#anyway I’m so looking forward to the beach day stuff
starlit-eudemonia · 2 months
Mhin (probably):
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024; Day 1: Vacation
Kylux Summer Vacation (Crack Fic)
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this translates way better as a comic but comics take time. So i wrote more a script then a fic. maybe I’ll make a comic later or maybe some kind soul wants to waste their time doing it for me. I don’t really care anyway, not to toot my own horn, but this is really funny. I was thinking of the Lego Star Wars specials when I wrote this so picture that vibe. Hehehehehe
pls pls reblog! I dont have AO3 yet
Warning: Suggestive content, brief nudity (it’s played off as a joke)
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Kylo: (announcing triumphantly, fist in the air) We’re going on vacation! 
Hux: (sounds unfazed) What? 
Kylo: (repeats previous gesture) We’re are going on vacation!
Hux: (no even looking up from his datapad) We’re in the middle of a war. We can’t just leave on vacation. 
Kylo: My grandfather went on vacation…
(Teary eyed dreamily looking off into the distance picturing the scene from the Lego Star Wars summer vacation special where Vader is being forced to apply palpitate’s sun screen) 
Hux: Oh so that’s what this is about. (Shakes his head) Predictable. Well we can’t. 
Kylo: (Angrily/Whiny) Why! 
Hux: I dont have time for this (Starts walking off)
Mitaka: (comes in, stopping him by the door) Sir… Did you authorize 30,000 credits worth of first order funds to be spent on (squints at his datapad) “Beach fun surprise?”
Hux: (looking up angrily) No! What even is that?!
Mitaka: (nods awkwardly) right I’ll cancel i-
Kylo: No! (Stepping forward) I authorized the purchase! (Turning to Hux dramatically) There’s no turning back now general! (Pointing to each person as he speaks) I’m taking you, and Phasma, and Mitaka, and… (points at a random dude walking by) THAT GUY, and we’re going on vacation!
That guy: Uhm sir I don’t even work here… I’m just visiting my wife…
Kylo: LETS GO! (Marching forward) 
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~Later at the beach~
Kylo: (walking up to Hux wearing his helmet  and swim trunks that are definitely too small for him) Why are you wearing a shirt? 
Hux: (eating a suspiciously shaped popsicle) Why aren’t you? 
Kylo: (leans back) isn’t that like, constricting? 
Hux: You’re just trying to get me to take my shirt off. 
Kylo: What? No! (Clearly lying) 
Phasma: (walking by) I’d take this off if I was allowed too (gesturing towards her sports bra style top) 
(#free the nip)
(They both just blink at her stunned before she walks away and then they turn back to their arguing) 
Kylo: I still think you should take it off (huffs)
Hux: Then take off your helmet! (Pokes it)
Kylo: (crosses his arms) I dont want sunburn! 
Hux: The rest of you is practically naked! 
Mitaka: (rushing up carrying way more than one man should carry) Sir? 
Kylo: (not noticing Mitaka) I could arrange that! but I don’t think this is that kind of beach!
Mitaka: (trying to get Hux’s attention) Where did you want this sir? (Holding up all the stuff some of it falls out of his hands) 
(Still not noticing Mitaka the two of them glare at each other and Hux menacingly bites off the tip of the popsicle which has now melted all over his hand) 
~Seconds later~
Kylo: (pointing) oh look beach hockey!
Hux: (deadpan) No
Kylo: (Pointing) look there’s limbo!
Mitaka: (Still trying to get their attention) Sir this is kind of heavy…
Hux: (deadpan) No 
Kylo: Live music? (Gestures to the stage, where, idk, the Cerveza Cristal meme is playing or something)
Hux: Too loud 
Kylo: There’s a bar? 
Hux: I suppose that’s fine 
Mitaka: Sir?! 
(They start walking to the bar where Phasma already is) 
Mitaka: Why do I even bother (Sighs) 
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(Meanwhile at the bar. Kylo has his helmet off now. the group was drinking (Cerveza Cristal!… No! Stop! You already made that joke!) when they see familiar faces walk onto the beach)
Kylo: Well look who it is (smirks) 
Phasma: The resistance scum (scoffs) 
Hux: How convient, you’d think this was a Crack fic (looking directly at you) 
Poe: (sauntering up) Hey Hugs 
Hux: (immediately standing to go) That’s it we’re leaving! Vacation over! 
Poe: (leaning on the counter) That’s a shame, we were just going to invite you all to a not so friendly game of beach volleyball. Right Finn? (nudges him) 
Finn: uhhhh… right. 
Poe: (whispers) Sound more confident 
Finn: (Yells) Right! we’re gonna beat your asses into the sand bitches! (Whispering to Poe) Was that too much? 
Kylo: Good luck trying. (Smirks standing up) It just so happens that… I don’t like sand~ (Turning to the others) Are the rest of you with me? 
Mitaka: (panting running up) I Just put everything down sir! 
Hux: (not noticing Mitaka again, setting his drink down) Well I suppose… if it’s a challenge (smirks)
Phasma: (cracking her knuckles) Oh I think it’s time they met the true power of the first order~
Poe: Good come meet us on the beach! (He gestures and runs off, Finn following, flipping them off as he goes. The others get up from the bar laughing and heading towards the beach) 
Mitaka: (exasperated) Did I miss Something?  —————————————————————————
(Look i could write out the volley ball match but I’m lazy so if someone wants to pick this up have at it) 
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~Later that day~
Kylo: (running down the beach to join Hux in the water) Wait for me! 
(Hux’s shirt isn’t off but it’s open) 
Hux: (standing in the water, raising an eyebrow) Do you even know how to swim 
Kylo: Pfft, yeah totally!
Hux: That sounded oddly suspicious but if you say so (shrugs) 
Kylo: (walking very slowly into the water) Yeah I definitely learned how to swim, that’s definitely something I did, I mean like, it’s easy, I’m not a pussy!
Mitaka: (standing beside Hux) Is it just me or does it sound like he’s trying to reassure himself instead of you? 
Hux: (nonchalant) oh yes, that’s exactly what it sounds like. 
Mitaka: If he can’t swim shouldn’t we stop him? 
Hux: Let him try, it will amuse me (smirks) 
(Kylo goes deeper in the water, even deeper than the two of them, probably to prove a point) 
Kylo: I’m… I’m doing it! (A wave crashes into him) Fuck! I’m not doing it!  (He starts flailing and splashing wildly even though where he is definitely isn’t that deep)
Mitaka: (looks concerned) Sir I believe he’s going under. 
Hux: He’ll be fine. 
Mitaka: I Really dont think he will be…
(long awkward scilence)
Hux: He’s drowning isn’t he? 
Mitaka: It appears that way. 
Hux: Ugh fine! 
(He goes after him and Drags him out which is definitely a struggle) 
Hux: (dragging him by his foot onto the beach) Why are You So fucking heavy?! (Looking up to Phasma who’s tanning on the Shore) Thank you so much for your help Phasma!
(Phasma Holds up a drink nodding to them) 
Hux: (sets him down on the wet sand) Well he’s breathing (slaps him on the face) 
Kylo: (coming to, spitting out ocean water) Hey! That wasn’t mouth to mouth… (looks down disappointed) 
Hux: (sarcastically) Oh no! he stopped breathing guess I can’t save him! 
Kylo: (glancing at himself) Oh! my shorts fell off in the water, and your kind of straddling me so- 😏
Hux: (glances down instinctively and quickly looks back up) Mitaka? 
Mitaka: Yes sir? 
Hux: Google if It it’s legal to feed someone to the sharks.
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~The end~
That Guy: Has anyone seen my wife yet?
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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glazedsnail · 9 days
Ok so, I'm really close to finishing my small fanfic thing and I'm actually happy about how it turned out.
I didn't think of a title for it so I'll go with:
And Misery Loved Company
Title might and will change because I have absolutely no self control and no sense of permanence
I'll post it in chapters and stuff.
This first doesn't really work as a chapter but I thought I'd have to cut it somewhere and be able to give youse a taste?
So here's a sample.
TWs are for the whole work, not this particular sample sorry horns friends.
Stardew Valley fanfic ShanexOCFarmer(Female) 18+ swear words/substance misuse/explicit/suicide ideation/mention of abuse
I’ve been in this town for a few months, and already so much has happened.
I didn’t know the first thing about farming, and now look at me. I wear overalls, a straw hat, I use a pitchfork, sometimes. I have dirt on my hands, my knees, my legs, my arms, my ass. Everywhere really. 
I’m… Moderately successful in the matter of crops and sheep handlings. And I just know my quality wool will one day fetch a very high price on the shelf of some high end stores. If only I could handle those blasted sheep correctly. 
