#anti semites fuck off
balasha7sanbardo · 1 year
there’s so many people under the palestine tag talking about how “how can you be happy about murdering people” referring to what happened yesterday morning and the ongoing events of the Palestinianian resistance. I would like to introduce y’all to ✨colonialism and genocide ✨
Palestine has been under occupation for 75 years. 75 years of murder and genocide. Millions upon millions martyred, tortured, in prison without reason, stripped of their humanity, apartheid, sieged and annexed from their lands, their homes, every fucking human right violated. They have practically near nothing to this day. Is that not terrorism? Is that not extremism? Where were your cries about that?
So no, I recognise my own and people’s humanity and I don’t want people to die, but if you’ve been killing me and my family and community and destroying my land and stripping everything away from me - reducing me to nothing - you bet your fucking ass I’m gonna throw punches and fight back whether it hurts you or not.
We are not going to sit still and wait for our murder. Resistance is about standing up for what is right. It has never ever been done without death, discomfort, fear, or pain. I want people to be safe and ok on both sides because its not black and white - but I also want my people to fucking live. They are the oppressed. My people know that if they are going to die, they want to die fighting. This is just the reality. We will not just sit and wait for our deaths. You can mourn and be scared and worried for everyone involved. No one really wins in this fight. We lost so much. People will die on both sides, but the fight matters. The resistance matters. Their lives matter.
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fels-fantasy-hoard · 1 year
Uuuh I just checked my followers here and found a literal Nazi and some Terfs so just a not so friendly reminder
I support all Jewish and trans people. They have my love and I’ll never stop fighting for their right to live freely and happily.
I have zero tolerance for bigotry of any kind and if that makes you uncomfortable then unfollow me and fuck you
If I accidentally reblog some homebrew that is offensive - please tell me. I always want to learn and grow and I want everyone (except bigots) to feel welcome here
To all my trans siblings, Jewish friends, and poc that follow me, I love you and I hope you have an amazing day <3
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sp00ky-scary · 9 months
Forever annoyed about how multiple DC animated shows will give Bruce more of a hooked nose and then eventually an artstyle change or a soft reboot happens and they straighten out his nose
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Like what the fuck is this, do they just hate fun and interesting character design or something
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evildilf2 · 8 months
As much as I want to engage with ideas in good faith I can’t comprehend why someone would argue “what’s happening in Gaza is bad but it’s not genocide/apartheid” or “Zionism means different things to some people so it’s wrong to condemn it as a whole” or “stop saying from the river to the sea” that isn’t just to take away language from Palestinians to express their opposition to oppression- to the death toll and displacement and all of the horrific cruel things Palestinians have been targeted with. When I try to understand people who are sympathetic to Israel (but maintain they are critical of the “corrupt government officials”) all I see is tone policing a group of people who are seldom given a voice by those in power. & while there are people who point out that there is a tendency for the left to tokenize certain Jewish activist groups that are critical of Israel, I see the same people tokenize “good” Palestinian protesters in a way that is extremely disturbing to me all things considered.
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prussianmemes · 7 months
a white english anti-war socialist wins a seat in parliament and the next day the hindi PM says that this is an alarming sign of rising rabid-antisemitism, far-right politics, and islamic fundamentalism.
