#and then there’s one I’m unfucking
chaoticbuggybitchboy · 4 months
Send help the calendars are multiplying
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I would much rather see trans women’s dicks out and them loudly proclaiming how much they love their rape fetishes than to see another fucking phrenology post from white supremacists.
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vacantgodling · 8 months
my favorite hobby is being attracted to people’s ocs that they have disdain for
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anonymolly · 1 year
okay day 3 is BAD
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trollbreak · 1 year
Once again offering to show y’all my gnarly spine X-rays bc apparently that’s how I cope it’s wild that my bones just grew like that
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the-cooler-dracula · 1 year
Losing my fucking mind. Who do you even talk to? Who wants to hear it?
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catsniffer420 · 2 years
Apartment tidy is coming along well…. Slowly, but well. It’s relaxing to tend to my home I think. This little environment I’ve curated.
If I can keep being brave and make sure that I eat dinner tonight, it will have been an OK day. I want to exercise too but we’ll see
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emeraldcreeper · 1 year
Who knew that taking the goddamn pain med and being on a medication that makes me jittery as fuck all of the time, but less sad that other meds caused, but isn’t preventing migraines still would cause me to be so productive in writing! I desperately want off the jittery med because it’s not working but since I’m not like thinking about death all the time in general terms I don’t want off it yet (I see the man who provides brain pain drugs later this month and I will say shot pleaseeeeee or other drug type pleeeaseeeeeee, because I think those will work at all!) and there’s been worse meds than playing with seratonin syndrome so like, if I keep monitoring it, I’ll be fine probably despite the way I feel like I had coffee at all hours!
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futureghost97 · 2 years
personal rambling in tags
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nullians · 2 years
Just realised that a lot of medical appointments I have been evading my whole life were because of the fear of my mother :// Like… 12yo me and the me now… we are both willing to risk our health for the privilege of not having her scream at us… And that’s actually so fucked up??? Like a decade ago I was already that traumatised??? I honestly only remembered this bc of making this to-do list but uhhhhhh. This sucks. I hate to know that I would rather suffer than have her go berserk at me… 😭
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unhinged-nymph · 4 months
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uc1wa · 10 months
thinking about uni!dick grayson with a virgin reader 😵‍💫 i am not ok
you swore you could hear a pin drop the second you’d told the naked man who was hovering your body that you were a virgin. if it was possible, the hot and heavy breaths exchanged in each others mouths halted, as if you both were being silently choked.
one, out of embarrassment. the other… well, if you didn’t feel the drop of precum that dripped down the side of dick’s cock, landing on your thigh, it’s safe to say he was all the more eager to fuck you now.
another ten seconds of staring passes and then he laughs, arms that held his form overtop of you loosening for a moment as he looks away. but blue eyes are quick to catch yours again.
"no fucking way," and now it’s your turn to look to the side in embarrassment. maybe you could’ve said that earlier, but now you’re both naked and close to all foreplay has occurred and the thought just reached your occupied mind.
"we don’t—" and dick uses one arm to bring an index finger to your lips. his finger shushing you while it pushes against your warm lips and turning you to his gaze. you think he’s giving up this opportunity?
it’s not every day dick gets to fuck a virgin. and do you know how stressful his midterms were? it’s like god was thanking him with your naked form under him, your tight and unfucked pussy begging for him.
"i’m sorry," he apologizes lightheartedly, fingers moving from your lips and running down your frame, light and gentle touches teasing the inner of your thighs. you face him with wide eyes, "why..?"
"because i’m about to ruin every other fuck for you."
with that, dick slips two fingers in your aching hole and god, you’re really fucking tight. he moans with you, imagining the feeling of your tightness sucking his cock in, the feeling of your walls surrounding his fingers would be the thing he got off to for the next two weeks.
he barely paid any attention to your moans, the way your back arched off the bed and your eyes that closed. dick, himself, was all too overwhelmed to give a thought to anything besides your pussy.
sitting back, finding placement on his knees, his eyes watched your hole, his fingers that took every spare inch of space inside your prettiness.
"holy fuck," he starts, jaw fallen slack when he wasn’t speaking. "you’re a gift from heaven."
and, while you took it as a compliment. as affirmation that this might not just be a one night stand, dick thought otherwise. his cock throbbed against the line of hair that led to its base, eager to quit finger fucking you and to sink himself in.
and when he finally did, his neck falling slack, backwards as he pushed around each and every ring of muscle, he swore to himself he had to fuck you again.
you were breaking his morals of his fucks being known as ‘one and dones.’ allowing dick to take your sweet and innocent virginity was the drug that had him instantly pussy drunk.
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willowcrowned · 8 months
Sigh. I’m asking about the f*ckable cities
thank you for asking number one fuckable city easily chicago (lake micchy trains bean MUST I say more). number two fuckable city paris BUT she does have herpes and you WILL contract it. number three fuckable city leipzig (not technically fuckable you must make love to her but it will be worth it)
number one UNfuckable city is endless suburban purgatory with ten blocks of what vaguely passes for a real downtown (st. louis). number two unfuckable city is london (obvious)
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bunnisari · 1 year
thinking abt loser!nerd!armin who is so toxic and manipulative
all of middle school, high school, and even college he was bullied for being a “wimp” and a “loser”
he was the “unfuckable weird virgin” of school all his life.
loser!nerd!armin who surprises the whole school and even his parents when he shows off his pretty girlfriend
she’s the most popular girl in school, drowned in pink, and a cheerleader. she was the baddest bitch on campus and everyone knew
you are so deeply in love with him, often showing him off and praising him infront of everyone.
