#ash dragonfly
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albiorixsims · 2 months ago
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А у нас с @edyavtostopom есть ребенок)))
Мы как-то играли в мультиплеере веселой компанией (думаю, надо будет поделиться скринчиками) и очаровательный русал @edyavtostopom (под кодовым именем "селёдка") закадрил мою стрекозку. Возможно, все было наоборот, я уже не помню, но в ��тоге они стали счастливыми родителями. А вот пожениться так и не поженились (но Пейтон, как честный русал, предложение Эшу сделал😄). Под катом можно сравнить генетику. Милашка Ньют взял от предков лучшее!
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years ago
"Any goodness that prevails in me is because of my wife" - Jamie to Lionel Brown, 07x01 "A Life Well Lost"
The final scene in 07x01 "A Life Well Lost" shows us who Jamie thinks he is - a vengeful, violent man.
But - but - we know he isn't. Because he has Claire in his life. He did her a service by marrying her, to keep her safe - sacrificing himself in the process (and many times, subsequently). He can be selfish at times, but is selfless when it comes to her.
She brings out the good in him, because she IS the good in him. She is a gift from God in his life. Loving her - always putting her first - is his absolution from God for the dozens and dozens of sins he has committed for her sake, and for the sake of the ones he loves.
Claire is Jamie's redemption.
And he knows it.
“They are dead because of me, Sassenach. And because of their own wickedness. If there is guilt, let it rest upon them. Or on me.” “Not on you alone,” I said, my eyes still closed…“You’re blood of my blood, bone of my bone. You said so. What you do rests on me, as well.” “Then may your vow redeem me,” he whispered.
– A Breath of Snow and Ashes
"I will find you," he whispered in my ear. "I promise. If I must endure two hundred years of purgatory, two hundred years without you—then that is my punishment, which I have earned for my crimes. For I have lied, and killed, and stolen; betrayed and broken trust. But there is the one thing that shall lie in the balance. When I shall stand before God, I shall have one thing to say, to weigh against the rest."
His voice dropped, nearly to a whisper, and his arms tightened around me.
"Lord, ye gave me a rare woman, and God! I loved her well."
-- Dragonfly in Amber
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elasticmonk · 5 months ago
This is my go to 7 hour (and growing) Outlander playlist. Everything from soundtrack, to traditional Celtic, to songs I thought fit the vibe of both the Frasers and the playlist.
Tell me if you have a song in mind or come across one that’s off-putting. 😊
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ashes-onthewind · 8 months ago
Came out from therapy to see this absolutely beautiful creature on our car <3 (under the cut bc it might trigger people with an insect phobia!)
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^ took those photos then decided to go out and take photos from the outside...
It didn't move... So I got these beautiful shots
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And it still didn't move. So I used a stick to try to poke it so it moved, and it just didn't, so I scooped it up.
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And then I stuck the stick in a lamppost :)
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Anyway, it made my day and I wanted to share <3
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ash-nightwingsversion · 10 months ago
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fountainpenguin · 2 years ago
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"Better check with all your sources before twisting the facts!" 🎵
New 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash update today!
Fairly OddParents || One-Shot - “Told You So”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3 || Read on dA
The "notorious complainer and empty nester Mama Cosma" & "Affection-deprived head of complaints department Sanderson" dynamic is one of my favorites, so here's a story about them!
Mama Cosma gets anxious when Cosmo doesn't come home with milk, so she takes it up with the only guy who'll listen to her... at 2 AM on a work night.
(First 1000 words under the cut)
121. Told You So (Almost 10,000 years pre-series)
Year of Breath; Summer of the Early Groundhog
Probably, the worst reaction Sanderson could have had to waking up with Florensa Cosma in his bed was, "We need to use stronger protection."
Yes, the "we" in that sentence encompassed all of Pixies Inc., and the protection he was referring to happened to be the apartment building's (clearly faulty) security system, but his chosen phrase made his roommate jolt and snap straight up in bed, lavender eyes glowing wide-eyed in the dark. Not just that, but it also did little to improve the woman's mood. Her brow furrowed. She sunk her fingernails through his thermal shirt, almost ripping it in the process. Which would have been a shame. It was his favorite shade of gray. Florensa's eyes blazed the brightest tint of blue he'd seen in months, years, centuries. His oil lamp flickered on the bedside table. It cast dancing red and black snakes across her twisted face. Even in the dark, he could see the mint-colored curls that stacked higher and higher on her head like a layered cake.
"Get up."
Her words splattered his nose with hot saliva. Ugh. Sanderson dropped his head back to his pillow. He didn't groan, didn't express any noise of discontent in the presence of an outsider, but he certainly would have liked to. The pillow wasn't that nice, either. Recent lumps and wrinkles had marred its usual pleasant flatness. "Didn't I hang up on you, like, five times tonight?"
He had… Hadn't he? In fact, he was fairly certain that after Florensa's last call, he'd dumped all the water on the floor, flipped his scrying bowl upside-down, and nestled beneath his thin blankets once again.
Florensa Cosma gave him another shake, this one so hard that he nearly bit his tongue. "You're in customer service, young man. The complaints department. I need you. Get up, you lump of lump. You have work to do."
Urrrgghh… Sanderson peeled the pillow from beneath his head. Sweat had stained the white fabric gray; he could tell that much even in the dark. Letting his head bounce back against his mattress with a squeak of springs, Sanderson stretched his arms as high as they could reach and allowed the pillow to drop on his face. "Pixies Inc. is closed right now, so you'll have to wait a few more hours. I'm off the clock, Dm. Cosma. I don't work at the dustforsaken time of… early in the morning."
"Does it look to you like this can wait until morning? This isn't my idea of a good time either- I wouldn't be traipsing 'round about your silly little squarefest if I didn't have to. Do you have any idea how long it takes to disable all your alarms? Even with magic?" Florensa ripped the limp pillow aside, flinging it against his closet door. It smacked with a shifting of wooden door panels. Sanderson screwed up his eyelids in the face of her glowing irises again, until she grabbed his shirt and twisted fabric and skin with both hands. He jolted up. Their heads collided. Bonk! "Oof!"
The pain only lasted for a spark, then subsided. Elastic fae skin never stayed injured very long. Taking advantage of the way she recoiled, Sanderson snuck a glance towards Hawkins' bed. His roommate had quietly lain down again, pulled the covers over his head. He faced the window and didn't say a word.
"Oh you slippery snatter, how I envy you," Sanderson muttered.
"Watch your language, young man! You have a paying client here."
Sanderson stared at her, making a heroic - if bleary - attempt to focus on Florensa's facial features. Meh. He lifted his foot (still restrained beneath perfectly straight and even sheets) and nudged her further down the bed. "Let's you and me talk business, Florensa. Between the hours of 8:00 and 8:00 in the purple time zone, you are no client of mine."
