Raven falco
12 posts
The sea is watching the sky, the sky is watching the sea, nothing will ever happen, nothing will ever happen
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
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raven looks at Strat and sighs "but how do you know nothing bad is going to happen to any of us, what if my dad finds any of you, i don't want the lost being killed by him, because i know he will give me the blame, that's what my dream told me, and mum got hurt to, i want everyone i love to be safe, and warm" she cuddles into him remembering that most of them had had a bad past and she didn't want to ruin it again for the future "i think its best for me to be my dads good girl, but then again i don't want to be locked in my bedroom again im so bored of the same old walls with the same old things in it, but i just want to stay here, i love it here even if i will get cold and sick from the rain and the winters here"
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raven then puts a blanket over herself and strat trying to keep herself warm and Strat like her mother showed her how to keep warm and she is a mums girl "Strat could i bring mum here to live, i know shes not safe at home, i have seen what dad does to her and its not nice at all, im scared for her, please Strat do ir for me, also you still kept the promise for me about screwing around" she gives him a playful shove and teases him and plays with his hair.
“I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday” - Strat!
raven was dreaming again finally, she lied to her dad about taking them, she looked out her window looking for Strat, she wanted to tell him the good news that she can dream again, she was so excited to be dreaming, she then runs to the deep end, she finally knew her way around "Strat, you here? i have something to tell you, i can dream i remember my dreams, they are sometimes scary, but mostly wonderful" she smiles and lies down next to him and cuddles him softly "Strat, wake up i have something to tell you, i can finally dream, i stopped taking the sleep depressant dad and mum give me, but i needed to see you as the nightmares are bad, i have seen your body dead on the floor with blood on it, i couldn't help you, i tired everything"
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she hides her face in his shoulder knowing he was still breathing and their body's where still rhyming together she started to calm down but was still crying badly because of the dream she just had she was scared
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
“I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday” - Strat!
raven was dreaming again finally, she lied to her dad about taking them, she looked out her window looking for Strat, she wanted to tell him the good news that she can dream again, she was so excited to be dreaming, she then runs to the deep end, she finally knew her way around "Strat, you here? i have something to tell you, i can dream i remember my dreams, they are sometimes scary, but mostly wonderful" she smiles and lies down next to him and cuddles him softly "Strat, wake up i have something to tell you, i can finally dream, i stopped taking the sleep depressant dad and mum give me, but i needed to see you as the nightmares are bad, i have seen your body dead on the floor with blood on it, i couldn't help you, i tired everything"
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she hides her face in his shoulder knowing he was still breathing and their body's where still rhyming together she started to calm down but was still crying badly because of the dream she just had she was scared
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
“Strat, you know how I said I couldn’t dream right?” She looked at him and held his hand that was over her shoulder “well I had this dream.. about us in the future it was kinda scary” she then moved closer to him as she was petrified of the dream she has “are dreams supposed to be scary? Because my one was” she just wanted to be in his warm embrace like she always did “I don’t want to go to sleep” she then kisses him and yawns because she was tried but didn’t want to admit that she was, her eyes where all red because of this
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She then leans her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes knowing if anything did happen she would of had him around her and would be there to hold her if she wanted reassurance “I think I need the medication mother has” she sighs looking around for it
“a band of angels wrapped up in my heart will take me through the lonely night” - your girl raven
@unfortunateheiress : “a band of angels wrapped up in my heart will take me through the lonely night” (Prompt).
