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divinecap · 11 months ago
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Office Chic Set 𖥧
blending casual and professional in this next wardrobe addition, making your Sims feel comfortable yet fashionable! ✨ (keep reading for more info about the clothing set)
free download 📦 patreon – simfileshare
4 6 items
feminine frame
maxis match
custom thumbnails
more info! ℹ️ this set comes with a simple blazer and pair of pants*, separated for mix-and-match styling, as well as a combined suit for convenience. additionally, there is an overlay for the undershirt, found in the 🏷️ gloves category. *note! the pants are not boot compatible.
terms of use – support me on patreon ₊ ⊹
thank you for supporting me! ❤︎ please reach out if you are having any issues, i’ll look into them as soon as im able to..
💌 @alwaysfreecc, @sssvitlanz, @public-ccfinds, @mmfinds, @mmoutfitters
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corruptedcaps · 3 months ago
The Bitch Inside
Katie had had it. Finding the big hoop earrings was the last straw. She had suspected her boyfriend of cheating on her for weeks now. He had seemed different. Distracted. She wanted to believe it was all in her head, but the discovery of those gaudy gold hoops under the couch shattered that illusion.
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She confronted him as soon as he got home.
“Whose are these?” Katie held up the earrings, her hand trembling.
His face went pale. “Katie, it’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh, it’s not? Then explain why I found these in our apartment! They’re certainly not mine!” She fumed.
He hesitated, his mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air. Finally, he muttered, “They’re… Kayla’s.”
Katie felt her knees go weak. “Kayla? Who the hell is Kayla?”
“She’s… no one. It’s complicated.” He said, his face guilty.
That was all she needed to hear. She shoved him toward the door. “Get out! I don’t care how complicated it is. You’re done. We’re done!”
He protested, begged her to let him explain, but she was done listening. She slammed the door in his face, the earrings still clutched tightly in her hand.
Now, she sat alone on the bed, staring at the hoops. Her anger simmered under the surface, a volcanic pressure building with nowhere to go. The earrings were garish, something she’d never wear. Too loud. Too gaudy. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to throw them out. They felt like a challenge, a taunt from this mysterious Kayla.
“I won’t let you beat me!” She said defiantly, lifting the earrings to her ears and slipping them on.
Almost immediately a warm sensation rippled through her body, causing her to fall to the floor. It started at her earlobes and spreading like molten honey. Her lips tingled and swelled into a plush, glossy pout. Her chest heaved as her breasts grew, her bra barely keeping them at bay. Her nails elongated and became painted.
Katie’s mind raced. Memories that weren’t hers began to seep in. Nights out, cocktails in hand, a man’s hands on her waist, a man’s cock that she deftly bounced up and down on. No, not a man. Her boyfriend. But it wasn’t Katie he was fucking. It was Kayla.
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She gasped, clutching her head as her thoughts wavered. “No, this isn’t me. I’m Katie. I’m Katie!”
A sultry laugh echoed in her mind. “Not for long.”
Her hair lightened, strands turning platinum blonde and cascading down her back in silky waves. Her waist tightened, her hips flaring out to an hourglass shape. Her skin darkened to a sun-kissed tan, glowing with an unnatural radiance.
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It was becoming clear to her that the earrings had unleashed Kayla, that her boyfriend had been putting the earrings on her as she sleep, freeing the beautiful bitch. More memories of her awakening as Kayla flooded her mind, she was confident, sexy, and she had her boyfriend wrapped around her expect manicured little finger. It felt so fucking good.
Pleasure coursed through her veins, making resistance nearly impossible. She felt her anger and sadness melting into a haze of desire and confidence. Her posture straightened, her lips curving into a knowing smirk.
“No! I won’t let you!” Katie screamed, but her voice sounded distant, as if it belonged to someone else.
Kayla’s voice purred inside her. “Oh, sweetie, you already have. Look at us. Just let go. It feels so good, doesn’t it?”
Katie looked at her mirror, seeing an undeniable babe staring back. Her resolve crumbled as her body trembled with pleasure. “Yes… no… I can’t…”
“Yes, you can. Beg me.” Kayla said coldly, knowing she had won.
