#the fiercy cross
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
Three years ago, during the quarantine when there was Covid, i watched Outlander the First five seasons, One year later i watched Bad Batch that was the prequel of Star Wars Rebels and i realize that It will be compared with Outlander season three and because we see Jamie Fraser takes care of his son Willie if Bad Batch show us that Darth Vader takes care of baby Ezra Bridger After Revenge of the Sith. Outlander book three was release in 1993 and Revenge of the Sith released twelve years later. Outlander had almost comparison to Star Wars because the First book of Outlander was almost comparised to Star Wars the Clone Wars until Clone Wars season Seven and Revenge of the Sith that was almost comparison to Outlander book 2 were Claire Beauchamp gets separated by Jamie in the end as Anakin Skywalker gets separated by Ahsoka Tano......... and then Brianna Randall and Willie are almost comparison to Ezra when Jamie take care of Willie for six years while Brianna across the Stones while Ezra meets the Ghost Crew that it's contact with the Rebellion. Do you think that Jem, the grandson of Jamie and Claire, Is comparison to Ben Solo while the Last Two books of Outlander Is almost comparison to the Mandalorian, Star Wars Resistence and Sequel Trilogy?
Outlander= Star Wars The Clone Wars
Dragonfly in Amber= Star Wars the Clone Wars season Seven and Revenge of the Sith
Voyager= Star Wars the Bad Batch
Drums of Autumn= Star Wars Rebels
The Fiery Cross, a Breath of Snow and Ashes, An Echo in the Bone and Written In My Own Heart's Blood= Star Wars Rebels season five, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of Jedi
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone and Outlander book ten= The Mandalorian and Sequel Trilogy
Star Wars arrives from 1977 to 1983 while the Clone Wars arrives in 2008 and Rebels arrives in 2014 while Outlander books were started in 1991 until 2026 for the 35th anniversary Just like the Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley that in the Last book about Pa Salt reveals all the secrets if they will made Star Wars Rebels season five set during the Original Trilogy of Star Wars and It will reveals all when George Lucas will be 80 and Dave Filoni will be 50 in 2024.
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suokumi · 2 years ago
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I’m sitting here with my head leaned on my crossed hands
Allow me show you smth 
Get your fiercy baby @maudiemoods
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anna1306 · 3 years ago
Sorry, I just had to get it out, it's a little bit personal, but I had to 😭
Poly!Lost Boys x Russian!Reader
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- Of course they noticed you on the Boardwalk, where else. You were cursing at some... Strange language, but based on Dwayne's lit up eyes, David sighed. Russian. The brunette was attracted to it for some reason,so much he even knew language a little bit.
- Marko was interested in you, as he had rarely seen this fiercy character there. Paul just whistled at this, while David examined you. You were interesting to all of them, even if for different reasons. So he went there, wanting to see more. Will you mumble and curse at him too if anything happens?
- Surprisingly not. You apologized and asked if he was alright. He turned on his charmer side and tried to lure you in, but...
- Look, I'm not five. I'm not going to follow you to the alone dark place just because you are pretty. Good luck, - you clapped him on the shoulder and just went around him.
- The amount of jokes and crap guys gave him was phenomenal. David snapped at them couple of times, but it still didn't calm them down.
- The next one to try was Paul. And he almost succeeded. But you still refused to go with him alone, telling him the address of the nearest strip-bar, if he needed to flirt that much. Now it became more of a challenge to them. They sent Marko, he was still not-successful, with you playing with him and winning him over in some arcade, your wish was for him to leave you. Dwayne... That was other story.
- He approached you like others did, and you were sceptical. But he was calmer than them. Plus, you could see his interest, pure and genuine. Plus he spoke Russian. Just a little bit, but that was enough for you to warm up to him.
- As he managed to get you to talk, managed to take you to some food stand to have a bite, but then... You both disappeared. They felt that he was okay, but where he was they couldn't say, and that was very disturbing for them. Where could he be?! What did you do?!
