In fact, I had no idea of how I had gotten into my current situation. The old interrogation room was empty, besides the entire back wall that was lit by a projector. My clothes were gone, leaving me completely naked. And my penis was placed in some kind of tube. I tried to yank it out, but the device was not going to give it up.
“Hello!” I shouted angrily. “You can’t do this!”
There was no reply, but the projector screen did light up. Letters began to appear along the bricks, spelling out what I prayed to anyone above was not actually possible: “Protocol 69: Conversion Operationalization Activated.”
“Hey!” Desperation was beginning to show in my voice. “No, please don’t! I don’t know what is happening but don’t do this! I’ll do whatever it is you want, please!”
My cries for help were meaningless however. No one appeared to hear me or respond. Instead, the words flashed before disappearing. Something new began to boot up on the screen, an introduction video of sorts.
“Welcome to Benbrook,” a cheery male voice began as an old cartoon began to play. It looked like some educational video from the Reagan Era. “This growing Texan city welcomes you to all the finer things in the American life.”
Suddenly, the tube my dick was currently stuck in began to move. As if awakening from a great slumber, a portion of the device groggily creaked before swiveling itself around my cock. All 5 inches were rapidly on display as the tube proceeded to jack me off, twisting and pulling and turning and releasing as it gave me the most sensual action of my life. I was no virgin, but I had never felt anything like this before.
“However, if you are currently watching this video, that means you’ve come to tarnish and harm the great opportunities Benbrook can provide you with.” The cartoon placed a word across the screen that flashed as if it was a warning alarm. The “H” in “Homosexual” appeared particularly loud. “We hope you understand that the upcoming process you’re about to undergo is meant to not only protect our safety and way of life, but to enhance your own as well.”
I was trying so hard to find a way to escape, but the dazzling colors of the projector and the edging experience down below were hindering my focus. Instead of fighting back, I simply moaned as my dick underwent its electronically-sensual torture and watched as a dingy spiral came into view. My eyes centered in on the old-timey display that swirled around in circles. I couldn’t tell if the fluttering of my eyelids were due to the sexual action below or what my eyes were now hypnotized by above.
While the spiral and the tube instrument performed their jobs, I began to feel something squirting out of my cock. It wasn’t semen, precum, or even piss for that matter. Although I wasn’t able to completely look down, I could see a glittery, luminescent stream now flowing through the tube. Something was being drained out of me, but I was too distracted by the spiral and too turned on by the mechanical sucking to care. It just felt so good to give in to the spiral and not worry about anything else but being pleased. The machines were doing me a favor really. I didn’t have to think; all I had to do was watch while I was given pleasure.
The glittery flow continued out of my body, causing my breathing to hurry a bit as the progression towards ecstasy continued. Grabbing the tube to steady myself, I didn’t notice my grip expand and solidify harder across the machine. My digits expanded, my feet following suit as they too bloated across the cold metal floor. After a while, my meaty fingers were able to surround the entirety of the tube. My feet–although I didn’t bother looking at them–were now able to grasp me firmly to the ground; their Size 14 nature containing the strength meant to hold the weight of a real man.
With the spiral and pump still working their magic, I couldn’t be bothered with watching how my legs and arms were changed next. As the homosexual energy was removed from my body, my ligaments were allowed to expand. Biceps and triceps that had never existed before blew up like balloons. Calves inflated in certain areas while shrinking in others, creating legs meant less for long distance running and more for shorter sprints. The quads swelled too, now able to do so being that they were no longer needed for any track. They were now created for sports played by alphas: football, basketball, and baseball. None of that cross country or tennis pansy crap.
After the shoulders had finished broadening with an incredible lengthening to my deltoids, the glitter was able to leave my torso next. My pits filled in with curly bushes of tangled hair, matted with sweat and stinking to the high Heaven. And even with the plump pecs and removal of body fat that was happening to my expanding frame, the forests would never be able to be completely hidden. By suctioning out the energy, my abs were showcased in a more elite form. Each abdominal was now hard across my stomach, all eight leading down to a perfect treasure trail that had never been able to grow before now. My height had been extended too, now putting me well over the 6 feet I’d never reached before.
The stream was flowing steadily now, extracting my homosexuality from what I assumed had to be the most concentrated areas: my head and my cock. Being that they were the only two parts of my real self left unscathed, this next part of the process would probably be gruesome. My buttocks were first to change, clenching hard as their luxurious fat was eliminated to create muscled pillows similar to my pecs. My hole closed in on itself almost immediately after, its purpose now reduced to duties only regarding objects exiting the body. My balls ripened and plumped into a generous sack, and my hard dick sputtered an extra few inches forward. The tube was still able to manage the added girth however, all 8 inches fitting into an even tighter squeeze than before.
With a grunt and dazed gaze at the projector screen, I watched lazily as words began to flutter across the screen. Although I was in no state of mind to focus–and I certainly should have been doing it towards literally anything else–I used all of my remaining willpower to try and decipher the letters that flashed upon the screen. While doing so, the tube continued to suck out the remaining substance of my homosexuality. My chin widened into a shape so square and masculine it was almost comical. My brow popped out to create a more Neanderthal-look, pursing my eyebrows and lips basically permanently. My hair was shaped into something more typical and douche-like. I couldn’t see it, but I knew I had been created into a breeding machine.
“Boobs” was the first word I was able to decipher from the projector. I grunted and began feeding my monster cock to the tube as if I was in charge. “Pussy” came next, followed by “Clit” and “Cunt”. The tube began to let up around my dick, but I didn’t care anymore. I was so hard, so horny, and for some reason it was for the words that flashed across the brick wall. With the help of “Vagina” and the simple “Woman”, I asserted my dominance and proceeded to thrust into the machine myself, my throbbing penis shooting in and out.
The tube had stopped moving, but it didn’t matter to me anymore. I had only one thing on my mind. “Impregnate” the screen suddenly read, adding to the list of words already revolving around the screen. “Propagate” wasn’t too far behind, and neither was “Seed.” Suddenly, my horny fantasies didn’t just revolve around women. I realized I wanted to fill them, get my babies to coat their entire inner bodies. I wanted to…I wanted to… “Breed.” Yes, I wanted to breed. I wanted to multiply, make an entire generation of me. Identical to me. Same looks, same goals, same ideologies.
And before I knew it, even more words had been tossed into the mix. “Homophobia” arrived with a sting, a certain loathsome tingle erupting out around my body. “Alpha” was preceded by “Dominant,” and “Superior” was proceeded by “Traditionality.” All of these words sunk into my brain, accepting the new mindset as my ideals connected with my sexuality.
The programming gradually flickered faster, each new pulse sending a tiny bit more pressure to my dick. My thrusting grew more aggressive in response. I grabbed onto the tube with a renewed sense of strength and felt my gaze leave the projector’s trance for the first time. Allowing my eyes to roll back into my head, I released a dumb groan as the glittery stream dried up.
With one final thrust, a massive shot of my own cum was sent down the tube. The projector had finally stopped, displaying only “Thanks for watching!” in cutesy, bouncing letters before shutting off. The room went dark after that, but I blacked out before I even realized it.
— —
“Oh yeah,” I groaned as she sat on my lap, my massive schlong shoved up her tight pussy. “Ain’t that just right.”
Without saying a word, I got to work and felt my cock immediately getting ready to fire. When it came down to business, I could get my babymaker spewing fast. And being that I still had at least two other girls in town that needed to get rid of their flat stomachs before I went to work in an hour, I had to fertilize these chicks FAST!
“That’s right babygirl,” I was able to say between grunts. However, my cock immediately deflated when I noticed a sedan pull up across the street. The sedan itself was a crime–only trucks should be driven in Texas after all–but the “LGBTQIA+” sticker on the back nauseated me beyond belief. Visible disgust came over my face quickly, causing as my current conquest to ask me what was wrong. I grabbed my phone and explained I had to make a quick call to her dad. It wouldn’t take more than a minute I promised.
