#anyone can cast fireball bitch
More EXU Calamity, finally. Ep 2 part 2 ( after the break)
:O poison!!
Omg they saved purvan sol. This storytelling is really good!!!
Did....did vespin try to dethrone and replace a betrayer god!!?!?!??!
Oh my god. This is... wild. But it makes sense.
Oh my god the intrigue
This world building is intense I love
It all ties together!!!!! The tree!!!!
I love slowly putting the pieces together omg it's so exciting
That reporter was onto something. Then loquatious fucking dismissed her. Omg
"Whats the biggest, dumbest, statue in here? It's mine now" God I love Aabria she's amazing
Bro was sneaking around in his office in the fucking dark!?!?!? Sir?? You up to some bullshit
God I love wizard rules lawyer-ing about spells, it honestly feels like how the game should be played.
Fireball is such a good spell. It's such an answer to anything. :P
Technically perfect casting!!!! I love this character building for Laerynn
Holy fuck he didn't even act. Wizards. <3
"Anyone can cast fireball bitch"
God I love when DM's allow high level wizards to do trivial shit for free
Omg the intrigue continues
Omg they didn't tell him. Was he trying to figure it out!?!?! This letter is really something.
Druid of the ____ Ashari????????????? Of Toro munda????????
This is....... I love the history here. It's. So. Interesting!!!
Patia's sphere is....... wild. I wanna know what it is!! I wanna know what it does!!!! Its so cool.
Omg the hubris of the PC's is wild
God... brennanas description of the hall for prophecy is... wildly amazing.
:O oracles are going mad.... in like a fucking disease spread...... what is this?
Oh my god. Oh my god not the mirrors
Oh no!?!?!? Are all the mad oracles just fiends!?!?!?
Wtf is up with reflections!?!?!?
"You know me" "I know you well" :O
He fucking.... GoEs ThRoUgH!?!?!?
Why.... is he.... pitying... the lord of the hells??
Is this vespin chloris!?!?!?
Did he.... ascend to become the lord of the hells? What does that imply???
Resemblance to Evandrin!?!?!? I don't look the same to everybody. "Before it all went wrong"???!?!?!?!!!! "Most beautiful face mortals have even seen"
"Why doesn't he look like me" Sam whyyyyyyyyyy
Zerxus my bro what are you up to
"It opened and we all tumbled out" ouchie wtf
But I guess ur gonna get a lot of info Zerxus good on u for that.
Wait asmodeus is onto something?
Mortals twisted the idea..... huh
It's called sympathy for the betrayer gods?????
You are being lied to. By whom though!?!?!?!? My bro tell usssssss I'm so curiousssssss
Oh he's BITTER... did the city kinda kill Evandrin!?!?!?
He interrupts atonement.... for a protection from good and evil..... I wonder what would've happened if the atonement completed?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what an episode!!!!!!!
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tsaritza-mika · 6 months
Sorry not Sorry guys...
I respect all your inter-companion romance ships, and I hope they bring you joy and endless inspiration, but I have a primal need for something different. I don't need my companions dating each other.
I need them to be the most dysfunctional yet supportive found family they can be
I need Karlach to be literal 'Mama K' and grab Shadowheart and Lae'zel by the scruff and put them on coat hangers, telling them that if they can't say anything nice, then shut the fuck up for five minutes and if they can do that, then she'll come and let them down
I need Astarion and Gale to get into such a spat that all dignity and posh goes out the fucking window, and they devolve into two grown-ass men having a 13-year-old style slap fight while calling each other the harshest of obscenities, but if anyone from the outside tries calling either of them less than fabulous, they join forces and fuck them up
I need Wyll, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel to do each other's hair while discussing all the ways they've taken down various opponents and monsters, and how they would have done things better
I need Jaheira just smacking everyone upside the head whenever they say or do something stupid. Because gods dammit why is she always the only one who can see trouble from a hundred miles away, only to have her perception check fail and stumble right into a trap Halsin had set up to catch food for dinner
I need Astarion to embroider offensive cross stitch into every other companion's tents when he's left behind at camp, for no other reason than he's feeling salty that day
I need Halsin to wildshape into a bear just so he can surprise Karlach with an actual bear and Clive having a tea party with flower crowns and drawings of the horrible ways Gortash will be killed
I need Shadowheart being a petty bitch and letting anyone who was being especially stupid in a fight get a little too close to death as punishment before finally healing them. Because that's just what healers do
I need Gale pranking people with his spells. Use mage hand to yank the rug out from under Lae'zel after she insisted that he was too squishy to fight properly. Casting 'create water' over Shadowheart to ruin her makeup in retaliation for saying last night's stew was a bit bland. Use Telekinesis to fling Astarion off in some random direction because dammit Gale just woke up, and the man needs his coffee before he can properly deal with all of that first thing in the damn morning
I need Lae'zel to take pillow fights just a little too seriously
I need Wyll begging Halsin and Jaheira if they can wildshape into a bear and a shark just so he can ride both of them through the Chionthar while recklessly casting Fireball and Lightning Bolt at the sky, because just think of how cool he would look doing it
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honourablejester · 6 days
Watching Exandria Unlimited Calamity again, and one of my absolutely favourite moments is still when Aabria as Laerryn (abjuration wizard) is informed that the wizard she just absolutely deleted inside a single turn with a fireball/construct combo happened to be an evocation wizard:
“Oh, an evoker? Anyone can cast fireball, bitch! You’re not special!”
Just immediately, straight off the cuff. I just love the immediate pettiness and kneejerk dissing of the man’s school, after basically killing the man with what should have been his own weapon, an evocation spell. Wizards are so petty and I love it.
And, I mean. To be fair. Laerryn is an abjuration tank who stayed standing through the fairly literal end of the world (granted, with the help of a timely Healing Word), and this guy went down in a single turn without getting so much as a shot off. A fireball doesn’t need to be boosted if it does its job the first time and you back it up with a quite literal one-two punch from a summoned construct to tie this combat in a bow. Evokers are flashy. Abjurers, apparently, are thorough. But still. So petty.
(As am I, because abjuration is my second favourite school after illusion, and I’m not feeling remotely smug-by-association here, not at all. Heh)
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yuri-cocaine · 3 months
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trucking along on msq
-bakool ja ja i owe you an apology. i wasn't familiar with your game.
-i ran into some fuckass weirdo who held up the whole run of skydeep cenote to complain about how much they hate msq. holy shit ive never seen anyone do this even for arr and sb. i tried vote kicking but it didnt work :/ block v'runja raqu on balmung to save yourself a big headache
-every zone is gorjus but my fav zone so far is urqopacha, fav zone music is kozama'uka, and fav towns are in yak tel. theres something really cozy about hroth town and mamook is a beautiful stonework city in a blue magical forest. mamook reminds me of lost city of amdapor but Blue. ive headcanoned yuma's hometown of camoa village to be something similar so maybe i can gpose in mamook instead of queueing into amdapor
-zoraal ja is my failhusband. all he does is scowl and want everyone to die in a big war. talking to everyone in the landsguard hq is kinda funny bc they're all like uhhhhh when's commander zoraal ja coming back. is he even coming back or...???
-awwww im glad wuk lamat made koana co-dawnservant ;w; now they can build infrastructure
-gulool ja ja's "oh right" when he tried looked at his brother's head and stopped casting his big fireball is rly sad now bc his brother isn't asleep, he's dead :( imagine living with your brother's dead head grafted onto your body for three years. what if it....starts to smell bad......
-as much as i like wuk lamat, i really didnt enjoy the feats so im really excited to travel xak tural with erenville. shaaloani's desert landscape is also gorjus with the graphics update bc before all that sand would just be a badly textured lump (sagolii desert...)
