#bat out of hell musical roleplay
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unfortunateheiress · 2 years ago
“I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday” - Strat!
raven was dreaming again finally, she lied to her dad about taking them, she looked out her window looking for Strat, she wanted to tell him the good news that she can dream again, she was so excited to be dreaming, she then runs to the deep end, she finally knew her way around "Strat, you here? i have something to tell you, i can dream i remember my dreams, they are sometimes scary, but mostly wonderful" she smiles and lies down next to him and cuddles him softly "Strat, wake up i have something to tell you, i can finally dream, i stopped taking the sleep depressant dad and mum give me, but i needed to see you as the nightmares are bad, i have seen your body dead on the floor with blood on it, i couldn't help you, i tired everything"
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she hides her face in his shoulder knowing he was still breathing and their body's where still rhyming together she started to calm down but was still crying badly because of the dream she just had she was scared
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judethebrood · 1 year ago
PT 1/2~~
Violet. Grilled cheese. Frog hat. Weather. Papillon. P.T.V. Stardust. Insomnia. Horse & fish. River. Thor. Costumer service. Hairdye. Backyardigans. French Music. Weed guy. Emo poser. Tiddies. Art school. Dogsitting. Vomit. "The water tastes like rocks". Depression messes. Cranberry and turkey sandwich. Jealousyyy. Alèjandro. Bat pin. Bus stop. Rocks. Wildfire. Walls. Thorns. " Only it would never work out". Stars. "Cherry love bomb". Monster Ultra Red. Boba. Death's head moth. Bedroom door. Dagger?? Teal boots. Hugs. King for a day. Veggies. Minifridge. Mullet. Amber. Telephone lines. Super freeze. Haunted. Vamps. " Like...4 albums". Fishnets. Theatre kid. Lipstick for 3.5 hours. Welcome to the internet. Jude law. Binder hell. Septum. Swimming. Mutual hate. Penguins have teeth. Grunge is emo. Summer house. MCRX. 4:53:42:19. Headfirst. Second wind. Goat. Crop top. Comicon. Scars. Woodpecker. T. Eyebrows. Moo. Prom. Slush. Canadian brownies. January 20th. "Like 5 concerts". September. California. Leeches. German shepherds. Adam & Loki. Shower. Layer up. Asthma. " My ribs just hate me". Paper basket. Toonie. Seperation. Trophy father's trophy son. July 25th. Purple shades. Space hoodie. " Body type is a scam". Pickle jar. Sander's sides. Heather. "Where are yoouuu? ". Bathtub. Bird island. March snow. Tattoos. 2 a.m. " Mail you a hot dog". String lights. Scythe. Red marker. Apple music. Art school. Clown car style. Cowboy. "Well, that was racist". Aspen or Ash. Licence plate shirt. Bird skull. Vulturing?? "Are parties fun?". "We're the same fucking person". Streetlights. Yuzu. Halloween. Haribo sour snakes. Knapweeds. September 22nd. iPhone. Lollipop. Nosebleeds. Tigertail. Chocy milk. Trout. Burrito. Trailer park. Brown. Snackies. Trail. Passport. Lesbian-Trans pipeline. Brendan Rogers. Miraculous. ICP. House. W33d. Default Carmel. Shane SMH. Peanut allergy. Lofi. Roleplay. Dermatologist. Southern accent??? "That's the autism". Blue hair. Dahlias. "K-pop in the kitchen". Filters. beans. Internet tsk tsk tsk. Fishing. Toque. Thrifting. Clay. Barbed wire tatts. Caffeine. Magnus archives. This is home. Markiplier. Twix. Streetlights. Chocolate rum. Pugs. Maple ice. X box. 5 am. Rattlesnakes. Gee. Clown. Red hoodie. Showers. Hair bleach. The till. Alexa. Me-crow-avé. " tHeRe'S A BeE??" Trash bears. Cartman. The bus. Bleeding hearts. Sushi. TØP. Aussi lemonade. Pencil case. Nymeria. Ouisau. Paper stars. Bucket hat. Closing shift. Cards against Humanity. Finals. Mt. Dew. Psoriasis. Poodle. Handyman. Little Italian Grandma. Dead horse. Mr.Clean. Hank. "Is that the Anti-Christ??". SunChips. Sewing. Mugs. "We have the meats". Aquarium. Grocery store sushi. IT chapter 2. Wallet. "You can't murder him, he's my ride tomorrow". Bloodwork alone. Doctor's note. Till. Vegan restaurant. Mango. Sleepover again. rose gold headphones. Annual Tuesday sale. Chocolate crossiant. Ukulele. August. Chicago. Baseball babysitting. Selfie spill. Photogenic. The sixth sense.
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jvmesart · 7 years ago
Bat Out of Hell RP?
So I’d really like to do a Bat RP. The problem is I’m so unversed in Tumblr RP that it’s not even funny. Is there anyone who’d be willing to do a forum based one that we can organize? Let me know.
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ruby-whistler · 4 years ago
i made a list of the vibes of the hermits i watch, so you might want to check some of them out! this is just mostly jokes, but i thought all of the more “serious” propaganda was missing something, so have what truly makes hermitcraft worth it; the players’ unique styles!
will be back on my dsmp stuff asap but it’s the first day of season 8 and i would really appreciate if you checked them out through the links provided :]
Grian; [ episode one link ]
vibes of a 17 year old mcyter, is actually 27 and married
noo not my red jumpah!
chaotic capitalist
someone is making the server better through order? *starts another war* whoops, hand slipped :D
he built a- he rebuilt his entire megabase in survival, above a giant lake of lava, in the nether, on hard mode, upside down??
“watching as scar dies over and over in my trap is peak comedy and i’m tired of pretending it’s not” but it happens like 5 times i every season
video editing is very main-stream and good for short attention spans!
*sad montage over losing stuff he’ll get back in 15 minutes because he’s rich*
pesky birdd! great elytra flier! amazing builder! will tnt your house! poultrymannn!!
wholesome, chaos incarnate, talented architect
why won’t mumbo respond to my messages it’s been two weeks :[ (clingy)
doors???????????? your house has doors???? no doors for you good sir!
will laugh a lot at a lot of things, esp when he’s with his friends
genuinely just so fun to watch
Mumbo Jumbo; [ episode one link ]
perfect british accent
mustache man (warning: he has no mustache irl)
*fails ten businesses in a row* iskall please help
redstone is his element
“it’s actually quite simple” i like your funny words magic man, now can you repeat how in the hell you made a that fancy vault work-
filmographer?? i think? met up with grian irl
him and grian have a robot son named grumbot. that has nothing to do with the vibes but i had to mention him because he means a lot to me.
tries to stay out of wars and server politics until someone (grian) drags him into them
minigame maker, makes the hermits competitive and that is scary (also very funny) e. g. button, hermit challengesss!
“it’ll be fineee” *que shot of everything on fire behind him*
makes his base a living being and then all his neighbors end up feeding it instead of him
conspiracy theorist. bumbo baggins. the usual.
very entertaining videos that help you learn more about minecraft mechanics!
GoodTimesWithScar; [ episode one link ]
wheelchair creator with literally the best vibes
so wholesome i. he is so cool he makes me so happy :’D
*extremely cool announcer voice* ooooo hello there my fellow miners and crafters, good timeees with scar heree, and welcome backk to the wonderful world of hermits and crafting, and we’re flying over-
commentates everything extremely well
spends tenths of hours on builds within a single video and doesn’t bat an eye
lore for all of his builds! he builds these amazing bases to tell a story!
