[taps mic] hello?
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hi i'm new to f1, be gentlefollow my hockey rpf @goodnightpuckbunny
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fast-burn · 13 hours ago
“Well, if we're being really honest here I have my platform because both yourselves and Netflix decided to leverage my ethnicity to make the team appear to the public as more ethnically diverse. Furthermore, if the company wants to try and take credit for my social media following, are you also prepared to take responsibility for the daily racial abuse I receive? I know that you are aware of it, you can't have it both ways, so which is it.”
Calum Nicholas’ response when someone from Red Bull’s marketing department challenged him on posting sponsored content to his Instagram (which breaks their social media policy). The individual he was having the conversation with had implied that Calum only had his social media following because of Red Bull.
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fast-burn · 15 hours ago
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Curly hair 🧡
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fast-burn · 15 hours ago
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sketches from a vampire maxiel au me and my dear friend made sometime last year...
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fast-burn · 15 hours ago
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ALEX ALBON & GEORGE RUSSELL | Drive to Survive | Season 06 | Episode 10, "Red vs Black"
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fast-burn · 15 hours ago
hi karri! how are you doing? with absolute zero pressure I just wanted to tell you that I was thinking about 💦🚽fic this morning, so I went back to reread the snippets and found out I am just as obsessed with it today as I was months ago. No matter if it ever gets finished or not, thank you for sharing what you did!
ahhhh it really means the world to me that there are people out there thinking about my writing, truly one of the few things that have been keeping me going recently so thank you so much for the lovely comments 😭🥺 i have been having a rough several months honestly, but things are looking up now and i've actually had the mental energy to write a few sentences over the past week or so.... not a ton but it's a start 😂
here's a little more for you, as a treat 🫶 i might have posted some of this before, but the few bits at the end are recently penned 🫡
Back in the bedroom, Max is just as Daniel left him--hands and knees, shaking like a fucking leaf. His little cock is hanging mostly soft within the frame of his plush thighs, aimed down toward a new wet patch on the sheet like an arrow pointing to all of Daniel’s sickest desires. He stands there in the doorway and watches, stunned, as another spurt of piss leaks from Max’s flushed tip, adding to the puddle on the bed. Max is heaving breaths that sound almost painful. Daniel’s cock throbs so hard he nearly falls over. 
“Daniel, it’s--I can’t--” Max’s voice warbles, then breaks off in a sob. 
“I’m here, baby, I’m here,” Daniel croaks, carefully climbing onto the bed behind Max, trying not to jostle him too much. He strokes Max’s hip with his free hand, hoping to ground them both. “Can you kneel up for me?” 
Max whines, but does, unfolding himself slowly and stiffly while Daniel winds an arm around his torso. Daniel knee-shuffles closer, has a millisecond of uncertainty before--fuck it, he’s already said he’s into it--pressing his re-invigorated boner to the small of Max’s back.  Max’s skin is fever-hot and so soft against him; it’s with Herculean effort Daniel doesn’t just rub himself off like that, let Max piss all over the bed while Daniel dirties him up from behind. Another time, perhaps. A shivery thrill shoots up his spine at the thought. 
Daniel sets the trophy down in front of Max. 
“Daniel, what--’’
“It’s, uh. You can--use this.” Daniel’s tongue feels like it might crumble to dust inside his mouth. “I’ll clean it after.”
“Use it?” Max sounds like he’s going to start hyperventilating. “Like. Use it like--”
Fuck. Max has to know what Daniel means. There’s no way he doesn’t know. He wants me to say it. Fuck--Daniel’s going to burn alive. He presses his lips to the petal-soft skin of Max’s ear, feels the peach fuzz there as he whispers, “Like a toilet, Max.”
Max gasps, a guttural sound like his vocal cords have shredded themselves making it. His hands fly up from where he’d been squeezing the base of his cock to grip Daniel’s forearm across his chest. Daniel can feel the blunt indents of his neatly trimmed fingernails. He watches over Max’s shoulder as his cock twitches like it’s been hit with an electric charge. Daniel pictures his dick hooked up to a bunch of wires and electrodes, Frankenstein-style. He’s aliiive, Maxy. 
