bunnisari · 22 hours
omg guys I forgot all about seven 😃 I swear I swear I’m gonna finish it I just had the worst writer’s block for like 10 months you think I’m joking and I’ve been having a lot going on mentally 🙂 sooo I’m trying to figure out how to balance that bc iykyk emotional suppressers on top ‼️ but I kinda want to redo the first chapter because I’m thinking of making it a fanfic as well so I want everything to line up yk so yeahhhhhh
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bunnisari · 1 day
You should do a masterlist! I love your posts sm
thank u so much lovie!!!! I started it recently but it’s gonna take me a while to upload all my works bc I have too many fucking posts 😭😭
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bunnisari · 1 day
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𝒞onnie 𝒮pringer (🎀)
soon to be updated!
𝐸ren 𝒴eager (🎀)
overstim drabble !
eren loves thunderstorms !
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bunnisari · 1 day
౨ৎ warnings … overstim, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving)
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“o-okay eren” you whimper into your pink silk sheets. you struggle to free your wrists from eren’s hold, one of his hands pressing them into your back.
you’re laying face down ass up on the bed, eren kneeling behind you. you can barley focus on your words as you feel eren licking and sucking you everywhere. he’s being so messy, smacks feeling the room along with your cries. “okay ren, m’done” you sigh, eyes rolling into the back of your head. eren hums against your drooling cunt, sending vibrations through your body.
he continues to ignore you, stuffing your tight hole with his wet tongue, thrusting as fast as he can. “p..please i wan’ break!” your hands grip onto the mattress, trying so desperately to crawl away from the sweet torture.
you hear eren hum, gripping your hips with both hands to pull you back to him. he pulls away from your hole with a pop, leaning back to look at the mess you made. “why you running away from me, baby?” eren hums.
your hole clenched around nothing, pushing out more and more of your wetness. eren leans over your body, one of his hands rubbing up and down your back. “let me see your face” he coos, his middle finger slipping inside of your pussy. with a huff you turn your face to face eren.
he lets out a giggle at your face, your eyes are all watery and your lips are swollen. one of your lashes is also hanging down. he curls his middle finger upwards, ejecting a moan from you. “you always take it so good baby. aren’t ya so proud of yourself, hmm?” he slides in another finger, watching your facial expressions.
you whimper and clench tightly around eren’s fingers. “…cum again” you murmur out weakly. eren’s heart clenches. his little baby all fucked you, you can barley speak. “i knowww i can feel you” eren giggles to himself again. “such a good girl, taking it all” eren talks you into an even deeper headspace. all you want is him, even closer. all you can think is eren eren eren eren
without warning, your legs shake and eyes roll back. “ohhh fuckkk you’re cumming so much” eren leans back to watch you release. you squirt wetness all over his arm and onto the bedsheets. you whimper and tuck your head even deeper into the mattress.
“ good fucking girl” eren drags his fingers down your wet cunt, rubbing his thumb on your clit before leaving a hard slap on your ass. you don’t get a chance to register eren’s words before you fall into a deep slumber
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bunnisari · 4 days
first user change >.<
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bunnisari · 4 days
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℘rincess 𝒮ari ⋆⑅˚₊ #1 CONNIE LOVER , multifandom ⋆⑅˚₊, requests open masterlist
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bunnisari · 5 days
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bunnisari · 9 days
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Summary: Just namjoon fingering you in his studio as he asks you about your day.
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: idol!Namjoon×reader. fingering, squirting, namjoons lap (it's a warning, yes), kissing.
Authors note: I want him. SO BAD. ___________________________________________
"I was uh..I was walking by her when I c-came and she g-gave me such looks-" you try talking as Namjoon’s fingers abuse your clit. He had you sat on his lap, your hands around his shoulders, your hips sat on his left thigh as he spread your legs slightly to fit his hand under your skirt.
"She did?" He asks, you nod whining. His hands work slowly as if he had all the time in the world.
You had visited him at his studio because you missed him. It had been days since you saw him, so you came bearing ciffe and food. But as soon as you entered the building, the new recruit in his managing team gave you a dirty look.
You were his girlfriend for fucks sake!
"I wanted to smack her so bad, ohhh my-" you trail as he dips his fingers inside you to gather some wetness getting back to your clit again, rubbing it in faster more precise circles.
You gasp, squirming as he lazily sucks a hickey on your neck while making you see stars.
"So good joon fuck I love your fingers." He hums against your skin, squeezing your waist with his other hand resting against your back while his fingers tortured you back and forth from your climax.
"Did you eat something, love?" You nod, feeling the knot inside you, forming slowly and very gradually. His hands slow down his ministrations, and you whine as you feel your legs shake out of sensitivity.