“i wanna see white flags! white flags, outside your base, by-“ wait no wrong anti-rebellion army leader
all videos have a clear objective
mostly building, but he loves hanging out/helping his friends!
loves disney movies! wants to go to space! :D
kind-hearted, always makes everyone else smile
can be chaotic but usually just tries to have fun and make sure everyone else has fun too
*flies into a tree on half a heart* wait what why did i die D:
scar. scar please eat. you’re going to die for the tenth time this video-
the non-chaotic capitalist, has extremely creative shop designs
a danger to himself, but also the kind of person you can’t be angry at for long
BdoubleO100; [ episode one link ]
the guitar music at the beginning of his videos brings a smile to my face, it just has such an immaculate mood
*camera pans over him as said music plays* ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of hoimycraffff
the way he talks is extremely endearing
one of the best builders on the server - probably best builder of interiors in existence
able to make a palette using any number of strange blocks and then make amazing builds using it
built a whole castle as a backdrop, then built an entire giant mountain for said castle
extremely sensitive to short jokes, usually gets pranked by others because his reactions are always so funny
his daughters show up from time to time in his room while he’s recording and it��s so cute
*has no way to see the sun but still knows it’s nighttime* gotta go schleep!
scar, pointing at him “this is why we can’t have nice sunsets”
(scar dies because of mobs every time bdubs isn’t on the server to sleep)
likes to be accomplice because he isn’t the one being made fun of (/lh)
*shoots himself in front of a confused grian because he thinks the guy wants his face again when he’s actually just looking for a netherportal*
is usually the underdog so it feels good when he wins
they’re all actually such great friends so it’s genuinely funny to watch
he himself is amazing at entertainment and just a very cool guy
ImpulseSV; [ episode one link ]
what’s going on everyone, my name is impulse and welcome back to hermitcraft!
always speaks with a smile in his voice
has a good dynamic with basically everyone
great co-worker and always helps out if he can
had his base turned pink during the swap, and instead of changing it back afterwards, he dyed his skin’s hair and clothing pink to match it
very cool and original building style!
makes a lot of farms and sells what he gets in his few shops
makes money to be able to do more stuff and make more farms
blows up most his base ever so often to rebuild parts. you know, like a normal person does in minecraft survival.
the grind is never over
the guy who always gets all of the work done on the school project and proceeds to be chill about it
always has very cool side-projects going on and puts his heart into all of them
pog timelapses!!
Rendog; [ episode one link ]
*short, funny scene from the video at the beginning slowly fades out into great music
dogs howling as the half-dog half-cog logo comes up*
greetiiings cyberdogs and citizens of the interbubs! this is ren diggity dawg coming atcha, in another minecraft episodes varuuummm the hermit. craft. server. (hey!)
we’re kicking things off today my friends, from the- *location name on screen*
that intro gets me hyped every time
he’s a furry who talks in bro language it’s great i swear - very atypical but fun
he transformed an entire biome into a star wars planet for his base
his building skills and dedication are incredible
horny (just a little bit)
the only person who cared about mycelium in the whole rebellion
does a lot of roleplay-themed stuff and mysteries to be solved
“b-dubba-dubs one hundred”
extremely upbeat & sweet guy
adds -age after everything “biddage” “flyage” to make it sound Cooler
amazingly positive always and funny as hell
mcc winner!! wooooooooo :D
always tries to be where stuff is happening and interact with people
very entertaining editing style
Iskall85; [ episode one link ]
drives joke into the mud and then picks them up and does it again which is funny
starts videos with one-off bits
iskallman!!! the superhero literally no one needed and yet there he is
only has one (1) braincell when with mumbo
they both do and they’re hilarious together every time
like when they laughed at squeaky noises for ten minutes straight. guys please you’re adult men
bernie the leaf master
omega (something) of doom!!
encourages gambling (in a videogame)
he has so many jokes he keeps using i can’t possibly fit them all in here
basically a wildcard
i have no idea what he’s doing this season
i have no idea what he’s doing ever actually
tame chaos, confusing to the point when it’s funny again
really great builder as well!
mostly for younger audiences but his videos are a good watch in general
feel free to send asks about hc! i’m already loosely involved in hermitblr but yeah, my dsmp followers aren’t immune :] /lh /j
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melaninpozp · 4 years ago
Human Doll: Vampire! Kim Hongjoong(김홍중)Fem! Human! Reader!
warnings: smut, smut, smut, smut,biting, pussy rubbing/slapping, finger sucking, degrading, breath play, overall vamp! hongjoong just treating you as his little human doll.
+pain play????
+ weird occurrences.
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As you woke up in your new apartment you begin to hear your step mom downstairs zipping up some type of bag. Y/n had forgotten that her step mom was going away to Miami for a week with some of her close friends. You didn’t have a issue with it, why would you? You were happy that your step mom was having a break from work and spending her time with you for a week and now she’s going on a trip with her friends in Miami. You were home by yourself for a whole week? How bad could it be.
“Y/n! Could you please come down and zip this up for me, sweetie?” You step mom yells up to you.
“Yep! Here I come!”Y/n says before moving the covers off of her legs and sliding her socks/ house shoes on and beginning to head downstairs to her help her step mom.
After giving your step mom a huge good morning hug, You bend down and begin zipping up the suitcase that was stuffed with clothes and most importantly, shoes . You bite down on your lip and finally zip up the bag. Letting out a sigh and standing up.
“Bye hunny, Be safe and lock all the doors. Keep your phone near you” Your step mom says before grabbing her bags, giving you a hug and beginning to put her things into the car, driving off and going on her fun trip to Miami.
“Guess I’ll take my shower..”Y/n sighs to herself and begins locking up the doors in the house, closing most of the windows on the house and heading upstairs to take her soothing shower.
As you step out the shower, You begin to dry off and rub lotion against your soft skin, Sliding your undergarments on.
After getting out the bathroom, you begin to head to your room and getting dressed into some comfortable clothes. While you’re getting dressed, you feel this type of presence settle in your room. A very uncomfortable presence. Maybe you liked it, who knew?
While putting your dirty clothes in a basket, You begin to hear a women yelling across the street that someone was chasing her.
What the hell.
“What the hell is going on?”Y/n whispers to herself and walks over to her room curtains, opening them and seeing the women almost trip trying to run away from something that looked like a man dressed in a clown costume.
The lady that was still being chased, was laughing and still yelling too the man in a clown costume to stop. Maybe this was a prank?
As the person dressed in a clown costume runs to the lady, They pick her up and she begins laughing.
“You can’t run away from me baby.”The man in the costume says, laughing and throwing the lady over his shoulder, walking back to where she was running from in the first place
So your assumption was right, It was a prank. Just a boyfriend and girlfriend doing a…roleplay?
As time went on, You decided to go on a night walk, It was about 9:26 PM at night, As you slid your gym shoes on , you wanted to wear long pants and just a hoodie. It was really cold out it + It was october, a very cold month that celebrated a fun holiday.( If some of y’all don’t celebrate halloween, that’s totally fine.)
While walking out the door, you grab a extra key, Putting it in your pocket and walking out the door, beginning your walk.
A few minutes into the walk, Your music begins to get distorted while stopping in front of a huge black house that has a sign on the front lawn saying:” Keep out, or else.”
You raise an eyebrow and begin walking past the house until you hear something in the bushes tussle around.
Suddenly a small cat jumps out and walls the opposite way of you. You let out a sigh of relief before you start your walk again.
“Is there something you’re looking for?”A voice abruptly says, It was deep but yet seductive.
You take your earbud out and turn around, seeing a man standing a few feet away from you. Damn he looked good.
“Oh!” Y/n lets out a laugh.” No sir, I’m sorry. I was just looking. I didn’t mean to stare so hard..”Y/n says softly, looking at the man.
“You didn’t stare too hard, hun. What’s your name?” The man says, stepping closer and closer to you as the minute passes by.
“I’m Y/n. What’s yours?”Y/n says softly and gives the man a soft but gentle smile.
As you stared at the mans features, You began to think he didn’t look real. He didn’t look like a human. He had 2 holes on the side of his neck. His voice was so seductive that It could make you melt instantly. Who was this man?
“l’m Hongjoong.”The man says and takes your hand, gently kissing it and smiling. You begin to think of how sweet he was before he licks his teeth and begins digging his fang into your hand. What the hell?
“Ow! What the fuck..”Y/n says and pushes the man off of her , gasping and looking at her hand that now has blood dripping down the side of it.
“Aw ,Y/n, You should know better than to talk to strangers..”Hongjoong says and his eyes begin turning darker, his fangs sticking out and giving you this deathly glare.
“I knew you were fucking off..”Y/n says before running as fast as she can, not looking back. Holding the hand that just got bit.
“Aww, Y/n. Don’t run away. You’re the only fucking human alive on this block. Everyone else is either a vampire, a ghost, even a werewolf..But you..You’re gonna be my little human doll for now..”His voice rings in your ear, As you keep running and running, You look back and see a black bat chasing you at a fast rate.
As you arrive to your house, You grab out your key and run into the house, crying out more as the bat you just saw turns back into hongjoong, him trying to break in.
“Stay the hell away from me!” Y/n cries out, pushing her back against the door that Hongjoong is trying to break down.
“Aww little doll. You’re the only human in this fucking neighborhood and you think I’m gonna let you run away from me? It doesn’t work like that, sweetheart.”Hongjoong says in his low voice, his teeth sharpening.” Oh come on , doll. Don’t be like that. That little pussy is gonna be mine soon, anyways..”He says. Finally having enough and subconsciously busting open the front door and knocking you to the ground, almost hitting your head.
“Get the hell out, You’re crazy!” Y/n yells at the vampire, whimpering and holding her injured hand.
