#and the bad rep we get is just so awful
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 10 months ago
B33 < hey tiktok can we please stop drawing disorders as art
:33 < if its your disorder and youre represenyting yoursellf throughg art thats fine, but genuinely dont draw disorders based on how YOU think it would be like to live woth that disorder, amd how you think that disorder looks/feels like, because ican guarantee you youre probably wrong, and honestly it just feels belittling. idont want my disorder made into "silly art" that isnt representation at all. if soemone witt the disorders ihave make srt on their experiences, thats okay !! but someone who dosenh have that disorder and makes art off it ? youdont know how it actually feels like
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avanillaskyline · 1 year ago
I've been going through tma recently at the request of my girlfriend. She has, on multiple occasions, showed me the Jurgen Leitner rant. I know I'm not very far into it yet (MAG 53), but I'm under the impression he's getting a bad rep.
Like, we're dealing with a setting where people literally get eaten by the sky and evil worms that burrow into people and kill them in minutes. We're dealing with a setting where Fuckhands McMike can banish literally anyone to the Backrooms (and stab Jon??? Because he feels like it?????) and yet we hate Jurgen because he liked literature. ok. I am SURE there's more awful people out there than a silly lil fucked up book collector
Dude just wants a cool library and I support this, even if he's a little messed up. If he got his hands on the Necronomicon I firstly, wouldn't be surprised and secondly, would support him.
But I'm not buying it. Someone in the setting's gotta be worse
Like... Tim? No, Tim's an absolute himbo fuckboy, we can't hate him. Who else? Sasha's been kinda funky and off-putting since Mag 40 but hasn't been evil, Martin's our bestest cinnamon roll boy, and Jon's just a dedicated lil guy who gets beat up because the world hates him for no reason. We just met that new girl, Basira? She's got good vibes and I'd probably kill for Gertrude
Who else is left?? OH, ELIAS. He owns the archives and told off Jon to "not stalk his coworkers" (ok fun police), which is offensive to both me and Jon, so he automatically goes in the "bitch-ass mf" category and I do not like him
Jon's suspicious of him and SO AM I
(I'll reblog this when I get further in with more details, no spoilers please)
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corruptedcaps · 7 months ago
The Chavs and the Chav-Nots
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"Look, Heidi, I know this sounds crazy, but trust me, it's going to work. The plan is solid. I take the Chav juice I invented, and bam I'm a chav for 24 hours. A full day to go undercover as the ultimate chav bitch. I'll be just like them, blending right in with those girls who make our lives hell. I know you're worried, but it's our only shot. We’ll get the dirt we need to stop them.
Here’s the thing, though, once I drink it, I won’t remember being me. I’ll be all in, completely believing I’ve always been a chav. I might not even go by the name of Jess anymore. And that means… I might come after you too. I might bully you just like they do. But you have to remember, it’s not really me.
When the 24 hours are up, I’ll be back to normal, and we’ll have everything we need. It'll be tough, but it’s worth it. We’re so close to turning the tables on them, Heidi. This is our chance. Just hold on for one day, okay? Ok here goes nothing."
"What the hell am I wearing? I must have blacked out from all the partying and stole your loser clothes. Thankfully even in these fucking shit outfit and virgin glasses I’m still a fuckin’ knockout.
I need to get out of here before someone actually sees me with you. Do you know what that would do to my rep? Being seen with someone like you? Ugh, it's disgusting just thinking about it.
Honestly, I don't even know why you even go to school. It's not like anyone actually likes you. You're just this sad, clingy little parasite, always hanging on, hoping someone will notice you. Spoiler alert, they don’t. You're invisible. You’re fuckin’ nothing, not like me.
Ugh I feel like your ugliness will rub off on me if I stick around any longer. I need some new sexier clothes. Out of the way fugly and if I see you again you’ll wish you were never born.”
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"Heidi… oh my God, I’m so sorry. I remember everything. All the horrible things I said to you as Jessi… that’s what I… I mean she, calls herself. It’s like I was trapped inside my own head, watching it all happen. I felt every nasty mean thing she did. I didn’t mean any of it, I swear.
Thankfully I got a lot of juicy dirt on those evil bitches but you’re not going to like this…. I need to become Jessi again. They opened up a lot to her but I could tell they were still wary of her. I just need to spend more time with them and do what they do and gain their trust.
Thankfully Jessi bought some new clothes while she was in control. I know they are slutty and revealing but they are they perfect to fit in with them. Jessi is a perfect chav.
Of course it helped that the juice transformed my body too. I didn’t expect the big tits, the fake tan, the blonde ponytail, or the press on nails but it certainly helps sell the look. I even think some of the chavs are jealous of Jessi.
And, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it was kind of… nice? I mean, not the whole ‘being a complete bitch’ part, but having them be jealous you know? Anyway I better go get changed into my ‘Jessi’ clothes. Sorry in advance.”
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“I thought I told you I’d beat the shit out of you if I saw you again loser. What are you even doing at this party, it’s only for hot studs and bad bitches like us, isn’t that right girls?
This is the fuckin’ train wreck I was telling you about girls. Oh you know her? Yeah I guess she is hard to miss, like a wart on a diseased foot. God, just look at her. Honestly, Heidi, you’re a joke. I mean, who even lets you out of the house looking like that? Where’d you get those clothes? A charity shop? They’re so tragic. And that hair… yikes. Ever heard of shampoo?
She’s starting to make me gag girls. Kayla, kick this bitch out will you, I don’t want her putting me off fuckin’ Derek later. So long dork.”
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"Heidi, I’m sorry… again. I know I was awful, but you have to understand, I got even more dirt on those girls. We’re so close to taking them down for good!
Did I have sex with Derek? As in Delinquent Derek the hardest guy on the estates? No… I don’t so? I mean it’s all a little blurry, Jessi was drinking a lot. I only have patches of the night but I’m sure she didn’t. He was texting my phone this morning calling me a bad bitch so I’m sure she told him off.
Oh these hoop earrings? Yeah they’re Jessi’s but I find it’s an easier transition to being her if I’m already wearing some of her stuff. Sure her body fits everything so much better but she’s likely to question everything less if she’s ready to go. Plus I kind of like the way the look on me, they’re sort of sexy don’t you think? Do you think should wear more makeup? Then again what would you know? Anyway I better go get ready for Jessi.”
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"Aww, look at you, Heidi, crying like a little baby. What, did I hurt your feelings? Pathetic. You should be used to it by now. You’re so weak it makes my stomach turn.
I’ll let you in on little secret though. I know all about Jess, my loser alter ego. The more she’s transformed into me the more of her memories have slipped into my mind. The more control I’ve taken. Her smarts have let me take over the gang. They are all dumb sluts so it was easy to manipulate them into making me their leader.
But it’s a two way street. I’m sure you’ve noticed Jess has become a little bit meaner, a little bit hotter, and a little bit vainer. All thanks to yours truly. Poor little Jess thought she could control me, use me like some tool to get her way. But she didn’t realize how strong I am.
Just a few more times, and Jess won’t exist anymore. She’ll be gone, and it’ll be just me, Jessi. Forever. And you? You’ll be stuck dealing with the real me, the one who doesn’t give a fuck about you or your pathetic tears. I love being an evil chav bitch and soon Jess will too.
But don’t you go getting any ideas about telling her what I’m up to. I’ve got her dosing on juice everyday but she could still reject me and try and go cold turkey if she’s convinced, so this will be our little secret.”
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"Heidi, what are you talking about? Jessi’s plan? Jessi doesn’t have a plan, she doesn’t even know about me. You’re just overreacting. I’m in control here, not Jessi. I know what I’m doing.
You’re just jealous because the juice has had some delicious side effects, like making me fuckin’ tasty. I’ve had to wear all the clothes Jessi bought because they’re the only things that now fit me. The fake tan, nails and makeup is just to compliment it all.
Or maybe you’re just jealous because the Chavs have stopped bullying me entirely. In fact they kind of fear me. Maybe that’s what’s really bothering you. You liked it better when I was just plain old Jess, right? Anything to draw attention away from you.
And come on, Jessi taking over? That’s absurd. I know who I am. I’m still me. Kind. Smart. Caring. And sexy as fuck. Maybe I’m just... improving a little, that’s all. What’s wrong with that? You can’t handle the fact that I’m finally stepping out of my shell.
Honestly, Heidi, you’re starting to sound like a paranoid freak. You’re just trying to hold me back because you’re afraid of being left behind. Maybe you’re the one who needs to change, to toughen up a bit. Ever think about that? Anyway I have better places to be now.”
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“Well, well, Heidi. Look at you. I didn’t think you had it in you to try and tell Jess about my plan. Gotta say, I’m impressed. Didn’t think you had a backbone. But that’s why I had the girls tie you up and bring you to me.
See, I’m so close to making sure Jess is gone for good, and I can’t let you derail my plans. You’ve always been such a little thorn in my side, but something Jess said to you made me think that maybe I could get your pushiness to work in my favour. Maybe it’s time YOU changed.
Open up, Heidi. You’re about to get a taste of what real power feels like. Just a little modified Chav juice, enough to see things my way. Thanks to Jess’ brilliant mind I’ve adapted it to make you into everything I need you to be. Come on, don’t make this harder than it has to be. It’s time for you to join the winning side.”
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"You know I wasn’t sure at first that your idea of you imbedding yourself in with Jessi was such a good idea, especially because she really seemed to hate your guts but these past few days I’ve seen flashes of you and her hanging out and you’re as thick as thieves. You’re very convincing. It helps you’re started dressing like all the other Chavs too. Don’t get me wrong, you look proper fit now babes. I mean… you fit in so well with Jessi and her crew!
Speaking of which I’m so glad you’ve changed your mind about me taking the juice, you get that it’s only going to be a few times more and then it’ll be over. I wasn’t sure you’d see things my way, but now you’re being so supportive, so encouraging. It makes this whole thing feel so much easier.
And I have to admit… I do enjoy being Jessi sometimes. She’s so fuckin’ hawt and nasty. A proper slag. Oh sorry about that, she slips out out from time to time. A lot more recently. It just feels so freeing to not have to worry about anything. She’s a real bitch and gets what she wants. As she should!
Shit I was going to wait a few hours but what harm could it be to take some juice now? Thanks Heidi you’re so supportive. But you know what first? Let’s you and I get dolled up so when Jessi takes over she’s ready to go with her ‘bestie’.”
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“Mmmm yesss that did it. I can feel the last of that loser is out of my system. I have to hand it to you babes, this would have taken weeks to do if I didn’t have you by my side. I always knew you had potential, but damn, you’ve become the loyal bitch I needed. Together, we’re going to run the school, no doubt about it.
Funny how Jess tried to go undercover with the chavs and what brought her down was me her better half infiltrating her world with you as my perfect hawt weapon.
And as for me… just look at me. I’m the perfect chav now. In fact I’m the fuckin’ chav Queen! Shedding that weakling Jess was the best thing I could have done. I’m everything she could never be.
But you, you’re my best creation. A slutty bestie who is unwavering loyal and a fuckin’ stunner to boot. Mmmm the trouble we are going to get up to is making me so wet.
After I dosed all the other girls with anti-chav I needed to start building a better gang anyway. They were just posers compared to us. It’s going to be so much fun converting the other nerds into chav babes and bullying our old enemies.
We’re the Chavs now and their just the chav-nots.”
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anonymousewrites · 10 months ago
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Ten
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Ten: Traveling to Okinawa
Summary: (Y/N) and Saiki prepare for their school trip, and it is, of course, chaotic.
            PK Academy was buzzing with excitement for the Okinawa trip. Yumehara and Teruhashi were especially excited because they wanted to spend time with Saiki. That meant they had to join his group. Of course, the obvious answer was to first ask (Y/N) to ask the boys (since they had already roped them into their group), but they were over with Saiki, and neither wanted to embarrass themselves in front of their crush. They tried to ask the other guys, but Teruhashi’s fan club became too exuberant in trying to get her to join them. So, now the girls (plus (Y/N)) were joining boy groups by a lottery system. Teruhashi, of course, was first up. She walked up to the box and rummaged around in it for a second.