“Benbrook Police Department,” a sturdy, masculine voice answered.
“Yo brochacho, I’d like to report in a Protocol 69.”
“Hmm,” the other side mumbled disapprovingly. “Location of the illegitimate?”
“’The Real Man’s Tools’.” I followed my answer with a dumb chuckle. I always forgot how clever the hardware store’s motto was: “…besides a woman that is!”
“Car make and model?”
“You’ll know it, bro.”
“Not American-made?”
The babe still riding my cock shoved a finger in my mouth, signaling she wanted to continue.
“Are they…evuh?” The words were barely able to escape my mouth. The officer laughed in response on the other end as she began sliding up and down my dick slowly, getting us back to where we had left off.
“Thanks for the report,” the officer replied. “Please continue yer civil duties.”
“Will do, dude.”
The line hung up on itself, which was probably for the best with my hands already being wrapped back around my current score. I felt my load tense up as it began to prepare itself for semination. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see an officer’s cruiser pull up alongside the homo’s vehicle. Looks like we were both about to bring a straight, Texan, alpha male into the world.
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From the minute he picked up those weights, he was doomed, his mind dulling immediately, losing any awareness of what was going.
Every rep, he lost a couple more IQ points, and in exchange, his muscles pumped, his features became more atteactive. The longer he went, the more his clothing shifted, showing off his new body.
The more he sweated, the bigger the weights got, until he was lifting well over a hundred pounds above his head with ease.
Long ago were the days of math club, of straight As. Now he spent every day in the gym, not even bothering to study, not understanding a bit of his school work, it didn't matter. They passed him anyway, because they needed him for the team. Life is good~
Every rep let a brain cell burn and the muscles grow. Let your old self melt away, your inhibitions turn to sweat, and anxiety fuel each curl and deep grunts. You thought you might stop when you had a decent pump, fit but not mindless, but thinking is harder now. The rush is too good. You like what you see and you want more. Bigger, stronger, dumber, hotter, you want it all now. So don’t stop. Curl those biceps, flex that chest, grunt and sweat and grow.
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Taylor's parents had sent him away to camp Himbo, without any real expectation of what it was, just knowing that they wanted their introverted nerdy son to get some experience socializing and in the outdoors. Of course, for the first few days, he had sent them tons of messages about how he hated it here, about how,the guys there were terrible, about how it creepy it was, how they were changing people, but they just dismissed it as teenage whining, and before long the messages stopped entirely.
Then, after a full week of radio silence, they got a new message
"Yo, Pops! You were totes right about this place! Camp is fucking awesome! You should send little bro along too, he'd fucking love it"
They were a bit taken aback by the sudden change in tone and speaking, but were just glad it seemed to be working out, and they agreed that their younger son Ben would also be joining him. Ben, somehow even more awkward than his brother, cried and whined about how he didn't want to go to some jock camp, right up to and including the moment they left him there, driving away.
And then, not even two days later, Taylor texted them again, though this time,with a picture attached
"Yo, Mom and Pops! Don't worry about me and bro! Lil guy took to it way fucking faster than I did! But looks like you got two new studs in the house to worry about, Pops!"

Some new campers adjust to camp a lot fast than others. Take Luke for example. Day one he was eager to try on the new shades and bathing suit he was given. Maybe it was the fact he wanted it so badly or how much he was already trying to act more confident than he really was, but the second he pulled off his shirt and shorts he started to change, brand new beautiful muscle blooming over his skinny frame as he pulled up his new shorts.. Sliding on the shades sealed the deal as he was pumped with another wave of confidence and growth- especially in his now barely contained python. Just like that he smirked like a pro and took a few pics. Hot- he thought. Barely can think of much else except maybe greeting the other new campers and showing them how it’s done.
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You can see it in his face. He just realized what's happened to him. He finally noticed the swelling muscles, the chiseled jawline, the hot, masculine looks... Too bad that with every bit of growth and change his intelligence drained away, or else he might have realized this was from the weird soap that his jock roommate had replaced his own bar with. Hell, he might still have noticed that if he wasn't so distracted by thoughts of how good this all felt, of how hot he felt, and of how he could get his nerd friends to try the soap too

Yeah I used the soap again bro huhu. I know I said last time was gonna be the last but dude, I just wanted to get a little bigger bro and it feels so good. I feel on fire. Look at me bro. I’m fucking swoll. Massive arms, pecs, tight abs. I’m a fucking jock god huhu. I know you like what you see. You only used the stuff once, you got a little lean muscle, but I know you’re curious, craving a little more. And admit it. You like how the confidence feels, not having to think or worry so much. So come on, lather up bro. Let’s be dumb hot bros together. Not like you have a choice now. You’re getting in the shower bro whether you want to or not.
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Look at that bro over there. Can you believe that only a minute ago he was a weak, scrawny nerd, wandering into the pool, trying to pretend he didn't know what was about to happen to him. The second he stepped in though, all pretenses were dropped, and his face showed how much he loved his new body, his spiking confidence, and his rapidly falling intelligence.
To some, having a dumb, slow mind might not be worth the looks and charisma these bros exude, but you're curious, aren't you? Go ahead, dip a toe in, and get a quick taste~

You saw what happened to him the second he got into that water. Muscle, smirk, dumb hungry stare. Question isn’t what’s in the water. It’s- do you get in too?
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Bro Bedding
From the makers of JockSun, JockJo, and JockTeez comes a whole different kind of bedding. Wrap yourself in our soft sheets and mind numbing pillows. One night groaning, growing and tossing in our musky sheets and you’ll wake up more pumped and refreshed than you’ve ever been, too hot to want any other layers on you. Our sheets are so good they’re too good for just one.
Warning: Pale patchy skin, malnutrition or excess fat might be sensitive to Bro Bedding. The heavy scent may also effect those with average to high intelligence and anxiety. Expect perfect tanning, flawless facial features, increased muscle mass, decreased brain functions, and severely inflated ego and labido upon one night of use. Other fabrics may dissolve upon prolonged contact with Bro Bedding, including but limited to pajamas, tshirts, and underwear. Aversion to clothing in general may result.
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Just His Type
"I don't understand what the problem is! Do you really think I'm that ugly? Do you hate me that much!?"
Stephanie was practically crying as she screamed at her boyfriend Derrick, completely fed up with his complete lack of interest in her advances. They'd been together for a long time, and even though she knew they had sex less than other couples, it had always been on the table, but even that had slowly tapered off in the last three or so months.
She only grew more frustrated as he rolled his eyes, looking annoyed as if this situation was her fault, before responding
"Of course not babe! Like I said, you're just my type! You're perfect! I'm just not in the mood tonight. Why won't you understand that? I've been super busy recently..."
He sighed, hiding his face in his palm, before continuing
"Look, why don't I step out for a minute and give you some space? We can talk about this once you've calmed down"
Stephanie, of course, hated this, and although she tried to argue with him to stay, he still grabbed his coat and walked out, leaving her near tears in the apartment.
"I don't understand why he has to be so cruel to me... I'm hot, I'm kind, I'm a great girlfriend! What am I doing wrong?"
As she sat on the couch, feeling sorry for herself, her thoughts drifted wildly, trying to think of any crazy idea in the world to help her in this situation. Suddenly, she vividly remembered a time, only a couple days ago, when she had confided in her elderly neighbor about the situation, and the woman had told her that if she never needed help with that, to come to her. Stephanie had thought it was a bit weird at the time, but didn't focus on it at all. However, now that she was desperate, she quickly grabbed her coat and ran to the woman's door, knocking in it frantically.
As Stephanie pounded on the door, the old crone opened it suddenly, seeing her frantic appearance and immediately inviting her inside. She grabbed the girl a cup of tea and brought it out to her, before sitting across from her and saying
"I assume this has something to do with that little boyfriend of yours storming past my door a half hour?"
