#anti jellie
nikkiruncks · 7 months
Since you're the most multi of multishippers I know (I actually love that - it makes your blog interesting and reflects a very open mind!), here's a ship ranking challenge for you involving a lot of the same people: Mola, Sola, Maya/Cam, Maya/Zig, Maya/Miles, Klare, Eclare, Alli/Dallas, Alli/Dave, Jazel, Jellie. I had like 50 other ships in mind but already forgot them because my memory is a disaster these days. Anyway, the challenge here is that no ties are allowed :) Have fun!
Omg ty! I’m honored to have that title! And wow this is even harder than your previous one!
1. Camaya (so pure and sweet)
2. Eclare (loves <3)
3. Bhandallas (I love them sm)
4. Bhandurner (they were so amazing together)
5. Sola (in my feelings are them)
6. Mola (so much chemistry)
7. Jazel (I’ve grown to like them even more. They could’ve have been the perfect endgame.)
8. Zaya (it’s complicated as you know haha)
9. Klare (they were a cute first love ship)
10. Jellie (If Hazel/Jazel wasn’t disrespected & Ellie actually liked Jimmy back, they’d be cute.)
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kuro-sleepyash · 1 month
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blues-valentine · 3 months
Now here’s my TSITP take that no one asked for but I finally caught up to it out of boredom and while I am not invested in any pairing and couldn’t care less about the endgame, there’s some things I’ve seen (particularly in this site) and surely I’m not the only one with this opinion because Jeremiah being considered a healthier or better alternative for Belly is legit so wrong.
I can understand why some people would prefer Jeremiah because on the outside he looks like someone that could make Belly happier since he isn’t “complicated” but him being painted as the healthier alternative to Conrad is like, wrong, Jeremiah has alarming red flags that are often ignored by his supposedly “golden retriever” persona and that’s often way more damaging long term.
The constant anger and resentment issues that results of him feeling inferior to Conrad, often seeing their entire dynamic like a competition that extends to Belly, that has been clear by his actions and narrative. I’m shocked people on this fandom pretend this isn’t a clear narrative choice. He often speaks about how Conrad is perceived as the smart one, the athletic one, the responsable one, and in general the favorite child. Of course, he gets annoyed that Belly might be into him too. It’s always been more about Conrad than it is about Belly. He projects a lot of the insecurities he feels towards Conrad on Belly. He constantly feels the need to remind her “he is the better option” out of not reason and it feels like he is looking for the moment Conrad fails or mess up as if he is counting the scores. Him only making a definitive move on Belly after he sees Belly and Conrad almost kissing — and then he fires a rocket to stop them. I see this being a whole comedic discourse but that’s a major red flag. He cannot possibly have a healthy relationship with her if he feels like he constantly needs to measure up to Conrad. After that 4th of July episode, it’s very easy to see him trying to manipulate and sabotage Conrad with Belly and purposefully make him run late. And he does so intentionally. He knows he is being sneaky. He knows he is inserting himself in there. And I’m not saying he doesn’t like Belly, he does, but why denying that his main motivator isn’t his own bother.
Now, I’m not saying Conrad isn’t also annoying. He was written as the early 00’s broody type of bad boy and I feel the series it’s trying to fix it by showing more of him but it lacks in writing. I feel he needed more polishing to take him out of the archetype. However, Conrad’s approach narratively makes sense. It’s not like he’s being that just by pure aesthetic. Jeremiah thought out Season 1 is living a complete different reality as Conrad. So, of course he feels more laidback and funny. He doesn’t know his mom is dying. He doesn’t know his dad cheated on his mother. Only Conrad knows that. Of course, it would affect his behavior to the point he is emotionally detached. Even the narrative itself tells you Conrad usually isn’t this emotionally constipated or disengaging, and that smoking is also a new behavior. The constant need to make him feel like a villain is so weird because he is clearly depressed and self isolating. Both in Season 1 and throughout Season 2. It’s called grieving the death of your mother. All of them have their own ways of dealing with their grief.
And the funny this is — Conrad knows he isn’t in the right mental state to be with Belly right now. He tries, cause you’re allowed to be happy while depressed but he clearly wasn’t able to handle the grieving process, so he puts Belly’s happiness (or what he thinks she needs) over his own cause he doesn’t think he can provide her with what she needs at the moment (and he is right about that!). He isn’t problematic. I am confused about this. Particularly because while I think he could be clearer with Belly, most of it it’s not his fault entirely. And I’ve been told that by the end of the series, Conrad isn’t the same person he was at the start. He is a mature and emotionally open young man with a medical career that he loves that has learned to deal with grief. And those are very qualities you already see on the show.