I wanted to give up, like I’d given up so many things before. So many times. But when I managed to spool my own skein of wool, from my very own sheep, I knew I had to keep at it. I cannot wait to start knitting with my very own wool. 
Trust me, this was an even better feeling than when I ate my first omelette made from the eggs of my own chickens. And I do love my chickens! 
Of course, I met a lot of new people. Marnie, for one, is my farm neighbour. She helped me shear my first sheep, and eased me into farm animals ownership. I had never owned anything bigger than a guinea pig. And that guinea pig wasn’t too fond of me anyway. She entrusted me with the care of two sheep and three chickens.
The man who came to deliver my chicks is her nephew. I had met him a handful of times. At the supermarket where he works, at Marnie’s ranch, as he apparently rents a room from her, but mostly at the saloon. We never talked much compared to the others. He wouldn’t let me, and I would let him. At the time.
He wanted to make sure I had a suitable home for the chicks. He didn’t seem too pleased to do the work, to be there, at all. I remember barely getting a “mornin’” when he came in, and he would certainly not stick around for coffee or a chit chat.
I mean, he was completely being his usual self. I wasn’t surprised. The only surprise was that I actually did put the kettle on just in case.
However, once he opened the crate, the man constantly frowning at the bottom of a glass, and who had quite literally told me to “fuck off” was somehow… beaming? He handled the chicks with such tenderness, it almost made me feel bad to buy them off. Suddenly, he was sharing his knowledge of chicken care, making sure I was ready, and showing some incredible kindness towards the three little chicks I had gotten from Marnie.
Everytime he was giving me the brush off, I would remember his kind eyes from that day, and it would give me enough drive to persevere. Maybe too much, definitely too much for his taste. I was persistent, perhaps annoying, absolutely intrusive. When I saw those caring eyes almost close forever, I witnessed the dormant strength hiding within, and I knew.
Today, I’m meeting him at the beach.
I made a pizza from my own flour, with sauce from my own tomatoes. Cheese and pepperoni are from Pierre’s, the grocer, but come on. The base is homemade therefore this is a homemade pizza. And who cares where I got the olive oil, salt, and yeast from…
I have been looking forward to this, hum, evening, I guess. I was going to say “date”. Surprisingly, we did kiss.
Moving to Grandpa’s old farm was in no way a scheme to get me on the dating scene again, not after everything in the city, not after 30. And certainly not with a man as rude as him. Crazy how things can change drastically with time.
The kiss was more a heat of the moment type of thing. I liked it. Though.
He wouldn’t have suggested this picnic at the beach if he wasn’t thinking the same.
I pack my homemade pizza, homegrown dried and fresh hot peppers, a pack of six, and some muffins I made with my own eggs, own flours, and my own seeds. It amazes me how good I am at this farm living thing. I hope Grandpa is watching. Mostly.
The air is still warm, but the leaves have started to fall. I smell the distinct perfume of rain in the distance. Here, so far, the slowly darkening afternoon sky is still clear.
I’m nervous. I feel something I could describe as…this high schooler heading to meet with their crush and spend some time alone for the first time. I gulp. This definitely rings somewhat familiar. I mean, I didn’t put on any of my best underwear though. I’m too old for this.
Damn. Listen to me.
I shake my head to get rid of those idiotic thoughts as I walk past the village waterhole. I wave at the villagers who have now become my friends. Emily points at my basket and I remind her of my dinner plan. She smiles with all her pearly whites while commanding me to wait. She shortly comes back out of the saloon with a mist up tupperware filled with warm pepper poppers, and a bottle of strawberry juice. My favourite.
‘Emily, you shouldn’t have!’
‘Oh Fern, please. It was also Gus’ idea. You must know all we want is the best for you.’ She grins.
She laughs and disappears behind the wooden door. Well. She’s always been a bit of a nutcase. Affectionately though.
When I stand on the sand, I hear Shane over the rolling waves, calling me, and my nervousness instantly disappears. He’s still wearing his work hat, probably came here straight after work. He spreaded a blanket and had started dishing out a bunch of snacks from his bag.
‘Well, we won’t starve!’ I laugh, emptying my basket. As I sit down I see Shane glance at the glass bottle Emily gave me.
‘Is that strawberry juice?’
‘Yeah. Emily gave it to me on my way here. Look, she also gave me these! Compliment of Gus. They’re your favourite aren’t they?’
I smile so hard the corners of my mouth might crack. I’m just comfortable.
He obviously is not.
‘Are you ok? What’s that you just rammed in your bag?’
‘Nothing. Is that homemade pizza?’
I’m way too proud to continue probing. I happily remove the cloth from the plate:
‘Pepperoni! Just like you like it.’
He smiles and chuckles, visibly embarrassed.
‘What’s the matter?’ I ask. He quickly glances at his bag. ‘Do you know you still have your work hat on?’
He looks up, grumbles, and removes his hat he tries to put in his bag. Bag now at my arm's length.
‘What are you hiding!’ I say, snatching the surprisingly heavy backpack from him.
I pull out two plastic bottles.
‘Joja strawberry juice?’
He quickly grabs his bag back in a groan.
‘But, why were you hiding it?’
‘I know it’s your favourite.’ He sighs. ‘Just wanted to, like, surprise you and be nice is all.’ He frowns, and blushes lightly. ‘I didn’t know this was such common knowledge, and now you’ve been given the nice stuff in a glass bottle and all you probably won’t want my Joja crap.’
I catch myself giggling.
‘What’s so funny?’ He snaps.
‘Shane, that’s incredibly sweet. Thank you.’ I cradle the bottles in my arms like the most cherished present. ‘You know I used to drink these all the time when I was a teen, I’ve not had any in ages. Truth be told I thought they were discontinued.’
He seems to relax a bit.
‘It’s full of crap’ he smiles ‘Maybe it’s gone in the city and they just get rid of it in small towns’.
‘No, they still sell Joja beer everywhere, trust me.’
We laugh, I’m glad he seems a bit more in the moment.
‘You know’ I start ‘Emily’s barmaid, it makes sense she’d know my favourite drink, right?’ He nods in acknowledgement ‘But, knowing your favourite dish? I should be the jealous one.’
His eyes open wide.
‘I…err… It’s not jealousy it’s’
‘I’m just teasing’ I say, gently elbowing him
‘I’m such an idiot.’ He says back, hand on the back of his neck, with a slight smile nonetheless.
‘You’re not an idiot. You’re cute.’
I hand him a slice of pizza I was busy cutting. His cheeks turn bright red and he tries to disappear in his hoodie. I clearly didn’t realise what I said. He eventually clears his throat and grabs the slice with a small ‘thank you’.
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It’s camp anon.
I’m back.
Idk if I told u how long camp would be.
I’d thought it was supposed to be 10 days.
But it ended up being 2 weeks.
I got off school a bit earlier than usual cause my exams finished.
And I got a bit of time before the camp.
But the time the summer holidays started meant camp started.
It wasn’t like the other one. There were 18 year olds there. And half of the kids there were there voluntarily.
Like everything they did to us, they chose to be there for it.
And a bunch of the leaders were clearly past versions of us. Who got fucking tricked and bullied into thinking they somehow cured their fucking queerness. Like they’re proof of a miracle. 
This is dumb. This is all so dumb.
Someone needs to wake these idiots up. 
They can’t change who they are just as much as I- Ugh. 
ANYWAY, that’s over now. 
Season 4 of Umbrella academy is coming out in a few days which is exciting :) And, i’m reading a new book which is pretty good so… yeah.
Making plans with my friends and stuff, got a lot of pre school work to do for next yr. 
You teach right? So you have the summer off rn too? That’s like the only benefit of teaching, you know, that and shaping young minds… have you gone on holiday yet? Do Americans leave America when they go on holiday? 
I saw your conan fic fest- I cannot wait to read those fics, I loveeee conan grays songs.
Yeah… that’s all.
ahhh yay, you're back!
I'm so glad you're safe and okay! it sounds like you're relatively unharmed?
I'm so glad you have plans made and things to look forward to, but if you need to rant or vent more, I'm here. I can only imagine the awful things they said, and it's good to get it out. My inbox is open <3
I do teach! I can't afford a big vacation this year, but I went to the local beach a few times! Now I'm starting to get back into the school mindset.
I can;t wait to read all the fics too! So exciting!
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The Host Club’s Summer Reading Plans
Honey - Finally getting to his backlog of Stephen King novels. He is looking forward to the confused looks on peoples’ faces when they walk by and see his cute baby face reading the scariest and most disturbing books known to man. 
