#and i put in zack because that's what i was going by & then everyone who followed me for my art was like
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ookikufurikabutte · 1 month ago
secret for you all: i don't go by zack anymore. haven't for a long time. but i'm too lazy to change my art tag so idgaf.....
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months ago
There's a fire at Shinra building in the middle of the night, what is everyone wearing/how do they look as they evacuate?
Genesis: Red silk pajamas, an eye mask around his head, and a black silk robe draped over him as he drags two suit cases filled with books because "I refuse to let the fire burn my collection"
Zack: Stamp-themed pajama pants, a hoodie he stole from Angeal, and the ">:(" expression because he was woken up by the fire alarm only 15 minutes after he crashed after a night of gaming.
Angeal: Gray sweatpants, a tank top he only put on so he wouldn't be half-dressed, and flip flops that go fwip fwap fwip fwap as he paces around nervously, trying to do a headcount.
Cloud: He got out of bed so fast he barely had time to get dressed before the sergeant was shoving them out the door. He's just glad he's wearing regular sweat pants and a regular white t-shirt. *Cloud has failed to notice that his shirt is on backwards, and has the Silver Elite logo under Sephiroth's face on full display
Kunsel: People are confused as to why Kunsel is wearing pajamas and the SOLDIER regulation helmet, but they're too scared to ask.
Sephiroth: Sephiroth is wearing his uniform.
Lazard, seeing Sephiroth in uniform: Ah, do you guys see this? See? Sephiroth is an example to be followed. He is the only SOLDIER who bothered to get into uniform before being seen in public. His efficiency is commendable and you are all a disgrace to the SOLDIER name.
Sephiroth: Actually, I fell asleep in my office yesterday and was woken up by the fire alarm just now.
Sephiroth: I thought the world was ending.
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shelbgrey · 1 year ago
Can you do a Zack Addy x gn reader where reader goes to the Jeffersonian to bring him food and eat with him and everyone is confused because they didn't know Zack had a partner please?
Who's got him smiling like that?(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x reader.
Summary: while y/n has lunch with their boyfriend Zack, the Jeffersonian tries to figure out what's going on between the two of them.
A/n: sorry this took so long and that it's shorter than my usual content. I hope you enjoy though.
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Seeley, Cam, Temperance, and Angela looked down from the balcony on the second floor of the lab. They leaned against the railing confused as they watched Zack laughing with y/n while they ate the lunch y/n brought.
“gotta be a sibling” Booth said, rubbing his hands together. In his eyes Zack was just a child genius that didn't have time to date.
“all of Dr. Addy's siblings are in New Jersey, but that could be a possibility,” Brennan said, looking at Booth then back down at Zack. Something about seeing Zack laughing like that with this beautiful person made her heart swell with happiness.
“Maybe it's just a friend,” Cam shrugged.
“No. I've never seen him laugh like that, he's definitely in love with whoever that is” Angela smiled. She felt so happy seeing him laugh. She could tell all that mattered to him tight now was y/n.
--------(1st pov)--------
“So, how's work?” I asked, nibbling on the last of my fries.
Zack nodded, munching on his onion rings. “well we found some very interesting set of particulates, something neither me nor Hodgins have seen on a victim before, and the humerus…” he stopped mid sentence.
Even though I never really understood all the science mumbo-jumbo I still like hearing him talk about it. There's something about seeing him get all excited and talk about something he's passionate about.
“no, no, keep going. I love it when you talk Science-y” I said resting my chin on my fist.
“'Science-y' isn't a word… And it's fine” Zack said, putting the rapper his burger came in and his napkin in the brown paper bag. “on another note, how's everything in the animal kingdom?”
I worked at the local animal shelter in town, it was an amazing job and I got work and take care of all kinds of dogs and cats. “well… Now that you mention it…” I started and gave him an innocent look. Zack tilted his head and gave me a warning look. “no! I know that look” he said, pointing his finger at me.
“Aw, but he was so cute”
“we already have two dogs... And a cat, that cat still dislikes me” he mumbled the last part.
“It's a small dog though,” I said, giving him a pouty lip. “it's a weiner dog mix, he'll stay tiny” we already had a black lab and a golden retriever, then on top of that I brought home a white cat home three months ago.
Zack playfully rolled his eyes. He always said he admired my love for all animals and loved how compassionate I was for all of them. Not so much when I keep bringing my ‘work’ home with me as he says.
“just imagine a cute little sausage dog curled up in your lap, helping you read Science stuff for work”
Zack sighed playfully.
