#leiascully fic
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leiascully · 12 days ago
post all things love confession?
Please enjoy way too many words of my 800th fic to be posted to AO3 based on a weird timeline where "all things" is the first and only time they've slept together (okay it's not that weird but it's weird for me since I believe in the Season of Secret Sex).
“I’ve been thinking about what you said,” Scully said abruptly.
Mulder leaned back in his chair. “That could cover a multitude of sins.”
She gave him a brief smile. “I suppose what I mean to say is I’ve been thinking about what I said.”
“I’m all ears.” He laced his hands behind his head. “Talk to me, Scully.”
“The choices we’ve made,” she said, and then fell silent. He waited for a moment, but he’d seen that look before. She was lost in the labyrinth of her thoughts. He understood. It was a strange conversation to have under the fluorescent lights of their basement office. They saved most of their emotional communications for the shadows, as if the words they said at midnight couldn’t survive after the sunshine.
“The ones that brought us here,” he prompted.
She seemed to come back to herself. “Yes. I just wanted you to know that I don’t regret my choices, Mulder.”
He discarded three or four witty remarks. There was something about her face that deterred him, some tension between her eyebrows or at the corner of her mouth. He couldn’t explain how or why he understood her; he knew her by heart.
Now she was the one waiting for his response. “That’s comforting to hear,” he said at last. “We’ve been through the wringer, so to speak.”
“I mean, there are small choices I regret,” she said, a spark of humor in her eye. “Getting tuna salad instead of a French dip yesterday. Not buying stock in IBM. But the big things, the choices that brought me to you, the choices that brought us here… I don’t regret those.”
“I’d choose you every time,” he said carefully.
“I know,” she said. She blew out a breath. “God, it seems so silly.”
“What does?”
She gestured vaguely between them. “I choose you. You choose me. It seems, I don’t know, shallow in some way? To put words to it.”
“I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.” He shifted in his chair, tipping forward.
She sighed. “Maybe I don’t either.”
He was quiet for a long minute. “It is good to know you don’t regret your choices. I wasn’t sure, the other night. When I, uh, woke up alone.”
“It wasn’t about that, Mulder,” she said, looking away.
“It felt a little regretful,” he pushed.
When she looked back, the blue of her eyes was the ocean and he was drowning. “I wanted so badly to wake up in your arms, Mulder. I was afraid I wanted it more than anything else in my life. It’s all I’ve thought about the last few days. What it was like. What happens next.”
“Oh,” he said. He had the sense that the rest of the world had fallen away. There was only him and Scully, only this room.
“Every time Skinner asks me a question, I’m terrified about what I might say accidentally,” she admitted in a wry voice. “I’m sure he suspects, but I find myself so possessive of our privacy.”
“For all that we’re usually alone, it does seem like we’re lacking in privacy,” he agreed. “Skinner may not be the main offender, but he has been known to hang around the water cooler, if you know what I mean.”
“I’d prefer that Skinner not join us in the bedroom.” She smirked at him a little.
“I wasn’t aware that was an option.” He looked at her, relishing the glint in her eyes. “Scully, I’m glad to hear you don’t wish it hadn’t happened, but I’m not entirely sure what we’re talking about.”
She sighed. “Mulder, I’ve put my life on the line for you and you’ve done the same for me, more times than I can count.”
He nodded slowly. “Our lives. Our jobs. Our reputations. I’d do it again.”
“We’ve been to the ends of the earth together. We’ve seen things that no one else has even dreamed of. We’ve proved our devotion to each other, over and over.”
“I like to think we have.” His body was tingling. Some sort of nervous system overload, she would tell him. Or maybe a heart attack. But there was no interrupting Scully when she got into a groove like this. It took her a while to build up the momentum and he didn’t want to derail her.
“After all that we’ve been through, it feels almost like an afterthought.”
“What does?”
She almost flinched and then seemed to steel herself. “Saying ‘I love you’.”
Everything stopped, including his heart. “Ah,” he said.
She hunched into herself. Scully got small when she was sad. It stung him. “I did expect a slightly different reaction.”
“It’s just that you’re right,” he said, leaning toward her over the desk. “Everything we’ve been through, you’d think it would be deeper than words. But still, hearing ‘I love you’… it shifts things between us.”
“The same thing they put on the chocolate box,” she said softly.
“How about that,” he said in the same quiet voice. They sat gazing at each other. He would have sworn the stale air of the basement smelled like spring, a breath of damp earth and flowers and beginnings. “But you know you didn’t actually say it.”
She ducked her head and grinned. “Of course you’d notice.”
“I’m a GS-12, Scully. They don’t hand that out for nothing.” He waited.
“I think it counts,” she objected.
“If me saying it after the Queen Mary doesn’t count, that doesn’t count,” he said.
“You were concussed!” She frowned at him. “I thought it was the painkillers talking.”
“You knew it wasn’t,” he said indulgently.
“I hoped it wasn’t,” she corrected. “That isn’t the same thing.”
“You make me a whole person,” he said. “My constant. My touchstone.”
“Panic,” she said. “And head trauma again.”
He shook his head. “I meant it.”
“Say it again,” she said.
“I love you,” he said without hesitation. “What did they say in that awful movie? ‘No ifs, ands, or bees’.”
She narrowed her eyes. Her mouth was tight, but it twitched up at the corners. “You didn’t happen to hit your head this morning, did you?”
“Next time stay over and you can monitor my morning routines,” he said. “No, I didn’t. But you’re free to run your hands through my hair to check for goose eggs. Your preferred method of diagnosis, I believe.”
She ducked her head, chuckling a little. “I love you,” she said.
He smiled at her. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“I love you,” she said again, with wonder in her voice. “I love you.” This time, she got choked up at the end, a light in her eyes brighter than he’d ever seen.
“Hey,” he said gently, getting up from the desk and going to her. He knelt by her table and cradled her face in his hands. She cupped her hands over his. “Scully, hey.”
“I love you,” she said, and now there were tears in her eyes.
“It’s all right,” he said. “I love you too.”
She stifled a sob. “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s a little overwhelming.”
“Me too,” he said, and eased up to kiss her forehead. “No wonder we kept it under wraps for so long.”
She sighed. He thumbed a tear off her cheek. “God, we’re so stupid.”
“We had our reasons.”
“Mulder, we tried to make a baby together,” she said in an almost plaintive voice. “Who did we think we were fooling?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t say our reasons were valid.”
“I thought it wouldn’t matter, to say those three words,” she said. “After everything we’ve been through. I mean, how many hours in the hospital, holding vigil at each other’s bedsides. How many dinners for two in diners and motel rooms. A hundred times that I said it without saying it.”
“A thousand times.”
“That’s why I left,” she said. Her lips trembled. “I wanted to say it so badly.”
“What were you afraid of?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “That after all this time, it wasn’t good enough, I suppose. Or that the tension between us lately meant it was the wrong choice. Or that it wasn’t what you wanted.”
“Scully, I’ve always wanted you,” he said in a low voice. “I stood on Skyland Mountain and felt my heart rip out of my chest. Nothing that happened between us could ever disappoint me. Especially not what happened the other night.”
She looked into his eyes and nodded. There it was again between them, the understanding that was more than words. He felt the strength of their connection filling him, sustaining him.
“I wouldn’t mind doing it again,” he hazarded. “Maybe even regularly. Indefinitely, if you could fit it into your schedule.”
“I’ll pencil you in,” she said. She tugged at him and he rose, pulling her into his arms as he stood. She fit perfectly against him, the way she always had. He kissed the top of her head.
“Now what?” she said into his chest.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I’m not really sure how this works. Haven’t had great role models. Maybe we make it up as we go along. We’ve made it this far.”
“Indefinitely,” she said, turning her face up to him. “That sounds a little bit like forever.”
“A lot of things sound like forever when you say them,” he told her.
“Don’t start quoting my senior thesis again,” she teased.
“That’s when I knew you had an affinity for extreme possibilities,” he said. “All I had to do was pull back the curtain.”
“That easy, huh?” She smiled at him and he grinned back. “Speaking of easy, can I buy you dinner?”
“Why, Agent Scully, I thought you’d never ask.” He released her and pulled her jacket off the coat rack, holding it while she shrugged into it. “What’s your pleasure?”
She looked up at him with a sly expression. “I thought we could order in. God knows the delivery guy knows the way to my apartment by now.”
“He definitely thinks we’re dating.” Mulder shrugged on his own jacket.
“Well,” Scully said. “He’s right, I suppose.”
He reached for her hand. “Yeah. We’re dating. Indefinitely.”
“Indefinitely,” she agreed, squeezing his hand, and it sounded like forever and ever.
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gargoyleandgremlinpress · 1 year ago
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My final Fanfic Writers' Appreciation Day package has been delivered! Ten Prides in Portland by Leiascully and Simple Machines by coffeesuperhero continue the Leverage OT3 theme I've got going on this year. The fic aren't necessarily a series, but are thematically connected, and also the authors are married to each other. (It happens! My wife and I met writing Due South and Hard Core Logo fanfic lo these many years ago!)
There are some similar things I adore about both these fics. I love the sort of playing with structure in both of them, and watching the characters evolve, and also, seeing the queer community in all of its heartfelt messy occasionally infuriating glory. I also adore the thoughtful Eliot character exploration.