- He returned in couple of days, strangely satisfied and well. And along with you. In the cave. At first boys were shocked that he returned like nothing had happened, then that he managed to get you to the cave.
- So... Bloodsuckers living in the cave? Really? I hope coffins are just this... How do you say it in English, черт (shit), fantasy, there you go! - you plopped on the couch. The boys looked at Dwayne questionably, David even irritated a little. He shrugged.
- The talk just lead to this theme. And they believed it. Said it's not surprising and there are tons of different stories from her place.
- I am here just because I'm interested in how you are different from our stories and... Things I saw back there, - you added, sitting on the couch very freely, seemingly not scared of anything. - And I'm not afraid of you, I drank holy water and have a cross.
- The talk was for almost the whole night. After that you decided that the boys weren't so bad to have around you. They were funny, still strange, but... You could live with that, though in emergency you should have holy water. Who knows... They decided that you were strange enough to hang out with them. You weren't scared of them, you knew funny story and interesting legends of yours and Dwayne was more than interested in you.
- With time they all became more interested in you, but you still were very careful around them, as... Vampires? Really? Four, more so? Wanting relationships with you?! It was very new and confusing for you, but with time you agreed to try it. It worked out better than any of you expected.
- Dwayne is the first one to grow closer to you. He's interested in history of Russia (especially, in USSR), you often teased him for being a communist. He absolutely adores your accent, which still slips through your not so bad English. He even asks you to teach him Russian, some of it. More than once the boys entered when you were cuddling, Dwayne laying on top of you and listening to you, murmuring something in Russian. He just loves the sound of your voice with this words he couldn't understand. He is learning it secretly from you, just to write you cute notes. He still calls you princex or моя любовь (my love). He has a terrible accent, but at least he tries and does it from his heart.
- Paul, surprisingly, listens to you. You have something about you that just keep him in bay. One look from you and he just smirks, instead of witty remark. You put your hand on his shoulder and he stops every flirting or teasing he does, shutting up. He still is horny, he still wants you, but... It's only for you now and... More than normal, not very outgoing on other people. Though he still lures the girls and some boys in. He especially loves your unpredictability. One day you just entered the cave with the demand of turning you, because you felt sick a little and found out how much would it cost to go to the hospital. Paul laughed the whole night at your angry and confused face, while Dwayne reassured you. He was all down for your turning, but your sudden outbursts is everything for him.
- Marko loves how you are easy to do whatever he wants to. He could wish to go for the most adrenaline ride and while you wouldn't be a fan of it, you still support him. You either go with him on this ride, or just stand and wait for him and than just discuss everything and how dangerous that one turn was, "how is he not afraid". And you didn't think standard. If he had some artist block or just some question that need solve, you just advice him something strange, but... that works out somehow? Plus it seemed you were very protective of your loved ones and he just melted the second you defended them or him in particular. The contrast between rough you and soft you is even cuter. As after the fight you cuddle with him and the plushie he got you. And yes, he got tons of those.
- David is the most wary of you. How did you know about them? What did you know about them? Would you be dangerous for them? What do you know about vampires? What is out there?! With time you reassured him that you just believed in old legends and he was just as content with you as the others. Still didn't believe you fully, but you just ignored his questions about you seeing other vampires. So this little shit loves to tease you, to get you out of your shell as a revenge. He took you to some markets around to hear your irritated mumbles about pricing and portions of food. He showed you their "kitchen", just to hear you swears about this mess around. But he is the first one who saw you not so strong. He is the first one to just hug you and let you get it all out. He is closed person himself, so he understands how it feels - to be always cold, calm and stoic on the outside, but have too much on the inside. So he lets you get it out of your chest. Scream in the middle of nowhere, cry or just hug him for however long you want to and however strong you hold him. He can be grumpy after that, but he is there for you.