Daniel isn’t entirely certain he didn’t say that last bit out loud, hears Max hiccup a small giggle before he heaves a sigh that seems to melt him, finally--blessedly.  Daniel has the wherewithal to wrap his free hand around Max’s cock, aiming him squarely at the trophy’s welcoming maw just as Max’s bladder lets go.
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fast-burn · 15 hours ago
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omega <3
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fast-burn · 15 hours ago
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Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen chatting in Parc Ferme during the 2019 Formula One United States Grand Prix at Circuit of the Americas | November 03, 2019 | Austin, Texas, USA | Mark Sutton & Simon Galloway/Sutton Images
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fast-burn · 16 hours ago
*giving you a loving handjob* and you love me. btw. youre in love with me. *gives it a cute little kiss* and you love me the most. right? *puts it in my mouth* sayw it or ilw bite as hard as i can
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fast-burn · 17 hours ago
“Race day warm up. Sharpening the 🪓”
via @michaelf1coach on tiktok
song: Lovin’ Every Minute - AREA21, Martin Garrix & Maejor
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fast-burn · 17 hours ago
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so what if ur ex-teammate who taught you everything you know is about to leave and ur facing all those emotions and its sad and its stressful and you're trying your best to keep him happy. fly him to singapore on your private jet, play padel with him until the late hours of the evening, carry his umbrella for him in the pouring rain, making him laugh so brightly on the drivers parade. and its fun but its tough and its serene but its stressful. and then they put you in ice baths together, a confessional curtain between you both, your head as close as it can get towards him so you can imitate closeness and touch. and for one final time, he sits and gives you orders on how to jerk off. like he did many years ago when you first started off as team mates. how he taught you to treat yourself, soft and kind and slow.
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fast-burn · 17 hours ago
Hello hello I heard from em powerful-owl that you're you're cooking up a steamy and emotionall devastating maxiel fic with certain... elements 👀 and kinks 👀 and circumstances 👀 that I might be interested in (I've been being insane over in her asks about pillow humping, among other things lol idk if you've seen) anyway I just wanted to say I'm so excited for your fic! I want to wave my little pompoms and generally cheerlead you because I love our little f1rpf community and the,like, 2 things ive heard about this fic already have me blushing and foaming at the mouth. But. 😊😵‍💫 In a sexy way. 💖 (?? Hang on..pompoms... Maxiel au where max is a way-too-serious football player and daniel is a cheerleader and they have sex about it?? Is that anything) okbye 👍
Y E S, yes, there is a fic a-cooking which has SOME STUFF IN IT YOU MIGHT ENJOY, we can be our own little team of people going feral for a little pillow humping in a fic. In FACT, if you would like a snippet, then you can have one just now. It's basically lots of little snippets from a longer scene, so all the plot bits are gone because they'll make no sense without context, and there's just... you know. Max being a little bit raw at the edges from some plot stuff (not that there's MUCH of a plot, it's mostly 70k+ of Max figuring out who he is on and off the track, and where Daniel fits in) and being by himself in a hotel room etc etc. There's some metaphorical cheerleading by Daniel in this (no actual pom-poms were harmed) but there is a shared hoodie (and by shared, I mean, it's Max's now but it used to be Daniel's).
Max/Daniel, explicit, 2.5k.
Max drinks half a can of Red Bull, takes off his jeans, and puts on Daniel's yellow hoodie. It does not smell very much like Daniel anymore but it is nice that it is his - or was his, because it is Max's now, and Daniel is not allowed to have it back. Max tucks it over his nose for a moment as the screen loads on his TV, sitting down in the seat, controller in hand.
Then, carefully, as his game loads, he stands up and gets one of the pillows. He arranges it in the middle of the bed, lengthways. He lays down on the bed, dick pressed against the pillow, and gives his hips a little roll, just to see.
It feels nice. It always feels nice.
Max presses his hips forward against the pillow, holding himself there, squeezing his ass, dick chubbing up in his briefs. He likes this feeling, where his body is getting comfortable, dick getting hard. On the screen he scrolls through his saves to pick the one he wants to play, game loading. He could adjust his dick now that he's mostly hard, angle it so that it's pointing down between his legs because it's easier to rub himself off like that, but he's playing by his own rules and he doesn't want to touch. Anyway, sometimes it's nice to catch the side of his dick, rub a little to the left. It doesn't matter much. He just likes it all.
