#at 7:15 am
ghostofchaos-past · 1 year
Like Real People Do by Hozier represents all of the six of crows canon couples in a way i can't exactly put into words but just makes sense
specifically the lines
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask and neither would you
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pigeonneaux · 1 month
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I hear you call my name (and it feels like home)
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etrevil · 3 months
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madam you are drop dead gorgeous at nineteen I wish I could be half the woman you are 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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dthmet · 1 year
School jus started again and i Have like nothing to post so take these for now
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ask-shane · 2 months
your asks astonish me, but i realized theres only.. like.. 5 types of asks u get. so basically this is what i think ur ask box looks like rn:
anon1: haiii shane! luv u!
anon2: shane i hate you you look like you never shower you stink so much you filthy rat
anon3: shane ur so ugly i love you. ur such a cutie patootie. ur so pathetic. ur like the physicla embodiment of a wet paper bag. i luv u.
anon4: hi u have a nice ass :3
anon5: shane help my toilet exploded
basically what im tryin to say is that you dont get paid enough for this
i actually laughed out loud reading this.
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you think i get paid for this? i wish i were… i’m not. i actually think my paycheck gets deducted whenever i log into this blog.
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adilfoster · 1 year
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artkaninchenbau · 1 year
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An AWS comic
#My art#For the record I am not a medical professional and as far as I know AWS isn't even something you can be diagnosed with???#It's so hard to describe what the two sensory hallucinations really *FEEL* like#Like the time one... You know how a dramatic slow motion scene looks like in an anime?#It's like that but if you made it a 60 fps interpolated version of it#It is an absolutely bizarre feeling#Meanwhile the hyper awareness and everything feeling intense feels like how a fisheye lens shot in an anime feels#No I could not be bothered to try to figure out how to draw that for this comic#For the record I haven't actually had those visual hallucinations since I was a small small child#Hell I don't even think I had any hallucinations in my teens at all like#The sensory ones just kinda started happening again in the past 7 years or so?#Also the swelling sensation I've only had once so far. Usually I get the hyper awareness sensation#(Also sometimes I get this intense feeling of swaying when I go to bed but that might not be an AWS thing??)#(Like there's other things that could make you feel like you're rocking on a boat when laying down so I didn't include that)#No I have never talked to anyone about these hallucinations because for the longest time I didn't know what they were#And they are like. Harmless. Like I'm 100% aware they're just strange sensations but not real at all#They last max 15 minutes if even that long and they happen like super rarely#Only once have I had the hyper awareness be SO INTENSE it made me feel distressed#So like. It doesn't really affect my life at all? So why bother with it?#Also IDK if I could even go to a doctor and ask about AWS and have them know what that even is#And even if I could as far as I know there is no treatment for it so like. Whatever#As long as I don't start having distressing hallucinations or visual hallucination's I'll be fiiiiiine
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wildglitch · 1 month
Im 2 hours and a half away from debating infront of my class for 30 minutes. Im so fucked
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vampireposter · 8 months
regularly shocked by remembering wyll is 24. i'm 24. take this man Out of situations, his biggest worry ought to be whether his roommates are going to pay him back for pizza last night
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peak-dumbass · 4 months
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Shoutout to the furry transformer fans this one’s for you
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jamethinks · 1 month
I have a hard time hating Donovan because as much of an asshole he is to his son, that man has done nothing wrong in my eyes. I know the goal is to keep him as a mystery and a sort of looming threat but I’m not really threatened by the unknown.
He’s a dick to Damian but it’s never made clear why. The best assumption would be that he’s rich and therefore neglectful but that doesn’t seem to be the case with all the other kids at Eden. He just comes off as paranoid for again no particular reason. The most we know is that he thinks that everyone is inherently a bunch of liars which is a nice contrast to the main cast of characters and based on that odd conversation with Twilight we know that he extends this belief even to his own family. Unfortunately, I have a hard time hating him even for that because I’m the end Damian is like 6 and it just seems to logically insane to view a child as a potential opp that I can’t take it seriously. Also he never extended that kind of suspicion to Demetrius so I dunno maybe Damian is the problem.
