#anti harwin x rhaenyra
lovedreamer11 · 6 days
I don't believe in love between Harwin and Rhaenyra. I really don't. What did Harwin do for Rhaenyra in six years of relationship except conceive three illegitimate children? Nothing!
It seems to me that after Luke was born, and ideally after Jace was born, it was possible to understand that passing off obvious bastards as Laenor's legitimate sons was a bad idea. If Harwin was not going to break off his relationship with the princess, then they should at least think about the possibility of taking moon tea.
Even after Jace was born, rumors began to circulate about the boy's paternity and quiet insults to Rhaenyra and her reputation, and what does Harwin do when unpleasant things are said about his son and the woman he loves? He makes Rhaenyra two more sons. Although Rhaenyra is also to blame for this. She herself should have been more careful and circumspect.
Harwin also had three sons who called another man their father. Harwin watched his sons grow up thinking of him as an outsider, and again he did nothing. I think if Harwin truly loved Rhaenyra and his children, he would have killed Laenor long ago. It's not that hard. Laenor was not a warrior, and Harwin was a very strong man and spent a lot of time with Rhaenyra. It would have been enough to simply choose the moment when Laenor visited Rhaenyra and break his neck. If he had done it before Jace was born, then no one would have suspected him.
Note, when Daemon had the opportunity to marry Rhaenyra, he certainly took it. Moreover, if the probability is that Rhaenyra was already pregnant with Aegon. Daemon did not wait for the birth of the child and watch his son consider another man the father. He did what Harwin should have done when Rhaenyra became pregnant with Jace.
And then we have Rhaenyra. During the period when Daemon and Laena live in Essos, Rhaenyra spends a lot of time with Harwin and gives birth to a new child almost every year, but after Daemon's return and the beginning of Rhaenyra's friendship with Laena, there is some kind of pause in the relationship between the princess and the knight. Moreover, Rhaenyra marries shortly after Harwin's death.
Personally, this is my opinion. Rhaenyra and Harwin just had sex. They were comfortable and convenient with each other, and perhaps they were happy together, but they were not the love of each other's lives. Harwin does nothing to protect Rhaenyra's reputation and his sons, and Rhaenyra forgets about her lover after Daemon's return.
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alishaaxo · 4 days
im gonna say smth controversial…..
i do NOT like harwin strong
the vibes r off okay 😭
like i get he smirked at rhaenyra at aegon’s nameday, but like he shouldn’t have been such a dumbass relying on the goodwill of his father as hand and rhaenyra’s dad being the king
otherwise him AND the kids wouldve been reprimanded like crazy and to live harsh lives!!
rhaenyra was 18 while the traumatised husband she had planned to do her duty with was too grief stricken with the murder of his lover, and somehow during that time she bonded with harwin as her saviour at the wedding which leads to them rapidly becoming romantic partners and having jace
harwin should’ve known better to even entertain the notion that he could have a romantic relationship with rhaenyra!
and instead he allowed it…. and jace was born
and for that i can be partly okay with it since maybe they did somehow quickly fall into genuine love and want a kid, hoping it would have valyrian features…..
but risking it up all the way to THREE times is acc diabolical
and like when it comes to daemyra stans just shifting harwin onto laena….
it does kinda seem like a sweet ship but also a way to just sidestep laena out of the way when she, especially book-wise, is SO intergral to daemyra and is so viscerally ignored by both the show and fandom!!
laena deserves better than this! id take daemyra/laena anyday over laewin and im saying this as somebody who isnt a daemyra shipper 😭😭
also like harwin contributed like 10 bajillion grey hairs to poor lyonel with all this so i dont feel sympathy for him 💀
imagine being lyonel! like ur family is a fairly new house with a haunted castle and a recent stain on your name regarding bastardry…. and your son decides to go even one step further than lucamore strong ever did by getting with not a bunch of peasants but the mf HEIRESS to the throne!!
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spacerockfloater · 3 months
Do you know what went completely over our heads?
The fact that Rhaenyra has sex with her uncle on the day of the funeral of her children’s father.
I repeat. Harwin is being buried at Harrenhal (S1 E7, Jace: We should be at Harrenhal, mourning Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin.) and Rhaenyra can’t keep it in her pants for the uncle she french-kissed when she was 18.
This man risked his life and his family’s reputation for her. He practically got his father to quit due to the shame he made him feel. He fathered her children, raised them, protected them, trained them, loved them and loved her. He was to her essentially a husband and she cheats on him the day of his funeral. His fucking body was not even cold yet.
