#beatrice somerset
camillejeaneshphm · 2 years
Beatrice Somerset’s profile:
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Quote by Character: “To fail is to disappoint.”
Full Name: Beatrice Sage Somerset
Nicknames: Bea
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Alignment: Lawful neutral 
Species: Witch
Blood Status: Half-blood
Date of Birth: February 12 1998 
Race/Ethnicity: White English
Nationality: British
Short Bio: The sister of the bolder Diana, Beatrice has always been content to live in her twin’s shadow. Though she wants to someday have her own independent life, for now she’s happy to be her sister’s shadow. 
Personality: Sarcastic, idealistic, romantic, perfectionist 
Languages: English, French
Likes: Books, music, being in the right 
Dislikes: Crowds, things being sub-perfect. 
Greatest Flaw: Pushes people away 
Greatest Strength: Wit 
Place of Residency: 
birth-17: Winbourne
17-TBD: Winbourne 
TBD-Death: TBD
Future Career: Ministry employee (might go with lawyer?)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 1.56 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Physique: A bit wispy 
Style Choice (what they like to wear): Bea’s fashion sense mainly takes after her dad’s choices of sweaters and baggy jeans, though she throws flannels into the mix. 
Accessories: scrunchies, rings 
Inventory: her wand, her phone, a decent book
Scars: a large scar down her right leg from falling out of a tree as a child. 
Face Claim: Brec Bassinger 
Voice Claim/description of what they sound like: Brec Bassinger 
Wand Description/Picture: Pine, Unicorn Hair
[The straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, and I can confirm this in as much as I have never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic.]
Wand reaction when chosen: The whole room lit up. 
Boggart: her sister, screaming about how much she hates her. 
Riddikulus Form: di tells a comedy routine or smth idk
Patronus: Borzoi
Patronus Memory: variety of memories with her sister 
Animagus: no 
Amortentia (what they smell like): old books, coffee, leather
Amortentia (What they smell): idk gimme a love interest and we’ll see
Mirror of Erised: herself fully out of her sister’s shadow, recognized for all she really is 
Misc. Magical Abilities: some wand less magic
Favorite/Created Spells: none
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Ilvermorny House: n/a
Organizations Joined: none
Apprenticeships: apprentice within the ministry
Professions: ministry worker, law student 
Best Subjects: history of magic, ancient runes, transfiguration 
Worst Subjects: n/a
Class Proficiencies (OWL grade, n /10 or ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆):
Astronomy: EE
Charms: EE
Flying: A
Herbology: EE
History of Magic: O
Potions: EE
Transfiguration: O
Ancient Runes: O
Power (magic): 7.5/10
Power (physical strength): 6/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Skill: 7/10
Teamwork: 5.5/10
Speed: 8.5/10
Defense: 5/10
Father: Caiden Solace (see profile)
Mother: Valentina Somerset (@endlessly-cursed, see profile)
Twin Sister: Diana Somerset (@endlessly-cursed, see profile) 
Closest MC friends:
None (open!)
Love interest:
None (open!)
Dorm mates:
None (open!)
None yet (open to interaction)
Pets: none
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
MA- Diana Somerset
"𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨. 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙤."
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Name: Diana Valentina Primrose Somerset 
Nicknames: Di, D 
Birthdate: 12th of February, 1998 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius 
Personality Type (MBTI): TBD 
Blood Status: Half-blood 
Nationality: British 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Blonde with brown undertones 
Eyes: Blue with tones of grey 
Height: 1.63m 
Weight: 64kg 
Body Type: Average build 
Skin Tone: Fair 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): She has her ears pierced 
Diana grew up in Winbourne Estate in Leeds, England, with her twin sisters and her parents and grandparents, having a fairly nice childhood. They also grew up close to the Alderly family and often visited her paternal family, as well as their cousins, though the ones who they visited the most was the Yaxleys. 
Mother: Valentina Victoria Primrose Somerset 
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Valentina was the only heir to the Winbourne legacy and thus felt pressured to do good by her parents. After meeting her future husband, fellow Ravenclaw Caiden, she learned how to relax and take it easy and enjoy her life without thinking of the pressures of life 
Father: Caiden Andrew Solace ( @camillejeaneshphm​ ) 
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A Muggleborn who always had a love of helping people and the gift of healing, he fell in love with the beautiful and witty Valentina Somerset and the two became a couple in their seventh year. They fought bravely in the SWW and soon retired to their duties. He loves his daughters and dotes on them 
Twin Sister: Beatrice Somerset ( @camillejeaneshphm​ ) 
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Diana adores her twin sister. The two of them are thick as thieves and are always up for shenanigans. To her, Bea is her soulmate 
House: Ravenclaw 
Best Class: Divination, Charms and History of Magic 
Worst Class: Potions 
Boggart: Losing everyone she loves 
Riddikulus: They instead get lost in a room full of mirrors, stumbling on them 
Patronus: TBD
Patronus Memory: Her father teaching her magic for the first time 
Mirror of Erised: TBD 
Amortentia (what she smells like): Primroses, chanel nº5, cherries, freshly baked bread & expensive soap 
Amortentia (what she smells): TBD 
11-15: Hogwarts Student 
16-18: Beauxbatons Student 
20-Retirement: Artist 
28-Death: 5th Viscountess of Winbourne 
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her family, her duty and inheritance, her friends’ wellbeing 
Strengths: Intelligent, friendly, individualistic, creative and witty
Weaknesses: Proud, haughty, with an ego and a bit entitled 
Stressed: During exams, being away from home and her sister 
Calm/Comforted: Chatting with her sister, painting and horseback riding 
Colors: Blue, golden, purple and green 
Weather: Sunny
Hobbies: Painting, horseback riding, dancing and gymnastics 
Fashion: Diana dresses very chic and lowkey girly, always following the trends of the royal family closely 
Significant Other/Love Interest: Tiberius Harald Dormer
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A distant relative of the Swedish royal family, he was sent to England to study and form himself as a man, though he was highly unlikely to even have any chance of inheriting the throne.
In one of the balls, he saw Lady Diana and fell in love with her instantly. He was quick to show interest in her, though she was distant and never gave him much hope... until the funeral of King Constantine II. There, they had a heart-to-heart, where he asked her if he'd ever have a chance with her. After a few stutters and she said "Perhaps. Nothing's impossible, I suppose."
Ever since, he started writing copious letters and sent her gifts and flowers, and Diana couldn't lie to herself: she loved the way he loved her, but wasn't ready for him yet. On her 28th birthday, Tiberius visited her again in a rendezvous in Winbournshire, and they had an intense conversation where Tiberius kissed Diana for the first time. She then realised that she had started to fall for him. For almost three years, they dated and courted, Tiberius slowly starting to live with her family, grow to the customs of the family and slowly adapting to their lives.
Five months after her 30th birthday, they married and decided to enjoy their lives as newlyweds and get to know one another. In 2030, their triplet identical daughters were born: Felicity Primrose, Meredith and Constance. They lived a happy life and remained devoted to one another and to Winbourne. She became through him the most powerful Somerset of her age.
Friends: Quincey of Alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) 
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Olympia Alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) 
Olympia grew up as well with the Somerset twins and soon became a third sister to them, always up for shenanigans and teasing Quince whenever they could, teaming up. After her fallout with Quincey, she went to visit Olympia for a weekend and cried it out to her. She comforted her and spent a great weekend in Paris, nearly forgetting why she had come there. The two of them remained good friends. 
Rivals: TBD
More TBD 
Her favourite doll growing up was Barbie 
She plays the violin only when no one’s watching 
She can sing to perfection Once Upon A December 
She is first cousins with Quentin, Lennox Arcano-Thorne, the Medici family, the Yaxley family, the Fersen family and many others 
She taught herself Gaelic and knows Spanish, French, Romanian, Bulgarian, Belgian, Nowegian, Portuguese and the basics of Arabic 
For years, she felt dirty and stupid for having a crush on her cousin and closed herself for years to everyone save Beatrice, rejecting all suitors. 
She’s also a great tennis player and never lost a match 
The news of Diana’s involvement with her cousin caused an scandal, and it affected her so, she requested her parents to let her finish her studies in France. They accepted with their hearts broken for their little girl. 
It was the second scandal with public backlash since Vincent Somerset’s secret marriage got somehow leaked by the family’s rivals. 
She refused to see any suitors until after her 30th birthday, making her a very old bachelorette to society’s eyes. 