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'' ,, It had been beautiful. It had been heated, gentle and rough. It had been everything Strat had fantasied it being and so much more. If Heaven were real, he had just been there and he wished to return until Hell pulled him under. Making love with Raven for the first time made Strat lie beside her with electricity pulsing through his every vein and he wished to never let her go, to never lose that feeling of lustful intimacy that made him feel so alive while never letting his infatuation with the brunette cease. The night was one which was cold amongst the backdrop of the dunes as they both were side-by-side on a broken mattress with a thin, faded grey sheet substituting for a blanket of any kind being thrown over their bodies with the blonde laying awake, eyes fixated onto the motionless night sky that had come to rest as they had with a silent ease bestowing their relatively uneventful evening of bliss. What a union it had been, what a wedding and what a day. Strat replayed each millisecond in his mind with a smile as he relaxed near Raven's body that slowly inhaled and exhaled in a pattern that the male could copy, looking as though he were a young boy who had just gotten a high grade after not revising for an exam or perhaps a boy who had just asked out the girl he loved next door after admiring her since freshman year with his wide grin becoming more and more prominent the longer he bathed in memory of each event. Strat had made love to another before however, unlike those prior experiences, this one had felt different, which was the best way the dazed eighteen year old could describe it as he stared back at his refection in the glass that surrounded them, some cracked yet some in perfect condition with this structure being something that only contributed more to the separation to reality that Strat was currently experiencing. Though not entirely sure of the origins of such a piece of architecture, it wasn't something that bothered him enough to be completely engaged in the subject, living under the assumption that it had belonged to someone with money and wherever that someone was, their retreat amongst the storm carried sand wasn't a concern to them anymore hence why he and his lover had taken it for themselves, at least for a few hours of contained ecstasys. He knew that someday, this sensation, this moment that help such sheer significance to him would be one that he would be forced to merely look back on, that at some point in the future, he would sit and forget some little detail and hate himself for it or would merely be a blur, something he knew had happened but couldn't quite recall, like a movie you had sworn you'd seen yet was unable to tell its plot to anyone if asked. Part of Strat feared he'd forget about it in its entirety although he didn't want to go there just yet. Tonight was one he refused to let go to waste while thinking of a distant future as opposed to intaking every indicator of this present moment from the feeling of Raven's skin against his own to the sounds of their own heartbeats as they had passionately kissed one another in a shared moment of open vulnerability. The teen wasn't aware of the time he had woken up at, he didn't want to know. All he longed for was to stay here forever on a rare occasion of Strat feeling happiness that wasn't artificial and instead it was an emotion he felt to such a dramatically large quantity that he had to restrain himself from letting his body propel itself forward into the nothing that lay before them to run freely in the sand as the wind moved around every curvature of his body, lifting him up into the skies and clouds for him to float alongside for however long he continued to live.
Propping himself up onto his elbow, Strat had now moved himself up in order to look down upon the girl whom had her back turned from him as she was still in her supposed slumber. God, if the word 'beauty' had ever been personified, Strat saw it in the form of Falco's only daughter. In all of his years of existence, none had compared to the female he had stumbled across during the chaos of a protest. It had been one second, a single glance and he had been hooked ever since. She had been pulling him on by a string that she could not see, was a drug he had yet to taste and now that he had been allowed to do just that, he had become addicted for life. She had eyes darker than the sin of his own love, had a smile that was brighter than the moon at twilight and conveyed the kind of perfection you never thought could be found beyond the written texts yet when she stood before you, your own biases were gone and suddenly, you were face to face with Aphrodite herself or, at the very least, someone she had blessed with the looks of the most beautiful springtime that no longer could be found in the oil-drenched mess of Obsidian along with a girl whose own personality was one that offered immediate understanding to Strat's own unusual qualities by having her own unquiet attributes that only made him more enthralled with her.
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His fingers ran threw her hair - so soft and silky - and down her cheek with the back of his palm - flushed with a pink tint - and her neck with trembling fingertips - each curve as entrancing as the last - and her bare arm - so smooth and pale - that the blonde began to place kisses down it, each tender and slow as he admired every single part of Raven that he had been privileged enough to adore, resting his chin onto her shoulder blade once he had finished offering her small plants of affection and closed his eyes in order to take in this moment the second he slid his right arm underneath her neck and his left across her chest in a loose embrace.
