#Kylux Short Shorts 2024
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wisedo · 7 months ago
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Kylux Short Shorts 2024 - Otherworldly Millicent
"Don't touch my general, stupid human!" "It's my general, stupid cat!"
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kyluxshortshorts · 9 months ago
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[Prompt List] [Guidelines] [Rolling Rules] [FAQ] [AO3 Collection]
Announcing Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024, a weeklong event from July 29th to August 4th to encourage the creation of Kylux fanworks! This is a fun, low-pressure event celebrating short and sweet creations... or, knowing Kylo and Hux, maybe not so sweet. 😈
[Image description below]
Prompt List
July 29th - August 4th
Mon: Vacation, Memory Loss
Tues: Millicent, Secret Relationship
Wed: Fear, Public Transit
Thurs: Not You, Otherworldly
Fri: Roleplay, Ancient History
Sat: Sunburn, Hobby
Sun: Reunion, In Another Life
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cal-tastrophe · 7 months ago
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Kylux Short Shorts Festival 2024 @kyluxshortshorts - my take on the prompt Not you. I don't know why, but the idea of this AU took form in my head pretty quickly. And since 200 minutes time was a challenge already (which I failed to meet miserably), I challenged myself even further and did a comic page (please open in new tab, the image resolution is better that way). And if I failed to depict what was clear in my head (often the case): This is a Pacific Rim AU. Hux is the mechanic of Starkiller, the Jaeger that Kylo Ren and his driftpartner Rey Skywalker are piloting. Kylo has the hots for his mechanic, and as much as said person is fond of the reckless Jaeger pilot, he is still somewhat concerend they may be seen together...
And Kylo? He just does not care!
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drinkysketch · 7 months ago
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a bit late but Day 2 for the @kyluxshortshorts event! Ft. Millicent
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not-so-allegiant-general · 7 months ago
Otherworldly @kyluxshortshorts
Hux sighed quietly looking at himself in the mirror. He was wearing traditional Arkanisian robe. It was well fitted, black, white and red as he requested. There was gold and red paint on his face. Symbol of power and victory. And It was the day of his victory, but he felt ridiculous. With painted face and this odd clothes. He sighed again hearing as the door opened, expecting burst of laughter. Instead, he heard silence. He turned around curious to glanced at Ren. Kylo was standing in the door looking at him with awe almost.
"It will be… Well-received by people… It looks absurd i know."
"Hux…" Kylo said quietly, he came closer and took Hux's hand. He kissed his knuckle and get down on one knee "You look like a God."
Hux was silent. There was no need for words. And Gods does not speak with mortals. But he smiled and looked in the mirror again, and he knew he will paint his Galaxy red and gold.
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rommonoch · 7 months ago
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Day 2: "Millicent" for Kylux short shorts @kyluxshortshorts
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captainpains · 7 months ago
Meet Cute (Kylux)
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For the @kyluxshortshorts. Enjoy🖤🧡
Prompt: Public Transit
Warnings: Modern AU, yearning, meet cute, strip clubs, Hux is a stripper,
Armitage Hux, despite what some may think, was perfectly fine with taking public transit. He had grown up in London, a city with excellent public transportation, at least when compared to the US. He was lucky to live in New York City, one of the few places with any public transit. He was used to the filth and the rush hour crowds, used to the oddness of some of the fellow patrons.
However, he could do without the shoving.
A particularly harsh shove to his front caused him to bump into the person behind him, namely what felt like that person’s guitar case.
“I’m terribly sorr-” Hux turned to the side to apologize, but was utterly dumbfounded by the attractive beast of a man that was behind him. He was very tall, taller than himself, and broad. He was wearing all black and was clearly into the punk aesthetic, with an eyebrow piercing, layered chain necklaces, and jean vest. He also had very muscular arms that were covered in tattoos. 
“It’s alright.” The man said – in a smooth, deep voice – as he picked up his guitar case that was leaning against him.
“I hope your guitar is okay.” Hux blurted out, still a little gobsmacked that this stranger was so handsome.
“No, it’ll be okay. A little knock wouldn't hurt it; it is a Gibson.” He gave the case a little pat before grabbing the handle. “Oh, I like your accent by the way, sounds kinda sexy.”