Stephanie tearfully nodded, saying
"I don't know what to do... He keeps telling me not to worry about it, that I'm just his type, but then he completely ignores me..."
The old woman sighed, before heading to a cupboard beneath her sink, rummaging around a while before coming back to her with a decently sized jar of pink liquid.
"Remember child, I'm only doing this for you because I like you. This elixir will solve every problem you're having. All you need to do is head home, drink exactly 1/4th of the jar, and think about your boyfriend. As long as you do it correctly, I guarantee you, you will become the exact woman he desires. Understand?"
Stephanie nodded again, taking the vial from her with a quiet "thank you" and heading out of the apartment and back to her bedroom. She stared at the 'elixir' with skepticism, not trusting a single thing that old woman said.
"Am I really considering this? Am I really that desperate?"
Steeling herself after inevitably deciding that she was, in fact, that desperate. She poured out exactly 25 percent of the potion into a small cup, took a deep breath, and drank it with a deep gulp.
The potion tasted bad, almost like an incredibly metallic cough syrup, but she swallowed it down, feeling nothing different at first. However, as she got up to wash out the cup, she felt a crazy rush of heat and pain, and she choked out "Its happening!" before rushing into the bathroom to look in the mirror.
She stared at the mirror in disbelief, watching her once brown eyes switch to a bright blue, and watching her facial features start to shift themselves and rearrange.
"Wow, a lot of facial changes huh? Well, I guess its not so bad..."
She said that before the surge of pain spread downward, flowing through her arms, chest, abs, legs and everywhere it could reach. The energy filling her was almost unbearable, pressing against her skin, as if trying to make more room for itself. She clawed at her skin, her body filled with an insane combination of heat, pain and... pleasure(?), which completely overwhelmed her, and she blacked out, right there on the bathroom tile.
Derrick stumbled back into the apartment two hours later, sighing, already not looking forward to the inevitable nagging that was going to come tonight.
He looked around the empty apartment, surprised thaf his girlfriend wasn't on their couch watching lifetime movies, which seemed to be her default way of cheering herself up. Confused, he called out
"Stephanie, babe? You there?"
While walking further into the apartment. Suddenly, he was interrupted by a deep voice coming from the direction of his bedroom, saying
"So I was 'just your type', huh? Gotta say, I think you had the right idea with this, babe~"
Derrick turned to the voice in surprise, seeing the most attractive man he had ever seen leaning in the doorway, handsome face, bright blue eyes, and incredible body fully on display by the pose he was using.

Derrick became aroused immediately, feeling his pants tent as he actively had to think about not drooling in front of this hunk, mind short circuiting at the sight in front of him, taking a long time to process what the man just said.
"Wait- babe? Stephanie, is that you? But- how... I don't understand!"
The man chuckled, a deep, sexy low laugh that made him look even more attractive somehow
"Think Stephen's more approriate now babe. And the old lady next door hooked me up, don't worry about it~"
Stephen held up the little vial, waggling it teasingly, while he grinned sadistically
"Now what do you say we use this, add a little meat to those bones, and then after we have some fun, we can share some of this gift with our neighbors~"
And Derrick, despite knowing it was a terrible, immoral ideal, couldn' t deny, that at this moment, turning everyone into their apartment building into hunks just as sexy as Stephen was everything he wanted to do.
The old woman knocked on stephanie's door quietly, waiting patiently for someone to answer the door (she had received a call from Derrick inviting her over just a half hour Go), before a voice echoed from inside
"Come in, its open!"
So she invited herself inside, walking into their living room, but finding it empty, though there was a ton of noise coming from the kitchen. There was a tray of cookies on the coffee table that Derrick quickly shouted to say she should feel free to take, so she helped herself, eating the small confection, surprised at the delicious taste.
As she was eating it, she called into the kitchen
"Did you and stephanie enjoy the gift I gave to her?"
She was genuinely curious, and assumed that this visit was probably as some sort of thanks. To her surprise, however, derrick laighed at that, and almost sounded sarcastic in his response.
"Yeah, 'Stephanie' and I really loved it. We found a lot of uses for that little gift of yours. In fact, did you know that your little potion tastes incredible in any baked good you put it in?"
The second the voice said that, the woman looked down at the tray in horror, getting up to leave and hopefully rush home to find an antidote, but before she could sheheard someone enter from the other room.
"You're not leaving already, are you? Stephen and I haven't even gotten the time to properly thank you. Plus, I just finished a new batch, and I need you to help me hand it out to all the neighbors~"

The moment Derrick entered, heat rushed through her body, and she sat down, resigning herself to her fate. The last thing she got to see before she blocked out was 'Stephen', looking nothing like the girl she had innocently tried to help earlier this morning, walking in from the bedroom and smirking at her.
"Just give in, Granny. You're gonna love it just as much, if not more than I did"
And when Grant woke up in his own bed later that same day, he had to admit it. Stephen was 100 percent right~

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Jason swore loudly and had to resist the urge to throw his controller down, pissed that he kept dying cause of the game's stupid glitches (Also known as own mistakes). Still, he regained his composure, and smiled before saying
"Alright chat, we're gonna finish up this one and then we're gonna move on to another game. There should be a poll on top for what we do next"
Jason was a moderately successfully game streamer, averaging about 200 to 300 viewers a night, entirely based on his wit and skill. He knew for sure that they weren't coming for his looks, given his weedy, thin frame, overly pimpled face and large, nerdy glasses. Still, it was enough for him, and he was happy with the progress that he'd made.
As Jason got himself set up for the next game, he heard a shocking sound from above him. The victory theme from one of his favorite JRPGs was blaring through the speakers, and he came up, staring at the screen in shock. He knew what that sound meant. That meant someone had tipped him one thousand dollars, completely out of nowhere.
He looked in shock at the notification on the stream, seeing that it was from someone named JockBro69, with the simple message "Can't wait to get to know you better, cutie~"
Jason was completely stunned. Not only had someone actually redeemed the donation goal that he set as a joke (That being that whoever was stupid enough to tip 1000 dollars got to have a 15 minute private chat with him), it was also someone that he'd never seen in his chat before.
Thoroughly weirded out, but knowing that he had to honor his commitment, he sent the guy a quick private message.
"Dude, I don't know how to thank you enough! Guess I'll see ya pretty soon!"
With that, he sent the man his private zoom link, and said goodbye to the chat, who were still going wild over this turn of events, before pausing,the stream and hopping over to discord for the call.
Not two seconds after his stream stopped, he got a requested video call on discord from the guy, and he opened it up, giving a second for the video to load, but when it did, he was completely dumbfounded again. He was expecting the mysterious donator to be some fat, sweaty silicon valley nerd with too much and money on his hands, but instead what met him was possibly the hottest man he's ever seen, standing up and looking down at his webcam with a friendly expression.
"Fuck, bro! Its so good to finally fucking meet you, I've been such a big fan for a long time, and this is a really big deal for me~
The man had a deep, rumbling, pleasant voice, that shot straight down Jacob's spine and left him feeling strangely... inadequate. Like the fact that his voice wasn't as smooth or melodic as this guy's was his fault, and he should be ashamed of that fact. Still, this guy was pretty pleasant to look at, Jason had to admit. He wasn't gay, definitely not, but he could acknowledge when another guy simply looked good.
Jason scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not entirely sure of what he should do or say. Still, this guy spent 1000 dollars on this meeting, so he had to try anyway.
"So, umm.... I see your username is jockbro69... What's your actual name thought? I don't think I've ever seen you in chat before..."
The other man actually laughed at this, before looking confused and saying
"What are you talking about bro? Its me, Ethan! I'm in your chat all the time! Man, I guess what they say about playing games so much is true, huh?"
At this statement, Jason actually went pale with shock. THIS was Ethan? This was the guy who's username used to be runningLink? Who was an active fan of the zelda series, constantly begged Jason to play them, and bemoaned the fact that no would date him? It just didn't seem right...