- They adore you can't understand some things. Like the medicine incident or just overall. Why are people so smily or on the contrary so rude. "We are equally shit in home." Or when you can't remember the word you need and just try to replace it with something absolutely ridiculous (dry potato as in chips, or piggy fat as in bacon). Or just became so fidgety about it that they just want to hug you and calm you down.
- Your cooking is a little strange to them, these... Porridges, strange soups that seemed like it had almost everything in it, or fried... Raviolis? But they tried it (Paul tried it, because he had the stone stomach) and fell in love. Marko's favourite is your steaks, Paul adores your cakes (I believe he has a sweet tooth), Dwayne's all for your "fruit drinks", and David would eat just whatever. He's not a big fan of human food, but he loves the effort behind it.
- Even if you are completely different, not just in mortality question, they love you and adore your little shenanigans, like spit across your left shoulder when you say something that you don't want to happen. They think you are cute with all your superstition. You think they are cute with all their "tough guys" appearance, when they are the most considerable and softest persons you ever met. They are still teasing you for your accent, but... They are soft idiots. Your soft and cute personal immortal shits.
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soratoninn · 3 years ago
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content/cw; angst, mentions of graphic murder.
ft; eren jaeger x black!fem reader
songs; are we still friends? — tyler, the creator
an angstshot based off of the infamous movie, Carrie.
word count; 444
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You snapped. After 3-4 years of your dreadful high school torture, you snapped. Over some foolish and ignorant prank. Your once white dress painted a rich red as you walked the streets, confused and cold. The last thing you'd remember was being crowned queen next to the boy you loved dearly since god knows when. Eren Yeager. His beautiful and shiny green eyes always made your days better even throughout the continuous bullying and torment the high school girls put you through. His silky brown hair and his well put together attitude/personality had always brung a smile to your face in the thought.
but not tonight.
A mess was all you were as your arms crossed over the other, hugging yourself, shivering coldly. You had no idea why he even decided to go with you to prom. You were out of his league. Completely. When you'd finally rack up enough courage to ask him, he was at practice and replied to you with a smile on his face and a simple, "sure, why not?" You had almost crumpled right then and there with your Stephen kings 'Carrie' book in your chest, your hands hugging the book close.
The night air was almost suffocating as you felt your heart speed rapidly. Was it possible that the wire missed him...? You continuously asked yourself that, tearing yourself apart. It was no way he still could've been alive at the consideration the sparked cable cord from the lights struck him straight in the chest, electrocuting him until he stopped moving falling face first. You reminisced the kiss he passed onto your lips on the stage. Your first kiss.
It was emotional full of nothing but delicacy. The way his lips moved onto yours as if it were the silk you'd place on your bed made your head spiral further out of control. You truly ripped yourself apart. Your hands went to the sides of your head, covering your ears as if you were a little child. Oh, how he tried to get you to calm down from the prank involving embarrassment on both sides of your parts. Your dress was not only covered in some liquid that seemed to be pigs blood but it was covered in regular human blood.
But in sequence, he lost his life because of you losing control. You dropped down to your knees, covering your ears harder as your field of hearing clogged with questionable static. It wasn't supposed to be this way. You were supposed to conquer happiness. But your pathetic attempt, caused the deaths of not only several high school students, but teachers, and chaperones. Hence, in further conclusion.
You were the antagonist.
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all works belong to toruzaki © 2021. do not copy, modify, redistribute, translate, or write spin off stories based off of my own content. remember, plagiarism is illegal.
@dayestic @mrssmiya @tenkosii @armuhin @fiercy
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laindtt · 3 years ago
Everything about this is absolutely adorable, no matter how you consider it: when a Civilian gives you the tip for the prepper stash, he mentions an old plane nearly left there to rot but when you find it, at the nearest airstip to Saint Francis, it’s in very good condition, as much as Affirmation ; someone has taken care of it, as the Dep has no problem starting the engine (Jacob himself, or at least someone he asked to do so, so that the fuel tank is full and the battery is charged).