And what’s crazy is that she is trying to gaslight her own children by telling them “No, Ser Laenor is your father, not Ser Harwin, stop thinking about him because it’s inappropriate and focus on the death of this other person”, as if she wasn’t the one who imbedded Harwin on every aspect of their lives, only to then turn around and remove Laenor from their lives as well!
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Like, I stopped liking these kids after the way they treated Aemond, but I really felt for them here. They look disgusted as fuck, lol!
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annes-andromeda · 4 months
Don’t mind me, just thinking about how Alicent and Rhaenyra’s best relationships were with their sworn protectors/knights in shining armor (Criston/Harwin), and their worst/most abusive relationships were with Targ*ryen men (V*serys/Da*mon)
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So, this is just what I would like to say to Rhaenyra supporters.
Rhaenyra isn't told by her father that he is secretly seeing her best friend and plans to marry her. When Rhaenyra found out that her father was going to marry her best friend Alicent, she insults her. She lies to her best friend about something she knows Alicent cares about. She sleeps with her uncle Daemon, who has by the way just killed her wife. She sleeps with Cristin Cole, a kingsgaurd who by the way has sworn:
I swear to ward the Queen with all my strength and give my blood for hers. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.
This makes him feel like a sinner and he attempts suicide (I won't justify his actions since he should of course be held accountable for his actions as well). Then proceeds to sleep with Harwin strong and have kids with him. And expects to have them crowned after her death? She goes off to Dragonstone while her father is sick instead of taking care of him. Leaves Kings landing to her stepmother and half-siblings. Knowing very well that her oldest half-sibling Aegon ii is a boy with a legitimate heir and men are seen better fit for ruling. Because she wants everyone else to take care of her problems and then just enter kings landing and be crowned queen. Then when she finds out that her stepmother has crowned her half-brother after 24 hours which just shows how disconnected she is from kings landing, has a dramatic mental breakdown. 🙄
Summary: Rhaenyra is a spoiled brat and a daddy's girl and can't handle her problems.
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harwinsrhaenyra · 2 years
It's character assassination for a character who has *checks notes* beat his first wife to death with a rock because she sassed him, violently killed the literal messenger because he was pissed at his brother, mocked his dead wives' grieving relatives, literally spent most of the first episode beating people to a pulp, said a long list of misogynistic things regarding his first wife, sister-in-law, lover etc, and been absolutely obsessed with how much better he believes himself, his family and his bloodline are to everyone else because they're "pure" Targaryen, to react violently towards his wife who was given the family secret he wasn't deemed worthy enough to know... Yeah I don't think it's the show runners who misunderstood Daemon here. Y'all made him your TikTok boyfriend and didn't see him as he is, a problematic flawed character. Don't get mad that he can't and could never reach the pedestal y'all set for him 🤷‍♀️.
Y'all didn't care about the inconsistent characterization regarding Alicent, Rhaenys, Rhaenyra and other female characters or Laena and Rhea being reduced to literal plot devices but the minute Daemon reacts in a way fitting his characterization, all hell breaks loose. But let's be real y'all didn't care about the misogyny coming out of his mouth until it effected the woman you ship him with.
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saltywinteradult · 7 months
say what you will about rhaenicent but d@emyra having more than twice as many fics on ao3 is proof we have failed as a society
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carothehotmess · 2 years
The funniest part of the whole conflict about paternity that was raised in this episode is that it is literally pointless for two distinct reasons:
1. Rhaenyra’s children are not bastards.
2. Regardless of the paternity, Rhaenyra’s children are still Targaryens.
So lets break this down.
Number 1: The bastard question
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Alicent is pissed that Rhaenyra is “committing treason” or whatever by having kids with someone else but… her kids aren’t bastards. And I don’t mean that in a “hey Alicent your kids suck but Nyra’s are chill” kind of way, I mean that literally. If we (the viewers) were going to label them, then we would say they were some combination of either being conceived through surrogacy (for Laenor? but meh not really) or that they were more or less adopted.
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Typically, “bastard” refers to the child born from the union of a married man (lets call him A) and a woman that he is not married to (we’ll call her C). Because the child is born to C, someone not part of the marriage between A and B, the child is not recognized as part of their lineage, and is not claimed by both A and B. For one, it is a lot harder to pass off a child as your own if you just suddenly seem to have the baby overnight, without either member of the couple ever visibly appearing pregnant. And for another reason, most women probably wouldn’t want to claim a child that their husband had while engaging in an affair. (Of course, this does not include questions of surrogacy or non cis hetero couples, but that would be a much longer discussion).
