#and wanna either be young or a woman and I wanna sword
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lazyjellyfishcreation · 2 days ago
yoo, I got another spn fic idea
It's a destiel fic, exept Sam in irrevocably part of the story, like all destiel stories should be, cause there ain't no Dean if there ain't no Sam, we should know this by now. also, some saileen in the back!
It's a historic setting, think medieval. John Winchester is the leader of a small farming village, that once a year sacrifice a young man or woman to a nearby deity (Castiel) to keep him placated. it's an age old tradition, that once a year, a name is drawn from all the young people between 15 and 30, to be chosen as a sacrifice.
this time, it's Dean.
the name is chosen and it turns out to be dean and sam trows a fit of epic proportions. fuck the village, these people are not taking his big brother. Eventually Sam gets jumped by a mob of guards/farmers to keep him from physically attacking his father when he refused to take Sam instead of Dean ('the fate has been decided')
dean has to intervene, and manages to convince Sam to not make this harder, please. only after that does sam give in.
or does he?
Dean is held in a cellar, beautifully decked out with the best furniture, the softest bed, and all the beautiful sheets and wildflowers as his last night alive. Sam is thrown in the town prison to cool down, because they genuinely fear he's gonna break his brother out of the cellar and book it, dooming the village.
the next evening-fall, Dean gets dressed up in the most beautiful white linens and flowers in his hair, and he would complain about feeling like a chick if he want about to be executed by some monster, so he keep his mouth shut.
Sam on the other hand, has been let out of the cell, to bid his brother goodbye, seemingly having excepted this.
he has not.
he has poisoned the town mead with sleeping drought.
the second dean is led into the woods, the people start the feast, celebrating another year in which their harvest will be plentiful, due to the noble sacrifice of one of their own.
not 30 minutes later, the whole village is dead asleep, except sam, who is awake and packing his bags. this man is gonna kill a god today, and nothing can stop him. he is on a mission, and the mission is to get his brother and get the fuck out of here.
he grabs his and his brothers swords, and books it out, running to get to dean before the deity does.
when he gets there, dean does not agree with his plan, because he was chosen, to die was his duty.
the conversation goes like this.
Sam: im here to come get you out of here,
Dean: no, you can't do that, the village with suffer
Sam: man, fuck the village, i don't want you to die, i don't care about them, I care about you
Dean: I don't wanna die either, but i also don't wanna doom the village and this is my fate.
Sam, knowing how to convince his brother: you really wanna die tied to a post, wearing flowers and a dress, with no pants on like a damsel in distress?
Dean: ...
Dean: fuck, you right, cut me loose.
sam cuts him loose, hands him some pants and a sword and they start booking it trough the forrest.
Castiel, the creature, ready to find his yearly outcast human to take to his hoard of other outcast humans, sees another human, holding a very sharp sword, abducting his outcast human! And the shorter human is clearly supposed to be his outcast human for his small hoard of humans, because he's wearing white and the flowercrown.
cas is not happy about this an intercepts them. the converation goes like this
Castiel: Give him to me
Sam: you can pry him from my cold dead hands if you want him.
Dean, verry worrried: I-
Cas: as thowing him out not enough, you're also gonna threaten my outcast human with a sword
Sam: He's my brother, I won't let you just kill him, no matter what you do to my village
Cas: Kill him? why would I do that? i thougth you didn't want the humans you gave to me so I just kept them, becuase you didn't take propper care of them.
Sam and dean: what?
this conversation lasts a hot minute, before sam and dean sart trusting cas enough to lead them to the other 'outcast humans', as the creature calls them.
cas just leads them into a tunnel, and then out of the tunnel in a large vally circled by cliffs. and there is just? a village? there? with people, young and old? children running around?
Sam: What the fuck??
Castiel: my outcast humans :D
they find charlie, who had been sacrificed years ago, (that was the first time dean had gone against his father, he had be beaten within an inch of his life for speaking up)
Charlie tells them that the neighbouring villages have simular traditions and Cas just started taking all the people from the villages to keep them safe. they're allowed to leave, but very few do.
the village is nice and peaceful and all the people seem to like Castiel and trust him, calling him their angel.
Sam and dean end up staying, and dean totally falls in love with the pretty creature who so carefully watches over all his people.
Meanwhile sam falls in love with a beautiful, strong woman who was left in the woods as a child when he was discovered to be deaf.
life is good.
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headful-of-worms · 2 months ago
I really need to stop getting my hopes up and brainstorming/ building D&D characters for campaigns that aren’t finalized or don’t even exist
#I just love making characters in general#and when I get an idea I love just completely running with it#but that’s how I end up getting disappointed and creating characters I will never get to play#I haven’t even been officially invited to this one#I was just told there might be an opening#and I misunderstood and thought our characters needed to be just based on a character from pop culture#and then I got super excited about playing Edward Elric as an eldritch knight#and ideally I would want to multi class eventually as a transmutation wizard#and I thought it’d be cool if he was a variant human mark of making#it would work so perfectly for his character#I know I know there’s an alchemist sub class but that doesn’t actually fit end#but anyways turns out the character needs to be from a piece of media that’s at least 30 years old#and ideally is from a classic novel or myth or fair tale or something#but it can’t be Shakespeare#and now I kinda lost all interest#cuz I really wanna play an eldritch knight#but I can’t think of a character who would fit that who isn’t a middle aged man or an archer#and wanna either be young or a woman and I wanna sword#and I don’t wanna have to pick someone who reserved or devoutly religious#but I also don’t wanna play a trickster#maybe I just need to read more older stuff but I just like modern characters better#don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of classic stories I love#but I never find myself really relating to those characters#I should stop worrying about this because I probably won’t even be invited to play#but now I just desperately wanna play ed#of the yandere barbarian characters I’ve been thinking about#I also had a city Druid character I never got to play#and a warlock I only got to play for one session#for how much I think about D&D and watch D&D content#I’ve played so little actually D&D
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elsa-fogen · 5 months ago
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At first i was going to reblog this from @justashadowlooker
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but then it got too long and off-topic, i started retelling and quoting my own 10 years old fanfic, so i'm making it it's own post jjdsfjkdfgh
Too long don't read, was a Bloom fan, killed her hundreds of times, than became Icy fan, killed her few times as well, still a huge fan, wanna revive some of my old ideas
When i had just started watching winx, Bloom was my fav AAHAHHAH (it was 2008-2009 year i think). Buuut... being my fav means that you gonna SUFFER. It was always the case, even when i was little. But young me didn't know better than to just kill of a character. And Bloom died SO many times in my early fanfics and arts. I still remember one fic, it was also the first ever fic i posted on the internet, and it was horrible. I typed really slow at that time and i was looking at like 10 A4 pages of handwritten fanfic and was like... weeeell i don't need this part with description of the boat... i don't need this part about wind flowing in her hair or smth... i don't need spaces after dots and commas either. These were real thoughts of 9 year old me lmao.
the fic was about Bloom and Sky going for a boat trip date, but there was also some bitch that fell for Sky and her best decision was to throw Bloom away from the boat. As a result she was sucked into the screw of the motor or whatever this thing called. Sky dived after her and brought her back on the boat, but she died due to the blood loss.
In my handwritten version it was really long and tears queezing scene, but i was too lazy to type it all, so it basically was shortened to 1 (one) sentence: Bloom didn't make it to the port.
i also had a picture attached, it was i think a cover of some of the comics where Sky holds Bloom on his arms and they're stepping out of the water, but i photishoped it and added many wounds and BLOOD BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!
I also remember photoshopping screenshots from the first winx movie, adding bloody wounds on Bloom and tears and trying to make her face sad lol. And also i remember, i didn't have access to the computer all the time in my childhood, and there was a weird time... when i'd got a chance to be on the computer, i would made a specific search in google, to find that one art with Bloom, being fucking stabbed, lying on the ground and crying, and touching the golden heart-shaped locket with the name Sky on it, and you could see that it was Sky's sword that stabbed her, and he was walking away in the distance. I could stare at that art for hours, imagining how it happened. I also remeber how the art suddenly stopped showing up at the search and i had only tiny squeezed jpg version of it, and i thought that google banned this art for being so violent lmao
Btw i found that art, it's by Chibiusa-Moon, here it is, and i remember it diffferently, i thought Bloom had enchantix on her lmao
I suspect that it happened after i saw ep1 of season 3, because HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WOMAN IN THAT EPISODE?! SHE WAS ✨✨S L A Y I G✨✨ DAMN!!! She freed herself looking fab as fuck (i've only seen her battle uniform at that point, and her casual outfit shocked me, i was like HOLY SHIT?? DIFFERENT COLTHES?) (and it's if you forgen the HOLY SHIT, TRIX IN THE FIRST EPISODE OF THE SEASON?!!!), sayed the edgiest thing in the world, then freed her sisters, skated away from the giant snake ON HER DAMN HEELS AS A QUEEN!!!!! I think this was the moment when i fell for her. Maybe i'm wrong and it happened earlier, but this is all i can remeber.
Well, i also remember when my mom got me my first winx magazine and i was really disappointed that there were no Trix in the comic AHHASJGDAJS it was comic about bloom and diaspro going to the land of the dragons.
And, funny enough, i think i didn't kill Icy in my fics (mostly)
wait fuck. i remembered one (that was actually properly published and finished), let me just refresh my memory real quick- (gonna cringe soo hard ahaha)
oh shit i also remembered some stuff. In my later fanfics i was tending to make Bloom real psychopath, who decided to straight up destroy all the witches and all the dark magic. Hey. Hey. I bet 13 year old me wouldn't mind if i borrowed this idea fom her...
It's so cringy written, but it's got the spirit HASHDHA. The trix summon some another army of darkness that was created to destroy fairies (hey), but at some point they lose control of it and the army turns against them. They have no ther choice but to seek help from the winx. winx of course don't want to help since their army attacked alfea... but the trix didn't give this order.
by the way tehre's one dialogue that i think is actually good and i think is in character
"But how do we know that it isn't one of your tricks?" - asked Tecna. - "Probability of this equals 85,9%!" Everyone froze. Nobody had this idea before. Then Icy shook her head. "No, it's not." "How do we know?" Stella said suspiciously. "If we wanted to trick you, we'd choose less humiliating way" Icy replied coldly.
in the end witches and fairies teeaming up, and going on an adventure to stop this army with some artifacts. Significant part of the way they had to make on their own without magic, and during that winx and trix are actualy growing to like each other. OH THERES ALSO A FUNNY THING LOL
But as a night roommate she [Icy] turned out to be very restless. She was moving all the time and mumbling something. And then at some point she screamed: "Damn fairies, i wish you all dead!" Bloom jumped on her place and still half sleeping replied: "Shut up, witch, or you're done for!" and fell back asleep. All in all, it was hell of a night.
i still think this is funny af-- damn these dialogues are only getting better. Next day they getting closer to their destination.