            Yare yare. I feel bad that (Y/N) won’t be in my group, but I can’t have them and Yumehara there, too.
            “I choose this one!” declared Teruhashi.
            “Teruhashi’s group will join Takahashi’s group,” announced Hairo.
            “From here on, if you wanna talk to Teruhashi, talk to me first,” said Takahashi proudly as the other boys yelled in outrage.
            (Y/N) sighed. I wanted to be in Saiki’s group…
            Teruhashi and Yumehara felt the same way. They were very disappointed.
            “So Teruhashi’s group will join Takahashi’s, but what about the rest?” asked Hairo. “Shall we decide the rest via raffle as well?”
            The boys just mumbled about not caring. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. A girl from another group finally walked up and picked out another group.
            “Ugh, we got Nendou? Being in Nendou’s group is like, totes the worst!” she spat while her group nodded. “Like, can we pick again? This, like, totes kills the trip for us.”
            “Then our group will switch with theirs!” volunteered Teruhashi angelically.
            “T-Teruhashi?!” stammered Takahashi’s group.
            (Y/N) brightened. They knew Saiki wouldn’t enjoy having Teruhashi and Yumehara with him, but they really wanted to be in his group. They were friends with him and the others in the group, after all.
            “That is, if Nendou and the other two are okay with it,” continued Teruhashi.
            Everyone was amazed at the perfect pretty girl wanting to be in Nendou’s group. However, it didn’t last long as they all thought about how kind and selfless she was for doing it. It made her more perfect to them. The class began to cheer for their goddess.
            Yare yare. The only good thing about this is (Y/N) being in my group. Other than that…I’m just stuck with two more bothers.
            The class seemed to be satisfied with the rest of the results. Then, Hairo got called over by the teacher. When he returned to the room, his face was slightly crestfallen (as much as Hairo could be).
            “Which of you are in Mera’s group?” asked Hairo.
            “Oh, we are,” said (Y/N), raising their hand.
            “It looks like she can no longer go on the trip with us,” said Hairo.
            “Aw, why?” asked (Y/N).
            “Apparently, they couldn’t catch as many bluefin tuna as they wanted,” explained the class rep. “It’s unfortunate, but we can’t do anything about it. So it’s been decided that we’ll do groups of eight instead of groups of seven. Two of the members of Teruhashi’s group have to join another.”
            Instantly, Teruhashi and Yumehara glanced at (Y/N), who was humming pleasantly. They were better friends with the boys, so they were the obvious choice to stay in the group. Other people were also pulling them away.
            Looks like God is on my side.
            Saiki sighed in annoyance as he listened to Makoto prattle on and on about the “perverted” things Saiki was “thinking” and how he would be there to stop Saiki from doing anything. It was really quite disturbing how detailed Makoto was getting. Saiki was prepared to just not go, but…he could hear Mera and (Y/N) passing by. Mera was sad about not being able to go, and (Y/N) was disappointed their friend couldn’t come.
            That did it.
            Alright, Teruhashi. You win.
            “What shall we do, teacher?” asked Hairo.
            (Y/N) had been bouncing up and down in excitement at the trip, but they were starting to get nervous since it might be canceled now.
            “This isn’t good…” said the teacher.
            Suddenly, the PA system announced, “Due to a typhoon, the flight to Okinawa scheduled for ten o’clock has been temporarily suspended at this time.”
            (Y/N) sighed and slumped in their seat. “What bad luck…”
            “When I was finally able to go,” mourned Mera.
            Saiki sighed as the depressed thoughts of his friends bothers flooded him.
            “Excuse me, if the flight gets canceled, will the school trip be postponed?” asked a student.
            “No, it’ll be canceled,” said Matsusaki.
            “What?!” cried everyone.
            “I want you to go…but it’s out of my hands,” said Matsusaki sadly.
            “Teacher!” cried the students.
            “Don’t give up, guys!” shouted Hairo, clearly trying to delude himself. “It’s not like the flight has been canceled! One, two, sun! Don’t give up! Come on, guys! Cheer with me!”
            (Y/N) just sighed gloomily.
     ��      Yare yare, even their endless sunniness is dampened. I can’t keep watching this. He couldn’t have (Y/N) upset. He liked them happy. Saiki teleported away for a moment before returning, soaking wet.
            “Hey! The flights back on!” chirped (Y/N) happily. “The news says the typhoon suddenly disappeared!” They grinned and then cocked their head. “Saiki? Why are you wet?”
            “Never mind it.” He smiled a tiny bit. “Now, let’s take that school trip.”
            “Yeah!” cheered (Y/N).
            Finally, PK Academy boarded the plane and was off to Okinawa. (Y/N) took out headphones and leaned back in their seat. While Yumehara, Teruhashi, and Mera were talking, they decided to take a nice long nap. They wanted as much energy as possible when they arrived in Okinawa.
            “The ocean looks so beautiful!” said (Y/N), looking out the bus window.
            “It’s so green!” said Nendou. “I wonder if someone’s dumpin’ some paint out there. Right, pal, pinky?”
            (Y/N) just grinned and shook their head.
            “Hey, (Y/N)!” called Yumehara. “Look!” She opened her shirt, revealing a bikini top.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and they looked away. “Yumehara!”
            “Don’t take your clothes of here!” Teruhashi blushed.
            “It’s just a bathing suit,” explained Yumehara.
            “That makes more sense,” said (Y/N). “Stripping on the bus doesn’t seem your thing. I’m guessing you’re excited about the beach?”
            “Totally!” said Yumehara.
            “Me, too,” said Teruhashi.
            (Y/N) smiled. “I can’t wait to go. I bought a new swimsuit for the occasion.”
            “Oh, are you not wearing a guy’s swimsuit this time?” asked Yumehara.
            “No, I went for a two-piece,” said (Y/N). “I thought I’d have fun.”
            “I got a bikini, too,” remarked Teruhashi.
            “We’ll be like a fashion show!” commented (Y/N), beaming as the bus stopped.
            “Ooh, finally, we’re getting food!” Mera was drooling at the thought.
            She quickly pulled everyone into the building the teachers were escorting them into. They were all sat down in groups around tables and given food.
            “So, this is Okinawa soba, huh? It doesn’t look like soba at all,” said Nendou.
            “Well, one difference is that they don’t use buckwheat flour, so—,” said Yumehara.
            “Whatever it is, it looks good! Let’s chow down!” Nendou began eating.
            “Kuwachii sabira,” said Kaidou in the Okinawan dialect.
            Everyone stared blankly at him.
            “Yep! Maasan! This is ippee maasan,” said Kaidou as he ate.
            “Sure! Maasan!” chirped (Y/N).
            “Don’t start,” said Saiki, giving them a look.
            They laughed sheepishly while Kaidou continued attempting the Okinawan dialect.
            “He’s trying too hard.”
            “Th-Th-That’s amazing, Kaidou,” said Teruhashi, struggling to get the lie out.
            “I can’t remember them at all,” said Yumehara.
            “That’s fine!” said Kaidou. “Even if you don’t get ushinaa guchi, nankura naisa!”
            “He was excited for that phrase,” observed (Y/N).
            Finally, after an excruciatingly incomprehensible narration of the meal by Kaidou, the group finished eating and left the restaurant.
            “We still have some time left. Do you wanna stop by the souvenir shop?” asked Mera.
            “Sure!” (Y/N) nodded. With that, the girls enjoyed the time until dinner with some light shopping.
            “Now this is what a school trip’s all about!” cheered three boys at the hot springs. “Peeping!”
            Yare yare. Hearing their thoughts makes me feel gross.
            “Actually, I came once before to check things out,” said one boy.
            “To Okinawa?!” cried Takahashi. “That’s commitment, Murata!”
            “The hotel switches the men’s and women’s baths each day. I have a good grasp of the other side, too,” said Murata.
            “Wow…I can’t even find words…” said the third boy, impressed.
            “But it’ll all be worth it…to get a peek at her!” declared Murata, clearly thinking of Teruhashi. “The best place to peek is under that light.”
            I’ll block their line of sight.
            “What is she’s already gotten out?” asked Takahashi.
            “They might not compare to Teruhashi, but Mera and (L/N) are pretty hot as well,” said the third.
            Saiki stopped his movements. Yare yare. I guess I’ll have to handle this differently.
            As the three used periscopes to try to look over the fence, Saiki twisted the tops around. The boys were met with the horrifying picture of a naked Nendou.
            I don’t understand what the big deal about naked bodies is— Saiki accidentally looked through the fence with his x-ray vision. He could see (Y/N) in the water with their back turned. It was more of them than he had ever seen. Oh, wow. He immediately looked away. He had not expected that reaction to them. Shaking his head, he dispelled the thoughts, but they continued to bob in his head. Yare yare. I’m going down to the beach to get away from all of this.
            If Saiki had known the situation would just get worse, perhaps he wouldn’t have lay down on that beach chair that night.
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eclipseberrycake · 1 month ago
Poly! MoonBerryCake x Reader Pt. 9
AN: How have we come this far omg- Anyway, I recently hit 100 followers!!! SO I wanted to thank you all so much for your support on this journey! It's been such an amazing ride and I've loved every second. Being a part of this fandom is so fun, even if it's a jail sometimes (Looking at you Tiktok) and I just- I hope to repay the joy you guys have all given me.
This is a request! BUT I combined two requests because I had a really good idea for it! Twisted! Reader makes an appearance again!
Now, I know y'all love Teagan, and I do too! But their mains pmo so for the sake of the story they're the villain for now. Unless you main them, you're cool. This is just based on my experience and since I can't draw them pregnant this is what I need to do.
Part One -> Part Two -> Part Three -> Part Four -> Part Five -> Part Six -> Part Six 1/2 -> Part Seven -> Part Eight
Warning: Teagan gets a bad rep here, some physical violence (People get slapped), and Sl*t shaming (Reader doesn't let that shit slide though).
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☁ You were ecstatic. That much was plain to see. You were practically jumping off the walls as you ran from toon to toon, each asking them the same, excited question. "Aren't you excited?!"
☁ The other three could only watch in exasperated awe as you cheered and bounced from foot to foot, trinkets bouncing off your hip. You were like a kid on Christmas, waiting at the elevator for the others willing to do a run to show up.
☁ You had finally, finally, gotten the all clear to return to distracting, even if the other three lowkey dreaded it, and were practically vibrating to return to your work.
☁ You had agreed to start at a normal run, no hunt for Dandy's twisted, and with all three of them with no pleading, which eased them just a bit. They'd be there should worst comes to worst and monitor how you were doing. If at any point you were unwell, they'd pull you from the run and work back up to what you normally were used to doing.
☁ You took what you could get in all honesty, just excited to be back, catching Pebble when he excitedly yipped up at you, his little tail wagging wildly. He was coming along as a back up. Just in case.
☁ Admittedly, the other three dragged their feet when it came to entering the elevator, even as you ran circles around them, yanking and pulling at them, urging them to hurry up.
☁ Pushing against Sprout, you groaned as he let his weight fall back, giving some grand show as to how "Gravity was increasing!", making you screech at him.
☁ You did surprise him when instead of crumbling under his weight, you stayed upright, pushing him up straight with a call for him to "Stop dragging your clown feet!"
☁ It was the four of you, Pebble, Teagan, Shelly and Glisten. Shelly too was excited as this would be her own first run as well, her own tail wagging happily behind her as you and her cheered in excitement. It was an adorable sight, really, there was a fond eye roll as the lever was pulled and the elevator brought you all to the first floor.
☁ While Sprout was trying to find common ground with Teagan about the tape situation, which she was being rather flippant about, Cosmo had cornered you with Astro's help, ticking off a number of things the keep in mind with your return to the field. You nodded along, even if they were sure you weren't listening as much as you tried to portray.
