#and it got stuck and you cant turn me back on
armenelols · 1 month
Yeah I've just realised it's been months since I posted or reblogged or replied to anything on here, so. Yeah. Obligatory announcement that I am still alive and well. My mind got wiped midway through exam season at the end of january and since they then I've been vibing in a stress free world where I am not worried about anything or doing anything
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
Comparing my characters' most recent art to their first art makes me feel like a proud parent 😭😭😭 I can't believe how far they're come 🥹
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handcat · 2 years
girl help! my mental health has reached a low point! 🤪
#not my lowest but also my meds dull my emotions a bit so#haha#you ever feel like you’ve tried so hard to improve your life and you wind up in the exact same place you started#like the problem is indisputably me so#what do i do abt that!#also i’m now seriously considering that i might be autistic? idk#but it would explain how I CANT UNDERSTAND PEOPLE OR AOCIAL SITUATIONS AT ALL#and like idk#my brain is a mess i’m realizing#and i was feeling shit this week anyway then i got COVID and bc of that i’m missing a concert i really wanted to go to#so that’s just compounded everything bc now i’m stuck at home for a week#alone with my thoughts#and my thoughts suck atm#haha ahahah at a low point#like i’m good i’m chillin#but also i fear things may never improve#i think it feels so bad bc i got to a high point last year where i really felt like i’d turned things around in my life and now i’m back#i wish someone could just tell me how to act so that people will love me#i feel like i’ve figured out how to make people like me but i struggle so hard to have friends#like i can’t manage more than one person#and then i realize everyone has slipped away and it’s my fault bc i never talk to anyone#i want a script for how to do friendship bc baby i haven’t figured it out!#and it feels like everyone else knows!#where did you lear. this!!! how!!!#like what topics do you text people about#how often should friends hang out#how long does it take to become friends with someone#what do friends talk about#i feel like i’m trying to mimic everyone else but people can Tell#at least i’ve got my cat
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
It would be hilarious if villains loved Nightwing and were terrified of Officer Dick Grayson.
Dick Grayson- who is used to open spaces and adrenaline- being stuck in a boring bleak office, surviving on shots of coffee and red bull with caffeine that would make Tim concerned.
The thugs soon realised that unlike most of the other cops - Dick was from Gotham.
No one fucks with Gothamites.
Villain *shooting at Dick with machine guns*
Dick *appearing from the shadows behind him*: Boo.
Thief *throwing a counting down bomb at Dick*
Dick: *catching and tossing the bomb at a safe distance before turning round and shooting it so it explodes mid air while running after thief*
Thief: .. what the actual fuck
Dick: Gee look at all that time you had! Shame you threw it away :D
Dick: I’m from Gotham
Thief *realising they fucked up* : Please don’t steal my bones
Shooter: *sets elaborate booby traps throughout the houses in an active hostage situation*
Dick *using his training as robin and inhuman flexibility to surpass them with ease*: Ah been a while since I got to have a nice stretch thank you.
Dick: .. Hi :)
Shooter: Are you Satan?
In interrogation room
Murderer: I think I’ll take your eyes and add them to my collection
Dick *running on spite and caffeine that could give Superman a sugar rush* : Funny.. I was going to say the same thing to you
Murderer: .. what
Dick: I wouldn’t take your eyes though.. they look like the inspiration behind the whole Medusa’s “look at it and you turn to stone” thing-
Murderer: Hey! Take that back before I gut you
Dick *smile stretching wider without blinking* : oh? Or what? I know everything about you. Who says I can’t kill you and walk out with everyone being none the wiser? I know how to kill someone too..you aren’t special.
Murderer: I’m scared for my safety.
Because the thing is, Nightwing is who Dick really is. It’s who he can be free as, be himself as without red tapes and regulations. Where he can give as good as he gets, and he’s kind and empathetic. He gets to help the downtrodden and goes easy on most of them if they give up right away, not to mention the fact that he never causes permanent damage.
But officer Dick Grayson is a different story. He runs on sleepless nights and no self preservation. Seeing an officer with an uncanny skill set they’re scarily good at, not to mention the cheery attitude he always has scares the shit out of criminals. Cuz no way in hell is a smiling Gothamite not a deranged one. He chases crimes like a bloodhound, and isn’t afraid to make good on threats he makes to ensure they never hurt anyone again.
Bonus if the batfam doesn’t know about this.
Red hood: Shit I can’t believe we ended up in Bludhaven
Red Robin *tying up the corrupt politican* : Since this is a sensitive case, we need someone we can trust to make sure it is seen through.
Red hood: .. So we paying a visit to Officer Grayson?
Red hood: .. is he fucking serious?
Henchmen: Sir he is. And we agree. Please take our bones and kill us but don’t take us to Officer Grayson.
Red Robin: Wait what did he do?
Henchman 1: He asked boss if the hat was sentient.. and said that if it was would it make that hat the top and boss the bottom.
Henchman 2: Last time we met I tried to shoot him but suddenly my gun was blank and he raised his hand and let the ammo drop
Red Hood: Well even I could do that-
Henchman 2: They were my bullets. I had selected the colour personally.
Red robin *growing concerned*
Henchman 3: He sang a lullaby to a child when we were holding the station hostage, and replaced the people with my family members. He even sang their social security numbers!
Henchman 4: He’s the most dangerous of them all. I ain’t shitting ya when I say he’s as scary as the bat from Gotham.
*all nodding in agreement*
Red hood:
Red Robin:
Red hood: Nah that doesn’t sound like Dick
Red Robin: Agreed. Let’s go there Hood.
*villains’ sobbing intensifies*
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nanaslutt · 5 months
when they catch you masturbating
ft. gojo, geto, nanami, toji, choso
Tumblr media
cont: masturbation, voyeurism, jerking off, sex toys, perv!behavior, teasing, sexual tension, jealousy, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, established relationships in all but Toji's (fuckbuddy Toji)
You held the purple vibrator against your clit while you stuck two fingers inside of yourself, moving them in and out shallowly from the awkward angle. Your arms weren't quite long enough to allow your fingers to go in past the first knuckle, making you incredibly frustrated as you knew your sweet spot was just a couple more millimeters inside. If Gojo was here this would be no problem, but unfortunately, Yaga had sent him away on a mission, leaving you to deal with your little problem alone.
"F-fuck." You grit in annoyance, canting your hips towards your hand as you try to force your fingers deeper inside you, to no avail. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on the vibrator buzzing against your clit as you pulled your fingers out from inside yourself, as all they were doing was taking the focus away from your pleasure and onto the frustration of not having Gojo's freakishly large fingers at your aid. 
Slipping your hand under Gojo's shirt you were wearing, you pinched at your nipple, trying to pleasure yourself more so you would be able to cum. You tried holding your breath, as you knew that sometimes worked in aiding you to finish faster, but nothing was working. Gojo had successfully ruined your body, you were officially unable to cum without his aid.
"Fuck... C'mon..." You groaned, squeezing your eyes together harder as you tried to focus on the pleasure, but the frustration and annoyance were now on the forefront of your brain, blocking your pleasure. Groaning in frustration, you flipped your body over so your face was pressed against the sheets and your ass was in the air, legs spread.
With one hand, you reached behind your ass and tried to finger yourself that way while you pressed the vibrator against your clit again, but once again, the angle was too awkward, and your fingers were just too short. You tried to imagine Gojo teasing his tip against your tight little hole as he often did, while he rolled your clit between his fingers. 
"Fuck... Satoru please..." You whimpered, pushing your hips back against your hand, making your fingers breach the tight ring of your cunt. A jolt of electricity shocked down your body, your imagination was putting in work as you really started to get into the fantasy of Gojo teasing you. "F-fuuck put it in, give it to me, please..." Just when you started feeling like you were getting close to something, you heard a loud 'tsk' from the doorway.
Snapping out of your fantasy, you scrambled to turn around, pulling Gojo's shirt between your legs to cover yourself as the vibrator lay forgotten next to you, buzzing against the sheets. Your adrenaline calmed down when your eyes found the assailant's face, your fear instead being replaced with embarrassment and shock and Satoru stood in the doorway with his arms crossed and a scowel on his face. Although he looked upset, you could very clearly see the massive boner he was sporting through his Jujutsu High slacks.
"What are you using some toy for when you have me? You're really so impatient you couldn't wait 2 days?" Satoru tsked, his pout becoming more prominent. "I tried to be quick too... can't believe I got replaced by some fuckin' toy." Your heart raced in your chest, you couldn't tell if he was really mad or just playing around. Satoru did make it clear that you would never need to masturbate alone again because you had him, so it made sense why he would be upset about the toy.
"Y-you.. what are you doing here?" You asked, your hands curling into fists in the shirt, balling up the fabric as you kept your pussy covered. Gojo huffed before uncrossing his arms and started walking toward you. "You sound so guilty right now. Asking me what I'm doing in my own girlfriend's house after she gets caught fucking some toy." Satoru spit, his face more serious than you've ever seen it before. 
Walking quickly up to the side of the bed where you sat, he gripped your chin and looked at your face, his impressive eyes not missing the dried tear stains on your cheek, his ego instantly taking a hit. "Oh! and it was so good it made you cry tears of joy?? You might as well kill me now." Gojo said dramatically, bringing your face closer to his as he inspected you more. "How many times did you cum on that toy, huh? More than me? You like it better than me?" Gojo said, his displeasure being very evident in every single one of his actions.
You had tried to avert your eyes at first, but when you heard him say those words and picked up on the authentic jealousy in his voice, you brought your gaze back to him, looking at him in the eyes as you gripped his wrist, preventing him from manhandling your face around anymore. "N-no no I-" You swallowed hard, preparing yourself to rid any confusion as to why you were crying. "Satoru I... I couldn't cum. I- don't think I can... cum without you." You said, your confidence seeping away as he stared at you intensely, hanging onto your every word.
His eyebrows raised in surprise at your confession as he studied your face before he dropped his eyes to examine the rest of your body. Judging by your sweat-slicked body and your still-steady legs, he could tell you were telling the truth. After you had cum your voice and body were usually far more unstable, shaking and trembling from the force of your orgasms. His jealousy washed away in an instant as his hands cupped your face more gently than his hand had grabbed your chin.
