#arcano sisters
kathrynalicemc · 2 years
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The Arcano Sisters
Dayamanti, Dafne, & Dielle
Hey look my first gifset! Of course I had to do my fav girls 💕 They are probably oof but I tried to match their colors as best as I could
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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hp women appreciation week; favourite sister dynamics
the seymour sisters: adelaide, blanca, céline, dana, ellen & nimueh seymour
the bellerose sisters: odette, alethea, angelique & sabine ( @kathrynalicemc @cursebreakerfarrier @magicallymalted )
the gallardo sisters: rocío, almudena & jimena
the somerset sisters: elizabeth, gia & ruby ( @camillejeaneshphm )
the arcano sisters pt.1: reyna, margrethe & wilhemine arcano ( @kathrynalicemc )
the vixen twins: sybil & delphine
the arcano-thorne sisters: syvanna and lennox ( @kathrynalicemc )
the somerset twins: diana & beatrice ( @camillejeaneshphm )
elizabeth balinor, twin sister of cecilia
eleanor thorne, twin sister of marcellus
honourable mentions: irene demiurgos, sister of adonis; prim and nadia @gcldensnitch ; esther & beatrice brown ; georgie & divya parsons @unfortunate-arrow ; catalina rosier, twin sister of albert
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fischerfrey · 2 years
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hp ladies appreciation week: day 02
event by @endlessly-cursed​
favourite female mcs by others
artemis hexley by @the-al-chemist
artemis is such a well-crafted, complex character. i love her spirit, her compassion and kindness, but also her hot temper and tendency to get in (or cause) trouble!
odessa avery by @cursed-herbalist
she’s determined, rebellious, strong, and caring. she’s a force of nature and i love her very much. she’s also a part of my new favourite hp era... (i’ve only had ode for a little while but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself)
dafne arcano by @kathrynalicemc
dafne has so much interesting lore and backstory around her but she’s where it all started! she’s an incredibly cool character.
evelyn brokenshire/hughes by @cursebreakerfarrier
how could i not mention one of my favourite brokenshires? i just love evelyn’s intelligence and drive to make a change in the world! she’s also cute as heck...
primrose gray by @endlessly-cursed
a staple of my favourite female characters list, prim is a juggernaut of a character with a lot lore and personality!
talia crane by @whatwouldvalerydo
when i was making this list, @potionboy3 reminded me of talia, and i had to include her. she’s multilayered, complex, and badass!
viveka raeburn by @potionboy3
gabriel would be nothing without his bff and better half. i love viveka’s storyline, she does terrible things but i can’t help but sympathize. my girl needs a break.
georgie parsons by @unfortunate-arrow
it’s definitely the oldest sister syndrome for me... i love georgie, she’s so caring and selfless but also headstrong and outspoken! not to mention the corgi!
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years
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𝓔𝓵𝓲𝓸 𝓐𝓶é𝓭é𝓮 𝓓𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭
Slytherin • Pureblood • French/Italian • Gemini • ESFJ • Quidditch Captain and Seeker • Surfer Boy • Environmentalist • Film and History Nerd
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A/N: Elio is open for friends, rivals and love interests! So if you’re interested in discussing a plot, hmu!
Name: Elio Amédée Durand
Meaning: Elio – Italian origin meaning 'sun'; Amédée – French origin meaning 'lover (of God)'; Durand – comes from the Old French durant, meaning 'enduring,' derived from the Latin duruo, meaning 'to harden or make strong'
Nicknames: Io (by Jupiter); ‘Jupiter’s hot brother’ (apparently by her friends xD)
Birthdate: 2th June 1995 (5:06AM)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini Sun, Cancer moon, Taurus Rising
Personality Type (MBTI): ESFJ - The Consul
Sexuality: Bi, until proven otherwise
Gender Identity: Wizard (he/him)
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Nationality: French/Italian
Residence: Skalafell, Norway
Hometown: Paris, France / Fort Durand / Skalafell, Norway
Languages: French, Norwegian, English and some Italian
Physical Appearance
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Face Claim: Brandon Flynn
Hair: brown, blondish ends from sea salt and the sun
Eyes: silvery blue
Height: 183cm
Weight: 75kg
Body Type: lean and muscular
Skin Tone: warm ivory, slightly tan
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): might get a few tattoos when he's older
Voice Claim: tbd
Accent: RP British – sometimes his frenchness says hi tho
What do they carry on them?: wand, school stuff, board wax (idk man, it's just in his pocket and he never took it out), an old family photo (from when his mom was still alive), his dad's old compass
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Mother: Clelia Bellona Durand née Rovere - Clelia was an Italian Spy/Auror for the International Confederation of Wizards. She was a strong-headed woman with strong morals. Tasked to keep an eye on the developments in the UK during the Second Wizarding War, she was killed only a few months after Jupiter's birth, leaving behind her husband and two little children. Unlike Jupiter, who has no memories of her at all, he still has a few that he clings to desperately—her singing him to sleep, singing 'Non ho L`età' being one of them.
Faceclaim: Alessandra Mastronardi
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Father: Aldéric Mylon Durand - Aldéric is a renowned Dragonologist from France. He is friends with Kaari Arcano and was part of the Phoenix Resistance and helped to smuggle innocent wizards abroad, granting them refuge at Fort Durand. He was devastated when his wife Clelia was murdered by Death Eaters, merely months after the birth of their daughter, Jupiter. But it only made him more determined to put an end to it. After the war and now a single dad, he decided to move to Skalafell to get away for a while, heal his emotional wounds and work with Kaari at his sanctuary. Between his studies and travels, he’d go back and forth between France and Skalafell, taking his kids with him wherever he’d go. The early loss of his wife caused him to be quite protective of his kiddos—so be aware! He can definitely be a little intimating but he's actually just a soft idiot. He recently agreed to fill in the spot of Professor for CoMC—although only temporarily. Offers extra classes on Dragonology for students that are interested. Elio and his father have a very good relationship and the two often go on surfing trips together. Tbh they're just best buds xD
Faceclaim: Vincent Cassel
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Younger sister: Jupiter Durand - Even if Elio can be a bit of an idiot and likes to tease Jupiter, he loves her to bits and always looks out for her. He admires her creativity and supports her as best as he can. The two regularly train together near the black lake and have movie nights that, more often than not, are accompanied by a live commentary on the plot and characters and blanket forts (what can I say, it's a tradition).
Godfather: Kaari Arcano @kathrynalicemc - Kaari is a big role model to him. He low-key encouraged Elio’s silliness/flirtatiousness (as if Aldéric wouldn't have been enough influence already).
Godmother: Semele Thorne @endlessly-cursed - With his mother dying so young, Semele has become the closest to a mother figure for him. He always goes to her for advice and respects her deeply!
Elio grew up in the wizard village Skalafell for a large part of his childhood. His father had moved them there after the loss of his mother which was an especially hard hit for him. Surrounded by nature and due to frequent hiking trips, he learned to love and respect his environment and nature and expects others to do the same. The stories told by Alatar also triggered an inherent interest in myth and history which reflects in his pretty impressive collection of history books and historical maps.
With his father being a Dragonologist he was bound to travel a lot, however, his father always took his kids along with him—anywhere that didn’t propose any immediate threat to them. Travels, dinner parties and lectures quickly became part of their daily lives and so did duelling, physical combat and archery. Elio loved exploring different countries and cultures alongside his family and even picked up a few muggle customs during their travels—surfing, as the muggles call it, being one of them.
Just when Elio was about to start school, his father was asked to step in to teach CoMC at Hogwarts which made Elio want to attend the school in the Scottish Highlands rather than Beauxbartons or Durmstrang (which otherwise would’ve been the obvious choices).
After his Hogwarts years, he was offered the position of Seeker by the Quiberon Quafflepunchers and quickly proved himself worthy to play on the French National team as well. After a few years of being a successful quidditch player, he quit focusing his attention on more pressing matters and became a full-time Conservationist (maybe? yes?).
Elio goes back and forth between the fort, Paris, and Skalafell—and sometimes Florence to visit his grandparents.
House: Slytherin
Best Class: DADA, Flying, Muggle Studies, Herbology
Worst Class: Potions
Quidditch: Seeker (2nd year) and Captain (5th year until he graduates)
Clubs: -
Wand: Ceder Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core, 14 1/2” Length, Ridgid Flexibility
➔ Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Animagus: –
Boggart: environmental pollution, manifesting as a moving sphere of water filled with rubbish and dying fish
Riddikulus: the sphere bursts into millions of iridescent bubbles
Patronus: Dragon
Patronus Memory: first hiking/camping trip in the mountains with his dad and Jupiter
Mirror of Erised: tbd
Amortentia (what he smells like): sea salt, fir needles, a dash of board wax, honeydew melon
Amortentia (what he smells): tbd
Magical Abilities: can speak to and understand dragons
11–18: Student at Hogwarts 18–?: Seeker for the Quiberon Quafflepunchers and the French National Team; Geology and/or Wildlife Biology major on the side; Environmental Advocate ?–?: Conservationist?
