#as if I’m comfortable being documented as crazy
the-cooler-dracula · 1 year
Losing my fucking mind. Who do you even talk to? Who wants to hear it?
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irisinluv · 20 days
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Isekaied as the Yandere Villain!? Pt 2
Part one
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It was almost 2 minutes before I realized I was still dragging the crown prince behind me. I quickly dropped his hand and looked at him, not able to hide the embarrassment on my face. Listen- I’m committed to the bit. I WILL be the crazy jealous fiancé. But… I’m still human ok. I just dragged a full grown man down several halls and a flight of stairs while I spaced out thinking about how I’m gonna buy my cat premium wet food once I get back home to her.
It’s fine, I’m not flustered at spacing out about my cat, my characters just flustered because she’s been holding the hand of the man she’s obsessed with, that’s all!
“Well…. Did you still want to dine and take that walk?”
I expected him to scold me for my mistreatment of Cressida, grow irritated from me dragging him along like this. Instead, he chuckles and threads his arm in mine, and begins escorting me down the hall.
“Absolutely, have you dined outside by the roses yet? There’s this lovely pavilion that I am eager to hear your thoughts on.”
And that’s how I found myself under an impressive array of roses, all trained up and around a cozy dining area, creating a canopy of green and pink over an intimate tea table. The food was equally impressive, I had to keep reminding myself that the other me is used to this lavish lifestyle, to not gawk at the fancy tiny sandwiches and deserts.
“Well? Is everything to your liking? ”
I’m going off script here, how am I supposed to know how the villainess would react to a romantic scene like this?? If my “evil crazy” side isn’t supposed to be directed at him, and she’s usually kinda distant and unsure around him…. That means I should probably respond pretty curtly, polite, yet not really engaging. But…. I’ve already messed that up…. I guess I can be more genuine when it’s the two of us like this. He can think that this version of me is the facade, that I’m pretending to be pleasant, and then will start to see what a jerk “I” truly am when Cressida’s around. Besides…. I almost feel bad for the villainess. She really just seems like she was shy. Who knows- maybe, if given the opportunity, she really would have opened up more. It’s clear she loved the prince, and just didn’t know how to show it. So, with that thought, I made up my mind.
“It’s breathtaking! Roses are my favorite flower, and I’ve never seen so many kinds in bloom at once…. Plus the food and company leave little to be desired.”
There you go- slip in some subtle flirting! I’m not quite sure what time period this is supposed to be, but I get the impression flirting as bit more high class here, and I think I can have some fun with that.
“I’m glad, to be honest I was a bit flustered asking you to dine with me… you caught me quite off guard today, but in a good way.” He reaches his hand across the table and places it on my own, “I’d like to do this more often, you and I. I feel like the confines of our current arrangement have left us practically strangers, despite being engaged for several months already. I’m enjoying just being companionable with you, even if it’s just existing comfortably in the same room.”
Ohhhh, I know I’m the villain in this story but I can’t help but root for him- what a sweetheart! It’s so obvious he’s been lonely, I can’t wait for him and Cressida to fall in love and have a couple of kids that they’ll spoil rotten. And in the meantime…. Maybe I do have a bit of evil in me, because I’m going to selfishly enjoy this handsome man treating me to lunches under roses and reading in cozy libraries while I can.
“I know exactly how you feel your highness. Now, you mentioned a walk?”
We spent the afternoon laughing and chatting, and it felt nice to chat without worrying too much about my role. He asked me about that book I picked out earlier, and listened attentively as I caught him up with where I’m at in the plot. In turn, I asked about what papers he’s been signing, documents he’s been drafting, etc.
The only thing I had to do was send glares to any young ladies we passed, settling my hand on his arm possessively, and I saw their eyes widen and faces disappear behind fans as they whisper to one another. I can picture this illustrated in a manhwa- the nasty princess sinking her claws into the gullible prince… hopefully all these ladies will start gossiping and we can really cement this evil persona of mine now that Cressida’s here.
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When we returned to our separate apartments, I explored my rooms a bit until servants came to get me ready for dinner, and I slipped back into the frigid bitch persona. The servant girls dressed me in a slightly stuffy gown, but I had to admit, I looked gorgeous. I sat stiff and straight as they did my hair, forcing myself to be the very picture of cold indifference. I then dismissively thanked them for their help, then sat there awkwardly as they stared at me like I was crazy.
Ohhhh shit…. The original story hadn’t prepared me for this. My character was a villain, yes, but a side character for the most part! How was she supposed to act towards her servants? I went over what I knew- the novel showed the villainess alone quite often, usually obsessing over Eric and plotting/stalking. It showed her with Eric, and how distant and awkward their relationship was when together. And then of course the numerous scenes with Cressida where the Villainess did all sorts of heinous things to the sweet girl. But… it never depicted her with servants, or even any friends or other nobles. Just… Eric and Cressida. Was other me not actually a bitch all the time? Am I being unnecessarily rude right now? Oh god I’m such an idiot.
The story is told through Cressida’s point of view- of course there’s more depth to my own character than I initially thought! The Villianess must be a misunderstood introvert! Unsure of how to act around her crush, she’s fiercely insecure and jealous of this new girl who doesn’t struggle the same way she does. When she notices the prince slipping from her grasp, she acts out against Cressida because she can’t bear to lose Eric!
As someone’s who’s worked minimum wage jobs and struggled with social anxiety most of my life, I try to be nice to the people just working to survive, but here I am acting like these poor women are the dirt beneath my shoe…. Ok. Um. Well they’re still standing there in shock, I can fix this….
“You really did a lovely job… my hair has never looked so gorgeous, you’re truly talented! And I think the prince will be very pleased with this choice of ribbon!”
There- I was nicer, and I brought it back to Eric, so I’m still the lovesick fiancé whose entire world is waiting for her in the dining room. I frowned as the servants scuttled out of the room with hurried excuses, all of them looking like they were about to faint. Damn it… I can’t believe I misread the relationship between us. I probably just ruined their night by being uncharacteristically rude. I’ve gotta learn their names next time…. Maybe ask them to help me eat some fancy pastries as an apology…?
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I didn’t know it, but while I was lamenting how wrong I was about the Villainess’ character, the servants were all gossiping to the others about what had just transpired.
“You’re telling me she said THANK YOU!?”
“Yes!!! And then you should have seen how nervous she got! She just rambled, blurting out such a sweet compliment, and she even tied it back to the prince!”
“I had no idea how precious she was… I can’t believe I never realized she’s just shy! In a new place, all alone aside from her new fiancé…. Who I gather she’s got a bit of a crush on! Poor dear.”
“Ohh our sweet girl, I’m sure it must be hard bonding with the prince, when all you do is sit yards apart and hardly speak …”
“Well I may have some news about that… and it’s no wonder she was a bit flustered today, because I saw the two of them in the gardens today! They were both nothing but smiles- absolutely smitten with one another!”
“Such a lovely girl, and we never knew it all this time!”
Apparently, I had it backwards. The real villainess truly was a 2D, basic character. She was insecure and possessive over the prince, bullying Cressida half to remind her who Eric belonged to, half for the fun of it. But she didn’t let on to anyone about the true depth of her love for him. She didn’t gossip to her handmaid, didn’t ask the servants which dress he would like better. Simply acted as if they did not exist, hardly saying a word to them.
While I thought my blunt “thank you” was colder than they were used to, and then tried to smooth things over…. It was more words than they’d heard from me in the whole time I’d lived in the palace. They lapped it up and declared me their own shy little dove after that.
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When I arrived to dinner, I realized why daily dinners weren’t exactly a bonding activity for the villainess and Eric. The table was massive, and only held two chairs, one at either end. It felt so…. Cold?
Eric had beat me there, and quickly stood up from his seat, waiting until I sat and a servant pushed in my chair to retake his own seat. He smiled at me and said,
“Good evening, princess.”
He had to project his voice slightly. It wasn’t like he was shouting or being loud, it was just the manner of speaking you use when talking to an elderly relative, clearer, and enunciating better so they could hear you.
I replied back, projecting my voice similarly, and found the conversation was, in fact, more awkward than it had been earlier. We ate our food mostly in silence, occasionally one of us would say something and the other would stop moving their utensils on their plate, listening closer as they ask,
“What’s that?”
By the time dinner was over and we each went to bed, I felt drained. I could have just been louder I suppose- but it’s so hard to keep up a conversation like that. I know we get along- we had chatted all afternoon after all. But some part of me realized it’s probably good to keep a bit of distance between us, even if I’ve rewritten things to be a bit chummier between the two of us. Cressida needs to swoop in and steal him from me… and my job is still to leave that room for her to do so.
It’s hard trying to be someone else, yet also making sure you lead the plot in the right direction- it’s exhausting! I feel like both director and actress!
It’s with this in mind that I launch myself into the softest bed I’d ever felt, and passed out. My first day as princess consort, the Yandere fiancé, complete.
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While I was getting acquainted with my feather bed, Eric was speaking with the head waitstaff.
“Yes, tomorrow, would you mind adjusting the seating situation? I’d like for the princess consort and I to be closer together from now on. Yes, and ask my assistant to arrange my schedules like so, I’ve detailed it here. Thank you.”
At the same time, Cressida was recounting her run in with the prince and I to her handmaiden as she finishing unpacking and settling into her family’s guest apartments. Which, unbeknownst to me… was right across the hall.
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Aaaa! You survived your first day! And look at you- doing suuuuch a good job staying true to character. Nothing could go wrong… right?
Tag list for the series;
@bitternsweet @tonightwrites @confused-they @lanxianschoenheit @poptrim @siriuslyobsessedwithfiction @one-really-annoying-tree-rat @anonymousdisco @forbidden-sunlight
Tag list closed! Stay tuned for part 3!
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2K notes · View notes
kittyscupcakeandbunny · 7 months
Crazy over you x Min Yoongi
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The last bite
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Bunny Hybrid, Hoseok/assistant.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
Authors Note: okay that’s a lot to unpack here!! First of all, I’m sorry for any grammatical errors, second I hope you guys like the last bite of this story, truly I cannot thank you guys enough for waiting and being here with me in this journey!! Let me know what you all think in the comments and see you guys!! 💖
🩸My master list 🩸
< Previously
Everything felt so unreal ever since we left the clinic. I had went through all the documents already, Jin and me signed all the forms for Yoongis adoption and we had already meet before taking our leave.
I couldn’t believe it even tho me and Jin were heading to my new apartment, taking the snake hybrid to my home where he would live for the rest of his life from now on. With Jin being his brother he wanted to be in charge of the entire process - and he wanted to see Yoongi finally free and in a comfortable home. I was glad Jin was there the whole time, i felt like i could lean on him if i felt nervous and i was only able to carry on with this process because of him.
We exchanged many smiles on the way, both of us shared the same fellings of excitement right now. Yoongi was in a different car behind us to accommodate him better, the white van was spacious and was safer for him to be transported to his destination.
It has been two weeks since i finished setting my knew apartment and making new adjustments to ensure it would be a comfortable environment for a hybrid Snake to live in, things i never once considered for myself i was now buying for him. I felt so nervous about the whole situation i made the decision to get a new place entirely for him, i feared my old small apartment would feel like a cage for him and immediately stared looking for a new place for us. This time he would have his own room, the apartment was simple but spacious i made very clear that a bigger place was a must when I meet with the agent.
I took some time off my work so I could be there for the first few weeks with Yoongi and help him adapt, I knew that with drastic changes he would be at his most sensitive moment for him and I was glad to have Jin by my side. He was so polite with everything, I couldn’t ask for a better friend and on top of that Yoongi was his brother. I could trust him and so could Yoongi.
When we had started the adopting process, Jin finally decided to talk things out with Yoongi and come clean about being his brother. It was a lot to unpack for Yoongi and unfortunately he didn’t liked the facts that much but, they’ve been trying. It wasn’t going to be an easy or quick thing to fix, I can’t blame Yoongi too. He has been living his whole life alone without family and now Jin appears to be his brother, both males were mature enough to know better then push a relationship they never had.
So far I knew they’ve been doing their best at being friends with each other, but they still need time.
When the car stopped in front of the building, my heart was almost coming out of my chest I felt an immense pressure the entire drive but even now it was like I was about to burst in all directions.
I shared one look with Jin before the both of us got out of the car, the van parked right behind his. I made my way around it towards the back as the staff opened the back doors to get Yoongi out.
For safety reasons he had to be on his collar but other than that he was completely free.
The weather today was nice, I felt great knowing it.
I watched as Yoongi came out of the car on his own, eyes wide open watching every little thing around him in complete awe, the sun shined over him making his scales noticeably lighter. I reached my hand out for him, his eyes immediately turning to mine as he walked towards me.
I geve him a small nervous smile, he looked me up and down before closing his hand around mine. This was the first time we were seeing each other outside the clinic, the first time he saw me as just me. Not his doctor.
I couldn’t decipher what was going on in his mind in that moment, he had a neutral expression. But he kept looking at every corner of my face, maybe wondering if this was truly real. That he was here.
Jin walked right behind with us as we entered the building, no one said anything but the silence was comforting in a way.
As the elevator begin to go up Yoongi stood closer to me, hand sneaking around my waist making me turn to him to give him a smile. This time he shyly smiled back, looking down at our hands still intertwined. I have been thinking about how our lives would be from now, what we would do together and how it would feel to be so close to him everyday. At first i was nervous, it is something the two of us never experienced before and i kept thinking: this is much different then being with him as his doctor. That thought made me nervous, but now, as we stand so close to each other i don’t feel nervous anymore. I don’t have to be someone else with him and i can just be myself. Not long after the doors opened and we all left at the same time, a few feet away in that long corridor was my new apartment, I was excited for everything that would come after we cross that door.
Yoongi must’ve notice, because I felt his hold in my hand slightly tightened. Immediately feeling his presence putting my nervousness at ease as I looked up into his eyes, his thumb caressing over the back of my hand the whole time.
The door had a smart digital lock, it was fancy and i wasn’t used with that knowing how forgetful I could be at times I made sure to have the pass code writing inside my wallet and after pressing the password in it feeling the snake hybrid eyes fallowing my every move, the door opened.
I let both Jin and Yoongi get in first standing behind to close the door, while i put my things on the small table beside the shoe rack stealing glances at the two. I watch as the brothers look around the entrance room.
The living room was the biggest part of the apartment and as soon as I entered i’m welcomed by simple but modern atmosphere of the living room, the apartment had a glass wall and we could see the entire city from the living room. I catch Jin looking around amazed as Yoongi looks around the white couch running his hands over the fabric.
- this view is incredible - Jin said, turning to face me.
- please, Jin we both know your house is much bigger than mine - i said, walking up to him.
- yeah…. But i don’t have this view. Is almost like a 3D movie screen.
- I know right, I fell in love with it and I knew I had to get it - I tell him - at night is even more beautiful.
- I can imagine… - he says - you gotta invite me sometime for dinner sometime.
- oh yeah… besides Yoongi could use a friend- I said, pointing out were the hybrid has been this whole time.
My eyes instantly turning back to Yoongi, he seemed to be lost in thought looking around the room and touching everything. Anything i learned about snake hybrids is their sensitivity towards certain fabrics, their dopamine levels rise up around comfortable fabrics. Yoongi looked the happiest naked in a nest of velvet covers at the clinic, i still remember the day i wore a pencil black skirt with said fabric and he couldn’t stop touching it. With his words: it scratched a part of his brain he never knew. It was like giving catnip to a cat for the first time, for that reason i had to pick all the house furnitures very carefully. I can’t have a overstimulated snake hybrid walking around the apartment.
- what do you think? - I ask him, walking towards him - I change some things around for you and I also did some research for your room.
He didn’t answer at first, eyes shined brighter taking in every part of the room before focusing on me. He still wore the clinic uniform and it was hard to believe he was mine like that, i was eager to see him in the clothes I bought for him. I wanted for him to experience all of the world, things he was never able to before.
He was still probably processing everything that was going on in that moment, i knew for a fact that it would take some time for him to adapt fully to this new environment. He has a lot to learn.
- this all is just for us? - he softly asked, as if not believing - just us?
- yes, just you and me - I assured him, taking his hand in mine running my thumb over his knuckles - is our home.
He smiled, looking down to hide the soft shade of pink on his checks. Not being able to hold much longer I close my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug which he immediately fell into. Holding into me just as tight and almost tripping us over.
A sight of relief left my lips, he was finally free and he trusted me enough to be here with me. One thing about our clinic adoption process is mutuality, it has so many layers but the most important one is how both the hybrid and potential owners feel about each other. Once you apply for adoption, two meetings are required. One with the director and doctors of the hybrid and one with the hybrid, that way both parts get to know each other better. Not every clinic works this way, but now that Jin was fully in control of the clinic he made sure all the procedures regarding the hybrid’s adoption were done correctly and with much care.
Letting go of Yoongi slowly I pull him by the hand to the other side of the room, towards the kitchen.
- let’s continue the tour.. - I said, as the two fallow me.
I show him and Jin around the house properly, starting with the kitchen on the right side of the apartment, the dining table was what separated the living room from it, highlighted by the chandelier above the round dining table.
The laundry room was close to the kitchen, everything here was simple and neat. I didn’t try to get any extravagant items or forniture it hasn’t been long since I moved here anyway, and i wasn’t really a fan of colorful and expensive things. The apartment was minimalist but comfortable, although the apartment did came with a billiard table from the last owner.
On the left side of the apartment was where our rooms were in a small corridor after the space where the billiard table had been placed, in a place like this usually people would put a piano there but i was sure the last owner was a men. Who would leave a billiard table behind and put it in there?
- don’t tell me you got that? - Jin asked pointing out the said table, a tone of mischief on his voice as he stared at me with a grin.
- it came with the apartment… those things are expensive and as much as I’m the best when it comes to this game, I wouldn’t buy a pool table Jinnie - i said, the three of us stopped in front of the table.
- yeah, you wouldn’t…. But now you definitely need to envite me for dinner - he said, walking around the table.
- said the guy that literally has his own play ground at home - i tease.
- but i dont have you to lose to me there - he teased back.
- don’t go there… you know i never lose - i said.
We would continue on arguing jokingly, but i felt Yoongi pulling on my hand turning me fully towards him.
- what’s this game thing? - he asked, almost innocently but i saw how he would look behind me at Jin earning a chuckle from him.
They are brothers. And i was here thinking - more like hoping, praying for the gods - that his jealousy would disappear once he finds that out, but now both males keep getting on my nerves with that. Jin knows how possessive Yoongi gets and he teases his brother in every chance he gets, using that against him and then Yoongi does the same thing and so on i have to stand between the two as they carry on arguing about who’s the best and the list goes on. To think they both are adults.
- is a fun game… i’ll teach you when we are alone - i tell him, which earned me a smirk from the hybrid. I feared the game was his least priority once we’re alone.
With that i carry on the little tour on the last rooms of the house, first showing Yoongis room which was in front of mine. I made sure to get him a spacious bed with his favorite covers, the silk and velvet were a dream to sleep on he wasn’t wrong about that. So much i got those for my room as well.
- this is your room - I tell him, opening the door for him to enter - I made sure to make is as comfortable as possible but if there is anything you would like to add or change you can just tell me.
He stood in front of the king size bed, eyes roaming around every corner of the room attentively. I didn’t add much decoration for his room, not knowing what he would like i thought it would be better if he choose what he wants.
I watched him carefully wanting to catch all of his expressions, sharing a look with Jin who seemed to be just as excited as i was in that moment i could swear i saw tears under his eyes.
And i understand him, he was watching as his brother finally got a home of his own. Despite everything he got his brother the freedom he always deserved.
- I like it… - Yoongi said sitting over the bed.
I exchanged a smile with Jin, chuckling as the he turned to wipe the tears off his face and so on I continued with the last part of the tour.
…. 3 days later ….
I had made the decision to take a few weeks off from work to focus fully on accommodating Yoongi at home, it was something new for the both of us and I was so nervous at the beginning i didn’t get any sleep the first night but now that three days have gone by I felt like my nervousness was all for nothing.
Yoongi was adapting so well it was almost as if he had lived here his whole life, he learned so fast and without even asking for help. It was like watching a drama unfold right in front of me, I was there insisting on helping him at every second but all it took was one glance and he managed everything by himself, I thought the first days with him being in the same space as me would be the hardest ones but it was truly so peaceful. I was worried over nothing when it came to Yoongi, three days out of the clinic and he already learned how to cook.
Three days again before Jin left ha and i had made the decision to stop giving Yoongi suppressants, now that he’s in a safer space having his own space helps ease the situation for his heat. It would take some time for it to come back so i would have enough time to prepare myself for it, the two of us haven’t really talked about it yet. None of us mentioned what happened at the clinic and i was too nervous to say anything now, busying myself with his adaptation here trying to get away with it. We needed to talk about that, i knew that, but things weren’t as easy. We were so different from each other deep down i was just afraid I wouldn’t be able to give him what needed.
Before anything three days ago Jin and I had a talk with Yoongi about all his protocols from now, he agreed on the stop of the suppressants and for the future exams and check ups it would only be needed to take twice a year every six months, to ensure his health is good.
Everything aside, I couldn’t lie even if I wanted to.
For the first time in my life I was waking up in the morning every day for more then just doing my duties, I had reason to wake up with a smile on my face every morning knowing I would see him there.
The past days Yoongi created a routine of his own, he would usually wake up before me and make us coffee. Stand behind the kitchen counter while he stared at the window wall as the sunlight shined through, making the entire room look like a golden dream.
Every morning my heart was filled with so much happiness, just the sight of him made any worries disappear completely and today it wasn’t any different.
I made my way to the kitchen while closing my sleeping robe, fallowing the sweet scent of hot coffee.
- morning… - I said, gaining his attention as i entered the kitchen.
I walked around the counter where he stood, eyes locked on his as he put the mug down closing his arms around my body in a tight hug. The smell of coffee filled the entire apartment deliciously.
- morning… - he mumbled raspy over my ear, moving just enough to plant a kiss over my lips. Quick and soft.
- how did you sleep last night? - I ask him.
I watched as his features immediately changed into a bitter one as soon as the words left my lips, I knew exactly what was coming after that but the way he scrunched his nose was so cute I couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped my lips, which I immediately tried to hide the moment he tried to move away from me. Immediately holding his waist tighter pushing him against the counter.
- awfully…. So terribly uncomfortable I nearly had any sleep and is all your fault - he said, hands falling over mines.
- I know, I know… - i blinked cutely, fallowing his face at every turn he made to avoid my gaze.
- no, im not taking it anymore… - he said, a pout forming on his lips and I had bit my own lip to hold back another mischievous giggle.
He’s been acting so cute lately it was making so hard for me to resist, it was like the old grumpy snake hybrid I once knew was gone and was replaced by a cute pouty snake hybrid.
- i’m so sorry my pookie… - i watched as his ears immediately turned red over the nickname i gave him, even the slightest and most innocent nickname was enough to make him turn red and hide his face shyly. I was at the point of bursting watching him.
- no… i’m not your… whatever that is you said - he turned away to the side, his scales shined like golden petals over the sunrise coming through the window.
- all of this because I didn’t let you sleep with me? I thought you liked your own room.
- I do… but I thought that now that we are both alone here, you wouldn’t be away from me - he turned back, staring down at my eyes.
- we’ve been through this already…
The truth is that ever since we’ve been here, we only went as far as a few kisses on the couch while we cuddled. Our nights just as our morning were spent completely stick together on the couch, the tv would play some aleatory movie the we never payed much attention to honestly.
He would usually fall asleep over me while I run my fingers through his hair not so long after i would fall asleep, until one of us wakes up hungry and the kitchen becomes a playground for the curious snake hybrid.
- I just want you to have some space to figure things out, especially now that you’re clean from suppressants it could be a bit overwhelming and I don’t want you to have a hard time - I tell him, running my hands over his waist down his hips.
- you care too much for me - he says, finally giving in and smiling softly.
- always - I said, leaning towards his chest to plant a quick kiss the the exposed skin.
- don’t think you’re free from this discussion… - he said, voice sounding much lower this time.
I looked up at his eyes our faces bearly centimeters away, noses brushing softly against each other.
- what discussion? - I pushed innocently, making him scoff over my lips.
- you’re gonna make me lose scales, y/n.
I felt his smile grow the moment i closed the distance between our lips, warmth rising up all over my body the second his hands traveled over my back up and down, softly scratching over the fabric of my robe.
Until the growling of my stomach interrupted us.
- what are hiding in there? - He teased poking my belly and my cheeks burned shyly like wild fire.
- funny… - I dry laughed makings the snake chuckle even more.
- well let’s give it some food before you eat me for breakfast - he teased.
I hit his shoulder playfully and we begin with our morning routine, making some breakfast for the both of us while he seats there watching me.
… 6pm …
We’ve been entangled on the couch the past two hours, binge watching a new drama. Earlier Yoongi decided to spent almost two hours in the bathtub, he used three bottles of bubble bath and made a mess all over his bathroom saying it was my fault for not letting him shower with me. But in the end he cleaned up his mess so i wasn’t mad about it anymore, craving popcorn i was ready to make some butter popcorn when Yoongi said he would made them for me and I shouldn’t have left him alone in the kitchen to pick a movie. He managed to burn it and almost set the fire alarm of the apartment, i was speechless. But i just couldn’t get angry at him, he looked so devastated after burning the popcorn he had the biggest pout on his lips.
I took the charge of making the popcorn again and told him to wait in the living room but he stayed and said he would watch me so he could learn, I thought nothing of it and just continue my business to focus to notice the snake hybrid sliding closer the moment i turned to place the now done popcorn into a bowl.
A gasp leaving my lips in instant surprise the moment the snake holds me from behind, i giggle feeling he sink his face a the curve of my neck. He’s been doing that a lot lately finding amusement on catching me off guard just to tease on my weak spot, i held on his arms turning my face toward his kissing the tip of his nose. He smiled holding me tighter.
Yoongi has been gaining some weight since he left the clinic and i was trying to keep my composure at how fast he was getting stronger, he wasn’t the small snake hybrid left to die at the clinic anymore. Yoongi was growing muscles and eating better then he was before, he looked much healthier now and i was happy for him.
I leaned against his chest, feeling the woody scent surrounding us. After three bottles of bubble bath he at least gonna smell nice for days now. I chuckled at the thought turning to face him, never letting his touch slide off my body he smirked at me.
- is this… - i leaned closer to his face, smelling alcohol on his lips - is this whiskey?
- is that what it is? - he asked, innocently.
In that moment i was hit by a wave of shock, i was completely at loss for words, looking closer at him i realized he was fully drunk. Cheeks red and eyes bearly open not to forget the smell of whiskey on his breath. Just when did he drink so much? I turned my back for three seconds?
I wanted to curse myself for being such an alcoholic in that moment, maybe i should’ve hidden my supply of alcohol in my room and not right beside the pool table. What was i even thinking? Yoongi is free now and just like a kid, of course he’s gonna take a taste of everything new to him.
- how much did you drink? - i asked, worried. This was the first time I heard of a hybrid drinking alcohol, god knows what kind of side effects that could have on him.
- a cup? I dont really know - he mumble.
- a cup? Shit… how did you drink that? - i was so utterly worried.
- with my mouth? - he said, sarcasm dripping down his lips like the whiskey in his breath.
- no way Sherlock…. - i held my temples leaning away from him. Just what am i gonna do with a drunken snake hybrid now?
- why? Was i suppose to drink from yours….? - he chuckled drunkenly, making me look up at him with red cheeks.
This kind of side effects is what i was trying to avoid.
- you… - i didn’t even knew what to say, he just stood there laughing as if this was the funniest thing to him.
And for that small moment i laughed with him, i don’t think ive ever seen him this happy. Gummies out at how big he was smiling, chest moving up and down faster he could bearly hold himself up while laughing. Jin is gonna love this.
- okay dunk boy, eat - i shove some popcorn on his mouth - i need you less drunk now.
He nodded while eating. I took the bowl of popcorn with me in one hand and the snake hybrid with the other to the living room, the movie was playing on the TV but failed to catch my attention. As i put the popcorn on the coffee table i made a small run for the bar beside the pool table, looking over the bottles i found one still opened and in that moment i wanted to kill Yoongi - he drunk half a bottle of jack.
- you drunk half a bottle! - i gasped, turning to him.
He sat on the couch legs crossed with my bowl of popcorn watching me as if i was the crazy one.
- you have so many…. - he mumbled, throwing one popcorn on his mouth - also i wasn’t gonna drink much… but it was so weak, i had few more gulps.
Half a bottle of jack was weak for him.
- this movie sucks… - he said, getting up.
- what?
My mind was failing to comprehend anything that was happening right now. Maybe i should call Jin.
- I’m calling your brother… - i said, making a turn to go on my room get my phone.
Before i could take even a single step towards my room i was pulled by the hand and turned towards the snake hybrid, he had a drunken smile on his lips while he looked down at me. Mischief shined through his dark eyes like never before - note to self: hide all the alcohol under my bed.
- lets play instead… - he suggested looking over the billiard table - if you win against me, you call Jin.
I scoffed.
- and supposedly if i don’t? - i said, closing my arms over my chest.
- i get to decide that later…. - he said.
- careful Yoongi…. - i warned - you learned this only yesterday.
- but i learned from you - he teased back.
- and i never lose…. - i said taking one cue stick, smothing the tip with the chalk.
This was going to be quick.
- who starts? - i asked, watching Yoongi fallow my moves getting a cue stick and smothing the tip with chalk.
- you start… pookie - he said.
I chuckled at the nickname. This snake hybrid has no idea was coming.
I position myself over the table aiming at the white ball, striking it quick at the color balls i put two whites on the wholes. A confident smirk rising up to my lips.
- sorry… looks like I’m wining already - i tease, walking around the table eyes looking straight into his.
If he was nervous or not i didn’t know he seemed to be focused on me only, but I couldn’t blame him. I was gonna win this in no time.
I position myself once again aiming for a ball closer to a corner whole and in the corner of my eye i notice Yoongi moving to the other side, now focusing back at my aim the cue stick slides between my fingers and just as I’m about to strike Yoongi corners me from behind hands over my hips making me lose completely my chance.
I scoffed turning to look at the sly snake behind me.
- ops… you missed that one - he smirked, pointing at my missed move.
- i wonder why?
- maybe you’re not that good after all…. - he mumbles, walking around the table to strike his move.
I wasn’t expecting him to get it on the first try and that was my mistake, he did learned from me after all.
He gets four balls in without missing after that, I swallowed hard feeling my pride hurt bit by bit. He just learned that how is he doing it as if he was born in a billiard table, i couldn’t believe it..
When he strikes another one I’m already moving towards the mini bar besides the tale, filling myself a cup and drinking all in one gulp. When I turn back Yoongi is watching me with a cunning smirk.
