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emeraldblonde · 8 months ago
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth » The Saga of Seaside Inn
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xdevilrushx · 10 months ago
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"Close call. You all right?"
Artist: DecoponMAGI | XenoXss
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protemporescitor · 5 months ago
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It's them.
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apemantusafterdark · 1 month ago
Clouffie: The Pariah Pairing?
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Serious question: Why is Cloud x Yuffie so unpopular? And don't say it's because of the age gap. People literally ship Yuffie with Reno (28), Rufus (30), and Vincent (27? 57? Who the fuck knows?) all the time.
(Usually after Dirge of Cerberus, but still…)
Note: Rufus' age is listed as ~25 in the original compilation. That's still 4 years older than Cloud, so my point stands.
And yes, one shouldn't ship someone with underage characters (other than platonically), but we literally have a canon 19 year-old version of Yuffie thanks to DoC, so I don't see what people are fussing about.
In case 19 is still too young in your opinion, just age her up. Have your story/artwork take place a few more years after Dirge when she's in her twenties or something. Problem solved. Besides which, 19 is, like, a year behind where Tifa was back in OG FFVII and no-one has a problem shipping her with anyone (age gaps or otherwise).
Side note: Honestly, we could do with more fics involving an older, more grown-up (but still bratty) Yuffie, shipping or no shipping.
It's like it's just these two characters specifically who are verboten, and I can't figure out why. It's not supported by logic that can't be applied to other age gap pairings. (And five years isn't that big of a gap to begin with, at least not when both characters are in their 20s or older) It's just habit at this point.
"Oh, but they're too different. Their personalities are nothing alike."
That's what makes it fun. Also, I disagree that they're too different to work together. If anything, their contrasting personalities seem to complement each other quite well. Yuffentine is cool, too, and people like it for many of the same reasons, but I think Vincent might be a bit TOO stoic for Yuffie. Cloud, on the other hand, pretends to be stoic all the time, but I suspect that there's still a playful little gremlin hiding somewhere behind that veneer. (And Yuffie would be just the person to bring out that side of him.) IMO, It's not too different from shipping Cloud with Aerith, who is also an extrovert (and a tomboy!)
P.s. I know what my banner says but for the record I don't consider Cloud x Yuffie to be a crackship. I do have a theory about why CxY fics are so rare, though: People who are interested in Cloud Strife as a character and understand his psychology on a deep level usually don't have the same interest in Yuffie, and vice versa. So you end up with crack (or poorly written porn parodies, at best), where they both end up sounding like one-dimensional cardboard cut-out stereotypes of themselves. The two categories of creators just don't intersect enough, and I think that's a real shame. There are so many potential stories to tell about their life together in Wutai, or the two of them traveling the globe together on whole new adventures.
Like I said, a cute and fun pairing idea that's totally being slept on.
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protemporescitor · 5 months ago
Barret: "You kids better stay out of trouble now, you hear?"
Yuffie: "We are the trouble, mister!"
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https://x.com/karasuki/status/1838578731222507757 FF7ECはゆるく楽しんでるんですが クラユフィ供給ありすぎてびびります… (古のクラユフィ民)
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clownkiwi · 10 months ago
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dink my oup.... oh won't you join me....?
yes i Will join you..... i like oup :)
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kylejsugarman · 2 years ago
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HIIII HII hi doing thisto you :3 cutely
omg hi hi hi thank u for th AGHHHHHH (is stretched)
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cookiescr · 2 years ago
KUKI OMG HIIII ‼️‼️‼️ we haven't talked in forevarrrrrr does a flip
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YOOO OMG how have you been I litrally have been wondering where you've been I haven't seen you on the dash in a while kajsdlka
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apemantusafterdark · 1 month ago
Aww... 🥰
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Cloud and Yuffie - Opposites attract
By: Thomas Asada
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melto · 1 year ago
oughcf... yuor bithday
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my bithday…..*does thissss* (:
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whimsyprinx · 2 years ago
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clouffymovedd · 2 years ago
okkkayyyy i remade over to @clouffy prances about
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xdevilrushx · 3 months ago
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Summary: 'tis the season, and Yuffie is feeling… combative? Being surrounded by lovey-dovey couples leaves the young ninja feeling nauseated in an entirely new way, leading to a slight romantic fracas, miscommunication, and a sudden change of rules about certain mistletoe traditions. Hilarity (and potential heartbreak) ensues. Will things work out in the end? Maybe. Either way, someone's halls are getting decked.