“Baby don’t be like that..”Hongjoong says before closing the door behind him and now closing all the curtains in the house.
“Please don’t hurt me…I’ll do anything..”Y/n says and slowly stands up, wiping her tears and Hongjoong suddenly walks toward her and pulls her by the neck.
“You’ll do anything hm? Say you want me.”Hongjoong says and looks down at you.
“I want you..”Y/n says quietly, her panties getting more damp as the minute goes on.
“Say it louder.” He says.” Before I spit in your mouth, say it louder.” He finishes, looking down into your eyes.
“Yes sir, Yes I want you!”Y/n cries out, biting her lip at the man that stood in front of her.
“You’re gonna be my little fuck doll, Forget that human shit, You’re my little vampire slut, since you want to stop in front of my house and step on my lawn like you fucking own the place you go ahead, Just know I’ll always be watching and I’ll always be pounding that little ass whenever I get the chance to If you step on my lawn again.” He says.” Do you understand me, Y/n?”He finishes.
“Yes, sir. I understand.”Y/n lets out a moan, feeling her panties dampen more and more at the words Hongjoong uses.
“Good whore, Now get on the couch and spread those legs, filthy bitch.”He says and shoves you to the couch, Y/n not really having a choice since she really wanted this. She laid straight on her back, opening her legs and sliding her panties off.
He walks over to you and grabs your jaw.” Did I ask you to slide those panties off?”He says.
“N-no sir, I’ll slide them back o-“ You begin to say, receiving a large slap against your pussy, making you gasp at the feeling.
“Mm..”You let out.
“I bet you liked that, dirty cum bucket..”Hongjoong and unbuckled his belt, looking down at you sexily and ripping your top off.
“I loved it, sir. Please u-use me..”Y/n says, opening her legs wider, looking up at that hot man.
“Oh you sound so needy..”Hongjoong says before sliding his fingers into your mouth and making you suck on them, closing your eyes and taking his fingers down your throat. “You must be really skilled huh, whore?”He says.
“Mhmhm..”Y/n mumbles on his fingers, getting them all wet.
“Atta girl..”He says and pulls his fingers out, grabbing you by the neck and sliding his tongue into your louth, beginning to make out with you and spank your ass while you both stand to your feet.
“Whore..”He whispers in between the kiss, shoving you down on the couch and puts you in the doggy position.
“You want me to fuck you?”He says and rubs the tip of his cock against your lips.
“Yes baby, please please..”Y/n says before letting out a moan and she gasps feeling him slide inside of her.
Fuck he was big.
“You’re gonna take this dick like a good little vampire bitch for me, got that?”He says and gives you some time to adjust before thrusting in and out of your hole.
“Yes, sir. Mmm!!”Y/n moans out, playing with her tits while the other hand is wrapped up with a bandage, still pulsating.
“Fuck it feels so good daddy..”Y/n moans out, feeling Hongjoong grab her hips and beginning to pound in and out of her like rent is due.
“That’s a good whore.”He says before looking at your wrapped up hand.” You like the pain, huh slut? You like the pain that daddy gave you?”He says and pounds into your deeper and faster.
“Yes baby! Fuck yeah..”Y/n moans out.
“You must be a desperate whore hm? Letting a man you just met, fuck your cunt..Fucking use you like this?”He says while pounding into you harder.
“Yes daddy, You’re so hot..”Y/n says, feeling herself build up some type of climax.
“Awe, you think daddy’s hot? Hm? Well daddy thought you were so sexy once he first saw you..”Hongjoong says and slaps your ass, tossing his head back.
“Mmm! Thank you sir. May I cum please?”Y/n manages to say the way Hongjoong is pounding into your little pussy.
“Since you asked so nice, Yes baby. Release for daddy. Let’s cum together.”He says before you cum down on his cock, Hongjoong cumming right after you.
“Fuuck.”Hongjoong says and slowly pulls out of you, spreading your ass and beginning to lick up your cum.
“You’re gonna stay in this position and take my tongue like a good whore, got that?”He says and clenches his jaw.
“Yes daddy, yes.”You say.
“Atta girl, Now relax while you take my tongue..”He says and smirks devilishly before sliding his tongue into your pussy.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 4 years ago
I Found Love On Christmas Eve❤️🎄❄️💋🦇🕷️🕸️💕: A cute, fluffy Stangel holiday fic for @princessrainbowpastel / @stelladelano!
I honestly should have posted this in December, but I got hella distracted by stuff, mainly Tumblr, school, roleplay, and "other things" lol. But here ya go bestie! Enjoy!💋
I had so much fun writing this (I wrote it awhile ago and saved it in the my notepad app), and I would love to thank @ren-c-leyn for double checking and enjoying reading this!🙂 I'm proud of how self-indulegent this is lol!💕 Warning: this is VERY long lol!😁😁😁)
Stella was in her dressing room getting herself ready for her next strip show! Being that it was December, the club she worked at made its female workers all wear sexy santa girl costumes.
As she got ready, the bat couldn't help but think of Mystery Fan (as she liked to call them) and all the wonderful gifts they have been sending her for months. She let out a happy sigh as the thought of them always made her day. Whoever this mysterious admirer was, they had to be the sweetest, kindest, most heartfelt demon in all of Hell. She had to admit - with every gift and letter they had sent, she was falling for them more and more. Stella felt like a school girl finding and receiving gifts and love letters from a shy, secret admirer in her locker.
'The day I meet this person,' Stella thought, putting the finishing touches to her Christmas themed makeup, 'Will be the happiest day of my life!' Little did the scarlet haired cutie know that that day was today.
When the show came to an end, Stella heads back to her dressing room, changes into her regular attire, and begins to pack up. A Christmas party was being thrown at the hotel today and she didn't want to miss it or be late. Once she was packed and ready, Stella heads to her car and starts to drive back to the hotel.
As she drives, she spots happy demon couples on the sidewalk, handing and receiving gifts and letters to and from one another. Their reactions to the items were all the same - cheery and content. Seeing such a sight makes Stella frown slightly as she let out a soft sigh. She really wishes she could receive something from the passionate person who's been on her mind for months now: Mystery Fan. Just the thought of hearing their romantic words being said to her up close and in person made the redhead's heart race.
When Stella arrives at the Hazbin Hotel, she parks her car and steps out of it. The bat saw the exterior of the place and was astound by how it looked. The building was covered head to toe with Christmas decorations and lights!
"Wow, Charlie really went all out this year..." said Stella, amazed and impressed by her friend's work. The bubbly blonde really gave the place the right design for the holidays.
As she enters the hotel, Stella let's out a surprised gasp. The inside looked absolutely gorgeous! Like the exterior, the interior of the place was also nicely covered in Christmas decorations. It was like walking into a Christmas wonderland! In the background, holiday music could be heard playing from the intercom.
At the party, all of Stella's friends were there, having fun and celebrating while wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. Well, almost all her friends. The only person who seemed to be missing was Angel Dust.
Niffty was happily collecting candy canes from the Christmas tree and placing them inside her stocking, Charlie and Vaggie were having a lively conversation together on the lobby sofa as they held cups of hot cocoa in their hands, and at the hotel mini bar, Alastor was seen hanging out at the counter speaking to Husk as he cleaned shot glasses. The grouchy bartender couldn't help but groan and roll his eyes each time the radio demon spoke to him.
While talking to Vaggie, Charlie spots Stella from the corner of her eye. "Stella! You're here!" the Hell-born princess gasped, thrilled to see the other female as she gestures for her to come over.
When she does so, Charlie gives Stella a pure, genuine grin. Now the party could really get started!
A montage of cute Christmas photos begins as "My Secret Santa" plays. The first photo is of Charlie, Vaggie, and Stella with mics in their hands, singing Christmas karaoke songs together. Alastor, Husk, and Niffty are there as well, watching the three girls. Niffty cheers for them, Alastor looks amused by the whole thing, and Husk doesn't seem to care.
The second one is of Charlie and Stella smiling and hugging each other while wearing reindeer antler headbands and light up Rudolph noses.
The third photo is of Stella and Vaggie wearing Christmas tree glasses. In the photo, Stella is grinning while holding up bunny ears with her hand above Vaggie's head, and Vaggie has a cute, calm smile on her face while holding up a peace sign with her hand.
The fourth photo is of Stella and Niffty enjoying candy canes together.
The fifth one is of Stella, Husk, and Alastor. In the photo, Stella has a mischievous and flirty look on her face as she holds up a mistletoe plant for the two males to see. Husk, of course, wants nothing to do with kissing of any kind with her as he has an irritated expression on his face, while Alastor, with a large grin of his face, slightly pushes Husk towards her as if saying "Please, take him, not me." And the sixth and last photo is of Stella and the others taking a group Christmas photo together.