You scrunched your eyebrows and averted his eyes, looking anywhere but his face as he gazed at you with a smirk. "So... you were crying because you were frustrated right?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. When you didn't respond, he continued, "Bet your little fingers couldn't hit that spot inside you that you love so much, huh? Made you cry cos you wanted it so bad?" Gojo teased, making your face heat up in embarrassment.
You almost preferred when he was jealous, at least he wouldn't be so teasing and cocky right now. Maybe you shouldn't have told him you couldn't cum without him, you knew damn well it was going all to his ego. As if that needed to get any bigger. "Fuck... that's so cute. You're such a crybaby." Gojo giggled, finally making your eyes lock onto his at the degrading name. You pouted at him, a look of embarrassment and disdain on your face. 
"Aw, what's wrong? You mad at me?" He teased, caressing your face before he pulled away, putting his hands on his hips as he created some distance between the two of you. "I guess I should leave you alone then right? Give you some space?" He teased, starting to turn his body to the side. Quickly your arms shot out to grab him, the shirt riding up your body a bit and exposing a sliver of your bare pussy as you had to lean forward a bit to stop him.
You looked at him with pleading eyes, your eyes glossy as you felt the intense throbbing resume between your legs. He couldn't just leave you like this, you needed to cum, and you couldn't do it without him. Putting your pride aside, you begged him, "P-please don't go." Making him turn on his heels and take your face back in his hands, your eyes locked on one another's as you gripped the hem of his pants, absentmindedly dipping your fingers into the band and teasing the trimmed hair of his happy trail on his lower abdomen.
Gojo licked his lips as he leaned close to you, his knee resting on the bed as he ever so slowly crawled on top of you, his eyes never once leaving yours. "No? Why? Why don't you want me to leave you, pretty? Thought you were mad at me?" He asked, slotting a leg between yours, his knee pressing against where you needed him the most, making you gasp against his lips. 
One of his hands reached between the two of you to aid you in taking off his pants as you squeezed your thighs around his leg that pressed between yours. "Need you, Toru." You whined, trying to press your lips together, but Gojo kept the distance, teasing you as he successfully undid his pants, your hands resting on the small of his waist, under his shirt, and teasing directly against his soft skin as he pulled his hard cock out from the confines of his slacks and boxers.
You attempted to look down at his cock but his hand stopped you as he grabbed your chin again and made your eyes stay on his. "What do you need? I won't know if you don't tell me." Gojo teased, beginning to rut his hips against you, his cock rubbing against your inner thigh that was pressed tightly around his leg between yours. 
You released a shaky breath from between your lips before you spoke, your words full of need, "Your cock Toru, fuck me with your cock." You whispered agaisnt his lips, making the smile dissipate from his face, a more primal look of need replaced on his face as his cock dripped against your thigh. Pulling his leg away from your cunt, he used his hand to wrap one of your legs around his waist, silently signally you to follow suit with the other as your bodies were now flush with one another, his raw dick teasing your folds.
"Do I need to stretch you out or did you do that part for me?" Gojo asked impatiently, his fat tip prodding at your entrance as he spoke, his lips now just grazing yours, only a hair's distance from connecting with your own. "I did it, I'm ready for you, just please, fuck me." Gojo wasted no time in thrusting against you, a gasp leaving both of your lips as he forced his cock fully inside, his balls flush against your ass. He faced little resistance when he penetrated you, a tell of just how long you had been trying to make yourself cum.
Gojo stayed still, allowing you to adjust to his size as his lips met with yours in a sloppy and hasty kiss full of teeth, tongue, and raw need. "Better make up for cheating on me by squirting on my cock." Gojo whispered against your lips childishly, making you shake your head at his usual antics before you connected your lips again, pulling back to whisper a "Yes sir." Before he started up a brutal pace, his cock abusing your g-spot just like you had been trying to do all night. 
"M-mmmph- ahhh-" Your moans echoed throughout the house and mixed with the ones coming through the speakers as you sat on the couch with your favorite dildo and fucked yourself as some porno played on the TV. You laid sideways along the couch on your back, legs spread as you held one of your legs up for support, the other one doing the work between your legs.
You had picked a video of a man eating a girl out, the man's face obstructed as the camera was angled more towards the side. You purposefully had chosen a man who slightly resembled Geto in some way, as the man had a similar build and black hair, only it was shorter than Geto's. You tried to imagine the fingers pistoning in and out of the girl were Geto's, and you were the girl in the video, and you pulled the dildo in and out of your cunt, loud squelching noises bouncing off the walls. 
You were too enthralled in your own little world that you hadn't noticed the sound of someone unlocking your front door with a spare key, as you focused on the screen in front of you. The second Geto stepped inside your house, a bag of soup and medicine in hand, he was met with the back of the couch and the TV front and center, playing the porno in 4k quality for his eyes to feast upon.
His eyebrows raised in surprise and he felt his pants tighten as he watched the man on the screen devour some girl's pussy. Silently walking over to the kitchen behind the sofa, he placed the bag down on the counter and snuck up behind you, placing his hands on the back of the couch as he looked down at you, watching you fuck yourself with a smirk on his face.
Your head was completely turned towards the screen, so it made sense that you hadn't noticed him. You squeezed your eyes shut and turned your head so you were facing the ceiling as you imagined Geto touching you instead of the stupid silicone. Suguru reached down and groped himself as he watched you get off, his cock already fully hard and throbbing in his pants.
He heard from Shoko you had called off work today because you were feeling sick, but as he stood over you now, he could see clear as day that you were completely fine. "A sick day huh?" Geto asked, making your eyes shoot open in surprise as his voice reached your ears. Your heart was racing out of your chest as you jumped back, your body almost falling off the couch. You had ripped the toy out of your cunt, leaving you to pulse around nothing as you gasped up at the giggling man before you.
"Suguru what the fuck!! W-when did you get in!?" You yelled, your body relaxing back against the couch when you finally realized it was him. You covered your chest with your hands, crossing your legs together in tandem as you tried to cover yourself, scrunching your body slightly up on the couch as his laughing sounded more distant as he made his way around the couch.
The porno still played loudly in the backround, making your face heat up in embarrassment at the revelation. The couch dipped behind your head before Geto picked up your head and scooted toward you, placing your head on his lap, looking down at you. "Shoko said you were sick." He said running his fingers through your sweaty hair as he explained, his hard cock still twitching for attention in his pants, right behind where your head rested.
"I brought you some medicine and soup." He explained, making you dodge his eyes as you felt guilty for making him come all this way. "But seeing you now it looks like you're fine, Shoko will be relieved." He giggled. You placed your hands over your face, blocking his cocky expression from view as you groaned. "You will not tell Shoko a word." You said, making a point to emphasize the last word. "I really wasn't feeling good this morning." You added, mumbling the words in embarrassment.
"Awww..." Geto cooed, petting your hair. He had started to rub himself over his pants again, using your hands that were covering your face for an in. "Touching yourself make you feel better?" He asked, applying extra pressure to his tip. You peeled your fingers apart, looking up at him through the cracks before nodding. "Haha, yeah, looks like you were feeling good before I interrupted you." He smiled before looking up at the TV at the perfect time, the girl on the screen had just squirted all over the man's face and he was continuing to fuck her through it, wanting to pull another orgasm out of her.
"This shit is hot baby. Good choice." Geto praised, acting so nonchalant about the whole situation. You were about to speak before you felt something slap against your head, making you freeze up. You knew exactly what that feeling was. Tilting your head back so your vision was upside down, you became face to face with Geto's erect cock as he was stroking it slowly, looking down at you once more.
"S-suguru are you-" You gasped, laying your head back down like normal as you squeezed your legs together again at his shameless show of arousal. You scrunched your face when Geto smacked his cock against your head again, his tip hitting your forehead. "Why don't you touch yourself again too?" He suggested, smirking at you. "Pick up your toy and fuck yourself with me." 
Your whole body felt like it had been set on fire. It had been maybe ten minutes since Suguru got here and he was already suggesting you masturbate to porn together? You and your body seemed to be on the same track, the idea was hot and you could already feel yourself growing wet at the idea of getting off with him. "R-really?" You ask, swallowing hard before you uncross your legs and reach for the previously discarded dildo.
"Does it look like I'm joking?" Geto asked, smirking as he jerked himself off, his breathing starting to pick up. Although you couldn't see him playing with himself, you could feel him, his movements were shaking your head and turning you on even more from how fast he seemed to already be jerking himself off. "C'mon don't leave me hangin'" He smiled, ruffling your hair.
You shook your head before spreading your legs adequately and realigning the toy with your pussy. Geto watched with a slacked jaw as you pushed the Dildo inside you, your cunt greedily swallowing up the toy. "Gooood girl." Geto cooed, his hand working faster on himself as he smiled, his jaw still open as he watched you, breathing heavily. "Fuck yourself how I fuck you, pretend it's my cock in your tight little pussy right now." He groaned, ignoring the porno completely as you resumed your previous pace, thrusting the toy in and out of you.
Although Geto could just fuck you right now, building up the tension like this made him unreasonably horny. He would fuck you of course, but later, after the both of you had cum from masturbating with the other. "Harder baby, I fuck you harder than that don't I?" He grit through his teeth, his eyes darting back and forth between your cunt and your fucked out face. "Y-yes Sugu, yes-" You reply, looking up at him as you listened to him, fucking yourself harder, making your moans louder and louder.
"Yeah that's it, you look so fucking pretty." Geto cooed, shaking his head as his hand slid from your head down to your tits to massage them and play with your neglected nipples. "I'm so fucking glad you called outta work today," Geto smirked, making you smile before he leaned down and captured your lips in a kiss.
You spread your legs open as you lay comfortably on top of you and your husband Kento's comforter, your hand between your legs, your fingers working on your clit. You had your phone open and lying next to you, your eyes glued to the photo that took up the screen. It was Nanami.
Kento was at work and would be home soon, so you had plenty of time to secretly divulge in the picture he had just sent you from Jujutsu High. Nanami held his phone in the middle of his chest, his eyes looking down at the screen, as he held his shirt up, exposing his abs, dripping with sweat. The caption underneath the picture read, "Just finished training with the kids." Although his words seemed as if he had no idea what kind of effect the picture would have on you, he sent you that on purpose, knowing it would drive you crazy. 