Suddenly they heard Stormy's voice: "Wait! there's some sign! Icy, can you read this?" "Why her?" Stella asked offended. "We all here can read!" "Except for you," Darcy noted gloomily and everyone laughed. "Ha, well, if you're so smart, come here and read!" Icy said with the sweetest voice. "And next time we'll ask you." Stella understood that she was cornered. To save the rest of her dignity, she came closer and started staring at the sign. "I-I cant for some reason, this handwriting is awful!" with dispair sloar fairy realised that she doesn't understand these letters. "And this cold is driving me nuts! Give me cup of hot coffee and warm blanket!"
then Icy teaches Bloom how to skate. And then Aisha (Leyla) dies by falling into some bottomless pit- After that they make it to their destination, but the army was waiting for them there
another dialogue
"Let's go!" Icy said decisively. "No, wait! I'll go alone. If they catch me, you all get out of here as fast as you can" [...] "No!" Bloom said. "I'll go with you!" "Fine. But they'll kill you immediately" "And you?" "And I will be tortured" Icy smiled.
I can't with this lol, Icy smiling at the thought of torture as a true psycho she is.
Icy touched the wall, making sure it's quite hard. "Well? What's next?" "You're the brain of the operation, you tell me!" redhead replied, crushing piece of the rock in her hand
i just like this interaction here.
"Winx Believix!" Winx screamed. And Trix didn't scream anything, Icy just snapped her fingers and all three were already in their witch uniforms.
yeah classic.
the fight begins, Icy is trying to understand what to do with the artifacts, Musa dies, then they teleport to some other planet where they can perform the ritual to destroy the whole army at once. They're reading the spell, but something is missing, and the army attacks them here too. This time Bloom is left to figure out what were they missing, and some drops of her blood fell on the artifact and that was the last piece of the spell. The army is destroyed, but Icy was seriously injuried when covering Bloom from attack from behind. Now they're flying back to Magix
FUCK-- guys i'm sorry. More dialogues on the way.
"Why are you here?" she [Icy] asked, opening her eyes. "Doesn't want to miss your death!" Stella screamed, she overheard the talk. "Shut up!" I [Darcy] replied. "Or I'll hit you!" "Oh-oh, I'm so scared!" "Discussed my funeral already?" Icy asked, surprisingly, without sarcasm. "Come on, don't listen to that fairy! She has only fashion and straw in her head." Icy smiled weakly. "Magix!" Bloom screamed looking out the window. Fairies came closer to the glass. "Where?!" Icy got worried. Golden-green disc of the planet surrounded by thick ring of asteroids was hanging in the center of the window. Icy could see it without moving. "And here my dream came true. I got Magix!" she lifted her arm and closed her fingers around the planet. "Didn't think that the view from the space is so beautiful..."
DSHGJADFKAJHSFDJG what have i done. This line about her dream coming true HITS HARD. Fuck, 13 y.o. me knew which buttons she should push.
Icy dies. Darcy and Stormy were forgiven because they helped to stop the army and for Icy's "sacrifice" and everyone very conveniently forget that they started the recent war. The end.
Damn that was a ride.
um, so where were we?... right i was saying that Icy became my new hyperfixation instead of Bloom...
And i had the whole trilogy planned, in the first one she'd escape from some prison and attempt another plan to counquer Magix, but fail, in the next book she'd be KILLED by Bloom but came back to life by making a deal with someafterlife owner (HA) and the last one where she actually succeeds... this one i din't think through at ALL.
I kinda wanna revive that plot fron the second "book" tbh, i still remeber it really well.
In a comic.
(i'd make it a crossover with Hazbin but it won't work unfortunately)
okay i don't know where and how to end this post so i'm ending it here, have a nice day thanks for reading i hope that at least someone made it to the end.
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dragongirltongue · 2 years ago
working on a story/game/thing set in the 1990s, it's about the world changing and and the age of magic beginning. time is going to progress narratively only and I want the ending to take place on New Years to fit into the things are changing vibe.
The story is going to be playful but take itself seriously enough, think like Adventure Time or SLARPG in terms of tone, at least at this point in concept and development.
I'm thinking it'll either take place in '99 for the big heavy theming of entering the new millennium as the world changes forever.
Somewhere earlier where the actual year turnover won't ultimately matter beyond the imagery of a new year beginning by the end of the story.
No show results option or suggest your own, though if you choose the second option and have a specific year in mind I'm very willing to listen, do give reasons if you suggest a specific year. Hell feel free to give reasons if you chose '99 too.
If you want more deets hit the read more.
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So you wanna know more about this idea huh?
Well I was playing Tunic not long after Lenna's Inception and the Anodyne games and thought, hey I'd really love to make my own Zelda game too.
The idea is that 12,000ish years ago magic was discovered to be a thing by humanity, around this time a dragon appeared and warned that magic would doom the world. The magic users refused to listen and so a fight broke out, the dragon killed them all.
With the magic users all dead the dragon sealed earth in an anti-magic bubble and requested that their followers kill them to truly end all magic on earth, in their final moments they cast a spell with what magic is left inside the bubble to ensure they reincarnate if magic ever returns and can influence their new incarnation to destroy magic once again.
skip forward to the 1990s, after the industrial revolution caused untold amounts of ecological damage the anti-magic bubble is damaged along with all the horrors we know to have happened in reality.
At some point a corporation happens to find the truth, that magic exists and that a dragon is central to how it will alter our world. So they use it in several projects and build dragons to guard the locations these projects are taking place in. These locations then transform into dungeons.
Our hero finally enters the picture, Connie, a young woman who's just been doing whatever with her life, after investigating a rumor about monsters at a construction site she finds herself guided by a voice to take up a sword and fight the immitation dragons so she can achieve her true power, take on the form of a dragon herself, and save the world from the threat of magic.
Connie decides however after an accident at the first dungeon that maybe the world will be better off with magic as long as it's not solely in the hands of greedy rich bastards.
There's a lot more I have figured out but I think this is enough to get an idea for the poll. I am happy to blather more about the setting and Connie herself, her friends eventually too once I have them figured out. Feel free to send me asks about this. I'm prolly gonna make a sideblog for this at some point. Ideally once I have an idea if I can reasonably make a videos game or not lol.
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hel-phoenyx · 5 months ago
20) A heated argument
Kaizarz belongs to @corneille-but-not-the-author, Meili to @azeler and Domhildr to @soupedepates
Childhood trauma incoming
They're fighting again.
My parents love each other. I think. They're always hugging and kissing and sometimes they take some time away from the capital, away from us, only the two of them. That's probably what love is. Wanting to be all alone with the other.
Is that what love is ?
But today they're fighting. And I know the reason why. It's me. It's always me. yesterday it was because of my sword. Today it's because I'm the only one integrated to the court. Because Kriss doesn't even go to the castle and I spend half my time in there.
Mom thinks that's unfair both of their children won't get the same chances.
Dad think it's stupid to display all my ascendance.
I don't know what I should believe. Who I should side for.
Kriss ran away a long time ago. She doesn't like them fighting, either. I think she's gonna see Gustav. She told me explicitely to not follow her.
But I don't know where else to go.
i'm not expected at the castle. But the graveyard is empty. I don't know where the others are. Probably working. I'm lucky I don't have to. I should be happy I don't have to.
But today I'm all alone.
I can still hear the voices.
"This is preposterous, Harald ! They're both my children, even if Tyrfing has the powers of your side of the family ! They all should be treated with the same reverence !"
"Karan, I told you a million times, this is not the point ! You'll only need one word too much for Matilda to kill you, and this time mom is not here to stop her ! You can't just go there and flaunt that both Tyrfing and Kriss are descendants of royal lineage !"
"I don't care about that ! I just want them to have the same chances !"
"Ironic from the woman that is trying to build a weapon ! Don't you dare think I don't know what you had in mind when you gave him Dainsleif ! He is not Hrogni, neither is he Odin !"
I don't understand anything. What do they want me to do ? i don't know. Was I born only for their sake ? Is this what love means ?
I don't wanna feel this kind of love.
I have to go. I have to be needed somewhere. Anywhere else. I wanna be needed for who I am, not who I could be, or who were my parents. But they're not here. I'm alone.
I'm not expected at the castle. Yet, when I appear, Kaizarz's face lit up. He's with Meili and Domi today, the whole gang's here. They don't have to work. Meili may be a Karibarn-in-training, he still has some time for us. They're all young, except him. It feels so different.
I can't show them I'm shaking. I need to be needed.
"Hey, Tyr ! Didn't think I'd see you today," chirps Domi with a smile on her tiny face.
I give her back the smile.
Can't show them I'm on the verge of tears.
"Yeah, things got a bit heated at home..."
"Are you okay ?"
Kaizarz looks so worried. But I can't. I can't show them how cold I feel.
"Yeah, it's fine... Can we like, not talk about it ?"
I see on Kaizarz's and Domi's face they look unconvinced, still worried. But Meili nods sagely, and extends his hand.
"Sure. We were about to play a game of jacks, you're in ? We needed a fourth."
I smile a little more.
I am needed.
I am surrounded.
They put their hands on my shoulders and bring me to the playground and I think, for myself
I hope this is what love feels like.
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yowyowyaoi · 2 years ago
Konan’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Zetsu
If I keep the bodies OUTSIDE is it a problem then??
Rather angelic-looking with the paper wings.
A 72-hour gengetsu just because he thought I was going to eat it?! Cat isn’t even my favorite meat!
Ah but you’re much more diplomatic in handling their complaints.
I’ve tried but you absolutely cannot reason with him when it comes to money.
It may be time to change hideouts soon, the two young ones have attracted too much negative attention here.
From Itachi
It was so good, thank you!
I appreciate the touch of color.
Kisame’s not here Kakuzu said he’d charge me and Deidara laughed. You are my last hope. PLEASE come and KILL THIS SPIDER 😓
Please come with I know you’d enjoy yourself.
The last time I rode on one he made it do a flip mid-air and I almost fell into the ocean. And he laughed so hard he threw up 😒
Define “too much” cake 🤔
He helped suppress the coughing but fever’s still pretty high.
I can take them in small doses. 
From Sasori
Don’t worry, an issue like that is almost child’s play to correct surgically.
You’re one of the few that I DO trust, my dear.
I’ll give it back when I decide he’s not as annoying anymore.
If I could eat I’m sure that would be delicious.
I love him more than anything but that arrogant brat can never actually KNOW how much I do.
Put a few drops in your tea, you’ll sleep like a baby.
You and Nagato should really raise the standards for whom you decide to recruit into this organization.
Please accompany me; I’m sure you’d love the wildflowers.
You either move his room down the hall or he’s becoming my next puppet.
From Kakuzu
I understand but we can’t afford it at the moment. Those three will just have to bunk together for the time being.
Thank you, my dear.
Harsh BUT it saved us hundreds.
Never anyone who didn’t fully deserve it.
Trust me, in the long run it’s a good investment.
Sasori may be better suited to treat that than myself.
I’ll speak to him about it but it’s like talking to a wall.
Purely an accident. A needed one, but still.
If they do it again I’m decapitating them both.
From Deidara
I mean I never have, but if I did, she couldn’t be anyone but YOU 💛
We were sword fighting! Shit I didn’t know that was Leader’s cane 😣
We can both make birds. Paper and clay. 
