#and just because you dont like it doesnt mean it doesnt have a place in the fandom nor does it mean that no one likes it (clearly)
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kittilumpo · 7 hours ago
started a thing in the replies and wouldnt u know it it got so mich longer than the five lines it started as
(team phantom is typing, technus is speaking out loud in the game, the lone t is a lil middle finger, and danny hasnt told them WHO he's dating just that they ARE dating - because it started with him telling them he just "has a stalker lmao" and once they realized he was serious sam was like "KICK HIM IN THE NUTS AND RUN" and tucker was like "bail" so danny has been teasing them with the mystery of who tim could possibly be)
Ghost_Boy: omfg sam u dont grt it he BOUGHT ME ECTOPLADM!!!
CHAOS: frm WHR???
Ghost_Boy: who CARES???
FryerTuck: gotta pnt
CHAOS: no pnt NO PNT da
Ghost_Boy: rude :p
CHAOS: git gud
CHAOS: gud brn
FryerTuck: brn?
Ghost_Boy: brn?
CHAOS: *brain
FryerTuck: LOL
Ghost_Boy: RUDE >:P
CHAOS: theres only so much about ur sUpEr PeRfEcT bOyFrIeNd i can take during gamenite man
FryerTuck: speak for urself i am LIVING for these stalker upd8s!
FryerTuck: this is the only place secure enough to talk and you WILL let him talk about his tea!
Ghost_Boy: still not how the phrase works but ur getting closer
FryerTuck: thats literally how you used it last time??
CHAOS: *u're
Ghost_Boy: sam: shut up
Ghost_Boy: tucker: no u spill the tea or u get the tea u dont talk about the tea
FryerTuck: dum
CHAOS: wat r u a rrb??
FryerTuck: only dum kidz spel it dumB
CHAOS: dum
CHAOS: dny?
FryerTuck: #Ghost_Boy bro??
CHAOS: ogm hes txting his stalker again
FryerTuck: im telling u thyre toast getting creepy ghost married
CHAOS: *totes
FryerTuck: in like gz with skltn rmy and evythn
FryerTuck: w/e t
CHAOS: t0u0t
FryerTuck: not fair i hate emotes
Ghost_Boy: i mean i hear his gmas ring is still in the attic at his old house :eyes::eyes:
Ghost_Boy: aw man :'(
CHAOS: dnt wry man we'll all see the eyes some day
CHAOS: nxt lvl pls now
Ghost_Boy: u kno that one message is creepier than my bf
FryerTuck: its rly not bro
CHAOS: he has ur dna
CHAOS: he has a LAB to RUN ur dna
Ghost_Boy: YEAH cuz he KNEW it would make me FEEL BETTER!!
Technus: Kids Are We Fighting Or What Here?
FryerTuck: dnys texting his bf and sam is convinced dny needs boundaries
Technus: The Sleepy Rich Boy With The Spandex Bird Suit?
FryerTuck: wut
Technus: He Does Have Many Pictures Of Danny From Closed Circut Television Cameras!
Technus: Most Of Which He Does Not Legally Own Or Have Permission To Access!
Tenchus: Very Impressive!
Ghost_Boy: he LIKES taking pics!
FryerTuck: ya that cray man
Ghost_Boy: you dont know that
Ghost_Boy: ???
FryerTuck: dude closed circ tvs thats what cctv stands for
Ghost_Boy: oh
FryerTuck: dude?? ure in college????
Technus: He Is Still Not Good In English.
Technus: One Might Say He Is In Fact Very Bad Still!
Ghost_Boy: i cant afford a tutor!!
FryerTuck: u culd ask ur Sleepy Rich Boy to pay for one for u
Ghost_Boy: dude gross no
Ghost_Boy: hes npt my sugar daddy DX
Ghost_Boy: i m NOT making him pay for stuff for me!
FryerTuck: sam literally pays ur rent
Ghost_Boy: im not dating SAM
Ghost_Boy: hey where is sam
Technus: She Has Entered The Next Level And Is Destroying Entire Sections Of Terrain At Random!
Ghost_Boy: ah
FryerTuck: makes sens
Technus: If Financial Destitution Is Your Only Problem Ghost_Boy: >:( Technus: Then Why Do You Not Just Ask The Sleepy Rich Boy's Brother For His Assistance For Free Instead?
Technus: I Have It On Spectacular Authority That He Greatly Enjoys All Things Literature And Classic!
