#Fan theory
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astridcaine · 8 hours ago
This is the type of canon breakdown that I live for. Spot on, on all. Dean has that effect on people. Falling in love with him is a dicy proposition at best. I think he knows it. With that and a massive dose of crap self-esteem, no wonder he's always alone. That's before he'll prioritize Sammy, and make any grown-up relationship impossible for himself.
Dean's boyfriends ranked by how normal they were about him (from most to least):
4. Lee Webb. As normal as one could get about Dean Winchester. Like yeah, he tried to kill him, but that was completely unrelated to them being exes. Even able to have a nice, friendly reunion with Dean, no hard feelings at all (again, until Lee tried to kill him).
3. Benny Lafitte. Genuinely probably the closest Dean got to a normal relationship with a man and they probably could have made it work if they weren't both hung up on other people. Benny did end up sacrificing his life for Dean, after Dean ghosted him even, but Dean was only partly the motivation there. Still, seeing the dynamic between Dean and Cas in Purgatory and willingly inserting yourself is kind of bonkers.
2. Crowley. Man started this relationship thinking he had the upper hand, then caught feelings and fully shattered himself on the altar of Dean Winchester. Went around telling people that Dean completes him after they had a regrettable summer fling, then sacrificed his life for him because that's just what falling in love with late-seasons Dean does to a motherfucker.
(Special mention of Chuck, who while completely abnormal about Dean was never his boyfriend, as much as he wishes.)
1. Castiel. And it's not even close. In this competition, Cas takes the gold, silver and bronze. Laid a hand on Dean in hell and never had a normal thought again. You just know he had fantasies for years about confessing his love for Dean while dying in his arms before it actually happened. Fortunately for him, Dean matches his freak perfectly.
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tonyzaret · 2 days ago
ANYWAY let me know what you think!!
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caldella · 2 days ago
You know, if Blitzø and Stolas actually get married in the last season of HB, and Blitzø has actually become "the most famous imp ever" and is a public figure at that point, you just know Wally is gonna be in the background at that wedding selling Stolitz merch.
Nothing about this situation is canon yet but I'm already laughing at the mental image of Mr. "Blitzo KYS" T-shirt standing in the back of the ceremony with a cheap knockoff "STOLITZ 4 EVER" instead.
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crimsonmonsoon · 20 hours ago
My theory about how Qi Rong died.
Basically after Xie Lian’s family loses power and the Xianle kingdom falls… remember how Xie Lian got his parents out of there? Well the rest of the royal family would still be trapped in that kingdom and likely were all executed. Especially since as a ghost, Qi Rong still resembles a teen/young adult, I don’t think he got away. I think as this execution happened was when he fully came to hate his cousin. His cousin who did not save him, who did not save his kingdom, and abandoned him and the rest of his family. Yey
This is why I always draw him with scars around his neck. It think that's cool to mirror Xie Lian with. Especially since they're meant to look similar, Qi Rong does everything to look nothing like him but the scars reflect the shackles and what not just a reminder that he is Xie Lian's only remaining family.
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marty4282 · 2 days ago
Dazai definitely has a connection to the book, here's what I am thinking:
I never really figured this out until now…but like Dazai's entire existence is…strange. He's anti-ability, fundamentally counteracting the entire basis of BSD. The book, fundamentally, is an ability. So this begs two questions. Would Dazai be affected if reality is altered? And…what's his role with the book?
Dazai would most likely not be affected if reality is altered, only if that altering reality is targeting him. Therefore, Fyodor can't just erase Dazai out of existence using the page, because No Longer Human would counteract it.
So…what if Dazai's role is the failsafe? Dazai exists outside of the realm of the book, so what if his existence was created so that the Book can't spiral?
There's another thing…in BEAST, Dazai created a singularity…on his own. Something that usually requires two abilities, he was able to do with his own ability, therefore breaking the laws of ability mechanics. So, another question, what if Dazai was born through a Book-created singularity?
And finally, his connection to Natsume. Natsume is constantly watching over Dazai. Not because he's a strong ability user or anything, but I think it's because Natsume perceives Dazai as an anomaly…something that shouldn't exist. Natsume would definitely know if Dazai was born or influenced from the book because he created the book.
Also, another thing I'd like to point out, Dazai is the only character who breaks the 4th wall. What if he's aware he shouldn't exist which is why he is trying to find a meaning to live? His subconscious sense of "not belonging" suddenly makes a lot more sense in this context.