Number 2: Fire and Blood
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Alicent, and everyone else in the episode, keeps saying that it is a “grave accusation” or whatever that Rhaenyra’s kids aren’t biologically related to Laenor but it truly just? Doesn’t matter?? Laenor’s family isn’t the ruling family. Rhaenyra’s is. So, like she tells her son, the only thing that matters is that they are Targaryens.
If Alicent were to cheat, if her children’s paternity were questioned, that would be treasonous. Because she married into the Targaryen house. She has no claim to the throne on her own- her only connection to it is through her husband. So if her kids didn’t biologically belong to Viserys, then they wouldn’t have a claim because they wouldn’t be Targaryens, and they could not sit on the throne. (This is why its considered such a big deal that Cersei’s children are not Robert’s biologically in season 1 of Game of Thrones.)
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But that just doesn’t matter for Nyra because she does have a claim to the throne in her own right and as a Targaryen, and any children she gives birth to are going to have Targaryen blood.
It is fascinating to me that this is such a sticking point, not just for Alicent but for everyone in court, because it shows that so many of them still haven’t fully accepted that Rhaenyra really is the heir. The Targaryen dynasty flows through her bloodline, not her husband’s, so it doesn’t matter who the father is as long as she is the mother. And the council and court haven’t really accepted that, or maybe they have and they just don’t realize that because Nyra is the heir, their understanding of how things work has to change.
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So Alicent is acting as though she is someone fighting for honor and duty and the maintenance of bloodlines, when her reasoning is completely unsound and based on false equivalency. So instead she just comes across as this holier-than-thou purity-culture warrior trying to restrain Rhaenyra under the same rules that she herself is trapped by.
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The paternity of Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey Velaryon does not matter.
Because a) they have been claimed by both Rhaenyra (and House Targaryen) and Laenor (and House Velaryon), and because b), regardless of who their biological father is, they were born to Rhaenyra, their blood is still Targaryen.
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hvrricqneeee · 14 days
If anyone wants me to make posts about any specific problems with House of the Dragon, my opinions on characters, character arcs, relationships, dynamics, scenes, season 1 vs season 2, Fire and Blood hypotheticals, show canon vs book canon, or just anything related to Fire and Blood / House of the Dragon, drop a comment and I’ll get back to it.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 10 months
Green stans: “Rhaenyra’s healthiest relationship was with Harwin. Daemon groomed her.”
You have no idea how tired I am to hear this.
First and foremost, there is no such thing as a healthy relationship in the ASOIAF world if you keep your 21st century mentality.
In a world where incest and child brides are normal (not only for Targaryens, but for all the other Houses in Westeros as well - yes, in our world, cousin marriages are incestuous, and so are those between uncles and nieces, but hey, by medieval standards, especially in a FANTASY series, it’s not), there is no such thing as “grooming”. Those who try to play the “morality police” are highly amusing sometimes.
But, let’s go with that. Let’s discuss Rhaenyra’s “healthy” relationships in contrast to Daemon’s “grooming”.
In order for “grooming” to actually take place, Daemon needed to be a constant presence in Rhaenyra’s young life. Which he clearly wasn’t. Wanna know who was?
These guys:
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Yep, that’s right.
Crispin - has been her sworn shield since she was 14 (and he was drooling and obsessing about her since the first moment he saw her). A constant presence in her life for many years. And he didn’t waste the opportunity to get close to her through this job. He eventually took advantage of Rhaenyra when she was drunk and upset, and slept with her to satisfy his sexual desires.
Harwin - People tend to call his relationship with Rhaenyra the healthiest simply because he is a “good guy” compared to Daemon. That’s the reason. He was a good guy. Loyal and sweet (dumb as wood however). But that doesn’t change the fact that in the show, as well as in the book, Harwin had been a constant presence in Rhaenyra’s life from a very young age (especially in the book). This whole thing led to him starting an extramarital affair with Rhaenyra and giving her children. You call this “healthy”?
Now, let’s move on to Daemon. Daemon has been in and out of King’s Landing for years and years. Rhaenyra rarely saw him because he was mostly off on his great adventures. And whenever he returned, he always brought back incredible gifts for her, gifts she treasured and always got her thinking about him (somehow, certain people got it into their minds that a hot uncle giving gifts to his niece equals ‘grooming’. Maybe he should have ignored her and/or treated her like shit instead. Would have been “better” or “healthier”). Since they are Targaryens, Rhaenyra naturally developed a crush on Daemon from a young age. And why wouldn’t she? Daemon was young, handsome, a dragonrider, wielder of Dark Sister, a warrior, blood of the dragon and he was always gentle with her.