“Yessss! I want it! Make me a bitch. Take over. Just take it all!” Katie moaned as she let her mind become absorbed by Kayla.
With that, the transformation was complete. Kayla sat up on the floor and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. It radiated a confidence and sensuality that Katie never possessed. She tilted her head, admiring her perfect features, her superior smirk curling her lips.
She grabbed her phone and dialed a familiar number.
“Hey, babe, I’m back. This time for good. I knew if she put on the earrings instead of you sneaking them on she wouldn’t be able to resist becoming me. I’m in complete control now.” She laughed, a low, throaty sound.
She traced a manicured nail over her perfect tits, her smirk deepening. “Now get over here. Momma needs a fuck and if you’re not fast I’ll just have to find someone else.”
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chachacharlieco · 7 months ago
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Xak Tural cowboy meets a maiden from Othard and falls in love hard.
For context, Crowind1 finally got to Shaaloani and I thought to dress my WoL as a cowboy and hers was wearing clothes from Othard and we just went along with it. So we had our Primal horses from ARR trials and roleplayed like
"Well hello miss! I've never seen you around here before. Where're you from?" He asked while he rode alongside her.
"I'm from the East, Milord." She spoke gently with a smile that blinded him, his heart racing.
"GOds- "Milord" she says. Are you in need of a guide? A beautiful young lady such as yourself shouldn't be alone in Shaaloani. I-I'd be happy to assist if you'd like?"
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world-of-wales · 4 months ago
Court Circular
4th December, 2024
The Prince of Wales, Founder and President, the Earthshot Prize, this morning held a Meeting in London.
His Royal Highness, Joint Patron, the Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, this afternoon attended a Meeting in London.
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captainskells · 7 months ago
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Assignment 6: Celestial Death Knight
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careerclass · 1 year ago
3 bulan di CC versi ku
Hi, selama 3 bulan ini. Aku menemukan apa yang ingin aku lakukan. Setelah menimbang beberapa hal, kini aku tidak bingung lagi.
Tapi aku merasa masih belum maksimal memanfaatkan CC. Kenapa? Alasannya adalah aku. Aku adalah Gunungnya. Penyebab kemajuanku tidak seperti teman" CC yang lain.
Namun, tak sedikitpun ada rasa iri yg muncul, malahan rasa termotivasi untuk seperti mereka. Yang bersemangat dalam bertumbuh.
Jadi, nantikan aku menjadi versiku yang lebih baik, versiku yang bisa memanfaatkan kelas CC dan bisa berdampak lebih lagi.
Oiya, untuk" teman CC terus menebar apa yang kalian sukai, karena sungguh itu adalah pamantik semangatku untuk terus bertumbuh.
Sehat" kalian dimanapun berada. :)
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divinecap · 1 year ago
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Layla Blouse 𖥧
happy march! 🍀 presenting a classy wrap blouse for your sims, adding both style and comfort to their wardrobe.
free download 📦 patreon – simfileshare
maxis match
feminine frame
17 swatches*
custom thumbnail
*note: long story short, i lost a few important project files and had to recreate them. when remaking the palette, i made some modifications to the color blending methods to increase/improve the contrast.
terms of use – support me on patreon ₊ ⊹
thank you for supporting me! ❤︎ please reach out if you are having any issues, i’ll look into them as soon as im able to..
💌 @alwaysfreecc @mmfinds @sssvitlanz
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chachacharlieco · 8 months ago
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Inner Beast.
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world-of-wales · 4 months ago
Court Circular
9th December, 2024
The Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, this morning chaired a Meeting of The Prince’s Council at Windsor Castle.
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captainskells · 6 months ago
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Assignment 21: A cat pirate with lobster pet
🦐 💖
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careerclass · 1 year ago
Setelah mengikuti career class selama 6 bulan total ya. Rasanya itu...campur aduk bangettt...
