#anya: connections
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anya-snow · 2 years ago
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OOC Note: Below you'll find a list of connections I'd love to have for my characters. These connections can be filled by existing characters within the rp, or new ones! Please don't hesitate to reach out if anything interests you. Nothing here is set in stone, all is open for discussion and fun plotting.
For YUAN ANYA ( Read more about her )
YUAN FAMILY: One or two relatives from the YiTish region of Wan. If they're cousins, Anya only has male cousins back in Wan. The WC could be other members of the extended family. Any FC filling this connection must have Chinese heritage.
Helpful links: Yi Ti lore | WC for YiTish people in the North
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For CALLA LEFFORD ( Read more about her )
FIRST LOVE/CONFIDANT: Age 31 - 36. Suggested FCs are Chris Evans, Oscar Isaac, Diego Luna, Charlie Cox, Jon Bernthal. You're encouraged to contact me. This character would most likely be from the Westerlands or Westerlands-allied regions. This character's story is entirely utp, I don't have any pre-established headcanons, just that they were each other's first love but ultimately things didn't work out (Maybe his mother didn't approve of Calla's capricious nature? Perhaps Calla's mom, Lanna, didn't approve of him. We can brainstorm). What's important is that they're still close to this day (There could've been some distance during the Dance, but they've found their way back). They're refreshingly honest with each other and have a way of understanding the other, which is something Calla doesn't have with anyone else. He wouldn't have neglected her/shamed her after the disastrous end of her marriage to Garland Hightower.
CHILDHOOD FRIEND: Age 28 - 33. I would love for Calla to have a close friend that she’s known all her life. Could be a friendship that has endured through to their adulthood, or had suffered because of time and distance. Since Calla was little, she was outspoken, capricious, and stubborn af; so this girl could be someone that marches at the same speed or someone with a calmer nature who helps to ground Calla a bit. Anyway, I’d just love a friendly bond, female friendships, and sorority between women is lovely and I want more of it, please. Taken connection ��� Alayne Farman
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For DEIMOS VELARYON ( Read more about him )
YOUNGER BROTHER: Age 27 - 28. Captain of a ship within the Velaryon fleet. The Velaryons siblings can butt heads because they all have strong personalities, but ultimately I think they're there for each other when it counts. Deimos can be stern and callous, but everything he does is for the good of the family and what he believes is in his siblings' best interests. I would love to keep exploring more sibling dynamics with this new brother! Suggested FCs are Freddy Carter, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bradley James, Paddy Gibson, Aneurin Barnard.
Helpful links: Velaryon family
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For DAERON DONDARRION ( Read more about him )
CLOSE FRIEND: Age 31 - 35. A Stormlander, just like Daeron. These two would have been friends for years now, maybe not keeping in touch at all times, but always easing back into a sort of "found family" vibe. I'm open to any and all ideas, to explore what brings them together as friends and what makes them clash. I just want him to have a bro since his literal bros are dead and gone. Taken connection → Magnus Wylde
YOUNGER SISTER: Age 26 - 31. Suggested FCs are Blanca Suárez, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey, Ana de Armas, Isis Valverde, Alba Galocha, or any Spanish FC/FC with Hispanic heritage. Sibling dynamics are my weakness, so it would be amazing to have this lady in the game. She's the youngest Dondarrion and is a lady-in-waiting to Queen Caerella. Daeron is protective of her since she's the only sibling he has left, which can lead to some ride-or-die vibes or perhaps even her feeling smothered by his big bro protectiveness. There's a lot to unpack in terms of the family and what they've been through with the deaths of the oldest brothers and their mom. It would be interesting to explore what her stance was/is about that. Also, as a woman of Blackhaven (heavily inspired by Basque heritage and as well as the calé people), a woman has a very important role within the family structure. There are beliefs about their virtue and whatnot, sure, but they're very equal in standing to men, especially as wives (once they marry), so she wasn't raised to become anyone's shadow.
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greghatecrimes · 1 year ago
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House M.D. & Hands
5x24 "Both Sides Now", 4x15 "House's Head", 4x16 "Wilson's Heart", 3x15 "Half Wit", 1x11 "Detox", 1x21 "Three Stories", 5x20 "Simple Explanation", 8x19 "The C Word"
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linkcharacter · 2 months ago
For your consideration: both curly and Anya being some flavor of ace-spec and aro-spec, AND they’re in a QPR!
That's the idea!!!! They're the qpr of all time
They're both on the aroace spectrum for me, and in my arts it's always in the back of my mind (but anyone can read it however they want!!)
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
I haven’t really talked about Jimmy’s hallucinated version of Polle but I do subscribe to the idea that that is the closest thing to Anya’s true thoughts and feelings along with the representation of the hypothetical baby.