☁ "Additionally," Astro spoke up after Cosmo stopped to take a breath, the sudden glum loon on his face making you perk your attention up as you turned to him. "Your twisted is bound to be more active. We've noticed that more recently someone was turned, the more likely their twisted is to show up. If you need to, take a floor, let Pebble do it."
☁ His eyes shined with a domineering spirit you very rarely saw in the celestial, making you swallow tightly as you nodded. "I will."
☁ His eyes scanned your own before a star shard was ruffling your fur, making you yelp as you swatted at it. It made Astro chuckle as Cosmo tried not to laugh, making you squeal out a number of curses at the cake roll and celestial. The elevator opens just as the star shard retreats and Astro's gentle hand cups your cheek, pressing a hand to your lips. "Stay safe, starlight."
☁ "I will." You nod, standing and smoothing yourself out. Cosmo doesn't let you go far, wrapping his arms around you and smacking a hearty kiss onto your lips. "Just remember who's bed you sleep in, Pudding! Don't get hurt!"
☁ The unsaid threat makes a shiver spin down your spine as you turn, even if the happy fuzzies from the affections make your entire body buzz. You glance around for the final individual, making your way over to where Sprout looks ready to tear his leaves out.
☁ Teagen carried on anyway, passing you even as Glisten warned her to give you a minute. You let her go though, knowing that if they could last as long as they did without you, they'd last a few more minutes. You focused on Sprout, who took a long, deep breath before giving you a soft, tired smile. "Go get 'em, bud." He hums, setting his hands on your hips as you hold his cheeks to press a kiss to his lips. You nod happily before taking off at last, ears pricked for the twisteds.
☁ You find them quick enough, with Pebble staying nearby just in case. He's chasing his tail, you note, finishing another circle around the large boxes near broken. It seems to be a easy enough first floor, tranquil and calm with a number of fallbacks. It makes things fall into place that much easier as the machines are completed one by one.
☁ From there, floor by floor is completed each one a more welcomed reprieve than the last. There are some tensions, you note, as Sprout grows increasingly frustrated with Teagan, bringing up his concerns several times- more of you piping in as you went. Alas, she remained flippant, scoffing at each of you as if exhausted by your mere presence.
☁ You weren't sure if something had happened during your time as a twisted and subsequent recovery, but you knew Teagan always had some sort of...attitude. You tried to remain as accommodating as possible, but sometimes you just couldn't please everyone.
☁ When the elevator door opened and footsteps echoed in the hall, you tilted your head at the sound, not recognizing them right away. Looking behind you, you frowned at the faces you were faced with. Oh.
☁ "Pebble," You say, breaking the tense silence. "Stay close, buddy. I doubt this twisted is gonna like us very much." Not that any of them did, but still.
☁ You waved at your boys, who evidently didn't look thrilled at the prospect but let you go, nodding slowly as you began to take off. Your Twisted spotted you almost immediately and you felt your blood run cold at the sight.
☁ Their side oozed ichor, eyes beady and red and locked right onto you. It made you swallow as you picked up the pace, looking back at the sound of their hands hitting the floor. The development made your eyes widen as they took off much faster, claws outreached and ready to strike.
☁ You nearly tripped over your own feet, Pebble looking ready to jump in as he whines only for you to quickly recover, taking off to where you knew a good distracting spot was. You picked up a twisted Coal as well, which Pebble took so you could focus on the other twisted, even if he stayed nearby- which you appreciated.
☁ A part of you knew that he would though, as you have grown rather close with the pet rock, who slept in your bed with Blu more often than not these days. (Thats right y'all. Blu and Pebble friendship. Pebble sleeps in your bed. Coal sleeps on the floor.)
☁ So you continue, making sure you were distracting around a metal shelf, that managed to hold strong against your twisted's charging. It clanged everytime it rocked against the shelf, but you continued your little song and dance with the twisted. It was like distracting Goob or Scraps.
☁ Still, seeing your own face look like that makes your gut churn bitterly at the thought of being that at any point in time. You regret turning greatly, but if that was the only way to save Vee, you'd do it again in a heartbeat.
☁ You almost debate zoning out like you used to do, but that hope is quickly dashed at the sound of an air horn. It makes you skid to a stop as the Twisted you immediately turns tail to the other direction.
☁ You try yelling and using your ability to get them back, but they've already focused on someone else and you can't get them back until you get between them and the toon they're locked onto. Which, with your twisted, is a challenge.
☁ Anger boils in your gut as you take off once more, Pebble debating leaving the other twisted or following you. You call out a command for him to stay, which he does with a whine.
☁ You can't even help the growl of anger that slips out as you spot Teagan running, the version of you hot on her trail. You take off after her, even if your joints make their distaste known. This would be the final floor for you, you decided a while ago, promising to power through this one in the very least.
☁ You're not sure where Teagan is going, but you can't catch up. You're low on Stamina and without Astro nearby, you unfortunately just have to hope that Teagan has a trick up her sleeve.
☁ Speaking of Astro, you're practically gutted as you follow Teagan around a corner, the teacup making a beeline for the machine he was working on. You yell out for him to be aware, but have no real worry as even you've missed him a few times. He looks up, noting the situation with a nod, only to immediately gape as Teagan throws down a smoke bomb and the Twisted version of you locks onto him instead.
☁ He's trapped in a corner even as you take off once more, the version of you pouncing. It's claws dig into Astro's shoulders, making him cry out as you reactivate your ability. The twisted version of you immediately turns to you, screeching, but you pay it no mind, running in the opposite direction. Anger positively boils in your stomach as you curse and snap, acting more like a beacon than any airhorn could.
☁ You call for Pebble, making the rock run over, barking to call your Twisted's attention to him as you turned back to Astro. He was standing now, if a little woozy as you ran up to him.
☁ "Oh my GOD- I am so, so sorry. I tried catching up, but I couldn't and I didn't know you were here-" You began to babble, reaching into your inventory bag to grab...anything that could help really. You come up empty, but not for long as you see Sprout jogging down the nearby hall. You call to him and he whips his head over, eyes widening as he sees the ichor on your hands, dashing over.
☁ "We told you to be careful-" He's mid-scold when you stop him, shaking your head. "It wasn't me! Astro was hit!"
☁ Sprout pauses, face immediately taking a new tone. "Astro?" He turns and sees the claw marks on his shoulders, staining his blanket as the celestial groans. "Oh shit- Okay, yeah, let's get you to elevator, honey bun." Sprout bends down to scoop up the other main, making him groan. He goes to tell you to follow, not having the mental capacity to track both you and an injured partner, but you're following anyway.
☁ "I don't have any meds." You mutter forlorn, immediately looking defeated. Sprout frowns at that, giving a sigh. "I don't have enough tapes. I told Teagan there would be enough for both of us, but does she listen? No."
☁ "I'm sor-" Astro begins to groan, but you cut him off with a barked "Don't." Sprout raises a brow at your sudden temper, never knowing you to be one to act so...aggresively? You've always been a happy go-lucky angel of a being, never failing to light up the room with a smile.
☁ But to see you? Snarling with anger and sharp teeth on display, leftover from your time as a newly turned twisted? It makes his skin bristle. "What happened?"
☁ "That airhorn?" You practically spit. "Teagan blew it. Took the twisted from me and led them right to Astro! Then smoke bombed and let him take the hit!" You're seething and Sprout blinks in surprise at this, looking down at Astro. The Celestial's eyes are wide, looking between you and Sprout himself, as if uncertain how to go from there.
☁ Sprout wasn't sure either, simply taking you both to the elevator. Glisten and Cosmo are already there, hiding behind a box. Just as Sprout's about to call to Glisten the directions to the last machine, it goes off and the Elevator opens.
☁ Sprout quickly ducks inside, calling Cosmo over. The cake roll immediately gets to work, digging into his inventory for a first aid kit, getting to work on Astro's wounds. The celestial pouts, but sits, having seen first hand what Cosmo's glare is like when you dared disobeying.
☁ Admittedly, Sprout's still watching you. You're standing at the brink of the elevator, positively livid, but waiting. Like a predator would wait for its prey. You're poised, muscles tight and ready to strike the first chance you loosen your iron clad will just the tiniest bit.
☁ If nothing else, he's excited. To see you? The peachy keen, bushy-tailed, absolutely beaming beacon of hope and sunshines and rainbows and everything nice in the world absolutely let lose? Oh he's buzzing. Even if it's quelled a bit as Astro squeezes his hand, cursing at the sudden infectant on his wound.
☁ Glisten himself steps inside, with Shelly jogging in soon after. Pebble makes his appearance with a yip, immediately running to Astro's side with a wag in his tail, even if he whines at the main.
☁ Then, you're prey arrives. She's panting as she turns the corner, the elevator slamming down behind her as she bends down to lay her hands on her knees.
☁ Everyone is watching you, and your boys are sure you know it. Sprout swears on his life that your eyes flash red as you stalk over to her, growling as you do with a sneer on your lips.
☁ "Where were you so-called-distractors?!" Teagan snaps, turning to you with an indignant scowl on her face. "I nearly got hit!"
☁ "Oh. did you?" The snarl on your face falls for a second, replaced with a grin so sweet even Cosmo avoids looking over too long, cleaning the last of Astro's wound before pressing a bandage to it and a parting kiss. It makes Astro grin before he's gently pressing his own peck to Cosmo's head, immediately turning his attention back to you.
☁ Astro debates stopping you, but figures she's more than earned it with the attitude she's been giving Sprout all day.
☁ "That's funny." You continue, stepping close enough that every step forward makes Teagan take one back before she's pressed against a wall. Faster than any of them can react, your hand snaps out, claws digging into the metal of the wall, and this time Sprout's sure there's a flicker of red. "Because you know who did get hurt? Huh? After someone blew an airhorn? Then led the twisted right to him? Then smokebombed to ensure they saw him? Because I do."
☁ Teagan tries looking for an escape, but you're domineering in every aspect of the word. You're not even focused on them and Sprout wants to bow his head in shame.
☁ It's in your stance, the tone of your voice and your general aura around you. You're enraged and everyone in the elevator knows it.
☁ Everyone, but apparently Teagan. After realizing she doesn't have one, she rolls her shoulder and stands straight, getting in your face despite the snarl on your features. "If he would've moved, it wouldn't have happened! He's as much to blame. In fact, if anyone is to blame, it's you!"
☁ Pebble barks at this angrily, running up to your side, but he's momentarily ignored as whatever patience you had snapped. "MY FAULT?! You blew an airhorn for no reason. We had it under control. You've been a selfish, greedy bitch this entire time with no regards for anyone but yourself! You refuse to share tapes with Sprout, constantly get in mine and Pebble's way and damn near took a medkit from Cosmo! You're snotty at the best of times and too righteous for what I know you've done at the worst. I get your family system has a metric fuck-ton of drama going on, most of it self-inflicted by the way, but that does not give you the excuse to take that out on us, especially not my family."
☁ Teagan gapes as the elevator moves to return to the Lobby, Glisten standing by the lever with a grimace on his face as he stared at Teagan. Shelly is avoiding looking at either you or Teagan, making sure Astro is okay while Cosmo finishes up. Pebble is dashing between you and Sprout, whimpering up a storm.
☁ Sprout himself is watching carefully, torn between stepping between you two and letting you handle yourself. You're on a thin fuse and it's been snipped from her accusations. But Teagan has been a pain for awhile, the drama between her and Rodger reaching several boiling points which she takes out on the rest of the toons. It makes Sprout snarl to himself at the thought, keeping to his spot beside the other two. Astro, at least, looks thoroughly entertained and Cosmo seems neutral about the whole ordeal.
☁ There's a crack in the elevator and Sprout's immediately looking over. Your head is snapped to the left, cheek already looking swollen as Teagen's raised hand quivers. There are tears in her eyes, but she's just as angry as you're slowly looking.
☁ Sprout steps forward to intervene, but Astro's tail swipes against his knees, pulling his attention to the celestial, who shakes his head. So Sprout stills an watches as you move your jaw.