And with that the handsome stranger exited the subway at the next stop.
Now, Hux had only expected to see this man once. He sees hundreds of people a week just on the subway. What were the odds of seeing him again?
Well, a couple of weeks later, he saw that same man when he was working at his second job, at the strip club. He had lost shame about his stripping back in university, when his father cut him off it became the best way to earn money on a busy class schedule. However, partners in the past had shown their great distaste for his occupation, calling him a whore and demanding he quit for them. He had always refused, feeling hurt over the lack of trust in him, especially because he had never been dishonest about it. Hux was worried that this dark, handsome stranger would be the same, even though he probably would not ask the other man out or even remember him. So, he was sitting at the bar, chatting with Phasma, the bartender.
“So, are you going to tell me why you are avoiding that biker gang?” Phasma asked, pointing at the table that had Mr. Subway at it.
“You remember that guy from the metro I told you about? He’s sitting over there, and I’d rather not embarrass myself in front of him again. Besides, I can make up the money this weekend.”
“Really? I mean one of those guys had been staring at you since you took the pole earlier. Maybe it’s him?”
“No, and even if it was, I doubt that he would remember me at all.”
“Well, he is coming this way. Better put on a pretty smile.”
Hux glared at her. He turned his face away from the approaching man, wanting to
“Can I get a Long Island Iced Tea?” The sardonic voice that has permeated his recent dreams asked.
Hux cringed a little bit hearing it. He should not have been dreaming about this stranger reassuring and praising him. 
“Do I know you?” Mr. Subway asked, clearly directed at Hux. Hux took a deep breath before turning to face him, and he was as handsome as he remembered, eyebrow piercing and all.
“No, I don’t believe you do,” came his answer. Mr. Subway’s brown eyes gave the smallest flash of hurt before it vanished and he put on a cavalier smile.
“I’m Kylo, Kylo Ren,” he said. “And I’d remember your pretty hair anywhere. You bumped into me on the subway, but I wouldn’t expect you to remember, probably talk to guys twice as attractive as me everyday.”
“No! You are twice as attractive as them.” Hux had to actually cover his mouth after that. He wanted nothing more than to be swallowed by the floor.”
“Thanks, Red.” Kylo smirked. Phasma then placed his drink in front of him. Hux looked at her with pleading eyes, wanting to be put out of his misery. 
“So, Red, how’s it going?”
Hux found Kylo fairly easy to talk to – and by that he means causing him to ramble on and on about his projects at his other job and his cat. Kylo was kind enough to listen to him, and cheerly answered his own chit chat questions. Hux learned that he was a part of a band, where he played lead guitar. He worked at a mechanic’s shop, and his favorite color was black. 
“Hey, Kylo, we're gonna head out soon. But you can stay with your little boyfriend if you want.” One of Kylo’s friends interjected into their conversation.
“No, man, I’ll only be a minute.” Kylo replied. He then grabbed a napkin from the bar counter and scribbled down his number on it.
“Give me a call, I’d love to take you out sometime.”
Hux’s heart fluttered as he accepted the napkin with Kylo’s number on it. With a wink and a smirk, Kylo left the club with the rest of his friends.
“Armie’s got a crush!”
“Oh, shut up, Phas.”
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hux-and-gay · 7 months ago
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 4: Otherworldly
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pls reblog I dont have Ao3 yet
Part: 1/ at least 2
BenArmie folklore AU
(I have a lot of WIPs for the shorts fest, I know it’s late now but I got busy so we’ll see how many I get to posting)
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Ben ran through the woods as fast as his feet could carry him, mud splattered across his thighs, stumbling over roots, leaves getting tangled in his thick black hair. He felt so free, the cold air assaulting his cheeks and nose, turning them rosy pink. He could smell the river ahead so he dashed forward almost laughing with joy as he ran further and further from the den, never looking back. When he came to the river he stopped only to catch his breath before wading into the water, dancing, splashing his face, not caring his trousers were getting soaked. 
“What are you doing?” A quiet voice asked from the opposite shore. Ben ceased his frolicking and turned to look at the creature, a small boy with a mess of ginger hair, pale skin dotted with freckles, a mask of a fox adorning his face. 