Text color, the whole horse attraction and monsters based on pregnancy/female anatomy, it joking about calling Jimmy old man? It’s both Jimmy purposely trying to ignore Anya and what he did but also not being able to cause he knows, in the back of his mind it all links back to her. But the closet thing he can accept about it is that it fostered something that would be undoubtedly linked to him.
It’s not exactly Anya and it’s not exactly the child. It’s his manifestation of all the things he would’ve failed doing for it and have already failed to take responsibility for. He failed as a decent person, a captain and he would’ve failed as a father which are all things Anya would subtly acknowledge throughout the game in little ways.
It specifically being Polle, the mascot to the Pony Express is more likely a call back to how the pony express is used to mean things that were never going to make it or were rearing for an end. It’s all symbolic and it’s all in Jimmy’s head because he refuses to acknowledge the real person and events his subconscious is basing it on.
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amethystsoda · 26 days ago
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kacievvbbbb · 26 days ago
i do love how one of the main themes of spy family is motherhood, and the emphasis that there’s no wrong way as long as you show love. i also love how it treats its more “feminine” characters like becky, it doesn’t feel to me like the series is laughing at her for being girly, the humour is from the juxtaposition of her and anya, or because she takes it way too far (her thirsting for loid)
it’s a low bar, but spy family is good at having women who feel like people lol
Yes! I completely agree with this! I like how the series expands on what it means to be feminine even within the tight constraints of the society they live in. Most of the female characters are infact just people. even the less "hyper-feminine" ones like Martha and Yor and even Anya still have very feminine hobbies and such they just arent constrained to them. And I agree about Becky it feels like the joke is less haha she's a girly girl and that's lame and more she 6 but she's trying to pretend she's this high society woman and that's adorable not because of the things she cares about like romance and fashion are intrinsically ridiculous but because she speaks with so much authority on them and is trying to educate a gremlin and she's six. Anya doesn't necessarily like the same things as Becky but that's never stopped them from having fun. A big part of Becky is that she always stands up for herself, her beliefs, and Anya. She is literally a day 1 you can't speak badly about Anya in her presence. I love her I love their friendship it's great. But yeah the strength of mothers does seem to be a recurring theme in the manga and I like that. It's in Loid's memories of his mother, Yor trying to be a good one and, Melinda Desmond trying to overcome her own fears for the sake of her children, the handler and her yet-to-be-revealed past. Spy x Family focuses a lot on the connections we form with people and just how those connections give us strength and its really beautiful and fitting that the threat always on the horizon is war because nothing else tears apart family and connections like war and how every character in their own way is fighting for the right for people (not just the ones they love) to make those connections freely even if it means they are excluded. It's a really good story.
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camellcat · 27 days ago
I'm thinking about how much the scoobies just project themselves onto each other, ESPECIALLY when it comes to their relationships. mostly xander and buffy are guilty of that, but willow has her moments too. I know I like to call them co-dependent and possessive but it is genuinely kind of wack how much these three cannot escape each other. they don't even really want to. they've intertwined so much of themselves with the others and I don't think they realize the wall they've built around themselves. it's both trapped them inside and kept others out. a self-made separation
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higgs-the-god · 3 months ago
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something about hurting...
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morsobaby · 4 months ago
Jimmy - "I feel terrible for all the-.. I feel terrible.. But I forgive you. I forgive each and every one of you. Every night. It's a virtuous cycle // mama needs a little girl to land on. Mama needs a little girl to fall in her arms <-[About Anya]" (Virtuous cycle)
Curly - "Won't you tell me, why it sounds so easy to breathe, on TV // all these salesmen, they want my soul Claire, they fight over me like dogs" (Easy to breathe)
Anya - "We see you, Opal, your troubles are miles away! We see you, Opal! And in our eyes you'll stayyyy" (Opal)
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twixfamily · 2 years ago
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i know this is supposed to be kinda sad but im sorry it is truly one of the funniest moments in the manga so far. like yeah she can read minds so she knew he was there and understands that he cares in his own special way but imagine saying this to any other child.
“sorry i didn’t pick you up.” “no problem… hey btw do you think parents who did pick their kids up love them more?” “yeah probably lol”
and then he wondered why she would ask him something like that… immediately after he apologized for not being there to take her home… category 10 cringefail twilight moment tbh
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bochedogmeat · 4 months ago
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So. Ive been kind of turning this au around in my head like a rotisserie chicken bc i obviously want to keep as many details as possible consistent with canon, but also that is kind of impossible given the massive leaps in technology between mouthwashing’s distant future and. Well. 1917. So what happens is that i figure their platoon is being court-martial’d for something (maybe cowardice/refusal to follow orders? For getting stuck up in the mountain bunker?) and Jimmy suggests blowing up the bunker theyre in so that they would have solid evidence that it wasnt their fault. Curly, still reeling, agrees, not thinking it would go anywhere, but Jimmy nabs the explosives from swansea and goes through with it anyways.