Mori - Audiobooks. This man has some big summer plans between training and competitions, so he’s found a few audiobooks to download. A lot of books on history, Japanese samurai history, a few world economy books but tbh he might skip those
Kaoru - Summer is the only time of the year where Kaoru can get away with playing video games and binge reading manga all day. No one is on his case to study extra or to do something, so he loves getting caught up on all of his favorite series.
Hikaru - Whattup I’m Jared Hikaru, I’m 19 and I never learned how to read. Just kidding, being the codependent brother that he is, he reads manga over Kaoru’s shoulder until Kaoru can’t take the heat literally, and makes Hikaru wait to read the volumes once he’s done with them. 
Haruhi - Haruhi loves making a huuuuge and impossible TBR list, and then reads like ... 11 pages from a singular book. Most of the books are “for fun” books, contemporary, nothing too heavy. Just ways to escape for a little while. 
Kyoya - Hot take… he does not read. He does not read “for fun.” Everything has a purpose. He reads to study, he reads so he knows where to take Tamaki on their next travel trip, he reads to get ahead, he does not waste his time on fictional nonsense. He brings a business related book on the big family vacation to appease his mom, but 1) she complains that it’s not a relaxing or fun book, and 2) the information is worthless anyways and stuff Kyoya already knows. He leaves it on the nightstand. 
Tamaki - Summer romance beach reads type of hopeless romantic. He claims it’s “for the Host Club” because he will better know what the ladies like and how to better meet their ~fantasies~. Really, he just likes reading about people who are loved and found families. 
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prismaticflare · 11 months
Colorful - Part 1 (G)
Fandom - Our Life : Beginnings and Always
Pairing - Cove Holden / Gender Neutral Reader
After a day at the beach, you learn a shocking fact about Cove. Takes place in Part 2
It was another perfect summer day in Sunset Bird. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and you were ecstatic to enjoy the day with whatever random activities came your way.
You had just finished breakfast when a knocking came to your door.
“Can you get that?” Ma asked from the couch. “I mean, I’m willing to bet that it’s for you, anyways. There’s really only one person who visits us.”
“Ma!” You squealed, blushing.
“You know I’m kidding.” Ma giggled, earning a glare from Mom, who was sitting next to her.
You ignored their antics and rushed to the door, opening it to see Cove, dressed only in his swimming trunks, swaying nervously at the front door.
“Oh, hey!” Cove stuttered out. “I was going to go to the beach, and, um, if you’d like…”
“I’ll join you!” You said, interrupting Cove’s stuttering. You were pretty sure that was what he was going to ask you, anyways.
“Oh! Um…” Cove said in shock, readjusting his conversation, as if he had planned everything out beforehand and now had to reword his proposition (which, knowing Cove, was almost certainly true). “Sure, I’d love that.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you there.” You replied. “See you in a minute!”
And with that, you rushed off to your room to find the perfect swimsuit for the occasion. Living on a beach you had plenty to choose from, so you quickly changed into your favorite one, and grabbed anything else you could need. You had no idea what you were actually planning to do, but knowing you and Cove, it would mainly consist of just floating in the water and chatting.
After grabbing everything you needed, you rushed downstairs.
“I’m gonna go meet up with Cove at the beach.” You told your moms while you were double-checking that you had everything.
“Okay, have fun!” Ma replied.
“Elizabeth has an event today, so all three of us will probably be gone when you get back. Don’t get any sand or water in the house.” Mom added.
“I won’t! Bye!”
Arriving at the beach, you saw Cove already splashing in the waves. Ever since he got his cast removed, Cove practically lived on the beach. Nowadays, you rarely saw him elsewhere. You didn’t mind though. The beach was the perfect place to spend free time, and if it meant a lot to Cove, it meant a lot to you.
When you finally caught up to Cove, you dropped your stuff next to his, and met up with him. “So, what’s the plan?” you asked, slowly entering the water. “Spending time with you.” Cove said, causing both of you to blush at Cove’s forwardness.
And that’s what happened. You two just spent your day relaxing in the water, occasionally opting to do more stimulating things like racing in the water or building sandcastles. But, for the most part, you just chatted. Even though you saw each other practically every day, you always seemed to have things to talk about. That’s just how it went with Cove.
Eventually, though, you realized it was getting late. While you originally planned to go straight home, you remembered that your parents and Elizabeth were all gone. You also remembered Mom’s strict rules on not getting any of the beach in the house, and looking at the state you were in, that didn’t seem very possible.
“Hey Cove?” You asked while packing up your stuff.
“What?” Cove asked.
“Do you mind if I clean up at your place instead? It’ll be a lot easier, plus, your dad cares a lot less about getting sand and water in the house.
“Um…” Cove blushed, squirming to find the right answer. “Sure, if you want.”
“Okay, thanks!” You replied, as you both headed back to Cove’s place.
When you got to Cove’s house, you pretty much directly went to his room, passing his dad on the way there. Kyra was gone this evening, so it was only him. Cove insisted that you cleaned up before him, so after quickly rinsing off, you traded places with Cove so he could clean up himself.
While Cove was in the shower, you opted to sit on the floor of his bedroom, waiting for him to be done. You were just relaxing, twiddling your thumbs, when you heard a voice from the bathroom. You walked over to the bathroom door to try to figure out what he was saying.
“Were you talking to me?” You asked, leaning your ear against the bathroom door.
“Yeah, um, so, sorry if this is a bother, but in my bedroom there should be a bottle with some seafoam-colored liquid in it. Could you grab it for me? I normally would myself, but, um…”
“Sure, I can grab it.” You replied before the conversation went in a very awkward direction. After scouring the room, you finally found the bottle, or at least what you thought he was looking for. To your shock, however, it was labeled as temporary hairdye! While it makes logical sense that Cove didn’t naturally have green hair, you had never really thought about it. And it definitely surprised you that it wasn’t permanent.
With the bottle in hand, you went back to the bathroom, knocking on the door before telling him that you had the bottle. Slowly and tentatively, the door opened, revealing a profusely blushing Cove wearing nothing but a towel, avoiding eye-contact with you as much as possible.
In any other situation, you would be blushing too, but your mind was much more focused on something else. Cove was blond! I mean, it made sense. His father was (although you weren’t confident about that being natural), and you’d need light hair to get the color that Cove usually wore. Still, it felt so odd, seeing Cove like this.
“I know, it looks weird.” Cove said, making you realize you had been staring at it for longer than you probably should have.
“I think it suits you.” You said, leaning against the wall.
“Why?” Cove asked, going back to the shower and closing the curtains so you could still talk with him while he re-dyed his hair.
“It fits your whole surfer-dude aesthetic.” You laugh. It made him look even more like a basic surfer boy than he already did.
“That’s why I hate it.” Cove groaned. “Well, that and it’s way too boring.”
Finally, Cove left the shower, wrapping his head in a towel to allow it to dry and let the color to soak in.
“Than why don’t you permanently dye it? I mean, I think you’d look great either way, but if you prefer it green, you should keep it that way.”
“Dad wouldn’t let me.” Cove said, sighing.
“What? How do you know? Did you ask him?” You asked. Cove’s dad always felt like the type to not care about that kind of stuff, so him banning permanent hairdye would be a shocker to you. I mean, at this point, it was practically permanent, so he couldn’t care that much.
“Well, not really.” Cove said slowly, as if he was realizing that his assumption may not have actually been true. “But most parents don’t allow that kind of stuff.”
“Most parents don’t offer kids 20 bucks to be friends with their kid.” You laughed. Cove never found it as funny as you, but at least it gave him easy blackmail on his dad.
“Fair.” Cove replied. “So, should I go, like, ask him?”
“Why not?” You responded.
Following Cove into the living room, you were met with Mr. Holden sitting on the couch, eating some sort of snack and watching surfing on the TV. You never really understood why he watched that, he could literally walk outside to see it, but you never really bothered asking.
“Hey Dad?” Cove asked from the hallway, sticking close to you.
“What’s up kiddo?” His dad responded.
“Would you be okay if I dyed my hair?”
“What?” Cove’s dad replied in utter confusion.
“I mean, like, permanently.” Cove replied, nervously fiddling with his thumbs. 
It took Cove’s dad a few more seconds before Cove’s statement finally settled on him, causing him to laugh at the realization. “Kiddo, I thought you dyed it permanently a long time ago!”
“You did?” Cove asked.
“Of course I did! I didn’t expect you to be dyeing your hair temporarily for the last who knows how many years! Go ahead and dye your hair. It’ll probably save me a lot of money if you’ve been doing it temporarily this whole time!”