“I’m wading, it’s fun. You should join me.” He held a hand out to the boy smiling eagerly. He had never met another boy his age, and he looked so sweet. 
“My father told me not to speak to strangers.” He said, looking at Ben hesitantly fiddling with the small satchel slung over his shoulder. His baggy shorts and thin undershirt emphasized his small frame, and his arms and feet were wrapped in cloth bandages. Ben didn’t think any of them, it was probably easier to run with his feet protected. 
“My name's Ben. There now I'm not a stranger.”
“I- I suppose you’re right.” He smiled, taking his hand and tenderly stepping into the water. He shivered. “It’s cold.”
“Yeah but it’s nice.” Ben said, spinning in a circle kicking up spray as he did so. 
The fox boy flinched, backing away from the splash.  “If you say so.” 
“Oh look! Baby fish!” Ben exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the water rippling around their feet. 
“Oh! They're biting my feet!” He bent down a little looking at them curiously lazily following their swimming patterns with one of his thin fingers. 
“Hmm maybe I can catch some…” Ben said rubbing his chin and glancing around, being careful not to move his feet as not to disturb them. “but I don’t have a bucket. Oh well.” He glanced at the water again and something caught his eye. “Wait, look, by your foot, there’s a rock!”
The boy looked back up at him unimpressed. “There are a lot of rocks.”
Ben rolled his eyes, and pointed, which admittedly wasn’t very helpful. “The flat one.”
The boy picked up the flat rock and handed it to him. “What’s so special about it, it just looks like a rock.”
“It’s perfect for skipping.” He said rolling over the rock in his hand running his fingers across the wet surface.  “Do you know how to skip rocks?”
“Oh well I’ll show you. It’s just like…” He tossed the rock and it immediately sank with a loud plop as it hit the water. “oh- I Guess I’m not very good at skipping rocks.” He snorted, laughing to cover up his embarrassment. 
The boy had been watching him intently. He picked up another flat rock from the water and tossed it,“Like this?” It made three skips before sinking. 
“Oh wow! That was so cool!” Ben said patting him on the back aggressively and smiling with awe. 
“Not really.” 
“You aren’t very enthusiastic about anything, are you?” He chuckled. 
“What’s the use of a rock if you’re not going to keep it?” The boy pointed out picking up another rock from the water and briefly examining it before dropping it back. 
“Oh! I didn’t think of it that way.” He thought about what the boy had said. It was pretty witty, I mean why would you not want to keep a rock? Rocks are cool. He turned back to him smiling “That’s really smart actually, you’re really neat! You like collecting rocks?”
“Special ones” He said, shrugging.  “Some say there's gold in this river, but I’ve only ever found pyrite.”
“Fake gold…” He pulled out a shiny silver stone from his satchel and held it out to Ben. “Like this”
“It’s so pretty!” Ben beamed, taking it gently in his hands looking it over. 
“You can have it, it’s useless.” The boy answered dryly. 
“Who cares, it's pretty!” Ben pocketed the stone feeling very accomplished to be in the possession of such a pretty gem, whether it was worth something or not. 
The boy looked down at his feet, maybe he was watching the fish again, they had returned after being scared away by Ben’s failed attempt at rock skipping. “My father says it’s no use to keep useless things unless you can use them for a purpose.” He stated meekly. 
“Sounds wise.” Ben wasn’t entirely sure he understood what all that had meant, but it sounded very adult. 
“Where’s your mask?” The boy asked Suddenly. 
“In my bag.” Ben replied, patting the sack slung over his shoulder. He didn’t like wearing his mask, it made his face sweat, and it was harder to see. 
“Isn’t that dangerous? Someone could steal it.” He said, peeking around Ben to see just a tiny bit of the mask peeking out of the sack. 
“Don’t tell me you believe those stories about “whoever steals your mask owns your soul.” He laughed with his hands on his hips. 
“Don’t you?” Ben could tell he was genuine. 
Ben shook his head. “Of course not, parents just tell their kids that so that they get scared.” He insisted, patting the shorter boy on the head. 
“I guess…” he stated hesitantly trying to fix his ruffled hair as if it hadn’t been needlessly tangled prior. 
“So What are you doing out by the river on your own?” Ben asked, tilting his head. 