After the montage comes to an end, the gang all decide to play a fun little game of pin the tail on the reindeer! Vaggie was the blindfolded pinner and Alastor, being a deer demon, was decided by everyone to be the reindeer. The moth had a devilish grin on her face, her hair bow reacting the same as it formed onto itself a wicked grin with razor, sharp triangular teeth. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to get back at Alastor for constantly pestering her and getting under her skin. The radio demon saw the look on the hotel manager's face and didn't like where this was going as a nervous sweat droplet appeared on his forehead. Before Stella could record this amazing, hilarious moment on her phone, her stomach slightly growled. She decided that the best thing to do now is to take a quick cake break and come back to the action later. Hopefully, she'd be able to capture at least some of it on her device.
Once she steps inside the kitchen, she sees the delicious looking Gingerbread Cheesecake sitting on the countertop, making her mouth water. She happily cuts herself a piece, sits down at the table, and partakes in the rich, sweet dessert. As she was eating, she began to think about Angel Dust. She hoped that the spider was doing okay (especially around this time of year).
In her mind, she wondered why he didn't show up at the party yet. Was he just really busy at the studio and couldn't arrive, or was the arachnid secretly upset with her about something and was trying to avoid her to the best of his abilities? As all these thoughts about where her best friend could be and why he wasn't at the party yet clouded her mind, Stella's stomach began to feel weird and somehow, to her, the cake that she was eating began to taste less and less sweet. She slowly stopped eating, puts her fork down, and utters out a small, tired sigh as she sadly rests her head on the table.
Charlie, entering the kitchen, sees a glum Stella at the table with her head down. Being the kind friend she is, the princess instantly becomes concerned over the bat's well being as she quickly heads over to take a seat next to her.
"What's wrong, Stel? Is everything alright?" Charlie asked, putting a comforting hand on Stella's shoulder. Stella slightly lifts her head up to look at Charlie before sighing. "Oh, it's nothing." she replied before putting her head back down. Now, Charlie obviously knew that that wasn't the case, but, before she could say anything, she suddenly remembered why she came into the kitchen in the first place.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" She pulls out a small present and shows it off to Stella. "Someone wanted me to give this to you." she smiled. "Huh?" This got Stella's attention as she raises her head up to look at Charlie and the gift.
"The person decided that it would be best to stay anonymous...for now..." Charlie continued, handing the unknown gift to Stella as she gave her a small wink. What did Charlie mean by that? Stella's scarlet colored eyes slowly examined the present box that was in her hands. She saw that it was beautifully wrapped and had a cute bow on top that was tied perfectly. The bat brought the box close to her ear and shook it slightly to figure out what was inside. Whatever it was, it didn't weigh much. She takes a look at the tag and reads it. "To Stella from..." Stella lets out a surprised gasp as she got to the last word "#1 fan!" She couldn't believe it! So not only was this mystery demon a common patron at the strip club she worked at, but they also knew where she lived and was in cahoots with Charlie.
"Wait, Charlie, you know about my #1 fan and who they are?!" Stella asked, hoping to get some sort of explanation. Charlie let out a hum. "You could say that..." she giggled, not spilling the beans. "Well, who are they!? They've been sending me stuff for months now, and i've been dying to know who they are!" Stella at this point craved any answer.
The princess, letting out another girlish giggle, replies with, "Well, they didn't want me telling you who they were buuut," She gave Stella a sincere smile. "Let's just say they're someone who cares and...I'm really proud of them for doing this." Charlie gives Stella another wink before leaving. She soon comes to the realization that Mystery Fan is someone in the hotel.
Alone in the kitchen, Stella began to carefully unwrap her present. As she tears off the the last remaining piece of wrapping paper, she sees that the gift inside is a teddy bear, wearing a Santa hat and has an envelope with a heart stamp taped to its right hand. Stella removes the envelope from the stuffed teddy's hand and opens it.
The bat sees a letter inside and starts reading. When she got to the last sentence, the redhead smiled softly as her cheeks change to a light pink color. She felt a warmness like no other in her heart. It was official; Stella Taylor Delano was in love with Mystery Fan.
Out of all the cards and letters they had send her, this one had to be most heartfelt.
The letter read:
“Stella Taylor Delano,
You truly are the only woman who can make me happy. Simply seeing your smile makes me realize that life in this literal Hell hole is worth living. My love grows for you each and everyday. I guess you could say that i'm addicted to you, and you are the only drug that keeps me functioning. When I look into your eyes, I see the real me, a person that lives for a goal and a purpose now...and that's being with you. This will be my last and final letter as I want to come out of my shell and reveal who I am. Meet me on the hotel rooftop at 10. See you soon~
Love, Your #1 Fan xoxo”
Stella was feeling extremely excited, as well as anxious, but still remained touched by the love letter written to her. She was finally going to meet Mystery Fan face to face! But who could they be, she wondered. Looks like she'll find out at 10. The bat makes a mental note to get herself ready at around 9:30 and head up to the roof at 9:55. Once she does, she leaves the kitchen and makes her way back to the others.
Stella hopes that they're still playing pin the tail on the reindeer so that she could record a bit of funny footage on her phone of a terrified Alastor running away from a vengeance seeking Vaggie with a pin.
Once the party came to an end, everyone decided to hit the hay for tonight. Well, almost everyone. Stella had to get ready for her meet up "date" with Mystery Fan.
Being that she was meeting this unknown, romantic stranger for the first time, she wanted to look her absolute best with the right outfit. The only problem is, Stella had so many good outfits in her closet. Which one would be perfect for Mystery Fan? This calls for a fashion montage.
In her room, Stella sets down on her bed a variety of her favorite winter sweaters and skirts to try on. She first tries on a pink sweater that had little, mini red hearts on them that she found to be cute, but the sweater wasn't the right cut unfortunately.
The next thing she puts on is a sweater / skirt combo that she thought made her look smoking hot, but at the same time she felt it wasn't quite right.
The red and white sweater? Too fluffy. The black skirt with stockings? No way. The yellow bikini she wore to the beach last year? Wait, how did THAT even get in her pile?! Doesn't matter, it was too much anyways and wasn't right for the weather, so she tosses the swimwear aside.
The bat was pickier than normal, tossing away beloved outfits in her hunt for perfection. Finally, after casting away so many outfit choices, Stella let's out a small, surprised gasp as the last outfit remaining on her bed was one to her liking.
It was a white sweater; long, dark gray sweatshirt; light plaid scarf; black knit gloves; a whitish, light pink knit beanie; black sheer tights; dark gray, and knee-high, suede boots. She found it to be absolutely adorable as she tried it on and modeled in it in front of her mirror. Yup, this outfit was the one!
After adding a bit of makeup to her features, Stella was set and ready to go! At around 9:55, almost 9:56, Stella double checks herself in the mirror to ensure that she looked good for her little "date".
After doing so, Stella hurries out of her room and heads to the rooftop stairs. When she arrives on the roof, Stella's scarlet eyes widden in shock as the bat was beyond surprised by the demon she's met with. It was Alastor!
The deer demon was at ease as he fed the large, demon birds who were with him bloody chopped up demon parts from a small, brown sack that was dripping in blood. When he notices a figure near of the corner of his eye, he turns to see a perplexed Stella gazing at him.
Alastor is the first to break the silence. "Surprised to see you here, my dear," he said, giving the red head one of his typical dark and brooding grins. "I knew it~" Stella gave the radio host a flirty smirk. "So all that pretending not to be interested was all an act, huh? Heh. It's always the ones you least expect. I had a feeling you couldn't resist all this~" she purred, signaling at her curves.
"I really liked those letters and gifts you've been sending me for the past few months. Who knew a powerful Overlord such as yourself had such a big heart~" She gave him a playful smile and wink. Hearing these words caused Alastor to blink for a bit before tilting his head slightly in confusion. "Pardon me?" he asked, wondering what Stella could be talking about.
Stella was a bit thrown off by Alastor's reaction. "That letter you wrote to me; it said that you wanted the two of us to meet here tonight at 10 because you were my #Fan 1, and...you also told me...that...you loved me..." Just thinking about all the stuff written from that recent letter caused Stella to flush, smiling at herself.
Alastor, now processing Stella's words, merely chuckled. "Me? A fan of yours? Not only that, but ME...love...YOU? Hahaha! My dear, don't be ridiculous. That's absolute nonsense! I'm only here because feeding these filthy, disgusting scavengers just so happens to be a favorite past time of mine." He smiled, being extremely uncompromisingly forthright with his rather rude remark.