Personality & Attitude
Personality: Elio is outgoing and has an exuberant and lighthearted approach to life. He likes to have fun and make things awkward, especially when it involves Jupiter—though when provoked he can be a fierce opponent. He has a solid moral compass and tends to be somewhat opinionated regarding social and environmental issues. He loves to talk film and history so if you're not into that sort of thing you might want to avoid those topics at all costs—unless you're cool with him going on about it for hours.
Moderator: ‘Okay, so why don’t we all introduce ourselves?’
Elio: ‘I’ll go first! I’m so excited to be here and meet everybody. Hm, my name is Elio. My friends would describe me as warm, bubbly, outgoing, gregarious and always up for an adventure.’
Strengths: quick learner, charming, easy-going, chatty, determined and strong-willed, daring
Weaknesses: can be a little too idealistic at times, difficulty separating his own feelings and moods from those around him
Stressors: tests, pressure to win the quidditch cup, littering/environmental damage, Statute of Secrecy
Comfort: surfing, hiking, his family, watching movies/documentaries, the smell of evergreens, the sound of ocean waves, blanket forts
Priorities: his family, the environment, embarrassing and protecting Jupiter, being kind and helping others, being happy
Colours: ocean green/blue
Food: honeydew melon; he’s a vegan
Drink: black coffee
Flowers: doesn't really have one I mean who could just choose one when nature, in general, is so beautiful?
Books: maps and survival guides, history books
Weather: strong/surfable waves no matter what the weather or temperature
Hobbies: hiking, surfing, muggle movies/documentaries, quidditch, history and myths
Style: pretty laid-back but still likes to look put together, surfer boy meets french guy?
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Significant Other/Love Interest and Best Friend: Gareth Montague @magicallymalted
The Arcano-Thorne kids aka Siv, Mikael @kathrynalicemc and Lennox @endlessly-cursed - They basically think of each other as cousins since they grew up together.
Dayamanti Arcano @kathrynalicemc - They too grew up together in Skallafell and are the designated parents of the group. They always have each other's backs and make sure the little ones are doing fine <3.
John Arthur @potionboy3 - At one point in his first year they randomly met on the pitch, wanting to practice quidditch and just hit it off. Smol them used to meet up to train together ever since and quickly became quite close. As both of them became seekers and captains of opposing houses, they developed a friendly rivalry when on the pitch. John was the one to introduce Elio to the 'Muggle' concept of environmental activism.
Open for friendship requests :)
Rivals: tbd
Mr. Popular; literally knows everyone
is very athletic; knows how to fight (physically and magically)
can do a backflip; uses this skill to show off and impress people he’s interested in
always keeps an eye on Jupiter and the Arcano kids ... just in case they run into trouble 👀
regularly attends HogwARTS showcases
Gareth and Elio like to team up to embarrass their sisters from time to time 🤝
life of the party and not afraid to make a fool of himself in order for everyone else to have a good time
touch his surfboard and you won’t have hands 🤗
fascinated by muggles and their technology but also high-key devastated by their carelessness in regard to the planet they’re living on
would LOVE to just solve environmental issues by using magic but—Statute of Secrecy and would it really solve the problem if wizards would just make all the pollution disappear? (this got weirdly philosophical, sorry)
Semele forged some graduation papers in order to enable him to study at a Muggle University (Oxford?)
skilled braids maker and blanket fort builder
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hphmmatthewluther · 2 years
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(picrew made by @lawful_awful on twitter)
Name: Jane Queenie Luther
Nicknames: Janey, Sparky
Birthdate: 12/06/97
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type (MBTI): ENFP
Blood Status: Muggle-born (1/8th magical)
Nationality: White British
Physical Appearance
FC: Kaylee Bryant
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4’9 - 5’11
Weight: 70kg
Body Type: Slightly buff
Skin Tone: White
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): Birthmark on the back of her right hand, looks sort of like a key.
Hometown: Colchester
Mother: Rebecca Luther (née MacRiada)
Father: Oliver Luther
Brothers: Will Luther (3rd eldest), Harrison Luther (2nd eldest)
Sister: Isabelle Luther (eldest)
Father’s Cousin: Matthew Luther
Second Cousins: Rowan and Abigail Luther-Snyde
House: Ravenclaw
Best Class: Charms
Worst Class: Potions
Boggart: Being abandoned by her newfound friends.
Riddikulus: Her and her friends all coming together to prank someone
Animagus: Axolotl
Patronus: Dolphin
Patronus Memory: Playing with her cousins during the summer.
Mirror of Erised: Her being a real part of her family.
Amortentia (what she smells like): Grass, Forests, Warm Jumpers, Crisps.
Amortentia (what she smells): Jane has not smelt amortentia yet.
Career: Teaches at a preschool for magical children.
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her loved ones; including their safety and her relation to them.
Strengths: Courageous, Determined, Clever
Weaknesses: Impulsive, sometimes Jealous, Insecure
Stressed: When alone or not feeling noticed.
Calm/Comforted: When around others who listen to her.
Colours: Blue and Yellow
Weather: Clear Skies
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing
Fashion: Ranges from day to day. Jane likes trying all sorts of styles.
Significant Others/Love Interests: Daniel Page and Ivy Warrington
-Rowan Luther-Snyde
-Abigail Luther-Snyde
-Lottie Turner
-Robyn Thistlewaithe
-Kevin Farrell
-Mary Ann Von Deyne ( @endlessly-cursed​ )
-Lennox Arcano-Thorne ( @endlessly-cursed​ )
-Lyra Martin ( @camillejeaneshphm​  )
-Panit Saetang ( @camillejeaneshphm​ )
-Cassandra Vole
-Colby Frey
-Fischer Frey
Jane has some power over reality itself. Sometimes, when she daydreams and wishes, she can affect the world around her so that it comes to pass, and thus turn her daydreams into reality.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“You are shameless -- A shameless flirt! Showing some interest couldn't hurt! Some? You show the maximum. And you'd prefer I act like you? Afraid to show interest -- afraid it's taboo?”
~“Vaudeville: Leave Me Alone” from Sideshow
brief mention of Kaari Arcano @kathrynalicemc​
Once Jacob Cromwell passed all twelve of the NEWTs he sat for with flying colors in the spring of 1991, he left Hogsmeade village to travel the world. Mia was very glad to see him go -- those months of having to see his stupid, smiling face behind the bar of the Three Broomsticks had been an absolute headache to get through. And for the next few years, Mia didn’t collide with Jacob Cromwell once -- something she was very grateful for.
That didn’t mean that she didn’t hear anything about him, in those years. Rosmerta still received letters from Jacob and so spoke of him frequently (and fondly) to Jenie and Ambrosius Flume. There’d be times Mia would overhear some of the Hogwarts professors discussing Jacob, on their trips to Hogsmeade -- talking about how he’d been invited to lecture at Beauxbatons or some such and sounding pleased that he’d turned his life around for the better. Then of course there was the stuff Mia heard through her younger sister Callie.
Callisto “Callie” Flume was the youngest of the Flume sisters, and easily the most outgoing. People warmed up to her very quickly for her sense of humor and amiability, as well as her pretty smile and bold, slightly cheeky attitude. There were those who considered her a total flirt (Mia included), but that didn’t make her any less successful at the Wizarding Wireless Network, where she made her living as a radio host. Although yes, she primarily introduced each song played on the network and announced Network-sponsored contests and products, Callie also tried to arrange and broadcast interviews with well-regarded and/or famous wizards, to spice things up. Some of the interviews she’d arranged -- such as talking to the Irish National Quidditch Team when they first qualified to compete in the 1994 Quidditch World Cup -- had been rather fun to listen to, but others were far less so. Mia had to pause in her work and stroll to the other side of the kitchen so she could switch off the radio playing Callie’s interview with the Weird Sisters’ front-man Myron Wagtail in utter exasperation, after hearing her sister do little but pepper him with pointed compliments for nearly twenty minutes. 
One of the people Callie liked getting input from as a contributor, though, ended up being Mia’s sworn enemy, Jacob Cromwell. And yeah, Mia didn’t care for that at all. She was sure to remind Callie of that after she heard her younger sister had once again hosted Jacob on her radio show last month to ask him about the history of the Triwizard Tournament, in anticipation for the climatic Third Task. 
Callie, true to form, laughed the whole thing off. 
“Oh, come on, Mia,” she teased. “You’re not still all bent out of shape about Jacob, are you? Really, you snap your jaws so much whenever anyone brings him up, one would think you two are bitter exes or something...”
Mia shuddered in utter disgust. “Ugh, the idea! Who in the world would want to date that prat?” 
“Quite a few people, actually,” said Callie amusedly, adjusting her glasses on her nose with her middle finger. “Myron Wagtail, for one. And Kaari Arcano, at least casually.”
“Kaari Arcano?” scoffed Mia. “Why am I not surprised -- he’s always been a total flirt -- ”
“There’s nothing wrong with flirting -- get off your high horse,” Callie scolded, her voice dusted with rather cool passive-aggressiveness. “Kar’s a sweetheart: just look at him with his dragons. I frankly think whoever wins his heart for the long term will be very lucky.”