Jacob chose its color? He also chose the same spots to add Eden’s Gate cross stickers on than John.
On the contrary, John is the one who picked the paint for Pack Hunter? He went for the very same red that the one on Jacob’s weapons, putting so much efforts in small details to show his big brother how much he cares for him.
Jacob chose for his plane a fiercy name, perfectly fitting with his role among the Project, and its description shows that he flies it quite often, enough for the plane to have a small legend attached to it, and it’s so easy to picture the two brothers sharing the skies together, hunting Resistants down or challenging themselves during aerial tricks challenges.
Quality sibling hobby time beyond cuteness 👌
I was thinking about Jacob having a plane as well as John and
What if Jacob doesn’t know how to fly, that’s why the plane sits in a hangar nowhere near his place?
What if John though Jacob would appreciate it as a birthday gift cause he was military airborne personnel and just assumed he knew
Maybe John didn’t know that Jacob just used to jump out of em and thought :) time to bond with big brother :)
Imagine Jacobs face when John explained his reasoning tho
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gezinus · 4 years ago
Outlander seizoen 6: Alles wat we al weten
Netflix slaagde erin om het vijfde seizoen van Outlander op 17 februari naar zijn streamingdienst te halen. Daarmee moesten we precies een jaar wachten sinds de eerste aflevering van seizoen 5 werd uitgezonden in de Verenigde Staten. Ondertussen wachten fans op het zesde seizoen van de historische dramaserie. Duidelijk is al dat er een zesde seizoen is besteld. In dit artikel vind je alles wat we al weten over seizoen 6 van Outlander.
Het verhaal
Tot op heden is voor ieder seizoen van Outlander gebruik gemaakt van een boek van Diana Gabaldon’s serie. De gebeurtenissen uit het vijfde seizoen waren dan ook grotendeels afkomstig van The Fiercy Cross. Toch werd ook al enigszins gebruik gemaakt van verhaallijnen uit A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Seizoen 6 borduurt verder op dat verhaal.
Het vijfde seizoen van Outlander eindigde met een traumatische gebeurtenis voor Claire, terwijl we aan de vooravond van de Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog staan. Uitvoerend producent Matthew B. Roberts sprak daar al over met Elle. ” Ik denk dat wat er in de wereld gaande is op dat moment, 1775, echt vergelijkbaar is met wat er met Jamie en Claire aan de hand is. Er zal ook een revolutie voor hen komen, en ik denk dat dat het hele seizoen wel gaande is. Je hebt een fundament en wanneer dat fundament wordt opgeschud en er komt een revolutie, dan moet je daarmee omgaan. Dat is het thema van het seizoen”, liet hij alvast weten over seizoen 6.
Ook uitvoerend producent Maril Davis sprak tegenover Parade al over het verhaal van A Breath of Snow and Ashes. “Het originele Outlander-boek is mijn favoriet, maar A Breath of Snow and Ashes is mijn tweede lievelingsboek. Er staat zo veel in. Jamie en Claire die hun liefde uitdiepen; Roger en Brianna die hun eigen journey hebben, en er gebeurt iets leuks en nieuws met hen. Caitlin O’Ryan, die Lizzie speelt, heeft een geweldig verhaal en ze is zo’n ontzettend goede actrice. Er zijn zo veel spannende dingen.”
De cast
Het goede nieuws is dat het ernaar uitziet dat de grote sterren van Outlander gewoon terugkeren. Dat betekent dat we nog veel meer te zien krijgen van Sam Heughan als Jamie Fraser en Caitriona Balfe als zijn vrouw Claire Fraser. Andere castleden zijn nog niet officieel bevestigd, maar naar verwachting keren ook Sophie Skelton (Brianna Randall Fraser) en Richard Rankin (Roger Wakefield) gewoon terug. Ondertussen zijn er nog geen nieuwe castleden bekendgemaakt.