Ghost_Boy: which brthr hes got like 9
Technus: The Murder One!
FryerTuck: the what
Ghost_Boy: that helps but still doesnt narrow it down
FryerTuck: what the fuck????
Ghost_Boy: relax they do it much anymore apparently
FryerTuck: this does not??? make me relax???
Ghost_Boy: its like a bat thing i guess
Ghost_Boy: after u join u cant murder anymore or ur out of the club or smth
FryerTuck: BAT???
Technus: AHEM!
Technus: As I, Technus, Was Saying!
Technus: The Shooty Murder Brother Might Help You If You Ask Him Nicely Enough!
Technus: And Perhaps Offer A Favor Or Two As Payment For His Tutoring Services!
(sam eventually calms down enough to read the group chat and goes apeshit again; other than that, this is where my brain ends lol
tho an alt path is technus says "the dead one" instead of murdery one and then when danny is yet more confused he says "the shooty one in the red helmet" and danny is like "oh yeah" and tuck is like "shooty??" and the inclusion of the bats remains a mystery for a little longer~)
Dead Tired Stalker AU
AKA "Tim Drake is a little obsessive, possessive, and really, really likes his new boyfriend (Danny)" prompt idea!! No non-con, violence, or dead doves. Brief reference to human experimentation.
Inspired by this one post where Tim kept a methodical journal of Danny's resting pulse, body temperature, weaknesses, tracked him literally all the time, and Danny was like *heart-eyes* (I can't find the post now but please, I need it-)
I like the idea of Tim's idea of love being completely a bit skewed. He was neglected as a kid and craved attention, affection, being wanted; so, understandably, he assumes that's what other people want, too. He'd only had one boyfriend before. Kon was sarcastic, funny, and sweet, but even he couldn't handle Tim's... staring. The unblinking intensity in those eyes, the hundreds of pictures of himself on Tim's phone, somehow Tim knowing about Kon's conversations and experiences without having been there.
Needless to say, Tim and Kon's relationship ended with a harsh reiteration that most people need boundaries.
So, when Tim meets this very cute messy-haired boy at Gotham-U, he shoves down the instinctive urge to know everything. Mentally captures moments, memorizes them, instead of taking pictures. Shoves earbuds in to avoid listening in on Danny's conversations (oh, his name's Danny, which he overheard when the boy was speaking with the TA).
It's so hard not to obsess, though. Danny is... well, he's haunting. His crystalline eyes make Tim's heart stutter in his chest, chills rising along his arms; he swears there's this aura around Danny that's just utterly compelling. (Stop it, Tim, you'll scare him off.) But Tim can actually be a person sometimes, so he just asks, "Do you want to go out for coffee with me sometime?" And he's psyched when Danny says yes!! (He tries really, really hard not to memorize the fact that Danny likes hot oatmilk chai lattes, uses his left hand to hold his drink, and prefers not to use a coffee sleeve. Does Danny always hold his cups by the lid? Does he prefer- Tim stops himself.)
And Tim is a great boyfriend!! They go on dates (he doesn't avidly stare at the way Danny's eyes sparkle while at Gotham-U's planetarium). Tim learns Danny's favorite music the normal way (he doesn't hack into Danny's Spotify... although he's suddenly found himself listening to an artist named Ember). And Tim has a totally normal album of pictures of his boyfriend on his phone (his burner phone is a different matter entirely, but not even Batman himself could get it unlocked. Tim's got that phone sealed up tighter than the Fortress of Solitude).
Except Tim notices Danny becoming more withdrawn. More tired, dark bags under his eyes and stealing Tim's double espresso (he never does that, it's too bitter for him, why isn't he drinking his oatmilk latte?). Leaning his head on Tim's shoulder during lectures to take naps. And Tim's becoming more frantic the more lethargic Danny becomes.
Maybe he's more like Bruce "Contingency Plan" Wayne than he's willing to admit. Tim sets a hard boundary for himself: I'm just going to Google his symptoms. That's it.
He spends the next 42 hours obsessively researching Danny: hacks into his phone, downloads all his previous location history, texts, calls, background checks everybody Danny's been in contact with. Re-traces his steps down to the minute, finds all his Google searches, activates Danny's laptop webcam. He's determined to find out what's wrong with his boyfriend.