This sly snake was getting on my nerves - i never lose.
- is hot out of a sudden, don’t you think? - i say, playful. He stared the game going dirty and so will i.
Opening the bottoms of my blouse one by one I quickly take it off, keeping on the white crop top i wore to sleep. Putting my hair to the side to expose more of my shoulders.
- aren’t you gonna play? - i press, smiling innocently.
There was another minute he didn’t move, eyes staring me up and down while he licked over his bottom lip. He cleared his throat before positioning himself to strike, but just as i expected he missed.
- ops… - it was my turn to tease, positioning myself right beside him in strike my move.
Once i get my hands on to strike i never miss a single ball, i grew up playing this no one can beat me at my game. Right now i was almost finish, glancing up at Yoongi every now and then i notice he was starting to grow nervous. I wasn’t gonna call Jin anymore, after the first cup i drank another and another cup. I wasn’t weak for drinks, but i was having so much fun with Yoongi now i had long forgotten why i was even going to call Jin.
Two more balls in and i would win, so I position myself to strike the last colorful ball of mines.
- i could mate with you over this table…. - Yoongi mumbled more to himself but i heard exactly what he said.
It made me lose completely my chance to strike.
- maybe i should do that when i win this game - he looked up at me, smirk dancing in the corners of his lip placing the cue stick over the table.
He walked around the table towards me, like i was his prey in that moment and he was ready to take me as his victim. Yoongis words were like his poison, infiltrating my mind with thoughts I wouldn’t ever consider myself.
Like him bending me over this billiard table right now and doing everything he wants. Maybe I should let him win this time.
Once he was right there in front of me, he took the cue stick of my hand and placed over the table. Pushing me against the table with his body he rested his forehead over mine, hands falling over my hips he drew small circles with his thumbs.
- you win… - he whispered - but don’t call my brother, i feel like throwing up.
- that’s not because of Jin - i chuckled - you drank too much, come on… lets get you some meds pookie.
I caressed his face softly before taking his hand in mine to guide him back to the kitchen, my guess was that hybrids were much weaker for alcohol and it affected them much faster then for us humans. So i was quick to him some medicine before taking him with me to the couch and let him rest some more till he sober up.
It didn’t took him much longer before he was back at being his usual cute self and i finally found a movie to pass time, the popcorn was cold now but i still ate half of it.
The bowl of popcorn half empty sat on the small table in front of the couch, Yoongi was half asleep between my legs while I run my fingers thought his hair caressing the back of his neck every now and then.
I had a mind full of thoughts about today, i was sure that his het would start soon and after tonight that thought was rotted inside my head. Maybe the mention of mating tonight set that alarm in my head and I remember all what i was preparing myself for.
- you should tell me when you feel your heat coming - I tell him, quietly.
- what if I don’t? - he teased, lifting his head from my belly watching me attentively with a tired smirk over his pink lips.
- I’ll just found out on my own then - i shrugged.
- like you did before? - he chuckled.
- hey!
- for someone who knows so much about us it took you so long to find out i was in heat - he said.
- only because you were the first snake hybrid on my care - I explained - and you lied to me about it, remember?
- yeah… but I didn’t lied about yours - he says, eyes suddenly turning darker.
- well, I’m not… I mean, now… - I stumbled on my words, it felt so weird trying to explain him how different it happens for humans especially since is different from woman to men.
- I know, I can smell on your skin… - he said, making the curiosity go wild on my head.
- how? What does it smell like? - I ask - I truly can’t tell.
- humm… - he purrs lowly, supporting his hands at both sides of my head to pull himself up.
He leans down burring his face on my neck, taking a deep breath in.
- when your in heat, you smell like… lust - he whispers - and when you’re not, you smell like…
He moves away slowly, looking into my eyes eyebrows furred in concentration as if looking for the right words, lips half open over mine, the more seconds that went by the more he seemed to get lost in a maze.
- warmth… - he whispered - it makes me want to be completely stuck around your arms and never leave.
… 2 days later …
I could tell his heat was getting closer to a start after the two days that went by. Yoongi became insanely clingy the last couple days and It wouldn’t be a problem of course, but the snake hybrid simply decided to steal the keys of the apartment just so i wouldn’t leave and so far I wasn’t even able to step one foot out in the past days.
I searched the entire apartment already and I couldn’t find the damn keys, if only his behavior had stuck with the clingy part but he also became annoyingly a tease. In every sense.
His heat had already started and he could’ve taken me as his so many times, but i wasn’t ready and i kept pushing him away and not letting him sleep in my room. For that reason he’s been acting out on me ever since.
The mornings we used to share with innocent kisses and a light delicious breakfast, turned into make out sessions over the kitchen counter and nonstop teasing while i try to cook, our afternoons of binge watching dramas turned into marking and scenting sessions for him. But it was just the beginning, Yoongi could still control his rut pretty well and he used that against me every morning.
The first time he started to scent me was when everything went down hill and i knew it would only get harder for him to control it.
I trusted him to tell me when his heat begin to show so i could help him and I was confident it would take at least a few more days, that was my mistake. And again I didn’t notice the signs.
A few days ago when the weather had changed so drastically, it had been raining since late that morning. So the two of us decided to just cuddle on the couch for the rest of the day, i was usually the bigger spoon when we cuddle but the cold weather made me seek warmth on Yoongi. Not knowing what was going on with his sudden quietness i just brushed off as him being tired and held him tighter, every minute that passed I grew more sleepy from his soft caress on my back, hugging him and burning my face on the curve of his neck.
My body was just seconds before completely falling asleep when he moved, i groan against his chest in disagreement while he pulled me down with him between his legs.
He stared to softly place kisses over my cheek, down my jawline and brushing my hair away with his fingers to expose the skin of my neck. Kisses slowly fading into more needy touches while the second passes and I was complete unaware of it, until soft kisses turned into deep and wet ones.
I was fully alert and ready to lean away from him, my wrist was closed to his neck placed beside his head to support me up but he was quick to stop me as if predicting what I was going to do, he held my hand towards him to pull me back.
- just a little more…. - he murmured over my ear, voice soft but low and raspy as if he was drunk - I won’t do anything… just, stay a bit more like this….
He didn’t move until every part of my body fully gave in, he took his chance in that moment and bit into the curve of my neck. Not enough to sink his poison on me, just enough to leave a red mark on my skin for days.
After that he did let me go, but things were different now that his heat has stared. I wasn’t one to complain, i loved every minute i spent under his touch. He wanted to torture me for not letting him sleep beside me, but his ways of torturing consisted only on teasing me till I can’t take it and then leaving me all flustered.
It was late a night and i was getting ready to sleep already when i decided to questioned him about his heat. The door to his room was always open, i watched him from the corridor moving side to side before entering his room.
- are you okay with you heat? Do you think is gonna get bad any time soon?
- no… I can control it right now - he said, while picking a change of clothes to shower.
- okay… - I murmured looking around his room seeing as how neat everything looked - you didn’t make a nest?
He scoffed before turning around to fully look at me.
- i would… but someone doesn’t wanna let me sleep with her - he said, making my cheeks run hot.
Before I could even let another word leave my lips he was pulling his silky shirt off, making a mess of his hair and exposing all his torso to my eyes.
It was not something new to me but it always made me go insane how beautiful he looked, every time it felt like i was seeing him for the first time. His scales looked much healthier and shiny now, i notice how they seemed to have grown even more towards his v line. Shiny lines almost unnoticeable at how delicate they were on his milky skin, making he look like a diamond.
- wanna watch me undress? - he teased.
- is my house - I said back, eyes rooming every centimeter of his body shamelessly making him chuckle.
He walked towards me quickly closing the distance between us two, using his own body to push me against the wall.
Just like that all the air was gone from my lungs, the heat radiating from his body so intensely it felt like a warm blanket surrounded me. And again those dark glossy eyes were focus on mine like they used to at the clinic, making chills run wild down my spine.
Every part of my skin knew his touch so well and urged for him.
- I need my keys - I blurted nervously, finally remembering the reason why I came here.
- no… - he said.
- please Yoongi, I can’t be stuck here anymore… - I plead, finding the courage to look up into his intense eyes filled with darkness.
He didn’t say anything at first, the snake switched looks between my eyes and lips in that moment. Maybe calculating his options? Or just thinking about how he’ll tease me later for it.
- let me sleep with you from now on and I’ll tell you where they are - he said, a smirk filling his lips teasingly.
I took a deep breath before deciding on what to do, it had to happen sooner or later. I knew that. I just wished I could’ve prepared myself more for what was to come the moment i decided to let him in, the two of us kept saying it was all just for sleep but deep down it was obvious. The moment we are alone over that bed we wont be sleeping anymore.
- okay.
I needed the keys and in that moment I had no idea where that would even lead me, he said he had his heat under control and o trusted that. But far way in my mind something keeps telling me he was far away from any control.
- keys? - I asked, making his smile grow even more.
- my back pocket - he said, as if it wasn’t anything.
- no way… - i was not believing but he just shrugged at me still smirking - it was with you this whole time?
- put your hands inside it if you don’t believe me - he dared.
I swallowed hard blinking a hundred times - his back pocket, he meant his ass my keys were in his ass this whole time - before slowly moving my left hand towards his back pocket, face burning like a damn volcano about to explode. I couldn’t even look at his face in that moment, he knew exactly what he was doing.
I bit my bottom lip the second my hand slide down his ass, feeling the skin over the thin layer of his silky pants. Sucking in a breath as my eyes looked anywhere but the snake hybrid in front of me.
- oh… - i exale, looking straight back at him. It was empty.
He smirk grew wider, leaning even closer to me.
- wrong pocket.. - he whispered over my lips.
I swallowed hard again, looking down between us too nervous to stare into his dark glossy eyes but inhaling fast at the sight of his deep v line covered in scales so close to me.
No, i used to treat his wounds. I shouldn’t be nervous right now. This is nothing.
Body burning in nerves I reach for the other pocket with my right hand, feeling his minty breath brush against my face teasingly. Sliding my hand one more time down his ass, reaching inside his pocket.
He leaned closer making my attention go back to his face, this time he looked as nervous as I was. Eyes bearly open, bottom lip caged between his teeth.
The more my hand moved down his bum the harder he bit into the flash and just then I felt the cold metal of the keys and quickly grabbed them.
His expression changed fast after that, leaning away from me as quick as he could.
- we’ll sleep in your room… - he said, before turning away to leave for the bathroom.
After a long bath I went to check on Yoongi to see if he was still in his room but i didn’t find him there, going straight back to my own room while i tried to massage away the pain on my neck only to find the snake hybrid shirtless all spread over my bed.
- where your clothes? - I asked.
- don’t look at me like that…. - he said sitting up - everything felt itchy on my scales.
- oh…. Should I take a look at them for you? - I said making my way towards him, when my thumb pressed a painful spot on my neck i groan out in discomfort.
- no is fine… - he slides towards the end of the bed were I stood - what’s with your neck?
- I don’t know, i think I’ve slept in a bad position last night it’s hurting a lot now…. - I say - are you sure you’re fine? I can….
- I’m fine, come here - he interrupted me, pulling me by the hand making me straddle his waist.
- Yoongi….
- shh… - he smiled softly, pulling the hair away from my neck - let me take care of you, hum?
I blink nodding, watching his attention drift to my shoulder as he pulls the shirt slightly down to expose more of my neck. He begins to carefully press at the curve of my neck with his fingers, my body was immediately filled by relief as he worked his way around my neck and shoulder.
- I can feel some tension here… - he murmured pressing a bit harder at the curve, and my eyes rolled back in relief.
He chuckled lowly at my reaction, holding my hair away with his free hand to continue his work.
- if you had been sleeping with me you wouldn’t be sore like this… - he teased.
It was my turn to chuckle.
- lies… - I said, staring into his eyes.
He looked back with the same amount of dirtiness on his mind and I decided it was my turn to make him red.
- where’s my nest? - I asked, holding myself from bursting out laughing the second he catch what i said.
He looked extremely worried and embarrassed, almost chocking at his own words.
- oh my god…. - I laughed out, closing my arms around his neck - sorry pookie… I was just teasing.
I kissed his forehead.
- I’ll wait for you to make one for us… - I whispered to him.
- I thought you didn’t like them… - he confessed.
- what do you mean? I like it - I assure him, caressing the back of his neck. Resting my forehead on his.
In just seconds he had me pulled against him and turned us over the bed, hovering over me between my legs. A gasp had left my lips at the sudden movement, holding into him tighter until his eyes opened again staring down at mine in complete lust.
I didn’t expected him to act so quickly after asking for a nest jokingly, it was stupid of me.
He got up lazily eyes still glued in mine, I watch as he made his way towards the closet getting back with three more covers.
He was going to make a nest for me.
He dropped them at my feet before taking one at the time and laying them around me until he was satisfied with it, he had a focused expression on his soft features and then when he was finally done he looked me up before saying anything.
- I wanted this ever since I first saw you at the clinic… - he said, hovering over my body slowly - I want you for the rest of my life, y/n.
Staring into his glossy dark eyes once again, I’ve never felt more out of breath. Every moment with him had been so intense lately, as if all the cells in my body were anticipating this moment knowing what would happen, urging it to happen.
- bite me… - he whispered over my lips - like you did last time.
It was different than last time, at that time us being together was completely forbidden but now we are free, we have each other.
Pulling him closer I kissed his lips, not taking any more seconds. Groaning into his mouth every time his skin came in touch with mine, feeling shivers burning down my body never failing to drive me insane.
I was so high already and we had just stared, trailing my fingers down his back and earning a few groans from him. He bit into my bottom lip, leaning away just enough to stare into my eyes.
There was a different glow around him this time, something I haven’t seen before.
His chest moved against mine, hands sliding up and down my sides each time heavier and sometimes scratching over the layers of my clothes, teasing us both by dragging his own need to touch my skin.
The cold tip of his nose delicately moving against the side of my face, his hot breath slowly seeping through his lips over mine. The minty scent from his tongue danced over my lips deliciously but he didn’t do anything. He continued his soft tease, waiting for me to make his wish come true.
I slowly started to feel his back muscles, softly touching over the scales on his body. They felt so soft to touch just like the velvet we were surrounded by, each time I caressed them softly I would feel Yoongi swift over me slightly. His scales were one of his very sweet spots and he continued to squirm and sigh over me at every little touch, making me grow confident and needier.
He was starting to pant against my neck, groaning lowly making the need in me to tease and play him grow more and more. Remembering his little trick with my keys earlier, I let my hands travel down his spine and past his hips. The moment my hands slipped down his ass he squirmed harder, body falling completely over mine and a groan escaped his lips.
In that moment I bit into his shoulder, my teeth and tongue sliding over his skin sinking into his flesh harder just to licking over it. Carving a mark of my own on him.
- mine… - I whisper breathlessly over his ear.
- fuck… - he moaned over my neck, lifting himself enough to stare at my face.
He was biting his own lip, bruising himself enough to draw blood out of it. If it wasn’t now I would be worried for him but, he looked so handsome in such state of lust. I was completely lost in him, capturing his lips in a lustful kiss.
This time his hands had no mercy over my skin and i was completely sure I would find a few bruises here and there but I couldn’t care any less for it, I wanted them and I wanted him.
- mate with me… - he whispered over my lips completely out of breath - be mine y/n… I wanna do this with you, y/n.
I softly caressed his cheeks before nodding, he smiled before leaning down again leaving a long peck on my lips trailing down my jawline and towards my ear, bitting softly at my neck.
I knew what would come for me in that moment, it was a one way trip with no way back.
- make me yours… - I whispered in his ear.
Feeling the harsh bite over the skin under my ear, he sank his poison into it. The feeling was immediate, the first time the snake hybrid had bitten me was so painful and his poison was sickening but tonight it was completely different, I’ve never felt so high before like this before. Completely drunk on him so much even the smallest touch was enough to make me squirm and moan, just looking at him made me drool and needy.
He smirked knowingly traveling his kisses down my chest, hands sliding past my waist and stoping on my hips to grip into the flesh before sliding up inside my shirt.
Ripping off the fabric of my body with his hands, I breathed out lost in his arms. At the same time he was rough his touch was full of love on my skin, every part of me he gripped into he left a kiss over it.
He stares into my eyes with fondness, fingers running along my face pulling my up by the waist with his other hand, that way I’m sitting up with him on his knees between my legs.
I take the chance to run my fingers over his sides, feeling the scales under the tips of my fingers.
He cups my face kissing my lips hungrier, growling over my tongue. His raven hair is mess now, sweat drips down his neck and my fingers as I grip at his locks.
Bringing him closer I bite into his neck again, Yoongi gasp holding waist tighter and probably bruising the skin. But I couldn’t feel any pain, only the burning sensation all over my body driving my out of sense.
He stops the kiss, eyes locked over mine, seem to slightly go out of focus, a pool of stars all for me to stare into.
I push him down against the bed forcing him to lay down, slipping off my last piece of clothing before doing the same to his pants.
Crawling on all fours back to him, I watch as he stares at me in complete awe, Yoongi gulps down biting his on lip while he savor me with his eyes.
- you’re so fucking beautiful… - he murmurs. Eyes glued on me.
I chuckled at his reaction, running my fingers over his tights seeing how his dick twitches at the slightest touch before finally claiming his lips in a kiss.
He moans deeply pulling me closer.
- Mine… - he moans.
- all yours.
He pulls me by the thighs making me straddle his waist, feeling his hard dick press against my pussy deliciousy, sending us both into an overheated state.
I watch as Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut biting his lip as a groan escapes his chest, finger tips rubbing over my thighs leaving marks.
The burning sensation of the pain makes me move my hips against his instinctive, Yoongi’s eyelids flutter and his head tilt back as gasps make his chest heave up and down quickly. Another growl comes out of his chest and he moves his hips forward, the waves of pleasure seeping through my whole body making me shiver and lose control over my upper body, using my hands to keep me up against his chest, feeling how he breaths deep.
My eyes fluttered open to watch his lustful eyes in complete bliss, he squirms underneath me moaning out my name.
The sound of his voice sending shiver down my body, the feeling sends butterflies through my stomach. I let out a deep moan, grinding my hips into his. He growls, digging his nails into my thighs. Then sliding them upwards gripping my boobs, my own hands covering his for support as a continue to move against him.
Yoongi pulls me back against his chest, claiming my lips into a messy kiss. Stopping my hips from moving so he could slide inside me more easily, the feeling of his cock filling me up so good was making my head pound in arousal.
Yoongi moans loudly, trembling under my hands, lips searching for mine desperately, biting into the flesh of my shoulders sinking his poison into me while he moves his hips against mine, I pull the back of his hair biting my own lip in arousal moving my hips with his.
The pleasure is almost unbearable, so good every time I close my eyes I see stars, running my fingers through his raven hair holding him tight against me.
- breathe y/n…. - he whispers against my neck, sitting up in bed with me over him.
His hands grip my hips harder, his poison on my system was sending me into a frenzy of pleasure, each time, more.
- breathe… - he continued to whisper - just like that…
Not so long into that I feel my whole body shaking on top of him, knees starting to hurt from being like that for to long, but even the pain felt insanely good in that moment. Making me crawl into him more and more, he held me tighter before turning us around once again.
Hovering over my shaky body, Yoongi gripped into my hands as he pounded into me harder, throwing my head back while my knees are shaking in weakness, I moan out his name. Felling the dizziness claiming my body as he continued to pound at an animalistic force inside me.
- yoongi…. Fuck - I moan out, as he slides one hand between our bodies working his fingers over my clit.
- Y/n… fuck cum for me - he groans over my ear, circling over my clit with his fingers ripping a deep orgasm out of me.
- Yoongi…
But he doesn’t stop, even after he fills me so deep, I feel his cum dripping down my pussy. He doesn’t stop moving his fingers, claiming my lips into a messy kiss he trails down my neck, leaving marks down my chest, sucking on a nipple.
- Yoongi… too much - I moaned out breathlessly.
I couldn’t make a single thought in my head and I loved it, my legs were shaking from his fingers circling over my clit nonstop, body aches tiredly but it felt so insanely good.
Yoongi growls, forces you closer pulling my thigh with his free hand as he he worked his way down my body with his tongue, leaving wet kisses everywhere.
- fuck… - it escapes my lips once I figure out what he was planning.
How he wasn’t tired after almost fucking me into oblivion, I didn’t know, but I was so grateful.
Ending his trail over my pussy he leaves a long lick down to the bottom of it, making me instantly arch my back.
Yoongi forcibly pulls on my thighs against his shoulders, locking me completely down and starts his feast on my pussy.
- fuck, Yoongi… - I cry out name, fingers gripping his hair.
The feelings is so insanely good, I moan and mutter words uncontrollably, words that make no sense to me, but feel so good, screaming his name out loud, shit, the neighbors will definitely file a complaint against me.
The sounds he was making driving me to the absolute bottom of the hill, gripping into his hair, myself and digging my nails over my skin.
- too much… fuck - my knees were shaking again and he didn’t stop, holding me closer.
Yoongi is sucking on my clit so harshly I started to fear he might bruise it down there as well. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it my body started to convulse, the delicious sensation began again to fill me up and I’m cursing and squirting all over him.
Yoongi sits up with a groan, he touches his own face, picking up the remains of my orgasm of his face, licking his fingers as I watched him completely fucked out.
Chest rising up and down tiredly, he hovers over me, hooking his fingers behind my neck just to pull me closer resting his forehead over mine.
- fuck me… - he moaned out, making me look up at him.
- You’re crazy - I tell him breathlessly, we both chuckled.
- Please… - he plead, pulling me in to claim my lips in a desperate kiss.
Yoongi grips my waist pulling me to the side as he lays down on his, he whimpers against my lips in a sloppy kiss, hands gripping every inch of skin.
He tugs me closer to his aching cock, holding my hips firmly to move against him. The friction is insanely good.
- you smell so fucking good…. - he mumbles - please, y/n, fuck me…
He buries his face between my boobs planting kisses over them.
- fuck you’re insane, Yoongi - I moan, gripping his hair.
Yoongi whimpers pulling me tighter against him, holding my hips to make me rut against his cock. I pushed him down while fixing myself between his legs, hovering over his body a begin to plant kisses over his neck, leaving sloppy licks over his scales.
His chest started to move up and down rapidly, he purrs deeply when I wrap my hand around his cock, feeling how he throbs under my touch.
He squeezes my hips, sweet whimpers leave his lips and I watch with pleasant eyes the snake hybrid squirm in front of me as I start jerking him off quickly, making he growl my name before returning to the slow peace of before.
He whines, throwing his head back.
- is this good my Yoongi? - I tease, watching he squirms as a reaction.
- So good… oh, so good y/n - he groans, barely keeping his eyes open - please, fuck..
- What is it baby? What do you want? - I taunt moving my hand terribly slow over his cock.
- Wanna… fuck, wanna cum… - he moans, trembling when I start jerking him off quickly.
His pretty cock spits pre cum, the sounds of my hand moving around his throbbing head driving us both insane, the moment he started squirming I knew he was getting closer.
- yes, yes… y/n you’re so good - he moans, hands gripping the covers.
- Cum baby, make a mess for me.
He starts to moan my name repeatedly, bitting his own lip until his legs are shaking, cock throbbing under my fingers while leaking his cum all over himself.
I run my hand over his belly covered on his milk, spreading it on his abs before moving closer, pressing my lips against the curve of his neck.
- such a good boy… my Yoongi - I praise, leaving kisses alone his jawline.
- - that was so good… - he mumbles, closing his arms around my body in a hug.
- Humm… you are insane - I said against his chest, running my fingers over his shoulder.
- I’m yours - he state, making me look up into his eyes.
- I’m yours too - I whisper over his lips, softly claiming his between mine.
He pulled me over his chest and we cuddled together, finally letting the tiredness begin to kick and let us get some sleep.
And tomorrow I would wake up happy, knowing it would be in his arms. Forever.
Taglist: @yoongiwantsme @effielumiere @danielle143 @dragons-flare e @awanderingangel @blue-and-grey-army @crystallizedtime @fairywriter-oracle @rosquilleta @m4gg13-g @unadulteratedlyunique e @kpopmultistantrashsstuff f @anaspectoflife @younhakim29 @yoongislatinagff @kimsonlyluv @slut-4-yourmom @illnevertrustmyselfagain @bangchanbabygirlx @itsskyvoltage @welcometomyworld13 @momnomnom @honsoolgloss @kimtaehussy @amariemoore @starrlo0ver r @whipwhoops s @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe e @catlove83 @tarahardcore e @liveyun @4ukiyo4 @sukonsukuna a @passionandsuga @missroro @btspurplesky @watermelon2319 @mukeovernetflix @lopprhe e @acquiescence804 @locket-hrt @myspi2010 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @armydgirl l l @jaxyy219 @viankiss @shycreationdreamland @the-reas0n-is-y0u @nothingsreal420 @sckalykoko @lucis-noctiana
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madamechrissy · 21 days
Take Me Home Tonight
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ Law Professor Satoru Gojo x Student Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Gojo is like 29 here, reader is like 22 or 23. Nothing too crazy. But is Professor/teacher forbidden type love. In this chap- Fingering, cunnilingus, blow jobs, explicit sex, rough sex, breeding kink, mentions of violence, descriptions of violence (ANGSTY CHAP)
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ 11k
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ After passing your LSATs, your friends take you out to unwind. You never go out, so you are awkwardly agree, and you end up in the arms of a super hot man named Satoru. You end up screaming Satoru's name as he drops down on his knees before you, only to lose him in the club. All you have is his first name. Two months later, in your Criminal Law class, your heart stops. Your teacher? Professor Gojo. Or as you soon call him, Professor Dickhead. You can't fuck up your law school, and he won't fuck up his career, not just because he makes you wet in class, no, he's a dick. Right?
That pout and blue eyes don't wreck you, right? - Lawyer AU (If you wanna be tagged in updates let me know 💓)
Chapter 8 - Masterlist
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Chapter 9
Books are scattered all over Satoru’s dining room table, as you both are nibbling on food together, papers and pictures, documentation and even… weapon photos, evidence photos. How Satoru and you could both eat while looking at these things really made you both a little questionable, but in a way you feel so comfortable, with your years of eating while watching true crime.
Satoru Gojo is your person.
“Okay, look here, see the wound marks?” Satoru asks, sipping on a drink and leaning over you, his one arm around your waist as the other sets down the glass and points to bruising on the victim’s face.
“Oh.. it’s left-handed isn’t it?” He nods, sighing.
“Smart little brat.” He kisses the top of your head briefly, before bending over to snatch up the other document, with another victim. “Now look at her.”
“Oh shit… left-handed. Wait, there's two victims?”
“No. Two different cases.” He sighs, sitting next to you and frowning, so serious then, you gently rub his back then. “So, I haven’t told you my worst fear.”
“What is it, Satoru?” You murmur, and he looks at you with those beautiful blue eyes for a moment.
“Well, now my worst fear is losing you.” He caresses your cheek, and you melt, planting a kiss on his brow gently, sighing.
“It’s one of my new fears as well.”
“But my original fear? Putting someone innocent up, and letting someone awful go. Considering I’m a defense attorney typically, it’s the latter that haunts my dreams.” He rakes a hand through his hair, and you place your head on his shoulder, brushing your fingers down his back.
“I imagine that’s a horrible fear. And unavoidable in some situations.” He nods a bit stiffly.
“It’s the worst, and I’m worried it happened.” You blink a bit, trying to follow what he was talking about, and his fists clench at his side. “I lose myself with you. Which is beautiful, but when I was alone last night I was thinking of this case, and similarities to the first high case I did… and I think it’s fucked up.”
“Do you think you missed something, Satoru?” You gently ask, and you hate how sad he looks, forlorn.
“I do. There was a case where I saw no way to do anything but get this kid life sentence, because the possibility of parole is fifteen years, right? Better than a needle in the arm.”
“Very true. But you think…”
“Yeah, I had a feeling he was innocent, deep down in my heart, but how could I have done anything? It was all stacked against the kid. He had a shit record, he even had assault in the past, but he was young, younger than you. I thought I was being the best to him I could.” He slams his fist down, and you tense a bit, grabbing his drink and bringing it to his lips.
You watch as he gulps down some of it, sighing. “Satoru don’t beat yourself up over this, isn’t this still a hunch?”
“Nah, baby girl, I’m pretty damn sure I’ve seen this before. It’s been driving me insane. And now I have to defend this person who could actually have been killing for who knows how long!? Fuck me.” He’s slamming his hands down again, turning and walking away, sighing.
“Okay so let’s think logically here…” You pull back out the files, taking a sip of the drink yourself as Satoru is pacing. He’s wearing his dress shirt loose, his chest showing, tie askew, belt slung off and trousers hanging low. He’s gorgeous but you need to focus on this. “The man you put up, he was left-handed, yeah?”
“Yeah, he was.”
“But the women look identical, and the attack is damn near the same. So we have to think, what could connect these two men? Could they have been at the same place at the same time, to meet these girls?” Satoru pauses, then snatches up the bottle of vodka on the table, pouring some in both of your glasses.
“Huh. You’re smart as fuck.” You flush under the praise, and look at him just drinking the vodka without anything.
“Thank you. Satoru… I need a mixer.” He smirks finally, rolling his pretty eyes and batting his white lashes.
“What a baby.”
“Says the man who drinks chocolatinis!”
“You started that, brat. Mmkay, I have mixers, come on let's go find ya something.” You hop up from the table, taking in Satoru’s lush home. It was beautiful, spotless and modern, gray walls with white crown moulding, all the fixtures brand new and beautiful. His bar was impressive, black marble counter and high stools, pretty soft fairy lights hanging.
He opens the black cabinets, pulling out a bright green bottle then. “Ooh, that looks yummy!”
“You like sour apple?” You nod, and Satoru is expertly mixing you up a pretty bright drink, you sip it moaning.
“A girl could get used to this treatment.” Satoru comes to you then, hands on your waist, leaning low, and you inhale his clean scent, intoxicating you. Your body instinctively arches to him.
“You trying to move in already, huh?” You giggle, shaking your head.
“No, silly. That would be too fast, yeah?”
“I’d let you. Aw, you’re bright red.” He teases you, and your entire body lights up at his words.
“You’re so crazy, Satoru Gojo.” You say softly, leaning up on your tip toes, and he leans down, kissing you gently, you taste the liquor mixed with his minty breath, feel his firm lips on yours. “Mmm, didn’t say I never would though.”
“When you’re not in my class huh? We’ll get married too.”
“What? You wouldn’t?”
“You’re talking nonsense.”
“Am I? You probably doodled it already.”
“Did not!” You both laugh then, but the tension is there, the way Satoru casually mentions weddings, babies, moving in. Like it’s nothing. “Satoru, it's hard to know what you really mean. Like the baby thing…”
“What, I meant that. I’d love to get you pregnant.” His words hit something primal, something that makes your tummy clench, his whisper reverberating through every inch of your body.