☁ "You have no idea what I've been through! You have no right to mention that! It's not my fault you- you sell yourself out! You're cheap and a dime-a-dozen toon! You should stay in your lane before I force you back into it!" Teagan snaps, clenching her hands.
☁ You look back at her, almost stunned but you quickly recover. "Let me make this one thing explicitly clear to you." You begin, tone chilling the air in the elevator. "Everyone knows what happened between you and Rodger. How? We've heard your screaming matches for weeks. Either break-up or don't. Just figure it the fuck out, if nothing else but Toodle's sake. Second," You hold up a second finger, eyes narrowing. "If you think for one ounce of a second that your relationship is anything comparable to mine, I have some bad news for you. There is nothing even remotely similar between our relationships. Ours is healthy, but you wouldn't know anything about that now would you. And third," You pause.
☁ Then there's another crack and Teagan is backed against the wall. "If you ever lay your hands on me again, I'll feed you to a twisted." You glower just as the elevator opens. You look at it then at your boys, grinning like normal.
☁ "C'mon, lets get Astro to bed. He's injured so he loses rights to complain about getting babied."
☁ "I do not!"
☁ Sprout's already laughing as he carries Astro to your room, Cosmo coming up behind you with an arm around your waist. He waits until you're out of earshot of the others before nudging you. "That was pretty hot, you know, pudding."
☁ You flush before laughing, pushing him away by his face. "Yeah, yeah, keep it to yourself. Don't you have a celestial to heal?"
☁ Cosmo snickers, pressing a kiss to your lips under the guise of healing you just as Pebble runs up to join you guys, beating you to your own room where he sits with Blueberry cake against Astro.
☁ Pebble isn't sure what really went on, but watching you laugh again makes it all seem alright.
☁ Even if it was at the expense of Teagan.
☁ She seemed like a cat lady anyway.
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jtl07 · 3 months ago
an acting au i suppose?
"Ava?" Beatrice's call is coupled with a knock on Ava's trailer door - she knows she has permission to "just come in" but it makes her nervous not knowing what exactly will greet her on the other side (not just whether or not her presence will be welcome but, with her co-star's penchant for immediately and near explosively undressing when she returns to her trailer, whether or not Ava will be clothed enough to be deemed decent. Not that Beatrice is judging, mind, she just -) 
The door swings open to reveal Ava, wrapped in a soft robe, a grin wide and fond on her face. "You're too polite, you know that?" 
Beatrice blinks as Ava steps back to let her in. "Manners are a bad thing?" 
"Nah. It's cute. I bet you're the type to ask for permission like a dozen times before fucking a girl." 
The rush of blood to Beatrice's cheeks nearly makes her lightheaded. "I - well - consent is -" 
"Very important," Ava agrees easily as she jumps backward onto the small sofa. It dislodges her robe and Beatrice has to look up at the ceiling. "Sexy even, sure. But sometimes you just gotta take what you want." 
"I will take that into consideration," Beatrice says, voice coming out a touch strangled. 
"Anyway, what'd you want to talk about? You had your serious face on." 
Beatrice rolls her eyes, glances quickly down to check if it's safe to look - finds the robe having been adjusted to cover all of Ava's, ahem, assets - before letting her gaze fall fully on Ava. (Ignores the fact that she has found an already open bag of chips and is eating them loudly.) 
"Well it's somewhat along the lines of what you've just mentioned actually." 
A sharp choked cough has Beatrice rushing over to Ava, patting her back as she opens and hands her a water bottle. It takes a few moments for Ava to settle, wide-eyed and stunned and, to Beatrice's surprise, nervous. "What exactly do you mean, Beatrice?" 
"I mean, well, the scene that we have next week. It requires us to be … intimate." 
Ava quirks an eyebrow. "It's a kiss on the cheek." 
"Right. But it's important to my character and well," Beatrice chews briefly on her bottom lip, ducks her head, "It's important to me too." She watches as Ava's hand slowly enters her line of sight, then settle atop her own fiddling fingers. Beatrice sighs. "I just want to do it right," she whispers. 
She knows it's nothing, that in the grand scheme of the movie it's barely one second in what's likely to be over two hours of action that will far overshadow the hints of their characters' relationship. But she wanted to be in this movie because of that - because her character was neither defined nor confined by her sexuality. She simply was. And Beatrice simply wanted to be her: brave, unburdened; free.  
Warmth at her cheek makes her look up, and the look in Ava's eyes makes her feel awe-struck, like she should be on her knees, like she's not worthy. "You don't have to be so perfect, Bea," Ava says, and it's as if she's in Beatrice's mind, carefully turning those dark thoughts away. "You're going to be just fine." 
Beatrice nods, still caught in Ava's eyes. It's so easy to believe her. 
But then the look on Ava's face turns mischievous, coy even. "But if it'd make you feel better, we can totally practice." 
"Practice?" Beatrice parrots unhelpfully - her brain is spinning unhelpfully as well. "You mean practice k-" the question dies in her throat. 
"Kissing, yes," Ava says, wholly amused and much, much closer. "I mean, we have an actual kiss later in the movie. That needs to look natural too. We should get our reps in, isn't that what you always say?"
Beatrice sputters, wonders if this is what a moth feels like caught in a flame. "For practicing fight choreography -" 
"Intimacy has choreography too," Ava cuts in gently and Beatrice doesn't know if she wants to hate or praise Ava for her ability to talk her way into anything. "It requires just as much practice, just as much trust." 
Ava pauses, studying her closely. "But only if you want to." 
Beatrice can't look away, is acutely aware of Ava's hands, one cupping her cheek, fingertips curling around her jaw; the other holding onto Beatrice's hand. 
"I do want you - want to practice," Beatrice stammers. 
A slow smile curves at the edges of Ava's mouth. "Should we start practicing now?" 
Breathing is suddenly a bodily function Beatrice has forgotten how to perform. "Now? Are you sure?" she asks at Ava's nod. 
"What did I say, Bea?" Ava's words are warm against her lips. "Sometimes you have to take what you want." 
Beatrice stares into Ava's eyes, then does just that.
still open to shenanigans prompts btw!
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m4rv3l-girl · 13 days ago
Bucky taking care of an exhausted/overworked reader after a long dayyy?(just had the worst day at work lol😭)
Warnings: None, just fluff!
The moment Y/N stepped into her apartment, every muscle in her body ached in protest.
The day had been long - no, brutal. Meetings that could’ve been emails, a coffee spill on her favorite shirt, and a particularly insufferable coworker who thought ‘urgent’ meant ‘Take your sweet time.’
Bucky Barnes had been sitting on the couch, flipping through channels aimlessly, but the second the door creaked open, he turned his attention to her. His sharp blue eyes softened as he took in the sight of his girl - slumped shoulders, dark circles under her eyes. And a scowl that could rival even his own grumpiest days.
“Doll,” he murmured, setting the remote aside. “You look like you fought Thanos single-handedly.”
Y/N groaned, dropping her bag onto the floor with a dramatic thud. “Worse. I fought the corporate machine and lost.”
Bucky smirked, unfolding himself from the couch in that effortless, predatory way he moved. For a 106-year-old ex-assassin, he was annoyingly graceful. “C’mere,” he said, already reaching for her.
She barely had the energy to move, but she didn’t need to. He met her halfway, pulling her into his arms like it was second nature. The second her face hit his chest, the tension in her body started to melt.
“You smell nice,” she mumbled into his shirt. “Like…winter and safety.”
“Not metal and violence?” he teased, rubbing slow circles into her back.
“Surprisingly, no. Just warmth.”
Bucky chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Rough day, huh?”
Y/N made a noise of pure exhaustion. “Everything was awful. And people were dumb. And my brain is fried.”
He hummed in understanding. “So, you’re saying now isn’t the best time to ask if you wanna go on a mission with Sam and me?”
Y/N pulled back just enough to give him the deadliest glare she could muster. “Barnes.”
His grin was unrepentant. “Alright, alright. C’mon, let’s get you out of these work clothes.”
“Bucky Barnes, are you seducing me right now?” she asked dryly.
“Not yet. First, food. Second, a bath. Then, we’ll see.” He waggled his eyebrows before bending down to untie her shoes for her.
Y/N sighed, letting him fuss over her. This was their routine whenever she had a bad day - Bucky going full mother hen mode, making sure she was fed, warm, and comfortable.
“Okay, tell me everything,” he prompted as he guided her toward their bedroom. “Who do I have to fight?”
Y/N dramatically flopped onto the bed. “Carol in HR. She is the devil.”
Bucky flopped down beside her, throwing an arm over her stomach. “Carol in HR, huh? What’d she do?”
“She gave me two conflicting deadlines for the same project and then told my boss I was ‘struggling to keep up’ when I asked for clarification.”
Bucky sucked in a sharp breath. “I see. And why is she still breathing?”
Y/N snorted, rolling onto her side to face him. “Because I need my job, unfortunately.”
“Fair.” He played with a loose strand of her hair, twisting it gently between his fingers. “I could scare her for you. Just a little. Maybe mention how good I am at making people disappear.”
“What? You think the Winter Soldier rep doesn’t have its perks?”
She laughed, which was exactly what he was aiming for. “I’ll handle Carol myself, thanks.”
“Fine, fine. But if she steps out of line again, I’m putting her on my list.”
Y/N lifted an eyebrow. “You have a list?”
“Oh yeah.” He smirked. “Right at the top? That barista who rolled her eyes at you that one time.”
Y/N cackled. “I will never get over that.”
Bucky grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “Alright, up we go. Pajamas, food, bath.”
She whined but let him pull her up. He found her comfiest sweatpants and one of his old Henleys, helping her into them like she was a tired toddler. “There we go. Cozy and adorable.”
“I am neither of those things.”
“You so are.” He tapped her nose. “Now, do you want grilled cheese or pancakes?”
He beamed. “That’s my girl.”
Twenty minutes later, they were curled up on the couch, a plate of grilled cheese and pancakes between them, with Bucky feeding her bites like she was royalty.
“This is the life,” she mumbled around a mouthful of food.
“Told ya,” he said smugly. “Now, let’s find a movie where nothing bad happens, and the dog lives.”
Y/N sighed happily, snuggling into his side. “Perfect.”
Bucky shifted, glancing at her with a small smirk. "Alright, up, Doll. Bath time."
She groaned dramatically, but when he tugged her up, she didn’t resist. Her limbs felt heavy with exhaustion, the weight of the day still pressing down on her, but Bucky’s touch was firm, grounding.
In the bathroom, warm steam curled through the air carrying the soft scent of vanilla and honey. The water in the tub was already drawn, shimmering under the dim glow of candles flickering along the edges. Bubbles swirled across the surface, piled high like clouds, they looked inviting and comforting. The whole setup looked so idyllic that she just stood there, blinking at the scene before turning to Bucky.
“You did all this?” she murmured, voice thick with the kind of gratitude that words couldn’t quite capture.
Bucky just shrugged, but there was something tender in the way he reached for the hem of her shirt. “You looked like you needed it,” he said simply.
Her heart swelled as he helped her out of her clothes, his touch slow and reverent, like he wasn’t just undressing her but peeling away the weight of her exhaustion, one layer at a time. When she was bare before him, he didn’t rush, just let his fingers skim over her shoulders, his lips ghosting across her temple in a whisper of warmth.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he murmured, stepping out of his own clothes save for his boxers before sinking into the water first. He exhaled a quiet sigh as the heat soaked into his skin, his muscles relaxing almost instantly. Then, with careful hands, he reached for her.
She let herself be pulled into the water, sighing as the warmth enveloped her, easing the tension that had knotted itself into her muscles throughout the day. Bucky guided her between his legs, and the moment she settled against his chest, she felt herself melt. His arms came around her, his vibranium hand cool against the heat of her skin, drawing soft, absent-minded patterns along her arm.
For a long moment, neither of them spoke. The only sounds were the gentle lapping of the water, the distant hum of the city outside, and the steady, reassuring rhythm of Bucky’s breathing against her back. She could feel his heart, steady and strong, beating against her spine.
