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tank-of-hocotate31 · 1 year ago
Introduction post!
well, its time I typed this-
So hi! I'm HocotateTank31, I'm a 15 year old girl with Asperger's syndrome who Voice acts for close Mutuals, I go by she/they/it/thing (main ones she/her) and am Omni-sexual (I love my gf <3)
I'm kind of multi-fandom cuz I like Transformers, Gem Galaxies, Pony Town, REGRETEVATOR, ULTRAKILL, Anna-louge, Phasmaphobia, Tomodachi life, Baldi's basics and Nebula & Quasar
but as most of you can notice,
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and i love Pikmin too :3
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I do occasionally draw sometimes or make vectors on Scratch so that's that. also post random crap on my twitter!!
ROBLOX account link incase you wanna follow me.
My Twitter too :3
Don't forget my Scratch!!
Newgrounds too-
(Proship, Incest, Pedophiles, Zoophiles, Anti-furries, Anti-therians, Homophobics or Transphobes DNI, specially Pedos and Satanists, sorry.)
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WHY was the first fic I saw on AO3 for Strange World fucking gross as hell?!?!???!?!! 
I just came to see cute Meridian-centric and Ethan/Diavo fanfictions, what the fresh fuck of bel air is this?!?!?!?! 
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imreallyonthishellsite · 10 months ago
People with siblings or know a pair of siblings I've got a question for you
the other day I had a conversation with a guy who said sibling friendships don't really count bc that's family and I'm just like, ??? yeah that's my family but I can also like my sister as a person and have a friendship with her. So I'm just curious to see what the general vibe here is.
btw the "it's complicated" option is for ppl who are either estranged siblings, parenting their siblings, or some other issue they've got going on not any weird freak shit(ifkyk)
Anyways choose your option and if want you can explain in the tags
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fight-nights-at-freddys · 2 months ago
I think it's genuinely concerning how sex-negative we, as a society, are becoming. (This post brought to you by a few tweets I saw)
Does no one else think it's genuinely worrying how if you even find a fictional character attractive, you're called a gooner, or a degenerate, or some other pejorative to indicate that being sexual in any way is gross and nasty and yucky? Why does art suddenly lack artistic value because it's sexual in nature? Why are we so obsessed with associating a core feature of the human condition with shame and guilt?
Even more concerning is that it isn't just some niche little group of people on the internet, it's rampant. Every nook and cranny of the internet has these people, ready and raring to call you names if you dare speak anything slightly not-safe-for-work.
Like the people on twitter openly calling trans women degenerates and freaks for having an incest/rape kink (I've seen this one A LOT), because how can you claim to be an ally, or lgbt-friendly, or a feminist, but get mad at a woman expressing her sexuality? Why does sexuality gross you out to the point you feel the need to demean people over it?
And where does it end? Are we going to start calling women who dress a little too revealing 'sluts' again? Are we going to ban sex scenes in movies? Start preaching abstinence, say sex outside of marriage is bad, that lust is immoral, and being gay is a sin?
I'm sure that a large part of the problem is that these people are generally children, and still in the "sex is gross" phase, but I know that's not the case with all of them. I'm just worried for the future, because all the people saying these things are just reinventing conservatism under the guise of progressivism, and are (intentionally or unintentionally, I'm not sure) causing more harm than good.
I know we talk about puritanism and stuff all the time, but in my opinion, it's gotten to a point even the actual puritans didn't get to.