De productie van Outlander seizoen 6 kon in februari 2021 worden hervat in Schotland. “We zijn begonnen met opnemen”, vertelde Sam Heughan aan tegenover OprahMag. Mede door de coronapandemie duurde het een tijdje voordat de opnames echt van start konden gaan. Matthew B. Roberts vertelde daarover: “We moesten uitvogelen hoe we zeker iedereen een miljoen keer konden testen voor ze op set kwamen lopen, zodat we onze bubbel zo veilig mogelijk kunnen houden.”
Outlander seizoen 6 op Netflix
Het ziet ernaar uit dat we wel nog een tijdje zullen moeten wachten tot het zesde seizoen van Outlander te zien is op Netflix. Eerst zal het complete seizoen uitgezonden moeten zijn in Amerika bij Starz en zelfs dan lijken we nog een tijdje te moeten wachten. Aangezien het op dit moment nog niet bekend is wanneer seizoen 6 van start gaat in de Verenigde Staten, valt het nog lastig in te schatten wanneer we op Netflix in Nederland aan de slag kunnen met nieuwe afleveringen. Voor nu wordt gedacht aan een release in Amerika in 2022.
Wel is al duidelijk dat seizoen 6 bestaat uit twaalf afleveringen. Daarmee krijgt het seizoen evenveel afleveringen als het vijfde seizoen. Eerder bestonden seizoenen nog uit veertien afleveringen.
Wil je direct op de hoogte gebracht worden als het bekend is wanneer Outlander seizoen 6 op Netflix verschijnt? Abonneer je dan op onze nieuwsbrief!
➡️ Lees ook: 5 Brandende vragen over Outlander seizoen 6
The post Outlander seizoen 6: Alles wat we al weten appeared first on Netflix Nederland - Films en Series on demand.
Bron: Netflix Nederland - Online Streamin... https://www.netflix-nederland.nl/outlander-seizoen-6-alles-wat-we-al-weten/
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marshmallow-de-alfazema · 6 years ago
If the sun don’t shine on me today
Prompt | Two people, running away from a blind, arrange marriege, in which one is suppoused to marry the other, meet on the road by coincidence and fall in love of each other.
(I’m usually all for whump and angst, but after so many Glee covers, my heart is just for some ridiculous love.)
The plan was: wait for the meeting night, escape using the back door on the kitchen and stole the car of my oldest brother (because he can easily buy another). I was planning this since my parents decided that I was old enough to have a fiance, since I turned eighteen last year. My brother had married at age 20, and my sister, at 19. It was my turn now, and my parents were planning this and meeting a lot of boys who would fit and deserve my hand since my fifteen birthday. 
My mother’s favorite candidate was Magnus Dellanova, a guy from my school and heir of a big data company, who I’d prefer to live among the rats to marry with. After my fiercy protests (and a broken mirror - by accident, I have to say),  she declined. I must say, you probably think of me as a bitch, who broke things to have my parent’s attetion. Well, they spend most time of the day working, and working hard. I can’t actually complain, since this is how I can live the way I do. And I’m sure they love me as much I love them. 
But this doesn’t mean that I’m gonna marry some guy just because they want me to be a “trophy wife��� - as my sister call herself when she married. Jenna was suppoused to be a scientist - her biology grade was beyond excellent, and she got a full ride to MIT - but my parents insisted that she could study after having a stable family by herself.
After my Maguns disaster, I thought I had left my intetions clear as crystal: no fiance, no marriage, college first. And a job, a internship, everything. But, as my mother decided that Magnus Dellanova wasn’t worth it, my father came with a even more ridiculouse idea: other boy whose parents had more money than the queen or something; the Warrant Companies were pretty solid and growing in the market. But as soon I put my eyes in Dom Warrant’s-possible-fiance file (my mother kept all in her desktop), I wanted to run. He had the resumè of a prince from the 19th century and spoke more languages than it should be possible. And, for some reason, his photo showed a 13 years old kid that had more hair than I did and some really crooked teeths. I couldn’t know how was he today, and had no interest.