After the scandal, she stopped communicating with her Hogwarts peers for a year and a half until she picked up the phone to talk with her closest friend. 
Though she kept correspondance with her sister. 
She was involved in severe depression, abandonment issues and extreme anxiety, and put off her return to English soil for three months out of fear of being rejected by the public. 
After that, she threw herself in Winbourne’s ledgers and rarely had time for anyone or anything. 
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butnotbubblegum · 2 months
thinking about the poems that will never leave me and how it sort of feels like they’re etched into my soul
like some of them i know in their entirety by heart and some i just know excerpts of but all of them are so incredibly important to me and i don’t think i’d be quite the same person if i hadn’t read or heard them when i did
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townsenddecades · 20 days
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The Famine of 1315 - 1317: Casualties
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Helen Townsend (7 years old)
Duncan Townsend (1 year old)
Joan Townsend (2 months old)
Saved: Malcolm Townend
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William Watmore (22 years old)
Edith Watmore (23 years old)
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Arthur Dudley (5 years old)
Alicent Dudley (1 month old)
Nigel de Bellefaye (12 years old)
Pablo Martinez, Sally Martinez, Mathew Ellesmere, Letitica Arnett, Irene Barnett, Tom Branson, Beatrice Branson, Sister Rosemary Walker, Bernise Merchant, Jeanne Merchant, Maxwell Fisher, Dereck Atkinson, Dorian Barzen, Heathcliff Baker, Celeste Somerset, Pauline Somerset, Susanne Wozny, Shameka Wozny
Saved: Freddie Branson, Sister Adriane Everett, Benjamin Somerset
Number of Main & Side Household losses: 6/20, 1 saved
Percentage: 30% (25% if saved sim taken out of calculation)
Number of Noble Household losses:  3/17
Percentage: 17,6 %
Number of NPC losses: 24, 3 saved
Percentage: Would be statistically interesting, but I didn’t feel like counting.
Prev: 1317, Day 4, Part 3/3 <--> Next: 1318, Day 1
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fischerfrey · 9 months
A Christmas Prince; The Royal Wedding
Chapter 7: Something Old, Something New
Summary: The fate of Alderly hangs in the balance as Dawn, Quincey, Evander, and the others race to uncover the conspiracy behind The New Alderly Initiative.
A/N: Here it is; The final chapter of the second installment! I'm proud to have finished this, though I have to admit that it didn't turn out quite as I would have wanted it. I had to leave a lot of stuff out and I didn't have time to really dig into the potential this AU has. Regardless, I'm very fond of this universe and I'm excited for next Christmas's story already.
Thank you to everyone who's been reading this year! I appreciate your reactions, comments, and tags more than I could ever express.
And as always, a massive thank you goes to my partner in crime Annie (@potionboy3), without whom this story would never have seen the light of day. Thank you❤️
Words: 3.8k
Dawn and Evan Harvelle, Rosa Yaxley, Evander Alderly, Maxim Raeburn, and Jimmy Crouch by @potionboy3
Quincey, Olympia, and Isabella Alderly, Tess Brandon
Rocky Weasley by @magicallymalted
Pandora Lovelace and Nymeria Lee by @gcldensnitch
Jupiter Durand by @cursed-herbalist
Diana Somerset by @endlessly-cursed
Nova Hartley
Nate Mackade by @unfortunate-arrow
John Arthur by @potionboy3
Lainey Bell by @gcldensnitch
Gaia Alden by @cursed-herbalist
Beatrice Somerset by @camillejeaneshphm
Beginning | Previous Chapter
Want to read the first fic in the series, A Christmas Prince? Click here!
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Chapter 7: Something Old, Something New
Dawn and Quincey rode back to the palace with haste. When they got to the room where Dawn had left Tess and Evander, everyone turned to look at them and Dawn felt a chill go down his spine at the expressions on their faces.
“What is it?” Dawn asked.
“We cracked the database,” said Evander. “And I’m afraid you’re not going to like what we found.”
“Tell me,” said Quincey.
Olympia walked up to them. She looked like she might have been crying, or maybe it was just the lack of sleep. She took Quincey’s hand.
“You’re scaring me now,” he told her.
“It’s mother. She’s been siphoning the country’s money for… I don’t know what purpose.”
Quincey blinked. He looked from Olympia to Evander, who nodded. Then he turned his gaze back to his sister.
“That can’t be,” he said. “What reason would she have to steal from herself?”
“Come see for yourself,” said Evander. Quincey walked over and Evander showed him the laptop. Dawn followed him and saw it on the screen, clear as day. Isabella Alderly was the CEO of Glockenspiel Consortium.
“Quince…,” said Dawn. This was not a turn of events he had been anticipating, no matter how much he might have disliked Isabella. He’d been half convinced the real culprit was Miss Pince, but despite all their animosity, Pince did love the crown more than anything, or so it seemed.
 “I must speak with her,” Quincey said.
“We’re coming with you,” said Dawn.
“We should accompany you,” said Evander, almost at the same time. “And you should know, this information wasn’t obtained entirely… legally.”
“So, it won’t hold at court?” asked Quincey.
“I’m afraid not.”
“Then I’ll have to deal with this my way.”
When Dawn and the others located the queen, she was with most of the senior staff, Miss Yaxley, and Dawn’s dad.
“Dawn?” asked Evan. “Thank goodness you’re alright, I was worried.” Evan came to hug him but Dawn said: “Not now, dad, something’s happened.”
“What?” asked Evan.
“I’ll explain everything, I promise.”
“Good, you’re all here,” said Evander. “We might need an audience for this.”
“Is everything alright?” asked Isabella.
“No, no it isn’t,” said Quincey.
“If this is about the wedding,” started Isabella. “A little modernization won’t be a threat to the monarchy, as long as the memory of your dear father is respected.”
“We’ll get to that,” said Dawn. Isabella blinked at him in surprise, as if only now realizing he was even present. “There is a threat to the monarchy, but it’s not modernization.”
“What ever are you talking about?” asked Pince. Dawn didn’t take his eyes off Isabella.
“I’m sorry mother,” said Quincey. “But the jig, as they say, is up.”
“What?” asked Isabella, still feigning innocence.
“The New Alderly initiative has been failing,” started Quincey. “Because you've been siphoning off the money.”
Isabella looked aghast. “That's absurd.”
“People lost their jobs because of you,” said Dawn.
“And you lied to our faces,” added Olympia.
Everyone’s eyes now turned to the queen. Isabella didn’t look shaken, only annoyed. “How dare you imply such thing?” she asked. “My own children, no less.”
“We know, mother,” said Quincey. “All of us. We know.”
“I will not stand for this,” said Isabella. “This is slander.”
“As king, I hereby relieve you of your active role as a member of the royal family. You may keep your titles, a modest allowance, and your house in the county, and we’ll keep this under wraps. The monarchy’s fate is unsteady as it is. But that’s all you’ll get. Ever again,” said Quincey grimly.
“You can’t do this,” said Isabella. “You have no proof.”
“Then why do I hear the dulcet tones of a glockenspiel?” asked Evander. “As in Glockenspiel Consortium.”
Isabella glared at her nephew and Evander looked pleased with himself. Dawn, wanting to bring him down a peg, kicked his shin and said: “It’s not that clever.”
“Mr. Flitwick,” said Quincey. “Why don’t you escort the queen to her rooms, and make sure she stays there.”
“Yes, sir,” said Flitwick.
“Quentin, please, listen to me,” said Isabella and took a step closer to her son. “They’re trying to manipulate you against me. They’re deliberately driving a wedge between us, I–,”
“The only one manipulating me here has been you,” Quincey snapped. “And I may not be able to prove anything, but I know what you’ve done. I know it was you and you’ve been pretending to help me all this time, leading me down wrong paths to keep me off your tracks.”
Isabella just stared at Quincey, speechless, for the first time.
“You know this is actually treason, right?” asked Olympia.
The queen seemed to finally realize that there was nothing she could do. “All I’ve ever done is try to protect this family. This country.”
“By stealing from it?” asked Dawn.
“By making my son realize that bringing in dangerous variables is not good for the family,” she didn’t look at Dawn as she said it, but the implication was clear enough.
“I think I’ve heard enough,” said Quincey. “Take her away.”
Flitwick, along with two other members of the security team, escorted the queen away. Everyone was left in stunned silence and Dawn took Quincey’s hand discreetly.