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First off, Ten Prides in Portland! What it says on the tin. Ten years post-series at a certain brewpub in Portland, as Elliott finds queer community and figures himself out. This book is the reason I now have rainbow ribbon for bookmarks. As you can see, I went so very literal with this one. Homemade book cloth, acrylic paint, and cardstock endpapers printed with a map of Portland.
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I had way too much fun with the layout on this one! It was an easy theme to lean into.
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Eliot navigates a relationship with two people he loves, runs a restaurant, and figures himself out. I love the character dynamics, the cast of queer characters, and the way the second fic in the series is structured around brewpub menu items. The titles are from the iconic Mary Oliver poem Wild Geese, which is where the bird theme comes from. I used a really lovely fancy liquid mirror silver paint for the geese on the cover, which is gorgeous in person but hard to photograph.
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More geese! Some menu formatting! Also, a food-themed illustration at the beginning of each chapter to match the menu item. (Thank you, stock images on The Noun Project.) This was another fun one to play with.
Not pictured here for either book: the insurmountable printer issue I was having where any page with an illustration turned out extra-dark, and the flip side was correspondingly lighter. BUT. I'm still pretty pleased with how they both turned out, happy to have both of these on my shelf, and even happier to send them off in a set together to the authors' hands.
Happy slightly belated FFWAD, Leiascully and Coffeesuperhero!
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cecilysass · 18 days ago
Happy Heart (-Shaped Hail) Day! Fic Recs for Rain King for Valentine's Day (or Any Time)
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It's funny how in the fandom circles I tend to spend time in now, Rain King seems to be a pretty beloved episode: super shippy, romantic comedy, multiple fanfic tropes made canon.
When it aired, the online fandom's opinion of this episode was pretty mixed. There was a large contingent of fans who really hated it. (I remember this because I am 4,000 years old.) Season 6 had already been perceived as being too light in tone, and we'd already come off of a run of Triangle, Dreamland I and II, and How the Ghosts Stole Christmas. There was a lot of anxiety about the move to LA killing the show's dark and angsty feel.
Me, I always liked Rain King (and Triangle, and Dreamland I and II, and How the Ghosts Stole Christmas). And while I can identify the tone change in season 6, I don't hate it, nor do I think that the show really loses its darkness and angstiness (a lot comes back in the second half of the season). I'm also not someone who believes comedy is a de facto more stupid or less substantial genre than drama or suspense, so I think that's part of it.
Rain King has generated so, so much fanfic, and most specifically fanfic that zeroes in on this little fun fact: THEY CANONICALLY SHARE A MOTEL ROOM BECAUSE THERE'S ONLY ONE ROOM. Obviously many of the fics I'm recommending below are based on that premise. So here are my Valentine's Day recs based on Rain King. (Even though I think it's not actually set at Valentine's? Because the cold open happens months earlier? There's some kind of timeline hijinks, idk.) But anyway, it's the clearest Valentine's episode we have, so happy Valentine's Day.
Free Merlot at the Cool View Motor Court by Sarie_Fairy @sarie-fairy Scully tries a little experiment with Mulder after the reunion that gets rapidly out of hand. This is smutty fun—the kind of high end sexy times this author is really known for. Dating Kings and Queens - Baroness_Blixen @baronessblixen A pure romantic comedy style plot variation on the ending of Rain King. The agents discuss the last time they've been on a date. Turns out it HASN’T been so long for Scully. This is just so charming. 
Kroner by DM When Mulder finds out about the “flicked switch speech,” he deals with it in a flirty, somewhat less sentimental way that feels very in character to me. I like a fic with dialogue that feels like it goes a little unexpected.
No Big Deal by dreamingofscully @dreamingofscully Scully offers to help Mulder sleep in the hotel. This is UST, but deliiiiiiightfully so, and heavy on the complex feelings.
Can’t Fight This Feeling by mldrgrl  @mldrgrl A sweet and more subtle little feelings reveal after Rain King by an author who does this exact thing well. Also there is slow dancing to 80s music.
Time Enough At Last - baylorrific Absolute textbook classic one room trope, but it stands out for me because I like how it focuses on their mutual discomfort. They’re both so awkward here, even though it’s Mulder POV. I also like how the classic Twilight Zone episode Time Enough At Last is in conversation with what’s happening with the MSR.
There’s No Place Like Kroner - MonikaFileFan @monikafilefan You know what would make a “there’s only one room” Rain King fic extra fun? DIANA. Okay, okay, I admit I wrote this prompt for the exchange, lol, so of course I think it sounds fun. But Monika wrote the actual fic, and you don’t want to miss it.
Pillow Talk - Alelou This is a short piece about a chatty Mulder very carefully putting out feelers in the motel room after the reunion. Sweet and in character.
Land That I Heard Of Once in A Lullabye - leiascully @leiascully In Kroner’s tiny airport, Scully takes stock of where they’ve come from and where they’re going. I love this. It feels especially spot on character-wise for season 6.
All that Lights Upon Us - wonderland @amplifyme This is a very different kind of Rain King fic, part of a series, although it can be read alone. During the events of Rain King they share a first kiss, but this fic is about their conversations afterwards (Mulder and Scully, as well as Mulder and Maggie). Gentle affection, and the process of taking little steps towards one another.
On the Flicking of Switches - SisterSpooky1013 @sisterspooky1013 Mulder initiates an awkward conversation in the motel room after the reunion. SisterSpooky1013 always has her characterization shit together, but I think this is an especially compelling character sketch of season 6 Scully.
Break in the Weather - ATTHS_TWICE @atths--twice Mulder and Scully can’t fly out another night in Kroner, so they kill time by going to a drive-in movie. Honestly, this is just adorable.
Still Raining - Donna When Sheila sends them both a letter a few months later, she alludes to what Scully told her in the bathroom. This raises questions for Mulder.
Stop Me - Gina Rain A little seduction by Mulder in the Kroner motel room. It starts with her feet, if that’s your thing. But it’s not exclusively about feet, if that isn’t lol.
They're SOOOOO MANY great Rain King fics, so drop any I missed in the comments! And if you want to read my Valentine's Day recs last year based on Milagro, they're here.
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numinousmysteries · 1 month ago
All the Fic I Read in January
Trying to keep track of what I've read since I'm such a goldfish brain, but hopefully this will be of use to others, too. They're all gems, I promise.
Old Favorites (Rereads)
Maps by @onpaperfirst
The Boy on the Beach by @cecilysass
Tonight We’re Gonna Party Like It’s 1999 by @cecilysass
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic by SilhouetteOfACedar
Hour of Lead by Darla Black
Lifeline by Darla Black
New-To-Me Favorites
The Beast, Fast Asleep by @melforbes
Proof of Life by @slippinmickeys
Impersonal by SilhouetteOfACedar
The Stars Are Not Wanted Now by Jenna Tooms
New This Month
Here's A Hand In Thine by @leiascully
The Realities of Domesticity by @sagan-starstuff
Threadbare by @brenayla
A Land That I Heard Of Once In A Lullaby by @leiascully
Funfetti by @slippinmickeys
Red-Handed by @bakedbakermom
From Cali's List (hi @calimanc!)
Home, Home by @onpaperfirst
Chess by @cecilysass
A Perfect Storm by ChaneenW
in conclusion by @thursdayinspace
Negotiation by @cecilysass
Upon the Yearly Renewal of JSTOR Accounts by viridianvelvet
Book Club Picks
The Unseelie Court by @slippinmickeys
Desideratum by Rachel Anton & Laura Blaurosen
Everything Else (All Bangers!)
Honey Hi by @onpaperfirst
Always Get What You Want by @leiascully
Pause by @cecilysass
Bloodline by @cecilysass
I Have Known A Boy Named Fox, and A Man Named Mulder by Penny Daza
Side Effects by ChaneenW
The Mesas of Deuteronilus Mensae by @slippinmickeys
The Annapolis Grant by @slippinmickeys
So Young Such a Shame by @slippinmickeys
Bad Days by @sagan-starstuff
Not Waving but Drowning by @spooky-jordan
Persona non Grata (Terra Firma Series, Part 6) by MalibuSunset
Dad by @thatfragilecapricorn30
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enigmaticxbee · 10 months ago
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Tropes & More - Fic Recs
All the tropey-goodness!
Underneath Your Skin by crescentmoon222 - Dreamland AU, NSFW
What if Feels Like for a Girl by @mldrgrl - Dreamland AU, NSFW
Dreamland III by @admiralty-xfd - Dreamland sequel
Flea Market Economy by Punk
I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours by Tv_Saved_The_Teenage_Girl
Masters of Time by @sisterspooky1013 - time travel to 1960s Masters of Sex, NSFW
Times Colliding by onlytheinevitable- time travel 1998/2018 body swap, NSFW, WIP
Cubed by Louise Marin - Scully wakes up as an alternate version of herself, NSFW.
Parallel by @sisterspooky1013 - Scully wakes up as an alternate version of herself, NSFW.
Never by Allison Kinney - Undercover, NSFW
Diversion by @sisterspooky1013 - Stakeout, NSFW
Just Another Dinner Party by @somekindofseizure - Undercover at a swingers party during Arcadia
Amish Country by Lolabeegood - Undercover with the Amish, NSFW
We’re Married Now by @skinfull - Undercover in a cult, NSFW
Hallowed by onlytheinevitable - Undercover in a cult, NSFW
More Than a Feeling by @sisterspooky1013 - Undercover at a carnival, NSFW
Undercover Swing by 2momsmakearight - Undercover at a sex party, NSFW
It’s Just Pretend by @storybycorey - Undercover in a motel, fake sex turning into real sex, NSFW
The Marriage Spectacular by @cecilysass - Lost FBI agents. Stormy weather. A marriage retreat in a mountainside inn with one room available.
