#arte europea
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bottegapowerpoint · 2 months ago
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Ignazio Stern, An Allegory of Summer
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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
Giovanni Boldini: Il maestro del ritratto nell'Italia post-risorgimentale. Recensione di Alessandria today
Esploriamo l’arte di Giovanni Boldini, celebre pittore italiano dell’epoca di Edgar Degas, noto per i suoi ritratti vibranti e la sua tecnica dinamica.
Esploriamo l’arte di Giovanni Boldini, celebre pittore italiano dell’epoca di Edgar Degas, noto per i suoi ritratti vibranti e la sua tecnica dinamica. Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931) è stato uno dei pittori italiani più illustri dell’Ottocento, riconosciuto a livello internazionale per i suoi ritratti raffinati e caratterizzati da un’espressione dinamica. Amico e contemporaneo di Edgar Degas,…
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negreabsolut · 7 months ago
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Records d'Hiperborea.
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royalty-nobility · 2 months ago
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The Prince of Asturias, the Future Charles IV
Artist: Anton Raphael Mengs (German, 1728–1779)
Date: 1766
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Collection: Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Description: Español: Retrato del príncipe de Asturias Carlos de Borbón (1748-1819), que fue hijo del rey Carlos III de España y llegaría a reinar en España como Carlos IV.
This portrait of Charles IV as the Prince of Asturias has as its pendant a portrait of his wife, María Luisa of Parma , also in the Museo del Prado. Anton Raphael Mengs had come to Spain in 1761 at the invitation of Charles III in order to serve as painter de camara , or court painter, the most prestigious appointment for an artist in the service of the king. He probably produced this canvas and its companion in 1765 as wedding portraits, for it was in that year that the prince and princess were married.
The 17-year-old prince stands elegantly, using his shotgun as a support. He wears a gray coat, black leather riding boots and the insignia of his superior status: on his breast is the insignia of the Order of the Golden Fleece , as well as those of the military orders of the Holy Spirit (which was due to the prince as a member of the House of Bourbon ) and Saint Januarius —the order founded by his father in 1738 as King of Naples and the Two Sicilies to celebrate his marriage to Maria Amalia of Saxony . Hunting on horseback, once the sole preservation of the monarchy, was no longer restricted to the royals in the eighteenth century. However, emblems of royal power persisted in iconographic representations of the hunt, which included the deer, in whose pursuit the prince's valor and firmness would be tested, or the dog that, in images of kings and princes, symbolized the loyalty of their subjects.
Charles IV was born in 1748 in Portici , Naples , and could therefore be considered a foreigner under Spanish law. As such, his right to the throne could theoretically have been challenged, yet here he is presented as the natural heir to the Crown and, together with his wife, the guarantors of the dynasty's preservation in the future.
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artandthebible · 2 months ago
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The Transfiguration of Christ
Artist: Willem van Herp (Flemish, 1614–1677)
Date: 1634-1677
Medium: Oil on Copper
Collection: Private Collection
The Transfiguration of Christ
About a week after Jesus plainly told His disciples that He would suffer, be killed, and be raised to life (Luke 9:22), He took Peter, James, and John up a mountain to pray. While praying, His personal appearance was changed into a glorified form, and His clothing became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about His death that would soon take place. Peter, not knowing what he was saying and being very fearful, offered to put up three shelters for them. Peter was expressing a wish to stay in that place. Then a cloud enveloped them, and a voice spoke from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5).
The cloud lifted, Moses and Elijah had disappeared, and Jesus was alone with His disciples, who were still very much afraid. Jesus warned them not to tell anyone what they had seen until after His resurrection. The three accounts of this event are found in Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, and Luke 9:28–36.
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aitan · 2 months ago
"Il continente europeo porta il nome di una giovane, Europa, di origine straniera, senza radici, un’immigrata involontaria: il pluralismo delle origini e l’apertura agli altri sono diventati l’emblema dell’Europa."
"Tutti gli europei sono fieri di riconoscersi in una parte del mondo che ha dato i natali a Montaigne e Michelangelo, Shakespeare e Cervantes, Mozart e Goethe, o ancora nei principi sociali e politici ai quali fa riferimento l'espressione «diritti dell'uomo»."
"Le grandi opere che amiamo identificare oggi come costitutive della cultura europea sono nate in seno a tradizioni particolari. È vero che si sono rapidamente diffuse al di là delle frontiere del paese d'origine, ma questa influenza non si è fermata nemmeno a quelle dell'Europa. Reciprocamente, fin dall'origine, i creatori europei hanno assorbito i contributi provenienti da altri orizzonti: l'Egitto e la Persia, l'India e la Cina. Oggi, i tratti culturali europei si ritrovano lontano dall'Europa; le invenzioni non europee hanno penetrato anche lo spazio europeo. Per esempio, talvolta si dice che il romanzo è un genere tipicamente europeo ciò corrisponde senza dubbio a una situazione vera in passato, ma non nel presente: come immaginare oggi il romanzo senza pensare ai suoi rappresentanti russi, o latinoamericani o nordamericani o, più recentemente, asiatici e africani? Lo stesso si può dire per la pittura, la filosofia, la religione o qualunque altro ingrediente della cultura: ciò che era nato in Europa vi ritorna trasformato dal suo soggiorno altrove e nello stesso tempo l'Europa si affretta ad assorbire le influenze straniere, dalle maschere africane alla calligrafia cinese, dalle tradizioni buddhiste al realismo magico dei Caraibi. Non può essere altrimenti: le opere dello spirito hanno una vocazione universale, fanno il possibile per andare ovunque; nate in una tradizione specifica, aspirano a essere accolte da tutti."