When they had gone, Quincey took a deep breath, and said: “I’m so sorry. I should have seen this.”
“She did a damn good job keeping you in the dark,” said Evander. “And keeping Dawn and I out.”
Dawn looked at Evander. “Me?”
“You already had plenty of reason to dislike her so she wouldn’t have been able to fool you so easily,” Evander explained.
“And you went to business school,” finished Dawn. “I get it.”
“Still,” said Quincey. “We must try to get the money back. Maybe arrange some sort of Christmas bonuses to everyone who lost their jobs.”
“Can that be done?”
“I’ll put some people on it,” said Quincey.
“Put me on it,” said Evander.
Quincey looked at him for a moment and then said: “Not before you’ve had at least ten hours of sleep.”
Evander looked rather surprised. “Oh, alright, then.”
“And Miss Yaxley,” said Quincey. Rosa perked up, looking anxious at being addressed under the circumstances.
“Yes, Your Majesty?”
“Do you think you’d still have time to make some changes to the wedding plans?” Quincey asked.
“What kind of changes?”
Quincey looked at Dawn, who shrugged. “Well, I’d prefer it if it was just a lot… less.”
“I think I might be able to manage that,” said Rosa. “I assume this also includes your outfit, Mr. Harvelle?”
“Oh yes, yes it does.”
Rosa looked almost relieved. Miss Pince’s face was unreadable, but she remained silent.
“Alright, I’ll see what can be done.”
“Thank you,” said Quincey. “Now everyone should get back to the preparations. We don’t have all that much time.”
As the staff dispersed, Dawn went to his dad. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“What matters is that you’re alright,” said Evan. “Are you alright?”
“I think I will be,” Dawn said.
“Loyal Alderlians, I'm happy to announce that I am able to tear up the script that I was given for tonight's speech, one which glossed over the hardships that I know a lot of you have been facing. I can instead announce, thanks to the Mr. Dawn Harvelle and my cousin, Count Evander, that severe corruption is responsible for our recent hardships. It has been discovered and eliminated. The funds have been recovered, and every one of you will be paid the wages you are owed, along with a Christmas bonus for every hard-working person in Alderly,” Quincey spoke into the mic.
The speech was held in the courtyard, in front of the tree Dawn and Quincey had chosen. It was shown on live television so everyone in Alderly could tune in. A lot hinged on the speech. They’d concluded that Isabella’s corruption could not be revealed to the world. Dawn didn’t exactly agree but he could see why it might be the final spark to ignite the powder keg that was Alderly. Isabella was to attend the Christmas festivities and the wedding as normal and after that she was to depart, either for her country estate or for Monaco, Quincey had said he didn’t much care which, as long as he didn’t have to lay eyes on her. Maybe after Christmas there could be opportunity to examine how this kind of corruption had been allowed to happen in the first place but for now, he prepared himself for what Quincey had to say next.
“On behalf of the entire royal family… Queen Isabella, Princess Olympia, Count Evander, Prince-Consort-to-be Dawn, and the newly minted Count Evan Harvelle, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Let's celebrate with the lighting of the royal Christmas tree!”
“Three, two, one!”
The tree was lit with white and gold, just as Pince had planned but it made Dawn very happy that the tree currently displayed on many screens across the country was the one he had chosen. The cameras shut down and Quincey walked to them from the spotlight.
“How did that go?” he asked.
“Not too bad,” said Evander.
Quincey gave him a look. “Evander,” he started. “I believe I owe you a great deal.”
“No, not at all,” said Evander but then added: “But, now that I've proven my mettle, and there being an open seat on your Advisory Council…”
Quincey laughed and said: “Don't push your luck.”
“Fair enough.”
“But I think I’m ready to bury the hatchet,” said Quincey and extended a hand to Evander. He shook it and nodded. Next to Dawn, Olympia eyed them, warily.
“You did us all a great service,” she said. “And I’m grateful. However, if you try any shit–,”
“Dawn already gave me this speech, dear cousin,” said Evander. “Consider me warned.”
The next morning the guest began to arrive, first among them Jimmy, Maxim, Jupiter, and Nymeria. Dawn, Rocky, and Pandora met them happily outside the palace doors. Dawn, glad to see all his friends, hugged them all in turn.
“Woah, there,” said Jimmy when it was his turn. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Mate, you would not believe the shit that’s been going on here these last few days,” said Rocky.
“I expect you three are going to tell us,” said Maxim.
“You had better,” added Nymeria.
“We better get inside,” said Dawn. “And get some glühwein.”
“Hell yes to that,” said Pandora.
Back inside, in what Dawn had begun to think of in his mind as the living room, but which really was one of multiple sitting rooms, Dawn, Rocky and Pandora explained in detail everything that had happened in Alderly, from the strikes and the missing funds to their investigations to finding out Isabella had been behind it all. To say they were surprised would be an exaggeration.
“Dawn, your life is like some kind of soap opera,” said Jupiter, sipping her glühwein.
“You’re telling me,” said Dawn. “Oh, and did I mention; I didn’t even get a proper bachelor party.”
“We have to remedy this, immediately,” Maxim declared.
“Boy’s night out?” asked Rocky.
“Boy’s night out,” agreed Maxim.
“What are we supposed to do?” asked Nymeria.
“Oh, I think I can help with that…,” said Pandora.
There was a knock on the door, and Quincey stepped in. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” he asked.
“Oh, not at all,” said Jupiter. “Dawn was just planning to ditch us to go party with the lads.”
Quincey laughed. “Well, that’s just rude.”
“Hey, I didn’t get a proper stag night because the country was falling apart.”
“Hmm,” begun Quincey. “Neither did I.”
“You’re welcome to tag along with us,” said Pandora.
“Really?” asked Quincey.
“It would be an honour,” said Pandora with mock-deference. Quincey smiled.
“Alright, since you so cordially invited me. Can I bring a few guests?”
“For sure,” said Nymeria. “Wait, it’s not your mum, is it?”
“Oh no,” said Quincey. “Just Lainey and Olympia.”
“Then it’s settled.”
“Wait,” said Dawn. “There’s something I forgot.”
He dug out his phone from his pocket as everyone’s eyes turned to him. “An important ceremony, of sorts…”
“What?” asked Jimmy.
“I hereby propose King Quentin of Aldelry to be added to the bristol squad group chat,” Dawn started. “Those in favour?”
His friends repeated: hear, hear, and raised their hands. Quincey shook his head, amused.
Dawn added him to the chat. “Oh, I’ve just realized we can’t be the bristol squad anymore…”
“Why’s that?” asked Maxim.
“Well, Quincey and I live in Alderly now…”
“Dawn,” said Pandora. “I love you, but you’re an idiot. Most of us haven’t lived in Bristol in a while, or like, ever.”
Dawn blinked at her. “Well, yeah, but now it’s different.”
“How is it different?” asked Jupiter but Dawn was too busy coming up with an incredible idea.
“I’ve got it!” he announced. “From this day henceforth, we shall be known as alderlies assemble!”
He typed in the new name as his friends laughed.
“Mate,” said Rocky. “I didn’t know we were all marrying Quincey.”
“I think my cabinet may draw the line at polygamy…” Quincey pondered.
“Boo,” said Dawn. “It’s a great name.”
“It is,” said Pandora. “I like it.”
The next few days were a blur. Christmas Eve spent with his family and Quincey’s, all his friends present and actually getting to plan the wedding with Rosa and Quincey. The ceremony obviously still had to have the elegance of a royal wedding, but they toned it down substantially with Quincey’s full support.
“I don’t think a grand ceremony is what the country wants to see right now,” said Quincey while they were planning the seating arrangement.
“Not unless your goal is to get us both guillotined,” said Dawn.
“I think I’d prefer to keep my head, where it is.”
“I prefer it there as well,” said Dawn. They hadn’t really talked about the past week since the cabin and a lot of Dawn’s anger had subsided since then, but he still felt hurt, he couldn’t help it. “But you could do with a little modernization initiative yourself.”
“I know I acted foolishly,” said Quincey. “You’d think I’d have learned my lesson since last year, but I suddenly got so scared. I’m going against hundreds of years of tradition just by being openly myself and mother managed to convince me that I must balance it out by being otherwise as conventional as I can. By following every rule and doing everything by the book.”
“You could have talked to me about it.”
“I felt like a coward.”
“I don’t think you’re a coward,” said Dawn.