Sedih karena belum bisa maksimal, karena memang kerjanya 6 hari. Jadi, pasti ada kelas yang tidak bisa diikuti secara live. Belum lagi, kalau load pekerjaan tinggi, kadang hari libur buat istirahat. Soalnya kalau nggak, lagi gampang sakit-sakitan. Huhu
Senang, karena banyak teman baru dan luar biasa banget. Aku suka mikir. Ini mereka kok bisa ya, aktif-aktif banget. Kreatif-kreatif banget. Kayak, kok, ga ada habisnya energinya. Gimana ya bagi waktunya? Kadang jadi minder juga sih sesekali. Soalnya teman-teman tuh kayak keren-kerem banget, beneran!
Bersyukur. Yes! Ini yang utama sih. Kayaknya kalau ga ikut CC. Aku masihlah manusia yang penuh dengan ketidakpercayaan diri, insecure-an, mudah overthinking. Walaupun belum hilang sepenuhnya. Setidaknya hal-hal negatif seperti itu, pelan-pelan mulai berkurang. Gak apa-apa ya, sabar. Pelan-pelan.
Terima kasih untuk semua tim CC2024. Semoga ke depannya aku bisa ikut kelas secara live lebih banyak.
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aftereffectsprojects · 3 days ago
App Presentation Phone 15 Pro For Premiere Pro Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Get it here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/app-presentation-phone-15-pro-for-premiere-pro/54087545
App Presentation Phone 15 Pro For Premiere Pro Whip up your next app promo or presentation video with ease, and get ready to dazzle on YouTube, Vimeo, or wherever the cool kids hang out! Perfect for app commercials, snappy promos, or fast-paced videos that’ll make your viewers go “Whoa!” It’s so easy, even your cat could do it—just tweak the text, drop in your app screens and you are good to go!
App Presentation Phone 15 Pro For Premiere Pro Features: • Premiere Pro MOGRT Motion Graphics Template (compatible with CC2024 and above) • 14 Placeholders to Showcase your App • Detailed Video tutorial with Voice Over
Get The Beautiful Music Track Here: Future Beats by onlineplanet Get It Here
PLEASE RATE If you like our
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ucfitnessapparel · 4 years ago
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This sexy shorts set is available for purchase at https://sensual-ambition.myshopify.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/cap2-cc2024-restock-id-53382
#buynow #fashion #love #jewelry #shop #forsale #beautiful #earrings #swag #design #mensfashion #photooftheday #womensfashion #rings #me #fashionable #sale #accessories #beauty #musthave #designers #bracelet #women #getit #ring #flawless #readytoship #earring #buy #clothing
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divinecap · 10 months ago
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Asteria Set
a small set for some evening sultriness… (keep reading for more info about the clothing set)
free download 📦 patreon – simfileshare
3 items
feminine frame
maxis match
custom thumbnails
more info! 👉🏽 this set comes with two outfits: a short, split sleeve dress, and a collared halter jumpsuit. a silver overlay for the collar is also included, found in the 🏷️ gloves category.
terms of use – support me on patreon
thank you for supporting me! ❤︎ please reach out if you are having any issues, i’ll look into them as soon as im able to..
💌 @alwaysfreecc, @sssvitlanz, @public-ccfinds, @mmfinds, @mmoutfitters
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corruptedcaps · 7 months ago
A Day at the Bitch
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“Ugh, can’t we get one day of peace from your bully? He always seems to be where we are!” Morgan said as she adjusted her glasses, frowning as she scanned the beach. Her usually animated face was drawn with frustration as the afternoon sun beat down on the sand.
Dexter, slightly taller than her and sporting a matching nerdy vibe with his worn-out geek T-shirt, squinted into the distance. “I don’t think he’s clocked us yet, so let’s just pitch up somewhere far from him so he doesn’t notice. It’s a big beach.” He mumbled, tugging Morgan toward the far end of the shore.
Morgan’s gaze lingered on the distant figure of her boyfriend’s relentless tormentor, Travis, who was tossing a football with his friends. “I swear, he has a radar for you.” She grumbled.
Dexter smiled weakly, trying to lighten the mood. “Maybe I’m just magnetic. People can’t help but notice me.”
Morgan rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips.
They found a quiet spot and set up a big striped umbrella, both grateful for the shade. With their pale skin, the sun wasn’t exactly their friend. Morgan settled into her beach chair, nose buried in a book, while Dexter immediately pulled out his Nintendo Switch.