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
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Danny Wheelan as Strat Appriciation Post
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
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Bat Out Of Hell - UK Tour - 2021-2022
All Revved Up With No Place To Go
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
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Ledoux dragging Falco’s ass
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
bat out of hell sentence starters
bat out of hell
“there’s evil in the air” 
“you’re the only thing in this whole world that’s pure & good & right” 
“I gotta get out, I gotta break out now” 
“we gotta make the most of our one night together” 
“when it’s over, you know, we’ll both be so alone” 
“like a bat out of hell, I’ll be gone when the morning comes”
“like a sinner before the gates of heaven I’ll come crawling on back to you”
“nothing ever grows in this rotting old hole” 
“nothing’s worst the cost” 
“if I gotta be damned, you know I want to be damned dancing through the night with you” 
“and no one’s gonna stop me now, I’m gonna make my escape” 
 you took the words right out of my mouth (hot summer night) 
“I bet you to say that to all the boys” 
“when I listen to your heart I hear the whole world turning” 
“I was dying just to ask for a taste” 
“oh will you hold me so close that my knees grow weak” 
“I’m trying to speak but no matter what I do I just can’t seem to make any sound” 
“and then you took the words right out of my mouth” 
“I was just about to say I love you” 
“we’re finally alone and we can do what we want” 
heaven can wait 
“a band of angels wrapped up in my heart will take me through the lonely night”
“the melody’s gonna make me fly”
“give me all of your dreams” 
“i got a taste of paradise” 
“you know I never would have run away from my home” 
“all i got is time until the end of time” 
all revved up with no place to go 
“I was nothing but a lonely boy looking for something new” 
“you were something like a dream come true” 
“I’m tossing in my sleep” 
“I’m a hunter in the dark of the forest” 
“we could be standing at the top of the world instead of sinking further down in the mud” 
“someone’s gotta draw first blood” 
two out of three ain’t bad
“we can talk all night, but that ain’t getting us nowhere”
“you can cry all night, but that’ll never change the way I feel” 
“I’m tired of words and I’m too hoarse to shout” 
“but you’ve been cold to me so long I’m crying icicles instead of tears” 
“I want you, I need you, but there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you” 
“two out of three ain’t bad” 
“I know you’re looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks” 
“I can’t lie, I can’t tell you that I’m something I’m not” 
“there’s only one girl I’ll ever love and that was so many years ago”
“I know I’ll never get her out of my heart”
“I remember how she left me on a stormy night” 
paradise by the dashboard lights
“I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday” 
“it never felt so good, it never felt so right” 
“I’ve been waiting so long for you to come along and have some fun”
“so open up your eyes, I got a big surprise” 
“holy cow, I think he’s gonna make it!” 
“stop right there!” 
“will you love me forever?”
“will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?”
“will you make me your wife?” 
“let me sleep on it” 
“I gotta know right now” 
“I swore that I would love you to the end of time”
“if I gotta spend another minute with you I don’t think that I can really survive” 
“I’ll never break my promise or forget my vow” 
“it was long ago and it was far away and it was so much better that it is today”
for crying out loud 
“I was lost till you were found” 
“I never knew how far down I was falling before I reached the bottom” 
“I know you belong inside my aching heart” 
“I’m in the middle of nowhere, near the end of the line” 
“you know I love you” 
“I was damned and you were saved” 
“I never knew just how high I was flying”
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
Starter rp
( open for @lustfulquotations and @whatsbehindthefacade )
after the six months of being in her bedroom raven decided she's had enough of being alone plus her mother was allowed freedom why couldn't she but then again her boyfriend told her to go away she was stuck, but she decided to leave her bedroom anyway to find the deep end to where everyone she knew was, she was almost to scared to go into the tunnel though just incase her dad found her and followed her again but she decided to go there anyway “mom you down here? hello is anyone around?"
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she was also scared Strat wouldn't recognize her because of how long they have been away from each other, and how shes become more mature due to her dad controlling her and no mother around to look after her, she just wanted to apologies to him and Tink for everything they thought she did but she didn't as it was all her father "strat? tink? if youre here all i would like to do is apologise for my actions i understand why you sent me away, i know it was all my fault, please forgive me, if you don’t want me I can go home, but I will be on top of the tunnel waiting if anyone wants to talk”
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she sat down on the tunnel crying her eyes out knowing that no one would actually reply to her, so why should she try anymore than she already did, she was stupid to scare them off like that, but then she had to be on look out because of her fathers guards she didn't want to risk anything else happing to the lost, not that shes done enough damage already well she thought she did, she opned her diary and started to write in it, just waiting for anything or anyone to come see her
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
Raven has always hated the rain and thunderstorms, but she knew Strat liked them, so she followed him and holds his hand while putting it over her shoulder “you sure your not found to get a cold like I will if you are wanting to mess around in the rain baby, I don’t want you getting sick, or me as my dad would kill me if he caught me, as he dosnt even know I’m out the house” she started to shiver badly as she was getting cold, and then looks him in the eyes wanting to have his jacket,but she also looked towards her house and then hides her face so no one could recognise her that’s all she wanted
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# ILSE'S STARTER CALL : (Open To All!)