“Thanks Dad!” Cove replied with a sigh of relief.
“You’re welcome kiddo.” Mr. Holden responded, still clearly in shock that his son had been dying his hair temporarily for this many years straight.
“And thanks to you too.” He said, returning his attention to you. “I totally wouldn’t have asked otherwise.”
“You’re welcome. I had a sneaking suspicion that he didn’t actually care.”
“Yeah, I guess it makes more sense that way.”        
part 1 | part 2 
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trollsedits · 6 months
Hi, I really liked the brozone as the weeknd song headcanons can you maybe do one for Lana Del Rey I really loved listening to her song heheh I don't know if you ever heard of her song but I suggested you do haha
Also take your time I understand that you have school and stuff to do no rush at all! looking forward to reading it
Awww! I’m so glad you liked it anyways I absolutely love Lana del Rey I listen to her song 24/7 I would lock myself in my room and just listen to her song all day and night I love her soft songs 💕
Anyways I was debating whether I should do brozone as her album or just song but imma stick to songs just like what I did with the weeknd anyway so I hope you like it!!
(Also thanks for being so patient with me I know school work and life is so hard for me but thanks for understanding and being super patient I do apologize if it taken me this long to get back to you 💕)
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Brozone as Lana Del Rey Songs ♫♪:
Again I’m going off base on what song I think fits them not base off their personality (well maybe) but yeah again if you don’t agree with my song choices for them I’m sorry but it just how I think fits best for them :)
John Dory:
-Off to the races
-how to disappear
-doin’ time
-the greatest
-tomorrow never came
-fucked my way up to the top
-old money
-lucky ones
-god knows I tried
-young & beautiful
-Lust for life
-beautiful people beautiful problems
-Coachella- Woodstock in my mind
-happiness is a butterfly
-wild at heart
-love song
-13 beaches
-say yes to heaven
-violets for roses
-god bless America- and all the women in it
-take me home,country roads
-looking for America
-burning desire
-lost at sea
-Body Electric
-money power glory
-million dollar man
-don’t let me be misunderstood
-the blackest day
-summer bummer
-not all who wander are lost
-living legend
-for free
-west coast
-born to die
-summertime sadnesses
-video games
-blue jeans
-pretty when you cry
-gods & monster
-music to watch boys to
-art deco
-swan song
-white mustang
-in my feelings
-fuck it I love you
-chemtrails over the country club
-breaking up slowly
-dance til we die
-dark but just a game
-without you
-when the world was at war we kept dancing
-high by the beach
-diet Mountain Dew
-national anthem
-dark paradise
-cruel world
-if you lie down with me
-let the light in
Anyways, thanks again for the request Anyways if you want to request me just click under my profile “Ask me anything”
Like + Follow are very much appreciated! ✨
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rothjuje · 1 year
Loved all your comments on my solo travel inquiry. A couple people said FOMO is real, and you were right. I told Justin I was going to plan trips with or without him and then the following week he started planning one for us hahaha.
Summer. Every time there is a break from school, every time, I think ooh this is going to be so nice, get to sleep in, not worry about the crazy of different schedules etc. No. No Jess. The kids will wake up even earlier with instant whines of “I’m borrred!”
Tuesday we did a farm, a park, and then the lake for $1 ice cream. Wednesday we played/swam at the lake for most of the day. Thursday we went to a touch a truck event, the library, a park, and then swimming at a friend’s pool. And this morning the kids played happily for an hour before the “I’m borrred” and constant bickering started. Whyyy. I’m so tired. George and I have been going to bed early/sleeping late to recover. I’m also old so I’m sore and had to take Motrin to walk straight after 3 nonstop days, oy.
One of my best friends up here has a pool. We hang together several times a week because she also has a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Anyway, was super excited to use her pool this summer but turns out my pool fantasy is really more of a nightmare. George simply will not get in after several days of coaxing. But he does love to throw things into the pool. Dirt. Towels. Shoes. Clothes. Phones. It hasn’t been fun. My friend is convinced that pools are relaxing for adults and fun for kids. But she also ingests a lot of weed. I ingest no weed and I find George at the pool to be very, very stressful. He won’t wear a swim diaper or a floaty (not that he gets in but I am very fearful of him falling in while he bends over the edge trying to retrieve stuff he’s chucked in).
Anyway. My friend says I’m letting anxiety control my life. The pool dilemma is causing us to butt heads. But. Why should I take my neurodivergent child who is unaware of drowning or consequences in general to a pool where I have to constantly control his behavior? I mean anything sounds more fun than that. If he was my only kid then okay, but I have to constantly leave him in the pool area to take the girls to the bathroom or get them a snack etc and maybe it is anxiety. Maybe it is secondary trauma from our first placement who had brain damage from a near drowning incident. Or maybe it’s normal to not feel relaxed while at the pool with 3 kids that don’t know how to swim, one being neurodivergent.
I can understand her feelings being hurt that I no longer want to bring the kids over, but I am honestly so sick of having to explain to people that trying to keep George safe in certain situations is mentally taxing eg by bodies of water or in busy downtown areas (he likes to be near the street so he can watch trucks go by).
I’m just tired of being the uptight friend. I’m so chill at home or at fenced in parks or at the beach or lake (George and Genna love sand/playing at the shore). I hate being the one to constantly veto plans or control where they take place. Honestly, I rather my friends just hang out without us and let me escape to the low-stress lake that no one else wants to go to. But they feel guilty and then I feel bad and ugh.
Is there a solution I’m missing?
Anyway. So so excited for a normal weekend without recitals or holidays, it’s been almost a month since our last normal/chill weekend. I’m looking forward to catching up on chores which probably sounds boring but the state of our house and lack of clean laundry is starting to super stress me out. I’m also so behind on gardening stuff, some of my plant babies desperately need to be replanted or pruned.
I probably sound like the least fun person after this post 😂
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lornrocks · 4 months
My hobbies include getting into weird arguments with strangers online about Disneyland vs Disney world.
Also idk who keeps saying that Disneyland is a locals park. Bruh it’s fucking not. Half the people we meet when we go are not even from this country let alone Southern California.
The current discourse is the alleged confirmation that they will build something Avatar at Disneyland and how “no one wants this” (maybe true?) and how “people can just go to Florida to see pandora” (buddy if I live on the west coast, which I do, do you know expensive it is to fly to Florida? Last time we went I had to miss an extra day at work because our flight got so delayed we got stuck in salt lake at like 11:30pm at night and had to stay at a hotel and come home the next day)
I’m gonna be real here. As a life long Disneylander, Disney world is only good for: 1. About 8 rides unique from Disneyland’s 2. About 10-15 unique restaurants 3. Several cool, unique resorts 4. Merch exclusive to those parks (and tbh some of which I can buy from resellers)
So we went in 2013 for my college grad and that was our first time and we did the private safari (highly recommend) and took one day to go to islands of adventure. We did a LOT of stuff (not the water parks) and my favorite park then was Epcot bc of how unique it was.
Then we went again in 2018 and my favorite park was AK because of expedition Everest and Pandora and seeing the flamingos. And of course I loved all the shopping and restaurants.
We were planning to go this year but due to my friends’ health problems are pushing it back to next year hopefully and the stuff I’m looking forward to (besides showing my friends who have never been what’s up) is: 1. Cosmic rewind 2. Tron 3. Flight of passage (and pandora generally) 4. My beloved tower of terror 5. Every single restaurant I can get my hands on 6. All the merchandise 7. Staying at a different resort (we did French quarter and Caribbean beach the last 2 times) and 8. Expedition everest (almost forgot)
Like as fun as the rides are if’s almost exclusively about shopping, food, and cool places to take photos of. Which is also true of DLR but DLR has the dinkiest shopping area, very few super cool unique dining experiences, and the same 3 hotels. And at this point I’ve been to DLR so much I’ve taken photos of like. Every thing. Ever.
North America and the US are quite large and a lot of Americans, me included, do not want to trek all the way to the other side of the country so yes, I would not be surprised if DLR and WDW continue to share attractions, restaurants, and experiences.
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jiliansky-blog · 1 year
The god of dreams. Chapter 2
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader  
Rating: PG
Words: 3200~
I was thinking all evening and morning about Morpheus. Is he going to appear? I am actually more concerned about this that about my vocation. But he made my day more interesting and exciting. He just made my day. I made a sandwich and took my breakfast to the terrace of my cabin. And in five minutes Morpheus appeared.