“Love isn’t a sport,” said Mia coolly, “so it’s not about ‘winning’ anything.”
At that moment, Madam Rosmerta came over to the two girls’ table and dropped off two mugs of butterbeer.
“Hello, Callie -- Mia,” she greeted pleasantly.
“Hi, Rosmerta!” Callie said brightly. 
She then lowered her voice a bit. 
“...I don’t suppose...you’ve heard anything from the school lately, have you? I’d love to have some contributors on about what the Daily Prophet reported, about Albus Dumbledore’s declining mental state, but I wondered if the professors have been ‘round much...”
Rosmerta frowned. 
“No, in fact, they haven’t. But frankly, given the intense criticism the Prophet has been lobbing at Dumbledore, I can sort of understand why.”
There was something faintly disapproving in her voice. Callie clearly noticed it too.
“Do you think it unjustified?” she asked. “The criticism Dumbledore has faced, in the light of Cedric Diggory’s accidental death?”
Madam Rosmerta’s lips knit together a bit more tightly. 
“Professor Dumbledore has certainly earned his fair share of criticism over the years,” she said solemnly, “but I think it’s a bit tasteless, for people to use someone’s death as ammunition against the Headmaster. Cedric Diggory is not a weapon to be used against others -- he was just a boy, and he deserves to be remembered as such.”
Callie’s eyes had brightened significantly. 
“That’s a lovely sentiment,” she said, sounding almost a little too eager for Mia’s liking -- rather like an obnoxious journalist, rather than sounding the least bit empathetic or gentle. “I don’t suppose you’d want to come on my show tomorrow night, to discuss the matter?”
Rosmerta’s expression cooled slightly as she rested a hand on her hip. “Thanks, hon...but I think I’ll pass. I’d hardly consider myself any sort of expert contributor, on this matter.”
She tucked the tray she’d brought their mugs out on under her arm. 
“You could always reach out to Jacob about it, though,” she added with a dewy smile. “He should be around, for the interim.”
Mia choked on her butterbeer. 
“Jacob’s back in Britain?” asked Callie, sounding delighted. “I had no idea! He usually only stops by briefly for the holiday season!”
“To make sure Father Christmas drops off the proper coal in his stocking, I suppose,” Mia said rather coolly.
Callie turned to Mia, her mouth open and fully prepared to correct her, but Rosmerta had pressed on.
“He came back just about a week ago. Said he wanted to come home so he could take some time to reconnect with his family...his sister’s been working at the Ministry, you know -- she’s a fine lawyer...”
“Ah yes, Carewyn!” Callie said brightly. “Jacob speaks so fondly of her...give him your ear, and he’ll talk it off about her!”
“Give him your ear and he’ll talk it off, period,” Mia said dryly.
Callie shot another slightly irked frown at her sister, but Rosmerta paid Mia’s snark no mind. 
“He’s found himself a flat in London and he’s just been getting himself settled in. I’m sure if you wanted to talk with him about what happened at the Triwizard Tournament, he’d have some valuable insight on the matter.”
Callie beamed. “Oh, most definitely! Jacob always does seem to have an exciting take on things. Thank you, Rosmerta!”
Rosmerta nodded to the two girls, before heading off to deal with the next round of orders. Mia returned to drinking her butterbeer, rolling her eyes off toward the far corner.
So Jacob Cromwell was back. Great. 
Now I have all the reason in the world to avoid London, she thought dully. 
Callie turned to Mia, her mouth fixed into a girlish pout. 
“I just don’t understand why you’re so determined to pile on poor Jacob,” she said. “Sure, he got into trouble at school...but you know, he really has turned his life around, since then! He’s really been very well-regarded for his Potions lectures -- not to mention the cursebreaking expeditions he’s helped with, for Gringotts! He’s doing a lot of good work, for people...”
“Good work would involve him settling down and getting a real job so he can support his family, rather than running away from them,” Mia said coldly. 
Callie gaped. “Running away from them? Oh, Mia, that’s just not fair!” 
“What else would you call wandering the world aimlessly by yourself like a homeless man and leaving your family to wonder where you are at any given time?”
“Spreading your wings, perhaps? Traveling, exploring?”
Mia sniffed contemptuously. Callie crossed her arms, resting them down on the table between her and Mia as she fixed her older sister with a reproachful eye. 
“Mia, Rosmerta said the whole reason Jacob’s come back to Britain is to reconnect with his family. Does that sound like someone who’s running away? No!”
“It does sound like someone who knows he has been running away, though,” Mia said dryly.
“It sounds like someone who loves his family!” Callie shot back hotly. “Just because he didn’t wimp out like you did and decide to never chase any dreams in the outside world doesn’t mean he doesn’t care!”
Her gaze hardening significantly, Mia put her mug down with a harsh clank.
“Dreams are for sleeping, and I’m not going to sleep while I’m awake,” she shot back harshly. “Dad’s become frailer than ever, in case you haven’t noticed. You don’t think it would break his heart if we weren’t there for him, when he needed us? He didn’t have any family, before he married Mum. He didn’t have anything, before he went to school -- got his job here at Honeydukes! He needs us -- and even if you’re the type to swoon over some bloke for his romantic-sounding adventures, I’m not.” 
Callie flinched ever-so-slightly, but she didn’t break. Instead she and Mia stared each other down coldly from across the table. 
“Choosing to support your family isn’t wimping out,” Mia said lowly. “It’s taking responsibility. And that’s something the likes of Jacob Cromwell doesn’t know anything about.”
She turned away from her younger sister and took a very long sip of butterbeer. 
Callie, meanwhile, had gone very red in the face. She looked like she was having trouble not screaming. 
“You’re -- you’re so judgmental, you know that?” the youngest Flume said petulantly. “Honestly, it’s no wonder everyone at school liked Jacob more than you!” 
Callie slammed her still largely full mug of butterbeer down on the table with a loud clank of her own and then swept right out of the pub, her kitten heels clacking harshly with each step. 
Mia watched her sister go, her sharp green eyes narrowed and her lips tightly knit together, and she took another long sip from her mug, trying hard to ignore the sick, hurt-stained anger twisting her up from the inside. 
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anxietiefling · 3 years
been thinking about possible junior year for at least 48 hours straight and here are my ideas (spoiler warning for sophomore year ofc):
1. given that the bad kids all have arcs that have to do with the relationship to their parents, most of them by now have at least gained 1 form of closure: fig has reconciled with all her parents, fabian is def his own person by now (my beautiful boy), riz basically got to avenge his dad twice, adaine decked her father into oblivion (that's my oracle!), and one could argue gorgug did find his biological parents and therefore has had his arc concluded BUT! but. i personally think there is more to gorgug in relation to growing into his gnomish heritage and his artificer skills that could be beautifully explored. and finally, the biggest missing closure of them all: kristen and her family. she basically just left and successfully muddled thorugh her faith and her identity. she never got to say goodbye (not in a meaningful way) to her brothers and while i realise that many homophobic families (or people who leave such unhealthy home situations) never get a closure moment, i think kristen really deserves a clean cut. i can't remember where, but in a fic on ao3 someone said that the only thing they could possibly hold against ally beardsley was how easy they made it for kristen to just leave and i completely agree. there is a lot that could be picked up for another season. (i personally also think we did NOT see enough of riz and sklonda and navigating grief, but i am, to say the least, biased.)
2. ALEWYN REDEMPTION. O'SHAUGNESSY ADOPTION. POLYCULE PARENTS. i want alwen and adaine to navigate that new relationship! i want adaine in a happy family environment! i need those girl to be LOVED so much they don't know what to do with themselves!
3. self-indulgent desire for canon fabriz or, honestly, general PC romance. many players are not comfortable playing out romances and i understand that; but i am also hopeful since we've seen at least the tiniest bit of chemistry between pete and rowan in TUC and that was well done! i just want them to be happy and get their kisses in, if they're into that. and by all of them i mean fabian and riz.
4. i have no idea how high school works becasue i am from europe, but ... SAT panic? AP classes?!
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phoenixresistance · 3 years
The Phoenix Resistance - Chapter 21
A/N: (featuring Artemis Hexley by @the-al-chemist) I don’t claim to know a lot about Norwegian Yuletide but I did some research so I hope it’s good! Also I used a song called Lifeblood by Wyndreth Berginsdottir in the chapter. I wanted a song that was really old but google failed me and this was all I could find. It’s a bit newer than I wanted as it’s 1993. And sorry it’s so long, I’m on Mobile and can’t put a read more cut oof. Merry Christmas!
Southwest of Norway, The North Sea - December 24th, 1997, 3:14 PM
The Jormungandr raced unnaturally fast towards the growing landmass ahead of them, the sails blown by an enchantment. Aboard the vessel were two figures wrapped in fur cloaks. Kaari Arcano stood at the bow, his arm wrapped around the dragon figurehead and his eyes eagerly scanning the horizon for the familiar sight of his home. His passenger was huddled low, her small frame drowning in fur and hide to keep away the bitter wind. Her eyes were distant and her face was hallowed.