"Mister Ennet Chipixie Sanderson," Florensa snapped, kneading the blankets around his knees with her fists. Her wings flickered up behind her. "Do I need to haul you down to your office with my own bare hands?"
Hmm. Sanderson eyed the muscles rippling beneath the short sleeves of her green dress. "No. Okay… Answer me this: Pixie World is closed to outsiders in the evenings. That's in local time. How did you get past the anti-poof sensors?"
"I. Walked." Florensa scootched forward until she knelt over him again like a snake about to strike. This time her hands went around his throat. She wouldn't… She wouldn't. But although he wanted to believe she wouldn't, her thumbs hovered dangerously above his windpipe. That actually made the pixie slip out of his practiced poker face.
"You walked. To Pixie World."
"I hopped a tram, I skimmed a bit, but yes. I did walk."
Sanderson re-evaluated his tormentor, from the mess of tangled mint-green ringlets hanging in front of her searing blue eyes to the scratches and cartoon-like bandages pasted along her arms and cheeks. He bit his lip.
"Good gracious, Sandy," she huffed, exhaling a cloud of glittering gold magic. "I will not ask you again (and for Nuada's sake, try wearing something decent at night that doesn't have the image of a suit and tie printed on it, for once- you look like a human corpse). My son has been missing for two days. I really did think for a while that he left only to pick up milk, but it's been so very long… I'm beginning to worry. He's never been away from his mother this long since the war. He still lived at home during school."
"Your first son or your favorite son?"
"Favorite son." She sat back on her heels, opening and closing her hands in her lap. Her nails scratched against the sleek fabric of her dress. "Sanderson, you must understand how a mother cares for her children… He may be out there somewhere, perhaps beaten and mugged and alone. Those nasty bullies he keeps running into will have taken all his loose change- he does carry so much loose change, you know, and it always jingles when he walks. Now, I didn't stomp up here to nag you about you sleeping habits. Come and help me turn on your wand-tracking doohickey in the basement, or I'll take my clean energy filtering business elsewhere. Permanently."
"Dm. Cosma," he whined.
Off went his covers. Florensa slammed a hand to either side of his head, staring down at the squirming pixie as he attempted to dissolve into his bedsheets. "Don't you come complaining to me! This is your job. You're Head of the Complaints Department. You exist to listen to my concerns and help me work them out. Now… Are you with me?"
"… Okay." Honestly, did he have much of a choice? He could ping her away somewhere with his wand, but that wouldn't change the fact that she wanted his help. Sure, she might not come back for some time, but she absolutely, most definitely, undeniably would be filing a complaint directly against him. The glass ceiling he toiled beneath didn't need any more reasons to keep him down.
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
Three years ago, during the quarantine when there was Covid, i watched Outlander the First five seasons, One year later i watched Bad Batch that was the prequel of Star Wars Rebels and i realize that It will be compared with Outlander season three and because we see Jamie Fraser takes care of his son Willie if Bad Batch show us that Darth Vader takes care of baby Ezra Bridger After Revenge of the Sith. Outlander book three was release in 1993 and Revenge of the Sith released twelve years later. Outlander had almost comparison to Star Wars because the First book of Outlander was almost comparised to Star Wars the Clone Wars until Clone Wars season Seven and Revenge of the Sith that was almost comparison to Outlander book 2 were Claire Beauchamp gets separated by Jamie in the end as Anakin Skywalker gets separated by Ahsoka Tano......... and then Brianna Randall and Willie are almost comparison to Ezra when Jamie take care of Willie for six years while Brianna across the Stones while Ezra meets the Ghost Crew that it's contact with the Rebellion. Do you think that Jem, the grandson of Jamie and Claire, Is comparison to Ben Solo while the Last Two books of Outlander Is almost comparison to the Mandalorian, Star Wars Resistence and Sequel Trilogy?
Outlander= Star Wars The Clone Wars
Dragonfly in Amber= Star Wars the Clone Wars season Seven and Revenge of the Sith
Voyager= Star Wars the Bad Batch
Drums of Autumn= Star Wars Rebels
The Fiery Cross, a Breath of Snow and Ashes, An Echo in the Bone and Written In My Own Heart's Blood= Star Wars Rebels season five, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of Jedi
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone and Outlander book ten= The Mandalorian and Sequel Trilogy
Star Wars arrives from 1977 to 1983 while the Clone Wars arrives in 2008 and Rebels arrives in 2014 while Outlander books were started in 1991 until 2026 for the 35th anniversary Just like the Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley that in the Last book about Pa Salt reveals all the secrets if they will made Star Wars Rebels season five set during the Original Trilogy of Star Wars and It will reveals all when George Lucas will be 80 and Dave Filoni will be 50 in 2024.
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thecupidwitch · 1 year ago
Planetary Magick🌙
Zodiac: Leo
Metal: Gold
Day: Sunday
Colors: organge, yellow, amber
Stones: Amber, topaz, ruby, diamond
Tarot: The Sun
Herbs: Angelica, poppy, sunflower, marigold, hibiscus, mistletoe
Symbols: lion, hexagram, sparrow hawk, dragon, head, heart, swan
Influences: renown, potency, fortune, tyranny, pride, ambition, masculinity, arrogance, bigotry, vitality, health
Zodiac: cancer
Metal: sliver
Day: Monday
Colors: blue, sliver
Stones: moonstone, pearl
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Chariot
Herbs: eucalyptus, coconut, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, sandalwood
Symbols: bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, Sphinx, owl
Influences: gradtitufe, friendliness, safe, travel, physical health, wealth, protection for enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, dreams
Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini
Metal: aluminum, Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colors: violet, gray, purple, indigo, yellow
Stones: opal agate
Tarot: The Lovers
Herbs: hyssop, juniper, betony, carrot, chickweed
Symbols: wand, octagram, the mind
Influences: good fortune, gratitude, gain, memory, understanding, divination, dreams, forgetfulness, communication, business, cleverness, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, gambling, writing, root of dishonesty, deception
Zodiac: taurus, libra
Metal: copper
Day: Friday
Colors: green, pink
Stones: turquoise, emerald, sapphire, jade
Tarot: The Empress
Herbs: jimsonweed, violet, rose, alder, apple, angelica, olive, sesame
Symbols: sparrow, dove, swan, pentagram
Influences: peace, agreements, cooperation, fertility, joy, love, good fortune, jealousy, strife, promiscuity
Zodiac: aries, scorpio
Metal: iron, red brass, steel
