#yuffie x cloud
protemporescitor · 5 months
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Cloud glanced out through the window again, peering out at the wild blue yonder. The Tiny Bronco soared high over the ocean, fast approaching the northern continent. They would soon reach their destination. After that...
He shut his eyes for a moment, stopping himself from thinking about it too much. "One step at a time," he reminded himself.
Opposite him, on the starboard aisle, he saw Tifa sleeping peacefully in her seat. He was relieved to see her getting some much-needed rest at last. She'd hardly spoken a word since they had left the Ancient Capital. No doubt she was in shock, still processing Aerith's death. It had hit her especially hard, given their closeness. He just hoped her dreams were pleasant ones.
He looked around the plane, checking in on the others. It was obvious that they were all exhausted from their journey, completely drained both physically and emotionally. He couldn't quite tell with Vincent whether he was asleep or merely pretending to be. In any case, he'd kept his eyes closed for most of the flight, either deep in thought, or in a deep slumber. Similarly, Cait appeared to have temporarily switched himself off, sitting slumped in his seat, unmoving. Again, it was hard to tell.
Red XIII lay curled up on the floor next to Tifa, his fiery tail swishing back and forth in his sleep. He'd agreed to stay near the centre of the aisle to keep it from coming into contact with any of the fuselage's more sensitive equipment. Meanwhile, Barret had moved up to the front of the plane and was busy chatting with Cid. Cloud couldn't make out their conversation over the noise of the engines, but it seemed like he was occupied with picking up on some of the finer points of instrumentation from their pilot in order to kill time during their flight. Or maybe he was just trying to keep his mind off things.
Cloud suddenly noticed that Yuffie was missing from her seat. Concerned, he unbuckled his belt and got up to look for her. It didn't take him long to find her, given the small, cramped space they were in. She'd disappeared into the far corner at the back of the plane and was curled up in a fetal position, head down, slowly rocking back and forth. Motion sickness again, he assumed.
He got out a small box of tranquilizers, something that he'd picked up on the road to help her combat her nausea, just in case it got to be too much for her to handle. He was about to offer her some when he realized that she was sobbing quietly. Growing worried, he knelt down in front of her.
"Hey... you okay?" he asked, his voice soft.
Yuffie shook her head without looking up. "It's not fair... Why her?"
"Why any of us, for that matter?" he thought. "It wasn't her time. Or anyone else's."
"It'll be okay, Yuffie," he said, trying to reassure her in spite of his own misgivings about their situation. "We have to keep going."
She finally raised her head to look up at him, her expression turning to anger. "How can you be so calm?" she chastised him. "Aren't you pissed off?"
"I..." Cloud paused. For a moment he was lost for words, troubled by turbulent thoughts. She was right. He had been feeling strangely elated, even sanguine, after they had left the capital. Now, the realization was beginning to sink in.
Aerith was gone.
Wasn't she?
He didn't know what he had seen, exactly. What he'd experienced. She was... alive. And then, she wasn't. It dawned on him that, somehow, in his mind he still hadn't accepted the fact that Aerith was dead. He knew that he should feel something, anger, sadness, guilt... but right now, he simply felt numb.
"I don't have a choice," he said at last, struggling to find the right words. "I'll... mourn Aerith when it's time. I have to stop Sephiroth first, or else... everything she did will be for nothing."
Yuffie's expression softened. He could tell that she was still upset, but she seemed to understand his reasoning.
Cloud gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "And I'm gonna need your help to do it. You with me?"
Yuffie wiped away her tears, then nodded. "Yeah."
"Still feeling sick?" he asked.
"Just a bit."
"Here, these might help," he said, slipping the medicine into her hands. She quickly downed a couple of pills, then put the rest away in her pocket.
"Thanks, Spikey," she said, her voice weak.
"Any time."
Seeing the usually energetic and carefree young girl in such a state of disrepair ate away at him. Her bravado, he knew, didn't make her invincible, but this was an especially harsh reminder. He wished he could do more for her, but as far as he could remember, he'd never suffered from motion sickness. Flying was especially bad for her, and now she was not only airsick, but heartbroken as well. He couldn't imagine how rough it must be for her, having to struggle with both at the same time.
"She must be going through hell," he thought. Still, he reminded himself, she had put up with every bumpy ride and ramshackle vehicle they'd come across so far, in spite of her discomfort. A reminder of just how tough she was, how determined to see things through until the end. Even this torment couldn't extinguish her fighting spirit. Though she was down and out for the moment, he had rarely felt more admiration for the young ninja girl.
He sat down next to her, intent on staying with her until she was feeling better. The two of them rested together in silence for a minute, looking out into the front of the plane. There wasn't much to see, save for the pale blue sky, given the way the pilots' seats obscured the windshield.
"You know, Cloud," Yuffie finally said, "for being such a jerk, you're an awfully nice guy."