The winter sun was sinking below the ocean behind them, the sky painted with oranges and reds, when Kaari saw the small glimmers of light upon the dark shore and directed the craft towards it. As they got closer, the land started to reveal the mouth of a fjord and at the far end there were flickers of fire and columns of smoke rising high into the night sky.
Kaari gave a subtle nod and hand wave towards someone unseen upon the cliff on one side of the opening as the longship entered the fjord, mountains rising all around them.
A little girl with black hair that faded to white at the ends looked up from the small snowman she was trying to construct. She grinned happily at the silhouette of the ship coming in from the ocean and dashed across the worn stone and dirt streets littered with snow as fast as her little legs could take her.
The sight of his home was a relief to his eyes. Kaari has been gone for around five months, something he’s not used to. Even living and working in Fossan didn’t stop him from visiting home almost every day. The bustle of people on the docks and the sounds of cracking fire and livestock made him smile. There was nothing better than coming home for the holidays.
The Jormungandr slowed and hit the dock with a thunk as Kaari quickly affixed it with ropes to the pier. He turned and offered his hand to his companion but she was already halfway out of the boat.
“UNCLE KAARI!” Came a tiny shout as the little girl came running and jumped into his outstretched arms.
“Heya there, Da! Whoa, you’ve gotten bigger since I’ve seen you last! Think you can lift a sword yet?” He remarked with a wink.
“You give the four year old a sword and it will be the death of you, Kaari Arcano!” Chastised his sister who arrived with four other family members in tow behind her.
Kaari stood up and cleared his throat, suddenly aware of the guest he had with him. “Everybody, this is Artemis Hexley. She works with me.”
“Uh, Artemis, this is the family.” He gestured, suddenly aware of how they could make this incredibly embarrassing for him at any moment.
“My parents, Else and Alatar. My sisters, Annika and Juni. This is Annika’s husband, Tyr, and their oldest daughter, Dayamanti.” Kaari pointed in turn to the respective person.
Artemis raised her eyebrow at the last name given.
“Don’t call me that, Kaari! I’m Da!” She whined with a frown.
“Sorry. This is Da.” He corrected himself politely with a warm smile. “There’s still more family around here somewhere.” He chuckled but then stopped when he noticed Artemis.
He could tell she clearly didn’t want to talk to anyone and a horde of brazen Vikings in her face was the last thing she wanted right now after the week she had been through.
“I’d better get her settled. She’s had a long trip and I don’t want any of you bothering her. The war takes its toll on us all.”
“Kaari, dear. Before you rush off I should tell you that your other friends have already arrived. They should be in the longhouse or the market.” Kaari’s mother said as she grabbed his shoulder.
“Thanks, Mamma.” He sheepishly replied as Else rubbed some dirt off his cheek and then pulled him into a hug.
After escaping from the family, the two of them followed the dirt paths into town. Skalafell consisted of buildings made of rustic wood and hatched roofing. Fire pits and bonfires scattered about provided light and much needed respite from the cold winds. They passed pens of livestock and fields of crops.
Eventually they came into a large open area of cobblestone. Around the edges were wooden stands filled with an assortment of goods. One lady was selling vegetables of all kinds. Tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, and corn were piled high in crates.
At another stall, a very large man had fish and meat hung on racks, some fresh and some dried. A third stall sold various wood carvings and small furniture. There were even stalls filled with magical items like broomsticks and cauldrons.
The most noticeable thing in the market, however, was a huge pine tree towering over them. It was decorated in ornaments made from wood, metal, and even some in the form of straw goats. The whole thing was lit up by gently twinkling lights. Looking closer, Artemis realized each light was a magical orb that was floating just above the branches and slowly moving.
“Sometimes even I forget Skalafell is an all wizard town.” Kaari remarked, staring up at the enchanted Christmas tree.
They continued on, only stopping when they passed by the blacksmith. The loud sounds of a hammer hitting an anvil pierced the night air and echoed off the surrounding mountains. Artemis recognized the man at the forge to be Kaari’s father Alatar.
“Uh, wait here for a moment. I need to run an errand.” Kaari murmured as he approached the blacksmith.
Artemis watched as the two exchanged words for a bit before Alatar rushed inside. He came back out only moments later and handed Kaari a bundle wrapped in hide. The two men hugged and then Kaari dashed back to Artemis’s side, the package tucked into his fur coat.
“If you are done here, we can continue on. You’ll be staying at the Arcano house instead of the longhouse. It’s more private but you will still be sharing a room. We Vikings sure like to get into each other’s business.” He joked apologetically.
The evening went on, the air becoming colder and the sky darkening, letting loose a gentle sprinkle of snow that whirled and danced in the wind. A few hours later the storm relented, the sky opening up to a dark inky starscape. Ribbons of bright color stretched overhead as the Northern Lights made their appearance. By supper time, most of the village was quiet and abandoned. All attention was drawn to the longhouse near the market. The doors were thrown open and a barrage of light and music flooded out onto the snow. A huge bonfire raged outside and a similar one burned low in the hearth inside, right in the middle of the building. The feast had started.
The Longhouse, Skalafell, Norway - December 24th, 1997, 8:56 PM
Artemis sat at a quiet bench in the corner as far away as she could get, an impressive feat for the sheer number of Vikings that now milled about inside. The tables were piled high with meats, cheeses, bread, vegetables and fruits. She had never seen such a gathering of food, it rivaled even the feasts at Hogwarts. There were barrels and casks filled with mead and mulled wine, the scent of orange and cinnamon mixing with the smoke warmed her small form.
Artemis had eaten her fill as soon as she had entered the longhouse and now sat contented. Nobody batted an eye at how ravenous she was, they all ate just as much as her, some even more. She could enjoy it here, she thought, though the cold was shocking to her small frame.
Looking around, Artemis’s eyes were drawn to a figure slumped in a familiar manner to herself in an opposite corner. The girl's hair was platinum, contrasting with the sea of mainly black and brown.
Eleanor’s face was less gaunt, something Artemis assumed was the result of eating a feast like this for the last week. She was also piled high in furs, mirroring Artemis. Her hair wasn’t dirty and disheveled anymore, instead it was bright as snow and pulled back into a sleek braid.
Eleanor scanned the room intently, as if expecting danger. Suddenly, their gazes met and Artemis knew that the dead eyed expression she saw was the same one she returned back. She wondered if either of them would recover from what they had experienced in Azkaban.
The wail of a baby across the room startled Artemis and she wheeled her head around to see an infant, no older than a year old, sitting on the packed dirt floor. It didn’t take long for Artemis to notice the baby's hair was completely silver, except for a tuft above the forehead that was completely white. The woman who was introduced to her as Annika bent down and gave the baby a wooden toy, quieting the cries. It was interesting that both of Annika’s children had white in their hair. She would have to ask Kaari about it sometime.
The residents of Skalafell dipped intricately carved goat horns into the barrels of mead, singing drinking songs in ancient and modern tongues to the sound of deep resonating drum beats and the strum of lyre strings.
Drink, for the wind blows cold and
Drink for The Wolf runs free.
Drink to the ships with sails like wings and
Drink to the storm-tossed seas.
Drink to the lasting nights
and those who warm our beds.
Drink to the mead that warms our hearts
and the cold that clears our head.
Drink to the Allfather's Eye
for Odin's sons are we.
Drink to the World-Tree where he hung
and the Runes of Mystery.
Drink to the truth of steel
and blood that falls like rain.
Drink to Valhalla's golden walls
and to our kinsmen, slain.
Drink to the Glory-field
where a man embraces death, and
thank the gods that we live at all
with our joyous dying breath!
Drink for the wind blows cold and
Drink for the Wolf runs free
Drink to the ships with the sails like wings
for Odin's sons are we!
Kaari slid across the bench next to Artemis and handed her a drinking horn. “Here. You’ll need this for the toast. We will drink three times. The first is for Odin.”
Artemis frowned, “Odin?”
“King of the Norse Gods.”
“I know who he is.” She replied, looking around the room with her dead eyes. “You all still believe in him then?”
“Yes.” Kaari said.
Artemis made a small humming noise and Kaari tilted his head at her. “Do you not believe in anything beyond what you can see?”
“I dunno. I might have once. I don’t think I believe in anything anymore.” Artemis sighed. “At least, not a god. After this last year, the war and the fighting. All that hate, pain, and suffering. I don’t see how anyone could believe in a god after that.”
“Yes, but I think people just need something to believe in. Now more than ever.” He said. “You know, the Norse gods weren’t actually real gods anyway..”
Artemis tilted her head to listen to his story, her interest peaked.
“Odin and Thor and Loki were real people. They weren’t Gods though, they were just wizards from Norway.” Kaari chuckled heartily.
“A lot of the Muggles' stories about Norse Mythology are partially incorrect. In their stories they think Valhalla is the afterlife but, in my fathers stories, it was actually an ancient lost wizard city. They saw their magic and assumed they were Gods.”
“Huh. So Odin was probably their Merlin equivalent?”
“I guess so. But I doubt Odin would walk around in slippers and bedclothes.” Kaari winked.
“Merlin would break his arms off if he tried to lift a sword. That man was ancient.” Artemis joked back, her face curling into a small smile for the first time in over a week.