Day: Tuesday
Color: Red
Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, diamond
Tarot: The Tower
Herbs: ginger, mustard
Symbols: sword, pentagram, horse, bear, wolf, vulture
Influences: war, victory, judgements, submission of enemies, bleeding, stripping one of rank, harness, discord, conflict, aggression, lust, power, courage, goals, protection, motivation, ambition, strength
Zodiac: pisces, sagittarius
Metal: tin
Day: Thursday 
Colors: blue
Stone: sapphire
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune
Herbs: balm, hyssop, maple leaf and bark, oak, sage, dandelion root
Symbols: eagle, dolphin
Influences: gains, riches, favor, peace, cooperation, appeasing enemies, dissolving
Zodiac: capricorn
Metal: lead
Day: Saturday
Color: black
Stone: onyx
Taror: The World
Herbs: alder, apple, ash, asparagus, baneberry, belladonna, distort, hellebore, blackthorn, corm, cypress
Symbols: cuttlefish, mole
Influences: safety, power, success, positive response to requests, intellect, causes discord, strips honor, melancholy
Zodiac: aquarius
Day: Thursday
Colors: blue-green, electric blue
Stones: quartz, labradorite, blue topaz, amber, amethyst, garnet, diamond
Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: clover, pokeweed, snowdrop, foxglove, love, rosemary, trees of heaven, hellebore, morning glory, sage, wintergreen, orchids, sweet woodruff
Symbols: dragonfly, butterfly
Influences: breaking connection, sudden and unexpected change, freedom, originality, radical and revolutionary ideas, enlightenment, equality, individuality, rebellion, instability, loneliness, boredom, mistrust of self
Zodiac: pisces
Minerals: coral, aquamarine, platinum, neptunium
Colors: green, blue, lavender
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Herbs: morning glory, night-blooming jasmine, pine, water lily
Symbols: the sea, Trident, the spine
Influences: dissolving boundaries, expanding upon ideas, changing established rules, intuition, idealism, sacrifice, glamour, illusion, evolution, decay, visions, art, healing, inspiration, dreams, creativity, compassion, drifting from reality, carelessness, stubbornness, absent mind
Zodiac: scorpio
Metal: plutonium, tin chrome, steel
Day: Tuesday
Colors: maroon, dark red, purple, white, black
Stones: snowflake obsidian, clack tourmaline
Tarot: Judgement
Herbs: pomegranate, rosemary, vanilla, basil, poppies, belladonna, foxglove
Symbols: Phoenix, snake, scorpion, fox, eagle
Influences; destruction making way for renewal, rebirth, knowledge, spirituality, transformation, destiny, the subconscious, desire, arrogance, death, obsession, destruction
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hiding-in-the-vault · 1 year ago
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
omg an Original Character . .. No relation to Techno, if that wasn't obvious ;u;
Ping List!! (lemme know if your tag doesnt work, these are so annoying dfjk)
@bivwifeybunny @ooh-dream @shattered-dragonfly @somanywips @cadenator @blueinkphantom @weird0strawberry @insignificant-artist @changeling-ash @simplepotatofarmer @nicholaspwildeblog @jetravenex @flattery-suplex @1randomperson15 @burnorgetburned @maryqueenofmurder @w0rped-moss @rainy-hollows @winterwhipbird2 @thefamilycryptid @fudge-101 @valiantsuitcaseskellington @whitefoxo @galactic-wonderer-2 @radarunderscore @minaturejarofjam @elliotl @liddafire @mist-mystery @annoying-and-upset @that-odd-writer @baka-monarch @whitebeakedraven @mxerror404 @dreamsclock @bi-snapdragon @lem0n-shark @susanshinning @spinal-fluids @panekd @clodthespaz @multifandom-slytherin @taran776 @certifiednobody @vadergf @lieutenantmyst @voidmatic @aprofessionaln00b @syranyth @axelotlstar @s1k-grimescoal @llitchilitchi @morgueofstories @voidpidgeon @insaneinsan101 @munchkin1156 @bebthefourth @taran776 @mysticmythia
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allthedoorsareopennow · 1 year ago
Incomplete collection of Marius lore
suggestions for additions are welcome, but it MUST HAVE A SOURCE
He is the ship’s medic[1]/ship’s doctor[3], plays fiddle and has a mechanised right arm[1].
The ace of hearts card in his hat indicates he is asexual [18].
'He likes love, and love songs, and people in love' [18].
His own romantic inclination is unknown [18].
He knows some German words, but is not fluent [19].
Marius is not white [20].
He is neither a baron nor a doctor[3][5]; ‘Baron’ is a corruption of his original name, Byron von Raum[2][5].
Marius has a sister called Dorothea, and they were raised by a single nonbinary parent. Marius doesn’t remember their name or face, and knows them only as Zeze[6].
It is strongly implied that Marius was not mechanised by Dr Carmilla [7].
Marius is 5’5 and very skinny. This is apparently because he came from a world that is ‘somewhat medieval in its nutrition levels’ and Marius was not a healthy child. [14]
He piloted a mecha called KISMET. She was 5-6 storeys tall and slightly insectoid, like a dragonfly or butterfly. [17]
‘The control pod’s entirely in the head, which allows the internal control rig to right itself like a ball bearing, keeping the pilot upright whether she’s standing on the ground, hovering, flying horizontally, banking sharply or even rolling.’ [17]
The mecha is not meelee-oriented. [17]
time with the mechanisms 
Drumbot Brian said that ‘given that we're immortal and don't need a doctor, it's the job we're most comfortable giving Marius, and it keeps him busy’ and also that he ‘frequently tries to psychoanalyze inanimate objects’ [5]
His mechanism was ‘probably botched’ and he has a ‘tenuous grasp on reality’[2] 
According to Jonny, he grew a beard presumably around 08/02/2014 ‘almost instantaneously, and without warning’ and was apparently ‘very upset’ and ‘said he’d been holding it in for decades and just that momentary lapse of concentration as I kneecapped him had ruined all his hard work’[8]
He once dressed up as the Toy Soldier for a halloween concert [9]
Drumbot Brian once responded to someone asking how the mechanisms were by describing marius as ‘mad’[10]
The Aurora describes Marius as ‘the broken doctor’ [16]
He had a planned lecture on the psyche of the olympians, but this was cancelled[11]
He helped Ashes install at a minimum the camera in Ulysses’ vault in UDAD, though he does not remember this[4]
Apparently, ‘Marius spent his time on Fort Galfridian sitting at the porthole for days staring into the sun because he didn't realise it was supposed to be unbearable, and now the Ghouls think he's some sort of prophet’ [12]
In The Bifrost Incident, Marius does not know where he got the violin - in fact, he doesn’t even realise he’s holding it until Lyf points it out [15]
Marius was always skeptical of the crew’s immortality and was less surprised to meet his end. ‘One day, at something of a loose end, he will decide to check on the octokittens. Unfortunately, the purring horde has not been fed in many decades, and devours him, head to toe, in 11.7 seconds.’ [13]
Jonny is implied to have already witnessed Marius’ death before the final concert; he says ‘11.7 seconds. At least, by my watch.’ [13]
In Marius’ death, tunes from ‘Blood and Whiskey’ and ‘Favoured Son’ can be heard [13].