"Just don't get used to it."
His reply elicited a chuckle from her, followed by some more sniffles. "Don't worry, I won't."
Cloud leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes, sensing the vibrations of the engines reverberating throughout the plane's body. The slow, rhythmic thrum was enough to lull anyone to sleep, and he began to doze off as the sheer, unbridled fatigue from the past few days finally caught up to him.
He was ever so slightly startled when he felt Yuffie wrapping her slender arms around his forearm, resting her head on his shoulder.
She held onto him a little more tightly, entreating him not to pull away from her. Despite the chill of their surroundings, her body felt warm pressed up against his.
"Just... until the ride's over. Okay?"
He looked at her, a little taken aback, hearing her echoing Aerith's request from that night on the Skywheel. Could her choice of words merely be a coincidence?
She peered up at him with a pleading look in her eyes. Not the puppy-dog eyes she sometimes hit him with when she wanted something more frivolous from him like a Gold Saucer token or a new piece of materia, but a sincere plea not to leave her side. He could count the number of times that he'd seen Yuffie allow herself to be vulnerable like this on one hand, and he considered himself fortunate to even know this side of her.
She held his gaze, fighting back fresh tears even as she gave him her best effort to smile at him through the pain.
He smiled back at her.
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emblazons · 6 months
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"This Planet's Still A Kid. A Little Kid Sick And Trembling In The Middle Of This Huge Universe. Someone's Gotta Protect It."
The Party // Playable Characters in Final Fantasy VII (Rebirth)
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Aerith: If I fall…
Tifa: I’ll be there to catch you.
Cloud: *looks at Zack* What if I fall?
Zack: Then I’ll fall with you, never leaving your side.
Yuffie: *watches these two interactions*
Yuffie: *to Barret* And if I fall?
Barret: I’ll be the one who pushed you.
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the-prima-vista · 6 months
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canned-pears · 2 months
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ACC Cloud and Tifa!
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flummoxx · 2 months
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I have a new obsession with making these
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eschercaine · 4 months
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Aerith tries to snatch the Black Materia from Sephiroth but fails.
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semverami · 10 months
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YᑌᖴᖴIᗴ // ᗷᗩᖇᖇᗴT // TIᖴᗩ // ᗩᗴᖇITᕼ - ᖴIᑎᗩᒪ ᖴᗩᑎTᗩՏY 7 ᖇᗴᗷIᖇTᕼ IᑕOᑎՏ
//I can't wait for this game seriously
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xdevilrushx · 5 months
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"Close call. You all right?"
Artist: DecoponMAGI | XenoXss
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sleepsspamsalot · 7 months
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original post.
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white-rose-of-wutai · 5 months
*Tifa and Cloud staring into each other’s eyes*
Yuffie: *Pops open a can of soda*
Cloud: What the hell Yuffie
Tifa: Cloud and I were having a moment
Yuffie: And I’m having a coke
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protemporescitor · 7 months
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Yuffie casually confirming that AerTi is a thing.
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emblazons · 7 months
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"You Okay?" • "I'm Okay."
Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart Nibelheim Flashbacks • Final Fantasy VII (Rebirth)
Bonus: Yuffie Sees All
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359 notes · View notes
Yuffie: I am the ultimate third wheel.
Aerith: *cuddling with Tifa* You shouldn’t think that way.
Barret: *holding hand with Vincent* Yes, what makes you say that?
Cloud: *sitting on Zack’s lap* Completely untrue.
Cid: *with Shera arm in arm* Just like they say.
Yuffie: Wow. I have leveled up to nineth wheel. I am truly powerful.
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Ya know I really love how ambiguous Rebirth is in terms of shipping, like I ship Aerith and Tifa and throught the game I was like "dang this kinda fruity, cant wait for the fanfics/art" I also saw more than plenty for the Aerith/Cloud, Tifa/Cloud, heck even some Yuffie/Cloud (of the one sided pining variety). Picking Barret or Red in the play is just gold, they get all cute and blushy. All the interactions are so good that it fits just about any ship you could want. Can't forget to mention all the buff dudes gripping Clouds tiny feminine waist like the slut he is (joking). I just love the interactions in this game so much
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firstknightvulion · 6 months
I swear to God, I do other stuff other than shill Cloud and Tifa but when you find inspiration, you use it!
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Also, I just finished Chapter 13 or as I like to call it: THE FUCKING TRAUMA CHAPTER!!!
Barret and Aerith’s trials legit had me tearing up.
Barret begging not to lose his wife again. Aerith crying and apologizing to her mother. These scenes did so much to add to their characters.
Shit, Watching Nanaki get fucking branded. Tifa and Yuffie reliving their trauma’s was hard as hell.
As a husband and father, Aerith and Barret scenes hit me raw. John Eric Bentley and Brianna White and whoever voiced young Aerith did such good job.
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