-the fact that ppl in shaaloani have american accents is taking me out LMFAO
-my theory for why erenville has such a strong icelandic accent is bc in addition to taking an eastern viera name, he also copied the eastern viera accent. as for why vieras living in othard have icelandic accents, uh...other than it being a carry over from ff12, maybe viera language is just. icelandic. but in dalmasca.
-ive always thought sharlayan is the scandinavia of etheirys but they're also greek-ish so who even knows at this point.
-in elpis, there's a sidequest where an ancient has a yellowish cactuar called notos 626 and he couldn't think of a suitable name for it. in urqopacha, the same kind of cactuar is all over the place and they're called notocactuar!!! so in the end, i guess he never named it :0
-why are the nopalitenders so fucked up.......estinien likes eating them tho
-i bet my cowboy boots that the sheriff in town is corrupt and it's up to a rootin' tootin' by god be shootin' young upstart to challenge him and restore peace to the wild west
-and by that, i mean the wol. wol will restore peace. i love that erenville just does not fight at all, so when those mad max from shein lookin ass bandits threatened to hang erenville up by the ears i got so protective of him LMFAO eat the full force of my level 100 burst bitch
-im not fucking bakool ja ja
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Siberian definitely knew exactly how to act around Bitch. And also, it's the Slaughterhouse Nine, who isn't trying to play a long con on their own team there? So yeah, this is somewhat of a twist, but it's not entirely out of left field.
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And Amy's back! With a plan Skitter says definitely won't put her in any danger... but it's a Skitter plan. I don't think that's how Skitter plans work.
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Tattletale, NO.
Why is everyone constantly so awful to Amy? Literally every single person in her life. Even the people supposedly trying to save her from the S9.
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...We're not Weiss?
Sorry, RWBY joke over now. Though if I'm thinking of these two together now, I would like to see Skitter rot Ozpin's dick off with brown recluses...
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Neither do I! Neither does Glory Girl!
Neither does Panacea!
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Of course there's a Cauldron tattoo. Everyone weird and powerful and important has a Cauldron tattoo! But the swan is new...
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Well FUCK.
She didn't notice "Tattletale" was quite a bit shorter than usual, or "Grue" was thinner? How does this stuff work, picking and choosing which features of people you're allowed to recognize and put to a name and which you can't?
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Okay apparently I forgot to crop this one and I don't recall precisely where I was going to. Downsides to reading Worm in tiny print on a tiny screen after being awake 17 hours, I suppose.
Real power move with the "you call yourself a supervillain?" "I call myself Skitter" exchange though. It reminds me of that person who was like "my pronouns are I/me and the rest are other people's problem to figure out".
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Leave her alone, Jack, that's not being any kinder than all the people who kept telling her she had to be good. You're just reinforcing all of Carol's shit that she internalized about destiny and all that.
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Oops! Real "I didn't ask how big the room was, I said I cast fireball" vibes here.
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Okay that's not Brian or Lisa, but still. GAAAAAYYYYYYYYY
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I assume the "no tongue" requirement is purely so Taylor doesn't give Lisa an overdose of the prion cure. If she limits it to just what will cure Lisa, then Taylor keeps more in herself to reproduce faster, so she can go on spreading it to everyone else. Lisa knew that, obviously. If it weren't such an urgent life or death situation, she absolutely would have asked for tongue.
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Ah, warlord Skitter... back in her territory at last. No longer having to fight overpowered supervillains every other hour round the clock, she can finally go home and relax and absolutely terrorize the poor fools who thought she might be dead. Fun times!
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No hard limit? Even the speed of light? He'd probably turn into something at that speed, but he sure could cross a lot of distance. Depending where the planets are in their orbits, he could head out to anywhere in the solar system and be back in a day. Imagine the science he could help with, just by carrying a couple of CubeSats in a backpack!
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Ah, so he has thought about space travel. It does seem perfectly tailored for interstellar flight at just below c, in rest mode for however many years it takes to reach the destination. But the real power there is stopping instantly. What this man needs is a tinker who can fit him with a device that stores all that kinetic energy he's losing instead of just letting his breaker power destroy it. He flies out at near light speed somewhere, comes to a stop instantly to charge up truly incomprehensible amounts of power, and then you've got the power cell for any superweapon you want.
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So is the Number Man a precog too? I know he was originally mentioned as a banker, but clearly he's high up in Cauldron.
Also even if you think you're good at detecting lies, why would you trust anything anyone at Cauldron tells you. Especially if, as Legend pointed out, alternate realities make it trivial to cover your tracks?
Also, seeing that all three of the Triumvirate are working with Cauldron is... not encouraging, to say the least. There's something shady going on here, likely a thousand different somethings shady going on, and the Protectorate is compromised. If only Skitter knew, she'd have a field day seeing that all the so-called "heroes" are useless and no better than her team.
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hi vik!
i just wanted to scoot in here and ask smth rq!! this is not an admonishment i’m just curious /gen
is there a reason skinny people have to be put down to lift fat people? like! idk personally i think body positivity should include All bodies big middle and small. if we’re skinny shaming people for their bodies we’re still commenting on how they look which can. really. have negative effects (as a person w eating issues)
plus like!! skinny is not always a choice just as fat is not always a choice. pre-diagnosis type 1 diabetics or people with overactive metabolisms or people who were in bad environments and developed an eating disorder just. idk it feels a little weird that body positivity (esp on tumblr) is Only about fat people it feels counterintuitive
this is all /nm /gen i am just!!! curious okay have a good day :D
Hi anon! I'm not quite sure what post you might be talking about, so I've scrolled through all my reblogs from the pst 24 hours to find all the posts about fat/skinny people to try and find the problem. If its not one of these post you were talking about feel free to send me the link of the one you were talking about, or that made you want to ask me this.
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I don't think this is making fun of skinny people, just pointing out art often over exaggerates skinniness to an extreme, making people think any drawing where a woman isn't incredibly tiny is a "plus sized" drawing even though irl they would be considered skinny.
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This one doesn't mention skinny people at all, just saying how some people from cultures out side of the us often like to dog pile on the idea "all Americans are fat and that makes them gross haha" which is a complete dog shit take for many reasons. I also say in the tags that we should not make fun of anyone for what they eat or how much they eat, that includes skinny people and people who only eat "healthy" foods, and people who don't eat a lot.
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I mean both fat bitches and skinny bitches alike can not cast fireball. Sadly. There should be more fat bitches casting fireball in video games tho
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I'm pretty sure this might be the one that made you upset, it has a much meaner tone then the rest. But it's also not making fun of skinny people. It's saying "if you reblog fat positive posts, just to say something along the lines of "i agree but im sooo small and skinny and tiny! But i agree!" You are scared of being seen as fat. And yes, I do understand that ED's play a real role in this, I have two teen sisters who both have ED's and last summer I only let myself eat anything other them sugar  free mints and black coffee once every three days I have both expected and seen first hand what ED's do. But that doesn't excuse the fact going on a fat positive post and showing everyone you are scared of being confused for a fat person can make fat people also scared about being seen as fat. It can also make anyone thats still pretty skinny or small thats even a bit bigger then you scared that maybe they are "too big"
I am really genuinely sorry if any I have personally said or reblogged has made you mad or hurt you anon. I don't think anything I've recently said was anti skinny or trying to make skinny people feel bad for there weight. Again if it wasn't one of these posts you were concerned about please send it to me so I can try and understand more of where you are coming from
/gen hope you have a good day too anon!!:3
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asdfasdf wizards get shit for armor and hit points but also Holy Shit Dude
laerryn is having A Night
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nat1nonsense · 2 years
“Anyone can cast fireball, bitch. You’re not special”
This is my favourite thing Aabria has ever said
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electricnerd · 2 years
Laerryn: *turns a Magister into a bloody smear on the wall in the matter of about six seconds* Oh, an evoker? Anyone can cast fireball, bitch.