There's the first little blurt of pre-come, the wet spot in his underwear, the head catching and the material dragging as he presses his hips down. The pillow is going to get wet too, little damp patches as he gets more and more turned on and can't keep still. He deliberately does not speed up. This is his out lap. There's no benefit in going too fast. It can be a whole evening of out laps. No one's watching.
His hips move slowly, and he's up on his elbows for his game, but other than that he's lazy with it. He's not taken his socks off and his toes are pressed up the headboard. A hazy warmth spreads across his skin. He doesn't want to get too hot, otherwise he'll have to take Daniel's hoodie off, and right now he'd rather be in it.
He plays for a while, not his main play through of the game where he needs to focus, but on one he keeps for when he's not paying full attention. The whole time he's hard, rolling his hips down against the pillow. He gets so wet, even like this, even when it's lazy and there's no goal in sight and he's not even focusing all that hard. He just keeps on leaking even when he's not rushed, and right now his underwear is wet all around the tip of his dick.
His phone buzzes with a text so he pauses his game in case it is important. He rubs his dick against the pillow, a little side to side that makes him shiver as his underwear drags across his skin.
It's Daniel: what you up to maxy max???
Max swallows. His thumb hovers over the screen. He does not know what to say. He has not seen Daniel all day, and now he is-- well. He puts the controller down on the bed next to him and rubs his dick against the pillow, except this time with a little more intention. He hides his face in his hands. It feels so good. He shifts his knees so that he's at a different angle, going onto his toes so his calves are stretched out.
Did u show yourself a good time maxy
Max does not know what to say to that. It is a nice time. He likes it. It is just--
Maxxxxxxx are u doing it right now is that why u are ignoring me
Max chews his lip. He grinds down, hips rocking. It is not as nice as the pillow he has at home.
His phone starts to vibrate. It is Daniel calling.
Max, torn between embarrassment and a desperate need to hear Daniel's voice again, answers. Except-- it is FaceTime. Max is breathless and pink. What if Daniel is with someone, what if Daniel is not alone, what if--
Daniel is in his hotel room. "Did you come without me?" he asks, laughing, settling himself on the bed. "I told you that orgasms were a good thing, I said--" he stops. "Max. Are you doing it right now?"
"Are you by yourself?" Max asks. He's forced himself to stay still. On the screen he's pink and flushed and his face is blotchy.
"Yeah, of course. It's just me." Daniel whips the camera around to show Max the room. It's empty. "Are you jerking off?"
Max shrugs his shoulders. He is not not jerking off. It is just that maybe it does not count if Max is only fucking a pillow. It is not even fucking. It is rubbing his dick on something that feels nice. He is not even undressed.
"In my hoodie as well, I'm honoured," Daniel says. "You are though, aren't you? In my hoodie." His voice catches a bit. "Max."
"I am not touching myself," Max says finally. "I do not know if it counts. If I am not touching." He rolls his hips down, leaning forward a little so that the angle is better.
Max angles the phone down. The screen gets his chin, then Daniel's hoodie, then his briefs -- his one grey pair, so it is a hundred times more obvious that he has leaked in a big circle around his erection -- and him straddling the pillows.
"Can you see?" Max asks.
"I can see how hard you are," Daniel tells him. "How wet you've got. I fucking love how wet you get, babe."
Babe. "No. Can you see." Max rolls his hips forward so that his dick rubs against the pillow. His thighs are thicker when he's kneeling like this. He holds his phone in one hand and presses his fingertips into his thigh with the other. His hips rock forward; he has to squeeze his ass to stay like that.
"I can see you riding that pillow," Daniel says. His voice catches. "It's hot as fuck. Max, it's hot as fuck. I'm already hard."
--- (Daniel has come to his hotel room) ---
Max makes a face at him. "I am very glad that you are not showing your dick off to anybody you meet in the hotel, Daniel."
Daniel makes finger guns at him. "I save that only for you, baby."
"I am very honoured," Max tells him.