“I was just thinking about you”, I smiled. “Only good thoughts, I hope”, he smirked, sitting in front of me. “Yes, I was thinking when you show up”, I smiled. “And what are you going to show me”. “I thought, you came here to be alone”, he admitted. “To be alone with people I know”, I sighed. “But you’re…an exception. I want to see you and to talk to you”. “Glad to hear”, he smiled. “I still don’t understand how did you find me?” I asked. “As I said, I know my ways”, he smirked. “I have a tour to another beach”, I changed the subject. “Do you want to go with me?”
“I don’t like the beach”, Morpheus said. “Please?” I smiled charmingly. “You came to see me”. “Alright, but I don’t do sunbathing”, he nodded. “Deal”, I smiled. “I think we still have time for coffee. We can try to drink coffee in the nearest café. What do you think?” “We can try”, the man agreed. I finished my breakfast. And we took a walk to the café. “I will take you to breakfast tomorrow”, he said. “Perhaps”.
“So you are going to come tomorrow”, I smiled. “I’m happy to hear it”. “I didn’t decide yet”, he smirked. “I just noticed that you eat a sandwich and I need to show you a proper breakfast”. “How thoughtful of you”, I admitted. “But I would be glad if you join me tomorrow for breakfast. Or show me the new place”. “Then I will join you”, he said and opened a door for me. What a gentleman. “Thank you”, I whispered and touched his hand slightly. No one would believe me if I tell them how handsome, caring, and mysterious a man I met. Suddenly Morpheus steps forward.
“Two cups of coffee, please”, he said. “I feel like we are on the date”, I admitted. “Is that a bad thing?” he looked at me? “No”, I smiled. “Just… I don’t used to it”. “Shame”, he remarked. I blushed at his remark, and he noticed it and frowned. “Shame on these men who don’t court you properly”, he explained. “It's just a cup of coffee. The least I can do”. “It’s very sweet”, I replied with a smile. “Thank you”. “Your sincerity is worth a proper courting”, he admitted. “I would like to do it”. “Do you want to court me?” I whispered.
He suddenly blushed and it looked so cute. Does he really want to court me? He sounds like he came from another century. “Perhaps”, he said. “You don’t like the idea?” “You don’t want to come today and then suddenly you want to court me”, I smiled. “It’s surprising, but I don’t mind”.
He smirked. I didn’t plan to find romance in Greece, but this man finds me anyway. I don’t know what he feels to me but I was glad for his company. “This coffee isn’t bad”, I said, drinking my morning dose of caffeine. “Yours was better, but this will do”. “Good”, he smiled again. “Are you ready to go?” “Yes”, I said. “Thank you for making my company”. “It’s my pleasure”, he took my hand and we went to the cabin to pick up some stuff. “What do you like to visit most here?” “I have been everywhere”, he said. “But perhaps the mountains”. “Oh?” I smiled.
“It’s a quiet place and lonely”, he said. Then he thought about something. “I suppose you will visit the Meteora in a few days. Can I go with you?” “Of course”, I smiled. “I will be happy to go there with you”. “You are too kind”, Morpheus smiled. “You are not afraid to go to the lonely place with an almost unknown man”. “Well, you are not completely unknown already, aren’t you?” I said. “And you have plenty of opportunities to do something with and you didn’t”. “Yes, and I have a desire to…”, he bites his lip. “What?” I smiled. “To protect you”, he finished. “It’s foolish”. “It’s not foolish at all”, I smiled. “I find it sweet”.
“I don’t usually have such kind of feelings”, Morpheus replied. “My siblings may tell that I’m cold and insufferable”. “Maybe you are not cold”, I said. “Maybe, you are just protective of your heart and your feelings. They can sting”. “Indeed”, he smiled. “We can go to the guide now”, I smiled back and took him to the boat.
  The guide wasn’t surprised at all to see him, and I suppose it was okay to take Morpheus with me. And we sit very close to each other. It was hard to hide my attraction to him. He was ethereal beautiful and charming. “So why Greece?” he asked. “I like mythology and the sea”, I smiled. “So Greece”. “I didn’t see you studying mythology here”, he noticed. “Well, you can teach me”, I smiled. “As a man with the name of the god of dreams”. “Do you want to listen to a story about ancient times?” he smirked. “Perhaps”, I said.
  And then he started a story about gods, love, betrayal, and murder. His was so deep and beautiful, it almost lullabies me to sleep. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Yes, I just…liked listening to your voice”, I smiled. “And did you hear a story?” he asked. “Of course”, I replied. “I felt it echoing in my entire body. You have a talent for storytelling, you know”. “Yes”, he smirked. “I flattered to have your stories just for myself”, I whispered. “And told by such a handsome and charming man”.
He definitely blushed. Perhaps, he doesn’t used to hear compliments. Which is kind of strange. Can he be shy? “Are you going to tell me more stories?” I asked. “Perhaps, later”, he smiled. “We're almost there”.
There were a lot of tourists, but the water was crystal clear. And the sand was clean. Aphytos beach they called it. “Come on, I will find the lonely place”, Morpheus said. “Is it too crowdie for you?” I smiled. “Actually yes”, he nodded. “Too many peoples, and their dreams and daydreaming. That is why I avoided crowdie places”.  
His words confused me, but I decided to ask him later what that mean. And let him take me to the nearest rocks, there were fewer people. And then he takes somewhere a black towel and covers the sand. And looked at me. “You don’t want me sitting on the sand while you will be standing, don’t you?” I asked. “I don’t want to sit”, he said. “And technically you won’t be sitting on the sand”. “Technically I won’t be sitting without you”, I smirked. “So sit, please, and give me five minutes, okay?” “What are you doing?” he asked when I hid behind the rocks.
  I changed my outfit to a swimming suit. And return to Morpheus. He was sitting on the towel. And when he looked at me, his eyes get dark as the night sky. “What are you doing?” he asked in a husky voice. “I’m going to swim”, I smirked. “Do you want to join me?” “No”, he said. “I will watch you”. “Okay”, I said and went to the sea.
The water was warm and I felt happy. And I felt warm from burning Morpheus’ eyes. I don’t what get into me, but I wished he wanted me. I wish to know what his red lips taste like. It was insane, I only knew him for a few days. I was swimming for ten or fifteen minutes and returned to the man. He was still sitting on the towel but with closed eyes. His eyelashes were so long and beautiful. And then he opened his eyes like he felt my presence.
  “You are back”, he admitted. “Yes, were you dreaming?” I asked. “Did I wake you up?” “In some sense”, Morpheus said. “And no, you didn’t wake me”. And then he noticed my wet water body and his eyes get dark. And I shamelessly sat near him. For some reason, I felt safe with him. “Are you done with swimming?” his voice now sounds like purring. “Not quite”, I smiled. “I like swimming. You are bored, aren’t you?” “No, I’m fine”, he said. “Let’s go with me”, I smiled.
“No, it’s a bad idea”, he said. “Are you afraid that you don’t have a swimming suit with you?” I asked. “No, I just don’t swim anywhere”, he rejected. “Please?” I took his hand. “Just a little bit”. “Very well”, he sighed. “Go to the water. I will join you in a minute”.
  I smiled happily and went to the sea, and when I turned around, he was already in a swimming suit. His entire body was naked, except trousers. Pale skin, I could see every muscle in his body. His skin was almost transparent. His waist was silly thin. He was unearthly beautiful and I couldn’t turn my gaze away. “You’re staring”, he smirked. It felt like revenge for my earlier actions. “Can’t help it”, I said. “Can’t take my eyes off such a handsome man”. Or there it was again. A blush. A blush suits him. “You don’t use compliments, aren’t you?” I smiled.
“No”, he said. It was fun watching him just standing there, while I’m swimming. And I felt now the strong desire to touch him. “Do you want to join me for swimming?” I asked. “No, I don’t do swimming”, he replied. “Why?” I asked. “I just don’t”, he pursed his lips.
  I swim closely to him, while he was watching me with a faint smile. “Are you trying to lure me under the water as a siren?” he asked. “Perhaps”, I answered. I dare to touch his white skin. It was soft as silk. He didn’t say anything, just looking at me. “Let’s go”, he suddenly took my hand and brought me out of the water. And I let him as I was enchanted. I wanted to touch him again. “I would eat some ice cream”, I said.   “I know a place”, he said and then disappeared behind the rocks to dress up. “Do you want me to show it?” “Yes”, I smiled.
How can I trust it to take me everywhere? He can be dangerous. But somehow I trust him. He didn’t do anything bad to me. I dressed up after him and let him take me somewhere out of this place. We found a café and there were a lot of people too. “Are we going to eat ice cream somewhere?” I asked. “If you want to”, he replied. “Which one do you prefer?” “Your choice”, I smiled. “Surprise me”.
