#i really play into people and situations not being what they initially appear on the surface
headfullof-ideas · 1 month
In line with the post I made of all the funny stuff to look forward to in the story, here’s some of the…less funny stuff that will happen over the course of the story. Because I love angst, and I didn’t hold back on trying to think of how some things might go realistically
- The riders dealing with all their enemies with no Berk to fall back to, Berk itself sometimes being one of those enemies
- The guilt, pain and trauma for all the riders that comes with Ant losing his leg
- Dragon training sessions on Berk going horribly wrong
- Kaiko and Will watching their thought-to-be-dead son go through everything he does, unable to change any of it (as this story is written in a ‘the characters watch their own show’ style)
- Ant having episodes where he can’t talk due to being selectively mute, because of his treatment of Berk, and the other riders and even Toothless having to learn how to help him through it
- The riders being captured and interrogated/tortured by Dragon Trappers
- The Dragon Fighting ring in RTTE being a more widespread operation
- Diving further into how the Red Death affected the dragons in her nest, and making the scene where Hiccup and Astrid (Ant and Kari here) find the nest worse
- Dragons and humans having panic/anxiety attacks
- The riders having to learn how to fight enemies outside of the ring on the fly (sometimes literally, because dragons) and not being the best at it in the beginning
- Ant being the village scapegoat due to not being white, and having no blood family on Berk to back him up, and all the internal issues that come to be because of that
- Gobber and Gothi, while being the primary caretakers of Ant who cared for him, not being perfect anyways, and still messing up in some ways
- Situations, characters, and character dynamics being complicated and messy
- No one region or faction of the world being ‘perfect’ or ‘good’ or even ‘bad’. Everyone has problems, and everyone handles them differently
- Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs trying to be ‘adults’ for Kari and Ant, because there’s no one else to help them in the beginning, but still struggling in some ways because they themselves are still kids who want an adult to help
- Characters having complicated family dynamics, with some parents not being perfect, and with some of the riders still missing their own parents and families, while also knowing that those very people are part of what drove them away to begin with
- Some characters, while coming to an understanding and acknowledging that the other has changed, not reconciling and becoming best friends, or even friends by the end of the story
- Not every enemy is redeemed. At least one character that isn’t an enemy in the films is, and they are not redeemed at the end
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bellestarot · 22 days
Pick a Pile
What's Next In Your Love Life? 🩷
♡ Take your time to choose
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Pile I
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This is a journey where you'll become more emotionally independent. It's about loving yourself first and getting to know who you are before being with someone else.
You're a very empathetic person, extremely kind to others, and I can see that your circle of friends is always there for you in both good and bad times. These people will have an even stronger presence in your life during the next chapters of your romantic journey as well.
You might meet someone who initially seems like the right match for you because they understand you and connect with you emotionally. Another person might appear too, someone younger and grounded, but still building their life and figuring out what they truly want. I see that both of these people will be interested in you and will try to reach out. However, I honestly see you thinking that you can find someone you truly connect with, as most of the people who approach you don’t really capture your interest. It’s easier for you to treat them as friends rather than romantic interests.
I see you becoming more financially independent, advancing academically, and taking better care of yourself—not just emotionally, but also focusing on your physical health. You’ll be buying clothes, treating yourself well, and caring for yourself in the way you want to be treated.
This is about how strong you are. I believe you’ll face some obstacles, situations where you’ll feel deep pain that seems impossible to resolve. But the universe is speaking to you, showing you signs and guiding you on the path you should take. Some challenges make us stronger and wiser, and I see great potential in you to become stronger and wiser amidst difficulties and the unknown. You will be led into unfamiliar territory on a new journey, a chapter of your life that you don’t yet know how it will unfold.
This is a reading about self-love, not love with others, because you can only love someone else when you truly love yourself.
Pile II
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You're definitely going to be getting out of the house more, going places, meeting new people, and opening your heart to them. You'll discover what happens when you truly embrace who you are, when you're in your essence. Are you allowing yourself to be happy in the moment and enjoying what you're experiencing? Because in the past, some of you were hurt by someone who came into your life.
Maybe it was someone you thought was your ideal type—physically attractive, someone you really believed would be the love of your life, your soulmate, or something like that. But in the end, this person betrayed you, lied to you, said hurtful things. Perhaps this was someone who was closed off from the beginning, and you thought you could win their heart. But in the end, you discovered they were exactly who they seemed to be all along. This experience might have left you nearly depressed, unable to see your own worth, and lacking the motivation to go out and meet other people.
And yes, you might have had help from a friend, a relative, or a female figure who came to you and told you that you are worth it, that you have all the potential and capacity to find someone who will recognize you and not deceive you in the end.
What you heard from these people might have been hard to accept at first, but it’s true. You have the capacity. I see you meeting someone new, perhaps around your age, someone very intelligent and creative. This person will be interested in you, but I see you being a bit tough with them because of what happened to you.
I see you taking your time to reply to their messages when they invite you out, playing a bit hard to get. But every time you meet with this person, it's positive; it’s an important moment.
It's fun!
You’ll find yourself in a stable relationship with this person. I see you two becoming best friends first, and then evolving into something more, into love.
This person will show you a very romantic side, perhaps a part of them that you didn’t expect. At first, they might have presented themselves in a certain way, but as your relationship deepens, things will evolve and become more natural. That’s what you’ll need to pay attention to. You need to let things flow naturally, stop trying to control or idealize too many people, too many conversations, behaviors—just let things happen as they will.
And while this person from your past may still be on your mind, still in your thoughts, the universe wants you to let that go. Move on—it's in the past. You deserve to be with someone who is good for you, not someone who hurt you and crushed your self-esteem.
Pile III
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Well, I'm not sure if you're aware, but right now, you’re manifesting a very important soul connection, the kind where you might feel what the other person is feeling, have strange experiences like shared dreams, and connect with this person on incredibly deep levels without knowing why.
I believe you’re a very spiritual person, someone who knows their worth. You seem to be more introverted, perhaps spending a lot of time at home, but recently, you might have considered going out more.
You might meet this person when you’re out, perhaps in a place you don’t usually go to, with people you aren’t particularly close with. You’ll meet this person unexpectedly, and it will feel like a clash of souls between you two.
You’re trying to leave behind what has hurt or bothered you, trying to move forward every day, but you’re also quick to judge the people who come into your life. Sometimes, even if someone just says hi, you might immediately think they’re not your type or that you have nothing in common, not giving them a chance to get to know you.
You could meet this person while traveling, perhaps to a place you’ve always wanted to visit. Suddenly, you meet them, and it takes you by surprise.
I see you feeling unsure whether this person is truly attracted to you, whether they feel the same connection you do. You might have a lot of doubts about this.
It’s possible that you two will be in a long-distance situation, even if you’re in the same city. Maybe you didn’t exchange numbers; you saw each other a few times in different places and then went your separate ways. I see you seeking answers through the Divine or through things that are beyond what we can see, because you’ll sense that this connection is something different.
You and this person are very different—not just physically, but in personality and maturity. You are more mature than they are. This person still feels like a teenager in some ways, even though they’re an adult. Their actions and behaviors are still very youthful, and not in a positive sense. However, I don’t see this as an obstacle to you being together.
This person will miss you a lot, and you’ll miss them too, especially due to the distance between you. You won’t quite understand why you’re apart, but it will feel like there’s something bigger at play.
This person still has a lot of growing up to do, which might be why you’re not together yet—they need to go through certain experiences to mature because the universe is taking care of this connection. Whatever it is, the universe will do everything possible to bring you and this person together.
Besides this person, you might also receive romantic interest from others, such as someone in your workplace who finds you charming. They may try to win you over with gifts, attempting to capture your heart in various ways.
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sanguinesky-if · 9 months
Sanguine Sky
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DEMO [Public] [Updated 11/05/2024] genres: romance, modern-fantasy, supernatural, mystery, dark-fantasy.
Sanguine Sky is a work-in-progress modern dark-fantasy interactive novel. The story is heavily focused on romance, characters, and relationships.
The story rated 18+, contains mature and distressing content that may be triggering to certain individuals. It is recommend to check the full list of warnings before you proceed to the story. Please exercise caution and take care of yourself.
Word count [Public]: 96k [excl. code] | 116k words [incl. code] Word count [Patreon]: 180k [excl. code] [Updated 07/09/2024]
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You are a detective, tasked with investigating mysterious murders that have taken place in your normally quiet and peaceful hometown, Fallenmor. 
With two victims confirmed already, the initial one being your former mentor, Detective Bergmann, the situation couldn't seem more dire. Or so you thought until you received the news of another body, a possible third victim, discovered at the police station. In your very own office. 
An accident, a mere coincidence, a straightforward warning, a looming threat, or something entirely else… Whatever is happening, you feel it affecting you, awakening something both significantly familiar and distinctly foreign inside of you.
If only you knew that this was just the beginning… Things could have been different. 
But back then, in your ignorance, your singular concern lay with a pressing question: if you failed to find the murderer, who would become the next victim?
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➤ Play as male, female, non-binary or trans; straight, gay, or bisexual.
➤ Customize your appearance and shape your personality.
➤ Take on the role of a detective, immerse yourself in the work of the police station.
➤ Embrace the mystery of your existence, or reject that inner sight of you.
➤ Seven romance options to choose from. Select their gender, be shy or bold, or focus on your goal without pursuing anyone.
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All ROs are player-sexual and gender-selectable [M/F].
Kyle / Keira Moreno
Your colleague, a police inspector, and one of the rudest people you have ever met. Sharp and stern, K is surprisingly perceptive, and they use it to really see you. The good, the bad. Everything. Appearance: icy blue eyes, dark red hair, very pale skin.
Alexis 'Lex / Lexie' Conlan
Your best friend, and also your former partner from times when you were just a patrol officer. With a heart of gold and an approachable attitude, L always chooses you over the others. Appearance: forest green eyes, copper hair, beige freckled skin.
Morgan Schoivell
Your other colleague, a highly-skilled lab technician. M is rather reserved when it comes to emotions, and after almost a year of working together, M is still a walking mystery for you. Appearance: dark brown eyes, ash blonde hair, light skin.
Roderick / Rebecca Reyes
The commanding agent of the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) team sent to catch the killer. Overbearing and ruthless, R has their own way of getting things done. Appearance: gray eyes, blonde hair, pale skin.
Theodore 'Theo' / Theresa 'Tess' Vazquez
Another member of the CID team. With a cocky smile, T is full of flirts and sneering comments, regardless of the occasion. T has no doubts about what they want and isn't afraid to vocalize it. Appearance: dark green eyes, black curly hair, rich brown skin.
Isaac / Iris Brailsford
I looks the most mature and approachable of CID's fellow agents. Looks can be deceiving, though. Working behind the scene and watching from afar, I carries all the scars within. Appearance: hazel eyes, dark brown hair, olive skin.
Sebastian / Selena Goldstein
Someone new and temporary, S has a velvety voice and a perfect smile that doesn't reach their eyes. You're not sure if your paths will cross in the future, but something tells you S can't be trusted. Appearance: black eyes, long black wavy hair, bronze skin.
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Other notable characters:
Your twin-sister: Your sweet, kind, caring, and gentle twin sister. She always tries to be there for you, and show how much she appreciates you, no matter what. Chief of Police, Kendrick Nash: Your boss, who is not handling his job so well after the recent death of his husband, Klemens Bergmann. Detective Klemens Bergmann: Police chief's husband, who happened to be a senior detective and your mentor. He was the first victim, murdered under mysterious circumstances.
A full list of warnings is available in the demo before beginning of the story. I recommend to check it before you proceed to reading. Please take care of yourself.
Links: DEMO | CoG forum | Q&A | Romance | Tags & Links | Patreon | Ko-Fi | Error Reports |
Thank you for your interest ♥
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lemonwood31 · 2 months
I have an assignment due this week, so naturally I’ve spent all day thinking about a relatively minor aspect of Halsin’s characterisation: his sense of humour.
I haven’t often seen Halsin being funny in fanfic, and while there are probably good reasons for that (writers, including me, love to put him in angsty situations – or just PWP – where humour doesn’t necessarily fit) it makes me a little sad, because his sense of humour is something I really love about him. So I thought I’d do a little bit of analysis of his sense of humour as it appears in a few moments in canon.
First up, this comment he makes to Karlach, saying that being in the Underdark ‘dampens one’s sense of fun’ because ‘noises such as laughter tend to attract predators’:
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He’s ostensibly talking about the Society having a dampened sense of fun, but of course it’s also an allusion to his own time in the Underdark, and so I think it’s reasonable to read the 'dampened sense of fun' line as referring to himself as well. I have Thoughts about what this quote says in terms of his time with his drow captors and what a formative experience it was for him, but keeping on topic, it points to something that’s backed up by the rest of canon: his sense of humour is dry, it's not performative or showy, and while I think he’s quite often joking he’s not often telling jokes.
Secondly, we have a moment from one of the conversations you can have with him in act 3 about his dislike for the city. He talks about his dream to find a better way where everyone can be cared for, and then he chuckles and says ‘Listen to me, preaching like an initiate in his cups.’
To me, this is quintessential Halsin sense of humour. He’s not telling a joke, he’s not even really trying to make the PC laugh; he’s just poking fun at himself in a wry sort of way. He’s also using humour as a defence mechanism here, I think; he’s minimising the impact of a potential dismissive response from the PC by undercutting his own speech before the PC gets a chance to do it.
Thirdly, we have his interaction with Lae’zel about the chimera:
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I know some people seem to take this quote as him seriously admitting he’s fucked a chimera, but I will die on the hill of ‘he was joking’ (a chimera is functionally an animal! it has an INT score of 3! Halsin is canonically on record as uninterested in having sex with actual animals and has the scars to prove it!)
So this is one of the few instances I can remember of Halsin making an outright joke. Note though that it’s still in keeping with his particular sense of humour: it’s dry (to the point where it’s easy to miss that he’s joking at all) and it’s also self-deprecating, in a way: he’s playing with the conception of him as someone who’ll fuck anything that moves, leaning into that characterisation and by doing so, making fun of both it and of himself.