“You okay, Doll?” he murmured against her temple, his voice low and full of something she couldn’t quite name.
She let out a sleepy hum, eyes fluttering closed. “M’perfect.”
Bucky chuckled, the sound deep and affectionate, reverberating through her where she rested against him. “Glad to hear it.”
His lips brushed against her damp hair, pressing a lingering kiss there before he reached for the loofah, dipping it into the warm water. He started with her shoulders, rubbing gentle circles into her skin, washing away the tension like it was something tangible. His touch was firm but soothing, working out the stiffness that had settled deep into her muscles.
She sighed under his touch, eyes slipping closed as the steady rhythm of his movements lulled her into a state of pure contentment. “Gonna fall asleep right here,” she mumbled, half-dazed.
“That’s the plan,” he murmured, a smile evident in his tone. He continued his ministrations, taking his time as he massaged the soapy loofah down her arms, across her collarbone, down the gentle slope of her back. His vibranium fingers followed in its wake, tracing light, lazy patterns that sent shivers down her spine.
As he worked, he pressed small, lingering kisses along the exposed curve of her shoulder, slow and unhurried, like he had all the time in the world. Each kiss was a quiet reassurance, a promise that she was safe, cared for, cherished.
“You always take such good care of me,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Bucky paused, resting his chin against her shoulder. “Of course I do, sweetheart,” he said softly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “That’s what you do when you love someone.”
Her heart clenched at the simplicity of his words, at the way he said them with such quiet certainty. She turned slightly in his arms, just enough to meet his gaze. There was something unguarded in his expression, something raw and achingly sincere.
She reached up, cupping his face, her thumb brushing over the stubble along his jaw. “I love you, too,” she murmured.
Bucky’s breath hitched slightly, his grip on her tightening just a fraction before he exhaled, a slow, shaky thing. He nuzzled into her touch, his lips brushing against her palm before he turned his head to press a kiss there. “Yeah?” he murmured against her skin.
“Yeah,” she breathed.
Bucky let out a soft chuckle, wrapping his arms more securely around her as he pressed a lingering kiss to her temple. “Good.”
They stayed like that for a while, the water still warm around them, the bubbles slowly dissipating. Eventually, Bucky reached for a cup, filling it with water before tilting her head back slightly. “Close your eyes, sweetheart.”
She did as he said, trusting him implicitly as he poured the warm water over her hair, his fingers threading through the strands with the gentlest touch. He took his time washing her hair, massaging her scalp with steady, soothing movements that made her practically purr.
By the time he was finished, she felt weightless, like every last trace of stress had been washed away along with the suds.
Bucky shifted slightly, reaching for the soap. “Your turn,” she murmured sleepily, turning in his arms so she could return the favor.
He raised a brow, smirking. “I think I like being pampered more than I should.”
She laughed softly, rolling her eyes as she lathered the soap between her hands before running them over his broad shoulders, tracing the lines of his muscles. “Big bad Winter Soldier likes bubble baths. Who would’ve thought?” she teased.
“Only when my best girl is in them with me,” he shot back without missing a beat.
Warmth spread through her chest, and she didn’t bother fighting the smile that tugged at her lips. She took her time washing him, running her fingers through the short strands of his hair, over the defined muscles of his back, down his arms. When she reached his vibranium arm, she hesitated for only a moment before pressing a soft kiss to the cool metal.
Bucky went still, his breath catching for the briefest second before he let out a quiet exhale, resting his forehead against hers.
“I love you,” she whispered again, just because she could.
His grip tightened on her waist, like he needed to anchor himself to the moment. “Love you too, Doll,” he murmured, voice barely above a breath.
Eventually, the water started to cool, and Bucky pressed one last kiss to her shoulder before reluctantly shifting. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you dried off and into bed.”
She sighed dramatically, making no move to get up. “Carry me?”
Bucky chuckled, rolling his eyes fondly before standing and lifting her effortlessly into his arms. She let out a sleepy giggle, tucking her face into the crook of his neck as he stepped out of the tub, wrapping her in a fluffy towel before grabbing one for himself.
As he carried her into the bedroom, she sighed contentedly. “Best night ever.”
Bucky grinned, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Good. ‘Cause I plan on making this a regular thing.”
She hummed, already half-asleep in his arms. “M’not gonna argue with that.”
Bucky just chuckled, holding her a little tighter, savoring the warmth of her in his arms, the quiet, perfect peace of the moment. For the first time in a long time, everything felt right. And as he tucked her into bed, wrapping himself around her like he never wanted to let go, he knew there was nowhere else in the world he’d rather be.
I got you, Hun! Hope you enjoyed it. 😉🫶
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gracie-gloom · 10 months ago
Yule Ball with a Slytherin?
George Weasley x Slytherin reader
The Yule Ball is coming up and you finally build up the courage to ask George to be your date but it doesn't go exactly as you'd imagine.
(This isn't set in a certain year, I just liked the Yule Ball prompt! I had to put this into words bc I couldn't stop thinking about it ;-; enjoy!)
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Quidditch practice-
"There's that Slytherin again, she's been watching all our practices for what, almost 2 weeks now?" said Ron.
You sat on the bleachers nervously as the Gryffindor team were clearing the fields,
"Yeah.. at least she just watches quietly, unlike those gits over there," Fred added, pointing to Malfoy and his goons.
Your heart began beating faster, the Yule Ball was tomorrow night and you still hadn't managed to ask George to be your date. If I don't ask him now I'm gonna regret this for a long while, c'mon y/n just do it!!
"George? Could I talk to you for a minute?"
The other team members looked at him with raised brows and side eyes before walking on ahead, "Don't tell her any of our Quidditch tricks!" Ron yelled before walking off.
As George approached you, your eyes widened a bit at how he towered over you,
Have I ever been this close to him? Just breathe....
"Yes?" George said in a bored voice,
"I uhm.. I was wondering if you're going to the Yule Ball tomorrow night?"
"Yes I am."
"Have you got a date by any chance?"
"I haven't."
"Would you like to go with me?"
He paused, looking you up and down with a semi-judgmental stare, "With a Slytherin? I'd rather not." He replied and walked off to join the others inside.
How long you continued to stand on the field, you weren't sure, everyone had cleared out and the sky was darkening. George felt bad, but he considered it in his best interest to keep the two houses separate, but he did think you were awfully pretty, and quite sweet for a Slytherin.
The Owlery-
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," George was roaming through the halls, deciding to sneak into the kitchen to get some desserts when he saw your name pop up on his Marauder's Map.
"What's y/n doing in the kitchen.. didn't think those folk knew about the secret passage ways," George mumbled to himself. Almost running into you, he hid behind a pillar and observed.
You were running out of the kitchen passage holding a sack filled with an arrangement of nuts, dried meats and dried fruits. Checking both ways to see there was no one in the hall, you made a run for the Owlery.
Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what she's up to, I wasn't that hungry anyways.
"Nevermore? Nevermore!" sitting down with a sigh, you wondered where your owl had gone off to, "Nevermore, are you still out delivering?" You then felt a small gust of wind and turned to see your owl, looking curiously at the sack you were holding.
"I brought these for you, figured you wanted some snacks," you said patting her head.
"Anyways.. remember how I told you I was going to ask George Weasley to the Yule ball? Well.. I did."
At this, Nevermore flew in circles and gave a few small hoots,
"Oh don't get so excited, it went horribly! He looked at me, all disgusted, and goes 'With a Slytherin? I'd rather not' ugh, who can blame him?"
"I say that stupid hat was playing a trick on me all those years ago, putting me in this house, I'm the least Slytherin-like Slytherin there is. All my close friends are in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, my house only accept me because they feel that they have to.
But the way Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle treat George and his friends, it's just awful, they're the ones who give us a bad rep!
And before you ask, yes! A few boys did ask me to the dance, and I said no. This will most likely be the only dance we ever get at Hogwarts, and I wanted to go with someone I really liked.." tears began to roll down your face now, "It's not just the rejection, I'm just... tired of being misunderstood. I'm such a fool I never should have asked him."
Now George felt terrible, as he sat in the shadows of the Owlery, he didn't dislike you, not even a bit.
"Well, depending on how miserable my night is tomorrow, you might see me after the dance Nevermore. Security will be low, the day after is winter break so people will be going home, I'm sure no one will notice if I'm not in my dorm at curfew."
You gave your owl a quick kiss before running off to your room.
"Is that the time!" getting out of bed as quickly as you could, you ran down to your first class, Potions, with Snape, you weren't extremely late but it was in your best interest not to make him angry.
"Y/n, you're late."
"I'm sorry Professor Snape, I.. had a bit of a late night...."
"Preparing for the Yule Ball tonight I presume, and I expect to see you all there in your best robes and gowns," Snape said with a forced smile.
"Sit down. Unfortunately the only seat left is with the Gryffindors."
"It's fine," you muttered, quickly taking a seat across from George, next to him was Fred, and next to you was a timid Gryffindor boy name Alec, quite like an older version of Neville Longbottom in your eyes. The 4 of you sat along with the rest of the class in silence as Snape explained what today's Potion was.
"Felix Felicis. As you should all know it's a very difficult potion to make and it takes even longer to brew than to perfect so with that I leave you with this," Snape said and tapped the board, leaving instructions upon it.
Quickly getting to work, you avoided eye contact with George as much as you could. Stealing a glance every now and then, and quickly looking away as he somehow was always staring at you already.
"Hey y/n, you going to the Ball tonight?" a boy in the year above had sneaked into Potions to ask you to be his date.
"Yeah I'm going," you said with a slight smile.
"Would you like to be m-" then, he looked troubled, like he'd just forgotten something really important and ran out of the class.
Okay.... interesting. You thought to yourself, but continued on with your work.
(George put a spell on the boy to get him to leave)
With 30 minutes left of class, Alec was struggling immensely with his potion, and since you were quite good at potions you helped him finish just in the nick of time. Alec was almost scared of you at first, but very quickly warmed up,
"Put your cauldrons to the side, they will stew and brew for the next 6 months." Snape said plainly.
"Oh Godric I made such a mess I'm gonna be late to Flitwick's!" Alec said with despair.
"It's fine, leave it, my next class is just next door I can finish cleaning up, go," you said to Alec with a sincere look.
"Thankyou thankyou thankyou! You're really nice, for being, you know.." he said with a timid look, pointing at the snake on your robe then running out to his next class. You laughed a bit to yourself.
"Y/n," you heard someone call right as you left Snape's classroom, turning around you saw it was George.
"Oh, uhh hi George," you said with an awkward look, almost like you were scared of him.
"Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday,"
"Oh! It's okay, really, I would have said the same thing.. I'm not mad so don't worry okay?" you said with a smile and turned back around,
"y/n," George said again, this time grabbing your hand and when you spun back around you were almost right against him. Eyes widening at the sight of him holding your hand.
"Will you please be my date to the Yule Ball tonight y/n? It'd make me really happy," George said smiling.
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yes, positive," he said, bringing up his free hand so now both of his were wrapped around yours.
"I.. yeah! I'd really like that," blushing hard, you could barely look at him, and smiled at the ground.
"I'll meet you in the Slytherin hall at 6:15 then?" (The Ball started at 6:30pm)
"I'll see you there," you said happily, the two of you went off your separate ways for now.
The Yule Ball-
The halls were filled with people talking and laughing, music playing, clinking of glasses and dishes. Hogwarts was always beautiful at Christmas but with the additional touches for the Dance it was like nothing you've ever seen before. Stepping out of the Slytherin hall, you saw George waiting for you, and boy, did he look good. trying to suppress your smile as you walked up to him.
"You look really beautiful tonight y/n," George said with a big grin, "shall we?"
"Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself" you said shyly, taking hold of his arm as he held it out for you.
The hours of the night passed quickly, you got on quite well with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred and Ginny to your surprise. Luna had probably vouched for you somewhat as you and her were good friends. The lot of you sat around eating, talking, drinking, laughing, they were kind to you and for a moment you had felt like you forgot which house you belonged in. Ron and Harry cracked tons of jokes with you which made you feel at ease, worried they would be the most hostile towards you. George had all his attention on you throughout the night, he didn't want you to feel left out, not that it seemed to be happening, but you were his date and he wanted this to be a good memory for the both of you. No one had questioned how you and George came about coming to the dance together, you were thankful for that.
