#So...with this mini-project concluded
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi: The RPG
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vgperson · 10 months
What Did I Do In 2023?
Whatever I wanted, mostly.
As I mentioned last year, my site now has an RSS feed with basically everything I've done back to 2020, so this will mainly be going over the same stuff from that, just with added context.
In January, I finally sat down and properly realized an idea for a short story I'd had sitting around for a while: From the Sidelines, about a fantasy RPG expedition going sideways. I remain very proud of it in both concept and execution, and hope people read it.
In February, Your Turn To Die was released on Steam Early Access, receiving character profiles and some bonus mini-episodes, adding two more later in the year.
After finishing From the Sidelines, I carried that momentum to revisit my Ut0p1a story series about funny computer animals. I'd always meant to continue it - and conclude it - but hadn't been satisfied with the ideas I had for it until totally rethinking them this year. In March, I posted the remaining stories one after another: Right to Code and Left to Code. I'm very proud of these as well. Also in March, Kenshi Yonezu released LADY. (Video, interview)
In April, Uri released the Data Book of the Strange Men Series, a big collection of the writing she's done on the games in the series, with a lot of new parts as well, all translated by me.
Then in May... uh, well, let's see. In April, Capcom released the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. I always adored the Battle Network games, and was initially excited that they finally did the thing... but by the time it came out, I was pretty disappointed by how, while you certainly couldn't call them low-effort ports, the effort didn't extend everywhere I thought it should, with the biggest offenders being the total absence of any "convenience features" except Buster Max Mode, the bad font, and the almost entirely untouched translations.
So, I ended up deciding I might as well just replay the originals, and that was a fun time (aside from the parts that were bad). Doing this, I couldn't help but notice how... turbulent the translations were, even if I'd always known they were less than ideal. I mean, the first two games just used periods for ellipses despite the tight character limits, then in BN3 they had an ellipsis character... but it's center-aligned, Japanese-style? Aside from the intro, which has normal ones? Gosh, somebody should fix that - it's simple enough to find and edit in YY-CHR. "JapanMan" is silly, too - I wonder if anybody made a patch for that? Wait, what do you mean there's just a tool to extract and insert text in all the Battle Network games including the Legacy Collection???
Thus began a journey that sort of occupied the rest of my year. First I did the BN3 Translation Revision, trying not to worry too much about cross-referencing the Japanese text unless something seemed wrong, so that I didn't spend too long on the project. Then I began to consider BN2, with its unfortunate "foreigner" text that would need some more significant reworking. I established more convenient tools for comparing with the Japanese script, and thus did a much more thorough job with it, releasing the BN2 Translation Revision in June (AKA Princess Pride Month).
Finally, after giving myself time to recover and actually finish replaying the series, I knew what I had to do to close things out. With the BN4 Translation Revision, you can finally play Battle Network 4 with a translation that isn't such a mess. Whether you'd want to is for you to decide, though if you can get over the structure, I don't think it's the worst game in the series by any means. (Oh, and in December I also updated the BN3 Revision to 1.1, doing a thorough pass with the methods I'd honed. But I think I'm pretty much good on MMBN translations now.)
Anyway, backtracking to other things that happened during my Battle Network haze... June had Kenshi Yonezu's Moongazing (video, interview), and July had Globe (video, interview, interview).
Last but not least, released in November, I translated Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, a short game from Lizardry (creator of 7 Days to End with You) with a fun concept.
Obviously I was right to have said "no promises" last year. But really, Your Turn To Die should get its final part on Steam sometime next year, maybe even early-ish in it. That's certainly the goal.
I'm also hoping to buckle down and finish one of my own games, but as usual, who knows how that'll pan out. Letting my whims carry me this year let me finally finish From the Sidelines and Ut0p1a, which was great, and it also led me down a Battle Network rabbit hole, which was... fine, but definitely for a narrower audience. I'd always like to get back to more free game translations and the like, too, but it takes effort to find things I'd want to translate. For now, I think my increasing desire to be able to let loose some of these original games I've been planning, and the stories in them, might come out on top.
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antidotesprout · 1 year
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🖤🤍Mini Plush Set Giveaway🤍🖤
I'll be giving the pictured submas mini plush set away! Entry period will last from the time of this posting until 9/2/2023 at 10 PM US CST (that's GMT-6)! The winner will be announced the following day, 9/3 👍
Giveaway Rules:
To enter, leave a reply/comment on this post
Everyone is limited to one entry
Winner will be chosen via a random number generator (I'll be putting everyone who enters on a numbered list to assign numbers)
Must be over 18
Keep messaging open at least around the time of the drawing so I can let you know if you've won!
My intention with this project was to give fans the opportunity to have plushes of our lil guys even if they can't sew or afford $500 a pair from scalpers on ebay, so this give away is world wide (barring any restrictions shipping from the us).
Share with your fellow fans to spread the love! 🖤🤍
If you don't want to take a chance and would rather purchase them straight away I will be posting sets up for sale. Follow me if you want updates regarding when those are made available! (Likely next week at some point)
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cloudsandcrescents · 1 month
☁️ New Updates ☁️
With us hopefully having reached the end of this rather dark coaster I’ve been on, we’re exuding good vibes and coming back with more updates. Didn’t have the energy to update after the funeral yesterday so I took the night to get some rest. Thus, we move on. I’ve got three updates today and possibly the fourth one later today or tomorrow since I reread it this morning and decided to make some changes. Here they are!
Leather Black - This is the one that I will be working on to get the rest of the chapters out as soon as possible. We’re practically at the end so I’m expecting maybe another two or three but it’s extremely overdue so this story takes priority. This chapter is a bit on the longer side to compensate for the delay.
When We Serve - This was one I started a while back and have been really eager to get to. This will be a part of my dual update plan along with HoN to start alternating updates once Leather Black has concluded.
Ours Was A Love Built in Autumn - This will be a short mini series with little quick chapters. I’m planning on this being similar (in formatting) to how Empty Rooms was done. This is a lighter fic that I got the idea to write during my hiatus while I was grieving and in preparation for my favorite season. I wanted to write something soft and hopeful and, as such, this little series was born. Much like Empty Rooms, it’ll be suitable for more audiences.
More updates to come regularly. Thanks for sticking with me and continue to send good thoughts my way. They mean a lot, now more than ever.
Your Friend,
Cloud ☁️🩵
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akookminsupporter · 8 months
Hey Rosie! Hope you’re doing well. Now that it has been revealed that J Hope is releasing a mini album for hope on the street - Do you think we will be seeing albums from any of the other members while in enlistment? I thought that Jimin and RM would definitely release projects but Hobi has (very pleasantly) surprised me! I’m sure Jin will release music/album later this year. Have a good day and take care of yourself x
Hi, anon! How are you? I do believe it's possible. I couldn't find the tweet where I read it, but I remember in a year-end report, it was mentioned that 2-3 members of the group would release an album or music this year. Initially, many thought it would be Jimin, Joon, and Jin, but with the news of Hobi releasing an album, I now think Jin's album might come out next year? If he has intentions to release one, of course. Unless he left several things prepared before enlisting, preparing an album takes some time, doesn't it? And I don't think Jin would want to release something just for the sake of it. So, it would make sense for him to drop something next year.
