#animal abuse
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serioussideblog · 3 days ago
Hey, be nice to birds!
Veterinary Story Time - Wildlife  & Anger
Seagulls get a bad rap, and they really don’t deserve it.
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They’re scavengers, loud and poop everywhere, but it’s impossible to be lonely when you’re trying to eat Fish & Chips outside when there are seagulls around.
They’re just doing what comes naturally and adapted to the urban environments we created. They’re not feral, they’re meant to be here, and they don’t deserve the disdain or hatred that they get, quite frankly. And because there are so many of them in urban environments, they have a lot of human contact, and humans treat them like garbage.
And I’m not just talking about the urban legend of feeding them panadol or alka-seltzer to make them explode.
Seagulls, also known as Silver Gulls in Australia, will nest on rooftops and are not restricted to coastal areas. They can live anywhere. They’re communal and noisy, and they do make a heck of a mess pooping everywhere, which is why a particular factory owner took offense to their presence.
It was a factory worker who brought the seagulls to me, a young man out of uniform who refused to disclose where he worked because he feared losing his job. The seagulls were young adults, just at that point of almost being able to fly on their own, still covered in the speckles of their juvenile plumage.
They’d all been bashed, with multiple broken bones.
The factory owner, not wanting seagulls nesting on the roof, had taken it upon himself to go up there and bash all the chicks to kill them, and left them there. The factory worker brought them to the vet clinic to be put out of their misery.
This was infuriating that the worker wouldn’t name the factory, so it couldn’t be reported to the RSPCA, even though I understand he was worried about his job. But it also meant that I could not counsel the factory owner on why this was not appropriate and alternatives.
Because there are certainly alternatives to bashing birds until they’re only half dead. Options like putting up an owl statue so the seagulls wont nest there in the first place, or crushing the eggs rather than waiting for chicks to be nearly full grown. This was just needless cruelty.
It’s not the birds’ fault for existing, nor is it their fault for being loud or breeding. The anger they drew was unfair and unacceptable.
The anger that factory owner will receive if I ever find out who he is, will be justified.
This story was chosen and viewed early by my Patreon supporters.
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odinsblog · 1 year ago
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Istg, if I ever get rabies because some dumb ass antivaxxer refused to vaccinate their dog, I’ll probably be doing the rest of my blogging from prison because I promise you, Imma curbstomp the shit out of the owner
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whatcoloristhatcat · 1 month ago
i know this is the cat blog but i care about welfare for all pets so i need to vent out this genetic NIGHTMARE of a “french bulldog” my mom just sent a pic of
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genuinely at a loss for words. i’m legitimately going to tag this with animal abuse because this dog is literally just going to suffer its entire short life. as always i am NOT an animal expert but i’m very passionate about animals and this pissed me off to no end. more under the cut
for people who may not know what’s wrong here: french bulldogs have major problems with bad breeders due to their explosion in popularity. as a brachycephalic breed, their health is already fragile. then comes in an army of people treating dogs like collectibles and not living beings, breeding for appearances and not health. and they’re not even breeding for breed standard appearances - frenchies do NOT come in “lilac” or whatever they’re calling this or longhair. this is the result of mixing with another breed that has these traits somewhere down the line. these “breeders” are charging people thousands of dollars for unhealthy, inbred mutts. also, this dog is what’s known as hypertype, where the traits a breed is noticeable for are intentionally exaggerated - see german shepherds with extreme hip posture and mastiffs with an extreme amount of skin folds. obviously, this is also cosmetic, and not done for the dogs’ health or even for the breed standard. this is a massive problem in bully breeds, where things like skin folds, wide stances, and flat faces are being exaggerated by bad breeders. that huge rope of skin over this dog’s nose is literally obstructing their breathing
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lordofryoshimacoast · 9 months ago
If I see one more post on any platform where a therian takes in an injured wild animal to 'rehabilitate' it I'm gonna lose it.
You are NOT a wildlife professional (unless you are, if you are, pop off)
Injured wild animals should not be handled by people with no experience with them, it would be safer to call your local wildlife rehab.
Sorry about the aggression, it pisses me off seeing people unintentionally harm animals. I'm gonna be honest, the therian community (especially the younger demographics) has problems with harming wildlife, whether it be letting your dog roam off leash on hiking trails, or letting your cat outside unsupervised.
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tacomel420 · 8 months ago
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came across this wild story on instagram and had to post it
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mayapapaya33 · 3 months ago
I suppose the most important, burning animation question is this:
How progressively fucked up are they going to make Sprinkle look as time goes by in the show. Because let's be real, that poor weasel was kept alive by the power of Artagan and plot armor because he was just a pet and didn't go into combat (where he could then get hurt/ die fair and square like Trinket). So he was always "hiding in Jester's armor" lol.
Now here's the dilemma I think they're going to run across. The "Sprinkle longing for death" gag is one of the funniest things ever, but it is highly dependent on Travis and the rest giving voice to Sprinkle's woes as meta commentary. Without that, in a visual medium, unless they strike the balance just right, I think visual animal abuse just isn't that funny. In fact, I think done poorly it could very quickly turn the audience against Jester. Objectively, if you look at the situation stripped of comedy, Jester is a neglectful, abusive pet owner and should feel bad. But obviously that's missing some of the context of the show. And I think that somewhat intangible context is going to be difficult to translate to a visual medium. They could maybe play into the "are we SURE Sprinkle isn't undead? Gag with Fjord asking Caduceus to just double check or something. They could try to translate some bits of the meta into the character's mouths.