Still, Jason, ever the semi professional, continued on, pretending that he wasn't shocked at the news.
"Well, thanks for supporting me so much! Seriously, this means a lot to me... Ummm... so I guess tell me some of your favorite things about the channel then!"
The man laughed again, the sound coming out in a slow, dumb chuckle, before saying
"What's my favorite thing? Do I even have to say, bro? Its the amazing piece of eye candy I'm looking at right now. You're super hot, bro~"
At this, Jason was shocked, but he chuckled awkwardly while blushing, and said
"Really? I don't think I've ever heard a single person say that before. I guess I consider myself slightly below average..."
The guy looked confused at that, before pressing on
"Really, bro? You look super hot to me, you got those bright, blinding blue eyes that you can just get lost in~"
At this point, Jason knew the man was just messing with him. His eyes have always, and will always be a dark, muddy brown, hidden behind his massive frames. Jason was about to respond, when Ethan continued
"Yeah, and you got that super stylish haircut too, really makes you look super masculine~"
Now Jason was REALLY confused. The guy was right, he did always get complements on his eyes, the bright, shocking blue visible and striking even through his huge glasses. But his hair was always a long, unkempt greasy mess.
"Ethan, are you sure you're okay, you're not just seeing things? Cause I don't know what you're talking about"
Ethan ignored the comment, just continuing to press on
"And you've got that hot, manly face, with your strong jaw and amazing profile"
Jason was confused again. Sure, his stylish haircut did help him look much better, but his face had always been pretty androgynous, with hints of baby fat still present in his cheeks. Again, before he could interrupt, Ethan continued,
"And you've got that smooth smooth skin, that hot stubble, that sexy smirk of yours. You're the full package bro~"
Jason laughed at this. Ethan was clearly being way too complementary. Sure his face had a great shape to it, with strong cheekbones and a square jaw, but his skin was still acne marked as hell, his smile was crooked and awkward, and he'd never been able to grow any facial hair, no matter how much he tried.
"I really have no idea what you're talking about Ethan. Sure I've got some good features, but the overall package isn't much to write home about~"
Ethan smirked again, his eyes lighting up with humor, as if he knew something I didn't.
"Nah, bro, you're underselling yourself. Plus, you've got that body~"
"What about my body? I think its pretty average, though I guess I'm a bit on the skinny side..."
Jason looked down at himself, trying to contemplate what Ethan meant. Sure, he'd been blessed with an attractive, manly face, but it didn't change the fact that his body was still below average at best.
"Again, bro! Putting yourself down. You really think those massive logs you have for arms are below average?"
Jason looked down at his skinny arms, and said
"More like logs than twigs man, seriously."
"And what about your legs? You've spent so long working on em, you've got thighs and glutes to kill for~"
Jason laughed again
"I dunno man! Most people say the exact opposite. They say I spend too much time on arms and not enough on my torso and legs. What can I say though? I love having big, beefy arms."
"Of course you do, bro? Who wouldn't? Especially when right in between em, you got your big, pillowy chest, your sexy abs, and your super toned back~"
Jason was seriously starting to wonder if Ethan was on something. Anyone could clearly see from first glance that Jason's body was badly proportioned, his arms and legs being massive from months to years of work, while he neglected his back, pecs and ab muscles. Still, he thought he looked pretty alright honestly.
"And I especially love how you're not only super sexy, you know it and flaunt it~ I don't think I've ever seen you once wear a shirt. The most you'll wear is a necklace, and even then, not like that covers anything, bro~ Only makes you look sexier"
Now here Jason had to disagree. He knew that he had cultivated and developed an amazing body over his years of going to the gym, but that was all for his own personal satisfaction. He never flaunted it unnecessarily, especially not during a stream.
"And I love the fact that you're such a fucking bro, bro. Every other word out of your mouth is bro and dude, you can't go even five minutes without flexing and thinking of fucking, or going to the gym, or hanging out with your other hot bros. We all know that your brain is basically only good for working out and looking hot. No smart's up there. And you've got your deep, sexy voice, too. Makes it even hotter that you're a gay bro, just like me"
Jason HAD to laugh at that. What the guy was saying was just so ridiculous.
"What the hell are you talking about? Look, I know that I like to show off my sexy body a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm some kind of dumb jock. And I'm definitely straight, dude. Don't know why you'd think I'm gay"
Ethan pressed on, completely unabashed by Jason's last comments.
"But you know the best fucking part, bro? Its that power of yours. The fact that any weak ass nerd who looks at you and your huge fucking muscles grows into a hot, dumb bro like us within seconds~"
Jason was busy flexing, staring at his own bicep in awe, as if he was shocked by him impressive he was. He looked up at Ethan blearily, saying
"Sorry, bro, what'd you say? I guess I got a bit fucking distracted. Huhuhu. But who could blame me~"
"Nah, it was nothing bro. You don't need to worry about it. Now should head back to the stream?"
Jason gasped in excitement, having forgotten entirely about the fact that there was a whole stream audience full of lame ass nerds, just ready for him to make as sexy as he and Ethan were.
"You got it bro~ This is gonna be so fucking hot~"
Jason left the call, going back to the stream and restarting, glad to see that a full 300 people were still watching, even through the extended break. The second he turned his camera on, he could see that people were confused for some reason, saying a stranger broke into his house. How stupid could these people be? How did they not recognize him? Still, not like it would matter for long...
"Hey bros! How're we all fucking doing? Welcomes to today's stream..."
He trailed off, looking blankly at the camera, before saying
"You know what? Fuck video games! Who needs them when you can do this~"
And as his pecs bounced and bounced hypnotically, the chat slowly transitioned from messages like "What the fuck is happening?" or "Who is this dumb jock?" to "Fuck, bro! Your pecs look so fucking hot today!" and "Huhuhu, I love making my pecs bounce like Jace's~"
And so the stream continued, Jace showing everyone all the amazing things his body could do, while anyone that was watching, whether they wanted to or not, began to copy him exactly. And as the stream went on, the viewer count rose, and rose, and rose...
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Introducing JockTee-z. The shirt that you won’t feel any different in when you have it on. Cause it’s not about keeping it on, it’s all about taking it off. Pull it up, give a show, the more you tease, the more you grow. Go ahead. Try one on, feel the confidence as you take it off, and see what you become. You won’t want to wear a shirt again.
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Jocked Jeans Testimonial #5:
I remember when JackedJeans first came out, and we all saw the ads for them. Telling everyone about how with only a pair of jeans you could get the body you always dreamed of. Of course, we all thought it was ridiculous, until people who used to have chubby or rail thin bodies suddenly looked like adonises, striding in shirtless with their new JackedJeans.
And then close friends started trying them out too, showing up much handsomer and more charismatic than before. But I resisted. I thought the whole thing was weird, and I didn't like the idea of people being changed by these pants.
Well, I was wrong.
And I never would have learned that if it weren't for my amazing bros, who, knowing how,much I was missing out, snuck into my house at night and helped me try on a pair of JackedJeans while I was asleep. It was the greatest experience of my life, waking up, feeling the jeans changing my body already. The pleasure as my back straightened, my face became more masculine, my muscles grew in. The confidence that came with my stylish hair, my handsome looks, my knowledge that I looked incredible in my JackedJeans. And the feeling of joy, of finally being able to hang with my bros the way I should. It was unimaginable.
So take it from me. I resisted JackedJeans. I thought they were weird, maybe even a bit scary. But I was wrong, I was so wrong. Go out and get a pair and feel how great it is to be like us. Or if you already are a JackedJeans man, and know someone who was like me? Be a good friend, and help them along the way. Trust me, neither you nor them will regret it~

Interested in fashion and getting muscle? Say no more!
Introducing Jacked Jeans™, a new product from GAIA sure to get every guy’s attention.