'' ,, The rain continued to rapidly patter down onto the concrete streets and alleyways of Obsidian as a blonde teenager with nothing more than a leather jacket over his shoulders and fender guitar strapped across his back carefully navigated their way through the torn cityscape of the once thriving Manhattan. He could still remember, in brief flashes, of a time where the unknown for this place had looked as bright as the stars above the slanted neon signs and jaded skyscrapers belonging to the rich and what his home used to be like prior to its own self-made destruction. Sure, it had never been the perfect city, it had its fair share of downfalls around each corner and one success story spawned ten failures and broken spirits but nothing could have prepared it for what it had become. Sometimes Strat himself would wonder if Manhattan had even been real, if any of it had been real prior to The Earthquake. You didn’t need specification for this event, simply those two words could be recognised without any kind explanation. Some would cry, some would give a sigh and move on and some wouldn’t discuss it all. Either way, every single person in Obsidian had their story about how their lives were altered by that very day and there was no one who could shrug their shoulders and say that they were doing fine without being a liar, at least that is what Strat himself deducted as he stared at the abandoned stores, bodega and apartments that had become the inhabitants of various squatters and families that had been neglected by those with enough power to provide them with the safety they deserved yet The Lost were the ones painted as the true villains and threat to the general public as opposed to the ones letting them starve in the ruins of a detached island once part of the illusion of The American Dream. Through the broken glass windows and bordered up doors, Strat could make out fires and huddled groups of individuals covered in shared blankets who perhaps had nothing in common but had formed a community amongst themselves as opposed to turning one another into an enemy to fight against. The boy took a liking to this. It warmed his heart knowing that there was a reason not to give up on the Obsidian people completely, that they hadn’t lost their humanity and still found comfort in sticking together as a union for the most part although he was aware this couldn’t be said for everyone, which was why you always had to have your guard up when crossing the streets in the blinding darkness. Walking around in the rain may not have been everyone’s favourite pastime but, for Strat, it was an occasion he took pleasure in. It was something you could run freely in, something that could drench your skin in a cool short-term glossy dampness that allowed your hair and clothes to cling to your body as it reminded you that you were alive. You could fight against the rain, embrace it, splash in puddles, get soaking wet or stay idly dry as you watched each drop of water hang onto the rim of your umbrella or any form of shelter before it let out a soundless cry for help before splattering into a thousand pieces across the sidewalk, accepting their fate with dignity. On occasion, Strat also found himself wondering if he was actually alive. He would debate if he were actually the being with a beating heart everyone stated he was or if he were simply a fractured angel or ghost who had somehow been locked out from Heaven and now occupied a state of existence where he was in between two different worlds and neither were ones he felt he belonged in, lost in a delusion that he was a red rose in rose bush when in actuality he was the thorn.
Sticking out his tongue in order to catch multiple rain droplets on it at once, a large smile bestowed Strat's expression as he continued onwards to his current destination in these Autumn midnight hours, a hand running through his golden locks as its wet state caused it to form a curtain over his electric blue eyes that seemed to shine with a hope many of The Lost had stolen from them long ago. In moments like these, the male could truly bask in his own eternal youth. Often it felt more like a curse in some ways or something that held little to no significance to his way of living as it had become the norm but when alone like this without the daily struggle of survival, the battle cries and protest, the nightly thoughts of what their lives would become, the leader of this group of forever young outcasts could look at the world in the rose-tined glasses he wished he could do more often. He could feel eighteen. He could feel that rush of youthful rebellion deep within his soul and allow it to consume him with this energetic fire that was often saved for the thrill of a riot near Falco Tower. He could imagine that the future awaited him as if he hadn't lived so many lifetimes that whatever possible future he had had come to pass him by and he could act immature, act reckless and dumb without endangering the lives of kids who relied on his own guidance everyday. Strat didn't know how old he truly was, he had stopped keeping count after the months and years collided and instead kept sane by simply being. He was no longer human but an entity of some other form, no purpose or rhyme, just existing because he could. He had the power to end his own life at any time and made the choice not to out of spite even though he had known and watched many whom he had loved leave the wheel of life and die before his eyes. He had experienced everything more than once from the thrill of first teenage love to the realisation that he would never know everything no matter how old he got as an old man might as he lay on his death bed looking back at their seventeen year old self who had been so sure the world would become clearer once you grew up. Strat told himself this mindset kept him sane, the idea of sheer existence without consequence but he knew just as much as anyone else it was just a drug used to subside his genuine emotion. He had done all he could to forget the boy he once was and although his memories were clouded from the past life of a bruised teenager who had no idea of the life that awaited them, some things he remembered so vividly that is was like he was right there in that moment, like it were just yesterday as opposed to a few decade ago. None of The Lost had had it easy. Each member had their own set of tragedy that plagued their every moment of their existence - trauma left to burn like an eternal flame - yet Strat never spoke of his outside of one memory he often shared to those within the orphanage that he used to be a member of. He had told it like a dramatic reading, like texts from a Shakespearian play and he were playing the character of Julius Caesar with every fibre of his body going into each rehearsed word - he never spoke of it as though it had happened to him. As if the neglected teenager with a black eye who had attempted to kill his own parents with a fender guitar after its owner - his father - had repeatedly beaten him for his disobedience after a blonde teen had taken it upon himself to spend his seventeenth birthday away from the binged drinking of both his elders that often turned into an outbreak of violence wasn't actually Strat himself but instead just plain old Jonathan Brecht, a name and boy Strat had attempted to separate himself from entirely but carried each painful burden of nevertheless. But he could never escape. It was his prison and he was bound to their chains for the rest of his life on this planet.