"O-Oh..." Stella looked down as her shoulders slumped and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment, trying her best to blink back any tears. Alastor tossed the last remaining body part from the sack to the birds who fought and squawked over it. Devouring it quickly, the birds look to Alastor for more. "Sorry, but it looks like i'm all out," he told them as he threw down the empty sack to prove it.
The birds, seeing that there was nothing left, soon depart to the skies. Alastor waves a small good bye to them as looks to a heartbroken Stella who continued to look down. "Well, it's rather late, so I think i'll be heading inside. I'll be seeing you. Hopefully, whoever you're suppose to meet here shows up. Though, with how behind time they seem to be, I don't think they will." And with that, Alastor was gone. Stella sadly sighed to herself as she took out her phone to look at the time. It was 10:15. Mystery Fan, whoever and wherever they were, was late.
A sad, heavy sigh escaped Angel's lips as he was in is dressing room, sitting in front of his vanity mirror, getting himself ready for his next shoot. He felt absolutely awful about everything. He had wrote to Stella a confessional letter about his true feelings for her and how much the scarlet haired beauty meant to him. He remembered that in said letter he had mentioned that he would meet her at the Happy Hotel rooftop at 10, and right now it was 10:20.
His original plan was to leave work at around 9:45 to get to her, but he knew that Val would practically lose his shit again if he found out his favorite star skipped work.
Angel sighed for a second time. He really hoped that Stella would still be at the roof by the time he got to her. As Angel thought about what to do, the spider soon came to a realization that Stella, the girl who he loved with all his heart, was much more important than the feelings of his abuse boss, no matter how much he feared him. He had to find a way to sneek out without Valentino noticing. But how, he thought.
As the arachnid looked around the room in search of something that could help him in his escape plan, his eyes came to the body pillow of himself dressed in a school girl uniform that was laying up in the corner. This gave him an idea.
An irritated Valentino was seen at the studio's indoor film set, sitting in his director's chair as he waited for Angel to be in the next scene for his latest flick.
As the mothman waits, he taps on the side of his chair repeatedly with his index finger, clearly angry. Eventually, his patients wears thin as the fury that was bottled up inside him explodes as he storms out in search for his favorite money maker.
When he arrives at Angel's dressing room door, he bursts it open with all his might, nearly breaking it. He sees "Angel" sitting there in front of his mirror and marches on over to him.
"Angelcakes, you seem to be taking your sweet time in here. Don't you know I have a business to run and money to make?" he growled, now behind the spider. "Angel" said nothing as he continued to sit still in his chair. Valentino took this as his employee ignoring him, which he found extremely disrespectful and a huge insult to his ego. The pimp pulled out his pistol and pointed it behind "Angel's" head as he formed a wicked smirk.
"The silent treatment, huh? Well, let's see how silent you are when I blow your--" Suddenly, "Angel" fell to the ground. This reveals that "Angel" was really just Angel's body pillow dressed in his clothing and wearing one on his drag wigs.
Val was a bit stunned by this, but once the hamster on a wheel in his brian began to run and he slowly puts the pieces together, he figures out that the actual Angel Dust had skipped work...AGAIN. This caused an already vexed Val to turn red with rage. "ANGEL!!!" he angrily yelled at the top of his lungs, loud enough that his shouting echoed across the large building. As the real Angel Dust was running down a hall with a panic-stricken look on his face, he heard his boss's echo, which made him pick up the pace and run faster.
The speedy spider hightailed it out of the studio door as he made a run for it down the streets. He would have the deal with the consequences of leaving work later, but right now, he had to get to Stella, and fast.
Millie and Moxxie were happily walking home together down the downtown streets on a chilly, Christmas Eve night hand in hand after their little trip from the store, where they bought a Christmas themed cake for tommorrow.
"You excited for tomorrow, Mill?" Moxxie asked his wife sweetly. Millie smiles as she cuddles closer to her husband.
"I sure am, sweetie," she replies. Their peaceful walk is soon interrupted when they hear the sound of running footsteps coming towards them. Moxxie rasies a suspicious eyebrow at this, and Millie, concerned, hugs her hubby's arm tightly. The running demon is revealed to be Angel Dust, who's practically speeding towards them in a hurry.
"Outta the way! I'm late!" he shouts at the couple. When Angel sprints past Moxxie and Millie, his speed causes the two of them to spin around uncontrollably.
The cake flies out of Moxxie's hand and into the air. When the couple stop spinning, they both fall down bottom first to the ground, completely dizzy.
Moxxie, first to regain a bit of his balance, gets up as he shakes his head. He soon helps Millie up.
"Are you okay?" he asks, worried that she might have gotten hurt. "I'm fine, hun, don't worry." Millie gives him a reassuring smile.
The female imp quickly notices that something is missing and looks left and right for it. "Where's the cake?!" The minute Millie asks this, the cake, now out of its plastic container, comes falling to the ground in a splat.
"Oh no!" she gasps, holding a hand over her mouth in shock. Moxxie, angry beyond belief at this, waves a fist at Angel Dust who was long gone.
"Hey buddy, maybe watch where you're going next time!!!" He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down before turning to Millie and the cake. "Great," he sighed, slightly vexed.
"Look what that guy made us do. Where are we going to get another cake at this time of night, hun? I'm sure the supermarket is closed by now, and tommorrow's Christmas. You know how packed supermarkets can get on that day."
Millie put a reassuring hand on Moxxie's shoulder as she gave the male imp a peck on the cheek "Aw, sweetie, don't worry. I think we have some cake ingredients at home. We'll just have to make our own cake this year. How does that sound?" Moxxie, now at ease thanks to his wife, smiles warmly at her. "Sounds fine to me."
Blitzo was walking down the street with a huge grin of his face. In his arms was a glass jar that was filled to the brim with marbles. "Loonie's gonna love her present this year! A bunch of marbles! I mean, who doesn't love marbles? I know I d--" The jar nearly slips out of his hand, causing the imp boss to stop mid-sentence.
He let's out a relieved sigh when it doesn't. "Ha, you know, more a minute there I thought--"
Just then, Angel runs past Blitzo, bumping into him slighty as he loses hold of the jar and drops it. When it hits the ground, marbles and shattered glass pieces go everywhere. "Oh shit!" he cried out. "I lost my marbles...literally!"
As Millie and Moxxie continue their little stroll home, they hear the sound of someone crying up ahead. The voice sounds quite familiar to them. When they got closer, they see that the weeping belonged to none other than their boss, who was on his knees with dramatic tears in his eyes.
"Oh cry! Oh sob! Oh weep! Oh other noises that show complete and utter sadness!" Blitzo cried, putting a hand over his face and slightly peeking out to see if anyone would feel sympathy for his unfortunate predicament.
"Oh no," Millie quietly gasped, putting both hands over her mouth. Seeing her boss in such a state instantly brought her bubbly mood down.
Meanwhile, Moxxie just rolled his eyes. "Oh please," he huffed, not buying his boss's "sorrowful" behavior at all. "Come on, Moxx. Let's go see what's wrong with Blitzo." she grabbed her husband's hand and dragged him over with her to their boss. Moxxie let out a groan, not wanting to deal with Blitzo on the day before Christmas.
"Blitzo, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" Millie asked as she and Moxxie arrived to him, a mix of concern and worry in her voice.
The red imp brought his hand down from his face when he heard Millie, and looked to see his two workers. The minute he saw them, the waterworks really came on. Blitzo gives to Millie an overdramatic hug, as he cried in her arms.
"NO, MILLS! EVERYTHING IS NOT ALRIGHT! I'VE LOST THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TONIGHT...MY MARBLES!" he then proceeds to cry more as Millie gives him reassuring head rubs.
"Shh! Shh! Shh! It's okay, sir. We all do sometimes." "At least he's finally admitted it," Moxxie whispers in his wife's ear, a slight chuckle in his voice. "Moxx!" Millie whispers back, lightly scolding him. "He's our boss. We've got to help him. Plus, it's near the holidays. No would deserves to feel sad during this time."
She then puts her on focus back on Blitzo. "Sir, I know the perfect activity that'll help regain your marbles! How about we all watch Christmas movies and--" "How the hell is watching Christmas movies going to help me get my marbles back? They're on the ground, Millie."
Blitzo shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He swears, Mills could be such an airhead sometimes. "Huh?" Millie and Moxxie both look on the ground to see that Blitzo was right. A small number marbles were on the ground as well as a few pieces of glass.
"I had them all in a jar, but I dropped the stupid thing and it broke. Hell, some of them even rolled away," Blitzo explains, teary-eyed.