??? what
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abstract-hellbender · 5 months
quick af btw >> you can hate dutch van der linde without calling him an evil snake who eats people..,,,, genuine serious if you think hes a cannibal GET OUT OF HERE
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goldsperyid · 11 months
Ok, so:
Blood Libel
Refusing to condemn genocide
Refusing to let Jews defend themselves
They would LOVE using expulsion, except we're not going anywhere
What other classic antisemitic tropes do you have? Something with money? Controlling the media? I'm at the edge of my seat, world
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glassrunner · 10 months
#insights#we are watching the world trend into horror and western leftists are applauding#normally i love western leftists. we are so quick to stand against what we perceive to be injustice#but two days ago a close friend of mine for many years retweeted that video of the concordia student screaming ‘you fucking kike’#the next day another friend retweets a post saying that hamas should have killed more#that rape isn’t rape when it’s against colonizers#so many of my friends agreeing that it’s okay to dehumanize people you don’t like#i am no expert in what qualifies as deserving of respect but i was raised to believe that every human being deserves basic respect.#i’m not sympathetic to the israeli government at all and i hope they face repercussions for the crimes they’ve committed#but i am so so scared that so many people are watching ‘death to the jews’ trend worldwide and saying ‘they deserved it’#it went from anti-colonialism to anti-semitism and there is a REAL lack of acknowledgement of that#meanwhile palestinians still suffer and all of this global hatred and insistence on black and white isn’t helping#jewish people everywhere had a right to be paranoid because they’ve seen this before and the left just laughed it off#probably now the same people who are holding pitchforks and thinking that hatred will solve injustice#i want a free palestine and for anti-semitism to not exist because these are compatible ideas#if you see anti-semitism or anti-arab sentiments please do call it out.#i didn’t make this into a textpost because i was afraid it would get passed around in a bad way#i’m sure somebody will still read this and scream ‘ISRAEL SYMPATHIZER!’#honestly we should all criticize the israeli government (as so many israelis do)#but there are also a lot of free thinkers going ‘jews control the narrative / the world’ like that isn’t some of the pre-holocaust thinking#and they refuse to acknowledge it.#anyways i’m terrified for the world and for humanity and its strange urge to destroy itself
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queenlokibeth · 10 months
#this is getting a lil terrifying#like let me start by saying that of course i dont support israel disproportionally slaughtering civilians like that is insane#yes we can all agree that the 'retaliation' was taken 10000000 steps further and it's genocide at this point#but the amount of people that im seeing getting entirely too comfortable with being openly anti semitic and just generally being assholes#using the EXCUSE of being pro palestine is terrifying beside being an insult to palestinian people who are suffering#like are you really using the pain and trauma of this population to make yourself feel morally superior online#by using big words and making wild assumptions with the worst in mind about people who aren't echo-chamber-ing the same thoughts as you?#attacking strangers in a racist tone or using queerphobic attacks on them?#i'll say it again: too many people are getting comfortable using a valid cause as an excuse to be violent and aggressive dicks#all while saying that they're liberals and that they're doing this from their pov of seeking justice#yall are forgetting the socialism part of nationalsozialistiche you fucking assholes#im seeying too many people acting like theyre in the fucking hungergames and 99% are white americans im so sorry#you can and should be pro palestine without being a massive dick who is unable to interact with others in a civilised way#my god get off the internet and got talk and debate with other humans face to face#mine#text#opening fandom social media got unbearable#newsflash just bc someone has not been as blindly outspoken as you about the exact issue that you care about#in the specific way that you talk about it#does not mean that thy are a BAD PERSON do you all realise how stupid it is to LABEL SOMEONE A BAD PERSON#JUST BC THEY DIDNT ECHO YOUR THOUGHTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA#can we go back to calling people bad only after theyve ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING GENUINELY BAD
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merelygifted · 1 year
Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre, re: nazi anti-Semites
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girlfictions · 11 months
I cannot even begin to tell you how hollow it sounds when you cry and shit yourself over dead Palestinian children while a few days ago you were celebrating the deaths of innocent Israeli children and saying they deserved it, calling BABIES colonizers and cheering on the wholesale rape and kidnapping of women and children who have yet to be released. I guess childrens lives only matter so long as they aren’t Jewish.
Usually I wouldn't bother engaging with Zionists because it's not worth the energy but this is actually a great learning opportunity for other people to see exactly how the Zionist narrative works.
"I cannot even begin to tell you how hollow it sounds when you cry and shit yourself over dead Palestinian children"
Absolutely insane way to start off your message. Just pure dehumanisation of the nearly 3,000 children who have been murdered since October 7th, not to mention the 1,434 children who have been killed by Israeli forces from 2008 to October 6th 2023. I am not "crying and shitting myself" over dead children, I am mourning them. I am grieving for them and the lives they should have rightfully lived. I am aghast that thousands of children have been killed while the world watches.