Idk I mean I kinda think that he likes me or something but I’m with Sasori so 🤷🏼‍♂️
My eyes feel fucked. I tried on Uchiha’s glasses, that bastard is BLIND af! I didn’t even think they could make lenses that strong!
Come with us fishing I swear you’ll have fun! I’ll bait your hook so you don’t gotta touch the worms 😁
I’m not sure but I bet a C3 would solve the problem.
He stuffed half a roll of toilet paper in there and flushed. He thought it’d be funny.
From Kisame
There’s no way you’re going alone. I’ll come with you.
My thanks. Samehada appreciates such treats.
Woman or not you’re quite strong aren’t you?
No need to cook mine at all. I prefer raw.
I could teach you if you wish. It’s a good skill to have.
Please join us for tea?
It’s outside your door. Thank you again.
Zetsu got to him first 😤
Itachi isn’t feeling up to it. Would you care to accompany me? The moon makes it very bright.
From Tobi
He bit me first!
Kisame ate them because he said he wanted a snack 😔
He DOES love me he just doesn’t know it yet!
Wanna see the spider I found in the garden?
I borrowed your lotion and i accidentally used it all 😓
Game night game night GAME NIGHT!!!
Blue. Like Senpai’s eyes 😌
Can I lick the spoon when it’s done?
No I saw Kakuzu kill him three days ago 
From Hidan
Yeah but my intentions were good for once!
Pls come show me how to do this I keep burning it 😓
Oh yeah I forgot … haha don’t freak out I’ll replace it 
You wanna come with? I bet you’d be great at it!
Tell him he can suck my dick, I ain’t doing that 🤷‍♂️
We’re gonna loot it, I’ll bring you back something cool!
Ngl you’d look HOT with my scythe 😍
I’ll beat that skinny twink’s ass 😤
Yeah but like he’s skin and bones that’s just kinda creepy 
I guarantee if you just listen to ONE sermon you’ll convert!
From Nagato
The prettiest thing you could ever wear is that gorgeous smile of yours ❤️
Well it’s far too late to replace them so I suppose we just have to deal.
Are you joking? Yahiko would have killed me!
Should have been a dating service and not a criminal organization, eh? 😂
Sasori said it would help ease the pain for when I’m standing.
Woke up today thinking of Chibi. I miss him 😞
No but if you come sit on my lap I bet I could make it better 😉
What about the others? Do they seem happy with it?
If I never see another drop of rain for as long as I live I’ll die a happy man.
My God how do you manage them?! I had to talk to Deidara and Hidan by myself and I thought I would kill them after the first two minutes!
I don’t care. You’re beautiful no matter what. 
Well we could always say we’ve disbanded the group, turn them loose, then hunt them for sport 😊
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fe-fictions · 2 years ago
do you have any Lon'qu to repost or new prompts to fill? my crops are dying :C
(I have Lon'qu being the BEST papa to toddler Morgan ever!!!)
There was something about your little Morgan that was very different from his future self. It wasn’t that he loved you any less. It was clear your little boy adored you.
But you realized that...it almost seemed like he loved his father even more than his future self, did. For one thing, he refused to leave his father’s side.
He was practically latched onto Lon’qu from the second he learned how to walk. Crawling after Lon’qu had become quite a struggle, seeing how he wasn’t able to keep up with his dad (who would quickly return and pick him up).  
With access to the magic that is walking, though, Morgan had nowhere else to be but following along at his father’s side. And Lon’qu found it absolutely adorable.
The man had barely gotten out of bed that morning when he found a handsome mop of dark hair smushed into his leg.
Lon’qu’s hand fell on Morgan’s little head, giving him a proper tousle. “Good morning, son.”
“What we doin’ today?”
“Training.” He replied, before looking over his shoulder. “But first, breakfast.”
“Mama still sleepin’?”
“Yeah.” He took Morgan’s hand and the pair quietly left the bedroom, headed straight for the kitchen. 
Lon’qu’s little shadow followed him around while he prepared a proper breakfast meal, rice porridge and eggs quickly whipped up. Strips of bacon sizzled in the pan while the rest of the ingredients were cooking. 
Morgan dutifully retrieved the wooden bowls for his parents’ meals. And was promptly rewarded with a proud “thank you” from his father and an apple slice.
“Yes, son.”
“I wanna train.” 
“You always do.” Lon’qu reminded him, smiling to himself at the thought of Morgan swinging around a stick haphazardly. He was much too young for Lon’qu to teach him proper fighting form, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t tempted to, from time to time.
“No, I wanna train like Papa!!” He insisted behind another apple slice, which Lon’qu promptly handed him. “I wanna big sword!”
“You’re too  little to handle a blade, Morgan. I didn’t get to use my first sword until I was five.”
“But I wanna train like you, right now.” Morgan’s reasoning was perfectly sound. But Lon’qu knew it wouldn’t do either of them any good if he tried to teach Morgan how to fight with an actual sword.
If you didn’t put a stop to it, Khan Flavia would have his head. “He’s a kid in peacetime, Lon’qu! If you let that boy swing a sword before he’s at least ten, I’ll skewer you with mine!”
It wasn’t his fault Morgan wanted to fight like his father. If anything it was something he was very happy about. There were few things in this world that brought him greater joy than mastery over the blade. 
It was only behind being married to you, the woman of his dreams, and Morgan, the most precious, chubby-cheeked baby boy on the face of this planet.
Not...not that he’d ever admit that.
“I’ll let you train with a big sword when you’re ready. You’ve still got a lot of training to do before you can handle a blade. But the sooner you learn,” Lon’qu handed him your breakfast, “The sooner you get to use one.”
“R-really?” Morgan’s eyes sparkled with joy. Lon’qu smiled.
“Of course. Now go give that to your mother. We need to eat quickly so we can get a head start, today.”
Morgan scampered off, Lon’qu trailing after once he finished up Morgan’s bowl (with a few extra apple slices). That would be just about the only moment Morgan wasn’t right beside him.
When everyone finished eating (and you gave him a proper number of thank-you kisses), Lon’qu helped his son dress and the pair of them headed out for the day.
The training out in the field was peaceful and warm, a pleasant change in Ferox’s usual weather. Morgan’s stick waved frantically as usual, poorly mocking Lon’qu’s disciplined swings and his determined focus. 
Once training was done, it was on to the next thing. Visiting the market was, naturally, a very important errand you wanted to run.
But Lon’qu wanted you to rest (for once). Why else would bring you breakfast in bed? You had a day off, let the boys handle things for the day.
You weren’t worried about them heading into town. If only because Morgan would never dare stray from his father. He knew there was no better place to be than beside his father!
So you remained at home and relaxed, waiting until they returned before you even thought about lifting a finger. 
In fact, you were about a third through your new novel when the door opened, followed by the happy cheering from Morgan and the scrambling of paper bags.
“Morgan, be careful! You’ll trip-”
“I won’t! I got all the bags, Papa! I’m-” 
“-That’s why you listen to me.”
“I’m okay!” 
You rose from your seat, stifling a giggle as you watched your poor baby recover slowly from the faceplant. He retained his cheeriness, starting to put things back in the bag that had torn.
Lon’qu sighed, setting everything on the table before going to his son’s aid.
“You would’ve been more okay if you did as you were told.” He crouched beside Morgan, picking him up and setting him on his leg while he scooped up the fallen fruits and vegetables.
Morgan rubbed at the mark on his forehead, offering a humbled, “Sorry, Papa.”
“It’s all right.” He gave Morgan the bundle of carrots, “You won’t be doing it again, will you?”
“No, sir.”
“You’ll do as I say the first time?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good.” Lon’qu pecked his forehead, “Take those into the kitchen, put them on the table and then go wash your face.”
He stood to find you watching over him with nothing but a smile on your lips, doing a terrible job of hiding how thrilled you were with your husband.
Suddenly self-conscious, he looked aside, shifting the produce in his hands. “W-what?”
“Nothing,” You mused, walking up to him. “I just love you.”
“I-I…!” He stammered, face flushed, “What brought that on, all of a sudden??”
“It’s just so cute how you take care of Morgan. He’s always following you around like that, and you dote on him so sweetly. I thought for sure you’d be annoyed with him, by now.”
“Tch. If he were someone else’s brat, maybe.” He muttered, letting you take some of the food from his arms. “But he’s my responsibility, isn’t he?”
“That’s a funny way of saying you love your boy.”
“Of course I- t-that was implied!” He huffed, “I care about both of you. He’s just the one who doesn’t leave me alone.”
“It doesn’t seem like that’s such a bad thing.”
“It’s not.” He agreed, reluctantly. You helped him sort the groceries, putting them away while he struggled to get his blush back under control.
“He really does look up to you, doesn’t he? It makes me jealous.”
“Please. We both know he’ll grow up to be just like you.”
“But with a lot less magic and plenty more swordsmanship.”
“Even so...he’ll stick by your side more often than not when he’s older. I just want to enjoy it for a while until I’m not the favorite, anymore.”
“Oh, you think you’re the favorite?”
“He follows me around like a duckling; I don’t see him doing the same with you.” He pointed out, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was being smug.
You fought to keep the poker face, quirking an eyebrow at him. “That’s quite a hefty claim.”
“I stand by it.”
“Papa, Mama! All clean!!” Morgan scampered back into the room, collapsing into Lon’qu’s legs. He looked to you, his face remaining stoic, but his eyes were narrowed at you.
‘Told you so.’ They said.
You had to bite your lip to fend off your laughter. “Morgan, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Mama?” He peeked at you beyond Lon’qu’s hug. 
“Who’s your favorite- Mama or Papa?”
“H-hey now, you can’t just ask a kid that-”
“Mama!!” He exclaimed, beaming brightly at you. Lon’qu stiffened, and you were certain you just heard his heart break.
“Mama my favorite.” He repeated, squeezing Lon’qu’s legs. You could see the poor man turning to stone.
“Impossible...my own son...has betrayed me…” His voice cracked, hoarse with the crippling realization that his baby was no longer his baby. “All that following me around...all those words...they were meaningless…?”
“Looks that way,” You shrugged, taking Morgan into your arms and balancing him on your hip to start dinner. “Maybe you ought to sit down for a little while, dear. You look pale.”
Lon’qu numbly trudged into the living area, collapsing onto the hearth beside his scabbard.
You had yet to tell him that Morgan didn’t know what the word “favorite” meant. But he did know that, according to you, that’s what Mama was. 
You’d tell him later, of course...after he marinated in his humbling a little longer.
It was your turn for a little duckling time, anyways.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 3 months ago
Sigrid hummed in acknowledgment. “I can see that. Now I’m not trying to be degrading when I say this, as I know how Vikings can get— I’ve seen it firsthand— but, your husband seems to be gentler in that regard, softer spoken.” She shrugged, taking a hefty sip of water. “I don’t know if that’s it for sure, but whatever it is, it has the girls feeling safe, and that’s honestly all I care about. Of course I care about Magnus and Imogen, but they can handle themselves easier; Caito wasn’t lying when he was talking about Ellie’s vision— she can barely swing a sword straight for Thors sake! And the worst part is is that she thinks she’s doing it right, that she’s seeing it properly, and when we tell her she isn’t? Gods, you’ve never seen a girl that mad befits…” She paused. “And Isla’s only four, so I don’t expect her to do much of anything right now.”