Joon definitely prepared something for this year and has been hinting at it for a while, and Jimin worked with several producers who were not part of FACE, so many of us concluded that he also left things prepared. We still don't even know what he went to do in Budapest, for example.
Needless to say, those reports aren't 100% certain, so there might be more than 3 albums/singles. Jungkook also mentioned a surprise for mid-year, and Tae also talked about leaving things prepared, so I think it's safe to say we'll see more things from other members related to music this year.
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alianoralacanta · 2 months
hiii alianora! i was thinking about your essay regarding ferrari PR 2022, and as a new fan i was wondering about the events that took after. did charles really threaten to leave ferrari and did ferrari hire vasseur for him (charles probably isn't the only reason but is it safe to say he played into the decision), charles denies he played a part in binotto's exit but then again he wouldn't expose team internal politics. a journalist leo turrini mentioned "Leclerc's fractured relationship with Binotto" as one of the reasons why his position was at risk when the rumors first came out, but i don't know how credible he is.
i also read that elkann had been looking into fred being a replacement a year before 2022 (if that Italian press report is to be believed), and that the former ferrari CEO actually wanted to bring fred into the team in like 2018 (?) because binotto was never meant to be TP, instead he would have been in the technical department if the CEO had his way.
i am most curious about if it is true that charles really did threaten to leave the team and if this was the final push for ferrari to hire vasseur. of course charles denies all this, ferrari denies all this, and i'm not so sure which reports to believe haha
Warning! Long post alert!
Firstly, I promise that I do not share my Tumblr account password with anyone and only I can read the messages in my inbox prior to posting the responses.
This disclaimer is because this is the second time in three Ferrari posts that my thought process has been interrupted by Charles Leclerc answering part of the question for me. In this case, he was in the press conference and it was mentioned that Mattia Binotto was going to Monza. Charles' face fell so fast (video) that it could only have been caused by hearing about Mattia's weekend plans. (I've heard that Nico Hulkenberg reckoned Mattia might not be Audi team boss yet, but am not yet sure what to conclude about this or Charles' reactions to this).
He never said one word against Mattia, did Charles. However, those who have followed my mini-series answering OP's Ferrari questions will understand by now that this makes things worse, not better. The silence indicates less liking and respect for Mattia, not more.
That is not someone who wants Mattia to be anywhere near him. This is one of those rare relationships within F1 where "fractured" might be the right word - and I don't think Charles has healed as much from it as he thought prior to the conference.
I don't think Charles had to say that he was threatening to leave Ferrari. Just say that he had to believe in the projects within which he worked. We can connect the dots, even if Charles was never going to leave in 2022 and that this qualifies as another "lie to defend his chosen team".
Rather like in 2023, where Charles didn't have to say he was considering Red Bull (even though he totally was), only hint that he was willing to respond to Red Bull's entreaties with more than a polite rebuff this time around. Plausible deniability through elision.
Verbum sapienti. The Ferrari board can take a hint ;)
The biggest factor, I think, in Mattia Binotto losing his place at Ferrari was that Mattia didn't truly know what to do with a plan that had progressed ahead of schedule. However, the board also knew that it couldn't long-range plan around Carlos Sainz the way it could around Charles Leclerc. Carlos may have understood the conventional part of Ferrari but could never have grasped the mythic element. (That won't be a problem for him at Williams, whose mythic element leaned heavily towards pragmatism and is more a light dusting rather than a major factor these days). I think Fred Vasseur has been interested in the Ferrari position for a long time, but I don't think Ferrari was ready for him until Mattia Binotto left. That was more to do with "vacancy and interest finally matched up" rather than anything Charles Leclerc-specific. Especially since Fred Vasseur had also previously worked with Carlos Sainz. I don't recall Fred even being in the conversation in 2018. There were two factions within Ferrari in 2018 for what should be done about its F1 team following Sergio Marchionne's death. There were those who supported Sergio's expressed preferences, including promoting Leclerc, and those who preferred to go a different direction, including keeping Kimi Raikkonen. I do not recall either side being confirmed as having a preference about the new Ferrari team boss, but I would not be surprised to discover each side had a different preference and that at least one of them had been disappointed on that front. Mattia Binotto had already been in a senior position on the technical side when all of this began, so he'd probably have been head of the engine or chassis department, or a technical director of both, had someone else been made the team principal.
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the-littlest-raindrop · 11 months
BG3 Holiday Fluffle 2023 Drabble One- Twinkling Lights, featuring Dammon!
Presenting the first of my offerings for the fluffle. Link to AO3 above, or if you prefer, find the whole thing below! Suitable for all audiences <3
As the days grow shorter, and the winds grow cooler, you’ve found that your house feels… dark. There’s an almost empty feeling to it, me that not even a roaring fire seems to fix.
At least it’s not a hardship you have to live through alone; not with Dammon by your side.
That man could brighten up the most dingy of hovels with his smile, or break through a gloom with those beautiful eyes of his. Living with him, after all the hardships you’ve been through, is the happy ending you never thought you’d get. It’s everything, and it means that even your dark house feels like the grandest of homes.
However, that doesn’t mean you’re not going to do anything about the state of your home. That’s why you’ve been out today to buy up as many candles as you can, planning to fight off the gloom with them. You’ve bought your new light sources not a moment too soon, either; the sun had set long before your shopping trip concluded.
So, with your pack laden with waxen goodies, you let yourself into your shared abode, your eyes slow to adjust to the darkness. ‘Dammon?’ The chances of him being home when the fire hasn’t even been lit are slim, but that doesn’t stop you from hoping; after a busy day out in the cold, you long for his warm embrace.
A soft voice calls out to you, coming from your balcony. ‘Up here, love.’ One advantage of your fame- and the wealth you’d accrued through your journey- is that you’d been able to buy a house in one of the nicer parts of the city, which has served not only the purpose of getting Dammon better paying clients, but also granted you the closest thing to a garden anyone can hope for in the city; a balcony, large enough to set a small table and chair upon.
Yet as you make your way upstairs, and dump your belongings onto your bed, you notice that said furniture is now inside the house, rather than outside. No sooner have you processed this do you see your lover sitting alone on the balcony, a checkered blanket layed down upon the hard floor.
As you slide open the door, Dammon looks up at you, his teeth gleaming slightly in the dim light of evening. ‘There you are, love. I was worried about you. Come and sit with me a while. I made us dinner.’ He gestures to a wicker basket behind him as you take a seat next to him, looking above the balcony’s bannister and into the night sky. Even in the city, the stars still shine, like precious jewels sewn into the fabric of the night itself.
