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Please don’t let it die this way, we used to be out everyday, now you don’t even answer what I say
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You grow up and you realize that, you can have a big connection, you can have the same music taste, you can have like the same movies and have the same songs to sing and might not be enough
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Poco a poco te voy soltando y no quiere decir que ya no te pienso. Me quedan los recuerdos de las veces que sonreías al verme, tu voz al decirme “que paso?” cuando me sonrojaba si ibas a besarme.
la decisión entre hablarte para recuperarte y soltarte para no molestarte, inunda mi mente con mil posibilidades y mil preguntas de que debo hacer, pero hoy te dejo, porque no puedo forzar lo que quiero, no debo pensar que todo será igual si regresas, porque algo se rompió en el momento de tu decisión y solo espero y esperare por ti desde lejos, esperare sin esperarte, espérate que la vida nos vuelva a juntar de alguna manera en la que lo que se rompió nos vuelva a unir
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Too old for that shit
Too young to be stuck
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Ive tattooed on my mind the wrinkles on your eyes and dimples on your cheeks when you smile and there’s no way I can get it out
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Taylor Swift didn't write "And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars. and why I've spent my whole life tryin' to put it into words" and "I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you" and "I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong. writing letters, addressed to the fire" for you to say "if she was gay she would just tell us" it's not easy for her to come out. Who knows how many times she almost did. She's trying. She's doing the best she can.
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I talked with my ex sister in law,
Her, your sister told me I deserve better
I do understand her, I do deserve better
But why can you try better?
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Dijiste que necesitabas tiempo para estar sola, pero sola tiene nombre y apellido
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Alexxis Lemire aprecciaton post😍
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-Una chica invisible. 
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8 years later and i still can’t believe we don’t have a gay princess protection program remake 
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When the hurt is big
Take a trip
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