"Joon-" you breathe out as he smiles proudly at the purple mark he gave you on your neck, marking you as his.
"What did you eat?" He asks with hooded eyes admiring the mark he left while you try to make phrases inside your dizzied head.
"I- some- ah fuck- I had a gimbap with my colleagues, mm-" You words stop with a hitch in your breath as he slides two fingers slowly inside you. You try holding his wrists, but then your hands end up clutching your hair because you feel so good.
"Colleagues, huh?" He says, curling the tip of his fingers slightly to tickle that spot.
"Oh shit right there!" Your head falls back as you feel that spot being rubbed in a way that makes your eyes roll.
"Was Mark there too?" You just gasp as his fingers rub your insides and his thumb rubs your clit from the outside. Your brain short circuiting at the amount of pleasure you're receiving.
You squirm in his hold as his other hand makes you stay still. His tongue licking around your earlobe while his fingers abused the little spongy spot inside you.
"I asked you something, love." his voice was so gentle yet firm, making your mind search for the question he asked. Your brain was too dizzy to think with his thick thighs underneath you along with the hard on he had, so you just moaned, clenching hard around his fingers.
He pulls his hand out and smacks your swollen cunt, shoving his fingers once again. Asking you again, silently.
Was he?
"I dont know, I dont know-" you repeat with a high-pitched whine, your voice echoing and bouncing against his studio walls. You're glad the studio was soundproof, or people might think Namjoon was killing someone in there.
He chuckles mocking your thoughtless face, "so dumb, my baby, look at you, my baby can't answer coz I fuck her open with my fingers huh? My perfect little cocksleeve." You clench hard as he makes you feel smaller by each syllable. You squirm in his hold, making him bite your skin underneath your ear.
"I'm close so close oh-so cl-so-" he chuckles as you babble dumbly, breathing heavily against your ears that it makes your mind wander to how hard he must be right now.
The moment your mind travels to his dick you miss it inside you, you want to feel him inside you, the stretch of his fingers making you miss the way his cock split you open 3 days ago.
3 fucking days.
You think you might die if you dont get fucked by him today.
Your eyes water as you feel your orgasm coming closer, his hard on pressing against the back of your thigh, making your mind swirl with dirty thoughts.
Your fucked out brain getting reminded of the way he pounds you against the mattress, the way he fucked you in his balcony 35 floor above the city. How he fucked you open with his cock in front of his mirror, fingers inside your mouth as he pumped himself dry inside you filling with his warm cum.
His warm cum. Oh god.
"Jesus, you're crushing my hand so hard." He says through his teeth as he feels your thighs tightening around his hand, your face buried in his chest.
When he fastens his pace, he pulls your legs apart by his other free hand, making you spread open for him on his lap. Your other leg now in his hold from under your knee, resting on the table in front of him. You were exposed to the studio walls, making you feel vulnerable suddenly.
He keeps you open to the cold air in the room while his warm fingers plunged deep inside you. Squelching so loudly you wanna hide of embaressment but you're so close you think you'll go crazy.
"Oh god--" you breathe out as he picks up his pace, his stimulation on your clit and the spot inside you constant. You legs shake in his hold and your eyes start tearing up.
"Oh make me cum make me cum please? Please? Oh god please!" You mumble mindlessly, pleading him, requesting him, begging him to make you cum as he coos, his fingers never faltering. Your fingers clutch his hair desperately as you look into his eyes, begging, your eyebrows furrowed as he smiles almost mocking you.
"Cum baby, cum whenever you want, make a mess, go on" he says, his breathe heaving in your ears. It's as if he had turned a switch inside you that made you arch your back in his hold. Your cunt squeezing around his fingers as your cum sprays all over his lap. He groans as he feels your walls pushing his fingers out, making him fill you up with his fingers again, making them squelch loudly.
He holds your hips chuckling darkly as you squirt all over his joggers, his fingers fucking you through your high but he needed more so he pulls his fingers out to rub your clit sloppily and you sob.
He pulls you in for a kiss, and you feel your teeth clash as you breathe hard against him. Your body vibrates and thrashing in his hold as he growls against your lips.
"Yeah, good girl," he groans against your lips as you gasp, twitching.
His tongue plunges inside your mouth, and you squeal against his lips, your lips not even moving as you just gasp. Your eyes roll back, your hand clutching onto his neck desperately as his fingers rub your folds, making sure you spill everything you have inside you.
"Thats it thats it, my perfect girl." He coos against your lips, you breathe heavily, tears flowing down your eyes.
You whine, holding his wrists out of oversensitivity, smiling, feeling light-headed.
He smiles looking at you and teases your clit, flicking his index against it. Your body twitches as he does so, just to laugh at how pathetically your body squirms in sensitivity.