So in a sense...his suicidal tendencies? That might not be a symptom of depression, but rather an awareness that he shouldn't exist. His obsession with finding meaning in life? Because he was never supposed to have one in the first place. His terrifying intelligence? Might not be just strategy alone, but maybe an ability to perceive reality differently than everyone else.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk 🙂‍↕️
The Double Black Bible is still a work in progress. Have this while I work on that. I'll provide more sneak peeks in the future 👀
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0h-b0yy · 3 days ago
terrified for episode 6 tonight we’ve officially hit the halfway point so I already KNOW that it’s gonna get really bad, I’m expecting that who ever the 8th survivor is were finally gonna get that reveal tonight. I’m praying it’s not Melissa I’m still gonna hold down on the theory that Shauna accidentally kills Melissa in the teen timeline, cause I really want it to be Mari tho the chances of it being Mari are slim because they want to keep the pit girl mystery going for as long as they can.
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randomkaistuff · 1 day ago
little willry meme because i am very excited for the movie
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i made this because i just can’t wait for the movie.
Okay i need little kiss into the movie before everything goes downhill.
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razorobjectified · 8 hours ago
OK SO update on this thang. was informed that the sister is Piper !(Lawless king of Ankh) BUT we don't know what Piper's assigned animal is and in THIS alt text for this panel, Morrigan is said to be in the palace on Ankh.
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LOOK AT WHAT MORRIGAN IS PERCHED ON. Looks like a unicorn horn to me ! Also side note there are leaves on side branches and since Citrus is Morrigan's kid and is a fruit, I'm thinking Morrigan and Piper are both plant related objects : | 3 ANYWAYS. I am 98% sure that Piper is a Unicorn beastial ! ! ! thank you for coming to my ted talk
(EP 70 SPOILERS) small yap I did am I cooking or on crack
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sketchtastrophee · 1 month ago
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old art again!! this time a rough animation of sawyer and yarnaby 😎 (looks better if u click to view 😭)
im working on a short ppt animation rn. im thinking i should post it to my youtube channel, though im not sure if people here would see it. i think i can link videos on here?? idk
okay I'm gonna talk abt more chapter 4 stuff.. this time about prototype's previous identity.. ch4 spoilers and also a theory below..
hiding the solo yarnaby under here LOL
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people theorized 1006 was elliot, which was recently disproven in the chapter 4 tape where poppy refers to elliot as her dad and wishes he were there. in the same tape she addresses prototype as a completely different person. also recall that elliot died in the 90s, meanwhile prototype met theo in 1989. so yeah, they aren't the same person
I've also seen people say rich is prototype, which cannot be true either. in a ch4 tape he speaks to one of the employees under his supervision. the kid mentions his coworkers joking about him going missing. before the bbi, it would not make sense for this to be a common rumor at the company, which means this tape had to happen after harley was hired in 1990; at a time when the company would have a reason to silence people
prototype existed in 1989 at the minimum, but considering he says "it's always been about you and me" to poppy, he's likely the prototype of HER. she's elliots daughter, she died in the 60s, meaning prototype was probably created around that time as well.
this means that rich can't be the prototype because he was human long after prototype was made
if you want my take on who prototype truly is, i'd say his identity doesn't necessarily matter. i don't mean to say his origins aren't important, just that his name and specific role in the past probably doesn't mean anything in the long run. i've never believed he was elliot or rich, and maybe in the future i'll be proven wrong but for now i'll tell you the theory i've had since june of last year
elliot's daughter dies in the 60s. he divorced his wife in 1930, so his daughter is probably in her 30s when she dies. she gets sick or injured, maybe she's actively dying or already dead by the time elliot begins his research. he looks for ways to bring her back, but it doesn't work on the rats (as he mentioned a note in the 2nd chapter)
so what does he do? he tries it on something bigger as he said he would: a human. of course he's not going to try this experimental method on his own daughter, even if she's already dead, so he finds someone else to use it on. we know that elliot wasn't evil or anything, so it's unlikely he killed anybody to use for the experiment. considering the orphanage isn't open yet (it opened in the 70s, not the 60s), prototype probably wasn't an orphan child either. if i run with my simple version of the theory, elliot may have dug up a body in a graveyard and used that. maybe a fresh one, who knows. he tried it, it worked, then he revived his daughter with the same method.
this is likely what harley wanted to know about in the chapter 3 tape (the "i learn something new about you every day" one), and also what prototype is asking harley to figure out in the ch4 tape they're both in. in that case, sawyer never actually figured out how to revive people with the poppy substance. sure, he can transfer people into the toys, but he can't bring anybody back to life
more reason to believe prototype and poppy are of the same "batch" is because it seems they are the only two who don't need food. it's outright stated about him in the ch1 trailer, and insinuated with her saying the "toys will starve otherwise" when she's talking about how nasty them eating humans is. she refers to them, not herself. her and prototype are probably the only 2 who were ever brought back from the dead, which circles back around to his monologue and gives meaning to the "it's always been about you and me, poppy. what we are". when i heard him say that i felt like my theory was lowk confirmed 😭😭
no guarantee this is right, but it's been my guess for a long time
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totallyottie99 · 6 months ago
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This lady’s a victim fr, we know early grey hair and erratic behavior is a side effect of the overuse of the memory gun. since Bud is a member of the society it’s likely he used that gun on her as much as he wanted to. It’s giving Stepford Wives levels of abuse
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night-owl-249 · 3 months ago
[Spoiler] For years People theorising, joking and talking about the 10th class
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We all though it was him
But this whole time, This. Whole. Time.