…more ramblings below v
Jimmy, in this au, was aware that Anya is trans before they were even stationed together, and becomes aware that Curly may be an invert (which, historically, means that he is not only queer, but adopts the ‘woman’s role’. This phenomena of inverts being treated more harshly than their more ‘manly’ counterparts is supported by history! Fun fact) while on the Ypres frontline. He is resentful towards Curly because how can a supposed invert, someone whom he has been taught is less than half of the man Jimmy himself is, be such a well-loved leader and well-rounded man? Why is Jimmy so drawn to him? Why does he still respect and even love this ‘man’? What does that say about his own masculinity?
The cognitive dissonance is too much for his weak, spiteful, hateful little pea brain and he feels like he is losing what little control he had over his own masculinity and understanding of the social world to begin with. This leads him to assault anya and, added with the stress of a court-martial, blow the bunker up.
I figure they give Curly what little chloroform they have in the medical kit to keep him asleep until they run out/it starts making him too sick and are forced to start giving him soothing syrup and gin in large doses. Anya and Curly had something of a mutual understanding/budding friendship before the incident, both having had a sense about the other, which makes Curly’s subsequent inaction suck all the more. He understands Anya better than anyone else there, so why didnt he do anything? Anya doesn’t understand, and she never gets to ask. She still takes extreme care in tending his wounds though, and will often go to his bedside and tell him stories/play cards with him (and by that i mean play cards by herself and narrate her strat)
I also figure the whole thing happens over a matter of days as opposed to months because. You know. 1917. But anyways. If anyone wants to talk about this w me/add on to it, any musings are more than welcome!! I love queer and ww1 history :) see tags for more tidbits❤️
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sirenc0re · 4 months ago
ive been thinking alot about how anya acts with curly pre-crash vs how she is post-crash with jimmy. and of course her shift in demeanor has a lot to do with the doomed situation she's in. this hopeless scenario where she has so little choice past day to day actions without being able to change her inevitable future. she's playful and laid back and a little sarcastic etc etc but she cant afford to be herself. except when she has to lie through to teeth when around jimmy because she knows first hand how dangerous he is. and perhaps the only one besides curly before daisuke's death depending on how you want to interpret her talk with swansea
she knows how unstable jimmy is and i think she had to have had an idea of that before telling him about her pregnancy for her to pretty quickly come to the (correct) conclusion that he was dangerous and couldnt be trusted with even knowing where the gun case was.
im losing the plot. what i want to say, as ive seen many people point out, is that anya isn't the forever meek and weak lady she's made out to be. she's certainly a sad and doomed woman (SLAYYY) but she clearly had so much life in her that the audience can only get a glimpse at because they're seeing the world through jimmy's eyes. but to that point, she also clearly went through something horrible at the hands of jimmy and i don't think it diminishes her character to say that there is some truth in that "meekness." that her personality would shift and that she would try to accommodate the biggest threat on the ship to her (and the entire ship.) sure, some of it is to her advantage, like suggesting jimmy do things that would help out everyone, but i think a lot of it does stem from fear and i think it makes her character so varied to see how she would wilt in jimmy's presence. i think it makes her choice at the end more poignant. her finally speaking her mind and saying what she means instead of being afraid
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ayalaatreides · 9 months ago
Dune but make it Mad Max. Mad Max but make it Dune. Do you see my vision? Do you understand?
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wylansvanhendriks · 1 year ago
musical!dmitry isn’t as good as his movie counterpart to YOU. i get him though.
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schmaltzydoodles · 9 months ago
mischievous littol Ivy sketch
Guess who's hyperfixating on Lackadaisy again
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Just wanted to draw a lil Ivy. Ingenue has me appreciating Lackadaisy's animation quality once more. y'all are magic, truly!
Ivy and Viktor's dynamic was so CUTE ACK <3 (willing to bet it's because she reminds him of his daughter-= coUGH what?)
🌸 Steal my art and I'll steal y'alls kneecaps <3 good day and night to you all🌸
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local-lamppost · 1 year ago
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I think Twilight watching Spy Wars with Anya, and also reading ahead in the comic like a true professional, is one of my favorite details in the series. As a professional he hates it, but Loid is invested.
Not even getting into when he made a Spy Wars cartoon with Franky for Anya.
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