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'' ,, Strat's own mind was one occupied by various thoughts that spiralled around like out of control torpedoes at every corner of his brain as he turned the corner and began to make his way up onto the top of rubble of a building that had been demolished many years prior with its remains being stationed at the outskirts of The Deep End that led out into what many had come to know as 'The Wastelands' that went on forever and led nowhere. No one really knew what the building had been before to its destruction. It had been that way since after 'The Earthquake' and no one had funded for its repair or at least made the effort to have it cleaned up. Strat imagined it were a school having seen desks and chairs and crayon made drawings crumbled amongst the rock in the past before the majority of it decayed, or was stolen if it were furniture, leaving to it to be nothing more than a discarded piece of history never made a topic of conversation. Often Strat would wonder what had become of the children who had went there - where were they now? Had they been in the building? Had teachers or janitors been the ones killed in the madness? Where its former students amongst the Obsidian crowd and it even been a school at all? These questions were always left unanswered like they were once again today and Strat was left with his own solitude as he carefully made his way up to the top of the make-shift mountain and seated himself looking outwards at the city, the dominance of Falco Tower still a prominent force even when distanced from the puppets Falco himself mastered with his architecture looking down at the rest of what had once been an abjointed New York City like a father shaming his children for an act of stupidity. Once comfortable, Strat slowly began to move his guitar so that its fretboard faced the front of his chest, looking down at this object with a fondness similar to that of a grown man meeting up with an old friend from years in the past after being forced to part from them. Its red paint was faded and chipped and it had been given multiple new pieces of string in order for it to be pluckable with a decent sound but somehow Strat still found a way to maintain it even amongst the apocalypse. As the blonde looked outwards into the distance, he mused to himself how it was strange when you could see the stars in the storms. Usually, when Strat took his walks past twilight and the clouds had conjured above his head in order to produce the rain, that would be all he saw - grey looming clouds that never seemed to evaporate even during the early hours of the morning as the sun rose over the city yet today was different. The stars themselves were in revolt, burning so bright in refusal to allow a temporary force of gloom overpower their constant presence in the sky that their glow could still be found even on the a night as storm-bound as this one. Strat admired them for such protest, he would have to take note from those bundles of light he connected to so strongly. The boy became lost in his own melancholy strums and quiet hums of possible lyrics or melody on the instrument for a good amount of time until Strat's train of thought was swiftly interpreted when he felt a pair of eyes follow his every breath as he was stationed here. He always felt like he was being followed somewhere however, often he dismissed it for paranoia, which it usually was but he always prepared for the worst regardless. His head gave a sharp turn around as his body gave a small jolt of sheer surprise before it instantly relaxed as he saw a familiar face amongst the outlines of their shadow, giving a laugh in order to play off and deescalate any implications of fear or discomfort by their presence, his fingertips running down the strap that was across his body which kept the fender in its place as he spoke, "Sorry, " He began sheepishly, "You startled me."
"You know, sleep's a pretty extraordinary thing. You ought to try it sometime," He commented to the figure with a faint smile as his eyes moved upward to meet their own, the pair of them both knowing that Strat himself was currently being the pinnacle of hypocrisy as he was seated not too far from the individual before him in a state that was anything other than sleeping, "Although maybe I'm not the one to talk," Strat added with a light scoff in a momentary flash of self-awareness, staring down at the jagged grey stone he was resting on before motioning his head forward, indicating he wanted his new guest to sit themselves beside him and to join him in whatever events unfolded in this peaceful evening that Strat was indulging in as his nails (that were riddled with traces of black nail polish that had yet to be removed) were positioned on the guitar in order to form a G chord.