Looking down at your dinner, you can see Dammon has been busy. Sandwiches, cakes, mini pies… he’s really gone all out tonight. You aren’t quite sure why though, since there is no anniversary to be observed tonight, unless he’s decided that there’s an occasion worthy of celebration.
Dammon finishes laying out your food, only to produce a few candles from the bag, carefully placing them around your blanket before lighting them with a match. ‘Not that I don’t appreciate the surprise, but what gives? You’ve never done anything like this before.’ Not that he isn’t a romantic- far from it. You’ve just never come home to a sight like this before. Some days, you’re lucky if he finishes up at his forge in time for dinner.
The tips of Dammon’s ears grow darker, though you’re not sure if that’s from embarrassment or cold. ‘I just wanted to surprise you, that’s all. Besides, I think spending an evening with the woman I love is occasion enough. We just need the wine-‘ He looks behind him then, only to look back at you with a frown. ‘That I left in the kitchen. Shit…’ You notice he’s not in his work apron, a rare sight indeed. Still, you’d be lying if you said it was a bad surprise; you love the way his tunic clings to his well-honed muscles, a delightful benefit to him having such a demanding craft.
You wave off his concerns, picking up a pie. ‘We don’t need it. I’m starving, and these look delightful.’ Taking a bite of your food, you try not to wince, the taste not at all what you were expecting. For all of his talents, it seems your lover isn’t a particularly skilled baker…
Dammon doesn’t notice your discomfort, helping himself to a sandwich. ‘Even still, I wanted this evening to be perfect. Romantic. A quiet moment, just for the two of us. I know there have been precious few of those lately, and I’m sorry. I’m just trying my hardest to establish myself here, for both our sakes.’ He seems preoccupied with something, his eyes slightly unfocused as he shoves his food into his mouth.
Putting your pie down, you reach out to him, his hand still warm despite the cold air. ‘You’re doing amazing, my love, but don’t feel like you need to push yourself. I fell in love with you when all you had to your name were the clothes on your back and the hammer in your hand. You’re everything to me.’ You give him a reassuring squeeze, trying to let him know everything is okay.
Instead of looking at you, Dammon looks to the sky, a smile tugging at the edges of his lips. ‘I’ve always loved how the sky looks this time of year. The darkness always makes the stars shine brighter. When Elturel fell, I feared I’d never see them again. Now, I get to share them with you.’ The candles around you flicker as the wind picks up, threatening to extinguish them.
You lean into Dammon, kissing his cheek. ‘I suppose it is the best time of year to really appreciate them. Maybe one day we could go to an astrologer, and find out what they mean?’ That could be a fun date idea, if he’s up for it. You’re certain there will be someone in Baldur’s Gate that could teach you both.
Dammon chuckles, shaking his head. ‘If it’s all the same to you, I think I’d like to come up with my own meanings. We could make the stars tell any story we wish, if you think about it.’ That’s… you’ve never really thought about it that way, but he’s right. Who’s to say that the constellations have to be followed. You should be free to connect the stars as you see fit.
Taking Dammon’s words to heart, you trace over a few of them, trying to make a heart shape. ‘I think I can see my love for you in them. What do you see?’ Knowing Dammon, he’ll probably say the day you met, or the time you were reunited, citing you as a flicker of light against the shadow curse.
Your lover doesn’t reach towards the sky, slipping his hand into his pocket instead. ‘I see the night you agreed to marry me, under the watchful gaze of the stars.’ Your eyes snap towards him just in time to see him pull a ring from his trousers, presenting it to you with a nervous smile on his face.
You don’t hesitate for a moment, wrapping your arms around your lover. ‘I accept, though it will be hard to see the stars through my tears of joy.’ Already you feel them welling in your eyes, threatening to spill over.
Dammon sighs in relief. ‘Then forget them for now, and just let me hold you.’ You’re happy to agree to that, all but crawling into his lap. The idea of spending the rest of your life with the man you love is enough to make your very soul sing with joy, your heart soaring as your mind is filled with one single certainty;
Your future with Dammon will shine brighter than any star ever could.
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wrongcaitlyn · 6 months
not fic related but i know you are an editor (i follo you on insta!!) but i wanted to ask you how did you start editing and most importantly how did you learn? i’ve always wanted to start editing bc i just have sooo many ideas but i can never figure out where to start and what programs to use. what would you recommend?
ahh omg yes!!! AN EDITING QUESTION god i havent talked about editing in so long even tho im trying to get back into itskldjf
(for those who don't know, i do have an editing insta and tt acc (though i'm not active on tt)!!! @/thae.rchxr on insta and thaerchxr on tt)
i started editing in 2020 during quarantine, and on capcut! i think that it's a pretty good starting spot, especially because it's free and it allows you to understand what you really want to make with your edits/what kinds of edits you want to make - velocities, lyric edits, transition ones, etc
i have to say i wouldn't recommend templates and i'm really not a fan of them. that's my only neg abt capcut now, even though i don't use it... yea i've seen too much of these template apps literally stealing the hard work of editors and it sucks
but anyway!! i currently use after effects, and have used it since early 2022, however it's a computer program, and - though you can pirate it and there are lots of videos online on how to do that - it also costs money if you don't wanna pirate (i got it as a christmas gift so i have the paid version but there's really no difference)
no matter what program you use, TUTORIALS!! youtube is your best friend. i have a youtube channel actually but i mainly post transition inspo instead of tutorials, however if you want some recs (for ae, i unfortunately don't know a lot of tutorial channels for other apps), i learned so much from klqvsluv, ae.chambb, and clewxdre on youtube! and, of course, lauren. she's kind of a mini celebrity in the editing communitysdklf - and there are so many more as well
if it's transition edits you're specifically trying to get into, def try and master the basics - zoom in's, out's, slide left/right, shakes and turbs if that's the kind of edit you wanna make. but honestly, the entire thing is just practice practice practice!! even though i only started editing on ae 2 years ago, i used to make edits, like, every day. i was obsessed. i would wake up and spend hours on edits, trying new transitions and new plugins and effects, and i think it really paid off :)
another thing you can do is attempt to remake edits! most editors will be completely alright with it (as long as you don't steal, ofc) and many even put out project files (i do have a few on my payhip- linked in my insta lmfaodjsf shameless self promo) that you can look at to see how they did certain transitions. remakes are good because it takes out the factor of having to figure out what transitions you want to make and lets you focus entirely on the technical aspect - which will then make it easier for you to pull off the transitions you think of yourself!
so, to conclude this ramble bc i can never shut up - i think i would definitely recommend ae if you have a computer/laptop. but i also think that other editing apps (the ones i see most often are videostar, alight motion, and capcut - all of which are mobile apps) can make absolutely incredible edits. i have friends who use each of these different editing apps and i know they can make some of the most mindblowing edits, even though i personally have no idea how to use vs or am lmaodsjf
so it's up to you! look at some tutorials, don't feel too intimidated, and go with the layout that makes the most sense to you. then just don't be afraid of making a "bad" edit bc let's be real the first edits are alwaysss shitty. i cringe when looking back at the edits all the way to last summer. but that's the beauty of it, because you can see your editing style and skill grow over time, and then you can eventually make edits that you'll be really proud of <3 i wish you the best of luck on your editing journey!! it's honestly so fun once you get into the swing of it :)
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littlemisssquiggles · 10 months
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LittleMissSquiggles’ Summary of Art 2023
Honestly folks, I don't got much to say about this year. This might just be my shortest art summary to date since I don't have much to comment on this year's events.