The Newlywed Game by onlytheinevitable - While going out for dinner, Scully runs into an ex and Mulder valliantly pretends to be her husband. However, that little lie traps them into having to play the Newlywed Game in front of a bunch of strangers and they have to navigate admitting feelings they haven't even admitted to themselves.
Baseball Metaphors by @leiascully - Scully runs into an ex and they pretend to be dating, NSFW
Just Go With It by @skinfull - Mulder runs into old high school classmates and they pretend to be married, NSFW
The Annapolis Grant by @slippinmickeys - AU, Scully pays Mulder to play the role of her boyfriend, NSFW
Wedding/FBI Ball Date:
Plus One by @alienqueequeg - Mulder convinces Scully to let him be her plus one at an old friend's wedding, NSFW
Hardball by Missy Pennington - Scully gets a sexy red dress to wear to the FBI ball when she finds out Phoebe Green will be attending
Five Ballrooms by @admiralty-xfd - Five Christmas parties. Five separate POVs.
The Twelve Tropes of Christmas by @mangokiwitropicalswirl - Christmas ball and all the tropes
far away and to the west by @audries - Thanksgiving with the Gunmen
at the close of the day by @audries - Thanksgiving on the road
Fairies, Skip Hence by @slippinmickeys - Christmas at the Scullys, NSFW
Shades of Winter by @piecesofscully - Christmas at the Scullys, NSFW
Marshmallow World by @agoodwoman - Christmas 1998, set Season 6, our beloved agents are working under AD Kersh. Mulder and Scully get into the holiday spirit. NSFW
Regular People by @chimerical1975 - Thwarted Christmas plans, impulsive decisions, and unexpected visitors make two extraordinary FBI agents into regular people. NSFW
Chicken Dinner by @cecilysass - Dinner at Mrs. Scully’s. Mulder overhears Maggie speaking to her friends about her daughter’s relationship with her partner. What he hears floors him.
Gingersnap by @cecilysass - Holiday baking, NSFW
if the fates allow by @all-these-ghosts - Christmas with Mulder and Scully, 1993-2016
Birthdays by @syntax6 - seasons 1 through 7
One Bed (see Faking Dating above too):
Let’s Play a Game by @danasculllie - Motel room Truth or Dare, NSFW
Truth or Dare by Adrienne - Mulder and Scully have a wicked game of Truth or Dare while sharing that hotel room in Rain King. NSFW
Twenty-Questions and a Winter Storm by @danascully77 - NSFW
Designated Mulder by onlytheinevitable - Mulder had always wanted to see what Scully would be like drunk, but he didn't anticipate it would finally happen on the one night they had to share a bed. NSFW
Sexy Snowed-In by @peacenik0 - Mulder and Scully are snowed-in together, will they find a way to escape their boredom? NSFW
Hot and Sticky by Megan Reilly - One hotel room, two FBI Agents...and it's a hell of a hot night besides. NSFW
One room. One bed. by spooky66 - NSFW
Free Merlot at the Cool View Motor Court by @sarie-fairy - post The Rain King, NSFW
Turn that damned thing off by @sunflowerseedsandscience - The Rain King missing scene.
Time Enough At Last by bayloriffic - The Rain King missing scene.
Conversation in the Dark by Cass - The Rain King missing scene.
Stop Me by Gina Rain - post The Rain King, NSFW
Unbidden by @phillippadgettwrites - NSFW
Bunkmates by @leiascully - There's only one hotel room, and it's got a special surprise.
Expense Report by 13th_blackbird - The Bureau conducts an audit, and Scully considers the costs.
Universal Invariants by @syntax6 - set over the course of a canon-parallel version of season 1 and early season 2 where Scully’s boyfriend Ethan who was cut from the pilot sticks around. NSFW
Early On by @sunflowerseedsandscience - Mulder and Scully are drawn to each other from the start but Scully is still with Ethan. NSFW
Homicidal Tendencies by Swikstr - Casefile crossover that pairs Scully with the detective from Homicide: Life on the Street. NSFW
You He Did Not Fail by extraordinarily_ordinary - After Scully leaves the X-Files for a position in LA a case brings them back together. Starts Scully/Other but ultimately MSR. NSFW
Original Sin by @syntax6 - post FTF Scully moves to Utah. Scully/Other but great MSR. NSFW
Arizona Highways by Fialka - Visions of Melissa lead Our Heroes on a case confirming the existence of a series of Emilys. But does Melissa really have a message, or is it all in Scully’s head? Scully/Other but ultimately MSR. NSFW
No Regrets by MystPhile - During Arcadia Scully reconnects with Detective John Kresge. Ultimately MSR but not until the very end. NSFW
Promises to Keep by Prufrock’s Love - post Requiem Scully/Skinner, I really struggled with this one, but still an interesting read. NSFW
Heart’s Desire by @malibusunset - post Two Fathers/One Son Scully reconnects with an old boyfriend during a case. My favorite Scully/Other fic - ends in MSR, but it’s probably the only fic where I’ve thought that Mulder might be the wrong choice. NSFW
La Lacuna by @aloysiavirgata - Scully explores her feelings after Milagro while investigating a murder. Scully/Other but ultimately MSR. NSFW
The Waters of Babylon by @aloysiavirgata - As they prepare to become Rob and Laura Petrie, Mulder thinks back on his life and the paths not taken.
Seventeen by @scapegrace74-blog - Explores how Mulder's sexual relationships shaped (and mis-shaped) him as a man. Each chapter represents a different partner. Mulder/Other, ultimately MSR, NSFW
Triptych by @iconicscullyoutfits - married to Diana AU, ultimately MSR
To Love Somebody by Tess and Jacquie LaVa - In the midst of attempting to have a normal romance, Mulder's escalating feelings for Scully, and her deteriorating health due to her advancing cancer, make it impossible for him to commit... Mulder/Other but ultimately MSR. NSFW
The Guts by @wtfmulder - How would Scully react if Mulder dropped an open condom wrapper in front of her? MSR but dealing with Diana.
Dr. Scully's School for Exceptional Boys by Prufrock’s Love - post series, Mulder/Other and MSR, NSFW
One for the Road by @phillippadgettwrites - post breakup, Mulder has a girlfriend but mostly MSR, NSFW
The Family G-Man by Neoxphile and FelineFemme - A double tragedy strikes Mulder the week before Christmas of 2003. What if he could go back and change things, save the son one lost and give the other the family she wanted? Could it keep them safe? NSFW
Five Years and a Lifetime by @monikafilefan @slippinmickeys - One night stand AU. Five years later, Scully and Mulder work at the same pediatric hospital, and Scully's four year old daughter bears a striking resemblance to the picture of a dark haired girl that sits on Mulder's desk... NSFW
In the Best Interest of the Child by @mldrgrl - AU When tragedy strikes, Mulder is forced to take guardianship of his young niece, but the matter is complicated by the arrival of a sister-in-law he's never met.
The Way Things Are by Sukie Tawdry - One night and their whole lives were changed forever. Season 1 AU. NSFW
Right Hand Return by humphreywrites - Scully is returned from her abduction with a baby, no memories of anything prior to her captivity and some PTSD.
All That Is Dark and Bright by @malibusunset - Emily lives AU. NSFW
Five Years and One Night by Shalimar - Scully leaves the X-Files post-Emily but gets drawn back in when Mulder discovers Emily wasn’t the only child created. NSFW
Intimacy Deux by Mojo - The one in five billion happens. NSFW
40 Weeks by @malibusunset - What if the IVF attempt in Per Manum had been successful? NSFW
A Boy and His Fox by 6hoursgirl - What happens when two FBI agents have a platonic relationship based on trust and mutual respect...and an exchange of genetic material. NSFW
The 13th Sign and 7 Days in May by Prufrock’s Love - Post-Deadalive. Mulder saw no reason for life, death, sex, Armageddon, or emotional dysfunction to stand in the way of true love.
Hurricane Season by rah and beduini - Post-Existence week at the beach with the Scully family and baby Wim. NSFW
Terra Firma series by @malibusunset - Post-Existence domestic family drama, a classic comfort read for me. NSFW
Partners With Benefits by onlytheinevitable - Friends with benefits, NSFW
Truncated by Lysandra31 - Scully and Mulder find themselves in a tight spot. Spooning ensues.
You Send Me by @spooky-nerd - Portals keep popping up around Mulder. It's rather inconvenient until he realizes it's possible the universe is trying to tell him something.
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pookie-mulder · 3 days ago
Feb. 2025 fic roundup
To my surprise, I read a ton this month!
❓🤰 By the Wind Grieved by Karen Rasch
This AU version of Mulder’s return is what we should have had in canon. Watching these two idiots fall back in love and navigate Mulder’s amnesia while trying to figure out what happened to him was absolutely delicious. The author absolutely nailed the characterizations, and M&S acted exactly like I feel like they would in the show!
🧚‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Tam Lin by Pequod
M&S uncover magic, mythology, and folklore as they travel to Scotland to solve the case of three missing boys.
This fic explores a fascinating question: Can Scully make herself believe if it’s the only thing that can save Mulder? Despite this, it’s relatively lighthearted. I loved the memorable OCs, the sickening (affectionate) UST, and the fact that our agents got the chance to ogle each other in formalwear.