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thebloodredroses · 2 years
"Anyone can cast Fireball, bitch"
Wise words to live by
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nixotinix · 2 years
Been a while since I've made a post about dnd! But here I am again, back on my bullshit. And today, I'd like to bring you..
The Unspoken Rules of Dungeons and Dragons
Rule number 1, and the most important. Always watch your fellow PCs' backs. I don't care how much your character doesn't like their character and I don't care how deep into a shit hole you are. Better to heal them somehow than leave it to chance with death saves. If there's anything you can do to prevent your teammate from dying, do! It!! My fighter took a fireball to the face to keep the sorcerer (who'd failed 2 death saves) and the bard (whom the fighter doesn't like) from taking more damage, and our ranger managed to get them back on their feet. Nobody wants to roll up a new character because you wanted to be cool in combat.
Rule 2, this one has been talked about to death and back. Don't. Split. The. Party. Especially not in a dungeon or combat. One, it's a surefire way to get everybody killed. God forbid you or anyone else in your group doesn't know healing spells because the cleric took a different path. Two, it can cause some players to feel left out. Someone I play with left a campaign because the DM ran 3 hours of dnd in which they were the only PC not included. Splitting the party never leads to good things happening. It's fine to split the player characters from NPCs, but don't separate the PCs.
Rule 3. Don't metagame. If you don't know what metagaming is, the best way I can describe it is using out of game knowledge to affect things that happen in game. For example, if you know you're fighting a certain enemy later, and you look up its stats and see it's resistant to fire damage. So your spellcaster doesn't cast fireball. Or, an easier example, looking up a creature's armor class so you automatically know what hits and what doesn't. This can spoil the fun for everyone at the table, including you. So don't do it.
Rule 4. This one's important. It's ok for your characters, or even players, to argue. If your cleric thinks what the rogue and bard are doing is a dumb fucking idea, it's ok for your cleric to voice that. My fighter and the bard at my table argue all the fucking time, to the point where an NPC and our sorcerer have compared them to a married couple. But it is important to separate the game from real life. Yes, the fighter and bard argue often. But we don't hate each other in real life. We've had our issues with each other, but I'm not gonna call him a stupid fucking bitch.
Rule 5. If you don't say it, it doesn't happen. If the DM isn't present, it doesn't happen. For an example, my DM pulled the sorcerer into a different voice chat and told me and the other 2 party members to talk about what the course of action was. And we did talk about it. In character. Big mistake. When DM got back 20 minutes later, he immediately retconned our conversation and told us to redo it with him there. In hindsight, it's funny as fuck. But in the moment, it was kinda dumb.
Rule 6, this one added in post. It's common to have quieter players at the table, whether they themselves are quiet or it's their character. Try your best to help them feel included. And if it's someone at the table who's making them go quiet, address it. For example, my group recently had to kick a player. I'd only played 2 sessions without this person, and the other 3 people in the group agreed that I did better without them. So we kicked them from our party and I'm doing better now. But while they were still there, our ranger often had to pitch into conversations like "*insert fighter name*, what do you think?" Or things of the like. I didn't talk because I never got the chance. If you see something like this going on, or notice that any other player is beginning to feel upset, bring it up to at least the Dungeon Master. D&D is about fun, and nobody should be spoiling the fun for someone else.
Now for some more rapid fire tips.
If a character's accent or manner of dialect changes, no it didn't.
Saying "what's the worst that can happen" is the most surefire way to assure that the worst will happen.
Have fun! Start bar fights. Trick the red dragon with a deck of illusions. Be an idiot. Dnd is about fun.
Don't betray the party.
Don't edit/write on someone else's character sheet.
Don't mock other players.
ALL players should have their chance to shine. This goes just as well for the players and the dungeon master.
If you do something shitty because "it's just what my character would do", don't be surprised when your character gets beaten to death and thrown down a well.
Don't start genuine PvP. Sparring and fighting is ok, but PCs trying to kill each other won't go over well.
Stay off your phone at the table.
If the DM says no, the answer is no.
A tip for the DMs: your goal is to make a fun world for the characters to interact with. Your goal is not to make a world that the characters just kinda. Inhabit.
Don't let the rogue get you into a situation the fighter can't get you out of.
Everything has consequences. Yes, even that.
If it can't be solved by violence, you aren't using enough violence.
If all else fails, scatter.
Don't use D&D as a revenge fantasy against a player.
And that's all! I hope this was insightful and at least entertaining to read. I've got plenty of D&D stories and advice to share, so expect me to talk more. Til next time!
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rocknrollarticles · 4 years
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Chris Simmonds interviews Jon Lord for Beat International Magazine, December 1975
(article transcription continues below the cut)
Lord of The Deep
“I don’t think rock could exist and roll exist without solos — it’s a vital form of musical expression.”
Jon Lord of Deep Purple is undoubtedly a rarity. He combines the most pleasing qualities, rarely found among others enjoying a similar position on the Rock and Roll roundabout. We have man who has been making successful records for over seven years, and who remains both verbally and musically articulate with out ever resorting to the more flamboyant pretensions exhibited by so many of his contemporaries. He is a star, to be sure, but never to the point of camouflaging the musician.
With the reformed Purple off to the States until Christmas, we were delighted when Jon agreed to meet us at the airport before take-off to talk about Purple, new and old, and in general his particular role as keyboard player. The time was apt as we had just heard enough of the tapes of the band’s new album (Come Taste The Band) to suggest that it would totally eclipse the rather disappointing Stormbringer.
Jon, notorious for his late plane catching, arrived early this time, and cast his mind back to the days of Deep Purple Mark 1. The In Rock album was certainly the first major step towards worldwide acceptance, and we asked how this style change had been linked with the departure of original members Rod Evans and Nicky Simper, vocals and bass. 
“Christ, that far back. My memory isn’t all that good. Basically, it was that three people in the band wanted two to leave, and In Rock shows exactly what we wanted to get into. In fact, we had already been playing the In Rock style on stage, but we had never done it on an album. With lan Gillan and Roger Glover in the band, we had two rock and rollers, much more so than the others.
“It might just have been the climate of the times, but we did feel that the previous albums had rambled a bit. This attitude almost went against us, because we were so concise with In Rock that it became very hard to follow. This move was in fact largely motivated by Ritchie, and the general agreement by the majority of the band was that this was what we should do.
“I went down at the time as saying that I totally agreed with the policy but thought it should have been little more relaxed, and as a result of that Ritchie and I had a few arguments. These resolved themselves and resulted in Machine Head which, apart from the new one, was to my mind our best album.
If there were the odd moments of apathy from Ritchie, I certainly never shared them, apart from Who Do We Think Are which I disliked intensely. It was done in a mood of total fed-upness. lan left shortly afterwards, because by then he and Ritchie were having head-on collisions, so that probably caused the bad moods of that time.
“However, most of the albums were a great joy to make. Although Fireball got slagged a bit, you must remember that it followed a smash success album, and that’s always difficult. It still gave me great satisfaction.” During this period a very prominent feature of the Purple music was a never ending rash of frantic solos. How far did Jon feel that they were an integral part of the songs?
“So long as it fits the song, I’m delighted to have them. We have reached the point now that even when I am playing the part of a backing musician I have much greater freedom. The song structure with Glenn (Hughes) and Tommy (Bolin) isn’t set any more. We are trying to loosen the whole thing up, and cut out the ‘this happens in that bar and that happens there’ attitude.
“The days of the really long solos have gone, and I am talking about the twenty five minute jobs. Everyone will still have their solo slot, because basically that is what Deep Purple is all about. We have always prided ourselves on our individual abilities, and we like to show it. Quite frankly, we sometimes went much too far in the past, and some of the others’ solos bored me.”
