#anime fan theory
poorlywoventhread · 16 days
Supreme Sorcerer Pope
I recently watched the entirety of Jujutsu Kaisen anime & movie. Overall, it's enjoyable. Yet while watching the heavens suddenly opened up to me as a light came down from the sky, igniting my poor lobotomised brain with knowledge.
The Catholic Church is a front for European sorcerer society
I am not insane; I'm just correct; there's a minor difference. Firstly, tame your expectations, as I am here to shatter minds, not do thorough research. Although there are several indicators to prove I am unequivocally right, the sources include the voice in my head.
Let's get this gay once and for all. Both in Japan and in the Catholic Church, there is a clear ranking system ranking all sorcerers from grade 1-4. Must I add that the catholic alpha males underlings (Priests) must undergo insensitive education, what are they learning? Domain expansion.
Church goer — Grade 4
Nun — Window
Priest — Grade 3
Bishop — Grade 2
Cardinal — Grade 1
Pope — Special Grade. Because curses are weaker in Europe, it makes sense the Pope would live so long. When he is killed in battle, the Pope is replaced by another, who then becomes the head of the church and a special grade sorcerer.
Europe is big, so Priests rest after exorcizing curses. Churches are small bases of operation that allow Priests to operate and gather people in once place for a church seminar. Suguru Geto has proven it is affective to use religious fronts to amass curses and rid them. Priests change out every few years/months, the switch indicates they have a new mission.
In Episode 2 at 12:57 Gojo dumps some tasty exposition and slurping that up we can comprehend that Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College is known to the public as a private religious school to keep a low profile. The location is out of the way and secretive. Only a select few people are allowed in or out. It acts like a hub for Japanese sorcerers. The Vatican state, although not a super sneaky organisation (I'll get to that) is very guarded, while guided tours exist. Only the clergy and the Swiss guard are allowed to reside there which is 764 people, even less have access to the entire facility that's a front for sorcery. It acts like a hub for European sources. Although there are a lot more priests than Japanese sorcerers, priests are low ranking, which reflects on the types of curses they exorcize.
In the cool book that is the Bible, it is common for people to hear the voice of God or the Devil, or even see demons. In this case, what the Catholic Church calls demons are just curses.
The Bible doesn’t explicitly tell me about an instance where one person sees a demon while another does not. However, there are parts where people perceive things that may or may not exist, for example; demons, angels, voices appearing to interact with someone. This was before schizophrenia was discovered, so it must be a curse!  In Luke 4:35, Jesus commands a demon to leave a possessed man. The demon recognizes Jesus, but the people around might not have seen the demon itself. Meaning Jesus is a sorcerer, the demon in this case a cursed spirit. In Daniel 10:7, Daniel has a vision of a man, but the men with him do not see the vision. Instead, they are overwhelmed with fear and flee. Some people cannot perceive curses even close to death, while Daniel could. Jesus’ Transfiguration: In Matthew 17:1-9, Peter, James, and John witness Jesus’ transfiguration and see Moses and Elijah talking with Him. The other disciples do not witness this madness. Jesus simply used his curse technique. The last point from this sections is brought to you by today's sponsor gateway.com. Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush… This can be explained simply as a form of cursed energy. Whether or not I'm implying God is a cursed spirit or a jujutsu sorcerer or even a being of faith, It is left up to interpretation and a theory for another day.
Although I haven't researched the fall of the Roman Empire, curses probably had something to do with it. In times of trouble, we turn to the Bible… Which contains many stories that can be linked to sorcery.
The church has a rich history of demons angels; demons, while being fallen angels in the cannon, are actually just curses. Catholic teachings are set up around living a life free of sin and moral teachings, which is an insanely smart excuse to subtly limit negative emotions and normies cursed energy under control. No wonder priests wear dresses, their jobs are so much easier than in Japan. The most compelling form of evidence is just the simple fact exorcisms are still preformed. According to the BBC In 2018, there was a notable increase in the demand for exorcisms, particularly within the Catholic Church. In Italy alone, it was reported that around half a million people sought exorcisms that year. The Vatican even held a special training course for 250 priests from 50 countries to meet this growing demand. To learn how to identify demonic possession, to hear personal accounts from other priests, and to find out more about the rituals behind expelling demons. That just sounds like normal sorcerer business to me… Back to the Bible, we can connect many events that happened in the Bible to cursed energy and curses.
Noah's Ark is a very famous Bible story, how in the seven gates of hell do you fit two of every animal in one boat? Simple, actually, Noah used his cursed technique to create a pocket dimension within the boat.
Although it is known that God sent down the 10 plagues of Egypt. All 10 plagues are just curses sent by God. Water turning into blood, frogs, boils, hail, darkness, and the death of a firstborn… All sound like an average curse activity. Moses has several stories from which he can be proven to be a sorcerer, When the Israelites reached the Red Sea Moses stretched out his hand and the waters divided, allowing his followers safe passage.