“I’ll toast to that!” He replied and they clinked their horns and drank.
“Anyways. The second is for the harvest and new light. Our Christmas is called Yuletide or Jul and it starts on the winter solstice and lasts until January, about twelve days. We have feasts like this every night as we celebrate Odin, the coming of the new light, and the Wild Hunt. Of course, some of us celebrate Christmas also, hence the giant fucking tree in the Market.”
“You do this every night for twelve days? How do you have so much food for this? This is more food than I’ve eaten this entire war.”
“Well we grow some of it especially for Yuletide but most of it we get from the Trading Company. My sister and her husband have a ship and they sail the waters trading at other ports in the world. Our family owns and runs the company. I used to unload the ships as an adolescent but it’s not really my style. I prefer the sky.” Kaari smiled and glanced out the doorway.
At that very moment, Ryoko poked his head inside and sniffed the air, clearly wanting to jump on all the food. A nearby Viking shouted, as if reprimanding a dog, and Ryoko slinked back and sat on his hind legs politely. The Viking grabbed a nearby leg of roast and chucked it before going back to his conversation, unphased by a very hungry dragon at the door. Ryoko caught it from the air and happily chewed, his long tail thumping up and down into the snow.
Artemis gave a skeptical eyebrow. “I can’t believe everyone is ok with this pet dragon. They aren’t even worried.”
“He’s not a pet.” Kaari sharply interrupted. “He can leave me at any moment he chooses. Ryoko often goes and hunts for himself in the forest or the ocean so he’s not completely domesticated.”
“In fact, I’m more like his mother than his owner. I raised him from an egg because he was abandoned. Didn’t even know if he would hatch..” He trailed off, swirling his drink in his hand.
They drank a second time and then Kaari spoke again, suddenly serious and solemn. “The third and last toast is for those we’ve lost. As a boy, I would always think of my old ancestors I’ve never known but heard stories about from my father because I haven’t personally known many people who’ve died.”
“Lucky you,” muttered Artemis.
“Guess it finally means something to me this year. There’s almost too many names to list.” He said with a wry smile, looking off into the fire for a few moments before draining the rest of his drink.
Artemis did the same, her thoughts drifting to a certain old schoolmate from years past, a sharp pang in her chest.
“Oh, by the way. I have something for you.” Kaari murmured, pulling the hide package out of his coat and presenting it to her.
Artemis furrowed her brow in confusion. She unfolded the hide and a small dagger in a leather sheath fell into her hands. As she unsheathed it, Artemis marveled at the craftsmanship. The hilt was shaped like a dragon head and was made of what looked like a beige and brown marbled goat horn, matching the drinking horns sitting beside them. The blade was sharp and the edges were engraved with runes and filigree.
“I hope you like it. I’m not much of a blacksmith so I got Alatar to make it for me. Maybe now you will have a small chance of beating me in battle.” He nudged Artemis with a cocky grin.
“Why’d you give me this?” She said with a serious face.
“Uh - It’s Christmas?” Kaari replied sarcastically but then switched to serious. “ We’ve been friends for a while so I thought I’d give you something special.”
“Right. Thanks.”
“You're welcome. You deserve it after what you’ve done for people.”
Artemis said nothing, just tilted the knife, watching the way the flickering firelight reflected on the blade.
“If this ones not good enough we can go to the smithy tomorrow and pick out one that’s more to your liking.”
“Sorry.” Artemis sheathed the blade and looked at Kaari properly. “No. No, this one’s fine. It’s beautiful.”
“Are you sure? I know a bread knife is your weapon of choice..” Kaari smirked.
Artemis rolled her eyes at him before shaking her head. “I mean it. Seriously. Thank you.”
“Ah shit.” Kaari suddenly exclaimed, looking across the room and then opening his coat to check his pocket.
Cursing under his breath Kaari quickly murmured an apology and dashed off towards a table. Artemis instantly understood when her eyes found a tiny blue dragon. Nym had escaped Kaari’s pocket and was in the middle of stuffing his head into a giant turkey, other Vikings trying to shoo him away unsuccessfully.
Artemis got up from her pile of blankets and wandered closer to the fire, wrapping her coat tight around herself. Staring into the dancing flames she couldn’t help but to think about that cold dark cell in Azkaban and how grateful she was to be here for Christmas. No matter how close she got to the fire however, the coldness she felt inside of her wouldn’t melt away.
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
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Arcano Sisters
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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hp women appreciation week, day four; favourite fankids
alexandra somerset; the first daughter of prim and malcolm, she's primrose's spitting image and mal's heir to harrendale. she was also my second daughter created of my ocs, and she remains my favourite of the somerset kids 💙 @gaygryffindorgal
missy astor; my firstborn fankid, she's the only daughter of my blanche, and the perfect mix of her and her dear lyle, and as cersei lannister said once, you never love anything quite as you love your first child, and she's right 💛 @cursebreakerfarrier
frederica of alderly; my most recent fankid, I've fallen for her entirely and the potential she has, and i can't wait to see what the future has in store for joce's firstborn daughter 💛
nadine greenaway; lucie's babygirl, she's also become one of my favs quickly and has so much potential, especially as her father's princess 💛 @potionboy3
gia somerset ii: vincent and margo's second-born daughter, she's fabulous, smart, a diva and simply my personal fav and one of my favourites to create content for 💙 @camillejeaneshphm
xanthe arcano; skall and zoya's girl, i love the fact that she's the first official citizen in skalafell and her potential as skall's princess 🤍
dayana of glasgow; bruna's firstborn daughter, though she did not enjoy creating her or bringing her into the world, she loved her very much and she became her spitting image and I love their relationship very much 🤍
lennox arcano-thorne: the baby of the modern family of arcano, she's my baby, my necro-elsa and has peak younger sister gets roped into the role of the oldest daughter trope and she deserves all the love 💚 @kathrynalicemc
shout out to my darling daphne demiurgos-kennedy 💙 @unfortunate-arrow
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
Of Atticus' daughters, which one does Minerva gets along the best (Reyna; Oldest and responsible, dutiful and carries on the Arcano line; Margrethe, middle and rebellious, very viking-y and a warrior and Wilhemine, youngest and stylish, witty and cunning)?
And some headcanons of Simon and a heavily pregnancy Nile, please?
Of Atticus' daughters, which one does Minerva gets along the best?
— I imagine Minerva gets along well with all three of them, but in different ways. Reyna definitely reminds Minerva of her twin, and that relationship is perhaps the most fraught. It’s not that they don’t get along, it’s that Minerva sees so much of her brother in Reyna that it is sometimes hard for her to separate the two. Margrethe would probably slightly intimidate Minerva, but she’d also be quite proud of her granddaughter. Minerva also relates to be the second daughter and being a middle child, which makes it easy for Minerva to be a bit of a sympathetic ear. Perhaps, she’d get along the easiest with Wilhelmine, who also reminds Minerva of her baby sister, Billie… at at least in name. Aside from some personality differences, Minerva seems like she would gel the best with Wilhelmine.
Some headcanons of Simon and a heavily pregnancy Nile, please?
Simon is a stress case that first time as he has a lot of anxieties. The closer it gets to her due date, the more stressed he gets. He tries not to show it too much, but isn’t always as good as hiding it as he thinks.
They spend a long time going back and forth over names. They agree on middle names easily, one after Simon’s family and one of Ottoman origin. However, they struggle to find a first name they both like and it’s something that happens each time.
Nile’s comfort level is dependent on which time of year the baby’s due. It’s easier with Sidney and Louis, who were both born in the colder months. It’s not terribly warm when Niall is born, but the temperature is so up and down that Nile cannot get comfortable. Oliver is born in August and that’s the most uncomfortable.
Simon is somehow the most attentive and inattentive husband. He’s there to get her what she needs, whether it’s food or drink or a cook bath. However, he doesn’t rub her feet and sometimes gets distracted. It doesn’t help that he starts experiencing joint bleeds towards the end of Nile’s first pregnancy, so he’s in pain and is trying to avoid overworking his joints.
Simon is trying his best. He’s making due with what he can and even tasks a few servants that he employs to see to Nile’s needs, especially when he’s busy or his hemophilia is wreaking havoc on his body.
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tiondevi-art · 4 years
Nathan Dahab
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"I will be strong enough to protect everyone"
Principal information:
Name: Nathan Dahab
Birthday: 21/01
Zodiac sign: Aries
Relatives: Sallete (Sister) Elaine (Mother) Melody (Adoptive aunt)
Familiar: Mango
Voice: 🎶
Nathan opened his own restaurant and works Monday through Friday, the restaurant is open from 9am until 7pm, so he spends most of the day working.
Patron Arcana:
Major Arcano: The tower
Minor Arcano: Seven of Swords
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Spiritual animal:
Nathan's spiritual animal is the tiger: The tiger have great personalities and are truly graceful in the way they lead their lives. They are kind to those they love, but they can be fiercely dangerous to those who dare to challenge them.
Nathan seems to be a relaxed guy who tries to regain his youth by flirting with any girl, but he is actually always afraid of something happening to the people he loves, so Nathan has become a suspicious person of everything and everyone and even a traitor . Nathan says he is sadistic, but he hates to see people he likes suffering, it awakens his worst memories, consequently his fury.
