#astrid winters
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bo0sims · 1 year ago
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Meet the first matriarch of my new generations gameplay! This is Astrid Winters. She is 20 years old, has a small daughter named Autumn, and has sole custody of her twin brother & sister, Aden & Astrea.
When Astrid was just 16 years old, both of her parents were in a horrific and fatal accident that left both her and her siblings orphans. Until she turned 18, her and her siblings were separated.
Every night, Astrid planned & prepared to take her siblings the second she legally became an adult. she worked very hard, saved every penny of her money, and eventually had enough to move into a cozy two bedroom apartment. She signed the twins up for school, had a safe & warm place to live, and was granted custody effortlessly.
Unfortunately this whole process and trauma has taken a major toll on her overall well being, which led her to get mixed up in the wrong crowd as she approached young adulthood.
Throughout her 19th year of life, she lived a little recklessly, mostly became very promiscuous, and became pregnant. This was not the best news she could receive, but she has always found her pregnancy to be a blessing.
Now that she is a mother to sweet little Autumn, and the legal guardian of her siblings, she has been focusing her attention on healing and being the best role model she can be.
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midoristeashop · 1 year ago
I’m alive I swear (no)
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to those of u that sent me asks I promise I will get back to u I’ve been preoccupied with dissecting cats and sliding down my bathroom wall dramatically as I wistfully dream of a world that I am not perceived <3
Twins and Astrid doodles yayy
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bignostalgias · 1 year ago
anybody remember when we used to post mile-long sketch dumps on deviantart dot com. Yeah not me *sweats*
anyway pls take a sketch dump from the last few months of 2023 :))) thank you for such a fun and rewarding year on this blog!! 🥂✨
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(hijack yuri very much inspired by @jackshiccup’s lovely illustration)
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cheerleaderman · 3 months ago
The doesn’t bother me VS It’s too fing cold outside
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Jamil is not sharing his personal heater
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Tsum Jamil is cold too guys 😔
The Jarid list - @scint1llat3 @jovieinramshackle (let me know if you want to be tagged on the any list)
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movietimegirl · 2 months ago
That episode was AMAZING! BUCCCKY!
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astridwren · 2 months ago
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The sight of them coming in drew immediate attention. Not just from her, but some of the others inside the bar. Dark eyes squinted slightly as a smirk formed. "Damn. Tell me you're meeting a date coming in here looking like that. Otherwise I might have to scoop you up for myself."
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chicinsilk · 6 months ago
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US Vogue September 1, 1964
Astrid Heeren wears a blue and black herringbone tweed suit. The jacket, short, is double-breasted with a wide open notched collar, the walking skirt is composed of ample pleats. By Monte-Sano & Pruzan. Necklace, Marvella, gloves, Shalimar, Fedora hat by Lilly Daché.
Astrid Heeren porte un tailleur en tweed à chevrons bleus et noirs. La veste, courte est croisée avec un col cranté grand ouvert, la jupe de marche est composée de plis amples. Par Monte-Sano & Pruzan. Collier, Marvella, gants, Shalimar, chapeau Fedora de Lilly Daché.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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countlessofvoids · 27 days ago
In my humble opinion, Astrid's design in THW is a downgrade.
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scrollsfromarebornrealm · 1 month ago
murder grandmas 2.0
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They're bacckkkk...
And for those not familiar: murder grandma (re)introduction
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ansitru · 6 months ago
If summer has no haters, I'm dead.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 3 months ago
Ok also craving pregcup #2!!
Devastating Winter, Chronic Pain & A Baby
Summary: Set after THW. Pregnancy is difficult enough by itself, let alone when one happens to suffer from chronic pain at night during the colder months.