“The school would love that.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes, hand sliding over your tummy then, making you tremble.
“Fuck them, but you wouldn’t show till after you’re out of my class.” He grins, his white teeth glinting.
“Stop that! Staying on the pill for now.”
“You’re boring.” He’s pouting and you just giggle.
“I have a career you know.”
“Good, have the baby with us all the time. Lawyer by age ten. Our genetics would be killer, yeah?”
“You’re so ridiculous. But yeah.” You both chuckle then again, and you take a sip of your drink, lips puckering just a bit as it hits you. “Something about that vision makes my ovaries ache.”
“You’re ovulating. Perfect time.” He chimes out in a sing-song voice, you bite back a moan, sipping your drink.
“You don’t need to tell me. I think I went insane in the limo.” He’s grinning like the damn mad hatter now, as vivid memories rush through you of earlier.
“You took it all. I think you have sucked dick before mine! And that makes me unreasonably jealous.” You roll your eyes now, snorting and shaking your head.
“Not at all, I just apparently need to be the best at everything.” You take another sip grinning.
“You really are. I don’t think I’ve had someone make me cum so quick, fuck it’s embarrassing.”
“You’re kinda easy, Toru.” He glares and you just grin more deviously, as he picks you up and sits you on the bar, running his hands up and down your thighs, creating a pattern of goosebumps everywhere he touches. You gently run your hands down his shoulders, rubbing the stiff muscles and making him moan. “Turn, I’ll rub your neck, you’re crazy tense.”
“What’d I do to deserve you?” His casual compliments kill you, every minute you spend with Satoru Gojo makes you just fall deeper. Your fingers press into his stiff neck, making him moan, leaning back against you. “Fuck that feels good.”
“I’ll rub your back any time, Toru. As long as you rub mine.”
“I’ll probably just get horny and fuck you.” You laugh at that, breathy and soft, planting kisses on his neck, pressing your fingers deeper in little circles, trying to work on a knot there.
“Fine, you can just eat me out.” He groans, hands on your thighs tightening as he leans back more against you.
“I’ve been doing that since I met you.” His husky voice has you dripping against your panties, and you try to focus on rubbing deeper, loosening his tense body as much as you can. “It’s my favorite thing to do.”
“It’s my favorite thing.” You whisper in his ear, watching him tremble a bit, grip tightening, while your hands press deeper, massaging between his shoulder blades now, where most of his tension is. “You’re really tense here.”
“I will pay you to massage me every day. Oh and to dress slutty.” He sips your drink now. “Ooh yummy.”
“You could hire a professional!”
“Nah. I’ll just pay you. With diamonds.” You peek at your bracelet, shaking your head. “Then I’ll just buy you another bracelet.”
“You can get me a bead. That’s it.”
“I’ll sneak things on you in your sleep. Then it’ll be rude to turn it down.” You can’t stop the smile on your face at his words.
“Maybe.” You say softly, continuing to rub lower now, feeling his spine just pop then, and he groans. “There it is.”
“I’ll marry you now, woman.”
“Stop that, do you know what you do to my mentality? So casually.” His hands slide down your calves now, as he tilts his head side to side.
“What? It’s true.”
“You can’t just say things like that. Already feel like I’m dreaming.” Another pop, as he cracks his neck, becoming putty in your hands.
“Fine, brat, I won’t propose yet if you’re such a baby about it.”
“You so were not gonna!”
“Wanna bet?”
“Satoru!” You press really hard and he groans again.
“Never mind, marry me.” You both laugh and then you continue rubbing down his back, to the mid part of it, feeling every stupidly strong muscle through his dress shirt, watching the soft fabric stretch as you press.
“So, my thoughts on that case…”
“Buzz kill!”
“I know, but it’s bothering me now.” Satoru moans again as your hands knead into his aching back. “Any clubs they could have been at together? Both of those women were… um, escorts yeah?”
“High class too, yeah. I had an informant that worked with them on the first case, but no way she’d remember that far back. It was six years ago.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to ask, though. Maybe we see if she remembers seeing this guy you’re defending? But in that case, you still have to defend him. Fuck.”
“You’re annoyingly smart.” He glares back at you as he speaks. “You remind me of me in law school.”
“High praise.” Your hands are going lower now, and he’s leaning so close it’s hard to move your arms, so instead your hands slide down his shoulders, wrapping his chest and leaning your chin on his neck. “We should get with her and ask while we’re doing the case.”
“You really wanna meet her? See these things… I don’t know how involved you want to be.”
“I need to see it all, Satoru. I really do. If this is going to be what I do I have to know what I’m in for, good, bad or horrible.”
“This girl was assaulted too, but she couldn’t see him. What if it’s the fucking guy I’m defending!?” You snuggle closer, though his back was less tense his entire body was not.
“How do you act so happy with all this happening?” You ask it softly, and he turns his head to you, nuzzling yours.
“I have to.”
“Not with me you don’t.” He exhales, turning then, hands sliding up your thighs, eyes boring into yours, pain on that beautiful face mixed with clear affection, mirroring your own. You gently brush his hair back, and his eyes flutter shut, lips parting as he sighs.
“That’s the most addicting thing about you, I don’t have to pretend.” Your heart thuds in your chest, and you pull him closer, planting a kiss on his chin, heart brimming with affection.
“You never have to pretend around me. You have a lot of responsibility.”
“Yeah, you do too already. I’m putting a lot on you.”
“No, no I want this, okay? I won’t let studies slack, I’m a nerd.” He smirks, planting a soft kiss on your nose.
“You are my little nerdy student, huh? Ace every test.”
“Sure do.”
“I don’t wanna talk about the case anymore tonight. Let’s revisit it tomorrow, yeah? I’m suddenly realizing my student needs some attention.” His voice gets husky, his eyes dilating as he’s slipping your dress up your thighs, and you manage a little nod, then he’s picking you up, like you’re nothing, carrying you to his room.
You’re in Satoru Gojo’s room, huh?
His room is just a little disorganized, a bit unlike the rest of the house, you see his ties hanging on a lamp, his fancy sunglasses just tossed on the sleek black dresser, his bed is a little wild, rumpled and unmade. You peek around curiously, and he’s kissing down your neck, his room alone is twice the size of your dorm.
“Like the room, brat?” He teases, and you nod, leaning back to kiss him deeply, hands enwrapping in his silky white locks.
“It’s more you than the rest of the house.” You murmur between kisses, he hums, easing you down on the bed now, and it’s so comfy you could die, plush and sinking a bit as you sit.
“You mean because the cleaner doesn’t come in here?” He’s pushing your skirt up, pressing you onto the bed, kissing your thighs, his hands sliding your panties off inch by inch. It’s hard to breathe, as you’re consumed by him, by his presence, taking you over with every touch.
“Yeah, it just seems more… Gojo.” He chuckles, planting sweet kisses on your thighs, hot breath making you tremble. “Mnh…”
“We had a deal, yeah? Massage for pussy eating.”
“I also said massage!”
“I’ll massage her with my tongue.” He’s buried himself then, his mouth hot and wet on your pussy, and you’re gripping the soft blankets under you, your eyes rolling back in your head as he licks and kisses and sucks, his tongue flicking against your clit in a way that has you seeing stars.
“Satoru! Oh my god!” You moan out his name, your hips bucking up to meet his mouth, and he just holds you down, his grip firm as he continues to worship you, his tongue sliding up and down your slit, making you gush all over his perfect face.
“So yummy, you’re such a good girl.” He whispers, leaning back,  his hands sliding up to cup your breasts under your top. You’re shaking, damn near hyperventilating as you stare down at his beautiful eyes, dilated and bright to the point his eyes alone bring you closer.
“Fucking love you.” You whisper, it’s the first time since your confession that you’ve said it, and fuck it feels so good. Satoru groans, planting a sloppy kiss on the hood of your clit, then sucking on the puffy lips, little smacks filling the room as you cry out, back arching in pleasure.
“And I love you. Hmm am I talking to the pussy or you? You’ll never know.” He says with a smirk, and you giggle before he’s back to devouring you, groaning and making a vibrating sensation you can’t fucking take.
“S’good Toru- ngh f-fuck!” You scream out, you’re so close to cumming, and you know he knows it because he’s looking up at you, watching your reactions, and it’s so fucking hot. Your hands grip his hair, bucking your hips up. “Cumming!”
He just moans, circling your clit with the tip of his tongue, and you’re falling apart, cumming with a scream, your body arching off the bed, and he doesn’t stop, even then, no he’s drinking you up. You’re whining now, oversensitive as he licks you through your orgasm into another, his hands sliding to your waist, gripping you so tight you feel him pressing on your ribs, hands enwrapping you.
“Toru! Oh my- mmm!” You’re senseless, screaming as your head shoves further in the bed, you can’t fucking take it, thighs threatening to close, but he doesn’t pause, or even breathe no he’s just drinking you up, and you’re shattering again. “Toru, enough, enough! Ah!” 
You cum all over his face so hard you’ve soaked him completely, and he’s just groaning, as he laps you up with little flicks of his talented tongue, smacking kisses as he cleans up your mess. You’re so embarrassed at how much there is too, as your legs are shaking and he’s finally leaning up to breathe, his face is shimmering with how much you’ve came.
“Toru…” You swipe some of your arousal off his chin, and he smacks your hand away, leaning on top of you, licking his lower lip. “That’s embarrassing… too much.”
“What? It’s so fucking hot. Stop that.” He’s on top of you, his hard chest on your soft breasts, weight on you so inviting, and you cling to him, still clothed both of you, and he’s so hot you’re just dripping again. “I love how much you cum for me, it lets me know you like it.”
“But that much!?” He chuckles softly, caressing your face softly and studying you. Your hands slide up to his chest, feeling his heart thudding on your palm, pressure in your tummy as your cunt pulses with aftershocks.
“Yes, that much, or more. You always taste so good. It was what made me lose my shit that night.” He kisses you then, and you lick your honeyed arousal, moaning against his full lips, as he sinks you both deeper into the bed.
“I still can’t believe I did that. Yes, stranger, eat me out in a bathroom.” You murmur, and you both grin at each other. “Fuck it feels a long time ago huh?”
“It’d be much longer if I didn’t see you again. Fuck I kept going back to the same bar.” He’s flushed a bit, but it makes you ache more, hips raising to grind on his hard cock between your thighs over his clothes.
“You did!?” You blink rapidly, taking a shaky breath as his presence consumes you, his long body overtaking yours, his eyes getting hooded in desire, just like yours were, as his words sink in.
“I did. Embarrassing huh.”
“N-no… I did too, Satoru.”
“You did!?”
You blush now, nodding, clinging to his dress shirt with your little hands. “Of course I tried. I’m surprised neither of us ran into each other?”
“Maybe I was just meant to have you torture me in class.” His voice drops down to a whisper now, and he leans up on his arms. “I need my student naked. Now.”
“Yes, Professor.” He’s sliding your top off in seconds, and you eagerly unbutton his dress shirt, then he’s unsnapping your bra, freeing your breasts and groaning as he does, pulling you against his bare chest. “You’re so gorgeous, Toru.”
“I know.” You snort at that, and then he grins, sliding his hands up to cup your breasts, kissing down them, making you cry out in pleasure, cunt just wetter now. “You’re gorgeous, Miss Brat.”
“Your prettiest student, hmm?” You whisper, he nods eagerly, before sucking the sensitive peaks of your breasts into his hot, eager mouth. “Ah, fuck! Mnh!”
“The sounds you make, mmm you kill me, brat.” He’s unzipping the side of your skirt now, eyes devouring your body hungrily. He makes you feel so confident, so sexy and beautiful. You whine out just from his gaze, like he’s touching you with his hands, but soon he does, trailing down as he slides your skirt down, and you are unbuttoning his pants, biting your lower lip.
“Your body, ugh.” He smirks, wiggling his brows.
“I know, I’m perfect hmm?” You roll your eyes but it’s true, as you touch every line on his gorgeous frame, every muscle, abdomen, line… the perfect pale skin that is hot to the touch.
“You’re perfect, Satoru. And you clearly have a praise kink, judging by that.” You look down between you both as his cock is rock hard in his boxers.
“That’s part praise kink, part you’re touching me, part you’re beautiful. Take your pick.” He snatches your hand, shoving it down, and you grip him, watching as his cheeks suck in, his white lashes swooping low as he groans softly.
“Let’s get these off.” Satoru has got them off in a blink of an eye, his cock hard and hot in your hand, you stroke him up and down slowly, swirling your hand as you do, watching his pretty face as he moans, grabbing you by your hair and kissing you then. “So hard, aren’t you?”
“Tease.” You just smile innocently, swiping the bit of pre cum that’s started to leak out of his pretty pink tip, and he’s huffing, so sexy, until he lets out the whimper that drives you insane, and then he’s got your legs up, dragging you by your hips. “I’ll teach you to tease.”
“Oh yeah? Teach me, Professor.”
“You’re such a brat, you know my weaknesses and exploit them! You’ll be such a good lawyer.” He flashes a wolfish grin, but when he’s pressed at your entrance you start whining, getting slippery as he barely presses, arching up for more.
“Please, Toru…” Your words hit him instantly, he’s pressing in, sliding even deeper in your tight entrance.
“How can I say no to anything you ask? With that pretty face. Oh… fuck, you’re tight… shit…” He’s groaning as he slides in fully, and your walls are clutching tight around him, he clings to you tightly, eyes slamming shut momentarily. “Fuck, should’ve fingered you, damn it.”
“Too tight huh?” You’re giggling but he scowls at you, slamming in your cunt then, and you feel so full, so much pressure you can’t take it, as he starts stroking, way faster and harder than he usually would, killing you. “Fuck!”
“Learn your lesson, brat.” He’s slamming his lips down, kissing you hungry and desperate, and he’s got your legs higher than you think they should go, pressing them high until they’re on your breasts, making it hard to breathe. You whine out, hips bucking, and he’s smirking. “Aww you okay baby? Can’t take it?”
Satoru Gojo was a sweet, caring, amazing man… until he got that competitive streak, mainly in fucking. Then? He’s a whole demon.
“F-fuck you, I can take it.” You whisper out the answer, but when Satoru’s big hands are cupping your face, and he’s staring at you like that? Your brows knit together, your teeth clicking shut as you feel such intensity you can’t handle it, you’re cumming all over his cock and he exhales, pausing, thumbs caressing your cheeks as his tip grinds too deep inside you.
“Fuck, I love you.” He moans out the words, as he’s tensing, his movements slowing down, rolling his hips. “You’re gonna make me cum quick, fuck.”
“I love you.” He cries out softly, hands now firm on your thighs, as he gently rocks in his hips so deep you feel like you’re gonna fall apart.
“What do you do to me?” His eyes flutter shut, those long white lashes over his cheeks, casting shadows in the soft light of the room over his perfect features, and he’s barely moving, forehead on yours. You cling to him desperately, nails digging into his strong back, and he’s throwing his head back, moaning. “Cum with me, baby girl, can’t even last. Brat.”
You manage a breathless giggle, nodding, your walls fluttering around his thickness. “Please, please… cum in me, Toru.”
“Fill you up.” He’s just whispering though, as he pumps in and out, and you feel him pulsing inside of you, and your body reacts, and you’re falling apart around him, cumming right with him, everything fading but him.
It’s just him.
“F-fuck… take all of it. Good girl.” Your back arches as everything washes through you, every nerve ending lit up as your cunt is pulsing around him. He slams his lips down on yours, finally easing your thighs down, they’re sore as he rubs them gently, pumping life into them as he pumps all his cum in your pussy.
“S-Satoru… love you. Mnh.” You whisper, and he moans, kissing you again and again, deeply and passionate, tongues entwining, messy as you’re dripping down his length, down your thighs, and he leans back, looking down at you. Your hand slides up to caress his face, feeling the sharp cheekbone with your thumb.
“Stop making my bust quick, little brat.” He says, and you just giggle, shaking your head.
“I came though, a few times.”
“You get off on making me cum like a teenager. Be honest.”
“Mmm… maybe?” He tickles your waist then, as he eases out, and you giggle at it, eventually hopping up, completely naked and smacking him with one of his heavy, fancy pillows. He grins like a psycho.
“Oh, it’s fucking on. War.” He smacks the fuck out of you with the pillow, nearly knocking you over, so you pout, and then he frowns, coming up to you, to check you, only for you to grin and smack him with the pillow even harder.
“Hah, fell for it!”
“You’re gonna pay for it.” He gets you again until he’s got you pinned back under him, and he’s grinning down at you, you puff your breath to get the feathers out of your face. “Fuck you’re pretty.”
“You’re pretty, Satoru.” He’s kissing you till you're breathless, and then he pauses, leaning up a bit and studying you carefully. “What’s wrong?”
“Huh… I’m really worried now. You look like one of those girls, your hair, your eyes even… I don’t know if I can bring you.”
“What!? I’m going!”
“But I can’t fucking risk it, what if this guy-”
“You’ll keep me safe.”
He exhales, but you see the worry on his features. “Of course I will, but I just didn’t put it together until now. You’re the same age, obviously not the same profession… but…”
“Satoru I will be fine. I want to help you. We will figure out the possible motivations, okay?” Satoru sighs, caressing your face gently, anguish in his blue eyes making them darken.
“I just fucked you and now I’m worrying about this case.”
“So what? It’s important to you. Do you wanna do more research?” He sighs, nodding then, and soon you’re sliding on your pajama’s you’ve brought, and you two are back out in the living room, pouring over the papers, but you’re yawning a bit after about an hour or so. Satoru notices, planting a kiss on your cheek.
“I’m sorry baby girl, I wanna cuddle with you and relax but now that I’m thinking of you at risk it’s gonna drive me fucking crazy.” He runs a hand through his white silky locks, missing them up further.
“Satoru, I don't mind at all. I want to help anyway I can.” You stifle another yawn, and he looks at you tenderly, you see he’s sleepy too, his eyes a little red.
“You worked today and had classes. Go get some shut eye, Miss Brat. I promise I’ll come to bed soon.”
“Just a little longer.” You murmur, leaning on his shoulder then, as he’s typing on his little black laptop, pouring over more papers now, the clicking of the keys mixed with Satoru’s breathing is oddly even more comforting.
“Baby you’re drooling.” He teases in a few, and you blink a little, bleary eyed as you shake your head.
“No… Toru, m’good… those girls-”
“Don’t let it overwhelm you, please.” You shake your head again, your eyelids feel so heavy.
"We need to look into the escort agency, Toru. Maybe there's something in their past, something that connects these women to each other and to the victims." He smiles at you, holding you against his side, kissing your cheek again.
“Already on it. You’re so smart, you know that?” You smile at the compliment, and soon he’s grabbed a blanket, and you’re in his arms, half asleep on his lap. “You can just sleep on me, I’ll carry you to bed later.”
You hum happily, snuggling up to his hard, hot body, and he pulls you close, arms around your waist, continuing to click away, and your face buried in his neck, he wraps the blanket tighter. You feel sleep tugging at you, you’re just so comfortable in his arms, you can’t imagine how you slept before.
Satoru pours over the case, hearing you lightly snore, making him smirk just a bit, you say you don’t but you do. And it’s cute. Everything about you, from your soft hair falling against his chest, to your warm little body snug on his lap makes him ache more for you. Your gentle breathing, your scent, the way you cling to him and just fit so perfectly.
How had Satoru gone so long without you here?
He focuses back on the screen, and it starts blurring a bit, a mix of exhaustion, stress and the drinks from earlier. But it’s driving him insane, the thought that he could have put someone up wrongly. It’s been eating at him all week since he’s taken the new case, but now you were here, and fuck you’re so smart, it’s so nice to just have you here.
But he’s worried.
If something happened to you? Satoru doesn’t know how he could go on. Without seeing your pretty smile, the little scrunch of your nose, the way your eyes drink him in, the love is so pure in them. The way you love him makes every pain he has so much more tolerable, and there’s so many things he hasn’t told you yet. He trusts you completely, but he’s scared.
He’s not one to be vulnerable, but you make it so easy to be, though he doesn’t know how much he should put on you, how much of the darkness deep inside him he should show. Satoru has always been fun, goofy and silly outwardly, though when alone he’s anything but, and it’s so nice to be able to show that more with you.
He loves you so much it’s consuming, it gets more and more intense every moment, every second that you breathe in his vicinity, every moment he gets to look at you. You sigh a bit, after a good half hour, and Satoru’s back is getting stiff, fuck you massaging it had felt so good. Things are so good with you it’s terrifying, how easy it is to be with you.
But the world has other ideas.
He doesn’t want to hide you, not hold your hand in public, sneak in your itty bitty apartment, as fun as it may be. He doesn’t want you living there, struggling, he wants to take care of you, fuck if you weren’t so passionate Satoru wouldn’t ever even have you work. He loves your talent too much though for that, the genius mind of yours, so open to him.
He wants to open up more to you, but something still terrifies him, his parents' rejections most of his life did a number, as cocky as he comes off it sometimes is just a show, to make up for it. One thing he’s self assured in though is law, the one thing his parents never wanted, no he needed to take over the family business, exploit people and pay them like shit.
But Satoru went his own way, and now they loved to tell him how disappointing he is, when he literally was the top criminal defense attorney there was. But no, nothing was good enough, but you make him feel good enough, don’t you? With every look and every touch, you make him feel like he’s doing good. How in just a few months have you become so precious?
He caresses your cheek, looking down after finally closing his laptop, you briefly open your eyes, long lashes fluttering, your eyes struggling to focus on him. You’re so cute when you sleep, it’s so different from the feisty thing you are when you’re awake. He smiles at you as you yawn, snuggling him closer.
“Let’s get to bed, yeah baby?” You nod, humming a bit and getting up, just for Satoru to snatch your body up in his arms. You smile sleepily at him, little hand coming up to brush his hair back. Fuck every time you do that you break him more and more.
“Sleepy, Toru.” He chuckles, carrying you to bed, watching you snatch his favorite pillow and wrap in the blankets.
He’ll let you use it.
“You know you’re the first girl to sleep in here?” He asks softly, figuring you’re asleep, but you turn to him curiously, eyes lidded and full lips parted.
“Am I really? How?”
“I never let anyone stay.”
“I’m special, Toru, hmm?” You tease, a little grin on your pretty face, and Satoru will do anything to keep it there. He snuggles with you, pulling your rounded ass against him with a groan, an arm around your waist. Fuck you feel so good in his arms, you do run hot but it’s perfect, he adores this feeling more than he’ll admit.
“You’re especially annoying.” You stick your tongue out, he chuckles, pecking a little kiss on your head, inhaling the sweet scent of you that he can never get out of his mind.
“You love me, shut it.”
“Of course I love you.” Your eyes glisten with tears. “Crybaby.”
“Mmm, shush.” You kiss him sweetly, he watches as the shadows in the room play along your delicate features. God you’re so beautiful. “Not even Suguru slept in here? I don’t believe that.”
Satoru grins then. “I mean the only woman. Of course I’ve cuddled with Sugu!”
“Cuddled, huh?”
“That’s what I call it.” You snort at that, shaking your head. “You are just thinking about us both here with you. Freaky girl.” You giggle a bit, shaking your head.
“I only want you, Toru. Ever.”
Your words stop his heart, slurred a bit as your yawn cuts them off, so genuine it makes him ache. His throat closes up as you do what no one has, making him feel like he’s the only person in the world for you. So special. He blinks back emotion and is glad your eyes are drifting and you don’t see the tears threatening to fall.
“I only want you, ever.” He says softly back, but you’re asleep again, you’re a sleepy little thing aren’t you?
Satoru sighs, pulling you close and laying there for a while, the trial in his mind, the worry there of his past mistakes, of putting you in some danger, but you ease it with his presence, enough that it’s not too long until he follows you into slumber.
Two days later
Satoru and you sit in the courtroom together, and the man next to you both makes you shiver, Satoru’s wearing a perfectly tailored pinstripe suit, fitting his lithe body like a glove. His hair is falling soft and silky, a sleek skinny black tie adorning his starched collar, fuck he looks so good, you muse, as one of his hands squeezes your thigh, and he smiles at you.
“Are you doing okay, Miss Brat?” Satoru murmurs softly, and you nod, hand over his, thumb brushing against his knuckles like he enjoys, earning a sigh from his pretty lips.
“I’m excited to see you in action again, Professor Gojo.” You say softly, and he grins at that, teeth glinting under the fluorescent lights of the courtroom. Satoru’s fan group has gathered, even though you are hours away, they seem very devoted. “They want a wave I think.”
He rolls his eyes, then looks back at the fans, standing for a moment, you hold in a giggle as they gasp, bouncing up and down as he tugs at his pinstripe jacket, winking over to them, shooting two fingers in a salute. It would be corny if it was anyone else, but since it was Satoru Gojo, it was hot. You can’t lie.
You’d be a fan if you weren’t in his bed, surely.
“Oh my god!”
“Gojo is she your girlfriend!?”
At that you tense, because if your relationship got out it would fuck your college and career up so badly. You struggle to keep composed, as you know he has to say no, it’s what has to happen, but you know it’ll sting. Satoru laughs a bit at their question, throwing his head back.
“She’d turn me down.” He winks down at you, and you cover your face in embarrassment at the girls.
“No, no one could!”
“Gojo are you single!?”
“Ladies, ladies, calm down. The judge will yell at me.” Satoru pouts, looking far too charming, and the girls hush, with the promise of pictures later. Satoru sits back down, looking at you softly, his blue eyes so bright they’re hard to look at. “I hope I handled that right, I’m an idiot you know.”
“No, handled it perfectly.” You whisper, making him exhale. He was worried about your feelings, it touches you so deeply you get emotional.
“I wish…” He trails off, and you just smile a bit sadly.
“One day. Soon ish.” He sighs, and raises his hand as if to brush your hair back, quickly dropping it, but you could feel the caress regardless. Oh how you ache for this man.
“Yeah.” Is his only response, then the judge walks in, this one is different, she’s a little less stern looking, she has pretty flowing black hair.
“All rise, for the honorable Miss Inoue.” The bailiff says, and you feel the lack of Satoru’s hand on your thigh like a deep emptiness. Your hands barely touch, back to back, and you shut your eyes for a moment at it, before taking a breath and focusing. This was gonna be rough.
Satoru had to defend him, but you both were already gathering evidence to the contrary, to possibly charge him with another offense. It put Satoru in a horrible situation, and he’d barely slept, it had even been quiet in the drive here, you all had gotten ready in adjoining rooms, giving him a little silence. He didn’t want to hurt you but he did need some.
Your heart hurts for him, you wish he would share a little more of his feelings, but he tries to keep you in the loop, without actually revealing too much. You would take all of him, however, without hesitation, whether he wanted to be open or not, you would wait forever for him.
Tonight you all are going to the escort agency, to question an old informant of Satoru’s, and you both would learn more. But for now, he has to save face, and do the best job he can. You can’t imagine how hard it is, you can just feel it in his energy, but he turns on that charm like a flip of a switch.
“Court is in session. Let’s commence.” Miss Inoue says, and she lets the prosecution make their opening statement.
“This man here, Naoya Zen’in, is a rich playboy, has gotten everything he’s ever wanted handed to him on a silver spoon.” The lawyer starts, a stern man with a very good history from what you’ve researched. “But for once, a woman didn’t want him, so what does he do? He rapes, assaults, ends her life. This is what men do like him, men of power, to the powerless.”
Naoya was a blond, tall man with cold, sharp brown eyes, and a creepy grin that you suppose some women would fall for. He was handsome, you guess? But there is something about him that makes your fucking skin crawl. As they go on about him, he’s just laughing softly, leaned back against his chair casually, like this is all beneath him, a waste of time.
The handsome playboy in question smirks over at you, and he sends shivers through your spine, especially when his brown eyes look you up and down, winking. You tense, and Satoru looks at him with a glare, earning a bigger smirk, and you watch Satoru’s hands clench the bench so tightly they’re white. You gently touch Satoru’s arm, shaking your head, but he’s shaking damn near.
“Don’t fucking look at her, got me?” Satoru says in a hush, and the handsome (creepy) blonde just grins.
“Oh? Why not? She’s pretty to look at.” Satoru stands but thank goodness they call for the defense to make opening statements then, but you can tell he’s torn. You smile at him softly.
“I’m good, Satoru. Nothing’s gonna happen. Go kill it, yeah?” Satoru looks at you with his thin white brows drawn low, jaw clenched tightly, so tight you see a vein pop from under his fair skin. Then he looks back at his client.
“You won’t have eyes.” Satoru whispers, and your own widen at that, as he then grins, hands in his pockets, slinking over to the middle of the room. He’s smiling at the judge, who can’t help but smile in return. “Hello, lovely. I mean Judgy. Judge?”
The room laughs softly, aside from the prosecution of course, but Naoya seems to have his eyes fixed on you. You ignore him pointedly, focusing instead on taking notes, watching Satoru do what he does best, but there is an unspoken tension, as you feel the gaze still there.
“How long you been fucking each other?” He hisses, and you glare, furious, wanting to deck the mother fucker now.
“Why don’t you focus on the murder trial against you, and not my sex life, huh Mr. Zen’in?” You ask, and he laughs, leaning closer. Thank God Satoru is facing the jury, you feel there’s no way he wouldn’t punch this guy in the face if he saw.
“Your sex life highly interests me, I wonder how good of a whore you can be. Wonder if you’ve been shown.” His words are a bare whisper, but they terrify you, filling you with such nausea you could throw up right here. Your legs are trembling, and you barely keep it together.
“Go fuck yourself, Mr. Zen’in.” He grins, and you turn your attention away, focusing on Satoru now, waves of nausea rolling through you now.
Fuck you hate this dude and you just met him.
Satoru strides across the room, a picture of confidence, and stops in front of the jury now. “This man before you, Mr. Zen’in, is not a monster, but a human being with a heart that beats just like yours and mine. Maybe he is a rich playboy, maybe he does get everything he wants, but he’s not on trial for his lifestyle, but for a crime, that doesn’t have enough proof.”
Satoru rolls his eyes, head leaning back, and the judge glares at prosecution. “Let Mr. Gojo speak. Mr. Gojo, please continue.”
Satoru smiles, bowing a bit at the waist, and you hear the courtroom swoon. There were more fans now!?
“Thank you, magnificent judge. Your reputation precedes you.” He winks at her, and she’s all pink, before clearing her throat. “Ah, so before I was so rudely interrupted…” Satoru pouts, cutely, earning the hearts of almost anyone. “This guy, yeah he’s kinda a douche…”
Naoya scowls next to you, fists clenched, and you hold in the giggle, but most of the people in the court room fail.