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
Raven sighs, and looks at tink “I’m not even 18 yet, I’m going to be 18 soon” she smiles at him “If my father saw me talking with you, he would hurt you, and shout at me… so” she starts to panic, looking around just incase, he was behind her, she was always in trouble when he was around and looks for Strat “have you seen a boy with blonde hair, I’m looking for him”
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( ° • STARTER FOR : @unfortunateheiress (closed) )
The streets of Obsidian were never a safe place to wonder without confirmed destination that you knew the fastest way to reach by foot if you were unfortunate enough to not have a vehicle of any kind to quickly drive past each neighbourhood while making sure to not acknowledge the occupants of its alleyways and apartment complexes in your quest but this was even more applicable during the nightfall. Children were quickly ushered inside by their parents who always looked behind them before they locked their doors and drew their curtains, dimming their lights and keeping voices low - they didn’t want to the target of the big next robbery that The Obsidian Times would eat up instantly to offer the world the next headlines that fear mongered each and every vulnerable person living within the city to embrace the terror they felt towards Them whenever walking in close radius of The Deep End despite their usual lack of involvement in those crimes in reality. The group we are referring to here are 'The Lost,' a pack of teens plagued with eternal youth at the peak age of delinquency - eighteen - that had originally happened as a result of their genes being altered after being entrapped within the subway tunnels of Manhattan during the earthquake that tore the once vibrant New York City into a place that the rest of the population turned its back to. There is much more you would need to know about Obsidian before being forced to live there as no one, and I mean no one, came to this place willingly and if you did, you are a fool. It reeked of poverty and superiority hidden in tall buildings, each architectural structure laughing at those who had to resort to doing just about anything to avoid starvation in the coming days as they rested easily within their silk sheets and unconditional safety that was masked with lies and promises of improvement. But we don’t have time to talk about that, not yet anyway. For now, we shall discuss The Lost, the youths who are always the talk of the town. At first, it was a mere few. The ones who had been stuck in the tunnel, the ones who, as the years went by, realised that they were stuck in a phase of arrested development. However, as time went on as time does and other teens were placed in similar circumstances where their eighteenth birthday was their last, heads truly began to turn. It had gone beyond a small throwaway note on a chart. It was now a game of luck, parents living in constant concern and wondering if their child was going to be a member of society’s outcasts come their age of adolescence. The pathways of The Deep End became their outlandish territory and the abandoned subways underneath the American Museum of Natural History became their home.
Tink was one of the originals, one of the children trapped in the tunnel as the earth shook beneath their feet and affirmed to them that death was just around the corner. You see, we might say ‘children’ here however, Tink was the only actual ‘child’ present in a gaggle of teenagers. The only member of The Lost who was stuck at an age of pre-teen adolescence, the only recorded anomaly who had never been allowed to experience the angst, joy and simple aspects of teenhood. Instead, the male was forced into the awkward in-between for the possible rest of his existing, bordering the line of being plagued by emotion he couldn’t understand to having those feelings so strongly beating within his heart that it was hard for him to distinguish or separate them from one another, which made the most prominent one in his current state of mind take full control of his actions. That was how he got his name after all. Tink, after Tinkerbell, a fairy who could only feel one form of sentiment at a time. And that boy was in the process of wandering the smoked avenue right now, being a creature of the night who was covered in scrapes, cuts, dirt and overall scruff that made it appear as though he were just a little more threatening than others may perceive him. Tink took a fondness to the evening and early morning hours. They provided this hope and sense of immorality mixed alongside a comfort that the male could never find during the rising of the sun. The day was a reminder of the passing of time, smacking you in the face by announcing that another twenty four hours had come and gone, another month and another year had flown by and it was at a stage where the brunette could no longer recall just how long it had been since the accident. But the hours of twilight? Oh, Tink adored those. It was the time he could ride his bike on an empty road and not care if a curve stopped him in his tracks. It was the time where he could stare at stars on rooftops once he got high enough that the artificial neons were no more. It was a time where everything felt possible, time stopped and nothing mattered. It reminded him to appreciate the smaller things - wind, cold, the coming winter - and ground him back to a world he felt so distant from sometimes. That was why he had been taking his own green tainted bike that was covered in rust and mud down the small paved hill leading down to the somewhat more active parts of The Deep End at this hour, which were the bars along with the more extravagant and more alternative social activities that other Lost members and even regular aging individuals found a comfort it. Allowed them to feel alive, you know?