And finally, the other instance I can recall of him outright joking: when the PC tells him he’s quite large for an elf and his response is ‘I am?!’ I really love this one, both because it’s such an obvious example of him deliberately being funny and also because for once, the person he’s poking fun at is the PC (for stating the obvious) rather than himself.
Looking back at these examples, what strikes me is how much his sense of humour shows itself in relation to other people’s assumptions about him. It’s clearly an important way he copes with people misunderstanding him or being dismissive or seeing him as a caricature. Much of the time he seems to be joking to himself rather than anyone else, which makes sense given the interpretation that it’s a defence mechanism rather than a means of connecting with whoever he’s talking to. (I also have a theory that humour is one of the main ways in which he feels safe expressing anger – c.f. the interaction where he tells Shadowheart that she bleats too much – but this post is long enough as it is.)
In any case, I’d be interested to know if anyone else has thoughts on this, or if there are any canon moments I've missed that might contradict these theories.
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deesseshesca · 17 days
PAC : What’s the secret message held in my drafts ? (18+)
What’s the secret message held in my drafts ?
For the one’s still holding on into my past self 
Good evening,pretty souls, today we are getting real personal … 
Choose the image that’s speak to you and allow yourself to soak ONLY what’s reasoning with YOUR SITUATION 
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Rules and Disclaimer 
I am the type of tarot reader to say as it is. Nothing is sugar coated but everything is sent with good intention. If you are not ready to face some truth, you should vagabond somewhere else. 
Basing myself on the legal age in my country which is 18 
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 PILE 1 
What’s your sexual essence ? 
 3 pentacles (reverse), Hierophant (reverse), Empress (reverse), 8 pentacles (reverse), ‘’ I miss making love to you ! I will do anything to hold you again !’’ 
Check in : Y’all might be infertile or have difficulty conceiving. It could be because of a disease like endometriosis or PCOS. Others may believe you are because y’all been doing the pull out method for at least 3 years now and no kids. Really playing with your luck. Others have been celibate for at least 2 years now. 
Good morning pretty souls, 
 Y’all have a very creative sexual essence. You are down for literally anything. You rarely initiate anything but you are with whatever the vibes are. If your partner is into other people watching then  you are. If they are in BDSM, I guess your butt is perfect for some spanking now. If they are into anal or cum play, all of the sudden you 2. Is not in a way to be completely co-dependent because you get off on pleasing and being almost like a sex doll for the person you love. Emphasis on love, because y’all have an extremely low body count (less than 5), because you only ever really get sexually aroused by the person u be loving on. Y’all are bookworms and academic weapons but slutty all together. Also you communicate when you have sex. You don’t mind asking the person you love to move that way or touch like this or even to suck on that. The same way you like to know everything about your partner. You don’t mind asking them how to personally find a way to evolve pleasure for them. A new lover is making their way to you, Pile 2. What can I say ? You are born the irresistible.
Hey pretty souls, If you want to know how to use this energy to attract your future spouse, find your next lover or amplify your receive energy... you can book a reading on my Ko-fi or DM
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What  ''D'' appointment should you be manifesting ?
Queen cups (reverse), strength, 5 pentacles, 6 pentacles (reverse), ‘’ I tried to replace you, but it did not work out because I'm madly in love with you & I was fighting it ! I know this is divine !’’, ‘’ I’m not happy in my current situation ! I’m miserable without you !’’ 
First thing that hit me was a sexual fantasy. You dream of having an affair. You are married. You are living the white fence nuclear family dream life. But one random night, you appear in front of your husband's boss, undressing. Looking the fuck good and smelling way too good. Why ? Just because. Like you want to prove yourself you still got it. What I am understanding from this fantasy is that you are NOT ready for commitment. Like you don’t mind the love. But you can ‘t fandom committing. You enjoy being chased and chasing a bit too much. Your reasoning is because: FUCK MAN. I’m hearing: ‘’Since they only see us as a baby machine, I’m only using them as an ATM.’’Ever since they started playing with abortion rights we have been FNF. If 
You ever make it to be a wife, you wish to be like Gloria in Modern Family. Rich, Hot and Kept. You are a real life fantasy. You are out here living  a totally different life, in the morning you present yourself to be the complete opposite of yourself at night. You might be a stripper by night and student by day. Nobody knows. 
M A N I F E S T A T I O N 
You need to manifest a ‘’D’’ appointment where you can leave with no remorse. You are giving soft dom. I’m seeing you entering an apartment with the key. Tights on and lingerie under your coat. Makeup looking good and hair slay. Throwing your keys on the counter and walking toward your sub (where you order him to be). He will spend the whole night pleasuring you while you edge him. Like he is so EAGER to please the fuck out you. You don’t care for anything but his tongue. That excites him, the fact that you don't give a damn about him. Then you stand up and get yourself together. Remind him that if he wants to cum you he has to send a deposit. You walk out in peace. You need someone you is eager for you, while you stay detached. Who will do anything to please you without stressing you, while you get your good good. 
You guys fantasize about multiple women being too eager to please you, they dominate you.You want them  to slut you out.  I am sensing a mommy issue. But the way that you are looking for one. The way that you actually want to feel appreciated. You want girls to go crazy for you, because you want to feel enough. So good that you can’t be ignored. 
M A N I F E S T A T I O N 
Is not a manifestation no more, is a work in process. I see walking in the strip club looking sharp. Alone enjoying the view, throw some money on one that's worth sharing your fantasy with. The funny tuning you are not going towards the assertive one. You want the innocent one. Like is a challenge for both of you tonight. Y’all going to the VIP room. She gives a good lap dance and you ask her if she is down with your vision. When  she gives you her consent it is show time. I don’t sense any intercourse. Just mutual masturbation. Let’s not forget the euphoria of the whole situation will make the whole thing 10x better. You leave after giving a FAT tip. I don’t think you ever talk about that encounter. Like a secret between you and her. 
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Hapiness, Let it go (reverse), Leadership. OV : Grace , trust (reverse) 
‘’ Princess or Princeshë (depending on your ethnicities) 
Take, take, take…everything about me is yours to take. I belong to you. I only exist to worship you. There's not a single thing you can do to me in bed that can turn me off. I’m sorry, I always burst too quickly. Is practically impossible for me not to nut quickly when I see your big milkers. Soft with perky nipples. Don’t get me started when you wear your pretty lingerie. I can spend hours sucking  just like you like it. I love how sensitive that area is for you. Talking about sensitivity, I knew that the pink and bows were just a front. I mean you reveal it pretty quickly. When you started yelling at me for no reason in front of the bar like I was the reason why you could not have fun with your girls. That night was the beginning of good things for us. We match completing down to our soul tribe. The fact that my friends and yours mix so well is a blessing. What's even more awesome is that it does not seem to only be for our sake, they genuinely like to hangout together. Which is great, you know how anti-social I am. I can't make new friends for the  life of me and I can't talk to women either. That's why I am so grateful you yelled at me that night. Dress in a corset and thigh pink skirt and let's not forget the bows. Just like in your bedroom, bows, pink, dolls, makeup, shopping bags. I know we like to joke that if it was not for your roommate, you would feed us pink. But Princess, I love your antics, your bratty attitude is the biggest turn on. How can someone with a high pitched soft voice hold so much space? You stand your own leaving your shoes print on me. I can’t wait to feed your shoe addiction until your last breath.  I lust over your long nails, I lust over your attitude, I lust over your feet.  The best thing about you is that you are a very wet p@ssy. The way it cream easily and in big quantities is something I have never seen. I swear I love it, You thought I would switch up over a tarot reading. Babe I love your CREAMY P@SSY. I love when you take the lead, giving me head than stopping. Just to make sure I am looking at you, The way you ride me always sends me over the edge. The fact that you refuse to let ‘’jr’’ go to sleep after one round is a blessing and curse. . The only way to calm you down is to choke you. I love being the person you lean on when you need it. I love it when you ask me for help, when you run errands because you're tired and the way you are now allowing me to protect you. Your trust in me is MY most precious possession. But do you wanna know the thing that gets me very excited is imagining you in your dream house. That I build, walking around in your robe in morning followed by our big dog.  To get the kids ready for school after giving me head earlier in the morning. Giving you a happy ever after is my ultimate goal. 
Your forever Knight.
A) This is for my black hispanic babe especially. He loves playing with your coils/curls. He loves when you allow him to help you with your wash day. He loves your dark complexion.  I have a personal message for you, you are chosen in your bloodline to break the general curse  around marriage. I feel like your mom was raised by a single mom, and her mom raised by a single mom just like you. But babe if you allow him to help you, i swear he will show you the beauty in marriage and support. 
B) This for my blond Albanian baddie. You are used to seeing your Dad treating you mom like she’s the pearl of this world. Like she’s divine and you question yourself especially with the 50/50 men trend. Don’t worry baby, God knows what you deserve. Let the pressure of society slide on your back, You know what you deserve. And it's coming in a full pack (if you know what I mean) with a pink bow. 
Femdom, Dominatrix, Heels collection, makeup collection, libra venus, pink everything, long stilettos nails, back marks,  is giving me your ways and lets be friends. Cock warming, you are obsessed with his d, choking kink, he's not going nowhere, he loves it there. I am getting the opposite aesthetic, Opposite personality. He is tall, big, does not yell and hates swearing. You are short, curvy, all pink but curse and yell whenever. He comes from a good house but he's extended family is literally the representation of a karmic loop. 
Song : Do a b - Kalii
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the-solar-system52 · 2 months
ok who the FUCK was going to tell me that my favorite musician ever made a demo based off my favorite movie ever AND I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT IT???
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so there i was, scrolling on google through some 2010 content, and I see a song on Genius titled "ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE" and out of curiosity i click on it and get jumpscared by NEIL FUCKING CICIEREGA????? AS IN? LEMON DEMON NEIL CICIERGA? AS IN MY NO 1 SPOTIFY WRAPPED ARTIST SINCE 2021?? THAT NEIL CICEREGA???
and I hit play and ITS THE OPENING TO SPIRAL OF ANTS?????
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(here is the youtube video the Genius site leads to: https://youtu.be/QuFv1jAo2CE?si=ceAdnsvOxEgcMBp1)
so ofc i relistened to Spiral of Ants and started digging for any hints towards its 2010 origins. i couldn't find much literal stuff since alien warnings about one of Jupiter's moons and a bunch of ants dying don't really have much in common. there is one lyric that uses the word 'odyssey' that could be referencing 2001: A Space Odyssey but idk.
but! in regards to the themes of Spiral of Ants instead of just the plot then there is plenty in common! SOA has an overarching theme of fusion and collective consciousness, since the story follows a hivemind of ants mindlessly following each other into a spiral and eventually becoming one ant and dying. i always took this song as a metaphor for mass hysteria and/or capitalism since fusion is viewed in a negative light. the ant's lack of individuality prevents them from recognizing the colony is just being led in circles since they are all only focusing on following the ant right in front of them via pheromones, and the fusion is what ultimately leads to their death.
2010 also has the theme of fusion! the scene the demo title quote appears in happens right after the scene where Hal and Dave fuse (technically. the exact time they literally fuse sort of depends on who you ask, but they definitely metaphorically fuse in this scene. cuz yk "Don't be. We'll be together.") the Europa message is basically Halman's first words. and although some out-of-context lyrics from SOA may fit Halman, 2010 overall has a more positive view on fusion. Halman doesn't count as a hivemind since he's only a fusion of two people, and because of that, he still retains all of his intelligence and memories from his past life unfused, if anything he's smarter. Instead, Halman acts as a metaphor for a functioning symbiotic, and possibly romantic, relationship between Hal and Dave. They fused because they actually wanted to be together, and not out of mindless instinct like the ants in SOA did. Fusion is the thing that saves them, instead of the thing that dooms them.
I think it's really interesting to think about how Spiral of Ants could've originally been based of Halman but then evolved into the song we know it today. And what would the song have been like if it stuck with the initial 2010 inspiration? Would it have been more hopeful and positive instead of the story of inevitable death we got in the finished project?
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And am I a little pissed off that we could've gotten a Lemon Demon song based of my favorite fictional character ever but instead we got a song about ANTS? Maybe yeah. But this knowledge certainly gives me a new appreciation of the song overall.
Though I do wish this could've been an Ivanushka situation, a demo of Touch Tone Telephone that was released fully with completely different lyrics and story but the same melody. But the demo we have of Europa has no lyrics and is basically just opening of SOA with no major musical differences I can make out. If lyrics were ever written for this earlier Halman-inspired version of SOA, then it's been 10 years since the demo, I don't reckon our chances of getting the full song. But I can dream I suppose.
Also! Here's picture of Neil in Hal cosplay that I found on Pinterest. You're welcome.
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Honestly knowing Neil was a space odyssey fan makes me think of what other songs could've had space odyssey influence? Ancient Aliens always gave Dawn of Man vibes to me, but even more vague stuff like Soft Fuzzy Man, Cabinet Man, No Eyed Girl or Aurora Borealis?? Who knows, the possibilities are endless!
Edit: Guys. I found a scrapped instrumental named 'Kubrick and the Beast'. As in. Stanley??? Kubrick??? Neil said this about the song:
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nyoomfruits · 11 months
no. 18: Hot Single Parent and babysitter/nanny for mctwinks pls!!
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18. hot single parent and babysitter/nanny
There’s a million things that lead up to Lando being broadcasted to the entire F1 watching world with a baby strapped to his chest, but the shortest version of it is this;
He’s in London for a gig, playing at some night club he’s already forgotten the name of, when Max texts him if he wants to go to the Silverstone GP. And Lando loves Silverstone, and he hasn’t been to a race in forever, so he says yes.
When he gets there, excited to watch some racing, he’s instead confronted with Max’s teammate Oscar Piastri, who is cute and serious and looking a little frazzled and holding a baby.
The baby, Oscar tells him, is his daughter Harper. His nanny bailed on him at the very last moment and everyone seems to be busy and he needs to find someone to take care of her right now so if Lando could move out of the way that would be great.