“But just because he’s a pretentious dick, it doesn’t mean he’s a murderer, or a rapist. Surely, he has no issue paying for sex when he needs it.” Satoru looks over to Naoya with his icy blue eyes and snarky grin. You thrill on Satoru in his damn element, in him riling everyone up.
Fuck you love him.
“ I will argue, this playboy has been grossly misunderstood. Let us not be swayed by sensationalism and assumptions, but by the cold, hard facts. And when we do, I believe you will find... lovely members of the jury,” Satoru winks at them, and even the men swoon, “As I have, that there is more to this story than meets the eye.”
Satoru turns then, flashing you a grin that makes your knees knock together, fuck he’s gorgeous, isn’t he? With every eye on the room invested in his every word, every breath, every movement, slinking like the damn cat he is, his dress shoes glinting from the high polish. He tugs at his jacket a bit, loosening a couple of buttons, revealing the starch dress shirt underneath.
“Oh my god-”
“Ladies!” The judge has to calm down the girls, and you do smile then, looking back to see the mess he’s created. Satoru grins.
“So sorry, Judge, I’m afraid my loyal fans can be a little… enthusiastic.”
“No worries, Mr. Gojo. Please continue.” The judge smiles at Satoru, her chin in her hand like she’s in class. You just shake your head a bit at everything, god Satoru really was something else.
“Thank you, Miss Inoue. So… dear jury.” He earns their undivided attention. “Let me show you the truth, don’t worry, I’ll take care of you all.” He winks, and then the prosecution loses it again. “Ah, they’re being so mean! Well, we’ll speak soon, don’t worry. The defense rests its opening statement in the firm belief that we will uncover the truth together.”
Then he’s back next to you, between you and the asshole Naoya, scooching close and leaning to whisper in your ear.
“Did he say anything baby girl?” He asks, and you sigh.
“We’ll talk later, Toru.” He looks at you with concern now, brows knitted, but you just shake your head, as the defense calls their first witness.
“We’d like to call a witness, Mr. Rin to the stand.”
And so the trial begins, and you and Satoru sit, tensely for hours on end, in the gloomy courtroom, as the prosecution questions their witness, and you can feel the gears shifting in Satoru’s head as he pops a piece of candy in his mouth. He hands you on discreetly, and you smile, opening the crinkly wrapper and sucking the little mint into your mouth.
“You’ve got this, yeah?” He nods, smiling a bit, but you could see the toll, as someone possibly guilty sits next to you both.
How does Satoru handle this one?
“We got this, Miss Brat. No worries.” His hand holds yours under the table, and you sigh at how good the little touch feels.
The prosecution finishes with their witness now. “Would you like to Cross examine the witness, Gojo. I mean Mr. Gojo!” Gojo chuckles at the judge, standing as you do, to let him out of the bench, and then he saunters up to the young lady, and you feel his hesitation.
“Hello there, how are you?” He asks gently, to the young lady sitting there nervously at the stand. She sighs.
“I’ve been better?”
“Yeah, courtrooms suck, huh?” Everyone is either laughing or gasping, and the witness smiles a bit.
“They really do.”
“I know, even I get so bored, ugh.” He leans his head back, grimacing then, and you barely hold in your laugh, it’s impossible, he’s so infectious. “But listen, let’s push through it, I’m just gonna ask you a few questions.”
Satoru starts his questioning then, and you notice it’s different, he’s not hitting as hard as he normally would, because he doesn’t even think Naoya is innocent, fuck Naoya could have been doing this. Yet he’s also not going to let this just go, he has to defend him, you have no clue how he’s keeping his cool, not when the man next to you looks so fucking smug.
As Satoru paces, he tosses out questions. "Could it be that the prosecution is more interested in a swift conviction than in the actual facts of the case?" He asks to the jury,  his voice rising just enough to make it sound like a challenge.
“Sustained, Mr. Gojo, could you please reline the question?” The judge says sweetly, and Satoru smiles.
“Sure, judge, could it be that there are others who stand to gain from my client's downfall?"
The witness sighs. “I don’t know if I can answer that.”
“That’s okay, let me explain to you. My client," he says, turning to gesture at Naoya, "is a young man with a lot of money, and clearly getting eyed by a lot of people who want a piece of it. Would you agree?”
“Um… I guess so, some people like that.”
“Did you like his money?” The courtroom gasps, and the girl is bright red, looking down.
Fuck this disgusts you.
You know Satoru would like to call him disgusting and to fuck off, but here he was, having to do his best.
“The money is fine, but he’s a freak.”
“Oh, freaky huh? What’s wrong with that? Whips and chains-”
The judge is intrigued though. “No, overruled. Continue.”
“Ah, thank you. Listen, what’s wrong with being freaky, in consesnual acts? Are you saying that equates assault? Some smacks on the ass?” The court room is in a tizzy, and you find yourself flushing.
“Well… no. Not necessarily…”
“Exactly!” Satoru chuckles, throwing his head back, and the prosecutor, visibly rattled, tries to interject again, but Satoru waves him off with a casual flick of his wrist. "Let's not forget, kink shaming is bad.”
“Mr. Gojo!” The prosecution is so angry, and the judge sighs.
“Mr. Gojo… is there a point to this?” She asks, and Gojo nods.
“There sure is, forgive me, I got a little… flustered.” He has the audacity to look innocent and cute!
Fucking Gojo.
He’s brilliant.
They’re putty in his big hands.
“My questions are almost over, love. Can you take one more?” He asks the witness softly, and she nods eagerly. “Perfect. What a good… witness.”
You hear his fans swoon, and people behind you giggle. The witness is entranced, and you’re just amazed at this shitshow, and how well Satoru runs this all so fucking well. He butters the girl up to say anything, it was as if he didn’t even really have to try, but he was trying, you could feel it, to not go too far.
“This may be the first case I lose. On purpose, if we can’t find anything on this fucker.” Satoru had said earlier, as you all drove into court, and you hold his hand that’s on your thigh, sighing.
“I know, Satoru. We’ll figure it out together.” He yanked your hand, kissing it, warm lips pressed on your trembling hand.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
“The defense rests on its questioning.” Satoru says then, and soon he’s back next to you, and court eventually ends for the day.
You let out a shaky breath as Satoru walks up to the defense team, conferring with them, then all teams approach the bench to speak with the judge, and Nouya comes up close to you. You cringe internally, but outwardly you steel yourself, putting a blank expression on your face as he grins, eyes lowering to your breasts, downwards, and it feels so disgusting you struggle not to smack him for it.
“I see why he keeps you around, a shame women just aren’t fucking smart, isn’t it? But useful I suppose.” He acts casual, hands in his pockets, your fingers itch to smack him so badly you grip your books tight to you.
“Yeah, you’re real smart, ended up here and all. Me? Just aced every test and in a top law school. Without ‘daddy’s money’ too.” Your lips upturn just a bit, as you watch his stupid grin turn into a glare.
“I’d teach you a fuckin lesson, little slut, right on that pretty face of yours.” You glare, and just then Satoru is back, and he’s pulling you behind him, crossing his arms and leaning forward, his eyes are a storm of icy blue, his face furious like you’ve never seen.
“I’ll lose this case so quick, swear to fucking god. Don’t think for two seconds you’re good enough to breathe her air, got it?” He says it softly, calmly, looming over him, even though he was tall, Satoru is even taller, and you watch him back up just a step, fear in his features.
“You won’t lose, you never lose. It’s why we chose you.”
Your mind runs rampant, you know the Zen’in are some of the richest people there are, and powerful. Satoru’s own family had run businesses with them, you’d found that out on accident. You tried to not pry, as you didn’t need to know what Satoru didn’t want you to, yet, but it was…
Did Satoru’s family…
“Let’s go.” Satoru shakes you out of your thoughts, and you realize you’ve just been standing there, you sigh, nodding and following him out. He doesn’t give his fans attention this time, he’s raging inside and you can see it, you can feel it, when you both are in the car and he’s punching the steering wheel with his fists.
“Toru, it’s okay! Promise.” You whisper, and he covers his face then, shaking his head, making you hurt for him, as you gently touch his shoulder. “Toru…”
“How can I even keep you safe if this fucker wants to-”
“I can handle myself, Toru, I’m tough you know.”
His eyes break your heart, filled with emotion as he gulps. “ Baby girl if anything happens to you… I swear-”
“Toru.” You stop him again, hands cupping his face, and he’s so tense you feel it through the air of the little car. “It’s gonna be okay. We will do this together, I will help you, I swear.”
“I can’t believe I couldn’t just beat the fuck out of him. What did he even say? All I saw was him near you whispering.” You blink then, looking down. “No, no you better tell me, I have to know what we’re dealing with.”
You take a shaky breath, sighing then. “He said I was going to learn a lesson, on my ‘pretty face’. Called me a slut, a whore. Said he’d have fun with me. Satoru!”
He’s out of the car in an instant, and you hop out to chase after him, as he’s stalking his way up the courtroom stairs. Most of the people are gone for the day, but who walks down buy Naoya himself, ankle monitor on his expensive pant leg, staring at his watch, until Satoru is right in front of him. He’s looking batshit insane, and frankly you’re fucking terrified.
“Satoru…” You murmur, coming up to touch him, and Naoya is smirking at the two of you.
“Something wrong, Gojo?”
“Need a word with you.” Satoru shoves him into a concrete pillar, and Naoya is furious, scowling back at him.
“The fuck?”
“Say anything like that again I’ll break your fucking jaw. Got it?” He demands, and Naoya actually just laughs, it’s dark and sinister. “I know who the fuck you are.”
“Oh do you, now? What’s it matter, huh? Worried about your pretty little-” Satoru punches him then, quietly and so quickly surely no one would know but you three, right in the stomach. Naoya hunches over, but he’s grinning.
“Don’t touch her, I swear to god, there’ll be nothing left to find.” Satoru whispers, and then he looks back at you, at your wide eyes, and he takes you by the hand, easing you away from the laughing man.
“See ya tomorrow, Gojo… doll.” He smirks at you and Satoru nearly punches him again, if not for you gently taking his hand.
“It’s fine, Toru, he’s not worth it.” Satoru’s eyes drink you in, and he leans close, your breath mingling.
“I’ll fucking kill him. You gonna get me off death row?” You feel his anger, his rage even under the joke.
“I’ll be the best attorney ever. I’ll show you how good I’ll be when we get back, yeah?” He stiffly walks away, and then you all are silently driving back home, your arm wrapped around his arm, snuggled close to his strong shoulder.
“I’ll wreck this mother fucker.” He mutters, as he’s driving, you feel all of his muscles so tense against you, his veins popping up around his wrists and hands at how tight he’s gripping the steering wheel.
“We’ll wreck him. Together. Yeah?”
“It took everything not to fucking kill him. Everything.”
“I know.”
Once you’re back at the hotel, you expect him to maybe want time alone, but he’s on you then, kissing you passionately, deeply, your teeth click as he’s yanking you up so close. You can barely breathe, so intense you can’t even take it, lost in him, as his hands are shaking, and you feel his body tremble, you eagerly slide his jacket off him, hands running down his body.
“You’re mine.” He says, through his teeth, his voice is hoarse and his eyes are wild, and you cup his face.
“You’re mine.” He’s moaning, then he turns you, roughly, unzipping the black dress you wore, and the cool air of the hotel room hits your skin. Satoru hungrily kisses down your neck, your shoulders, as his hands wrap around your waist, and your head tilts to the side, for him to have more access to you. “Satoru…”
“I love your body. I love how you feel. I love how you taste.” His husky words are accompanied by fervent kisses, and you melt in his arms, goosebumps everywhere he trails his lips upon. “I’ll kill anyone that touches you.”
“Satoru… don’t say that.” You whisper, but then he’s spun you around, and you’re shaking as you look up at him, at his serious face, so gorgeous and intense that you can’t think of anything else.
“I mean it. I’m sorry if it’s fucking intense, but I can’t lose you.”
“You won’t lose me, I’m yours. I love you.” He moans softly, and as he’s kissing you again, you’re unbuttoning his dress shirt, revealing his perfect hard body, running your fingers down his torso, feeling the hot skin, the hard planes of his body, then your’s unbuckling his belt, and watch his eyes dilate, his lips part. “Let me make you feel good, Toru.”
“Fuck…” Is all he bites out, as his sexy moans urge you on, he steps out of his pants and you sink to your knees on the plush carpet beneath you, licking your lips as he frees his cock, slapping against his belly button, and you hungrily take him into your mouth, eyes meeting his.
“You did so good today, Toru.” You murmur, licking the salty precum from his tip, and he huffs, leaning back against the cream hotel wall, hands undoing your bun, letting your hair flow.
“You’re so fucking perfect, baby girl.” He murmurs, before moaning, throwing his head back and enwrapping his hand in your hair, starting to fuck your throat with his thick length, choking you in the most delicious way. Your hands grip his strong, muscled thighs, as he pumps his cock deeper, until there are tears in your eyes. “Oh my god, baby…”
“Mmm…” You just moan, sucking him, your cheeks hollowing out, and he’s looking down at you, pupils blown out, and you feel the tension releasing as you pump your hands up and down his length.
“Play with that perfect pussy, baby, get ready for me.” He whispers, and you dip a hand down, feeling yourself slick and hot, crying out around his length, he grips you tighter, groaning. “That’s it, good girl. Good girl.”
You’re crying out now, clit puffy and twitching under your delicate touch, in little circles, so slippery your hand slides off. Satoru’s got your face cupped in his hands, as he pumps his hips, and you’re shaking with need, grinding against your hand hopelessly, craving more friction.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Fuck.” He pulls back then, and you let him go with a pop sound of your lips, and he’s swiping the saliva and precum off your chin. “Need you, need you now baby.”
You stand on wobbly legs, then Satoru’s sliding two fingers in your eager entry, as you wrap a leg around his, and he’s holding you around your waist, slamming his lips down on yours. You’re both a mess of teeth, tongues and lips, you swallow his groans and he drinks your sighs, as he’s hitting that spot so good you can’t take it.
“Please, please, please.” You whisper out, as you gasp with pleasure, and he’s spun you then, pressing you face down on the bed, so tall he has to lift your hips up, and then he’s over you, one hand guiding his cock between your lips, and you’re arching back for more.
“Perfect pussy. Perfect mouth. Perfect body.” He gruffly says those words, one hand wraps around your throat as he bends over, sliding his cock all the way in one thrust, and you scream out loud at it. “You’re mine.”
“Yours, Toru. Yours.” He’s gripping your throat tight, starting to fuck into you, and you hear how wet you are, squishing and slapping sounds in the suite, mixed with his labored breaths and your whimpers. “Ngh, s’good f-fuck!”
“Taking me so good, baby girl.” Satoru’s cock wrecks you now, fucking you harder and harder, slamming against your cervix until you feel yourself close, head falling back as his hand squeezes gently. “Made for me. Aren’t you?”
“Y-yes. Yes.” You can’t stop the moans, the cries, and then you feel the pressure burst, and pleasure washes over you in waves, as he claims you his, as he’s fucking you senseless. You don’t even remember where you are, all you know is Satoru Gojo’s cock is pounding your little pussy, and you’re shattering around it.
“Yes, cum for me… such a good girl, aren’t you?” You can’t take it, you’re too sensitive, and he’s squeezing your throat, making everything fuzzy, hazy, and you’ve cum so hard you’re soaked, dripping down the blanket, down your inner thighs, and he’s slipping easier and easier. “You’re so wet for me, so easy, huh?”
“Easy for you, Toru. You.” His big hands move you then, scooching you over the bed and laying on top of you, prone position, you feel the sweat dripping off his chest as he takes you, taking your hands and entwining them with his, planting sloppy, hot kisses along your shoulder blades. “Oh my… mnh… Love you, love you.”
“I fucking love you baby. You’re all mine. Aren’t you?” You nod, and he’s kissing up your neck now, as he’s slowing, grinding that leaking tip against your cervix until you’re cumming again, and he has to pause it feels so good, resting his head against the crook of your neck.
“You feel too good, too good. Can’t take it.” You whine out, as he’s rolling his hips, feeling your walls tighten around his cock, soaking him even more as wetness gushes from your little hole. “Toru, kiss me. Please.”
He takes your chin in a hand, as the other stays entwined with yours, and he’s drinking all your cries now, with a desperate, sloppy kiss. “Want me to cum in this pussy, paint your insides?”
“Yes. Please, please. Please, Toru. Ah!” He’s cumming right then, as you beg him, filling you up and pushing you over the brink, breathless, blinded, consumed by him.
“Fuck- perfect- so… ah… fuck…” He’s grunting, no sensible words, and you’re lost, seeing black and glitter, as Satoru consumes your soul. He eases now, kissing your sweaty back, running a hand down your spine, and you mewl weakly. “Baby…”
“Mmm… yeah? What is it, Toru?” You blink a bit, and you meet his eyes, pussy drunk off you but something is intense, even more than usual.
“I’ll never let anyone touch you. Got it?” You nod, planting a kiss on his lips, which soften under your caress. “I’ll keep you safe.”
“I know, Toru. I know.” He exhales, laying his heavy weight on you, but you love it, you love feeling him, feeling the aftershocks make both of you twitch, a sweaty mess of tangled limbs.
“I want to kill him.” You tense then, peeking back at him.
“Toru we’ll do this. We’ll get justice. I promise. We won’t have to…”
“I want to though. If he looks at you again? I…”
“We’ll get him.” He moans, kissing you again, and then he’s pushing deep inside you, where his cum was pouring out the length, but he’s still rock hard inside you. “Toru, again?”
Chapter 10
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katemoneymartinsgf · 14 days
All I Want - Caitlin Clark x Reader
It was a typical game night in the Indiana Fever locker room. The team had just crushed it, and everyone was buzzing with that post-win excitement. You were in your element, camera in hand, snapping away at the chaos of victory. As the team photographer, capturing these moments was your job and your passion.
But the real reason you were here went way beyond the job.
Caitlin was here. You and her went way back to your freshman year at Iowa. You were just starting out as a photographer, and she was already a star. You clicked instantly, and that bond had only gotten stronger over the years. The connection between you two was undeniable, but with her relationship with Connor (sorry), things were a bit more complicated.
Connor had always been the epitome of what Caitlin’s parents wanted for her—a successful, high-profile partner. But as time went on, it became increasingly clear that their relationship wasn’t as perfect as it seemed from the outside. He was always so wrapped up in himself. Whatever caitlin did, he would always figure out how to make it about him. After college, he went to work with the pacers, which was good because he was close to Caitlin, but he just continued to make her feel sidelined in the entire relationship. You had stayed up for countless night having talks with caitlin about how this isn’t what a relationship should be like. It was painful to watch her grapple with these issues, knowing how much she deserved someone who truly valued her.
Tonight, Caitlin spotted you in the locker and made a beeline over. Her hair was damp from a post-game shower, and she was wearing that casual, post-game glow. “Hey,” she said, her smile instantly making you feel at home. “Got any good shots of me today?” she asked, a casual but curious tone in her voice.
You smiled and shrugged. “A few. Want to see?”
She walked over and sat down on a nearby bench, clearly interested. “Duh.”
As you flicked through the photos, She leaned in, her curiosity piqued. “This one is so funny, you caught Aaliyah mid-BOW.”
You both laughed as you heard Aaliyah from the other side of the room do her signature BOW BOW BOW.
You flicked through the photos on your camera, stopping at a shot of her mid-practice, her form captured perfectly. You then pulled up a similar photo from your time at Iowa.
“Check this out,” you said, showing her the picture. “This one’s from today’s practice, and this one…” you flipped to the older photo, “is from our freshman year, It’s like you haven’t changed a bit.”
She leaned in to compare the photos, a smile spreading across her face as she took in the similarity. “Wow, that’s pretty cool. I guess some things never change.”
You laughed, nodding. “Yeah, it’s pretty impressive. It’s like you’ve got this signature style that’s all your own.”
“Not just the picture,” She said, her voice softening. “It’s nice to know some things stay consistent, even after all these years.”
Your gaze warmed at her comment. “I’m glad I get to be here to document all of this.”
“I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else,” She replied, her eyes locking with yours for a moment.
You both sat in a comfortable silence, soaking in the closeness of the moment. The scent of vanilla from Caitlin’s post-shower lingered in the air, and you could almost feel the tension between you two. It was clear that you both felt something deeper than friendship, but Caitlin’s relationship with Connor casted a shadow over what could be.
It was moments like these that drove you crazy. The unspoken feelings, the mutual understanding of what could be, but also the knowledge that Connor was standing in the way. Caitlin’s struggles with her relationship often left her feeling conflicted, and you were constantly caught between being her supportive friend and wanting something more.
“CC, IT’S YOUR TURN!” Aaliyah’s voice broke the spell, calling Caitlin over to join the TikTok she and Lexie were currently making.
Caitlin gave you an apologetic smile. “I’ll be back. Sorry, I’m so famous.” She said with a playful shrug and stood up, fixing her hair. “Maybe next time you can focus a bit more on me with the camera.”
You laughed and gave her a gentle shove toward Aaliyah and Lexie. “Since you’re so famous, huh?”
She gave you her cocky little pout before turning to join her teammates, her laughter mingling with the rest of the locker room’s buzz. As Caitlin joined the TikTok fun, you watched her, feeling that familiar mix of admiration and longing.
Caitlin had always been a constant in your life, a source of inspiration and joy. To say the least….You were so down bad for a girl who’s stuck with a very unsettling man.
Hope you like chat, next chapter out soon. Love you guys
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stuckysbike · 1 year
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His Prize part 3/3
A/n: All mistakes are my own. Written on my phone.
Bucky x Reader
AU: Bucky takes you on honeymoon.
Warnings: author overindulged in their own travel fantasy, p in v sex, Bucky is a sexy menace, happy ending. This is just sex folks, if you’re under 18 please don’t read!
“-and we just decided that we’ve been engaged long enough and want to get married.” Bucky finished.
The office in the courthouse was small but the harassed guy behind the desk recognised Bucky and his grumpy demeanour brightened right up after he explained he’d won the office betting pool after Bucky’s last fight.
“How long have you been engaged?” The clerk behind the desk asked as he noted your names into his system.
“About fourteen hours.”
You bit your lip to keep a giggle inside. The clerks eyes flew over both of you then back to his documents.
“We’ve been friends for years,” you added, concerned he would think you were a gold digger or an obsessed fan. “Been idiots in love just as long.”
Bucky squeezed your fingers and you smiled up at him. He couldn’t resist pecking a kiss to the tip of your nose. His eyes were shining bright and he looked relaxed and carefree. And happy.
Four hours later you were on a plane to Paris. Being your best friend you had always shared your dreams and quirky obsessions with Bucky. He had listened to your crazy ramblings, what’s more he was taking you on the trip of a lifetime. You didn’t think it was possible to love him more but he proved you wrong with his travel plans for the next three weeks.
The cabin lights were dimmed, seats reclined and Bucky was already asleep. You held his hand as you followed him into the land of nod.
“Buck- James,” you breathed.
You felt chocked up, and tears threatened to spill.
“You okay Sugarplum?” Bucky pulled you into his side.
“I can’t,” you squeezed your eyes closed, but when you opened them, the view hadn’t changed.
The train sat idle but boarding. The rich blue carriages were elegant and you could feel the history and magic as you gazed at them as they hummed, awaiting their passengers.
“Welcome to the Orient Express my love,” Bucky sounded smug. You couldn’t even be angry at his cocky attitude all you wanted to do was kiss him. “We’re priority boarding, we’re in the Grand Suite.”
“Bucky,” you chocked out and he hugged you close and kissed your head.
“Come on Sugarplum, let’s get onboard,” he said pulling you along behind him.
The Orient Express was everything you had imagined. Your suite was perfect, compact yet elegant and not cramped. Crisp white linens covered the bed, and a small table complete with comfortable seats was placed a few feet away. The bathroom was neat with everything you needed and just enough room to move.
“Welcome Mr and Mrs Barnes,” your private butler said bowing at the waist. “Anything you need at all, just call.”
“Bucky,” you sighed looking up at him. He pulled you into his chest and dropped his lips to yours. You kissed him back, melting into his strength and sliding your arms around his neck.
“You know,” Bucky said pulling away, “I’m the happiest guy alive right now.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked.
“Got my best girl here in my arms, got a wonderful trip planned, got the world at my fingertips,” Bucky rested his forehead on yours. “I’m so in love with you.”
“Oh Buck, I love you so much.”
Bucky had showered and changed for dinner and had headed off to the bar for a drink whilst you took your time pampering yourself. By the time he returned you were putting the finishing touches to your makeup.
You stood as he entered your suite and he gasped. “Wow,” he murmured. The dress hugged your curves and set off your eyes and the heels lifted you a little closer to his lips. “What a wife.”
You giggled and took his hand, letting him lead you to the dining car. It was as beautiful as the rest of the train with carefully laid tables and soft comfortable seats.
The food was divine, and Bucky spent the entire time flirting with you and being his usual charming self. His eyes barely left you, and his feet were tangled with yours the entire evening. By the time you finished your cheese board and wine you were buzzing comfortably.
As you stepped back into your suite your heart was thumping in your chest. Bucky’s wide hands cupped your waist and he pulled you close, swaying on the spot. You rested your cheek on his chest and sank into him, letting him lead.
Bucky’s chin was resting on your temple, and as he pulled back his breath was warm on your skin. You glanced up at him, suddenly nervous. You had never been nervous with him before, not even your first time, but you were tonight.
“I want to make love to you Sugarplum,” Bucky growled. You could only nod, your voice lost.
His kiss was soft, but he rolled his tongue into your mouth seeking yours. You sighed against him as his hands travelled all over your waist and hips. You undressed each other slowly, and as Bucky got to your lace lingerie and stockings he groaned aloud.
“Fuck baby you look absolutely stunning,” he said as he eyed the plump swell of your breasts and your soft thighs. “I want to taste you.”
As you fell onto the thick duvet you bounced slightly but Bucky was over you, his mouth on your chest. He kissed his way down your body and hooked his fingers into your panties, trailing them over your legs.
“So goddamn wet,” Bucky moaned as he latched his mouth over your mound. He dragged his tongue through your slick folds then fluttered it against your swollen clit. Two thick fingers slid into your cunt and he sucked on your clit. You moaned as his pinky brushed your asshole.
Bucky wrapped his thick arms around your thighs and before you knew it he was on his back and you were hovering over his face. He pulled you down, his tongue pushing through your pussy to circle your clit. You cried out and buried your fingers in his hair.
You couldn’t take your eyes off his, and he didn’t look away, his eyes flicking over your body. You brought one hand to tug at your lace covered nipple, crying out as Bucky sucked harder on you. “I’m going to cum,” you warned him. Bucky doubled his efforts, the tip of his finger pressing into your back hole.
Your orgasm was intense, licking up your spine as you shuddered through it, and Bucky only stopped when you pushed his face away. He moved to kissing your thighs and even that had you jerking and tingling under his mouth.
You slumped to the side and Bucky followed you his mouth covering yours. You could taste yourself as you sucked his tongue, nipping the tip playfully. Bucky moaned and rested his weight on your body as you wrapped your legs around strong hips. You pushed your hands into his black briefs and Bucky rocked against you, his mouth not leaving yours.
“Babydoll, darlin’ please,” Bucky said as he kissed your cheeks. You squeezed his ass and nipped his throat as Bucky lined himself up. He pushed into you, his thick cock splitting you open.
“Oh,” You turned to find his lips. “Oh Bucky,” you threaded your fingers through his hair.
“Mrs Barnes,” he murmured, his lips curving into a smile. “My beautiful wife.” He used his thick arms to cage you in, them resting on either side of your head and you preened under his possessiveness.
You rocked together, his hips snapping into yours, a wide hand squeezing at your soft tits. He slipped his other hand behind you to remove your bra and soon his mouth was covering your nipple, teeth grazing the hard bud as you arched into his mouth.
You were startled when he moved suddenly, rolling into his back. Warm hands helped steady you and his thumbs grazed the tops of your stockings. “Ride me Mrs Barnes.”
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you leaned in to kiss him, and then you sat up. Bucky tried to reach for your tits but you pushed his hands away.
“I’m going to give you a little show Mr Barnes,” you smirked. His lust filled eyes gave you confidence and you plucked at your nipples and squeezed your tits. The train rhythm helped you to rock on Bucky’s cock, and you matched the steady pace.
“Fuck Love, look at you, babydoll,” Bucky babbled. “Such a filthy wife I have.”
“You do have a filthy wife,” you promised him quirking an eyebrow and giving him your most salacious smirk. You slipped a hand behind you and let your fingertips graze his sensitive balls. Bucky cried out and bucked into you.
“You’re killing me darlin’,” Bucky huffed as you changed tactics, rolling your hips in figure eight shapes. You could feel your pleasure buzzing low in your tummy. You laced your fingers with Bucky’s and pushed his hands above his head. Your breasts were swaying in his face and his mouth was slack as he took you in. “I love you so much.”
You dropped close to kiss him and you felt that burn in your groin as your clit bumped his hard pubic bone. You came like that and Bucky wrapped his arms around you guiding you through it.
He flipped you, hooking a leg over his arm and a few pumps of his hips had him spilling inside you. The sensation triggered a further orgasm and you trembled underneath him.
“Sugarplum, baby I love you so much, I’m such an idiot,” he murmured.
“Shush,” you pushed at his shoulder. He rolled back taking you with him and then you eased yourself off him. “Wanna’ taste us Buck,” you said as you slithered down his body to clean his cock off.
Bucky watched you with wide eyes and you didn’t miss his cock twitching in your fingers. You giggled and pressed a kiss to his shaft.
“Come’ere darlin’, come kiss me,” Bucky said pulling you to him. You slid hands underneath his head and kissed his slow and deep, both of you moaning at the sensation.
Later, as you traced patterns on Bucky’s chest you felt more security in his arms than ever before. You fell asleep easily with the man you loved, with the man who loved you and dedicated his life to you.
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
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Title: 𝙳𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚐ä𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 [2]
Pairing: Dark!Ransom x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Summary: Your husband’s twin brother has always made you uncomfortable, and after two years of marriage, you finally find out why.
Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Stalking, Kidnapping, Basement-wife, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Breeding kink, Smut, Dead Dove: Do not eat!
A/N: i’m fairly sure i’ve created two men made up entirely of red flags. Please mind the warnings, this work is dark.
previous chapter
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The dry, arid heat that awaits you outside of the airport is a welcome change from the muggy Boston summer. Your phone vibrates insistently in your pocket as all of the notifications you’d missed come pouring in. Texts from your sister, pictures and videos of her excitedly documenting her landing and taxi journey to the cliffside resort. 
 You laugh a little as you scroll through them—she’s wasted no time getting comfortable. Her latest text appears at the top of your screen with a ping.
 Nathalie: yooooo where are you? this place is crazy! 
 We just landed, I think Ransom’s getting the car now. Is it nice?