meta information
In the Ulysses Dies at Dawn indiegogo fundraiser campaign, one of the donation perks is listed as 'Marius's Journals'. [21]
[1] Mechanisms Marius von Raum Available at: https://themechanisms.com/the-crew/marius-von-raum/ Last accessed: 11/01/24
[2] Young (2020) Future Projects: The Death of Byron von Raum (spoiler free) Available at: https://kofiyoung.com/2020/07/25/future-projects-the-death-of-byron-von-raum-spoiler-free/ Last accessed: 11/01/24
[3] Revenge of Spaceport Mahon
[4] Mechanisms Eskhatos Available at: https://themechanisms.com/fiction/eskhatos/ Last accessed: 11/01/24
[5] Below (2013) Why do immortals need a ship doctor? Available at:  https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/58736308596/why-do-immortals-need-a-ship-doctor-i-need-an Last accessed: 11/01/24
[6] Young (2023) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/neitherabaron/727612334921678848/holding-checklist-titled-qualities-to-kill Last accessed: 11/01/24
[7] Rasputina (2013) Where'd you folks pick up Marius and Raphiella? Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/58960694562/whered-you-folks-pick-up-marius-and-raphiella Last accessed: 11/01/24
[8] Sims (2014) Ingratitude Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/75995731661/ingratitude Last accessed: 11/01/24
[9] wickedacephotos (2013) The Mechanisms at The Cellar, 29 Oct 2013, for Halloween with Polar Patterns Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/wickedacephotos/65528149745/wickedacephotos-the-mechanisms-at-the-cellar Last accessed: 11/01/24
[10] Below (2013) Hooray for questions! Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/58734952128/i-apologize-that-i-didnt-ask-a-question-to-make Last accessed: 12/01/24
[11] The Mechanisms Ulysses Dies at Dawn Available at: https://themechanisms.bandcamp.com/album/ulysses-dies-at-dawn Last accessed: 12/01/24
[12] thedreadvampy (2020) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadvampy/624522490768736256/i-feel-like-i-should-clarify-because-it-does-at Last accessed: 12/01/24
[13] The Mechanisms (2020) Death to the Mechanisms Available at: https://themechanisms.bandcamp.com/album/death-to-the-mechanisms Last accessed: 12/01/24
[14] thedreadvampy (2020) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadvampy/630817295229468672/so-i-am-absolutely-going-to-go-draw-tim-with Last accessed: 12/01/24
[15] thedreadvampy (2020) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadvampy/631436135234699264/you-dont-need-to-awnser-this-because-i-am-lore Last accessed: 12/01/24
[16] themechanisms A Bedtime Story Available at: https://themechanisms.com/fiction/ghost-in-the-machine/ Last accessed: 06/03/24
[17] Young (2023) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/neitherabaron/708247931183153152 Last accessed: 11/04/24
[18] Young (2024) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/neitherabaron/754005393719640064 Last accessed: 22/06/24
[19] Young (2024) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/neitherabaron/759338848830554112 Last accessed: 20/08/24
[20] thedreadvampy (2020) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadvampy/624109112212455424/ Last accessed: 17/11/24
[21] The Mechanisms (2013) The Mechanisms - 'Ulysses Dies At Dawn' Available at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-mechanisms-ulysses-dies-at-dawn#/ Last accessed: 17/11/24
To add:
not yet added Marius’ dttm dialogue
may add more detail to what is contained in expert testimony
could probably add detail on things seen doing in photos, e.g. Marius playing rock paper scissors with TS. (are photoshoots canon? I assume so)
[3] missing a link
wow did I really miss pilchard. I will Get To It at some point maybe
fungus arm https://www.tumblr.com/neitherabaron/712149115253948416/
perhaps more backstory info from byron
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fjKHR0astiU - video on how to do the marius dttm makeup
numbers are ordered mostly in when I added the source rather than order of appearance as I have moved things around a lot. as above this is very incomplete and I don’t have the willpower to update this now maybe I will later. I’m just uploading it now since someone wanted marius lore
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the-mortuary-witch · 9 months ago
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Zodiac: Leo
Metal: gold
Day: Sunday
Colours: orange, yellow, and amber
Stones: amber, topaz, ruby, and diamond
Tarot: The Sun 
Herbs: angelica, poppy, sunflower, marigold, hibiscus, and mistletoe
Symbols: lion, hexagram, sparrow hawk, dragon, head, heart, and swan
Influences: renown, potency, fortune, tyranny, pride, ambition, masculinity, arrogance, bigotry, vitality, and health
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Zodiac: Cancer
Metal: sliver
Day: Monday
Colours: blue and sliver
Stones: moonstone and pearl
Tarot: The High Priestess and The Chariot
Herbs: eucalyptus, coconut, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, and sandalwood
Symbols: bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, Sphinx, and owl
Influences: gratitude, friendliness, safe, travel, physical health, wealth, protection for enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, and dreams. 
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Zodiacs: Virgo and Gemini
Metal: aluminum and mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colours: violet, grey, purple, indigo, and yellow
Stones: opal and agate
Tarot: The Lovers 
Herbs: hyssop, juniper, betony, carrot, and chickweed
Symbols: wand, octagram, and the mind
Influences: good fortune, gratitude, gain, memory, understanding, divination, dreams, forgetfulness, communication, business, cleverness, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, gambling, writing, root of dishonesty, and deception
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Zodiacs: Taurus and Libra
Metal: copper
Day: Friday
Colours: green and pink
Stones: turquoise, emerald, sapphire, and jade
Tarot: The Empress 
Herbs: jimsonweed, violet, rose, alder, apple, angelica, olive, and sesame
Symbols: sparrow, dove, swan, and pentagram
Influences: peace, agreements, cooperation, fertility, joy, love, good fortune, jealousy, strife, and promiscuity
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Zodiacs: Aries and Scorpio
Metal: iron, red brass, and steel
Day: Tuesday
Colour: red
Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, and diamond
Tarot: The Tower 
Herbs: ginger and mustard
Symbols: sword, pentagram, horse, bear, wolf, and vulture
Influences: war, victory, judgements, submission of enemies, bleeding, stripping one of rank, harness, discord, conflict, aggression, lust, power, courage, goals, protection, motivation, ambition, and strength
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Zodiacs: Pisces and Sagittarius
Metal: tin
Day: Thursday 
Colour: blue
Stone: sapphire
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune 
Herbs: balm, hyssop, maple leaf and bark, oak, sage, and dandelion root
Symbols: eagle and dolphin
Influences: gains, riches, favour, peace, cooperation, appeasing enemies, and dissolving
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Zodiac: Capricorn
Metal: lead
Day: Saturday
Colour: black
Stone: onyx
Tarot: The World
Herbs: alder, apple, ash, asparagus, baneberry, belladonna, distort, hellebore, blackthorn, corm, and cypress
Symbols: cuttlefish and mole
Influences: safety, power, success, positive response to requests, intellect, causes discord, strips honour, and melancholy