🔮😵‍💫 Way Through the Woods by Pellinor & Rebecca Rusnak
Mulder has been missing for three months, and Scully must follow the clues to find out what happened to him.
I went into this fic expecting more of a survival story, but it’s much more of an angsty psychological thriller. The nonlinear plot and constant flashbacks were confusing at times, but I read this one while sick with a cold, so that could be the reason why I had a hard time with it. I loved it nonetheless and recommend it to anyone who wants to be taken on an existential ride.
⌚️💥 SN 1573 by prufrockslove
(Thanks to @fine-nephrit for reminding me I wanted to read this one lol)
Officially starting a conspiracy that PFL is secretly a wildly successful published author. There’s simply no way this kind of talent goes unrewarded by the universe. PFL, if you’re out there, just know I’m onto you 👀
Anyway, this post-colonization fic HURTS in the best way. What do you do when the world ends, but you’re still here? How do you go on? I love seeing characters pushed to the absolute brink. I love watching them bend until they break. I love watching them put themselves (and each other) back together in the face of abject despair. And BOY HOWDY does this fic deliver.
As always, the world-building and characterization are out of this world. Every detail is so meticulously written that I found myself believing this is exactly what would happen to humanity when there’s almost nobody left. And the flashbacks to Before — UGHHH the contrast between the happy, flirty, sappy beginning of their relationship to the absolute depression of After fills me with shrimp emotions.
💍💒 Proposal by @slippinmickeys
This little fic is one of my favorite MSR proposals ever!! I love an unconventional proposal, and this one definitely delivers. Mulder’s love for his little family gives me yet more shrimp emotions.
“I’m irredeemably in love with the both of you,” his voice cracks. “And I want to bind you to me in every way I possibly can.”
👆 that’s the good stuff right there!
🕯️👻 Beacon by @cecilysass
Lovelorn M&S are caught in a ghost’s curse and must admit their feelings before time runs out.
I love when our two favorite idiots are forced by outside influences to figure out their relationship (this one is along the lines of HTGSC, but with a Hanahaki disease-esque twist). It may take some meddling from a ghost or ghoul, but they get there in the end! This fic is perfect for warming your heart on a cold winter night.
🇺🇸👯‍♀️ An Alluring Indiscretion by beduini and M. Taylor Harrison
This intriguing casefic involves a senator, prostitutes, and doppelgängers. While it’s not the most polished fic I’ve ever read, it’s still very enjoyable, and there’s plenty of MSR to be had.
😷🔥 if the truth forgets about us by @leiascully
Angsty cancer arc smut my beloved!! Somehow, the angst makes the smut that much more intense. I’m in love!
🤕🫂 always in sickness, never in health by @mulderfrl
More cancer arc angst!!! Scully muses on her relationship with Mulder and how she wishes they had more time. It’s heartbreaking in the best way!
👿🛌 No More Demons by Penny Daza
During season 4, M&S decide to (platonically) sleep together — literally. Just for comfort.
I’m not gonna lie to you. This fic is messy as heck. You just have to let go of your adult brain and pretend you’re a 13-year-old again, reading fic on wattpad late into the night. Embrace the mess and just enjoy the ride.
💌💝 My Funny Valentine by @libbytxf
M&S celebrate Valentine’s Day throughout the years. I looove to see the evolution of their relationship from coworkers to friends to “it’s complicated” to lovers. Those USTy years are my favorite!
⛈️🤞 Lucky Stars by @thursdayinspace
Post-Syzygy, M&S want some space apart. Their plans are foiled, and they end up getting closer than ever.
This fic made me all warm and tingly! So precious!
😴🌲 The Dreaming Tree by @slippinmickeys
This fic has become one of my favorite casefics of all time! The premise had me hooked right from the start. It felt like an episode of the show, but better (and sexier).
I love the way it incorporates Native American history (in a much more tactful way than the show did). It’s respectful and informative while still being fantastical and entertaining. Genius!
🧚‍♂️🌳 The Unseelie Court by @slippinmickeys
Another banger of a casefic from slippinmickeys that deals with folklore and fairies. I love how sweeping and cinematic this one feels, especially the more magical scenes. It was so fun to put together the pieces and figure out what’s happening as I read!
❄️🚁 Falling Snow by Snark
Finally, a true wilderness survival fic I haven’t read already!
I would’ve liked some of the threads introduced the beginning to be woven together more. Certain things happen that have little to no impact on the overarching story. Still, once the big things start happening, I enjoyed this fic immensely! The OCs were surprisingly intriguing, and the tension had me reading late into the night.
🌳🦌 Old Growth Forest by Andrea
I very much enjoyed this time travel fic! It’s like a mixture between The Mastodon Diaries and a Wild West AU with plenty of survival elements.
However, I found myself wishing that it covered a longer period of time. There are certain things I was hoping to see, but the book ended before we got there. There were also some missed opportunities for added drama/characterization/internal conflict, but all in all, it was still a great read!
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piecesofkatecreates · 27 days ago
X-Files fic recs
I'm still a bit of a Tumblr newbie, but it's about time I posted some fic recs.
This is a small sample of recent favourites - there's SO much good stuff out there, by some hella talented writers ❤️
I know I've missed some - let's call it Part 1!
The Unseelie Court by @slippinmickeys
Epic case file, gripping and masterfully written. This one was like watching an episode live, back in 1990-something.
The Course of True Love by XFNessy
Another brilliant long-haul read with great character development (I'm in awe of how people plan and structure long fics like this!)
The Finer Things by @spookyshipperfics
This was such a fun (train) ride. The premise had me gripped and there were some really tense moments (I also like a bit of Diana angst!)
Just Friends by @spookyshipperfics
I had to add another by Spooky Shipper. A more light-hearted (and hilarious) piece about Skinner fretfully observing his agents at a party.
California Dreaming by @heresince93
Really nice, well-written AU piece. Scully, a pediatrician with a young daughter, literally collides with a handsome guy (who now?) on her morning jog.
Here's a Hand in Thine by @leiascully
Mulder invites Scully to the Lone Gunmen's New Year's Eve party. This was so entertaining and I loved the tension.
Gingersnap by @cecilysass
This is such an original, fun fic. Scully is in a cookie-baking frenzy and Mulder tries to help (and cause mischief). In the midst of a hilarious scenario they are both still so in character, and I love that.
Shut up, Mulder by David S
Thanks to @thatfragilecapricorn30 (via @unremarkablehouse) for posting about this one on Tumblr, or I never would have seen it.
A brilliant, and highly hilarious, stakeout romp as Scully gets impatient and Mulder struggles with car sex logistics.
The clouds are raining cacao and cocaine by @meriwetherwrites
I need to read more Krycek fics. This was equal parts funny and hot. Mulder and Krycek investigate a small town where the inhabitants have seemingly lost their inhibitions. Need I say more.
If I've incorrectly deduced you're not on Tumblr - or I've tagged you incorrectly - please yell at me!
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graciehart · 4 months ago
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LISTEN THROUGH SILENCE: An MSR Playlist ⤷ Part Two: Scully
It feels close to you, somehow, to say your name out loud.
playlist / songs ↘
SIX by Sleeping at Last / Similar to with Mulder, I haven't really thought about what enneagram I think Scully might be, but the lyrics of this song are so her. Plus: "I want to believe—no, I choose to believe—that I was made to become a sanctuary." I constantly think about "I want to believe" in the context of Scully because that's very much Mulder's thing, but it takes on so much significance when you think about it relating to Scully (just like Mulder choosing not to believe things takes on special significance as well). Mulder wants to believe in so many things, but Scully wants to believe in Mulder—and she chooses to believe.
RENEGADE by Big Red Machine & Taylor Swift / Very very Scully to Mulder. I mean— "there was nowhere for me to stay, but I stayed anyway" and "you fire off missiles 'cause you hate yourself, but do you know you're demolishing me? And then you squeeze my hand as I'm about to leave" and "it's time, you've come a long way / open the blinds, let me see your face / you wouldn't be the first renegade to need somebody" and "is it insensitive for me to say / get your shit together / so I can love you." But "open the blinds, let me see your face" really gets me because Scully truly does see Mulder, she sees him better than anyone ever has.
BETWEEN THE LINES by Sara Bareilles / Oof, this one huuuurts. I chose the title of this playlist from this song ("listen through silence") because I feel like it goes pretty well with Mulder's playlist ("amidst the chaos," also from a Sara Bareilles song) and because it's so much of what Scully does while Mulder learns—she listens through silence and reads between the lines. ALSO: "I'm queen of attention to details, defending intentions if he fails." Scully is forever the first to defend Mulder no matter what he does, always from a place of love.
BREATHE by Lauv / There are so many songs that could be applied to both of them, but for some reason or another I choose it for one of their individual playlists (this being one of them). I think one of my favorite parts fits Mulder better—"I should leave 'cause you deserve better"—but overall this song made me think of Scully, especially during I Want to Believe. "You're my all and more, but I need room to breathe."
WATER WORSHIP PRAY by Grace Power / This song also makes me think of I Want to Believe, and I especially love this song for Scully because of all the religious imagery. "How can two people fall apart when they both want the same thing? How can my happiness be you, but I'm not happy at all?" OW. And also: "First peace I ever knew / Can't love you well enough to keep you or enough to let you go / I'd rather stay in purgatory with you than in heaven alone."