 Nathalie: insane. it’s like all these cute little cabanas, and there’s like four pools, a tennis court, omg. you’re going to love it. i can’t believe it. 
 The pictures certainly seem to make you want to agree—from the looks of it, it seems like Lloyd’s gone all out. A hand settles onto your shoulder, and you look up from an aesthetic picture of Nathalie’s manicured toes in the sand. Ransom’s thumb rubs soothing circles against your shoulder through the fabric of your t-shirt. 
 “You ready? I think they’re pulling the car around now.” If it had been left up to you, you probably would have selected something a little more practical and inexpensive, but the Bentley that rolls to a stop at the curb in front of you is anything but. Ransom grabs the keys from the valet, and motions for you to hand him your suitcase.
 “Is-is Lloyd not coming?” You cast a glance over your shoulder, searching the crowd for Lloyd. You don’t see him—in fact, now that you think about it, you haven’t seen him since the baggage claim. 
 “He’s got his own ride. You know him, everything with a side of business.”It’s kind of a relief, having him gone. Being able to lower the protective walls you raise to shield yourself from Lloyd’s… Lloyd. You slide into the passenger seat and buckle in, and Ransom push starts the Bentley. 
 “Can you do the gps?” He asks, and you oblige, pulling up the address from the chat logs between you and Lloyd. You can’t help but grimace as you read them. There’s nothing overtly wrong per-se, but his texts feel a little… over familiar, the same way it does when he speaks to you.
 Lloyd: Here’s all the ticket information. I trust you two know how to have a good time. 😉
 Lloyd: Held up, are we? My brother’s always been the impatient one. 
 All of his messages border on inappropriate, at least, in your opinion. Perhaps it’s because he’s his twin, but Ransom steadfastly ignores their rather promiscuous nature. You scroll through until you reach the link to the reservation, pulling it up in your maps app. 
 “It says it’s like five hours from here.” You set the phone up in the little holder, positioning it so Ransom can see it. He blows out a frustrated breath.
 “Five hours? Jesus, Lloyd,” he mutters, shaking his head. You laugh. 
 “I think it’ll be fun,” you say, elbowing your husband. “It’s like we get our own little miniature road trip before the reunion happens and everyone gets here, right? Just us.” He looks at you before shaking his head, a small laugh erupting from between his lips.
 “You and the goddamn silver lining,” he says, chuckling. 
 The summer sun beats down on the windswept landscape, the low bushes all vibrantly green as they fly by the window. It feels good, just the two of you. Well, three, technically. It reminds you of when you’d just started dating Ransom. Back when he’d only just started to feel safe showing you something other than the frat-boy facade. He reaches over to rest his hand on your belly. You aren’t showing yet, but the gesture still feels comforting. 
 You feel truly loved in this moment. Hopeful contentedness isn’t a feeling you are familiar with, and you bask in it as the two of you trade increasingly obscure inside jokes about things you’re sure no one but the man sitting in the car with you would understand. The hours pass so quickly that by the time the two of you arrive, starving, in the small city about thirty minutes from the resort, you’re almost shocked to be there. 
 Ransom pulls into an open spot after going around a few times, and the two of you exit the vehicle, stretching. The classic architecture on the faces of the buildings makes your inner art historian jump for joy. You don’t do much with the degree now, and it makes you feel a little less wasteful to rattle off facts to Ransom at light-speed. He does you the courtesy of at least appearing to be interested, even if he’s not. You don’t have to work, not really. After your internship with the museum had come to an end at graduation, slowly, doing things with Ransom—and inevitably Lloyd—had begun to take up much of your time. 
 There was always an event to go to, a celebration to be had, a trip to take. In fact, the only thing that had seemed to slow the two of you down at all was the positive test taped proudly in the baby book Ransom was already starting with you. You’re honestly a little grateful for the opportunity to take it easy, even if you don’t exactly voice that to Ransom, and perhaps take the space to figure out just what you want your future to look like. 
 After stopping at one of the carts, the two of you sit on the lip of the aged fountain at the center of the square. Ransom trades you a bite of his gyro for your falafel, and he brushes stray crumbs from your lips as he takes it back. You can’t help but smile up at him.
 This is perfect.
 You know it’s silly to think of fairytales and princes at your age, but you can’t help but feel swept off your feet. You don’t know that you’ve ever stopped feeling that way with Ransom. That new love tingle hasn’t gone away, not after two years of dating, and now almost two full years of marriage. 
 “Tell me about this fountain, brainiac,” he teases, grinning playfully down at you when you scowl. “Since you know everything.”
 “I do not,” you insist, rolling your eyes, even though you’re already smiling good naturedly. “But, I mean, at first glance, you know, it’s old.” You run your hand almost reverently along the stone. “There used to be more of them, you can tell if you look at the way the tiling’s messed up.” You point to different spots around the square where the mosaic tiles don’t quite match up, patches looking newer than the rest. 
 “I’m glad one of us was paying attention during those lectures.” 
 “Why were you even in Brown’s class if you’re that bored by art history?” You tease, and Ransom fixes you with a soft smile.
 “How else would I have met you?” 
 You finish your food and reluctantly head back to the car. You know that it’s just a matter of time before the little bubble that’s formed around the two of you is burst by the presence of other people, and you find yourself feeling a little resentful of Lloyd and your sister before you attempt to brush it off. Still, you’re a little pouty by the time you get back to the car, enough that Ransom notices. 
 “Hey, what’s wrong? I thought you were having a great day?” He asks. You sigh as you start back up the gps, shrugging. He rolls his eyes at your silence. “Come on.” 
 “It’s stupid.” 
 “That’s never stopped you before,” he teases, grinning when you scowl at him. 
 “I just, you know. I don’t… want it to be over yet.” You say, shaking your head at yourself. “It’s been nice. Just the two of us.” Absently, you pick at a loose thread near the seam of your leggings. “I guess    I’m just feeling a little… selfish.” It makes you feel childish to admit. It doesn’t help that Ransom flashes you a cheshire grin at your confession. 
 “Oh baby. You want me all to yourself?” He asks, running his tongue along his lips suggestively. His fingers dance up your leg, and he kneads the softness of your thigh with one large hand. 
 “What, the plane wasn’t enough?” You ask, a smirk of your own forming on your lips as he rolls his eyes. 
 “What? No,” he scoffs. “You know it’s not enough unless I get to stretch you open on my cock, sweetheart.” His casually delivered words send a hot pulse through your core even as your face heats. Ransom’s thumb rubs ever smaller circles into your skin through the leggings as he makes his way toward the apex of your thighs.
 You whine low in your throat, glancing out of the windows at the lonely road winding its way through the cliffside. Ransom swerves over onto the shoulder of the road, kicking up a cloud of dust from under the wheels as he does so. 
 “Ran, someone’ll—”
 “No one’s gonna see,” Ransom says, unbuckling his seatbelt. He reaches for you over the middle console, and after waffling for a moment, you clamor over it, settling yourself onto his lap. He grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger, holding you steady as he meets your lips with his own. It’s different from the desperate, hungry way he’d kissed you on the plane—you’re not sure how to describe it. Slow, deliberate—possessive. That’s what it is. Ransom kisses you like he owns you. Like he can afford to take his time because he already has you—why rush?
 It makes your cunt swell and twitch around nothing as you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, your fingers twining in his linen shirt. He smells so good, you can’t help but scrape your teeth against his skin as you trail light, teasing kisses down the side of his throat. Ransom chuckles low in his throat before his hands sink into your hair, tugging your head to the side as he does the same to you, sucking hard enough to bruise. 
 He slides his hands underneath your t-shirt, and he tugs down the cups of your bra, your breasts spilling over the bunched fabric. Ransom rolls your swelling nipples between his fingers, a low hum of appreciation vibrating in his chest. Your breath catches in your throat as his mouth closes around your nipple, flicking it with his tongue before trapping it between his teeth. 
 “Fuckin’ perfect,” he mutters, his hands falling to your hips. He squeezes them almost reverently before he cups the cheeks of your ass in his hands. “Like you were goddamn made for me.” The brazen hunger in his words makes you shudder. Ransom holds you still as he bucks up, grinding his half hard cock into the warmth between your thighs. You catch your bottom lip between your teeth, worrying it as he guides you slowly back and forth over his cock. 
 You reach between your bodies, fumbling with the button on his jeans. It comes open after a few tries, and you shove your hand through the hole. A growled curse falls from his lips as you wrap your hand around his cock. He’s thick, the veins throbbing under your fingers as you stroke him. You draw your thumb across the thick, wet head of him, and he groans. He thrusts softly into your palm, his breath puffing across your cheek.
 “Tease,” he rasps, his fingers tangling in your hair again as he forces your mouth down to his. His other hand bunches in the waistband of your leggings, dragging them down to your knees. You yelp as his palm cracks across the cheek of your ass. He kneads the sore flesh before delivering a second slap. You press your face into the crook of Ransom’s neck, a shuddering breath escaping your lips as he spreads your cheeks lewdly, his fingers sliding through the sticky wetness gathered there. 
 Ransom grabs your hand, tugging it away so that he can reposition himself at your entrance. You’d cum on the plane, but something about doing it on your husband’s cock was especially satisfying—and Ransom knew it too. You suck a sharp breath into your lungs as he begins to press your hips downward.
 It’s delicious, the stretch of him filling you inch by inch until it feels like you can’t fit any more—and then you’re seated on his lap again, your leggings rucked up and stretched so far you can hear a few of the elastic threads snapping. Ransom hums low in his throat, and gives a few short thrusts upward, and your eyes roll. 
 “God, Ransom—” He lifts you up before slamming you back down to the base. 
 “Feels good, doesn’t it, Sweetheart?” He coos, and you tighten around him at the praise. “Feels right.” He grinds his hips upward, forcing his cock even further into you. It does, it feels so good you can’t help but stare back at him, wide eyed as you nod desperately. 
 Despite your surroundings, Ransom takes his time. He thrusts up into you with languid, heavy strokes, seating himself firmly in your cunt with curses and deep satisfied moans. 
 “Fucking love how you feel inside,” he says through gritted teeth as his cock forces you open. “Like velvet.” Your head is spinning, your fingers digging into his shoulders as Ransom pushes you closer and closer. You whimper as he continues to egg you on in that teasing drawl. 
“S’my fucking cunt, isn’t she?” You couldn’t help but nod dumbly. “Say it, Sweetheart. Say she’s mine, my pussy.” 
 “T-this is your pussy, Ransom,” the words come out in a pathetic little sob as you grind against him. “Yours!”
 Your agreement seems to unlock something feral in him, and he drives into you with forceful intensity. You bury your face in his collar, gasping. It’s all you can do as he fucks into you with abandon, the car rocking with his efforts. You’re not thinking about that, though, not when every time he sinks the thick, heavy weight of his cock into you, stars explode behind your closed eyelids. He slams into you with a growl, his fingers digging into your hips. 
 “You should cum, Sweetheart,” he says lowly through his clenched teeth. “Wanna feel you fucking milk my cock.” You do, whining as you convulse in his arms. He groans, fucking up into you as you twitch around him. “That’s it,” Ransom throws his head back against the headrest. “That’s what I fucking need.” He thrusts in to the hilt, the head of his cock pressing tightly your cervix as he cums. You can feel every thick pulse as sticky warmth fills you. 
 Ransom makes a low, satisfied noise in the back of his throat as he rubs soft circles into your lower back. After a while, he presses a kiss into your hair, and you sigh. 
 “I hope you’re happy with yourself,” he says, laughing a little breathlessly. “Now we’re late, and a mess.” You can’t help but laugh too, punching his shoulder lightly. 
 “I think I liked that more than I would have in the airplane bathroom,” you say, and Ransom cocks his head at you, as though the little inside joke has gone over his head. 
 “You know,” you say as you begin to straighten your clothes. “What you said, on the plane? The bathroom?” 
 “Oh, yeah. Well, you know. A little more space here in the car,” he says, waggling his eyebrows at you. Your husband frowns petulantly as you right your bra and pull down your shirt. You attempt to climb off of him, but slip, your sweaty palm sliding on the center console. “Easy, there. I know I’ve rendered you quite useless—”
 “Shut the hell up, Ransom.”
 “But I think I have some napkins around here somewhere.” You grimace as your thighs rub together wetly.
 “I hope it’s more than some.”
 As the two of you approach the gate, you suddenly feel like the word “hotel” is an inaccurate descriptor for what you’re seeing. There’s security stationed at either side of the white stone pillars, and one of them cracks the golden gate open just enough to slide through the gap. He jogs up to the driver’s side window, and pantomimes for Ransom to lower it. You are only peripherally aware of Ransom showing him your reservation—you’re much more preoccupied with the view. 
 The sea sparkles in the late afternoon sun, crashing against the rocky shore to your left. The water is clear and blue, winking merrily at you as you pass through the gate. Trees line the hard-packed dirt road, but as you round a curve, the path opens up into a courtyard with a small fountain. You were expecting a central building, a gigantic resort with all of the amenities—instead, you’re greeted by the sight of cabanas. They look like fairly new constructions, all polished wood and clean lines. 
 You hop out of the car after Ransom, intending to make your way around to the trunk and grab your bag, but the shrill sound of your own name stops you. You look up just in time to see your sister hurtling towards you. You have only a split second to ready yourself for her impact before she crashes into you like a many-limbed bullet. 
 “I’m so happy to see you!” She squeals, hugging you so tightly you swear you hear bone crack. Your little sister holds on for another moment or two before releasing you. She peeks around the car to address Ransom, who is still wrestling the suitcases out of the trunk. “You got this right? I’m taking her.” She loops her arm through yours. 
 “What, I don’t get the tour?” Ransom asks, closing the trunk of the car firmly. “I’m hurt.” 
 “How am I supposed to get her to talk about you if you’re there?” Nathalie quips, smiling widely when Ransom rolls his eyes. “I’ll return her in one piece, I promise,” she says, grabbing you by the shoulders and steering you away. 
 You shoot Ransom a rather apologetic smile over your shoulder, but allow your sister to direct you towards the cabanas. There are four of them total, ringing the little courtyard. You find yourself idly wondering how everyone’s going to fit—your parents, Ransom and Lloyd’s, plus their extended family. It seems a little… small for all of that. Regardless, the thought is pushed from your head as your sister drags you into the one she’s claimed as her own. The little covered porch leads to a well decorated room. It’s large, a canopied bed on one side of the room, and a small kitchenette on the other. In the center of the room, the little sitting area is dominated by Nathalie’s clothes. They’re spread haphazardly over all of the seats in random outfit combinations, the discarded items littering the floor. 
 She hugs you again before the two of you perch on the raised barstools in front of the breakfast bar. 
 “God, I missed you,” she says. “I can’t believe I haven’t seen you since your birthday party.” 
 “It hasn’t been that long,” you object, reaching for one of the complementary water bottles still sitting in the basket on the counter in front of you. “My birthday was only—” You pause to count on your hand. Three months ago. Shit. She raises an eyebrow, cocking her head to illustrate her point. You hold your hands up placatingly. “Okay, okay, it’s been a while. We’ve just been busy.”
 “What, all of a sudden you’ve got too many vineyard openings to go to? We miss you, you know.” She teases. There’s a grain of salt clinging to her words though, and you can’t help but feel guilty. You hadn’t meant to let your other relationships slide in the wake of your marriage. It was just easy to fall into the pattern of well, just you and Ransom. You feel even guiltier about the earlier resentment you’d felt, swallowing against the sudden thickness in your throat. 
 “Anyway. It’s good to see you.” 
 “You too.” You sigh. “So, why no Jaiden? I would think this would be like, the perfect couple getaway for you two.” You waggle your eyebrows, and she scoffs, shoving you. “
 “I told you, we’re—”
 “Not doing labels,” you imitate her, making air quotes with your fingers. 
 “Exactly. I don’t want him getting all attached just because he met mom.” She hops off of the stool, and walks around the other side of the counter to the fridge. “You want some prosecco? There was some in the mini bar.” You can’t help but snort as she pulls the bottle from the otherwise empty fridge door. 
 “That’s definitely not mini.” 
 “I know, right?” She giggles, opening the cabinets as she looks for glasses. 
 “I’m not drinking, actually,” you reply as she sets one in front of you. You watch the bubbles fizz and then disappear as the pours the alcohol into one of the glasses. Nathalie raises an eyebrow.
 “Not drinking? What are you sick or something? We’re on vacation, girl!” She pours you half a glass, and pushes it back towards you. “Come on, let’s party!” She takes a sip and sighs with exaggerated satisfaction. “Get a little drinky-drink in you, and then we’ll walk down to the beach, it’s gorgeous.” 
 “I can’t, Nat,” you say, this time pushing it away with force. “Seriously, just drop it.” She squints at you, before snatching it up with a sigh. She combines it with her own glass, making it dangerously full before she takes an appreciative sip. 
 “Fine, fine, weirdo. What are you, pregnant?” She says, laughing as she takes another sizable gulp. You swallow thickly as a thousand responses all rush to your tongue, each trying to leap out of your throat first. A joking What? no, comes to mind, as does a shocked You can’t be serious! But neither of those reaches your gaping mouth. You sputter, trying to think of what to say as her eyes widen. 
 “Oh my God you are! You’re fucking pregnant?” She shrieks, and you grab her arm, shushing her. “Ow!”
 “Keep your stupid voice down, Nat!” You hiss, glancing around the empty room like you’re expecting Ransom to emerge from behind the ottoman with a disapproving frown. “Shit.” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “I’m not supposed to tell anybody, Nat.” 
 “Technically I guessed.”
 “Yeah, you and Lloyd have that in common,” you mutter, glaring at her. Nathalie doesn’t even have the decency to look apologetic, instead, taking another sip of Prosecco. 
 “I knew there was a reason to celebrate,” she giggles, and you groan. “Ugh, Lloyd.” She grimaces. “I saw him sulking by the pool earlier. He’s a real prick when he’s upset, you know that?”
 “He’s a real prick all the time,” you mutter. “You saw him? He’s here?”
 “Oh he’s here alright,” Nathalie says, swirling the Prosecco in her glass conspiratorially. “I don’t know what had his panties all in a bunch, but he practically bowled me over.”  She rolled her eyes. “Weird ass.” 
 “Hey, he paid for your tickets,” you remind her, and Nathalie shrugs. 
 “A weird ass with money, then.” You can’t help but giggle at her irreverence. “Come on, let me show you the beach!” She downs the rest of her drink in a few swallows while you use the bathroom, and then you follow her out of the little back door. “Isn’t this view unbeatable?” 
 You find you can’t disagree. The well manicured grass leading up to the fenced overlook is something to behold—the sea glitters aquamarine beyond it, the sun hanging low and orange in the sky. Nathalie leads you over to a set of steps, carved straight out of the rock. They’re a little slippery, but the railing is well constructed, so you manage just fine as you make your way down to the shore. It’s like a postcard, you think as your feet sink into the warm white sand. If Lloyd had spent fifteen thousand dollars on a bracelet, you can’t help but wonder what he spent on this. 
 I don’t even want to know.
 “Isn’t it amazing? Like oh my God.” Nathalie kicks up a little sand. “In case I’ve forgotten, thanks for marrying a millionaire.” She giggles as you shove her, and she takes off toward the water. You watch her head down the beach, content to stand with your feet in the surf. 
 “The prodigal daughter returns.” Lloyd’s low drawl is unexpected, and you turn with a little gasp. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
 “I guess you’re just good at it.” You say with a thin smile. “This place is amazing, Lloyd, thank you for inviting us.” It’s the graceful acknowledgement you’ve practiced, and he looks pleased to hear it. 
 “You’re welcome.” His grin turns brazen. “Better late than never, am I right?” Perhaps it’s the hormones, the flight, or the drive, but you feel less than inclined to brush off his implication. 
 “What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask irritatedly, and he licks his lips. 
 “Hey, I’m not judging,” he holds his hands up placatingly, exaggerating the movements. “If you and Ransom found a sweet little roadside attraction, who am I to say a thing about it?” Your face heats with embarrassment and anger, and when you open your mouth to respond, at first no sound comes out. 
 “Oh, hey. Lloyd.” Nathalie’s flat intonation takes the wind right out of your sails as she jogs back over. “Thanks again for inviting, you know, the extended fam,” she says, looping her arm through yours. “It’s seriously the coolest place I have ever been.” 
 “No need to thank me,” he says smoothly, shaking his head as his eyes light on yours again. “Like I told your sister. I do for my family.” He flashes a charming smile at the both of you. “Glad you’re enjoying yourselves.” He sticks his hands into his pockets, his thumbs hanging lazily on his belt loops as he heads off down the beach, whistling. 
 Nathalie grimaces. “I saw him and figured I better come back,” she says, squeezing your arm. “Weird ass.” The two of you watch him go, and you shudder, a sudden cool breeze kicking up off the water. 
 “Yeah,” you say softly. “Weird.” 
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writingroom21 · 28 days
Sweet Escape
Pairing: Rafe x single mom reader
Summary: Moving to Kildare with your best friend and daughter was the perfect move. The little island is perfect, the people are nice, and you are finally at peace. Then Rafe comes in with his perfect smile and charm, sweeping you off your feet. The only issue is if you are ready to let someone else in.
Warnings: 18+, mentions of abuse(Theo being physical with reader), mentions of cheating(Not from reader or Rafe), making out, grinding, (Let me know if I missed any)
Wc: 6.8K
Chapter Five: I'm Here
“Let’s just take a moment to relax and take a deep breath.” Rafe is rubbing your back trying to help you calm down. “Relax! He’s trying to take my baby away and you want me to relax?” You croak out in between sobs, slapping his hand away from you. He Raises his hands, eyes widening as he looks to Jo for help.
“Babes no one is telling you to not take it seriously. We just need to make sure you are okay too. Just take a deep breath.” Jo’s reasoning only makes it worse. Another sob rips through you as you clutch your chest. “I can’t breathe. He can’t be doing this to me.”
You look up at her and then look at Rafe. Your tear stricken face breaks their hearts. “He can’t take her away from me.” Rafe takes a deep breath before wrapping his arms around you. “We won’t let him. I’ll call my lawyer and see what he can do.” Jo comes to kneel down before you. 
“Plus he hasn’t been in her life at all until this point. What dumbass would give him full custody?” You don’t listen to what they are saying. Well you are but none of it matters right now. All your brain can focus on is the words on the document in front of you. 
This is an official summons. Theodore Mitch Wixx is petitioning for full custody over Violet Dunn. You will have 14 days to respond to the summons before proceedings occur. If not heard from within the time frame it will be seen as an agreement to the terms listed below.
He doesn’t even know her middle name. Somehow he got all the paperwork through without even knowing her middle name. “What’s funny?” You didn’t even realize that you had started laughing but you did. Now you can't stop it. “He doesn’t even know her fucking middle name and he thinks he should have full custody.” Rafe and Jo share concerning looks. She nods for him to scout out of the way so he can let her take his place.
Rafe lets her comfort you while he makes a quick call to his lawyer. He seething with anger if he’s being honest. It was one thing for him to think it was easy to weasel his way in. But to try to take Vi away from you is crazy. When he gets back to the living room you are now curled in a blanket with a cup of tea in your hands. Jo passes him on her way to her room, leaning towards him to whisper something. “Just gave her some chamomile tea. Think she just wants you right now.”
He nods at her and makes his way to the spot next to you. You watch him with a calm look as he places your legs on his lap, rubbing your calves. “What did he say?” The voice that hits his ears is not the same one he’s been listening to for the past hours. It’s small and afraid. “Said we can go meet him on Monday. His wife is a family lawyer so she’s going to help us. But he thinks we got a good case.”
There he goes saying we again as if it's easy. “You don’t have to do all of this. You can back out anytime, I wouldn’t judge you.” Rafe has half a mind to be offended, you would think that of him. But you were just told your shitty ex is trying to take your kid away. He understands you are vulnerable and probably just thinking the worst. To be fair he’s kind of doing the same thing right now.
“I’ll keep saying it until you believe me. I’m not leaving. I care about you and Vi, I’ll protect the both of you.” Tears well in your eyes again. “What if he does win? What if I never see her again?” Rafe takes the mug and puts it on the ground before pulling you into a hug. “He would have to pry her from my cold dead body before he could take her.
You giggle at his absurdity. “I’m serious. I won’t let him hurt the two of you.” You squeeze him tightly, grateful to have him here. “Thank you.” Rfe buries his face in your shoulder. “Nothing to thank me for.”
The rest of the weekend was like a slow action movie where you are just waiting to be over. Rafe had cuddled with you all of Friday night, falling asleep on your tiny bed with you practically on top of him. You didn’t know when he had moved yall but was glad you didn’t have a crick from sleeping on the old couch. Vi had been excited to see that Rafe was still there the next day when she woke up.
It should have warmed your heart but the worry kept nagging at you. It was the only thing you could focus on. You had decided to stay home, wanting to watch movies with her just to be close. It became a whole house thing which you were happy for because you don’t think you would be able to keep your emotions in check with just you and her. Rafe had even invited Wheeziewho then told Sarah.
Both girls could sense something off with you and Rafe wouldn’t give anything away. Only telling them you just needed the company. Which seemed to be the right choice because they got a few smiles even a laugh out of you throughout the day. As Saturday night was getting late the girls decided to go home. “Rafe are you going to be home?” Rafe freezes at Wheezie’s question looking at you to see what you wanted.
But you don’t say or show him anything. He takes a wild gamble and makes a decision. “I’m going to stay. Text or call if you need anything okay.” He misses the smiles on your and Jo’s face as he looks at his younger sister. “Okay. But I swear if Rose makes me do another late night girl talk you are compensating me.” He laughs and agrees. “Deal.”
The rest of the night goes by the same as the previous day. You fell asleep and woke up in his arms which was actually nice. Only if your brain would let you focus on the feeling instead of the scenarios it’s creating. You seemed like a shell of yourself. You moved like a robot only really showing emotions with Vi. No one says anything, not knowing the turmoil you are going through.
Rafe worrily chews on his nails, afraid that his presence is too much. Then you reach out for his hand to hold and things feel good. In all honesty the whole house is shaken up about the situation. Vi is the light of the house and losing her is a scary thought for everyone. June had some choice words when she was debriefed on Saturday. Let’s just say it’s a good thing she has a bad hip or else she might have found Theo by now.
Everyone is just concerned with what will be said tomorrow. The thought of that scumbag being anywhere near that precious baby is rage inducing. The only person who seems to not notice the tension is Vi herself. Or maybe she did and that’s why she’s being extra cute today. Either way it’s a good distraction from what’s going on.
As the clock kept ticking closer to night, the nerves seemed to rise with the stars. “Hey I should probably get back home. I’ll be here exactly at eight to bring you. Make sure you bring the papers.” Rafe is putting his shoes on at the edge of your bed as Vi tries to climb on his back. “Do you think you could stay again tonight?” He automatically stops tying his laces and looks back at you. 
“Of course. Let me just call Wheeze to let her know.” Wait Wheezie, what were you thinking? “No no. Nevermind you should probably get back. You’ve been here all weekend and should spend the night at home with her.” Rafe grabs Vi’s arms as he stands up, giving her a piggyback ride as he walks to your side. Right before he sits down he pulls her over his shoulder, laughing as she giggles while being tossed around.
He sits down with her on his lap now. “Um this maybe a little out of line for me but… you could come stay with me. We can set Vi up in the room across from mine or even in my bed, it's big enough.” You think about it for a second. “You’ve been staying here for the past two days. It’s not out of line suggesting we go to yours.” You play with her hair as you speak, kissing her forehead as you get up. “I’m going to pack our things.”
You’ve seen his house before but somehow it still shocks you. Sometimes you forget that he has money. Rafe leads you up the stairs holding a sleeping Vi. He said it's because he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself but you feel like he wants to be close to her too. Instead of bringing her to the guest bedroom like you thought he was doing, Rafe actually takes her to his room. 
The only time you’ve been in it is when you were waiting for dinner that Rose insisted you came to. It looks clean and not lived in which could be due to the maids. There weren’t even any decorations which made you feel sad. It’s like when you go to tour a house and everything looks picture perfect.
Rafe places her down on the bed, rearranging some pillows to create a fort around her. You place your overnight bag on the desk chair getting your pj’s out and toiletry bag. “You can go get changed first if you want. I can stay with her to make sure she doesn’t fall off the bed.” When you don’t respond he turns to look at you and sees you staring at the picture frame on his desk.
“This is new.” Is all you say. Rafe blushes and rubs the back of his neck. “I thought it was a nice picture. Wanted to liven up the room.” Staring back at you is the picture you had taken at the zoo. It shows the three of you all sporting face paint Vi had begged for. 
“Mommy Waint!” Vi shouted tugging at your arm. You had just got done looking at the elephants and were now walking around. She tugs on your arm again pointing as she says “Waint!” You and Rafe both look at the way she’s pointing to see an older lady painting a little boy's face. 
Rafe crouches down. “Want to get face paint?” Vi nods her head excitedly screaming “YES!” You laugh as she tugs your hand for you to follow. Turning your head to Rafe you shake it. “When she doesn’t want to take it off you are the one dealing with it.” He didn’t know he was signing up for a job when he suggested it but her smile made it worth it.
She squirmed the whole time the lady painted a butterfly on her face. Jumping up and down when she saw it. “Ra twurn.” Rafe looked at the little girl and then at you. Yeah he definitely didn’t sign up to get his face painted. “How ‘bout mom gets something?” He suggests but Vi shakes her head and points at him. “Ra.”
Reluctantly he sits down in front of the lady, shyly smiling at her as she stares at him. “Um I’ll get the tiger?” He looks at Vi and she nods her head in approval. You giggle as you watch Rafe get his face painted and you aren’t the only one. People kept looking over to watch this six foot two guy get painted as a tiger.
Vi’s smile when he was done was so bright and of course you got dragged in. You decided to let the two of them pick what you get. That’s how you ended up with a fox on your face. After you three headed over to a pretzel stand. As you all pick at it you wipe out your phone.
You hold it up catching the three of you. “Say cheese.” Vi turns her head smiling widely at the camera. Rafe moves his face closer so the two of you are blocking her head in. The phone makes a fluttering noise as you take the picture. You look at it and smile, hearting it to save for later.
The memory warms your heart. You kiss Rafe’s cheek pulling his hand to drag him to the bathroom. “Come on. I need a shower and you need to show me how to use your fancy one. Plus she’ll be fine.” He gladly follows along not seeing any reason to argue. 
That night the two of you sandwich Vi in the middle of the bed. Your fingers are running up and down on her arms. Rafe is rubbing small circles on her back as he stares at you. “We’ll be okay. Everything is going to be fine tomorrow.” You believe him. Even if you are scared you know deep down everything is going to be okay.
