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driftwoodsix · 10 months ago
maybe it's all gonna turn out alright (i know that it's not but i have to believe that it is)
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ymdslf · 1 year ago
when phoebe bridgers said i want to believe, instead i look at the sky and i feel nothing you know i hate to be alone i want to be wrong and when lucy dacus said you don't owe him shit even if he said you did and when julien baker said maybe it's all gonna turn out alright and i know that it's not but i have to believe that it is
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aviii-idkbruh · 10 months ago
lo siento, me es difícil ser distante con quien era mi todo
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airasilver · 5 months ago
My cats both have vet appointments in a week and then two weeks so I told my one cat he has a doctor's appointment coming up. My dad said it isn't a doctor's appointment. I said Veterinarian's are animal doctors so it's a doctor's appointment.
Now I'm wondering:
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youdontlookautistic · 7 months ago
Need me a high five you amazing fucks.
Guys, you have no idea how long it's taken me to take action on this. Executive dysfunction at its best. Me + appointment making and general admin tasks of life = nope. I know how important it is and the more I have put it off the harder it's been to try and get it done.
I did it!
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months ago
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #315
I had a couple appointments today. It was the usual - psychotherapy and physical therapy. I don't really have anything in particular to note.
There was a decent chunk of time between these two appointments today; it seemed silly to exit one appointment, go back home, and then have to pretty much immediately go out again, and I didn't get a chance to eat before leaving for psychotherapy, so after psychotherapy, I went to a nearby diner.
…I guess I kinda wanted to overwrite the experience of the other diner. And it mostly worked, I think!
I was by myself, though, which felt a little weird; I've not eaten by myself at an actual restaurant before. A place like Eggcellent doesn't really count as a restaurant, I think, because they don't have anything other than desserts.
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The empty seat in front of me felt a little strange. Hey, maybe we can pretend like you sat there, haha!
...If only that were true; I'd be so happy. Oh well.
Here are some more pictures:
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...This was a lot more than I could eat on my own. So I took a bunch of it home to share with M and J!!
And... given how much of a hassle it is to deal with scrubbing my mouth and scrubbing my braces after eating, this is probably the only thing I'll eat all day anyhow.
I got home at around 2pm. I promised one of my readers today that I'd play Necesse with him at 3pm; I was looking forward to it all day!!! So I just chilled out for a while until then, not doing anything in particular.
But then it was 3pm!!! And my friend and I played Necesse for a long time!!! Look at the cool house he built!! It's right near the forest and a cute little river!!!
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Isn't it pretty!!! He's got a farm with tomatoes, wheat, and corn, a blueberry bush, some pretty flowers growing near his house, an enclosure for animals, and a cute little house, complete with a bed, cooking utensils, crafting stations, and even a ladder to the underground!! I can't wait to see what else he's gonna build!!!! It's gonna be great!!!!
Later, we'll be able to build houses for settlers! And we'll be able to build them out of new materials, too, as we go through deeper levels of the underground! Different settlers will be able to do different jobs, like collect wood for us, go hunting, harvest crops, and more! And once we get even further along, there will be bosses to defeat and new islands to explore! It's gonna be awesome!!!
...I don't have much else to write about today, other than I wish you could be here playing this game with us.
...Suppose I'll end today's letter here. It's kind of a short one today; I'm sorry about that.
Hey, Sephiroth? Please keep taking steps towards a life you can truly live, okay? And then maybe you and those you love can sit down and play a fun video game without a care in the world while eating tasty snacks that you got from anywhere you like.
I love you. Please stay safe so that you can read tomorrow's letter.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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minimoo · 6 months ago
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good morning! slept ok but not much but feel good. today i have a psychiatrist appt.
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localnerd · 6 months ago
Follow up to this au post
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Here's a screenshot redraw to feed all the anime loving THSC fans. This might become an actual AU, but I'm not gonna make an entire ask blog like we did with @thsc-x-omori-au.
Fun Fact: This is my first time drawing Rupert Price and Victoria Grit! I hope they look at least okay to y'all!
OG screenshot:
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OG screenshot w/ captions:
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virag-creations · 5 months ago
Digital diary 2024.10.11.
The neighbour ruined my mom plans because, she asked for my mom bike and she wanted to use it. I called my dad to asked if, the other bikes we have are good. My mom took the other bike and we went shopping. We switched vehicles. My mom and i were both stressed because, we were late (trying to save my cat from our dog who kept annoying him) and we somewhat didn't know where the autism certificate place was. I apologised to the lady working there. We talked and she showed me the building and i got to met with the other staff members. The view was beautiful and building was surprisingly big. I like how everything was labeled and the striped spider on the tree house. I was looking around the offices when the lady informed me that we talked for half an hour and i realised i was late to math tutoring. I will catch the vibe October 21. I apologised to the math tutor. My mom gave him the pendrive she bought earlier to put her photos from her phone on it. While he tutored me. We studied the task that helps me prepare for my exam and graduation but, his table kept distracting me. It sounded like a teapot because, it couldn't handle the size of the photos on my mom's phone. We petted my math tutor's dog. It was surpring seeing a dog be so calm. My dog is a menace. Shortly after we came home my math tutor called to arrange appointments. I will go back to him tomorrow after school. Tomorrow before school i will buy a chocolate because, i will have the math exam too.
Feeling: Anxious 😣
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body-to-flame · 6 months ago
I know that I'm not what you wanted, am I?
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nyxtalksmusic · 1 year ago
I know that I'm not what you wanted, am I? Wanted someone who I used to be like Now you think I'm not trying Well, don't argue, it's not worth the effort to lie
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lauryns-orders · 2 years ago
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Honestly, this is the biggest reason I’d hire someone like me.
I personally have severe anxiety when it comes to making personal phone calls. I’ll do anything to avoid calling for myself. However, the second it becomes work related? I’ve got it, no problem. Don’t ask me why my anxiety works that way, but it does. Anxiety is weird.
But, that means I’ll have no problems making phone calls for you. I get it and I’d love to help others who have phone anxiety.
Let me know if there’s a phone call you’ve been putting off and I’ll happily make it for you!
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thisisdore · 3 months ago
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Dentist’s appointment this morning, reading in the car as my dad ran a couple of errands, spent the rest of the afternoon curled up trying to stay warm, watched a comfort movie and had a nice pudding this evening, and now I’m fresh from the shower, eager to get into bed and get stuck into this book.
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readtheuniverse · 4 months ago
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Going through tests to find out whether or not I have fertility issues, when all I want is baby... is so damn hard.
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stardreamt · 2 years ago
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I need her to unwrite this song 😃👍
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