Jesus is Europe's equivalent to Tengen-Sama. Jesus died for everyone's sins. It is not a stretch to think he used his cursed energy for this goal — Similar to Tengen's barriers. Jesus would protect all of Europe's Jujutsu Society. This could also explain paying, but then again, what is a pray if not raising a vail? Gojo and Geto clearly recite a mantra before putting up a barrier in Jujutsu Kaisen 0.
Although it is unknown if in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen if God and Jesus exist as physical beings or strictly as beings of faith, both would be beneficial to humanity. The church and Vatican work to spread their influence and teach God's values, which are often moral laws such as the 10 commandments. Belief in such morals would reduce negative emotions, resulting in weaker and lesser curses. Therefore, the Vatican is a public organisation to spread these teachings. To add onto this, many use God as a source of Hope and happiness, further reducing negative emotions. In conclusion: I will be absolutely burned at the stake for my theory. But just like Jesus, I will die for your sins of being wrong, while I am right.
After I had written this, my friend informed me cursed don't exist outside of Japan in the manga. My honest response is that the Supreme Sorcerer Pope is just superb at his job.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi: The RPG
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zombie-eats-world · 11 months
Crocodad Theory: The not-so-Crack-pot Theory.
Making this post in order to replace my old Crocodad thesis since I think I can do better now. Plus I was still using the old theory name then and I dislike seeing it pinned on my tumblr now. You can find that older post HERE if you desire to!
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Crocodad theory, chances are you have heard about this theory if you are even slightly invested in the One Piece fandom. But despite its infamy, and outside its stanch believers like myself, it's mostly considered a crack theory and used for a laugh.
Now let's be clear, Crocodad theory is not a crack theory. A crack or crack-pot theory is more of a headcanon built on vibes, it's a fun idea made up out of thin air and isn't really serious. If the Crocodad theory was a crack theory it would have evaporated into the nether by now. It's over a decade old, after all, and yet it persists to this day! That is because the Crocodad theory has real evidence from the canon, the One Piece offshoots, and maybe even Oda himself.
If you weren't aware of the Crocodad theory, sometimes lovingly called Dadodile, let me summarize it very succinctly. The theory is that Crocodile is a transgender man and gave birth to Luffy. Crocodile is Luffy's other father and his birthing parent. If you think that sounds ridiculous or even hilarious, let me walk you through it because I assure you- that is intentional.
Let us begin where the theory began... Impel Down.
The possibility for this theory was born in 2009 with these panels:
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The simple fact that Ivankov exists and that he knows Crocodile, from "when he was just starting out" mind you, makes this not only possible but probable.
What other "secret" could Ivakov be speaking of here? It's definitely not his weakness to water, that would just be bad storytelling. It could be that Crocodile is the child of Rocks which is possible considering we now know Ivankov was at the Gods Valley incident. But if I could speak as a writer for a moment, it would really be a waste for an author to introduce a character that can change genders and then bring back one of the first big villains like Crocodile, AND THEN connect the two with the mention of weakness but not make that secret that Crocodile had once been a woman. Or even at least a part of the reason.
But if that reasoning falls through for you, here is some in-canon evidence for the idea that Crocodile is transgender:
First of all, the agents' code names are so gendered: Every single digit agent is Mr with a Mrs, or Ms partner.
Crocodile’s name. His moniker is different from almost every other powerful pirate the story introduces to us. He isn’t just Desert King Crocodile, he is Desert King Sir Crocodile. Again it is oddly pronoun-centered. As if he is trying to remind people that he’s a guy.
The introduction of Bon Clay. Bon Clay is our first canon queer character in One Piece. He makes mention of being a girl many times and feels like a joke character when we first meet him. But as we know in One Piece, a pirate crew is a reflection of the Captain. Crocodile isn’t prejudiced to queer people like Bon Clay alludes to others being a few times. Crocodile even allowed Bon Clay to be both the male and female of his team!
Next up was the reveal of Baby Crocodile and how it’s deliberating ambiguous what gender Crocodile is. In every other Warlord's childhood look reveal, their gender is obvious, so why was Crocodile left out of that?
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Then of course we have Gold Roger's execution, and how almost everyone got a reaction panel. But not Crocodile. No, we only see the back of his head. Oda has shown that he loves to get every single character's reaction to major events, sometimes to a fault. So why is he trying so hard to hide Crocodile from us? It just isn’t Oda’s style to leave someone out unless there is some kind of secret he wants to build up too. Now be sure to keep this in mind for later.
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Last but certainly not least is just how much of an absolute troll Oda is. This will not be the last time I bring this up, Oda is a HUGE troll. He loves to play to his favorite fan theories and he decides most everything on how funny it is. And wouldn't it be funny if the first antagonist in the Grandline was secretly the birth parent of Luffy?
I mean just look at this! Oda, you absolute troll.
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Bottom line: Trans Crocodile is more likely than not.
But this is where a lot of people decide the rest of this theory is crack, they take Trans!Crocodile and leave Crocodad out for reasons I honestly can't understand. Despite that, Cracodad has just as much if not more evidence than the Transgender part of this theory.