“I let you down.”
“Well,” said Dawn. “I guess it is daunting to be the first of anything. Especially being the first openly gay king of your country, marrying his boyfriend.”
“You could say that.”
“But I want us to be there for each other and it doesn’t work if you keep things from me,” Dawn said.
“Nor if you keep things from me,” Quincey countered.
“I don’t want to.”
“I don’t either.”
Dawn sighed. “Good. Communication is the key.”
“Speaking of,” Quincey said. “Tess told me about the necklace. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize what it was when Pince told you to take it off. I’d love it if you wore it for the wedding.”
Dawn smiled. “Alright.”
Quincey gave him a small smile in return. “If we work together, we can do this.”
“Alright, best give it a shot, then.”
In the end, Rosa had put together beautiful decorations for the ceremony and reception. Wild Alderlian winter flowers along with fairy lights, candles, and red and green. To Dawn, it felt a little bit like walking through a fairy forest Christmas party. If fairies celebrated Christmas. His outfit had been changed from the traditional costume to a more toned-down suit that was definitely not anything to write home about, but it was sleek and stylish. Quincey was dressed in a similar fashion and the entire ceremony was kept as low key as royal protocol allowed. Not that it wasn’t beautiful, still. The grand throne room had been converted into a wedding venue, complete with an aisle decorated with flowers. After the actual ceremony, the guests gathered into the slightly smaller but no less impressive ball room for food, drinks, and dancing. All things considered, it was a small wedding, though the thought did make Dawn chuckle. A year ago, this would have been one of the biggest weddings he could imagine.
After cutting cake and the first dance, Dawn searched for his friends. He spotted Nymeria and Maxim on the dance floor, as well as Olympia who was dancing with Gaia Alden. Dawn grinned to himself like some sort of crazy person. He didn’t spot Jimmy or Jupiter but finally he saw Rocky by the drinks, talking to a familiar face.
“So, you’re also from Bristol?” asked Rosa.
“I live there, yeah,” Rocky said and leaned against the table in a cool and aloof manner.
“Hi guys,” said Dawn, interrupting. Both turned to look at him.
“Congratulations, your highness,” said Rosa with something that could have been a genuine smile.
“Thank you,” said Dawn. “Really. Thank you, for all this. I don’t know how you pulled it off but it’s all so beautiful.”
“It was definitely a challenge,” said Rosa and took a sip of her champagne.
“It’s impressive,” said Rocky and Rosa might have blushed or maybe she’d just had more glasses of champagne, that was anybody’s guess. Dawn took a glass himself. “He’s right. I can’t say I ever much thought about what my wedding would look like, but this is probably better than anything I would’ve come up with.”
“Thanks,” said Rosa. Dawn nodded to them as he spotted Quincey coming his way. He excused himself and walked up to him.
“Husband,” said Dawn.
Quincey laughed. “Husband,” he echoed.
“Is everything to your liking?” Dawn asked.
“Yes,” said Quincey. “It’s perfect.”
“Well, not perfect,” said Evander who had suddenly materialized from the crowd. “But it’s not all too bad.”
“Hello, Evander,” said Quincey.
“I thought you should know,” Evander continued. “Your mother’s trying to weasel her way into the good graces of some foreign dignitaries. I made Flitwick keep an eye on her.”
“Good call,” said Quincey.
“Quincey, Dawn!” came a voice from behind Dawn, and as Dawn turned, Diana Somerset, Quincey’s distant cousin slash Isabella’s dream daughter-in-law walked to them.
“Hey!” exclaimed Quincey and hugged her. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“It was a beautiful ceremony,” she said and only then seemed to acknowledge the existence of Evander. “Hello,” she said, rather coldly.
“Diana,” said Evander. “It’s good to see you.”
Dawn eyed them both and Quincey seemed ready to start putting out fires.
Evander cleared his throat and said: “Actually, I wanted to talk to you.”
“You did?”
He nodded. “I wanted to apologize. For last year. I should never have done what I did, and I shouldn’t have tried to rope you into it.”
Diana looked at him a little warily. She looked to Quincey, probably to see his reaction, and then back to Evander. “It was pretty slimy,” she said. “But I hear you helped the country a great deal in recent days.”
“Well, I might have contributed,” said Evander. “A little.”
“Truce?” suggested Diana and offered her hand. Evander shook it and said: “Truce.”
Dawn and Quincey talked to many guests throughout the evening. Dawn’s old friend from school, John Arthur, had brought his new boyfriend as a date, which surprised Dawn almost more than anything else that had happened that day. Quincey was glad to meet more of Dawn's friends, and Dawn got to meet some of Quincey's. Aside from Lainey, they also chatted a while with Nate Mackade, Quincey's old dormmate from boarding school. He was attending with his girlfriend Nova. Dawn danced with Pandora, Tess and his dad, while Quincey danced with Olympia and Diana, as well as Diana’s twin sister Beatrice. Eventually Dawn's feet hurt so much he had to go find a seat. Tess sat next to him.
“Hi, your highness,” she said with a little laugh.
“Oh, come on.”
“What?” she asked innocently.
“I think they ought to make you a countess, or something, for all the work you’ve done for this country,” said Dawn.
“I didn’t even do anything.”
“You made a lot of coffee,” said Dawn. “For Evander.”
“He isn’t all that bad,” Tess said, and she was about to continue her explanation as to why on Earth she would think that, when she was interrupted.
“Who isn’t that bad?” asked Evander.
“Oh,” said Tess. “Hi, you.”
Dawn studied Evander’s expression which betrayed nothing.
“What is it? Did the queen turn into a lizard monster and is now eating the guests?” asked Dawn.
Evander rolled his eyes at him and then looked back to Tess, pretending like Dawn wasn't even there.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked her.
To Dawn’s surprise, a bright smile appeared on Tess’s face.
“Yeah,” she said. “I could dance.”
Dawn watched in some sort of shock, as Evander offered his hand and Tess took it, and he was still looking at them as they made their way to the dance floor.
“What the fuck…” he muttered to himself.
Half an hour later Dawn found Quincey in the courtyard. From his smile, he deduced he’d been expecting Dawn to show up.
“Hi,” Quincey said as Dawn walked closer.
“Hey,” replied Dawn.
“Are you having fun?”
Dawn nodded. “Although, I should tell you that Evander asked Tess to dance.”
“He did?”
“Yes, and she seemed happy about it.”
“Well, I’ll be…”
“He better not be plotting or scheming,” Dawn grumbled.
Quincey laughed, merrily.
“This is not a laughing matter, Quentin.”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry…” said Quincey and raised both his hands in the air. “I’ll be sure to not grant my permission as a monarch for him to wed if it comes to that.”
Dawn stared at him. “It won’t come to that.”
He could not handle Evander as an uncle. That would be too much for anyone to handle.
“Did you see your friends?” asked Quincey, changing the subject.
“Yes, they all seem to be having fun.”
“Glad to hear it,” said Quincey.
Dawn looked at Quincey for a moment. Everything had happened so fast that he struggled to wrap his mind around the fact that they’d actually made it here, to this day. Overcome by some kind of sappy romance novel spirit, he grabbed Quincey’s face in both his hands and kissed him. Quincey smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Dawn.
When they pulled apart, he said: “Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever. I don't think we'll ever be able to top this one.”
Dawn laughed.
“Well, you never know,” he said. “Maybe next year the country won’t be in a crisis.”
“Well yes,” said Quincey. “Next year might be better.”
“I'm willing to try if you are,” said Dawn.
“Yes,” said Quincey and kissed him again.
He was fairly certain that whatever next year had in store, it couldn't possibly hold a candle to the last two. He certainly hoped it would be peaceful and uneventful.