2023 was a general mix of highs and lows but overall, not a bad year. You could say that this was the year I was more work-oriented.
I focused more on work especially during the early half of this year, between January and July and therefore didn't spend much time on personal projects; specifically 3D. That being said, I did end up getting back up to my art. Since I've been more focused on 3D for the past two years, I chose this year to get back into my 2D art doing illustrative work since I missed it.
More than that, I took this year to spend some well needed time improving my drawing skills, using tools and techniques from my 3D workflow in an attempt to improve my illustrative work and needless to say, I think it worked out great, even if the end results wasn't much.
Some squiggly good accomplishments I achieved in 2023:
Started the year employed and while I had to juggle two job opportunities which had its fair share of ups and downs in more ways than one, at least it allowed me the chance to earn the funds I needed to obtain my new workstation: a Lenovo Ideacentre 5 Gaming PC.
Learned about the almighty power of networking and remote desktops thanks to my contract job which allowed to me to transform my current setup into one that fully connects and maximizes the full use of all the devises in my arsenal. Basically I figured out how to connect my previous laptop to my new PC so now I work with a setup where my laptop acts as a third monitor for my PC while I'm able to access all my files from my laptop from my PC. Ontop of that, I also learnt how to connect my PC to my Ipad Mini, not just for transferring files for art but for also using it as a proxy computer device to remote into my main PC workstation. This may not seem like a big deal to most but for someone who didn't know a thing about most of this stuff up until this year, it makes a huge difference to this squiggle meister.
Gained a new four-legged member to the squiggle meister family household. A playfully mischievous yet adorable Husky-mix pup fittingly named Alaska or the "Wee Las" as I like to call her.
Experimented a lot with my art this year and while I may not have shared all of the fruits of my labour to social media, I have been making quite a few strides. ---- I spent the last couple of years pushing my social media presence and while I have benefitted from it from time to time, I missed out on just taking some time to myself; getting back to indulging in other activities that brought me joy; particularly the ones that involve truly honing my craft.
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I hope to maintain this type of vibe moving forward towards the new year.
Even if my social media activity won't be as frequent as previous years, I do hope that those who have been following and supporting me and my work over years still continue to do so, even if it's to simply just check in from time to time.
To conclude my post, as always, I'm wishing everyone all the very, very best in their respective lives and daily endevours for the upcoming new year.
Let see what we got in store for 2024! Happy New Year folks!
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LittleMissSquiggles (2023)
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mjohnso · 9 months
Periodic Rookie Groups Report No. 22
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Periodic Rookie Group Reports are a series of biannual reports that seek to put a number to how many rookie groups debut and make comebacks in a given year. For Report No. 22, I cover the activity of '22 rookie groups between July and December 2023 and the total number of rookie groups that debuted in 2023.
2022 Rookies In the previous Rookie Report, I covered five groups that had debuted in 2022, only to disband less than a year after their debut. I have two additional groups to add to that list. They are as follows: 
WSG Wannabe: A project girl group (July ‘22) created for MBC’s Hangout With Yoo, the group concluded their activities following the show’s August 6th, 2022 episode.
X4: The project co-ed group (July ‘22) was formed to promote Busan’s bid to host the 2030 World Expo. Following voting on November 28, 2023, Busan ultimately lost its bid to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Consequently, it is safe to assume that the group disbanded.
This brings the number of disbanded groups to seven—two boy groups, four girl groups, and one co-ed group. Factoring these seven groups brings the number of groups that debuted in 2022 and were still active in 2023 to 69 groups—20 boy groups, 37 girl groups, and two co-ed groups. Of these 69 groups, 52% or 36 groups released new music at least once in 2023. 34% or 24 groups did so between January and June, while 17% or 12 groups did so between July and December. 30% or 21 groups released new music in the first and second half of 2023.
Korean Releases from ‘22 Rookie Groups: July - December 2023
Note: Releases marked with an asterisk (*) indicate an additional release from a group following their initial release
July 06 FIFTY FIFTY - “Barbie Dreams feat. Kaliii” (Single)* 06 Kep1er - “RESCUE TAYO” (Single)* 06 LE SSERAFIM - “Eve, Psyche & the Bluebeard’s Wife (English Ver.)” (Single)* 06 Queenz Eye – “UN-NORMAL” (Single) 10 ARTBEAT v – “DUBI DUBI” (Single)* 11 NMIXX – A Midsummer NMIXX’s Dream (Mini Album)* 14 LE SSERAFIM - “Eve, Psyche & the Bluebeard’s Wife feat. UPSAHL” (Single)* 21 NewJeans - Get Up (Mini Album)* 21 Pattern - “Miro” (Single) 25 ILY:1 - New Chapter (Mini Album)* 26 Liberty - “One Summer” (Single) 28 LE SSERAFIM - “Eve, Psyche & the Bluebeard’s Wife feat. Rina Sawayama” (Single)*
August 01 XEED – Blue (Mini Album) 02 The Wind - “We Go” (Single) 03 ABLUE – “MAD” (Single) 03 Nine.i – NEW MIND (Mini Album) 04 LE SSERAFIM - “Eve, Psyche & the Bluebeard’s Wife feat. Demi Lovato” (Single) 11 TAN - TAN MADE [ I ] (Mini Album)* 30 H1-KEY - Seoul Dreaming (Mini Album)*
September 06 Trendz - “My Way” (Single)* 14 mimiirose - “Flirting” (Single) 20 Tempest – “Vroom Vroom” (Single)* 25 Kep1er - Magic Hour (Mini Album)* 27 XG - NEW DNA (Mini Album)*
October 02 Girls World - “Fly High (Thumbelina)” (Single) 04 NewJeans – “GODS” (Single)* 10 The Fix – “CITY” (Single) 10 The Fix – “Time” (Single)* 15 Queenz Eye – “THIS IS LOVE” (Single)* 17 YOUNITE - 빛 : Bit Part.2 (Mini Album)* 18 Superkind - Profiles of the Future (Λ): 70% (Mini Album)* 20 weNU – “My Everything” (Single) 24 ILY:1 - “To My Boyfriend” (Single)* 24 UNI – “Blue Night” (Single) 27 LE SSERAFIM - “Perfect Night” (Single)* 30 LE SSERAFIM - “Perfect Night (Sped. Up Ver.)” (Single)*
November 02 Nine.i – “Neverland” (Single)* 02 VIVIZ – VERSUS (Mini Album)* 23 LE SSERAFIM – “Perfect Night (Holiday Remix)” (Single)* 26 CSR - “HBD To You (Midnight Ver.)” (Single)* 27 ATBO – “Must Have Love” (Single)*
December 04 NMIXX – “Soñar (Breaker)” (Single)* 08 XG – “WINTER WITHOUT YOU” (Single)* 17 CSR - “HBD To You” (Single)* 19 NewJeans – NJWMX (Mini Album)* 20 CLASS:y – “Winter Bloom” (Single)* 21 ABLUE – “Snowman” (Single)* 21 NINE.I – “Back to Christmas” (Single)*
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2023 Rookies In 2023, 95 groups—44 boy groups, 46 girl groups, four co-ed groups, and one queer group—debuted. Compared to last year this marks a 25% increase in the number of new groups debuting. Similarly, boy groups, whose numbers had been declining since 2020, made an about-face, with a 100% increase in the number of new debuts versus last year. Meanwhile, girl groups, who posted a record-setting number last year, saw a small decline slipping 10%. For their part, co-ed groups saw a modest increase from three groups last year to four groups this year, a 33% change.