A unique pair of one-size-fits-all jeans, the jeans are categorized by desired muscle type - lean, bulk, bodybuilder, athletic. Oh, I almost forgot. Once you put them on, you’re definitely never putting a shirt on ever again… and definitely getting a new life that suits the new, jacked you!
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(Not me forgetting the photo 😑)
He was in the middle of a long gaming session, so when he saw his roommate and best friend was going downstairs to do laundry, so he asked him if he could do his laundry as well. His roommate agreed and he sat back, relaxing, having no idea that downstairs, his roommate was adding opening a can of jockcycle to both of their loads, having grown sick of being a scrawny nerd and deciding to take his best friend along for the ride. By the time his roommate returned, freshly jockified with an attitude to match, he looked up from his game, gave him a dim, sexy smile and said
"Sup Bro! Thanks for doing that shit for me! So what's up first? We hitting the gym or we fucking?

Jock Cycle
It’s hard to say what did it. The musky sweaty smell of the detergent, the way the bubbles reshaped and transformed his plain old clothes into muscle fit shirts and dirty sweat stained athletic gear, or is it the built-in Jock-Cycle setting on the machine? Wherever the cause the effects were clear. By the time he started unloading, a little confused by all the new items, he’s grown into a whole new version of himself- tan, muscled, cocky, horny- ready to show off every piece of his new self with or without the clothes.
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Max sighed as he arrived at the university's gymnasium and "Physical education Center", already dreading what was to come. Being a skinny, glasses wearing, nerdy biochemistry major, he avoided the campus gym like his life depended on it, doing anything he could to avoid interacting with the meatheads of campus. Still, his university required one physical education credit to graduate, so he had to be here now.
Luckily for Jason, the school offered an accelerated two week boot camp, just for students like him who were less physically inclined. So all he had to do was put up with two weeks of this nonsense, and then he'd never have to think about exercise or sports again.
Once inside, he went to the gymnasium as instructed, the large room completely empty, other a couple small rows of folding chairs, maybe about 20 total, clearly set up as a makeshift classroom in the back. A few of the seats were filled with guys who looked just as out of place as him, and he sat down, waiting for,the instructor to arrive.
Eventually, all the seats filled up with nerds like himself, and they waited 5 minutes, 10, 15 before finally an incredibly attractive young man, maybe about 25 or 26, approached the podium, folder in hand, smiling broadly.
He introduced himself as Coach Bradson, and, after brushing off exclamations of disbelief at his young age, he pressed forward firmly.
"Alright, boys! We've only got two weeks for this class, so we're not gonna waste time with any of this syllabus shit! Get to the,locker rooms, hit the showers, change, and then meet me on the outside court!"
Everyone was confused at this, and one guy even had the bravery to ask why they were showering before playing, but the,coach rebuked him firmly
"Are you here to question me, or to pass this class? You can't have both! Now get in there. There's soap and shit for you already"
Scared, all the men ran into the bathroom, and slowly took turns showering, sharing what little supply of the strange, black soap they even had. When it was Max's turn, he brought the soap to his skin, and was immediately hit with a rancid smell, smelling strongly of sweat, and B.O. Still, with no other option, he rubbed the weird bar all over his body, groaning at the awful smell now coating him.
After showering, they all got changed, looking awkward in their baggy tee shirts and shorts, and everyone headed outside to meet coach Bradson on the court.
Once everyone was gathered, coach Bradson addressed them all
"Now there we go! All of you dressed, freshly showered. But something's still not right. None of you look like you belong on this court. Don't you think so... bros?"
As soon as he said that, Jason felt a weird twinge in his body, but he didn't realize what it was until he looked to his side and saw that at least 10 of the guys next to him had all raised one of their arms and flexed, in a stereotypical cocky pose. And it wasn't until he looked at himself that he realized he was doing the same thing. Horrified, he put his arm down immediately, as did the other guys.
Coach bradson was unfazed, however, and just chuckled before continuing
"What do you bros all look so freaked out for? All you did was flex, just like any good bro would do. You looked so cocky, so manly. Just like a real bro~"
Each time Bradson said that word, it echoed in his brain, making him feel foggier and foggier. This time, it took him at least 20 seconds to realize he'd lifted both his arms up into a huge flex, and he couldn't even find the strwngth to put them down. And it seemed like everyone else was in the same predicament.
Bradson chuckled again "There you go, bros. Just stand there, let it all out. Look at me, whilr you make your bro poses, and let bro-ness take over your whole body. As you flex, every thought that isn't about lifting with, fucking with or hanging with your bros should leave you, and never come back. Bros don't need all that useless shit! You're sexy, you're strong. You're a fucking bro~"
At this point, every utterance of that word sent a wave of pleasure through Max's body, his muscles inflating more and more, his shirt melting away, his face getting hotter and his self confidence growing with every second. The waves of cocky self assurance, the calls for a simpler life were getting hard to resist. But even as his body, and the bodies around him, changed to become more and more like a... jock, he resisted. He had to resist. He would always resist.
At least, he would, until he heard a deep voice behind him say "Fuck bro! Just give it up! It feels so fucking good to be a bro!"
That deep voice, previously a nerd like himself, cut through Max, and broke him. There was no way to stop this. Max was doomed to become a bro (even thinking the word accelerated the changes). Max was already becoming a bro, with tight abs, huge pecs, and a great face. Max is a sexy ass bro, with a cocky personality, a tight ass, and a great cock!
Max looked around at his classmates, and was glad to see that they all appeared to have succumbed, or were very close to succumbing, just like Max did. Except for one. Thomas was standing in the corner, arms raised, face screwed up in concentration, but still just as much a nerd as he started. Every bro around him was feeding him bro phrases, trying to get him to turn, but nothing was working. Still, Max knew Thomas. He'd had many classes with him. He saw the way he looked at the bigger guys in his class, and knew exactly what he liked.
So Max sauntered over, getting right behind him, leaning down, and whispering into his ear in the deepest, most seductive voice he could muster
"Just give in already, bro! It feels fucking amazing. To give in to your inner bro-ness. And just think, bro. Once you're a bro like me, I'll let you ride me, fuck me, do anything you want with me. All fuckin' day long. Just two bros helping each other out~"
At that, Thomas' eyes shot open and he let out a low, gasping moan, before the same changes that overcame the rest of them took him as well, his body becoming that of an alpha bro in seconds. And once that cocky, seductive smirk appeared on his face, they knew they'd finally got him.
Coach Bradson looked at his new class, pleased at the fact that they had already started complimenting each other, some of,them even beginning to get handsy together. The soap had worked just as well as it did when his then roommate, now boyfriend Ryan used it on him.
And, luckily for him, he and Ryan had an open relationship, so Ryan wouldn't mind if he took one, or a few, or all of his new, hot class home with him...

Short story based on @papermoon357 's newest little prompt series. Go check out their captions, they're consistently great!
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Beer Up
Somehow Zoro had managed to get lost again. The straw hats had only gone ashore for a short stay on this island to buy food in town. That lousy ship’s cook had said something about special fruits that he wanted to buy for Nami and Robin. Zoro preferred to stretch his legs a bit and was now back in the harbour. Unfortunately, he was in the wrong part, because the Straw Hats’ ship was nowhere to be seen.
“Huh? This is where I started walking, isn’t it?” the former bounty hunter asked himself, scratching his head. His swords clinked as he turned around and took another closer look. But that was exactly the number from earlier! 4 5 1 was written on the sign in front of the dark ship. “Or was it 5 4 1? Or was it 1 4 5? Hm, could also have been 1 5 4”, Zoro mumbled, finding this stuff with the numbers somehow very confusing.
“Hey! You there! You with the green hair!” Someone shouted loudly, obviously referring to the swordsman. Zoro turned in the direction of the voice and looked a little bored at the man who was shouting like that.
“What do you want? Tell me, have you seen a blond guy like that with swirls for eyebrows?” shouted Zoro back. The man was standing on one of the ships. And had nothing on except a pair of pants.