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The faint blues and reds illuminated each imperfection and curve on Tink’s expression as he slowly lifted his right leg over the seat of his mode of transportation and began to drive it along by his side using the handrails as he walked, his presence painfully standing out amongst the crowd that stared down at him with two telling emotions. The ones who knew him stared down in pity and the ones who didn’t glanced at the side of their eyes in confusion. That is what the boy had deducted anyway. Music faintly played, conversation buzzed, The Deep End was a place that truly allowed itself to breathe in the nighttime air. It stood so grey and lifeless in the rush hours and brisk afternoons that it seemed like this was all an act too, this broken neighbourhood trying to desperately remind the world that it was still here. It never died. Please don’t forget about me like the rest. It lured everyone in with this dangerous idea of youth, this idea that being here meant that you were breaking the rules, that you were a rebel and everyone, including Tink fell for it every time. That was where he saw her. Raven Falco, standing beside a woman dressed up in enough expressive clothing to probably buy this entire block with a small square of its fabric alone. No one around here had that kind of money and, if they did, they hid it damn well. He could sense her shyness from where he stood, the seventeen year old being both overwhelmed but also drawn into this exciting world and that wasn’t the most flattering combination. He would know her face from anywhere, especially having seen it plastered on every magazine in reach, using the same few photographs that her father would allow when advertising her presence and, in this case, celebrating her upcoming birthday. Her eighteenth. It didn’t help that Strat was infatuated with her either, making seeing her in his current state of mind not the greatest thing right now. Why had he tried to kiss him? He’d been so stupid thinking that tonight would be any different from any other and lying to himself once more by saying that maybe this night the blonde would love him.
Tink was now walking beside the female, looking up at with eyes that studied her wearily and seemed to be merely balls of absent emotion as he continued to step forward in his stride as though he had somewhere better to be and was in quite a hurry to get there, “I assume this is your first time here, right?” He asked despite alright knowing the answer, a soft sigh escaping his lips as his eye contact with her broke. Why did she have to be so beautiful? So effortlessly perfect even when met with new and uneasy circumstances? Not a hair seemed out of place on her head and the hairs that were seemed to blow simultaneously in the wind in the same direction and pace like they had rehearsed for that moment for all their lives, “Tink. I know who you are, you don’t need to introduce yourself.”
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
Raven looks at tink, all shy, looking around for Strat, and helps herself to a drink “so tink, what you doing in a place like this at your age, where’s your mum and dad ? You should go to them” she keeps looking around as she was trusted there wirh salone and zahara, she looks at them for them to tell her it’s okay, she was happy she wasn’t stuck in her room, she was finally free from her room
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( ° • STARTER FOR : @unfortunateheiress (closed) )
The streets of Obsidian were never a safe place to wonder without confirmed destination that you knew the fastest way to reach by foot if you were unfortunate enough to not have a vehicle of any kind to quickly drive past each neighbourhood while making sure to not acknowledge the occupants of its alleyways and apartment complexes in your quest but this was even more applicable during the nightfall. Children were quickly ushered inside by their parents who always looked behind them before they locked their doors and drew their curtains, dimming their lights and keeping voices low - they didn’t want to the target of the big next robbery that The Obsidian Times would eat up instantly to offer the world the next headlines that fear mongered each and every vulnerable person living within the city to embrace the terror they felt towards Them whenever walking in close radius of The Deep End despite their usual lack of involvement in those crimes in reality. The group we are referring to here are 'The Lost,' a pack of teens plagued with eternal youth at the peak age of delinquency - eighteen - that had originally happened as a result of their genes being altered after being entrapped within the subway tunnels of Manhattan during the earthquake that tore the once vibrant New York City into a place that the rest of the population turned its back to. There is much more you would need to know about Obsidian before being forced to live there as no one, and I mean no one, came to this place willingly and if you did, you are a fool. It reeked of poverty and superiority hidden in tall buildings, each architectural structure laughing at those who had to resort to doing just about anything to avoid starvation in the coming days as they rested easily within their silk sheets and unconditional safety that was masked with lies and promises of improvement. But we don’t have time to talk about that, not yet anyway. For now, we shall discuss The Lost, the youths who are always the talk of the town. At first, it was a mere few. The ones who had been stuck in the tunnel, the ones who, as the years went by, realised that they were stuck in a phase of arrested development. However, as time went on as time does and other teens were placed in similar circumstances where their eighteenth birthday was their last, heads truly began to turn. It had gone beyond a small throwaway note on a chart. It was now a game of luck, parents living in constant concern and wondering if their child was going to be a member of society’s outcasts come their age of adolescence. The pathways of The Deep End became their outlandish territory and the abandoned subways underneath the American Museum of Natural History became their home.