He smirked and went inside the café. I waited for him outside. And after quite some time, he went out with blue and brown ice cream. “Wow”, I said. “And you?” “What about me?” he asked. “Don’t you want ice cream too?” I smiled. “No, I will enjoy watching you”, he said. I blushed again and took the ice cream. I was curious about what he took for me. “Chocolate”, I tasted it and looked into the eyes of the man. “And blueberry. Quite an interesting combination. Are you sure you don’t want to taste it?”
He suddenly made a step closer to me and then pressed his lips to mine. It was like lightning and everything I have dreamt about. “Yes”, he said finally. “It did taste good”. I felt as if my brain stop working. The touch of his warm soft lips still lingers on mine. And I looked at him. Then I ate more ice cream and kissed him too. “Then you need to taste more”, I whispered. “You played a dangerous game”, he whispered back. “Oh?” I smirked. “And what are you to do with it?” “I can take you somewhere private”, Morpheus replied. “But you knew me only for two days. I didn’t want to…”
“To what? “ I asked. “I don’t want you to fall in love with me”, he sighed. “Not when we can take different ways when your vocation will be over”. “Why?” I asked. “You don’t want to break my heart?” “And my own too”, he replied. “Deal, I won’t fall in love with you”, I said. He smiled with relief. But in his eyes, I saw sadness. “Your ice cream is melting down”, he noticed. “Don’t you want to help me?” I smiled.
And he seductively bites my desert. God, this man made it incredibly hard not to fall in love with him. He raised my desire. “What?” he asked and looked at me. “You are staring again”. “Why did you spend time with me, if you don’t want to fall in love?” I asked. “I thought it can be a good idea to distract myself”, he said. “And…” “And what?” I smiled. “I liked you”, Morpheus replied seriously. “You saw me. You stopped to talk to me. You weren’t scary by my demeanor”.
“Something in your words tells me that people weren’t good for you”, I said. “I have so much fun these days. I didn’t regret meeting you”. “It just ended badly”, he sighed. “Are you ready to return to the beach”? “I'm actually ready to find real food and some interesting places here”, I smiled. “And I want you to drink wine with me”. “I can’t say no to this”, he smirked. So we found an incredibly expensive place. But Morpheus insisted to pay for dinner.
“You will spoil me”, I smiled. “Someone should too, as one my friend said”, he replied. “It’s nothing from me. But it will make you smile”. “You are so sweet”, I admitted. “No”, he smirked. “I’m not”. “You are saying this, but I saw another picture”, I said. “I just…think that you are scared by prices and wanted to pay this for you”, he shrugged. “It’s nothing special”. “Oh no, you are wrong”, I smiled. “You are kind. Not everyone can do this for me so effortlessly. Thank you!” He blushed again. And picked the table for us. “I started to think that you’re doing this on purpose”, he admitted. “What?” I asked, taking the menu. “Making me blush”, he said. “Oh?” I smirked. “I should confess: blush suits you”. “Impossible woman”, he sighed. “You like it, admit it”, I said.
“I like it”, he confessed. “What are you going to order”. “I want something with seafood», I replied. “Mussels, shrimps, and white wine. And maybe, a dessert? Or it’s too much?” “No, as you wish”, he agreed. He ordered only a glass of wine for himself though. I was thinking that sometimes when you don’t want to fall in love, it happens anyway. And with a man like Morpheus, it would be easy. But if he has some bad experience with relationships, it would be understandable that he doesn’t want a new one. Especially the one that can end in heartache for both of us. But why do I feel like I know him for eternity?
  “So, when you were planning to go here, did you also plan for romance?” he asked. “Where?” I smirked. “On the beach with you?” “You are truly impossible”, he groaned and then smiled. “No, when you were coming to Greece, of course?” “I didn’t think about it really”, I said. “I just need time away from everything”. “So was I”, he nodded. “So I understand this need”. “Really?” I asked surprised. “Yes”, the man sighed. “My life was difficult lately. And even…traumatized. My sister told me to change place to look at everything from a different perspective”. “This was wise advice”, I smiled. “But I’m sorry that life was shit for you lately. Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really”, he said. “But I heard that you talk to someone, it can make it easier for you”, I replied. “Honesty for honesty”, he suggested. “Okay”, I sighed. “I have a difficult relationship with my family. And my boyfriend left me for the younger girl”. “Wow”, Morpheus remarked. “It’s sad”. “Yes, your turn”, I whispered. “I mourned the death of my son and couldn’t bear the weight of my responsibilities, pain, and grief. It’s almost consumed me”. “The death of your son?” I asked, “Shit! I’m so sorry! I don’t have a clue”. “You couldn’t know about that”, his voice was emotionless. “And it was a long time ago”.
If it was a long time ago, his son should be young. Maybe, he lost him not long after his birth. And is he married? “It’s terrible”, I noticed. “I shouldn’t ask”. “I can’t blame you for wanting to know more about me”, he said. “But I don’t want to put my burden on your shoulders too”. “I asked for it”, I said and touched his hand. “Your pain must be strong. But you shouldn’t be alone with her”. He took my fingers in his hand and smiled gently. This gentle smile suits him. And I felt my heart flipped in the chest. “You are too kind”, he admitted. “No, you are just too harsh to yourself”, I smiled. “I was always alone”, Morpheus said. “My parents or my siblings don’t understand me. That is why I grew to deal with my pain alone”. “But you shouldn’t”, I said. “You just need to find someone to talk to”. “Thank you for your kind words”, he smiled.
We almost forgot about the time when we should return to the boat. Time with Morpheus flew very quickly. We didn’t swim a lot, but I didn’t regret this. I still have time to swim. We came back in silence. “Don’t you want another walk to town?” he asked when we return to Athens. “Why not?” I smiled and let him take me somewhere. “When will you have the tour to Acropolis?” he asked. “Soon”, I supposed. “Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow”. “And to Meteora?” he asked again. “Tomorrow either”, I shrugged. “Why?” “I want to accompany you if you don’t mind”, he replied. “Of course, I don’t mind”, I said. “You know it, right?” “Perhaps”, he asked.
  And then he kissed my hand, making me blush. His lips were warm and I felt like we were left alone in this town. “I should be scared, because you take me somewhere private, where no one can see us”. I whispered. “But I don’t”. “I’m happy to know that I earned your trust”, he said. “I won’t hurt you, I can promise you that. Do you believe me?” “I do”, I smiled. We were wandering around till twilight. And then Morpheus said, that I need dinner and to rest. So he bought me dinner and took me to the cabins. It was a wonderful day. And I didn’t want it to end.
“Don’t you want to come inside?” I suggested when he brought me to the cabin. “Not tonight”, he smiled. “You need to rest”. “Promise me, I will see you tomorrow”, I said. “Of course”, he smiled. “Meteora and Acropolis”. Then he took a step forward and his lips briefly touched mine. It made my blood boil. But then he smirked and disappeared in the night.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove  @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza
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patronsaintofmath · 1 year
i think my coworker & i are becoming friends? or at least on the path of becoming friends. we haven’t hung out outside of work yet & we haven’t shared anything deep & personal w each other which is kinda part of my criteria for becoming friends w someone. but anyways i was a fool yesterday. she was working the afternoon shift & she told me someone left cupcakes so i should go get some. look, i work the morning shift but she had told me twice about the cupcakes so i was like ok yeah i’ll go BUT THEN I STAYED DURING HER SHIFT JUST SO I CAN TALK TO HER LIKE A LOSER. embarrassing for me frfr. but anyways while i was there, we signed up for a kickboxing class together. but let me get into today’s stuff. today is thursday & thursdays we usually clean the mats in the gym & the weight room. we were just talking for like half an hour instead of cleaning the mats & i told her i wanted to go the state parks & beaches during summer but i didn’t wanna drive so she was like “i’ll drive” ???? she’d want to hang out w me ???? i’m always so surprised when people WANT to hang out w me bc if i find myself repulsive & lame, then others must too. like i would not wanna be my friend if i was someone else. what does that say about me. clearly i gotta practice self love. anyways yeah she said she wants to hang out in the summer & she said i can teach her how to skate 😭. then when we were back at the desk w the boss lady, the boss lady was like talking about how my coworker had never expressed any interest in skateboarding until i came along & now ALL OF A SUDDEN my coworker is into skateboards & she even bought one. that reminds me of my friend in high school who got into tech decks bc i introduced her to them. anyways, yeah my coworker has done her skateboarding research & probably knows more than me now except for the actual skating part. also, i think i’ve mentioned it but she wears like a black sweater & black pants every day. her shirt varies from light gray to regular grey to dark gray & black. but she texted me today like ayo what stores should i shop from. which at the time i didn’t find odd but now that i’m typing about it i’m like hm that varies a lot from person to person bc like our tastes in clothing is different. but i told her about cool stores for the youngins like me. but i just feel like idk. like i don’t wanna get attached to her. IM ECSTATIC SOMEONE WANTS TO HANG OUT W ME & WANTS TO BE MY BUDDY. but then i feel like oh no i’m influencing her too much i don’t wanna get attached cannot get attached to any more people. this is very clearly some issue i have w pushing people away. but i don’t care bc i feel safer this way. anyways, idk i just idk. i wish i was better yknow? like maybe this is just my people pleasing tendencies arising but like idk. OOH ALSO I LEARNED THAT SHE PRACTICED moi tai idk how to spell it but that’s how i pronounce it. it’s like a type of martial arts. so ya that’s cool. my boss lady doesn’t like when we work together bc we mess around a lot. also i found out my coworker doesn’t do any type of drugs. which is cool bc yknow that’s healthy & whatnot but i wanted to ask her if she’d be down to get high w me like i think that would be hilarious bc we are always laughing together anyways. but yeah that’s this week. also you know how i look forward to working w her every week? i think she looks forward to working w me too bc she often asks for my schedule & shes tells me how many hours we’ll get to work together. super cool.