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tag list: @lifeofkaze, @gcldensnitch, @endlessly-cursed, @cursed-herbalist, @magicallymalted
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opulcnccs · 7 months
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♙      ⸻      ·   。…      [      natalie dormer  +  35  +  cis female  +  she/her      ]      the  city  of  new  york  welcomes  agnes seymour  to  the  social  season  of  1887,  the  fiancée  of  alistair arundel.  known  to  be  sophisticated  and  shrewd,  their  rumored  self-important  and  temporal  tendencies  might  prove  to  be  their  unmaking.  the  street  musicians  often  string  along  a  tune  that  sounds  like  red wine supernova  by  chappell roan  whenever  they  are  near,  hoping  for  a  coin  or  two  as  a  reward.  unbeknown  to  their  peers,  agnes  views  the  social  season  as  something akin to circe's eternal exile  but  when  holding  a  secret  such  as  having been caught in a scandalous affair with another aristocratic lady, resulting in her hasty engagement to a lesser noble and banishment to america ,  it  would  be  best  to  keep  their  opinions  to  themselves.      ⸻      [      xan  +  24  +  est +  n/a     ]
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basic  statistics  :
full  name  : agnes josephine seymour
nicknames  or  aliases  : she was once tenderly called 'aggie' by her father, who is now too old and too scorned to remember her
age  : thirty - five
date  of  birth  : 7 january 1852
position  : lady seymour, daughter of the duke of somerset
parents  : father : edward adolphus seymour, 12th duke of somerset (b. 1804) prev. m. susan margaret seymour, duchess of somerset (b. 1808 d. 1850) mother : jane georgiana seymour, duchess of somerset (b. 1824 d. 1859)
siblings  : lady margaret helen seymour (elder half-sister, b. 1831 d. 1850) angus ferdinand seymour, earl of st. maur (twin brother, b. 1852) margery beatrice paulet (née seymour), marchioness of winchester (younger sister, b. 1854) lord edward percy seymour (younger brother, b. 1856) eleanor guendolen kearley (née seymour), viscountess devonport (younger sister, b. 1859)
marital  status  : betrothed to alistair arundel
sexuality  : homosexual
the  secret  :
he was not the one to discover them, but the duke of somerset could picture the scene. his most favored daughter entangled in lavender sheets, exposed milky skin reddened not with shame but pleasure. he now saw that agnes had played him for a fool. she'd dodged suitors for years, all in the name of the love of a woman. what's worse, he'd been blinded by his favor for her and allowed it. her lover's family threatened to cry scandal; the lady's advantageous engagement now seemed precarious. somerset scrambled to find the nearest man in need of a wife, and offered agnes alongside a thousand pounds. and while alistair arundel was not a british peer, as a rather wealthy member of the gentry it was appropriate enough to not stir too much suspicion. the family's venture to new york city sweetened the deal all the more. had the cost of his intact reputation been worth it? he could not say.
thoughts  on  high  society  :
agnes had once reveled in society. the season delighted her with its parties and its drama— she'd happily participate in the former, but never the latter. she delighted in fashion, and wielded her feminine wiles to leave many cards opponents with empty pockets. but such a world was gone now. new york society came with a new hierarchy, one she hadn't been born into, one she hadn't had centuries of ancestors' shoulders to stand upon. she is determined, however, to rise from the ashes. even if that means gritting her teeth and dragging her lead-filled feet down the aisle.
introduction (tw: death //// tldr: gay nepo baby!):
"i am the descendant of edward seymour, first duke of somerset and brother to jane seymour, queen of england, lord protector for his nephew, king edward vi. are you familiar with him— no?" agnes's eyes rolled over them once, unsurprised at their ignorance. "all you need to know is that he reveled in power and influence; and just as quickly do the mighty rise do they fall." the apple does not fall far from the ancestral tree, she thought grimly. "i will not bore you with accounts of my upbringing, as it is nearly identical to my peers. nor do you need to know the logic behind grape scissors or the science of calling cards. the bright spots of my childhood were perhaps my father teaching me to play cards at an age at which i should not have been playing cards...emptying my brother's pocket of sweets at said game of cards...learning to ride horses...and perhaps any time i was with all of my siblings." "you see, the duke and his second wife, my mother, were quite...prolific. let's see: my twin brother and i are the oldest. agnus is the earl of st. maur, and my father's heir." for the first time in this conversation, her voice falters. "then there is margery, now the marchioness of winchester. then edward, who last year was married to the daughter of the 2nd baron methuen. and last, my most dearest, is eleanor, now the newly minted viscountess devonport. you'll notice that all of my siblings are in marriages so advantageous and respectable it is almost vulgar." she almost makes a remark upon her own upcoming nuptials, but as soon as her mouth opens it shuts once more. "shortly before my debut in society, i traveled to the continent with the dowager duchess of northumberland. i and the daughter of a welsh earl were to accompany her travels, and expand our knowledge of art history, architecture, fashion...essentially all of the things well-bred ladies ought to be an expert in. she became my best friend in that short year," agnes said, her breath choking on her memory. she would not allow her countenance to betray her... "a bond made over greek poets, french philosophers, italian wine and dealing with the duchess' snoring is quite an unbreakable one." ...and yet her eyes trembled with longing. "we, of course, kept in touch after. but her father adores the country while i was practically raised in london, so we only ever saw each other during the season." she omitted how in between she'd practically exhausted nearly all of sappho's known fragments in her letters, and sealed each missive with a lavender sprig. "in the years that transpired after my coming out, i was miraculously able to avoid immediate marriage," she continues nonchalantly, taking a sip of her whiskey. she nearly chokes on it at the sound of the scandalized gasp that escapes her counterpart. "indeed, i hold quite controversial opinions about many things, but especially marriage. i cannot elaborate now, for while this is america, i must retain some sense of propriety. admittedly, i also have the privilege of my status in addition to my beautiful — docile — younger sisters who are more than willing to go to the altar and what's more, there's no relentless mama spending her life trying to force me down the aisle. my papa also once believed that no man was a match for me." "but you are now engaged to alastair arundel, are you not?" "an astute observation." she glances across the room at her intended. agnes was sure that she was as perplexing to him as he was to her. while untitled, the arundel's vast wealth rivaled that of any aristocrat. it was rumored that royal norwegian blood flowed through their veins, but officially, they were but landed gentry. he was not unattractive — strictly objectively speaking — and he seemed well-mannered. why had he not yet married? she did not know. she did, however, know this: he would have his secrets, and so would she.
connections  :
old money adversaries / new money allies : any newcomer that threatens the delicate ecosystem of new york high society is bound to garner attention, both positive and negative. agnes herself is acquainted with longstanding families, their daughters having been unceremoniously thrown at her brother last season. she's unsure of how they'll react to her fall from grace, the details however obscured. but it's from the newcomers that she finds inspiration, her ambitions renewed.
infatuation : agnes still has not yet moved on from her first love, but she can't deny that someone has caught her eye. usually bold in her actions, her scandalous past has made her timid. very much so_hot_you're_hurting_my_feelings_ by_caroline_polachek.mp3
fellow londoners : hailing from an influential family, agnes knows positively everyone in london town. her opinions of them? likely less than sunny, but who knows?
can u guys tell my brain is fried from writing that mammoth intro lol tbh i'm better at one on one plotting than putting out wanted connections, so hmu &lt;3
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Review // Beabadoobee - Somerset House - 12 July 2023
Appeared in the Evening Standard. Read online.
This year is shaping up to be something of a rollercoaster for Beatrice “Beabadoobee” Laus. Peaks have included scoring a viral hit with February’s single Glue Song and spending much of March and April touring the US as the opening act on Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour.
On the flipside, the Filipino-English singer-songwriter was recently forced to cancel an EU tour due to lingering illness. And then there’s the ongoing controversies at Bea’s record label, Dirty Hit, where label-mate Rina Sawayama is publicly feuding with Matty Healy of The 1975 over culturally insensitive comments made on a podcast.
If any of this drama is weighing on Bea, there were no visible signs at Somerset House, where the 23-year-old was headlining as part of the annual Summer Series. Quietly nonchalant behind a Kermit-green Telecaster, she and her three-piece band strode onstage and ripped through the barbed guitar-pop of Talk from last year’s acclaimed LP Beatopia, before launching straight into 2019’s Apple Cider.
Concision was the watchword throughout, with Bea and her band packing in an impressive 18 songs in just under an hour. Between-song interaction was kept to a minimum too, beyond air kisses and regular declarations of love for her fans. That affection was reciprocated and then some by the youthful, largely female audience, who shrieked wildly during guitar solos and bellowed back every lyric.
On the strength of performances like this, it’s not difficult to see why Bea continues to strike such a chord with Gen Z. Putting a TikTok-friendly twist on Nineties grunge, she proved her guitar hero credentials during Charlie Brown and Care from 2020 debut Fake It Flowers, which balanced sugary vocals with thrillingly serrated guitar distortion. She Plays Bass saw Bea dueling with her bassist during the middle eight, and was briefly reprised at the end to allow the audience to mosh en masse.