Mind you, Jeremiah’s anger and resentment towards Conrad is totally valid and I feel is more on Susannah’s and his dad upbringing that just created that animosity but isn’t it the reason why people perceive Jeremiah as a ”healthier” alternative more to do with the fact his “red flags” aren’t as visible and Conrad’s grieving process is not that “palatable” to audiences?
And the love triangle isn’t even about who is better for Belly — this is a journey about grief that frankly should’ve been the core of the story. The way I see it, Conrad’s grieving process is self isolation. Jeremiah’s grieving process is anger. And Belly’s grieving process is denial. And the majority of the time Belly is reading Conrad’s feelings as him not being as into her as she is — which is untrue. Conrad’s problem is not knowing how to communicate those emotions to her. And Belly’s swimming in insecurities that she projects on Conrad. And she’s also a people pleaser and that has been very obvious on her coddling of Jeremiah. At the end of the day, I will always root for the female character getting the one she truly loves and that clearly isn’t Jeremiah. He isn’t the love of her life and this isn’t some story about second love. It’s about two people not being ready to be together for specific circumstances. Jeremiah is the one that was going to lose here. He inserted himself into this mess. He knows Belly and Conrad will always exist in some capacity that he’ll never be able to measure. He knows his brother loves her. And he knows Belly’s lying to herself about Conrad. So, why is he continuing a game that he knows he’s bound to lose? I genuinely believe that he knows how it will end so it’s going to be hard for me to feel bad for him when the inevitable thing happens.
And I’m also over the whole “Conrad was away while Jeremiah took care of their dying mother!” because that’s not an objective take. Conrad was at university studying to become a doctor. He should not be fault for trying to seek some normalcy after keeping most of the secret himself for months. Jeremiah wasn’t handling those bills himself. Laurel was also legit there the entire time. And I’m sure they also hired a caregiver. Instead of putting the blame and responsibility on teenagers — you should be wondering where was their own father, because divorce isn’t an excuse to not take care of your kids. And the show would benefit from making them build a better relationship as brothers than focusing on a “love triangle” that has a very definitive endgame, hence isn’t surprising.
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leiascully · 1 year
X-Files OctoberFicFest Day 11: Sandwich
This year, I'm using the October 2022 prompts from @artpromptcal.
"Top five sandwiches."
"Mulder, I don't remember a single sandwich I've eaten."
"Not a singular sandwich in the bunch?"
"Whatever greasy breakfast food you can stuff into a bagel to soothe a hangover. I don't think that counts."
"The platonic ideal of a sandwich. Singular only in its universality. Nourishes the convalescent body and the bewildered, booze-soaked mind. Also a cop out."
"But you can easily recall five sandwiches so incredible that they're indelibly etched into your memories?"
"Five: pb&j on white bread the only time it was ever warm enough to play pickup baseball on my birthday."
"Grape. Obviously, Scully."
"Bill hated grape."
"That explains everything about him. Four: my first real Reuben at a New York deli."
"Naturally. Three: a French dip in a pub after I got lost on some English seaside walk that was supposed to be easy."
"They know how to walk, the English."
"Mad about it. Two: merguez on a baguette in Paris. "
"It's a North African sausage. Lamb and harissa. A fiery personality, much like yourself."
"A singular compliment, in that I have never received it before."
"Those who have eyes to see, Scully."
"What's the number one sandwich?"
"Where's your patience? You can't be tired of merguez already. I've got a killer couscous recipe."
"I must have left it at the last gas station."
"Lest I stoke that fire, I will tell thee anon. Number one is a certain notable sandwich of liverwurst fashioned. Humble, and yet: that sandwich saved my life."
"You didn't even eat that sandwich."
"No, but it enabled me to survive to eat more sandwiches. So in a way, it was fate."
"I would say I didn't take you for a sandwich sentimentalist, but we both know that's not true."
"You can take me anywhere, Scully."
"I'm not sure that's the way that goes."
"You'd be surprised."
"Anyway. I'm glad you're a connoisseur of liverwurst. Maybe that's my number one sandwich."
"We can share it."