"L'identità della cultura europea consiste nella sua maniera di gestire le diverse identità che la costituiscono a livello regionale, nazionale, religioso e culturale, accordando loro uno statuto nuovo e traendo profitto da questa stessa pluralità".
Sono frammenti tratti da “L’identità europea”, un interessante saggio di un centinaio di pagine scritto da Tzvetan Todorov nel primo decennio del nuovo millennio.
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armthearmour · 2 years ago
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A fabulously embossed parade helmet crowned with a laurel of oak leaves, possibly made for the della Rovere of Urbino, attrobuted to Filippo Negroli,
Height: 11.25 in/28.6 cm
Width: 8.25 in/20.9 cm
Depth: 9 in/22.7 cm
Weight: 2.1 lbs/964 g
Milan, Italy, ca. 1532-1535, housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 1 year ago
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Bartolomé Román (Spanish, 1587-1647) San Pedro Celestino, papa, early 17th century Museo Nacional del Prado
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ichhabeeinekleinepapagai · 7 months ago
ok so honeys and homies
there was this. tumblr promotion of a thing called Communities. im sure u know what i mean.
So i asked Tumblr to create one and to my surprise THEY APPROVED IT. so now we have a community called EUmblr.
Now, i know its called EUmblr but its not just for people who are in European Union countries,, but for any European who is EUnthusiastic or i dont know,, just feels like they belong here
(This also applies for Non-european people))
So yeah this community would be like, a place to talk about european projects, arts, politics, institutions, news, music, media, series, languages,,, pretty much whatever.
Because it's yet a Beta thing of Tumblr, i cant just put a link so that yall directly join :(
So if anyone is interested please just let me know through here and i will send an Invitation™
owo thanks for yallsies attention
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art-portraits · 2 months ago
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Thomas Walker and Peter Monamy
Artist: Gawen Hamilton (British, 1697-1737)
Date: c. 1735
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Collection: Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
Depicted People:
Peter Monamy 
Thomas Walker
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laescuelainvisible · 9 months ago
Nuevo taller ONLINE en MAYO! CONSTRUIR UN MUNDO NUEVO Taller de fotozine y autoedición de Ligia Berg
Formulario de inscripción: https://forms.gle/dvXAXokDpr2XFPf76
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El objetivo principal del taller es la realización de un fotozine/autoedición desde cero a su concreción.
El taller propone un espacio de análisis entre forma, contenido y expresión dónde lo primordial es la construcción narrativa de un relato visual en base al material aportado por la persona que participe del taller.
En 4 encuentros se abordarán los conceptos técnicos específicos del armado de fotozines, desde la diferencia entre fotolibro y fotozine, pasando por la construcción conceptual temática, la edición del contenido, revelado en Lightroom, su maquetación y diseño en Indesign para su posterior impresión o publicación online.
Además se hablará de formas de difusión y distribución de las publicaciones.
Se trabajará con proyectos propios, tanto si hay una idea definida o si se tratase de unificar material de archivo en un fotozine.
Duración: 4 sesiones online de 2h cada una vía google meet + 1 encuentro -a convenir con les alumnes- para ver el resultado final.
Días miércoles 8, 15, 22 ,29 de MAYO + 12 JUNIO de 19h a 21h (horario de españa)
Podés ver trabajos de alumnos aquí: https://laescuelainvisible.tumblr.com/tallerfotozine
Si querés el programa completo escribinos a [email protected]
Les esperamos!
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pittoresko · 2 years ago
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Detail of the painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" (1480-1490) by Hieronymus Bosch (1453-1516), Dutch/Netherlandish painter.
Visit Pittoresko and see the Digital Collection of Dark Academia Art Prints
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spookyjlennon · 2 years ago
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negreabsolut · 3 months ago
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Dibuix d'Alan Lee per a l'obra The Mabinogion, traduït per Gwyn Jones i Thomas Jones.
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pier-carlo-universe · 5 days ago
"Le Ragazze dell'Atelier dei Profumi": Un Viaggio nella Parigi del Primo Novecento. Recensione di Alessandria today
Charlotte Jacobi racconta la straordinaria storia di due donne coraggiose che trasformano un sogno in realtà.
Charlotte Jacobi racconta la straordinaria storia di due donne coraggiose che trasformano un sogno in realtà. Biografia dell’autrice. Charlotte Jacobi è il nome d’arte dietro cui si cela il duo di autori tedeschi Eva-Maria Bast e Jørn Precht. Specializzati nella narrativa storica, i due scrittori combinano ricerca accurata e uno stile narrativo avvincente per creare romanzi che trasportano i…
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beadculture · 1 month ago
Historický Rámec: Kořeny a Vývoj Boho Stylu
Vznik a vývoj Boho stylu Abychom pochopili, jak se boho styl vlastně objevil a vyvíjel, musíme se podívat trochu dozadu v čase. Je dobrý prozkoumat, co se dělo v širším historickém kontextu, co vedlo k jeho založení. Tenhle styl, který oslavuje svobodu, autentičnost a různorodost, se prostě neobjevil jen tak. Byl to výsledek hodně velkých změn, které probíhaly v Evropě během staletí. Odráží to…
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