To which Lando opens his mouth and says, “I can watch her.”
So. Baby.
Harper is a pretty chill baby, all things considered. Oscar had been a bit hesitant to hand her over initially, but after the approval of Max and Lando’s assurance that his brother has kids and he knows  what he’s doing, he’d strapped the complicated baby carrier situation to Lando’s chest and given Harper a goodbye kiss on the top of her head before heading to the track.
And it’s not like Oscar and Lando are stranger to each other, either. They’d seen each other over the years, in the paddock whenever Lando came to visit, at parties. Most notably Max’s birthday party two years ago, where they stood outside and talked for nearly two hours, and Lando was so convinced they were going to kiss.
But they didn’t. So.
Harper babbles happily and Lando glances down at her, adjusting the giant baby proof headphones so they cover her ears properly. “Are you excited to watch your dad’s race, Harper?” He asks, to which Harper answers with a decisive, “Ba!” as she slams her fist against Lando’s shoulder.
“Me too, little bug, me too.” Lando says.
The race is pretty good. From where he’s sitting Lando has an excellent view of the track as well as the option to watch the screens for the parts he can’t see, and he entertains himself by pointing out things out to Harper, who mostly babbles happily and waves her fists around in answer.
When Max crosses the line in first, Oscar in second, Lando puts up Harper’s little hands in a cheer and she actually giggles. After that he makes his way back to the Red Bull Motorhome to wait for Oscar, stopping along the way to talk to some people he knows, most of whom give him very amused looks when they spot Harper.
He’s just taken a seat in hospitality, when he gets a text from his sister. You never tell me shit anymore :(((((  It says. Lando frowns. Attached is a message, and he nearly drops his phone when he opens it and sees what it is.
It’s a screenshot from the live broadcast, showcasing Lando and Harper, clearly in deep conversation about something on track. Lando hadn’t even noticed the camera had been on them. But that. That isn’t really the important part. The important part is the caption.
The intention, Lando hopes, must have been for it to say ‘Lando Norris; professional DJ, holding Oscar Piastri’s baby’.
Instead, it says, ‘Lando Norris; professional DJ, Oscar Piastri’s baby’.
“Oh go-“ he glances at Harper. “-Goody,” he finishes. His friends are never going to let this go. Max is going to have a field day. Maybe he can just ignore it ever happened. Sweep it under the rug. Pretend-
“Hey baby,” Oscar Piastri says, appearing next to his table.
Lando cringes. “Ah,” he says, “you saw.”
Oscar shrugs, seeming entirely too chill about the whole thing. “Max saw it, on the big screens. Mentioned it in the cool down room.” Which is Oscar speak for ‘teased him relentlessly about it’, probably. Lando winces in sympathy. “I’m sorry,” Oscar continues.
“Nah, not your fault,” Lando says, waving his hand around. “Besides,” he adds, trying very hard to keep a straight face and not do something embarrassing like blush. “It’s not the worst thing to be, you know. Your baby.”
“Oh,” Oscar says, and his cheeks turn an absolutely delightful shade of pink, and suddenly it’s just like two years ago, standing in the courtyard of a club Lando’s long forgotten, staring into Oscar’s deep brown eyes like they’re the only two people on earth.
Which they’re not, as Harper gladly reminds them by choosing that exact moment to say, “Aga ba,” and slamming her fist against Lando’s cheek.
Oscar’s demeanor changes immediately, his smile mellowing out in something so soft it tugs at Lando’s heart as he reaches for her daughter, who twists around to face him and lets out a delighted string of babbles.
Lando unstraps her and hands her over, watching as Oscar quietly asks her how her afternoon was and then getting the softest, fondest look on her face when she babbles happily, albeit completely nonsensically, back at him.
“Thanks, for watching over her.”
“Yeah,” Lando says, standing up himself. “No problem. Anytime.” Anytime, all the time, forever if you’d let me. God, he’s pathetic. A cute guy is nice to him twice and he’s immediately willing to go down on one knee.
“Right,” Lando says, and there’s a moment, a small moment, where Oscar looks at him expectantly, and he thinks fuck it. I could just ask him out. We could make it work. But then he looks at Harper, still cradled in Oscar’s arms. Thinks about his schedule for the upcoming week, which is so incredibly full he’s going to have to ask his PA if she can please schedule him time to breathe, and realizes that no matter how much he might want this, it’s just not possible for them.
Being Oscar Piastri’s baby is always going to be just a meme on the internet.
“Well,” he finally says, shoves his hands in his pockets. “See you around.”
Something flickers, in Oscar’s face. Disappointment, maybe. Or maybe Lando’s just projecting. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. It isn’t going to change anything.
He leaves the Red Bull Hospitality without looking back.
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armpirate · 8 months
Hiii just wanted to ask "The only one jjk"
Can u tell us about Jk's past relastionships? I really wanna know let Jk talk about them when YN asks , pls make it into jealouse part
Also write a part where at some party JK ex gf or fling show up and try to flirt him, how will he react when this is more acttravtice and while YN seeing them both far away, how will she react? Add some smut , they all hella hot couple 😂💗
I know I said I'd post it on Wednesday, but I felt in the mood to write it today, so here it is. I'm not sure if this is what you were expecting, but I hope it is!
Full story
pairing: TheOnlyOne!JK x fem!reader || Mafia
w.c.: 4.8k
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, rough sex, voyeurism, male masturbation, oral sex (female and male receiving), choking, mention of infertility
Aprox. time of reading: 21 minutes
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It was your first appearance as a married couple in a public event. After spending three weeks in the beautiful island of Capri in your honeymoon, you both have remained secluded in your new house in Busan. It was something you two ended up discussing a few times while you were enjoying your holidays together, and it was a conclusion Jungkook was closer to reach as he kept thinking deeply at how he wanted to feel closer to home. He also insisted on changing homes because he wanted to recreate new memories in a house that would be of the both of you.
And you agreed.
You didn't care much about where to live, because at the end of the day, the only thing that mattered for you was being next to Jungkook. And you thought that you'd also benefit from him being happier and more comfortable. There genuinely was nothing negative about it. It was also a good thing for Bam. Jungkook's house in Seoul was big, but your new house in Busan had a wider garden where he'd be able to run and play freely.
Except for the moments you had to move to Seoul. Your businesses were there, most of the conversations with the other families were there, and all of the events were held there -which meant you two had to make a long trip back to Seoul whenever you both were required there.
And that was the case that night.
Everyone turned their heads at the entrance of the leaders of the Bangtan family, curiously looking at you two as you made your way to your table -which was the last place you two would be at, but you guessed it was a way to keep some order in the room. Some rumors got to your ears a few weeks back. The way you two disappeared, and only showed up whenever you two needed to, made some people wonder whether you two broke up, or whether one of you died tragically -or both. So it just made sense for you to hear some whispers, mentioning how it was surprising you two were together and alive.
His hand was secured on your thigh over the green falter dress, letting the tip of his fingers wander a bit through the slit that exposed until the middle of your thigh whenever you walked. His fingers pressed tighter on your flesh whenever he spotted a pair of eyes falling on you for a bit too long for his liking. And since some people weren't able to take the hint by taking a quick look at his initials peeking over your cleavage, he himself made an act of presence with some dirty looks.
"They all are making me sick" he huffed, rolling his eyes.
It was a quite frequent situation between you two. His possessive nature was nothing new. You two met because of it, so how could you be slightest surprised at your husband getting jealous of men watching you. He put a tattoo on you, marking you with his name, so those same men would fear landing a finger on you for the consequences.
"Well, " you whispered, bending over him to get closer to his ear, "they could only dream of having what you have". Reaching for his hand, you intertwined your fingers together, leaving your hands on your lap "Let's just enjoy the night until we get back home".
It took him a while to finally agree to your words, but he finally nodded, playing with his lip ring before you kissed him.
At some point into the night, both of you went your separate ways, when some of the people slowly pulled you away from each other as you engaged in the different conversations. You went back to sitting at your table, joining a bored Namjoon, who smiled slightly when he was aware of your presence back on the table. "I think you've drunk a little bit too much" you mentioned, looking at the third half empty glass of white wine.
He simply shrugged, raising the cup "Either you drink, or you don't talk with anyone. There's no other way to keep up with most of the people here".
Chuckling at his comment, your eyes wandered around the crowded room, looking for your husband somewhere among them. Until you finally fell on him. He was quite easy to recognize. There was something on his wide back, and the particular shape of his neck, that made you smile when you spotted him.
Although that smile lasted no longer than three seconds.
He was talking to a young woman that was almost the same height as him -even if she was wearing heels. You barely could see her well due to the distance, but you could tell she was in good shape by the way the black dress glued to her body. Just as glued as she tried to be to your husband.
Her hands kept trying to reach constantly to him. A few touches on his upper arm, an excuse to move his blazer so it'd be back to its original place, a soft stroke on his shoulder... and your blood was boiling with every move. She waved her long black hair a few times, tilting her head while dedicating him a flirty smile. That you recognized, because that was your signature technique when you tried to flirt with boys back in high school.
She was radiating the feminine energy that maybe you had lost on the way to that point in life you were at, after everything you had to go through. And it was that same feminine energy that annoyed you, and made you wonder why your husband was still there. Or why he wasn't stepping back.
"It's Minjee" you heard on your left.
Confused, you furrowed your eyebrows at Namjoon "The woman Jungkook is talking to, she's Minjee" he cleared, giving another sip to his cup. "No one knows what their relationship was. I'm his closest friend and, to this day, I don't know".
You frowned, drawing your eyes back at them. You wouldn't be surprised at them hooking up, or even dating. Two hot people that moved in the same circle... It was kind of obvious.
Your jaw clenched tight when they hugged each other, and you looked away fast as you saw Jungkook attempting to turn back to where you were. You'd have tried to keep how upset you were, but the honest truth was that you didn't care enough about anything to pretend you weren't bothered.
Your leg constantly shook under the table as he dragged his chair back, joining you after being hooked in a conversation with that woman for, at least, twenty minutes.
It wasn't like you were genuinely mad at Jungkook, because you thought he'd ever do something to hurt you. Deep inside you knew he'd be able to cut his own hands before daring to lay his hands on another woman that wasn't you. But it was weird. After more than a year into your relationship, there had never been any mentions of exes -although you knew there probably were flings or hook ups that weren't important enough for him to mention-, you knew you were the first one he dared to claim publicly in front of everyone, you knew you were special for him even before you started having feelings for each other. But you couldn't help but feel threatened.
Your own insecurities were the biggest burden for you. Leaving Minjee aside, you wondered if there was any possibility of him seeing through your relationship and thinking he could do better than that.
The hairs on your back raised in fear at the thought of him leaving you for someone else. There had been several times, in your wedding even, that you heard comments like everyone expected him to end up with someone that would hug his culture without a problem. But you just shrugged it off because it was your happy day. Nothing else mattered, just you two and the union you just had promised.
But you've also been questioned a few times on the topic regarding kids and your offspring. You knew it was important for the family -especially Jungkook's position-, but you didn't think it was a big deal to the point of making you feel pressured. And guilty. Because you knew there was no possibility for you two to have those kids that would succeed him.
"What were you two talking about?" his hand attempted to reach for your leg, although you moved it faster, dodging his touch.
Namjoon shrugged "Nothing".
After nodding, Jungkook tried a second time to reach for you, bending his head slightly to be able to kiss you. But you also dodged his lips, moving your head back before you looked away.
There was nothing he hated the most than having you react that way to his touch. Mainly, because it reminded him of the first period of time you spent together. And because, after growing so close to one another the past few months, he didn't know what it was like to see you upset. At least not the same way you were in that moment.
"Okay, what's wrong?" he stopped, moving his arm over the backrest of your chair.
"There's nothing wrong" you shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest. "Just that if that had been me with any male in here, you'd have made the biggest fuss".
His lips twisted, throwing his head back when he finally understood what your attitude was due about.
"Okay, time to leave" Namjoon announced, standing up from his chair to disappear among the crows.
He looked at you, trying to think about the next thing to say not to make things worse between you. It was obvious it was something you two would be able to solve after a few minutes.
"Minjee" You muttered, feeling your right leg shaking nervously.
Hearing her name out of his wife's lips just made him throw his head back, because it meant you probably knew of the type of relationship they both had before he called it quits after seeing you for the first time.
"We hooked up a few times, that's it".
"You hooked up?" you looked at him, eyes opening wider.
"Namjoon didn't tell you?" Jungkook lowered his voice.
"I should thank god Namjoon even remembered her name" you clicked your tongue, tilting your head quickly. "No wonder she was all over you".
"Are you jealous? Seriously?" your lips puckered at his question, and the way he subtly moved his thumb off your back to touch her.
"Hmm no, I'm not" but your act broke before you were able to continue with it. "But you're fucking air tonight" you pushed his arm away from your chair ", because if you dare to land a finger on me, I'll break it".
It started as something funny for him, because he had never had the chance to see you like that. And you barely gave him any reason to feel like that either. Both of you had way more important problems going on than worrying about an innocent exchange of looks with someone from the opposite sex. And while he thought it was cute and exciting to see you like that, it kept building up to some frustration when he realized the wall you settled between you.
But he wasn't going to force you to talk.
If you were angry, he was going to give you space. That was the best he could do after you sat in one of the empty seats, away from him, in the jet.
Although he didn't carry out what he was planning to do when he saw you picking up your pillow, and closing yourself inside one of the rooms that were only used whenever the members paid you a visit. He had tried to sleep by himself, convinced that you two would make things out in the morning, but he was unable to sleep if you weren't by his side.
He needed to feel your heartbeat against his palm to sleep peacefully.
Jungkook sat on the floor, resting his back against the wall next to the door, hoping you'd listen to him "Babe, let's talk". You stopped by the door, hearing his voice, soft and caring, as if he was trying to build a bridge between you. "She just congratulated me for our wedding. What we had was too long ago, and it ended as soon as I saw you".
"As soon as you saw me?" Jungkook smiled at your question.
"The night we met... I knew I'd only be able to have eyes for you only, for the rest of my life" Jungkook assured her. "She tried to reach out to me when I came back to Seoul, but we didn't do anything because I only wanted you".