“Yes, I did, are you one of the straw hats? They’re on a short trip to the neighbouring island, the captain heard there was particularly good meat there,” the man replied, shaking his head. Zoro smiled wryly. Yes, that sounded like Ruffy. Such a greedy guy…
Hm. Then they would certainly stay away for quite a while. Maybe Zoro could buy himself something to drink in the meantime. “All right, can you tell them I’ll be waiting in town when they get back? Is there a good shop for sake here?” he yelled at the other man and turned to leave.
“Nah, it doesn’t taste good here. Like cat piss. But we have fresh beer here. And we’ll be happy to buy another pirate some,” the man said, whereupon Zoro turned back to him. Was that so smart, going onto someone else’s ship? On the other hand… a cold beer sounded good too. He would train again later, then it didn’t matter. It was the others’ own fault if they just left him here. Slowly Zoro walked up the bridge to the ship and the other man tapped him on the shoulder. He was the same height as Zoro and had dark blue hair. And was really naked except for his pants.
“Welcome aboard. I’m Julius P. Ock, captain of the ship here - just follow me,” the man introduced himself and motioned the swordsman to come after him. The ship was quite different from the Straw Hats’. Zoro didn’t like it somehow. It was a bit musty. Smelled like those navy barracks. By now they were deep inside the ship.
“All right, go on in and get something, I’ll be right there,” Ock said goodbye and Zoro opened the door. At least ten other men dressed the same as Ock were sitting around, laughing loudly and drinking beer. Yes, that barracks smell was definitely coming from here. The door slammed shut behind Zoro. And then it was quiet.
Everyone stared at him. “What are you looking at me like that for? Your captain invited me for a beer. Otherwise I can leave,” Zoro said and stared back. But when he said that, the expressions brightened and several people came up to him.
“Come on, Bro, drink all you want! We’ve got plenty,” they assured him and led him to a table on which one of them placed a giant jug. At the sight of the thick beer foam, Zoro’s mouth watered a little.
“Cheers then, you half-naked ones,” he shouted loudly and toasted the men, who bawled and patted him on the shoulders. No sooner had the first drops of beer wet Zoro’s tongue than he was out of his mind. This was the best beer he had ever drunk! He greedily drank the mug and when he had finished, he let out a very loud belch.
“Yo, can I have another one?” he wanted to ask, but he already had a second jug in front of him. Full of pleasure, he poured its contents down his throat. Then a fourth jug followed. And a fifth. Zoro felt great, even if his belly bulged a little more with each jug. Each time he downed it, he belched loudly. A little louder each time. And the team celebrated him.
“Ungh, this is ungh so delicious,” he moaned. Actually, it was already well filled, but he couldn’t stop. And then suddenly it began to gurgle in his belly. Zoro groaned as his bulging beer belly retreated. The beer made its way through the swordsman’s body, who kept drinking.
His body began to tremble and he felt a strong pressure everywhere. And then suddenly his already respectable muscles swelled. Thick, fat veins pressed against his skin and pumped the blood mixed with beer through his body. Zoro’s pectoral muscles swelled to their triple size, so that he could no longer see the ground when he looked down. With a crunch, his shoulders widened.
“Fuck, yeah - fuckin’ thick,” Zoro said between two mugs, making his huge pecs dance. He was far too drunk to find anything funny. His arms grew wider and heavier as his upper arms reached the size of melons and he could no longer lay them straight against his broad torso. With each sip, more muscles pressed against his skin until his green coat tore loudly and fell to the floor in shreds.
The assembled crew jeered and cheered Zoro to keep drinking. Which he did. All he wanted to do was drink. Another jug. Zoro spread his legs wide apart - they grew until they were as thick as tree trunks. He grunted with pleasure and belched loudly again. “Haha, rich sound, bro,” he said laughing stupidly and scratching his crotch with his free hand.
As if on cue, Zoro groaned as he touched his cock. And did it again. And as he did so, his belly, flat but trained until just now, swelled into a firm beer belly, but still showing the hard muscles.
Zoro’s head felt heavy. And it got heavier and heavier the more beer he drank and the longer he rubbed against his tight crotch. Suddenly a tingling sensation went through his body. Thick green hairs sprouted on his skin like a thousand little ants. „Fuckin hairy bro“, Zoro moaned and his voice dropped significantly. He chuckeled as he saw his thick chest slowly being covered with a rug of hair, leaving almost no free skin.
The hair went upwards and filled his deep pits with the same green hair, leaving him with thick tufts of hair. As soon as his pits were filled a musky smell appeared on Zoro‘s body. He breathed in deeply and moaned as his cock reacted on this musk that he produced. Zoro‘s mind felt dull. Bit by bit he was losing his intelligence while thick hair sprouted on his face. Soon his sideburns grew into a full beard.
„Fuck bro, need to fuck“, Zoro grunted and ripped his already strained pants. With both of his hands he grabbed his cock and started pumping his jock meat. Yeah, he was a fuckin‘ jock. Everytime his thickening hands touched his pubes they grew thicker and longer and produced the same musky odor as his pits. Fuck, he needed release! Furiously he jacked off and his cock filled the space between his hands. Like a plant growing out of grass his cock reached ten inches and became as thick as bottle. His balls swelled and dropped lower, thick semen was splashing inside of them.
Zoro couldn’t think anymore. He was a jock. A dumb smelly jock. He grunted and sweat was pouring down his body. His musk was filling the room. He was no pirate. He was a jock. A bro. A fuckin‘ jock who was fucking, lifting and drinking all the time! And with one deep grunt Zoro came and shot all of his old identity out of his balls. Gallons of cum splattered all over his fellow jock crew mates and they eagerly licked it away, causing themselves to come into their jockstraps.
Zoro was breathing heavily. He was a jock. The biggest and smelliest jock of the Jock pirates. Yeah.
Hey tf-fans! I finally made it - this story was the last requested Story from January and it was requested by @mcbrute. 🙈 I‘m so sorry you had to wait so long, but I hope you like the story! 😊
Please feel free to submit your ideas or wishes for tf stories. My ask box and dms are open - I just maybe need some time to answer. But I really appreciate your messages! <3 Have fun and stay safe! 💜
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JockSun Winter is a specially designed formula, new to the markets. Not only does it offer the same great UV protection and confidence boosting the regular JockSun does, it also protects against the frigid cold weathwrs of the season, allowing you to show off your new assets at any time!
*Side effect Warning: JockSun Winter is known to cause mental changes slightly different to our typical summer oriented products. Winter customers may find, instead of an inclination to surfing and hanging at the beach, and desire to hit the slopes, showing off for the whole mountain with their bros*

Who says you can only use JockSun in the summer? Winter months get plenty of sun, especially reflecting off the bright snow. So give JockSun a try any season. Protect yourself from being a know-it-all shut-in at any time of year, get outside, soak up some sun, and put on a show.
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Jocksun sunscreen isn't just recommended for traditional summertime activities, like going to a beach, either. Our team of 'scientists' suggest using Jocksun even when you're doing something as simple as walking to the store. No other brand can provide you the protection and confidence you need to keep yourself safe from the sun's harmful rays, while also drawing attention from everyone else you pass. Why not offer them a bit of your Jocksun, anyway? Not like you need the rest of the bottle. The effects are permanent, after all

JockSun sunscreen does more than just UV shielding, it protects your skin from being underexposed and under appreciated. The special formula boosts your confidence in the sun, giving you everything you need to want to get out there and show off. The more exposure the better, adjusting your outfit and outlook to be the best jock in the sun you could be.
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One Of Us
“But, these students…” Adrian lamented. A professor at the local university, Adrian had grown weary of his classes filled with rowdy, jacked-up male students who had no desire to learn. He, and the students in question, had been asked to front the faculty director in light of half the class failing their exams.
