#Star wars summer vacation
shyranno · 2 years
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Let’s talk about Hunter’s bandana.
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024; Day 1: Vacation
Kylux Summer Vacation (Crack Fic)
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this translates way better as a comic but comics take time. So i wrote more a script then a fic. maybe I’ll make a comic later or maybe some kind soul wants to waste their time doing it for me. I don’t really care anyway, not to toot my own horn, but this is really funny. I was thinking of the Lego Star Wars specials when I wrote this so picture that vibe. Hehehehehe
pls pls reblog! I dont have AO3 yet
Warning: Suggestive content, brief nudity (it’s played off as a joke)
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Kylo: (announcing triumphantly, fist in the air) We’re going on vacation! 
Hux: (sounds unfazed) What? 
Kylo: (repeats previous gesture) We’re are going on vacation!
Hux: (no even looking up from his datapad) We’re in the middle of a war. We can’t just leave on vacation. 
Kylo: My grandfather went on vacation…
(Teary eyed dreamily looking off into the distance picturing the scene from the Lego Star Wars summer vacation special where Vader is being forced to apply palpitate’s sun screen) 
Hux: Oh so that’s what this is about. (Shakes his head) Predictable. Well we can’t. 
Kylo: (Angrily/Whiny) Why! 
Hux: I dont have time for this (Starts walking off)
Mitaka: (comes in, stopping him by the door) Sir… Did you authorize 30,000 credits worth of first order funds to be spent on (squints at his datapad) “Beach fun surprise?”
Hux: (looking up angrily) No! What even is that?!
Mitaka: (nods awkwardly) right I’ll cancel i-
Kylo: No! (Stepping forward) I authorized the purchase! (Turning to Hux dramatically) There’s no turning back now general! (Pointing to each person as he speaks) I’m taking you, and Phasma, and Mitaka, and… (points at a random dude walking by) THAT GUY, and we’re going on vacation!
That guy: Uhm sir I don’t even work here… I’m just visiting my wife…
Kylo: LETS GO! (Marching forward) 
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~Later at the beach~
Kylo: (walking up to Hux wearing his helmet  and swim trunks that are definitely too small for him) Why are you wearing a shirt? 
Hux: (eating a suspiciously shaped popsicle) Why aren’t you? 
Kylo: (leans back) isn’t that like, constricting? 
Hux: You’re just trying to get me to take my shirt off. 
Kylo: What? No! (Clearly lying) 
Phasma: (walking by) I’d take this off if I was allowed too (gesturing towards her sports bra style top) 
(#free the nip)
(They both just blink at her stunned before she walks away and then they turn back to their arguing) 
Kylo: I still think you should take it off (huffs)
Hux: Then take off your helmet! (Pokes it)
Kylo: (crosses his arms) I dont want sunburn! 
Hux: The rest of you is practically naked! 
Mitaka: (rushing up carrying way more than one man should carry) Sir? 
Kylo: (not noticing Mitaka) I could arrange that! but I don’t think this is that kind of beach!
Mitaka: (trying to get Hux’s attention) Where did you want this sir? (Holding up all the stuff some of it falls out of his hands) 
(Still not noticing Mitaka the two of them glare at each other and Hux menacingly bites off the tip of the popsicle which has now melted all over his hand) 
~Seconds later~
Kylo: (pointing) oh look beach hockey!
Hux: (deadpan) No
Kylo: (Pointing) look there’s limbo!
Mitaka: (Still trying to get their attention) Sir this is kind of heavy…
Hux: (deadpan) No 
Kylo: Live music? (Gestures to the stage, where, idk, the Cerveza Cristal meme is playing or something)
Hux: Too loud 
Kylo: There’s a bar? 
Hux: I suppose that’s fine 
Mitaka: Sir?! 
(They start walking to the bar where Phasma already is) 
Mitaka: Why do I even bother (Sighs) 
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(Meanwhile at the bar. Kylo has his helmet off now. the group was drinking (Cerveza Cristal!… No! Stop! You already made that joke!) when they see familiar faces walk onto the beach)
Kylo: Well look who it is (smirks) 
Phasma: The resistance scum (scoffs) 
Hux: How convient, you’d think this was a Crack fic (looking directly at you) 
Poe: (sauntering up) Hey Hugs 
Hux: (immediately standing to go) That’s it we’re leaving! Vacation over! 
Poe: (leaning on the counter) That’s a shame, we were just going to invite you all to a not so friendly game of beach volleyball. Right Finn? (nudges him) 
Finn: uhhhh… right. 
Poe: (whispers) Sound more confident 
Finn: (Yells) Right! we’re gonna beat your asses into the sand bitches! (Whispering to Poe) Was that too much? 
Kylo: Good luck trying. (Smirks standing up) It just so happens that… I don’t like sand~ (Turning to the others) Are the rest of you with me? 
Mitaka: (panting running up) I Just put everything down sir! 
Hux: (not noticing Mitaka again, setting his drink down) Well I suppose… if it’s a challenge (smirks)
Phasma: (cracking her knuckles) Oh I think it’s time they met the true power of the first order~
Poe: Good come meet us on the beach! (He gestures and runs off, Finn following, flipping them off as he goes. The others get up from the bar laughing and heading towards the beach) 
Mitaka: (exasperated) Did I miss Something?  —————————————————————————
(Look i could write out the volley ball match but I’m lazy so if someone wants to pick this up have at it) 
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~Later that day~
Kylo: (running down the beach to join Hux in the water) Wait for me! 