And because Tim is Red Robin, who literally became part of the Batfam because of his stalking tendencies and is one of the greatest detectives since Batman, he finds out. He finds out that Danny Fenton is one Phantom, a vigilante from Amity; finds obscure clips of newspapers mentioning a young boy's tragic death, discovers the GIW, uncovers classified information containing metahuman experimentation (let's say he doesn't quite know about Ghosts, but Metas are close enough).
Somehow, he makes a connection between ectoplasm and the Lazarus Pit (maybe not necessarily the right connection, but something-adjacent). After all, Jason was resurrected via "Evil Baja Blast" and Ra's al Ghul used it to make himself immortal. It would make sense that the GIW could sample Lazarus Pit water and use it to experiment on metahumans. So... Does Danny just need more Lazarus Pit water?
Cue Tim making use of the Drake and Wayne family wealth to literally overnight mason jars full of Lazarus water. Ra's al Ghul has no idea how it happened. He tests the reaction of Danny's DNA and the Lazarus water only to realize he was right. (Lazarus Pit waters are just excessively concentrated ambient ectoplasm, I guess?)
Tim does what any good boyfriend would do and spikes Danny's oatmilk lattes with Lazarus Pit water. And it helps. Danny is suddenly so much more energetic, there's that glittering shine to his eyes, and he looks so much healthier. Happier. Tim can't stop staring at him. If anything, he stares more, tries to memorize every angle of his boyfriend's face; he collects more candid pictures than before, always catching the gentle curl of Danny's lips when he's distracted; doesn't disengage the tracking apps or phone mirroring software.
He's just happy that his boyfriend is feeling better, more like himself. It's just a perk that Danny doesn't know about Tim's minor stalking tendencies.
(Danny absolutely knows.)
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mamadarama · 3 days ago
As a Sora enjoyer, I wholeheartedly believe that he can and will swear, but he tells people that he doesn't so that he can completely cuss someone out to their face in private and no one would believe them if they tried to tell others. Also Sora has just as much capacity for evil and cruelty as Natsume does, he's just not as obvious about it because he acts kinda childish. Like. He's not the cute little innocent baby that the majority of the fandom makes him out to be. He's 18. He has a career.
well yes hes capable of doing that, like anyone is, but hes just not that kind of person. youd have to seriously seriously get under his skin to push him that far. maybe he would cuss someone out if they manage to push him that far, but he wouldnt act like it never happened. but not because hes "innocent". he wouldnt do that because hes a kind person. which is part of the problem i think..... people mistake his kindness for innocence and immaturity, as if being mature would reveal that he should be treating people badly instead, and only someone naïve would be kind. which is not the case. in fact being kind in places where apathy or blatant rudeness is expected shows a lot of emotional maturity. not that es is that kind of place, but you get what i mean i hope.
anyways yeah, more than that hes literally just autistic is the thing. the only difference between "high functioning" and "low functioning" is masking, and sora doesnt mask. autistic folks that dont mask in real life, either bc they dont want to or bc they cant, are often subject to the same kind of infantilism. some might argue its because of the childish nature of soras habit of speaking in third person, but hes not the only one who does that and you dont see people coddling himeru. as far as ive seen, even yume doesnt get this as much as sora does, and yume actually is still an (older) kid (not that yume should be coddled either). weirdly enough ive also seen people do this with nagisa before, and nagisa doesnt even act childish. another one i see this happen with a lot is mitsuru, who has explicitly stated before that he hates being treated like a kid. also hes literally a drama actor. also also, the part he plays in madaras backstory and his overall history with madara is anything but childish.