Warnings: Pregnancy
Rating: Teen and Up
Dead Dove: No
Words: 675
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author’s Notes: Stiiiiiilll searching for the motivation to post things. This fic took literally days to post. :')
Well into the night, Hiccup still lies awake in bed. He’s on his back underneath layers of blankets and furs and he spends these hours staring up at the ceiling. There’s very little else he can do, very little else he has the energy to do. Their bedroom is freezing despite the fire they kept burning in the firepit to keep their house warm. He’s sweating plenty underneath the many layers and yet he’s apparently not warm enough. Why else would old injuries be acting up?
His stump and the burns he suffered all from a battle many years ago haunt him every single winter and with devastating winter around the corner, his nights are only going to get worse. Then there is the fact that this season is a little more different than most as this year he’s pregnant with his and his wife’s first.
He’s a well over halfway, though the layers on him makes him seem even bigger than he actually is. Astrid is asleep, Toothless and the Light Fury are asleep. He lets his hand glide over his bump on top of the furs, even the baby is asleep. They’ve started moving and then kicking, but he has learned by now that the lack of movement doesn’t mean that something is wrong. It simply means that they’re asleep.
It’ll still be winter when they come, his stump and burn scars will still be plaguing him when the day comes that he’ll have to push a new human being into the world and it’s not for the first time that he realizes just how reckless this pregnancy is.
He doesn’t blame Astrid for his situation, his sleepless nights. He was just as thoughtless when he let her between his legs and eagerly accepted everything she had to offer him. They’re married, they want to love each other completely. Besides, he’s the one with the broken body, he should’ve thought of the implications. Those are certainly the thoughts going through his head. Nowadays, he can’t get around without the use of a cane, a tool usually reserved for his worser days.
With the amount of scarring on his lower body, he even needed Gothi to take a look at him to make sure whether he could even give birth to begin with. Right now, however, his biggest concerns are his sleepless nights.
Hiccup rolls onto his right side with some difficulty and tries to find a position that’s comfortable. Curled up or one leg out, arms underneath his pillow to thicken it up or not. He tries on his left side when the other one doesn’t work out and does his best to keep his grunts of pain to himself. He simply can’t find comfort and the twinges in his scarred muscles and joints don’t help matters much.
It’s maddening, enough to drive him up the walls. It’s frustrating.
Despite his best efforts, Astrid turns around to face him. In the darkness, their eyes meet.
“Hey,” she starts quietly. “Can’t sleep?”
Hiccup shakes his head. At least he can still move something without pain. Until morning comes and a migraine will have inevitably taken up residence inside his brain.
“I’m so tired,” he admits and he wishes that it was enough. That being tired and closing his eyes was all that it took for him to fall asleep, but it isn’t.
Astrid reaches over and cups his cheek. “Just close your eyes, try to get as much rest as you can even if you can’t fall asleep. And when morning comes, I’ll be taking over as chief. You curl up to Toothless, okay?”
Hiccup is tired enough and in enough pain that he agrees. Not that Berk expects him out much in his condition. He nods and Astrid scoots closer. She wraps her arms around him to hold him to her and he wraps one around her. Her chin touches his crown and his forehead her chest, he closes his eyes. She goes back to sleep and he does his best to.