Yet even with girl group numbers taking a dip, these are some of the best year-end numbers for rookie groups the industry has seen in years. Certainly, the numbers have not been this good since the beginning of the pandemic. So, what changed?
As always with rookie group numbers, context matters. Technically, rookie group numbers did rebound because agencies began to debut more groups, but what is meant by groups has expanded. That is, while once the dominant image of an idol group was a group assembled by an agency created from trainees who had been under and remained with a company for years striving for stardom, that has now changed. As I have written about at length, Rainbow E&M intends for their Future Idol Asia groups to be temporary stops for members rather than their permanent groups. Meanwhile, university k-pop departments, like Howon University in Gunsan, have been debuting their groups. Similarly, television shows have also served as an unconventional conduit for minting new, often temporary, groups. And this is all to say nothing about the recent influx of virtual and "AI" groups that have become part of the industry.
To give this a number, around 40% of the groups that debuted in 2023 qualify as idol groups under this broader definition. Looking to the next year, I expect to see a similar number or more, given that survival shows, Future Idol Asia project and virtual idols are not going anywhere in 2024. Beyond that only time will tell if this is the product of convergence of multiple trends or a fundamental shift in the industry.
Miscellaneous stats:
January saw the most amount of debuts with the debut of 13 new groups: five boy groups and eight girl groups.
Once again, December saw the least amount of debuts with the debut of only three new groups.
For the fourth consecutive year, more girl groups debuted than boy groups.
Methodology: https://blog.mjohnso.com/methodology
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ilthit · 9 months
@marquisguyun tagged me to post a WIP Snip!
My current WIPs are Big Project which is not being posted, Lin Moniao series (as co-author, with @minutia-r) which is all written but posting as it gets edited, and Bolworth Birthday Bet, which is posted as the mini-chapters/options are written out from their larval form... You understand. And I suppose the original vampire series, but that is also posted as I write it.
So here is a snippet from an unposted chapter of the Lin Moniao series under the cut.
Tagging: @slow-burn-sally @keirgreeneyes @d20owlbear
The magistrate's official residence is set in a three-story building flanked, in the north and south, by two courtyards, the latter of which extends into a training ground large enough to recreate a small battle formation in. It in turn is flanked, east and west, by the city guard's barracks.
Usually, it is more than enough to house the on-duty officers and the personal guard of any visiting official. Now, the yard and the barracks are bursting with men in gleaming plate and padded armor, and the armory overflows with spears. Among the troops flit dark-clad clerks, trying desperately to coordinate to get the force settled in unfamiliar quarters.
These are the empire's finest. The guards on the watchtowers at each corner have their eyes trained on the street for any sign of insurrection, but few dare venture near. They've heard who has settled into the magistrate's office, and fear runs deeper than curiosity.
The kitchen, too, is being run ragged cooking rice and strips of meat for the soldiers, the utensils clanging and the steam gathering under eaves before spilling out towards the sky. A cook steps into the dark cellar for more supplies, and two cooks step out--on such a day, who would notice?
Now the humble cook carries a tray of tea into the clerks' office, and returns dressed in black robes, an oblong box in his hands. He hurries along the corridors, exchanges a word with a colleague, and up a flight of stairs to the second floor of the magistrate's office. Here he steps lightly, soundless.
The central gallery where the magistrate's clerks used to meet with the population and the magistrate himself might officiate in cases that he chose to make public, where announcements were made and the daily business concluded, is surrounded by a balcony leading to the second floor hallway. The chef-turned-clerk now stops at the door to this balcony and listens; there is a murmur of a voice on the other side, too far to make out--one speaker, perhaps speaking to no-one but himself. He waits, and there--a scuffle of feet just on the other side.
Quietly, he opens his box and takes out what is within. He has thought about what to bring, and discarded his first thought in favor of tools he knows well: Two beautiful daggers, curved and deadly, with pin-point sharp tips.
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vgperson · 2 years
What Did I Do In 2022?
Game Translations That Aren't YTTD: 1. Okay, maybe 1.5.
First of all, while I didn't add it until later in the year (not entirely unmotivated by the Stability of Platforms), my site now has an RSS feed for notable updates of any kind! I mention this upfront because I'm mostly just going over the things that are already listed there. It currently retroactively covers everything back to 2020, but I might add more past stuff over time so it can better serve as a general "everything I've ever done" page.
In February, I translated Kenshi Yonezu's POP SONG (and an interview). Noel The Mortal Fate Seasons 1-7 also got a revamped version on consoles (Switch, PS4); the console versions include a new Season 3.5 translated entirely by me, and the rest of the seasons have a revised script which is more thoroughly edited by me than even the redone Steam translation was.
In March, the update adding Kai to Your Time To Shine came out. Yes, he is Kai.
In April, I finally finished up my unofficial Japanese translation patch for Petal Crash. たのしいね、クラッシュ! It actually just got some extra attention after the Petal Crash run for RTA In Japan about two days ago, which is kind of wild. Is this what it's like to be famous...? (clueless)
In May, I translated Kenshi Yonezu's Shin Ultraman theme song M87 (interview, interview), and the coupling song from the single, ETA. And there was an article about the 10th anniversary of his debut!
Also in May, the Ib remake came out on Steam in English! Told you they'd contact me. It was later announced to be coming to Switch, scheduled for March 2023.
In August, Your Turn To Die was announced to be coming to Steam. It's planned for early 2023, but to be clear, it'll release first in Early Access still with no final part, though with some exclusive mini-episodes and character profile sheets. Apparently once that's out, the actual completion is estimated for 6 to 12 months later... but, you know. Estimates are hard.
In September, I put together a guide for and officially "released" my Custom Translation Engine plugin for RPG Maker MV, the one I made for the Ib remake, and back-implemented into Your Turn To Die shortly after I was contacted about it coming to Steam. It's fancy (in-game language switching!), convenient (minimal direct editing of code!), and you can use it for your own translation projects if you want!