After a few minutes of play, Dexter sighed in frustration. “Ugh, I left my charger in the car. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Morgan glanced up, squinting. “Don’t take too long.”
“I won’t.” Dexter smiled before heading off, leaving Morgan alone under the umbrella, completely absorbed in her book.
The wind suddenly picked up, and Morgan barely had time to react before the umbrella lifted off the sand, tumbling end over end toward the sea. She leaped from her chair, sprinting after it, but it quickly flew out of reach, landing in the water and drifting further out.
“Damn it!” She muttered, cursing herself for not securing it better. Out of breath, she stood on the shoreline, watching helplessly.
A voice behind her made her freeze. “With skin like yours, you’ll be a lobster in no time.”
She turned sharply to see Travis standing there, smirking.
“Buzz off, Travis.” Morgan snapped, turning on her heel and heading back toward her towel, her heart pounding from the chase and his sudden appearance.
He followed, unbothered by her hostility. “Hey, I’ve got some sunscreen if you want it.” He called after her, waving a bottle casually.
Morgan stopped in her tracks, biting her lip. As much as she hated him, she knew her pale skin was no match for the blazing sun, and with the umbrella gone, she’d be cooked in no time. She hesitated, glancing at him over her shoulder. “Fine! But make it quick.” She growled.
Travis squeezed some sunscreen into his hand, the cold lotion making a squelching noise as Morgan rolled her eyes and turned her back to him. "This is ridiculous." She muttered under her breath but resigned herself to the situation.
He spread the cream over his hands and gently began to rub it into her shoulders. The cool sensation was immediate relief from the heat, and despite her reluctance, Morgan couldn’t deny how good it felt. Travis’ hands were surprisingly gentle, massaging the sunscreen in with soft strokes.
“Y’know, you’ve got really nice skin, and a great body.” He said smoothly.
Morgan bristled at first, wanting to snap something sarcastic, but the compliment caught her off guard. She felt her usual disgust for him soften, if only slightly. Compliments from Travis were rare, and she couldn't remember the last time someone, including Dexter, had said something like that to her.
Her mind wandered, conflicted. She hated Travis, didn’t she? And yet, as his hands moved methodically down her back, she found herself enjoying the sensation far more than she wanted to admit. Guilt bubbled up in her, but her body betrayed her with a deep sigh of relief as he continued.
Travis’s hands moved to her sides, his fingers spreading the sunscreen in slow, deliberate strokes. Morgan’s waist began to subtly contract, growing slimmer with each pass, but she was too distracted by the tingling, almost electric sensation that pulsed through her body from the cream. It felt intoxicating, sending waves of pleasure through her muscles, and she leaned into it, sighing softly without even realizing.
“You know, you could be really popular, if you tried.” Travis said smoothly, his voice low as he massaged more sunscreen into her skin.
Morgan blinked, still half-lost in the blissful sensation. “Oh yeah? I’m sure I’d fit right in with the ‘in’ crowd.” She said jokingly.
Travis smirked, his hands continuing their work. “No I’m serious. Since Amber left there has been an opening for someone new. A little makeup here, some tighter clothes there, and you could own this place.”
Minutes ago, she would’ve been horrified at the suggestion, ready to spit back a retort about never being that shallow. But now, as the cream worked its magic and Travis’s hands moved with expert precision, she found herself surprisingly intrigued.
He rubbed the sunscreen into her shoulders and down her arms. Every inch of her that he touched became soft and tan. He ran his fingers onto her hands coating them in the sunscreen, the white cream running to the very tips of her fingers where they met her chipped and cracked nails. As the sunscreen covered them, her nails grew strong, long and sharp.
Morgan never noticed a thing, instead she found herself thinking of Amber. She had been Travis’ girlfriend, the queen bee of school and someone Morgan has been on the receiving end on more that one occasion. It was true that since she had left there had been a kind of power vacuum at school, all her friends fighting amongst each other for the throne.
Morgan closed her eyes, letting herself drift, and imagined what it would be like to be admired, powerful, and in control. To be like Amber. The idea made her pussy wet in a way she wasn’t expecting.