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maliciousalice · 5 months ago
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arosebyan0thername · 9 months ago
If there are a million Reeve Carney as Orpheus fans in the world, I am one of them. If there are only two Reeve Carney as Orpheus fans in the world, I am one of them (Eva Noblezada is the other). If there are no Reeve Carney as Orpheus fans in the world, Eva Noblezada and I are dead 😔
#hadestown#hadestown obc#reeve carney#eva noblezada#seriously im sick and fucking tired of the reeve carney hate on tiktok#'jordan fisher is the only orpheus that matters' 'jordan fisher shouldve originated orpheus on bway'#'they should replace the obc recording with jordan fisher' 'jordan fisher was the best thing to ever happen to hadestown'#shut up!!!!!!!#i adore jordan fisher but you are missing the point of theatre and hating on reeve in the process!!!!!#you can have a favorite but that doesnt mean the actors who are not your favorite shouldnt exist in that role!!!!!#but also your favorite is wrong!!!!#reeve carney brought more autistic swag to orpheus than anyone could possibly recreate!!!#he was naive he was soft spoken he was unaware of social expectations!!!!!#jordan fisher has such a raw powerful voice and thats not what orpheus needs!!!!! hes just a lil guy!!!!#hes just a lil guy who accidentally had a battle of the bands with the devil and won#because he has nothing in his brain except sing and love his girlfriend!!!!!#i love jordan fisher in everything ive ever seen him in and i adore his voice but please stop putting other actors down#im not a huge fan of the way jonjon briones plays hermes but im not out here talking shit about him!!@#or saying he should never have had the part in the first place#(btw i was joking about the 'your favorite is wrong' thing because - again - literally defeats the point of theatre)#please find ways to say that jordan fisher is your favorite without putting reeve carney down#and also please give reeve carney a chance and dont dismiss him just because he is less conventionally attractive#and hip in popular media and on social media#please give the role a chance for what it is and not just which actor you already like#i was pissed when i first found out they were taking damon daunno out for the obc and adding reeve#the only thing id ever seen or heard him in at that point was the live action rocky horror with laverne cox#and he was fucking riffraff#i was mad!!! i didnt think he could do it!!! but i love the show and i gave him a chance and now hes my all time favorite#between both touring casts ive seen and the pre bway cast recording and jordan fisher#just please stop being mean and give him a chance
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marscellaneous · 10 days ago
its always the people who make neither fics nor art that have the most to say about how other people characterize ships n characters.
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trophyposting · 1 year ago
this is an extremely unpopular opinion in the osc and like everywhere actually but i hate it when people excessively hate on "mean" characters. like especially when the characters are otherwise well-written and they just hate them because they did some bad shit. its legitimately so annoying
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australet789 · 10 months ago
man, the, i have to say this, childish naivety of hearing two white USA men say
"this whole town wouldnt be into child trafficking, would they?"
and im just
i see the news everyday of my country, i know what happens in certain cities
they would
they totally would
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bmpmp3 · 3 months ago
post ankle-twisting clarity
#i slipped in the mudddddd the other day LOL i twisted my one ankle and scraped up my other knee#so the past few days ive just been kind of needing to waddle around.....#LUCKILY its healing well and fast <3 but yknow i was like#so stressed out over shit that doesnt matter in school. and like this is an awful unintentional habit i have but i will get like#overly stressed over shit and then i'll start getting SUPER careless with everything. and then i'll injure myself foolishly and Calm Down#happened last year with my foolish midnight woodcarving incident LOL its always november....#BUT yeah luckily this years foolish injury is a quick one at least!!#but yeah like genuinely i was so stressed out about all my fine arts major shit. teachers have been really getting on my case recently#my main professor said that it was a good thing people get so riled up with my work because it means its impactful#tbh i didnt believe her at all i thought she was just trying to placate me but then i listened closely to the things faculty say when#they look at my fucking. cartoon wolf drawing or something and i think. she might be right actually. people keep getting frustrated with me#because i think they see a lot of potential in me but i basically only have to drive to draw cartoon wolves etc HFKJSDHJVKRFEds#which is great for my ego. maybe too good for my ego. that my mark making and colour use etc is so evocative to these industry and#instutition people. but on the other hand i was told like thrice now that my work has no place in a gallery. which is fine although im not#totally sure how true that is. but also afterwards one time i was suggested to go into animation instead which is. um.#so its not out of nowhere i mean i did want to be an animator when i was like 10 but if you know anything about the current state of the#animation industry its like genuinely wild to tell someone who you've only seen 2 dimensional watercolour and acrylic painted#sketchy lined drawings from and who has said they cant do digital art anymore that they should get an animation degree?#brother they would kill me. i would be killed. i had an inkling but it really made me notice so clearly how limited the experiences my#faculty kind of have with certain industries. which is fine. or maybe not. for a professor LOL but yknow. but i was like huh. i guess i can#just kind of chill lol if i just keep doing things maybe something will come of it. i may not get as much help in my artistic development#rn as i would like. but its chill i think i'll figure it out if i just keep doing stuff <3#doesnt really matter that my teachers dont know what to do with me. my kneeeee has a booboo so i am CHILLING out :)