Before I begin I would like everyone reading to keep a few things in mind. All throughout the Impel down arc and the journey to Marineford, and even the first few chapters into Marineford, Crocodile could not have given a shit about Luffy, Ace, or the war at all. He did not care who won the war or if everyone involved died. He came to the battlefield for the sole purpose of killing Whitebeard. PERIOD. He was never once shown reacting with any concern when Luffy began facing down anyone strong. Not even Magellan. Crocodile had been around Luffy, seeing him do inspiring things for a massive amount of chapters by the time we get to Marineford, and yet Crocodile literally didn't care if Luffy lived or died, he just wanted to fight Whitebeard.
With that clear let's move on to what happened after Luffy's father was revealed to the world in Marineford. This moment is where the most obvious evidence first came about:
When Sengoku announces Luffy's father to the world we get many reaction shots, but once again Crocodile is conveniently missing from the lineup. He even disappears for a whole chapter! The young man who took down his decade-long plan to take over Alabasta just got announced to be the most wanted man in the world son, and we get no reaction from Crocodile... its suspicious.
Crocodile stopped Ace’s execution: Now Crocodile explains this by saying he ‘didn’t want to let Sengoku have the pleasure of victory’ but seriously? What kind of petty ass BS reasoning is that?! Crocodile has dreams and ambitions, and yet he gives up trying to be the one to take down Whitebeard to randomly save someone he canonly mocks in Impel Down? Someone he doesn’t care about. Some people will tell you it’s because Luffy inspired him like Luffy does many others, but what exactly is Luffy doing in Marineford that he didn’t in Impel Down or even Alabasta? Nothing. That means Crocodile has an entire about-face for no believable reason while completely off-screen. Which we've already said isn't Oda's style.
Daz and Crocodile face Mihawk to help Luffy: When Daz blocks Mihawk’s strike, Luffy questions it. Daz answers: It’s an order from above! That means Crocodile ordered Daz to specifically protect Luffy. Again, why? What reason did he have to do that? If this was some latent Crocodile has been inspired™️ moment, why wouldn’t Oda show it? Oda loves to hype up those moments, and loves to detail it all to the smallest piece. But Crocodile just randomly decided to have his main man Daz look out for this person that he COULDN’T HAVE GIVEN A CRAP ABOUT JUST TEN EPISODES BEFORE does not fit within the story. Then, right after Daz blocks Mihawk, Crocodile appears out of the woodwork to block another attack.
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When Mihawk questions why he’d protect Luffy, Crocodile’s only response is “I’m not in the best mood now, Mihawk, you better watch yourself.” It’s interesting that he has no reason, none, he just comments that he’s in a shit mood. Maybe because he just found out he once stabbed his own child in the gut and left him to die?!
Crocodile vs Akainu: The brother killing Lava Man™️ is probably the most dangerous person in the war. He has no mercy, no morals, no restraint. So the fact that as Luffy is lying comatose and weak, with Jimbe slumped over him, Akainu about to deliver the final blow, Crocodile coming out of nowhere once again is so telling.
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The fact is: Crocodile went above and beyond to save Luffy. That final stand against Akainu is so powerful. Crocodile doesn’t just save Luffy, he rushes to Luffy's aid, slicing through Akainu and reassembles to stand protectively between them. He did not need to do this at all. Oda didn’t need to have him do this either!
There were plenty of other characters that could have essentially done the same exact thing, but Oda chose to have Crocodile, someone who shouldn’t have been on Luffy’s side at all, save his life in the final moment.
Lastly, without a word, Crocodile uses Sables to get Luffy to Law’s ship. He risked his life, faced down the one person who could kill him without a second thought, and sweeps Luffy away to safety without any stated reason at all. In fact, everything he says is deliberately vague. Crocodile doesn’t believe in loyalty, he dumps people if they are weak (see; Alabasta Crocodile vs Luffy desert fight) so his line of “you gotta protect the one you wanna protect! Don’t let them have their way!” Feels so out of character. Crocodile has to have a reason for this odd behavior. And no, it doesn’t end there! In the defense of Luffy, Crocodile has an awesome and powerful moment where he stands in unity with all the Whitebeard commanders. HIS ENEMIES. Crocodile stands in unity with the people, he himself stated he hated more than anything, for Luffy!
These are the moments that alerted people to what would soon be called the Crocomom theory, now called Crocodad. But just because it began there doesn't mean there wasn't foreshadowing from before Marineford.
Let's go over all of that now:
First to talk about is once again Crocodile's crew. Miss Father's Day debuted in episode 124 of the anime and chapter 205 of the manga. She has a green amphibian theme to her, which is interesting because she is a woman with the moniker Father's Day while also having a theme of an animal that is famous for being able to change its gender. Her debut episode even has her introduced along with the reveal that Luffy's using his blood to fight Crocodile.