IF PATIENCE DOESN'T KILL ME by Alison Sudol / I'm very aware that this is a pretty specific sound that not everyone will love, but I love Alison Sudol and I feel like this song is perfect for Scully so I kept it anyway. I just feel like the lyrics fit her perfectly—"if patience is a virtue, I abound / ... / if patience doesn't kill me, I'm yours." And it's where the description comes from—"it feels close to you, somehow, to say your name out loud." It feels like they constantly are calling for each other both because they want them there and trust they will be there, but also because the simple act of calling for each other makes them feel less alone.
GIVE UP THE GHOST by Rosi Golan & Johnny McDaid / Another song I love (I would've titled this "Quiet the Noise" if I hadn't already used that as a playlist title) that takes on new meaning when you think about it in an MSR context. Ghosts take on a different significance when thinking about Mulder (also, @leiascully just KILLED me with her fic and "I don't love anything more than I love you, Scully. Not even ghosts." Literally what the fuck). Even the very beginning of this song—"come here, it's all worth the fight when it's you, dear." And "slow down, we're losing the meaning of words now / quiet the noise 'cause we made a mountain of minuscule things." And Scully really does quiet his noise.
THE BEACON by A Fine Frenzy / The lyrics in the gifset are from this song and if I could write out the entire song without it being ridiculous, I would. I swear this could truly be a song written by Scully about Mulder. I mean, just starting with the first verse: "You say your time has come / you're tired of waking up / don't be obscene, I can't conceive of living without you / You say you drag me down, no one should want you now / I start to cry, you kiss my eyes and say I'm not allowed to." And then, AND THEN the second verse: "you were a child forgot / lessons of love untaught / now no embrace can quite replace the one that never found you / I was raised tenderly / all that was taught to me / I will apply / Your parents tried, but they didn't know how to." Like. Okay. Sure. That's fine.
SATURN by Sleeping at Last / I know I'm not alone with this one because I've seen multiple videos of them set to this song, but I chose to put it on Scully's playlist because it really makes me think of Mulder's abduction arc/when he wakes up in "Deadalive." Just imagine her listening to this song sitting by his side, holding his hand, willing him to wake up. GAH.
YOU MATTER TO ME by Jessie Mueller & Drew Gehling / This is another song I was debating for both of them, but the first verse especially makes me think of Scully: "I could find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes / they've seen things you never quite say, but I hear / come out of hiding, I'm right here beside you / and I'll stay there as long as you'll let me."
SOMEONE WHO LOVES ME by Sara Bareilles / This song wrecks me and has some of the most beautiful lyrics I've ever heard. One reason I love it for Scully is because of the hug at the end of "Irresistable." This is another song I would have considered for a playlist title ("my home, my heart") if I hadn't already used it before. But the way it's sung always gets to me—"my home, my heart, thank god you are someone who loves me," like she's exhaling into the safety of his arms.
I F*CKING LOVE YOU by Zolita / The song pretty much says it all: "what if I let it slip, tell you that oh my god, I fucking love you."
WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT by Emily James / I absolutely love the first part of this song when she says "I just wanna say that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon unless it's with you." What really made me think of MSR was this, though: "'cause we've been busy lying to ourselves, swearing it would never work / promising that we were just friends / it's funny how it doesn't make sense / and then it does." And I love the idea of Scully thinking again about how different her life is, how this is so far from where she thought she'd be, but with a little bit of wonder: "who would've thought that it would've been you?"
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thursdayinspace · 3 months ago
fic: all after such a desert (13/13) [complete]
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
So. This is it. Typing "epilogue" into the chapter title box made me tear up a bit, not gonna lie. It's been such a journey, and I'm truly overwhelmed by all your comments, reblogs, and support. I've loved sharing this with you. I love you guys. Thank you. And until next time. <3 Thanks once again to leiascully for the beta, muldersfingers for the cheerleading, and libbytxf for the title. And thanks to all you lovely people for your reblogs and comments, love you! <3
He would rather stick his fingers in a wall socket than hurt or upset her, ever. He keeps waiting for this love to start hurting the way he knows all love hurts at some point down the road. But he’s loved her for years and here they are. Tentatively, timidly, his soul is still reaching for hers, asking it to soothe old hurts and pain. He doesn’t know how he’s ever going to be able to be enough, but he’ll try, he’ll try. And hope that eventually, maybe, one day he will deserve her, if he just tries hard enough.
In which Mulder learns what it truly means to be a whole person to someone.
Read on AO3
Tagging @today-in-fic
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lilydalexf · 2 months ago
Hi! I'm looking for fic where either Mulder or Scully (or both) are some kind of cryptid and/or have supernatural powers or abilities. Thank you in advance!
Here are some fics where Mulder and/or Scully is a cryptid or something else fantastical or supernatural. There are a ton of stories where one of both of them have supernatural powers or abilities, so I'm leaving that daunting ask for another time since I'm not sure I could make a reasonable list. Enjoy!
And if I make my bed in Sheol by threeguesses Mulder becomes his own x-file. (Scully and Mulder’s ghost and believing)
The Entity by Annie Jennings It stalks humanity with a vengeance. It looks upon the blood of man with an insatiable thirst. It can bestow upon mortals the gift of eternal life. And now, it sets its sights upon Fox Mulder and Dana Scully...
Essentially Exactly the Way It Happened by @scullyphile (WIP) AU where nothing is different except that Scully’s a vampire, and for all Mulder’s suppositions, he still doesn’t guess
Eternity in Your Arms by Piper Sargasso This is an alternate reality of my “This Mortal Coil” universe. What if Scully had left after their first night together since Mulder’s making, rather than staying and being taken by Julian? Although this is technically a spinoff of TMC, it can definitely be read and understood as a standalone.
Ghost series by Joyce An accident radically changes the partnership between Mulder and Scully while opening Scully up to extreme possibilities.
In the Blood by twosheds (No summary provided)
inosculaton by @leiascully When Scully fucks him, it's a supernova.
lucky silver by goatfriend dana scully is a werewolf. angst ensues.
midnight hold by @brenayla “They’re fine, I guess,” Julie says. “Kinda weird.” Weird as in: she gets a feeling like brain freeze if she looks at them for too long. Weird like: when they lean in to speak to each other, they make the conference room go still and November cold. She would need something far stronger than coffee before she’d admit it, but there have been moments where Julie could not tell them apart.or: soulmates as cryptids
Siren Song by @leiascully Navy sailor Dana Scully, in disguise as Daniel, has a very close encounter of the mer kind.
Tam Lin by Pequod When your local young men disappear, only to turn up dead a year later, sometimes it helps to have friends in high places. Myth and murder combine in a remote Scottish village, and Mulder and Scully investigate. The Fairy Queen is out to revenge the loss of her most prized knight, Tam Lin. Mulder believes but Scully’s not so sure, until Mulder takes a walk in the woods.
Tonight I Was by Brighid A late night call turns Mulder's world inside out.
Too Close to Hide, By the Moonlight Side by @giroshane Scully tried to keep a positive outlook on life. Truly, she did. With the amount of bullshit she'd been through, before and during her tenure on the X-files, if she didn't find some spots of light in this dark dark world she'd have gone insane long ago. 1995 made that hard. Yes, she thought, cold, shivering, blood-spattered and buck-naked in the mud and rain in the middle of the woods, with the waning full moon shining down on her like a spotlight. By the summer of 1995, it was shaping up to be the worst year of her life. -- Or, an AU where everything is exactly the same--except Dana Scully is a werewolf. When grief and loneliness cause one too many slip-ups, it's time for Mulder to learn the truth. Unfortunately, the hard way.
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leiascully · 18 days ago
Fic: if the truth forgets about us (MSR, E)
2600 words; E for sexual content; I put the cancer arc into my distiller and extracted high-proof pain for my beloved @thursdayinspace
+ + + +
Scully gasped and bit her lip. A flush washed over her cheeks and chest. It was the most color he’d seen on her in weeks, maybe months.
“God, Mulder. It’s so much.”
“We can stop,” he said. “Do something else for a while. Try again later.”
“No,” she said. She was trembling, her knees braced on either side of his thighs as she sank slowly onto his cock. “I want this. I want you.” The look in her eyes stoked the flames in his heart and his loins, twin blazes of desire and devotion.
“Take it slow,” he said. He settled his hands lightly on her hips. “You’re in charge.”
She lowered herself, taking him another half-inch deeper. They both sighed.
How had they gotten here? Funeral drinks for Pendrell, he thought, the edges of his recollection slightly blurred. Months after the fact, but the bureaucracy of investigation had slowed the funeral. Their friend had been evidence and now he was in the ground. It had been strange to drink in the bar where Pendrell had died. They’d had one too many. They were sober now, but they hadn’t been when they’d started kissing in the parking lot. The heat of her mouth had shocked the haziness from his system. His fingers were still sticky from working inside her, Scully clutching at him as he pressed her to the cool flank of his car. But she’d assured him over and over the alcohol wasn’t clouding her judgment. She’d asked him to fingerfuck her right there in the shadows.
“No regrets,” she had promised, her eyes large in her thin face. When she’d come, she’d barely made a sound, her face buried in the loose lapel of his coat. He’d brought her home; she’d caught his hand before he could leave and drawn him into her bedroom. He had rubbed his thumb over the scab where the murderous nurse had cut her. She was healing slowly.
There were other reasons for her recklessness, but they didn’t discuss those. Both of them understood this was likely to be a singular encounter. They were running out of time. She was running out of energy. The ridge of her iliac crest felt prominent under the pad of his thumb. He stroked along it while she panted, her eyes nearly closed. His cock throbbed. He pressed his hips hard down into the mattress, fighting the urge to thrust up into her. She eased down another fraction of an inch, whining a little in her throat, and stopped.