Given Jon’s feelings about solos, did he have any special preference about playing the more direct songs like Speed King and Highway Star or the more protracted tracks like The Mule?
“I’m quite happy with either role, so long as I am happy with the song in the first place. I don’t mind sitting back behind the guitar because that is just as creative as leading the song. Actually, that’s a tricky question, because the Hammond doesn’t really sit all that well in rock and roll as a backing instrument. It took me a long time and a lot of hard work to find an acceptable way of incorporating the instrument… Where was I? Oh yes, at the same time I have to solo — every musician does.
I don’t think rock and roll could exist without solos — it’s a vital form of musical expression. It’s a way of stretching out, but of course how much you do so is up to you, or the band. A musician should solo as long as he feels he is feeding off the audience, but I feel that it is unforgivable to bore an audience.”
With the new members, what possibilities did Jon see as far as his own instrument was concerned? “I really see many. Ritchie was a very demanding player in that he really enjoyed the limelight. I mean, we all did obviously, but I suppose he was so extrovert on stage to balance the introvert he was offstage. It’s hard to speak objectively as he was my friend for seven years. One of the nice things about having an American in the band is the more quote laid back unquote atmosphere. I enjoyed Tommy’s solo album.” And Ritchie’s album?
“There was certainly a Purple sound, but thought it was second rate Purple, and you can print that. I was surprised to say the least, because he said he wanted to go right back to the raw roots he felt we were abandoning. At the same time I suspect that his next album will be a bitch.”
On the subject of these recent albums, Jon went on to compare Stormbringer and Come Taste The Band. “I liked the Stormbringer album. It was certainly a little different. There was a certain apathy on Ritchie’s part — he was already thinking of leaving — and perhaps it shows. We should have attacked it more as Deep Purple rather than approaching it in that dispirited way. I’m really not trying to make Ritchie a whipping boy — I really don’t want to — but you mentioned the word apathy and I think I would have to go along with that. But if the album didn’t quite come off, it didn’t sell as well as the others had, so there’s justice there.”
Jon is well known for his classical inclinations, and we wondered if they might reemerge more strongly within the new band framework?
“I’m really two musicians, and they meet somewhere in the middle. The outer edges can never get together, and that’s why I make solo albums, just to get things out of my head and out of my system. Look — I’m not carrying a cross for classical music — I’m a rock and roller and I have been for ten years. There just happens to be more, that’s all.”
What did he feel that the future held for the keyboard? “I think now that it has arrived with a vengeance, it will stay. Keyboard players are having to get more versatile in respect of the number of instruments they are having to play. The organ sound as just an organ sound is already overused, and I personally use synthesizers, a clavinet and a Fender Rhodes besides the Hammond.
“I have countered this dilemma of 'old hat’ sound by having my set up built specially for me. I have four Leslies which have been totally ripped out and replaced with better components, Crown amps, and all the keyboards, about six, go through the Leslies. The organ has also been messed around with, so it’s not a straight Hammond sound — it’s a particular sound that I feel fits our kind of music.”
Jon was also glad to offer tips to the embryonic keyboard wizard. “Well, even though it’s 'just’ rock and roll, I think it’s invaluable to acquire a technique of some sort. By all means absorb from other people, and try find out how they do it, but then you mus try to branch off and perfect your own style. Things like scales and arpeggios, although very boring, are bloody well worth while. If you are soloing, and your fingers won’t do what is in your head, it’s the most frustrating thing in the world. I have never regretted the hours and hours of practising that I have put in. I try to listen as much as I can to what else is going on in the rock world — I think it is important to be aware of what your peers are doing.
“I was talking to lan Gillan the other night on just this subject, and he said he never used to listen to anyone but Deep Purple and Elvis Presley. He admitted that he was totally wrong. He said that since he had been off the road he had been listening to everything that he could, and he realised how much he had missed. You don’t listen to others to copy — just to judge the feel of the business. Anyway, it’s a relaxation to me.”
The hidden speakers in the roof of the lounge was announcing the departure of the Purple flight. “I feel as if I could go on for another twenty years,” said Jon jumping up. “Thanks a lot for talking to me.”
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Match up requests: CLOSED
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Match up for @ lunar-calliope
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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Since you never specified your gender preference, I am just going to match you with anyone I think would click the best.  Because I was kind of at a loss for anyone else. First I was thinking about matching you with the 11th Doctor as his personality type ENTP would mesh perfectly with your own. However, I feel like you two would work better as friends than lovers only because the Doctors are kind of... damaged. They all really need someone who is more of a hopeless romantic and boundlessly compassionate. The doctors would continuously push you away the moment they realize their feelings are slightly more than friendship out of fear. They would need someone to tirelessly pursue them and let's be real. Ain't nobody got time for that. And I feel like you are smart enough to recognize dependency and stay the hell away from it. Because if I am being brutally honest,  all of the doctors would make a horrible relationship.  They are far too traumatized and caught up in this game of endlessly trying to prove themselves to the universe, trying to justify that all of the lives they have saved somehow makes up for the lives they've lost. Right. Let's get started. 
Here is the thing about Clara. She talks. A lot. 
She talks faster than Matt Smith, which is an achievement in of itself and is the primary reason she was cast for the role.
So she is no stranger to the fast-talking rambling that you do when you get nervous.
As a matter of fact, she might even contribute to it
So now there are two people talking their lungs out and giving the Doctor a massive headache 
She is also the type to make crude or inappropriate jokes in the heat of the moment. So you really don't have to worry about being offensive around her. She is reflective enough to recognize the hypocrisy of taking offence.
However, your introverted nature and her extroverted nature would mesh very well
She does all of the talking, allowing you some time to hang back and think or reflect
Which works out perfectly for you.
Clara also has a sharp tongue and steely wit. If you pulled a prank on her, she would definitely do something in retribution. And if it is allowed to escalate it most definitely would until the Doctor or someone puts a stop to the childishness. 
She would be perfectly adept as exchanging quips and playful banter with you 
Although she does have a reckless streak. She is up for any challenge, no matter how daunting. And this carelessness can cause you to sprout some grey hairs worrying over her. You and Doctor would be in agreement over constantly trying to keep Clara in line.
However, with something to ground herself and hold her back, I feel like Clara would be a lot more careful than she was in the show. She was free then with no one to care for or worry about. With you, she would rein herself in because she knows that you are worrying over her
She also feels some level of protection towards you. 
Now let's address the elephant in the room. Clara is short. She is only 157 centimetres (that's 5"2 in American)
I am a huuuge sucker for height differences. Like the more timid tall one and the short little spitfire, trope makes me swoon.
And that is kinda what you two would be
And it is so cute
Clara would want to climb on you. Or sit on your shoulders or something but because she knows how you feel about your height, she will restrain herself. Because she cares ❤ 
Which is also why I believe she will be the one to help you get over this insecurity. She would remind you that you are beautiful every day, especially when you are feeling self-confidence 
Bitch, your height makes you look like a badass!
Embrace it
She says that one day you are going to be confident enough to wear heels. And she means it
Clara is a huge advocate for nature. She appreciates its beauty. After all, it was nature that caused her parents to meet. How could she notice have at least a begrudging respect for it? She wouldn't have been born if it were not for the trees
So she loves forests
And being the energetic little fireball that she is, would demand to go hiking. And maybe a home-made picnic when you've reached your destination 
But Clara is also boundlessly compassionate. As a companion of the Doctor,  she harbours a deeply empathetic nature behind those quips and bluster. 
Which I think perfectly dampens your more judgemental mindset. You would be the more cynical one, wary of those who you encounter. And Clara would be the one to have faith in their inherent goodness.