"a few days ago you were celebrating the deaths of innocent Israeli children and saying they deserved it, calling BABIES colonizers and cheering on the wholesale rape and kidnapping of women and children who have yet to be released"
Show me exactly where I said anything even remotely close to this egregious statement. Every one of my posts about this situation has been tagged with #palestine, so it should be easy to prove your claims. I have never celebrated the death of an innocent child because I am not a complete fucking scumbag. I have never called a baby a coloniser because I am not stupid. I have never, ever cheered on the rape and kidnapping of women and children and it's disgusting that you'd even accuse me of doing so. These blatant lies are honestly shocking; why do you feel the need to put words in my mouth? Is it because your narrative falls apart without it? Or are you just projecting how you feel about Palestinians onto me?
"I guess childrens lives only matter so long as they aren’t Jewish."
What a pathetic attempt at moral posturing. And, of course, the classic Zionist move of accusing those who support Palestine of anti-Semitism. Never mind the fact that 500 Jewish protesters were arrested for calling for a ceasefire at the U.S. Congress last week, or the hundreds more, including rabbis, who were arrested just yesterday during another ceasefire demonstration. I get it — you're losing the PR war. It's hard to get away with supporting a genocide when there are millions of us bearing witness, so you've resorted to sending hysterical, vitriolic anons. I hope you realise no matter how desperately you try to paint this situation as anything but a one-sided massacre, nobody believes you. We will fight for a free Palestine and we will see a free Palestine.
من النهر إلى البحر
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amyisraelchaiforever · 2 months
Dear people who say that “antizionism isn’t antisemitism!” and then vandalize a synagogue, 
As much as I wish you were special, as much as I wish that it is only you who hates us, you are not. Even though I wish all Jews haven’t been persecuted, we always have been. By everyone.
Why do you think we have concrete slabs or cylinders in front of synagogues? 
Because we’ve been dealing with anti semites for so long. 
That concrete is there to stop cars from purposefully crashing. 
So fucking suck it up. 
You are not special. 
We’ve always been hated, but we’ve always survived. 
We will outlive them. 
Am Yisrael Chai 
 עם ישראל חי
“Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.” ~ Menachem Begin
Let me repeat... “I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history.”
We have stood by ourselves before, and we will do it again if we must.
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I created this blog for one purpose - civil arguments against radfems and/or TERFs (I've seen some people belonging to those groups use one, some use the other, and some use both).
It is my strongly-held belief that the online/Tumblr trans movement fails at discourse in several ways, most notably telling radfems/TERFs to kill themselves wherever they pop up. (Technically speaking, Tumblr users do this with everyone they deem problematic, but that certainly doesn't make it acceptable.) This helps no one, and fosters animosity everywhere, as well as normalizing this sort of extremely bad behavior.
I have a few other problems with the mainstream trans movement. If you've read this far, I hope it's clear that I am not a TERF/radfem, but seek to argue with them civilly instead of by saying "kys terf (look how strong my argument is 😎)"
I will try my best to be as civil as possible on this blog. However, I am a human being, prone to irrationality and bad behavior just like everyone else. If I fuck up and say something unacceptable, please do tell me.
That said, you will never see death/rape/anything-of-that-sort threats coming from me. Fun fact: it is staggeringly easy to not wish for people's deaths on the internet!* Just remember that's a person you're talking to and ask yourself "Do I really want to be this hateful and rude because someone said something I don't like?"
As of this post being written, I don't block people. I can't see this policy changing unless someone committed some extremely egregious offense** against me that merited it.
There are no DNIs on this blog and you'll probably never find any. That said, if you bring racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny***, homophobia****, or similar sentiment onto this blog, I will tell you to fuck off because that is very much not welcome here.
Lastly, I am trans. (I will probably never state more about myself than that.) I will acknowledge this. This means that, yes, I may find myself biased in some respects, and I will try to keep that in mind.
*Oh yeah, I will sometimes probably be sarcastic, mildly angry, etc. on this blog. As stated, I am a human being, so please tell me if I say something fucked up. However, apart from that, this is a blog that is civil, but certainly not one where I will never use humor, anger, memes, or normal internet user stuff. I have emotions.
**No, that is not equivalent to "someone said something I don't like". To me, "egregious offense" means "you put racist comments on all my posts" or "you sent death threats in my inbox" or similar.