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Zodiac: Aquarius
Day: Thursday
Colours: blue-green and electric blue
Stones: quartz, labradorite, blue topaz, amber, amethyst, garnet, and diamond
Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: clover, pokeweed, snowdrop, foxglove, love, rosemary, trees of heaven, hellebore, morning glory, sage, wintergreen, orchids, and sweet woodruff
Symbols: dragonfly and butterfly
Influences: breaking connection, sudden and unexpected change, freedom, originality, radical and revolutionary ideas, enlightenment, equality, individuality, rebellion, instability, loneliness, boredom, and mistrust of self
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Zodiac: Pisces
Day: Friday
Minerals: coral, aquamarine, platinum, and neptunium
Colours: green, blue, and lavender
Tarot: The Hanged Man 
Herbs: morning glory, night-blooming jasmine, pine, and water lily
Symbols: the sea, trident, and the spine
Influences: dissolving boundaries, expanding upon ideas, changing established rules, intuition, idealism, sacrifice, glamour, illusion, evolution, decay, visions, art, healing, inspiration, dreams, creativity, compassion, drifting from reality, carelessness, stubbornness, and absent mind
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Zodiac: Scorpio
Metal: plutonium, tin chrome, and steel
Day: Tuesday
Colours: maroon, dark red, purple, white, and black
Stones: snowflake obsidian and clack tourmaline
Tarot: Judgement
Herbs: pomegranate, rosemary, vanilla, basil, poppies, belladonna, and foxglove
Symbols: phoenix, snake, scorpion, fox, and eagle
Influences: destruction making way for renewal, rebirth, knowledge, spirituality, transformation, destiny, the subconscious, desire, arrogance, death, obsession, and destruction
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albiorixsims · 2 years ago
Сим в одном цвете
Что ж, вот и мне прилетело... аж два раза)))
От @edyavtostopom - бирюзовый. И тут, буду честна, я чуть-чуть смухлевала, так как симка уже готовая у меня была, но я оторвалась на скринчиках! так что держитесь хдд
Нарилея - принцесса подводного царства. И пусть вас не смущает ее милое личико, эта русалка та ещё коварная штучка. Ее любимое занятие, ночами, на пару со своим бирюзовым питомцем, увлекать заплутавшие суда на рифы и топить несчастных моряков.
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От @girlsinner666 - серый.
Эш - скромный парнишка, полная противоположность Нарилее. Принадлежит редкому виду ночных стрекоз, отсюда и блёклый, сумрачный окрас. Родичи порицают его любовь к приключениям, но для Эша самое прекрасное что может быть - это резвиться со светлячками в лучах восходящего солнца. Главное не увлечься и вовремя спрятаться в тени деревьев, ибо слишком яркий свет губителен для его нежных крылышек!
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Если ты еще не участововал в этой забаве - твой цвет фиолетовый!
Правила под катом->
Создать сима исключительно в том цвете, который выберет для вас отправитель челленджа.
Всё на симе должно быть определенного цвета, в это правило не входит только цвет кожи, макияж и мелкие детали (например, узоры на одежде или детали от нарядов в полный рост). Главная задача - передать через сима свой цвет! Мелочи - не так важны.
После выполнения челленджа передать его 5-8 блогам (можно больше, если ещё найдутся люди) и обязательно сказать им, в каком цвете они должны создавать симов! Цвет выбираете для них любой, свой самый любимый или самый ненавистный ха-ха
И главное правило – получать удовольствие от челленджа!
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goodolddumbbanana · 4 months ago
[Nexus & Sun] See you in the dream - I hate you [3]
[1]; [2]
Warning: Nexus cringe thoughts. This is Nexus POV so it is very biased. Also here is fluff, Nexus misses and sees Sun in his dream.
If the opposite of love isn’t hate, then what the hell was Nexus doing with his life now?
The laboratory was still cold without a soul in sight. The monotonous whiteness and the hum of the machines running, the beeping of the symbols on the screen still showing negative signs as he searched for traces of the Wither Storm.
The air reeked of negative star power, dripping like the disgusting black coffee that Nexus had seen these mechanics gulping down like animals before, back when he was Moon.
The tapping is getting louder and louder. Nexus tapped furiously on the keyboard. 
Why was everything he needed always so far out of his reach?
His fingers scraped lightly across the surface, the bones glinting in the moonlight and starlight. Nothing came out of it, and Ruin was nowhere to be found, probably hiding in their box, or clinging to Dark Sun like a starving dog is willing to flipping its belly over to anyone who would feed it in order to escape Nexus’s presence.
Why such a pathetic leech existed, Nexus had no idea what their Creator was thinking when hí alternative dad let that monster live.
Boredom crept into Nexus’s viscera, heavy and toxic like cyanide. The emptiness was so painful that it made his hands itch, making him want to smash the lab into a pile of dust and throw his damned staring hat away.
Nexus needed something to relieve stress, and with no gaming equipment around (he ignored his thoughts screaming that no one would play with him…); smashing Ruin’s circuit board over and over again was the only way to ease the pain of the negative star power on his increasingly broken body.
It honestly wasn’t personal. Nexus thought boredly, leaning back in his chair and putting his feet up on the table. The chair creaked as he spun around.
Nexus didn’t actually hate the two-colored clown as much as they perceived, and while Nexus certainly loathed and disgusted by them, watching Ruin whimper and cry at his feet was only fun the first dozen times before things started to fall into the tedium of routine.
[“Hey, Ruin. Remember that game you made me play before?” Nexus’s footsteps slowly moved closer to the red and blue clown struggling pathetically on his hands and knees, his colors ragged like a rag doll with oil and blood oozing from his joints. “Tic tac toe? Or 1,2,3? How does it feel when it's applied to you now, huh?
Nexus grabbed Ruin's rays, bending them sideways so hard they were forced to look into his eyes, to look closely at the monster they had created.
"It hurts, doesn't it?" Nexus laughed dryly, the dull, oxidized ruby ​​staring at the hate-filled greens before them. Even now, they still hold that arrogant pity as if they were above him.
"I have gone through so much pain because of you." Nexus whispered. Ash-colored claws traced the rims of their eyes, gliding through the butterfly lashes, enjoying the gasps and pearly tears they couldn't hold back as he dug his nails deeper.
The pathetic scream of the leech, as Nexus dug deep into their eye sockets, crushing the stalks to break out the fat black oil is so exhilarating.
The sound of something breaking like an egg is like music to his ears.
“Shhh… It’s okay… Okay…”
Nexus chuckled, holding them struggling in his arms, as if the thing before him was nothing more than a kitten. He could easily have ordered them to sit still, but this was more fun. Knowing that no matter how hard they tried, they would still be dragonflies, allowing him to pluck their wings and pin their tails to the wall.
Nothing personal. Nexus thought blandly as he flicked the shiny oil off his hand and dropped Nexus to the ground after he finished playing.