While I can see this giving rise to some conflicts,  I think that it is a necessity for you. You need someone to act as your counterweight and achieve that balance. 
Clara is your foil. You keep her grounded and logistical and in return, she will open your mind. She will help you work on dispelling preconceived notions and embrace the individuality of everyone 
This is the main reason I chose Clara for you. Rory was also a possible match but I don't have the heart to take him from Amy lol.
You two probably knew each other before. Although not well 
Maybe she was in one of your college classes. Or even an old student who attended the same High School
Regardless of what it was, you kinda thought that she was obnoxious 
Near constantly blabbering about once thing or another 
Kind of annoying really 
Anyways. You were sitting at your favourite cafe reading a rather engaging book when you heard a loud bang originating from outside. 
Curiously,  you peered out the window and noticed a throng of people running away...
So naturally, you went to investigate. 
Apparently, a phone booth had fallen from the sky and struck a car. Outside of it rolled an aged looking man and a rather familiar woman.
Smoke billowing from their poofed hair as it frizzed out around them in an untamed mane.
The woman whooped loudly, pumping her arms in the air, seemingly overjoyed
The man seemed completely distraught over the condition of the phone booth. The way he was acting, you would have thought that he had lost a baby
The woman turned to you, her eyes lighting up in recognition as she called your name
You were a little confused before you also recognized her. That maniacal glint in her eye, the Cheshire Grin. This was Clara. From school.
Clara approached you, asking how you have been while the man stalked around his phone booth, buzzing some sort of glowing stick at it
You were kind of at a loss for words.
Like. This girl you haven't seen in literal years just fell out of the sky in a box and has the audacity to ask YOU how things are going 
You couldn't get a word out before the man approached, saying that it may take a few days for him to fix the TARDIS before interrupting himself to ask "oh. Who's your friend?"
Clara introduces you before you have a chance to introduce yourself. The man introduced himself as "the Doctor"
The egotism is not lost on you. It's kinda self-righteous to add a "the" before your own name. And then not even use a real name. As though this man were the only good doctor in the world
You never do get his real name
First, Clara asks you what year it is. When you respond, both she and the Doctor appear confused than relieved. Then Clara casually asks if they can crash at your place for a few days
And you are dumbfounded like. "Uh... no?" Clara, who you haven't seen in years, fell out of the sky with some rando-stranger,  for heaven's sake. 
You basically tell them no unless they want to tell you to want is going on
The Doctor, seeing no other alternative, explains what the TARDIS is and who he is
And now you are CONVINCED that these two knuckleheads are high off their asses
Apparently not because before you know it, Clara is dragging you into the TARDIS before you can even fight back
You were gonna start screaming for help but what you found took your breath away
"It's bigger on the inside!"
The doctor laughs. "I love it when they say that."
So your brain is understandable fried
Like. What?
You have to go out and pace around the TARDIS a few times before passively accepting whatever lunacy you had just gotten yourself into 
Meanwhile, both Clara and the Doctor watch you in amusement 
Long story short, you agree to let them spend the night while the Doctor fixes his little machine
What else were you supposed to do?
Two TIME TRAVELLERS appeared at your doorstep needing your help. You can't just refuse that... right?
So as the Doctor tirelessly worked on his time machine, you and Clara spent the whole night talking
She had so many incredible and quite frankly unbelievable stories to tell
Your earlier notions about her were slowing beginning to assuage the more she spoke
You couldn't believe that she would be foolish enough to take off and go travelling the universe with a guy whose name she didn't even know.
You two actually hit it off quite nicely and exchanged numbers to keep on contact 
The three days it took to finish the TARDIS came all too quickly for you
Although not quickly enough for the Doctor who apparently was damn near close to losing his mind due to staying stationary for so long
Like. It's been three days. Dude. Chill. 
Not only was he rash and egotistical, he was also impatient and had the attention span of a gnat. You were kinda wondering how Clara put up with him
Despite your qualms about the Doctor, you really did not want them to leave
These two people... well, one person and one alien, were the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you in your dull life. Everything you ever were excited for paled in comparison to the tales that Clara had revealed to you. It really put a damper on well... everything 
How could you be excited to go on a trip to Italy when you knew that there was an AMUSEMENT PARK on the dark side of the moon!!!! 
How could you be content living, working, and dying knowing that there are entire solar systems of intelligent peoples with cultures, festivities, and ideologies completely different to your own that you would never get to see
You couldn't 
It was simple as that
So you asked them if you could go on a trip with them
The Doctor adamantly refused, saying that it was best for you to forget you ever met them
You were persistent. Saying that you fed and housed them for three days. That is a massive favour. One trip would be the least he could do
Clara agreed with you and the two of you turned these adorable pleading puppy eyes on the Doctor
He finally acquiesced.
You were absolutely ecstatic 
You three went to a faraway solar system and participated in some kind of elaborate festival which quickly turned awry 
Clara had to give up her most prized possessions to please some kind of God
And the Doctor? The doctor would have died if it weren't for you and your quick wit
You are actually quite handy to have around
So the doctor, upon dropping you off, promised that he and Clara would occasionally swing by to take you with them
But warned you not to get too involved. Those that do often end up dead or worse. Usually worse.
Well. For a time traveller, the Doctor has piss poor time management skills and it is years before you ever see him and Clara again
Clara apologized profusely as she blamed the Doctor for screwing up the time dial thingy again 
To make up for the lost time, you three embark on a lot of adventures in quick succession of one another
This is when you find yourself beginning to fall for Clara
You become a staple companion of the Doctor and Clara but unfortunately, fate can be quite cruel
As it turns out, Clara is set to die
She has to. It’s a fixed point in time
Of all the moments you thought you were going to lose her, this one scared you the most
The Doctor and you did everything possible to change the timeline, nearly breaking it in the process
But it did not matter. Clara was supposed to die.
And as her heartbeat its last beat, you found yourself deeply regretting all of the hours spent with the Doctor. Because if it were not for him, Clara would be allowed to live 
Well. If it were not for him, you would have never met...
The Time Lords themselves had to step in and fix the situation. Because the Doctor had managed to extract Clara the moment she died. She technically was dead. Her heart no longer beat. But her mind still functioned. Rendering her practically immortal..
As a last-ditch effort to save her, the Doctor vowed to erase her memories. 
Panicked, Clara reversed the polarities of the sonic glasses and ended up erasing the Doctor's memories of her. 
She turned, ready to do the same to you but just couldn't manage 
Instead, she broke down sobbing.
The two of your abandoned the Doctor, taking his TARDIS and going back in time to steal a previous edition of the TARDIS. Before the chameleon circuit broke down. 
You dropped the Doctor off somewhere safe and then with your own personal TARDIS, travelled to Nevada
Clara admitted that she still had to die. And it would be wise to return to the Time Lords and allow herself to be returned into the time stream, meeting her final death
You were absolutely devastated
But Clara assured you that she had some wiggle room. The two of you could "take the long way around". She did not have to go immediately 
At this realization, you smiled.
She was right. You were in no rush to return to Gallifrey. Why not enjoy some sights along the way?
And that was how you scored your own TARDIS and began to travel the universe, Clara by your side. You two had the craziest adventures and remained by each other's side until you withered from old age and died.
Clara, being technically immortal, hadn't aged a day. But she had a lifetime to come to terms with your future death and solemnly returned to Gallifrey. 
She did not speak a word as the Time Lords showed her to her final resting spot. The last thing she uttered was "goodbye, y/n" before returning herself to the void
And finally meeting death 
Wow. Why are my Doctor Who matchups always so depressing?
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Felix + KISS! :D
46 - mid fight.
Okay, I actually have a few ideas for this one so 👀 buckle up, my loves! These are all while fighting away enemies because, well, it's fire emblem-
This one is during the academy phase of the game, so they're still both students who've just started dating :)!