***I mean actual misogyny. I most certainly don't deny that trans women face misogyny in unique ways, but there is nuance here and I am not about to go around claiming that any criticism of mainstream trans movements is misogyny. "Trans women are disgusting and should be killed" is (trans)misogyny, just like "women are disgusting and should be killed" is misogyny. "A lot of online trans spaces seem to be encouraging bad behavior" is not.
****Same with homophobia. "Gay people should go to hell" is homophobia. "Online queer culture sometimes promotes entitlement and here's why I think that" is not.
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punkrockhistory · 6 months
Nazi punks fuck off
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21, 2024
Fight racism, fascism and anti-Semitism every day, always, without compromise
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#fucknazis #fightracism #nazipunksfuckoff #deadkennedys #punkrockhistory
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siryouarebeingmocked · 6 months
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“Israel is going out of it’s way to be cartoonishly evil, for literally no benefit, when they could already turn Palestine into a parking lot with conventional weapons.”
Also, if the device is so dangerous, why is someone just casually handling it? Is it somehow set up so that only pulling the key releases it?
The irony is that sayruq is posting this nonsense to stan for folks who directly attack Israeli civilians with conventional weapons, and also tell their own civilians to ignore Israeli warnings.
Disclaimer: didn’t watch these videos that Angerybell linked.
Someone else’s post:
Those are containers for M603 fuzes for detonating landmines, and they are literally labelled as 'fuze mine'. They're dropped on the ground because they are small objects that aren't super important, and sometimes people drop things.
And it takes a minimum of 140 pounds of force to activate that fuze and set off the explosion. Given that people normally don't have to apply the force of literally an entire human body to open a goddamn can of meat, I really doubt anyone's going to be 'tricked'. Especially since the supposed fake can of meat is literally labelled as actually being an explosive.
This particular line of bullshit was posted in January, and quickly debunked. And if you'd click on the notes at all, you'll see the reply section is also full of people pointing out that this is a blatant lie. Also, OP I'd love to see some sources on that 'exploding toys' claim, because I've seen multiple blogs posting a photo of the debunked exploding can story with that exact paragraph copy-pasted underneath, and frankly that's a bit of a red flag in terms of reliable information. Given that you're not fact checking something you posted yesterday that was debunked over a month ago, I really don't trust your unsourced copy-pasted paragraph accusing a Jewish state of going out of its way to kill children. Because given the very long history of Jewish people being brutally murdered over false accusations of them killing and eating christian/muslim children, you need to be very fucking careful when you make a claim like that. If your accusation isn't backed with rock solid proof that you are openly presenting, you're just blindly spreading blood libel, and that's basically the textbook definition of antisemitism.
(Explanation of blood libel)
I wish people would stop misusing “blood libel” for things that are not in fact blood libel, but are still racist, anti-semitic horseapples.
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Thank you all for your kind words and support yesterday. The majority of you are unceasingly kind and supportive, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate y’all.
What you saw yesterday was a severe anxiety reaction, manifested as rage. That is how my Generalized Anxiety Disorder brain reacts to anti-Semitism.
It completely fucked up my productivity yesterday, and caused a multi-hour spiral involving intrusive thoughts regarding harmful coping mechanisms. As a result I am now behind on both my freelance work, and my ongoing manuscript revisions.
Why am I telling you this?
Because people who get on the internet and try to make a go of discussing history and spreading knowledge do so because they are compelled to. They are passionate and want to make a positive impact. They do this all for free, and, if they are like me, have sunk thousands of dollars in the way of research materials into their unpaid labor. And they do this happily.
Those people, owe you nothing but intellectual responsibility and transparency, and that’s it. I’ve given everyone who reads this blog intellectual responsibility and transparency. And that’s it. That’s what I owe you. I owe no one ongoing engagement with a topic which constantly attracts anti-Semitic abusers, regardless of the rhetorical guise of their bigotry.
That pissed off a lot of people when I announced it yesterday.
Random American Jews don’t owe you shit. And they certainly don’t have to take your anti-Semitism with good cheer. And if they did take it upon themselves to attempt to explain parts of this mess, they have the right to withdraw from that whenever they want.
And I have withdrawn from that conversation. This post is merely the intellectual transparency I feel I owe you.
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