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you rubbed small and quick circles over your clit, getting off to the handsome picture of your husband, wishing he were home already. It felt foreign to touch yourself like this, you hadn't needed to masturbate alone since you got with Nanami, and he rarely went on missions for longer than a few days, so you never had to resort to using your own fingers, but Nanami was full of suprises and loved to tease you like this seemingly out of the blue.
Cursing under your breath, you tried to keep quiet as you touched yourself, feeling like you shouldn't be doing this without him here. Your worries would all be for naught soon, as Nanami opened the front door and set his bags on the table, calling out for you. You couldn't hear him over your own panting, as he called out to you from the living room.
Nanami knew you were home as he just got done speaking to you moments prior. He has just told you he wouldn't be home till his usual time, but he was actually already on the train when he sent you that, wanting to surprise you. Little did he know, he was going to be the one in for a surprise. "Ngh-" Nanami could hear a whimper echo through the house coming from your bedroom, making Kento freeze in place as he removed his jacket, pausing briefly before placing it on the back of a kitchen chair.
Nanami opted to not call out for you and decided to make his way to the bedroom. As he inched closer and closer to your shared room, the noises got louder. First, it was the squelching, followed by your occasional moans and huffs as you tried to keep your voice down. Nanami was cautious as he approached the room when he saw the door cracked slightly open. "F-fuck, K-Kento." You moaned sweetly, making him freeze in his tracks a couple of feet away from the door, his cock hardening in his pants.
Nanami bit his lip and walked right up to the door, listening for a moment. He could hear the squelching of your wet pussy clear as day, your choked moans, and the sheets moving underneath you as you jolted in pleasure atop the sheets. Nanami grabbed his cock through his slacks, slowly rubbing himself as he listened to you masturbate.
He felt like a pervert, even though you were the one getting off. Kento so desperately wanted to watch you touch yourself through the little crack in the door, but the bed faced the doorway, and he didn't want to get caught peeving or scare you in any way, so he opted to let his other senses take in what you were doing just behind the door. 
Kento rubbed his cock through his slacks for a moment longer, before he decided to announce his presence. Nanami wasn't one to burst in so rudely, so he decided to play coy as he cleared his breath before he called out to you, his shoulder touching the door, making it wobble a bit. "Honey?" He spoke, making your heartbeat pick up, your legs clamping around your hand as your husband's expected voice echoed in your ears. "K-Kento?" You asked, sitting up and pulling your panties back over your cunt. 
"Sorry If I scared you." He said, keeping his voice steady as he stared at the floor. "I wanted to surprise you, I didn't mean to... interrupt you." HE continued, making your face heat up. Your heart beat loudly in your ears as you panted, struggling to catch your breath from the intense arousal you felt. "I heard you call for me. I was going to leave you alone, but I wanted to make sure you were okay." Nanami said, masking his voice with faux worry as his cock steadily filled out in his pants. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest, you had a feeling Nanami knew you were touching yourself from his verbiage, which made you feel embarrassed, so you took a moment to let your heart calm down before you spoke. "I uh... I'm not okay." You replied, making Nanami raise his eyebrows from the other side of the door, not daring to move just yet. "Oh? Are you hurt?" He asked, teasingly, keeping the faux concern in his voice.
You spread your legs slowly once more, beginning to rub your clit in small circles again as you replied, "No... but I could use your help with something. After all, I'm in a situation you created." You said, pouting as you rubbed your clit faster, your breath picking up. "In a situation I created? I apologize." He responded, rubbing himself as he spoke, sensing the growing tension. "Care to tell me what I did?"
Your breath hitched as you tried to hold back your moans and keep your voice steady enough to speak. The tension you were feeling was insane. Nanami wasn't dense in the slightest, and he knew you like the back of his hand, he knew what you were doing, and he knew damn well what caused this little 'situation.' Wiggling your hips against your fingers, you spoke, "You sent me a picture of your body like it was nothing." You replied, making Nanami silently nod behind the door, his hand rubbing harder over his cock.
"Your abs dripping with sweat." You said, your voice sounding more desperate are your gasps and whines started coming out more frequently, mixing with your words, "I c-could see your cock through your pants too... 'nd your happy trail..." You said, tipping your head back as you squeezed your eyes shut, recalling the picture since your phone screen had turned black who knows how long ago from the lack of attention. 
Nanami's own breath started picking up in his chest as your words went straight to his cock. "Did I rile you up, baby?" He asked, his arousal showing in his deep voice as he spoke. "Mhm..." You responded, feeling yourself grow close to your orgasm already with the help of Nanami's teasing and the tone of his sexy, deep voice. 
"I'm sorry honey, just wanted to send my wife a nice picture. Didn't mean to get you all worked up." He lied through his teeth, undoing his belt with a loud clack from the buckle that your ears most certainly didn't miss. "You really didn't mean to?" You replied, sliding your fingers down to your entrance to tease yourself. Nanami let his belt fall heavily against the floor with a clang as he reached into his pants and started stroking his cock directly, not pulling it out just yet.
He nodded even though you couldn't see him, before giving a verbal response. "Come show me how sorry you are before I cum all over my fingers. Hurry." You cried, tapping your fingers against your entrance and creating soft 'plp' sounds as you spoke. Nanami wasted no time in opening the door and walking towards your direction, his eyes taking in your sprawled-out form in front of him.
He saw how your cunt glistened under the lights from how wet you were, some of your wetness starting to trickle down your thighs, and some sticking to the tips of a few of your fingers, making his mouth water.
His pants were unzipped and you could see the bottom of his shaft as his boner created a tent in his pants, a wet patch forming right under the zipper from all the pre-cum he was leaking. You sat up and placed your hands by your sides as Nanami crawled on top of you, connecting your lips together as he pushed you back on the bed, your bodies laying flush together.
"Did it feel good touching yourself to a picture of me?" Nanami gasped against your lips, making you moan in retaliation for his teasing while you nodded. Nanami pressed his partially clothed cock against your bare cunt, grinding against you. The neat hair of his happy trail tickled your skin as he humped his hips forward, creating the most delicious friction against your cunt. "I bet it did, could see how wet you are from the doorway." He spoke huskily between kisses, groaning each time he rolled his hips into yours.
"M-my fingers don't feel as good as yours though." You complained, whining against his lips, making him hum against you. "Why settle for less than, hm?" He asked, pulling his lips back a bit as he kept his eyes on you while he slid a hand between your bodies, his fingers making contact with your clit and rubbing agaisnt them. You gasped, your jaw falling open in a small O that Nanami mimicked as he spelled his name across it with his fingers. "Next time, wait for me." He replied before connecting your lips again.
Your face was buried in the sheets as you reached a hand underneath you and fingerfucked yourself hurriedly, loud squelches sounding from your cunt. "A-ahhh- hah-" You moaned as the pads of your fingers rubbed at your g-spot, making you see stars behind your eyes. 
You usually met up with your fuckbuddy, Toji, on Fridays, but he had texted you earlier with a quick message that read, "Sorry angel face, can't come over tonight." To which you groaned into your pillows. You were ovulating this week which made it the perfect week to fuck Toji, as you felt like you were in heat, and have been feeling so for the past three days. You decided not to touch yourself and instead wait till Friday so Toji could fuck you so good, as he always did, and make you cum ten times as hard from you holding out for so long. 
Unfortunately for you though, all your waiting had been for naught as Toji canceled on you last minute, giving you no time to even go out and find someone else to satisfy you. In the end, you ended up deciding to get off yourself like you'd done thousands of times previously before you had got entangled with Toji. It was proving to be quite difficult to get yourself though, as your fingers were nowhere even close to as thick and long as Toji's fingers or cock, meaning you had to work a little harder for your ogasm.
You had started off using your rose toy, but nothing seemed to be going right tonight as it died on you halfway through. To make matters worse, you couldn't even find your trust dildo that had done wonders in the past. Only after ten or so minutes of searching while trying to ignore the heat in your tummy and the throbbing of your pussy, you realized you were so ecstatic after you met Toji a year ago, that you had thrown it out, saying you would never need it again now that you had him, dumb girl. 
You had to angle your body in an almost uncomfortable position as you fucked yourself, trying to poke your g-spot just right to make yourself cum. Admittedly it did feel good, but the building-up process was taking a while, and all you wanted to do was cum for fucks sake.
In the other room, your window slid open from the outside, and in came a large man dressed in all black, baggy black sweats, and a black compression t-shirt. Shutting the window behind him, he took in the state of your apartment and noticed how only one lamp in the living room was on. Toji ran a large hand through his hair, he had only texted you an hour ago canceling your plans, had you already gone to sleep in that amount of time?
Toji thought the job he got assigned to would take longer, which is why he had canceled his plans with you, but it had been called off when Shiu, the man who gave him his assignments, told him the man he was supposed to take out was just found dead inside some club surrounded by a ton of drugs. Although he was annoyed about the loss of money, he knew you would cheer him up, which led him right to you.
He was about to give up on his plan to surprise you after he thought you were asleep when he heard a loud gasp coming from your bedroom, making a mischievous smile spread across his features. Taking almost silent steps to your bedroom, Toji was relieved to see you were most definitely awake, and had left your bedroom wide open as you participated in your 'awake activities.' 
He stood with his hands in his pants in the doorway as you got yourself off, your face twisted in pleasure as it seemed like you had hit the spot you had been trying to for however long now. Toji smirked in amusement as he watched his girl get off on her bed, moaning loudly and shamelessly into her bedroom. At least he knew you weren't lying when you screamed each time he fucked you, you really were just this loud. He ignored his own hardening cock as he watched you, licking his lips occasionally when a drop of your slick dripped down the back of your thighs.
Your fingers were collecting a ring of your cum at the base of them, making Toji's mouth water as he watched the show you were putting on. He noticed your arm slow down and grow shaky the longer it went on, accompanied by your annoyed groans and whines. "Fucking.... ugh- bastard.." You groaned, sliding your wet fingers out of your cunt before your arm cramped up. You had found and lost your sweet spot just as quickly, making your body fall limply in defeat against the sheets as you stared at your wall, facing away from Toji who unbeknownst to you, stood in your doorway as you seriously considered going to bed horny and unsatisfied.