Before the night came to an end, they had a slow dance sequence to settle things down, you stared at the other couples dancing with a longing expression.
"We should dance shouldn't we?" George said, gently taking hold of your hand and pulling you from your chair, you gave him a sweet smile and headed to the floor with him.
His hands were wrapped around your waist, while your hands were wrapped around his neck, your bodies almost touching, you considered if you should close the gap but your heart was pounding out of its chest at this point, you were so close to him already..
There were 7 slow dance songs to go through before the night ended, halfway through the second your head was pressed against his chest, closing your eyes for a moment, you felt one of George's hands come up, stroking your hair ever so lightly as the two of you continued to sway to the music. It felt like a dream, you felt safe in his arms, and happier than ever. But when the last song came, you wore a solemn look on your face, some people started leaving the dance already. (A few students were heading home for winter break right after the Dance)
As students and teachers headed back to their rooms and halls, you and George sat together watching them, still hand in hand, seated on a fine couch in the middle of one of the grand halls. There was a full moon out, and the night sky was breathtaking.
"Is everything alright? You look.. a bit sad," George said with a worried expression,
"I'm alright, I just wish the night would keep going, but all great things must come to an end at last... I had a really good time tonight George, thank you.. for going with me," you said with a sad smile.
"I had a really great time with you too y/n, but it's nothing to get upset over, I'm sure we've got plenty more memories ahead of us!"
"You.. you still want to hangout with me?"
"Well, of course I do," George said smiling at you.
Your heart skipped a beat, maybe this could lead somewhere you hadn't expected it to, you weren't complaining though. You have had a crush on him for some time now.
"I heard you're staying at Hogwarts for winter break too? Why don't we go to Hogsmeade together tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I'd really like that," you said, giving George's hand a squeeze.
It was almost past midnight now and the two of you decided to head off to your dorms, but not before George pulled you into a hug, mumbled something about how wonderful you were, while kissing you softly.
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danieyells · 1 month ago
Something I wrote on discord, sortakinda for @jadeleechsupportgroup who ships these two and with inspiration from @leatherthorn / @ritsu-shinjo who introduced me to the My Analog Journey youtube channel when I was teying to find music that suits how I interpret Romeo's tastes(leading to the realization that he'd probably like vinyls, with Rep saying that he would swoon over a Victrola, which several people on Reddit have said actually has poor sound quality, leading to this thought lol)
Is it romantic? Is it platonic? Yes. It's whatever you want it to be. It's Tohma and Romeo.
The box Tohma had brought over and gingerly placed atop the VIP room table before Romeo, a gift he'd taken care to inform him he wanted to bring when their schedules would both be open, was carefully unwrapped and excavated, opening to be a record player from a well known brand. Romeo hadn't had a record player since he lived in Italy, and his usual strict mask slipped in favor of pleasant surprise, then a suppressed smirk. Not a bad choice in gift, but he couldn't let his excitement show too much.
"So this is what you wanted to bring over?" He settled back into his Fendi chair, leaning to the side to set his eyes on Tohma who stood with his patient, butler-esque expression and picturesque posture as always. "This isn't something Kamurai was trying to get rid of, is it?"
"Of course not." Tohma feigned offense--anyone with ears knew Romeo didn't think very highly of Frostheim, and he understood that this now applied to him where it hadn't before. "I'm hurt that you would think so little of me. I merely thought of you when I saw it and recognized the brand. I thought it would suit your more classic music tastes."
(In less kind words, Romeo's tastes reminded him of his father. Why so many guys around his age acted like old men sometimes he would never know.)
"Did you now?" Romeo remained sceptical, and Tohma only smiled his customer service smile. "Well then, let's give it a listen!"
Tohma continued to smile at him, though the expression twitched a bit.
"You did bring me records to go with such a beautiful gift, didn't you?" His less patient expression returned with his incredulous, if slightly bemused, tone of voice. Tohma gave a mischievous smile that made Romeo push down the increasingly bubbling irritation at his precious time being wasted. "You didn't just get me this to look at."
"I'm afraid you've caught me." Tohma sighed, though his expression showed no real remorse. "I admit to not knowing your tastes or classical music well enough to invest in records to go with the player." Romeo sighed in disappointment, glaring at him lightly as he continued uninhibited. "I had hoped this would be an opportunity to listen and learn from you, however. I wouldn't want to give you a disappointing gift."
"Caught you? I met you before you started this particular circus act, Ishibashi. Honestly. I can't deal with amateurs. How did they just let you into Frostheim without a second thought?" Romeo grumbled, resisting the urge to touch his face or rub his temples. Tohma only chuckled in apologetic acknowledgement.
"Fine." Romeo scoffed after a silence to gather himself. "These things have awful sound quality for how nice they look anyway." Tohma's expression faltered and he blinked in surprise. So the gift hadn't exactly been good after all despite the brand name--but Romeo hadn't bitten into him right away about it. "I can give you a few recommendations. And next time you can bring me vinyls." He snapped his fingers and one of his underlings came in, beginning to find somewhere to display the record player in the VIP room when he gestured at it.
"In the meantime, we can listen to some music that's more to your tastes. Since I'm sure that SIP would never allow you to do so. This isn't a privilege I grant lightly, so make sure your choices aren't utterly atrocious excuses for music!!!"
"Is that so? You have my gratitude as a guest." Tohma bowed deeply, formal smile back in place. "I'll do my best to learn from this experience as a host myself."
Tohma was sure that normally only Taiga was allowed to listen to whatever he wanted aloud in the VIP room with Romeo--and that surely came with an initial scolding before bearing his uncontrollable partner's behavior. Their tastes were probably similar in some ways, so Tohma presumed Romeo thought he could bear it. He had stuck to more quietly listening to the less elegant music since his transfer, and the idea of enjoying it more loudly for a time wasn't anything he would complain about--although he was tempted to see what he could play and in what succession to get himself kicked out as fast as possible.
But he refrained, taking a seat on the comfortable couch briefly watching as Romeo began working on an introductory playlist to his music tastes for Tohma to work with, before finding some more tasteful R&B to start with. It should be close enough to Romeo's taste for this to potentially be a somewhat fruitful exchange of music, at least.
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animentality · 4 months ago
Tbh I think it's still legit if you read and like Blue Lock for being so gay (at least subtextually), despite being misogynistic Kaneshiro seems to have sympathy for queer people to a certain degree. Besides the gay sidekick, As The Gods Will also has some other queer side characters (a lesbian, a trans girl, a few more hinted gay boys and a non-binary villain according to my memory) even though not all of them are well-written, the good ones are good. Specifically my most favorite is the gay sidekick Ushimitsu, he's actually a pretty well-rounded character with very strong role as a co-lead in ATGW 2, I never feel like he was disrespected in the story (rather I think he's obviously Kaneshiro's favorite), sure he's got an open ending that can be seen as tragic but it's actually in line of the whole theme of the story and I respect Kaneshiro to commit to writing it rather than just give a copout happy ending and it also proves his gay feelings as real & deep despite heartbreaking.
Now I wish Kaneshiro can have that same energy in writing Bachira as he's in a similar position to Ushimitsu in ATGW but somehow poor bee boy got pushed aside in bllk after U20 arc (probably in favor of more popular Isagi ship with Rin or Kaiser 🙃), I hope he makes good on the promise that Bachira will be a key character later in the series and this time since nobody will die in Bllk I hope Bachisagi will get a deserved happy ending.
well that's the thing, anon.
I feel bad for liking blue lock because it has such a misogynistic creator but it's hard not to cling to something so obviously queer friendly.
like honestly.
there's definitely Japanese media that's queer neutral or queer friendly but blue lock actually feels like it's always on the verge of just being properly queer.
it's not fanservice like free or yuri on ice. it legitimately feels as close to canon as it can get without changing genres. and I think the creator having queer characters in the past gives him some street cred.
i know what homophobia in a manga looks like. it's that awful rapist character from one punch man. this hyper masculine but also hyper feminine muscly man who sexually assaults other men.
it's tokyo ghoul having its only queer characters being pedophiles, rapists, and sex addicts/victims who get sexually assaulted until they're "corrected."
it's having no subtext at all and only ever using gay men as a one off joke and gay women as a fetish.
at least blue lock does seem to respect its characters enough that it takes their hinted at sexualities seriously.
it really doesn't go for the obvious "ewwwwww we're both guys" jokes. it's kept very ambiguous. it's subtle (except when it's not, lol).
the only character who really fits the usual offensive gay anime representation tropes is Shidou, but even him I wouldn't count as bad rep (as the closest to canonically gay character, aside from Bachira).
Shidou might be super flamboyant but he also gets to have the coolest fucking moments in the series. he's not just some pervert, he's a badass. he doesn't just flounder around like some useless weird loser who only exists to be the butt of a joke.
he loves to fight and play soccer and feel alive. he has the coolest aura in the series and everyone is constantly in awe of the ridiculous things he can do.
he's a proper villain, who's out of pocket and insane, but who's also intensely lovable and silly. and honestly portrayed pretty sympathetically. for all his faults, he can be very kind.
there's a lot of depth to him, and honestly, I think Blue Lock is pretty good at not doing anything to suggest oh hahaha homosexuality exists. isn't that funny
plus I think Bachira is canonically gay. we know he's canonically in love with Isagi.
kunigami and aiku are actually confirmed bisexual too.
Shidou and Sae were also highly suspect during u20, to the point where even homophobes cant deny they have something weird going on.
so to me... that's a lot of queer characters who are taken seriously and actually have characters outside of being a joke or a gag. they feel like real people. they have distinct personalities.
the bar is in hell, but it's more than most manga/anime manage.
so I have to give Kaneshiro credit. he's doing as much as he can, without overstepping the boundary I'm sure kodansha has set for him.
it's just a shame he's a sexist. also, I hope Kaneshiro grows a pair.
just have bachisagi get married in the last chapter you pussy.
let Shidou officiate!!!
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theoddest1 · 11 months ago
with how the fans and even viv being VERY excited with the “visuals” of poison it’s was very clear that the intended purpose of having those scenes was for porn. Why else would viv be excited for SA scenes and make a cum joke? Not dismissing any SA survivors that felt seen or represented through Angel. I think the bar scene where Angel has a breakdown is good I just hate how they kinda swept everything he said under the rug for a musical, with the episode ending on a happy note and were told not shown that he gets better.
That’s why people kept bringing up moral Orel, silent hill 2 and tuca and Bertie as good SA rep because the abuse is NEVER shown were told or it’s heavily implied it was the aftermath that was shown, nurse bendy is hyper sexual in public but she secretly hates, is lonely and regresses into a little girl playing family with stuffed animals when she’s in her safe space. Angela is depressed/suicidal her only hope is to find her mother so things can get better but she never finds her mom and it’s implied Angela dies, Tuca and struggled with her sexuality and sexual trauma even feels ashamed about having intrusive fantasies of her abuser and thinks that after being SA’d but she is complete control of those situations and it’s her way o healing and even if she wasn’t SA’d she’d still be into those fantasies. It’s too early to say anything about Angel character it might change in season 2 and actually talk more about his trauma especially since the vees are gonna be more prominent (which I call bs because they said the exact same thing about Adam and he didn’t do shit, he only showed up in 3 episodes and he was so underwhelming plus he was the 2nd most powerful being in the show, idk what vox and Val are gonna bring to the table expect be stupid wannabe “mean girls”, plus lute is still around and she is by more powerful and interesing villain) but we have to wait and see, right now I’m indifferent to Angel he’s not a bad character but he’s not the best, sir pentious and nifty outshined him and everybody else, they were the best characters, and they were just joke characters
Viv is very, very obvious with what she seeks involving Angel Dust's character arc. She sees it as an opportunity to recreate a similar situation to Raph's animatic, a 3rd person view surrounding Angel's dilemma rather than Vox's. It's paraded around as though it's a tragic "Love Song" but there is no proper or meaningful way to convey the tragedy surrounding it all. It's an elaborate kink video for those who indulge those sorts of subjects. As you've mentioned, some other known media have handled the topic with much care and didn'tshow it, but this time around, this could have been a great time to make useful imagery to show just how awful the entire situation is. But we don't get that. All of it is glamorized in a pop song with neon lights and no subversion of one's expectations. The only time we are shown any blunt and saddening imagery is when Angel is passed around in bindage gear. The colors change and turn red, and we are faced with a strikingly blunt reality of the situation, but we then see Angel dancing in front of his situation, whiplash of the seriousness pertaining to it all. And while the pacing is better in this episode than most, it's still FAST.