“Professor,” the faculty head interrupted, “You cannot fail half the class. A lot of these students are here on sporting scholarships or pay their way in.”
“And I’m to go easy on them just because of that?!”
“Look, Adrian, we can’t have whole classes failing. We need the money these students bring in. I won’t be discussing this further,” the director replied sternly.
The professor was furious. He’d had enough of dumb, nineteen and twenty-year-old jocks disrupting and humiliating him, a thirty-six-year-old intellectual, in the middle of his classes. He left the office, avoiding eye contact with the group of sporty young men awaiting their turn with the director.
“All of you, come in,” the older man’s voice quietly echoed out from his office. The strapping students shuffled into the cramped space and stood over the director’s desk as he turned to them. “Boys, I believe I have a singular solution to both of our problems,” he continued in a hushed voice as he slid a silver chain across the desk.
The final class of the day, the one Adrian dreaded most, started late in the afternoon. The professor avoided eye contact with the irritating young men but noticed how much better behaved they seemed to be that evening. He pondered what the faculty head must have said to them.
As class wrapped up and half the students filtered outside into the dusk, the other, problematic half remained.
“You can go now,” Adrian said.
The half-a-dozen young jocks approached Adrian at the front of the room. “So, uh, Professor Buckley, we got you something,” the leader of the pack mumbled, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a simple, silver chain necklace.
“Uh… t-thank you?” Adrian looked at the light, metal chain with a puzzled look. It was something the troublesome students would wear, so he thought perhaps it was a genuine attempt at apology. He looked around at the group of men, only to notice sinister smirks on their faces.
“One of us,” the jock holding the chain muttered. As if responding to the words, the necklace lunged at Adrian and wrapped itself around his neck. The metal stung his skin as if were molten hot or freezing cold. The professor grunted as he struggled to remove it, but it held on tight.
“One of us! One of us!” the young men chanted, with each repetition increasing the intensity of the energy pummelling the professor’s body.
Adrian groaned as the necklace flooded his body with some invisible force in response to the jock’s words. He felt heavy, hot, and horny. “What have you done?!” Adrian yelped at the young men as he tried to conceal his growing boner.
“Shit dude, I can’t believe it’s actually working,” one of the jocks exclaimed.
The professor hunched over his desk and moaned as every repetition of the chant triggered the necklace to pump more and more energy into him. The feeling of movement across his stomach caused him to look down where he could see more and more of his torso being revealed. But he wasn’t growing - not yet - his shirt was shrinking. It folded in on itself, vanishing from his body entirely. Likewise, his slacks were pulling inward, becoming a pair of soft gym shorts while his socks disintegrated and his expensive leather shoes split apart, reforming into rubber slides. The professor wasn’t in bad shape, especially for a man approaching middle-age. An average, healthy body dusted with dark hair now stood exposed at the front of the room. The jocks were slightly amused seeing their academic professor shirtless and dressed in the same shorts and footwear as themselves.
With his clothing irreversibly modified, the intensity of the necklace’s influence trebled. Adrian whined and gripped the end of the desk as he very slowly began to stretch taller. He watched in terror as the hairs on his arms began to recede, followed by those on his chest, stomach, and legs, leaving just a sparse, light smattering behind. Freckles, lines, and blemishes faded from his skin as it took on a smoother, younger, tanned tone.
The professor clasped at his face as the short, dense beard he was so proud of retracted away, many of the hair follicles disappearing as he was left with a smooth face. His eyes blurred and strained. Adrian threw his glasses onto the table and was shocked to find he could see perfectly, and that he was now eye-to-eye with the six-foot-one jock who had first revealed the necklace.
“Please… augh… stop,” Adrian gasped, “I-I’ll… ah… pass all your exams.”
“Hah, no way man,” another of the young men chimed up, “You’re gonna be one of us!”
Those three words once again made Adrian moan loudly as they caused his chest to begin to slim down and ripple with new, lean muscle mass. Two small but well-defined pecs formed along with a tight six-pack of abs that pressed out hard from his slim stomach.
His arms did the same. His shoulders crunched as they pulled inward, rounding out as they pumped up with bulk as well. His biceps tensed and bulged as muscles he’d never before possessed fluttered with growth down to his wrists.
Adrian’s hands cramped and crackled against the desk as they too expanded. He struggled to hold himself up as his palms soared across the table and his fingers stretched longer and slimmer.
“Augh, p-please…” the professor whimpered.
But the dumb, young men continued, “One of us!”
Adrian could feel his years of study and research fading away as the men chanted. The longer the transformation went on, the more Adrian could feel the idea of being one of them becoming more and more appealing.
The professor stifled a yell as his legs thinned while simultaneously strengthening with youthful, trained muscle. His long, slim legs undulated with swelling, lean muscle from years of deliberate working out.
Adrian bit his lip, staining his changed underwear with pre-cum at the feeling of his ass swelling. He reached behind himself with a large, clumsy hand and gasped as he gripped his perky, toned bubble butt. He somehow remembered all the squats and exercises he had to do to get an ass like that. “No, no…” Adrian bemoaned as he realized this was but one of many new memories invading his mind. Thoughts of working out and hanging with his bros were slowly replacing academic study and personal hobbies.
The group of men surrounding Adrian noticed the damp spot at the center of his tented shorts. “Look’s like he’s enjoying it,” one of them barked.
“Augh, fuck you, man! F-fuck!” Adrian growled in fury and ecstasy while his toes twitched and popped as they began to lengthen. The slides expanded into size thirteens, ready to accommodate his growing feet. His toes raced against the rubber, cracking into long, powerful digits while his soles and arches stretched larger.
The professor panted and moaned, resisting but incapable of denying how incredible it all felt. And yet it still wasn’t over. He gripped his hair as his facial features moved and adjusted. He could feel the hair between his fingers become softer and scruffier. His nose completely reshaped and grew along with his ears, accentuating the cute, dumb, and cocky veneer his face was adopting.
Adrian could feel how athletic, cocksure, and good-looking he was. He could barely resist the transformation any longer.
“Augh, m-my d… my di- ahh!” he screamed as his erection pulsed with incredible energy. It too was to be amended to match his tall, slim, athletic body. It pushed and stretched into his shorts, stretching the tented fabric further and further outward.
“Whoa, dudes, check it out!” the lead jock laughed, signaling toward Adrian’s growing bulge. “One of us! One of us!” the men continued.
Underneath the clothing, Adrian’s balls were expanding, pairing with the thickening and lengthening cock. “Please…” he moaned desperately, feeling what little of his former self draining into his expanding dick. What was now a solid eight inches had stretched the shorts too far. The waistband was going to slip up over the end at any moment. “Please…” Adrian moaned again, “Please don’t stop.”
“One of us!”
Gripping the desk tight, Adrian groaned and laughed in a lighter, younger tone. “F-fuck yes!” he yelled as his cock stretched to over nine inches and bounced up from under the waistband, unleashed to the air, “Bro, I’m g- gonna… c- ah! Ah!”
Cum exploded across the desk as Adrian fell back against the chalkboard. He smirked and bucked his hips, groaning and shooting load after pent-up load. The chanting slowed as the group of delinquent college students watched in awe and disgust. A few of them adjusted their own packages, turned on by the fellow fuckboy having the time of his life in front of them.
Eventually, Adrian - now a nineteen-year-old jock - returned to reality and tucked his swinging, soft package into his shorts. “What the fuck are y'all looking at? You wish you had a cock like this,” he sneered and laughed. The young men in front of him looked lost for a moment, their ears rang as new memories whispered in their minds. Adrian was their friend and always had been. He was one of them.
Quickly, the group snapped back and circled around the new jock for high-fives and pound hugs. The faculty director watched on from a few floors above with a satisfied expression as the strapping young men dispersed for the day. Just as he’d intended, the college now had one less troublesome staff member and one more troublesome student.