Incompatible. I pass.
Since then, I started to plan my escape. In the night before my 19th birthday, I would meet him and his parents in a unconfortable, shameful  dinner. And the fateful day had arrived and was knocking on my front door. Literally.
I listen carfully to parents, greeting our gests, and I know this is my chance. I was already hidden in the closet under the stairs, so, in the first signal for human life, I grab my packbag and run towards the kitchen, the garden, the garage and I am free, putting my brother’s car on the street and running for dear life.
It’s raining when I got out of town, on my way to the next most populate city. I has my itinerary ready and my radio on; I would call my parents by the morning to tell them I was all right, no, not gonna marry some strange guy and would just come back home after got a degree. I had my paperwork to do a enrollment in college ready. 
Well, I has analysed every single thing possibility of disaster, but one didn’t cross my mind. Because, not even two hours after I left home, in a almost empty road, I almost run through someone with the car. 
In my defense, it was dark, the rain didn’t help and the person - that I notice as a young man, maybe my age - could be a bit drunk, as he ran in front of the car, wagging his arms. I hit the break with ful force, guiding the car to stop by the road side.
“Are you crazy?” I shout, open the passager window, for sure I don’t want this guy near me. But, as he approaches the vehicle, I notice he’s not drunk, just looking a little lost and soaked in the rain. Not so tall, skinny and a dark olive skin that match his eyes.
“Sorry, miss.” Wow, what a nice voice. Like, deep and low voice. Why is this the first thing I noticed? “My name is Nick. Can you give me a ride?”
“To where?” I raise an eyebrow. 
“Just to the next city. Please, I’m not gonna hurt you.” There’s a pleading in his eyes that makes me think he is close to tears. “The last ride I got left me here and run with my bag. I just, I can’t go back home, I’m going to my uncle’s house, you can drop me at the next town, I swear, please.”
“Calm down, Nick. Were you robbed? You don’t want me to call the police?” Is he running from someone?
“They couldn’t help. The car is way too far. I am... just really cold. And wet.” And this Nick guy is only in jeans and a t-shirt. No jacket, no sneakers, just barefoot. “I sill got my documents, but I do not have money to call a cab.” His eyes widen and and somehow he thought this is the wrong thing to say, as his next words are: “Oh, man, sorry, I can’t pay you, oh, I, shit-
“Are you wanted? For the police?” I cut him off.
“Oh. No, no, definitely no.”
“Okay, come in” I say. Seriously, he is now looking like a lost puppy in the rain, probably thinking if the next driver will robb the rest of his clothes and left him naked in the street.
“Really?” Really a lost puppy.
“Quickly, before I change my mind.”
Nick doen’t need more than this to get in the car. I instruct him to take his wet shirt off and put my pullover. We get back on the road, and, as he slowly warm himself up, don’t stop thanking me.
“I thought that I would have to walk all the way back home. Oh, you are an angel... What’s your name?”
“Angela. Oh, really an angel, Angela. And I already know that you are grateful, Nick, can stop thanking me now” I say with a grin.
Half an hour later, my cellphone starts buzzing. And again, again. One quick look and I know my mother is trying to call me. I sigh so loud that Nick can’t do anything but ask me:
“Should you answere this call?”
“Yes. It’s... my mother. I was supposed to meet my fiance tonight, but I run away.”
I don’t kwon why I tell him this, but as soon as the words leave my mouth, I can’t take them back.
“I was suppose to meet my fiancee, too.” Nick lets a half laugh out and stares at me. “Run away too...”
The most ridiculous though cross my mind. I let it run inside my brain furiously for ten minutes before ask him:
“What is your full name? I mean, a Nick should have a last name, at least.”
“Hum. Nick is just a nickname, because my parents manage to give me a name awful as Dominic. My uncle calls me Dom, and my friends, Nick.”