loser!nerd!armin who slowly becomes controlling but in an innocent way
he often uses his sob story from middle school, he’s just so insecure n scared you’re gonna leave him :(( he’ll flash you his watery ocean eyes, begging you to not leave him
you quickly reassure him that you’ll never leave him, telling him how he’s so special and perfect just for you
you think he’s wrapped around your finger but he’s got you whipped
he’ll get so jealous seeing guys flirt with you at parties, “Baby I don’t really like you talking to Jean, he was the one of the people who use to make fun of me” :((
loser!nerd!armin who will guilt trip you into feeling more sorry for him , “I’m so glad I met you Y/N, you give me a reason to live every day” He takes his hand in yours, taking your breath away
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corruptedcaps · 4 months
It had started innocently enough. Claire had found the latex skirt at a thrift store and had taken a shine to it. The normally conservatively dressed girl was taken aback by her own interest in the skirt. It was shorter than what she was usually comfortably with, the material was something she detested and the colour matched none of her existing clothes, in essence it was the furtherest thing from her own tastes but for some reason she walked out of the store with it newly purchased.
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“Wow I don’t know why I wanted this so badly but I’m glad I did it looks great!”. She said happily later at home. She spun around in front of the mirror smiling to herself.
“This will be perfect for my date later.” She said to herself taking in her figure from every angle.
However something was feeling off. Something not quite right like she was missing something. It clicked.
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“My hair is all wrong and I need a facial.” She said snapping her fingers in her moment of realization.
She was never one to care that much about her appearance but a half hour later she was in the salon being convinced to go for a drastic hair change.
“Are you sure? That’s a big difference from what I have now.” She asked the hairdresser who suggested it.
“Absolutely it is but right now your hair says ‘nice to meet you’ but what you really want it to say is ‘it’s nice to meet me.” Replied the hairdresser.
Claire liked the sound of that. Really liked the sound of that as she started to feel a warmth below her waste that was unusual for her.
“Do it.” Claire said in a low register that was laced with sudden confidence and the hairdresser got to work.
As the hairdresser got to work Claire closed her eyes and let her mind drift. She imagined the look on the face of her date when she would show up later looking like a new woman.
“He probably won’t even recognize me, he’ll think I’m there to steal him away. Mmmm that’s kind of hawt.” She thought as the hairdressers’ fingers massaged her scalp sending her further into her fantasy.
“Claire? Sounds like some unfuckable loser. I’m Chantelle, my tastes are as rich as my name sounds.” She imagined saying to her date.
As her fantasy continued she felt a pleasurable tingle coarse through her body, unaware that her simple latex skirt was growing up her body, absorbing her top underneath the salon cape draped over her.
“You seem like a man of refined taste, but can you keep up with mine?” She said in her fantasy while her lips curled up into a seductive smile.
“How about we go back to your place and I’ll show you how delectable my taste can be.” She giggled in her mind playfully.
“All done!” The hairdresser suddenly said, breaking Claire from her fantasy. As the hairdresser moved away, Claire finally got a look at herself in the mirror and her instance reaction was one of shock.
“Who is that?” She wondered as she gazed at the beauty in front of her. Her hair was big and eye catching, her face was smooth and painted with bitchy perfection. Even her eyes seemed to sparkle. So captivated she hadn’t even noticed her outfit had changed.
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The longer she stared at herself the longer she felt a coldness wrap around her heart. Altruistic feelings were being sapped from her as more narcissistic thoughts slipped in in their place. Her face rested into a bitchy pout.
Rising from the chair like a regal queen she clip clopped over to the register in high heels not realizing that she had walked in with sneakers on.
“You look wonderful miss.” The hairdresser praised as she rung her up. Claire basked in the attention. She did look wonderful.
As she walked back through the mall towards her car she felt the eyes of every man on her, drinking her in. The longer they looked the more her mind became wicked and vain.
“Of course they can’t stop looking, it’s not everyday they see a goddess.” She thought to herself as she took her time getting to the parking garage, she needed everyone to see her. She craved it.
Again so occupied by her thoughts that she didn’t feel her outfit change on her body, becoming shorter, tighter. Her heels became taller as her breasts pushed her dress to its breaking point.
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The outfit had reached its final form and in turn had totally corrupted Claire. As she stepped into the parking garage and eyed her beat up car she nearly gagged. This wouldn’t do for a woman of her status.
Thankfully a she spotted a handsome man hitting the alarm off button on his expensive convertible. He would do, Claire thought to herself as she stalked over to him.
“Excuse me, but would you do me a kindness and drop a girl like me home?” She said rocking up to him.
“I’m sorry but-” he said turning around and going mute at the sight of her. She gave him a fake smile as she put her hand on his shoulder.
“I would be so grateful if you could.” She said batting her long eyelashes at him. Looking down at his hand she noticed a wedding ring. Even better she thought wickedly to herself.
“For sure, no problem. Please get in Miss…?” He replied transfixed by her.
“Chantelle.” She simply said as she walked around to the passenger side.
“Chantelle? That’s a gorgeous name.” He said as they both got in the car. She sat seductively across from him.
“Suits me then don’t you think?” She said flirtily making him gulp.
“So eh, where can I drop you?” He said starting the engine.
“Oh your house will do.” She said putting her hand on his thigh. He gulped again as he pressed the button on his car to close the roof, he had a feeling he was going to need the privacy.
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