#and poor tifa
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rocketbirdie · 9 months ago
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this could have been rebirth but we were robbed
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sapphirothcrescent · 2 months ago
Sephiroth redemption long story but eventually Tifa and Cloud and Avalanche kinda are okay with giant murder meow meow behaving. Not important to the post how they get to mutual understanding. No this is about after.
Tifa and Cloud reminisce about Nibelheim, the foods they barely remember, the traditions, of course the people and Sephiroth feels really bad.
Cut to him finding an old cookbook of Nibelheim recipes in some bookstore as he's trying to occupy his new found free time. He then goes hunting for more Nibelheim related objects.
Presents them piece meal to Tifa or Cloud like a pet cat brings you dead mice. At first it's kinda offensive to them, the idea that he'd drag up old shit from the place he destroyed. But some of the objects do seem to make them feel better. Tifa really likes the old mugs carved with old Nibel symbols. A dusty old quilt reminds Cloud of the one his mother had on her bed.
The recipes Sephiroth cooks are outdated and rather bland and he's not a good cook anyway. But they appreciate it. Tifa only *gently* gives Sephiroth tips. Cloud is more blunt but not rude.
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trialnumbergamma · 4 months ago
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Always pick the stairs
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rooksbooknook · 1 year ago
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I got one of those 3d printed dragon fidgets at an art fair and I've named him Genesis
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strife-geographic · 10 months ago
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xdevilrushx · 2 months ago
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Mistlefoe - Part 3: "The Kunoichi and the Green-eyed Monster"
"'kay, dinner should be ready in about thirty minutes," Tifa announced, eyeing the roast slowly cooking in the oven.
She picked up two mugs of steaming hot chocolate from the counter and walked over to the nearby couch, ducking just in time to avoid an excited Denzel and Marlene zipping past her, followed by an even more hyperactive Yuffie. The two kids were practically about to burst from anticipation, and Yuffie's provocations weren't helping matters in the slightest. They continued to hound each other throughout the entire house, eventually locking into a tug-of-war over a giant candy cane. The kids, sensing that they were no match for the feisty ninja in that department, wisely decided to let Yuffie "win" by releasing their end of the Christmas confection, sending her tumbling into the pile of presents behind her. "Sorry!" she shouted, a sheepish grin on her face as she scrambled to put everything back in its place. Her frantic efforts only served to get her further tangled up in the decorations, nearly bringing the Christmas tree crashing down in the process.
"Isn't she going to become an empress one day?" Zack inquired as Tifa joined him on the couch.
"Some day, sure," Tifa replied, giggling. "A long time from now, I hope."
Even though she had celebrated her twenty-second birthday last month, Yuffie still possessed the same gremlin energy she'd displayed when they first met. Sure, she had her bursts of maturity every now and then, but there was something irrepressible about her playful nature. It was reassuring, in a way, Tifa thought, how some things remained the same regardless of the passage of time.
Cloud watched as Zack and Tifa draped themselves in a warm blanket, enjoying their hot chocolate by the roaring fire. A hint of a smile surfaced on his features. After Zack's return from the Lifestream, it hadn't taken long for them to slide into a cozy, comfortable relationship, and now, only a year later, they both wore matching engagement rings. He couldn't be happier for the two of them, but the sight of the two lovebirds still served as a reminder of his dilemma. He frowned again, thinking about his own upcoming proposal. He knew he didn't possess Zack's confidence and easy-going charm, and worried that he was going to screw things up somehow.
Aerith walked over, interrupting his thoughts again as she hugged him from behind. She leaned over his shoulder, pressing a kiss against his cheek. "I'm gonna go get changed real quick."
"All right," Cloud replied, giving her hand a gentle squeeze as she departed, heading upstairs. He took the ring out of his pocket again, scrutinized it intently, sighed, got up from his seat, and started pacing the floor, agonizing over the exact timing of his proposal.
Barret had finally put a stop to the children's reign of destruction and gotten them to settle down long enough to read them a Christmas story. Yuffie sat at the far end of the bar, her head resting on the counter as she listlessly rolled a pair of materia back and forth in a mindless, repetitive motion, playing with the colorful orbs like marbles.
She looked up briefly as Denzel and Marlene laughed out loud at some part of the story Barret was reading for them. The big man truly gave his all where story time was concerned, doing all the silly voices and whatnot. Yuffie couldn't help but smile at that image. "He's such a dad…" she thought. "… Unlike mine," her brain quickly added, as if to cancel out any pleasant thoughts she might be having.
She returned to her sulking, without even knowing exactly what it was that was bothering her. She felt strangely isolated, even while surrounded by her friends. Her newfound Avalanche family was everything to her, and yet…
"Ugh, gross… Zack and Tifa are making out again," she thought.
Then she blinked. Was that it? Loneliness? Maybe. It was hard not to feel that way, surrounded as she was by lovey-dovey couples everywhere. Zack and Tifa, Cid and Sierra, Aerith and Cloud… Hell, even Vincent was tentatively flirting with his fellow ex-Turk, Cissnei, at the bar.
Vincent Valentine.