Interestingly, the set’s gentler moments were arguably stronger, serving to reinforce Bea’s bedroom-pop roots. The acoustic tropicalia of The Perfect Pair proved especially gorgeous, as did Glue Song’s string-embellished, lullaby-like sweetness, which was cheekily dedicated to “that one sexy motherf**ker out there.”
Stepping out on stage alone at the start of the encore, Bea delivered a dreamy acoustic one-two of forthcoming single The Way Things Go and breakout hit Coffee – as sampled on Powfu’s 2020-smash Death Bed (Coffee For Your Head). Though not due to be released for another week, the breezy guitar-pop of the former elicited a word-perfect singalong.
It all augurs extremely well for album number three – which is reportedly “in the works” – and by extension the rest of the year. Because, after a bumpy few months, there’s no denying that last night Bea got 2023 back on course.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 10 months
Noble Blood
Noble Blood https://ift.tt/Ps86Mcn by OrchidScript Henry breathed slowly, willing himself not to be intimidated, but it was a task. He never liked attracting attention, being at the very center of a spectacle. That was all court seemed to be for the moment – a spectacle; men and women clustered and dressed in rigid finery, to play at being Titania and Oberon for a night. And when one was gazing through the haze of candlelight and midnight, who was to see the gaps that made the truth of them? ________________________ November 1609: Arthur Fox has passed unexpectedly, leaving his two youngest children without plans for the future. On orders of their grandmother, Bea is sent to the court of James I of England, a seventeen-year-old Henry her escort. After catching the eye of the king, Henry becomes a court favorite, playing advisor, poet, companion, and lover to James. Years later, when a Spanish entourage arrives to negotiate the betrothal of the English prince to the Spanish infanta, Henry meets Alexander Claremont-Diaz. Faced with the realities of both their positions, will Alex be able to see past Henry's title as The Favorite and love the man underneath, or is their affair doomed from the start? Words: 5591, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, June Claremont-Diaz, Queen Mary (Red White & Royal Blue), Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Martha Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Arthur Fox, Historical Figures - Character, James VI and I of Scotland and England, Robert Carr 1st Earl of Somerset, Lady Elizabeth Hatton, George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor/Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: You think I'm kidding but no I am not, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historic Setting, Stuart England, "The King's Assassin" AU, Mary & George AU, Court Favorites, Royalty, Canonical Character Death, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Power Dynamics, Power Imbalance, tags will change via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/XzmAyLY November 21, 2023 at 03:39PM
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literateish · 2 years
books i’ve read in 2023
astrid parker doesn’t fail by ashley herring blake
anxious people by fredrik backman
shadow & bone by leigh bardugo
lessons in chemistry by bonnie garmus
siege & storm by leigh bardugo
red dragon by thomas harris
ruin & rising by leigh bardugo
romeo and juliet by william shakespeare
convenience store woman by sayaka murata
small things like these by claire keegan
alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis carroll
black widow: shield’s most wanted
black widow: the name of the rose
the history of mary prince by mary prince
brighton rock by graham greene
hook, line, and sinker by tessa bailey
five survive by holly jackson
ethel and ernest by raymond briggs
the midnight library by matt haig
all of you every single one by beatrice hitchman
hamlet by william shakespeare
set on you by amy lea
if we were villains by m. l. rio
the woman in white by wilkie collins
the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society by annie barrows and mary ann shaffer
i’m glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy
the interesting narrative and other writings by olaudah equiano
vicious by v. e. schwab
confessions of an english opium eater by thomas de quincey
november 9 by colleen hoover
a thousand ships by natalie haynes
open water by caleb azumah nelson
the necessity of stars by e. catherine tobler
exes and o’s by amy lea
alice in wonderland by lewis carroll (reread)
on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
the little prince by antoine de saint-exupery
the bell jar by sylvia plath
the web of black widow
black widow: deadly origin
up at the villa by w. somerset maugham
black widow: the ties that bind
black widow: i am black widow
black widow: die by the blade
the death of captain america
black widow: welcome to the game
the death of captain america 2
winter soldier: the longest winter
the death of captain america 3
winter soldier: broken arrow
winter soldier: black widow hunt
winter soldier: electric ghost
black widow: the name of the rose
frankenstein by mary shelley
black widow: kiss or kill
black widow: itsy bitsy spider
young avengers: complete collection
twelfth night by william shakespeare
romeo and juliet by william shakespeare
drunk on love by jasmine guillory
trespasses by louise kennedy
fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury
icebreaker by hannah grace
captain america: symbol of truth
captain america: sentinel of liberty
northanger abbey by jane austen
the wrongs of woman by mary wollstonecraft
the history of mary prince by mary prince
swimming in the dark by tomasz jedrowski
brokeback mountain by annie proulx
fourth wing by rebecca yarros
arthur and teddy are coming out by ryan love
black widow: the finely woven thread
black widow: the tightly tangled web
zodiac academy 1 by caroline peckham
black widow: last days
zodiac academy 2 by caroline peckham
carrie soto is back by taylor jenkins reid
zodiac academy 3 by caroline peckham
zodiac academy 4 by caroline peckham
zodiac academy 5 by caroline peckham
zodiac academy 6 by caroline peckham
athena’s child by hannah lynn
legends and lattes by travis baldtree
the burning chambers by kate mosse
jeoffrey the poets cat by oliver soden
the retreat by sarah pearse
zodiac academy 7 by caroline peckham
twisted love by ana huang
medusa by jessie burton
the housekeeper and the professor by yōko ogawa
the hike by lucy clarke
beautiful world where are you by sally rooney
fix her up by tessa bailey
love theoretically by ali hazelwood
the american roommate experiment by elena armas
hester by laurie lico albanese
the definitive black widow by stan lee
sense and sensibility by jane austen
civil war by mark millar
transcendent kingdom by yaa gyasi
hamnet by maggie o’farrell
wuthering heights by emily brönte
a room of one’s own by virginia woolf
northanger abbey by jane austen
the grasmere journals by dorothy wordsworth
things fall apart by chinua achebe
the adoption papers by jackie kay
sense and sensibility by jane austen
just like home by sarah gailey
pride and prejudice by jane austen
chéri by colette
zodiac academy 8 by caroline peckham
nervous conditions by tsitsi dangarembga
persuasion by jane austen
new animal by ella baxter
mansfield park by jane austen
the night watch by sarah waters
zong by marlene nourbese philip
chronicle of youth by vera brittain
faces in the water by janet frame
iron flame by rebecca yarros
beloved by toni morrison
fen by daisy johnson
regeneration by pat barker
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honeydahlia · 6 months
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HELLO! i'm dahlia & i'm 22 (no minors). this is an independent, private, semi-selective blog. i focus on mystery, historical, fantasy, & horror plots. i am in the mountain timezone (GMT-6) & i write 1-2 paragraphs without formatting, with biweekly activity. no smut & tumblr only.
guidelines ◇ muses (under construction) ◇ navigation (under construction) ◇ starters
i am waiting for javascript permissions for my pages but for now — i look forward to writing!
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THEODORA MARSH | theda, theo, dodie
35–45 years old
5'7" | born 2 february
archaeologist, historian, visiting professor
In her main verse, Theodora is a Deep One hybrid and the great-great-great-great granddaughter of Obed Marsh, a character featured in H.P. Lovecraft's The Shadow over Innsmouth. Her arc focuses on discovering this connection and exploring mythos lore. Otherwise, she is a medievalist and a studier of material culture who graduated from Miskatonic University with a doctorate in history and archaeology. In a non-Lovecraft verse, she graduated from Harvard, and is generally interested in the occult.
tag. pinterest.
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20–25 years old
5'4" | born 18 october
Beatrice is a Regency era (1795–1820) muse. She reads, writes, and keeps bees in Somerset, and loves bugs of all kinds. A protective friend and someone you can count on to speak up and do the right thing, she always longs for more friends and perhaps something more.
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23–30 years old
5'11" | born 7 november
Charlotta is a Swedish aristocrat who can be played between the 1830s and 1890s (slightly alternate history) in any northern/western European country or the United States. Her bloodline is haunted, and she attracts ghosts and other paranormal entities. She is of dubious morality, dabbling in the occult and being concerned only with her own desires. My most wanted plot for her is a doomed romance with a ghost or a werewolf.