Pairings: Clerith, Zifa
Two years had elapsed since the Deepground incident, and the Avalanche crew was gathered at the new Seventh Heaven for its annual holiday celebrations. Fresh snow covered the ground, presents were nestled under the tree, all ready for unwrapping, and the party's elaborate holiday dinner was reaching its final stages of preparation.
All in all, it was a rare chance for them all to enjoy a night of peace and quiet. Except for Red XIII, who was busy avoiding Yuffie's incessant attempts to dress him up as a reindeer.
"Yuffie, cut it out," the four-legged beast chastised her. "Why can't you act your age for once?"
The young ninja scoffed. "Like YOU would know anything about that, Mr. I'm-a-wise-old-sage-trust-me," she retorted, mimicking Red's grumpy old man voice.
Red XIII looked up at her, speechless, unable to think of a proper comeback.
Yuffie grinned. "Boom! Somebody call the fire brigade, 'cause you just got roasted!"
"Yuffie, calm down," Tifa said, suppressing a giggle as she passed them by.
"Nope," Yuffie replied, crossing her arms. "Can't stop, won't stop! Now, where was I?"
She looked at the red plastic nose and pair of fake antlers in her hands, then turned towards Red XIII again with mischief in her eyes. "Ah, right… c'mere, Rudolph!"
Red XIII promptly bolted upstairs before she could get any closer. She'd given him a good chase earlier, but spry as she was, she was still no match for Cosmo Canyon's finest. She huffed, reluctantly accepting her defeat.
"… Spoilsport."
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protemporescitor · 8 months ago
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Cloud and Yuffie's friendship will forever be precious to me. It's a simple enough scene, but it demonstrates how he's slowly warming up to his new friends (and eventual found family). Mr. Not Interested (tm) himself asking Yuffie about Wutai's culture out of sincere curiosity, and her being all enthusiastic about showing off her skills. It's too freaking cute.
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apemantusafterdark · 6 days ago
Wolf and Rose - New Beginnings
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Yuffie tightened her grip around Cloud's waist as they leaned into another tight turn, kicking up more dust as their motorcycle rounded the corner. They and the rest of Avalanche had spent the last few days looking for Vincent and Shelke, who had disappeared from the 7th Heaven without so much as a word. So far, their search had yielded nothing.
"Cloud?" Yuffie spoke up as they rode onward, headed back to Nibelheim to meet with the rest of the group after another day's fruitless search. "Can we stop for a minute?"
He brought the motorcycle to a halt near a ridge overlooking the valley. Yuffie got off the motorcycle and stretched, taking in the view. The sun was quickly setting over the sleepy village below.
Cloud remained seated, peering into the distance. Yuffie looked at him with concern.
"You've got that look on your face again."
"What look?" Cloud asked.
"Like you're somewhere else."
"Just wondering," he replied.
"About what?"
"Why they'd leave like this," Cloud said.
"Yeah… me too," Yuffie said. "But hey, I'm not worried. I mean, maybe a little, but you know what Vincent's like. Besides, he can handle himself."
"Guess you're right," Cloud said. The enigmatic gunman had a habit of vanishing and reappearing like this, usually without a word. Still, after the Omega incident, there was something different about his demeanor. They had to make sure, he thought.
He noticed Yuffie shivering as she walked closer to the edge of the cliff.
"You cold?" he asked, getting off the bike, walking up next to her.
"A little," she replied. He slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a tight hug from behind.
"How are you holding up?" he asked. "You didn't get much sleep last night."
A mischievous grin crossed Yuffie's features. "Oh yeah? And whose fault is that?"
He chuckled in reply at her gentle ribbing. She turned around, returning the embrace, peering deeply into his eyes before pulling him down for a long, languid kiss. They stayed that way for a good while, two solitary figures framed by the setting sun.
"You think it's time?" Yuffie asked, resting her head underneath her boyfriend's chin as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. "To tell'em about us, I mean."
"Soon, yeah," Cloud replied, planting a quick kiss on her forehead. "If they haven't figured it out already."
"Think they'll be surprised?" Yuffie asked.
"Maybe," Cloud said. "Probably more so if we don't tell them tonight."
Yuffie grinned again. "Right… I hear the walls can be pretty thin in these rustic, old villages."
She slipped out of his embrace, leading him back towards their bike. "C'mon, country boy. Let's go scandalize the natives!"
Cloud smiled at her. "Yes, ma'am."
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clouffy · 9 months ago
team stardust for artfight giggle. if you wanna follow me or attack me or whatever my username on there is clouffy as well :3 gotta update some refs/character designs with new sheets still!!!!
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