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It was him. He was here this whole time.
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ema0rsully · 3 months ago
Ok- listen to me on this one.
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I find it surprising how the authorities arresting I.M.P. were from the sloth ring (the candles). Considering the fact that sloth = lazy. I’d expect the authorities to be from the wrath or even envy ring.
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What if- and this is just a theory..
What if, Belphegor is always sleepy because she sleeps for the sinners and inhabitants of the sloth ring.
Belphegor is a sheep. When you can’t sleep, what do you do? You try to count sheep to try and get some sleep. Maybe, what Belphegor does is to help her subjects, she helps sleep for them and in return her subjects aren’t ever sleepy and always energised to do their work. All the energy she gains from sleeping, she gives it to her people so they dont require to sleep. But of course, this takes a toll on her because now she’s always sleepy.
I know, not alot of proof to go around this theory. But look at this guy,
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He looks like some kind of anger therapist for Satan. He’s definitely from the sloth ring (the candle). And look back in S2 E4,
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The guys are also from the sloth ring (the candles). Seems like all medicine/drugs comes from the sloth ring. And for a ring where you’re supposed to be demotivated or lazy, they do ALOT of work. From careers such as a therapist or an officer, these jobs require ALOT of energy. Some even time consuming.
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And Belphegor seems to sleep ALOT compare to her own sinners/inhabitants in sloth. Thats why it got me thinking, how can her own people do all these jobs and yet Belphegor herself cant get through a trial without falling in and out of sleep? It makes you ponder.. why would she do that to herself?
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Maybe because, her ring is at the lowest in the hierarchy. Its isn’t the most deadliest sin like pride or wrath. I also think she fears her ring might fall behind the other rings because her people will be too lazy to get anything done. So to avoid any mockery from the other Deadly Sins, she decides to give them energy by sleeping for them. It doesn’t matter is she’s oversleeping or not present when a meeting is being held, as long as her ring is prosperous, she’s sleeping peacefully.
I feel like the downside to all this is that, the sloth ring is ALWAYS awake. Nobody sleeps which means sinners and inhabitants are always finding something to do. Which is why her ring ends up being the ring with the best medicine/drugs, hospitals and maybe even security service.
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therealneilperry · 4 months ago
I love how after using shimmer (and Viktor also used the Hexcore), they’re complexion gets insanely pale. Like, they were pale before but they get corpse like, and I think it’s a sort of visual way of showing that they’re unnatural. They used shimmer and the Hexcore to extend their lives when they should be dead, and so they’re forever stuck in this corpse like body as a reminder.
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arcane-magic24 · 4 months ago
Ambessa said to Vi “Your absence provided a vacuum I was able to fill” after we saw Caitlyn and Maddie together 2 episodes ago. Do you think Maddie works for Ambessa so that she can easier manipulate Caitlyn?
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inixplicable · 2 months ago
I only got into Severance like a week ago so I'm not sure what ground the fandom had already covered, but here are my theories heading into season 2:
-MDR is sorting memory data for severed people or severance candidates. The 4 types of data they're sorting are the 4 tempers (WO - woe, DR - dread, FC - frolic, MA - malice), not sure what the 5 categories represent yet.
- Each of the MDR crew represent an overabundance of one of the tempers. Mark is woe, Dylan is frolic [editor's note: S1!Dylan], Irving is dread [editor's note: pre-Burt's retirement], Helly is malice.
-Lumon is using or has used brain dead people as test subjects for severance. They can somehow sever the dead parts of the brain & essentially create a new person from whatever functional portions remain. Gemma/Ms. Casey is one of these subjects. [editor's note: I no longer subscribe to this theory]
-Ms. Cobel has a comatose loved one under Lumon's care right now and that's why she's so obsessed with Mark/Gemma. She's desperate for confirmation that a severed person can recognize a loved one with enough prompting & familiar stimuli. [editor's note: I no longer subscribe to this theory either]
-Outie!Irving is a labor activist who infiltrated Lumon's severed floor & his sleep deprivation + painting the testing floor + Ace of Spades is an attempt to create a liminal state in Innie!Irving and an image strong enough to break through.
-The ultimate goal of the severance project is two-fold: 1) create the ultimate worker drone by siloing undesirable attributes & indoctrinating them into the Lumon ideology/corporate culture 2) achieve immortality for the Eagans by fully digitizing human consciousness.
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