"You." Says Felix, cold as ever as he slams some papers down onto the table, sitting down next to Ash in the dining hall.
"Hello, Felix. To what do I owe the honor?" Says Ash, not looking up from the blessings of taste her salad was providing her with. Gulping down her salad, she looks up at him. His eyes. She'd always loved his eyes. Amber, sharp, and piercing. Intimidating, honestly. But ever so rarely, soft and filled with love. For her, of course. And swords, of course.
"Tch, stop being stupid. You see me every single day."
"I know I do, and it's always the best part of my day!" She says, smiling softly as she pushes away the (now empty) bowl of salad.
"O-oh?" Says Felix, the faintest of blushes yeeting itself onto his face.
"Of course. Now, what is it? You usually don't come see me during lunchtime, you're always training. Is something wrong?"
"Well... I need your help."
Ash gasps. "Felix?! Asking for help?! Oh my! I must be dreaming!" She laughs, "I'm joking. Mostly. What do you need me for?"
Felix takes her hand into his and softly rubs circles into it with his thumb, "I need help with my sorcery homework... I know you're a good mage, and I know professor Byleth said I should study reason... So help me. Please, Ash?"
Ash giggles, "Yeah, of course! And," She smirks, "If you don't mind me asking, what am I getting out of this?" She was joking (as she often did), of course, but teasing him was fun.
"I... Well... I'll help you with your sword technique. I know you've wanted to get better, especially after that one night we sparred... You do remember, correct?" He asks. "You better not have forgotten."
"Ash. Spar with me." Felix says, pointing his wooden training sword down at the figure sitting in the corner of the training grounds, her head buried in a book.
"Me?!" She asks, pushing up her red glasses and placing a bookmark in her book and setting it to the side. She looks the figure up and down, biting her lip. His amber eyes were are sharp as daggers, but she loved it.
"Yes, genius. Who else would I be talking to? Which other Ash is here right now? I've beaten almost everyone here, I need someone new." He grunts, tucking a stray strand of his dark blue hair behind his ear.
"Well then, love, I don't think I'll be of much help to you. I'm sorry." Says Ash, standing up from her seat on the ground, grabbing her book, and brushing off her pants.
"... You always start acting like this when I ask you to spar. Why?
"Oh, you wanna know why?! I'm sure you know exactly how it feels like to be a stand-in for somebody else in your life, don't you? It's fucking hard. My sister is one of the best knights the country has seen. Why even bother trying when I'm never going to be what everyone expects to be?!"
Felix nods his head slowly and gently hugs her. "I... I get it. That's how I felt when Glenn was around. Hell, that's how I still feel. So... Let's learn together, okay? We'll be the best. Just as good as your sister."
Ash's eyes go wide. "Damn... Has anyone ever told you that you'd make a great motivational speaker?"
"No. I often times prefer to let my sword do the talking, and I do not believe that is appropriate for most group settings unfortunately."
Ash lets out a chuckle and takes off her jacket, folding up the sleeves of her shirt underneath as she grabs a training sword. "Okay, pretty boy, let's go."
Ash nearly screams at how quick he moves, and it takes all her skill just to dodge out of the way of his attacks. Swords clash, and she's pushed back by the sheer amount of force he was pressing against her blade. "Damn, Felix. You're," Ash pants, "strong. Really damn strong."
She was beginning to tire out. She looks him up and down, only to sigh at the fact that he had no visible weaknesses. She'd have to create a distraction then.
"Hey, Felix?"
"What is it?" He responds, his moves not slowing down in the slightest.
She knocks her blade against his, leaning in a bit, only to gently connect their lips. He freezes against her, "O-oh. Thanks."
She smirks at the opportunity to sweep at his legs, knocking him onto the ground. She points her wooden blade at his neck. "Boom, I win. Get rekt, bitch."
He gasps, pushing himself back up to his feet. "Cheater!"
"I simply used my resources."
"Hey," She shrugs, "There's no way I could have forgotten. You seriously don't have to, though. I hope you know that. I'll help you no matter what, I'm your girlfriend." Ash smiles at the thought.
He rolls his eyes, "Quit being sappy, just help me with this spell."
"Of course, Lixie."
Damn this is fun! This next one takes place after the timeskip, so it's five years later and during the war :)!
The battlefield was relentless and rough. Reinforcements kept on coming, and Felix was exhausted. Slice one down, move to the next. Slice one down, move to the next. Felix had to keep going. Some of his allies were behind him, shooting arrows and blasting magic.
Ash was on the other side of the battlefield, blasting fireballs and stabbing the soldiers who tried to charge at her. Felix felt a proud smirk on his face - She'd improved so much.
"FELIX!" Calls Sylvain, "Watch out! To your left!"
Felix gasps, seeing a flyer attempt to hit him. He dodged as best as he could, but he couldn't stop the axe from tearing into his arm. He screams. But he keeps fighting, the adrenaline pulsing through his veins.
Felix takes down as many Empire soldiers as he can, but he fails to see an archer taking aim directly at him.
The arrow hits Felix square in the chest, and he falls down onto one knee. "Fuck... Is this... going to be my final stand?"
"Felix!" Screams Ash. She casts Bolting and takes out the flyer, and starts immediately running over to Felix. "Sylvain, take out the archer for me, yeah? Cover us." She says, softly holding Felix, her hands soaked crimson.
"You okay, Lix?"
"I'm bleeding out."
"Y-yeah..." She says, taking a shaky breath. "I'm not... the best with blood, but it's okay."
Felix pushes her away and rises back to his feet, "It's fine. I-I'll be okay. If it makes you uneasy, leave me be." He reaches for his weapon and falls back onto his knees, "Or not."
"Okay." Ash takes a deep breath in, "I can do this." She casts the strongest healing spell she knows, and tosses Felix a concoction, which he gratefully chugs.
"Thank you. You did well. You're doing so well." Felix says, grabbing his sword.
"Wait!" Ash says.
"Yes? Make it fast, I'm trying to, you know, not get killed."
"I love you." She says, pulling him closer for a small kiss.
Here's another one because I don't want to do my homework :) this time it's an actual verbal fight lmao
"Felix, can you shut up for once?! I'm sick of your attitude." Ash says, slamming her hands down onto the dark wood of her desk.
"Excuse me?! You're so fucking sensitive, you can't handle anything. You never think about how you bother other people, or worse, hold them back." He says, standing up from his seat on her (their, if we're being honest) bed.
"Oh, so now it's ME who's holding people back?! You're the one who never takes a moment to think about how painful your words can be. Has anyone ever told you that insulting people isn't a way to show affection? It hurts, Felix. It fucking hurts. But wait, you don't care, do you? You never care about anything other than your damn training and your stupid dead brother. You always go on and on about how the dead are dead and the living are living, but you never take a piece of your own advice."
At this point, Felix was fuming. He punches the wall next to him, "Don't you dare bring Glenn into this!"
"I just want you to care, Felix! All this insulting and being a fucking bitch is getting you nowhere. It's getting us nowhere. And frankly, I'm sick of it. Do better." She says, standing up and walking out of the room. She immediately flees to the training grounds, walking as fast as she can. All she saw was red and tears threatened to spill from her eyes.
Felix buries his face in his hands. "Damnit. I'm such a fool..." He takes a few moments to himself to calm down, before standing up and starting to search around the monastery for her. Where could she possibly be?
He wanders around the stone walls, taking in the chill of the cold night. He'd always liked the night. But the night felt different when he was alone.
Felix hears small sniffles coming from the direction of the training grounds. "... I made her cry." A pang of guilt hits him. Ash cried easily, and he knew that. She often joked about it. But very rarely was he the one making her cry. And he didn't like it one bit.