“I can’t,” she said. A tear rolled down her cheek. He thumbed it away.
“It’s okay,” he said. “It’s okay.” He helped her climb off him. She curled up next to him on her bed. She looked so delicate. He could see the blue veins under her thin skin. He kissed another tear from her cheek.
(read the rest on AO3)
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sagan-starstuff · 1 month ago
What's the origin of your blog title? "We are made of starstuff" - Carl Sagan
OTP(s) + Shipname: Mulder and Scully, good old MSR. The one ship to rule them all, no one will ever do it like they did it.
Favourite colour: Basically all shades of blue
Favourite game: I don't really game much but I am playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild right now and it's pretty great.
Song stuck in your head: "Still Alive" by Jonathan Coulton thanks to my brother taking me a trip down memory lane
Weirdest habit/trait? I am pathological about keeping my nails short. It's not even a sex thing, I just haaate the feeling of having them more than like...2mm of overhang.
Hobbies: Reading, gardening, baking, slowly getting back into writing fic. I also have like....a dozen crafts/arts that I pick up for a month and then abandon
If you work, what's your profession? I'm a medical doctor. (IYKYK)
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Astrophysicist but somehow without all the math and computer science that seem to be required. I just wanna look at pretty pictures of space all day.
Something you're good at: I'm a pretty decent baker.
Something you're bad at: Talking coherently about my feelings.
Something you love: My husband and son. Chocolate. The feeling of the sun on my skin. The X-Files. Looking at the night sky. Walking around art museums.
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: The X-Files. Also microbes!
Something you hate: Anti-intellectualism. Unfairness or injustice. Hypocrisy. The current state of American politics. Raisins.
Something you collect: X-Files stuff! And Terry Pratchett books. And books in general.
Something you forget: Biostatistics. I re-learn how to do the calculations before exams, then immediately forget.
What's your love language? Quality time and touch.
Favourite movie/show: The X-Files, always forever. I also love Contact, The Princess Bride, and basically everything Studio Ghibli, 30 Rock, most Michael Schur shows (not The Office, though)
Favourite food: Seafood. I'll eat anything that swims/scuttles/clings to the side of a boat.
Favourite animal: Cats, owls, Highland coos. My specific dog.
What were you like as a child? Smart, shy, generally well-behaved, awkward around my peers, made furious by injustice or unfairness. Basically like now, just less well-behaved.
Favourite subject at school? SCIENCE!
Least favorite subject? None, really. I was decent at math, I just lost interest once I got past Calc I.
What's your best character trait? I like to think I have a sense of personal integrity. If I think something is unethical, unfair, or unwise, I refuse as much as I can to go along with it.
What's your worst character trait? Limited patience. The above traits also can make me a little rigid, and I've had to work a LOT on not just flat out telling people I think they're wrong, I've had to work on developing a sense of compromise and diplomacy.
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? UGH my commute, there's so much construction and the roads in my city were laid out so poorly that it should NOT take a long to get to/from work as it does.
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? Carl Sagan or Ida B. Wells.
Recommend one of your favourite fanfics (spread the love!): Shine On by @cecilysass, the whole time it was coming out I'd drop everything I was doing when a chapter dropped. One of the best Revival fics I've read. An AU, technically.
I stole most of this list from @randomfoggytiger because I'm laaaazy but participate if you like!
@baronessblixen, @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, @welsharcher
@agent-troi, @amplifyme, @laurencem, @illaisland, @halfali3n,
@virtie333, @television-overload, @brenayla, @nachosncheezies,
@leiascully, @catharsisxf, @numinousmysteries, @frogsmulder,
@suitablyaggrieved, @loubetcha, @storybycorey, @rachg82,
@spooky-jordan, @borogirl, @jessahmewren, @skelavender,
@unremarkablehouse, @thefinalpaperheart, @redteekal,
@sigritandtheelves, @lesbianagentofnothing, @kiivitaja,
@unremarkablehouse, @freckleslikestars, @pianogirlxf,
@justice-for-queequeg, @scullysmywife, @xf-cases-solved,
@muldersfingers, @is-on-its-way, @sarie-fairy,
@lilydalexf, @thescullyphile, @teenie-xf, @touchstoneaf, @ellivia,
@trusttnno1, @settle-down-frohike, @thursdayinspace,
@sagan-starstuff, @b0oker18, @singeart, @bakedbakermom,
@slippinmickeys, @pookie-mulder, @thatfragilecapricorn30,
@deathsbestgirl, @calimanc, @goodshipsmulder, @vincentsleftear,
@aloysiavirgata, @pennyserenade, @dreamingofscully,
@xxsksxxx, @writingwell, @trans-spidey, @scullys-scalpel,@daynascullys, @precedex-files, @bakedbakermom, @msrafterdark @cecilysass
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randomfoggytiger · 3 months ago
Collector's Edition: Melissa Scully, the One and Only (Part I)
Melissa Scully, a character with incredible impact compared to her minuscule screen time. Today, we honor her memory.
(If you're curious to read more Melissa-dedicated fic, I recommend The Other Side: Melissa Scully's Recs's site.)
Loose chronological order below~
audrey_cooper/Audrey Cooper's Fairy Tale
Melissa dug in her feet and made tracks on the thin ice covering the sidewalk. "You'll fall if you don't _slow down_." She emphasized the last two words with jerks on Dana's hand. Dana's mitten came off, and, already overbalanced, Melissa flopped down into the snow that was piled next to the sidewalk.
Melissa Scully is dragged around by her little sister (who may or may not have seen a cryptid.)
resistate's Scared at Night
Dana hears another almost-moan, this one following by a terrible scraping sound. Dana has half-convinced herself she has been imagining things. She jumps a little bit without meaning too and bangs her elbow on her bedside table by accident. "Melissa," she says urgently, before she can stop herself. "Missy!"
Pre-S1 Scully deduces that the noise under her bed is Melissa.
The Scully Sister
Charlie, bless his soul, told Mom he planned to stick up for a kid that was being bullied in class.  Dana, the overachiever, wanted to ask her teacher for extra credit on the history project regarding California missions on top of the required diorama all students had to turn in.  Once it was my turn to speak, I blurted, “I’m not going to get confirmed next year.”
Melissa's slow journey away from religion.
Porch Talk
Dana glared at me as she chewed on her bottom lip. A smug smile crossed my lips. “I thought so. Dana, if you’re doing this to nab a guy, then he’s definitely not the one for you. If you’re doing this to get attention, then believe me, you got it. Just don’t hide the genius that you are. That’s the real you.”
Pre-S1 Melissa has a very serious talk with her little sister.
@mulders-boyish-enthousiasm/muldersboyishenthousiasm's Dear Stubb
Mom helped me fill a lot of papers to redirect letters and subscriptions I receive through mail. Melissa could not stop hovering over my shoulder sending me good vibes using a new age technique she just learned. Bill didn’t even bother to feign interest in my going to Quantico. And Ahab… well… Ahab avoided me most of the time. What about Charlie you’ll wonder? Charlie’s absent. As usual.
Pre-S1 Scully writes about her family and new assignment to an unidentified friend.
Beshter's X-files Seasons
"Mom said you were in town, I thought you would call." Scully pulled away, glancing at her stove where strange and good smelling foods were bubbling.
"Yeah, well it's Tuesday. We always have dinner on Tuesday, remember?" Melissa produced a key from her pocket, waving it in front of Scully. "And as I remember it was my turn to cook."
"That was a year ago, Missy." 
Melissa Scully appears many times in this sprawling epic spanning the first seven years Scully spent on the X-Files.
First Sight 
How her parents had managed to live such confined, orderly lives for over thirty years was beyond her; something to do with a military mindset, she supposed. Bill and Charles had never minded, not like her--or Melissa.
Pre-S1 Melissa pokes a few bears after Scully announces her new assignment.
Third Memory
Melissa gasped. This was far more than a dream vision. It was cold here. She smelled the acrid sickness of antiseptic and vomit, heard the insistent beeps and shushing of life support equipment. She knew it was Dana's mind that touched hers, and she felt herself sliding down into her sister's memory. She tensed and called out, "Dana!" In her bedroom, alone, there was no answer. She was falling, falling into Dana's thoughts, into her sister's past.
Anasazi Melissa taps into Mulder's aura.
Shelba's The Man of her Dreams
Months passed; she forgot about the dream. Then one night in late summer, she gasped awake, shaken to the core. The man from her dream had returned in a nightmare. His long body was fastened to a chair, if a chair had been made by Dante.
Pre-S1 Melissa has unknowingly dreamed of Mulder for years.
@frostbitepandaaaaa/FrostbitePanda's Nine Minutes and Then Some - Chapter 4 (Ao3)
Missy almost chokes on a cherry tomato, looks up at her sister to see if she’s suddenly been replaced by someone else. But Dana Scully is still there, pushing her fork through her spinach, her face carefully schooled.
Post Pilot Melissa sides with Mulder against Scully.
@viceversawrites/viceversa's One word prompt: Maybe (Ao3)
“He’s, uh. He’s tall.”
“Dana, you’re tiny. Everyone is tall compared to you.”
“He’s tall compared to most people, Melissa. And he, uh.”
“Come on, spill it.”
“He has a nice face. It’s… sad.”
S1 Melissa gets Scully to admit her new partner's cute.