As Millie thinks on what to do to help her boss, she gets an idea, a light bulb quickly appearing above her head. "I know! Me and Moxxie can help you pick the marbles up! Sure, we won't be able to get every one, but it's better than getting nothing!" she said, beaming brightly.
Hearing this somehow made Blitzo feel instantly better, his "sad" demeanor quickly fading away as he stood tall. "You're right, Millie! Wow, what an excellent idea I came up with! You two are the best employees a guy could ask for! I'm definitely giving you both a raise for this!"
Moxxie's jaw nearly dropped hearing this. "A-A-A raise?! Wait, you really mean it sir?!" Blitzo gives Moxxie a hearty smile. "Of course not! Now come on! Let's get to marble pickin'!" This made Millie smile while Moxxie glared at his boss, mumbling something about him under his breath.
Angel, now speeding up the hotel rooftop stairs like a madman, nearly breaks the door down when he bursts it open. "Stella I--!!" the spider stopped mid sentence when he sees that no one, expect for him, was there, causing his heart to sink.
"Oh no..." He takes out his phone from his suit pocket to see what time it was. 11:15. He breaths out a sigh of defeat as he put his device away and goes over to the end of the roof to look at the city.
Feeling beyond disappointed in himself and the situation, Angel uses his hands to cover his face. If only he'd have arrived on time, Stella would still be there. He honestly doesn't blame her for leaving. Suddenly, he hears someone call his name. "Angel?" Surprised by the voice, he turns around and sees Stella at the door.
"What are you doing up here?" she asks, concern laced in her voice due to how late it was. "Heh. I should be askin' you the same thing," Angel chuckles, a soft smile planted on his face at Stella.
God, she was absolutely beautiful to him. Stella bubbles out a giggle at the spider's playful demeanor.
"Well, I came here for my glove. I noticed that it wasn't in my pocket and figured i'd must have dropped it when I left. I was up here before. I was waiting for someone to show but..." Stella stops when she hears her voice slighty crack at "but" and quickly pulls herself together, not wanting to let out any tears like before.
"Well...let's just say...they didn't show up. They've been constantly sending me letters, telling me how much they cared, but...I guess they don't. Which is fine, haha! I'll be fine! I'll be...fine." The bat clearly wasn't fine with the heartbroken look on her face, and honestly just wanted today to be over.
Before she left again, Angel decided that now would be a good time to speak up.
"Stel, wait!" he called out to her. The minute she heard her name, the redhead turned back around to Angel, giving the spider her full attention. "Yes?" Angel clears his voice and nervously scratches the back of his head while looking down at the ground, cheeks flushed. He's usually the cocky, confident type, so seeing himself in such a state confused even him.
Shyly looking up to Stella, a blush still apparent on his face as his fingers started to fidget, Angel began to speak. "W-Well, about those, um, letters you've been getting...I, uh, you see, um, I wanted to say..." The spider stopped talking after "say", his nervousness not allowing him to get his full words out.
Stella's eyes soften at him, having a feeling that she knew exactly what Angel was going to say. "Yeah?" The spider took a deep breath, stopped his fidgeting, looked Stella in the eyes and gave the bat the most sincere smile.
"I wanted to say, Stel, that I met every word in all of them. Ever since the day we meant, I started gaining these feelings fer ya, and I thought that sooner or later the feelings would just, ya know, just go away. But...they haven't. In fact, they've gotten stronger. I started fallin' fer ya more and more each time we hung out. I couldn't get ya out of my head. You and I are best friends, so it all felt weird." He let's out a sigh. "Stella Taylor Delano, I know this might sound crazy, maybe even insane for me to say but...I love you. I didn't think I would ever have to say those words to a girl before, but it's true. You mean the world to me and make life in the afterlife more fun and worth living. Stel, I love you, and it would mean the absolute world to mean if ya loved me back." The spider awaited for the red head's response.
Stella's grey cheeks blushed crimson as touched tears began to course down her cheeks. She wiped her face a bit with her coat sleeve, but the salty liquid continued to fall as she walked towards him.
"A-Angel," she began, a sniffling mess. "Y-You really mean it?" The spider gave her a playful, but caring grin. "You know it, toots~!"
"Yeah? What is it, babe?"
Once Stella was in front of him, she softly cupped his face and smiled in his direction. "I have something that I wanna confess that might sound crazy too."
"Y-You do?" he stuttered, his face turning as red as Stella's. "Well, what is it?"
As Stella started to talk to him, her smile still stayed on her face. "Angel Dust...I feel the same way. I love you too."
"Really?" he asked, his face getting close to her. "Really," she replied, her face getting close as well.
Their faces were now inches away from each other. They could feel each other's hot breath on their lips as the two's hearts were beating like drums. With just one movement, Stella and Angel locked lips.
As they shared their sweet kiss, flakes of snow began to fall from the sky as "I Found Love" started to play in the background.
"Oh, Moxxie! Just look at it! It looks absolutely gorgeous!" gasped Millie. The female imp and her hubby were in their kitchen putting the finishing touches to the Christmas cake that they baked together.
"It just needs one more thing..." Moxxie said as he looked on the counter for any decorations that would complete the cake.
"Ah ha!" he picked up the Christmas star cake decoration and placed it on top. "A star!" he smiled as he put his hand on his wife's waist and brought her close to him for a cheek kiss.
A giggle emerged from her lips as she smiled back at him. "Oh Moxx, this has to be the best Christmas ever," Millie sighed contently as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Oh, Loonie~!" Blitzo cooed as he arrived to Loona who was waiting for him at the end of the snowy sidewalk. The imp was carrying with him a plastic baggie that was barely filled with marbles as he shows them off for her to see.
"Gotcha a little Christmas Eve gift~ I had a jar for these, but it broke. Wasn't my fault though, some asshole ran into me. So, what do you think?"
Loona facepalms herself as she groans in annoyance at her dad's boss's lame ass "gift".
Back on the rooftop, we see our main couple still sweetly smooching. At the roof door, Niffty suddenly pops her head out and spots the two making out and giggles madly in fangirl victory, pulling out a notepad and pencil and doodling the cinematic masterpiece she's witnessing.
"MY OTP IS CANON, MY OTP IS CANON, MY OTP IS FREAKIN' CANON!" she quietly streaks, not wanting the lovebirds to hear or see her.
"Perfect!" she says as she takes a look at her finished work.
The drawling is a cute animu like doodle of Stella and Angel kissing. She then takes out her cellphone, turns off her camera flash, and quickly snaps a photo of the two before giggling to herself again and silently slipping away. Boy, her Stangel fanfiction is gonna be awesome with all this official content she's gotten!
Once Stella and Angel slowly pull away, they both hold each other's gaze as their eyes sparkle in wonderment. The kiss felt like something straight out of a fairytale. The two soon realize that they've been staring at one another for too long as they both apologize in unison and quickly look away, blushing like crazy.
While they continue their lack of eye contact, Stella feels a snowflake land on her nose as she looks up to see that it's snowing. As the snow continues to fall, bits of it gets in Stella's hair. Angel looks back to her and notices this.
A soft, genuine look appears on his features as he brushes some of the snow off of her head and lifts her hoodie up.
"There," he smiled warmly to the bat.
Stella returns the warm look and smiles back. "Thanks," she says, her heart melting.
"Soooo, uh," Angel cleared his throat as he started to blush, shyly looking away yet again as he scratches the back of his head.
"Does this mean we're, like, a thing now?" he asked, a bit worried about Stella's reply. The red head giggled at his shy state as she hummed out, "It seems so," she gently grabbed his upper hand, squeezing it a bit.
The spider chuckled as he grinned at Stella. "Good. I'm glad." The now official couple held hands as they walked back inside. This was definitely the start of a cute, beautiful relationship.
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loudlyunladylike · 4 years ago
Song time? Song time!
Birthday Suit, Come Along and The Moss by Cosmo Sheldrake (i love the vibes each one of then gives, one feels like your going on a adventure, the other is misterious but optimistic, and the last one feels like your some kind of deity creating the universe, is just fun and also kinda magical whiout loosing it's realisim)
Memories and Dreams by Sally Face (the game was one of my favourites and the soundtrack was amazing, this is not only the first song of the soundtrack that i heard but also my favourite, it feels like your playing the guitar in a band whith your friends but your also going ghost-hunting whith then, is just really cool in my opinion)
Ghosting by Mother Mother (it reminds me of Ghostbur, i really love that ghost boy and i like to think that we are singing it thogether, i miss my boy ;-; [fuck you cc!Willbur!/hj])
Captains Call by Derivakat (what can i say? Puffy is one of my confort charachters, i really love the sheep girl and the way that she cares so much for the minors just makes me smile)
Greedy by Or3o (ha ha Quackity in his casino go brrrr [also kinda sounds like Ranboo])
Sorry if this is too long, i really like talking abaut music, especially if it gives me inspiration, anyways have a good day!