Not to mention Denzel and Marlene on their eternal play-date. She couldn't believe she was feeling jealous of those two rascals.
All in all, it was no exaggeration to say that she was feeling left out. It was Christmas, dammit. Supposedly the happiest time of year. Didn't she deserve some physical affection, too?
She spotted Cloud pacing the floor, fretting over something or other by the look of it. More importantly, she noticed that he was hovering just underneath the mistletoe dangling from the ceiling. Feeling emboldened as she slammed down her half-finished glass of hard cider, she got up and started to approach her prey…
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darthjader2005 · 1 year ago
Cloud's Haircut
Yuffie: Hey Cloud, I found your hair trimmer!
Cloud: Huh?
Yuffie: It's a life-size pencil sharpener! *giggle*
Cloud: *scowls*
Tifa: You know, he did have a ponytail when we were younger.
Yuffie: Yeah, I bet they just grabbed his ponytail and snipped it and it stayed that way.
Zack: *laughing his ass off*
Yuffie: And you look like a hedgehog! *laughing uncontrollably*
Zack: At least I don't look like I stuck my head in a pencil sharpener.
Cloud: *mumbles irritability* I wonder if Vincent is looking for a roommate...
Poor Cloud 😆😂 But we all love his adorable fluffy hair 😍🥰
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year ago
Cloud trying to act casual: hey *leans against wall*
Cloud: *immediately falls through it because it was in fact a large curtain*
Idol group: he’s perfect
Cloud: *practices what he’s going to say for hours the night before so he sounds cool and not insane at all*
Cloud the day of in a heavy mountain accent: I love y’all’s work
Cloud, internally: I have to flee the country and change my name there is no other solution cloud is dead. My mother will have to attend my funeral as I escape in the dead of night in a terrible storm.
Idol Group: Well we can’t not marry him
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tifa-simp · 9 months ago
Funny that when I think of Sephti and Rufti, I can imagine Tifa changes Sephiroth in a better timeline but I can't imagine she does the same with Rufus. Rufus is a rich white nepo baby with daddy issue, has superiority complex and a bunch of goons that willing to die for him, Seph is broke test tub baby, has both parents issue, used to be a pretty decent dude and was betrayed by many people. It's easier to imagine the second guy gets better with help than the first guy. No amount of love can change capitalism.
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 9 months ago
“Hey Cloud! I brought a friend with me today!”
The blond is already half smiling, turning with a retort in the tip of his tongue before he feels like the life is being sucked out of him. Wide, acid green eyes are staring back at him, shock and disbelief apparent in them but Cloud doesn’t even see that.
All he sees is sadistic glee and malice, silver hair hanging around him like a curtain as he tries to claw his way out from under him. A low, haunting laugh echoing in his ears along with the steadily increasing sound of his heart.
There’s another voice, one that sounds so familiar yet so far away. It sounds worried. Worried and scared and Cloud hates that it sounds like that. Why does he hate it?
The silver haired man is opening his mouth, readying to say something but Cloud panics. Stumbles back against the counter behind him and sends the contents of it scattering everywhere. The sound is so sudden and loud in his ears that it pulls him from his haze, makes him realise he’s having a panic attack in the middle of work.
Tifa hears the noise, comes out with the same concern in her words before she’s yelling. Cloud thinks he sees her round the counter and he wants to pull her back. Needs to pull her back to safety but he can’t fucking move.
There are hands on him, grabbing at his arms and making the panic worse. He lashes out blindly, trying to get them off and choking out a scream when they don’t budge.
Tifa’s suddenly in front of him and the relief of seeing her unharmed and away from danger makes him sob, unintelligible words escaping him in mumbles as she cups his face gently. Her eyes are wide, glazed over with tears despite the small smile she’s trying to muster.
“Hey. Hey. It’s ok. We’re ok. Deep breaths with me Cloud. Come on. Follow my lead.” She takes one of his hands, placing it on the centre of her chest and taking exaggerated breaths.
It takes a minute. A whole minute that feels like eternity with the way his lungs burn and his energy slowly saps away.
“There you go. Just a few more Cloud. You’re ok.”
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novakaiserart · 11 months ago
been catching up on Rebirth and i cant get over Aerith trying to be the wingman to both Cloud and Tifa while they're way too dense to pick up on anything
really hope Zack and Aerith get to catch up :(
following pic is me to Cloud for being such a fucking dick to Tifa all the time
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rocketbirdie · 1 year ago
tifa honey... you gotta bring it up with him please i'm begging you...