The young woman seemed to be thinking back on some memories, fond ones at that, from what her expression was saying at least. “Oh, she said everything and anything about you guys— your daughter too. She referred to you guys as ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ for the longest time, told us about the hut, the Night Fury— I mean, she was the one to change our minds about dragons! Even after what they did to us! Who would’ve thought, huh?”
Isla was all smiles still, clearly overjoyed to have made what she thought was a new friend. She had never had a friend her age before!
At the mention of her hair being braided by either of Zephyrs parents, she shook her head, pointing back at Danny before touching her own head of hair. She wanted to have hair like her sisters!
Danny let out a shaky breath of relief, glad to know that Hiccup was still a hundred percent on board with being her father again.
At the mention of Isla receiving the same treatment, she nodded, her eyes glossing over. “That would be great. I, I think she needs it more than me.” Her eyes locked with Hiccups, and when she spoke again, her voice was hollow, almost desperate. “It was bad, Hiccup, when we found her. I just want it to be better for her. I want her to have what I didn’t.”
At him once again saying that it was good to have her back, she couldn’t resist wrapping her arms around him again, embracing him in a tight hug.
At this point, Isla had picked up on the fact that her big sister was upset, and obviously wanting to make her feel better, she went away from Zephyr to hug Danny as tight as her little arms would allow her to.
Chuckling softly, Danny picked her up in her arms. “Thanks, Isla. That made me feel a lot better. I love you, okay?”
The younger girl just nodded, burying her head in Danny’s shoulder.
Turning to the kitchen, she called out. “Caito! Can you come here? I wanna head over to Gothi’s now!”
In the end, Caito had agreed to do this, only because he was allowed to be with his two youngest siblings.
Once they got up to hut, he moved to stand protectively in front of the two girls, his expression firm.
“They go first, understood? And if there’s not enough space, I’ll stand in the doorway, but I need to be able to see them.
"Yep, that's Hiccup. He's always been that way, although he was extremely sarcastic for a while when we were teenagers."
Astrid's brows furrowed in concern. "The branding...that is what affected her eye, isn't it?" Glancing over at Danny, she said, "Gothi can probably help. I was once blinded by a lightning strike, and she was able to bring my sight back..."
It warmed Astrid's heart to hear these things, and she nodded her head towards Hiccup. "If it weren't for him, we'd still be at war with dragons. It's amazing how much one person can change."
Zephyr's face fell as Isla declined the new hairstyle, but as she pointed to Danny's hair, Zephyr's face lit up again. "Can--can I match you then? Do you think she could do my hair too?"
Hiccup tilted his head slightly, his face full of compassion, speaking softly. "I think you both could use it, Danny." Nodding, he said, "Then that's exactly what I'll do. On Berk, you, Isla, the others... you'll all have everything you need, and then some."
Returning her embrace, he only let go when he saw Isla approach, with Zephyr close behind. The young Haddock immediately plopped herself in her father's lap. "Hey dad! Isla and I are like, best friends now!"
"Oh, is that so?"
"Uh huh! I want to have my hair match hers!"
Hiccup held Caito's gaze, nodding. "I can make sure they are seen first, but you'll have to tell Gothi your other terms. I know I'll have to step out for a portion of the examination, but if you insist on staying for that portion, you need to take it up with her."
Knocking on the door, he said, "Gothi? I know it's late, but there are some new arrivals that have some wounds that need attention."
She gave him a tough time when Danny came, bonking him on the head for not bringing her sooner.
When the door opened, he greeted the elder Berkian. "There are three here with various injuries, can we start with the youngest first? Just a check over, make sure she's alright?"
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Okay it was in my tags before but now I think about it more Rebel Moon could actually have been a really great first season of a TV Show?? So please consider, with all the spoilers: Rebel Moon Mini Series season one, A Child of Fire:
Episode 1 - We are introduced to Kora, a mysterious woman who recently arrived in a small farming community on Veldt. We are given exposition on the community, learn of her tentative bonds with the community, with the village father, with Ven the hunter, with Gunnar, and there are always hints of something off about her, but it is not spelled out just yet. Then the Dreadnought arrives, and she is like 'well fuck I am out of here' but the village father convinces her that they will make this work, and that she should stay - stay low, but stay - and she does, because she likes these people. Of course things go tits up IMMEDIATELY and now she's killed a whole platoon of soldiers, the village father is dead, and in 10 weeks, the Empire will return, take all their food and probably slaughter everyone. Kora wants to leave, but Gunnar begs and pleads with her that he has contacts within the resistance, and can find them help, but can't get there alone and needs her help and once that's done she can leave and will never have to look back. So she does, because that guy is so innocent and he wouldn't survive half a day out there on his own. They set out together. We also get the Sam and Jimmy scene in this episode, and Jimmy's exposition about the assassination of the royal family.
Episode 2 - This episode opens with the resistance of the Bloodaxe twins (were they twins, I honesty don't remember) taking out some empire freighters or whatever, some way to get food for their people and also weapons. It's a victory, it's a cool space scene, where the tactical skill of the twins is highlighted. There are no losses, it's a clean victory, and it has Noble in FITS. This is where we are first introduced to the twins. Cut to Kora and Gunnar who reach Providence, and it's like a cheesy western movie. On the way there, we had just a brief conversation about Kora's past - she was a soldier, had quite a high rank - nothing specific yet. We are introduced to the bounty hunters and their prisoner (Gunnar's contact) as a 'remeber this, it'll be important later' kind of drop, we don't see Kai exchange money with them, but see them buy him a drink or something, or vice versa, just a 'harmless' interaction. Saloon fight breaks out, Kai gets involved, they make their escape in his ship, he offers to take them off world. With Gunnar's contact to the twins lost, it is revealed he actually doesn't know them at all, so they go with their second best choice, the disgraced General Titus. Kai has to make a few stops along the way, for business - nothing about picking up people on the way, just 'business' - it's implied he's a smuggler and picking up contraband, but Gunnar and Kora don't care bout his activities because they are like 'if he does illegal shit he'll likely not want to get caught, and we don't want to be caught either'. Meanwhile, we also have a look back at the village, where Jimmy is undergoing some kind of awakening after the scene with Sam. Also there, that young soldier kid who was the only decent one is becoming a bit of a figure - he helps prepare the town for the inevitable horror that is to come, he teaches them to defend themselves (just because you can't wield a sword laser gun, doesn't mean they won't make you die by it, might as well put up a fight). Sam is the first to come to him about this, because she never wants to feel so helpless and scared again. And if yall wanna be horny, sure, we can include some tentacle porn with Noble, cause why make the show any less horny than the movie was? Its while he learns of the attack by the Bloodaxe twins or something.
Episode 3 - Starts off somewhere else entirely, and we get the backstory of Tarrak I can't speak to because we don't goddamn know it! He's a prince of somewhere? Guess his people were subjugated by the Empire, his family killed, he was sold into slavery, something like that, and ends up chained to that forge place. We see some scenes of his life there, and the arrival of the griffin (Bennu?). Basically the plot of Spirit, we see these two secretly connect, whenever he can get close enough. It's a very quiet episode, not much speaking, just gentle bonding between man and animal, because he's the only one who treats Bennu like a being with feelings and not some wild beast. Enter Kora and the boys. Kai is having dealings with the guy whose name I forgot, but Kora notices Tarrak and asks why he's chained up. They are about to leave when she gets into betting with the guy about Tarrak's freedom, but we already know Tarrak and Bennu have bonded. Still, it is tense, because there's a difference between giving pets in quiet moments, and actually riding a giant winged creature with a beak and claws like swords. But of course he does it, because he's awesome. They are about to leave when Bennu breaks free, kills the guy and catches up with them because she is bonded to Tarrak now (logistic wise, I know she probably can't go on the ship but I just want them together, the shirtless man needs his flying horse bird! And also you got a goddamn GRIFFIN and don't use her for the rest of the movie?? WHY?!!!). Meanwhile, Noble is investigating the twins, and has footage of them making trade with Gunnar, so he's like 'this fucking guy?! Lied to my face?!' and he checks in on Veldt and learns that his men on the ground there were all killed. No one he saw in that barn could do that, but he remembers seeing Kora and he's like 'wait where have I seen her before?' and he goes through records, and lo and behold, he finds her file in the most wanted database and we see her real name (including something that identifies her as Balisarius' ward) and we're like '??? What does it mean?!'
Episode 4 - Again, we start with some backstory on a new character, a nameless woman who's children are killed - by the empire? We dont knwo because the fuckn movie didn't tell us shit about her other than that she lost a kid??? Then we cut to the ship, and some lighthearted banter between the current crew, Kora, Gunnar, Kai, and Tarrak, and Bennu tearing up the cargo bay and being adorable. Gotta establish some friendships! Tarrak and Kora teasing Gunnar about being too sweet, Kai and Gunnar swapping recipes, Kai and Kora being slightly flirty, Tarrack singing songs from his homeworld to Bennu and the others listening in while they work, that sort of stuff. They make a stop on another world for businesss Kai has to do, but find the city is in disarray, talk of a monster. The group goes to investigate, and learn a child has been taken. Kora - flashing back to another child dying on her watch - can't look away, and goes to find out more, against the advice of the others. They arrive just in time as Nemesis goes to confront the creature. Hers is a name only whispered in fear and reverence, the greatest assassin of the known universe, that sort of stuff, and we see her in action - but she isn't violent, she talks with the monster, tries to sympathize with it, as she, too, has lost children, and knows revenge and justice are often only separated by a thin and blurry line. Still, it comes to combat, and Gunnar swoops in to save the child while Nemesis fights and Kora runs distraction. The creature is killed, but it is not celebrated. Nemesis is heartbroken over it, because she understands this creature - because she WAS this creature, in the time when she was fuelled by her greatest rage and grief. When she learns that the party is looking for help to protect a town full of innocent people (including children) from the empire's indiscriminate slaughter, she wordlessly joins them as they leave. She's just there now, making herself comfortable without a fuss. Meanwhile, Noble finds out from his prisoner where the Bloodaxe twins were hiding last and he's like 'guess we're paying a visit to King Levitica'. We see the bountyhunters he dealt with leave, and they go through their newest contracts and we see there is a message from *gasp* Kai.