“Hi I’m Carl and this is my wife Diane.” You shake his hand before shaking hers. Rafe greets them like old friends but if you think about it they might be. The four of you settle down at a table. Diane takes out a notepad and pen, clicking it so she can write. “Why don’t you tell me what happened from the start Ms. Dunn.”
Taking a deep breath you begin to spew everything. How you two were dating but then you fell pregnant. From there how Theo dumped you when he found out and how you had to raise Vi on your own. But now he’s back wanting full custody of a kid he doesn’t know or wanted. Rafe’s hand holds yours as you tell her the story. 
You shake with rage as you hear yourself talk. HIs audacity is honestly baffling. “How was your relationship before the pregnancy?” The room gets silent as they wait for you to answer the question. Rafe turns his body to look at you, placing his left arm on the table. “Babe?” Blankly you look at him, tears pooling in your as you do. “Sweetie, you can tell me what happened.”
Diane was soft spoken making you feel more comfortable. Clearing your throat, you fix your posture and take a deep breath. “In the beginning it was fine. He would always see how I was doing or surprising me. Um but after like a year he just got mean.” You take a sip of water to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“What do you mean by that?” She’s writing down in her pad. “A little after our first anniversary I found out he was talking to another girl. After I confronted him he got a little physical.” The sound of your voice is brittle as if it is breaking with every word. “What do you define as a little bit physical?”
“He pushed me against the wall and slapped me. He yelled at me for a while after and then apologized. Said me accusing him of something so bad made him snap.” The only sound in the room was the sound of the collective breathing and pen scratching paper. “It didn’t take long after for him to start putting me down. Saying I was stupid if I got a slightly lower grade than him. If I didn’t wear makeup he would tell me how ugly I was and said I embarrassed him.”
Rafe’s hand squeezes yours. He’s trying hard to stay calm right now. A tear falls down your cheek and he wipes it away. “How long did that last?” You laugh at the answer. “The rest of the relationship. I was stupid enough to think he actually did love me and that's why he said all of it.” Diane stops writing and looks you in the eyes.
“It doesn’t make you stupid hoping someone cares for you. He was your boyfriend and it’s not your fault he took advantage of that.” You shake your head, wiping the tears that are falling. “When I found out I was pregnant I thought he would change. For some reason I had hoped things would be normal just so Vi would have a normal life.”
“I’ve seen hundreds of women in your same position. Everyone of them is a survivor just like you. Don’t let him make you feel crazy for wanting basic respect.” She reaches over and takes a hold of your hand that’s around the cup. She rubs her thumb over your knuckles. “What you went through and how you felt is real. You had no control over it. None of it was your fault.”
You look at her for a moment, letting the tears fall. The only people who believed you were Jo and her family. When you had told your parents they had blamed you. “What is so wrong with you that he could do that? Why are you trying to destroy that poor boy's life?” “Sometimes a man needs things and you can’t fault him for that. Grow up and accept the fact you weren’t good enough.” Their voices still ring loud and clear in your ears.
“He would hit me when he got made. One time he caught me talking to a class about a project and spent the whole car ride berating me. Honestly, I thought he was going to crash the car just to prove a point.”  
“Why would you think that?” The way Rafe’s fingers are gripping yours is causing you to lose circulation. “He was driving crazy, started to speed and swerved. I had to beg him not to do anything just for him to stop.” Rafe grabs a tissue and wipes more tears off your face. He grabs a few more and hands them to you. 
You take them and blot away any excess moisture. “I’m sorry if this question seems insensitive but it’s important I ask. Do you have any documentation of all of this? Text messages, audios, pictures, or diaries?” The question isn’t one you were prepared for. After your parents didn’t believe you, the thought of telling anyone else was pointless.  
You did write in your diary but that has to be somewhere in New York. “I used to write in my diary but I stopped when Vi was born. I think I still have our old messages but I would have to check.” You are sniffling throughout the whole time you talk. It feels refreshing telling someone else about it and not having to keep everything in. Jo is the only person who really knew what your relationship was like.
Everyone else got a watered down version where he’s just a dick for leaving you pregnant. Not like you believe anyone would believe you anyway. “Okay good. Find the diary and bring it in and look for those messages. I’m going to send over an appeal and we will work out the case once it’s approved. But from what you said I think we got a solid case.”
As she’s packing up her things you remembered something. “He sprained my wrist once. I had to go to the emergency room because I thought it was broken.” Diane pauses her movements. “Do you still have the papers from that visit?” You straighten in the chair. “I have an electronic copy.” She sits back down whipping out a tiny notepad. “How did it happen?”
“We were hanging out with some friends and one of them asked me what he got me for my birthday. I said nothing and he got upset that I told them the truth. He made us leave early and dragged me out to the car. He told me I embarrassed him and I deserved nothing because that's what I was. I tried to just open the car door to get in and he slammed it shut right on my wrist.”
Diane takes a deep breath and writes it all down. “If you could send me a copy of those papers as well that would be perfect.” She packs her things and walks to your side of the table. Bending down she gives you a hug. “You didn’t deserve any of that.” She pulls away giving you a warm smile before walking out with Carl who gives you a nod on the way out. 
You and Rafe still sit there for a second soaking it all in. Silently he gets up still holding your hand and waits for you to stand before walking. The walk to the car seemed shorter than it was before. You get to the passenger side door when Rafe pulls you back, spinning you around so he can hug you. He squeezes you tight, wrapping himself around you. Your arms wrap around his waist holding on for dear life. 
“You’re everything. I’m sorry no one has seen how special you are. But I see you.” You grip him tighter as you try not to cry. “I’m not perfect but you make me want to be. You deserve nothing less than perfection because that’s what you are.” Tears stain his shirt as you both stand in the parking lot. You pull your head back to look up at him. “I don’t want to be perfect. I just want you.”
He takes an arm away, strips the heat with it. His hand cups your face as he leans in. He kisses you deeply, conveying his emotions through the action. Disconnecting, he looks you in the eyes and smiles.
“You have me.”
After you had gotten back home that day you called Jo’s mom. You asked her if she would be willing to go through the old things you left in the attic. Once you explained the situation to her she was more than willing. After hanging up you and Rafe tackled trying to go through the leftover boxes to see if it was in there. When you both found nothing it switched to downloading the old text messages you shared.
It took the rest of the afternoon to download everything and send them over along with the ER papers. The two of you didn’t really talk about what you had mentioned. You know that at some point you will need to talk, but this doesn’t seem like the right moment. Dinner time comes and everyone sits at the table to eat. Rafe had taken Wheezie and Rose to dinner so it was just the girls at home.
“How did it go today?” Jo drinks some water to alleviate the dryness in her throat. You swallow the food you had been chewing. “Um, I think it went good. I told her about how he just left and now he’s back.” You don’t want to bring up the other topics because you know she will go into a rant about it.
She doesn’t mean any harm and you know that. But you hate bringing up that time of your life. You already dealt with it all when you went to therapy after having postpartum. It was all hashed out and you want to leave it that way. If you keep talking about it you know old wounds will open up.
The conversation dulls and the only sound comes from the scraping of cutlery on plates. Towards the end June gets up and gives you a hug. “They would be idiots to believe that dumb fucker.” You can’t help but to laugh. She’s always been foul mouthed even since you were a kid. “Thank you Juney.” 
Jo cleans up the plates as you start on the dishes piled in the sink. As you are scrubbing a plate the doorbell rings. “Got it!” Jo yells. You keep washing the dishes trying to entertain Vi at the same time. She squeals as the water you flick at her hits her forehead. Footsteps are heard walking up the hall. You turn to the kitchen door to see Rafe.
“Hey. What are you doing here?” You’re confused, you thought Rafe was going to stay at home. Looking down you can see that he has a small duffel with him. “Jo and I talked, we think it’s best if you have a distraction. Diane still needs to draft an appeal which then has to be approved. It could take a few days so I want to take you away.” He drops his bag and walks over to you, picking up Vi on his way.
“I have the shop.” He smiles and gives you a kiss, wrapping his free arm around you. “Already thought of that. Jo said she could look after it or if you do want to work…” He pulls out a singular key, showing it to you. “I got the keys to the little beach house Rose just got. It has a private beach and like no neighbors.” He leans down and pecks your cheek then your neck. 
“Just you, Vi and I.” You pull back smiling at him. “What would you do when Vi and I are at the shop?” Taking that as a yes to the beach house, he drags you to your room. He plops himself down on the bed, watching as you pack your things. “I’d go with the two of you. I took the time off of work.”
You stop packing and look at him. He’s playing with Vi, making her giggle every time he tickles her. “Won’t they need you there?” A nagging feeling is creeping up. You can’t be the reason he misses work. “I own the company along with Rose. She doesn’t care that I’m taking some time off. I think she actually likes it better since it's her way all the time.”
He looks up at you and smiles. “Plus I want to be there for you. This is a lot to handle on your own. You don’t have to go through it by yourself.” You walk over to him, crawling on the bed to be next to him. “I don’t know what I did to find you but I’m glad I did. I” Rafe waits patiently for you to finish. The way your eyes flicker between his, he thinks he knows what it is. “I’m really lucky to have such a great boyfriend.” He’s slightly disappointed that’s all you had to say.
He shakes off that feeling and gives you a kiss. “Come on. We have to finish packing so we can get there fast. There’s a hot tub I want us to try.” You laugh at him and get up. “Yes sir.”
“You’re cutting the stems too short. Try measuring them in the vase.” Rafe stares at you blankly as he holds a pair of scissors in his hand. “I thought you had to cut the ends off.” You smile as you take a flower to show him. You demonstrate how to measure it according to the vase and cut the stem. Taking the flower out of his hand you put it in the vase along with yours.
“You see how the one I cut is out of the vase while yours is stuck in the neck? Flowers come in all sizes and sometimes if you eyeball it they come out too short.” You take his flower out and bring it over to a small vase and add it. “This way all the flowers align to the vase.” Rafe can’t help but be in awe of you. You talk about the flowers as if they are a form of art. Well he guesses that they are. 
“Okay boss, what else should I know?” He’s been calling you that for the past two days. It started on Tuesday. You had woken up to Rafe gently shaking you holding a cup of coffee out to you. “Morning boss, I’m ready for work.” He had talked your ear off asking questions on what you will have him do. You had to explain to him that you couldn’t say anything until you went to the shop.
Once the three of you got there Vi started to wander the shop as you set your bags down. “What should I do?” You looked over orders and inventory before telling him he can rearrange some displays so you can gather flowers to make more.
It took him a while to weed out any displays with wilting flowers and rearrange the good ones. But by the end he was done. Which only made him want to keep doing other stuff to help you out.
On Wednesday he saved the boss' comments until he was helping out a customer. You honestly thought he quit with it but guess not. An older lady was asking him to help her find a nice bouquet for her daughter in law. He didn’t know what the flowers even looked like and was getting nervous. “Um I would have to ask my boss I’ll be right back.” His nervous expression was cute.
From then on he kept referring to you as boss, even when at home. Well the little beach house. As the two of you were cooking dinner last night he brought it up again. 
“Where do you want the pepper boss?” You roll your eyes at him. “Are you really going to keep calling me that?” He wraps his arms around you from the back. Feather light kisses are placed on your neck. “It should be chef right since we are in the kitchen?” You groan at him. You knew watching The Bear was a bad idea.
He lets go of you, going to get Violet to parade her around the kitchen. “Vi say ‘Yes chef’ to mommy.” The little girl giggles as he tickles her stomach. “Yes chef.” The way she says it is so adorable. Rafe throws her in the air and catches her, swaying her from side to side in the air. 
“Go play in the living room. The two of you are stressing me out.” You joke as you add the peppers Rafe cut to the pan to saute. He pulls her down, carrying her over his shoulder as he walks to you. Vi laughs as she wiggles against his back. Rafe places a hand behind your neck forcing you to look at him, leaning down he kisses you.
“Yes chef.”
Which leads you to know. 
“You can take those out to the front. I’m going to grab the next batch of flowers for some orders that we can start on.” Rafe nods as he takes the vase and walks out of the attached room. You turn to Vi and tickle her with a left over flower. “Come on sweet girl. Let's go get some flowers.” As you and Vi grab flowers the front door bell rings, alerting you that someone walked in. 
Normally you would go out there but with Rafe being here you can take a step back. You’re cutting some stems when he walks back in. He looks back out front before looking at you. “Man, that girl was weird.” You shoot him a look.
“Rafe don’t say that.” He makes his way over looking at a slip and finding the bundle you set aside for it. “Babe, I'm telling you she’s weird. Kept asking if I was the only one working.” You look over at him, finding it slightly odd. “Maybe she’s not comfortable around guys?” Trying to give her the benefit of doubt you make up an excuse. 
“When I told her the boss was in the back she kept asking what your name was. I told her if she wanted flowers she could get them but if not to kick it.” Sighing you put your scissors down. “Baby next time just get me. Can’t just tell people to kick it.” He leans over the table grabbing one of your hands. “Sorry but I still stand by what I said.”
You shake your head and laugh. “Get back to the order.” Rafe just smirks as you try to ignore him. Your eyes keep looking over at him just to see that he was doing the same. The rest of the day was nice. You are all caught up on orders and sold a good amount today. Overall it was a great day.
The three of you had gotten home an hour ago. As soon as you stepped foot in the house Vi was begging to go swimming. Rafe offered to take her if you made dinner or he could make it if you wanted to go in the water. You jumped at the opportunity to not be in the sea so you opted for dinner.
Rafe and Vi came in soaked when you said food was ready. She showed you some of the rocks that she collected. After dinner she was so tired that it made the bedtime routine even longer. All she wanted to do was sleep so she kept protesting. By the time she was in bed it was already eight thirty. Rafe closes the door to her room as you both sneak out. “Let's go in the hot tub.” He whispers.
Since you got here every night ends with the two of you in there. You went to get changed and met him outside. Rafe was already in the water when you exited the house. His head rests back against the edge as the water laps around him. His eyes open to watch you get in, his hands find your waist to pull you closer. “Hi.”
You giggle and lean in closer. “Hi.” Rafe moves a piece of hair behind your ear and kisses you. The two of you kiss for a bit, enjoying the way your lips move together. The kiss heats up a little. His lips leave your, kissing their way to your neck before lightly sucking on it. You lean your head to the side giving him better access as your hip rolls over his. 
Rafe moans into your neck before gripping your hair, maneuvering your head so he can kiss you again. It goes like this for a while longer, the two of you getting lost in each other. After some time he pulls away from you. The whole relationship till this point has been just kissing and little make outs.
At this moment things are going the furthest they have been. You’re still rolling your hips with your eyes closed. Rafe watches with his mouth open, staring at how pretty you look. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek, caressing his thumb on your bottom lip. His eyes widen when you stick your tongue out to lick it and give it a kiss.
You open your eyes to look him in the eyes only for yours to fall shut when an orgasim courses through you. “Oh fuck.” Rafe moans out gripping your hips trying hard not to cum. You slump over resting your head on his shoulder. “That’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ver seen.”
You can still feel that he’s hard but he’s not making any moves. Rafe catches your internal freak out and kisses you. “I’m not in any rush. Let me take care of you.” You play with his hair and move closer to him. “Okay.” He wraps his arms around your waist holding you to him. It’s silent as you two sit there.
“I’m going to miss having you around at the shop when you go back to work. It’s been nice having another person there even better that it was you.” He snuggles his head in the crock of your neck, pecking the skin. “I’m going to miss you too. It’s going to be weird not being around you and Vi for so long.” You laugh and pull back to look at him. The water splashes around from your sudden movement. 
“Ray, you're acting like you aren’t going to see us ever again.” He shrugs, smirking at you. “Sue me for missing my girls.” You smile down at him, cupping his checks to give him a kiss. “If you’re feeling lonely, maybe Wheezie can go and help you out. She’s out of school for the summer now so she has the time.” You think about it for a moment. It’s kind of perfect, the shop has been doing well. The country club has even been regularly buying big orders from you.
“Sounds like a deal.” Your hands find his hands, pulling them away from your body allowing you to get up. “Let’s go. We have to go to the craft store so I can get more chalk pens in the morning. So we gotta get up earlier.”
He followed you, drying off and waiting his turn in the shower. He may have taken longer in the shower taking care of a little problem. By the time he went to lay in bed you were already asleep. Quietly he gets into bed next to you, looking at the baby cam on the nightstand. Seeing that Vi is sleeping soundly he lays down wrapping his arm around you.
“Do you think the letters look good?” You turn the chalkboard so Rafe can see it. He squints to look at the fourth rendition of the same sign. Every single one looks the same but you insist that there was something wrong. “I think it’s the best one. What do you think Vi?” The little girl looks up and nods her head in approval before playing on her own board.
You smile and turn it back around, beaming at your work. “I’m going to put it in the front window.” As you are about to turn around the front door opens. “Hi how can we hel-” You turn around to see Theo standing there. “What are you doing here?” 
“You told them I was abusive. Are you that fucking stupid?” Rafe comes to stand by you, slightly pushing you to back away. “Don’t talk to her like that.” Theo looks at Rafe, narrowing his eyes. “You know I’m getting really sick and tired of you always getting in the middle. Back the fuck off.” Rafe stands a bit taller looking down at him. “No, I won't back off. I see you for the deadbeat that you are. I won’t let you hurt them.”
“You are really believing her right now. She’s just upset I left when she got pregnant. I never laid a finger on her.” Rafe rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. “Get out before I call the cops.” Theo pauses for a second trying to call his bluff. But once he saw Rafe press a number he went to back away. “You really think he cares about you, Prim? You’re probably just one of his new challenges. The single mom with baggage, the perfect sucker.”
Rafe steps forward ready to grab him by his shirt and punch him. But he stopped himself plus the door opened. A woman walks in and makes her way next to Theo, grabbing his hand. “What are you doing here?” Rafe asked her. You look around him and catch his eyes. “You know her?”
Rafe nods. “That’s the customer I was telling you about.” She smiles at you but you can tell it’s fake. “Hi I’m Delia. Theo’s fiance.” You and Rafe are shocked, looking at each other as if saying ‘what the fuck’. Delia then tries to walk around you towards Vi. “You must be Violet. I'm so excited to meet you.” You block her from going further.
“Please don’t go near my child.” She looks at you and scuffs. “I’m going to be her step-mom. She needs to get used to me. Plus when we get custody she won’t be scared.” You feel as if you were slapped. How dare she have so much entitlement to a kid that’s not hers. “Yeah no you need to leave. You don’t need to meet my kid.”
“God, are you still trying to keep him away from his own kid? You are lucky he didn’t get a lawyer involved sooner.” You look at her dumbfounded. “Excuse me?” She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. Rafe doesn’t even get what is happening. Where is she getting that idea from? “If I hadn’t forced him to get a lawyer involved, who knows how long this would have gone on. You’re evil.”
“I never once ke-” “Del let’s go. It’s no use arguing with you. I told you coming here was a bad idea, she never listens.” You and Rafe watch as they walk out not saying a word. The door closes and the shop is now empty. The air conditioner can be heard running with a faint hum. The two of you turned to each other saying the same thing.
“What the fuck just happened?”
@haruvalentine4321 @namelesslosers @ijustwanttoreadlols @drewsphswife @corpsebridenightamare @actorslover @juniperbaies @fionaswifeyy @dark1paradise @stoned-writer @notafairyteen let me know if you want to be added
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ryukatters · 2 years
Headcanons (SFW & NSFW) | Aki Hayakawa
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Pairing: Aki Hayakawa x fem! reader
Content/warnings: fluff, smut, nothing too crazy to be honest
A/N: Hello! I have risen from the dead and my very first post in over a year will be dedicated to the newfound love of my life, Aki Hayakawa. I feel like headcanons are a good way for me to figure out characterization and how I want to write characters in future fics, so here we are. Also I edited this Aki screencap to make him :) instead of :(
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Makes his bed every morning, even if you’re in it. So if you wake up and find that one half of the bed is a lot straighter and smoother than your half, you’ll know why.
That being said, he likes to make sure you’re nice and warm when he leaves your side every morning for work, so he makes sure to wrap the blanket around you extra snug.
Is your personal chauffeur. The good thing about Aki is that he’s not only a good driver, but he loves driving as well. You can mention wanting to go to a certain place, then all of a sudden Aki’s dragging you out the door, keys in hand. In the words of T.I., “you can go wherever you like”
Has a thing for forehead kisses, especially if you’re shorter than him. 
Likes it when you guys have complimentary or matching jewelry. 
Aki isn’t one to talk much, but around you it’s almost like his mouth has a mind of its own. He feels like he can talk about anything and everything with you, and hopes that you feel the same way around him. 
Was very much an old man in his past life. Quite geriatric, to be honest. Goes to bed early, doesn’t upgrade his phone, reads physical newspapers in this day and age. You’ll have to live with the fact that you’re dating a grandpa </3
Aki is very, very responsible. Is always punctual, schedules appointments without needing a reminder, knows his way around legal documents and just navigating everyday life. (Though it probably has to do with the fact he’s an old man incarnate)
He doesn’t mind if he has to do things for you, either. He welcomes it, even. He likes feeling needed by you. 
Aside from cooking and driving, I imagine Aki being a somewhat proficient photographer. He has a bunch of cash to blow from being in public safety, and although he has very few vices to spend his salary on, he decided to indulge on a quality camera with the appropriate accessories
It started off small, driving to random spots on his days off and shooting pics. He was definitely more of a scenic photographer before he met you. 
Now that you’re together, you’re almost always the focus of his masterpieces. It’s almost endearing, actually, the way he asks if you’d allow him to take you out on a photoshoot date. Sometimes, he has a specific theme in mind, so he’ll buy the props he needs (including your outfits).
He’s literally starstruck every time he sees you in front of a camera. If you’re shy, he’ll encourage you until you feel more comfortable to pose the way he needs you to.
He especially likes the candid pictures he takes of you— you laughing, looking out in the distance at the view, trying a new dish at a new date spot he took you to, etc. He has a separate folder on his laptop dedicated to pictures of you, and he looks back at them whenever he’s missing you a little extra.
I’m sure this has been established already, but Aki’s love language = acts of service. He’ll do anything and everything for you, you don’t even have to ask (most of the time).
Aki is a very observant lover, to the point where he knows you better than the back of his own hand. He seems to know what you want and when you need it. And he loves being the person to give you everything. 
Speaking of giving you everything, Aki is very much fine with you spending his paycheck. He’s never felt the need to spend much on himself aside from essentials, and he has a good amount of savings for you to shop your little heart out and then some. 
Not that he thinks you’re materialistic at all, but there’s just something about a pretty girl blowing his cash that gets him a bit worked up (in a good way). 
Speaking of getting worked up, Aki’s dick is pretty much on hard whenever you two are together. You could literally be having the most mundane conversation but if you look down at Aki’s pants you’d most definitely see Aki Jr saying hi. He can’t help it, he just thinks you’re so unbelievably ethereal. 
Honestly has no shame when he sees you’ve noticed his predicament. Raises an eyebrow as if to say, “And?” 
Back to his photography skills— one time you asked Aki if you could do a boudoir shoot and he swore he almost saw God for a second. Of course, the photos turned out beautiful, and Aki keeps the physical copies stashed away for *safekeeping*
As much as he likes taking control when you two have sex, he has a thing for getting bossed around by you. He’s comfortable enough to get into a more submissive headspace, and will gladly do anything you ask of him.
Has an oral fixation, no doubt. His mouth always needs to be occupied with something— your lips, fingers, titties, your clit 
Is obsessed with sucking on your tongue, and swears he almost passes out every time you do the same with his 
His favorite thing to do is to get you nice, wet, and overstimulated before he even thinks about putting his dick inside you. So expect to cum on his tongue and fingers a good number of times before getting fucked properly.
As reserved and put together as Aki seems to be, his favorite thing in the world is when you two are both so sensitive and overstimulated from cumming so much that neither of you can even form a coherent sentence. The way his brain turns to mush every time you two are together is almost more addicting than the nicotine he consumes on a daily basis 
I think the way that Aki loves is somewhat contradictory— quiet yet very intense. And I like to think that bleeds into the way he makes love to you as well. It starts off very tame until it becomes almost too much to bear. The pleasure only keeps building and building until you both can’t physically take any more.
A munch. 
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polyklok · 1 year
Hello there!! I really enjoyed your "what makes them soft/what gets them hard" headcanons for Dethklok. I was wondering if you could write a similar thing for Charles? If you're comfortable taking that request, that is. If not, feel free to ignore. I love your blog!
So Charles isn’t in my “men to simp for” Radar, as much as I love him as a character and I don’t think I would ever write anything like that on my own-
BUT YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS IM GONNA TRY also you seem like such a sweetheart so I have to
Charles Offdensen
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What makes him soft 💘
Charles is, obviously, a very busy man. All day, everyday, work work work. His hands are usually full, signing away at documents, shaking hands to confirm business deals, fidgeting nervously while he discusses finances. So it means a lot when you gently stop what he’s doing and take the time to kiss his hands. Graze your lips over his knuckles and fingertips, he’ll be entranced by the sentiment. Even if you let go to let him continue whatever he was doing, he’ll be thinking about it for at least an hour.
He really likes being sung to. The only music he listens to nowadays is death metal (usually Dethklok’s) which obviously includes a lot of screaming, growling, and heavy instrumentals. He says it ‘puts him in the brutal mood’ for whatever Dethklok is going pursue next. But, despite this, his favorite type of music is listening to your heartbeat while you quietly sing or hum. Doesn’t matter what song, doesn’t matter how good you are. Please let him place his head on your chest and just sing for him.
Basically the opposite of Toki’s Charles is a serious, uptight, no-fun business man. Everyone calls him Mr. Offdensen, Dethklok gets the privilege of using his first name and occasionally robot, and only you can use any sort of pet name. Use it to your advantage, it’s so funny how dry he is to your dumb names, and despite seeming indifferent, he really does love the silliness of it.
“Hey there, my adowable, wittle pookie-bear muffin boy!”
“Hello Y/N.”
The thought of a room full of government officials and businessmen having to watch this display while holding back the cringe is so funny to me holy shit.
Whats gets him hard ❤️‍🔥
I’m gonna repeat again; Charles is busy. As much as he cares about you, he hardly has time for your relationship and is simply trying is best. Sex is barely ever on his mind. Until it is all that’s in your mind and you let him know. Seeing you needy and wanting him, hanging onto him, tugging at his tie, trying to pull him away from his work is the quickest way to get him hot and bothered. He just hasn’t considered being so desired before and it makes him crazy to watch you act like that for him.
Continuing that, when the two of you are in public and you suddenly get all touchy with him. Grazing his thigh, kissing his neck, running your hands in his hair. He knows that he should be above this and tell you to stop, but he really does love how shameless it is and how good it feels. He’s usually the most economically and socially powerful person in any room he’s in, so no one’s gonna tell him to quit on on the PDA anyway. If you’re lucky, he’ll pay you back for it at home. If you’re really lucky, he’ll drag you off into a nearby bathroom or closet. If you’re unlucky, well…
Is he a mean lover? No. Charles is very attentive and mindful of your needs. He’s going to constantly affirm with you that he’s doing the right thing. How selfless of him. But once that is all done and taken care of and he understands your limits…oh my god he wants to see you cry so badly. He just loves seeing you whine and squirm, your pretty face leaking tears for him. Of course he’ll be nice enough to kiss your tears away and praise you for how good you’re being, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop.
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https-furina · 1 year
— i’m in love with you, sorry ! ★ | edition: kamisato siblings, version 1.0
ft. ayato & ayaka x fem!reader
content. angst, unrequited love (ayato), love without a happy ending (ayaka), hurt/no comfort, reader is from a low social class, closeted ayaka, secret fling (ayaka), rejection (ayato), arranged marriage (ayaka - not with the reader) both ooc because i’m still practising. — not proofread entirely.
archon’s decree. aaa here we are! the wheel said kamisato siblings angst hehe. i was gonna schedule this for tmrw but i’m posting it now <3
taglist. @ryuryuryuyurboat @soleillunne
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✉️ mail received! sender: kamisato ayato
there was always this strange pull ayato felt towards you. it was something the elderly staff of the kamisato clan warned him about, shunning the play dates he would have with you as children, even if you were the daughter of one of their own. they couldn’t wrap their head around why someone of kamisato ayato’s ranking wanted to be around someone from a lower social class - you.
but yet ayato never felt that strange pull snap or tighten, he never yearned for you the same way that you craved every inch of his attention or the way he made you feel when you remained friends even after all the years.
one attachment added!
“if you keep burying your nose in official documents, you’ll look like one.” you taunt as you peek into his office, two cups of boba in your hands. ayato’s gaze seems to fall directly to them before it flickers to your face, a chuckle leaving his lips that makes your stomach do flips, butterflies fluttering in crazy motions at the mere action.
“it’s my job, y/n.” he comments as his gloved hands lower the paperwork he was holding, his eyes watching the way you’d shut the office door behind you with your foot before you approached him with the one thing he’d been craving.
it wasn’t your presence nor your comfort that being childhood friends brought; it was merely the boba. he didn’t grasp the concept of dating, not past what his parents had drilled into his head regarding arranged marriages and social classes, so the idea never entertained his mind, even when it was definitely entertaining yours.
you had been friends as long as you could remember. you don’t even remember why the rich kid from the estate inside chinju forest had visited konda village but you were entranced by pale blue locks and attire worth more than your life. he didn’t seem prejudiced to gaining a friend that day, regardless of how much mora you had to your family name.
you stayed entranced. you longed to be at his side until it got to the point of no return - it’d feel as if you was burning if you hadn’t seen him for a while. the people in the village rumoured you could create a new life for yourself, they were excited at the idea of his mora. you wasn’t; no, you was just excited at the idea of him.
“thinking?” ayato muses before his lips press against the straw of his drink, sipping at it as his eyes narrow at you in amusement. you scoff, cheeks flushing with warmth that creeps up your neck.
“is that illegal?” you throw back in defiance and ayato rolls his eyes, smiling.
“it is when you usually tell me everything.” he hums and suddenly the air is thick. tell him? if you did that you’d rather crawl to the bottom of a well in the village and live down there in the dark for the rest of your days.
it’s tense, suffocating when you suddenly forget to breathe. your lungs burn and ache for one simple breath and yet you can’t give it, throat tightening as you consider whether you do drop your feelings right here, right now. his lips are pulled tight into a smile, eyes tracing how you seem to be deep in your thoughts over such a simple thing.
it doesn’t occur to him that you’d ever fell in love with your childhood friend. the friend that your parents worked for so dotingly, treating him almost like a son when they’d pass him around the estate following his friendship with you. however more seconds passes until it appears to be minutes and ayato finds himself tensing with concern. his lips part to speak but you beat him to it.