The next point is something Oda has never explained. Crocodile has strange relationships with children. From hiring a sixteen-year-old Miss Goldenweek, leaving her out of the Mr. 3 assassination order, and her history of actually sinking Crocodile's ships before getting hired, all the way to how Crocodile lectured Luffy in their fight. It just had the cadence of a parent. Not even Luffy's parent, just a parent. He lectures like someone who has experience with children.
Next, Luffy does not look like Dragon. That is a direct quote from Luffy in the manga. But you know who he does look like?
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That's right! Luffy looks a lot like Crocodile. If you need more convincing on this, there is a great post by Dashevacotton that puts together many of the best canon pictures of Luffy dressed up like Crocodile. That post is here!
Crocodile and Luffy are incredibly similar. Not just in looks, but in personality, and in their general life.
These two have so much in common. From having a way with animals, to the amount of unadulterated loyalty they've inspired in their crews, all the way to the cadence of their speech.
Crocodile and Luffy even have a similarly goofy reaction to seeing the underground passage to the Alabasta Poneglyph.
Episode 123, episode time 13:16 Crocodile spots the entrance and laughs, "Ha, now I see secret stairs." Also in episode 123, episode time 20:47 Luffy looks around and spots the secret stairs. "That hole... it looks gator-ish."
Even what we know of Crocodile's backstory is that he had a rapid rise to fame just like Luffy by being a rookie who came in and beat down non-canon characters like Douglas Bullet to the shock of the world.
Next, let's bring up an earlier point: Oda-sensei is a mega troll.
This isn't exactly new information, Oda once deflected to bringing up a dick fight instead of answering if Zoro or Sanji was stronger. He is a Troll. He loves wordplay, and he likes to hint hint nudge nudge us all day long. Just look at Oda having Sanji call himself a prince in Alabasta as a joke, only to realize years later that he actually was a prince.
It's because of Oda's tendency to play around and make knowing jokes we've gotten some pretty compelling evidence for the Crocodad theory.
First would be the wordplay!
-Crocodile is closely linked to a Bananawani-> Monkeys like Banana -> Monkey D. Dragon is a reptilian Monkey attracted to Banana reptile. Fight me - A 'crocodile smile' is a term most often used to mean a fake or ingenuine smile. Crocodile's scar has been liked to look like a 'crocodile smile', which would mean Crocodile is the only character that always has a smile on his face. What a fun bit of wordplay to foreshadow the birth parent of Joyboy!
Then there is this SBS alongside the One Piece School spin-off manga by Sohei Koj.
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What a great way to get out of revealing Luffy's parentage without actually revealing it!
And of course, we have the One Piece Mafia Theatre episode of the anime.
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Oda would certainly make this canon just because of his troll tendencies. This is a hilarious theory because the story supports it yet only a fringe group believes in it. It's hilarious and therefore it's probably true.
Lastly, the symbolism makes this theory truly great.
I've already mentioned how Crocodile's scar being a 'crocodile smile' and thus giving him a permanent smile on his face would make him the most meaningful candidate for Luffy's birth parent. Joyboy, our Sun God Nika, was born from a man with a permanent fake smile; who is also named after an animal with the world's biggest smile.
It's just such a perfect setup, it makes my writer's heart swell.
Since Oda has stated a mother in One Piece would stop the adventure, it would fit that the first major villain in the Grandline to try and stop Luffy's adventure ended up being the man who gave birth to Luffy.
If we are going to speak of symbolism, I'd be remiss not to mention what a crocodile spiritually symbolizes. I really don't think I need to explain why adaptability, creation, ambiguity, and duality mean so much to this theory.
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This theory could die or be confirmed any day now that we've entered a God's Valley flashback. I will love it either way but truly, honestly, I believe this. I hope I convinced a few of you to. If you are interested in the succinct list of Crocodad evidence that post is Here!
So in conclusion...
Crocodad is canon!
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thingsaday · 11 months
Fionna and Cake has me WONDERING what Winter King's backstory might have gone, if we got to see more of it! This was my little theory in the form of this goofy animatic!
(More (spoiler-y) theories under the cut!)
(I like the idea of WK realizing what he did to PB after he 'wakes up' from the crown's insanity... and slowly but surely rationalizing the guilt he feels in order to 'exist' in his current form...
AND over time beginning to value life less the more times he has to rebuild Ice Marceline...) ...but that's just my theory! Definitely let me know yours in the video comments!
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000marie198 · 1 year
I love you fanfic authors
I love you fanartists and fancomic artists
I love you amv editors
I love you fan animators
I love you theorists and analysts
I love you fandom people who make this little bubble of joy bigger and that much greater to experience
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koimethehorizon · 1 year
Fionna and Cake theory: Simon the Artist
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Nothing like a good old creative panic attack.
Fionna and Cake good. Haven’t been excited about a show like this in a long time, though it being a part of Adventure Time does help quite a bit. I was holding on to some cautious optimism for the show when it was announced as yet another big IP series covering the multiverse (still waiting to groan at THAT scene where Prismo has to explain to us about there being infinite universes), but as usual, Adventure Time’s crew continues to surprise me with its creativity, humor, and thematic resonance.