Toji smirked at your defeat before he tipped his head against your doorframe, making a dull knocking sound before he spoke, "Who's a bastard?" He asked. You screamed, all of the strength returning to your body as you jolted around, half-naked, and ready to take whoever had snuck into your home. Your rapid breathing completely paused and your face softened for only half a second when you realized the intruder was Toji.
He smiles and catches the pillow you attempt to throw at him with ease, his muscles bulging under his shirt as he tosses it back on the bed next to you. "You fucking- how long have you been there?!" You yelled, feeling your face grow hot at the possibility of Toji watching you masturbate for an extended period of time without your knowledge. "Oh, I dunno..." He spoke, pretending to stroke his chin in thought before he answered, "A few minutes." 
You licked your lips before you pursed them, nodding dramatically as you took in his words. "Oh okay!" You said cheerfully before you deadpanned, "Get out." Toji laughed before he pulled his hands out from his pockets, slowly walking toward you. "Toji, ouutttt, go back through whatever window you came in I mean-" Your words were cut off by Toji's large hand gripping the bottom half of your face, successfully covering your mouth.
You scrunched your eyebrows in annoyance as your hands gripped his wrist tightly, your eyes looking into his challengingly. "I just watched you struggle on your own pathetic fingers for five minutes, and judging by the sweat stains on the bed, I'm guessing you've been tryna' get 'urself off for a while now haven't you?" He asked, tilting his head at you knowingly.
You wanted to smack him, to spit in his face. He had canceled your plans, broken into your house, secretly watched you masturbate like a pervert, and now he was trying to tell you how it is? It's not like he was wrong in his guess, but that only made you that more angry. "Haven't you?" Toji repeated his question, raising his eyebrows at you, obviously looking for a response.
Toji had you trained well. Despite your annoyance, you averted your eyes and nodded, instantly losing the battle of dominance with him, to no one's surprise. "So why would I leave? Cos 'ur mad I caught you touchin' 'urself?" He asked, smirking as he looked at you incredulously. You swore you could feel smoke coming from the top of your head from how annoyed you were, but Toji got his way, and you knew that.
"Neither of us realllly want that? Do we? You just got a big fuckin' ego 'n don't wanna admit you need me." Toji spoke, seeing right through you. Gripping his wrist you pulled his hand off of your mouth, the man allowing you to move him as long as his hand got to stay on you some way, resulting in him resting his hand weakly on your neck. "Just fuck me already, we both know you're gonna do it anyways." You replied, pretending you were more annoyed than you were as you felt yourself throb harshly between your legs.
"Good girl, just stop thinkin' when 'ur with me, I know what's good for you." Toji responded, making you roll your eyes in annoyance when internally you felt like he just ignited a fire deep within you. Toji's hand squeezed around your neck as he leaned in and pinned you against the bed, his large knee slotting between your legs and pressing right against your little clit, giving you just the right amount of stimulation you needed.
"O-ohhhh fuck-" You groaned, your rose toy pressed snuggly around your clit, the suction making your toes curl and your eyes roll back in your head as you got off on top of your sheets, your playlist playing in the backround. You were imagining your boyfriend, Choso between your thighs instead of the toy, but unfortunately, his brother had pulled him away to do some shopping, meaning when you got all worked up out of nowhere, you had to take care of matters yourself.
It had been so long since you used this toy, or got off by yourself in general since you had been with Choso, but it still felt so fucking good. Not nearly as good as Choso made you feel, but the pleasure of your clit being sucked by the toy would have to do for now. You would make sure not to tire yourself out too much on your own, as you wanted to reenact some of the fantasies you were creating in your head with Choso later that night. 
Rolling your hips against the toy, you did your best to keep your legs spread open as badly as they wanted to snap shut at the stimulation. Your stomach clenched and your body jolted forward each time you pressed it harder against you before pulling back, teasing yourself. 
Even though the door to your bedroom was halfway open, you neglected to hear the sound of your front door opening and closing over your moans and the music playing next to your head on the dresser. Choso sighed as he placed the bags down on the ground by the table, exhausted after such a long day of shopping with Yuuji. He was just about to call out for you, when your moans were immediately picked up by his ears. 
His head shot up, his ears practically twitching as he listened to your noises, which sounded suspiciously like the ones you made when he fucked you or touched you in any intimate way. Marching your way without a second thought, wondering why you were making those noises when he wasn't home, he stopped behind the wall when your bedroom came into his view.
Choso squinted as he got a full view of your naked body from the half-open door. He tried to make out what the red ball you were holding between your legs was. All he knew was that he didn't like it. Although his cock twitched as he watched your body react in the same way it did when he touched you, he was upset and confused at why you were doing it with something else, and what was causing you to do it.
Creeping closer, Choso stayed close to the walls to avoid being seen. Once he felt like he was close enough and could clearly see your face along with the thing you were holding between your legs, he stopped and observed you. His dick dripped pre-cum into his boxers as he tried to figure out what you were holding. You were pressing it against you in the same spot you pressed his head against while he ate you out, using this deduction he could tell it was touching your clit, which is why you were reacting so strongly. 
"C-choso fuck-" He froze in place when you moaned his name. Your eyes were squeezed shut, there was absolutely no way he had been found out. So instead of exposing himself, he stayed still, watching. "Fuck- C-choso I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum" You whined, moaning his name repeatedly as you worked yourself closer and closer to your orgasm. Choso watched with bated breath as the thing buzzing between your legs made you cum the same way he made you cum.
You kept the red thing against your clit as you came, making his eyebrows furral with arousal. Your jaw dropped open in a silent scream before stuttered moans fell freely from between your lips, your thighs pressing together as your body jolted forward as you were wracked with tremors. Choso felt a wave of anger and jealousy swirl through him as he watched you. Of course, his arousal was very strong as well, but he couldn't wrap his head around why you were doing that.
When you peeled your eyes open and shut off the toy, your eyes locked onto Choso's face, whose eyebrows raised in surprise as he darted back, pressing his back against the wall and out of view once he had been caught. Your heart was still racing from your orgasm and had spiked for a moment upon seeing him before you realized it was actually just him. "C-choso? What are you doing home? And why are you hiding?" You asked, pulling a throw blanket over your body as you spoke, trying to regain some of your dignity.
You didn't mind much that Choso had been watching you, but you were curious why he hadn't said anything and ran away when he got caught. Choso's heart was racing, he felt guilty for some reason, but also embarrassed. He was experiencing too many strong emotions right now, it was overwhelming. 
After a couple of seconds of no response, you shook your head and cracked a smile. "Choso come here. I'm not mad." You assured in case that's why he was being so shy. You guessed you got his feelings somewhat right as he slowly emerged from around the corner, his hands in front of his crotch in a poor attempt to cover his massive boner. You were about to speak again when Choso cut you off, speaking first.
"What was that?" he asked, his words coming out blunt. Your jaw dropped before it closed as you reached over and picked up the toy, holding it up as you looked at him for confirmation. When he nodded curtly, a deadpan look on his face, you replied, "It's a sex toy." Choso felt his heart race at your words. A 'sex toy?' so you were having sex with someone or something that wasn't him? "Why were you using that?" He asked, once again his tone coming out plain and hard to read.
"Well... It's easier to cum with this than if I use my fingers." You explain, leaving out the reason why was because Choso had ruined your body forever, and could only cum with him so you needed a little extra help when he was away. "No." He replied, shaking his head, "I mean why are you doing that at all? You have me." He said cutely, making you smile. 
"Choso, you weren't home. I just got... y'know..." You said vaguely as you figured he knew what you meant. "I..." Choso started, looking at his feet before he looked back at you, a determined look on his face. "I don't want you doing that with anyone but me. I don't like it." He said honestly, making your heart skip a beat. 
You felt instantly refreshed, ready to go another round if he was ready for you. His unexpected possesiveness especially coming from some toy made you feel hot all over. "I can't even touch myself?" You asked, a smile still on your face. Choso shook his head, his hands curling around one another harshly as he kept his hands blocking his crotch. 
"You have me, you don't need to do that." He said, swallowing hard. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants at the confession, his eyebrows furrowing in disdain as he looked over to the toy you had set back down on the bed. "Okay Cho, I won't cum unless you make me." You responded, happily abiding by his request. Finishing with him felt ten times better than it did yourself, so it was a sacrifice you were willing to make. After all, he looked so determined and adorable too, it was hard to deny him anything. 
"So Cho... aren't you mad?" You asked, leaning back against the sheets, teasing him as you pulled the blanket off of your body. He was about to respond, letting you know he wasn't mad at you, before he caught onto your words. You were teasing him. He stayed silent, but he nodded as his greedy eyes took in your naked body, the way your legs spread and your tits spilled to the side as you laid back, inviting him to join you.
"Let me make it up to you Cho, fuck me, fuck me, and make me cum on your cock. Make me forget all about that stupid sex toy." Choso's cock twitched hard at your words, more precum spilling inside his boxers. He bit his lip as he inhaled sharply, releasing a shaky breath. "Yeah... yeah, okay." He responded before he crawled on the bed, pinning you down on the sheets.
He gasped as you wrapped your legs around his waist, forcing his hard cock to press agaisnt your bare cunt, still dripping from your previous orgasm. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you brought your lips against the shell of his ear and pressed a kiss there before you spoke, making him gasp, "What are you waiting for, hm? Make me feel sorry for cumming without you."
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puppysynonym · 1 year
and yet somehow it will always be my fault
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dreaming of saturn // theodore nott x fem reader
playlist : saturn - sza
summary: theodore nott seems so out of reach to most people yet you have him right in your arms.
y/n used, established relationship , FLUFF
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"theo , get off me i need to get something from my dorm!" you pleaded as the boy with his head laying on your lap simply crossed his arms and shook his head.
"im not gonna let you go." he stated simply , nustling further into you.
"theodore. theodore! please im really cold i need to go get a hoodie from my dorm," you begged as the boy opened his eyes and perked up.
you stared in confusion at his reaction before he sat up slightly and slipped his slytherin hoodie off, handing it you with a happy smile. you almost melted at the sight.
"thanks theo" you smiled at him with a light blush before putting it on and allowing the boy to rest back onto you.