There was no lie in his words. He remembered the night after he went back to Seoul, and how Minjee tried to find some type of engagement from him in the weird relationship they had going on for a few months. Yet you were the only thing he could think about, and the only person he wanted to be next to.
"You were going to hook up with someone else after making me sign an exclusivity contract?" you opened the door suddenly, making him look up to you surprised.
"No, of course not. I..." Jungkook sighed, throwing his head back.
"You literally showed up at my job, made a scene, and then made me fly from Spain to Korea because I violated our deal, yet you had other girls in your dms?" your eyes were filled with rage.
If at some point you thought you were being too harsh on a random situation like Jungkook meeting an ex, you were enraged by what you found out thanks to that encounter.
"Don't touch me" you warned him, stepping back when he tried to hold your hand to calm you down. "So what? You chose to end up with me because the other girls didn't want to deal with you?" you pushed his chest, trying to get him to speak "Or was it because I seemed easier?" you gave him another push, not knowing how your words made you walk through the tight rope that was his patience.
Something about the heavy words that were building your argument were waking up a side of him. It wasn't that much about the accusations you were throwing at him, but how you were downgrading yourself to "something he had to settle for". Because you had always been way more than that.
Before you could push him another time, his fingers were holding your wrist about your head against the wall, while he looked down at you with a darker shade of brown you had never seen on him before -or, at least, you didn't remember.
"Shut up, and let me talk when I'm speaking to you"
He was lucky you closed Bam inside his room before the argument started, because he knew that dog would've jumped at him at the slightest attempt of holding you, even if you weren't completely opposed to what was happening.
"I was the one who rejected Minjee after meeting you. You were always my first choice, and my main priority. And if I ever hear you speaking of yourself as just someone I settled for... You don't really want to know the consequences, Y/n. Is that clear?". You nodded, looking into his eyes while your lips formed a thin line "Speak when I ask. Is it clear?".
"Yes" you finally answered.
"This is what we're going to do, since you seem to have forgotten some basics: I want you back in our room, naked" he finally let go of your hand, allowing you to finally move it back to your side. "Y/n, I want you there. Now" he slowly commanded, finally making you blink.
You walked to your shared room, feeling his heavy steps following calmly behind you. Your dress was completely gone when you stepped inside the bigger room, feeling your chest beating its way to your mouth. Your sex life with Jungkook was a rollercoaster, especially after you got married, but there was something different in him that night that made you ecstatic for him. That darker look in his eyes, with that deep and authoritative tone he hadn't used on you in a long time, had you throbbing and leaking for him.
His heavy presence filled the room as he walked in, undoing the buttons of the sleeves of his shirt, before he went for the ones that kept it tied on his torso. Jungkook tilted his head, looking at you. Despite doing what he demanded, there was no evidence of pride in his face, not even the hint of a satisfied smile.
You had seen him naked plenty of times, but it always felt like the first time, feeling your guts shrinking in excitement by the way his muscles contracted with his moves. Your eyes moved from his shoulders, to his chest, falling over the tattoo he got for you. It was the exact same one you had on your chest, except for the fact that he had your initials on his skin.
That man was completely yours. Yet you filled your head with negative thoughts that night, thinking of the possibility of being kicked away for no reason.
"What should I do?" his hands were placed on his hips as he looked at you. "Should I make you cum until you aren't able to think straight?" he started undoing his belt, while thinking out loud. "Or maybe I should fuck you senseless until those dumb thoughts leave your brain and you're only able to think about my cock?" his pierced eyebrow raised.
Your nipples painfully hardened with every idea that came out of his lips, making you crave whatever that he wanted to do to you. His eyes flew from you to your surroundings, until they fell over the pale blue armchair that was placed next to the door to your shared dressing room.
"Sit there" he motioned, looking back at you. "Legs over the armrests, and don't move unless I told you so".
You silently walked to where he pointed at, unaware of what he was planning to do, but too turned on to even question it. After you spread yourself for him, he started walking, but he didn't make his way to where you were. He stopped right when you thought he was going to join you, sitting over the edge of your bed instead, with his eyes fixed on you.
You were a treasure he always thanked to have found, and he confirmed that at the breathtaking sight of you like that. It made him furious to think you'd belittle yourself for no reason, when you were a walking goddess he was lucky to sleep next to at night.
Your hands rested on your knees as you waited for his next move, slightly squeezing your skin when he lowered his pants enough to set his semi hard dick free. He didn't say a word, he didn't even make a noise, before he spitted on his tip, spreading his natural lube over his shaft. Jungkook only moved to find a more comfortable position, supporting half of his weight on the hand that was resting on the mattress, while the other rocked his hard cock.
You didn't know what the aim of it was, but you didn't care. It was so filthy, and it felt so forbidden, that it only turned you on even more. Jungkook was finding the inspiration to his pleasure in you, in the way your breasts raised and lowered arrhythmically with your breathing, or the way your pussy clenched around nothing at the sight of him, making a trail of your own arousal go from your entrance to the fabric of the armchair, turning that spot a darker blue than the rest of the furniture.
"Don't dare to touch yourself" he warned you with a husky voice, catching you before you were able to give in to your own needs.
The sight of his eyebrows frowned, how contracted his abs were, as the veins of his arms were perfectly marked with every move he made was too much for you. Your head moved back, changing your sight back to the ceiling for a brief second, before you were forced back.
"Look at me" he hissed through his teeth.
You didn't know how long you two had been like that, but it for sure felt like hours. If you didn't touch yourself, you were sure you'd end up reaching your high at the mere sight of his reaching his.
His hand wasn't flat over the messed blankets anymore, he was having a tight grip on them, accompanied by his heavy breaths that were the beginning to the explosion of his climax. You could perfectly see the way it throbbed through his fingers as his load spilled over his chest and abs first, and then down to his fingers and balls.
"Clean it up" he commanded, still with his breath running wild.
Your legs shook when you closed them, feeling weak at the slightest pressure on your clit, and being sure you'd probably manage to cum in a matter of four steps.
Sinking to your kneels in front of him, he offered you his tattooed fingers first. You wrapped your lips around him, recognizing that salty flavor as soon as you moved your tongue up his ring finger. Under his gaze, you moved your tongue lower to each one of his fingers and his palms, silently moving to his abs when you were done with his hand, and paying caring attention to the tattoo he bad of you as you slipped your tongue over it.
You weren't done though.
You moved down again, licking every drop on his dick carefully. Moving your tongue in circles over the tip, and flicking it a few times, before you started taking the turning soft member in your mouth.
"See how much power you have over me?" he asked, moving his right hand over your arm to your shoulder "Making me cum by just looking at you. That's how much control you have over me, babe" a deep sigh left his lips as you sucked him off, feeling his fingers moving over your back until they reached the sensitive spot of your nape under your hair. "Hmm are you making it hard again?" he asked, looking down at you. "Go fot it, babe" he squeezed your nape, encouraging you to go on.
You felt it grow in your mouth, slowly reaching parts it didn't in a matter of seconds, feeling your lips slightly stretching out with his thickness. Jungkook started rocking his hips against your mouth, making you gag on it before he suddenly pulled you up. "Get up and lie on the bed".
As you were told, you rested on your back, seeing him get rid of his wrinkled pants by his ankles with a kick. His tough hands spread your legs apart, keeping a tight grip on your knees as he bent over. He hummed when his tongue dipped in your needy core, making your whole body squirm at the so awaited contact. His wet kisses were loud on your core, moving his lips and tongue through your slit, sinking half of his face in it. He combined the movements of his tongue, teasing your entrance, with his nose rubbing against your clit.
You swore you only needed one more flick and you'd be completely gone.
But your husband knew that, and that was why he stopped before you were able to be close to reach your high.
Jungkook made your body roll over the mattress as if it was nothing, grabbing your through before you could get too comfortable in that position to rest your back against his chest. He rammed into you without a previous warning, almost making your whole body collapse. And probably it would have if he hadn't kept you held by the neck as you were.
Unlike other times, Jungkook didn't take his time with you. His thrusts were harsh and fast since the very beginning, having you whimpering and beginning every time his balls slightly slapped your clit.
Encouraged by those high-pitched moans, Jungkook angled his hips, making his tip rub against that spongy spot roughly, at the same time his digits squeezed the skin of your throat.
"You think I'd fuck you like this if I wanted someone else?" he groaned, moving his free hand down to rub your clit. "You're the only one I want, Y/n. Get it inside your fucking brain".
The loud skin clapping, your moans combined, and the lack of air were certainly doing things to your brain, because you felt like you were floating with every thrust of his hips. "You have no idea how much I love you, Y/n" he moaned, before his moans were muffled against the skin of your shoulder.
"I fucking love you, too" you moaned back, rising your right hand until your fingers were tangling on the locks on the back of his hair, while your other hand tried to feel some stability by holding his waist, feeling his muscles tensing and relaxing with every fast move he made. "I love you so much" you whined, barely feeling like your body belonged to you anymore.
"Then cum for me and show me" he bit your shoulder, circling your clit at the right pace to make your whole body shake and your vision turn blurry as you welcomed your high.
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Jungkook looked at you while he cleaned you up, sighing when he finally threw the paper over the nightstand to be able to focus on you only.
"I'm sorry" you muttered, feeling guilty under his big doe eyes.
"I'm the one who's sorry. You were right. If it had been me in your position, I'd have made a scene" he admitted. "I didn't think that way back at the party, because for me they're just... there. The only person I genuinely see it's you".
"Still, I think I reacted that way because I had never heard of you being with someone else" you tilted your head. "And when I saw her tonight, it shocked me" you added in a thin voice, "I guess I could only think about how you had the chance to choose her over me at some point. And I wonder if things would've been easier for you. Or if there will be a point you regret your decision".
"She never stood a chance against you. She wasn't even a choice, to be honest. Since the very beginning, you were the only person I could see, and I mean it" he caressed your ankle. "And I don't know why you think I would ever regret choosing you over anything else, but I would never".
"What if you want to have kids at some point?"
You dared to ask, knowing damn well the possibilities of you not being able to get pregnant were quite high.
Jungkook's shoulders sank at your question, finally seeing the problem of everything that happened that night. Your eyes started to water after you dropped the question, and he couldn't do anything other than dragging you to his body, hugging you tight before little sobs escaped your lips.
"I married you knowing that" he reminded you. "I married you because I love you and I was looking forward to living my future with you. And it'll be happy and full whether there are kids or not" his fingers played with your hair gently. "We can try, there are also several therapies to work on it, in case we both choose to have kids at some point. If there are kids, fine. And if there aren't, it'll be fine, too. I married you expecting nothing in return except for your love and loyalty, you don't owe me a kid. You don't owe me a successor to my position. And I would never leave you just because you aren't able to give it to me. Kill me if I ever do something like that" grabbing your chin, he forced your eyes onto his, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
His fingers moved from your upper arm down your wrist, playing with the ring he chose to put on you. "Also, once I retire, they can fuck themselves. If you think one of my worries would be whether Bangtan is still alive or not, you're wrong. Because all my attention will be on you only" squeezing you tight in his arms, he made you giggle for the first time that night "Is it everything clear now?".
You nodded, rubbing your thumb over his chin while you looked at him with all the appreciation you were carrying in your eyes "I love you, Jungkook".
"I love you so much, doll" he whispered.
Your love was a lifetime promise, that no one and nothing would ever break. And he wouldn't find a problem in reminding you every day of your life.
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
A Rose Under the Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
CW/TW: None (sorta?), Mentions of phantom pains, loneliness
A/N: This is gonna be multi-fic. I'll probably be irregular with uploads, but I will try to update this when I can!
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Chapter 1:
The Scholar
Fate was a funny thing. Sometimes it could give you exactly what you wanted, other times… the exact opposite. 
The same was true for soulmates. Everybody had a different way of being marked. Some, from birth, others later. You’ve had yours since the moment you came out of your mother’s womb.
Right there, on the inside of your left wrist.
Three crescent moons, the slope of each resting on the others. Sometimes, one of the moons was full. It rotated almost like a clock. Sometimes one would stay full for days, other times merely one day or just a few hours. You weren’t sure why. You were positive it had something to do with your soulmate. 
Especially the random phantom pains and bruises on different spots of your body. You used to get them as a child, one minute you’d be playing on the playground and then it would feel like you’d been whipped with a belt, or hit with a stick. At first children services had been called because of your phantom bruising; until they observed one such situation where you were coloring a picture and a red mark suddenly made itself visible, along with the pain associated with it. That was when the doctor suggested those pains were indeed connected to whatever was happening to your soulmate.
What kind of torture were they going through? The thought constantly ate at you as you grew up.
The worst ones were when you were at the stove cooking one day and all of a sudden–wham!--you were doubled over in your kitchen, clutching your body as you felt like you were being impaled by an ice pick in different parts of your chest and midsection.
But every time you got those pains, there was a pulse from your marking. And then… nothing. You heard that some people got phantom pains from their soulmates, some could share a telepathic link… others could simply sense when they were in proximity. The connections all varied from mate to mate; as did the appearance of each mark.
Yours, was the crescent moons. Some had animal shapes, others had stars, sometimes even just initials of their destined partner’s names, or a type of compass pointing in their general direction. Others, you came to envy, had a timer. Like a digital stopwatch that would count down until the day they met. You really wish you had one of those. At least then you’d know...
Some lucky people found their soulmates fresh into adulthood, right out of high school. The even luckier ones happened upon theirs during childhood and stayed close.
Here you were, sitting at nearly 25, and hadn’t even felt a tickle that possibly told you your soulmate was nearby. Even when you hopped countries! You really envied your classmates who got married shortly after high school or fresh into college, right about now… 
You hoped and prayed to whoever would listen–anybody–that you would find them soon; not when you were old and gray and couldn’t run on the beach, climb a tree, or go do… something with such little precious time left over. You waited every day, on bated breath for when your soulmate would swoop in and save you from your boring, monotonous life.