In October... well, I didn't do anything new for it, but I'll take credit for The Witch's House MV coming to consoles. (Switch, PS4, Xbox) I also translated everyone's favorite Chainsaw Man opening KICK BACK, associated interviews, and the single's coupling song Y'all Should Be Ashamed.
Finally, in December, after lots of spending my time elsewhere and indecision about how I should go about returning to doing some dang free game translations, I concluded that what I'd really wanted to do all year was translate Uri's PEDESTAL.
I think some people latched onto specific parts of Uri's original explanation for why it wasn't being translated, such as the cultural aspects (I honestly winced at her blunt remark that the story was "no good at all"), but while Uri indeed had those doubts at the time of release, the only real reason it wasn't translated at the time is that I did a less-than-ideal rushed playthrough that slightly hurt my overall impression of its quality, and I felt too busy at the time to work on something with lots of text that was likely to be divisive. So similarly, me finally feeling up to it was the reason it did get translated. I probably should've come back to it quite a bit sooner (after I was made to give up a certain other translation, say), but as I alluded to in last year's post, I was self-conscious about "my big return to free game translations" being something that might not have wide appeal. Uh, glad to be past that, hopefully.
Oh, and ever since finishing PEDESTAL, I've been working on all sorts of overhauls to my site, but like... not the kind that actually majorly changes any part of the visible design and annoys people (and if something did change in an annoying way, it's probably accidental). Some of it's just better consideration of mobile browsing (stuff like images or tables sticking out of bounds at mobile resolutions), or making things more convenient for myself behind the scenes (did you know I made a program to add "br"s to every line of all lyrics content before considering I could just have the page code do that, and also better?).
Some more major observable changes include general renovations to the lyrics page (bigger font size, buttons that hide individual languages to aid in side-by-side comparison), and more convenient navigation of OSTER's tweets, such that I could actually imagine someone reading through them all the way from the start without it being too much of a hassle.
While I'm glad to be over the PEDESTAL hump, I don't... necessarily have any definite plans for upcoming free game translations. I mostly just have some stuff on a list that I may have to make myself check out soon enough. Also, Game Atsumaru (which you may know as The Site That Hosts YTTD's Japanese Version) is ending in June??? So uh, might have to accelerate checking out stuff on there, though I guess it depends on how many creators are able to migrate. (Nankidai does plan to put YTTD's Japanese browser version up somewhere else.)
As I mentioned, Your Turn To Die's Early Access release on Steam should be coming up early next year with those mini-episodes and character profiles, and the game might be completed within the year. No promises. I mean, I don't have anything to promise, it's not my game.
Speaking of my game... also no promises. But I'd really like to release one. We'll see what happens. There's also a different kind of original project I recently returned to trying to make real, which could come early in the year, but who knows. As should be apparent, I'm working on a lot of different fronts here, so I frequently feel bad about neglecting such-and-such type of creative work, which sometimes means nothing actually gets done and released. Ultimately, though, it's probably better to follow what I most feel like doing, rather than force focus on one thing and end up not actually getting much done.
Which is to say: hoping to finish something in the new year!
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Part 2!! Part 1 has just been posted :)
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And the most exciting thing I found.
Day ONE of the con at the garage sale, I found…
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An authentic Ninjago Movie backpack. For TWO DOLLARS. This was such a good find guys you have NO IDEA 😭❤️
Also, I painted a mini! it’s not loading properly for SOME REASON??? I didn’t paint it very well because I was sooo tired at around 9pm so it was more of a calming activity than a big project. Fun tho!!
That concludes my con haul! I’m looking forward to future cons so I can get more stuff and cosplay more often. This was so much fun.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Pokémon: 11 Things Ash's final series should do
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So after two mini-specials, we will embark on the final 11 episodes of Ash Ketchum.
Some will think this is about time, simply because he's been a main character for over 2 decades, others like myself feel like this was engineered to be rushed out and Ash could've gone on for much longer. But we cannot change what's happened, so here's 11 things I think should happen within the final 11 episodes.
Note that this is my personal opinion so it's subjective
11 - Ash turns 11 I think it's high time we did this, I mean Burnet went through an entire pregnancy, has a toddler-sized kid and yet Ash is still 10. Given how it's daft as balls anyway that Ash achieves his dream in less than a canonical year, I think for the final 11 episodes we can at least start or end the final series with Ash getting a birthday cake.
10 - Use all of the Pokémon The poster for the series presented all of Ash's caught Pokémon, including the likes of Primeape, Greninja, Goodra, Naganadel, Pidgeot, Ambipom and Lapras - which have been released or are not in Ash's command - so if you're gonna show them it'd help more to actually use them as well. I know 11 episodes is not a lot of time, but you could still fit them in somehow, and we can even extend their use; Primeape for instance could evolve into Annihilape, Pidgeot could Mega Evolve, Lapras could Gigantamax, we can also involve some new captures, I've always wanted to see Misty approach a capture of a Water/Bug Pokémon, and some more Paldean Pokémon. In addition it wouldn't be a loss to show all of Brock and Misty's prior Pokémon too, I know we had Ash and Butterfree's reunion but what about Misty and Togetic's reunion?
9 - Don't rush to everyone's dreams coming true One of the major criticisms I would have with Journeys is the rushed intent to finalize things. Goh's Project Mew saga lasted 9 episodes, and yet on that 9th he managed to meet and befriend the most elusive Pokémon in the world, so elusive that they went into ruins to find a fossilized eyelash of it just to clone into Mewtwo. Given that Misty is yet to be recognized as the strongest water trainer in the world, and other prior companions have yet to achieve their dream, I think it's best not to try and close out their characters by simply 'letting the wookie win' and handing them their dreams without earning it. Not everyone's dreams can be fulfilled in a year.
8 - Have an overarching narrative A problem common in Pokémon has been a lack of a stricter narrative, partly due to the 130-140+ episode count but also a lack of focus and desire to do so. Because I don't quite trust the writers, I do worry that these 11 episodes could just be a fanservicey nostalgia trip without any real direction, which is ill-fitting for concluding the Ash saga. Episode 1 should identify a point A where they're at and a point B where they will need to get by episode 10 or 11, then the episodes in between should all be in service of pushing the group into that direction in a believable and not-rushed way.
7 - But don't forget the battles To keep things energetic though, we must not forget how battling is a core element of Pokémon, and the animation budget should really re-enter XY series level with DP level strategy. Too long have we had Ash plot armour his way to hollow wins, it'd be nice for once to see Ash earn it without legendary interference, sudden magic abilities or forms not even part of their pokedex entry, a hoodie being able to save you from your shadow being shackled to the ground, moves working different to how they should or their opponent acting like a moron. In addition I need Pokémon to stop pulling the duality of Ash's Pokémon being pain sponges while his opponent's Pokémon being able to be KO'd in 4 clean hits or less - Pikachu absorbed 750 base damage minimum against Leon's Pokémon while Charizard lost to 2 Iron Tails, a Quick Attack and the friendship headbutt, three of which on a reduced attack stat from Max Wyrmwind, that cannot fly.