“Jersey Devil” ficlet (Ao3)
“Who?” Scully asked, washing dishes, phone propped to her ear with her shoulder.
“The guy…that dad you went out with. You wore that beautiful lace dress?”
“Oh, Rob.”
“Rob….” Melissa said, stretching his name as if prodding her for any salacious details.
Post Jersey Devil Melissa figures out Scully might have a crush on her partner.
Fictober Day 17 Post “One Breath” (Ao3)
Mulder’s eyes shot up to meet Melissa’s; a deer caught in the headlights, trying to decide if he should admit or deny his feelings.
“ You should break the ice, let her know that she’s on your mind, ” Melissa encouraged.
Post One Breath Melissa encourages Mulder to make some moves.
@just-a-donut-who-reads/just_a_donut_who_reads 's One Day 
Missy warned me not to take on the assignment to the X-files. She said it would be dangerous. It is. She said it would be frustrating. It is. She said it would drive me mad, make me question everything I learned in med school and in Quantico...
That said - on the X-files, I have something Missy never anticipated.
An excellent view.
S1 Scully realizes she has a crush on Mulder.
@swinging-stars-from-satellites/bravest_person_in_Wonderland 's
a faint and faraway sound
She didn't see the glance shared between Melissa and their mother, who had been disagreeing over something else just before they sat down to eat, but were the two who understood the best — Dana was liable to take this too much to heart, and if she couldn't change the way she spoke, she would take it as a personal failing.
Scully worked hard to overcome her childhood lisp... and feels a bit hurt when Mulder draws attention to it.
scully and monica (scully's sister, iirc?)
Dana holds the phone between her shoulder and ear, precariously stretching the cord as she tries to carry a frozen turkey over to the sink without dropping either it or the phone; her parents are coming for Christmas dinner tomorrow, but Melissa predictably couldn't make it.
AU-- S1 Scully may have quit the FBI, but that doesn't stop her sister from bringing up Mulder.
"Missy," Dana says after breakfast, still sitting at her mother's table while Melissa insists on taking care of the dishes. Maggie had left momentarily to run to the store. "Promise you won't think I'm insane."
Post Beyond the Sea Scully asks Melissa if she believes in ghosts.
Whumpay Day 5/Lu's Whumpay 2022 - Chapter 5
"When's the last time you ate?" Asks a voice somewhere out of his range of vision, and Mulder turns in the hard plastic hospital chair to see who it is.
Melissa Scully, all five foot five inches of her — plus three extra inches of platform boots — stands in the doorway of the waiting room, her arms crossed and eyes surprisingly clear, considering that she's been here as long as he has. When he doesn't respond right away, she raises an eyebrow and asks again. "So, how long has it been? I know you haven't slept, but I'm not about to get on your case for that."
One Breath Melissa reads between the lines of Mulder's behavior.
@leiascully's (Ao3)
OctoberFicFest Day 9: Herbal Tea/OctoberFicFest 2021 and OctoberFicFest Day 13: Crystal/OctoberFicFest 2021
Missy’s apartment is cluttered, but it’s a cheerful, kitschy kind of clutter.  There are at least three tarot decks, and those are just the ones Dana can see from her mismatched chair at the battered kitchen table.  The whole apartment smells faintly of herbs and incense.  There are bunches of flowers hung over the doorway to dry and crystals scattered over most of the horizontal surfaces.  On the coffee table, a Ouija board is half-buried under a pile of paperbacks.  The planchette rests in a lipstick-smudged wine glass.
“No crystal ball?” she cracks.  
Melissa's kitschy kitchen and crystals have a lasting impact on one Dana Scully.
Scully gets the below toe ring in S4
She bought the ring on a whim from a basket on the counter at some little witchy shop that she visited out of nostalgia for the scent of incense. Melissa had worn a toe ring when they were younger and it had driven their mother crazy. Scully had thought it looked elegant and just a little daring. She felt tender for that younger self while she browsed the display of rings, stirring through them.
Melissa sparks an unlikely interest.
@slippinmickeys/SlippinMickeys/Slippin' Mickeys's
Scully and Missy talk about her work 
“But what’s he like?” Missy asks, hand curled around a chunky mug, her fingers playing with the string of a tea bag. She asks as though it’s a question with an easy answer, like Mulder’s some sandy-haired podiatrist who enjoys cooking and tennis.
“I don’t know,” Scully answers truthfully. “He’s… brooding. Quick-witted. Intelligent.”
Melissa’s eyebrows go up. She probably shouldn’t have led with brooding.
S1 Melissa assures Scully she's not poking fun.
Can we please have more Missy and Scully conversations, thank you😁 
There’s a brightness to her sister that lights up the gloom of the room, an overeager, watery delirium in the eyes reminding Scully that she’s had A Very Close Call.
Post One Breath Melissa carefully fills her sister in on Mulder's behavior.
The Concept of Dualism
“Dana and I are going to come pick you up,” she said, “what time are you being released?”
Scully could hear a dull mumbling from the receiver. 
“It’s fine, she could use the fresh air. We’ll see you then.”
Scully leaned back on the couch. 
“Thanks, Missy,” she said, “if you can help him get settled into his apartment, I’m sure I can find somebody to-” 
Melissa cut her off. 
“Oh, I’m not taking him to his apartment,” Missy said, matter-of-factly, “I’m bringing him here.”
Post Dod Kalm Melissa insists on nursing Scully and Mulder back to health.
Old Chem pt 3
Melissa looked at it a moment and then gave him a firm grip, observing him appraisingly while she shook it maybe three seconds longer than was polite. 
“So is it Dr. Mulder, then?” she asked, releasing it. 
“Just Mulder,” he said.
AU-- Old Chem Mulder meets one Melissa Scully.
Belated Birthday wishes and a Prompt: Valley of the Sun 
“Heard you were trying to do this without me,” he said with a smile, tossing the towel to the floor and kneeling down next to the bed to take Scully’s hand.
“I didn’t think it would happen this fast,” Scully said, and could feel another contraction coming on, the pain so intense she let out a howl.
“I did,” Missy said under her breath.
Scully was too caught up in the grip of agony to give her any grief for it.
AU-- Valley of the Sun Mulder surprises his pregnant partner with a familiar face.
@wtfmulder's (Ao3) are you wearing space pants (Ao3)
“Missy helped me make it,” she shrugs, setting the card back down. She is so bad at faking nonchalant.
S1 Mulder is affronted by a prank... or is he?
Michelle Kiefer's Only The Ones Who Believe
Melissa had been the only one who supported her decision to join the FBI. "Dana, no one can walk a path set by someone else. You have to choose your own way." What would Melissa say now? Because Dana--I can't go dancing, I have to finish my chemistry paper--Scully has set off in a direction she could never have imagined.
Post Little Green Men Scully wishes Melissa could give her advice.
Skinfull's Before
“Let me guess…” Melissa hummed on the other side of the phone. “You’re in the bath, you have a hot chocolate, you’re just in from work and you had a chicken salad for dinner, at your desk in the morgue. Your fridge is bare. Much like your dating life.”
AU-- Melissa is determined to set her FBI morgue sister up with a date... but she might be a bit too late.
To FBI or Not To FBI
Biting her lip, she hoped her next question wouldn’t come as a complete surprise to her family. “Has Dana told you if she’s pregnant?’
“What makes you think your sisters pregnant,” Maggie hedged, wondering at Melissa’s intuition.
AU-- Pre-S1 Melissa seems to sense that not only has her E.R. sister been swept up in a whirlwind romance, but that she might be (is) already (accidentally) pregnant-- and that there is danger and intrigue whirling around Scully's new boyfriend.
Time Slip
“Missy?” Scully managed before the pounding increased in her head.
“Dana,” Missy asked, carefully watching her sister sit up and reach an unsteady hand to the base of her neck. “Who’s Mulder?”
AU-- S6 Scully is shot back in time, before her FBI recruitment.
Sukie Tawdry's The Way Things Are (1) and The Way Things Are (2)
"Mulder, your sneakers are muddy," Scully said, trying to hide her pleasure at the sight of her dripping partner. "This is my sister, Melissa. Melissa, this is my partner, Fox Mulder."
"The prodigal daughter?" Mulder asked, toeing off his sneakers. Drying his hand against his pant leg, he leaned over the table to shake Melissa's hand. "It's good to meet you."
"I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Melissa studied Mulder's face with fascination. "I just had to meet the man who knocked up my baby sister."
AU-- S1 Melissa sweeps back into Scully's life after her sister trips into an accidental pregnancy, kidnapping, and shacking-up situation.
MSR Collection: Devotion Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
“It’s just—she can sometimes push people away and act like things…like they don’t bother her,” Melissa said. “But she deserves someone who can get through that and understand that.”
“I understand a lot about Scully,” Mulder offered. “I’m learning more every day, and I…I look forward to learning everything I can.”
“Then you’ve got my blessing, or whatever, for what it’s worth,” Melissa said.
AU-- Post One Breath Melissa is delighted that Mulder and Scully are dating (and senses there is something else they aren't saying.)
AU: Melissa Didn’t Die
Melissa’s recovery is slow and painstaking, and Scully helps her through every step. The sisters grow closer than they’ve ever been, until eventually, they are both ready to go back to work. By then it is October and chilly. Mulder has had months to learn, to remember, what life without Scully is like. They’ve talked on the phone, had lunch a few times, and he’s visited with both her and Melissa, but it has of course not been the same. He’s a little lost without her. 