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crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
have some scattered fanfest keynote thoughts
tural looks like it’ll be beautiful to explore, i’m loving the mayan/incan/aztec/south american vibes so far and the mamool ja look fun. valigarmanda showing up finally is neat. god only knows how much i’m gonna butcher the names though ;-;
i’m so gonna miscall this expac dawntreader instead of dawntrail, thanks narnia
beach episode expac is an excellent way to reset the stakes from endwalker and let some background schemes stew.
we get a caster \o/ i kinda want it to be geomancer, but i dont think it will be because geomancer has been portrayed as just eastern conjurer/astrologian in game so far (through the ast quests).
new melee is probably gonna be scouting (if my shirt prediction is right), i’m hoping its not corsair just because i’m not big on pirates and don’t want yet another sword job. tbf i’m not the target audience for a melee player anyways so don’t mind me lmao.
i’m really surprised we’re bringing all the scions along with us, i was expecting at least a few to be written out and do their own things. i’ll not turn down more g’raha, but the twins? don’t they have shit to do? and y’shtola? this isn’t exactly a complaint, i’m more confused than anything.
similar note, the whole “hey y’all will be divided” thing makes me wonder if we’ll have solo instances fighting against the scions as friendly fights or something. i’d love something like that lol, way back in arr thancred wondered how he’d fare in a fight against the wol and i wanna see it.
erenville tagging along is fun, one of my friends loves him so she’s happy
qol additions all sound great (in game toolbox! glasses and hats! holy shit 2 dyes!) 
the graphics update looks incredible so far, adding more density will help a lot to fleshing out cities and whatnot. the lighting especially looks way better, those shadows look great. hair textures looked way better too. it all looks great lmao.
i really don’t want another island sanctuary style addition, especially if it’s at the expense of exploration zone content. i’m very much not island sanctuary’s target audience and i do not enjoy that content, and conversely loved bozja/eureka. 
the little sidenote about deep dungeons is weird, it sounds like a small rework? i need more information, they only said it in passing and forget the exact words they used. deep dungeons are fun. (the slide says “new plans for deep dungeons” which is. slightly concerning. i’m probably overthinking this way too much tho)
all the concept art was gorgeous
new variant dungeons are gonna be interesting, i like the quality of the ones we have, i sure hope they adjust the rewards though.
more pvp stuff \o/ i suck at pvp but i love hopping in to games, happy to hear there’s more stuff on the way.
free trial through stormblood is fuckin wild, i wonder if they’ll make all of the hydaelyn/zodiark saga free in the future.
xbox still exists? wild.
no comment about the crossover stuff. i don’t like crossovers on a good day. 
from what i understand na fanfest is pretty barebones, so i’m pretty whelmed with what we got. i’m looking forward to future fanfests.
all that said, 0/10 fanfest no hrothgirls i’m in shambles ;-;
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never-not-ever · 2 years
So I have therapy in a few minutes starting at 11 and I’m sitting in my car at the beach using my laptop and I hope this wifi connection is strong enough cause I hate virtuals in my car. 
I remember last year I used to do them during my lunch hour using my phone and that sucked and I would get so distracted by the customers coming and going in the building. At least I’m at a quiet part of the beach... Ironically it’s the same spot that I went to years ago and cut myself in my car which was not something I ever did or continued to do. It was such a weird day. Like I remember going to CVS after group, buying stuff and then coming here and then writing about it afterward/days later for my diary card it was all very spontaneous. Like even after CVS I was like yea I’ll just head home and then last minute came to the beach.
Anyways, I’m glad I actually got out of bed instead of snoozing it and snoozing it and saying fuck it and just staying home to do my virtual therapy. My girlfriend even said “I know what you’re going to talk about so what’s the point” and I said I still want my privacy. I was planning on going in town to get coffee but the traffic was too much so I just went to Starbucks and got a Vanilla Cream Cold Brew and took a sip as I was leaving and it wasn’t sweet at all... I went back in and asked for Splenda but they definitely just used plain cream instead of the vanilla syrupy cream. I should have just asked them (nicely) to remake it... 
Ugh really not looking forward to this... Clearly seeing as I’m going on tangents on here...
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zoetropia · 2 years
Zoetropia’s Top 10 Albums of 2021
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Honorable Mention
Cheekface - Emphatically No.: It seems like a vast majority of current music across all genres is pulling heavily from the emo scene of the early aughts, so it’s nice to have a band stop by with a snotty, too-clever-by-half, slacker ‘tude and a plethora of hooks that traces their roots back through They Might Be Giants to Devo. It’s probably too much in heavy doses, but it’s a solid palate cleanser.
Cool Ghouls - At George’s Zoo: A sunny slab of laid back, surf-soul inspired garage rock. It’s almost TOO Californian for this lifelong east coaster, but a record like this could turn someone who hasn’t even so much as touched a surfboard yearn for a wasted day in the waves. See you at the beach.
Sun June - Somewhere: A warm and generous indie soft rock record set apart by lead singer Laura Colwell’s clear and expressive vocals. Combine that with a solid, well-composed backing band that’s uninterested in being flashy and you have a record that’s just on the right side of easy-listening. Perfect for a warm, wistful summer night.
Remember Sports - Like A Stone: Power pop is a genre hanging by a thread, it seems (so much so that a new Alvvays record seems like a revolution), so I’m glad to have a solid entry to include on my year end list. We need more kids discovering early Superchunk records, come on!!!
Black Country, New Road - For the first time: A striking debut from a young band with clear musical chops trying to nail something down. If they do, look out... (spoiler: they will).
Kiwi jr. - Cooler Returns: A shimmering indie rock record with fun, hooky tunes and an infectiously laidback vibe. Perfect for a summer hangout.
Top Ten
10. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END!: A new Godspeed record and you think I wasn’t going to put it on this list somewhere? "Cliffs Gaze” is up there with some of the best stuff they’ve put out and they continue to make music unlike anyone else for a time that desperately needs it. Our side has to win, indeed.
9. The Antlers - Green to Gold: The Antlers drifted away for 7 years, and with Peter Silberman developing tinnitus, recording a solo album, and Darby Cicci leaving the group, it looked doubtful they would ever be back. But they came, uh, gently rolling back with this collection of gorgeous songs that lushly ache for the beauty in the passage of time and the changes it brings. A lot of my favorite indie bands of my youth are dealing with similar subjects as we collectively get older, but this is one of the finest statements I’ve heard on the matter from that generation of artists yet.
8. Iceage - Seek Shelter: Took me a while to warm to Iceage (ha ha ha) despite the constant championing from the likes of Pitchfork, but they’ve really matured into an incredibly strong rock band that’s able to meld they’re scrappy beginnings with an eye toward more refined composition. This is a Big rock record in the best of ways, a record by a band that forgot that radio rock is dead and decided to keep pushing that sound forward anyway.
7. Quivers - Golden Doubt: Super catchy jangle pop, the whole band singing full throated in harmony? Sign me up. Melbourne has been at the forefront of the jangle pop revival and this is one of the best entries yet. It also helps that these guys seem like one of the nicest groups in existence. When I saw them live this year, their positivity and excitement for doing their thing in front of a receptive audience was infectious.