My heart it beating so hard that I think it’s going to stop any moment by now. “Dominic. Dom. Like Dom Warrant.”
I keep  my eyes on the road, but I can feel him turning in the seat to really look at me. Once, twice. 
“Don’t tell me you are my fiancee.” 
“Well, I’m not gonna tell you so.”
A glance in his direction and we’re both laughing so hard that I have to pull the car on the road side again. After long minutes, I’m crying and laughing and he is trying to catch his breath again.
“I ran away from you” I manage to say. “And you LITERALLY ran into my car!”
Nick stares at me again, his brown eyes almost unreadable in the faint light that the night sky provides. His smile is soft, and for a brief moment, I can see a little of the boy from the picture on him. But is gone and there’s a whole new person on the passager seat, soaked in rain with a delicious voice.
Slowly, as if somehow uncertain, Nick take my hand. He gives me a glance asking for permisson, and, as I say nothing, he kisses the back of my hand really gently.
“I thought I would never say this, angel Angela, but it was a pleasure to meet you.”
And doesn’t let go.
“If the sun don't shine on me today And if the subways flood And bridges break Will you lay yourself down and dig your grave? Or will you rail against your dying day?”
Sleep on the floor, The Lumineers
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mybias-and-i · 8 years ago
A Kwon Jiyong/G-Dragon Fanfiction (College AU) (Reader X JiYong)
Summary: Kwon JiYong has a secret: he lives a double life. At College, he’s a normal student like many others; but like in SuperHero movies, at night he turns: - not into Spiderman, not into Batman, but into G-Dragon - an underground rapper. One of the main reasons why he keeps his rapper life a secret is because his parents highly disapprove such thing. ‘’Kwon JiYong? My son is the best student in his class; we expect him to become either a lawyer or a doctor.’’ Hidden tattos under layers of cotton sweaters and fiercy eyes hidden behind a pair of nerdy glasses is his daily disguise. But will his secret last? What’ll happen when he gets assigned to tutor you and inevitably falls for you? Will he show you to his secret life? Or will you be kept in the shadows as well?
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JiYong barged inside his dorm, ignoring the couple making out on SeungHyun’s bed and the yelp they both released - “AH! AREN’T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE IN CLASS?” 
SeungHyun pulled the white sheet in a haste, using the slim fabric to cover his modesty and urging the girl to hurry out. She huffed at the boy, stealing a nervous glance at an angry looking JiYong, and quickly puling the black dress down her body. “Call me later then. We’ll continue.” She winked at the younger boy, bending down to reach for her heels and purse.
JiYong scoffed. “I think he’ll have a hard time finding your name among all the noonas in his contact list, right SeungHyun?”
The girl grimaced, glancing suspiciously at SeungHyun before hurring out the door. “YAH! Noona wait, that’s not true.” the boy reached for his underwear, pulling it up as he stood from the bed and following behind her - only to be stopped by an arm. 
“What do you think you’re doing?”, the younger complained, a frown falling to his lips as he whined like a little kid whose mom refused to give them candy. “I was about to get some.”
“Like I care.” JiYong snapped. The nerve of this boy.
“Ah! Hyung,” SeungHyun chuckled, giving up on the idea of following the older girl and sitting down on his roomate’s bed. “Maybe that’s your problem, you need to get laid - I don’t think I ever saw you bring a girl over --”
“Don’t call me that,” JiYong gritted his teeth, walking toward SeungHyun’s side of the room and shamelessly going through his stuff (books on the desk, bag, even peeking under his bed). 
“Yah! That’s invading my privacy! What the hell are you doing?” He rose from the bed, slightly pushing JiYong away from his desk and sighing. “Look Hyung, I-” he stopped mid-sentence, cringing with the cold look he received and opting to put it in other words. 
“JiYong-ssi, “ he corrected, “You can’t go through my things like this. If you need anything just tell me, alright? I’ll give it to you.”