"it looks better on you anyways , keep it." he winked at you with a grin before closing his eyes again.
you admired him carefully , moving your hand to run through his hair softly , theo leaning into your touch with a blissful smile.
"whats your favourite planet theo?" you asked in a hushed tone as the boys eyebrows furrowed in confusion , his eyes opening to look up at you.
"you take astronomy right? you know more about the planets than me. so which is your favourite and why? im just..curious" you reasoned as he hummed and closed his eyes again.
"saturn." he stated simply.
"that was quick. how come?" you asked in curiousity , you werent allowed to take astronomy because you already signed up for other classes instead- so naturally you wanted to expand your knowledge on the topic.
"its got nothing to do with anything scientific or meaningful , its just pretty. like you." he said as you gasped at his last two words.
"you think im not meaningful?!" you dramatically asked in fake offence , laughing at the boys horrified face as he began to stutter out an argument.
"no its not that - definitely not! you mean everything to me! youre just...really pretty. like saturn" he mumbled and rambled trying hard to not upset you.
"dont worry theo , i was joking!" you laughed as he let out a sigh of relief, "ive always liked the moon."
"thats not a planet." theo scoffed in amusement.
"hey dont be rude of course i know that!" you both laughed , "but i like the moon because its pretty, like you."
"you cant call me pretty." he crossed his arms in frustration.
"and why not?" you teased.
"im handsome - not pretty" he complained , blushing red when you laugh and place a kiss on his cheek.
"you're both, does being called pretty damage your little male ego?" you laughed at him.
"shut up" he mumbled.
"im only joking theo , youre more than pretty and handsome , i mean look at that beautiful face!" you grinned and pushed his curls off his forehead.
he blushed deeply and tried to hide his face from you, leading you to giggle and kiss his cheek that was facing you.
meanwhile across the common room , mattheo and draco watch you from a distance.
"i dont get how she does it." mattheo said in astonishment , watching as you tickled theodore and made him smile and laugh so brightly.
"its incredible. must be some kind of magic." draco stated , equally as intruiged.
"yeah , pretty , funny and smart y/n magic," mattheo scoffed as draco nodded , acknowlegding that in reality, you were the full package.
"youre right. i honestly dont blame him." draco shrugged.
there was a short silence before mattheo finally looked away fromy you and theo , turning to draco and making draco mirror his movements.
"10 galleons that he says i love you first." mattheo stuck his hand out for draco to shake.
draco seemed skeptical before taking his hand and shaking it firmly , "sure, ill bet the latter then."
mattheo smirked at him , assuming it was obvious theodore would infact say i love you before you did.
"i cant believe you just bet that?! merlin malfoy you have no emotional intelligence do you!" mattheo laughed , assuming he had already won the bet.
"jokes on you riddle , y/n already told theo she loves him. yesterday , youd be suprised how much theo confines in me," malfoy smirked seeing mattheos shocked face.
"what?!" mattheo seethed , "why wouldnt he tell me first? did he say it back?!"
draco scoffed and looked from you two and back to mattheo , "is that even a question?"
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hybridirl · 5 months
i’ve never done this before…
18 + only, please!
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ellie x f!loser!reader
a/n: so basically i was on janitor ai because i’m genuinely an addicted freak and this was inspired by a chat i had :3 im also replaying tlou2 bc i cant stop i need it i need it i need it. also i think a LOT more things make sense now, so i think you should replay after u play it.
brief summary: ellie is ur big sister’s best friend! but, unfortunately you’re dubbed an “annoying little sister,” your sister’s not home, ellie’s high when she comes over, and ur a loser nerd who can’t deal with confrontation :(. (au if it wasn’t obvious!)
tw / DUBCON?, ellie is very mean, degrading, praise, pet names, reader is a virgin, small age gap if you really squint, porn without a plot, rushed sex, scissoring (tribbling?), use of y/n i think…
⋆ ˚。⋆ ꪆৎ ˚
with a grunt, you pulled your pajama pants up the rest of the way. you were headed to the door after hearing seven hard knocks on the door.
“hello—“ you began, cutting yourself off when you see ellie, your sister’s best friend. “ellie?” you glanced behind her, then behind yourself. “she’s not home right now.”
“yeah, yeah,” she slurred, and your lips went into a thin line from her state, so obviously intoxicated. “she told me come ‘n wait. she’s gettin’ her shit rocked, ‘r whatever. she dropped me off ‘ya know? said you wouldn’t mind. you don’ mind, do you?”
being such a caring person had its ups and downs. you weren’t fond of ellie, and she wasn’t fond of you. she had been your biggest bully throughout the entirety of middle and high school. but, you couldn’t deny her entry. she could get hurt or worse, and you didn’t want that. or to be responsible of it.
you adjusted your glasses, eyeing her with a thoughtful look. her eyes were halflidded, red, and she smelled disgusting. she eyed you right back, her stare almost intimidating.
“no, ellie. i don’t mind,” you said begrudgingly, stepping aside to allow her in. you watched her make her way around the all-too-familiar home while you shut the door. you mentally prepared yourself for tending to her needs; you knew she’d tell if you hadn’t. you also prepared for the anger she would inevitably feel. she was an angry person when intoxicated. you leaned against the door and watched her opened the fridge.
“what do you got?” ellie asked, shutting the refrigerator and looking at you. “what’re you gonna make?”
“i don’t know,” you responded and took a glance at the stove. you hadn’t noticed what she took from the fridge, only gasping when you heard the familiar sound of a beer opening. “hey, hey, hey! that’s my dad’s!” you watched ellie shrug and give you a “so what?” look. “stop it, that’s not good for you!” you rushed over, reaching for the beer, but her rough hand kept you in place as she chugged it down. “ellie, stop! you’re already high, that’s gonna make it worse; ellie, stop!”
“and what the fuck do you know?” she asked as she slammed the beer bottle of the counter, “you stupid fuckin’ loser, what the fuck is wrong with you? i’ll do what-the-fuck-ever i want. you’re such a fucking lame-ass, you won’t even take a lil sip o’ this thing,” she stuck the beer can up to your mouth, which you turned away from, “that’s what i thought, you stupid bitch. you’re probably a virgin, too, huh? you don’t even try- nobody even tries for you. no man, no woman, no whatever. never been in a relationship, never been in fuckin’ nothing. you are such a fucking loser.”
your jaw was slack, almost looking like a fish out of water as it tried to shut and open.
“you’re too high for this,” you said slowly, still shocked at her words. you took a step back, your back pressing against the island counter.
“you don’t know the first thing about ‘too high,’ jackass. bet you never had a dick in you before. too busy studyin’ your stupid fucking books to be the good girl you are. can’t even do this because you’re always bein’ a teacher’s pet, always bein’ a goody-two-shoes, know it all, fucking bitch. probably got a few toys like the desperate freak you are. maybe a dildo? nah, you want that pussy t’stay tight, huh?” you thought it couldn’t get worse than the insults before, but this was insane. your eyes were wide, shock filling your features.
“ellie!” you gasped in horror and embarrassment, “i— i’m calling my sister!”
“you’re a fucking snitch!” she giggled, pointing at you. “she doesn’t care what the fuck i’m saying to you. she’s too busy slutting herself out to give a fuck about your pathetic ass, baby.”
“go away, ellie,” you whimpered out, eyes at the ground. you attempted to push past her, but her hands gripped your wrists. “please.”
“you’re not getting rid of me,” she growled, her beer-breath filling your nostrils, “you’re a goddamn joke. i’m not going anywhere ‘til i’m good ‘n ready. you just know i’m right.” she leaned in, her lips brushing your cheek as she whispered deep into your ear, “you just want my hands all over you, don’t you, y/n? i’ve seen how you watched me. you want a real woman’s hands on ‘ya. all of over your pretty body, hm?”
“no,” you whispered right back, your brows furrowed. this was your sister’s best friend. this was just… wrong; you couldn’t explain it, but it wasn’t right. and she was high! she didn’t know what she was doing, what she was saying, but her touch felt so…
“don’t you lie to me,” she huffed her breath hot in your ear, “you wanna get touched bad. you know you do. you want my hands slidin’ down your pretty panties and touchin’ that clit. make you cum all on my hand. you want that, don’t you?”
“ellie,” you almost moaned out at her dirty talk, your brows knitted together in conflict. your hand went to cover your mouth as her hand slipped beneath the waistband of your pjs and simultaneously your underwear.
“let it out, baby,” she told as your hand muffled a broken moan, “you’re already so, so wet for me. this pussy’s just beggin’ for my touch, huh?” her finger-pad ran across your clit and your knees buckled. she giggled in response, a lazy grin plastered on her face. “mm, ya feel that? this’s what y’ve been missin’ out on with all that nerdy bullshit you do.” her fingers slipped easily inside you, making your eyes roll with pleasure; another moan escaped your throat. “y’so tight. just like i thought.” she pulled her fingers out, quickly giving them a lick before tugging your bottoms down. “oh, baby…” she moaned at the sight, licking her lips as she took you in. “look at that pretty pussy. mhm, ‘n all f’r me, huh?” she knelt down, getting face to face with your cunt. “answer me.” she kissed at your inner thighs. all you could do was watch, trembling under her dominating touch.
you yelped, jumping in surprise as she bit your thigh harshly.
“i said answer.”
“y-yes! all for you, ‘s all for you,” you whimpered, whining as her mouth finally met with your drooling pussy. your resolve had slipped away, only thinking about that needy, touch-starved vulva of yours. “oh, ellie…” she grinned as she watching you come undone, your fingers slipping into her hair and tugging at it. she lapped and lapped at your clit, tongue running circles around the sensitive bud. she gave it a last kiss before she pulled away, smirking at your distress.
“preview, baby. all that was. go to your room, m’followin’ you.”
you were anxious to walk, taking just a moment before giddily rushing to your room. the masculine woman easily followed your direction, shutting the door hard behind her as she pulled you down to the bed with her. her hands were immediately on you as you lay atop her, caressing and running down your back, cupping your ass and squeezing.
“you’re so ready for me baby, aren’t you?” she asked with a small smirk playing at her lips. “you wanna grind that pretty pussy on mine, don’t you?”
“i-i’ve never done this before, i-i don’t know what to do,” you admitted, although she already knew your circumstance.