Background story:
Nathan lived until the age of 11 with his mother, until the day his village was attacked and burned, many died, but he and his mother managed to escape to the forest, but as winter had come they both became ill. After giving birth to her younger sister, Elaine (their mother) was exhausted as she spent hours trying to give birth to her only daughter, before she died she asked Nathan to protect Sallete for her "My son, love your sister for me, protect her for me, be who I cannot be. " These words marked Nathan's heart and even today he treats his sister as his most precious asset and that is why he tries to protect her in every possible way. After a few months of surviving alone in the forest Nathan came across a lady who I feel sorry for his brothers and took them to his home in Vesuvio, despite this act of kindness Nathan did not trust her and did not want to leave his sister alone with her, Although after a few years with Melody Nathan descended to leave Sallete in her care for the first time, he went out to look for a job and managed to support his sister alone, but on the same day Vesuvio was attacked by cruel thieves, while returning home he was attacked by a thief and beaten, they stole absolutely everything from Nathan and even though he was injured he returned home to try to protect his sister, but it was late, when he saw her lying on the floor and the blood that dripped from her eyes caused her first trauma. He tried to make up for this, but Sallete distanced himself from everyone and became stoic, it took him months to see him smile, but a young boy arrived in Vesuvio and became Sallete's best friend, consequently Nathan, his name was Erik (@sylph-dreams) , a kind boy who came to Vesuvio to see his grandmother, as well as Sal, Nathan also became close to the Boy and started taking care of him as his younger brother as well. So before the plague arrived Nathan wanted to visit his mother's grave, since it was her birthday, Nathan left for his old village and in his old village they had built a new one, but full of bandits and Nathan recognized one of them as the man who beaten, it aroused the fury of Nathan who lost control of his darkness and killed everyone, from men to women, they blamed them for everything even for the death of his mother, but at the moment who was controlling him was his black magic that was manifested through the village and took their souls that were sealed in Nathan's body. when he returned to Vesuvio Asra he gave him a teardrop pendant, he recognized it as Sallete's eye patch pendant and when he heard what happened he vowed to murder Lucio and everyone in Vesuvia, on the day of the ball Nathan invaded the room and tried to kill him, and when he caught fire it triggered Nathan's sadism that although he wanted to watch that scene he had to run away not to be guilty of the death of the count, when he arrived at the store he noticed a movement in the room and when he entered he saw his younger sister Sallete lying on the ground, not understanding anything, his mind lit up again and he felt alive again, but his joy was gone when Sallete did not recognize him, overcome with despair Nathan asked Asra to take him to the kingdom of Estrela the Arcana with whom he made the deal to give all his memories of Sallete from the age of 4 to her 17, so that she would remember only him.
Nathan turns his magical essence into darkness.
He absorbs light and turns it into darkness, he is almost invincible and despite having so much power he never explored studying his magic.
The men he murdered had their souls sealed in Nathan's body and his mana or magical essence now belongs to him.
Route Endings:
Upright Ending:
After defeating the devil you would return to Vesuvio and become the heroes of the city, and finally the girls would notice Nathan, but he would no longer be flirting with anyone else, only you and after a month being his restaurant would become extremely famous by giving him enough money to build his own house, which makes him ask you to marry him and finally declaring all his feelings for you.
Reversed ending:
As Nathan tried to kill the devil, he punished him in the worst way and erases the last remaining memories of Sallete and makes him think that she was to blame for his mother dying, so Nathan tries to kill Sallete and just can't because Nadia stops him and for that act he is expelled from Vesuvio.
Nathan owns his own restaurant, but is not widely recognized.
During the night Nathan practices his magic of darkness
After working he and Sallete go to her magical world and fight until one of them is seriously injured, normally Nathan wins, but he wouldn’t hurt his sister if he didn’t have a cure, the main magic of the kingdom and heal, but doesn’t revive, so he never goes too far fighting with her.
He is attracted to all sexes and genders, but is only seen flirting with girls.
He knows how to play the violin.
Julian has already fallen in love with him, but Nathan didn't want to make the same mistake as Asra.
Julian is Nathan's best friend.
Nathan does not kill innocent people, only thieves, regardless of whether they are men or women
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HPHL Profile
Ninfa Altera Profile
Template made by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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Older Ninfa
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Name: Ninfa Ariadne Alessia Altera
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 4 May
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ethnicity: Italian-Greek
Nationality: Scottish-Italian
Residence: Glasgow, Scotland
Myer Briggs Personality Type:  ESFJ-A/Consul
Wand: Sea serpent tooth, Hazel 12 1/2″
Animagus: Common Genet with a cross marking over the left eye
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Misc Magical Abilities: 
Altera family magic: Like the rest of her family, Ninfa can awaken hidden power in anything infused with their blood. Ninfa’s gauntlets increase her strength exponentially 
Boggart Form: Her loved ones dead, after Hogwarts:  David alive and standing over the dead bodies of her loved ones
Riddikulus Form: Dancing frogs in tuxedos and top hats
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) The sea, lemons, dark chocolate, plum jam, aniseed  
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Cinnamon, fresh bread, old library books, ink
Patronus: King Cobra
Patronus Memory: Meeting Hirtia
Mirror of Erised: Her, David, Hirtia and Leone all happy together and alive. Ninfa rejects this entirely and is incredibly shaken when she sees it due to the presence of David
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Fissure spell(A spell she created that causes the ground to crack open under the target)
Faceclaim: Aj Michalka
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Height: 5′11
Physique: Buff
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Blonde
Skin Tone: Tan
Body Modifications: Water nymph tattoo on thigh, Lion-Sunflower tattoo on right shoulder, book tattoo with a nebula coming out of the pages on left forearm
Scarring: A scar cutting vertically across the left side of her mouth, a scar under her right eye. Missing left eye(After graduating)
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?): 
While at Hogwarts: wand, gauntlets, School supplies, Altera signet ring, hair ribbons, Homemade plum jam, 
After Graduating:  Sword with a place for her wand to go in, wand, gauntlets, Altera signet ring, hair ribbons, Homemade plum jam, Eyepatches, hard candy
Fashion: High class victorian clothes that allow her to fight without tripping up in big skirts
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Altera Family
Professions: Auror
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Flying: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic:  A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Magical Theory: O
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Muggle Music: E
Alchemy: E
Quidditch: N/A
Extra Curricular: Dueling Club
Older Brother: Enzo Altera
Three years Older
Works as a bartender
Cares immensely for Ninfa and constantly worries about her when she is away doing missions especially after she loses her left eye. 
He is very protective of Ninfa and always kept an eye on her when they were younger which was not necessary most of the time which at times strains their relationship and leads to arguments which last until someone steps in
Younger Sister: Yvette Altera
Two years younger
Works as a healer
Always believes in Ninfa when she is doing anything at all and knew that she would still be alright when she lost her eye
She looks up to Ninfa and became a healer to support her indirectly by healing anyone brought back from auror missions
Father: Orazio Altera
Works as a healer
Went to Olympia School of Magic and was chosen by Asclepius 
Orazio much like Yvette lets Ninfa do what she wishes for the most part and knows she can handle herself but of course worries him when she is on very dangerous missions
Mother: Calliope Sideris
Works as a magical blacksmith
Went to Olympia School of Magic and was chosen by Hephaestus
Calliope trusts in Ninfa’s abilities wholeheartedly and always reassures her husband when he gets too worried about Ninfa being on a mission
She is also the one who used to stop Ninfa and Enzo’s arguments until Hirtia came around
Love Interest: Hirtia Caldwell
Formerly: David Michaelsen(Deceased)
Best Friends: Oriana Dartsby
Isolde Roissinn of Avalon
Merlissia Xenia Aetós
A granian named Ignia
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A great horned owl named Artiglio
A crup named Violet
MC Friends:
Unni Arcano @kathrynalicemc 
Oliana Arcano
Merlissia Xenia Aetós @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery  
Elyas Drakos
Visenya Stormr
Lithian Stormr
Hirtia Caldwell @cursed-ice-spirits
Isolde Roissinn of Avalon @no-moon-nor-stars
Pre Hogwarts: Ninfa was born in Ariccia, Italy as the second child of Orazio and Calliope. Ninfa lived in Italy until she was nine years old when her family immigrated to Scotland.  When she was 10 years old, Ninfa almost drowned when some seaweed got caught around her ankle when high tide was coming in which resulted in the water going above her head. fortunately Enzo noticed her in time and quickly rescued her, however this incident caused her to become scared of the ocean. One day after school, Ninfa was chased up a tree by a group of older children and she fell down it when she put too much weight on a branch, causing her scars on her face but she quickly got up in a blood rage and awakened her family magic using a nearby rock to try fight off the group, the end result was many of the bullies were hospitalised. 