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People perceive Daemon giving Rhaenyra gifts on the few times he returned to King’s Landing, as “grooming” simply because they are uncle and niece. But unlike Crispin and Harwin, Daemon wasn’t a constant presence in Rhaenyra’s life. Nobody said that Daemon is moral (he became attracted to Rhaenyra and demanded young virgins who looked like her in brothels), but you cannot say that Rhaenyra’s relationships with Crispin or Harwin are healthier than the one she has with Daemon.
Daemon and Rhaenyra may be uncle and niece (which I repeat, is NOT incest by medieval standards), but they have gaps of many years between them (time in which they had not seen each other). Months, 3 years, 10 years etc. The brothel incident itself happened after years of them not seeing each other. They were still obviously attracted to each other, even more so as Rhaenyra had grown - and they “consummated” their attraction by kissing in that brothel Daemon took her to. And when they finally got together, they were both adults, having had previous relationships, they still wanted each other and went for it. Daemon is supportive, he genuinely loves her in his Daemon way, he is her true shield, her protector, her pillar of strength and he gave her legitimate Targaryen children, which strengthened her claim to the Iron Throne. Yes, you heard me. Legitimate. Just as their marriage is also legitimate. To the world, Laenor is dead. No one has seen or heard from him in over 7 years (the time apart itself represents grounds for separation). Perception is what matters.
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That’s all I’m gonna say.
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darklinaforever · 4 months
hello, i'm with u on the anti harwin sentiment!, i don't understand how is he so revered. how do you think the things would have changed- in "what if"- had harwin been alive in the episode 7 and being there in laena's funeral? rhaenyra would have approach her uncle and ask him to marry?
Yes. I have no doubt about it. Anyway, even if Harwin was alive he left with his father. So he still was no longer present in Rhaenyra's life in episode 7.
Moreover, in the book, Rhaenyra stops having children with Harwin as soon as Daemon returns to Westeros. And Rhaenyra must surely have been pregnant with Aegon III when Harwin was still alive in Fire and Blood as well.
So yes, Rhaenyra would have been with Daemon even if Harwin was alive. Show or book.
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feanoryen · 11 months
Ranting about HoTD ships
Acceptable (in my opinion) tier:
Rhaenyra x Harwin - Nice and non-toxic. No complaints really, they were a good couple who treated each other well.
Laenor x Qarl (or Joffrey.L) - I don't need to explain. Leanor with his lovers is nothing short of sweet.
Jace x Baela - They might ruin it next season but for now they seem very cute. Baela definitely loved him in the book and I at least know nothing about these two is toxic.
Rhaenyra x Laena - Is it gross that Rhaenyra screwed Laena's husband at her funeral? Absolutely, but I think they had potential.
Not unacceptable, but we'd be better off without them:
Helaena x Aemond - NOOO! BOOO!!! Where did Helaena imply she likes her little bro romantically?
Alicent x Criston - Not canon but whyyy??? Just because he's a man, and he doesn't treat Alicent like sh*t doesn't mean they need to have something romantic. Maybe homegirl just wants a friend...
Ships that belong in the pits of hell:
Viserys I x Aemma - Let's not forget she was his broodmare just like Alicent, only she died. Just because he loved her doesn't excuse how he treated her. If you ship them, I don't actually think you care about Aemma.
Daemon x Rhaenyra - HE IS ABUSIVE TO HER!!! And he groomed her.
Daemon x Laena - Book version of Laemon is valid couple (she was an adult woman), but Laena is literally younger than Rhaenyra in this show. She was 16, and Daemon was a grown man.
Aegon II x Helaena - Deeply disturbed they have shippers. To preface this, I don't think he r-worded her, he's disturbed by incest and Aemond would have killed Aegon himself if Aegon did that but point stands Aegon is a disgusting human. I enjoy Aegon as a character but I wouldn't wish for my worst enemy to marry him, let alone a lovely person like Helaena.
Luke x Aemond - It's terrible from both sides. The things they did to each other were horrifying, I don't understand why anyone would ship them. If you want enemies to lovers, please ship any of the other Strongaryens and Targtowers together.
