#mod erin
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an important fyi
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Your daily reminder that exclusionists are scum
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no official filtering system, you say?
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Yall need some new material
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I just want to make a small rant: I love that the antis are going back to the 'how dare you fetishize mlm' thing again, they'd taken a little break on it for a few years. As a gay man, I love seeing these supposedly inclusive and 'protector' puritans tell me that my very existence and any relationship I have (fictional or IRL) is not a real relationship, but a sick fetish. Thanks for being homophobic, gals. Thanks a bunch. I was starting to relax a little too much.
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ex-anti here. let me shed a little light on the experience of being an anti for those of us fortunate enough to never have been one.
the primary driving force of anti-ism for a lot of people, not everyone, but a lot of them, is fear. thats why they all have that weird talking point about "well i bet you wouldnt tell your family that you like media about incest/noncon/lolisho/whatever-morally-outrageous-ficition-theyre-upset-about-today. its not that theyre actually morally outraged by the existence of "problematic" fiction, its that theyre personally afraid of being ostracized/attacked/disowned/etc for liking it.
i read noncon and underage smut all the fucking time when i was an anti. i felt no guilt or shame for reading it. but i knew my friends would hate it and me for reading it, so i always pretended to be morally outraged at the right moments when outrage was demanded of me in order to fit in and then i kept reading my noncon and underage stuff because i knew good and well that fanfic about teenage anime characters noncon-ing each other wasnt doing any actual harm to the world. but if i didnt keep up the semblance of moral outrage, my friends could and probably would do harm to me.
someone who was a friend of mine back in my anti days liveblogged an entirely satirical and mocking review while watching boku no pico (a shotacon anime for those who dont know). this person was a pretty popular anti blogger (at least in our corner of the internet), had all the "right" opinions, was public with their identity as a csa survivor (which they weaponized against proshippers and kinksters, as the anti-sphere encourages and praises people for), was a minor THEMSELF... and i watched the anti-sphere that we were involved in completely and utterly tear them apart. they pretty much left tumblr after. it was sickening.
so yeah. when you see those 15 year olds hand wringing about underage smut and whatever the fuck... just know that theyre scared to death of the people they call their friends, every single day.
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Antis have genuinely distorted the way people see age online
For context im about to turn nineteen. I've been feeling more and more guilty about still being into fandom and having hobbies instead of spending 99% of my time looking for a job and talking about taxes or whatever the fuck antis think grown adults do.
Antis have created this narrative that the moment you turn 20 you should immediately drop everything you love and get a dead end job and be miserable for the rest of your life. And if you don't do that you're weird and creepy and a freak who's probably a pedo/s
Seeing people in their 20s being called freaks for still writing fanfics or just having fandom related hobbies in general makes me wanna throw my phone into a lake and never log on ever again
Since when is 27 considered old???? Do these ppl think humans just drop dead at 30????
yeah it’s both ridiculous and depressing
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by far the wildest shit i’ve ever seen. idek where to begin with this

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not sure that getting mad at people for wanting to verify that something isn’t a scam on this hellsite which is full of scams is really the righteous take that some people are acting like it is
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Good luck! I look forward to seeing yall tear each other apart in the process
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Just anti-fujoshi things: Hating Heartstopper because it "fetishizes gay people, although not in a sexual way" ????? If it's not in a sexual way, then it's not a fetish????

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Lol. Lmao, even.

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To all the people yelling about people "not writing enough f/f or even just women in general": Trying to write female canon characters is exhausting af. There's often so much baked in misogyny that one has to try to either write around or avoid or worse: actively choose to keep. And that means doing emotional labor of plunging yourself into that, for free, for people who will scream at you that you did it wrong anyways. Most slash fans are women, or people otherwise affected by misogyny. Women who don't want to try to wrangle a character out of a mess of misogynistic tropes. Especially when they're almost certainly going to be yelled at about how they're doing it wrong. (If they get feedback at all). People demanding more people write female characters and femslash (for free) are demanding some pretty damn intense emotional labor from, most often, other women. Of wading into the characters and trying to navigate the misogyny baked into a lot of them. Try to extract Kairi Kingdom Hearts from the misogyny baked into her character: actually really think about it. And then think about what parts you need to keep in order for the story you're writing to still work. Or think about what parts you need to remove and how that will affect what you're writing. Say you're writing a canon-compliant Kindgom Hearts fic. If you remove the misogyny to the best of your ability: will that change things in a way that means your fic is no longer canon compliant? Do you expect someone to think about that and do it for you? For free? When they are writing for fun in their spare time and could instead grab Saix or Sora and NOT have to dive into misogyny?
And even when people DO take the time to perform the emotional labor and time and energy to wade through the misogyny baked into some of these characters? Chances are they'll see a much lower viewer turnout. Readers don't want to risk tripping over bad writing or misogynistic tropes, either. And if they do get a turnout... chances are it's going to be someone telling them they Did it Wrong. When people give one-note female characters actual nuance, readers throw fits. If they don't write pure soft and tender uwu f/f people (especially antis) throw fits. Write a villain AU? People lose their shit. Write a toxic relationship between women? People lose their shit. Explore a dynamic that is anything beside perfect sweet innocent sexless uwu and you're likely to get eaten alive for being "fetishistic". And frankly, even the perfect sweet innocent sexless uwu is likely to get you accused of some shit.
If you want more femslash or just female characters to be explored more in general, you guys have GOT to start being real fucking normal about people who DO write it, and also writing more of it all yourselves. You have to start letting people do badly at it. You have to start letting people be fucked up about it. You have to start actually helping others write sex between two women. You have to start being normal about female characters, yourselves.
And you gotta accept that if you're not willing to do the work yourself, you can't get upset that no one else is willing to, either.
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antis genuinely have me worried for the state of The Youth. i just had an anti try to tell me that the "reason" aging characters up to ship them or write nsfw is because the chararcters never got a chance to "grow up" and are therefore still children mentally. when i tried to explain that fictional characters are not conscious being that can grow up and are only as mature as the author says they are, the anti blocked me. look, i know that we're in a media literacy crisis, but holy fuck, if we're at a point where people genuinely cant understand that fictional characters arent conscious beings, im really fucking scared for the state of the world
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pro tip: if all you’re planning on saying in your comment is “update soon!11!” or demand that the author writes more most authors would actually prefer if you just didn’t bother commenting at all
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Just Anti Things: people in your small fandom refusing to speak to you because you think the game's protagonist can consent to romance. She's autistic and canonically mute, but communicates via both sign language and her magical animal companion, who she can communicate with telepathically. Apparently thinking autistic people with selective mutism can have relationships isn't just bad, it's so bad anyone who says it gets blacklisted from the fandom. Even antis who ship her with someone but otherwise hold anti beliefs get shunned.
Who knew mutism and autism meant this grown-ass woman is a child? Sure she traveled across multiple continents, saved the world and outwitted the ultimate evil, but c'mon. It's not like she could ever give consent. That's clearly impossible. /s

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