“makin’ me do all the work, you pretty lil pillow princess?” she teased, that same lazy grin on her face. she easily flipped you over, watching your eyes widen in surprise. “god, how are you so perfect…” she moaned softly to herself, her hands running down your sides, down your legs, and down your calves. she reached her jeans, unbuttoning them and tugging them down quickly. you gulped as you eyed her pubic mound, her dark hair trimmed finely.. she lifted your hips up, appreciating your vulva once more. she used her thumb to lift up your clitoral hood, bending down to meet the pearl with her tongue. “mm, god, i can’t get enough of you. pull your shirt up, wanna see those tits ‘ve been wantin’ to see.” you did as you were told, quickly pulling your nightshirt up and showing her your breasts. a groan left her throat as her hands reached out to touch them, tweaking and rolling your nipples between her fingers.
“please,” you whined, your head tilted back. “please, ellie…”
“oh, i know you’re so needy, huh? never done this before? never been touched so good by another girl b’fore, huh?” ellie teased once more, and all you could do was nod. it was all true. “say it, baby. tell me how much of a loser you are.”
with an embarrassed grimace, you obliged, “i-i’m a big loser. ‘ve never, ever gotten laid ‘n i wanna… oh!” you gasped as you felt the sensation of her pussy meet yours. “ellie…” her hips ground against yours, your clits bumping and running across each other.
“you like this? my pussy all over yours?” she growled, rolling her hips to meet your cunt. “fuck, you’re so wet.” you moaned out, your hands trying to find a place to stay as they flailed. they gripped the sheets and you watched above as her pussy slid across yours. you both glistened with a thin layer of sweat, your bodies becoming hot with arousal. “you feel so fucking good.”
“yes,” you cried, “more.” and she gave you more, her hips rolling with fervor while you writhed in pleasure. “p-please— ellie!”
“yeah, scream my name you little slut,” she purred, her auburn hair sticking to her sweaty face. “let ‘em know— let the neighbors know you’re finally getting laid.”
you continued to moan her name, completely drunk on this feeling. she let out small little ‘just like that’s’ as your voice echoed off the walls of your room.
it was intense, your bodies moving together and so perfectly in sync. sweat dripped from her forehead onto your belly, slightly coating your skin. her hands gripped your chest as she ground against you, the position slightly awkward, but pleasing nonetheless as your heats mushed together in symphony. sloppy squelches filled your ears, almost drowned out by your moans and cries as she took you.
“i’m gonna,” you began, tears welling up in your pretty eyes, “i’m gonna cum, ellie!”
“yeah? right on my pussy? cum right on my pussy, baby,” she moaned, her hands reaching her cup her own breast. you moaned, following her command like a dog as your canal contracting around nothing, costing her slick folds in all your essence. your body convulsed as you came, and the sight forced a moan out of her throat. “yeah, that’s it, my good girl, fu—ck… i’m cumming!” with her orgasm following in suit, she gripped your leg hard, riding out her orgasm as you tried to come down from your own. you whined from the overstimulation, feeling her arousal spread out on your flesh. she shushed you, her index finger on your lips as she calmed her breathing. she dropped your leg, plopping beside you with a grunt.
“t-that was good,” you said to her, your eyes lingering on her glistening face.
“mhm, now you get to brag to a—ll your nerdy, little virgin friends that you,” she jabbed a finger, “got laid.”
“you’re mean,” you huffed, a little pout on your face. she smirked, bringing a hand to the back of your neck and bringing you in to kiss.
“yeah?” she chuckled, “but you like it.”
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ilyhaitanii · 3 months
can you stay up all night? ft. boothill
nsfw. the galaxy ranger assigned to protect you as you make your way back to your planet seems to have other plans with you when you both get stuck at a hotel in penacony.
cw: vibrating body parts, cyborg dick, overstimulation, he's sort of mean </3
a/n: knocked this out in like 15 mins. if this isnt good, blame my ovulating brain
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for a robot who is programmed to be kind to others, boothill is so mean-- brutal even. he doesn't curse, but aeons his mouth is filthy. that sultry, southern voice of his makes your brain go dizzy, melt into a pile of mush. it's like you're putty in his hands, molding your body however he sees fit.
the quiet whirring of his cock nestled deep in you, hitting at just the right angle has you seeing stars for hours. your legs slung over his wide shoulders, trembling. the hefty sobs that fall from your swollen lips fall onto deaf ears as boothill's thumb is rubbing against your sensitive clit, vibrating against the bundle of nerves.
you don't think you've ever felt so many different things at once. on one hand you want him to stop, allow you to curl into yourself and tremble off his vibrations, but the other is marinating, adoring the feeling of this never ending high.
"look you, baby~" boothill coos, thrusting his cock in and out of your sopping cunt. your eyes try to open, crossing in the process. you try to open your mouth to say something, but you're greeted by the taste of iron and your own slick. boothill's fingers gag you, pressing your left leg to your chest. "you feel that, cutie? im right here," his hand presses down on your tummy as the whirring on your clit increases.
you pulse and clench around him, hips shaking and begging for release. he can't help but laugh at the pathetic way you whine and kick at him. with your hands tied above your head, boohill turns you onto your tummy. he pounds into your from behind, making sure to press down on your lower back.
his fingers on your clit don't lose their place, making sure to swirl the bud to intensify the pleasure. all of it is mind numbing. you find yourself zoning out, only to be greeted by boothill's thumb rubbing at your sore nipples.
"oh please, i cant!" he hums against your hair, kissing down your spine. he tuts, shaking his head. boothill's arms wrap around your torso, pressing your hot sweaty back to the cold metal of his chest. the drastic temperature change has you experiencing whiplash. jaw slackened, boothill kisses your jaw, nipping at some of the skin with his teeth. this drags down to your neck and shoulders.
"you can, dolly, come on. cum for me, pretty thing. i know you want to," with a heavy hand, he presses down onto your pelvis, making sure the vibrating on your clit goes as fast as it can, twirling the bud. splotches of white, hot light flash before your eyes as your entire body trembles for the umpteenth time.
"there 'ya go. you're so good for me, arent 'ya, cutie?" boothill chuckles against your cheek, kissing your lips. you groan, trying to move, but he readjusts you onto his lap. "you can't tap out on me, dolly. we still got hours before daylight. come on, ride me, baby~"
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© ilyhaitanii - do not repost, translate, plagarize or repost it to any other sites
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Gotta figure that at least 50% of those spidermans were very delibrately not putting their all into the big chase scene, bare minimum 10% actively sabotaging. like oh no we're on a train to the moon, guess we're stuck and can't go after him anymore.
Running in a pack, big crowd of the chattiest superheros to ever live (and theres a lot of chatty fucking superheroes), several dozen of them with front row seats to the big reveal-
"so why are we after this kid?" "He wants to stop one of his canon events" "his canon events?" "a canon event." "You mean-" "Wait what did she say, we're chasing this guy because he wants to keep his girlfriend from falling to her death?" "Uh. Not sure. Might be the childhood friend - watch your heads - turning evil thing." "I thought those were fixed points? Like you couldn't stop them no matter how much you time traveled back?" "There he is!" "Wait you have time travel?" "No but I heard the spider from earth 1116a-" "Wait if it's fixed then what's the harm in letting him try" "come on you know the multiverse-" "he's trying to keep his boyfriend from dying? Why the fuck are we chasing him?" "Well miguel said-" "you mean Grimdark angsty spiderman?" "Huh?" "No, not you, vampire - incoming, mind your legs - vampire grimdark angsty spiderman-" "oh, him. Isn't he a bit-" "I feel like the trying is what matters, i mean even if he fails-" "so he is a vampire!" "ummm yeah no hold up im not totally comfortable with this whole-" "who's trying to do what? Ooh, got line of sight on him, he's totally webbed in 3,2, AaAghh" "Oh shoot, haha I must have tripped on Spider-Banana-Man whoops, sorry -" "ugh whattever, lost the shot anyway" "Cant believe Spider-Rex boffed it like that, theyre usually great at ambush-" "I heard his uncle-" "No his dad-" "oof, thats-" "Wow is it just me or are we really tripping over each other today" "Hey do you know why we're chasing after this-"
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sureallavnder · 5 months
stupid parties - Theodore Nott
p : gentle!theodore nott x anxious!fem!reader
s : slytherin always throw the noisiest, stupidest parties and even though you were sorted into said house you cant normally handle them as things get intense
w : fluff, shaking, google translated italian, theo being a softie, not proofread
a/n : just a softie theo moment don’t ask me how i got this out but not my 200 follower fic
prompt : person b holding person a’s hand while shaking
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You were dreading tonight.
As per usual for the slytherin quidditch team they decided to throw a massive party to celebrate their 5th win of the season.
Something you always struggled with was crowds and noise and lucky for you, you got sorted into the house who throws the loudest, craziest, most unhelpful (in your words) parties.
Theo knew this and always made sure to keep you calm and safe even when he sometimes wished he was partying as it was one of his favourite hobbies.
You and Theo had been dating since he asked you to the Yule Ball in 4th year. But as most, you had crushes on each other since 3rd, and maybe just maybe there was some kind of connection from when you first met. Although you didn’t get close until Christmas break of your 2nd year when you both stayed behind at Hogwarts.
Your family had decided it was best for you to stay in school and focus on furthering your education a little bit, but you always wondered if it was because they liked not having you around.
As for Theo, he never really liked going home. He’d lost his mum when he was young and his dad wasn’t the best of people, a death eater. So it was typical of him to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays.
Theodore Nott. You’re boyfriend of 2 years. He would always spend the party cuddling you and cradling you on his bed, he had absolutely no alternate intentions. He loved looking after you. This time was no different.
It was about 10 minutes before people would normally start to pile into the slytherin common room and just on time Theo came into your dorm room, scooped you up, and carried you to his bed, setting you down. He went and picked out one of his baggiest hoodies and helped you put it on. Guiding your arms through and pulling it over your head making sure you didn’t get stuck. He swooped you into a massive cuddle singing softly into your ear. Arms wrapped tightly around you.
About 20 minutes had passed and you could tell this time felt different. The noise seemed so much more intense and it scared you. That’s when the shaking started. It wasn’t intense, but just a little. It was noticeable to you and Theo.