“Foraging, for dinner.” The boy answered, holding open his satchel to show various mushrooms, roots, and plants inside. 
“Oh right, Foxes are Omnivores.” Ben nodded remembering what little he knew of the other creatures. 
“Yes. My father is hunting.” He nodded, closing his satchel and securing it on his hip again. “What about you?”
“I’m running away.” Ben admired nonchalantly. 
“Running away? Won’t your parents be angry?” The boy questioned. 
“It doesn’t matter if they never find me.” Ben added smirking. 
“They won’t hunt you down?” The boy seemed confused. 
“Maybe they’ll try. But I’m good at hiding.” He smiled confidently. “You could run away with me if you want.” Ben wouldn’t mind having another boy his age with him on his travels. 
“I can’t.” The boy answered, scratching at his bandaged arm as he looked down again. 
“That’s okay.” Though Ben had to admit he was slightly disappointed. They stood in silence for a few minutes before Ben asked. “You know you can take off your mask, right?”
“No thank you.” The boy answered simply. 
“What? Afraid I’ll steal it?” Ben chuckled smirking. 
“I’m just being careful.” The boy added, instinctively placing hand on the intracuite fox design.  “I could easily steal yours if I wanted to.” He pointed out. 
Ben smirked, “Oh alright then, try!” He pulled his mask out of his bag and held it behind his back. 
The boy didn’t even wait a second he lunged at Ben who just barely side stepped away trying to stay facing the fox at all times. They chased each other in circles around the river splashing up water, running, jumping, growling, laughing, soon the sun was setting. Ben held the mask above his head. “You’ll never get it now!” He laughed, “You’re too small!” He added teasing. The boy grunted but instead of trying to jump for the mask like Ben had expected he dove for his legs, knocking him off his feet and tacking him, pinning him down in the water. 
“Woah-“ Ben exclaimed breathlessly looking up at the boy who sat on his chest with amazement. He yanked the mask from Ben’s hand and held it in the air triumphantly. Then he brought it down to look at it and froze. Ben could see the goose bumps on his skin, but maybe it was just the water, they had been thoroughly soaked now. 
“you’re a wolf.” He said quietly. Ben couldn’t read his expression mostly hidden behind the mask, side his mouth. 
“Is that a problem?” Ben asked, confused. 
“I suppose not.” He answered, feeling the mask over in his hands. “We’re both predators.”
“Yes but I’m the Apex predator!” Ben said proudly, sitting up in the water and flexing his muscles. “That means everything is Prey to me.” he snarled jokingly.
Suddenly the boy shoved the mask back into his arms. “Take it back!” He insisted urgently. 
“What? But you stole it!” Ben exclaimed, confused. 
“ I don’t want it! I don’t want your soul!” He seemed distressed. 
Ben shook his head. “Those are just Myths, it’s okay they don’t mean anything.” He smiled trying to reassure him.
“But I don’t want it!” He reinforced. 
“No, you stole it fair and square and you should keep it.” He retorted, sounding slightly annoyed that he wouldn't accept the prize he rightfully won. “I’m sure your father would be proud you stole a wolf's mask.” At the mention of his father the boy seemed to make a face Ben couldn’t quite read. He then dropped the mask into the water beside them, purposely. 
“Well, I dropped it so that means you can steal it back!”
“You really care about this mask thing don’t you?” He asked rhetorically, shaking his head laughing. 
“Well, if it is just myths as you say it is, then it wouldn’t make sense for me to keep it. Remember, I’m not supposed to keep useless things.”
Ben thought about it and nodded to himself before speaking. “I don’t think anything is completely useless.”
“maybe…” he looked like he would say something more but he was cut off by a voice calling from the distance. 
The fox boy turned to the sound quickly and scrambled up to his feet. “I have to go” He rushed out of the water and grimaced at the sight of the wet stain on his satchel. 
“wait!” Ben called out to him. 
“yes?” The boy said, turning back. 
“If you're not going to take off your mask, can you at least tell me what color your eyes are?” Ben asked curiously. 
And with that he turned back and walked into the trees disappearing from view.
