Renew My Mind, Jesus
4 posts
A journey with The Word of God that, I pray, continues for the rest of my life. John 1:14 ❤️
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denyselffollowjesus-blog · 7 years ago
Light up this broken heart and light my way, until my time on earth is done...
The power of the Holy Spirit in my life is radical! I have to say it has been the most transformational two years of my life in an active pursuit of dwelling in the presence of the Lord. He rescued me two years ago from a life of chaos and addiction as I cried desperately out to Him. There is much more work for Him to complete in me, but knowing that He never leaves or forsakes His own is an absolute beauty I sit in awe of often. The music that sings of Him and His love and His friendship to us is so powerful and soul reviving. His work in and through His people helps me to know how temporary this life is and makes me desire more of Him and less of me! Night and God bless!
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denyselffollowjesus-blog · 7 years ago
When I came into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus I didn’t know Who I was meeting and what He was getting me into. He knows the depths of who and whose I am and He is in love with me. This is hard for me to wrap my head around but as I seek and grow in the relationship with Him, I begin to take my eyes of me and walk in the Truth of His Word and Truth. It is a process of learning how to let go and walk in the newness of forgiveness and His light. I am more than grateful on this very day for who HE says I am and for the Love and Light He brings into my life, through others and through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the only Truth that stands at the end of the day and He is the Way to God the Father almighty. God reigns and the Son shines :)
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denyselffollowjesus-blog · 8 years ago
GOOD morning..
As I wake up I delightfully consider that all things are new. New day, new growth outside with the plentiful rainfall, new beginnings. 
The word of God tells me to forget the former things and to behold the new! I am reminded of a merciful Father who does not hold sin against me but considers it as far from me as the East is to the West.
Having been in both Hawaii and New Hampshire I have a glimpse of how far that is, but praise God He doesn’t command that I figure Him out. I am on a journey from above, awaiting the treasures of today and having a cup of coffee that tastes extra delightful this morning. May I ever be reminded of the glory of God in my walk with Him, as Christ shows me the way. God bless the NEW.
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denyselffollowjesus-blog · 9 years ago
All things new
I'm not even quite sure how to work a tumblr account but, much like my life right now it will be a learning process! I am first and foremost a believer and follower of the Lord and my savior Jesus Christ. There are not enough pages I could write of a testimony that could give you even a glimpse of what He's done in my life to help my unbelief or even doubt at certain places in my life. He is more than enough, and so worthy of praise. He is a perfect representation of Love and my souls longs for Him, almost always.
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