Unless you were rejected. You’d never personally met anybody who had been rejected, but you have read in online forums from people who *have* been rejected, or personally knew someone who had been. Their existences sounded horrible. Gray, bleak… they weren’t truly living, just… existing. Like a robot running on default mode.
Some found love outside their soulmate bonds, and married and lived happily enough. Those were the ones who didn’t actively look for their soulmates, couldn’t find their soulmates… or their soulmates died before they met.
The pain felt from a sudden snap of your bond was supposed to be the most debilitating pain in your life, your soul feeling like half of it was shredded, stomped on, and then set on fire before being snuffed out entirely. It was supposedly easier to bear if you and your soulmate have never met.
Which is why, after you recovered that day in your kitchen, you frantically checked your mark to see if it was still there. Thankfully, it was. But you cursed your soulmate–whoever she, he, or they were–for doing whatever crazy shenanigans it was that they were doing to get hurt in such a way. 
But despite that… despite the waiting and the longing and the phantom pains; the aching feeling in your chest, you stopped checking your mark as religiously as you used to. Sometimes, you covered it entirely, a depressing melancholy feeling taking root in your stomach and growing until its branches reached your heart whenever you looked at it. It wasn’t entirely uncommon, the feelings you were harboring. The desperation for your other half, the need to feel completed–to feel whole–was felt by millions worldwide… maybe even farther than that. 
Some suggested therapy. It was a common enough occurrence that there was a specialization in the psychiatric field for soulmates who felt the depression and loneliness of not having their soul’s other half with them. 
Malattia dell'anima, the doctor-y name for it was. Soul Sickness; literally.
But you didn’t want to be doped up on medication that made you so numb to your feelings that you might not–on the small chance you would–be able to feel when you eventually met your soulmate.
If you ever did.
You sighed as you leaned on the counter, scrolling through forums, social media posts, and memes on your phone. Your mark was covered with a braided bracelet you made on a whim four months ago. Sometimes… not looking at it made it easier to bear.
You were knocked out of your melancholic stupor when the bell to your little book shop dinged. 
You straightened your posture and gave the most polite smile you could. 
“Hi!” You said. “Welcome to Here Today Books!”
The man who entered, gave you a charming–but slightly sheepish–smile, his amber eyes lighting up from behind his dark-rimmed glasses. “Oh! Hello.” He replied, his accent that you’ve grown accustomed to since moving to London, and gave a small wave of his hand. He was dressed in a button up shirt with some kind of gray overcoat worn over it, and some faded jeans. His posture was slightly nervous, you felt. He must be an introvert.
“You looking for anything in particular?” You chirp, leaning on the checkout counter with your elbows. “We got history, mathematics, sci-fi… romance?”
The last part was accentuated by a hearty chuckle on your part with some accompanied eyebrow-waggling, earning what you could swear was a blush on the man’s cheeks. “Oh–uhm…” He said. “N-no romance, I’m ‘fraid. Uh…” 
You tilt your head at him. “Oh! Well, whatever you’re looking for I’m sure I have *something* on the subject.” You click your tongue as you look at the different shelves stacked high to the ceiling, a rolling ladder tucked in the far corner. “My shop has a “try before you buy” kinda policy. You can pick up a book and read it in one of the nooks near the front windows. I also have a complimentary tea, and coffee menu. The snacks are priced however, because I make ‘em fresh to order in the upstairs kitchen.” 
He seemed impressed that such a tiny shop had such a wide variety of options available in the cramped space. “You cook upstairs?” He asked curiously, tilting his head so one of his raven curls bounces over his forehead.
“Yes, I, uhm… kind of live in the flat upstairs. Easier than renting separately, y’know?” You chuckle awkwardly. “I figured offering snacks and drinks would help entice people in. If not to buy a book, but at least a muffin or crepe.” 
“So you also use your flat as a business space?”
“In a sense, I suppose I do.” You chuckled again, this time with a bit more confidence.
“Um… Forgive me if this is rude, but umm…” He shuffled on his feet, awkwardly looking to the side. “Are you American? It’s just that, with your accent and everything…”
You giggle softly. “It’s alright. I don’t mind. Yes, I’m from America.” 
“Oh! That’s interesting. How does someone from America come to own a little book shop in London of all places? Er, if you’re comfortable with answering that question, too, I mean, uh…” 
You smile at him, flashing your teeth a bit. “Nah, it’s a valid question. I inherited this shop from… get this… my great aunt. Real storybook, right? Totally pun-derful. An absolute tale.”
He shakes his head, laughing a little. “That certainly does seem like the opening plotline to a story, doesn’t it? Flying across the pond to inherit a property from an estranged relative you hardly knew…”
“...trying to keep the business thriving in a rapidly obsolete medium, the protagonist is crafty, plucky, but optimistic as they try to stay afloat by themselves, to keep their relative’s memory alive?” You finish for him, your smirk turning into a full-blown grin.
His laugh is a little bit louder now. “Exactly! You could write a novel!”
“Oh, but it would be so boring!” You sigh, dramatically laying over the counter space, arms hanging over the edge. “Just sitting here, day in, day out as I sell children’s books, crappy western romances, cheap “gourmet” coffee, and some slightly burned muffins? Just looking at cat pictures on the internet as the ceiling fan squeaks in ambience?”
“Oh, well, uh, when you put it that way…”
You giggle again. “I get some pretty decent business. I get the students from uni, some bookworms who refuse to retire the medium of actual books made of actual paper…”
“Oh, I know! I don’t get how people can read on their phones! The blue light is atrocious to stare at for too long! I love the feel of paper underneath my fingertips, the smell of the ink…” He sighs almost wistfully.
“Precisely!” You say animatedly, snapping your fingers. “Phones, laptops, and tablets just aren't the same, y’know? There will always be book enthusiasts. A book doesn’t run on batteries, a book won’t shatter if you drop it, or grip too hard… All you need is a good set of eyes or readers, some good light… and you’re set.”
“Oh, exactly! That’s exactly what I tell Marc when he lectures me about owning too many books! My collection “is a hazard” he tells me. Just because I have a few stacks lying ‘round doesn’t mean they’re gonna collapse on you and kill you!” He sighs, throwing his hands up exasperatedly. He clears his throat, and says awkwardly. “Marc is, uh… He’s my… brother. We… live together?”
“Well, tell your brother that he is a heathen. That books are an absolute treasure! You don’t have to pay some dumb subscription to access all the knowledge in that one book, just pick it up and flip a page!” You scoff, waving a hand. “Books–while yes, they can take up some space–are wonderful. And you can never own too many!”
The man laughs, nodding. “Precisely. Marc just likes to complain because he’s always bumbling into them! He’s more of a TV kinda bloke, you know?”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve met my fair share of those kinds of people.” You giggle. 
“Oh, uhm.” He fumbles with his satchel bag and holds out his hand. “My name’s Steven. Steven… Steven Grant. It’s nice to meet you, Miss..?” 
You chuckle and tell him your name. 
“It’s nice to meet you Steven, Steven, Steven Grant!” You joke, earning another laugh as you shake his hand.
“Now,” You started. “What are you looking for today?” 
“Oh! Do you have any books on, uhm. Egypt? Ancient Egypt? Archaeology, mythology, things of that like…”
“Actually, I think we do. I keep those kinds of subjects close to the History section.” You step down from your stool, waving a hand for him to follow you as you lead him through the small labyrinth of bookshelves (some almost barely too small for more than one person).
You reach the shelves that contain the books and volumes on said subject. Some even leatherbound. You really should check inventory more often… You had more books on the subject than you thought. But then again, they may have also been left over from your great aunt’s stock. She loved reading on this sort of stuff. You remembered the few times she would read to you fables from some of these books. Strange, you could just barely recall one, now, actually… You shrug the twinge of childhood nostalgia off.
“Looks like I have more than I…” Your voice falls silent when you turn around and see Steven’s eyes already scanning each shelf–all the way to the ceiling–looking almost like a kid in a candy shop. You chuckle and it snaps him out of his trance.
“Uhm, oh. Yes! This is… er. Good! Great! I mean…” He rubbed the back of his neck slightly. “What I mean to say is that you have a very interesting selection of books!”
“Ha… Go ham on ‘em. Just don’t mind the dust… These books don’t get looked at too often. Rolling ladder is available for the higher shelves you can’t reach. Reading nooks are up front, and just let me know if you want any refreshments or snacks, or if you want to buy anything. I’ll either be up front, upstairs, or in back… Just press the buzzer on the counter if I’m not at the register.” You say, jabbing your thumb in the vague direction you came from. “And if you get lost in my little maze here…”
You click your tongue. “I should start offering some twine, huh?”
“Because I’m Theseus on his way out of the Minotaur’s Labyrinth?” Steven grinned at you, his eyes twinkling.
“More like I don’t wanna find your mummified remains tucked in between one of these shelves, eh?” You say, grinning at your pun.
Steven shook his head, his curls bouncing as he does so. “Oh, I doubt Marc or Jake would let me stay here that long.”
You pat his shoulder and squeak by him, leaving him alone to peruse your selection.
Steven stayed in the back for nearly an hour. And when he came back he sat down right at the front nook, ordering a blueberry-cinnamon muffin with some Earl Grey tea sweetened with honey, no sugar. You mad a joke about having some Egyptian licorice tea somewhere, to which he started on a little infomercial type rant about how the Pharaohs used to drink it all the time back during the ancient days…
After about four hours (and three more muffins) he stepped up to your counter with all of his books in hand, a happy grin on his face. For sure, you thought, if this man had a tail, it’d be wagging like mad!
“I would ask if you found everything okay, but…” You eyed the stack of books. “...It looks like you kinda did!”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, ah… I got a little absorbed so I decided to take ‘em all…”
“Well, there is no return policy, but there is a trade-in policy. You can either get store credit or physical notes. Have to keep in business somehow right?” You shrug awkwardly.
“Ha ha… Yes, I understand. How much for all of them?” Steven beams, his attention was grabbed though, a moment later to the tiny pencil cup labeled "bookmarks". He plucked one out, and it was a pressed rose; the edges of the petals painted gold and vacuum-sealed with a colorful piece of paper within. 
“Like those, huh?” You smile.
“O-oh yes… very much. It’s beautiful.” He said softly.
“Each mark is fifty-pence.” You say politely.
Steven smiled and placed the bookmark on the top of his book stack.
You ring up the books, and he happily pays for them with a wad of notes (also covering the muffins he scarfed down). 
“I have a bag you can take, if you like. Canvas. I wouldn’t feel right if you had to lug all of those home!” You chuckle.
“Oh, it’s alright!” Steven grins, hoisting the books into his arms like they’re nothing after tucking his new bookmark within the safety of one of the heavier books.
He either works out a lot, or the man has simply done this so many times with so many different books he no longer feels the weight of them.
“I live close by, my flat is just down the block.”
“Oh! So I guess I can expect to hear from you more, huh?” You smile, holding the door open for him as he awkwardly waddles out of your shop.
“I certainly hope so!” He grins at you, giving you a curt nod as he walks down the misty London sidewalk.
Later that night, after you had closed up shop, counted your earnings and stored them in the safe; you went upstairs to unwind for the day. You make a quick dinner, eat, and then shower.
While showering, you notice a different moon on your mark is full. This morning it was the bottom right one. Now, it’s the top one. It wasn’t uncommon for your mark to go outside its usual clockwise rotation, so you shrugged it off, grabbing a towel as you step out of the stall. 
Once you laid in bed, putting on something from one of your streaming services (like, come on, who even uses cable anymore, right?), you propped your cheek in your hand; your elbow supporting you as you stared almost blankly at the screen.
You didn’t think much of anything that night. Even the socially awkward bookworm who had walked into your store today looking into the selection of books you had that rarely anyone ever touched.
Or at least you didn’t think much of anything. Until you felt like you were being run through with a red-hot poker straight into your abdomen. These weren’t menstrual or ovulatory cramps, those were in a different spot. These pains were around your stomach, just under the last few bones of your ribcage. 
This was pain caused by your mark.
Your soulmate was hurt again.
You curled on your side, gasping for air while you waited for the phantom sensation to pass. Once it did, you spread out on your blankets, wiping the sweat from your brow.
“What the hell did you get yourself into now, you reckless dummy?” You ask the dead air of your bedroom.
Chapter 2: Link
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damned-punk · 8 months
Love your stories about Killer - there isn't enough content with him! Could you do a story or headcanons about Killer and Kid separately having a crush on reader and the other plays as wingman?
Killer would be far more likely to pick up on the fact that Kidd has developed feelings for you before Kidd could ever hope to figure out that Killer has taken an interest in someone. They know every little detail about one another as well as how they interact with the people they care for, but this doesn’t prevent Killer’s reserved nature from both literally and figuratively masking his thoughts of intimacy that relate to you.
It would start with Kidd letting a comment slip in passing during a conversation with Killer, maybe mentioning something uncharacteristically positive about your appearance or how well you’d met the expectations of your assigned duty onboard the Victoria Punk. Killer would agree wholeheartedly and the first few times this happens, Kidd wouldn’t catch on to the looming affections behind his tendency to agree but would certainly know something was up when Killer started adding his own praises in the mix.
Due to Kidd’s eccentric personality, I could see the pining from Killer really coming into play during meal times, parties, and breaks on islands where everyone is all together and consequentially being socially active. Kidd would undoubtedly flirt with you in his own way by hurling not-at-all serious insults, showing you whatever new component or weapon he’d been working on, and even manhandling you into the seat beside him (even on his lap in the event that there is conveniently no seat available within his direct vicinity).
Killer would never interfere with these moments for a multitude of reasons. Most notably, he has horrible self esteem and struggles with the idea of someone actually wanting him in that way, his devotion to Kidd is imminent in every situation no matter the context, and he sees how you light up every time Kidd pursues you. It’s already established that he values Kidd’s happiness over his own, but the same is extended to you. Whether it be Kidd or someone else, he would not prevent you from being with the person you were interested in. Instead, he’d make himself scarce and remain even quieter than usual. If he really didn’t want to face the scenes in front of him, he’d just stay in the kitchen or occupy himself away from the two of you.