So on top of everything we have a rushed pop song that's supposed to engage the audience in a mindset regarding SA to further think and discuss but it only aided in fueling kink culture and no one has had any strong meaningful discussions when it is about that entire sequence but the kinks sure are THRIVING! Imo, the fact that this side of the community got more outta this than those who love to discuss stories reflects on how unserious and sexual Viv saw it to be, and THAT is what makes Viv's shit representation bad. The remix only solidifies what I had assumed this entire song to sound like. It fails to be commentary, only fuel for a kink someone has, and NEARLY EVERYONE in the community is letting it slide cause of that.
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not-a-mimic · 1 year ago
why is it an important point that alan is very light sensitive and prone to migranes? other than being a disability rep for those of us who cannot function in broad daylight without sunglasses and explaining why the bright lights in aw1 are such a pain to look at (from alan's point of view) but like. it's important.
we see it in the flashback with alice where alan is hangover and seemingly has his sunglasses next to his bed already - a little weird right? and alice mentions them as well - because this is common. because he often needs them. frankly speaking from experience you don't get to the point where the sunglasses become a mandatory bedside fixture unless it's a really bad day often - which must be the case here. we also see then in 'herald of darkness' where "Dark shades could never save the day" and we see alan in shades. it's common for him. he does it often. mood! anyway mr champion of light being sensitive to light is just a funny coincidence right? wrong.
I also suspect that alan's tendency towards full outfits is also a part of this. no sane human wears that many layers in september, and alan specifically covers pretty much all the skin possible without looking weird.  also a lot of his article shots in rose'.... shrine have sunglasses and thick layers as well. this man is SENSITIVE sensitive to light and that's a coincidence I can't ignore in the remedy!verse.
alan was born (as stated in aw2) in 1977 - we don't know when, or where as he moved to new york later. his mother spent most of his childhood in psychiatric facilities, and his father is not only non existent but highly suspiously fictional (the only object we are told alan has of him is the clicker. the fucking clicker. tom zane's clicker that was definitely written into alan's life before he was born and was not a gift from his father proper. frankly we know the least about alan's childhood compared to all other remedy!verse protags - not knowing where or truly when he was born is important because it leaves options.
Light sensitive could be a coincidence - but we thought that about the nightmares too, and they turned out to be important clues. and hell-  *Scratch* is less sensitive to light than Alan is - only flashbangs and the super steong hand flares make him flinch, direct light seems fine unless super powered and normal flares are nothing. alan actively gets headaches from these things and obviously it hurts him. wtf is up with that? when the protection of the dark presence patches up your weakness you have a issue.
theory time:
we know alan is tied to this god damn lake. zane wrote it so - at very least alan was destined to fall in it at the end of aw1. but what if there is more? we also know that alan's darkness became at least the aw2 dark presence which. fine? an endless cycle of destroying yourself while under the impression that that's not yourself. we don't know if the dark presence in aw1 is also this same one, and if it isn't we now know there can be multiple dark entites (implied by Mr Scratch also). if it is then damn alan has issues.
I don't know if its just me but the fact that the small darkness within someone can be escalated out to being the whole larger dark presence at full power feels... off. that feels like it doesn't work with what we know of the entities- unless there was more darkness in alan then originally suspected fueling this presence. the strength of the dark presence born from him combined with the strength of his light sensitivity makes me very suspicious to how human he was originally, and how much of alan is just lake bullshit. if he was a creature or creation of the darkness forced into a human body (perhaps the 1976 awe the andersons fought back in brightfalls wasn't all it seemed. maybe the dark presence or something else was looking for a crack to escape through. maybe it succeeded, but was reborn as a human who was already showing signs at a young age of being light sensitive and also being a parautiltiarian, and a strong one at that.
maybe there was never a father because there was never a mother - linda wake may have found a child on the lake shore and adopted it as her own, not knowing the truth behind its origins. maybe the torchbearers who operated in brightfalls around that time were involved. maybe the reason alan and tom look identical is the dark entity needed human dna when being reborn as a human and zane was there at the right time. could be why other traits are shared, and zane foresaw and influenced the creation of the dark place to get what he wanted (after all it was borrowing from him his face and personality - at very least it could give him wiggle room to escape?)
alan always had... issues. darkness. a lot for a man. so what if its all supernatural bullshit? no one is looking too closely because there is supernatural stuff going on. I'm not sure this man is human, or at least his soul isn't and never was. some darkness wearing a human skin maybe, sensitive to the light but forced to manage it. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into this.
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lurkingshan · 1 year ago
10 Things I Love About Ossan's Love Returns
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Y’all. Y'ALL. I am stunned right now. I am verklempt. I never thought I would end up here. But here I am.
I bounced hard off the original Ossan's Love. Like, hard. I DNF'd and immediately memory holed just about everything I knew about it. But people I trust (namely @isaksbestpillow and @twig-tea) said this new series was an improvement on the original, and that I didn't have to go back and try rewatching the first series to dive into this one. So of course I, a jbl devotee, had to give it the old college try.
AND TO MY SHOCK AND AWE, I LOVE IT. This show is excellent. This is Japanese media at its absolute best, showcasing the precision in writing, directing, editing, and acting that they can reach when they are firing on all cylinders. This is the kind of comedy only a Japanese production can get right, because it requires a mastery of all these elements that you just can't get in less mature filmmaking industries. This is the best example I have ever seen of this kind of broad comedic style grounded in real stakes.
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So let me tell you why this show, which is available for the international audience on Gaga (and with subs coming from Sirii, as well!), is worth your time:
This is a story about an established relationship between adult characters. Y'all know how I feel about the dearth of this we get in drama! Maki and Haruta have been long distance for four years and are moving in together to start their married life as this show begins.
The writing is unbelievably strong. Everything that happens matters, the characters always make sense, and the jokes are genuinely so fucking funny.
Kurosawa, or Chief, as I refer to him, is one of the funniest characters of all time, in any drama. The way this man had me laughing out loud in every scene! I felt like I got a workout.
This show is a feat of editing. I have been watching a string of shows recently that are getting hamstrung by bad editing, so let me tell you, it was a true pleasure to watch a drama that executes editing tricks so deftly and with such an eye toward sharpening its story and enhancing its jokes.
It has excellent female side characters. We have Chizu, my favorite lady bestie who is here to whip Haruta into shape at all times, and Chuoko, an actual archer who also has her own little romance going, and Haruta's mom, an unbothered legend who just wants to eat her food and get to her dates with her boyfriend.
There's a mystery! Next door to Haruta and Maki are two creepy mfers (brothers?) who are Up To Something. Or not! I don't know but I’ll find out!
We are getting an actual dialogue about gay marriage. Haruta and Maki consider themselves married, but have no legally binding contract and have not yet had a wedding, and they talk about this and their feelings about it often as they are negotiating their lives together.
We may have some aroace rep happening?? This is still pending but my radar is pinging hard for Takegawa to join the incredibly shortlist of explicitly aro and/or ace characters in bl.
DID I MENTION THIS SHOW IS FUCKING HILARIOUS. I cannot overstate the number of times this drama had me straight cackling in three short episodes. I had to get up and do some laps to walk it off.
The show is extremely well paced and I trust it not to waste my time. No small thing in these bl streets! The odd episode order (9) and tight pacing of each of the first three episodes tells me the creators of this show know exactly what they are doing and how much time they need to execute their vision.
This show is airing live for the next six weeks and I strongly encourage you to watch it and come join the fun with us!
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atwas-meme-ing · 1 year ago
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HEY ALL!!! If you haven't heard, Unity is gonna start charging devs 20 cents per download. Not per sale, but PER DOWNLOAD. This applies to not only big-name games like Hollow Knight and Ori, but also smaller projects that might be free. This includes mobile games made with Unity, Undertale fan games like Undertale Yellow and Deltatraveler, and also, get this: Murder of Sonic! It was made in Unity, and so far, it's still free, but Sega's gonna hafta start charging for it sooner or later- IF they don't decide to take it down completely.
So, on this note, I have 2 things to say:
Get your favorite games NOW. Some devs, like Team Cherry, are talking about "taking their games down" (so much for Silksong- thanks A LOT, Unity!!!). I don't know if that means you'll still be able to play these games- like on Steam, for instance- if you already have them downloaded.
Please, please, PLEASE, support those games that are made with Unity. 20 cents adds up when there's a million downloads, and if it's like a mobile game, where people don't necessarily have to pay for it, that's going to COST the devs money- a LOT of money. I know we all hate the paywalls and "pay-to-win" schemes in mobile games, but let's be real- crap like this Unity thing are the whole reason those paywalls exist! These devs aren't doing this for free, they're trying to make a living! Even if you only spend $1, only 1 time, that is STILL going to be an 80 cent profit over the new Unity costs, and maybe, just maybe, give some game devs enough incentive to keep the game around.
I know Unity has a bad rep because it's easy to use and allows devs to release games that control poorly because you don't have to be good at coding to do it (*cough* Guardian of Lore *cough*). That's why I haven't used Unity, despite having several game ideas in my head, because I don't know how to code (yet), and I didn't want to release a game like that- and now I never will use Unity. But games like all the ones I've mentioned are proof that Unity CAN be used for good games, in the right hands. So please, if you love a game made with Unity, please support it, so the game doesn't go away. Don't send the devs into bankruptcy just because Unity is a money-grubbing so-and-so.
(Oh, I should also mention, for browser-based games, apparently this "per download" thing also includes "per BROWSER REFRESH". So, yeah, please don't blame the devs, support the devs and blame Unity.)
EDIT: It's not quite as bad as I'd thought. I knew Unity had a threshold, but I thought it was an either/or thing- either a certain number of downloads, or a certain amount of money made from a game. And, it's not, it's both.
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So free games (like Murder of Sonic) apparently won't be affected.
Here's their pricing schedule once the threshold is met:
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It still adds up for the smaller projects, with Unity taking all or most of the revenue from smaller games.
And one thing that's still bothering me: the install threshold is "life to date" and Unity is charging per install over the threshold. So, if a game's been around for years and had a million downloads and has made 200,000 dollars in the last year, they're gonna end up paying that 200,000 all at once.
At least, that's what I'm reading.
So, ok, I was wrong. Free projects won't be affected. But this is still awful, especially when it's first starting out.
EDIT 2 (2023-09-23): They've lessened the fees:
I'm still not using them. They never had a good reputation- I mean, there's good Unity games, but there's also a lot of bad ones because people can just release games with Unity with no coding experience. I want to make games someday, but I want them to be a good quality, so I'm waiting until I can actually figure out C++ (heck, I'm still wading through HTML, I'm nowhere near real programming languages). As long as I have to learn coding to make something good, I might as well find an engine that I can trust. I hear a lot about Godot. I also think I'll want to look at Monogame, because Monogame was used to make Axiom Verge and Celeste, and it's apparently based on the defunct XNA that was used to make Stardew Valley. Or I'll find something else. But not Unity. I just don't trust them.
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galactic-rhea · 7 months ago
I am totally here for Cars worldbuilding ramblings
I'm glad I'm not scaring all of my audience lmao.
Now, let me talk to you about how nightmarish ableist is Cars 2.