"Tch-tch-tch" he mocks you, grinning as your head falls back, his hand cupping your pussy making your eyes roll back. He squeezes, massaging your folds to calm you down.
"You did so good, my baby." He kisses your forehead, caressing your hair. "You okay?" He asks, his voice calming and deep. You nod tiredly.
"Good," he kisses your cheek, "because you're gonna do that again, but on my dick this time," he says, kissing your cheek again, tenderly.
Well, fuck.
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bunnisari · 25 days
I am Mohammed Alanqer married from Enas Majed we have 3 children
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Amidst the ongoing war in Gaza, we find ourselves as a family trapped between walls of fear and despair. I, Mohammed, a father of three children and a husband to a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy, live in an environment filled with threats and risks.
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My technology startup, which I built with dedication and hard work, was destroyed during this war, leading to the loss of our livelihood. My children, Layan, Sarah, and Adam, no longer have the opportunity for education due to the destruction of schools, posing a significant threat to their future.
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- "A souvenir photo of my startup company."-
My wife, Enas, lives in constant anxiety due to her advanced pregnancy and the destruction of hospitals in the area. After losing my job and source of income, I find myself in a severe financial crisis, unable to provide for the needs and safety of my family.
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- "Me and my wife Enas majed "
Our family home was destroyed due to the war, forcing us to flee and move multiple times, leaving us homeless. Everything has become difficult now; we cannot provide a safe place to live, nor can we afford clean clothes and food for our children. Additionally, our children have been afflicted with diseases such as measles, and our son Adam has been diagnosed with viral hepatitis.
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-" layan & sara & adam in the war" -
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Our only hope now is to escape from this ongoing hell and find a safe haven for our family. However, this requires exorbitant financial costs, with the coordination fee for crossing borders amounting to $5000 per adult and $2500 per child, a sum I cannot afford alone.
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- "My home before the war "-
We urgently appeal for your moral and financial assistance to cover the necessary costs for escaping to a safe environment, where we can build a better future for our children and ensure the safety of our family
Thank you for your attention and support, and we hope you can help us in these difficult circumstances.
Thanks 😊@nabulsi 🙏❤️
Thanks 😊 @communistchilchuck ♥️🙏
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bunnisari · 2 months
Today marks the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to make way for Israel in 1948.
Over 750,000 Palestinians were displaced that day. This did not start on October 7th.
Know their history, fight for their future. 🍉
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bunnisari · 2 months
that feeling after finishing a romance book and having to tap back into reality and realizing you don’t have that and most likely never will because a real life man could never
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bunnisari · 2 months
Sudan-a country located in northeastern Africa at the southern edge of Sahara- has been facing an ongoing civil war since April 15th of 2023. About 13,000 citizens have been killed, including children, elderly, woman, and men. More than 8 million citizens have been displaced. About 70,000+ children are facing life-threatening malnutrition, the numbers are steadily increasing. The war in Sudan is triggering the ‘world’s largest hunger crisis.’
It’s a civil war between two rival factions of the military government of Sudan, the Sudanese armed forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Even before the war started, the Sudanese governed was in complete shambles. In almost daily protests for peace and justice, at least over 50 citizens would be killed ‘accidentally’ (they would have bullet wounds in their heads, chests, and other vital areas), women would be kidnapped and harassed by the ‘RSF’, children and citizens would randomly go missing only to be found in underground freezers meant to be used for fruits and other resources.
Right now, more than 25 million people are facing starvation and dangerous disease. We’re almost 11 months into Sudan war, yet not many people are speaking about this. Please take your time to open the link down below, you don’t even need to donate, just share the link to other people who might be able to.
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bunnisari · 2 months
yall about to love me again😊
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bunnisari · 2 months
considering making a new blog just because i wanna start writing again but my account feels so messy !??? idk if that makes sense but i would feel really good making a whole new blog
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bunnisari · 2 months
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"Aʀɪᴀɴᴀᴀᴀᴀ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀᴇ??"
"Sʜᴜᴛ ᴜᴘ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏɴʏᴛᴀɪʟ, ɪ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ғɪɴᴇ ᴀsғ. Jᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs"
"Yᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴏᴜᴛᴀ ғɪɢʜᴛ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs ᴍᴜsɪᴄ, ʙᴀᴇ."
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"Eʀᴇɴ, 24. sᴏᴍᴇ ᴡᴇɪʀᴅ ᴀss ᴋɪᴅ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴇᴍᴏ ᴊᴜsᴛɪɴ ʙᴇɪʙᴇʀ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅɴᴛ sᴇʟʟ ʜɪᴍ ᴡᴇᴇᴅ. ɪ ғᴜᴄᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪᴛ."
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bunnisari · 3 months
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bunnisari · 3 months
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the gentle hair tucking ♡
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