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epicwin64 · 9 months ago
Man FF7R3 is going to HURT emotionally. I really want them to elaborate on how the gang copes with Aerith’s death (I felt that they didn’t do much with her death as I thought they would; like Vincent and Cid aren’t even there LIKE COME ON), especially how Cloud and Tifa grieve her death (Cloud will finally realize that Aerith is DEAD in the main timeline, and he’ll take that news very personally; he is going to shut down hard and say he’s “guilty” and let everyone down). However, Tifa will reassure him that he’ll be okay (even though he’ll keep doubting himself until Puppet!Cloud emerges). But after Cloud’s whole episode at the Northern Crater, Tifa is going to SNAP. Having had her village burned down (and Shinra covering it up), her father murdered by Sephiroth, seeing her best friend’s dead body, and now losing the one person who’s been there for her (and vice versa)? She’s probably going to have enough with all the trauma she’s faced, and I think this should be executed with Tifa having a nightmare where she encounters Sephiroth (right after the party is captured in Junon) taunting her about her insecurities and trauma. We have seen Tifa get angry before, but this time, she will be ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS. Think of when Ellen Ripley confronts the Xenomorph Queen in her armor in Aliens. Having the man responsible for all the heartbreak in her life taunt her will set her over the edge.
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the-unified-programs · 2 months ago
Thank you so much for these! We're definitely thinking of going back through and rewatching the movie for a few extra references, too :) These will help greatly, though!
Because you seem like the person to ask... Do you have any good reference images of the remnants? We want to practice drawing humans, and have decided to do so with some of our favorite characters, but we are very bad at looking for references- They'd also be useful for potential AU ideas that have been rattling around in our head
Thanks for any help you can provide, it's greatly appreciated!
Of course! I don't have any general order to these images so I'm just gonna sort them by character.
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(the scene with Rufus is really good for getting details on his coat)
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And Loz:
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Pictures of Loz are harder to get so if you're really struggling, I recommend rewatching the movie and pausing in places you can see his full body.
A general tip: All of their coats are the same from the waist up, so once you get that down (which you can learn quickly from Kadaj screenshots), you can draw them on all three. Happy drawing!
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timmydraker · 5 months ago
Tim who does crochet.
It’s Dick who is given the first gift, long before Tim is Robin and even before he knows who Robin is.
It was simply because he was a kind kid who had been there to witness something horrible and wanted to comfort the poor boy he saw sobbing off two lost loved ones.
Little Tim walked up to Dick with the crochet elephant that was admittedly a little funky looking and held it up to him without making eye contact. He had hidden the small plushie from his parents lest they disapprove of his hobby, just like they did with drawing and skating.
Dick had beamed happily and held onto the toy, saying it was so cute and how Tim should be so happy to have it.
Tim had frowned and shook his head, “It’s for you, Mister Grayson. It’s Tifa.”
Never had Tim seen someone so in awe of his creation as he did in that moment and it made him beam just like Dick had been.
Once Dick took the little elephant into his hands Tim had bolted away.
Bruce was next, being gifted a big fluffy jumper on his first birthday after loosing Jason. It was a soft, light green with too long sleeves that went over his ass. It was big, far too big, and thick enough that it might even be too hot in autumn.
He didn’t wear it for a while, mainly because he ignored the big wrapped present Tim had left in his room out of guilt and shame and even a little frustration.
When he opened it up he put it on and promptly broke down, finding the feeling more similar to a hug than he thought something non-hug could get.
He wore it in front of Tim once to show he appreciated it and then wore it whenever he was injured.
Steph got a few things, mainly tops and one big blanket that he gave her after they reconnected when she came back. It had been his way of saying he forgave her and wanted to be her friend again without using words.
Cass got a big poncho with a hood that was rainbow, bright and loud while still capable of hiding her when she felt she couldn’t be seen.
It took a long time for him to make Jason anything after he came back. When he did, him and Tim avoided each other for over a year until Tim overheard Alfred talking to Bruce about how sad it was to not see his two bright boys getting along.
Alfred had been pouring tea with the pot he made a kettle warmer snug with Lilly of the Vally on it when he said it.
So, Tim had searched through his old photos of Jason’s Robin and made himself recall those old ideals and awe. He made himself remember what Jason also had ripped from him and, while it wouldn’t change or excuse how Jason had brutalised him, it made him understand him more.
He decided that instead of joining to Jason and having a heart to heart, that he should do what all bats did and start off without saying a thing.
He makes Jason a blanket that took him over a month of a floral book cover of Jane Ire.
Tim was relived when it was done and simply left it laid out on Jason’s bed in his latest hideout with a note that said,
“I know little about Jane Ire, maybe you could tell me about it sometime?
~ Tim. D.”
Jason had sent him a text a day later to say he could send him a copy with his annotations if he wanted.
It wasn’t long after Tim had read the book, taking twice as long with all the notes Jason had left in it, that he was then left to make something for Damian.
Naturally, he didn’t want to at first.
Also naturally, he got bored and wanted to make another animal after seeing Tifa again. She was cute, but a little munted with age.
He took one look at Titus and promptly made a plan to create him with crochet. He wanted to give it to Bruce after he was done, but he’s only an asshole when he finds it entertaining.
At heart, he’s a kind boy, so he gives it to Damian.
When he gets an actual, verbal thank you from the new Robin, he makes Alfred the Cat and Ace, then finally Bat-cow and Goliath.
The best thing he’s made, according to Duke, is Signals first ever fan made merch that he wears nearly all the time.
Kate says that wrong because the leg warmers he made for winter patrols have apparently saved her life.
Salina would say it’s actually the cat pawed mittens he made her when he was twelve and never told Bruce about.
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