Morgan was completely lost in the fantasy, her mind drifting as Travis's words and hands worked together to pull her deeper into a haze of pleasure and temptation. She barely registered when his hands moved lower, spreading the sunscreen across her hips and down to her butt.
Only an hour ago she would have jumped or swatted him away, but now she didn't object, too entranced by the tingling warmth spreading through her skin. Instead she let a little moan escape her lips, approving of his venture. As his hands kneaded her, her butt grew plumper and rounder with each stroke.
The sensation only fueled her daydream, making her feel more powerful, more desirable than ever before. Travis’s voice broke through her dreamy haze. “Turn around.”
Morgan did as she was told without thinking, slowly facing him. Now, standing inches apart, she looked up into his eyes and, for the first time, noticed just how handsome he was. His sharp jawline, the way the sun reflected off his well-defined muscles, her previous disgust toward him seemed to erode even more, replaced by something she couldn’t quite explain.
Travis grinned, clearly aware of the shift in her demeanor. He squeezed more sunscreen into his hands and gently began rubbing it into her stomach. As his fingers worked their way across her skin, her stomach started to tighten, becoming toned and firm, as if sculpted.
She could have handled rubbing the sunscreen into the front of her body herself but she was getting a naughty thrill at having Travis do it for her. It made her feel dominant, something she had never felt.
“Of course if you were going to become popular, you couldn’t keep a name like Morgan. You would need a name that's hotter, meaner.” He murmured, his hands continuing their slow, deliberate movements.
Morgan blinked, her mind still foggy. A part of her was trying to rebel, telling her that she liked the name Morgan because it wasn't a bitchy girl name but she couldn't help but slowly nodding in agreement with Travis.
“Yes… a name that’s… luxurious.” She said in her daze.
“How about... Madison?” He suggested, his eyes locking onto hers. She looked into them, almost hypnotic. The name hung in the air, and echoed around her head. Yes Madison felt right, as if she were born to have it. She liked it. No! She loved it!
“Madison…?” She said with a purr.
In her mind, Morgan strutted through the crowded halls of her school, every eye glued to her as she moved with effortless grace. Behind her, a clique of girls, Amber's old friends in fact, followed in her wake. Each of them slutty and mean, but none could compare to her. She was radiant, flawless, the kind of girl everyone admired, envied, and feared. She wasn’t Morgan, she was Madison, The Queen Bee.
Heads turned as she passed by, students whispered in awe, and boys tripped over themselves just to get a second glance. The girls behind her kept their heads down, content to bask in her glow, but knowing they would never outshine her nor dare to do so.
Morgan’s smirk widened as she imagined her dominance over the social world. It felt so natural, so deserved. She could have anything, anyone, at the snap of her fingers.
Back in reality, she opened her eyes, the fantasy still vivid in her mind. "Madison is perfect." She purred, her voice dripping with bratty confidence. It would be the only name she’d answer to now.
Travis grinned back, satisfied. "Yes she is." He replied, his eyes dark with amusement. His hands finished their slow, deliberate movements over her skin and he took a step back to admire his work. Madison let out a soft, satisfied sigh and glanced up at him through half-lidded eyes.
But something didn’t feel quite right to her, she didn’t feel quite finished. She didn’t feel quite like the Madison she imagined but she knew what it was.
That’s when panic started to set in. She wasn’t some bitch called Madison, she was Morgan. She was a good and kind girl. Deep within her, her nerdy subconscious stirred, trying to claw its way back to the surface. She felt a wave of confusion crash over her, the weight of reality pushing through the fantasy.
“No... this is wrong. What are you doing to me?” She said taking a step away from Travis, her voice shaking as the fog in her mind began to clear.
“Relax Madison, just a little more sunscreen and you’ll feel better.” Travis said with a dark grin.
Morgan stumbled back, her breath quickening as she looked down at herself. Her hands, once short-nailed and unpolished, now sported long, manicured nails. Her stomach was toned and flat, her skin sun-kissed and flawless. She ran her fingers over her newly tanned arms, feeling the undeniable change.
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She looked amazing, like the girl she’d always secretly wanted to be, but something felt horribly wrong. This wasn’t her. This wasn’t who she was.