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21–27 years old
5'3" | born 21 august
chambermaid, thief
Daphne is a chambermaid for a large, fancy hotel. Verses can place her anywhere between 1920 and 1939, in either the United States or England. She steals jewels from those who stay at the hotel, often orchestrating the situation so that the blame falls on other maids. She works with a fence and a jeweler who help her launder the pieces in order to sell them without being caught. She is cunning and detached.
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25–76 years old
5'5" | born 1 march
malkavian | 10th generation
roadside killer | dementation | obfuscate
Margot is a quirky Malkavian who can communicate with her past lives, and with enough rapport, other people's, too. She can be played anywhere between 1968, when she was Embraced, and modern day (2019).
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173 years old
5'10" | born 24 february
moon elf | wizard, school of divination
lawful neutral | noble, duchess
Wysteria is a Forgotten Realms (Dungeons & Dragons) muse who can also be used in a generic fantasy setting. She is a noble from Leuthilspar, Evermeet, and is the eldest of thirteen. Around ten years before present, her father, a member of the Council of Evermeet, died from a mysterious illness, leaving Wysteria to take his seat. Though shocked, she was well-prepared for this role and saw to it that her siblings' positions were well-cared for once she took on the title, and that her mother lived out her remaining some hundred years in luxury.
Some months ago, however, her mother disappeared along with one of her brothers, and no trace of them has been found. Leaving another brother, Ipheion, in charge of their estate, Wysteria took it upon herself to don the identity of her youngest sister Lunaria and leave her city to find out what happened to her mother and brother. On her journey she wishes to also perhaps uncover the truth behind the mysterious disease that took her father's life. No one knows about Wysteria's absence except those inside the family and those close to it, and only the 13 Blumenthal siblings know the truth of it. Everyone else was informed by Ipheion that Wysteria was entering a period of dedicated wizardry training, while they had several "experts" on the case of the disappearances.
tag. pinterest.
22–27 years old
5'6" | born 9 april
ttrpg writer, game & book store worker
tag. pinterest.
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the-hydrangea-witch · 7 months
characters that have a presence in all 3 Tales from Under the Bay books because i love recurring characters even though most of them are only really subtly implied to be the same character (that have yet to be written but theyre PLANNED I SWEAR)
Ronnie Perfect: In the Strange Cases of Dusty Grove Road, which is the prequel, she's the girlfriend of Artie Kelley, the brother of the mc Alice Kelley. She was the last one to see Artie alive and is also the mother of Adelaide Perfect in the first book. im like 90% sure she dies at some point and Alice raises her but who knows, certainly not i.
Gladys: She's part of the main trio in the first book, but I'm considering giving her a minor role in the Strange Cases of Dusty Grove Road because of the timeline. and by considering i mean its canon already in my mind but im not sure HOW yet
Andie Somerset: Like Gladys, its really just the timelines between the first book and SCoDGR lining up. shes the mother of Celia, the main character of the first book.
Vincent Victoria: man i kinda talk about this man a lot on this blog, huh. hes obviously the father of Celia (((before Andie killed him lmao deserved))) but then somehow becomes part of the Hat Man who is in all 3 books as sort of an omnipresent EvilTM that kinda represents every spooky reality breaking thing. i may also give Vincent as a human a minor role in SCoDGR because again, the timeline matches up.
Beatrice, Ruth, and George: so theyre like really only here because TECHNICALLY,,, theyre mentioned in the first book but their stories take place right before The Pin, which is the sequel after like 600 or whatever years have passed since the first book idk
The Internet: just based on how i have the story set up, its technically present in all 3 books, but its really only talked about in the first book but is present in SCoDGR when it was born, and its death eventually results in The Pin.
Phthisis V "Hope": probably the only one thats actually imporant in all 3 books. shes first mentioned in book 1, but we see her story again in SCoDGR plus what happened right before and after her transformation. shes also important in The Pin, but i havent fully decided how yet other than that the timeline lines up again. i may have her have a full on epic reality shattering god battle against the Hat Man in The Pin.
Joseph Wood: hes mainly in SCoDGR as the roommate of Artie Kelley and Ronnie Perfect. im pretty sure everyone in that house succumbs to the North Rot, but Joseph survives at least 20 years in like alaska somewhere and has a small role in the first book helping Celia reach the Echoing Isles.
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camillejeaneshphm · 2 years
Beatrice Sage Somerset
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ravenclaw | hopeless romantic | perfectionist
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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fankids appreciation week 23 bonus: the somerset twins
diana & beatrice somerset co-owned with @camillejeaneshphm
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
Sim ages at the start of my Uberhood
I'm using a 2 days = 1 year age mod to play this new Uberhood I'm panning (and actually already started to play when I need pause from the Somersets) and with a really difficult algorithm I have calculated each Sim's age with the default aging system and translated it into their age with the mod, all with the help of SimPE (I have quite a lot of free time currently xD). So to keep track of everyone's start age, here's my masterpost, it's simply for my own convenience. I plan to make every name a link that leads you to the chronological tag (that didn't work, there seems to be a link-limit?).
If you didn't notice: there is now a Masterpost with all families (might contain mild spoilers): click!
87: Luis Aspir 84: Carlos Contender 63: Olive Specter, Patrizio Monty 59: Dora Ottomas 58: Mortimer Goth 57: Herb Oldie 56: Consort Capp 55: Coral Oldie, Betty Goldstein, PT9 Smith, Isabella Monty 54: Denise Jacquet, Herbert Goodie, Faith Goodie, Catherine Viejo 49: Daniel Pleasant 47: Mary-Sue Pleasant 44: Jason Cleveland 43: Marissa Cleveland, Edward Contrary 42: Benjamin Baldwin, Albany Capp 41: Vivian Cho, Stephen Tinker, Morty Roth 39: Isabel Baldwin, Wanda Tinker, Opal Contrary, Marcel Jocque, Sophia Jocque, Stella Roth 36: Gilbert Jacquet, Darren Dreamer, Buzz Grunt 35: Leod McGreggor 34: Checo Ramirez 33: Florence Delarosa, Antonio Monty 32: Lisa Ramirez, Pascal Curious 31: Timothy Riley, Loki Beaker, Lola Curious, Cornwall Capp 30: Elizabeth Aspir, Issac Bell, Hannah Bell, John Burb, Jason Greenman, Goneril Capp, Peter Ottomas 29: Armand DeBateau, Jessica Peterson, Victor Aspir, Brandi Broke, Rose Greenman, Samantha Ottomas 28: Circe Beaker, Vidcund Curious, Ajay Loner, Erin Beaker, Bianca Monty 27: Sanjay Ramaswami, Priya Ramaswami 26: Ramir Patel, Jennifer Burb, Gabe O'Mackey, Alexandra O'Mackey 25: Gabriel Green, Ana Patel, Cassandra Goth, Patricia Wan, Kristen Loste, Regan Capp 24: Chastity Gere, Matthew Picaso, Andrew Martin, Nervous Subject, Oberon Summerdream 23: Geoff Rutherford, Sharon Wirth, Jessica Picaso, Dina Caliente, Nina Caliente, Don Lothario, Lazlo Curious, Chloe Curious, Titania Summerdream, Kent Capp 22: Samantha Cordial, Kimberly Cordial, Connor Weir, Malcolm Landgraab IV, Chester Gieke, Jason Larson, Jodie Larson, John Mole, Natasha Una, Trent Traveller, Trisha Traveller, Julien Cooke, Nathan Gavigan, Mary Gavigan, Cyd Roseland, Robert Kim, Cynthia Kim, Tara Kat, Cleo Shikibu 20: Gunnar Roque, Jane Stacks 19: Roxie Sharpe, Jonah Powers, Guy Wrightley, Mickey Dosser, Monica Bratford, Ashley Pitts, Brittany Upsnott 18: Mitch Indie, Max Flexor, Delilah O'Feefe, Edwin Sharpe, Marla Biggs, Phineaus Furley, Ellen Frost, Chaz Whippler, Emily Lee, Tom Freshe, Matthew Hart, DJ Verse, Sarah Love, Jessie Pilferson, Jasmine Rai, Zoe Zimmerman, Frances J. Worthington III, Aldric Davis, Almeric Davis, William Williamson, Blossom Moonbeam, Klara Vonderstein, Martin Ruben, Allegra Gorey, Joshua Ruben, Kevin Beare, Castor Nova, Tiffany Sampson, Heather Huffington, Sam Thomas, Jared Starchild, Ty Bubbler, Jimmy Phoenix, Erik Swain 17: Johnny Smith, Ophelia Nigmos, 15: Tank Grunt, Tybalt Capp 14: Mercutio Monty 13: Ripp Grunt, Juliette Capp, Romeo Monty, David Ottomas 12: Justin Cleveland, Angela Pleasant, Lilith Pleasant, Sandra Roth, Jacob Martin, Puck Summerdream 11: Rick Contrary, Violet Jocque, Dustin Broke, Dirk Dreamer, Jules O'Mackey, Hermia Capp, Miranda Capp 10: Tara DeBateau, Melody Tinker, Gavin Newson, Ginger Newson 08: Alexander Goth, Buck Grunt, Hal Capp, Beatrice Monty, Benedick Monty 07: Sofia Baldwin, Daniel Bell, Jill Smith, Bottom Summerdream, Desdemonda Capp, Sharla Ottomas 06: Sally Riley, Tessa Ramirez, Tina Traveller, Isaiah Gavigan, Gabrielle Newson, Gallagher Newson, Justin Kim, Xander Roth 03: Beau Broke 02: Markus Baldwin, Etsu Cho 01: Pauline Aspir, Garrett Newson, Georgia Newson, Daisy Greenman, Ariel Capp, Tommy Ottomas
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derangedrhythms · 3 years
Sun compilation for @themoonandthewanderer
"The sun hardly touches me. / Sometimes I see it in early spring, rising very far away. / Then leaves grow over it, completely hiding it. I feel it / glinting through the leaves, erratic, / like someone hitting the side of a glass with a metal spoon. / Living things don’t all require / light in the same degree. Some of us / make our own light: a silver leaf / like a path no one can use, a shallow / lake of silver in the darkness under the great maples."