He walks into the training grounds only to see Ash huddled up in the corner, her head between her knees. They'd spent so much time on the ground of the training grounds together, laughing and smiling. But tonight was different.
"... Hey, Ash." He says, slowly approaching her. "Are you... okay?"
"I dunno. I'm fine. I'll be fine." She says, not even bothering to look up at him from her spot on the cold ground.
"I... thought about what you said. I think you might be right. I'll try to tone it down, I promise." He says quietly.
She looks up at him, her brown eyes shining in the moonlight. "Wait... Really?"
"Yes." He says, sitting down next to her, making sure to leave some space in between. "But... I also want you to hear me out."
She takes a deep breath and nods.
"I'm sorry for being rude. You know that I don't realize the weight of my words sometimes. I understand where you come from, I just... I'm scared of getting attached. I can't lose anybody else..." Felix blubbers quickly. He wasn't used to being vulnerable, it always made him feel weak.
"... Okay. I understand, Felix." Says Ash, scooting a bit closer to him and taking his hand into hers. "Let's just make an effort to understand eachother, yeah? No more dumb fights."
"Yeah." Responds Felix, gently pulling her onto his lap and kissing her. He wraps his arms around her back and finds himself smiling into the kiss. With her, he felt like he was at home.
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nochiquinn · 5 years
undeadwood episode 2: undead nightmare
okay, kiddo got sick halfway through critrole so I gotta finish THAT later
let's see if I can get through this or if I'm gonna have to watch it on my phone, too
NOPE phone twitch it is
snake-like snake pit
matt's magic hair
this doesn't sound rife with possible disaster
"did you distract a man in the middle of a gunfight?" "....shut up."
arabella and fogg disappear from existence
it's the filth
marisha: give me thE MAGIC
that's just daylight. you're just casting daylight.
they hung out with taliesin before this. residual eldritch energy.
man I just watched an LP of Erica, I don't need more ladies with nosebleeds
"pourin for JAYZUS" anjali I love you
"please work please work pleASE WORK" - fogg, probably
depth perception is a bitch
clayton why are you so bad at everything you're supposed to be good at
when you lie really good on your resume and get the job
red dead redemption undead douchebag
"if he kills the sexy sheriff I'm gonna be so upset"
Homer Into The Hedge
"I'm ready, lord" don't call brian that, it'll go to his head
"I'm so sorry. ...not really." ivan
matt take your glove off
brian's hair is escaping
"like ernest goes to camp" THAT'S a reference
I never got magic Jesus powers
there are three kinds of people
them were zambies
undead witch sister
"separately" HMM
(I will not roll this into a mccree/symmetra ship)
werewolf husband
...where's the head. I feel like the head shouldn't wait until morning
clayton be nice
do not keep the damn head in your room overnight
roll for awake
does. does fogg not sleep.
reverend you have satan powers
someone's gonna get shot knocking on doors
matt's suppressed laugh
they did the closeups just for travis' face
I don't know if I don't trust him or if Arabella is using him as an excuse to be in deadwood and he's just weird (maybe about his wife's death?)
brian: you cannot evade the question
do not eat breakfast with the head
secret's in the sauce
honestly this voice is amazing
sashay away
that is an incredibly overwrought sentence matt
"hey fogg. shut up."
"for the CHURCH"
"you wouldn't be the first shepherd to fuck a sheep" briAN
"a RUSE"
she's a vampire
kick it open
what does he knoooow
"clayton stop being dramatic"
"alchemy" 👀
what happened to the sister
(what was the sister's NAME)
miriam is just so good at moving in and out of these spaces
oh, miriam's a dealer
tr avis
is joanie dead
oh good, just high as fuck
khary started this joke and he's gonna carry it all the way down the field
"vigor check" matt
music wyd
ha, "using him to be in deadwood"
khary stop dying
"I have faith. I have no assurance."
clayton stop that
"fuck you guys"
that was the absolute best way of phrasing that
"new pants who dis"
anyone seen The Mist
"there you are" whomst
u ok brian
rip the reverend
"the raptureeee"
don't like it
"I don't like this game right now"
reverend: I am having a BAD DAY
Ringleader of the Dead is a pretty boss title lbr
matt suspicious squinting at travis
lore drop LORE DROP
magic runs on pain
anti-fog field
he has Actual Faith and it's weird satan magic
OH he was - yeah what khary said
travis whatcha lookin at
ivan's gm voice makes me instinctively nervous
"is there anything else you'd like to know" "FUCK YES THERE IS"
bar is whispers!
annabelle is a different show
yeahhhh fog science
frankly she's lucky they didn't burn her in that case
oh god for a split second I thought the wood thump was from inside the coffin
WELP fuck
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phylophe · 5 years
Quotable Quotes and Memorable Moments
“From NVMN (& co.) in The Harrowing:
Character: Mikyur / Player: Laz @lazzuderp
Character: Neith / Player: Kiyo @waffuruki​
Character: Nergui / Player: Deej @djkalis​
Character: Velis / Player: Kimi @kimlime-pie​
GM and all mentioned NPCs: Yours Truly
In approximate chronological order: 
Neith, all the time: “It’s good craftsmanship.” (Also Neith, at one particular moment: “I guess you can say... it’s good cardsmanship.”)
Velis, at the start: “I am a librarian.” Neith and Mikyur, every chance they get: “Aren’t you a libraaarian?” “Shouldn’t you know about that, Mr. Libraaarian?”
Mikyur, oftentimes: “Here comes INSPI-YAAAAAHHH COURAAAAAAAGE!!!”
Brambleson: “I’m Brambleson. Who are you?” Mikyur: “Mikyur!” Neith: “Neith.” Velis: “I’m Velis.” Nergui: “Peter.”
Brambleson: “I got there late though, so I only got to eat [Sonnorae’s] feetsies...” The Party: “.........” *silent horror*
Neith: “Hey Brambleson, you wanna try some of this?” *holds out infinite hipflask of mead* Brambleson: “Ooohhh...” *opens his mouth and tilts head up* Neith: “...” *pours some directly into his mouth*  Brambleson: “OOOH it makes me tingly! I like it!”  *later, upon a separate encounter* Brambleson to Neith: “You got more of that drink?” 
*Going to Barrow Island*  Nergui: *flies over* Neith: *climbs the steep slippery banks with cat-like reflexes* Velis: *slips all over the mud, barely managing to scramble up to the top of the banks, his invisibility ruined as he is now covered in mud* Mikyur: *critically fails to climb the banks, slips and almost slides under the end of the drawbridge into the water*
Barrow King: “Are you here to mourn?” Nergui, with zero hesitation: “NO.” The rest of the party: “WHYYYYYY.” GM: “Roll initiative.” 
Velis: *shows that he can fight, sneak attack, inflict bleed damage, use poison, go invisible, etc.* Neith: “What kind of a librarian fights like that?” Velis: “Well, being a librarian isn’t my only job--” Nergui: “Are you a bandit?” Velis: “No, I’m n--” Nergui: “It’s okay to be a bandit.”
Mikyur: *wanders off in the Prophet’s Garden* Velis: *throws a rock at him to get his attention, dealing maximum damage* Mikyur: “OWW WHY DID YOU THROW ROCKS AT ME???!!!” *flips his shit and throws rocks back at Velis, missing three times before giving up and sulking* 
Sonnorae: *gets baleful polymorphed into a frog, still clings stubbornly to Mikyur’s face* Everyone else: *tries to pull her off with no success* Mikyur, with tears in his eyes: “Guys, guys! Just stop!”