“i love you. i’m sorry.” you finally speak, your voice meek when you can’t even bear to look at him. ayato’s lips close once more as he frowns. he’d rejected many girls growing up and you’d seen every one of them, yet here you were; clearly about to be another name to the list of women who failed so effortlessly to sway the likes of kamisato ayato.
“you know the answer already, don’t you?” he mumbles, his gaze falling to the boba you’d brought him. it was a weekly routine you’d both started, something he treasured even for a moment. he wonders if things will change now, “for what it’s worth, i’m sorry.”
you shake your head, trying to crack a small smile through the pain stabbing at your heart. your eyes sting when you force yourself to look up at him, trying your hardest to just appear normal for once. don’t let him know how much your heart is being ripped to shreds or how your stomach seems to have sunk to the deepest, darkest pits.
ayato can see it all on your face. he grimaces, biting the soft inner of his cheek when he realises he’s never been good at comforting people - how could he ever comfort you right now when he’s the one who made you feel like this? there’s an ache that pulls at his heartstrings. you are (perhaps were) his best friend, the concept that he’d reduced you to nearly tears in front of him felt almost as heavy as his words.
“i don’t want your apology, ayato.” you whisper, your voice croaking as you turn to leave his office hurriedly. he doesn’t get another chance at comforting you or making you stay longer when you disappear from his sight and he begins to consider whether he’ll ever have you in his sight again.
what a fool you’d been to think that admitting your lifelong secret would ever end up the way you dreamed.
✉️ mail received! sender: kamisato ayaka
there were words that would always be unspoken, no matter the amount of urgency they’d be ever have to be spoken with. numerous times you’d considered these words, she never explicitly said that the three forbidden words attaining to “i love you” shouldn’t be said and yet you find yourself biting your tongue and swallowing them back down.
to the public of inazuma, ayaka is a pinnacle of the socialite society. she cannot let it be faltered by her sexuality nor can she ruin her reputation if her secrets with you ever came to light. but maybe if something had been said or done, your emotional tethers to each other wouldn’t be cut with so brutal of a knife.
one attachment added!
her skin is as soft as always, she often lacks the ability to not pamper herself every waking minute of her days - it was something you’d always poked at. playfully, of course but you’d never had the time to be so careful and loving to your own body as much as she had. from the moment you’d wake, you were working to survive. ayaka knows that she need not sacrifice her time like you.
over your heads stand the proud cherry blossoms of inazuma, full of beautiful shades of pinks that dance to the ground in the breeze. ayaka hasn’t taken her eyes off the petals since you both settled under the tree, a woven blanket under you to ensure ayaka’s dress doesn’t dirty on the grass.
you can’t help but notice she’s troubled. there’s a glimmer of worry in her eyes and she keeps biting that plump lower lip she coats in a pretty lipgloss; the one that tastes like sunsettias because she knows you like the taste of it when you share chaste kisses in the pale moonlight, giggles hushed against each other’s lips at the secrecy of it all.
“what’s on your mind, love?” you murmur, a hand with minor callouses brushing against her delicate skin. she tenses suddenly, the light coming back to her eyes as she turns to look at you, a soft smile gracing her face. ayaka has always been insanely pretty, sometimes you’d questioned what she saw in you.
not only was you a lower social class than her but you couldn’t consider ever being to her beauty standard even if she would grimace and scold your words, mumbling about self love so sweetly that perhaps you do consider it.
“we can’t keep doing this—” she breathes, sorrow laced in her words when your brows furrow in confusion and she notes how your eyes seem to both soften and harden at the same time. ayaka wonders if you’ll hate her for this.
“what do you mean?” you cut off her explanation only to demand one, an awful idea in hindsight as ayaka makes a noise, looking away from you, “did someone find out- your brother?”
ayaka shakes her head, sitting her hands on her lap as she stares back at cherry blossoms above. she can’t bear to look at you, maybe it’s the pain in her chest that it’d even come to this but she knew it would. maybe she shouldn’t have played coy.
“they’ve arranged a marriage,” ayaka’s words sting and they burn when it feels like an arrow pierced your heart, the realisation widening your eyes that this couldn’t go on forever as it had, “he works for the tenryou commission.”
you could care less who he worked for or where, not when he’d ruined your sole solace in this damned world. not when he was stealing the love of your life from you, her soft pink lips and the nights spent curled up together under trees with a blanket draped over your bodies simply because she’d be dead if they knew.
but which part of this whole thing would kill her first? the lover from a lower social class, a sin to the socialite society or the lover who is the same gender as the shirasagi himegimi? sometimes you wonder why the woman who is considered a model of perfection in inazuman society had taken the risk in the first place.
“i love you.” you speak out, wondering if finally saying the words would make her reconsider. maybe she’d take your hand and swear her life on it, running away from the pristine life she’d been living but you knew these thoughts were futile. you just wanted her to know your true feelings for the first time since this fling had started.
“i love you too,” she means it, tears sparkling in her eyes when she gathers the courage to look at you, her heart shattering at the mere look of hurt on your face - she knows you’ll act unbothered now, only to release your emotions later behind closed doors where she can’t see, “i’m sorry.”
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© https-furina 2023.
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letmebehuman16 · 7 days
Dear Diary.
Amid nightly storms only they can hear, a narrator chronicles a decent into fear and paranoia. Stalked by eerie figures, and strange events that haunt their daily life. What begins as as a personal diary, quickly turns into a disturbing list of events, documentation of the unexplainable.
(this is an ongoing project.)
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Dear Diary,
It happened again. This is the fifth night in a row that I’ve been caught in an unexpected thunderstorm. Every night, right at midnight, the sky comes to life, jolting me awake with insanely loud thunder. 
What’s so strange is that it doesn’t last long—exactly 10 minutes. Just enough time to make me question reality. No one else seems to experience it. I’ve asked around, but no one mentions waking up or even hearing anything unusual. It’s as if the storms are meant only for me.
Despite the oddness, I’ve found comfort in them. Every night, I’ve been making myself fancy hot chocolates, piled high with whipped cream and marshmallows, sitting by the window and watching the flashes of lightning dance across the sky. The rain taps gently against the glass, and the thunder rolls in the distance—it's a strange sort of calm. There’s something almost intimate about it, like a secret ritual between me and the storm.
As for everything else, things are... well, usual, I suppose. Austen and Ruby broke up, which isn’t surprising. My dog died, which has left an emptiness in the house that I haven’t quite processed yet. And my mother—well, she’s still as crazy as ever. A few months ago, I caught her having a full-on conversation with a betta fish. She swore the fish answered her back. Then, just a few days later, she was convinced the TV was talking to her, giving her life advice. I really need to call her therapist.
I’ve been absent the last few days, and I’m sorry about that, but I have a lot to report.
Something... strange happened last night. It was during one of those thunderstorms again, but this time, there was no rain. No clouds, either. The thunder cracked through the sky, and the lightning flashed as brightly as ever, but when I looked outside—nothing. Just the clear, starry sky. How can there be thunder without a storm? Lightning without clouds? Maybe there’s a scientific explanation, but it felt wrong. Unnatural, even. The storm still began at midnight, exactly like before, but this time it left me feeling unsettled.
Something else strange happened. On my way home from work, I noticed a man standing just outside my house, lurking in the shadows of the tree line. I acted like I didn’t see him—I mean, what could I do? I live in the middle of nowhere. The nearest neighbour is a ten-minute drive down a desolate road, and I’m certainly not running that far in the dark. I couldn’t make out his face or what he was wearing, and I didn’t want to linger long enough to figure it out. My gut told me to lock the doors and windows, so I did.
I’ve been telling myself that maybe he was just some random guy passing by, or maybe he wasn’t even looking at my house. People stare off into space all the time when they’re bored. Right? But a part of me can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched. Maybe I should buy a rape alarm. Or make some pepper spray. I haven’t looked out the window since. What if he sees me? 
On another note, I called my mum’s therapist today. She assured me she’d arrange to see her soon, but let’s be real—my mother is unpredictable, and her therapist isn’t exactly a beacon of stability either. The irony is almost laughable. A woman who makes a living by giving advice, but can’t seem to follow her own. How does that even work? It’s absurd. Honestly, she’s just as much of a mess as my mum is, which makes me wonder... is there any hope at all? 
Happy November! Spooky season is officially behind us. November always felt like a filler month to me. Not much happens, and the days seem to drag. At least the air is crisp and the surplus of rain feels like a prelude to winter. It’s all fine, except I think I’m coming down with something. My head feels like it’s being split in half, and I’ve been coughing non-stop. Of course, just as the thunderstorms stop, I get sick. Sleeping’s going to be a nightmare. Again.
The man outside my house hasn’t shown up since, which is a relief. I was probably overreacting—he was likely just waiting for someone or taking a shortcut. Who knows. 
Speaking of weird, Ruby’s birthday is coming up soon. I have no idea what to get her. Maybe I should buy her a self-help guide on relationships. She could definitely use it. Austen’s the fifth guy she’s been with this year alone, and to be honest, her taste is... questionable. The last guy she dated before Austen actually tried to get her to dress like his ex. Who does that? Insane, right? But Ruby didn’t see the red flags at the time. She was happy, and no matter how much I tried to tell her it was unhealthy, it was like talking to a brick wall. She’ll figure it out one day, I hope. 
Maybe I’ll just get her some flowers. 
Rubys birthday was really fun! We went to this local bar in town and got absolutely hammered. I had to call in sick for work because I was so hungover, but it was worth it. I ended up getting her a bunch of roses and a CD from her favourite band, Muse. She was really happy with it. 
My cold has gotten worse, though, that may be because I was drinking, but that was 4 days ago. Today I've had this strange fever that won't go down. Working with a fever isn't fun-- I don't recommend it. It got easier to deal with as the day went on, and right now it's not so bad, but it still sucks, ibuprofen has been my best friend for the past few days. It should get better soon. 
Mum was hospitalised today, something to do with her mental capacity. I don't really know what's going on with her, but her therapist called me 5 minutes ago to tell me that she had to section her. I’m planning to visit soon, hopefully I can get some answers. My mums always been strange, but she's never been a risk to herself. It's worrying and I can't help but feel guilty, what if she's just lonely? I've been too caught up in my own mess to even see her. 
I need to do better.
I went to see mum today and as I am writing this I'm fighting the urge to break down into tears. She was completely unresponsive and muttering to herself, I don't think she even knew I was there and I sat in front of her the entire time. I was shocked at how fragile she looked, skin and bone, bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept for weeks, her hair was thin and straw-like and her eyes were bloodshot. She was staring through me the entire time, completely unaware of her situation. I guess that's a good thing, mental hospitals are a terrifying place to be, but at least she has care now. 
As for the strange and unusual, not much has happened. Though, I had a suspicion I was being followed a few days ago-- even though there was nothing there, I just couldn't shake the weird feeling I got, the type of feeling you get when you're in serious danger, my palms were covered in a cold sweat, my heart was racing, I kept looking over my shoulder. I feel like I’ve just been stressed, work, my mum, it's a lot to deal with and I’ve not been sleeping because this cold still hasn't shifted. I just need a good night's sleep and a day doing nothing. 
I completely forgot this even existed.
 I did not manage to get a day to myself, or a good night sleep. It was definitely wishful thinking on my part, but hey! It's Christmas time. It started to snow around the 27th and now it's been consistent. My door was blocked by snow and I couldn't get my car out of the drive for an hour. It was a struggle. 
Work is going… somewhere, Christmas has made everything busier and honestly it's becoming difficult to even move around the shop floor. Not to mention I have been forced to listen to Mariah Cary every day for the past week. I'm getting sick of her voice. 
Ruby's family invited me over for Christmas. Which was really nice of them, but I also don’t want to feel like a bother.
I'm still sick and haven't had a decent night sleep in a while. I must've had a nose bleed during the night because my pillow was completely stained, and I still feel weird. I asked work to reduce my hours so I'm not working when it gets dark, and I'm driving everywhere. I don't know why I'm feeling so off. I'm certain something is going on, but anytime I manage to think of reasons my mind goes blank. I'm so tired. 
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Texts: The Blair Witch Project [Bale!Bruce Wayne]
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Text messages exchanged by Bruce and Demetria while Demetria watches “The Blair Witch Project.” Prior to events in Becoming Mrs. Wayne.
Warning: Minor spoilers for “The Blair Witch Project.”
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Texts from Demetria: Italicized
Texts from Bruce: Bold
How’s everything at your mother’s?
Good! We went out for dinner and now Henry and I are watching a movie.
What movie?
The Blair Witch Project. Have you seen it?
Can’t say I have.
It’s a horror film. It came out like almost a decade ago. Basically it’s found footage of the these three people who get lost in the woods searching for the Blair Witch.
What do you mean found footage?
So it’s in the style of video cameras unlike traditional movie cameras. The people who get lost were filming a documentary about the Blair Witch and they document getting lost and the creepy shit that happened to them.
Is this something that actually happened?
Here’s the crazy part - they marketed it like it was real but it wasn’t. It was just a bunch of actors. It felt real at the time. I saw it in theaters with Henry and Harvey when it came out and our minds were blown when we later found out that it wasn’t real.
Please tell me Harvey got scared.
I won’t lie, I’m a little disappointed.
I’m sorry to disappoint you, handsome.
It’s alright.
I will say I didn’t strike you as a horror movie person.
I’m not but this one isn’t too bad. You would hate it though.
Why’s that?
You would be annoyed by these people in the movie. I wish you were here so I could hear your commentary.
I wish I was there too. Sounds like you’re having a great night.
Mom and Henry were sad you couldn’t make it.
Next time, I promise. This merger is massive and we’re working around the clock to make sure it get done.
They understand completely. They just love you.
I know your mother does. Henry…I don’t know if love is the right word.
He does like you. He’s just being protective.
More importantly though, I love you!
Yeah that is more important than your brother’s love. No offense to him.
And I love you too.
I’m gonna miss sleeping with you tonight.
Oh yeah?
Yeah. I always sleep better with you.
Have I never told you this?
I would remember something like that. How do you sleep better with me?
You’re make me safe and comfortable. You’re a cuddler and so when I’m in the dark, I know you’re right there. I can’t even sleep with the light off when I’m alone.
You don’t sleep with the lights off?
No I don’t like being in the dark all alone.
I never knew that. Good to know in the future.
I hope not for prank reasons.
Sweetheart, you should know by now I’m not exactly a prankster like that.
No but you are mischievous.
How else am I gonna keep you on your toes?
I do love that you just glazed over that fact I told you you made me feel safe and comfortable.
It was acknowledged. I’m just not used to being told I make someone feel that way.
Well I mean it.
Promise me one thing - you will never take me into the woods.
I promise, but I would like to know where this is coming from.
So I’m at the part in the movie where they lose the map.
They lost the map? How did they lose the map?
I think the real mistake was going into the woods. That’s just me though.
When you get back to Gotham, we’re watching this movie.
You’re gonna hate it.
The movie? Probably. Your company? Never. Besides, I have a feeling we’ll be too occupied to watch it.
I have a feeling you’re right too ;)
Well, Henry just fell asleep. I’m gonna head to bed myself.
Want me to call you when you’re all settled? I’ll stay on the line til’ you fall asleep.
You would do that?
Of course I would. Call me when you’re ready, Sweetheart.
“This is the dumbest movie I’ve ever seen.”
Demetria cackled, throwing her head back. Bruce turned to her, his face slightly scrunched.
“What? I’m serious,” he said.
“ I told you you would hate it!”
“I don’t hate it but it’s hard to enjoy people being morons.”
She smiled, playing with his hair. “So you’re saying you could survive out in some haunted woods with limited resources and no map?”
“And if I asked Alfred?”
He waved his hands. “We don’t need to bring him into this.”
“I think we-.”
Before she could finish, Bruce’s lips were on hers. After that, the conversation and the movie had been disregarded.
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quicksilverster · 1 year
[😇] crashing ❈ yoon jeonghan
⋆⑅˚₊✎ prompt(s): crashing by illenium, bahari
⋆⑅˚₊✎ genres: a whole lotta fluff, a bit of angst, acquaintances-to-lovers!au, college!au, roommate!au.
⋆⑅˚₊✎ description: Five times Jeonghan crashes at Yejin’s apartment, and the one time she crashes at his.
⋆⑅˚₊✎ warning(s): mentions of alcohol
⋆⑅˚₊✎ pairing(s): yoon jeonghan x kang yejin
⋆⑅˚₊✎ word count: 3.4k words
⋆⑅˚₊✎ a/n: A fic I turned into a short story and into a fic again because I recently got back into SEVENTEEN. This is old, 2021-early 2022 writing, but I’m going to post it anyway because it wasn’t that bad (IMO) + I like this story. (i also apologize for the banner quality cuz it's been literal years since i made one for a kpop dude)
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The first time Jeonghan crashed at her place, Yejin was alone in her apartment, working on her essay.
Her roommate Aera wasn’t home; she was at a party or club somewhere, getting drunk and dancing her limbs off. Yejin could practically see her limping the next morning, the product of a crushed foot. She was alone in her room, sipping from a mug of warm tea as she added words in Times New Romans font onto her document. The only source of light in the room made its presence known through the glaring screen in front of her, illuminating her worn face. Melodies from her Spotify window and the clacking noise from her fingers drumming the keys were the only sounds in the room, accompanied by Yejin’s tired breathing. She leaned against the back of her chair with exhaustion, her brain fried like a skillet.
Yejin was jolted out of her reverie when the sharp rapping of knuckles against her front door resonated into her ears. Aera usually arrived home after 2 a.m. during one of these crazy social events, meaning the person at the door could not be her. The knocks were rather composed, too, given by one with a sober mind. Begrudgingly peeling her eyes away from the screen, Yejin slid her arctic feet into her fluffy slippers and headed to the front door. Gripping the door handle tightly, she swung it open to meet a familiar face, a smile frozen across his face as a result of the wintry atmosphere outside.
“It’s 11 p.m., why are you still awake?” Jeonghan bustled into the apartment chattering like a mother hen. He scrutinized her fluffy lavender pajamas and wide eyes behind her glinting spectacles. “I understand that you have work and stuff, but sleep is important as well.”
Yejin blinked blankly, watching Jeonghan tut over her apartment with a watchful eye, and dropped an overnight bag on her couch. “Um,” she managed after a few flummoxed seconds. “Uh, what are you doing here?”
“Aera sent me here,” he shrugged, carding his messy locks back. “She wanted me to make sure you’re doing your essay diligently instead of scrolling through Instagram or whatnot.”
“So you’re sleeping over?” Yejin raised a doubtful eyebrow.
Jeonghan scratched the back of his head. “Well, Aera said she might not be back until tomorrow morning, so she wants me to keep you company.”
Aera was currently dating Jeonghan’s best friend and roommate Seungcheol, so she was well acquainted with the young man in front of her. However, that didn’t mean she was entirely comfortable with the idea of him sleeping over in her apartment.
Jeonghan seemed to comprehend Yejin’s indecisive expression, for he placed his hands in the air. “I won’t do anything suspicious, I promise. Aera just doesn’t want you to be alone here.”
“Okay,” Yejin said, slipping her earbud into her ear as she continued her assignment. “Make yourself at home, I guess.”
Jeonghan grinned a broad, boyish smile, before plopping onto the couch and pulling his phone out to play a mobile game. Within a few minutes, he had fallen asleep. His snores accompanied the already existing sounds in the room.
Yejin eyed him from her workstation, her lips punctured as she wondered what her roommate was up to.
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“I’m perfectly fine being by myself,” Yejin said with as much patience (which isn’t much) as she could summon from the inner depths of her heart. However, her roommate was making it particularly difficult to be nice.
“I told you a hundred times, you need human interaction!” Aera said as she shoved her feet into a pair of heels, ready for yet another party.
“Easy for you to say, you social butterfly.”
Aera grinned proudly at the nickname she was bestowed with. “Thank you!” She said, bowing for extra effect.
Yejin fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Jeonghan hardly counts as human interaction.” She poked the yogurt cup in her hand with her spoon, denting the fragile base of the plastic. “Whenever he comes here, he only lounges over our couch, steals our snacks, and plays with his phone.”
“It’d be nice if you both become friends.”
“Doesn’t Jeonghan have a girlfriend? Are you sure it’s wise for him to be here?”
Aera fidgeted in the spot, her eyes ricocheting from the door and to her roommate. “If you put it like that, probably not.”
“You just want me to interact with him because he’s your boyfriend’s roommate.”
“And he’s a nice person, and you need his company,” Aera added hurriedly. “Now can I go? I’m going to be late.”
“Fine,” Yejin said. Aera bolted as soon as the words left her roommate’s mouth. Yejin shook her head almost endearingly as the front door slammed shut.
Half an hour later, Jeonghan materialized in her doorway with a messy hairdo and a plastic bag filled with boxes of food. The former was the result of the displeased weather outside, but Yejin couldn’t think of a special occasion that would warrant takeout.
“I heard you have an exam coming up,” Jeonghan placed the plastic bag down in front of her laptop, the smell of it tantalizing Yejin’s stomach to growl. “So I got you this.”
Yejin eyed the plastic bag, her fingers tingling to reach out and devour whatever was inside in a single gulp. She glanced upward and stared into Jeonghan’s eyes. It was difficult to maintain contact; his eyes were obsidian in color, as dark as black holes. If Yejin stared for too long, she’d get sucked in.
“What are you getting out of this?” Yejin asked as politely as she could, though a trained ear could detect the venom hiding within.
Jeonghan leaned in, his disorganized chestnut side-swept hair falling over his eyes. He fixed the navy blue backpack strap hanging from the side of his shoulder as he bent down to stare into her eyes. Yejin held her breath, intimidated by the sudden change of atmosphere.
“Your friendship,” Jeonghan ended cheekily, a boyish smile curling on the corners of his lips.
“Ha,” Yejin muttered weakly, running her hand through her long hair.
“You’re a very smart student, Yejin,” Jeonghan reached out to fidget with her laptop screen, pushing it close before pulling it up again before it could involuntarily shut down. “But it’s okay to take a break sometimes, you know. When you’re done with that assignment of yours, let’s play Monopoly.”
“Monopoly?” Yejin frowned. “We don’t have Monopoly here.”
“I noticed,” Jeonghan commented in a pained tone. “How can you not have a Monopoly board in this apartment? You and Aera are disappointments. Here,” he dropped his backpack on the floor and pulled out a Monopoly board.
Yejin raised a brow. “You brought a whole Monopoly board with you?”
“Yes, for this very special occasion,” Jeonghan said proudly. “Eat your food, and then tell me when you’re finished with your work. I’ll wait for you.”
Despite her protests, Yejin’s heart fluttered a little at his words.
“Okay,” she mumbled.
Jeonghan smiled and threw his body over the couch, unaware that he left a certain girl’s heart hammering violently against her sternum.
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A knock dragged Yejin’s attention away from her book and towards the door. Setting the paperback page down on the coffee table, Yejin stretched her sore back as her guest knocked on her door again.
“Coming,” she said, peeking through the eyehole to check. Her eyes widened a little when she recognized the mop of brown hair and swung the door wide open without hesitation. Jeonghan fell forward like a piece of domino, but luckily, Yejin caught his shoulders before he could collide with the ground.
“Get up, you’re heavy,” Yejin inhaled, catching a whiff of alcohol. She coughed, startled. “Oh, crap. Have you been drinking?”
“It was Aera,” he mumbled, his legs flailing behind him. He groaned as his palm flew to his temple. Yejin laid him gently on the couch and rummaged through her drawers for painkillers.
“What were you doing with Aera?” Yejin asked as she placed a glass of water and some tablets on the coffee table. She peered down at Jeonghan’s head from the side of the couch as his body took up the rest of the comfy furniture. From her vantage point, she could see the elegant curves and slopes that made up Jeonghan’s face. He was, indeed, handsome. She threw her gaze away in case he saw her staring, but he was too drunk to care.
“Some party,” Jeonghan said, his voice so soft that Yejin had to guess what he said through his closed lips. He had an arm over his eyes, and his voice sounded strained. Yejin raised an eyebrow.
“Okay,” she pulled at his arm to get him to sit up. “Come on, you need to drink this.”
“I don’t have a headache yet,” his words were slurred as Yejin attempted to yank him to his feet.
“You look like you have a headache. Trust me, Aera’s my roommate.”
“Can I confess something?” Jeonghan swiftly rolled over onto his stomach as he shot Yejin a smile. Or a smirk, more like, judging from the lopsided curve on the right side of his mouth.
“Okay?” Yejin gulped, feeling her cheeks pinking at the casual smile he offered.
“I actually like you,” he laughed, a bubbly note ringing through the silent air of the apartment.
Yejin froze. “What?”
“It was two years ago. I saw you at orientation and developed a crush on you. Surprising, eh? And I only saw you once but I fell deep. In love, I mean. I forgot about you, sort of, when I didn’t see you again for a very long time. And then a few months ago I saw you in the library and learned you were my roommate’s girlfriend’s roommate. You can imagine my shock.”
“Jeonghan, you have a girlfriend,” Yejin reminded him, feeling a stinging in her eye sockets.
“Yeah, I know,” Jeonghan laughed, his eyelids closing halfway through. “Funny. If only I went out more, socialized more, you know. Maybe I would’ve met you. Maybe I would’ve been dating you right now.”
���You sound so confident,” Yejin said, reaching out to press her palm against Jeonghan’s cheek. Just this once. One time, then I’m never going to do this again.
“I mean, maybe. I don’t know,” Jeonghan leaned into her hand and his lips brushed the heel of her palm. Her breath hitched and she swallowed. “Do you like me?”
Yejin grimaced, her lips embracing her teeth. “I don’t know.”
Jeonghan kept his firm gaze on her eyes, but she looked away within seconds. A sigh escaped his mouth and he leaned against the couch.
“Of course, you don’t.” He peeled Yejin’s hand from his cheek. “I’m sorry for coming here.”
“It’s alright,” Yejin said, running her fingers through his hair. “I don’t mind at all.”
“I really like you,” Jeonghan repeated, his voice fading into a soft laugh. “I just…”
A snore left his throat, and a tear escaped her eyelids.
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“I want you to be gentle with Jeonghan,” Aera said as she shoved her heels into her shoes.
“What do you mean?” Yejin asked as soon as she pulled the pen from between her teeth. Normally, she’d tuck the piece of stationary behind her ear, but that space was currently occupied by her black-rimmed glasses.
“Something happened,” Aera answered vaguely, averting her gaze from Yejin’s scrutiny.
“To him?”
“You’ll see for yourself.”
When Jeonghan came along, Yejin immediately understood what Aera meant. His fluffy swept hair was even more disgruntled than usual, vaguely reminding Yejin of a thornbush. There were dark circles under his eyes that were almost the shade of his onyx eyes and his lips were chapped and scarlet in some places, but Yejin glanced away before he could catch her staring. Despite how exhausted he looked, he still managed to smile at her.
“I’ve never seen you wear glasses before,” he said.
Yejin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, swallowing nervously. “Yeah, well, I usually prefer my lenses.”
Jeonghan exhaled, a rough, guttural sound that shattered Yejin’s glass heart into a thousand fragments. “I broke up with Stacey.”
“Oh,” Yejin closed her eyes, squeezing them tightly. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Jeonghan laughed, an empty sound that undulated as he flopped face-first onto the couch. “I’m sorry about last time and for… for being here. I don’t know who else to go to.”
Yejin pursed her lips, wondering if Jeonghan still remembered his confession. Did he remember that he told her he liked her? Did he remember how she placed her palm on his cheek? Did he remember the sound of her heartbeat and the warm emotions thumping in rhythm with her blood?
“Do you want a hug?” she asked, surprising herself.
Jeonghan watched her, a small smile materializing on his face. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
Yejin accompanied Jeonghan on the couch and allowed him to sink his head into the dip of her shoulder. They stayed that way for a while as Yejin allowed Jeonghan to take the warm comfort she offered him.
“I saw her,” he mumbled into the collar of Yejin’s sweater, “with another guy. It’s only been a week since we broke up and there she is. Dating again.”
“Maybe… that’s her way of recovering?” Yejin asked meekly.
“Maybe,” Jeonghan exhaled and Yejin could feel his breath on her neck. “But it still hurts so much, you know.”
“Yeah,” Yejin stared out at the dark sky. “I know.”
“Can I…” Jeonghan shifted to a more comfortable position, keeping his head on Yejin’s shoulder and his arms around her torso. “Can I stay here tonight?”
“Sure.” Yejin pulled away to grab a cushion on the floor and positioned it under Jeonghan’s head. “Not a problem at all.”
Jeonghan looped his fingers through Yejin’s hand, and she didn’t pull away. Instead, she rested her head against the couch and watched his chest rise and fall.
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“What’s he doing here?” Aera frowned.
“No, the question is, why are you still here?” Yejin responded.
“I live here!” Aera threw her hands into the air incredulously.
“She’s kicking you out,” Jeonghan snickered. “She wants full ownership of the apartment and the cat and the refrigerator full of your delicious food.”
“We don’t have a cat.”
“He’s the cat,” Yejin jabbed her finger in Jeonghan's direction.
“Ouch,” Jeonghan used his hand that wasn’t occupied with holding a yogurt cup to slam the right side of his chest. “That smarts, Yejin.”
Even the way he said her name made her stomach soar.
“It’s true!” She argued, hoping that her cheeks remained their normal hue. “All you do here is sleep and eat our food. Just like a cat.”
“I meant,” Aera began, flapping the air when Jeonghan opened his mouth to argue, “that I haven’t even left and yet you’re already here. You usually come after I’m gone.”
“We’re having a movie marathon today,” Yejin said. “We’re binging the Larry Hatter movies.”
“Ah, that’s a classic. Have fun, you two.”
“Do you have the popcorn?” Yejin asked as the front door slammed shut.
Jeonghan snorted. “Of course I brought the popcorn. And the candy. What’s a movie marathon without candy?” He grabbed the tubs of popcorn and the colorful plastic bag and plopped onto the couch next to Yejin with a huff.
Larry Hatter and the Thaumaturge’s Rock flashed across the screen in front of them, but Yejin could only focus on the side of Jeonghan’s face. She watched the colors dance over the soft angles of his cheeks, garnering a blush on Yejin’s cheeks. Suddenly, he was watching her, but she didn’t look away.
“Is my face much more interesting than the movie?” Jeonghan laughed, a smirk dancing over his lips. Yejin fought the urge to slap it off his face.
“Why do you like coming over here?” Yejin answered with a question, her head slightly tilted to the side.
Jeonghan paused, watching her as Persephone scolded Roland for pronouncing a spell wrong on screen. Yejin watched the emotions swirl behind his irises, unable to discern any of them.
“Because you’re here,” he said.
Yejin nodded, trying not to smile at the vague answer. “Mhm.”
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not making fun of you.”
“You’re smiling,” he poked her cheek and Yejin fought the urge to lean into his hand.