"You should be." Daniel hasn't touched him or kissed him or anything, but he looks a bit flushed and maybe like he wants to. Max does not reach for him. "Weren't you in the middle of something important?" He looks behind Max to the bed, and the messy covers and the pillows in the middle of it.
"I do not think it counts as important, Daniel."
Daniel makes a noise like a disgruntled hamster. It is barely a noise at all but the hamster has made its feelings known. "I think you coming is important. I also think me getting to see you come is important." He does not leave any room for Max to say anything back. "Glad we agree. Come on, chop-chop. Some of us want to wank watching other people rub one out on a pillow."
"You are very strange," Max says, but his entire body feels hot.
"That's what all the handsome boys say," Daniel agrees, patting Max on the ass.
Max flushes. "You-- you won't laugh?" There is only Daniel in the world who knows that Max is queer. That is his secret and it is nice that it is shared. But only Max knows how he likes to get off, and now he is sharing it and it is scarier than it should be. It is only an orgasm. It does not hurt anyone.
Daniel's expression softens. He reaches over and touches his fingertips to Max's wrist. "I won't laugh. Promise. I think it's really hot. That's why I ran down here doing my best impression of a tripod."
Max looks down at Daniel's dick. It is not big enough to be a tripod. He raises an eyebrow in Daniel's direction.
"Fine, fine, kick a man while he's down, tell him his dick's not worthy of being a third leg. I won't be offended." He flops down onto the chair, not seeming vaguely bothered that he's just sat on his phone and charger and hoodie. He cups his dick through his shorts. He's hard. He stretches his legs out; he's in his stupid mismatched shoes, barely laced up, and no socks.
Max climbs back onto the bed, straddling the pillows. He arranges himself so that his dick's trapped beneath him, going back between his legs, and he grinds down against the pillow, a delicious warmth trip-spilling across his skin as he gets himself comfortable. He still hasn't taken his underwear off. His hoodie obscures the view a bit. He fiddles with the cuffs.
Daniel holds his hand out. "Give it here and I'll wear it for you. It'll be like febreezing it except it's just a top-up of me and my very manly aroma."
Max pulls off his hoodie. He is getting warm in it anyway, and if Daniel leaves wearing it then Max will just go and get it back again. That hoodie is his now, regardless of who originally bought it. He is not wearing a t-shirt underneath, which is maybe why Daniel looks a bit like he's attempted to go backwards around the track as Max pulls it off then throws the hoodie at him.
"This how you like to do it?" Daniel asks, because he's never met a silence he didn't like to fill.
Max bites his lip. He's kneeling, fists pressed into the sheets. He does not think he could stop rocking down against the pillows now, even if Daniel asked. It gets like this, when he's almost done with the out lap, but he is not quite ready for a hot one. "I just like it," he says.
"Feels good," Daniel says, nodding. He's still cupping his dick, not jerking himself off, but looking like he wants to.
"Can I--" Max points at Daniel's dick. He tilts his chin up. "Show me?"
"As you wish," Daniel says, shuffling his shorts down over his hips. He shoves his stuff off the seat at the same time, so he's not sitting on his phone charger. His shorts and underwear are trapped around his thighs. It is very hot, seeing Daniel with his dick out. He is very handsome. Especially when he is in Max's hoodie.
Max grinds down into the pillow. His dick feels so good like this, trapped in his briefs, so, so wet. Now that Daniel is here and he is watching, everything suddenly feels more urgent, like he wants to fuck from now until he comes, no more lazily rubbing himself off.
Max fucks his hips forward. He blurts more pre-come into his underwear. Daniel's dick is so slick, and his hand around it lazy and wet with lube. Max chews on his lip, his mouth dry. He shoves at his underwear, pushing it down so that it is trapped beneath his balls, stretched tight and a little painful across his his thighs.
"God, I love your dick," Daniel says.
Max does not touch himself, even though he wants to. His dick drags against the pillowcase, leaving little damp marks on the cotton. "Yours is very handsome too."
"I know, baby." Daniel grins, but then his gaze goes back to Max's dick, at where he's rubbing himself off. "This is hot. This is how you come?"