Sonnorae: *screaming way too much and too shrilly as a frog* Nergui: “Do you want me to turn her into something quieter...” Mikyur, getting a lightbulb moment: “Can you turn her into... a mole?” Nergui, clicking his fingers: “Done.” Sonnorae: *turns into a golden mole*
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Mikyur and Laz: *literally cries*
Neith: *finds some drawers hidden in the walls of the Nightpeddler’s machine room*  Kiyo: “I open a drawer.” GM: “You hear *demented shrill moaning and crying* and see this.”
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Kiyo: “I slam the drawer close.” 
Nergui: *casts Blood Biography on blood and gore on a bed* “...These are birthing fluids.”  Velis: *recoils in visible disgust* Nergui: *holds his soiled finger out towards Velis* Velis: “Touch me and you’ll lose that finger, boy.” 
Nergui: “You know how... clerics get powers from their deities? Well, I have my own, lesser-known god, and I get my powers from him or her.” Neith, without missing a beat: “So you’re a swamp cleric.”
*After the Eclipse event* Neith: “We destroyed the moon.” Neith: Neith: “Now there’ll be no night.”
Anyone other than Deej, after an enemy dies: “hOW diD yOu DiE?” [see Actually Dramatic Moments]
Neith, as Eleith and Nergui speak Auran to one another: “Get a room!”
Neith, holder of multiple extradimensional items, after learning about the consequences of putting one bag of holding into another: “...Oh.”
Mikyur, looming over Jocob’s shoulder: “Do you have any insects?” Jocob: “Uh, I have this--” *pulls out a dried dragonfly in a jar* Mikyur: *snatches it*
Mikyur, looming again: “Do you have peanuts?” Jocob: “I have boiled peanuts--” Mikyur: “Don’t want it. I want roasted peanuts.” 
Velis: *seriously considers how to most brutally sabotage the Nightpeddler’s wares* Velis: *sees caged cockatrice chicks amongst his wares* Velis: 
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Mikyur: *shoots a lightning-charged bolt from between Rogg’s legs, hitting an Ogre Guard in the thigh, while the lightning travels to zap the ogre’s testicles* Brambleson, watching all this up close: *covers his own testicles* 
Everyone: *watches Eleith tear the succubi apart brutally*  Algon: “I hope no-one is enjoying this.”  Brambleson: *pulls his ears down* 
Mikyur, after misunderstanding Essessol’s insult to Agrasug as directed at him, moving to a spot outside of the line of fire, Messages Essessol: “Stupid bitch!”
GM: “Algon uses Smite Evil! ...How does Smite work again--” Kiyo, instantly: “I FUCKING KNEW IT!”
Neith, from inside a blue gem: “Hey Velis you look kinda blue.”  Velis: *internal panic, checks that he still has his disguise of human skin colour over his blue tielfling skin* 
Nergui, after a battle with shadow demons involving Magic Jars: “That wasn't too bad.” Mikyur, with smugshit face, having called it: “Uh-huh, having your soul sucked out of your body seems pretty bad to me.” Nergui: *closes the door between himself and Mikyur* Mikyur: *bars the door from the other side*
Mikyur: “What did I telllll you, huuuhhhhhh? Oh iT’s NOt A cULt, aSmODeuS dOESn’T Do CuLTs-- *continued unintelligible petty ranting*”
Velis: “There you are. I was about to find some rocks to throw at you again.” Mikyur: “Well I don't need to find rocks, I'll just have Rogg throw some at you!”  
GM: “Are you going to bring Eleith?” Deej: “Uh, no.” Neith to Nergui: “Gonna leave your girlfriend behind?” Ongaur to Nergui: “You got a girlfriend? Congratulations, boy!”
Zassrion: *roars in rage as the party enters his Grand Library* Neith, in Draconic: “FUCK YOU!”
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All players: “Sonnobitch.”  All players: “Brambleboi.” All players: “Algon will be all-gone.” All players: “Ongaur Bongaur.” “Uncle Ongaur.”  All players: *ships Algon x Barrow King*
Clown Shoes Moments
Nergui buying forty full-sized pretzels and stuffing them all into his bag of holding. Bonus: Neith actually witnessing such act. 
Mikyur continuously failing to recall the details of his conversation with Rumul, the young Dwarven wizard, from two years ago.
Neith being in constant denial of magic. Everything is just “good craftsmanship”. 
Velis piling on lie after lie about his identity and putting in massive effort for his disguise, while the party remains suspicious the entire time and just don’t bother questioning him.
Nergui sucking at conferring information from his divination, often causing unnecessary panic or leaving out vital details.
Nergui eating nothing but pretzels (and the occasional frog or grub) for almost the entire duration of a week in the Harrowed Realm, and using pretzels to barter with Brambleson and Embor. 
Mikyur obsessing about seeing a Unicorn over the course of several sessions after seeing it on a card; by the time he actually gets to it, he becomes distracted by a pear tree instead.
Sonnorae --> Sonnobitch --> Sonnofrog --> Sonnomole
Nergui getting distracted by a frog while helping the others lift the healing berry plant out of the ground, and proceeding to literally drop everything to pounce on the frog.
Nergui accidentally putting the healing berry plant into a teapot with Tokens in them, and having to dig them back out discreetly.
Neith and Nergui trying to hastily restore Marzalee’s wax statues that they had broken on their way in, getting it all wrong (limbs on backwards, in the wrong places, extra/missing parts) in their panic.
The party really knowing how to make comfy camps.
Velis working out a way with Neith to store all the books he wants to take with him. It involves holding fees.
Velis trying and failing to set anything on fire at the Nightpeddler’s Camp.
Mikyur and Velis freaking out over cockatrice chicks.
Velis getting very fixated upon an expensive rug in the Nightpeddler’s tent.
Mikyur getting actually triggered by 1. Balimar’s fireball, 2. Nergui setting the Fortress’ Courtyard plants on fire, 3. Lamashtu’s statuette, and 4. the thought of cultists.
Brambleson having front row seats for multiple Striding Fortress fights, simultaneously being completely in the way.
Algon and the Barrow King always stepping past / beside / over one another. [Hence shipping.]
Neith and Mikyur literally bathing in the pile of coins.
Actually Cool Moments
Neith bursting through the tent of the Midnight Circus most dramatically, getting an intimidating jump on Bernaditi. 
Neith and her gun-fu.
Mikyur placating the Barrow King and the Grasping Dead by way of a critical hit with his lightning-charged crossbow, causing the electricity to radiate over the ground, eventually also winning the Barrow King’s favour and receiving his blessing.
The party, especially Velis, unanimously getting sick of the Unicorn’s condescending shit and deciding to murder him.
The party giving Algon an existential crisis, eventually leading to an alignment change.
Velis having just the right thing (Ticktock Man’s eyes) to trade Marzalee for her token.
Mikyur narrowly surviving Balimar’s fireball.
Nergui dominating Balio, giving him a sickle to kill himself. Balio, in rabid fury, swats away the sickle, and tears his own throat open. (Nergui, being spiteful, uses Blood Biography on him, asking him “How did you die?” to rewatch the violent death.)
Nergui straight up cutting the gangrene out of a sick slave’s leg with a dagger and no anaesthesia.
Eleith slowly tearing several succubi limb from limb, while everyone else watches on and offers the occasional ranged attack to help end the poor succubi’s misery.
Neith and Nergui succumbing to Magic Jar; their bodies overtaken by shadow demons, their eyes opening to black voids and bleeding smoky tendrils.
Nergui erecting a Blast Barrier just in time to block Zassrion’s lightning breath directed at Neith and himself.
Ongaur hacking Zassrion apart, and Algon somehow dealing the killing blow despite having lost his powers, rewriting his fate in the most dramatic way.
And finally, something memorable, funny, and awesome all at once...
The party making allies along the way, increasing the group to almost three times its initial size, and bringing a whole village to kill Zassrion in 24 seconds.
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