Hogwarts Years: In her first year, Ninfa befriended Oriana and Hirtia almost immediately upon meeting both of them. Her mother starts teaching her how to work the forge which she quickly picks up like a duck to water. Ninfa meets David through Hirtia in year four and pretty quickly has a massive crush on him that is obvious to everyone but David Ninfa becomes one of the prefects of Slytherin and becomes an animagus. This is also the year where she forges her gauntlets Her last year at Hogwarts is when she and David finally begin dating and she forges the sword she stores her wand in when she graduates
Post-Hogwarts: After graduating Ninfa became an auror and married David after dating for 6 years. Shortly after their marriage Ninfa became pregnant with their son, Leone but once he was born, David became abusive to Ninfa which eventually resulted in Ninfa killing him mercilessly to protect Leone. 6 months after David’s death, Ninfa was caught in a trap facing 10 wizards by herself, she eventually killed them all singlehandedly but not without the total loss of her left eye Shortly after the loss of her eye, Ninfa is on the case of a serial killer with a long unused way of killing which Ninfa does not know enough about so she goes to consult a historian who happens to be Hirtia and once Hirtia provides all the information she can find, the two catch each other up on what’s happening in their lives. Eventually feelings blossomed and the two began dating each other. 
Very Confident with one exception
Very Prideful of her and her friend’s accomplishments
She is very self conscious about her fear of the ocean due to her almost drowning being the reason Enzo is so overprotective of her along with thinking people will think less of her for it
She makes plum jam regularly and bribes her friends with it
She knows how to play the harp
She knows English, Greek, Italian and German
She has a bear plush that she used to sleep with as a baby that she hands down to her son 
Her nymph tattoo look like this, her lion tattoo looks like this and her book tattoo looks like this
Will hug the nearest person to her when she falls asleep and will not let go until she wakes up
She only passed History of Magic thanks to Hirtia as she frequently fell asleep in the classes so never really learned anything in them
She hates blood supremacists 
Her family’s home also acts as a home for a herd of Granians that come and go throughout the years, this herd is also the one where Ignia came from
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nightwitchwriter · 4 years
Christmas Chapter
To those that have been reading my story, I apologized for being so late with my recent works. I managed to finish the other two on Christmas and this one before New Years. So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Nick’s POV
I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by a giant basket filled with pears and a box filled with pear based foods, like pie, cobbler, juice, even jelly beans, which Molly was stuffing herself with.
“Where did the pears come from?”
“Faye bought them!” Molly, mouth stuffed of jelly beans
“She did?”
“Both her and her father.” mom, who came from the next room. “Molly, leave some for the rest of us.”
I stared at the packages, uncertain about its products.
“Why pears?”
“Why don’t you ask?” mom asked playfully before walking into the kitchen.
The next day, I went to the Black Cat Cafe, carrying a bag. When I walked in, it was semi-busy, with many of the tables full.
“Hello Nick.” Mrs. McCalmont, from behind the counter.
“Hi, Mrs. McCalmont. Is Wil home?”
“No, she’s helping me with a delivery. Is something wrong?”
“Uh, no, um, here.” I handed her a bag of apples. “Mom says thanks for the pears.”
“Oh your welcome. Thank you.”
As she took the apples, I struggled to ask my question, even though it may sound rude.
“Uh, what are the pears for?”
“For the 12 Days of Christmas!” Faye jumped from behind the counter, surprising me.
“12 days of Christmas? As in the song?” I questioned “So, in the place of Christmas?”
“Oh no we celebrate Christmas. Think of it as a Christmas tradition. It gets everyone in the Christmas spirit.”
“Does everyone on Arcanos do it?” Looking around, making sure no one heard me.
“You can talk about Arcanos. There’s no rule about it not talking about it. Watch. ARCANOS!”
Everyone in the cafe turned to look at us.
“Faye, stop that.” scolded Mrs. McCalmont. “If it makes you feel better, we can go into the kitchen?”
I nodded and followed them into the cafe kitchen, where I saw stuff moving by itself. The food was cooking and wrapping themselves. I saw tiny fairies flying around the kitchen as well as multiple ovens and stoves, six at least. I could smell bread baking, chocolate melting and meat roasting.
“Wow.” I looked at the whole room in amazement. One of the fairies came up to him and landed on his shoulder. She looked at him curiously.
“I hope the fairies aren’t a health code violation.” I joked
“Those aren’t fairies. They’re pixies.” explained Faye “Fairies are much bigger.”
“I see.” I looked back at the kitchen. “It’s like Merlin’s spell from the Sword in the Stone.”
“It's something similar.” Mrs. McCalmont answered, putting the apples in the center table. “It makes work a bit easier.”
“So how does the 12 days of Christmas work?” 
“Well, like the song, it lasts for 12 days, from the 12th to the 24th. For each day of Christmas, we gift that theme of the day. Like, a partridge in a pear tree.” she explained
“So, like you give out pear based presents?”
“Exactly. When I married my husband, we carried the tradition to his family, then decided to use it for the cafe as well.”
“Wow. So, if yesterday was pears, then today would be-”
“Doves!” exclaimed Faye
“Doves? Like turtle doves?”
“Uh-huh. Last year, my aunt gave me actual turtle doves.” she bragged
“No, she didn’t. Don’t tease him like that, or you won’t get any presents from Santa.” Mrs. McCalmont scolded
 I chuckled to myself. Felicity is the same age as Faye, but doesn’t believe in Santa anymore. “You still believe in Santa?”
“Of course I do. Why should I not?”
“Because your getting older.”
“These pixies are real.” she pointed out. “So why shouldn’t Santa?”
She had me there. I glared at the pixie on my shoulder giggling at me.
“So for the second day, what should I give?”
“Why? You want to give my sister a gift?” Faye grinned  “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” 
“What? No! I just saw Wil give something to Maddy today and yesterday. So, I was wondering, since its Christmas season.” For some reason, my cheeks were getting warm. Am I blushing? Why am I blushing?! Why does
“So what should I give her? And Maddy?”
“Well, the most common gifts would be turtle candies, dove chocolates, dove products or ornaments.” answered Mrs. McCalmont.
“That’s it?”
“Well, unless you have enough money to get her actual turtle doves…” she smirked “Oh, speaking of which…”
She went to the fridge and took out a paper bag. She gave it to me and I looked inside to see individually wrapped chocolate turtles inside.
“No one in your family is allergic to pecans right?” she gently asked
Christmas may be the time of generosity, but this is surprisingly generous.
Will’s POV
For the past couple of days, I’ve been getting presents. Not that it’s a bad thing. It’s Christmas season of course, but…
“Maybe you have your own Santa Claus?” questioned Maddy
We were walking through the downtown area of the town, in Arcanos. Like in Harry Potter, many of the lights and lighted ornaments were floating in mid-air.
I’ve been getting 12 days of christmas presents, but they aren’t from anyone I know. Why? Because I’ve been finding them, somehow in my locker. The same happened with Maddy, but the gifts were different. 
On the 3rd day, she got 3 hen and chicks succulent plants, while I got French perfume. 4th day. She had a birdhouse, feeder, braille book and birdseed ornaments delivered to her house. I got cell phone accessories, including a diy phone case. 5th day. Five donuts were at Maddy’s desk. I got 5 rings, two hoops and a ring. 6th day. She got a recipe for eggnog, while I got chocolate creme eggs. By the 6th day, enough was enough.
“Like a Secret Santa? No way. Who would want to be secret Santas with me?” I questioned her
“Speaking of which, does Santa really exist in Arcanos?” she asked
“In a manner of speaking, yes. He’s more of a spirit now, than an actual person.”
“Wow, that’s amazing.”
“And you know those snow globes from the movie Rise of the Guardians? There’s actual snow globes like them?”
“Really? That’s so cool!” Maddy thought for a minute. “So you really don’t know who’s been giving you those gifts?”
“I have an idea.”
And this is why she is my best friend. 
“Remember that bet we made on my birthday? He’s trying to romance me, like he does for Heather. I saw him giving her an “early” Christmas present. A plush reindeer.”
“So you aren’t upset that he’s courting you, even though he's dating Heather?”
“Not really. It’s not so bad.” I winked at her. “Plus, we're getting free stuff out of it right?”
“Hm. Good point. But are you going to get him something?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I got some ideas.” I grinned evilly
“Ooh, can I help? He gave me stuff too.” Maddy volunteered. I grinned.
“Hmmm, fair enough, alright. Come on, let’s come up with some ideas.”
On the 7th day, which was for swans, I left something in Nick’s locker, before quickly heading in the direction of mine. I turned the corner and waited until Nick came. Maddy stood next to me. After a few minutes, Nick came in with his group of friends.
“Is he here yet?”
“Yeah. Shh!”
We, well I, watched as Nick opened his locker, and a giant, white inflatable pool swan blew up in his locker. I used big magic to make it bigger. It bursted the door opened, surprising them and everyone else in the hallway. It kept growing and nearly filled the whole hallway. And here’s the best part. It fell right on top of Nick. I could barely contain myself.
“What happened?”
“It fell on top of him.”
Maddy started to chuckle too.
“Come on, let’s go.”
We hurried away to our lockers, then classes before anyone noticed.
Nick’s POV
I. Am going. To kill. Her. I don’t care what type of magic she used, I know she put that stupid swan in my locker. I even got in trouble with it. Twice! It made me late for class, since it took 15 minutes to deflate it.