The most striking part about Fionna and Cake so far is just how deliberately the show wants us to differentiate it from the original Adventure Time.
We’re getting shots where Simon pops an artery from his arm, a theme song that explicitly talks about suicidal ideation, discussions of rent and financial problems, and curses no longer disguised with AT’s usual dialogue. Adventure Time has always had violence, thematic density, and juvenile rating pushers, but they were always reserved at small points. Meanwhile, these are factors that are just casually shown and discussed in Fionna and Cake every 3 minutes or so. This is not an all-ages miniseries, it’s for young adults. (hint: this will be relevant later)
Let’s get right into it. This is much less a speculative lore theory and more on what thematic direction the story may be going.
Before we do, let’s get this out of the way first. This theory assumes that the current Fionna and Cake world is all a part of Simon’s head and not merely a separate multiverse, which… I’m certain is fact for the following reasons.
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The immediately obvious piece is that Fionna and Cake was always the Ice King’s fanfiction. Now if you’re versed in AT’s continuity you’re probably going to be asking about the red light in Fionna and Cake + Fionna and… I’ve no answer for it unfortunately. It’ll probably be relevant later in the series and possibly age this post like milk but for now, we’re not here to focus on the how, but the why.
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Second is that the intro and the ending of Ep 2 literally show Fionna’s world spilling right out of Simon’s head like an animated world out of a frozen brain. If that isn’t clear enough-
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Didn't realize this until writing, but these glasses are just plastic made to look like Betty's
There’s no other explanation for this other than that this world is artificial or influenced by Simon in some sense. Fionna even specifies that the statue went under renovation 12 years ago, but nobody seems to know who it is. Considering how Finn looks in the episode, it’s likely that it’s been that long since Betty’s sacrifice in the finale.
With that out of the way, here it goes.
The reason Fionna and Cake exist in the first place is because the creators found Natasha Allegri’s genderswap designs charming and wanted an in-universe reason to use them the Ice King wanted to create trashy, wish fulfillment through art. It was a phase.
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Definitely changed that image for publishing.
Simon can argue if they’re good or bad but it’s undeniably his art. It’s not just a portfolio he left behind in a closet, it’s an experience that was shared with a larger audience.
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And even if wasn’t liked at first, the citizens of Ooo seemed to have come around to it. And some of them love it!
Whether Simon likes it or not, he has a fan base that is so endeared to the story he made all those years ago that they demand he makes more. Why let a good story, loved by many, go to rest when you still have some life and creativity left in you?
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Can't move on in more ways than one.
Except, the problem is that Simon isn’t Ice King anymore. He’s aged out of it.
His real passion is history, he's an adult who who finds passion in the mundane and antiques from the past. And frankly, there isn’t much room for wish-fulfillment and fantasy anymore. Simon has responsibilities. He has a job and a daughter in a world that is moving faster than he can process.
And where Ice King wrote about looking for love, Simon has already had it.
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And lost it. His mind isn’t focused on the rosiness of finding new love, it’s grieving the one he already thought was the one.
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Wasn't he supposed to be good with kids?
Despite his new life experiences, all his peers seem to want from him is to make more of what they’re familiar with.
A story made from wants and wishes that he doesn’t even have anymore.
A story that was literally made by someone else at a different time. It’s a fiction he cannot connect to anymore, art that he’s embarrassed by. Yet also jealous of. Because at one point, the body Simon used to be in understood what exactly was missing from his life and could express that easily.
Seeing it again is like experiencing a retrospection of a cringey loser you don’t want to imagine having ever been. It’s not you anymore, and you don’t want to be reminded of that.
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Because despite him having a new creative passion, no one seems to care about that. All they want is Fionna and Cake. And what is more lonely than other people misunderstanding what you’re trying to express?
If I failed to make it clear somehow, my theory is that: Simon’s relationship with Fionna and Cake is a metaphor for creators growing out of their art. And this new Fionna and Cake world is still comfort art born out of Simon’s current desires and perceptions.
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The snippet subtitles this “child holding a phone”. I guess I’m wrong. Essay over.
Episode 1 and 2 both have direct parallels with each other. They’re both about a protagonist who are feeling displaced from their world, living a phase of losing a significant other, leaving a thankless job, wearing a mask of stability in front of the people they care for, seeking a guru at the heart of the forest, and concluding that they no longer belong in their current world.
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But more importantly, Fionna and Cake (the characters, the world, and the show) are no longer for an all-ages crowd. Fionna and Cake now feature young adults, curses, gore, alcohol, partial nudity, financial issues, morning routines, mid-life crisis, and overt suicidal ideation. These are the feelings that Simon relates to and possibly desires to express through art. Thus, his story and our new miniseries have warped that way.
Am I overthinking this? No. How dare you assume that.
Is equating the unconscious writings of his dementia-ridden self to Simon as his younger self seem a bit odd? ….Kinda. Again, it’s not the how but the why that matters in this case. I'm NOT crazy, I have proof that there is some acknowledgment of this directly in the show.