— Louise Glück, The Wild Iris; ‘Lamium’
"But this night of mine can’t be killed by any sun."
— Alejandra Pizarnik, The Shadow Texts; from ‘The Green Table’, tr: Yvette Siegert
"…threaten the Sun, in the Moon’s name, with being engulfed by perpetual night."
— Robert Graves, The Greek Myths: The Complete and Definitive Edition
"We'll celebrate the dead sun's dying light."
— Charles Baudelaire, Complete Poems; 'Spleen et Idéal' from 'Black Bile (Millenium of memories...)', tr. Walter Martin
"Then the sun again / Waking like a torn-out eye."
— Ted Hughes, Moortown Diary; from 'Coming down through Somerset'
"…that old villain the Sun"
— Aristophanes, quoted by Robert Graves in 'The Greek Myths: The Complete and Definitive Edition'
"Close out the sun, for I would have it dark / That I may feel how black the grave will be."
— Sara Teasdale, Helen of Troy and Other Poems; from ‘Beatrice’
"furious anger in spring sunshine,"
— Margaret Atwood, Selected Poems II: Poems Selected & New: 1976-1986; from ‘Not the Moon’
"Black, but still a sun, / Like the Sun's negative."
— Ted Hughes, Collected Poems: Uncollected (1983-86); from 'Sacrificed Head'
"...the sky where the sun was already rising like a hot white bitch."
— Toni Morrison, from 'Sula'
"The sun is dressed in black."
— Charles Baudelaire, Complete Poems; 'Spleen et Idéal' from 'Possessed', tr. Walter Martin
"The sun doesn't forgive, / it looks and keeps going."
— Margaret Atwood, from ‘Power Politics’
"Who would not blot out the sun sometimes?"
— Susanna Clarke, from 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell'
"And so for days Magdalena obsessively barricaded the windows of her room against the gusty sunshine and tumult of spring."
— Joyce Carol Oates, Dreams from the Witch House: Female Voices of Lovecraftian Horror; from ‘Shadows of the Evening’
"I'm reminded of the sun of my childhood. Infused with death,"
— Alejandra Pizarnik, The Shadow Texts; from ‘The Green Table’, tr: Yvette Siegert
"I feel more vulnerable in the spring than in the fall. That’s why I’m so damp. This isn’t sweat. It’s something the sun has wrung from my heart."
— Izumi Kyoka, Japanese Gothic Tales; ‘One Day in Spring’, tr. Charles Shiro Inouye
"Drowned in a pool of blood the sun lies slain."
— Charles Baudelaire, Complete Poems; 'Spleen et Idéal' from 'Evening Harmony', tr. Walter Martin
"Outside the sun shines. / I dress up in ashes."
— Alejandra Pizarnik, from ‘The Lost Adventures’; untitled, tr: Cecilia Rossi
"If I were God, I'd call on the angels one night / to release the round sun into the darkness's furnace,"
— Forugh Farrokhzad, Osyan (Rebellion); from ‘Rebellious God’, tr. Sholeh Wolpé
"I hope for no good of this letter because today the sun opposes a conjunction of Saturn and the moon, and Mars opposes Jupiter which is back on my sun. Defy these stars."
— Ted Hughes, Letters of Ted Hughes; from a letter to Olwyn Hughes, 22nd May 1956
"Don’t speak to me of the sun or I’ll die."
— Alejandra Pizarnik, from ‘Extracting the Stone of Madness’, tr. Yvette Siegert
"She hated the sun too because it was treacherous."
— Sylvia Plath, Johnny Panic and The Bible of Dreams; from ‘Tongues of Stone’
"Doom on the sun!"
— Dylan Thomas, The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas: The New Centenary Edition; from ‘Find meat on bones’
"What’s deadlier than the sun?"
— Jean-Paul Sartre, from 'The Flies', tr. Stuart Gilbert
"The sun will never rise again on anyone. / Never. Never more. At last."
— Marguerite Duras, from 'Hiroshima Mon Amour', tr. Richard Seaver
"…the dark glasses interfere with my ability to recognize obstacles. I can’t take them off, the sunny weather ruins my mood, and they help mask all this sunniness. With them I can even pretend that the sky is overcast instead of bright blue, so I have been wearing them continuously for the last week, eager to deceive myself, and getting into accidents, but better a couple of accidents than the depression that will inevitably follow if I’m forced to live under the cloudless sky."
— Mariam Petrosyan, from 'The Gray House', tr. Yuri Machkasov
"Or the funeral of the sun;"
— Dylan Thomas, The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas: The New Centenary Edition; from ‘Here in this spring’
"My painful moon-eyes wait and brood / To view the sun's demise."
— Gertrud Kolmar, Dark Soliloquy: The Selected Poems of Gertrud Kolmar; from 'The Toad', tr. Henry A. Smith
"The sun was like a feverish eye."
— Sadeq Hedayat, The Blind Owl and Other Stories; from 'The Blind Owl', tr. D. P. Costello
"You might think a total solar eclipse would have no colour. The word “eclipse” comes from ancient Greek ekleipsis, “a forsaking, quitting, abandonment.” The sun quits us, we are forsaken by light. Yet people who experience total eclipse are moved to such strong descriptions of its vacancy and void that this itself begins to take on colour. What after all is a colour? Something not no colour. Can you make a double negative of light? Would that be like waking from a dream in the wrong direction and finding yourself on the back side of your own mind? There is a moment of reversal within totality."
— Anne Carson, Decreation: Poetry, Essays, Opera; from ‘Totality: The Colour of Eclipse’
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the-cinnamon-snail · 3 years
I went to a character name generator and spun multiple wheels to make amrandom character, I now have a Witch, who is a Detective Cheif Inspector, who is Poetic. Now I have 25 names for her and can't decide.
1. Robin Green
2. Sylvia Pembroke <-
3. Desdemona Montgomery <-
4. Ursula Alonso
5. Hermione Bapista
6. Virgilia Somerset <-
7. Mary Markos
8. Sarah Painter (Sadie)
9. Miranda Ford (Randi)
10. Emily Hortensius (Emmy) <-
11. Isabel Sirtoby
12. Constance Garcia
13. Helena Boatswain (Yamka)
14. Rosalind Martius <-
15. Diana Enobarbus
16. Cordelia Delacour <-
17. Iris Snow
18. Jane Goldstein (Joan) <-
19. Charlotte Pushkin
20. Cassandra Rivers <-
21. Julia Suffolk (Jules) <-
22. Maria Ze (Mimi) <-
23. Sara Longaville
24. Beatrice Taurus <-
25. Bianca Bai <-
(Most of them sound really good or really meh)
(Ones with Arrows at them I find better than the rest)
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