What the hell?
I was trying to be nice and give her presents, and Maddy too, not because of that stupid bet, because its Christmas! Aren’t you supposed to give presents to each other on Christmas?
Fine. If she wants to be naughty, I’ll show her naughty. Ugh. That did not sound right.
Later that day, I watched Wil as she got closer to her locker.
“Uh, Nick?” I turned around to see Dylan. “What are you doing?”
I motioned him over, and we watched as Wil opened her locker and then- boof!
A small explosion of black power and black feathers covered Wil and some parts of Maddy!
“Wh-what the?”
“What happened?” asked Maddy
Me and Dylan quickly went behind the wall before we were spotted. We could barely contain our laughter.
“Holy Shit!” laughed Dylan
“How’s that for a black swan?”
“Are you out of your mind? You just pranked the Wicked Witch of Willow High.”
“I know. Just a little payback.” I turned to look at him. “Want to help me out with the next one?”
“Oh heck yes.”
The next few days continued as followed: on the 8th day, Wil got pelted with milk balloons, while Nick smelled like camebre cheese, after finding them in his pockets every five minutes. The 9th day, Nick’s locker was filled with ballet items, while Wil was scared by red dancing shoes. The 10th day, both found frogs and toads in their personal items. Wil in her book bag, Nick in his pants while in the bathroom. On the 11th day, Wil was scared by a sudden piercing from a recorder while in the bathroom, and the same goes for Nick while answering his phone. On the 12th day, Wil was woken by the sound of drums from metal rock, while Nick was kept up all night because of it. 
Wil’s POV
“That’s it! No more pranks!” scolded Mom. I was keeping the pranks on Nick a secret from her, but she managed to find out. “It’s Christmas Eve! Now make up and give him a present as an apology and a sign of actual good will.”
“But mom,...” I didn’t want to, but… I really don’t want to.
“Do it or no Christmas.” threatened my dad
I groaned. Missing Christmas is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. I know there are thousands of people who have no choice but to miss Christmas, but its not fair for me either.
“At least call a truce for Christmas.”
I sighed. “All right. No more pranks.”
“And give him a present he’ll like, nothing cheap!”
The night before Christmas, and all through the night. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. And it was freaking cold! I got Nick’s stupid present, but I couldn’t give it to him at school. I wanted to drop it off at his house and that’ll be it, but my parents would not accept it. Dad even threatened to call them on Christmas, just to make sure I gave him the present. So, I’m here on my broom, at his house, at night, in the freezing cold! I clutched the present closer to my chest, debating whether this a good or bad idea. Groaning, I lowered myself towards his room window.
Also, if you all are wondering how I knew where Nick’s home or even his room is, thank Dalia, due to her mischief.
I knocked on the window with the curtains closed.
“Nick!” I quietly yelled, to prevent anyone seeing me.
I didn’t hear any movement, but the lights were on.
Nothing. I reached into my pocket, and took out a hag stone. A hag stone is a stone that has a natural hole inside them. Depending on how or where the stones were formed, by looking through the holes, you could see various things. The one I have is similar to the one in Coraline. So think of the had stone as x-ray vision goggles.
I looked through it and could see past the house walls. I saw Nick in his bed, sleeping.
I knocked on the window again.
Seeing that he wasn’t waking up, I tapped the window lock twice. 
“Tick tock. Break the lock.”
The window unlocked and opened itself, and I climbed in.
His room is surprisingly clean, for a high school boy. I saw him in his bed and walked over to wake him. His snoring is as loud as a high school boy. I shook him as hard as I could.
“Nick! Nick! Niiiccckkkk!”
After some groans, Nick managed to slowly open his eyes. His eyes widened quickly when he saw that I was in his room.
“Holy freaking crap!” he yelled as he scrambled away from me. I just smiled.
“Merry Christmas!” I smirked
“What are you doing in my house?! How’d you get into my house?!”
“Magic. Duh.”
“How’d you even know where I live?”
“Dalia. Duh. Anymore questions?”
He was silent for a moment, before asking, “What are you doing here?”
“Come outside.”
“It is freezing outside. And it’s Christmas Eve. If this is another prank, can it wait until morning?”
“It’s not a prank. My mom wants us to call a truce for Christmas, so truce?” I ask while holding out my hand.
Nick looked at my hand, suspicious and hesitating for a bit, before taking my hand.
“Fine, truce.”
“Good. Now come outside. I have a present for you.”
A few minutes later, we were both outside in the cold. After explaining that I got him a gift, it turns out he got me one too. Then we both stood there awkwardly for the next few minutes.
“So, want to open them now?” Nick asked
“Ehhh, it kind of goes against my tradition of opening presents before Christmas. You?”
“Not my tradition.”
He quickly went to open his present.
“Woah, a toy motorcycle. Cool.”
“Press the button.”
He looked confused.
I took the toy, pushed the button, then put it on the street and stepped back. Moments later, it quickly grew in size to a rideable size. The look on Nick’s face shows that I gave him the right gift. 
“I heard from Felicity that you got your motorcycle license, so I got you this.”
Remember the boat from Ponyo? There’s a toy company in Arcanos that makes toys inspired by the film. Cost a lot, but not as much as a regular motorcycle.
“What do you think?”
The next thing I knew, he was hugging me. An actual, no hesitation hug. 
“Thanks.” he whispered
Turns out, he was saving money for a motorcycle, but wasn’t close yet. With this, he doesn’t have to save anymore. But for some reason, he now didn’t want to give me my present. He tried to take it back, but after some tugging, I won. I decided to leave before he tries to take it again, but before I did, I showed him how to make it small again. Before I flew away, I watched Nick go back inside and shut the window I opened. 
The next day, on Christmas, I opened Nick’s present first. It was a ugly Christmas sweater, with a witch in a Santa dress and hat, on a broom, with a bag of presents behind her, flying through the night sky. A ugly Christmas sweater that's witch themed. After opening the rest of my presents, it was the only thing I didn’t have anything to say about. But, I wore it on the first day back at school. 
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endangered-liaison · 4 years
FFXIVWrite Prompt #8: Clamor
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"Hey, Wyda, do you have those notes I asked for?"
Musical notes. Orchestras. Punchcards. She should practise playing the piano soon, she was rusty last time she tried it.
Did she oil the door's hinges? They've been reacting oddly to the autumn weather. She did, good, she remembers, she did it when Max and Victoria were out at the market.
No. Another path.
Not musical notes. Written notes.
What notes has she had recently?
Note to self, notary, a one-note personality.
Notes about that thesis on the arcano-mechanical connection to the divine by that idiot K'arei.
She needs to pester the guild again about the thesis on gaseous or mist-form ceruleum's effect in intensifying and worsening pre-existing respiratory conditions. Its author might think of it as a curiosity but she's interested in seeing their research. It could help.
Wrong. Another path.
Notes on her umbral attunement? No. Those are up to date.
Darkness is getting a little intense again. She'll need to deal with that soon.
Somewhere more isolated this time. Passing merchant almost had a coronary when he saw her.
Heart, Hyrt, hart.
Oh, she should put venison on the grocery list, she hasn't had that in a long time.
Might be best to pick that up from the Shroud though.
Her dad's nameday is coming up soon. Could be good to go home for it.
A hand clasps her shoulder.
She stares, wide-eyed, at Brave.
Arcanotech. Notes on research. The upgrades to the rotary engines.
"...Of course. Sorry."
She rummages through her paperwork, searching for it. She knows she has it here, somewhere. Cluttered. Always cluttered. Never neat when she should be. It should be easy. Everyone else can do it, so why can't she?
Her hands are shaking as she flicks through the papers. Her teeth are itching.
Teeth. Canines. Dog. Lupi. Has Arcian seen her sister since the campaign?
Stop it, you're busy. Focus. Notes.
Teeth. Saw. Eyes. Hostis. Yellowjackets. Wespes.
Teeth. Saw. Riddles. Look in the mirror, see what you saw...
She yanks the notes free of their place half-buried in the pile, handing them to Brave and giving her a harried smile.
"Thanks. And uh...sorry for surprising you earlier. You seemed deep in thought."
Did you know no living being knows exactly how deep the caverns beneath the Shroud reach?
Did you know the Crystal Tower is six thousand and three fulms tall?
Did you know the astrologians of Coerthas rely on calculations that presume the exact location of Dalamud in the sky based on its prior path, despite its fall?
Gods, Carteneau was a fucking waste.
Wyda shrugs. "You know me!" she says, light and jovial. Her grin widens, and she even throws a wink Brave's way.
Knowledge is power. Money is power. Time is money. Time heals all wounds.
No. another path.
Knowledge is power. Power equals work divided by delta time.
Another path.
Knowledge is power. Power corrupts.
She leans back, glancing over towards her wall of equations.
"...Always thinking about something."
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eosoutdoorlighting · 7 years
ÁNGELES VELOCES ARCANOS FUGACES The roller disco will feature a performance by renowned Miami performance artist duo TM Sisters and will be activated musically by guest DJ Paperwater. @faenaart #landscapelighting (at Faena Art)
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