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meroniichan · 18 days ago
antis with their "toxic yaoi" that goes no further than enemies to lovers
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enemywasp · 5 months ago
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Me when I go from shipping one sibling/sibling ship to every sibling ship in a month
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nebulo-philiac · 2 months ago
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We gotta stop pretending that the "censorship/antishipper" movement is run by dumbass children when most of the people who actively participate on there are GROWN ASS ADULTS who say stuff like this, this person has 25+ on their bio😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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justanisabelakinnie · 1 year ago
Not to mention there actually is evidence of Azula being a lesbian(not saying it's canon just saying the hc didn't come out of nowhere). Also anyone who complains about a lesbian headcanon being "shoved down their throat" and "if you say that a character is straight you get called homophobic" is 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Also the comics grossly slander and bastardize Azula's character so imagine using that as your evidence and thinking you sound smart. 🤓
And fifthly, while Ty Lee was scared of Azula and manipulated into joining her team, are we really meant to believe that their relationship was based solely on manipulation and torture? That it's impossible for them to genuinely like each other? That Azula couldn't be redeemed and form a healthier relationship with Ty Lee over time??? Which is what most Tyzula shippers believe when we ship Tyzula. Please stop spreading false information and acting like everyone who ships Tyzula automatically condones abuse, because this is not so. We, unlike the writers, recognize that Azula is a traumatized fourteen-year-old girl who was literally brainwashed into serving an imperialist nation. She needs therapy and a chance to grow and heal, not to be dimissed and straightjacketed and deemed "crazy". This idea that she's an inherently evil and irredeemable soul incapable of love and affection and will hurt anybody who gets close to her is just so bonkers. If Zuko, who was brought up in the same hellish circumstances, got to be redeemed, then why can't Azula???
This is ridiculous, and all coming from an incest shipper. Quite ironic that you are against Ty Lee being "abused" by Azula but are okay with Azula being abused by Zuko(because lbr that's what that ship is, since Zuko is Azula's big brother and is two years older than her).
Stay mad cuz lesbians are winning lol. 🤣
In what way are tyzula shippers annoying? What did they ever do?
They force their headcanon that Azula is a lesbian down everyone’s throats even though there is zero evidence that she’s a lesbian in the cartoon.  
They have these insane fan theories about the length of Azula’s fingernails being kept short when Ty Lee is around… it’s conspiracy theory level insane.  
They call out people who believe Azula is straight and say they’re homophobes, which is just outrageous and flat out damaging to LGBTQ+ allies.  
They’re already writing letters to Bryke and tagging Bryke in posts demanding that they make Tyzula canon in the live action remake.
They keep insisting that Tyzula is a healthy relationship when it’s actually very toxic since Azula used fear to control Ty Lee.  Their friendship wasn’t even a healthy one, so I don’t know why they’d think they could ever work out as girlfriends.  The Tyzula relationship can be summed up in two canon images:
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disguting-girl-reads · 2 months ago
I totally understand not shipping wincest like okay maybe fictional incest is not your cup of tea and I get that
what I can't understand is when they act like we're fucking insane and there's nothing wrong or weird in sam and dean's relantionship like BE FOR REAL
even if they're not fucking they're still obsessive and codependent and WEIRD about each other, their love and attachment RUINS them for anyone else, that's why they're only able to have serious romantic relantionships when the other is away or fucking DEAD
they're AT LEAST emotionally incestuous like please
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meowdy-all · 8 months ago
I know i did NOT just get a wincest shipper across my dash in the year 2024
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greml1nb0i · 3 months ago
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carto0ncritter · 3 months ago
People are so desperate for LGBT representation, (specifically gay and lesbian couples), that they're willing to accept literally any homosexual ship regardless of the concerning elements.