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escapismqueen · 1 year
Okay but how do I contact Jenny Han and beg for a jelly endgame because I’m literally unwell about this 🤣
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sarah-cam · 1 year
the way this shot symbolizes belly being torn between them both but jeremiah is in the dark while conrad is in the light where belly is
in this essay i will—
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antiendovents · 6 months
trying not to sob because i already have identity issues (duh) and being around endos has made me struggle so much more, especially with system stuff. splitting, trauma, retheming and general name and identity things. i can’t stick to one thing anymore and feel comfortable in myself because im so used to having to have things be “aesthetic” or based of current popular medias.
not to mention the one time i made progress with myself and as a system a few endos harassed us and sent us spiralling and back a few months of work. now i can’t find a point to try make that effort again and have even less of a sense of self then normal or i’ve had in years
I'm so sorry about that jelly. Endos suck and you don't deserve that harassment. I don't have much advice to give and I'm sorry about that, but you are valid and I hope that you can some day be able to find yourself and be comfortable in your sense of self. Remember to stay safe <3 (/platonic)
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rachemchul · 1 year
I'm just going to randomly post tsitp thoughts as I process them, just be ready.
How funny is that Jeremiah literally flirts with Belly and drapes his whole body over Belly ALL the time infront of Conrad and gets no reaction from Conrad but the moment Jeremiah sees Conrad and Belly speak or even walk in to a room together he pouts and acts like a jerk.
Conrad is Belly's ex-boyfriend. Jeremiah, you made out with her a couple of times and Conrad didn't even know that when he kissed Belly the first time.
Be for real.
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riickgrimes · 1 year
when we get lines like “if i had known that you cared that much about me and about us. if i had known then i would have fought for you. i thought you knew. from the moment we kissed on the beach i thought you knew.” how am i supposed to take “you don’t need to hurt yourself to get my attention” seriously i need them to be so fr
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ghostplasmas · 2 years
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I'm not normal about these two they're litterally my favorites out of the brothers I need more of their dynamic NOW if anyone has any good NON T/CEST FICS (EW EW EW EW) OF THEIR DYNAMIC PLEASE TAG THEM I NEED THEM I NEED NEED NEED
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
People I ship Ellie with: Sean, Paige, Ashley, Alex, Independence
People I don’t ship Ellie with: Jimmy (if they’re weren’t a plot device, leading to Jazel/Hazel being fucked over, and only for her to not like him back, I’d be down), Marco (he’s canonically gay ffs), Craig (do I even need to explain this one)
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yamishika · 1 year
Jellal keeps getting the most L’s in the series since his name is made up of half of them.
It was always going to be like this.
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fictionalnation · 1 year
Its not about how conrad treats belly btw thats secondary- its about what he does to his brother- he has zero remorse of stealing his girl “be with me then” like??? Really???? She is cheating on him literally rn wtf i would not do that to a sibling. Also when he finds out about jere dating he doesnt ask about belly he just ASSUMES That his brother “who doesn’t take anything seriously” just got over the girl he clearly loves. How can you not see how much jere loves belly its obvious asf. Not to mention the way he treats him about the mom situation. People are pissed about jere using the c card that ONE time with belly, meanwhile conrads entire personality is using the c card! Jeez-
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arlovegood · 1 year
Can we talk about Conrad and how he doesn't give a shit about Belly or Jeremiah? I hated how he was like Jeremiah doesn't take anything seriously when that isn't true at all especially hen it comes to Belly like omfg he liked to Belly that Jere was on a high and going on dates being over Belly while the truth was he was still in love with her I could write an entire essay on Jeremiah's love for Belly his love for her is so big and pure I actually wanted Belly to pine and chase after Jeremiah more Where's it's obvious to all the characters that she's in love with him.
That man doesn’t give a fuck about anyone and wants everyone to give a fuck about him. Asshole. He’s a terrible brother and it drives me insane. Jeremiah is the blueprint for golden retriever boy absolutely whipped for his girl and people need to appreciate it more, I WISH I had a Jeremiah in my life. And yeah, I do wish we got more pining Belly, but now I’m just crossing my fingers we get loads of Dating Era Jelly, because that would give me serotonin for days.
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sarah-cam · 1 year
how can anyone expect me to watch this scene and then NOT throw up when belly and jeremiah immediately betray him
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goofyjelly · 16 days
I'm watching the debate and I can hear a group of people in the next room watching it too, and cheering when she spits facts
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