Episode 5 - Starts with Veldt, and we see what the hell is going on with Jimmy right now. He's experienceing nature. He's going on a full on druidic pilgrimage. He builds idols to the Princess out of leafs and twigs and we see flashbacks in his meditations, of the Princess bringing the bird back to life. And we hear the King say that iconic line about her bringing a kinder future for the universe, and him entrusting her safety to the one spoken to and we think it's Jimmy but then it's revealed to be Kora! And we see Kora being like this big sister figure to the Princess and then a harsh cut to Kora standing in shock over the dead bodies of the royal family, with blood on her hands and like did SHE do it or?! and then she wakes up back on the ship to the crew bickering while Nemesis is somewhere in the vents, eating an apple and watching them like it's reality TV and the most entertaining thing she's seen in half a century or however old she is cause honestly, she's probably a cyborg? we arrive on Pollux and go to the arena to speak with Titus and he's asleep/drunk in a ditch and has no interest in going with them because he is disillusioned and disgraced and all that, so how do we get him back on his feet? we appeal to his honour and his glory and somehow we end up in the arena fighting him and showing of his skills, and he has a particular grudge against Kora and they beat each other bloody and he accuses her of killing the Princess and she's like 'If I had done that I would have killed myself, if you think I could have done that then kill me right now!' and it's honestly emotional and they bond over both having believed in the future she would have meant for the universe and being betrayed by what the believed in, what they fought and killed for. And once they got it out of their system, Titus agrees to join them to protect Veldt. Back on the ship, Gunnar is like 'what the hell??' and THIS is when Kora reveals to him, and only to him, who she really is, but then we cut to Kai who's been listening in because it's his ship and there's no privacy, but also Nemesis was in the vents listening in on HIM listening in on them so she is like what is that guy up to?
Episode 6: The group meets with the Bloodaxe twins and their army. Negotiation begins and they're like 'we got our own food supply line now (as established in an earlier episode), we don't need your grain, why should we help you?' But Gunnar is convincing, and then Kora and Titus chime in and Darrian is like 'shit these guys are exactly what we were not so long ago, just little people tired of being target practice for the Empire, if we don't support them then what even is our cause??' So yeah, just as in the movie, he and his volunteers join them and now we got him and a bunch of resistance fighters with their ships ready to go. He joins our crew, his sister takes the remainder of their army and leaves to find a new hideout because they are certain it's just a matter of time before they're found by someone who has less than good intentions. As if on cue, we see Noble standing over King Levitica, surrounded by his dead people, but he's not even interested in finding them anymore, he's just like 'you were hiding them from our benevolent regent, and for that you gotta die' and beats him to death with his big stick. Back on the ship, the crew sits down for a shared meal, swapping battle stories, comparing scars, bonding (think, the cheese heist lasagna dinner on the Rocinante in season 2 of the Expanse). It's genuinely lighthearted, people are optimistic, they are a strong team, Veldt will be fine! Throughout the entire episode, we see Nemesis trying to get a moment with Kora, but somehow Kai is ALWAYS there. Kai explains he has to make one more business stop before returning to Veldt. As in the movie, they are unloading some cargo in the rain, but something seems off. Nemesis also moves to Kora, slips her a message that just says 'he knows', and she looks up at Kai, she sees him with the bounty hunters, meets his eye and his 'nothing personal' and the trap springs, too late for them to react. Several of Darrian's soldiers are killed immediately, Kora, Nemesis, Tarrak, Titus and Darrian are all shackled and disabled. Kai reveals that originally he had no intention of selling them out but then they kept collecting high profile outlaws and he thought 'actually might as well??' but then came the cherry on top when he realized who Kora really was and how could he NOT? A man's gotta survive, right? The whole spiel about 'I was just like you but there is no justice in the universe and you should have learned that by now'. He offers Gunnar to join him, promises it'll work out better for him. Gunnar refuses, cause he's honorable that way, and Kai calls him naive. From then it plays out pretty much like in the movie: Darrian dies taking down the Dreadnought, Kora has her big fight with Noble, Gunnar kills Kai for betraying them and almost getting Kora killed, the crew fights as a team because they have forged bonds while travelling together. Bennu also comes out and Tarrak is now a mounted combatant, picking off soldiers like fish in a barrel. When the dust settles, the nameless resistance soldier that is now apparently on the team is mourning their fallen comrades and Darrian (this is their origin story?), and Nemesis, Titus and Tarrak comfort them, telling them their sacrifice means nothing if they stop the fight now. They take the ship, tossing Kai's body overboard with the obligatory 'knew that guy was shady from the start!' and they return to Veldt. Jimmy sees them return, the village has started to fortify, and they approach through the fields on their horse-aliens - except Tarrak, who rides Bennu. The final scene is the imperials retrieving Nobles body and hooking him up to that whatever machine, but we don't see him interact with Balisarius at all, we just see him pop back to life and his first new gasp of breath cuts away to the end credits.
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kururu418 · 10 months ago
Bringing back the interactions cycle: got any for Astro's kids interacting with Nia's Avalon family members? Curious to see how’d they get along 😚
Umbriel smirked as he continued to dodge the flurry of attacks Lacerta sent his way. The boy was unyielding and unrelenting, fighting with a ferocity he’d only rarely seen in Asterossa. “Well now, it seems that as hot as the fire in your soul burns, tis not yet hot enough for your fangs to reach me,” he mocked, blocking Lacerta’s kick with his sword. 
Lacerta glared at him. “You wanna be?!” he shouted, intensifying the flames around his leg. Umbriel continued to hold the attack off, but noticed her had to put more effort in doing so. 
The oy was like a rabid beast when it came to combat. Though far from mindless. In a few more decades… yet, he might very well surpass his sire. And prove to be another worthy opponent to best. As it stood now though. “Not enough I’m afraid,” he said, grabbing his sword with both hands and flinging him back. “You still have quite some room to grow…” 
Lacerta landed, only to immediately rocket back towards him. “Good thing I’m good at learning on the fly!” 
Cetus looked up towards Titania, who was looking down at him with a curious expression on her face. “Oh, hello… Lady Titania?” He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to address her as lady or Queen. She certainly wasn’t going to say former Queen. Even he thought that would come off as disrespectful. 
She smiled and offered a brief wave to him. “Do not hang on formality, child. This is not some royal gathering,” she said. “And forgive my leering. Something about you is… familiar.” 
Cetus tilted his head. “About me? What do you mean?” 
She shook her head. “Don’t fret over it child. It may have just been a trick of the light,” she said. Then again, maybe it wasn’t. She may have had to keep a close eye on him. Even if he wasn’t one himself, there was no reason a child of a titan should have the lingering essence of a god within them… 
Cressida watched curiously as Dorado stared at Excalibur. He seemed hesitant, but then reached out and grabbed the handle of the blade, trying to lift it. It didn’t even budge. He kept trying for a few more moments, and then sighed. 
“Looks like I’m not worthy of this one either…” 
Even his younger cousin seemed to be made of more mettle. Creissda sighed and walked towards him. “You know, you really should get out of your father’s shadow,” she said. Dorado turned towards her confused. “Take it from someone who lived their whole life in their family’s. It gets you nowhere.” 
Dorado blinked. “I… I’m not…” 
“Yeah you are,” she said. “It’s one thing to look up to your father, it’s another thing to idolize him. Your brother is ahead on that front.” 
Dorado looked down, the words stung, but… it wasn’t as if he could deny them. Dorado saw his father as a goal, whereas Lacerta saw him as something to surpass. “You may be right. But that’s easier said than done…” 
“You’re quite the well learned young woman,” Titania complimented. 
Saggita smiled. “Thank you!” 
“Tell me, why is it that you have thrown in your lot for your father’s throne? Surely your mother’s people would survive with either you or your brother at the helm?” she asked, leaning her chin on her palm. 
Sagitta thought for a moment. “Hmm… I guess I just want to. Same way Lars looks up to my dad, I look up to my mom. I wanna continue what she started,” she said, smiling. 
Titania looked amused. “A clear goal and a clear mind. I believe you will be a boon to your people,” she said. The girl was clever. Perhaps not in the same way as herself or Dusk, but she held a wisdom beyond her years. It was no wonder Astro spoke to highly of her when given the chance.
Oberon grunted as Aqua made her way inside his study, not even bothering to look towards the child. “I want a sample… and I’m willing to bargain for it,” she said. 
He sighed. “And what do you have to bargain with, child?” 
“I will stay away from the island for half a year…” Oberon actually raised an eyebrow, his interest now piqued. “For a finger.” 
And, lost… 
“As if it doesn't grow back… ugh, fine. A blood sample.” 
“A toenail?” 
“Get out…”
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writeious-hand · 2 years ago
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Holding Out for a Hero: Part 3
I agree with the comment, the last part got very serious. I have time, here is a little Easter gift for anyone who has liked the story thus far. I've started rolling a die for characters making checks (you'll see later) and using that for writing.
This section is more about Alariel and Xenk's past, do enjoy less angst. Links to earlier parts under the cut.
Xenk X Cleric!OC
No Beta, we die like men.
"If it makes you feel any better, both Edgin AND Doric chewed him out."
Alariel looked up to see the muscle-bound woman, Holga, standing at the entrance to her tent. It had been an hour or so since she had met the barbarian.
"I stand by what I said. I cannot travel with you, not with him. Besides, with him here you really don't need me."
"I didn't come here to ask you to help us again." Alariel looked up at her in confusion. Holga sat down beside her on the cot. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. I know how shitty it can be running into your ex."
"Oh." She didn't know what to say. Maybe it was because she was used to doing all of the looking after. Alariel hadn't had someone to look after her in quite some time.
"So should we be calling you Alariel or Lyra?" Holga offered her one of the rolled calligrapher's tool sets that had been set out to be placed into her bag of holding.
"Either is fine. One of the younger children had some difficulty pronouncing my name, and it sort of stuck with the people of the community. It was sweet." Her hands stilled in packing as she smoothed the leather cover of a journal.
"You don't have to leave since we showed up. Don't wanna chase you out of your home." Holga looked closer at the young woman. She appeared to be younger than her, but it was always hard to tell with elves. If this one knew Xenk, she was at least 100 years older than her.
"No, this just gives me a reason to finally move on. Like I had said, I lingered here too long anyway." She took a stack of her journals in hand and continued her packing.
"If you don't mind me asking, where will you go?"
"I've been heading to the Sword Coast for a while now. I haven't been in a city in some time, so perhaps I will make my next stop in Waterdeep before heading up to Neverwinter. I know I could spend the next century in either place and never hear the same story twice."
"It's funny you mention that..."
And that was how Alariel learned that the odd band of adventurers who were looking for her help were actually the heroes of Neverwinter. By the time Holga had finished telling her version of the story, Alariel had to set out her Orb of Light and had practically filled a scroll with the details.
"This still doesn't make sense..." Lyra's brow was furrowed. "You are still being chased by these assassins?"
"We lost them most recently around the Goldfields. I chopped one up real good and threw the parts in the river." Lyra was both disgusted and impressed at the barbarian's work.
"But why isn't Xenk just smiting them?"
"Doing what?"
"Smiting. You know, holy radiance on the blade... thundering force... banishing fiends?" Holga still gave her a blank stare.
"I mean, his sword-dagger glowed when he was fighting that assassin in the Underdark?" Alariel gave a small shake of her head. Why wasn't Xenk using his paladin abilities? A soft glow to his blade could be compelled duel, but she had seen firsthand the brilliance of his devotion. Why wouldn't he have killed them the first time? Destroying the undead was part of his mission.
"Anyway-" Alariel knew she couldn't get invested in this new mystery, no matter how much she wanted to, "I think I've kept you up late enough as is. Humans need more sleep than elves do, yes? Thank you again for letting me record your story."
"No problem. I was curious after seeing how many books you had in your tent. What the fuck is up with that?"
Lyra shook her head, and laughed at the crude language of her new friend. "No wonder you all are so confident in my abilities to defeat Thay assassins. I'm no war cleric, I am a follower of Deneir."