"A lot of the time, yes," Max tells him. "I like it."
Max buries his fists in the pillows, holding himself up so he can fuck his hips forward, arousal drenching his skin. It is a good thing he has lost the hoodie because he is flushed pink and starting to sweat, skin blotchy with heat. The muscles in his thighs flex. He still dreams of riding Daniel's thigh, of rubbing himself off across Daniel's tattoos, of coming all over them. It is not-- they are not-- maybe he will still get to.
"You going to come for me like that?" Daniel asks. He has shoved the sleeves of the hoodie up, and Max can see the rose tattoo on his hand. Maybe when he comes on Daniel's thigh he will also get to come across Daniel's rose. Imagining that is very hot.
Max just nods, swallowing. He bites his lip again, because if he doesn't he'll make all kinds of embarrassing noises. He changes the angle a bit, whining through his teeth as the cotton catches his slit. He is going to come soon. All of that build up, multiple lazy laps as he played Playstation, is meaning that now it's flipped to a hot lap it's going to be quick. Top of the leaderboard. P1.
He's cataloguing everything he can about Daniel jerking himself off. The way way he cups his balls, switching from thumbing the underside of his head to jacking his dick; Max steals all the data he can, even as he ruts against the pillow, god, it feels so good, he likes it so much--
He is going to come, and he is going to come without even touching himself. He's going to come grinding down on his pillow with Daniel's eyes on him, with Daniel jacking off to him, because of him, in front of him. He is going to come.
Max fucks his dick into the pillow, his orgasm star-bright as he nears the edge. He can taste it on his tongue. He is not at home doing this by himself. He's with Daniel.
He comes, pulsing stripes across the pillow, head tipped back. He groans, breathless, even as he rocks his hips through the comedown, as his orgasm shivers across his skin.
He drops his ass back onto his heels, tilts his chin up. Meets Daniel's gaze defiantly. He has made a mess.
Daniel is still jacking himself off. His skin is flushed pink. He's too hot in the hoodie, Max can tell, but he's still wearing it, he's going to come in it, he's going to come in it and give it back, and Max is going to wear it and smell Daniel and he's going to get hard all over again.
"Fuck," Daniel says. "Fuck, Max. That was so hot."
"You should come, then," Max says. Then, after a beat: "You should come on me."
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fast-burn · 19 hours ago
just going to leave this here..... carva + sex pollen + carlex
(wtf is carva)
Alex tries to be very clear, because Carlos is still drunk off the questionable vision James has been overserving him for months. The level of detail Alex provides—about what the Williams mother is like, what she’s capable of, how different she is to Red Bull’s and presumably Ferrari’s mother—is personally excruciating, but he needs Carlos to understand the truth before tomorrow, when they’re in her, together.
He’s used to the plastic baggies of synthetic pheromones the biologists give him, like shitty coke he bought in the back of a club, but he’s a little embarrassed when he hands it over to Carlos. He had considered—what? Buying empty capsules online, crouching over his kitchen counter, scooping the powder up with shaky hands to save Williams a shred of dignity? No. Honesty is better.
“What is it?” Carlos asks, his mouth hanging open. His thumb massages the powder through the thin plastic membrane.
Somehow Alex thought it would be easier with a more experienced teammate, but now he realizes the beauty of working with a rookie. Someone whose opinion of him he doesn’t care overly much about. It’s a little horrifying, knowing Carlos will see him—like that. But Carlos has already seen so much of Williams’ frankly pathetic inner workings, and none of it has fazed him yet. Alex keeps catching himself thinking, stupidly, maybe it really will be better. But he’s the one that has to bring them back to reality.
“It’s—she can’t do it herself, the pheromones. She can’t, ah. Ease us into it at all. The biologists made this to—substitute. Relax—er. You know.” It had been like slipping into a warm bath with the Red Bull mother, his blood pulsating to her rhythm. It was seamless, from conscious to gone and back again, and she had taken what she wanted. It felt good the entire time, even though he could sense that she only really cared about Max. The specimens she made afterwards only cared about Max, too, even when Alex was driving them.
The first time at Williams, he hadn’t known to take the powder before he went inside the mother, and he saw her, clear-eyed, for what she really was. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. “It’s brutal, without,” he says, locking eyes with Carlos, not letting himself soften the blow.