“I'll let you name him” I smiled and gave him the puppy eyes he can't refuse. He sighed again. “don't give me the look”
Zack groaned in a very monaton way. “... Fine”
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “thank you babe”
“what are you doing?” Hodgins asked, walking up to the others. He looked over the balcony to see what everyone was staring at. He smiled when he saw y/n and Zack together.
“trying to figure out who's with Addy,” Booth said.
“Oh, that's y/n” Hodgins smiled.
Everyone gave Hodgins a confused look as Hodgins yelled down at the couple “Hi y/n!”
Y/n left Zack's arms and happily waved at Zack's best friend. “hey, Hodgins”
“soo… Who's y/n?” Angela asked Hodgins.
“Zack's partner” Hodgins smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“your telling me Zack… Our little child prodigy is y/n's boyfriend” Booth asked, shocked but at the same time impressed Zack snatched up a beautiful person like y/n.
“trust me I didn't even know y/n existed until Zack tried to seek them in one night when he was still living with me” Hodgins said.
“Well, y/n seems to make him happy,” Cam smiled down at the couple.
“y/n's great… Zack just seems so much happier now”
The team smiled at the couple, Zack and y/n were in there own little world talking about the knew puppy and the case Zack was working on. Hodgins was right, he was so much happier with y/n in his life, he felt more alive and human. He just couldn't help but smile everytime he was in y/n's presents.
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amara555555 · 3 months ago
I got an idea:
Lookism x reader:
Something was wrong. Why you look more…….sharp? Why was there a drastic difference in your appearance? Your skin glowed like a lamp, a smoothness of a baby’s bum, a your lashes longer and acute,your lips even more glossier and your hair BOUNCY????????what in the cinnamon toast fuck is this?
On your way to school in the winter semester you donned a gigantic puffer coat as you met up with your Friends from J high but……where were they? Your meeting point was 7 am sharp, did they leave?
A hand on your shoulder jolts you out of thoughts and you see…………………….who dis?
What stood before you was a boy with the same smoothness of skin and lashes, but his hair….was Bouncier. Lucky hoe. His locks dyed silver and his face looking sharper, his eyes narrower, his lips glossier- the fuck is this?
“Y/n? You ok?”
You knew that voice.
“……Elsa- I mean…..Eli?”
He blinked.
“Yeah, you’re checking my hair- oh yeah I gave it a change.”
Gave it a change? Your hair follicles will give you a change at 25-
“Why do you look like that?”
He blinked at your blunt question.
“Like what?”
You gestured everywhere.
“Like THAT?”
He laughed.
“Little too much energy in the morning no?”
He pats your head all fatherly and calls the rest over as apparently they all waited for your arrival. You peek over his shoulder and see people you have 100% never seen before heading your way-
“Who are they-“
“Your friends- you didn’t forget this big coat but you forgot your Brain huh?”
“Eli this isn’t a joke- who is th-“
You get enveloped into big hulking strong arms and look over your shoulder too see a man bun.
“Goo morning!”
You were put down before a cereal bar was handed to you, you look up questioningly to see a blond boy with covered eyes. Ah. Jay. You take it with a mumbled thanks.
“Thanks to your dumbass were already late.”
You glared at……..is that Zack?
“You look like a digimon.”
He scoffs offended before mira put him in his place, who by the way- cute as fu-
Jace just shook his head and walked ahead, he looked the same. Thank god.
You looked over at…..Daniel?….Zoe looked identifiable but Daniel-…….had hair again.
“Hey Y/n! Finally got out of bed?”
You blink and he and Zoe passed you with knowing smiles.
ok what the actual manifesting shits are we going through? Is this puberty? Are we going through our 4 puberty? You didn’t know. Neither did you have time to know as Vasco snatched you up and ran to school because you were late.
You sat next to a bbg Daniel and stared at the black haired imposter who identified as a refill for James Lee. You look over at Daniel.
“If 5 plus 5 is ten and 2 plus 2 is four, what the fuck is this-“
That cashmere cat looking imposter looking fake DG smiled and you physically recoiled before toppling off your chair.
(Someone better check on my baby Crystal. And also Eli mentioned her, are they still talking??????? Why’s that kinda cute? Btw this is you waking up and being suddenly transformed into the new art style and tut hella confused while everyone’s normal. It was supposed to be a self aware reader💀)
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salternateunreality2 · 2 months ago
AGSZC play monopoly, which game pieces do they choose and does anyone win or do they all lose?
Genesis: THE HORSE IS MINE IT'S ALWAYS MINE GIVE IT TO ME *SNATCHES* (note: no one else was even near the board)
Cloud: *hands the dog to Zack*
Zack: Oh you think you're real funny, dontcha? Hehehe, well you are. I'M THE DOG!