6 - Giovanni needs to be the main villain Over these last 25 years, Ash has only canonically encountered Giovanni once, in the BW series when he was wearing weird ass goggles and swatted him and Pikachu away to get to Meloetta. It's time for this swivel-chair manipulating maniac to finally step up and be the Thanos threat to the show. Given how Ash is now 'champion rank' and thus his Pokémon are now a higher commodity, it would certainly be something he could find himself getting more hands-on with, if anything has been long overdue it's seeing Ash vs Giovanni properly done.
5 - But Team Rocket should redeem themselves Team Rocket have been pushed to the backburner a lot especially in Journeys, and while Ash's saga is set to end it'll likely mean that Team Rocket will need to call off their pursuit of Pikachu. We all know though that these goofballs have the capacity for good, and they are in their own way fond of the twerp. So it would be pretty cool for them to finally give themselves some agency and work towards bringing down their neglectful boss, and hopefully not ending up going separate ways like they did to Bob and Cassidy.
4 - Resolve the Ash's Father mystery Perhaps the biggest mystery left in Pokémon is the identity of Ash's father. We have been teased on it for decades too being told that Ash would likely see him when he 'matured'. Given how the final saga doesn't want to let Ash reach that requirement, this is the last chance to get some closure on the matter. I hope if we do go for it though we don't have it be Giovanni because it's too lazy a writing choice, even if he is a deadbeat it's probably something fandom will want to know.
3 - Bring back some familiar faces I'm not saying we need an Avengers Endgame kinda moment with every cast member, but it wouldn't go amiss to give some older characters some shine again; Ritchie and Tracey may've had cameos in Journeys but it'd be nice to have them a bit more involved, we can guess that Gary will come back in some manner and Ho-oh will likely show up, but what about Movie 1 Mewtwo (I know they were in Journeys but Ash and Goh were mindwiped again)? What about Domino for Team Rocket? What about Pokémon Ash and co took care of like Brock's Vulpix, Sabrina's Haunter, Bewear, Jigglypuff, Snubbull, Arbok and Weezing, Larvitar, the Kangaskhan Pikachu grew up with (though do not release Pikachu I beg of you), there are certainly other Pokémon and characters that would be nice to see again.
2 - Do NOT confirm a ship This might be a weird pick for me because those who know me know that I am a AshxMisty shipper, and believe me if this series did confirm Pokéshipping I would spend hours giddily bouncing off of walls, however if they confirmed another Ash-ship I would spend equal amount of hours raging and cursing the show's very name on the floor. Shipping is a dangerous territory and we have reached a part where between the wastelands of flame wars passed we've established a somewhat peaceful existence where why try to be civil to one another, so throwing a ratchet into that would be a dangerous play. Overall, it is perhaps best not to confirm any ship when it comes to our trio (though I doubt many would be too mad if Jessie and James went the way Electric Tale of Pikachu did) and let fans take it into their own hands, it's the safer and less spiteful option, besides they're still 10 year olds they shouldn't really be caring about romance anyway.
1 - Ash's story ends open-ended on a new direction A worry I do have with Ash's saga ending is that if the new series screws up, Pokémon will be enticed to bring Ash back for viewership and the nostalgia play. But if you make that bed I say you better lie in it, because bringing Ash back could easily undermine the act of ending his story anyway. Ash's end shouldn't be rigidly final of course, but it should end in a way where people will be content to - as I mentioned in point 2 - make their own story for the future. That means no final timeskip of adult Ash and no treading on Ash's name in the new series, instead the best course of action is for these final episodes to push Ash towards a newer dream, one that is in-character with his adventurous, Pokémon-loving, but competitive personality. Even though I don't think he earned the mantle of 'the very best like no one ever was' (and could still pursue that in this series and beyond), seeing Ash mature into a new dream - such as becoming a Professor or an explorer - and set off with Pikachu towards that into the sunset would be a fitting conclusion, but if Ash's story is going to end, it must end there...and maybe some end credits of the main iconic theme wouldn't go too badly.
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alicealcremiedelight · 8 months
I wrote up a User Guide for my Prototype Pokédex. I think I made it a little long, but hopefully nothing is confusing.
//This is pretty long, so read at your peril.
Hello! And welcome to your new Pokédex!
This manual is for the Rotom version of Prototype Pokédex engineered by Alice.
1. Getting Started
Included in the Rotom version is:
1x USB A to USB C cable
1x AC charger
1x International Outlet Adapter
1x Rotom Adaptable mini-Camera Drone
1x Prototype Pokédex
1× Hard plastic cover case
1x Faux Leather Carry bag
2. Know Your Pokédex
This Prototype is modeled after the original Kanto Pokédex, the same model that legendary trainer Red used during their peak! As such, it is a notebook-style Personal Digital Assistant, but with an added slide out keyboard and stylus. However, instead of red, it's a stylish black.
It features a 8 inch touchscreen OLED screen with included glass screen protector.
The Prototype has two outward switches and one volume wheel.
The power switch is located at the right edge, with power on marked with ○ and power off marked with — . The second is at the top edge. This sliding switch has three modes, marked as (T), (R), and (E). These stand for Trainer, Researcher, and Emergency. The volume wheel controls the volume for the included speakers, but not for the emergency speakers.
At the bottom edge is a USB C port at the center. The left of that port is the stylus holder and the right is the AC charging port.
3. First Start Up
When being powered on for the first time, you will be greeted with a selection of themes ranging from Nostalgic 8-bit to Caterpie Green to Cherrum Pink or even Koffing Purple. The theme, along with other personalizations, can be changed later in the Personalization tab within the Settings.
After selecting a theme, you will be prompted to select a system language. After selecting a language, you will be asked to enter a first name, any chosen pronouns or titles and an emergency contact. The Prototype Pokédex can contact the inputed number along with emergency services in the case of an emergency with a pre-written or personalized message from the user. (Note: The entering of an emergency contact is not necessary for the function of the Pokédex but emergency calls will instead only be directed to emergency services. The given name and pronouns will be used when attributing data gathered by you in published research.)
After inputting a name and contact, you will be asked if you would like to list any Pokémon companions manually or have them added automatically when syncing at Pokémon Center PC. This is only for your current companions. This would conclude the start up and the Prototype will enter the default Trainer mode.
4. Operating Modes
The sliding switch at the top of the Prototype switches the Pokédex from 3 separate modes. The default setting upon first start up is Trainer mode. After entering personalizations, you will be at the home screen. The home screen defaults to the list of indexed Pokémon. This can be changed within the Settings.