Remember, he just got out of a relationship. Don’t do this to him.
“So what, you’ve taken away my right to smile now?” Yejin huffed.
“No,” Jeonghan assured, throwing his head back in a laugh. “It’s just that I can’t control myself when you smile.”
“Okay,” Yejin shrugged. She tightened her grip on her bowl of popcorn and kept a steel gaze on the movie, making sure to ignore Jeonghan’s stares and his hands.
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+ one.
One bad thing kept happening after the other.
Earlier that day, someone knocked into Yejin while she was going up the stairs and she fell, scraping her knees against the pavement. They burned like an inferno and Yejin had to bite her lip to prevent herself from crying. The person who shoved her didn’t even spare a second glance her way; she walked home limping. When she arrived home, she checked her phone and discovered that she attained a superbly low grade for one of her essays. She also received a message from one of her friends that his dog ripped apart a book that she lent him. To make matters worse, it was one of her favorite books; a book her mother had given her on her fifteenth birthday.
It was too much for Yejin to handle.
Aera wasn’t home—where was comfort when you needed it—and no one from her family was picking up. Yejin’s face was buried deep into her right palm as another hand pressed her phone against her ear.
Please, Yejin thought as the phone continued to ring in her ear.
Yejin’s balloon heart sagged in relief.
“Hi,” she swallowed. “Can I come over?”
Jeonghan’s response was immediate. “Yes.”
That was how Yejin found herself in Jeonghan’s apartment, snuggled against him on the couch with a warm mug of hot chocolate. He was playing a game on his PS5, but his arms were around Yejin like a large, comfy teddy bear. She leaned against his chest, hearing his heartbeat in sync with hers.
“Thanks,” she mumbled to him, and she could feel his heart pump faster.
“Any time,” he answered, pulling her closer to his chest.
Yejin continued to watch the characters and graphics flash across the screen. She sipped her hot chocolate as she placed her hands on one of Jeonghan’s hands, momentarily distracting him from his game. He recovered quickly and twisted his thumb so that he was caressing her palm.
He hummed in response.
“I think I like you.”
Jeonghan froze and his character died. He turned to her, ignoring the flashing message on the screen that spelled GAME OVER in red capital letters.
“You think?” he asked, voice cracking at the end.
Yejin shook her head quickly. “No, no. Not think. I do like you.”
She squirmed nervously; he was still at a loss for words. She vaguely watched his throat gulp as he swallowed.
“Really?” he asked, his voice raw and vulnerable.
Yejin understood why he was so hesitant. He had recently gotten out of a relationship—he didn’t know if he was ready to give his heart to someone else after losing it not too long ago.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now,” Yejin assured, squeezing his wrist. “I’ll wait—”
Yejin glanced at Jeonghan’s serious expression; his jawline is firm and stiff and his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. He stared at her for a while, deep in thought, before he leaned in to kiss her.
Her eyes fluttered shut in response. Jeonghan’s lips were slightly chapped but soft and gentle. She was frozen for a while, her mind unable to process what was happening at first. Then Jeonghan pulled away, and she grabbed his collar to pull him into her.
“Yejin,” Jeonghan said breathlessly, his hair tousled as he held Yejin in his arms. “I don’t want you to think I’m only using you as a rebound; I like you, from the bottom of my heart. Can I be your boyfriend?”
Yejin laughed at the innocent question and reached up to tuck one of his curls behind his ear. She leaned up to peck him again.
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© silver newton┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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pettytiredandjewish · 5 months
you know one thing ive noticed that irks me is that how hamas supporters always tend to attack on israeli supporters like the latter will be minding their own business on social media and just have a simple israeli flag in their bio; and then out of nowhere you have all these self-righteous so-called pro-palestinians who are really just hamas supporters attacking and calling all types of curses to those israeli supporters just because of the israeli flag. however has anyone ever seen an israeli supporter go to a so-called pro-palestinian's page and attacked them for having a palestinian flag in their bio? NO.
Oh I’ve noticed. The amount of hate messages that I’ve seen pro pal people post on random Israel or Jewish blogs/social media pages (who are literally minding their own business) is ridiculous. I’ve heard that it’s really bad on TikTok. I guess a whole bunch of pro pal and anti Zionist people started spamming someone on TikTok (mind you- I don’t even think this person was even Jewish (I could be wrong)) about how she was silent on the whole I/p conflict. It got to the point where she deleted her account and maybe her other social media pages too due to the constant harassment. This whole thing is just really fucked up.
To be honest I have never seen Israelis/ Jews harass pro pal and anti Zionist pages. When there is disagreements happening- Israeli/jewish bloggers are polite when handling the pro pal and anti Zionist crowds. We stay on track on the argument/ we’re polite but not too kind (because we can only handle so much bull shit)/ we try to guide them to resources that backs up on what we are saying/etc… when I handle them (because they really love to start things with me lol) I did try to be kind to them, but obviously that did not work out. So I’ve stopped being kind- I’m polite. I’ll admit that I do have a mouth on me and cuss words so slip out (but in my defense- I was raised by a dad who had a mouth of a sailor- tbh he could make the sailor look like a saint- and a mom who was raised in both the city and country. Combine that together and you get me lol)
But for the pro pal and anti Zionist crowds it’s totally opposite… like holy crap- and I thought that the pro trump people were bat shit crazy. They are constantly stalking and harassing Israelis/jewish people and their social medias, creating lists, full on spewing antisemitic shit/ etc… they really do terrify me.
It’s really scary that they’ve ramped up their hate. With what’s been happening in college campuses all over the world. If anyone is still in college- please stay safe. Your safety comes first. If you don’t feel safe in an area please leave. If you don’t feel comfortable by yourself, ask someone to go with you. Make sure that you have your phone on you and that it’s charged. Take self defense classes if you can or even watch self defense videos (basic moves can and will save you if you are in danger). If you are going out- make sure you tell someone and even give them your gps location. Document everything too- just in case you need to fill out a police report (even if the police doesn’t do shit, creating a paper trail will help you out). If things gets really bad and you need to drop out of college or switch to online- do it. Don’t risk your health and safety when dealing with those fuckers. To those pro pal and anti Zionist crowds who are participating in these violent protests or see no issues with it- y’all need to fucking open your eyes. You are creating a dangerous atmosphere for everyone and making things really worse.
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trans-duckling · 11 days
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For Them to Have Your Eyes: Rei (part I)
The first night they spent back at their house —two days later, when Kakashi’s incisions were good enough to leave the hospital—, Gai and him didn’t sleep. Saying they were not tired would be a lie, but as shinobi they could stay awake for days. This was not precisely a mission, but neither of them felt capable of moving their eyes away from Rei for more than a couple of minutes.
“Are they still breathing?” Gai asked over his shoulder.
“Yeah, even breaths at good rhythm” he informed, holding himself to avoid touching the baby while they were asleep. “You should try to sleep.”
“I’m good, rival.”
A low huff caught their attention, both looking at the open door of the bedroom. There, eight ninken were waiting to enter.
“You told us to check the perimeter because you wanted to feel safe while sleeping, boss” Pakkun said. “If what you want is to make sure Rei is safe, we’ll take turns to watch them while you sleep.”
The dogs spread around the room, Bull letting himself fall next to the crib. For such a big animal, he barely made a noise when his body collapsed against the floor.
“B-But” Gai started to mumble, “we like watching them.”
“We all do, but you two need to sleep.”
Kakashi moved his eyes from his child to the summon and took in the conviction on the ninken’s expression. He had been telling the truth, when accusing him of just wanting to make sure Rei was safe. If being honest, the Hatake was fairly sure shinobi made the most paranoid parents. He was simply terrified of all the things that could happen to them as they slept. And still, he nodded at Pakkun’s suggestion.
There were eight pairs of eyes shining in the darkness of the room, completely alert and ready to launch themselves at any intruder crazy enough to appear. Whenever he had been scared as a child, he knew his ninken would protect him against anything. And they had done so. More times that anybody else, not even Gai. As long as they were there, no harm would come to his family.
“Let’s try to rest, Gai” he said, pushing the other man down to the mattress. “We’re going to need the energy if the child is just a bit like you.”
With a complaining whine, the taijutsu master let himself fall on the bed and they quickly arranged a comfortable position for both of them. Medical ninjutsu was rather useful when you had a c-section, your body able to go back to what it was before the pregnancy in about a week, but only if care was done correctly. Therefore, Gai’s hands held him meticulously, a relaxing feeling running down Kakashi’s body as he felt their skin come into contact.
There, with Gai hugging him and his eyes set on Rei sleeping in the crib next to their bed, he closed his eyes to rest.
Meeting Sasuke
Kakashi was having difficulties to concentrate that morning. It might have been because his child was looking at him with doe-eyes from behind the fences of the baby park he had at the office. He didn’t bring them in a lot, normally some of Gai’s and his friends and students available for babysitting, but that day he didn’t have a choice. Not that he was complaining.
“I know, I’m bored too, Rei.”
He had been checking documents for an hour while the six months baby entertained themselves with some harmless toys in the park, but his focus had run away once Rei started to ask for attention. He was a sucker for his kid.
“What do you say about helping me?” he said, getting up to approach the baby park. “It’ll be just as fun as with papa at the Academy.”
He was lying, of course, as he was sure the baby would prefer bouncing attached to Gai’s chest over any kind of amusement he could offer in that office, but he decided to ignore it. At the moment, Gai was on a short mission with his team, so their child would have to conform with him.
As expected, Rei giggled as he lifted them up from the baby park, holding them with care before removing his mask to kiss the baby’s forehead. Then, the fabric slipped back up and he went back to his desk.
“You’re gonna help dada with these very important documents” he stated, offering Rei a stamp to hold. “Here, hold it like… This.”
Putting the stamp in the right position, he guided his child’s hands to the ink to wet it and then to the first paper, pressing down on it and then lifting up.
“See?” he said, pointing at the new symbol on the document. “You’re a natural. Next one!”
Rei had motor skills advanced for a baby of under a year —which was rather normal in shinobi kids—, so they were able to lift the stamp, wet it and put it on each folder Kakashi offered without making a mess. Sure, there were some stains here and there from time to time, but the kid was laughing and doing his job for him so the Hatake was not going to complain.
Sometime later, there was a change in the atmosphere. The arm holding Rei around their chest and belly pressed them against Kakashi’s body, the other one bringing up a kunai in less than a second. Under the mask his mouth was slightly open, fangs showing out of instinct.
The spiral of the Kamui appeared about five steps away from his desk, and even though he knew only one person could use such a jutsu at the moment, he threw the kunai anyways. Of course, Sasuke’s hand caught it with ease as he stepped out of the portal, expression unchanged.
“You know doors exists, right?”
“I never saw you using one.”
Kakashi was about to respond with another sarcastic comment, but then Sasuke’s eyes focused on Rei and he frowned.
“There is a baby on your lap” the Uchiha pointed out.
Said baby giggled as they put a second and then a third stamp on the same document. Oh, well, nobody said the damn papers couldn’t have more than one. As long as they were readable…
“Very perceptive.”
“Well, Gai is out on a mission and…” only then Kakashi realized. Chuckling, he changed the sentence for a presentation: “Sasuke, this is mine and Gai’s child. Their name is Rei.”
Kakashi smiled at the loud participation.
“Yes, that’s your name, very well!”
As expected, Sasuke’s expression went over several stages of confusion before coming back to his neutral face.
“Congratulations” he said.
“Thank you.”
He was about to say something else when another chakra signatures caught his attention.
“KAKASHI-SENSEI!” a well-known blonde screamed as he almost kicked down the door. “What is this new mission you needed Team…? UH?! SASUKE?!”
Behind Naruto, Sakura and Sai came in at a more normal pace, although they were equally surprised by the presence of the other member of their team.
“Nice, you’re all here now” he said with a smile, looking down at the paper his baby was filling with stamps. “And Rei had given to your mission instructions enough approval, so everything is ready.”
Animal Family
When Rei was three four years old, she had to explain to another kid why her ‘close family’ was more than dad and papa. After she finished her very long discourse with a proud expression at how well she had talked, the boy laughed at her and then Shiba and Akino chased him through the park. She just shrugged, knowing she didn’t have to care about what other kids thought of her.
Still, Rei remained frustrated the rest of the day.
“What is it?” Dad asked after picking her up once he came from work.
“Nothing” she pouted.
Her dad rolled his eyes, pocking her in between thick, grey eyebrows.
“Do I have to torture the truth out of you?”
“No torturing before dinner!” Papa screamed from the kitchen.
Rei giggled.
“A boy at the park laughed at me when I tried to explain why your dogs and papa’s tortoises are my family, too” she said, trying to not show her true annoyance. “Shiba and Akino chased him after.”
All the ninken lived with them, so it was not strange for her to see her dad look for the mentioned dogs with his eyes. When he found them, she was able to notice the smile under his mask.
“Good dogs” he simply said, making them wag their tails.
“Why people don’t understand that they’re our family as well?”
“Because people are difficult to deal with.”
“Dad!” she pouted, grabbing his mask and pulling it down. “That’s not an answer!”
When her dad smiled, the four long fangs normally hidden under his lips came out, sharp and shiny. Sakura had said she would most likely develop them, too, but right now she had normal puppy teeth, just a tiny bit sharper than other kids’. Enough to draw blood if she bit them during a fight.
“Well, Rei, not everybody in the village has summons, or live with them if they have” his dad said, squatting to let her on the ground. “For that people, they may be just animals, or weapons for a combat, so they cannot understand what you, papa and I feel about them.”
She tried to think about it, not having dogs or tortoises around the house, or accompanying her wherever she went. Only seeing them if she had to kick some kid at the park. It simply didn’t make sense.
“I don’t understand” she mumbled.
Her dad chuckled and shuffled her grey and wild hair.
“That’s ok” he said. “You don’t need to.”
Shrugging, she turned away and ran towards Akino and Shiba to hug them. Soon, the other ninken were coming closer as well to receive some pets and, as the tortoises were not as fast, she moved around the house to scratch all of them on the neck just as they liked. If her dad said she didn’t need to understand, then she didn’t need to worry about it. She would just keep telling the truth to whoever asked her about it.
She was Maito-Hatake Rei and her family was big, with a lot of uncles and aunts. However, those closer to her would always be dad, papa and their summons. They were the ones she remembered having by her side from the beginning. Deep black eyes looking at her during the night, always watching. Big, hard bodies offering a surface and a shadow to rest. They were in her memories just as much as her dads and she loved them just as much.
Extended Family
Dad and papa had always made clear she had a big family. It was first her, and them and their dogs and tortoises. But her dads also had friends and students that were all Rei’s uncles and aunts, and their children were her cousins. At five years old, she had a clear conception of each one of them.
She liked Tenten the best, because she let her run around with real kunai and shuriken without keeping an eye on her. And not only that, but she also never said ‘no’ whenever Rei asked her about training or playing together.
Lee was almost like a big brother. She remembered him staying over for lunch and dinner when she was younger, but not so much after he got his own baby. Still, Lee was always there to practice taijutsu or tell her amazing stories about his papa.
With Naruto, Rei got to break all the rules papa and dad set for her. Whenever he came to visit or take care of her, they would play with the sharp weapons, eat lots of ramen and stay up late watching the TV or —if she convinced him— reading animal books. They were rarely caught, but the last time it happened dad had the whole pack chasing after Naruto for an hour as a punishment. Rei laughed a lot.
She didn’t remember a lot about Sakura or Sasuke, his dad saying it was because they left for a trip when she was too young. They came back eventually, but by then they had their own baby and so they didn’t babysit Rei a lot. However, she would sometimes visit their home or even been dropped there so Sasuke could take care of her while Sakura and her dad and papa worked. It was fun, then, because Sasuke let her play different games and never complained if she did something wrong. With Sakura, it was more complicated. Rei liked her because she was nice to her all the time and she was also very strong, but at the same time she was her doctor and that sometimes meant she put injections on her or gave her awful medicine if she was sick.
Sai was also somebody Rei enjoyed spending time with. He would follow her anywhere without saying much, even if she ran deep into the forest. Of course, eventually he picked her up and brought her home, but then they would paint together for hours. There were even days in which, if Rei asked nicely, Sai would bring their draws to life and she got to play with them for hours.
Papa and dad’s oldest friends —her uncles and aunts— were also fun, even if sometimes Rei didn’t understand their jokes or why they were laughing. Kurenai was nice but strict, teaching her about genjutsu whenever she asked. Genma once gifted her a box of senbon for her to practice, but dad took it away as soon as he found out, although at least Rei got to see how they worked as he threw them back at Genma. And she had so much entertainment with Yamato! He was possibly her favorite adult because, even if at the beginning he would refuse to fulfil her wishes, whenever Rei put puppy eyes he ended up doing it. That was how he got a tree house. And a big dog house for herself in the back-yard. And a tortoise-shaped bed. And… Well, if being honest, she didn’t remember all the things he had gotten from Yamato, but she knew they were a lot.
Finally, Rei’s third favorite person in the world —after papa and dad, clearly—, was Mirai. She was a year and a half older than her, but they still got to play and train a lot together. Lately, their parents had even allowed them to go out without supervision because Mirai was already at the Academy and they trusted her. Evidently, they still broke a lot of rules. Naruto said it was fine as long as they didn’t get caught, so…
There were more people in Rei’s life, but those were the closest to her at the moment. She loved them all. They made her feel safe and free at the same time, their presences accompany her as she grew up, offering a hand if she fell and a push if she was unsure of continuing forward.
At five years old, Rei knew she had a big and unconventional family, but she wouldn’t change it even for her own ninken.
“Papa” Rei called while setting the table.
“Yeah, honey?”
“Do you think we can look at the stars together after dinner?” she asked.
“Uh? Are you sure, Rei? You start the Academy tomorrow, and you have inherited the difficulty to get up from bed from your dad…”
At seven years old, she had perfectioned his father’s technique of rolling her eyes in annoyance.
“I’m sure you’ll wake me up on time, papa.”
The man laughed, showing all his white teeth to her.
“You’re right, Rei! Let’s see what dad says about it, ok?”
“Yay, thanks!”
She had finished setting the table as they talked so, happy with the response she got, the girl ran towards the sofa of the living room to hug Biscuit, who was resting there. Gai found funny the fact that, whereas the tolerance of the dogs to other people had reduced during the last few years, they still let Rei do almost anything with them. Including squishing their bodies as if they were fluffy toys.
Glad to see her peacefully entertaining herself with the ninken, Gai continued checking on the dinner every few minutes. He had picked up Rei from Kurenai’s house about two hours ago once he finished working at the Academy, and surprisingly Kakashi was still at the office.
Just as he was thinking about sending one of the dogs to check on the man, he heard the front door opening. The reaction was immediate, eight dogs barking and running towards it at the same time as a couple of naked feet hit the floor.
Rei jumped over Kakashi without more warning than the scream, but he was too used to her antics and caught her on time with one arm. Once she was safely held underneath it as a sack, he bent down to pet his dogs.
“Daaaad!” their daughter complained with a laugh. “Let me go!”
Moving up again, the Hatake grabbed Rei from the back of her t-shirt —as if she was a dog being held by the scruff— and looked at her with a lifted eyebrow.
“And why would I do that, pup?” he said. “You’re the one that assaulted me at the door so I would pick you up.”
Groaning, Rei started to kick her legs, trying futilely to reach the man. No doubt smiling under his mask, Kakashi used the index finger of his free hand to boop her nose. A second after, the girl moved her head and bit said finger.
“Ow!” the Hatake complained, letting go of her. “Damn you and your puppy teeth, Rei.”
Laughing, their daughter showed him all her teeth, a few places already empty.
“I got them from you, dad.”
“Yeah, yeah… Somehow all you do always ends up being my fault.”
“Well, she inherited a lot of your traits, rival” Gai interceded, rolling his wheelchair to the entrance.
“As if the crazy amount of energy doesn’t come from you” the Hatake accused, bending anyways to kiss him while removing the mask. “We’re both at blame.”
“Hm… ok” he answered, smiling against his lips.
“Ugh! Stop it, dads!”
In a nice display of her character, Rei climbed over the wheelchair to put herself in between them, forcing their bodies to separate. Apparently, she had reached that wonderful part of childhood in which seeing her parents kissing was disgusting. Unfortunately for her, Gai didn’t think that was enough reason to stop, and Kakashi just ignored her.
“Do you need help with anything?” the Hatake asked, looking around the house.
“No, rival, dinner is done and Rei settled the table, so we’re ready to eat.”
Nodding, Kakashi turned to finally get rid of his shoes and robe, letting out a tired sigh while Gai led their daughter to the table before bringing the food. They ate while sharing stories about what they had done that day, Rei giving a lot of details about how she had being training target shooting with Tenten in the morning and genjutsu with Kurenai in the afternoon. She put in her words the same emotion Gai did whenever he talked about his students at the Academy, which always brought a smile to his face.
Once they finished, Kakashi helped to clean the table and then left the girl rinsing the plates while he went back to the living room and Gai. Now that the child was out of sight, he didn’t have to worry about anybody complaining of his behavior, so the Hatake sat on his lap and bent forwards to properly kiss him. Gai responded in an instant, smiling and enjoying the quiet moment. Since having Rei, they had become very comfortable with displaying affection, although Kakashi still refrained in public.
“What do you think?” his rival asked once their lips separated. “Will Rei go to bed early so we can enjoy some time for ourselves?”
“Ah… I don’t think so, my love” Gai said, remembering the conversation before dinner. “I think something worries her… She wants to look at the stars with us once she’s done.”
“Oh? Did she say anything else?”
“No, but… Tomorrow is her first day at the Academy so, maybe…”
The words hung in the air for a bit. Rei was not a ‘genius’ as Kakashi had been called when he was her age, nor did she show any especial capability towards taijutsu as Gai. Yes, she could use some low level of ninjutsu and genjutsu, and she was decent at using taijutsu, but… Well, that was it.
They couldn’t care less, of course. If their daughter would have chosen to be a baker instead of a kunoichi, they would have supported her anyways, but… They worried. Because they had heard the comments coming from other people —especially adults— about the expectations set on her as the child of two notorious war heroes. Kakashi and Gai would crush anybody that tried to diminish her self-confidence, but they were not naïve enough to think some of those comments wouldn’t reach her.
Moreover, even if peace was still in perfect place after so many years, nothing lasted forever. A part of them was scared of sending their daughter out in the world with mediocre abilities, because in their time those were the first ones to die. It was difficult, trying to raise Rei without putting too much pressure on her, at the same time as they panicked about the idea of losing their only child.
“She will be fine” Kakashi said, even if his voice didn’t sound completely convinced. “She’s our daughter, after all. And if somebody tries to bully her… I promised you: exile.”
Gai chuckled. He doubted that would happen, at least coming from her classmates. She had made several friends that would join the Academy that same year, and Mirai would no doubt take care of her younger cousin. Besides, Rei was too wild to let other kids bully her. Maybe it was because of how they had raised her; to always be proud of who she was and know that she would have the family’s support whatever happened. It was probably related to her own character as well.
But even high confidence could be broken if enough effort was put on it, and that was when their job as parents and adult figures started.
“Ugh, dads!”
And… She was done rinsing the plates.
“I told you to stop being all lovely-dovely at home!”
“Mm…” Kakashi hummed, looking at her from Gai’s lap. “Nope. This is my house and my man, pup, so your suggestion will be rejected.”
To emphasize his words, the Hatake kissed him again, his body moving to reciprocate without thinking.
“Papa! You promised me we would look at the starts together!”
His daughter’s frustrated tone was enough to separate him just a bit from Kakashi, although the other man refused to let go of his hold around Gai’s neck.
“That’s true, Rei! Come up, then, and I’ll take us to the garden.”
Smiling, the girl jumped over the Hatake and placed herself comfortably on the spot, his father sliding one arm down to hold her as Gai rolled them out. Eight pair of paws followed the wheelchair as well, the whole pack leaving for an evening stroll as they enjoyed the warm weather.
It was not until about twenty minutes later, when Kakashi and him were sitting on the grass with Rei in between them, that the taijutsu master made the question he had been thinking about since before dinner.
“Rei” he called, “are you nervous about tomorrow?”
Surprisingly, their daughter didn’t answer right away, instead shrugging and looking up to the stars in the sky.
“Not really” she said. “I know I don’t have the same level as my friends, but I don’t care. I’m going to become a kunoichi as strong as dad and papa.”
Smiling, she turned to look at them.
“That’s my self-rule!”
Kakashi chuckled. Gai started crying. They really had the best daughter.
Some years later, they would attend Rei’s graduation with tears in the eyes, her hard work having paid off and making her one of the best shinobi that year. Tenten would become her sensei then and her adventures as a Konohan kunoichi would take fly, the world unprepared for what Maito-Hatake Rei was bringing to it.
First Mission Out
Rei was pacing around her room, stopping to check the bag she would be taken for the next day mission every five minutes. Did she have everything she needed? She had initially refused her parents help because she was old enough to prepare alone, but…
Sighing, she dropped over top of the bed, making Pakkun bounce on it.
“You’ll be fine” the ninken yawned, closing his eyes again.
“Will I, though?” Rei asked, turning on her belly to look at her dad’s summon. “I’m still behind my teammates’ level and Tenten-sensei has to help me most of the time.”
As if wanting to check the severity of her complaint, Pakkun opened only one eye to look at her before sighing and sitting up.
“Look, kid, you’re doing your best, and even if you’re not strong alone, you are with your team” he said. “Think of them as a pack. Just take me as an example; I could not take a big enemy all by myself but, with the others? We could tare almost anybody apart.”
Taking a few minutes to think about his words, Rei ended up nodding. She knew Pakkun wouldn’t lie to her, and she knew her teamwork was excellent.
“You’re right, thank you.”
“Of course I am, you’re the second pup I raise, I know how to deal with all this already.”
Just to annoy him, Rei took the ninken in her arms and hugged him as strong as he could until Pakkun bit her arm. She bit his ear in exchange.
Papa and her had dinner by themselves that night, since her dad had a late meeting to attend too. It was not something usual, but whenever deals were being made across the countries he always came home late.
“Do you have everything ready for tomorrow, Rei?”
“Yeah, papa, my bag is packed.”
“Perfect! Then you should go to bed” he said as they finished washing the plates. “It’s important to have a good rest before such an important mission as this one!”
“It’s a C-rank mission, papa, you go around doing A and S-ranks every few weeks.”
Instead of adding another happy or supporting comment, her papa left the last plate on the cupboard and then bent down on his knees as well as he could with his orthosis. That way, their heads were almost at the same height, but the size difference was still gigantic. While her papa was bulky, she seemed to have inherited the body distribution of her dad.
“Listen to me, Rei, it doesn’t matter if it’s a C-rank or S-rank, once you leave this village the danger increases tenfold” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Remember what Kakashi told you about the first mission he had with his team out of Konoha. Any mission can change ranks, so you have to be cautious, understand?”
It still felt strange sometimes, to see such serious expression on her papa’s face. It made her forget about his usual light mood at the same time as it brought up a warm feeling from inside. As if he was changing so much because she was the most important thing in the world to him.
“I understand” she nodded.
Just then, the front door opened and Rei immediately turned her body towards it. Truth was, she had wanted to wait until her dad was back before going to bed. There was something she meant to ask him and, in case he said ‘no’, then she wanted to be able to properly say goodbye before leaving.
“Dad!” she exclaimed, running to meet him.
She didn’t jump as she used to do years ago, deciding she was too old to do that. Instead, Rei awaited at the entrance while her dad got rid of his shoes, left the robe hanging and greeted the ninken that had come running upon hearing the door.
“Hello, Rei” he said, messing her wild black and gray hair as he passed her. “Shouldn’t you be in bed? You have an important mission tomorrow.”
“I was waiting for you, I… I have something to ask.”
Her voice trembled a bit at the end, but she shook her head and looked up at her dad when he turned with an intriguing expression.
“Well, that sound magnanimous” he commented, bringing down his mask. He was able to read her dad’s expressions without a problem even with it on, but since she was young Rei didn’t remember seeing her dad covering his face at home. “What is it?”
She breathed in and out. No matter what the answer was, she would take it as the kunoichi she was, feelings aside.
“I know you’re the Hokage and you cannot show preferences” Rei started, looking straight at him. “However, papa will come with me tomorrow to the village’s doors to bid me goodbye, and I would like for you to be there as well. Of course, I’ll understand if you have more important duties to attend to, or…”
Before she could finish, Rei found herself trapped in a hug. If it was strange for her papa to be serious, it was even stranger for her dad to display such an affection gesture out of the blue. When he finally let go, he separated their bodies but kept his hands on her shoulders, looking at Rei with eyes full of love and loyalty.
“You’re the most important duty I could ever have, Rei” he declared, smiling. “I know other Hokages showed less impartiality in these cases, but when you were born I promised myself I would not follow their steps. Even if there was a Kage summit tomorrow, I would still go saying goodbye to you.”
Rei was a big girl. A teenager, they have started to call her. She was a kunoichi. A weapon of Konoha.
Rei had also been raised with love. She had been taught to not hide her feelings.
She jumped to hang from her dad’s neck while tears fell down her cheeks. The strong hold around her, which was soon joined by her papa as well, told her she would always be the first priority to at least two people in that world.
Gai was holding back the waterfall threatening to come out of his eyes while he waved goodbye to Rei, as she walked out of the village with Tenten and the rest of her team. He knew she would be safe; the mission was simple and short, just to get and bring back an expensive object from a near village. She would be gone for only two nights. Still, deep down he was terrified. Out there, anything could happen, even if they were at peace. They could potentially lose her.
A slim hand slipped around his and Kakashi’s fingers interlaced with his without further thinking. It was a natural gesture for them at that point of their lives. Even if his rival was still not a fan of public displays of affection, he would take his hand from time to time if he felt like it. Obviously, this occasion was a good enough reason.
“Are we sure she packed everything?” the Hatake asked as Rei and her team became small dots in the background.
“Pakkun helped her, and I went over it while she settled the table” Gai nodded. “I’m sure you did as well.”
“Yeah, once she fell asleep” his rival sighed. “I still think I should let one of my ninken tag after them. Just in case.”
“We promised not to” the taijutsu master reminded him. “We have to trust her, rival. Besides, Tenten will protect them with her life.”
“You almost don’t sound worried.”
“Oh, I am terrified, my love, have no doubt of it” Gai nervously laughed. “But Rei is a good kunoichi and our daughter. She will be fine.”
“Yeah” Kakashi said, even if his anxiety was yet evident. “I kind of wish she would have chosen to be a baker, still.”
This time, Gai’s laugh was real. Tugging at the other man, he managed to move him enough for them to turn around and start their way to the Hokage’s office. Their daughter and them were walking in opposite directions that day, but they had to have faith they would end up meeting at the same place.
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