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liuisi · 6 months ago
#if you find yourself worried that growing in faith will remove parts of your personality becayde you might suddenly lose interest in#what makes you you#thats something you really have to like Investigate. deep down. because in the end even if you change a bit you will be Better. l#like you will be where God wants you to be#the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked etc#like i GET IT but also . growing in faith doesnt make you a Totally Different Person it doesnt take away all your interests#maybe it changes how you interact with them and the importance you place on them but like#me being more spiritually mature than i was a year ago doesn't mean that im not interested in poetry anymore or i dont like all the media#im invested in anymore#EVEN when i felt called to stop listening to secular music#i was like oh well ill just be boring now#no girl theres worlds out there of good music by christian artists you just gotta find it#anyways. this is rambly#i cant really make this concise#but really like. sometimes you gotta reconsider your priorities#God created you as you are WITH your personaliyy#sure we were born in sin etc but your personality being sanctified does not mean that you will lose it#yk#anyways#reminds me of this story abt a guy asking an older brother about if he should be listening to secular music#and the brother was like . ok well first off answer me this#if God told you to only listen to ska music for the rest of your life would you listen#and the guy was like ?? what??? no???#and the brother was like well then you still place your preferences higher than Gods#kind of silly and i do still think theres nuance in the music thing#but like. Yk. The Basic Idea
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gibbearish · 1 year ago
ive seen ppl saying smth in the wider plagiarism discussion to the tune of "don't worry anxious people, it's impossible to accidentally plagiarize!" and i feel like that lacks a lot of nuance that anxious brains like mine latch on to to just dismiss the possibility outright, as well as a lack of life experiences fueling it.
it is possible to "accidentally plagiarize" in that you can read something, forget about it, then a while later have your brain spit the ideas back out without telling where it got them. so of course you just assume they're yours and share them as such, because That's Where Most Of The Thoughts In Your Head Come From! and it both is and isn't plagiarism, you weren't /intending/ to pass someone's else's work off as your own, i'd even say in a way you were just as much a victim of misinformation as your audience. but you very much so did still resuse the work of someone else, even if you don't remember it.
but in my experience, this kind of thing also happens to a lot of people. you tell a friend a joke then wake up in a cold sweat two days later realizing the reason they didnt laugh was because they'd told you that joke a month ago. you reply to a friend's text and after sending you realized you ended it with the same exact phrase as theirs. you're writing edgy poetry and write a line you really like only to see it in a text post two days later saying youve already liked the post. like, it happens. so if it DOES happens and you're just honest and explain, people will understand. something like "oh shit im sorry, i totally have read that, i mustve forgotten and only remembered bits and pieces and just thought they were mine. thank you for letting me know and for the source" works wonders.
people know you can forget things. people won't automatically doubt your apology just because all true plagiarists say it was accidental. HOPEFULLY people can understand the nuance between a genuine remorseful explanation, and a thief who hoped no one would find out scrambling for excuses for why they did it. and those who can't, that's a them problem, not a you problem, you've taken responsibility for your actions as much as you can. they think the answer is simple, that the only thing stopping you from saying "yes i did it on purpose, i knew the whole time and deliberately copied them" is shame/inability to admit to your actions. but sometimes things AREN'T that simple, so imo ppl who are shitty to you for not following the script they made up for you in their head should be ignored
#youre allowed to make up scripts for people in fact good luck stopping yourself since thats kinda just part of how conversation works#is you try to predict how your audience will react to a certain statement#and my therapist actually encouraged me to practice run stuff i wanna talk about in sessions because That Makes It Easier To Talk About#like who cares if it's rehearsed‚ it's still the truth‚ yknow?#however that only applies to the things /you/ want to say. you are the only one aware of this script and the only one who agreed to it in#the first place which is why you plan contingencies into the script#is because you only have control over one character and can only take guesses at what the others might say#if you guess wrong and they do something different that doesnt mean /theyre/ not following the script#it means /your/ copy was a misprint and you filled in the blanks wrong. so do what good actors do and improvise. you'll get back on script#eventually. or not‚ if your guesses devolved into wildly speculative fanfiction‚ but frankly you knew going into it that#most of your script was guesswork so you should be prepared to have to make some things up on the fly#or see again: prepare contingencies#if your guesswork on your copy of the script turns out to be wrong‚ wouldnt it be sooo handy to have a second copy which follows this#version of events much better?#and if not that one‚ maybe this third? how about this fourth? etc etc etc#but really just. when guessing at what others will say. know that you are guessing and dont hold it against /them/ if youre wrong#sorry ik that wasnt super related to the post itself im just also passionate abt that#plagiarism#james somerton