Rewatch the bar scene and apply this reading of the episode to what Simon says there:
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“Your old stuff, Fionna and Cake, honest to glob my man, is an inspiration to me.”
“My old stuff, I don’t really want to talk about my old stuff…”
“Why not? You should be proud! You wrote an entire extended universe in a fugue state if you think about it.”
"Simon cringes"
If you have ever shared art with a group of people in the past, you’ve had this conversation.
Not likely, not possibly, no perhapses. You HAVE.
And Fionna and Cake being an epilogue to a massive award-winning, near-decade-spanning, cultural sensation 5 years after it ended, might result in its creators feeling very retrospective about what audiences want from them now.
And how difficult it’s going to be to tell new experiences and tones from what’s come before. Also, come on. “Extended Universe?” That doesn’t sound like Fionna and Cake. That sounds a lot like something else.
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Again, seems bad with this kid.
One of the more profound shots in the main trailer for the show features the inconspicuously Finn-like kid crouching at her Fionna and Cake book in Simon’s trash. I believe this character is going to have a major role in two ways. Convincing Simon to be proud of what he’s accomplished and/or embracing that Simon wants to move away from his original work in order to create something new, or perhaps more likely, reinvent Fionna and Cake into what Simon relates to now.
We’ll just have to see what Simon thinks of his new Fionna next week.
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aster-2005 · 3 months
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My mind is full of blanchefleur theory on nasiens.
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i’m genuinely of the belief that the megamind sequel/tv show was meant to premiere on nickelodeon in like 2011 alongside their other spinoff shows, but then got shelved after the movie flopped financially and has been sitting around in some archive gathering dust until peacock decided to release it as “new content.”
like, can we just look at the visual evidence alone?
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he fits right in with this lineup. peacock, i’m onto you
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nerdycartoongal · 8 months
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It’s so crazy how a lot of cartoon fan theories turn out to be true!!
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irislunace · 12 days
So I've Been Thinking...
With the influencer arc vid and Green''s vids dropping recently...
And with Animation vs Youtube showing us that Alan's videos are canon in the AB universe...
How were some of them recorded? Since all of Alan's vids and Green's vids are now in the same universe.
For example, people tend to disregard this fact, but the CG are technically Outernet celebrities.
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From "The King", timestamp 10:08
And if Animator vs Animation (original) and Animation vs Minecraft (original) are canonically videos as well...the others probably are too, right?
Is it Alan? Has he been recording the sticks without telling them and posting it on YouTube? He might have thought, in the original series, that he'd make a channel where he'd torture sticks or something. But AvA 4 changed that. And Animation vs Youtube made the sticks aware that Alan had a channel.
If so...
Do they know? Did all the stuff the sticks did happen for purely content and views purposes? Is everything planned out, and are the sticks acting? Has he been filming them without them knowing? Or maybe he tells them once the video content ends and they all agree to post it...
But then, how were the Outernet episodes recorded?! How was the Showdown recorded? How was the King recorded? How was Wanted and the Box recorded?
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Since the Minecraft game was canonically made by Rocket Corp., was the video dredged from surveillance cameras surrounding? And if so, Did TDL set up cameras around his base that recorded "The Showdown" or something? If so, how was the footage recovered? And how'd they record in the wifi tunnel?
Or...maybe I'm just reading too much into it, and only the original AvA and AvM are YouTube canon. That is a possibility, since many of the shots are moving, and someone would need to be in front of the sticks for it to work out...
Edit: If someone wants to ask Green abt it on one of his vids go right ahead (I can’t have a YouTube account). U don’t even have to credit me, just make sure to reblog this and post his response (if he responds ofc)
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avephelis · 2 years
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unhatched potential
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animekid236 · 5 months
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I think Dazai may have two abilities.
We already know that as a villain Dazai would be impossible to beat. There’s nothing that can kill him, and even just as an opponent, going against spells defeat. Even Ranpo says he’s tough to figure out.
During the last arc of the anime, he appears in Atsushis mind, and we see Atsushi turn around thinking Dazai was really there. After this when Atsushi was trying to figure out what he should do about the whole situations Dazai appears and points at a door. We see Dazai appear behind Ango telling him that it was okay to lie in that situation, and we even hear his hands touching Ango. After that we see Dazai and Sigma trapped in the elevator, and Dazais voice is heard in Sigmas mind.
I do think this is a possible theory, but at the same I’m not quite sure how it would work. Because of Dazais nullification ability any other ability gets canceled out. It’s possible that he just manipulates people, but that would be really hard even for him. He says there are no exception to his nullification, but maybe there is. Or maybe he can nullify his nullification to cancel it out.
We don’t get a lot about how the abilities in the series actually work, so I don’t have a lot to back this theory up, but if it is true it would make Dazai even more of a dangerous person.
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pianokantzart · 17 days
How likely do you think it is that Mario and Luigi Brothership has any sort of direct reference to the movie, and how would you feel if they actually did that?