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headfullof-ideas · 7 months ago
In line with the post I made of all the funny stuff to look forward to in the story, here’s some of the…less funny stuff that will happen over the course of the story. Because I love angst, and I didn’t hold back on trying to think of how some things might go realistically
- The riders dealing with all their enemies with no Berk to fall back to, Berk itself sometimes being one of those enemies
- The guilt, pain and trauma for all the riders that comes with Ant losing his leg
- Dragon training sessions on Berk going horribly wrong
- Kaiko and Will watching their thought-to-be-dead son go through everything he does, unable to change any of it (as this story is written in a ‘the characters watch their own show’ style)
- Ant having episodes where he can’t talk due to being selectively mute, because of his treatment of Berk, and the other riders and even Toothless having to learn how to help him through it
- The riders being captured and interrogated/tortured by Dragon Trappers
- The Dragon Fighting ring in RTTE being a more widespread operation
- Diving further into how the Red Death affected the dragons in her nest, and making the scene where Hiccup and Astrid (Ant and Kari here) find the nest worse
- Dragons and humans having panic/anxiety attacks
- The riders having to learn how to fight enemies outside of the ring on the fly (sometimes literally, because dragons) and not being the best at it in the beginning
- Ant being the village scapegoat due to not being white, and having no blood family on Berk to back him up, and all the internal issues that come to be because of that
- Gobber and Gothi, while being the primary caretakers of Ant who cared for him, not being perfect anyways, and still messing up in some ways
- Situations, characters, and character dynamics being complicated and messy
- No one region or faction of the world being ‘perfect’ or ‘good’ or even ‘bad’. Everyone has problems, and everyone handles them differently
- Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs trying to be ‘adults’ for Kari and Ant, because there’s no one else to help them in the beginning, but still struggling in some ways because they themselves are still kids who want an adult to help
- Characters having complicated family dynamics, with some parents not being perfect, and with some of the riders still missing their own parents and families, while also knowing that those very people are part of what drove them away to begin with
- Some characters, while coming to an understanding and acknowledging that the other has changed, not reconciling and becoming best friends, or even friends by the end of the story
- Not every enemy is redeemed. At least one character that isn’t an enemy in the films is, and they are not redeemed at the end
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i love her♥
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icantgobackimhaunted13 · 3 months ago
i love christmas, it makes me feel like i’m crawling manically and crashing into walls but in a fun way
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cheerleaderman · 3 months ago
sigh now I’m thinking of winter outfits for my ocs 🚶‍♀️ Gonna throw in the ships of course too but that’s for later
Concept sketching time ✍️
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hiccupbutpurple · 2 years ago
Dragon God Hiccup and Winter God Jack AU - Headcanons
- Basically Hiccup came to Earth to help bring peace between Dragons and Humans (plus the red death being a threat to his non-evil dragons).
- Gods can still come down they just can’t stay for prolonged periods without risk of hurting themselves. Jack visits Hiccup often and causes mischief obviously
- Toothless can see Jack but no one else can at first
- Jack was his lover who initially stayed the God realm - I’m thinking something bad happened last time Jack tried to be human (like him drowning in a lake in canon) and so Hiccup didn’t want to see him go through anything like that and took precautions to stop that from happening when he decided he needed to be human for a while (which Jack didn’t like and they have a convo about making decisions for each other at some point)
- He knows Hiccup is bad at lying so he’ll try to interact with him while the other riders are around just to be a shit and laugh as Hiccup tries to explain why he had been pouting or playfully pushing the air
- Initially I was thinking the twins would figure it out but I kinda like Fishlegs being the first and having the ‘holy shit my bestie is a God’ and try treating Hiccup like a God for a while. Eventually he realises Hiccup is already fond of him and doesn’t mind being treated like a mortal. He struggles to keep it a secret though because he worries about offending Hiccup and being smited or something
- Snotlout is a little frightened but soon overcomes that in favour of joining the twins in asking Hiccup to show off his powers. He has to be reminded not to boast about being friends with a God.
- Astrid and Hiccup developed feelings for each other like in canon and Jack knew but obviously Astrid didn’t which was a factor of why Hiccup was hesitant to date her. Once she finds out and she meets Jack they discuss it and are happy to share him.
- I like the idea of the Gods being disconnected from humanity on occasion, basically being corrupted by their powers. Since he’s been mostly separated from his powers once he starts using them he initially goes on a bit of a power trip arc (maybe Toothless got captured or something and he was having a bad day and got pushed over the edge - pun intended) and Jack is the one to calm him down. - I have a whole scene of it based on the ‘nothing left to lose’ song from the tangled series, I may get around to writing
(A lot of this is obviously inspired by the multitude of God-like Hiccup and Jack content in this fandom (and just the Hijack content in general too) btw - the main one probably being @mdoodlerfandomart’s AU for Dragon God Hiccup)
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