As for his politics, they are effectively nonexistent. Only information that we know is that he maybe possibly would be interested in starting the war again but at the same time that’s not how war works. My best understanding is that he is trying to be re-elected to start the war again but if that’s the case then why would anyone vote for him? No context is given as to why he lost the last re-election (and that’s me assuming he lost and it’s not a case of term limits) or what the general public thinks of him. There was that one scene where Millie blamed him for the death of her father so maybe the gp isn’t too fond of him but it’s also never said why. As much as I am anti war I do know war is a nuanced issue so I can’t really say if I’m against Donovan without know why he is interested in the war. He didn’t even start the war also what even is the war. It’s constantly referenced but I don’t even know what they’re talking about. The timeline is so vague and confusing.
I’m nitpicking again but it’s really confusing. I get the upset about losing family to the war but wars are far too political and complicated for me to just side with anyone. Like I feel bad for veterans in general but also a lot of them are cold blooded murderers and rapists who proudly dedicated their lives to furthering white supremacy and engaging in neocolonialism so I can only feel so bad before I just say womp womp and move on. Brainwashing does seem to be an issue in Ostania but again like meh. They specifically said Ostania isn’t a socialist state which was the core of the conflict between East and West Germany and it’s the socialist/communist beliefs that caused the most harm in East German but if that not the case here then what is actually going on.
If you have any information that can help please share I am confused 🤔
Anyways here’s a tiny Yor
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daughterofsarenrae · 3 months
do you ever feel bad for accidentally spreading misinformation? like telling people something you thought was true only to find out later was wrong? for example, i used to tell people ferrets were smart. but then i met sparrow, who is perhaps one of the dumbest animals alive,
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destielgaysex · 2 months
well i came out as trans to two coworkers two separate times today. they both brought it up first, asking what pronouns i use. i then told them i am a trans man and use he/him and idc if anyone at work knows but im just not.. going to be super open about being trans. i work with toddlers and in the south so... i dont want any parents to start shit. luckily both these coworkers were super nice and both were checking to make sure they were respecting my pronouns bc everyone uses she/her. i told them i appreciated them waiting to ask me one on one and to keep using she/her at work. while talking to my second coworker, she mentioned that she has been wanting to ask me what pronouns i use privately bc as soon as i walked in on my first day she clocked me.. thank god tbh... thank god.
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indigo--montoya · 5 months
one of my favorite things is elves having base 8 math. so you can have Situations™️ when someone in the dragang has a birthday. take for instance this hypothetical
Rayla: I'm so glad my parents and Runaan are back! And just in time for my twenty-fourth birthday!
Callum: your WHAT.
Rayla: My birthday!
Callum: no hold up a second. go back. you're HOW OLD???
Callum: so you were. you were twenty when we first started dating?
Rayla: yes? Is something wrong?
Callum: I was FIFTEEN
Rayla: WHAT?!?!?! How-- who-- what-- I think I'm going to be sick. You seemed older than that! I can't believe I-- so that means now you're--
Callum: Nineteen.
Rayla: what's nineteen
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not tagging this because i don't want to swing a bat at a hornets nest tonight and also i don't even care that much but it's crazy to me that you'll go into the fallout tag and see people yelling like "you CAN'T tell people not to ship lucy and the ghoul OMG stop POLICING PEOPLE'S SHIPS" meanwhile lucy and the ghoul are by far the most popular ship both in the tumblr tag and on ao3, and i have to sift through a dozen ghoul/reader and ghoul/lucy posts to get to a single gifset. like, my guy, you do you, but you are very clearly in the vast majority here. why are you complaining. who are you even talking to
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ohhiplumbob · 2 years
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🧟‍♀️🦇 Monster Tea Party ☕💀
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