I wouldn't bank on a direct reference, but I know that Nintendo and Illumination worked pretty close together on the film, with Shigeru Miyamoto himself acting as co-producer. Given the huge success of The Super Mario Bros. Movie, I'm thinking Nintendo is taking measures to very subtly make the games and the film reflect each other.
What happened with the cover of Princess Peach Showtime comes to mind:
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Say what you will about the design change in and of itself, but you can't deny that whatever happened there was influenced by the movie.
I think something similar (but much more subtle) might have happened here:
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It's easy to see how that pose might have been based on that shot from the film, but it's also nothing so drastic that people who are only familiar with the games are going to feel out of the loop. Or perhaps it's just a coincidence. Who knows, really.
If there does end up being a direct reference to the movie in "Mario and Luigi: Brothership"? I'd be thrilled. The Super Mario Bros. Movie is the thing that got me hyperfixated in the first place, so I'm always going to be on board with references to it.
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zombie-eats-world · 1 year
Luffy's Linage and the Connections to God's Valley
I think we all know that the history of God's Valley is going to be very important to the story and to our protagonist, Luffy. But I think I've realized why it will be the biggest reveal in the story and intertwined intimately with Luffy's creation and destiny. This might sound crazy but I believe wholeheartedly that:
Luffy is the grandchild of Rocks D. Xebec.
Luffy is the child of Crocodile.
Crocodile's mysterious history is interlinked with every important character in the Grandline. Now, let me explain.
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Let's first lay out what we know about the God's Valley incident. We know the Celestial Dragons were on the island, which prompted a young Garp to trust a young Gol D. Roger with an alliance to fight against the Rocks Pirates. Together they won, the incident was covered up, the island disappeared, and Roger found a baby Shanks in a treasure chest as he sailed away.
There is so much about that incident that we don't know, but we do understand just how much it has impacted the world of One Piece. And that goes double for the relationships born from the incident.
Whitebeard and Roger's friendly rivalry, Big Mom's vitriol for Roger, but by far the most interesting thing to come out of the incident is Roger and Garp's mutual respect. Roger respected Garp so much that he trusted the marine with knowledge of his child who was about to be born.
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This is the million-dollar question, why would Roger entrust his child's (and at this time, Rouge's) life to this marine who could have become a massively different person in the years since they last met. For all Roger knew Garp was now corrupted by the marines and agreed that Roger's bloodline needed to be eradicated. Well, I believe Roger trusted Garp because he witnessed Garp save a child before against the World Government's wishes; I believe Garp saved Rock's child.
We all understand by now that one of the overarching themes of the story is 'history repeating itself', which is why I think the hunt for Roger's child happened once before with the God's Valley incident. The WG would obviously want to completely erase Rocks from existence (they basically have to with how little we know about him), which would include any children he had fathered to carry on his bloodline. As the fight on God's Valley raged a group of marines, or possibly Cipher Pol, would arrive with the orders to kill anyone with even a passing relation to Rocks. The survivors of this being Rocks top members (Whitebeard, Big Mom, etc.) AND his child; who I am willing to bet real money on was Crocodile.
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Crocodile is one of the most interesting characters in the story by far. And while that might be a lot of bias from me, I still think the evidence speaks for itself.
Crocodile is one of the only major villain's that we lack a backstory for, we know more about Warpol's backstory than we do the very first Warlord we ever fought and defeated in story. The man has a strange relationship with animals that is never once explained. Lizard mail runners that we never see utilized by anyone else? Yep, Crocodile's got them. A trained otter and condor being given more trust than the humans in his secret organization? Yes, Crocodile did allow that. Gigantic reptiles that are known to attack Sea Kings? Crocodile kept them as pets and had them so well trained Robin was able to casually pet one! (This doesn't really add to the theory beyond showcasing an odd character trait giving to Crocodile of all people and without any explanation. No one even thought we'd see him again before impel down!)
We also know that Crocodile's inspiration was Roger, from the cover on chapter 408 we learn that Crocodile dreams of being Roger. (very similar to Yamato's dream of being Odin, just more history repeating itself.)
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I'm not understating this, Crocodile as a character is so weird. He's got connections to everyone, (Whitebeard, the Revolutionaries, Ivankov, Mihawk, etc.) and yet we've never got any explanation for any of this. We know from how intertwined Crocodile is with the Grandline that he's been a pirate a very long time yet no one in the story seems to know anything about him outside of his Warlord status. In fact, Crocodile seems to be comfortable with the secrets, even being alright with Buggy taking the credit for Cross Guild.
This mans strange relationships with powerful characters like Whitebeard is the reason for the prevalent theory that Crocodile is Whitebeard's only biological child instead of Rocks.... but what if it was both?
No matter how I think about it I've never been able to get over the strangeness of Crocodile and Whitebeard's dynamic in Marineford. Whitebeard definitely doesn't treat Crocodile like someone he cares about, less so like a child that would automatically count in the family that was HIS DREAM. But there is a familiarity in how they address each other, like their history goes back far further than the battle we know they had when Crocodile was a young pirate.