“Okay, that’s alright,” Carlos says. He squeezes the top of Alex’s arm, a soft pinch, and tucks the powder into his pocket.
Two minutes until Alex is supposed to be meeting Carlos in the mother’s antechamber, he cracks open the baggie, dumps its contents into his water bottle, gives it a few manic shakes, and chugs it as quickly as he can. It tastes like mulch, like rot. A rivulet escapes from the corner of his mouth, snaking down his throat as he works the liquid down.
The stuff comes on faster and harsher than the organic experience. Alex can already feel its spiky tendrils as he half-jogs through Grove, the uncomfortable lurch of his body as it seeks her. It’s a relief to feel his inhibitions receding, the filthy animal part of him rising up, impatient to find her, and to find—
Carlos is waiting. When he sees Alex come in, he smiles, and then looks away quickly. “Already the engineers said we can go,” he says softly. “She is ready.”
“Great,” Alex says, too loud. “Did you—I took it already.”
Carlos glances over at him, his fingers working deftly down the line of buttons on his shirt. Why did he wear a button up today of all days, Alex wonders, yanking off his t-shirt and his hoodie all at once, his skin happy to be bare. “Yes, yes,” Carlos says, and then turns away again. Alex can’t help himself, already too far gone for shame: he watches the flex of Carlos’s shoulders as they come into view, his spine leading Alex’s eyes down to his waist.
And then: “Are you ready?” Carlos asks, near enough to feel the heat from his body, or maybe it’s all Alex, suddenly feverish. He’s holding one of his shoes, but he’s naked. Carlos is naked. Alex is looking, closing his eyes, looking, closing his eyes.
“This way,” Carlos says, and he touches Alex’s waist to guide him the short distance across the room, the one Alex should be guiding Carlos through, the one Alex knows, down to the weight of the door handle, the smell of the narrow passageway as they step through, the rippling blood-purple of it like the inside of his own eyelids.
She’s here. Or, Alex knows, very distantly, he’s here, really—with her, finally. Her sweet neediness, her thrill at their presence after a long anticipation. The walls seem to lean into them, crowding them together in her dark.
“Alex,” Carlos says.
Alex is on his hands and knees, doing nothing more than rediscovering the soft give of her flesh, how it feels against his own. It’s hard to come back, to spiral himself enough away from her to remember his name, why Carlos would say it, how to speak in return.
He sounds—upset.
Alex finds him with his hands as soon as his eyes, hunched nearby, shivering. “It’s—why is it,” Carlos says, juttering, his teeth chattering.
“It’s okay,” Alex says. In here, in her, he can mean it. He can feel it. The mother, their heart, the muscle of it, absorbing them. The feeling is real, pure at its core, despite everything else. He slides his hands along Carlos’s trembling sides, eases him down to sitting so Alex can cover his body with his own. His mouth finds all the tender spots that, secret even from himself, he had been cataloguing: above the collarbone, inside the bicep, under the ribcage.
“It’s okay,” Alex says again. Tentatively at first Carlos touches him back, and then with more fervor, clutching. “It’s going to be good. It’s going to.” Finally it swells in him like a soap bubble, bigger and bigger until Alex is sure it must burst, but still it doesn’t, not with the taste of Carlos under his tongue, not with her urging them on, irresistible.
Carlos’s fingers, dragging down Alex’s tongue, collecting his own come back again so he can drip it down onto her beneath them. He repeats the motion again and again until it’s all gone.
“It will be,” Alex says, and licks across Carlos’s knuckles.
“It is,” Carlos agrees, sighing, and Alex can sense when he gives in to her. “It is.”
Alex lets them keep him in medical for a long time after. He feels more tired than he ever has, like she took him down to the bone; he isn’t sure if it’s a good sign or not. He eats his flavorless salty snacks and grape-flavored electrolytes and keeps his eyes closed, because Carlos is there, too.