You see, I was subjected to a very special kind of torture called "I have two nephews who were obssesed with Cars 2, not 1 or 3 or Planes, but Cars 2. And they would watch it for three times, every day, for about two months. And I had to be with them".
Which I'm sure did something bad to my brain, my standards of what's annoying in a movie are wrecked and I can still hear dialogue per dialogue on my mind.
Cars 2 got away with a special kind of ableism that I want to believe any other movie wouldn't have been able to get away with on our current era, all because is Cars.
But there's also A LOT OF violence in that movie, we see on screen characters violently exploding, being subjected to torture and also the equivalent of open-heart surgery, black market of organs, and a literal bomb being put into an individual. Because is Cars it just could do so.
The thing about Cars 2 is that all the villains are disabled cars. They're unable to function properly and constantly will be unable to turn on their engines, are called slurs and, in the case of the rich-mafia adjacent ones, literally have hired medical assistance (a tow truck). And all of this because we're told that their parts have been descontinued, which technically gives us the grim implication that they're basically left to die slowly as they can't keep changing their parts. There aren't humans, and this isn't a human-post apocalyptic universe (no matter how much people Insist, i refuse to accept that theory). Which means that the fabrication of these parts and thus, the ones in charge of the literal poblation's development, must be other vehicles, most probably Cars.
Very powerful and rich Cars like it goes beyond a comparison in real world, they aren't the ones in charge of meds or health care, they're literally in charge of the whole production/birth of Cars, and by deciding what parts to make and what parts to descontinue they're slso deciding who gets to live and who gets to die.
And this isn't possibly a "new" problem, is probably something rooted in the Cars' universe culture for thousands of years. If let's say the Wright brothers were, idk, bikes. They created the first plane (which then died in seconds), so they're basically Victors Frankesteins and this is legal, this is absolutely completely normal in this universe because otherwise there's no way for new models to exist.
So every generation of vehicles have this deep, ingrained thought of " we're building the generation that reemplaces us, in every way they're better and as soon as there's a better version, we will cease to exist and cease to be produced".
I remain of the theory that parents in Cars basically buy parts and assembly their own child and then as time passes, they change parts until we get the general "adult" model. But this also means some parents might be unable to buy parts and what not, does this stunt the child development? Probably.
In Cars 3, Lightning McQueen is unable to keep compiting because the new gen is of much better tech, so I assume it's already happening to him what I just explained: At some point, the production of their parts/ maintenance becomes obsolete. So Lightning can keep on living, for a long while, but no matter the reparations or even the modifications, apparently you can't completely modify a car otherwise you would have a Thesseus ship predicament.
In Planes, Dusty is capable to get several modifications, but they aren't extreme. However we see a little car that's able to change into a plane, and we see he apparently has a split personality , which makes me a bit icky because -gestures-, Hollywood also loves to make awful reps about DID. But, this seems to support the idea that extreme changes= basically a different person in the Cars universe. And an awful idea is to face the familiars of a vehicle that got into an accident "we can save them by almost completely rebuilding them, but might as well be a different person".
So back to Cars 2, all these villain Cars are disabled and suffering because someone, literally decided that isn't worth it, these models can't continue their existence when our engineers/doctors already created a new version.
And they must go along with it! They must accept it, because their society has been accepting it for hundreds of years by now! And so the movie decided to make them the literal mafia and a violent murderous group of terrorist and spies, what a move.
The movie tries to make Mater to be some sort of disabled character as well, he keeps being called dumb, ugly and whatever for the whole movie, he's all covered in rust and shamed for an oil leak. And nothing of this is resolved or really addressed, because not only his problems aren't even comparable to those of the villains (is implied he's rusty and all covered in bumbs just because he choses to), his character arc is basically that he's capable of solving a mystery not even the spies figured out at the time, the classic "actually i can be useful" that Hollywood loves.
And we learn the motives for the villains, and like, yeah, that's awful! All those murders and a political fraud to try to get rich by owning oil, but no one gives an ounce of sympathy for a group of characters that literally need medical assistance almost 24/7. The mafia guys can afford to hire tow truck and the big multi-millionarie villain can afford his constant surgeries, to the point of being able to disguise himself and look "normal"
And it drives me crazy that no one mentions this, but I can't blame people, most people weren't subjected to this movie three times per day for 60~ days.
If anyone read this far, you should thank to @soapysudz for fueling me (GET IT?!! FUEL?! -recorded laughs-)
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absolutebl · 2 years ago
This Week In BL - These Are the Days of Our BLs
Aug 2023 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 5 of 8 - They cute making heart eyes at each other, but could we get back to punching & slutty silk shirts? OMG the poor rich kid & the bodyguard who wants to hug him SO BAD are KILLING me. I did giggle & yell “punchy punchies” during the fight scene before the fire. But Charn is a diamond-encrusted evil-gorgeous gremlin beastie, isn’t he? 
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 1 of 10 - NO SINGING, but also.. wristbands! Sand is great = smart, snappy & over this shit. (Tired Gay 2.0) Neo & Mark are a revelation, where’d that chemistry come from? Force playing a douchenozzle is damn delight. Plus a counter lift in the first ep? Boys, you’re spoiling me. Mew is the least interesting, but Book is still adorable. Ray is the least likable character, but since it’s Khao, he’s the most likable screen presence. In fact, I’m enjoying all the messy messy gays & I know all their types IRL. I wish we had some femme & swish rep tho. Is this Thailand’s Queer as Folk? Seems like. Is it good? Not sure. But it is FUN as hell. Still, I gotta say it… they all dance like straight boys. 
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 5 of 10 - Zo just wants to turtle & avoid but Joke is not gonna allow that. GMMTV keeps having sub issues (usually fixed within a few days). 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 8 - I do like the psychic gay detective trope. It makes this show more interesting and enjoyable. But they solved the mystery awful fast. I guess different drama spins the final 2 eps? 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 12fin - It was fine. I was fine with it. A kind of Vice Versa situation. The usual with Jittirain, as it turns out, is pretty simple: one of her main characters is going to be a manipulative liar or extremely unlikeable or both. It got an 8/10 from me, but probably should get a 7/10 just because I’m so exhausted by this. But I have to be fair and judge each BL on its own & not in light of repeat author mistakes. Not much of a trash watch here. Final full review here. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 7 of 10 eps - Boyfriend trip together. Terrible overalls. What the fuck? No. Meanwhile, perfect choice for college star. (Could Ton please lead out a new BL? I know I’m 0 for 2 with him but I’m willing to try again if he is.) I actually enjoyed this installment for a change. Perhaps “enjoy” is too strong a word. Not much happened, dog days of BL, perhaps that’s a good thing with Dino? 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 6 of 12 - Mostly I was excited to watch this week because of Ben but there wasn’t much of him. Sadness. OK, I know it has STIFF competition but does this show have the worst music in BL, or is it just me? I still like Big Daddy & Hot Doc as characters but I am despairing over their arc (would we call it an arc?). All in all this week... Whatever.
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 4 of 7 - I am officially being driven to drink. Trash watch is happening!
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 4 of 8 - This show makes me laugh so much. It is so damn cute. And there’s so much language play going on. THEN . . . JUST ADD SIMON. I love a good Simon. Who doesn’t love a good Simon? I know SO MANY Simons. Now 3 boys are circling the ingénue (who I suspect is less innocent than he appears). So much delightful competition, postering & flirting. “My Jun,” is he, Simon? You are a precious angular stalk man, aren’t you? Pacing is great with this show. Every week I can’t wait for the next installment, that’s a hallmark of the best KBLs. If the language stuff confused you as much as it did me here is an EXCELLENT post on the subject that will help. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 7 of 10 eps - Sweetest seme. He’s hurt & mad at his boy but still can’t help taking care of him. I do like the courting with snacks & sweet little notes. (It’d work on me.) YAY!  Reunion kisses & nuzzles!!! Snuggling!!!! Gah! Taiwan, I love you. These 2 aren’t your best kissers but their cuddling is off the charts. I guess we are just gonna be plotless messy gay bfs for the final 3 eps? That’s cool with me. 
Sing My Crush (Korea Weds iQIYI) 3-4 of 8 eps - it’s adorable, they’re adorable, I’m enjoying it a whole lot. It’s like a very soft, low-stakes Addicted. 
Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps - I liked Love Class 1 (more than most on Tumblr) & I normally don’t want 2nd seasons. But this has an entirely new cast (in the “Replay” model). I’m fine with a 2nd season that has little or nothing to do with the first. J-min is an interesting choice of idols but he’s doing an unexpectedly good job. (He is a truly great rapper, by the way.) Trigger warnings out the gate... also this is complicated. Ready? We got 3 queer besties: artist gay Hyun (J-min), shy cafe gay Minwoo (in love with), sunshine gym bunny bi slut Maru (represent, my brother). Then we got Mr Put-upon-TA (+ boy who saw him nekid). And the twist = all black otaku Kim An (used to tutor artist gay in high school = exes ghosting DRAMA). This last reads as a hyung romance. Which you know I love. But it also feels v dark. All of which is to say, I am intrigued but a little nervous over the tone. 
My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 1 of 8 - Classic JBL is back! This one is My Beautiful Man + Tokyo in April/Oh My Assistant. It’s odd and warped af but I like it. Very much has a the feel of old live action yaoi + VERY D/s. BRING IT JAPAN.
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 6 of 12 eps - Shin is my sweet bean sprout and Minato should just boink him. Why all this waffling? I love the doctor. But mostly I’m as frustrated with this show as Shin must be in general. Minato 2- the season of blue balls.
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 2 of 5 eps - I re-watched the first 2 eps & now find it a bit more comprehensible (yes 2: there is an ep 0). I don’t think we can expect this to end happy for either couple. It’s kinda sticky & grungy (in a way I’ve come to expect from the Philippines, although this is not as cluttered visually nor as brightly colored as the Pinoy stuff). I do kind of like that lived-in feeling, it reminds me of Taiwanese shorts. There is something very honestly queer about the primary leads (tattoo & babyface) in particular the way they dance queer? around each other: verbally, emotionally & physically - laying down breadcrumbs of gay for the other to follow. The secondary couple (reunion, cheating) is very sad. Although I do love a counter lift make-out sesh. (Occasionally Cantonese sounds like Vietnamese to me. Apparently I am not alone in this.)
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Gossip - AKA P’ABL is Disappointed
I was gonna put a statement here but I just did it separately, earlier this week, since my ask box was overflowing regarding actor gossip and other stuff. 
Meanwhile, Stay With Me ended exactly as expected. Can’t say I didn’t warn ya. You watched this anyway? You got what was coming to you. I am entirely unsympathetic. 
 Next Week Looks Like This:
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Look at that PACKED week. NIIICEEEE. 
8/18 Dangerous Romance (Thai Fri GMMTC YT) 12 eps - Perth returns to lead out a BL, odds on that ever happening were slim. (Let alone Chimon.) Still here we are. Interesting times. Chimon plays a poor studious kid who hates the school bully but is forced to become his private tutor. Lurv results. 
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) 10 eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together. Looks very pulp. No idea on international distribution. 
8/19 I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai Sat Gaga) 12 eps - The time travel historical romance many of us have been waiting for. Adaption of y-novel by Violet Rain. Heartbroken architect is transported to the 1930s. From the producers of Lovely Writer.
8/20 My Universe series (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 eps - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, not sure on the order they’ll drop. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct.
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Still Coming in August 2023
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/23 Why R U? (Korean remake iQIYI) is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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Talking grandkids. Made me snicker. (Low Frequency.)
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The waist grab that launched a thousand gifs (Laws of Attraction). Okay it was last week but I gotta chronicle it here in the weeklies. For science. 
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Sing My Crush. They are so damn cute. 
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Thank you for the counter action GMMTV, please Sirs, may I have another?
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Captain snark in the house. Of course they handed the best and most complex pairing to these two. Well done GMMTV. (Only Friends) 
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I really did not expect J-Min to be this good. (Love Class 2) 
(Last week) 
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