(Hux’s shirt isn’t off but it’s open) 
Hux: (standing in the water, raising an eyebrow) Do you even know how to swim 
Kylo: Pfft, yeah totally!
Hux: That sounded oddly suspicious but if you say so (shrugs) 
Kylo: (walking very slowly into the water) Yeah I definitely learned how to swim, that’s definitely something I did, I mean like, it’s easy, I’m not a pussy!
Mitaka: (standing beside Hux) Is it just me or does it sound like he’s trying to reassure himself instead of you? 
Hux: (nonchalant) oh yes, that’s exactly what it sounds like. 
Mitaka: If he can’t swim shouldn’t we stop him? 
Hux: Let him try, it will amuse me (smirks) 
(Kylo goes deeper in the water, even deeper than the two of them, probably to prove a point) 
Kylo: I’m… I’m doing it! (A wave crashes into him) Fuck! I’m not doing it!  (He starts flailing and splashing wildly even though where he is definitely isn’t that deep)
Mitaka: (looks concerned) Sir I believe he’s going under. 
Hux: He’ll be fine. 
Mitaka: I Really dont think he will be…
(long awkward scilence)
Hux: He’s drowning isn’t he? 
Mitaka: It appears that way. 
Hux: Ugh fine! 
(He goes after him and Drags him out which is definitely a struggle) 
Hux: (dragging him by his foot onto the beach) Why are You So fucking heavy?! (Looking up to Phasma who’s tanning on the Shore) Thank you so much for your help Phasma!
(Phasma Holds up a drink nodding to them) 
Hux: (sets him down on the wet sand) Well he’s breathing (slaps him on the face) 
Kylo: (coming to, spitting out ocean water) Hey! That wasn’t mouth to mouth… (looks down disappointed) 
Hux: (sarcastically) Oh no! he stopped breathing guess I can’t save him! 
Kylo: (glancing at himself) Oh! my shorts fell off in the water, and your kind of straddling me so- 😏
Hux: (glances down instinctively and quickly looks back up) Mitaka? 
Mitaka: Yes sir? 
Hux: Google if It it’s legal to feed someone to the sharks.
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~The end~
That Guy: Has anyone seen my wife yet?
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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mayaannart · 2 years
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Constantly thinking about Hawaiian shirt Obi-Wan. I need to draw him as soon as possible. He is everything to me
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crazydaisy710 · 1 year
Watched the Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation today for Star Wars Day, also Tales of the Jedi (wow, I loved it) and one episode of Visions season 2.
When Episode IX came out, I was devastated for quite a while, which also led right into 2020 and the rest is history. They claimed it would be a hopeful ending to the Skywalker saga. It was not.
However, the Summer Vacation movie is amazing. A much better conclusion to the saga than 9 and was super cute. Highly recommend.
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awhnature · 3 months
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♡︎ Lake Como ♡︎
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omaano · 2 months
Hello! If you're still taking the polyam sketch prompts I'd love to see i2 for the bad batch? (i know the prompts only have three so if this doesn't work pls ignore) - i got a bad error last time sorry if the message sends twice
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That icy creamy monstrosity in Crosshair's hand (as the only one who has one free) belongs to Echo. Allegedly.
I hope you are still around Anon, I got your message, and I'm real glad you sent it again, this was really fun to draw!
Polyamorous/platonic poses for sketching (I haven’t given up on these, I just needed a little break. I’ll try to get around to drawing all the requests before the end of summer!)
and the other drawings I’ve made for them
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yunamiudon · 2 years
(tw // blood)
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1. Obi-wan want them to do anything they haven't experienced/don't know (pose reference)
2-4. Happy Valentine's Day!
5-6. Dar cuyi -no longer exists
7. value of their lives (Young Cody and Obi-Wan)
8. The scenes that show Obi-Wan's self-sacrifice spirit
9. from LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation
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starwarsfilms · 2 years
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lalalaclown · 1 year
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Summer times☀️
Man… I can’t draw feet
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sanshinexx · 2 years
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Here's part two of drawing my family pictures as the Bad Batch because I can and you can't stop me
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disneybooknerd626 · 16 days
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A bus! A bus! A bb8 bus!!
Follow me on Instagram: disneybooknerd626
Tiktok: disneybooknerd626
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wazzuppy · 1 year
the phineas and ferb star wars special is cannon in my heart
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rory-bor-e-alis · 2 years
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The Bad Batch Season 2 Episode 5: Summer Vacation
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dilf-dr-wells · 1 year
we all know that lego star wars is better than regular star wars, but lego star wars summer vacation having finn take a trip to scarif is cruel and unusual and cannot be forgiven
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azazel-dreams · 2 years
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Lego Star wars Summer Vacation
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤
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nei-ning · 2 years
I watched Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation movie yesterday with sis. I instantly listened Finn's voice, saying to sis that he has to have Rise Raph's voice actor. And what do you know? It was Omar Benson Miller! :D That man has such a lovely voice that you can't miss it!
It was funny to see Finn with my eyes but in my mind I kept seeing Rise Raph talking. I absolutely love it when Omar makes any kind of "Ha! /Haa!" happy screams with Raph's voice :D
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