This is where the dynamic would shift as Kidd would immediately notice the increasingly common lack of Killer. He would be accustomed to his partner’s usual silence, but his absence entirely would let Kidd know that something was up. He’d question Killer relentlessly, not letting up until Killer finally admits to having feelings for you. The moment that Kidd knows this, all bets are off. He’d be a bit hurt but he would never let Killer see that because he, exactly in the same way as Killer, would only want his partner to be happy. This also extends to you and is solidified as he realizes that you’d somehow wormed your way into both of their hearts.
Kidd would stop manhandling you and cease all teasing, he’d even distance or distract himself when possible in order to give Killer more space to approach you on his own. This would be painful for you, especially given that his affections would’ve stopped all at once, out of the blue with no elaboration on what had gone wrong. He’d even come across as a bit mean at times when he’d bark orders at you, all in an effort to try and quickly dissolve the ties that had begun to bind the two of you together. In his own mind, he’d be rectifying the damage by giving you tasks that meshed with Killer’s schedule. It would be an unnoticeable way that he could slip under the radar while ensuring you were cared for, simultaneously working to preserve the satisfaction of his partner.
This would work on Killer initially as he’d assume that your increased presence was the result of Kidd pushing himself as far away from you as possible, but he’d catch on quickly when you’d suddenly be scheduled for kitchen duty every day that wasn’t a rest day. A prompt visit to Kidd’s quarters and several words exchanged later, they’d be at a standstill. Both would be irritated that the other wouldn’t relent and pursue you as desired and just as equally irritated that because they were so thickheaded, they hadn’t considered what was best for you.
Kidd and Killer are certainly all or nothing, ride or die, especially when it comes to each other. When they begin to distance themselves from you in tandem and refuse to look you in the eye, you discuss the matter with your closest crewmates. They instruct you to corner them as when they got into these moods, there was always a bigger picture. The truth would not come out during one on one conversations. Instead, they’d vehemently deny anything being wrong and would do just about anything to get away from you. Only by forcing them into a situation where it was the three of you, would you finally get the truth.
Some deliberation would occur as to how to proceed with all of this and after a minor joke in passing referring to a poly relationship, as well as having to explain the concept when they vocalized their confusion, you’d be met with a fiercely red faced Kidd and nervous glances bouncing around the room from Killer. Neither would object to the suggestion as they’d had their own moments in the past. In the end, their partnership dynamic wouldn’t change much at all, it would just start to include you.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Quiet: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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Stubborn like a mule, Dick would never admit he fell for a teammate. Of course everybody knows and with the amount of teasing it won't take much to push him over the edge.
Inspired by Charlie Puth;s song Charlie be quiet.
Warning: it's long :D (20.971 words!) - that part was not planned :D
Seven years ago
„Stop staring.”
„You heard me. Stop ogling her.”
“I am not….”
“Dick.” Donna’s voice was as stern as it possibly could. Despite her best effort she was slowly losing patience with Robin’s childish play of cat and mouse. Everyone, literally everyone, team or not could say he was head over heels in love with his teammate, Y/N Y/L/N, who also happened to posses the power of blue lantern. She was the third one to join the Titans, after the corps decided that the girl, born human, had to be near Earth’s green lantern to get access to her full power. Hal, who was supposed to be her mentor trained her well for a couple of years and despite their differences they become friends. So when the green one left her at the tower, arguing that she needed friends at the same age and with similar capabilities and assuring that she could always reach him if need arises, her heart broke a little. At first she was withdrawn, intimidating and hard to understand but soon her other, lighter side emerged. One thing everyone noticed about the girl was that everytime she was indulged in things that gave her sense of fulfillment the lantern’s blue light surrounded her, making her look ethereal and beautiful. Perhaps that was the thing that quickly caught Dick’s attention. Despite their initial fights and a lot of misunderstandings and communications problem they worked through it. Of course, only for the sake of the team, nothing else. Both Dick and Y/N were individuals who hated being told what, how and when to do, but also knew when to step down. She was the one to make him stop, think and analyze the situation before acting, he helped her in developing her intuition. In no time, he found himself falling for that introverted analyst who always, always had  a plan and was way too much in her own head.
“She’s gonna figure it out. Is that what you want?” Wondergirl mocked, knowing well enough that for the last couple of years Dick was doing everything in his power to keep this infatuation a secret. In his own words, it was not wise to get into relationship with someone who could be called into space at every second. And definitely stupid to love a teammate, which may cause a distraction and damage while fighting. He just kept coming with so many dumb excuses to adore her from the distance. At this point he didn’t even bother to answer Donna’s question since it was obvious Y/N realization of the situation would be the end of him. So he kept it quiet. Y/N was that kind of person who preferred to keep the emotions at bay as well, never giving him any sign she was interested in forming a relationship, more often than not pushing people away when she was scared and worried and stressed and vulnerable. Not really talking about it but separating to gather back her strength and balance. Well, she was the blue lantern, who got power from hope, so what else could you expect.
“Did you guys want something?” said blue one turned around towards her friends “you’ve been standing there for like a quarter now and it’s getting suspicious” she mocked
“it’s fine. We were just trash-talking you” Donna smirked
“Oh thank god, I was getting worried you were saying some good stuff about me. Such a relief” she fake-brushed her forehead. “Anyway, is anyone up for some sparring? I need to keep my spark up.”
“I thought you were  supposed to recharge? I mean… meet with Hal?” Dick frowned and a shadow of disappointment crossed the girl’s face as she shook her head.
“He was called on Oa. Apparently some threat appeared in the north side of the galaxy and Green Corp needs his immediate help. Nothing new, so yeah, I’m gonna go workout. Want to join me, Grayson.”
“Nope.” He felt his heartbeat fasten. Shit, it was getting harder and harder to be around her.
“ Ok. Donna?”
“Sure. I’m game. You can never count on the boys, right.”
“Hear, hear, sister.”
Just as Donna and Y/N left, heading towards the training room, Hank appeared on the other side.
“You did it again, didn’t you?” he let out a laugh “I would love to see you breaking one day.”
“Not a chance.”
Four years ago
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Y/N eyes went wide the second she entered the lab at the precinct. “it’s all for me?” it took a lot of strength not to jump out in joy. When, after the Jericho incident, the Titans fell apart and everyone went their own ways, she put all her intellectual efforts into science, biology and chemistry, taking first steps on a path to become a Forensic Scientist. With her stubbornness, passion and insight she soon got to be the best in the field. Last year was spend on working with the best detectives and investigators (including detective Chloe Decker from LAPD), getting hell of a knowledge and experience. And now, she moved to new city and easily scored a job at the best precinct in the whole country.
“Yep. All yours. Take your time and when you are ready, come meet the team. It’s quite big if you ask me, may be a bit overwhelming, so at first you’ll only meet with the best of the best. Those will be your regulars.”
“Good. I’m not exactly good with people.”
Half an hour later, the girl finally left the lab equipment, the books and agents and came down to the main office of detectives. With every step the feeling of something strangely familiar of this place was consuming her more and more and that hope of good things to come made her hand glow blue. A single raise of an eyebrow of one the officers was enough to snuff it.
“Y/N! Oh, you decided to grace us with your presence.” Her boss was talking to some man, whose back was turned to her so she did not see his face. “good timing. I would like to present to you our top investigator. Meet detective Richard Grayson.”
“Wha.. what?” she stuttered a little bit, pure shock reflecting in her eyes as the man turned around his expression being a mirror reflection of hers. “Dick?”
“Y/N?” he hadn’t seen her for two freaking years. Hell, he did not contact her in any way, despite a bit of stalking to make sure she was doing fine. And after all this time his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the girl he was still in love with. Time did nothing. And she was going to work with him, again.
“Hi.” She tilted her head and smiled lightly as the first surprise passed
“You know each other?” the captain caught up on the scene happening in front of his eyes
“From the previous life.” Dick said without looking away from her. It was real, she was real and here. He got her back.
“Should I be worried then? Will your past cause any problems in professional relationship?”
“No, sir. Not at all.”
Dick Grayson was always a good liar.
She wasn’t even doing anything, just sitting at the desk, covered with document and samples collected from the crime scene. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red,  clear sign she did not sleep much in the last days, her thick h/c hair a perfect mess. Lack of makeup and lab’s soft light mixed with her blue aura made her look young, fragile and innocent. All those adjectives far from truth given her secret identity.
“Hey Dick.” She smiled softly, yawning and stretching “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“You are?” that was surprising. Maybe she did change during the last time he saw her. There was something more gentle in her action.
“Mhm.” She rubbed her eyes in child-like manner “I need to stand from behind this desk like now. I’m way too sore. I’m going to grab some coffee. Would you mind staying here and watching the documents? Can’t risk anyone getting the confidential information about the investigation. And since it’s yours….”
“Sure.” His heart dropped a little but he did not let it show.
“Thank you.” She hopped down from the chair and suddenly lost her balance. Dick’s instincts kicked in and he was quick to catch and hold her before she fell to the ground. For the first time since the Titans she was so close to him, yet not close enough. He wanted to embrace her fully, stroke her hair, feel her heartbeat next to his, feel her. Sad thing he couldn’t.
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked instead, unwillingly letting go.
“Not sure. I took a nap yesterday, but…”
“What?” she scoffed “to much to do. You know…. the other job…. And it’s not like you are not running around the streets dressed in red and green.”
“Yeah, of course I know. I observe. And did you really think I bought that story about your injuries being the effect of the latest work action? Please, I know you better than that.”
“And I know you. How’s your light doing? Hope still up?”
“Never dying. But I’m not going to lie. Given the condition of the world last two years was a rough ride. I was even summoned by the Blues.”
“You were in space, huh? Why?”
“They thought I was getting weak. Wondered if I deserve the power of the lantern. But you know, the ring know what it does. I was just cut from using it for a bit. Last week of my suspension and then I’m back at my full capabilities.”
“I’m sorry about it.” He took a step closer and grabbed her hand. She didn’t even flinch when he started caressing her palm. It was nice and comforting and moving something inside her.
“It’s fine. We learn from mistakes, right? At least some of us” she shoved him playfully killing the atmosphere in effect.
“Sit down, Y/N. I’ll fetch you coffee and then we’ll talk about my case.”
“Ok, thanks. I want…..”
“Black, no sugar. I remember.”
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Dick and Y/N were standing at the crime scene. Or rather a battlefield scene. Blood and dead bodies were everywhere reminding of horror movies, especially those where the chainsaw was used.
“I’m not an amateur, Dick and this is not my first rodeo so stop it. I’ve seen worse. In both lifes.”
“Right. Sorry.”
“It’s ok. That little protectiveness of ours is touching. And gives me a reason to mock you freely.”
“Don’t you dare” he hissed grabbing her by the waist “I can always go full Robin on you” he whispered his face centimeters from her, unwillingly leaning in, forgetting where he was, who he was and what he was doing.
“Well than, I’ll go full blue lantern on you” she smirked and wriggled from his arms “but now, I have work to do. Genetic material, my favorite kind”.
As Y/N came closer to the one of the bodies Dick was completely consumed by his own thoughts. He loved her even more now and it was getting impossible to hide it.
Two years ago
Two years of working together did not bring him any closer to confessing his feelings. Even when after night patrol he showed at her apartment to get patched up and stayed the night watching her sleep on the other side of the same bed, unable to even close an eye. Her obliviousness was no help, since she was always calling him a friend, a coworker, a team member, even a mate. It was killing him. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she muttered shifting her position  a bit. She knew he was awake and there was no point denying “how are your injuries?” she reached towards his arm covered with fresh cuts almost touching it, but stopping a few millimeters away from the skin. Luckily for him, since he knew her single touch would make him burn. He wanted to kiss her, to do more – to make her feel good, to make her his and only his…….. Dirty thought and images was now creeping in his mind “Dick?” she frowned “you are distracted, officer”. That last word and her body so close made him jump out of the bed immediately, terrified his self-control was failing him.
“I’m fine. I’m gonna get some water. Go back to sleep, you need to rest.”
“No buts. Sleep. I’m taking the couch.”
He did not get any rest that night. Crazy dreams that could never happen were enough to keep him up.
She got hurt. Because of him. Because of his recklessness and distraction. He shouldn’t have left her alone. Y/N was just doing her job, securing the evidences. Every other detective was in the other room of the house when shooters came through the door, firing their guns in every possible direction. Before anyone could react three policemen where bleeding, and one was dead.
“Shit! Y/N!” Dick hissed and rushed to the place where she was hoping nothing happened. He managed to disarm three of the attackers on the way, but judging from the sound she was dealing with the fourth, doing pretty good job. Even if blue lanterns were never considered the fighters, she was an exception, years in Titans and Hal’s upraise giving her exceptional skills in hand-to-hand fight, blue constructs adding to that. She was spinning, ducking and sliding, creating blue daggers and blades, going for the win when she saw him. A second of hesitation was enough for the opponent and she ended up with a knife in her stomach and  blood flowing everywhere. The last thing she felt was a pair of strong arms embracing her and lifting her up, holding close to wide chest whispering the most cliché words – it’s gonna be ok.
And now she was on the ICU, looking small and pale in hospital bed with Dick sitting on the uncomfortable chair holding her cold hands.
“Detective Grayson?” doctor’s voice made him stand up immediately “she’s going to be fine. No serious damage was done, luckily the blade missed the organs by an inch. And this girl, she’s strong, a fighter.”
“You have no idea, doctor. Thank you.”
“Just doing my job.” The MD shrugged but smiled happily “you got couple minutes left, and then she’ll need rest.”
“Ok.” When the doctor disappeared he leaned over girl’s sleeping figure and lovingly kissed her forehead “I’ll take care of you.”
Year ago.
 “I need your help.”
“My help of Blue’s help?” she asked “wait, don’t answer. I know what it will be.”
“Of course you do.” she could tell he rolled her eyes on the other side of the phone line.
“So? what’s the case? Go on. I got work.”
“There’s this girl. Her name is Rachel…..”
“Wait, are you talking about the teenager that run away from the house? The one, whose mother was shot straight in the head?” Y/N voice came up an octave.