"The Scribe of Oghma?"
"The God of Glyphs and Images?"
Holga's eyes lit up with recognition. "The candle with the eyeball!"
Lyra deflated and looked at Holga confused and a bit concerned. "How in Oghma's name did you know that, but not his domains?"
"My ex-husband used to frequent this bookstore, and it had a little shrine in the window. I asked one day who it was for."
Not long after their discussion, Holga left to meet with the other members of her makeshift family. They had found a section of the shanty town where they were allowed to pitch a tent. While Simon, Kira, and Doric were trying to get the tent out of the opening in Simon's bag of holding, Edgin still was pacing back and forth in front of Xenk, who looked to be meditating on a bare patch of ground.
"A note!? You left her alone with a note-"
Xenk seemed to be ignoring him at this point, but Edgin had said the same speech about 9 times.
"-You were engaged! How does this not come up in conversation, I mean really you think you know a guy.-"
Holga walked up to the tent-pitching group. "Hey bug, think your old man will run out of steam any time soon?"
"I don't think so." Kira looked between the paladin and her father, "Not only did he royally embarrass himself, but with love you know he's always had this sense of self-righteous honor."
"Well I for one," Simon interrupted, "would love it if he would stop. Maybe then I could finally concentrate on getting these poles to stay up."
Doric rolled their eyes, "Sure like that's the issue."
Suddenly, Xenk turned toward the outside of the village. Standing, he drew in a deep breath. Glancing around, he drew his sword,
"They have found us."
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fangaminghell · 8 months ago
Asra Reverie
Note: No clever title, I just wanted to write about a young Asra and how they met their mentor. Please note bc deso doesn't have a solid backstory for the protag, this is more of a "what if" backstory, than anything concrete. But this is the backstory I came up with if there is room for it in canon!
Asra Reverie was a bold child. They spoke their mind, and would go into a situation head first, regardless of the danger. It was admirable, to some. A child that seems to have no fear…such a wonder, that is. Though, more often than not, Asra’s boldness was a source of trouble.
Like how they just threw their shoe at the back of a thugs head. 
In fairness, at least to Asra, he deserved it. The poor pokemon was quivering in the side, bruised by the abuse that the thug was giving it. Just the sight of the poor pokemon was enough to get Asra in a rage. The sneer the thug had on his face did not help either. 
But the justification does not erase the reality of the situation: a child evoked the wrath of a dangerous adult. Any other child would quiver in fear, or try to run. But Asra was not like most.
“ Leave that pokemon alone, you shithead!” they yelled, holding a wooden plank they got from the side. The thug slowly turned around.
Asra did not fear. Not even now. 
“....Ya sure you wanna do that, kid?” the thug peers over his shoulder, his glare tearing into Asra’s skin. And yet, Asra stands firm, glaring back, holding their plank like a sword.
“Leave. It. Alone.” 
The thug laughs.
Asra Reverie was a bold kid. Though, if you’d ask others, they would say they were a reckless one. A foolhardy one. A foolish one. They held no fear to those bigger that them, and that would come to bite them in the back, over and over again.
Asra’s whole body screamed in pain. The wooden plank they used as a weapon has long since broken, discarded to the side somewhere. They can’t really look for it now, not when they arfe being held up by the collar by this stupid thug. Asra glares at him, and despite their pain, tries to kick the man in an attempt to make him let go. 
“Awww….you really thought you could play hero, aye?” the thug chuckles, “ Poor kid….looks like I gotta give you a taste of reality huh?” The thug raises his free hand in the air, getting ready to once again punch the daylights of Asra. Asra didn’t even flinch. They simply wanted the strength to punch the thugs face in. 
“Oi.” an unknown voice calls out to them. The two turn to the start of the alleyway, a large, muscular woman staring at the two of them. She dressed practically, but the most noticeable thing about her was the scabbard at the side of her waist, “ Leave the kid alone, yeah?” 
The thug sneers once more, though it was clear he was intimidated.
“ Oh yeah? And what are you going to do if I don’t?”
The woman only tilts her head. And the next thing Asra knows, they're on the ground, the thug’s face in the woman’s hands, only for her to slam the man down into the concrete. He is, somehow, still conscious, but before he could even get his bearings, a sword’s tip at the base of his throat. That was enough for him to pass out, apparently, his head sagging to the side now.
The woman huffs, sheathing her sword, and then turns her attention to Asra. Her cool demeanor fades away, kneeling down and eyeing Asra with worry.
“ Hey kid, are you okay?” she says, scanning Asra over. Her frown deepens as she takes in every bruise Asra has gotten. Perhaps she’s thinking she could have done worse to the thug? Not that Asra cares, not now. They simply looked up at the mystery woman in awe…..until they remembered the hurt pokemon.
“ The pokemon!” they exclaim, getting up despite their body and the woman’s protest, and goes looking for the poor creature. The pokemon, a zizzagoon, thankfully didn’t run away during the scuffle, but it was still hurt pretty bad. Taking it gently in their arms, they now turn to the mystery woman with pleading eyes.
“ Please help it! It got hurt really bad and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, I was going to help anyway,” she raises her hands up, trying to calm Asra down, “ There’s a pokemon center near by, so let’s go and get you and that zizzagoon checked okay?” 
Asra nods, following the lady out of the alleyway, and towards the pokemon center.
Asra Reverie is a strange kid. That’s the conclusion the woman seemed to get after hearing Asra’s story.
“ So let me get this straight,” she starts, “ You say a pokemon getting hurt by a random thug-”
“And you, a child, decided to confront the guy-”
“With a wooden plank”
The woman let’s the information settle in….before letting out a hearty laugh.
“Ha! You’ve got guts kid, I’ll give you that!” she rests her head in the palm of her hand, “ Though I don’t think your parents would be so thrilled, hm?”
That made Asra’s face scrunch up a bi, “ My parents say I’m reckless. But I’m just doing what others are too afraid to,”
The woman smirks a bit. 
“But your strong enough to do that,” they continue, looking at the woman with determined eyes, “ Teach me,”
The woman's eyes widened at the sudden demand, “Eh?”
“You're strong enough to do what others are afraid to do. I’m not strong enough to do that, even when I want to be. And you get a cool sword,” Asra’s eyes shine, “ Please teach me!” 
The woman blinks once more, before letting out another laugh.
“ You are one strange kid!” 
And for once, Asra felt it was a good thing. 
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fridakahloblvd · 1 year ago
the one time I trust an old white woman, I lose an eye…
I mean, sURE, there were some red flags. her potions didn’t work, and she talked with innuendo. her smile was kinda creepy, and she seemed a little too eager to talk to me.
I’m just humoring her at this point because she’s just a frail old woman lmao. I’m a sorcerer, I can tell she’s a little loopy.
but she was harmless! I find her and she’s surrounded by two young men who are threatening her. she had no weapons! they’re calling her a hag! 🙄 I get it, she’s a weird old lady, but that’s not a crime.
and I’m not buying this story about their sister! who’s to say she didn’t run off on her own volition? I know the genre we’re in! we meet so many star crossed lovers in act 1! maybe she didn’t like her home life! maybe her brothers are abusive!! Idk!!
so what was i supposed to do?! i met her first, and she was nice to me! she’s Auntie!! i tell them to leave her alone and they point their swords at me! and at this point I’m like lvl 2 or 3, so we easily kill them.
and it’s mostly just because I find her funny, Idk. I find Volo annoying, but I think Auntie’s great so maybe I’m just dumb. I role played the Volo surgery and save scummed back before that because I KNEW he was a bumbling idiot.
The letter the sister left behind doesn’t help either. I don’t know what to think of this situation, I just hope that the sister is safe and sound wherever she is.
Anyway, I go off. Auntie tells me to meet up with her as thanks, I go and fight the goblins and gnolls. the game tells me that I’m not ready to go after the Gith, so I decide that I’m ready to meet back up with Auntie.
I’m following the quest marker, when I step onto the sunlit wetlands. something happens, like a weird blast that changes the area into a stinky bog. ok. whatever. there’s some sheep and they’re highlighted so I grab Wyll to go talk to them.
but they turn into…gnomes? ok. whatever. there’s an illusion going on and these gnomes are trying to pass off as sheep. so I humor them. I “baa” at them. the only other options are to confront or attack them. I don’t feel like starting shit, so I let them be. maybe it’s a kink or they’re being method? I don’t judge.
so I bound up the stairs in this dispelled illusion bog-turned-wetland and there’s Auntie!
…with a young woman. and she’s forcing homegirl to overeat, telling her that she’s eating for two. and again…I’m not stupid. I clock the weird vibes. that’s Marcy what’s her name. the little sister. And Auntie’s being really cruel to her, threatening Marcy to finish her food.
I’ve read Hansel and Gretel, I know a thing or two about child eating witches. so I say something to Auntie, like “hmm. Marcy. ain’t that the name of the little sister of the two guys I killed for you?” like what’s up with that?
and she just tells me to shut it, that she doesn’t like busybodies. Astarion tells me to leave well enough alone, and not worry about strangers. Wyll and Lae’zel stay silent and just stand behind me with their arms crossed. and I suddenly wish I had brought Gale along because I’m romancing him. and he’s a wizard so he’s gotta have some expertise with all this.
but he’s not here. and then Auntie’s telling me that I gotta give up my eye in exchange for getting the worm out. and I’m just letting shit happen at this point because I wanna see where this leads.
so I say ok. but then she says she’s gotta get her long nails for this job. and I’m like, “huh?”
and she transforms into a big gnomish monster. a hag. and I’m just looking at her not knowing what to think. because just because she’s a hag, doesn’t mean she’s evil! right?
(I’d just listened to NADDPOD’s Twilight Santorum four shot and there was a nice hag there so I might’ve been biased. it’s a really funny and surprisingly heartbreaking story. the ending is so good)
Long story short, she pulls my eye out and then freaks out when she sees the worm. apparently it’s been tampered with. duh. we know. but she’s mad at ME, and says the deals off. and kicks me out.
WHAT. like…how rude. she’s like “oh I COULD do it. but I won’t. you’re not getting your eye back, but here’s a lil gift. piss off” and I just had to laugh! because what??
anyway, I’m tempted to save scum and go back and try to kill her I guess.
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suckerforcate · 2 years ago
Hi!! I just wanna start off by saying that I LOVE all your brienne x r fics! They’re just so comforting!
Anyways I was wondering if you could write a Brienne x female reader who is also a knight? Like maybe Brienne is fighting in a tournament and remains undefeated (obviously) until reader shows up with no one knowing who she actually is and that she’s a lady? (Maybe she’s known as the mysterious knight?)
The two of them go head to head and everyone, including Brienne, is shocked to see that the reader is actually good at fighting and is at the same skill level as Brienne which leads them to tie. Reader then takes her helmet off and everyone is surprised to see another lady? And then maybe Brienne finds the reader afterwards and they have a conversation??
Idk sorry if this doesn’t rly make sense! You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to! :)
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth x Reader
Word Count: 943
Warning: sword fighting (?)