AU-- Paper Clip Scully and Mulder's relationship changes after Melissa doesn't die.
Birth Day
It takes her an hour, but Melissa’s jeep finally rumbles up the drive, too fast, like she owns the place. The older sister emerges, swinging out her door almost before the jeep has stopped. “Somebody having a baby over here?” she calls to them. She drags out an enormous purse, a kind of floppy tote in purple tie-dye.
AU-- Doula Melissa is there for her sister and her partner.
@baronessblixen's (Ao3)
Thinking About Babies
All Dana is thinking about these days is college. Doing well. Becoming a medical doctor. She’s trying to get a glimpse of her older sister sitting there on the bed, but all she sees, or thinks she sees, is a silhouette. Her long hair falls into her face and she brushes it away quickly, almost angrily. She needs to get it cut and soon. It’s not practical and Dana is practical – or wants to be anyway. Long, wavy hair is for girls who spent their days at the beach. Dana is no longer that girl.
“A career is not the most important thing in the world.” The sheets rustle and Melissa comes into sight. She smiles secretively and leans over Dana’s shoulder to look at her homework. Who does homework on a Friday night? 
Pre-S1 Melissa and Scully have a weighty conversation that the latter revisits, years and years later, in a place called Home.
“Melissa and I- well, Missy had this idea to take this self-defense class and she made me go with her. She thought after… after Duane Barry it might be a good idea. I told her I don’t need it,” she chuckles, remembering their conversation. Melissa wouldn’t accept no for an answer. “I got a bit carried away.”
Post One Breath Mulder stresses over bruises on Scully's wrist.
Another Banner Year (Ao3)
Scully opens the door after a series of frantic knocks. As soon as she does, Melissa barges into her apartment, her hair as furiously red as her face.
“Well, hello to you, too,” Scully says while her sister just stares at her with a wild look. The anger on her face is a familiar sight that reminds her of her childhood.
Post Our Town Melissa drops in after Scully's latest on-the-job trauma.
Merry Christmas, Darling - Chapter 21
"Dana and Fox, sitting in tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g," Melissa hums, making kissing noises.
S2 Melissa enjoys teasing Scully about her shopping partner.
It’s a Match
Melissa Scully stares at him, waiting for him to confirm or deny it. She quirks an eyebrow, much like his own Scully does. It shakes him out of his stupor.
“Would you please be quiet,” he hisses.
AU-- S2 Melissa corners Mulder at a Scully family party, determined to get the truth out of him.
25 Days of Christmas - Chapter 20
“Where do you want me?” Mulder asks Scully, rolling up his sleeves. “What can I do?” 
“We need someone to do the dishes,” Melissa says with a sweet smile. 
“I can do that.” He gives her mother and her sister his best, most charming smile before he pushes past them and starts washing the dishes.
“That was a joke,” Melissa whispers into her ear, watching Mulder with big eyes. “Can I borrow him for one weekend?”
AU-- S2 Melissa dares Scully to make a move.
could you do msr cuddling for comfort pls?
“You need to gohome, Scully. Where is your mother? I thought maybe you could stay with her fora while.”
Disappointment bubbles up inside of her. She can’t recall the last time Melissa smiled at her, made fun of her. The only picture in her head right now is not of her sister. It’s her mother blinking away angry tears.
Post Paper Clip Scully is afraid to go home.
Can't help myself also #18 😍😍😍/Secret Spots
“We should go back downstairs.”
“I haven’t seen your room yet.”
“Later,” she promises and his eyebrows shoot up. “I didn’t mean-” but maybe she did. Maybe that’s exactly what she meant. “Later,” she repeats and he nods, his face eager. “Now come on.” She takes his hand but before they descend the stairs, she presses him against the wall – into that one spot Missy showed her one time. 
AU-- Post Millennium Scully introduces Mulder to Melissa's secret cubbyhole.
mulder braiding scully's hair during the iwtb era ❤
"Melissa and I did this for each other," Scully says, sounding wistful. "We'd talk about boys and school. Well, she talked about boys." They both chuckle, remembering their sisters.
Pre-IWTB Mulder braids Scully's hair.
The Day I First Saw You
There they are: Frohike, Byers and Langley, who is wearing a Santa hat and clinging to a shrimpy fir, looking ridiculous.
“We saw it first!” He complains now, his glasses fogging up from his fury.
“You did not!” A woman with long, wavy hair retorts, trying to push him away.
“Please refrain from violence,” Byers says, sounding anxious.
“This is my tree,” the woman says. “Its aura is clearly attuned to mine.”
“Its what?” Langley asks, exchanging looks with his friends. 
AU-- Pre-S1 Mulder, Scully, Melissa, and TLG meet while the squabbling over Christmas trees.
Thanks for reading~
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cecilysass · 5 months ago
Happy birthday, Fox Mulder! (celebrating with Spooky fic recs)
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In honor of Mulder’s birthday, here's a somewhat eclectic selection of Mulder-centric fic. (Some of this isn’t a very nice way to celebrate his birthday as it is a bit angsty and traumatic, but luckily he doesn’t know.) These are all just fics that feature Mulder in the foreground I happen to admire and think of offhand; there are sooo many more.
Genius by Kipler This is a vintage fic (written 1995!) and it feels SO MUCH like an early episode of the show in vibes. A casefile that becomes a serious Mulder character exploration. Canon divergent, but it feels like it could have been canon in some parallel XF universe.
Just the Thing - pinebluffvariant This is about opening presents after How The Ghosts Stole Christmas, not his birthday, but right mood. The end of this … y'all, my breath catches, it’s so perfect.
The Fox Mulder Phonetic Alphabet - storybycorey Mulder’s ABCs of Scully. This seems at first like alphabet themed vignettes, but omg keep reading until the last, because it becomes a narrative that make me weep.
Mrs. and Mr. Spooky - leiascully This fic has both (1) a Tom Colton reunion and (2) Scully seriously upping her birthday present game.
Normal Conversations - Soronia Mulder goes to therapy. The therapist suggests he has normal conversations.
october midnight- skuls Mulder celebrates his birthday in 2018.
Radium - spark_writer Dysfunctional, miserable Mulder in love will do anything but tell her.
Seventeen - scapegrace74 A history of Mulder’s sexual experiences. This ends up being a really moving character study that takes his personal trauma seriously. It also is MSR and leads to that in a simply beautiful way.
Vox Mulder: Wired and Fired - darwin_xf This is a long, rich exploration of how Mulder evolves season 6/7, a kind of replacement for The Sixth Extinction / Amor Fati. Masterful dialogue, partner vacations, smut -- if you haven't read this, it's a treat. You should.
You Send Me - spookynerd Mulder as romantically smitten and completely in character. He’s anxious and miserable and developing theories. This fic is sweet and darling and deliiiiiightful.
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numinousmysteries · 2 days ago
All the Fic I Read in February
I spent pretty much all my fic reading time on the @poangpals Secret Admirers stories this month and it was so worth it.
Old Favorites (Rereads)
The Unfinished Universe by Revely 
sonnet 27 by @audriesfic
Parteger series by @phillippadgettwrites
New-To-Me Favorites
Drive, He Said by Jennifer Stoy
And If I Make My Bed in Sheol by @threeguesss
New This Month
Conversations by @sagan-starstuff [A gift for me!]
Sacred New Beginnings by @daynascullys
And Miss All This? by @cuminspice
This Was Not in the Forecast by @scullygazer
Remember, You Will Die by @spooky-jordan
there is only you by @jrrtrek
if the truth forgets about us by @leiascully
Cross My Heart by @brenayla
My Funny Valentine by @libbytxf
Who’s On Top by @unremarkablehouse
moon shadows by @brenayla
I Will Possess Your Heart by @kitsuraki
rain check? by @thatfragilecapricorn30
Method Acting by @xf-cases-solved
lucky stars by @thursdayinspace
To Infinity and Beyond by @leiascully
Silver Fox by @bakedbakermom
From Cali's List (hi @calimanc!) 
A Minor Inconvenience by @spooky-nerd
Lost Together by Marjorie Williams
Book Club Picks
Lacuna by @aloysiavirgata
Silver Cornet by bonetree
Everything Else (All Bangers!)
In the Ruins by @amplifyme
How Glory Goes by Marguerite
Always Through the Changing by Marguerite
for the weary by @threeguesss
Shopping List by @threeguesses
Silver Bells And Cockle Shells by @threeguesses
Gardening in Tropical Climates by @threeguesses
Five Things That Never Happened to Dana Scully by @threeguesses
Time Pieces by Revely
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unremarkablehouse · 3 months ago
Hi! Secret Santa here. Just wondering what are some of your favorite fics? I hope you're having a great week 🫶
YAY!! You know my week was rough (I have an ear infection), but your message brightened my day. There are SO many amazing fics, I like a lot of fluffy stuff and am a solid S8/S9 denier. Honestly, a list of favorite fics would take forever but here are some of my favorites from Fictober:
Literally everything by Baroness Blixen and MSRAfter Dark. I love Leiascully’s writing, particularly Poang! But any of her stories set during the original run are my favorite.
Thursday in space wrote this fic and it’s one of my all time faves now.
Here are some others I’ve recently bookmarked, but my tastes are all over the shop, lol.
dad - thatfragilecapricorn - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
It's Not Like You Spent a Lot of Time at Home - Chapter 1 - Katy_KT_Katie - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Honest Man - Chapter 1 - cecily_sass - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
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