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So I propose this:
Crocodile was Rocks child, witnessed Roger take his own father down after standing up to him. This is the reason for Crocodile's dream seemingly being to be Roger. And this would eventually be mirrored in the relationship between Kaido, Yamato, and Oden.
Garp impressed Roger by helping Crocodile to safety instead of following orders and killing him. This would stick with Roger over the years and be why while sitting in prison waiting for execution he decided to put his child's life in Garp's hands.
The safety Crocodile was brought to was Whitebeard. Crocodile was 8 when God's Valley happened, so Whitebeard raised the boy for a few years before Crocodile either ran away or was sent away. We don't know why Crocodile and Whitebeard's relationship turned sour but whatever it was caused Crocodile to see him as an opponent he dreamed of defeating.
This all spurs Crocodile to go to East Blue to witness Roger's end and motivates his desire to defeat Whitebeard as he is now the father figure he must overcome in order to be like Roger. (Kinda like Ace's original desire to defeat Whitebeard huh? Again more history repeating itself.)
Now onto what this means for Luffy, and the story as a whole.
I've already outlined all the evidence for the Trans! Crocodile and Crocodad/Dadodile in many, many, many posts. So I'm not doing that here, you can find my main posts on it here and here. In this post, I want to discuss the ramifications of Crocodile being Rock's child and Luffy's birth parent if this theory proved true.
First of all, this would mean the person that literally gave birth to the dawn and the future sun god Nika/Joyboy incarnate had their life undeniably changed at GOD'S VALLEY. I don't think I need to explain the almost heavy-handed symbolism with that entire naming scheme.
It would also mean that almost everyone who had an impact on Luffy's life was at God's Valley. The person who gave birth to him (Crocodile), the person who inspired his dream (Shanks and Roger), the person to raised him and trained him (Garp), and the person to validated his dream to the world (Whitebeard). All that is missing is Dragon, but for all we know he was there too!
Also I simply love the symbolize that revolves around this entire theory. Luffy would be born from the son of the man who was push into the spot light after God's Valley, praised as a hero. And came from the child of the man who was wiped from history, his family memory thrown to the darkness. Its a clash of opposites, light and dark, a total contradiction, also could be described as a dawn. Not even mentioning the beautiful irony of Joyboy being born from someone taking the name of a predator known for its menacing smile.
If this proved to be true, Crocodile would be centered and primed to possibly be the link between the crew and Gods Valley. Maybe the last Road Poneglyph is there!
But what do others think? I'd love to have a discussion about this if anyone finds counter evidence, or finds evidence that gives more credence to this theory!
Here's an additional link to a great post about this topic I found while looking for evidence.
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arrja · 5 months
Spoiler warning- Chapter 257 of JJK
"bro's been a hater since day 1 blablabla considering the fact that he 'ate' his twin" However, he indeed, did not do that consciously as a malicious intent of survival and/or ending any competition. In fact, he didn't even 'eat' him like how people eat food.
What happened with the Ryomen twins is a case of the 'Vanishing Twin syndrome'. If one of the two foetus fails to develop properly it gets absorbed by the other twin foetus and the mother's body. Often the underdeveloped twin gets partially absorbed by the developed twin which often leads to appearance of extra appendages on the living twin.
Apparently shortage of proper nutrition to the mother could serve as a potential reason in causing one foetus to not develop properly and therefore get absorbed by the other.
Considering the Heian Era (1000+ years ago), medical science was probably not that advanced and therefore when a child was born with 4 hands and 4 feet, 4 eyes as well, it's pretty obvious that people called it a monster and despised it.
Therefore it is highly possible that Sukuna was fed the idea that he 'ate' his sibling inside his mother's womb, from a very young age(the reason why he said 'ate' in a malicious tone). There's no way a foetus has any memory of what they did inside the womb. He was probably told that he has always been a sinful cursed child since day one, and of course no body wanted him.
Idk judge me for it but considering everything he could have gone through as a child, INCLUDING that fact that he had immense cursed energy which solidified the people's view on him being a demonic creature, he really might turn out to have one of the saddest backstories in the series. Toji was at least regarded a human, albeit not one with Cursed energy. As for Sukuna, I doubt the people around him even considered him one.
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elliotdeflateme · 2 months
baldam theory
I spent hours upon hours pondering the baldam theory like hamilton writing the 51st essay.. this was hard. but for you @joeysmacker ive formulated an unbreakable conspiracy that i know is true.
When i first saw baldam, there was a chilling sense of familarity, ive seen him before.. in my room at night, in the back of my mind while im sleeping.. dreaming. i have reason to believe baldam is a sleep paralysis creature haunting the minds of people around the world who have never even heard of him or seen him outside of their own nightmares before. an entity like the hat man, or the old hag.
if this is true it means hes bigger than tumblr, bigger an any simple post. hes real.
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