Let's see, we have ass ships like
1)Stolitz - Stolas is an abuser, a r*pist, a racist man who has so many powers yet is emotionally fragile, passive and wimpy, a man who victimizes himself over and over, a man who emotionally neglects the child who desperately needs him for his sexual fantasies with his victim, a man who is the creator's pet, a man whose actions aren't wrong according to the writers, a man who can just blame everyone else around him but himself with no consequences
2) Catradora - Catra is an abuser too, but was treated like a cute kitty cat in s5 despite having done atrocious things, she was instantly forgiven with no consequences, and she ended up dating her sister and the biggest victim of her abuse
3) Huskerdust - I haven't talked about this one so far, but Angel sexually harassed Husk and never apologized, Husk himself sang "Loser, Baby" and as a SA survivor I felt like he was trying to say this to Angel: "Oh, you've hit rock bottom because of SA? It's your fault lol, accept that you're a whiny bitch and a loser even tho the problem is extremely serious and out of your control and just suck it up, I'm a loser too despite not going through the same thing you have, you're not alone in being a loser BUT YOU ARE STILL A LOSER BABYYY A LOOOSER" Like, ik the message was supposed to be how we're not alone in our struggles and how there's always someone who will understand and make us feel less alone, but the way this was handled rubbed me the wrong way. Also, I'm not sure whether or not to mention this as well (screw it, I will), but Husk is described as "the old bartender," his voice sounds like it belongs to an old dude too, and he apparently died when he was like, 70, while Angel died in his 30's. I'm not gonna calculate their ages based on how it works in Hell because personally I feel like it doesn't matter. What matters is how old they were when they were alive. But however you decide to look at their ages, it's not just the implied enormous age gap that bothers me, no... it's more so the difference in maturity between Husk and Angel. Husk is described as a dude who has seen and experienced a lot of stuff. On the other hand, Angel is clearly immature and there is this weird... emotional imbalance between them? It's like a mentor dating his apprentice, at least that's how I see it. I'm not saying dating someone who's 40 years older than you is morally wrong (if you're both adults) but IT IS WEIRD imo, especially since Angel & Husk are not on the same page when it comes to life experience and maturity. Oh yeah, I also don't think Angel should be in any kind of romantic relationship... for his own good
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moonys-chocolate28 · 4 months ago
I took a look at the #wincest tag and literally what the fuck...???
Idk how ANYONE dares say its real? Like bro wtf?
Why are you admitting to liking incest?
Why are you proud to ship two brothers together?
Especially after that one episode where they called dean/sam shippers out when they found out about the spn books
I saw a comment say they just choose to ignore the destiel moments after s3 and the 'wincest chemistry' is still there.
Im literally sick to my stomach i didnt know people were fr about this shit
I filtered the tag and will spend the rest of my life ignoring it for my own mental health
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just-antithings · 5 months ago
ex-anti here. let me shed a little light on the experience of being an anti for those of us fortunate enough to never have been one.
the primary driving force of anti-ism for a lot of people, not everyone, but a lot of them, is fear. thats why they all have that weird talking point about "well i bet you wouldnt tell your family that you like media about incest/noncon/lolisho/whatever-morally-outrageous-ficition-theyre-upset-about-today. its not that theyre actually morally outraged by the existence of "problematic" fiction, its that theyre personally afraid of being ostracized/attacked/disowned/etc for liking it.
i read noncon and underage smut all the fucking time when i was an anti. i felt no guilt or shame for reading it. but i knew my friends would hate it and me for reading it, so i always pretended to be morally outraged at the right moments when outrage was demanded of me in order to fit in and then i kept reading my noncon and underage stuff because i knew good and well that fanfic about teenage anime characters noncon-ing each other wasnt doing any actual harm to the world. but if i didnt keep up the semblance of moral outrage, my friends could and probably would do harm to me.
someone who was a friend of mine back in my anti days liveblogged an entirely satirical and mocking review while watching boku no pico (a shotacon anime for those who dont know). this person was a pretty popular anti blogger (at least in our corner of the internet), had all the "right" opinions, was public with their identity as a csa survivor (which they weaponized against proshippers and kinksters, as the anti-sphere encourages and praises people for), was a minor THEMSELF... and i watched the anti-sphere that we were involved in completely and utterly tear them apart. they pretty much left tumblr after. it was sickening.
so yeah. when you see those 15 year olds hand wringing about underage smut and whatever the fuck... just know that theyre scared to death of the people they call their friends, every single day.
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rosieshipper · 10 months ago
Because I’ve been seeing a lot of them lately I would like to rehash this because it’s getting fucking annoying at this point
Stop trying to justify your shitty problematic ships and bringing them into our spaces. This community is not for you go fuck off elsewhere
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luvfy0dor · 6 months ago
incest and pedophilia aren't sexy
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