Theo immediately sat up and turned you so you were facing each other. He held your soft face in his hands. He spoke in italian knowing it calmed you down the quickest.
“tesoro, va bene, starai bene, sono qui” he muttered desperately trying to help
baby girl, it’s okay, you’ll be okay, i’m here
He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead knowing it’s your favourite. You smile lightly trying to appreciate the help he was giving.
Theo then held your shaking hands and traced his thumb over them to soothe you. You turn around so your back is against his chest, not letting your hands separate.
He places a kiss on the top of your head. Thankfully this calms you down enough to block out the noise of the party on the other side of the door.
Before you knew it, it was the next morning, you had drifted off to sleep in Theodore’s arms. He had layed you down in bed and wrapped himself around you. He didn’t let you go all night.
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aothotties · 8 months
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word count: 983
warnings: husband!nanami, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, name calling (slut), slight choking, dom nanami
Husband!Nanami wakes up extra early every morning to make you breakfast before he goes to work. He wants you to rest as much as possible knowing you’ll handle everything around the house while he’s at work
Husband!Nanami texts and calls you periodically throughout the day asking how you're doing and if you need anything from him. He also likes to send you pics of what he’s doing so you can be included in his workday 
Husband!Nanami made you quit your job when you got married because he didn't like how much it stressed you out
Husband!Nanami appreciates all you do around the house but understands it can be overwhelming sometimes and never holds it against you if you decide to be lazy 
Husband!Nanami  sends you flowers randomly while you're at home and includes notes telling you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you 
Husband!Nanami HATES working overtime because it means more time away from you
Husband!Nanami rushes straight home to you after work, excited to see what you made him for dinner. He loves your cooking and never complains and will eat every meal you make for him
Husband!Nanami helps clean up after and will dry the dishes and put them away for you after you wash them 
Husband!Nanami loves when you make his lunch for him and saves every love note you leave for him 
Husband!Nanami frequently talks about starting a family but knows that can be a lot for you and tells you he’ll never rush you into it. 
Husband!Nanami misses you all day and can't wait to see you later. His day has been hectic and knows seeing you will make everything worth it 
Husband!Nanami asks you to send him pictures of you throughout the day so he can see how pretty you look
Husband!Nanami feels the blood rush to his dick when you send a pic of your ass in his favorite lace panties and you say “ can't wait for you to get off,baby. I miss you :(“. He sends a picture of his bulge back to you to show you how easily you turn him on 
Husband!Nanami harshly grips the armrest of his chair when you send the “wish this was you instead of my fingers right now” video of you cumming all over your fingers for him 
Husband!Nanami rushes out of the office at the end of the day, not even bothering to say goodbye to his staff. He speeds out the parking lot and grows impatient when he gets stuck in traffic
Husband!Nanami damn near kicks the door down. Hes unable to wait another second and takes you as soon as he walks in 
Husband!Nanami doesn't care that dinner is burning in the oven. He has you spread out on the kitchen table with his face buried in your cunt. The only thing on his mind is making sure you cum in his mouth so he can taste it. He doesn't stop until you're spilling all over his face and he licks every drop, he loves drinking everything you give him 
Husband!Nanami pulls your body to the edge of the table and wraps your legs around his waist. As much as he wants to split you in half, he slides into you slowly, he likes to take time with your body.
Husband!Nanami clenches his jaw as he feels your pussy suck him in. the way you feel on his throbbing dick has him in a trance and he feels as if he could stay in you forever 
Husband!Nanami cant help himself when you beg him to fuck you harder. He grabs your thighs to pull you off the table and bends you over it. He wraps his veiny hand around your throat as he fucks you hard from the back. Your toes curl as he hits your sweet spot and you feel your orgasm build.
Husband!Nanami talks directly in your ear, “you love teasing me so i can fuck you like this when i get home, huh? You love when i come home and fuck you like the slut you act like?” you can't even speak as he continually slams his dick into you. His grip on your neck tightens, “answer me” he says aggressively. “Y-yes sir” , you whimper, barely able to form words as your brain becomes cloudy from the pleasure 
Husband!Nanami groans as he notices the white ring building up on the base of his dick. Your pussy clenches around his dick and you're about to cum. “Mmhm, cum for me princess. Say my name, let me hear how good I make your sweet little pussy feel” he says as he feels you approach your high, “Nanami! Sir, it feels so g-good – fuck!”. You cum for him just as you are told and he praises you for being a good slut for him
Husband!Nanami increases the pace and his tip hits your cervix. He’s getting closer and closer, “gonna cum in you mama, give you that baby i've been wanting” he states as his dick reaches deep inside you, “oh baby this pussy is so good”, he closes his eyes as he reaches his peak. A loud groan spills out his mouth as he shoots his warm load inside you. You grab his hand to let him know you want him to stay in it for just a few more seconds, you love the way it feels when his dick twitches inside you.
Husband!Nanami starts a hot shower for you and orders food since he ruined dinner
Husband!Nanami cuddles up next to you at the end of the night and pulls you into his chest. He gives you soft kisses on your forehead and tells you how much he loves you before drifting off to sleep.
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
I like how I was without power for like less than 12 hrs and I already started having a psychological breakdown SJFKVLLV
#and just when i hit rock bottom. my led lights turned on and blinded me#idk i went to bed early cause there was nothing to do#and it was fine#and then i suddenly woke up at 4 smth and couldnt go back to bed#and it was just that thing where you cant fall asleep and you cant do anything else#so your brain just goes on an hr long rant about how horrible everything is and how useless you are#it got to the point of 'why do you even post anything you do. youre pointless'#why :( why must my brain take any chance to plunge my self worth into the guttrr#tho honestly i feel so deprived lately of talking to anyone abt my stuff :(#but it was even worse today bcs i was just resigning myself to getting stir crazy and even more deprived#bcs my friend said to me that it might take days for the power to come back 😭#and i really was not mentally prepared to be stuck with my brain for any longer#lmao tho i was like hey maybe i can work on some writing-#but then electricity decided to shine its power and light upon me#idk if i can sleep anymore which really sucks#i feel physically and mentally tired but i dont think i can go thru the self hatred rant again#ig its like i try to think of other things like fic or oc scenarios but then its like weirdly tiring and i just can't#but then somehow have the energy to just overthink every little horrible thing#and make myslef feel like a worthless undesirable person for like an hr on end#dont take this as if i cant be stuck with myself and my thoughts#but just not at this evil time of night where everything is cruel and out to get me#anyways i digress. i feel lonely :/ like an unwatered plant or smth lately. and this just pushed me further on that note#catie.rambling.txt
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miirohs · 9 months
in the middle of the night [r.n.z]
pairing: OPLA!Roronoa Zoro x Reader wc: 1.0k cw: there is a reference to something that is canon in the series, as well as one piece spoilers an: damn thats crazy my drive suddenly came back after years of being gone anyways this was inspired by swim by chase atlantic and middle of the night by elle duhé. note that if the tension is not tension-ing its bc i cant write tension.
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Zoro felt more lost around you than anyone else.
You were chaotic and proud, kicking up dust and blowing it to the wind, and yet he liked you. He wasn't sure if he was in denial or acceptance about it.
Though for someone so loud, He knew almost nothing about you and anyone who asked you would only receive a smile, teasing them with tiny pieces dangled over their head like bait.
It irked him a little, if he was going to be honest.
No matter how hard he seemed to slash his sword at the pitch black sky, you seemed to linger in the back of his mind.
He paused for a moment, huffing as he turned the blade in his hand. Trying to cut air didn't seem to help a single bit.
As he leaned against his sword, the atmosphere seemed to have shifted. The wind was slowly dying down, the sound of crashing waves being the only thing he could hear for a heartbeat or two. He could have even fell asleep leaning against his katana if he really tried.
"Fancy yourself a little midnight training?"
He whirled around, tip of the katana aimed directly at your throat. You sat on the railing behind him, hair ruffling in the wind as you watched him with an amused smirk.
His grip on the katana didn't waver, but he lowered the blade slightly, still watching you. "What do you want?" He muttered, tone gruff as he sheathed his katana.
"You're always so serious, Zoro," you complained, swinging your legs idly over the railing. "And you're not, so i guess that balances out," He said, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"The way you talk to me , i makes me think you really do hate me," you hummed, leaning forward on the rails, trying to close the space, "Do you though, Roronoa Zoro? Or are you avoiding me for some other reason."
You both paused, and for the slightest moment you could have sworn you saw his eyes narrow slightly.
"Whatever. Anyways, I'm going back to bed," Zoro muttered quickly, turning his heel on you as you jumped down, light as a cat on its feet.
"Wait, Zoro. I have something to ask of you." He paused. You weren't just going to let him slip away just yet.
"What if we have a little duel? Just me and you." You said, traipsing to his side. "If you win i'll tell you whatever you want to know."
He stiffed up slightly and you grinned. You had him right where you wanted him. Bingo.
"Deal-" He muttered as you breathed a sigh of relief, holding out a hand. "But don't expect me to go easy."
You jumped, tumbling across the floor shocked by the sudden strike. Your hands reached for the sword behind you as you got up, leaning against the railing.
"You play dirty, Roronoa."
"We're not having an official match. After all, you're the one who wanted this," Zoro retorted, a menacing look on his face as you got up.
"You're right," you conceded, a smirk playing on your lips. "No official match. Just a little midnight sparring to lighten the mood"
He came for you again, but this time you were prepared, blade catching the moonlight as you struck him.
He managed to block, and from there you were stuck in a pas de deux.
Your swords continued to clang, and you continued to doge effortlessly, almost dancing on your feet as you got closer.
"Come on marimo, tell me this isn't all you have!" You said sing-songy, pushing him back once again.
It was obvious from the look on Zoro's face that he didn't expect the skill level you had from you. While you did gain a lot from watching him fight, this also wasn't your first rodeo.
As he swung for you again, you managed to hit his side with the spine, sending him back a foot or two.
"Oh you've done it now," He snapped, charging at you once again, "You just had to do that, didn't you?"
Out of nowhere, he striked harder, moving fast as you had seen him move in the field. You, for once, struggled against defending the blows, as he randomly disappeared and reappeared.
For a solid moment, his blade scrape against your eyebrow, and you stumbled. He managed to disarm you, forcing you back into the corner you had come slinking out of, sword to your throat.