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I had been listening to Harpy Hare, by Yaelokre and I found a Picrew where you could make a Yaelokre OC I got bored so I decided to use the fox and wolf mask to make Hux and Kylo and from there I got the idea from this AU. It now has a whole bunch of lore, so we’ll see how far this takes me.
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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dragonflies-draw-flame · 7 months ago
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For prompt "In Another Life." Quote from "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold.
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jaynesilver · 7 months ago
Hey! My first piece for @kyluxshortshorts 2024! I have been so excited watching seeing that you’ve all created for the fest. I’ve been having a blast all day, and I’m pleased to finally have time to get my own piece posted!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Memory Loss, Hopeful Ending, Bittersweet Summary: Nothing worked out how Armitage Hux planned.
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threewinterssnow · 7 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren Additional Tags: History Student Kylo Ren, Demon Armitage Hux, Kylo should not be left unattended Summary:
Kylo is excited to explore all the historical places he learned about, but he takes a wrong turn and ends up somewhere he shouldn't be. Who knows what's lurking behind long-closed doors?
Ancient History for @kyluxshortshorts
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wisedo · 7 months ago
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Kylux Short Shorts 2024 - Fear No battle station to threaten the galaxy? Use Kylo Ren instead!
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kyluxshortshorts · 8 months ago
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Look how glamorous we are! 💅 We hope you're all as excited about the upcoming fest as we are about this beautiful new banner from @tomatette! 😎 You're the best for supporting our little fest! ☀️
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gayspacecowboys · 7 months ago
In true me fashion, this is both late AND I couldn't stay under the word limit that I set for myself lmaooo
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dirtbag-linecook-kyloren · 7 months ago
better late than neverrrr i started work today and there’s a tropical storm that’s gonna hit our new city so things are G R E A T
they’re honestly fine but i’m dramatic
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not-so-allegiant-general · 7 months ago
In another life @kyluxshortshorts
"Would you said yes? In another life?"
Hux snorted taking a sip of alcohol looking at Ren's big brown eyes, soft hair and long lashes.
'In another life. Yes. I would. But not in this one. It's nothing personal. I am married to my work. Finalizer is my bride."
"Who would you be?" Hux shook his head amused and stayed silent when knight sat down next to him on blue couch. "Engineer? I bet. The brightest one in your part of Galaxy... I would be young Jedi sent to you for... Something important" Hux snorted.
"Your imagination is lacking Ren" he murmured. " You would be sent to investigate suspicious transactions your order discovered. They would believe they are connected to a dangerous group called knights of Ren that they keep an eye on." Kylo laughed.
"Yes. Exactly. And i would fall in love with you. Forbidden love and all that. You would pretend to feel nothing as you always do but i would know. I would be able to do anything for you. Even throw away my whole life. Maybe I would even join these knights of Ren to impress you. Kill their master, became a new one and... "
"Force me into submission with lightsaber and new gang? "He raised his eyebrow "Leaving me with no choice"
Kylo bit his lip
"So i guess in this life you wouldn't say yes either"
"I guess so."
"Maybe... In a life where you would be a sniper. I would be a Prince, your target. You would spare me and... "
"I would detest you for a single fact of being a Prince. I would fuck you. I would let you have me but i would go back to the First Order leaving you with nothing, only memories and maybe wound in your stomach."
" I would be a sailor and you siren."
"Oh i would fuck you and then eat you without second thoughts, Ren."
"What a way to go."
"Indeed." Hux snorted. They fell silent.
"A quiet home. Small planet. Living like normal people? Maybe we would be already done with First Order. I would... I don't know... Fly..."
"Ah yes leaving me alone for months. I would take simple, small engineering jobs that would drive me mad.... You would be on some longer flight across galaxy and i would get drunk and slash my veins open. You would find my rotten body after a month. " Kylo sighed and stood up taking a few steps and then stopped.
" I would be Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. And you would be General Armitage Hux." He glanced at him. Hux raised his eyebrow. "On the day of my coronation i would kneel before you and tell you that all of this including me is yours. And you are free to do with this whatever you want."
"I would accept that offer." Hux said after brief silence.
"But... Would you marry me then?"
"Ah. I think You know what you have to do to find out." Hux looked down on his glass. Kylo closed his eyes for a moment and stormed out of the room. He had a Supreme Leader to kill.
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