A/n: I really enjoyed writing this, hope you enjoy reading it just as much!! <3
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You had often heard of Brienne or Tarth. She was the only female knight of Westeros. Or so everyone thought. People talked about her either in praising her fights. Telling you that she was undefeated and the strongest and most honourable knight there was. Or they told you that she was a monster, Brienne the Beauty they called her. As a joke, of course. Ever since you had come to Westeros and heard of her, you wanted to meet this frowned-upon and yet admired woman.
So it was no surprise, that you immediately went to participate in the tournament you knew Brienne would also attend. From the side you watched as Brienne defeated one after another participant. Her grace and elegance while fighting impressed you. Rarely had you seen such skill, such knowledge of a sword. Her sword guidance was incredibly precise, and she never failed to hit. The way her feet danced on the ground and her steps showed that she was an expert in sword fighting and probably learned from a very young age on. You were stunned and absolutely mesmerised by this woman, and you hadn't even seen her face yet. Being fully covered throughout the whole tournament.
As it was your turn to face Brienne, the crowd murmured. You were well known, yet none knew your name nor your origin. All around people had given you the name "mysterious knight". And even though everyone had heard about you and your talent, they were shocked to see you standing your ground against Brienne. Brienne included.
The fight began, and even though Brienne was much taller than you and extremely skilled with a sword, you could easily keep up. One lunge from her was met by an empty fade from your side. An attack from behind was blocked with ease through guard of the woman from you.
You danced around each other, neither one backing away, no one yielding and certainly none being defeated. The crowd, you were aware, was probably bored by your performance. They'd like to see a fight, but this. This was a dance, it was art. It reminded you of the reason you had started sword fighting. Of course, to protect you. But also because you had always admired the grace and beauty in it.
For you, it had always been a form of art, rather than a way of hurting people. Of course that came with the job description, and you had accepted it a long time ago.
After having fought and danced around each other for quite some time there was an unspoken agreement between the two of you, made just through slowing movements, that you'd tie it. The crowd was polite enough to give the two of you some applause before they started yelling that you should uncover and reveal yourself.
It was fun being known and unknown at the same time, but you'd much rather have people know your name. So you took off your helmet, your long (h/c) hair falling down your back. The people around you went silent, shock washing over their face.
"Ser (Y/n) (Y/l/n)." You introduced yourself, mainly to Brienne, and bowed. It was fun, seeing the people realise that Brienne wasn't the only female knight in Westeros anymore. You turned to the crowd, bowing again.
"It was my pleasure, entertaining you." With that, and your helmet under the arm, you left.
You sat in your tent, taking off your armour when someone entered. Looking up you saw a woman with blonde, short hair. A few stray locks falling into her face. You had never seen the face before, but the walk and the armour indicated that it had to be Brienne. You were mesmerised and unable to talk for a moment. Her fighting and sword-guidance was beautiful, but that was nothing compared to the woman in front of you. Her blue eyes felt like and ocean full of stories, full of a lifetime. A lifetime that you wanted to know everything about. You would to tell her every little thing about you if it would mean to know just one thing about her in return.
"Ser (Y/n), I'm-" finding your voice again, you interrupted her.
"You're Ser Brienne of Tarth." She was stunned for a second, not having expected for you to know her name.
"Yes, that's right. I've come to talk about our fight earlier." You were happy she had searched you. For you had desperately wanted to talk to her too. But right now you couldn't appreciate that one bit as you were struggling with taking off your breastplate. You hated taking the armour off on your own, never, not once in your life had you succeeded at doing it gracefully on your own.
"Would you be so kind, and help me? I'd love to talk about the fight, but I really want to take this off first." Brienne's face turned bright red, and she stumbled about her words. Deciding in the end, to just not say anything. But she did help you, albeit hesitant.
After she had found her voice again, she opened the conversation, while taking off your armour.
"I was pleasantly surprised by your skill. I've never met someone before who could keep up with me. Also, it's nice not being the only female knight. It's often frowned upon by people." You gave her a warm smile. You felt that you had a connection with this woman. She said exactly what you were thinking. Having her so close suddenly made you nervous. Her warm breath in your skin, gave you goosebumps. And you felt that this would eventually grow into something beautiful.
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bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky · 3 years ago
Work From Home | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi, friends! Here's a fluffy, silly little thing!
If you like my stuff, throw me a reblog 🥰
Warnings: imposter syndrome, stupid jokes
“Whatcha dooooin?” Bucky plopped down into a kitchen chair, bowl of cereal in hand. He noted your cold coffee, the way you scowled down at the stack of paper in front of you, the transfixed stare you wore. Either Fury had sent you some truly perplexing intel, or you weren’t pleased with your last month’s credit card statement.
“Buck, hey. Good morning, babe…” You dragged your eyes from the important documents, your need to see Bucky’s sleepy morning smile and messy hair taking priority. “When did you get up?”
Bucky shook his head, “Doll, I’ve been clanging around in the kitchen for like, twenty minutes. I even called out to you- you didn’t hear me?” He took a bite of his cereal and shot you a wink, knowing damn well that you’d been too engrossed in what lay before you.
Embarrassment warmed your cheeks. It was just like you to have tunnel vision when it came to work. And if Bucky hadn’t sat down in front of you just now, you wouldn’t have noticed he was awake until lunch.
“No… I’m sorry.” You threw Bucky a sheepish smile, “I was just really focused on this stuff Fury sent me. Some of it is… weird”.
Bucky cocked an eyebrow at you; to hear you call intel ‘weird’ instantly piqued his interest. Nothing about your life together was ‘normal’. He was the ex- Winter Soldier turned hero, and you, the special agent he’d fallen head over heels for. The two of you had seen a talking racoon from space, Thanos, and an event that eliminated half the universe’s population- what could be weirder? 
“This is a list of all the new players SWORD has picked up on recently,” you thumbed through the large stack of papers, “Fury wanted me to flag anything that seems like a threat”.
“Oh, I wanna help. Hit me!” Bucky sat up straight and took another bite of his cereal, ready to help you sort out the mess.
“Okay, um, there’s a young woman, Kate Bishop: expert martial artist and archer.” She seemed promising. The prospect of a strong young woman joining the team warmed your heart. Kate Bishop seemed to you like a promising young upstart, but your premature approval quickly soured. “Oh… she was once thought to be the Ronin. And her mom works with King Pin.”
Bucky fervently shook his head, “Her mom works with who? Yeah, no, absolutely not. I don’t trust her”. After everything that happened with the Hydra / SHIELD double agents, Bucky wasn’t interested in any possible gray area when it came to new team mates.
You scanned the rest of the page, landing on a particularly fun fact. “Okay, hear me out: Says here that she recently befriended Clint.”
“Ehh, I don’t love that”, Bucky sighed. “I mean, he was the real Ronin. How does that-”
“Hang on! Apparently, she gets on Clint’s nerves all the time. Like, drives him crazy”, you giggled.
“Oh… then in that case, it’s fine. She’s cool”.
Bucky couldn’t help but smile at the loud laugh you let loose. “I thought the same. But it also says that she actually helped take her mom down and saved a lot of people, too. But the Clint thing is what really sold me”.
Bucky shoveled more cereal into his mouth and gave you a thumbs up, signaling for you to keep going. He knew this wasn’t a game, and that a very real threat could lurk withing the pages in front of you- but he found himself smiling. He loved spending time with you, even if it was work related.
“Next is another young woman: Yelena Belova, former Black Widow assassin. Known associates include Red Guardian, General Dreykov, and…” Your mouth ran dry at the next name on the list, “Natasha Romanoff. Holy shit- she’s Nat’s adoptive sister”. 
Bucky gave her the immediate thumbs up. He knew just how hard Nat had worked to try and wipe her ledger clean, and trusted that Yelena was the same. His chest ached every time he thought about his friend Natasha- he never even got to say goodbye. Part of him actually hoped to meet Yelena on the off chance that she’d remind him of his lost friend, of the woman who’d helped him get his life back.
“I’m not worried about her,” Bucky shrugged, “What’s next?”
“Okay, um, apparently there was some kind of multiversal opening in New York City that let two other Peter Parkers into our world-”
“Oh, so now there’s three Peter Parkers? Nope. Red flag. I don’t like it.” Bucky gave you a double thumbs down, paired with a dramatic frown. 
“Oh my god, Buck”, you laughed, “you gotta get over this weird thing you have against Peter. He’s a kid!”
“He’s a little asshole, babe. I don’t like him- and I don’t want two more of him running around”. 
You held your hand up to Bucky, silencing him as you continued to read the file on Peter Two and Peter Three. “Okay, just hang on. It says here that the other two went back home already. They helped defeat some guys who came from their worlds- oh, it was that massive showdown at the Stature of Liberty! They took down some guys called Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman, The Lizard-”
“The Lizard? What kind of name is that for a villain?” Bucky scoffed and took another bite of his Cheerios, “Or was it just a big lizard? Like, Godzilla style?”
Your eyes scanned the page for a while before landing on the information Bucky was after. “Oh, ‘The Lizard’ is the alias of Dr. Curtis Connors, a formerly well-respected biologist previously employed by something called Oscorp. So… doctor turned lizard, I guess.”
Bucky shrugged, “alright, well, if the other Peter Parkers fucked off, then we’re good. Who’s next?”
Bucky watched you read over the next page, a puzzled expression pulling at your features. Your eyes reached the end of the text, only to shoot right back up to the top. This was something you’d never seen before, had never even heard of. 
“Next is… okay, it’s this guy- or, guys? I don’t know.” You looked up at Bucky and then back down at the page, “one is a ‘gift shoppist’ named Steven Grant from England, and the other, Marc Spector, is a mercenary from the US.”
Bucky waited for the other shoe to drop. He wasn’t sure what was so odd about these guys, or why someone who worked in a gift shop would grab SWORD’s attention. But a long moment passed without any elaboration on your end, and Bucky found himself needing answers. 
“Okay… so? What’s their deal? Are they a team of bad guys committing gift shop heists or something?” Bucky chuckled at his own stupid joke and dove back into his Cheerios.
“Um… no, not quite. It appears that they’re kind of… two pieces of one person? Like, sometimes Steven does things, but then doesn’t have any memory afterward.”
Bucky laughed with a mouth full of cereal, “huh, been there!”
You rolled your eyes at Bucky, “No, not like that. This isn’t a brainwashing situation. It says here that Steven is an alter of Marc.”
Bucky cocked his head to the side, “an alter?”
“Yeah…” you ran your eyes across the paragraphs of text a few more times before fully understanding. “Ohhhh. Marc has Dissociative Identity Disorder.” You clocked the uncertainty in Bucky’s eyes, the need for more information. “It’s like Steven is living in Marc’s head; Marc created Steven when he was young as a way to cope with the guilt of his brother dying”.
“Shit. Well, that’s- wait, why is he in SWORD’s file? Doesn’t sound to me like he poses even a whisper of a threat”.
You slapped your palm against your forehead with a satisfying smack, “oh, duh, maybe I should tell you the important part- the part that really tripped me up.”
“Let’s hear it, doll.” Bucky rubbed his palms together in preparation for some wild shit, but never could have expected what you said next.
“Marc is an avatar for the Egyptian god of the moon, Khonshu.”