Tink was one of the originals, one of the children trapped in the tunnel as the earth shook beneath their feet and affirmed to them that death was just around the corner. You see, we might say ‘children’ here however, Tink was the only actual ‘child’ present in a gaggle of teenagers. The only member of The Lost who was stuck at an age of pre-teen adolescence, the only recorded anomaly who had never been allowed to experience the angst, joy and simple aspects of teenhood. Instead, the male was forced into the awkward in-between for the possible rest of his existing, bordering the line of being plagued by emotion he couldn’t understand to having those feelings so strongly beating within his heart that it was hard for him to distinguish or separate them from one another, which made the most prominent one in his current state of mind take full control of his actions. That was how he got his name after all. Tink, after Tinkerbell, a fairy who could only feel one form of sentiment at a time. And that boy was in the process of wandering the smoked avenue right now, being a creature of the night who was covered in scrapes, cuts, dirt and overall scruff that made it appear as though he were just a little more threatening than others may perceive him. Tink took a fondness to the evening and early morning hours. They provided this hope and sense of immorality mixed alongside a comfort that the male could never find during the rising of the sun. The day was a reminder of the passing of time, smacking you in the face by announcing that another twenty four hours had come and gone, another month and another year had flown by and it was at a stage where the brunette could no longer recall just how long it had been since the accident. But the hours of twilight? Oh, Tink adored those. It was the time he could ride his bike on an empty road and not care if a curve stopped him in his tracks. It was the time where he could stare at stars on rooftops once he got high enough that the artificial neons were no more. It was a time where everything felt possible, time stopped and nothing mattered. It reminded him to appreciate the smaller things - wind, cold, the coming winter - and ground him back to a world he felt so distant from sometimes. That was why he had been taking his own green tainted bike that was covered in rust and mud down the small paved hill leading down to the somewhat more active parts of The Deep End at this hour, which were the bars along with the more extravagant and more alternative social activities that other Lost members and even regular aging individuals found a comfort it. Allowed them to feel alive, you know?
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The faint blues and reds illuminated each imperfection and curve on Tink’s expression as he slowly lifted his right leg over the seat of his mode of transportation and began to drive it along by his side using the handrails as he walked, his presence painfully standing out amongst the crowd that stared down at him with two telling emotions. The ones who knew him stared down in pity and the ones who didn’t glanced at the side of their eyes in confusion. That is what the boy had deducted anyway. Music faintly played, conversation buzzed, The Deep End was a place that truly allowed itself to breathe in the nighttime air. It stood so grey and lifeless in the rush hours and brisk afternoons that it seemed like this was all an act too, this broken neighbourhood trying to desperately remind the world that it was still here. It never died. Please don’t forget about me like the rest. It lured everyone in with this dangerous idea of youth, this idea that being here meant that you were breaking the rules, that you were a rebel and everyone, including Tink fell for it every time. That was where he saw her. Raven Falco, standing beside a woman dressed up in enough expressive clothing to probably buy this entire block with a small square of its fabric alone. No one around here had that kind of money and, if they did, they hid it damn well. He could sense her shyness from where he stood, the seventeen year old being both overwhelmed but also drawn into this exciting world and that wasn’t the most flattering combination. He would know her face from anywhere, especially having seen it plastered on every magazine in reach, using the same few photographs that her father would allow when advertising her presence and, in this case, celebrating her upcoming birthday. Her eighteenth. It didn’t help that Strat was infatuated with her either, making seeing her in his current state of mind not the greatest thing right now. Why had he tried to kiss him? He’d been so stupid thinking that tonight would be any different from any other and lying to himself once more by saying that maybe this night the blonde would love him.
Tink was now walking beside the female, looking up at with eyes that studied her wearily and seemed to be merely balls of absent emotion as he continued to step forward in his stride as though he had somewhere better to be and was in quite a hurry to get there, “I assume this is your first time here, right?” He asked despite alright knowing the answer, a soft sigh escaping his lips as his eye contact with her broke. Why did she have to be so beautiful? So effortlessly perfect even when met with new and uneasy circumstances? Not a hair seemed out of place on her head and the hairs that were seemed to blow simultaneously in the wind in the same direction and pace like they had rehearsed for that moment for all their lives, “Tink. I know who you are, you don’t need to introduce yourself.”
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unfortunateheiress ¡ 2 years ago
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Hi it’s ivy, bringing you my girl raven falco from bat out of hell the musical, I relate to her a lot, and understand her struggles, I am crossover friendly
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She had a teddy bear that she calls her brother
// occ I will keep editing this as I go
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