scout4truth 1 month
This is something I dreamed of before even knowing the terms for it. Just being someone drawn to both science and science fiction. This is tech that is within reach but we are using to grow human brains to run supercomputers instead without a second thought to the ethics of a potentially conscious HUMAN BRAIN
Whenever I go through periods of painful beautification rituals about my body that probably borders on some definition of unhealthy I think about cybernetics. In Cyberpunk, cybernetics are often portrayed one of two ways.
Combat augments. Shooty go bang bang kill kill kill. While not usually my cup of tea it's a valid interpretation of how human augmentation augments everything human, including our capacity for violence.
Exploration of how they interface with our humanity. The classic Pondsmith style of augmentation as a portrayal of addiction and the inherent unhealthiness of seeking to be 'better' than others through physical means. Of the two I frequently see, this is my preferred.
But then I look at the raw, thrumming skin left behind after I epilate and I think about what I would give to have control over my body. I can work out, I could potentially get gender affirming treatments (unlikely, given I'm a guy that identifies as a guy and just wants to look less like a guy), and a thousand small other things.
But the idea of arms that don't grow hair, a face that I can change daily, hair that grows and changes color without damaging it with dyes. It's a dream, but one that, if it were achievable, I would probably do a lot of things I wouldn't normally to get.
It's not often directly stated in Cyberpunk media, but I think a setting in which you functionally, with resources, can alter everything about yourself until your appearance matches your identity, no matter how fluid, it's a dream I would chase.
The meat isn't me. I'm just stuck in it.
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scout4truth 2 months
I still feel you.
Feel you like I feel the song I'm playing too loud in the empty can I'm holding.
Feel you like the sudden absence when the power goes out, and the room falls silent as the sounds you take for granted cease.
Feel you like I feel myself losing control, as I know I will only feel regret later.
Feel you as I feel a storm rolling in,the trees swaying as I wish I could be the storm.
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scout4truth 4 months
Ok gotta talk about it.
As a Jewish historian, I fucking hate Israel in ways most probably will never be able to comprehend. I'm going to try and explain it anyways. The central creation myth of Israel is that it is Jewish, and then consequently, that Israel is a part of Jewishness. Its easy to simply state this is false, but fully comprehending this and putting it into practice in thought and deed seems rare to me.
The evil at the heart of this violence predates the recent acceleration of genocide. Israel is a colony, and more than that, an antisemitic fraud itself. After WW2, when Israel was being founded, the Jews of Europe generally did not wave goodbye to their neighbors and head to the promised land. Many were expelled from their homes. Zionism itself, as an action, was a false choice at the time. A mere excuse to place an ally in the middle east, and an excuse to complete the expulsion and destruction of the European Jew. The Zionist Jew is more than complicit in this, they actively seek the destruction and assimilation of all other Jews.
Many fail to realize, and largely because of Israel, that Jews are not inherently white, Ashkenazi, European-descended people. Our faith and culture has an immense variety that is spread all across the globe. Jewishness, in population and volume of culture, exists more so outside of Israel than within it. Israel is for a very specific kind of Jew. The kind that lets Yiddish die, that attaches themselves to European things, that makes themselves and their practices as white as possible.
And they have the nerve, the fucking belligerent GALL, to frame themselves as the necessary saviors of our people. To the Zionist, questioning Israel is to question Jewishness itself. They bake adoration for the colonial machine into their very prayers, and push them on us even as children. To *not* oppress, to *not* kill, to *not* genocide, is to invite death. This is the core of fascistic thought, of course. "Kill them before they kill us." And they KNOW this too, they really do. The truth of that irony does not matter, because as is true for all fascists, the truth itself does not matter to them. They wanted this, they wanted this even before the British saw it in their best interest to give them the land. Any excuse to RETVRN, as the neo-nazis say of Rome, or the German Empire, or whatever the fuck stupid country they want to poorly animate the corpse of. Some select Zionists even *sided with the fucking Nazis* in agreement they should abandon Europe to colonize Palestine. (Haavara Agreement)
My people have proved time and time and time again you don't need a nation state to have an enduring culture. We have protected ourselves for thousands of years without the help of these spiteful, doom-saying maniacs. I was going to post something like this on Passover, but that would be hypocritical. The state of Israel doesn't actually have shit to do with Jewishness. 砖讈职诪址注 讬执砖讉职专指讗值诇 讬职讛 Vi tsu derleb ikh im shoyn tsu bagrobn. [my best translation] Hear Israel (beginning of a prayer in Hebrew) I should outlive him long enough to bury him. (an old Yiddish curse)
Free Palestine. Donate what you can, they need it right now.
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scout4truth 4 months
The Lemkin Institute for Genocide has released a statement saying that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and the United States is complicit. The statement was released in the aftermath of the horrific attack on a refugee camp in Rafah
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In April, Lemkin also issued a genocide alert for the West Bank
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scout4truth 4 months
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Edit: if you care about this conflict, I encourage you to interact with some of my, uh, better written stuff such as:
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scout4truth 4 months
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Well well well 馃崏
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scout4truth 4 months
I hope western leftists know that standing for a free Palestine is not the end of decolonization. I've seen far too many white leftists who proudly stand for freeing Palestine which is good but then get nervous and apprehensive at the idea of decolonizing the very land they are on. Norway will recognize Palestine but actively tear down S谩mi liberation. Liberation for one people means it for us all. If you support Palestinian liberation but deny it for the Indigenous people of the land you're on then you didn't stand for Palestinians or any of us to begin with.
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scout4truth 4 months
Shame about that electrical fire,shame if there'd be shorts in the wires anywhere else.
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scout4truth 4 months
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scout4truth 4 months
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"1000 kids lost limbs to bombs in Gaza"
Graffiti written on a "pro-life" billboard in Medford, Oregon
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scout4truth 4 months
You should be furious that people trying to escape genocide in Gaza, Sudan, Congo all need raise an absurd amount of money just to survive
You should be furious at how these people went through atrocity after atrocity and still need raise tens of thousands of dollars to get away
You should be furious at this insidious thing that completely encapsulates how capitalism feeds off of blood
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scout4truth 4 months
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scout4truth 4 months
馃毃 Students at Harvard University launched an encampment in support of Gaza in Harvard Yard moments ago, calling for an end to Harvard's moral and material complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.
Harvard has invested over $200 million of its over $51 billion endowment in companies with ties to zionist settlements in the West Bank, while most of its investments to the zionist entity are kept secret.
The students are demanding financial transparency regarding investments related to the zionist entity, as well as genocide and occupation in Palestine; divestment from these investments and reinvestment in Palestine; and dropping all charges against student activists.
The University has suppressed student voices in support of Palestine time and time again, suspending the Palestine Solidarity Committee just this week on baseless grounds. They have also enabled attacks on pro-Palestinian students from the media and politicians. Today, the students say enough is enough, and that they will no longer tolerate their institution's support for genocide.
This brings the number of ongoing encampments to 19, with more to come.
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scout4truth 4 months
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scout4truth 4 months
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US Army Major resigns in protest against Israel's Gaza genocide
Harrison Mann, who works for a US intelligence agency, has resigned over his government's support for Israel. He argues it has "enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians."
Source: Mintpress
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scout4truth 4 months
Don't scroll. Just think.
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scout4truth 4 months
Anyone see the video of the (I believe german?) K-9 unit that attacked a fellow officer because they were the ones being violent at the protests
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I can鈥檛 wait to hear how the bees are also Hamas.
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