Bucky stared at you with a blank expression, “I’m sorry, what?”
“It says here that Marc was on death’s door after he got shot on a job in Egypt, but Khonshu saved him by turning him into his avatar.” You glanced up at Bucky and then back down to the page, “um, apparently, he now ‘protects the travelers of the night, and brings vengeance to those who would do them harm’. Thoughts?” 
Bucky shrugged, “I don’t know. Sounds like a cool guy to me”.
You rolled your eyes at Bucky, “I mean, yeah, babe. He sounds cool, but do you think there’s a threat there?”
Bucky once again spoke with a mouthful of cereal, “Oh, right. Nah, I think it’s fine. I mean, he protects people, right? That’s his thing?”
Before today, you’d never even heard of Marc Spector or his Egyptian god friend Khonshu, and yet you found yourself tasked with deciding whether he posed a threat. “Um, yeah? I guess? I don’t know… why did I volunteer for this job? I don’t know anything about any of this”. 
You pushed the file containing its many mysteries as far down the table as it would go, hoping to banish the information from your brain. Sometimes, you hated how fast your mind moved. It often left you reeling, spinning in dizzy circles of information. Bucky watched as you slumped forward and grabbed for your coffee, but he couldn’t let you take a sip.
“We both know this is cold, doll. Let me get you a fresh one, okay? I’ll be right back”. He prepared your coffee just the way you liked, adding a sprinkle of cinnamon to the top. Bucky knew just how eager you were to please, how your hand always shot up first when Fury asked for a volunteer. Bucky loved the pride you took in your work, but hated the self-doubt that followed soon after.
He placed the coffee down in front of you and took the seat next to yours. His hands rested gently on either side of your face, locking your gaze on him. “Okay, listen to me. I know I’ve said this to you a hundred times before, but you’re not an imposter.” Before you could come up with a self-deprecating rebuttal, Bucky stopped you. “I know it feels like you don’t know what you’re doing, but everyone feels that way. Nobody knows what the fuck is going on, doll, especially in our line of work.”
“I don’t know, seems like everyone else on the team is an expert in this shit” you grumbled. Bucky was sweet, but his words couldn’t stop the parasite of self-doubt devouring your brain. You’d always felt like your best wasn’t good enough, like everyone else soared while you struggled to get off the ground. “It’s not self-doubt if it’s true, Buck”.
Bucky pulled you into his lap and held you close to his body- it was the only thing that could make you feel better when the negative self-talk crept in. Silencing it was damn near impossible, but if you couldn’t put it on mute, the comfort of Bucky’s embrace could at least lower the volume.
“You wouldn’t be on the team if you didn’t know what you’re doing, sweets. You’re smart, and you’re strong, and you work harder than anyone.” He tightened his grip on you just a bit, “You know exactly what you’re doing, but your mind is sabotaging you. It’s analysis paralysis, baby.”  
Without warning, Bucky shifted you from the comforting cradle of his arms and had your legs straddling his hips. His hands found your face, and his eyes drilled into yours. “Trust your gut! Without thinking- does this Marc-Spector-moon-guy seem like a threat? No thinking! Just answer!”
“No!” you shouted, the confidence returning to your voice. “I think he’s fine. And he’s basically two heroes in one, that’s a pretty good deal”. The smile finally returned to your face as the weight of your task melted from your shoulders. It felt good to side-step the second guessing and commit to what you knew deep down to be the truth. 
Your lips found Bucky’s in a perfect, gentle kiss full of admiration and gratitude. He knew you better than anyone, even better than you knew yourself. He understood the inner workings of your mind almost too well, as though he’d found a manual somewhere and read it cover to cover.
“Thanks, Buck. I know I get a little too intense sometimes, and I can’t stop thinking, and then I question everything, and it’s like this-”
Bucky silenced you with a kiss. “All I ever wanna do is help, doll. I got your back.” He pulled you close and ran a gentle hand through your hair, eliciting a contented sigh from your chest. “You should always trust your gut.”
Bucky didn’t know how right he was. It was a gut feeling that first told you he needed a friend- and another that pushed you to introduce yourself to him. You’d trusted yourself all those months ago when your friends and parents cautioned you against dating the ex- Winter Soldier. And listening to your gut when it told you that Bucky was special had been the easiest thing in the world. 
With a renewed sense of confidence, you reached for the file and threw it open, “You ready for round two, Buck?” 
He gave you a nod and pressed a kiss to your cheek, “let’s do this, baby”.
“Alright…" you sighed, "we gotta talk about Wanda”.
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot @strangerduchess @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz @evangeliamerryll @god-ofthunder @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions
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sevikasangel · 3 years ago
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ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ꜱᴇʀɪᴀʟ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ
𝐚/𝐧: i love samira. i wish she'd kindly step on me.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: headcanons of what dating samira would include
𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭: headcanons ♡ wlw
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‧₊˚✧ ₊˚੭ 𝐬𝐟𝐰 ‧₊˚✧ ₊˚੭
♡ samira's love language varies between physical touch and quality time. with that being said, she's touching you in any opportunity she has. she'll either be wrapping her arm around your shoulders or around your waist, protectively.
♡ this bounty hunter will be grabbing and slapping your ass all the time. she is shameless. will definitely do it in public. she always chuckles and smirks smugly at the mortified look on your face.
✿ "ain't nothing wrong with this, babe. don't pout, you know you love me! hehe, now gimme sum' sugar!"
♡ she loves to go on adventures with you. the riskier, the better. samira won't admit it, but sometimes she'll only take you to dangerous holdings or to engage in extreme sports just so you can cling to her.
✿ "awww, don't be so scaredy, hun! ya know what they say: live fast, die young! hahaha, don't gimme those eyes, i am just playin' with ya. ain't nothing gonna happen to ya with me here!"
♡ if her s.o. is just as wild as her, samira will also love it dearly. outsiders will constantly gossip about how crazy these lesbians can be. definitely a power couple. a very crazy, power couple.
♡ samira isn't too good with demonstrating her feelings with words. but you can tell she loves you by her small gestures: she stares at you when she thinks you're not looking, you're the only one who can play with her hair, she's constantly touching you in public, she brings you special gifts from her missions...
♡ she hates seeing you cry. she's not so good with handling it and she'll become a clumsy mess, not knowing how to comfort you, but she's trying. samira threatens anyone who makes you cry, suggesting that she should give them a fright so they'll know their place.
✿ "ugh, they are idiots! don't waste your tears for such a pathetic person, darlin'. i should go put them in their fuckin' place! why not? they deserve it! oh...ya...ya just wanna be held? okay, darlin'. sorry...i just...eh...okay, come here."
♡ sometimes samira has her own moments of fragility. she buried her trauma six feet deep, however, some ghosts would cross the surface from time to time. it's hard for her to remember her childhood and everything that happened in shurima. she'll choose not to talk about it, and you never push her. samira just rests her head on your chest and closes her eyes. then you know she's having a bad day. the comfortable silence and the feeling of your fingers carding through her hair never fail to comfort her.
♡ samira loves kissing your temple and finds it amusing how you struggle on your tiptoes to reach her lips.
♡ she'll make you flustered in any opportunity she can. this woman is the devil.
♡ sitting on samira's lap all the time. you both love it, specially her.
♡ wear her shirts and she'll do anything you ask.
♡ samira isn't easily jealous, but you can tell when she is. she always huffs and raises her eyebrow at the other person, keeping eye contact as she squeezes your ass. this should be enough for them to fuck off, samira is far too intimidating.
♡ she'll never get violent with you. if she's angry, she will go for a walk or blow off some steam at work. you are her angel, she will never hurt you.
♡ if you do come to arguing, it'll involve screaming. samira has a sharp tongue, so if she comes to make you cry, she will drop it and pull you into a hug. she won't apologize verbally, but the way she takes care of you is the answer you need.
♡ you always blush when samira picks up her gun or sword. something about this dangerous woman has always swept you off your feet.
✿ "heh, ya such a bad girl, darlin'. ya love it when i pull these out, don't ya?"
♡ samira's kisses are either intense and full of need, or tender and cautious. it depends on the moment. however, they always taste like whiskey.
♡ she would literally kill for you.
♡ there are no better words to describe samira besides die-hard girlfriend. she is so intensely in love and devoted to you that she can't even talk about. for her, it's everything, or nothing at all. intensity. so much passion and intensity.
ꕀꕀ ♡ ꕀꕀ
‧₊˚✧ ₊˚੭ 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 ‧₊˚✧ ₊˚੭
♡ samira's favorite part of your body is your ass. small, average, big...it doesn't matter. she just loves to spank it, or watch it jiggle as she takes you from behind with her strap.
♡ she is such a tease. she can edge and rile you up for hours until you're begging her to do something.
✿ "ya want me to do what, darlin'? use your words. oh...ya want me to fuck this greedy little pussy of yours? yeah? better start beggin' for it, baby girl, i ain't feelin' so generous."
♡ if you decide to rile her up, you'd better be prepared because there will be no turning back. she will absolutely devastate you, overstimulating you until there's no other thing coming out of your mouth besides "please" and "samira". she will be very rough. as samira puts it herself, "don't ask for permission, don't ask for forgiveness."
♡ samira has an oral fixation. her favorite place to be is between your thighs while her tongue sloppily laps on your pussy, eating you out like her last meal. she is always moaning and squeezing your hips in place, desperately, like a starving woman.
♡ if you want to eat her out, she will sit on your face and ride it mercilessly. she loves how submissive you look beneath her and your effort to please.
✿ "does it taste good, darlin'? ya asked for it, princess, now ya gonna eat this pussy until i am pleased. i ain't goin' easy on you. ugh, so good! good giiirl! gotta be careful so i won't crush ya...heh, but bet ya'd like that!"
♡ samira can either degrade you like a little slut or praise you like her good girl. it depends on how you behave for her.
✿ "ooooh, baby...good girl. look at ya, takin' my fingers so well. ya look so pretty like this. look at your pretty pussy...ya like it when i/mistress/mommy do(es) this to you? does it feel good?"
✿ "ya are a fuckin' slut. my slut. ya hear me? say it out loud. good girl, ya learnin' to take orders. hahaha, not so full of attitude now, are we? look at this greedy fuckin' pussy taking my strap! i am gonna show you, little slut, who ya belong to. scream my name!"
♡ samira is a risk taker in everything. that being said, she has a public sex kink and will finger you under the table while you're both at the bar. she'll keep on a poker face with a small smirk, asking you what's wrong.
♡ she loves trying out new things. your sex life will never fall in routine because samira is willing to try out anything at least once.
♡ loves role-playing the criminal dominating the cop.
♡ loves pulling your hair while pounding into you or getting her own hair pulled while you're bouncing on her strap.
♡ samira has the filthiest mouth.
♡ she loves gun and knife play. if you are into it, she'll slide the cold tip of her gun through your belly while fingering you and demanding you to beg her not to stop. she can also carve her initials superficially in your skin and then lick away the blood.
♡ samira owns a strap-on with synthetic cum, so expect creampies from her. she loves watching it drip out of your pussy and will tell you about fucking her baby inside of you.
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