*quiet chanting* song time song time!!!
I don't even want to add anything to these first few like you've just worded it so prettily and I get it like yes, these are frickin magical dude. Also yo a previous ask said Come Along, look at you two go!!
It does!! I have never played Sally Face but anon oh how I love your imagery, like when you said it feels like you're playing with a band of friends but you're also going ghost hunting I felt that in my bonesss, very cool bit of music
Aaaawww, ghosting!!! my beloved!!! Oh I know this one and I love it so fondly, and oh does it fit Ghostbur so well like there is something soft a calm about it but also a sense of sadness "you don't need treats, you don't need tricks and you don't need me" "I'm just a ghost out of his grave" OW, I just- yes
Honestly surprised we didn't get a Derivakat song sooner but this is a great first one like gosh what a banger. Like I've already talked about how much I love sea shanties but this almost feels like another spin off of sea shanty, it's just so cool and Puffy is so so cool
YOOOOO, I've never heard this song before but right of the bat sounds so very swag, feels like it should be in like a cartoon musical (or a mc roleplay one or another yanno). But no joke this is wonderful, I see myself bopping to this for ages, like this chorus is so catchy and my c!Quackity thoughts are indeed doing the loud brrrr-ing right now so that's a hell yeah on my part
Don't be sorry at all! Music is so fun, whether that be listening to it or writing or reading about it. Plus I am just always hear to listen to people talk about stuff that interests/excites them like that's so so fun and cool!! Thank you for the ask, I hope you're having a good day too <3
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myth-lord · 7 years ago
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Elements always have a big role in roleplaying games, or in any type of game for that matter.
In these coming weeks I’m gonna collect all the monsters from Mythika that have a link to one of the six elements, starting out with the most popular element of fire, I will continue the path with Air – Earth – Water – Shadow – Light
Fire, Smoke, Steam, Magma and Heat are all connected with the element of fire, while Steam combines water with fire, magma combines fire with earth and smoke combines air with fire. In Mythika solar rays are fire mixed with light and unholy black fire is a mixture of shadow/darkness and normal fire, and while unholy fire burns like any other fire, the pain is even more intense and can only be healed by holy spells.
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Now for all the Enemies and Bosses from Mythika that have links with-and powers over fire, heat, magma, smoke and steam.  
NOTE that there are probably other creatures in mythika that have powers over fire in the REAL Myth or Legend, but which I don’t think suit the creatures at all, two I can think of are Khalkotauroi and Pukwudgie, but in Mythika they don’t have any fire abilities, Khalkotauroi are much like D&D’s Gorgon’s and Pukwudgie have powers over voodoo and necromancy, and they can’t throw fireballs of any kind. 
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Cacus – Giants of fire and smoke, these giant humanoids are immune to fire, use it to create their magical weapons in their hellish forges, they can set their armor and weapon on fire with a simple thought.
Candileja – Sometimes when a Hag or Witch is burned a Candileja is born out of pure fiery hatred, they look like a vague spectral version of their former self but made entirely from vile green flames. Candileja use their unholy fire to create painful burns in their victims, being spectral and on fire has many advantages in battles. Candileja can also curse a victim so they take more damage from any other fire attack.
Cherufe – Being magma elementals, the volcanic Cherufe have command over both fire and earth, eruptions and earthquakes are their specialty. They are naturally immune to heat, fire and magma and can shape into any object or form they desire.
Curupira – The Gnomes of Fire, these pyromaniacs are normally not very evil, until they spot a flame, then their insanity takes over and they want to spread the flames, their bright red hair turns into fire the moment they spot a flame. They can control and animate fire, but on a much lower level than the Ifrit can. Fire seems to come to life when a Curupira is near, this is called Pyrotechnics. When there is no fire around the Curupira are powerless as they can’t create fire themselves.
Enenra – Creatures of vengeance and smothering smoke the Enenra are natural half-fire and half air elementals. They can control smoke and enter their victims lungs to choke them from within. Their ash and smoke forms also burn the skin of other creatures that are trapped within them.
Gaasyendietha – The fire dragons of Mythika, these meteor alien dragons can breathe unnatural fire upon their enemies, even creatures otherwise immune to normal fire will get burned. They can summon small swarms of burning rocks from the sky as well and they are fully immune to any form of heat and fire.
Ifrit – The true lords of everything fiery, all genies are masters of their own element. Ifrit command fire with their mind, summoning giant beasts and monsters made entirely from fire. They create giant swords and hammers made from fire out of thin air and control most other creatures based on fire. Their favorite fire elementals to summon are giant bats and lions made from flames and heat.
Muscaliet – Very little chimerae with features of squirrels, badgers and the tusks of a boar. Muscaliet are small but very dangerous as their bodies are very hot, this often leads to forest fires and awe full burning wounds on any creatures they touch. Given time these small pests will burn through any metal, so trapping them inside iron cages can be tricky.  
Salamander – These Dimetrodon-like salamanders of heat and cold control the temperature around them, turning the landscape around them very frigid cold by absorbing all heat or extremely hot by expelling the heat they absorbed. They are immune to most forms of fire and can even swim in lava.
Basan – These terror birds are magical offspring of the Tuyango with burning qualities. Their fire is special as it burns even spectral creatures and ghosts. They can spit out their ghostly blue flames at their enemies, burning not their flesh but their very souls.
Ziburinis – The most evil of Fire Elementals is the undead fire elemental called Ziburinis, created from the souls of burned humans these black and red flames love to enter the bodies of other creatures and possess them for as long as they can, then their own hatred burns itself out of the host and leaves behind nothing more than cursed ashes. Being burned from the inside out by these horrors is said to be the most painful death of all.
Surtr – The Titan of Fire, his abilities are pretty much advanced version of his minions the Cacus. Surtr is an unique boss creature, and he’s the boss of the fire temple, you fight him together with a Cacus giant and a Ifrit summoner.
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Butatsch – These abominable and alien oozes are covered in hungry mouths and fake eyes, from these eyes they can shoot rays of superheated liquid, the creatures seem to be full with this burning liquid.
Chimera – Chimera burn with fire from within, one of their two heads can breath fire and the poison from their snake-tail head also burns their prey from within. When you kill one of these Chimeric horrors they explode into a swarm of fiery fireballs, burning everything foolish to slay one of these with melee weapons.
Delgeth – The Anaye closely related to fire, their powerful hooves will leave a trail of burning cinders and fire whenever they go.
Garm – The bites of these hellhounds are hotter than hell itself.
Cerberus – The bites of these three-headed hounds of hell are even worse than those of the smaller Garm. The burning pain won’t go away without very powerful magic.
Kasha – Kasha use their nine fiery souls/lives to animate the corpses collected in their small burning chariot, the result are burning zombies that follow every command from the Kasha that animated them with Its own soul, when destroyed the Kasha regains its soul and can animate a new fiery corpse if there is one.
Pyrausta – While these insect drakes can’t breathe fire themselves, they must feed on fire every week to stay alive. Their heart is like a small little ember.
Wanyudo – These strange demonic constructs of torture and pain look like wheels with the head of a demonic monster forged upon it, they can set their wheel on fire with a thought, so being crushed by them means both your bones and skin is harmed.
Alastor – The Sinlord of Wrath has a close effigy with fire, his weapons are always on fire and he can summon powerful fireballs from his hands, he can also create walls of fire to block the escape route of his victims. Alastor is a Boss.
Hel – This Goddess boss has both control of ice and fire, half her body controls fire and the other half controls the cold and ice. Hell is Boss.
Horseman of War – Like Famine is closely related to water, death to earth and pestilence to air so is War related to burning angry fires of war. The Horseman of War is a boss.
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Aatxe – Aatxe are big spiritual bulls that burn with the fire of pure vengeance, they burn their victims by running through them.
Ahkiyyini – When these ogre-sized skeletons play their infernal war-drums or violins, nature around it goes berserk, all elements (including fire and magma) seems to come alive and attack the enemies of the musical skeletal horror.
Aitvaras – The gaze of these cockatrice-like drakes not only curses the victim with despair and misfortune, but it also has a chance to combust a victim in flames. Their tail and rooster-crown are both made from fire as well.
Brobinyak – These dragon ogres look like big lizardmen with dragon wings and faces, they can breathe out fire.
Cucay – Their pumpkin faces burn with sinister flames which they can shoot at their prey in the form of a fireball.
Dragon Turtle – These oversized dragonic turtles can breathe out hot steam at their victims.