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thedrotter · 10 months ago
cw blood (kind of? in different colors that dont make it look quite like it), organs
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warm up + greyscale screen filter challenge !!! featuring yuuichi eating normal human (in origin) food😁😁😁
#re:kinder#fanart#yuuichi mizuoka#he was meant to be eating watermelon#but as usual my brain felt silly goofy and decided to twist it for the lols#havent done rendering since i was 15 have mercy#since this is a warm up there are. more mistakes than usual but in my defense i forgot how to draw#michael how did you forget how to draw you were drawing JUST 4 DAYS AGO#ocurre y acontece the yet to be diagnosed and determined hand condition has been acting up in those days i have not drawn#AND SOMEHOW IT MESSED WITH MY HAND TO EYE COORDINATION it got rid of my inner calibration settings ig#but since being out of it for days in pain made me sad I WAS NOT ABOUT TO BE STOPPRD FROM DRAWING YUUICHI FOR THE MILLIONTJ TIME#it would have been a bad idea to let myself rust even longer because i dont know if unspecified undetermined condition will act up tomorrow#so irs best to draw and warm up and set back them inner calibration settings#IT WORKED AND THIS DRAWING TURNED OJT BLUE😭😭😭#OF ALL THINGS I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD TURN OUT BLUE whenever i did look at the color wheel i swear. i was on the warm side#placed greyscale filter on computer so i wouldnt see color and painted like that tossing random colors AND YET IT TJRNED OUT UNIFIED#which. welcome results but i cannot believe it is blue and green. i swear whenver i looked at thay cplored wheel it was up in the warm side#well most of the time i did not look at it so it makes sense i didnt realize but i seriously did not think it would look as coherent#doesnt have any deep meaning or anytjing i just found random referenxe and flew from there#but interpret as you will if you wanna
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bueris · 10 months ago
okay maybe I should seriously reconsider my path in life and sell my soul to marketing or journalism instead
#okay venting in the tags you are very welcome to ignore or not respond to it i just need to yell somewhere#i always thought id be an art therapist because well i care about people and want to help them and love art#but everyday i wake up feeling like a fraud and an imposter so like. should i really be doing all that when im not entirely#certain i cpuld handle it??? like i know i haven't gotten the meaty bit of the education towards that yet but like#university costs a disgusting amount of money here and if i pick the wronf thing im likely doomed forever thanks to awful government#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour#party is so like if i fuck up here im basically dead#also can i actually do art uni. like could i cope with that. im deeply unethused with art at the moment and honestly will i evwr be#idk#it was jusr a thing i always did but education around it is fucking soul sucking#also the emotional weight of hearing and solving people's problems as a therapist. i would consider myself quite empathetic for the most#part i feel other people's pain quite strongly and obviously as a therapist id be feeling that quite a bit so could i actually cope with it?#ik therapists have therapists but still#i mean im doing work experience at an occupational therapy place so ill just be extra inquisitive about it all to make sure im going#the way i wanna#I'll be fine by the end of a levels ill probably understand what i want in life#if not then gap year to work it out#should probably look at unis for english language too then#sigh#ucas website i may as well marry you#ill be okay im getting in my head about stuff im actually pretty good at art even if there are things i can improve on (like patience lol)#yeah maybe the voice telling me i suck doesnt know shit and should shut up#yeah#shut it nasty voice you're wrong actually!!! im doing just fine and you're being overly critical#they should make a brain that's your friend and not mush that hides the amalgamation of every bad thing ever in its crevices#crevices shoyild be filled with kindness and love.#sex jokes about that#why the fuck is yahoo mail syncing i dont use you you washed up search engine#bue waffling#vent post
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zedif-y · 8 months ago
there are times when you write something and it's not your best , but somewhere out there whether you know it or not you just made someone really happy. so it's worth it i think
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milfgwen · 1 year ago
ppl who neglect their cats and leave them outside will be like "we literally domesticated cats they used to be WILD and UNTAMED and so they should live outside!!!!!!" .....................what do you think domestication is all about like did you forget that before you finished the sentence or
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mummer · 1 year ago
ten needs to be trapped in a torture chamber forever for what he does to martha. I hope jakey the time lord fucking dies
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