The metal echoed dryly in the vast hallway. The soundproofing here was excellent, though no matter how much Ruin screamed, no one would come to their rescue.
Nexus would love hearing that leech screaming for help someday.  
Black droplets bloomed like roses, dripping profusely on the gray floor of the sterile lab, splashing onto the leech’s brick pants, onto the tips of Nexus’ shoes.
Filthy. Ruin’s colors are reflected in Nexus’s irises. All Ruin had to pay today was the price they had to pay for the lives they had taken.
And if that was the punishment and Nexus was destined to be the executioner, then who was he to disobey?]
Perhaps he had gone too far, but even that Wrong Sun had appeared from wherever holes they were working and asked him to keep his toys tidy and not break them too soon.
Anyway, Nexus yawned, his hand coming to his mouth. His joints were stiff, the system constantly reporting that he was on the verge of running out of battery, the result of working tirelessly without sleep for about two weeks straight.
His fan was running too loud and the copper inside the circuit board was so hot that he could feel it when Nexus pressed his hand against the plastic outside.
Guess even though this body was a machine, his personality chip would still be overloaded if he didn't get enough rest.
It wasn't like he didn't know that. He just… Nexus knew he should try to take better care of himself, especially when there was no one nagging him or trying to get him into bed anymore.
No more pats on the head of his hat, no more tugging on his sleeves when they realized he was too sleepy. No more whispers waking him up every morning, no more hands holding his cheeks to check if Nexus's internal systems were okay.
The yellow shadow still hovered over Nexus's shoulder, the trembling concern lingering in their eyes like ghosts of memories. And Earth's laughter, moss-colored eyes looking at him with the loving trust of an old time. 
Nexus's eyes twitched, wine-red staring into space before he grabbed a piece of incorrect equation from the table and crumpled it tightly and threw it hard on the ground.
Nexus didn't need anyone, he was fine, he was still fine.
He was going to die soon anyway, wasn't he? Why the hell should he care about the people he left behind anyway?
They hated him, they all stopped caring about him a long time ago.
No one bother try to—
If the love he had tried to give them was so easy to cool off, wouldn’t it be better for Nexus to make a big fuss before he left forever?
He’s tired. Nexus is tired of caring. It would be more fun for them all to disappear in a flash, so he wouldn’t remember or get mentioned about it ever again…
“Is that really what you believe?”
Sun’s soft voice made him turn around in surprise.
Not SUN, the one who was wrong. That cruel bastard who always acted like he knew it all would sneer if he saw him in such an emotional state. The silver eyes were the same, but if the one in front had the softness of a lily and the clarity of a lake reflecting the moon on a clear night, the one behind was the roughness of rusted silver and the boiling surface of a stormy day.
“How did you get in here?” His back stiffened, his fingers curled together. The bones glistened, wrapped in fine cloth and black silk gloves.
Everything was suddenly too hot and cold, and the light was too bright. They stood in the doorway, awkwardly, bewildered, dirty and greasy as if they had just cried, the silver plating constantly rubbing against each other, as if it wanted to distort their knuckles.
Their backs were hunched, their rays were so pale it was almost silver. They looked so small, and sad, as if they would shatter if he actually touched them.
They still looked at him like the moon and the stars.
“I just wanted to know if you were okay,” Sun replied awkwardly, the bells chiming like bright music to the place where, though free, it was no different than another prison.
Just by these words, and all the sharp words Nexus wanted to say, stuck in his throat.
All the anger, all the bitterness, was rising and rising, like a deflated balloon, like a wave toppling a sand castle on the sea.
They trembled and Nexus wanted nothing more than to get closer.
Reaching forward to hold them and comfort them like how good of a brother he had been. Like he always did and Sun rarely does. 
But could he still touch them when there was no turning back? When the bond Nexus had desperately built in the first place, ironically it was him to destroy it all?
It hurt, because no matter what he said, no matter how he lied to himself, Nexus still wanted to throw himself into Sun's arms and hold them and let them comfort him like the little brother he was.
The warmth he had lost since that dream, only came alive when he caressed Sun.
Nexus hated Sun as much as he had loved them, that even when all that remained between them were broken like pieces of glass, Nexus couldn't help but pick them up carefully.
Why did Sun have to exist? What did he do to deserve this bastard?
He wasn't ready to meet Sun. Nexus still didn’t want to see Sun again, not since the last failed kidnapping.
He wanted him to be the one in control, he wanted him to surprise Sun, to make them hate and fear him and not catch him off guard like that. He wanted to hurt Sun, tear Sun apart, terrorize them enough to when he looked into their eyes, he would see him there,  and not some broken mirror reflection of a dead monster.
The drops of oil were sticky on his fingers. Nexus touched his face, tracing the wet cracks on the plate. The laughter he let out echoed and creaked along the cracks in the wall, dulling the echoes with each beat.
“Okay?” His mouth twisted painfully, he couldn’t help but hurl harsh words like a hurt child. “Isn’t it all thanks to you? Wasn’t it your pathetic bodyguard’s attempt to shoot me? And now you dare.. to show up here? Are you serious?! Are you even real???”
They fell silent. Nexus could imagine the gears turning in their heads, as they decided that instead of taking the blame on themselves, they would blame the outside world, and on him. As always and always, the good Sun did nothing wrong, and the bad one was always Nexus.
I’ve always been a burden to you, haven’t I, Sun?
“You tried to kidnap me.” They said stiffly, looking at them with naked, blunt truth.
He dodged their eyes. It was like diamonds and cold steel, the way their words nested in his skull, like knives twisting into Nexus’s ribs. When all he felt was the coldness that Sun reserved for those they accepted had gone too far to be saved.
He didn’t want love, he just wanted recognition.
But the Nexus Sun knew had always been a crybaby.
Don’t leave me…
“And yet, you’re still whole.” Nexus scoffed. He moved closer, staring at the silver bell hanging from their wrist and the scarlet tassels. 
The waves were crashing somewhere. It felt like his head was underwater and his eyes were looking through the foam. Nexus could taste the salt and grit of sand, the wind that smelled of coconut and dry sun. The meowing of cats and the scent of dinner someone was urging him on to.
Nexus hadn’t known how much he longed for the old days until he’d rather eat broken glass than go back.
“You can’t be here. The Sun I knew would never have been smart enough to break in here alone.” Nexus was cold, he quickly noticed the incomplete details of his room. ‘and cared enough to come looking for me.’ The latter part was bitterly left unfinished.
“So what are you? Some kind of hallucination, some remnant of my old subconscious trying to tell me I’m on the wrong path? Or a dream? Because I don’t care. I’ve had enough ghosts telling me that. What difference could a Sun like you make?”
He almost screamed. He wanted to scream. He wanted to grab Sun by the neck and break it, to tear the plastic plate to shreds and let them sink into oblivion.
He wanted Sun to stop looking at him as if all they wanted was for him to come home.