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It had all started a few months ago. Isaac had been walking home late at night taking a shortcut through the poorly illuminated local park. Suddenly a series of deep screams and shouts rang out through the night air, stopping him in his tracks. Isaac moved forward, believing it to be the antics of some drunk men nearby. But another set of yells boomed out, closer this time. He walked faster, through the dark park only to see the figure of a man hunched on the ground in the distance.
Concerned for himself and the man, Isaac nervously approached, “E-excuse me? Are you okay?”
Isaac got close enough that the light of the full moon revealed the man to be naked, panting on all fours. “What the hell?” he whispered to himself.
The man slowly stumbled to his feet, unveiling his imposing height and muscular frame. Isaac looked on stunned at the sight of this naked specimen of virility standing mere feet away from him. Tattered clothing hung from the man’s thick, hairy limbs. The man’s chiseled, bearded face oozed masculinity, his eyes tinged with fear and lust. Most eye-catching of all was the enormous, hard cock jutting out from a pair of ruined shorts, surrounded by a nest of dark pubes.
Isaac braced himself as the man seemed to come to his senses and dashed forward. “P-please, get away!” the man yelled as he pushed Isaac out of the way and ran. Isaac tumbled to the ground and the man span back around, realizing how hard he’d pushed the scrawny twenty-eight-year-old. Terrified, the man looked on at Isaac pushing himself off the ground, and continued his sprint away, disappearing into the dark.
“Fuck…” Isaac grumbled, brushing the dirt from his arms only to feel a damp, sticky something as well. He looked at the ground, seeing streaks of the watery, white substance sprayed across the dirt and pavement. “It looks like… Oh fuck, gross!” Isaac bemoaned. He rushed the rest of the way home, noticing how the damp spots on his arms and hands seemed to tingle and burn. He immediately showered to wash the man’s spunk from his limbs and crawled into bed, hoping to forget the experience quickly. Indeed, the events of that night left his thoughts over a few days and life went on. Until the next full moon, anyway…
It was about a month later when Isaac was relaxing on the couch, holding his phone over his face while the light of the full moon glowed through the window when a strange shiver rushed through him. The phone slapped him in the nose and fell to the floor. The lanky man followed suit, rolling to the ground as the twitching and tension spread quickly through his body.
All he could muster were primal moans, growls, and shouts as his body stretched taller. His limbs lengthened like his torso while his feet erupted from his shoes. Muscles swelled across his figure, destroying his slim-cut clothing. His head crunched and groaned as his face shifted and morphed, taking on more masculine properties and becoming incredibly attractive. He screamed in bliss as his cock pulsed larger and larger, shooting cum across his stunning body. Isaac spent that entire first night exploring his new body. Then, as the moon faded from the sky, his body retracted and reverted to how it had always been. This would be the first of many transformations to come.
At first, Isaac wasn’t sure what had happened, or if it would happen again. It was only after the first two transformations that he connected them to the full moon, leading him to prepare so his growing body wouldn’t obliterate his clothing as it did before. It was then that he realized he’d inherited some curse or contagion from the man in the park that night. Logically, he concluded he was contagious too, and so he tried his hardest to resist the overwhelming desire to seek out other men during his transformations. But in that superior form his inhibitions were lower and his personality carefree.
By the third full moon, the changes were becoming stronger. That night he couldn’t resist and found himself in bed with a handsome twink. Part of Isaac was horrified knowing that he was spreading the curse to someone else. But a growing part of him saw the affliction not as a curse, but a blessing. He couldn’t help but be turned on knowing that the cute bottom would morph into a jock stud like himself at the next full moon.
It was only two weeks after the last transformation that Isaac was walking home when he felt the changes strike out of nowhere. It was only early evening, and most definitely not a full moon. He barely made it to his home before he collapsed, incapacitated by the searing pleasure of becoming a masculine stud. From there the transformations grew more haphazard in duration and frequency, striking every full moon, but increasingly in between them as well and lasting longer every time.
After one week where Isaac had transformed four times, the last time during the middle of the day for almost 18 hours, he knew he was likely to change permanently at some stage soon. He wondered how he would manage the contagious nature of his condition if it became permanent, or if the new him would care at all.
It was right at the end of a workday while Isaac was on the phone with his supervisor when the telltale pins and needles moved up his arms, “Oh no…” His boss could hear him groaning down the line.
“Is everything alright?” his manager asked with some concern.
“I… argh… I think I’m coming d-down with something… I should g-go…” Isaac stuttered, slamming the phone down and fleeing the office. He got into his car, trembling as he tried to insert the key.
Sweat dripped from his forehead and stung his eyes as he sped down the roads. “No, no, no not now… Not n-n-nooooooow, augh!” Isaac cried out as his entire body stretched taller in the driver’s seat. He could feel warm cum unload against his leg. There was no holding the changes back any longer.
Isaac’s mouth hung open as he struggled to keep his eyes fixed on the road, resisting the urge to watch his shirt stretching and tearing under the pressure of huge pecs and broad shoulders bulging out from his body. His arms were bloating, expanding the sleeves of the slim-fit business shirt to breaking point. He gripped the wheel tight - the closest thing to flexing he could safely do in the moment - and moaned loudly at the power he felt in his strengthening limbs.
“Augh, god!” Isaac groaned, his hands cramping around the steering wheel as they too swelled in size. His hands broadened while his fingers curled longer and thicker around the pliable wheel.
A red traffic light offered some respite, allowing Isaac to survey the damage so far. His thick, furry pecs were painfully tight against the shirt and visible between the gaps of stretched fabric between buttons. He took the chance to relieve himself of his shirt and feel up the washboard abs that were gradually building above his stomach. “Oh god yes…” Isaac whispered before noticing the green light ahead, “Shit… shit… n-need to get home.”
As he pressed the accelerator he could feel the changes sweep across his legs. His slacks braced against his thighs as they ballooned outward. The swelling legs pushed and squeezed Isaac’s hard six inches which ejected another load. The cheap fabric stood no chance against the expanding muscle, tearing and splitting at the seams as the growth traveled downward. His lower legs followed suit and made short work of the pants, revealing limbs far more muscular than they had been minutes ago while his flat rear plumped up thicker and rounder against the seat cushion.
Isaac wasn’t far from home now. “Oh god,” he moaned as his feet began to enlarge within his shoes. He turned sharply into his driveway and stopped the car hard. He wasted no time dashing flounderingly into his home, hoping no-one saw his shirtless, half-transformed body from the street. He quickly removed the unbearably tight footwear from his feet with a sigh of relief and stripped off what remained of his shirt. He tugged the split and torn slacks and underwear down his long, thick legs and kicked them onto the floor. Long, meaty feet burst through the strained material, causing Isaac to fall onto all fours with a loud bellow. Cum unloaded onto the floor as his socks exploded, the size nine-and-a-halves pushing past size twelve into thirteen, then fourteen.
The next part was always Isaac’s favorite. His six-inch erection trembled as it pushed further out of his body. “Ah! Fuck!” he screamed as it bobbed in the air, pulsing longer and thicker with every passing moment. His cries of joy deepened over the coming seconds while his head reshaped into a more masculine appearance. His plain, average features became angular and broad. His smile was straighter, whiter, and devilishly handsome. Brown eyes shifted to blue and his dark brown hair lightened in tone while a blond stubble dotted his sharpening jawline.
Isaac growled, pumping the air with his now large cock as it continued its growth. With the end nearing, the throbbing member surged to ten inches, veins rippling down the shaft which thickened and stretched. The young man roared in rapture as the head of his pole swelled to match, shooting load after load as his final transformation came to a close.
Still hazy in the afterglow, the studly Isaac rose to his feet, dizzy and stumbling. “I… no, no,” he stammered to himself, feeling the urge to find a sexual partner rising already, “N… Y-yeah… Yeah, fuck yeah… Guys should be thanking me for passing this on!”
Isaac smirked as he thought about how to spread his gift…
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