“Yes. Wait, how do you…..?”
“So it happens I’m at the crime scene, detective.”
“Right.” Of course, he should have known she would be called there right away. And he did not like the fact that he wasn’t there with her to keep her safe. He didn’t trust anyone else with that.
“Relax, Dick. Everyone’s safe and I know how to protect myself. I can’t understand why do I have to assure you of it every time you are not around. I thought you knew my killer skills.”
“I know, but remember what happened last time?”
“It was a year ago, you fool! And it was your fault.” He went quiet for a bit too long “Dick? Are you still there?”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty.”
“I know.”
“But you’re sulking. We’ve been through this. All is forgiven and forgotten. Now, what about this Rachel girl?”
“She’s like you. She has powers. And she’s terrified.”
“she just lost her mother, no surprise with that.”
“Not only about that. There’s something dark about her. Can you come?”
“Give me an hour.”
“Hey, you must be Rachel? I’m  a friend of Dick.”
“Where is he?” the girl truly was terrified
“Dealing with paperwork. He asked me to watch over you.”
“I don’t think it’s safe to be around me.”
“I can handle myself. Now, since I work on the case of …. Nevermind. Can you tell me what happened?” Y/N held Rachel’s hand trying to reach for the hope inside the girl.
“I…. I……”
“I won’t push you. But I know Dick promised to help you and I’m going to make sure he keeps that promise, all right?”
“Ok. I need help…..”
“What exactly is the case of Dick and Y/N?”  Gar could not hold back the question
“Are you asking me?” Donna raised an eyebrow at the green haired boy.
“Well you are the only one here who knows about their past.”
“Yeah, everyone can tell he’s in love with her.” Rachel added “so why does she keep pushing his limits?”
“Well it’s not my story to tell” Donna scoffed “if you want to know anything you may as well go the subject of this discussion and …..”
“So you are now talking shit about me behind my back?” Y/N leaned on the doorframe and crossed he arms “come on, I;m a big girl I can handle anything. Donna?”
“Nope. I’m out. You can talk to the kids, they seem very interested about your past.”
“Really? Why? Rachel? Gar?”
“Y/N, I love you, but I need to speak with Dick. Gar can explain. Right, Gar?” she eyed him suggestively.
“What?” he frowned but soon the realization dawned on him “oh, yeah, right, sure. I’ll explain.” Rachel and Donna nodded and left leaving Y/N with the boy.
“So, what’s up shifter?”
“Why don’t you love Dick back?” Gar blurted before realizing his words
“What?” she was taken aback “what are you talking about?”
“Nothing.” He tried to escape but she was quick to pin him back to the chair
“Oh, no, no, no, no. You are not running away from me. Talk. Now.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” Gar raised both his hands in surrender “but how can you be so oblivious? Everyone knows he loves you and you miss all the signs!”
“that’s absurd! He’s just a friend. Which is a progress, since we were more like enemies at the beginning. And who’s everyone? And since when you are so gossiping?”
“Donna. Rachel. Kori. Me. Everyone! From what I can tell even Hank and Dawn get the message. And I’m not gossiping.” He sighed “Look Y/N, you are my best friend, you know it, right?” the girl nodded “and that’s why I care about your happiness.”
“No, no buts. You are making two people unhappy. Three if you count me. Do you love him?”
“Do you?” he studied her face carefully, his tone now gentle. They only knew each other for a while but he already knew talking about and expressing emotions was not her stronger suit.
“I do….” She whispered looking down.
“Well I can assure you he loves you to. Why do you think Rachel went to talk to him?”
“You two are unbelievable.”
“And that’s why you love us” he grinned “now go talk to him.”
“Dick? Can we…. Can we talk?”
“I’m actually a bit busy.” He was tensed so his conversation with Rachel must have been emotional
“Come on, Dickie, I bet you have five minutes for me.” She came closer and put an hand on his arm from behind gently stroking his shoulder. Out of instinct he leaned more into her touch wanting more. “So, Gar talked to me.”
“About what?” he turned around making her hand drop and immediately missing the contact.
“You. And well.. um.. me being blind.”
“How so?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“You know what!”
“Well maybe I’m tired of guessing!”
“Putting the pieces of information together is your job! So quit playing!”
Instead of soft conversation they were now yelling at each other. Not how it supposed to go.
“I hate you! All those years I held it back but I hate you!”
“Really?” She mocked “what do you hate about me the most?” she started circling him like a predator
“don’t do this.” He warned, his eyes glistening
“my blue light?” she took a step letting some of the aura out “or maybe my hands?” she brushed her fingertips on his arm causing him to close his eyes
“You’re walking down a dangerous path….”
“Sure, what’s new. Oh,I know” she faked surprise “I know what you hate about me the most.” She leaned close to him “I bet it’s my lips, right?”
He didn’t answer as he could not hold back anymore and closed the distance between them crashing his lips on hers. She was right. He hated those soft pink, plump and kissable lips he was dreaming about for so long. He hated her aura, full of hope. He hated her hands that patched him up so many times and that brought him comfort and sense of safety everytime she touched him. He hated what she was doing to him, how she was messing with his head, how vulnerable she was making him, he hated…..
“I love you” he whispered pulling away, letting his arms sneak around her waist, holding her tight, not wanting to let go. “I loved you since the day you showed at the tower. I wanted you for so long.”
“Why did you hold it back? I really thought we were just friends. You were withdrawing every time I tried to…."
“Stop talking.” He pressed their lips together again, drunk on the feeling of her, craving her, tightening the embrace trying to get her closer than it was physically possible.
“Ouch, not that I’m complaining, but Dick that hurts. You’re strong, remember?” she whined as he started to crush her.
“Sorry. But I love you so fucking much. Feels good to say it.”
“Why don’t you let me try then?” she smirked locking hands on his neck and looking him straight into the eyes “Richard Grayson, I love you too. But you are an idiot! Why the hell didn’t you tell me?!”
“I was scared you would run away. You always displaced the emotions, so….”
“Dick, you dumbass. I am a lantern, I thrive on emotions, I just can’t let it consume me. Don’t want to turn into the red lantern, or worse – a black one. Do you know the latter drive on death?”
“Is that possible? For you to change color?"
“Don’t know, but I can’t risk it.”
“Well, I’ll make sure to provide you with hope if that’s what you need. Hope for us, for starters.”
“Ok, Mr. Grayson, so why don’t you kiss me again?”
“Gladly.” He would never get tired of holding, touching and having her. He was dead set on making up for the lost seven years.  
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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fricc-darn · 6 months
More dating B.E.N hcs but sprinkle in some love
(some BEN angst if you squint n slight warning for toxic relationships)
When it comes to BEN and affection it's a tricky situation. It only cares about other moon children in the network. For other people, the concept of love is not on their mind. Due to that, it's not often you'll experience loving moments with them.
Their love is rare and will take time to form as this is reserved for a specific kind of person. Someone who it enjoys the presence of. A person who's a pleasure to mess with but isn't too easy. Someone who keeps things interesting. The perfect toy? In a sense yes! This type of love is genuine. It's truly a weird scenario because BEN continues to be a menace while attempting to be sweet.
Of course, these acts should be appreciated to some degree. At least attempts are being made. Despite how flawed these acts are, it's treatment others don't see. You should feel lucky that you're an exception. The last thing BEN wants is for you to end up dead. Though if you have gotten this far, you'd certainly know to appreciate these moments.
BEN's words of affirmation are just as concise and vague as their regular speech. When it compliments you at worst it's backhanded. At best they come off as someone talking to a beloved pet. Occasionally, it'll complement you in an odd amount of detail. Pointing out quirks that you don't even notice.
Now, if they really like you they have a tendency to info dump. Though they try to keep it at a minimum. They wouldn't want you getting too curious and becoming nosey.
For the most part; simple phrases like "I love you." or "Cute." work fine. It'll take time for you to figure out whether or not BEN is being genuine. Even when you get the hang of it, there's still a nagging uncertainty present. This process would be much easier if they weren't so deceitful. The first time BEN loosely said the words 'I love you' it was out of the blue during a flurry of obsessive messages and threats. They refused to elaborate until much later and took whatever response you had as a yes.
At first, it only communicates with you online or through poltergeist-like activities. They'll even appear in your dreams as individual moon children. These dreams are surprisingly pleasant in comparison to the nightmares. With a substantial amount of trust, you learn more about the spirits as individuals.
Hearing the bits and pieces of what they remember about their past really makes sense of their behavior. Just don't even think about pitying them. Even if its well meaning, the outcome won't be in your favor.
None of them can stand being vulnerable. Especially if they don't have the means to take over the situation. In those almost unthinkable scenarios, it would trigger them into emotional distress. Which isn't something you'd expect from BEN of all people. To avoid that, they lead you to the information with breadcrumbs.
When BEN decides to appear physically, things really get fun!
They aren't too fond of physical affection. You can ask, but it will often result in a no. They have to be the ones to initiate it. There are plenty of reasons but it's mainly for the comfort of each moon child. You'll quickly learn who hates being touched, who doesn't mind, or who enjoys it.
Dealing with BEN is like dealing with a cat with an awful attitude. A spiteful shithead to its core. When they're not toying with your stuff, they'll come up to you whenever they feel like to bother you. From hugging, breathing down your neck, or maybe even biting you. The ladder isn't always ideal since BEN has way too many teeth. When this happens, it doesn't have much of a care for what you're doing or if you want to be bothered. BEN has some major cuteness aggression towards you. They play rough and oddly enough they're pretty strong.
Hugs and hand holding are the most common form of affection you'll get. When you're asleep they might even decide to cuddle with you. Be warned, BEN will take up most of the bed for no good reason. You also have to be prepared for potentially getting scared half to death in the middle of the night. Besides the distorted whispers, it's uncanny generated face will stare at you while you sleep. When you sleep with them it doesn't feel like a person is sleeping next to you. It's more like a general presence. BEN's skin is cold more often than not. Its skin seems to get warm off of your body heat or if there's something going on inside of its head. At least they're soft and squishy.
Can BEN kiss? Sorta. Its kisses are chaste and usually on the cheek. They're a prude, and a super hypocritical one at that. If they happen to kiss you on the lips it's essentially like kissing a mannequin with synthetic skin. It's cold and awkward. They're artificial in almost every sense of the word. Its mouth is the texture of gooey silicone with a long tongue and plenty of teeth. Kissing it is an experience that only you get to have. BEN really tries to be a good kisser but it just doesn't work out. It may be a questionable kisser but it's not sloppy. For that has no appeal, BEN prefers kisses to be simple and clean.
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Why I consider Miguel replacing his own self so bad?
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Originally this was going to be a response to a post someone else did, but then I feel I was being mean to people just enjoying a character, so I repurposed it. Is funny because before that post I wasn't planning on doing this but that one got the words out of me somehow.
As disclaimer; I don't think there is anything wrong with liking Miguel, or any character of this movie. It doesn't matter what Miguel may or may not had done in this movie, or if your headcanons and ideas align with how he is in canon or not.
I also feel that regardless of what I think it went down in this situation, I can't call Miguel evil; I would have some words about what I think later in this post, but I don't think when he did what he did he was doing it because ~evil~
With all that out of the way, let's start with this:
The way he talks about the ordeal makes me uneasy.
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You know why I find this unsettling? That this is about himself.
I understand that Miguel is narrating this story from his perspective, and is about his mistake, so by that, you wouldn't need to bring up anyone else. You can even make the argument it may be too painful for him if you want.
So why I still have a problem?
Because the narration isn't the only problem I have with this, in fact, what I find the most disturbing, is the following part.
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Here is my thing...Don't you find odd how quickly he found out about this?
Think about it; it would be weird that he was just looking on the Multiverse, saw a version of himself with a nice, happy family, and just at that moment that person got killed, so he step in.
I had seen someone made the argument that he did what did because he was thinking of Gabby, however, nothing on his demeanour or words makes me think this was about anyone that wasn't himself.
Let's go back to those pics.
Want to know why I posted two that are basically the same? Because what's important is Miguel's face.
He is completely stoic.
We see Miguel seeing the body at the same time the mugger is running away, this makes me believe it was implied he watched at least the guy get away. But when Miguel appears on the screen, it is already watching the image, it doesn't make me think he just popped up the screen and saw it play at the moment he got killed.
Much less because he looks so calm, like he was expecting this to happen.
I don't know how much Miguel can see in future events, I believe there is some capacity because he said to Miles that his dad will die in two days. That may be because is when he becomes a Captain and his words are more speculation than actual confirmation. It could also be that at that moment he didn't have the means to look into it.
But all this footage makes me believe he saw his other self try to do the right thing, get killed, and then came in.
This wasn't about preserving the canon, this is in theory, before he knew how "canon works" (because he affirms the universe collapsed because he try to take the place of someone who was suppose to die. At least that was the impression it gave me.) So is not like there was any reason to not step in and help him.
This is going into speculation territory, so feel free to say this is a reach, but...was there really no way to save the other Miguel?
It gave me the impression the guy used just one bullet, unless is in specific places, normally one bullet wouldn't be enough. More important, Miguel is from the future, his world can make travel to the moon as if it is just going on the highway; are you telling me that if Miguel wanted to help to save this guy's life, was there really nothing he could?
Like sure, he doesn't need to, this isn't this problem and not his story, he shouldn't interfere.
Except that he did, to replace him.
And that's why I consider his initial speech so disturbing.
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Let me put all together what Miguel said:
"I found a world where I had a family. Where I was happy. And that version of myself was killed. So I replace him. I thought it was harmless."
This entire discourse is about himself, with no real thought put into how Gabby, or anyone else may feel. Miguel keeps saying "family," which makes me think it was more than just Gabby, since I don't see why he wouldn't just say daughter if it was only her. That being say I am praying that I am wrong.
My heart really breaks for the other Miguel, he just wanted to do the right thing, he didn't have any powers or special abilities but he still try to help this lady that he probably didn't even know.
And what he got?
That his family will not mourn him, that none of his love ones would go to his funeral (I doubt there was one.) That the people who loved him can't even begin to deal with the mourning process.