“Why are you doing this to me?” She said suddenly finding confidence in her voice.
Travis stepped closer, his grin widening as he watched her realization dawn. "Isn’t it obvious? I’m making you into the new alpha bitch, the new queen bee. You are smart, much smarter than Amber was. I’m just making you unstoppable. Giving you the killer edge." He admitted casually.
Morgan’s heart raced as his words sunk in. The perfect body, the power, the admiration. It could all be hers. But did she want it?
“But if you really want me to stop, just say the word, and it’ll all go away and you can go back to Dexter.” Travis continued, his eyes locking onto hers. She felt a sudden revulsion at the sound of Dexter’s name.
Morgan gazed down at her perfectly manicured nails, feeling the smoothness of her toned body, the strength in her muscles, the beauty radiating from her skin. The temptation had fully sunk in, and the part of her that once resisted was now silent, overwhelmed by the intoxicating sensation of power and beauty.
Travis watched her closely, a knowing smile on his lips. “So, what do you say?” He asked, stepping closer,
With a sultry smile, Madison took a step towards him, took Travis’s hands and guided them upward, placing them firmly on her tits. “You missed a spot.” She whispered, her voice low and teasing, eyes gleaming with lust.
Travis didn’t hesitate, his grin widening as he allowed his hands to settle where she had placed them. She moaned as her boobs started to grow larger in his hands, her nipples standing on end.
"Of course, a popular girl like me would need a strong and popular boyfriend by her side." She said, her voice silky and horny.
Travis chuckled, though there was a hint of challenge in his eyes. "What about Dexter?" He asked, his tone playful, but he already knew the answer.
Madison scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Dexter? Please. He's a weak, tiny dick loser. He doesn’t 'fit' with me anymore." Her words dripped with disdain, and the thought of being with Dexter seemed absurd to her now.
"Then who would be the right fit for you, Madison?" His voice was smooth, but there was a sharpness in his gaze, as if testing her.
Madison bit her lip flirtatiously and leaned closer, her eyes locking onto his. She slipped her hand into his shorts and grabbed his cock without hesitation. "Mmmm I think this would fit me perfectly." She whispered, her smile seductive and certain.
Satisfied at her new boob size, she sank to her knees and pulled down Travis’ shorts. His cock spring out eagerly and she licked her lips.
“Let’s see how you fit in here.” She said flashing him a cheeky smile and wrapping her pink lips around his cock. She had only given oral once and that was a pity blowjob she gave Dexter on his birthday. She had hated it. Travis on the other hand was different. The taste, the size, the smell. It was all cum inducing.
As her head bobbed in and out Travis put his strong hands on his head, guiding her softly. As he did the excess sunscreen on his hands started to drip off onto her hair. Each drop turned her hair platinum blonde, sleek and perfect.
The sunscreen seeped into her roots and made her head throb pleasurably. Sexy makeup appeared on her face and Travis felt her lips plump up around his cock making them both moan in unison.
She felt her corruption nearly complete. She was nearly rid of the weak loser she had been when she walked onto the beach. She just needed him to do one more thing that they would both enjoy…
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It had taken Dexter longer that he expected because when he got to the car he had found one of its tires slashed. Not much of a mechanic, Dexter barely managed to change the tire with the spare. He didn’t know how but he suspected it had been Travis.
Exhausted he walked back onto the beach to find his umbrella and his girlfriend missing. Her book was still there but she was gone. He looked around the beach but couldn’t find her. He didn’t dare go over to Travis and ask.
Not because he was scared of him though. Of course he was but finding Morgan was more important that his fear for his bully. No he didn’t want to go over because Travis was currently ’entertaining’ a blonde bombshell Dexter had never seen.
She bounced up and down on his cock as if no one was watching. But as she caught eyes with Dexter from afar her gyrations seemed more intense and her moans much louder. Dexter knew it was just his imagination but it was almost like she wanted him to see. At that moment he wished he had the umbrella to hide his pitiful erection behind.
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chachacharlieco · 3 months ago
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My farmer found the cookies from their trash bin but SHH don't tell him.
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