Alex is more tired, and he remembers more. He tries to avoid it, lets the memories flash and slip away just as quickly, something searing he doesn’t want to touch. Who knows how reliable they are anyway, he tells himself. The mother can induce hallucinations. Well, not the Williams mother—but others can, have been known to. Because the memories don’t make sense. That Alex was—drooling and panting and Carlos was—had he been upset? But Alex also remembers him calm: stroking Alex’s hair, cradling the back of his neck, kissing him, all—reassuring. Alex isn’t sure the crackers aren’t going to make a reappearance.
It isn’t possible. They both took the pheromone, and the pheromone only has one result. Alex is maybe just—but wouldn’t that be worse, actually? If that’s just Alex’s fantasy?
Carlos is quiet in the next bed, his breathing steady, but Alex doesn’t think he’s asleep.
“I’d better go,” Alex says, when the nurse comes back next to check on them. She makes him sit through the entire assessment: blood pressure, pupils responding appropriately to light, finger prick to check iron levels. Halfway through Alex senses Carlos watching him, but doesn’t look back.
They have a break now, holidays, new year, before they’re due back. They won’t see each other for weeks, and when they do—when they do, there’ll be specimens to see as well. Their specimens. “Well,” Alex says, fussing with his hoodie sleeves, rolling the cuffs to avoid making eye contact with Carlos, still in his bed. “See you in a bit.”
When Carlos doesn’t respond, Alex goes to the hooks by the door where their jackets are waiting. He puts his on slowly, his back to Carlos. He catches the zipper, buzzes it up and down, hesitating. And then, a quick, strange impulse, his fingers tuck into the pocket of Carlos’s jacket.
He only needs to feel it for a second to know. The heft of the powder, undisturbed. He grimaces monstrously at the wall to get it out of his system, then turns back to smile at Carlos.
“It is going to be good,” Carlos says, so sincere. Because he saw how badly Alex wants it to be true: the unvarnished, wretched hope.
Alex is going to be sick as soon as he walks out of the room. “Cheers, mate,” he says, and hurries out.
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fast-burn · 2 days ago
Who on the grid would be the best man at your wedding?
George. An easy one.
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fast-burn · 2 days ago
He's just so wholesome 🥰 our little lion🦁🧡
source: @servustv via youtube
I: What was your first thought this morning?
Max: Phew *giggle* I got a massage. It was good. Yes
I: What kind of massage?
Max: A normal massage *laughing*
I: White lie or harsh truth?
Max: Harsh truth. Always.
I: Do you prefer wearing slim fit or oversize?
Max: Slim fit.
I: Which item of clothing in your wardrobe best describes you?
Max: T-Shirt. I usually wear this all the time.
I: Which colour?
Max: White.
I: Online shopping or shopping mall?
Max: Online shopping. Yes.
I: What did you buy last?
Max: *thinking* That must have been something for my simulator normally. A steering wheel or something.
I: I saw you have a few bracelets there
Max: from my mother *pointing at the middle one* bought by myself *pointing at the first one* from my girlfriend *pointing at the last one*
I:Do you ever dare not answer Christian Horner's call?
Max: No. I always speak to him on the phone.
I: And Helmut Marko as well?
Max: Yes. Sometimes he's calling too early but I always call him back.
I: Selfie or photo shoot?
Max: Neither of them. *giggles*
I: Party or movie night?
Max: Ehm. Party.
I: When did you last have a hangover?
Max: *thinking* Phew. First of January or so. *giggles*
I: Then would you prefer a delivery service or to cook yourself?
Max: Service.Cooking myself, that's not going to happen.
I: What do I always find to snack on in your kitchen?
Max: Chocolate or something.
I: What kind of chocolate?
Max: Kinder. *smiling brightly*
I: Did you ever google yourself?
Max: Some times with friends. Yes. They wanted to see it then.
I: What's the best thing about being Max Verstappen?
Max: Of course driving a car. A Formula One car.
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fast-burn · 2 days ago
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So, I did another one. The 2025 F1 Season Beginner's Guide. Genuinely honoured that a few people requested it and sorry for all the mistakes I've missed. Please enjoy the many recycled jokes from last year and the 2025 exclusive slide "Paddock Pets".
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fast-burn · 2 days ago
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I miss him so much😭
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fast-burn · 2 days ago
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... at least they know how the game works!
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