Because Miguel, wanted a family.
I am sorry, but I can't help to feel this was en egoistic action when literally there is no mention of ever thinking of anyone that wasn't him; you can try to argue that the "harmless" part also included every other person who knew that Miguel, since they now don't need to go through the pain of a funeral.
But Miguel wasn't that Miguel, if there is something the multi-verse has shown us, is that different versions of a character don't need to be the same, in fact is not odd to not be.
I mentioned this in the past, but if I feel my boyfriend was acting odd, and then discover that he got replaced by another version of himself, just because this one wanted to have a partner- It makes my blood boil; I would personally feel outraged.
Because it should be my decision, which is removed completely of the equation because someone decided they knew me better than me, so they could take decisions on my behalf.
And if I heard him talk, and realize all he ever mentioned was about him and what he wanted? Oh that's one easy slap to the face minimum.
I don't think Miguel had nefarious intentions by doing this, the problem is that he does the thing he literally does the rest of the movie: Assume his idea is the right call, no think twice about asking anyone's opinion, and then blame it on something else when things start to go south.
(If you want an easy example: Literally blaming Gwen for the fiasco with Miles, as if the guy didn't literally scared Miles off when Peter was THIS close to making him go with him.)
Hope anyone liked it! If you did, please consider either commissioning me or donating to my ko-fi, and if not please reblog!
Have a good night.
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mimicha-arts · 1 year
Qian Jin
Hello and sorry. I’m here again with my “catch the details faster than the frame changes.” Let's talk about Qian Jin! I'm pretty sure we'll learn new information in the next episode because of the flashback, so I want to get ahead of things a little and play bingo ;)
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1. Romeo and Juliet Many have discussed this, but we will go deeper. One of the main key points in the s2 is the Romeo and Juliet theme and poster, which we now know is related to Qian Jin's story.
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In my opinion, his whole scene with the poster looked very personal, hardly just "symbolism" of his feelings after losing his wife or something like that. And here I will try to explain why. Because, most likely, the actress on the poster is Qian Jin's wife. Her name was shown for such a brief moment that I actually nearly lost my mind while trying to capture the frame. So, her name is probably Chen Nan (陈楠). And I really don't think it was necessary to include such details if they are minor.
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Well. Pure speculations. We all remember that initially everything was wrong with the case, the suspect in the murder of Qian Jin‘s wife after some time committed suicide and left a note with a confession. Although I can read some words, I can't rely on my eyes, so I can't string them together into complete sentences. But what I can guess is that there are two characters in the signature, and the surname kinda looks like Zhuang (庄).
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So. Which character also has the surname Zhuang, who has already been "shown" in the series… On the same poster of "Romeo and Juliet", where the actress, theoretically, was Qian Jin's wife… Yeah. Zhuang Shuai (庄帅)
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Okay, this could all be a coincidence, my imagination, speculation. But is these details actually connected, for now, until this has been refuted, I suspect that the story of the murder of Qian Jin's wife was much more personal and deep. Like, now we are convinced that after he found out about Cheng Xiaoshi's ability, his motivation is obviously to capture Cheng Xiaoshi in order to rewrite the past. Likely to save his wife (?). But I'm not sure how much more complex it will be?
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If any of this is confirmed, I rather think that Qian Jin's wife was killed by Zhuang Shuai out of jealousy. I also need to say, for now I don't think that 戴绿帽子 is a possible situation here, seems TOO cruel for me, but who knows.
2. Qian Jin and details Eyes. We were all confused because Qian Jin's eyes were not common, but icy yellow. In fact, his eyes can be said to have three states. I also note that sometimes pupils are not drawn or too small because of 2D graphics, so I take into account only obvious close-ups. First type: present, yellow eyes with a vertical pupil. We see that kind of his eyes in most of his scenes. The same type of eyes are in his character design pictures and intro.
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Second type: present, yellow with a round pupil. This type of eyes appears specifically in episode 4.
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(Technically) third type: the past, yellow eyes with a round pupil. In all the close-up scenes in flashbacks, his pupils are round.
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Abilities: It's hard to guess, but at the moment I don't think he personally has any special abilities. It seems to me, given his one line, that Qian Jin relies more on his skills, plans and his people, treating abilities (at least in this situation) in a rather lenient way. Also, his real words sound more special and poetic - If there is a way to reach the sky, it will be difficult to fly away even with wings (friendly reminder, I'm not a translator or native speaker)
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But there is one dubious detail. OK. Speaking of gloves, he probably uses gloves to avoid accidentally touching Li Tianchen and getting controlled, which is a pretty logical conclusion after episode 8. But. At some point, while talking to Li Tianchen, when the frame points to Qian Jin, there is a rather small movement of the hand and the sound of either the rustle of clothes, or the sound of something being handed over (ep 7, 1:22-1:28). This was weird.
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This may be a trick, but at some point, when it gets to 7pm, Qian Jin claps his hands. And given to Cheng Xiaoshi's abilities, we know that clapping can be a means of activating/disabling an ability.
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Speculation: Since we can't fully rely on changing the shape of the eyes, pupil, eye color, due to the change in visual "rules" compared to season 1 + animation errors, but for now I'll make assumptions.
In fact, in some of these scenes, Qian Jin may be possessed by Cheng Xiaoshi (which is trite, but possible)
Someone uses their abilities on Qian Jin, they are in cooperation. This person either possess him either they watches events through Qian Jin's eyes from time to time, as if through a camera.
Qian Jin gave something to Li Tianchen in the car, and that will play a role in the plot.
The change of eyes is an attempt to show the change in his personality, but I don't think it's that simple.
3. Something beyond my understanding
The man with a hat. They are obviously connected, and I already wrote a big theory about this, if the man in the hat turns out to be Liu Xiao, let's not dwell on this, if you want to read, click on - Person in the shadows.
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Dates In his intro, although there is some information, as always, the year is not indicated. Obviously, the current year is still 2021 (according to s1). But in the second season, we are not shown specific dates anywhere (even with the twins, although we can find out their year of birth by literally subtracting 19), and here. There is an event, there is a blurry date. Not specified. I guess something is wrong with time already or is this a hint that it doesn’t matter, because the events are looped / will be erased.
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Player and music And probably the most ??????? thing. When Qian Jin is in the car, there is a VERY short frame before he takes the call. If you catch it... here is a player on the screen. The music is Symphony of Fate (生命交响乐). And the player does not have a "back" button, only forward.
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Time is like music, yeah. Thank you for reading once again ~ I hope episode 9 gives us more information and answers some questions though… *cries*. Feel free to discuss!
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to-thelakes · 8 months
I'm watching Moon Knight (again) to help me go to sleep and I've rewatched episode 1 so so many times on nights like tonight but I still absolutely adore all the little details.
Like, okay so when Steven wakes up in the Alps (I think that's where it is), Khonshu says "go to sleep, worm" and okay, first watch and without knowing the context of Jake existing, that makes sense. Khonshu doesn't like Steven which we learn more and more as the series goes on but then he says a few lines later "the idiot's in control" in that same scene in the Alps.
There is such a clear shift in attitude between 'go to sleep, worm' and 'The idiot's in control' and it's so obvious on a rewatch that Khonshu is talking to two different people with each line.
He's referring to Jake as 'worm' and he thinks that telling him to simply 'go back to sleep' would work because Jake is aware of the alters and their situation. Although from the brief glimpses we get of Jake, we know that he is an... interesting guy yet we can gather that he at least has some sort of alliance/respect/something going on with Khonshu. However, when he realises it's Steven, it's not hostility in the same way. It's more exasperated frustration. He's mad at Marc for letting Steven suddenly appear rather than being annoyed at Jake for making a random appearance. The way that the dialogue is written just exposes so much on a rewatch.
But going back to Jake/Khonshu even if they do have some respect, it's also pretty obvious that Khonshu does not want Jake around. I'd speculate that that's probably because if Marc loses time when he knows that he's not in London as Steven, that would create suspicion. Suspicion that Khonshu wouldn't want because that would put their avatar/God relationship at risk.
Though, I also suspect that Khonshu and Jake probably were working together but Marc never became aware because Jake worked at nights (maybe why Steven is so goddamn tired) or simply took over while Marc thought that Steven was in control.
I know that the Moon Knight portrayal is not the most accurate DiD portrayal but from my research, there's this whole idea of like different levels of awareness. Like the blackouts for Steven are because he initially has no awareness of the other alters. Then when Steven and Marc black-out, it's because neither of them are aware that there is a third alter aka Jake. Which means that Jake can do things for Khonshu while Marc believes that he is in London and neither Marc nor Steven would be aware.
I'm kind of just rambling about the show at this point but also, what I find really interesting every time I rewatch is the date thing. So, right, if Marc was the one that set-up the date why would he let Steven stand her up without saying anything to her? Marc isn't exactly the best guy when it comes to romance but he is incredibly protective over Steven because he wants to protect him from Khonshu. So, why in the world would he let the whole date rejection thing happen?
Because it wasn't Marc. It was Jake. Jake asked out Steven's colleague and that also makes sense why they went to a steak place. Jake doesn't give a f*ck about Steven's veganism while Marc absolutely would. Marc wants to protect Steven so he wouldn't make such a silly mistake.
But Jake would. Honestly, at this point, convinced that Jake just wanted to fuck with the Moonboys and Khonshu just played along.
I don't know.
I always find the dynamics of the Moonboys so interesting and I love how even when you rewatch it, there are new little discoveries that you can make. Like there was so much love, thought and attention put into this show?? It makes me SO SO happy.
This show honestly means the world to me and excuse the ramble/rant but I just love talking about my Moonboys and I never really get to speculate or discuss the show. I talk about it with my dad but being at uni means that I do not get to ramble at him as often. So, tumblr gets it instead.
But yeah, they're my (not very) astute observations about my beloved Moon Knight
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silicon-tmblr · 9 months
[Reposting this because I'm dumb stupid and don't know how reblogs work! This was supposed to be a reblog of this post by @g0nta-g0kuhara, a multi-part analysis of Kokichi Oma in Chapter 4]
Ooh a meta post! Sends me back to when I was first researching the DRV3 fandom before playing the game (I'm a little backwards, I know...). I only read the one part, but I wanted to chime in with some additions on top of the existing analysis.
Interestingly, the "neutral Kokichi face" that's highlighted in this post is one of two "neutral faces" that Kokichi makes throughout the game. That would be stand_005_037, or Kokichi's 37th sprite.
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The other "neutral face" is the next sprite over, stand_005_038, which appears in a different context from the previous sprite. The difference between the two is really not terribly noticeable at a glance, so here's a visual.
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Up to now, I've considered sprite 37 to be Kokichi's "unserious neutral", as his expression appears more relaxed than that of sprite 38, what I've thought to be his "serious neutral".
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You know he's not serious when he's agreeing with Maki.
With the information from this analysis, though, it might be more accurate to call it his "masking neutral". Kokichi will use sprite 38 in low-emotion situations when he has a point to get across, like here in the Chapter 3 post-trial.
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However, in high-emotion situations, as said in the initial analysis post, Kokichi is likely trying to hold himself back. That's when sprite 37 comes in.
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Bro is either stifling a laugh or seething with anger in there
Regarding Kokichi's sprite 38, there's some stuff I've come across which loosely implies that it initially had a different design. When Kaito recaps his conversation with Kokichi in the hangar in the Chapter 5 post-trial, the conversation is portrayed with a sepia tone. The sprites for this conversation aren't really "sprites", per-se -- the entire scenario is actually stored as a series of background images in the game files.
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One image that caught my attention, however, was bg_201_11:
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On my first playthrough of the game, I dubbed this sprite "Kokichi angy"
This image stands out at a glance because of the Kokichi sprite, which isn't seen anywhere else in the entire game. Compared to the other images in the set, this image actually seems to be from an older build of the game, as the shadows in the background, shading on the sprites, and position of Kokichi's arm-belt-things are different.
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bg_201_11 vs bg_201_01
My guess is that this unused sprite was an older version of sprite 38, especially since the current sprite 38 has similar errors as the older sprite.
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Personally, I'm glad "Kokichi angy" wasn't actually used in the final game. He looks a little too much like a wet cat.
On another topic, also related to the linked analysis: let's talk about the ever controversial whiteboard note written by Kokichi under Shuichi's photo which, in the English localization, reads "trustworthy?"
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As many people have pointed out, both now and in the past, this note was translated oddly and the original text was 「油断ならない?」 (yudan naranai?).
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Though it's often translated by fans as “sneaky or cunning”, the literal translation is actually “don't be careless”, with “yudan” meaning “careless” and “naranai” meaning “must not (be)”. This is translateable in most situations as “dangerous”, hence that being the stock translation supplied by Jisho.org.
After all, "don't be careless" has essentially the same meaning as "this is dangerous", in most situations at least (think mountain climbing, or traveling through a dark alley; you wouldn't want to be careless because it is dangerous, you don't know what to expect so it's treacherous and sneaky).
When translating a note regarding a person, though, I would think "don't be careless" would be more appropriate, especially considering Shuichi isn't particularly dangerous compared to some other people in the academy whose dangers are well known (*cough cough* Maki)
You can find the independent translated meanings of yudan and naranai on Jisho as well as on Wikitionary (yudan, naranai).
So, Kokichi is essentially telling himself to stay on his guard around Shuichi, since he doesn't know what to expect from him. His attempt to team up with Shuichi in Chapter 4 was probably his confirmation that Shuichi wanted nothing to do with him, and that he should formulate his plans accordingly. It would probably have been ideal for him to have Shuichi on his side, as he saw Shuichi as a wild card (rather ironically; I'd imagine the group perceives Kokichi as the wild card of the group). So despite the translation error, the points made by the linked analysis still hold decent ground.
All in all, despite my belief that Chapter 4 is absolutely ridiculous, the linked analysis is quite good when one assumes Chapter 4 is logically sound (it's not), and still holds up even to someone like me who really dislikes Chapter 4 for its severe logical fallacies (my suspension of disbelief was absolutely thrown out the window when I played it... but maybe that's a matter for another day)
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