JiYong stood in silence, his thoughts all directed to the possible location of his book. It’s not that he hadn’t memorized the lyrics, he knew them all by heart, but he was scared someone would find it and it would lead to his identity being revealed.
SeungHyun felt uncomfortable with the silence, his charismatic and loud personality rushing to come out. He wanted to befriend this mysterious soul, to get to know him better, - sure he had heard all the rumours going around campus - and truth be said, he had been scared out of his wits to share a dorm with JiYong. But that was in the beggining, now he was merely curious.
SeungHyun resorted to the only option available in his head to break some ice - act cute! 
“Alright?” his aegyo was perfect, no lie. His plump lips were pouted cutely, and his eyes wide as a puppy, as he twitched his peace signed fingers. But JiYong could only cringe, knowing fully well of this boy’s fuckboy personna and not being able to link both personalities to the same person.
It was irrational.  
“Don’t. ever. do. that. again.” The older mumbled, turning on his heel and walking out the door. 
SeungHyun grimaced, dropping his hand to his side and laying back on his bed with a groan. “What could he possibly be looking for?”, he wondered, turning onto his side and grabbing for his phone. He checked his notifications, only to find them empty. JiYong had surely scared the girl away. “Aish! She was so hot though,” He whined, kicking his legs in the air.
“Earth to Y/N,” a hand waved in front of you, pulling you harshly from your thoughts. 
“Huh?” You stared quizzically at Jimin’s face, the smiley boy giving you a tap on the nose and cooing how cute you looked. You cringed, slapping his hand away from your face and glancing around the classroom. “What did I miss?”
“The entire lesson I suppose.” he grinned sheepishly. “What was on your mind?”
Uncounciously, your eyes darted to the back of the class, where JiYong’s usual seat remained empty for the 4th time today. Jimin had a look of realisation cross his face once he followed your gaze, chuckling to himself and shaking his head.
“I’m sure he’s fine Y/N-ah,” he tried reassuring you.
“W-what? What are you talking about? I’m not worried. Why would I be worried about that rude ass bo-”
“Miss Y/N, Mr. Park, care to share with the rest of us what’s more important than paying attention to this class?” the teacher, a middle aged woman with dark curly hair and scary looking face, all but yelled at the two of you. “If you do not wish to be here, please step outside. But do not disturb this lesson, understood?”
The both bowed your heads, cheeks red in embarrassment as everyone turned to look at you. “We’re sorry.”
The teacher sighed, “Where was I? Oh right, you can distinguish the type of blood--”
“This is all your fault,” you mumbled lowly, grabbing your notebook and starting to take some notes. Jimin gasped, grabbing at his heart and feigning innocence.
“How is this my fault? You were daydreaming.”
“Shut up.”
You stood in front of the mirror as you put on your white doctor gown. Your eyes darted to the blue engraved name ‘ Myungwoo University Hospital’ , in both korean and English, and sighed. Studying in South Korea's top hospital is tough, and you were starting to feel the pressure weighting on your shoulders.
Yuna walked across the girl’s changing room with a comforting and confident smile plastered on her face. “You look good in a doctor uniform.” She complimented. “It’s like it was made for you.”
You chuckled, “Unnie, you speak as if I’m trying on a wedding dress.”
She laughed along, shaking her head slowly. “No Y/N-ah, this gown is more important. With it on, you’ll save thousands of lives and show off your skills and brains. So wear it proudly.”
She patted your shoulder briefly, before walking out the changing room with the rest of your classmates, chukling at something with two of them. Yuna really was a bright soul!
You turned to glance at yourself one last time, craving to believe Yuna’s words would be true someday and pulling your hair up in a ponytail. Screw JiYong, screw the weird lyric book. All you had to focus now was your medical degree. Your dream.
A/N: WOW, havent’ updated in such long time. But im back! Don’t forget to send me your feedback. And thanks for reading…XX <3
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