(Adult) Alicent x Rhaenyra - Ok, maybe pits of hell is too extreme for these two but after everything that happens between them... Unless it's an AU where none of the bad stuff happens, no. Just no. I think any love they could have had ended the moment Alicent cut Rhaenyra with that dagger. Young Rhaenicent was so cute tho.
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
The Dowager Queen (2/?)
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Description: Alicent and Aegon briefly discuss his new place in the royal line, and Laena's funeral takes place.
Previous chapter here
Viserys’ funeral is a grand occasion, one that she gets the children ready for in silence. Aegon is surprisingly not drunk or chasing a maid around, Helaena is allowing the maids to dress her, and Aemond is reading quietly in the corner. It’s the best she could hope for given the circumstances.
Sir Criston entered; his expression somber. “My queen, now is the time.”
She thanked him and gathered the children, urging them to follow him.
As they walked in a solemn procession, Aegon tugged on her sleeve.
She looked at him, and he looked around before he spoke, his voice low. “Father is dead, does this mean I will be king?”
Alicent shook her head. “No, my son, Rhaenyra, is his heir.”
A smile spread across his face, a bright and joyful one that she hadn’t seen since he was young. “Thank the gods.”
Her heart constricted painfully, she missed her bright and happy son, the one that clung to her skirts and looked at her as if she had hung the moon and the stars. Perhaps now he could heal, return to that boy she loved so dearly.
She reached out and brushed back his hair, the curls messy and wild, much like hers had been before she learned how to properly care for them. “After the funeral, I will teach you the proper way to care for your hair. You may not be king, but you are still a prince, and you must take pride in your appearance.”
He made a displeased face that reminded her so much of herself it nearly knocked the breath from her lungs. “Must I? I wished to go dragon riding with Jacaerys.”
She pursed her lips, her hand settling on his shoulder. “After you return, then. It is best to start when the hair is wet.”
Aegon smiled at her, a small smile, less radiant, but still a smile. She longed to crush him to her chest and hold him tightly, protecting him from every evil in all the realms, but the sound of the guards announcing Rhaenyra’s arrival prevented her from doing so.
Rhaenyra looked beautiful, dressed in black, the Conqueror’s Crown on her head. Her eyes were red and rimmed with tears, but she stood strong, her husband, and her sworn shield, flanking her on each side.
This was not the last funeral they attended, but it was the least memorable.
Rhaenyra clung to Harwin’s arm as she gazed upon Laena’s wrapped body. Her dear cousin, another victim to the birthing bed.
“Nyra, if it is too much, no one will fault you for stepping away.” Harwin whispered.
She shook her head, she would pay Laena this respect, she would bear witness to her sacrifice.
“Are the children alright?” She asked, needing something, anything to take her mind off the never-ending death that seemed to surround her.
“They are playing much too happily for a funeral, but given the previous circumstances I’d say that’s good.” He said, nodding towards Lucerys and Aemond who were deep in discussion, presumably about dragons, their arms waving wildly, their excited voices carrying on the wind.
After she had heard of the cruel jest her sons had played on Aemond merely days before the death of her father, she marched them right to Aemond’s quarters and made them apologize.
They had done so quite willingly after Harwin had told them of how cruelly his brother Larys had been teased for his difference. Her sweet boy Lucerys was in tears as he apologized to his uncle, and Aemond though initially surprised, was quick to forgive once Lucerys offered to help him find a dragon.
What she really wished to keep an eye on was Jacaerys and Helaena. She had brought the betrothal to Alicent again, wishing to keep their families close and soothe any lingering tensions. Alicent had agreed, and they had told the pair together.
“And what of our eldest?” She continued, finally pulling her eyes from Laena’s body, and letting Harwin escort her back towards Daemon, Rhaneys and Corlys.
“He and Helaena have been searching the stones for bugs. I believe they have made a trade. For each new bug he finds, she gives him a small kiss on the cheek, he seems quite proud of himself for it.” Harwin chuckled, watching as Jacaerys ran up to Helaena, hands cupped, and his cheek out turned to receive its prize.
“Wherever did he learn such tactics?” Rhaenyra feigned surprise, a small smile on her lips.
“I could not say princess.”
She knocked her elbow into his side, brows furrowing when she saw the pointed look Daemon gave her.
The funeral continued, with Ser Vaemond giving a speech. When his words dipped towards accusations against her sons, Daemon giggled, drawing all eyes towards him.
“Does he not care that his wife lies dead before him?” Harwin whispered, his jaw set as he stood behind her and their sons.