You could feel the tip barely pressing against it as you breathed deeply, grinning.
"You got me," you conceded, your voice laced with a playful tone. "But you'll have to admit, that was a hell of a fight."
He grimaced, clutching his chest slightly as he watched you through hawk eyes.
"Where the hell did you get all that from? I didn't even think you knew how to hold a sword?" He hissed, pressing the katana a little deeper on accident.
The feeling of warmth trickling down your skin told you everything, and you reached up, holding the blade firmly into your hands. It dug into your skin, yet the smile never dropped off your face.
"I wasn't just a dancer. I use to be a pirate too." He pressed a little more, and you winced.
"I was... apart of the black cat pirates, three years ago. It was around the time Kahladore- or should i say, Kuro, went missing. I saw my chance and i ran." You whispered, watching him carefully. There was no telling what he would do with the information.
"Have you kept this a secret from all of us this whole time?" He gawked. You only blinked, taking time to process the question.
"Nami knows. She's the only one i told, except now i've told you too," You admitted, looking up at him through hooded eyes.
"How do i know you're not going to-"
"Betray you all? Do you think that lowly of me?" You refuted, pushing his blade away from your neck.
"Now let me ask you something, Roronoa Zoro? Do you like me?"
The silence seem to stretch on, thickening every moment you sat there. He didn't say anything, and you sighed. "Shame. I thought i might get something out of you, but i maybe i was wrong about it."
You sat up on the rails, arms outstretched as you leaned back, hair whipping wildly in the wind as you shut your eyes, "shame, it was a wonderful night."
A sudden yank back awoke you, a yelp escaping your mouth as you skidded and landed on him.
You landed on him.
Your cheeks flushed as you scrambled back, at a loss for words.
"Uh... I'm- oh, i'm just going to go to bed-"
Zoro watched you with an amused glint in his eyes as you stammered out your intentions.
"Yes?" You mumbled, burning feeling spreading to your ears as he called you back.
"Maybe i do like you."
"What?" You squawked.
"Maybe I have liked you," he repeated, his voice softer this time. You were sure if there was a little more light, you'd see a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
A smile spread across your face. "I just knew it."
"Don't rub it in." He grumbled, rolling his eyes as you sat up, gleeful.
"I won't," you replied with a mischievous grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "But I have to admit, it's nice to finally hear you say it."
Zoro shifted uncomfortably, his usual tough exterior momentarily cracked by his confession. "Yeah, well, don't make a big deal out of it."
You chuckled, warmth settling in as you got up from his side. "Of course not. This can just be our little secret."
He nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yeah, our secret."
As you climbed down the steps, you paused, turning around.
"Also, if you tell anyone about the fact that i can use swords, i will find you and duel you to the death."
"Sure you will."
"Will too."
"Will not."
"Will too."
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kadwrites · 1 year
a man with a reputation | T.S
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read the next part
or check out the series masterlist
summary ; you cannot talk your way out of this , for the first time in your life, you're given no choice.
warnings ; angst, cursing, mild violence i guess??? , arranged marriage trope.
a/n ; maybe i'll turn this into a series? who knows, let me know what you think <3. also the accent is a mess, but im trying.
"no!" your eyes are wide , glassy with anger filled tears "i will not be treated like some piece of land."
"would you listen? your father and i are thinking of your future." you mother is looking at you with a stern face, sitting beside your father as you stand in front of them
"what future do you think i'll 'ave with thomas fucking shelby?" you raise your voice
"do not speak to me like that , i am your mother."
"we're old, i'm sick with god knows how many illnesses." your father speaks, his cane in his hand as he leans against it, still on the sofa
"don't start with that talk" you shake your head with a chuckle, you sniffle and turn your head away
"i don't know if i'll live another day , i am too sick to work, too sick to care for the farm, there is nothing left for me to give you" he speaks slowly with a serious voice, and it makes your heart sink "this isn't a joke or some game, i've survived the war and lived long enough to see all of you grow , but i know that my time is near, i cannot risk dying and leaving you with nothing"
your father never spoke to you like that, he was always jovial , happy.
it seems like it hits you for the first time, how much your parents have aged, how much the illness took from your father, how his sicknesses have changed him.
"celest got to marry who she chose and so did oliver and so did abraham, but i don't get to do that? i dont get to choose my own husband?" your tears start falling, your voice cracks
"i need to know you'll be taken care of , that you'll be in good hands when im dead and gone."
"and you think his hands are the good hands you speak of?" you cant help the humorless smile that graces your face, hot tears stain your cheek "you can't be serious"
"he is the most feared man in birmingham," your mother chimes in
"you are willing to sell your daughter! to some gangster!" you raise your voice again
your mother stands and faces you
"i am not selling you off, i am securing you a future, with a wealthy man, who can give you everything you can possibly want. you'll live like royalty" her words come through gritted teeth "i am not giving you away to some old pig, you're marrying a respectable man, a man with a reputation."
"a reputation? don't you know what 'appened to his first wife ? you are securing me a grave" you come nose to nose with your mother, both of you almost vibrating in anger "you are killing me is what you're doing, you're selling me off to the highest bidder"
the next thing you hear is the sound of your mother's palm against your cheek, the sound of the slap echos throughout the empty house, your head is turned, your cheek stings
your parents never laid a hand on you, even as a rebellious teenager when they caught you sneaking out the window or smoking on the roof.
your head turns slowly, eyes wide as you look at your mother, she looks mortified at her own actions,
you turn and run off and up the stairs to your room, hearing your father yell at your mother for what shes done.
at some point during the night, you had fallen asleep, but not for long. you were awake when the sun rose, your back pressed against your bed frame, looking ahead at the painting on the wall, it was a family portrait, and you were sitting on your father's lap.
you knew your sister was here when you heard the sounds of her five children, running around the house.
she knocks softly but doesn't bother to wait for an answer when she opens the door after a few seconds, she walks slowly, and sees you on the bed.
your eyes stuck on the portrait , your face almost emotionless, your tears have dried and stained your cheeks, she wonders for how long you cried, your back against the wood of the bed frame, no pillow thrown in her direction for waking you up, no annoyed words saying "you couldn't fucking come in the afternoon?" . the curtains are parted, letting the light in, which is very unusual for you.
you hear the bed creek under her weight when she gets on it, laying next to you
"i heard about yesterday" she says softly, her head turned to look at you
you only glance at her , but your head doesn't turn, then you look back at the portrait
"they're doing this for you, they want whats best for you." she's not sure if it is you she's trying to reassure you or herself , this wasn't ever supposed to happen.
her little sister was supposed to marry a man she wanted, a simple man, a man capable of love
you hum, or you make a sound at least , acknowledging her.
"he isn't all that bad, you know."
a weak chuckle escapes you at her words "in what world is thomas shelby not a bad person?" your voice is hoarse , from screaming and crying all night long no doubt.
"he can give you a good life."
"ya 'ave a good life don't you? with the man you chose, the man you love." your gaze doesn't move, still staring at the painting "its not fair, you lot got to be happy, and i don't."
"ya don't know that." her voice is full of sympathy or maybe pity, you didn't want to know.
you finally turn to your sister, "do you honestly think that i can be happy with 'im ?"
your sister hesitates , she licks her lips "he's a powerful man."
you chuckle at that too "that tends to 'appen when you're a gangster."
"i tried with them, i really did." her voice is weak too, it cracks.
your eyes well with tears again, you didn't know you could even cry anymore "i know..." your voice is a whisper
you knew she'd be against it, she wouldn't agree, maybe oliver would tell you to consider it, abraham would too, just to please your father.
but celest wouldn't
"what are ya goin' to do?" she whispers back, her tears start rolling too
"what can i do?" you ask "i dont 'ave any other choice"
she looks at you as if she didn't expect that. you were always stubborn, always talking your way out of anything you didn't want, you always got your way with your parents, thats what she taught you.
but this time, you don't want to fight back.
"you're goin' through with it?"
"i cant live knowing i disobeyed my father's dying wish."
your father was sick, and getting worse everyday. you were a stubborn woman, but the little girl inside of you couldn't bear to disobey her father.
celest wraps an arm around your shoulder, holding you to her chest, her hands runs up and down your arm , like she did when abraham would bother you to tears, or when oliver wouldn't let you play with him.
"at least he's easy on the eyes, eh?" she tries desperately to lighten the mood, her lips pressed to your forehead
" hes old." you say with a weak laugh
"hes older, not old." she corrects, with a laugh too.
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luckyfox3000 · 6 months
Hola my friendly weirdos! New Promt!
"Hey old man!"
"Jason? When did you get here?"
"Forget that, ya' know that weird mirror near the attic with all the weird carvings and stuff I asked you about a few years back?"
"Well, it's glowing. Green. Lazarus green."
"...Get Dick and Tim. Dont touch it until we figure out what it is."
"Hey! What's up?"
"Mirror. Lazarus green."
"...The one near the attic?"
"Wait, so the mirror has weird carvings and started glowing Lazarus green? Huh. I'll scan it and run some tests."
"...I'll ask Damian if he knows what it is."
Danny had been stuck in here a long time. Or well, what he presumed was a long time.
He couldn't really tell, with the whole, being trapped in an infinite amount of darkness that not even his natural glow could light up.
He wondered how Sam and tucker were.
How Jazz and Ellie were.
If they were even alive after all that.
But, well, benefit to being stuffed in someplace were not even time and space could touch was he could imagine his loved ones all safe and happy until he was convinced it was true.
That was light.
Why now.
Are they back?
Light, so much light.
"Woah what the hell?"
Turn it off.
"Whaddya see Dickhead?"
Turn it off!
"The-theres boy! Oh my god, someone get a stretcher. He, he looks... alien?"
"On it."
"Hey, hey, calm down kiddo. Your safe, I got you. It's okay."
"Don't touch me. Let go."
"Woah, easy, easy, it's okay. No one's is gonna hurt you, it's okay!"
"I. Said. Don't. TOUCH ME!!!"
Feel free to use or add on!
(Using purple again since I dont wnat it to mix up with Danny's words.)
P.s, for those who cant tell what color is who: Red=Jason, Black=Bruce, Blue=Dick, Orange=Tim, and Green=Danny.
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