A. Trainer Mode
Within Trainer mode, you can access virtually the same type of information as you could on a standard Pokédex. This includes:
- List and number of Pokémon caught
- List and number of Pokémon seen
- Summary information of current battle party
- Quick Access to PC boxes
- Fun facts about Indexed Pokémon
- EV/ IV projections
- Pokémon Habitats
- And much more!
An added bonus to our pool of information from multiple regions allows you to compare data on a particular Pokémon from the perspective of different regions. You, too, can add to this research by contributing your own findings!
When viewing a Pokémon's information page, you will see a ➕️ at the bottom of the screen. Selecting this will allow you to add an entry yourself. First, you will be asked if the provided information will be about an observed wild Pokémon, a befriended wild Pokémon, a Pokémon in someone else's care, or a Pokémon in your own care. You may want to use the stylus or the slide out keyboard to write your findings. You may also use the onscreen keyboard.
Do not be afraid to note down anything of interest. Even something as simple as favorite foods can make a big impact on our research.
Once you have written your entry, you will be asked if you would like to provide any audio, video, or images as supplemental evidence. You may use the USB C port to add files from external devices or use any files recorded using the onboard microphone or the Rotom Adaptable mini-Drone's camera and microphone. When an entry is submitted, you can tag it to a specific name. This is useful should you be observing the same Pokémon for a long period of time or if writing about your or a friend's Pokémon.
B. Researcher Mode
When switching to Researcher mode from within the home screen, you will be taken to a list of Researcher functions. These are:
- Up to date, full research notes for each Indexed Pokémon
- Pokémon Cry Recognition and Imitation
- List of Common Egg patterns per species
- Curated Care instructions per species
- Up to date Pokémon Habitat breakdowns
An additional feature of Researcher Mode is found in Trainer mode. When viewing a Pokémon's fun fact, you can switch to Researcher mode and read an expanded version. For example:
Trainer mode:
Hatterene, the Silent Pokémon
If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claw on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch.
Researcher mode:
Hatterene, the Silent Pokémon
If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claw on its tentacle. This is a common hunting behavior of wild Hatterene within the Lake of Outrage. While omnivorous, they tend to avoid prey they hunted themselves and instead focus on the stores of food of their prey. It is currently theorized that this hunting pattern developed as a result of wild Hatterenes searching for fights between other Pokémon and stalking the losing Pokémon back to a store of food, wherein the Hatterene pounces and makes off with its prey's food.
This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch. This epithet is attributed to an old folk tale that is lost to time. One hypothesis suggests that Hatterene also inhabited the Glimwood Tangle and other parts of the Wild Area before human settlements became large enough to clear out its home forests. The epithet is still widely used as even to this day, newly evolved Hatterene can sometimes be seen migrating out of forests that are home Hatennas and Hattrems on foggy nights.
- Dr. Sonia Magnolia
University of Hammerlocke
Researcher mode is also the mode necessary for proper syncing at a PC.
C. Emergency Mode
Emergency Mode is a mode that restricts the functions of the Prototype to only the following:
- Calling Emergency contact and Services
- Pokémon Cry Recognition and Imitation
- Trainer Survival Guide
Activating Emergency Mode also activates the Prototype's Battery Saver, which can sustain minimal use for about 5 days from a full charge.
Using Emergency mode to call for help also sends a message to the emergency contact if one was provided.
During emergency use of the Pokémon Cry Recognition and Imitation software, the emergency speakers are used instead. These speakers are louder and are capable of producing sounds only Pokémon can hear to scare away potential threats. If during normal operation, the software detects a hostile or angry cry from a Pokémon who's hostility could prove dangerous to you, the Prototype may prompt you to switch to Emergency mode. Emergency mode also allows you to imitate the cries of known predators or competitor Pokémon of any Pokémon recognized as a threat.
The included survival guide has basic first aid information, a list of edible berries and herbs, explanations of common hazards, camping instructions for various terrains and climates, and navigation techniques.
The Emergency uses of the Prototype are not a replacement for proper preparedness and research. Please be sure to pack any and all necessary items for any hikes or outdoor travel, and to notify others where you're headed and how long you expect to it to take.
Please stay safe while traveling.
5. Syncing to Alice's PC
In order to receive up to date research and to upload any new data, you can use any Pokémon Center PC to sync. Simply set the Prototype to Researcher mode and plug in the USB A to USB C from the PC to the Prototype. You will be prompted to enter Sync mode. Depending on update sizes, this may take a few seconds to a few minutes.
On most PCs, the USB ports will be on a side panel either on the right side of the monitor box or on the right edge of the keyboard.
Once the sync is complete, the Prototype will prompt you to remove the cable when it is safe to do so.
6. Enjoy your new Pokédex Experience!
Thank you for participating in this cutting-edge research initiative. We value your input and can't wait to see what you can find.
Please be aware that the software is still in active development and can recieve new features through Sync mode.
Enjoy your Pokédex!
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I don't know how much acceptable to do like this so I apologize if it's not but I'd like to show you the idea that's been stuck in my head. The plot idea for a Sanctuary fic. Something like a prompt but prompts usually are not so long or detailed, right? May be you like it enough to write this (in your own style, of course). Who knows?
So the plot is here.
Established Teslen. Along with the rest of Sanctuary team Tesla must be involved in the launch of some important thing (something for security?), he has the key role due to his abilities. But Tesla disappears a few days before. And since he just said Helen that he had his own private project to finish on the same days Helen concludes that he went away to his project. She is very angry with him.
The Day X comes, Tesla does not appear. They try to make it without him but as processing as they realize that they still don't have enough power for it. However at the last moment Nikola rushes in and saves the day: he takes his position and does what he must do.
The mission is accomplished, everyone is relieved but Helen is very angry with Nikola for his running off to do his own thing. She yells at him (or even slaps him). He leaves silently.
Tonight he comes to the bedroom; Helen already cooled down and apologizes. They make peace. Nicola begins to undress, undoing his cuffs and Helen sees bad bruises/welts/cuts from handcuffs on his wrist. She grabs his hand and realizes that earlier he was not finished his own project but was in captivity. Nikola says that he was captured by mini-Cabal of surviving low-ranking agents who decided to revive the organization. They've been experimenting on him these days, injecting him some agent to temporary stop his fast-healing ability until he managed to broke out. Helen feels her guilt because her accusations at him — now she just forgave him for disappearing to work on his project, accepting that he managed to make it right in the end, and never thought about some like this. Nikola is too exhausted, too weak and in the pain after his experience, he feels shame and guilt for being taken off guard and being caught. He allows Helen to treat his injuries and care about him, and melting on her arms.
Hi! It sounds like a really solid story outline and plot, and a very interesting idea!
I'm not sure I'm equipped to write this myself at the moment, but I love this!!!
This is really cool and I'm not sure how to respond to this properly, but thank you for sharing it with me! :)
I'm answering this here because your inbox is closed, so I can't do it privately. But if you don't want anyone else to see it, let me know and I'll make it private.
(Tagging you so you can reblog it to your own even if you want it private. @petergirl10 )
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