6. Cassandra Jenkins - An Overview on Phenomenal Nature: A beautiful gift of a record. When I saw Cassandra Jenkins live this year, she said she recorded most of these songs not really intending to release them anywhere, as they seemed to her too personal and idiosyncratic to share. But I’m so glad she did. This is a intimate yet expansive record that is grounded in honesty and clear observation. It’s sad, yes, but it’s also so warm and hopeful. It’s a long hug from a close friend after a tough time. It’s being somewhere you feel safe so you can fall sleep. It’s something that finally understands. It’s over way too soon.
5. Nation of Language - A Way Forward: Modern new wave-y synth bands need a few things for me to really dig them: 1) understanding that the artifical sounds of synths and drum machines are not an excuse for remove but a way to enhance the emotional core of their music through counterpoint, 2) acknowledging that the core of synth pop is danceability (even if it has fallen out of fashion on actual dance floors), and 3) simple, catchy melodies. This band and record has all of these things in spades. This record has burrowed itself into my brain since coming out and hasn’t let go. It’s real good.
4. Wednesday - Twin Plagues: The shoegaze/alt-rock/country pipeline that I never knew I needed. Wrangling noise from a lap steel and angst from a tradition of music that pervades Appalachian mountains, Wednesday has got to be my favorite young band right now. It’s the good part of what happens when kids have access to every and all type of music at their fingertips and smush it all into something uniquely their own. And they’re already a force as a live act.
3. No-No Boy - 1975: It sounds like a better backstory than an actual record: an album that started out as a Ph.D. dissertation that traces the 20th century Asian American experience through music. It all falls apart if the songs aren’t good. But they are. Really good. And the stories the songs tell are never less than compelling and vital. A rare treasure of a record, one that is both important and a treat to listen to. If there’s one record one this list that I would recommend everyone who see this to listen to, it would be this one.
2. Julie Doiron - I Thought of You: This one was a true surprise to me. Julie Doiron, almost 50 at the time and after an almost decade off, made a solo record more lively, more youthful, and more energetic than artists half her age. She combines that with an expert thoughtfulness and ear toward composition that only experience can be bring. And that voice! Please don’t make us wait a decade for the next one, Julie.
1. Low - HEY WHAT: This album has taken on an unfortunately more significant air since the passing of Mimi Parker. And what a loss indeed. Mimi’s voice and accompaniment on percussion were... are... irreplaceable. It made this band who they were. It’s very rare that a band would still be releasing not just relevant material this far into their careers, but also still stretching, expanding, improving. That we won’t see where they would go together from here is a small tragedy, that such a great artist and wife and person is gone too soon is a great one.
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choiyeonjuns · 2 years
Viviiii i must tell u abt a dream i just had abt yeonjun today ;A;; aaaaaaaaaaa 🙈
it started when he asked me to do some sort of dance challenge with him and for some reason i agreed and then we both walked into this break room (it was a large room and like at the very left corner was a bathroom i think?) my brain is weird. anyways he told me to set up the phone while he'll just go to the bathroom rq and i was like 'ok' lmao i was so dead set on finding the perfect position, rearranging stuff inside the room, trying to make the bg as decent as possible and setting up the camera view. when he came back i told him he should just do this challenge by himself becuz i havent really learned the moves yet but i'll hold the phone to record him and he agreed. when he positioned himself in front of the camera, for some reason i changed by mind abt the bg and told him that i think we should just switch to the wall behind us it was more clear & plain, and he agreed w me again. now after we switched and set up the camera again, before we started filming i told him to check out the angle just to make sure hes satisfied w/ it. he came over and i was sitting on this couch where i was holding his phone (LMAO my dream was so vivid and detailed at this point i even saw his lockscreen it was like one of his IG pics at the beach LOL) ANYWAYS to the wildest part of my dream sndjdksj while he was looking at the phone i was holding it at i could feel his fingers just barely touching my lower back and i BASICALLY scooted up an inch forward so that i could avoid them, maybe lwk to give him a HINT that i was a little uncomfy (i wasnt really, i just didnt wanna be obvious to him that my heart was beating SO FKCN FAST and i refused to show i was into him in any way) and THEN boy had the audacity to still inch closer his fingers again to rest against the small part of my back and i YET AGAIN inched my body more forward and away from him, and now this time this mf decides to actually rest and press most of his hand onto my back ❓❕❔‼️‼️ while simultaneously fixing the angles of his phone,which i was still holding (at this point now BOYY i just tried to ignore his hand and act annoyed) then my dream soon quickly ended after that. but LMAOO i was annoyed at myself when i was still thinking abt it that i didnt swat his hand right away and just straight up tell him "hey buddyyoure getting a bit touchy-feely there" but YKNOWW im not one to be against these kind of dreams im just the tsundere type ok😭 sorry for the cringe word vomit 🤢 aaaaaaaaaaaaa im still screamign🙈🙈🙈(ALSO SHOULD I ADDITONALLY NOTE THAT I BIAS BEOMGYU akdjsksnsjsjsnsn) (but yea YJ been biaswrecking me so hardddd these days =_=)
wjkajajjs! your dream got wild towards the end! Lmfao welcome to the club where yeonjun wrecks me 24/7. I like how you can remember small details from your dream, I forget mine 😂 the last dream I had of yeonjun was 1 day ago and he jumped a fence to get us chicken nuggets from Mc Donald’s hahahaha. it must of my dreams that I had of him I’m usually able to speak very calmly and for some reason I’m able to understand Korean xD.
Thank you for sharing your dream with me. I enjoyed reading it
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dragonmasterhiccup · 25 days
She waited patiently for him to finish speaking, her head tilted to the side and her expression nothing but kind, though it wasn’t visible due to her helmet.
She knew. She knew that he was still grieving, that he probably would be for a while. As much as everybody wished for it, this stuff doesn’t go away over night.
Taking a moment to think about how to respond, she bit down on her lip, her gaze fixed on the ground.
Letting out a soft sigh, she eventually looked back up at him. “Well, you probably are underprepared, that’s a fact, but you aren’t unprepared; it’s clear that your dad already told you a lot of stuff, and even though it’s probably not enough, it’s still something. He at least placed the foundation. And…” How did she go about wording this? “I’m sure that if you did know about… y’know… you wouldn’t have ran. You can’t blame yourself for something that you didn’t even know was going to happen.” She paused. “Look, I know I’m not the best person to talk to about this, so I’m sorry you got stuck with me out of everyone.” She let out a breathy chuckle. “But I think, considering everything, you’re doing pretty good, and that your dad would be proud of you, I mean his son is literally the Dragon Master! That’s f***ing sick!” she exclaimed, trying to re-lighten the mood, though she wouldn’t be surprised if she failed.
She scoffed lightly. “So, you’re saying I’m stubborn? Yeah, I think you need more than that to be a good Chief. And besides, I’m too… me, and me doesn’t really give off ‘Chief’ or ‘raw Viking’ as you would put it.” She smiled softly. “You’re welcome… it’s good to know that at least someone appreciates my wise words,” she said, smirking playfully.
She would be lying if she said she wasn’t excited, anticipation filling her more by the second.
Her eyes squinted as she looked towards where Hiccup was pointing, a mischievous grin crossing her features as an idea came to mind. “I see it… race you there!” she called out suddenly, her and Twilight rushing ahead of them towards the island.
(It’s okay! I loved it!! Though I love everything you write anyways!! Also, I’ll let you decide who wins the race!!)
He let out a light chuckle. "No, you're right. Once he changed his mind about dragons, he did say he was proud...I just should have listened to him more." If he had truly known what would happen, he would have listened to his dad more. But then where would they be? Danny may not have been on Berk at all in the first place...
He couldn't worry about all of the 'what ifs', it would drive him to insanity if he did. Focusing on the here and now, focusing on what lied ahead was what was best.
Besides, this was Danny's birthday! He couldn't be moping today of all days!
Now he really laughed. "Danny, a few years ago, the exact same things were said about me. You're capable of more than you realize."
He couldn't see her mischievous grin under her mask, but he could tell she was up to something.
Hiccup probably should have seen that coming.
"Well, you heard her, bud! It's a race now!" Toothless roared in excitement, and Hiccup hunkered down and held on tight as the Night Fury shot forward.
The young chief flattened himself down as best he could to avoid extra wind resistance, and Toothless quickly overtook Danny and Stormfly, the island quickly getting bigger.
Now, the place Hiccup wanted to show Danny was further inland, but they landed softly on the beach, Hiccup immediately dismounting and congratulating Toothless on his win as they waited for the others to catch up.
"You truly are the fastest dragon, aren't you, bud?"
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