Laenor made a small sound of agreement, and Rhaenyra shushed them both.
The ropes around Laena’s coffin went slack, and then it sank into the sea. All gathered stood silent for a moment, watching as the waters calmed.
She watched as Laenor stood in the tide, staring blankly out to the horizon. She longed to comfort him, but she didn’t know how. How could loosing her siblings, who barely drew breath, compare to losing one who he had gone his whole life with?
“It is a pity.” Her Uncle Daemon said, coming to stand beside her.
“The death of your wife, or my husband’s grief?” She asked curtly, feeling on edge. Daemon had not even shown his face at her father’s funeral until the last moment, and when he had arrived, he berated her for not allowing him to do the honor of lighting the funeral pyre.
He leaned closer, his voice low. “A pity that all of us were denied what we truly desired.”
“What we truly desired? A pity, it truly is, that you would speak so harshly of your wife the day of her funeral.”
Daemon rested his hands on her shoulders. “Sweet niece, do not trouble yourself over such trivial things.”
Trivial things? Laena was dead, her body in the sea, Laenor was despondent looking two moments away from joining his sister beneath the waves. Had her uncle always been so callous, so careless with the lives of others?
She remembered the brothel. How fearful she had felt when he abandoned her there, how it had forced her to marry Laenor, how it had gotten Joffery killed, how she had to lie to Alicent again and again to cover for Daemon.
She stepped away from him. “I shall decide what is trivial and what is not. You should tend to your children; they need you as Laenor needs me.” Then she walked away, heading into the sea, dress clinging to her skin as she came behind Laenor and embraced him.
“I have to leave Rhaenyra; I cannot live this way.” He said softly, his voice nearly drowned out by the waves.
“The boys need you; I need you, please Laena would wish for you to live.” She told him, tears pricking at the backs of her eyes. She found herself crying so often these days.
“Harwin has returned, he is a better father than me, always has been. When I leave for Pentos, he will easily fill the space.”
He nodded, turning to face her, tear tracks mixed with sea spray. “Daemon will assist me, Quarl and I will leave before we must return to King’s Landing.”
“Rhaenyra, you have been so good to me, allow me to set you free. Marry Harwin, and free our sons from the shame others cast upon them.” He took her hands and pressed them to his lips.
She knew there was no changing his mind. You can take the salt from the sea, but never the sea from the salt. Laena used to say, an old adage she picked up from a sailor. How true it seemed to be now.
“I understand, be well my friend.” She said caressing his cheek before she made her way back to shore where Harwin stood patiently waiting for her.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhh, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon, @boofy1998, @kravitzwhore, @caribbeangel, @krispold, @issshh, @afro-hispwriter, @ryswritingrecord, @prettykinkysoul, @elissanatok, @sahvlren, @its-sam-allgood, @happinessinthbeing, @8e-h-e8, @feyres-fireheart, @just-emmaaaa, @crazylokonugget, @hedahobbit98, @devils-blackrose, @mercedesdecorazon, @snh96, @imjustboredso, @izzicle, @hiatuswhore, @aslanvez, @devils-blackrose, @yentroucnagol, @queenofshinigamis, @partyposion00
Strike through means I couldn't tag you for some reason!
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montyluvsjasper · 2 years
Rhaenyra being focused on being Queen so she wouldn't be a womb to use till she dies, like her mother and grandmother were. That would've been a better more interesting plot point than any of her ships with creepy older men obsessed with possessing her.
Die mad about it.
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
"Harwin Strong deserved to be with his family he was so caring. He had to exist while another man claimed them and didn't care about honor when it came to them."
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His ass was with the heir to the iron throne.
His son would inherit the iron throne
His other son would be Lord of the tides
If he was sent away within that 5 year time span, he'd be married, and that son would inherit Harrenhall.
The king actively denied any talk of rumors and called it treason when anyone did.
He was around the family and held his newborn son with his child's mother in private.
The only thing he couldn't do was say they were his, but the mom and 'dad' knew it.
At any time, he could've been presented at the marriage tour as the heir to Harrenhall and son of the hand of the king.
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Let's be serious.
His ass got fomo because he had another kid that was born and was trying to be there for the other two in a way that would be the most acceptable.
He got upset because he got to do everything, but after that, he couldn’t do the one thing he wanted to do, and he still tried to do it.
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The entire situation is so unserious. And before you say I should consider his emotions, Ned Stark was killed for less.
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harwinsrhaenyra · 2 years
When you were right about Daemon all along:
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Me @ Daemon:
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