Empusa – Instead of hair these insect-ladies with the legs and arms of a mantis have green fire burning on top of their heads.
Gloson – These undead razor-pigs can breathe out fire from their nostrils.
Kurage-No-Hinotama – Some variants of these land-based hovering jellyfish monsters are on fire, their poisonous tentacles burn everything trapped within them.
Lampad – Their torches burn with purple fire which causes madness and sadness in their victims. Otherwise these underground shadow nymphs have much more in common with Shadow Elements.
Marool – These deep-sea angler-fish horrors can summon will-o-wisp like eyes from their bodies to lure ships and sailors to their doom, their back is always on fire but they cannot do anything with that in combat.
Poludnica – While more connected with the Light Element (which I post later) these harvest, fire, sun and heatstroke nymphs have a burned face and the solar rays they summons are also very hot and burn the skin of their victims.
Stella – The poison of this starfish horror burns the veins from within their prey, burning them from within.
Decarabia – Same as Stella, but a much bigger crown-of-thorns starfish and worse poison effect.  
Tlanusi – These oversized leech horrors can turn the water around them very hot and shoot hot geysers at their prey.
Zmey – One of the three heads of this sin-dragon is immune to fire and can breath out fire.
Balaur – Only one of the seven sin-riddled heads of the Balaur can shoot fire, the others breath out other elements and curses. Each of Balaurs seven heads resembles its own sin.
Andras – The only thing this raven-headed, wolf-riding right hand of Alastor has in common with fire is its fire sword. Andras is Boss.
Arzshenk – This demonic minotaur Div is immune to fire and heat. Arzshenk is a Boss. 
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uncle-spice · 8 years ago
89 sexy questions
1. First kiss? 7th grade at a concert at the park near my house. 💜 2. First time masturbating? Probably 8th grade when my friend goated me into buying a sex toy. 3. First sex toy? A pink 7 inch vibe First kink tried? With or without a partner? With was breathplay, and without was tying myself up. 4. First time doing oral? The summer after freshman year at my boyfriends house. 5. First time having sex? Also in the summer after freshman year at my boyfriends house 6. Biggest turn on? Probably touching of my sides or lower back.. 7. Biggest turn off? Idk long nails? Or when someone takes too long to cum 8. Quickest way to get horny? Honestly im nearly always so just lots of touching or fondling can get me there 9. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on? Probably rape bc thats pretty weird 10. Top 3 places to be touched? Sides, spine, butt 11. Ultimate fantasy? Being dominated by a hot boi who’s down for whatever. 12. Do you like the idea of a three or moresome? Eh.. i mean if they’re hot i gues, and down for making me the center of attention. 13. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? Not often. And most of the nudes i get are gross or have tic tac dicks so i usually dont bother but i do take nudies just for myself 14. Sex or masturbation? Hard choice, but probably sex. 15. Spit or swallow? It depends if im deep throating or not and what he tastes like. Either way ill probably swallow. 16. Cut or uncut dicks? Cut but i dont judge as long as its a cute boi that can use it well 17. Rough or sensual sex? A bit of both? Passionate is a better word for me. 18. Oldest person you’d sleep with? As of right now? Probably 22 19. Loud or quiet partners? Eh, depends where we are. I dont want you waking my roommates but if no ones here i wanna hear if im doing a good job or not. 20. How much foreplay do you like? As much as my partners up for 21. How much teasing do you like? A lot but not to the point where i dont get rewarded in the end.. 22. What is too big for you to take? Idfk a 18 inch horse dick? I’ve taken at the most 8 inches. 23. Do you do hookup or only sleep with a partner? 24. Partner though i wouldn’t decline a hookup 25. How much kissing do you like during sex? Lots lots lots 26. What’s the most attractive part of the body Idk I’m a big fan of legs, noses and hair 27. Favourite place to have sex? Cars or the bedroom for me. Though ive really wanted to fuck at a concert.. 28. Would you have sex in public? Depends if its a legal area, and if others are gonna be grossed out or not 29. Last place you had sex? My ex’s house 30. Where would you most like to have sex? A car or concert 31. Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood? I’m usually up for spontaneous sex but if i dont feel good you better put that dick back where it came from me so help me 32. Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house Probably 33. What’s your biggest kink? Idk if i can answer that but domination, breath play and roleplay are my top 3 34. What’s your limit? Weird shit like furries, shit and stuff like that. 35. Are you okay with name calling in bed? Yes yes yes. 36. Would you do any BDSM? Yessss as long as i dont die i guess 37. Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up? Being tied up. 38. Favourite type of bondage? Light stuff like scarves or bandanas 39. Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm? Eh sure. 40. Do you like overstimulation? Ehhhh 41. Do you like having pain involved? Yaz 42. Do you like biting/being bitten? Both both both 43. Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it? Eh i made my ex beg though i really wish someone else were man enough to make me 44. Do you have any strange or extreme kinks? Eh, im sorta into water sports and choking. But thats about as far as it goes in the “extreme” category. 45. Have any roleplaying preferences? Well im super into non con. But I’m also into play a school girl/boy, I’ve done a starwars one, and maybe some daddy/son play 46. Do you own sex toys? How many? Yes and 3 not including lubes 47. Favourite Sex Toy? Probably my newer pink vibe 48. What do you masturbate to? Either music porn or my imagination i guess 49. How often do you masturbate? At the max 2 times a week 50. How often do you use sex toys to masturbate? Nearly every time 51. Do you masturbate with penetration? Yeah dood 52. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms? Usually when i have sex I’ll try going for more rounds but when it comes to masturbation if i feel satisfied ill stop. 53. Do you enjoy giving oral? Yes! I love giving oral!!! 54. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral? I prefer giving but getting it isn’t half bad either. 55. What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral? Idk hearing them moan against me? 56. Do you have a preferred technique for giving oral? I like taking my time and kissing and licking and doing it real sweetly 57. Can you deepthroat? Yes but its not my facorite thing in the world to do. 58. Do you do anal? Yes! With proper build up or with toys 💜 Top or bottom? 59. As much as I’d love to be a bottom, i usually have to take over as a top bc there aren’t many guys who actually like being a top. 60. Favourite position? Idk with my legs up or doggy style 61. How often do you do unprotected sex? Nearly everytime ive had sex (i know it was dumb but i haven’t had sex in quite a while and ive learned from those mistakes) 62. How loud are you in bed? Eh im pretty noisy, but mostly loud mewling and gasps 63. Do you enjoy having nipples played with? Not really bc im trans and I’m really self conscious about my chest. 64. Do you like/dislike/love/hate cum? Love!!! 65. How good are you at dirty talk? Not.good.at.all. 66. Do you get sleepy after an orgasm? Depends. Some times im real tired but others i feel like i could run a marathon. 67. Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie? I like wearing it when im alone though I’d be way too embarrassed to wear it around my partner 68. Do you masturbate or have sex with clothes on? Yes! 69. What’s your favourite style of underwear? Boxers i guess 70. Are stockings/thigh highs a turn on? Yes! 71. Ever had somebody say no to a kink you suggested trying? Not really though one guy tried getting me to do raw anal and i noped out real quick 72. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched? How do you prefer partners? Depends if im in a relationship or not. If i am i will trim if not i wont. Though i do lile my partners with some hair. 73. How many orgasms can you have in a day? Idk i never counted but more than 2 74. How many other people know your dick/bra size? Not many?? 75. What do you wear to bed? Usually a t shirt and boxers 76. Do you eat ass? Do you like having your ass eaten? No, and I’ve had my ass eaten and it wasn’t great and was kind of uncomfortable tbh 77. Try to describe how orgasm feels for you. It’s a mix between a fun burn and having to pee. 78. Have you ever been to a strip club? How was it? If not, would you? No and i probably would if i had people to go with. 79. Fun questions!Do you name your genitalia? No but if i did it’d probably be an Adam 80. What would be your stripper name? Pussy boi 81. Any funny sex stories? Well me and my ex were having sex in his swimming pool and his mom came outside and couldn’t see the lower half of me, and thought we were hugging and was like “awwwe” and i was dying bc it felt really good and i couldn’t do anything and he wouldn’t stop moving his hips. 82. What food if any would you use during sex? 83. Idk whipped cream or something i can lick off 84. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift? Yes and i have 85. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen? ET porn. Look it up and be horrified. 86. Do you often get horny in public? Yes. 87. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom? I’ve used a baseball bat and i have no regrets 88. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on? Yes by my mother and my ex’s mother but we usually pulled away close enough to make it seem like we weren’t doing anything 89. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with? Oh hell yes. Many. Though of course I’d never tell them that…
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