Because he wouldn’t. There was no home for Nexus to return to anymore.
“Maybe. I don’t know. I just wish to meet you and then I am here.”
Quietly, gently wrap around Sun’s legs like the tail of a calico cat. Their voices always sounded like they were about to crack, like they were about to cry. They moved closer, bowing their heads to look at him. It was funny, he was always taller than them, but Sun was always the one looking down at him.
“I don’t know if I’m real or not. But either way, I’m happy.”
“Why?” Nexus sneered, jabbing his hand into their chest. “Because I haven’t grabbed you and plugged you into the machine, turned you into something usable like you did to me right away?” Nexus ignored the pain and betrayal that sparkled in their lily eyes. “Or used negative star power to torture you like your poor Moony did?” His voice grew louder and louder, so loud that tears came to his eyes, so loud that his voice seemed to crack in two like them.
There was something boiling in Nexus’s chest, and he couldn’t help but take it all out on Sun.
‘Why am I always the one who has to comfort you? When will it be my turn to be held?’
The child in Nexus was sobbing in despair.
“Because I got to see you.”
Nexus was taken aback. That… wasn’t the answer he expected. That was the answer he wanted, but—
Should he care when this was just a dream? But if he didn’t care, why didn’t he do anything when Sun wiped his tears?
Their faces were soaked too, oil dripping down their lapels. If it were the real Sun, they would probably scream, and spend all their time cleaning up and finding new clothes. If it were the real Sun, they would probably run away from his sight, looking at him with tired disappointment like everything he did was their fault. And it was true.
Nexus hated Sun. If it weren’t for them, he wouldn’t have gone crazy. If it weren’t for them, he wouldn’t have been living in fear from the first day he woke up. If they hadn’t always compared him to that damned Old Moon, he probably wouldn’t have felt so broken every time he looked in the mirror.
Was it fair that he was always the one tiptoeing around Sun? When he had no sin other than being Moon’s code?
Why was I always the one protecting you when you were supposed to be protecting me? Aren’t you my big brother, Sun?
“I don’t care.” That was what he said. “I’ll kill you and wake up right now.” That was what he should have done.
But his eyes remained closed, and his nonexistent heart still pounded lively in his core. Nexus still didn’t move, his cowardice making him enjoy the way they caressed his face so gently and carefully, checking for every wound like the old day when they’d do whenever he hurt, no matter if it’s big or small.
It was warm. Nexus pressed his cheek against Sun’s neck.
Has anyone cared about him like that since that white-haired bitch kicked him out of space? Even Solar now looked at him with a bitter look, half wanting to fix him, half wanting to tear him apart.
“Why aren’t you Solar?” Nexus grabbed Sun’s ashen hand desperately to not fall to his knees. “Why do I still hurt so much because of you?” His chest felt like it was being squeezed, making it hard for him to breathe. 
Solar was easier. They were easy to play with, talk with, easy to love, easy to keep. Although the last part probably wasn’t true for a long time.
Loving Solar was easy, they always accepted Nexus, always played along with any of his selfish or fleeting thoughts. They never refused, never were weak enough to need his protection, never left him.
But they did. They died, and in the process of him trying to save them, Nexus went crazy too.
Only Sun stayed. And he was the one who left.
Nexus hated how warm he missed his brother's embrace. He hated that this dream was everything he wished for in reality. He hated that he fell for Sun so easily as if he had never left.
He hated that choosing to love Sun meant he would be chained up again.
Sun's love was kind, but it was also as harsh as touching the thorns of a rose with your bare hands.
And Nexus couldn't bear to bleed any longer.
"I hate you. I hate you. It's all your fault." Nexus kept talking as he clinged on Sun tighter, when he couldn't tell if it was their tears or his, when he didn't care if everything turned into a nightmare right now or if he woke up.
Reality had long since shattered in Nexus’s eyes.
“It’s so mess up.” Nexus laughed in pain, clinging to the soft hem of Sun’s shirt, smelling the familiar antiseptic and powdery scent of lavender and vanilla. When he cried and the hand that patted his shoulder was a barrier protecting Nexus from the world.
“You never held me this voluntarily and this was the only thing I miss about you.” Why was the sun always the center of everything with all the planets revolving in its orbit? Why was Nexus always get caught in Sun’s way? 
“Why can’t you love me for who I am?” 
Nexus sobbed, holding onto his home and prison, ignoring the pain from the fan running too loud and him being overwhelmed. 
“Why am I always a monster to you Sun?” The question came from a younger, more innocent version of him, the one Nexus had killed to become himself again.
“Tell me Sun, am I that terrible to love?”
The short question scratched sobbingly in the air, mixed with their soft sobs of apology.
“I loved you and when I needed you the most you left me! Why did you leave me?” Nexus struggled out of Sun’s arms, only to be held back by Sun’s pleading grip. By Sun’s tighter hug, by the passionate words of love they whispered in his ear.
“Let me go! I’m tired of you, I don’t need you anymore!”
“I hate you.”
“Why can’t you just do what I say and leave me alone? Why do you have to love me but treat me like this?!”
“It’s not fair, it’s not fair at all!”
“I’m so tired… I’m so tired Sun…”
Like hitting a brick wall, no answer came back to Nexus no matter how loudly he screamed or how hard he pounded his hand on Sun’s shoulder. Did he hurt Sun? A vague thought crossed Nexus’s lips before it shattered like crushed pearls.
Like one man standing on the shore, and another had sunk deep into the sea.
‘Why don’t you jump in with me?’
The darkness gently embraced Nexus, welcoming him to wake up still on the same desk.
The cooling fan whirred, the beeping noises signaling some new developments of interest for him to study on the screen.
Ruin had returned, the leech limping, looking at him with confusion and feigned concern.
“You’ve been asleep for a while, are you okay Nexus?”
“Go away…”
“Huh?” The clown’s face was filled with pitiful confusion, the buttercup yellow still flickering just beyond Nexus’s vision. “I said go away!!”
He threw Ruin against the wall. The rumbling noise sent a bot rolling to the floor. The monster groaned pitifully, then hobbled up, clutching its shoulder, walking quickly through the cuts, leaving a look of horror and hatred behind. “Of course Nexus.”
The icy loneliness whispered like a ghost to the moon animatronic standing in the middle of the room, still unable to stop shaking from shock.
Papers flew everywhere like paper airplanes, a ghost looked back at him, their harmless single-legged smiles like a sad crescent moon looking at Nexus.
‘Why don’t you look back?’
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cyren-myadd · 7 months ago
Let's talk about the first look at Avatar 3 (pt 1)
Last night at D23, James Cameron unveiled the very first real sneak peek of Avatar 3: Fire and Ash. I honestly wasn't expecting to get anything more than a title or synopsis, so I was so stoked when I saw the concept art they shared! I posted the images here last night, but I was too hyped up to think straight so I decided to wait a bit and process everything before talking about it. Now I'm ready to share my thoughts on each of the four images!