I think there's a good chance they'll skip it altogether and just have her be competent at pet care which is really too bad considering a good chunk of the audience already infantilizes Jester and ignores all of her flaws. Keeping one of the funny yet terrible things she did as a running gag would be good. And it's just so funny. Poor Sprinkle.
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tanuki-yuki · 4 months ago
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I was asking myself for the longest time what could've happened to Mewo, looking back, I felt like the dissecation scene could be aluding to her being authanised, it'd make sense, since the butler says she has been ''bad'', and it's not uncomon for cats to become agressive, unstable or just plain sick when dealing with grief, specially considering she was Mari's cat, it'd also make sense as to why she is in the blank space and why she guides Sunny to the truth, anyways, Omori angst again for dinner, guess that's my life....
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teaboot · 10 months ago
Kitten story that Just Happened Literally a Day Ago:
I was at my uncles house in the middle of bumfuck nowhere zoning out and staring at nothing when I zone back in to realize there’s a suspicious car throwing something in the ditch, the car speeds off like a bat out of hell and as I keep staring I see whatever was thrown MOVES and I take off running full tilt down the driveway to grab it.
It was a little black kitten. Someone had thrown a kitten out of their car on a country road. He’s super skinny but fully socialized and an absolute love bug.
If I had a nickel for every time I or a close friend witnessed someone hyuck a kitten out a car window and then acquired said kitten for ourselves I would have two nickels.
I don't normally recommend calling the cops but if you can describe the vehicle, time, and location I would place a report of animal cruelty on non-emergency
That is a recommendation I am making out of vindictive rage
I would like to give a happy congratulations to lighten the mood now but I'm actually very angry so I'm going to go hold my boy and wish you the best
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despazito · 21 days ago
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Insane story from 2017, meemaw pled guilty to charges of animal torture btw.
(it's not even illegal to crop in pennsylvania, she got in trouble for doing it DIY without a veterinary license and without the proper anesthesia or pain relief. and she kept doing it after the first legal intervention and broke probation.)
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raviniaraven · 2 years ago
Hey just a heads up if you're going to Minneapolis Pride this weekend, if you pass a booth with people asking you to watch a video and they'll pay you a dollar, don't do it. They're a group like PETA that's trying to trick you into watching a graphic video about animal slaughter. It's a ten minute video of animal gore that they're trying to play off as activism. If you are any type of sensitive to gore, don't watch the video.
This isn't any sort of criticism of vegans or vegetarians, this is just a friendly warning about groups that want to show you animals dying and covered in blood. Regardless of your opinions on animal welfare, that's not okay to show to people with no warning.
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orcinus-veterinarius · 9 months ago
Animal abuse is rarely a bad man with a big stick beating his pet.
Animal abuse is usually a perfectly normal person not knowing enough to give their pet proper care.
Or not caring enough to learn.
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motherofplatypus · 2 months ago
Nazionist assrael throw a cat from a building
TW: Animal Abuse
This post has been compiled in Record of Genocide.
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reality-detective · 9 months ago
The “Fauci Dog Experiments” were formally revealed on Fox News PrimeTime. A report from the White Coat Waste Project (from a FOIA request) found that more than $400,000 in taxpayer money was spent on dog experiments where beagles were infected with parasites via biting flies and then killed for analysis.“…the dogs endured months of pain, and once researchers were done with them, they were killed.
This is the type of man that was charged with taking care of your health! 🤔
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machineryangel · 8 months ago
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i know the world is dealing with a lot right now but PLEASE share this instagram post. and if you can PLEASE contact your local no kill shelter or rescuers to see if they have any space for our strays.
volunteers mentioned in the post who are involved with international adoption:
@barinak_melegi (<- i can personally vouch for this vet. she has so much experience with international adoption. if you're from CANADA, USA, EUROPE and interested in adoption please contact her. if you're unable to adopt you can also subscribe to her patreon for $5)
TW: ANIMAL ABUSE!!! please skip if you're sensitive
these videos are all from last week:
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months ago
Actually I do firmly believe that there needs to be better regulations regarding animal breeding and the prevention of the animal crisis we are currently in.
I do not believe people should just be able to breed their pets as they please. We are in a crisis where shelters are forced to euthanise animals because they legitimately do not have the space for them. We are in a crisis where thousands of animals daily are being dumped or murdered because people don't want them, can't sell them or don't have the space for them.
Something needs to be done. We can't keep on like this.
Spaying and neutering should be a fixed, low price. Free if you're homeless or running a shelter or fostering. Pedigree breeding should be limited to X amount of breedings per year. People need to be fined for random backyard breeding. Animal-based industries like horse racing need tighter regulations and limitations to prevent the thousands of animals per year that wind up abused, abandoned or being shipped off to unregulated auctions and slaughter.
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bonefarm · 7 months ago
Something no one tells you about owning parrots is how much casual abuse will just end up on your social media feeds.
“We can’t handle this Macaw he’s a nightmare” and it is a picture of a WHOLE ASS ENTIRE MACAW in a 12x12 cage with nothing except one perch and then there’s a little “need what we paid $4000.00”
Four fuckin grand and you couldn’t give him - at the minimum - a decent cage and one toy?!?
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