First off, we have Varang leading the Ash People on the backs of flying creatures!
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The Ash People appear to be very similar to Forest People, with thin builds, blue skin, and big yellow eyes. However, I believe their skin is slightly paler and/or duller than the Forest People, it's hard to tell with the lighting. In the other picture of we have of Varang, they also appear to have long, sharp claws, and shorter, slightly thicker tails that are completely hairless. So even though they're overall pretty similar to Na'vi we've already seen before, they do have different physical traits, they're just not as drastically different as the Reef People. I'm excited to see how their different physiques help them in their environment! Perhaps they spend a lot of time climbing on rock, so they evolved big claws, and maybe they don't need long, thin tails to balance while swinging through trees, so their tails changed shape over time.
Just like their riders, the Ash People's also mounts appear similar to their forest banshee cousins, but with a few differences. The "Ash Banshee" looks paler and thinner than forest banshees and I notice it has a lot more of the dragonfly like sections on their wings. This might make them more agile in the air, able to adjust the shape of their wings to pull of more drastic turns than forest banshees can. In the real world, bats are much more agile in the air than birds because bats have more bones in their wings that allow them to change the wing's shape as they fly. The ash banshee also looks like it has some kind of a horn on its head as well as little fleshy tendrils on the sides of its face. I hope we get to see an aerial battle between ash and forest banshees!
Varang herself looks very stunning and intimidating with that dramatic red headdress and war paint. It reminds me of the frill some species of lizards use to frighten enemies- varang's frill probably has a similar purpose. She also appears to be wearing skin-tight black pants, probably something similar to the purple leg guards Neytiri wears during long flights. I also see the tip of a bow peeking out from behind Varang. If Varang uses a bow, I hope we get to see a showdown between her and our favorite archer, Neytiri!
The Ash Na'vi also all appear to have their kurus intact, so that disproves the theory that they would cut off their kurus because they hate Eywa. But speaking of them hating Eywa, I notice the warrior directly to Varang's left is carrying a large gun, which means the Ash People know how to use guns and are okay with doing it. The logical conclusion from this is that someone is supplying them with guns and/or teaching them how to use them. Either they're stealing from the RDA and teaching themselves, or Quaritch has taught them to use human weapons. Another possibility is that Jake reached out to them to join the war effort and taught them human weaponry, but they ended up turning on him.
In BTS footage, we've seen both Quaritch and Neytiri seemingly dressed in Ash People clothing, so it's possible that Quaritch or Jake and co. have tried to ally themselves with the Ash People.
The last thing of note in the picture is that this is likely our first look at the Ash Na'vi's homeland. Sadly, since we're looking at the sky, there's not much we can tell other than that it's cloudy and there's rocky formations in the background. Maybe the Ash People live in the rock formations.
What do you guys think of this image? Are there any details I missed?
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queereads-bracket · 6 months ago
Queer Fantasy Books Bracket: Round 1
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Book summaries below:
Six of Crows duology (Six of Crows, Crooked Kingdom) by Leigh Bardugo
Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone… A convict with a thirst for revenge A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager A runaway with a privileged past A spy known as the Wraith A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first. Fantasy, young adult, adventure, heist, secondary world, series
Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender (Infinity Alchemist series)
For Ash Woods, practicing alchemy is a crime. Only an elite few are legally permitted to study the science of magic―so when Ash is rejected by the Lancaster Mage’s College, he takes a job as the school’s groundskeeper instead, forced to learn alchemy in secret. When he’s discovered by the condescending and brilliant apprentice Ramsay Thorne, Ash is sure he's about to be arrested―but instead of calling the reds, Ramsay surprises Ash by making him an offer: Ramsay will keep Ash's secret if he helps her find the legendary Book of Source, a sacred text that gives its reader extraordinary power. As Ash and Ramsay work together and their feelings for each other grow, Ash discovers their mission is more dangerous than he imagined, pitting them against influential and powerful alchemists―Ash’s estranged father included. Ash’s journey takes him through the cities and wilds across New Anglia, forcing him to discover his own definition of true power and how far he and other alchemists will go to seize it. Featuring trans, queer, and polyamorous characters of color, Infinity Alchemist is the hugely anticipated young adult fantasy debut from the extraordinary author of Felix Ever After, King and the Dragonflies, Queen of the Conquered and more. Fantasy, young adult, magic, romance
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toxictoad · 3 months ago
I want to marry someone and we're best friends and we sleep in the same bed but I never have to have sex with them and they listen to me talk about things I like and they hold me at night and they let me take care of them and they meet my family and I hold their hand and people don't understand us but it's okay because we understand each other. I'll write when I feel like it and I'll get published in my forties and have a cult following of readers but they don't know what my face looks like and they send me physical mail and I keep it all in a room on a huge corkboard and I make a collage out of the mail and I write responses whenever I can and place lipstick kisses and perfume on the letters. I dress in seventies clothes and go to farmer's markets and eat a pomegranate in a king sized bed. I take a nap in a hammock and watch dragonflies land on flowers. I hug my siblings and I invite them over for mocktails and rice pudding. I read classics and fanfiction and poetry and memoirs. I forgive my parents. I play video games. I tell people to vote. I tell people to be kind. I sing in the shower and I'm not embarrassed about it. I smile every day. My partner and my friends and my family come over and eat and laugh and it's good. I get enough sleep. I have a cat. I get told 'I love you' every day. I dance in the rain. I get top surgery and hormones. I cry sometimes but it's okay. I have a garden. I take my meds. People hug me. I'm warm. I get glasses in fun colors and shapes. I'm safe. I still have all my stuffed animals. I have a therapist that I like. My body still hurts a little bit but it's doing better. I'm proud of what I do. I have fuzzy socks. I spend a lot of time at the library. There's a local restaurant that I really like. People around town know who I am but they don't know my name. I get to take the train places. I wear wigs sometimes just for fun. I don't have kids and people ask why and I tell them something different every time. I live a long life. I grow old and grey and my joints crack and I look like my grandparents but I still love musicals and cartoons. I buy yellow pants at the thrift store. I die surrounded by my friends. People come to my funeral, but there's no casket. There's no dark colors. My ashes are mixed with the ashes of the letters people sent me. They're made into a little glass sculpture of a cat. My funeral has cake, and my favorite music. There's a bouncy castle. People are laughing. Kids run around and they don't quite understand yet, but that's okay. People talk about my books. My sister gives a speech. There's a mocktail bar. Everyone gets a bag of my favorite chips. People grow old and they die. The little glass cat gets put into storage. It gets donated to a thrift store. A little girl walks into the thrift store and sees it, and begs her mom for it because she thinks it's cool. She keeps it until she's out of college, and she knocks it off her desk one day and it shatters. That's okay, even if she's a little sad about it. Someone reads one of my books and they like it. They write a letter, but I'm not there to read it. I smile anyways.
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