Angeal: Puppy, volume.
Sephiroth: *picks up the cannon* I am but a weapon, a tool in the-
Cloud: *snatches it from him, gives him the boot* You need shoes that aren't stripper boots. You'll disappoint your mother at this rate.
Sephiroth: *not sure whether to pout or be pleased*
Cloud: *takes the car. Shut up, it's cool and he likes machines. And he's cool.*
Angeal: *takes the wheelbarrow* I remember our old wheelbarrow in Banora...barely held together with a prayer and-
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Angeal plays defensively...meaning he buys nothing. He's saving up. This is fine, this is how you survive in the world, by being cautious and smart. He is the first to go bankrupt.
Zack makes his choices based on what looks or sounds cool at the moment.
Genesis brags about being a wise investor and proceeds to be an aggressive land shark, buying every property he lands on.
Cloud keeps landing on spots that make him pay taxes or draw cards that send him to jail.
Sephiroth goes to jail to keep Cloud company and Cloud tries to explain that's not how the game is played, but Sephiroth prefers to follow Cloud around like a shadow. Everyone else is too busy squabbling (Zack and Genesis) or sweating (Angeal) to notice or care.
Zack's "fuck it we ball" strategy starts working too well, and even though Genesis has amassed a great number of hotels and properties, Zack somehow got all the good ones AND everyone keeps landing on them and not Genesis'.
When it becomes evident Zack will win, Genesis explodes, firagas the board, and storms out.
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Angeal passes out from the stress of his last dollar catching fire.
Zack tries to put out the fire by flapping a blanket at it because you put out candles by blowing on them, so bigger fire = more air, obvs. This only fans the flames (literally).
Sephiroth looks at the fire like a cat at a Christmas tree.
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Cloud has to step up, throw the iron at Zack's head to knock him out, smother the fire, and bodily drag three giant soldiers twice his size away from the carnage while cursing Genesis.
Lazard is in his office chasing aspirin with tequila, watching the security cameras.
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Tl;Dr -
Genesis - horse, because he's the hero
Zack - puppy
Angeal - wheelbarrow for gardening
Sephiroth - shoe
Cloud - car
Nobody wins except Sephiroth, who had a great time.
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strayheartless · 2 months ago
Zakkura Headcanons: HOLIDAY EDITION
Cloud is not all that festive a person. He’s not a grinch (well, no he kinda is by definition) but he doesn’t really get “ready” for Yule like everyone else. He doesn’t decorate; you couldn’t pay him to wear a holidays sweater; he stopped believing in Santa at age four; and he certainly doesn’t go out of his way to buy people gifts. Mostly because he’s never had friends to buy for, but he’s convinced himself it’s because he believes it’s stupid.
Zack. Loves. Yule. It’s his favourite holiday ever because of course it is! How can you not love Yule?! He loved “helping” his mom with baking and getting under his dad fee- I mean helping his dad decorate. Gift buying is the only thing he’s ever prepared for because he basically spends all year thinking about what to get people he likes.
Imagine Zack’s horror when he realises his best friend and crush isn’t bothered by the sights and smells of holiday cheer…
He immediately determines himself to making Cloud enjoy Yule. He’s a little neurotic about it actually -not that he lets Cloud know that, because Clouds suppose to be having fun FuN FUN! Angeal and Kunzel are both subjected to Zack’s ranting and frantic Christmas prep as he tries his absolute best to make sure Cloud has a good experience.
He invites Cloud around to Bake; drags him out in the cold to pick a tree; buys him festive drinks; drags him out AGAIN to Yule markets. Cloud for the most part silently puts up with it all, and even more privately enjoys the attention Zack gives him as the taller man tugs Clouds scarf up to cover his nose, holding his hands to warm them up.
Zack buys Cloud festive PJ’s for yules eve and basically wrestles him into them before making him park his butt on the couch to drink hot chocolate and cud- watch movies.
If Cloud falls asleep because he feels warm and safe then that’s a happy coincidence. If Zack takes advantage of his sleeping in order to tuck him into bed while Zack does some last minute wrapping and stocking stuffing then that is his business.
Cloud does have some traditions during the holidays. Namely on the actual day he will call his mom and ask if she got her present. He will stay on the phone for a while as he makes his lunch and assure her he’s fine. Yes he’s eating enough, no he doesn’t have plans today, no he’s not being bullied, yes he’s sure. It’s the same most years.
This year however when he calls her she is delighted to know that he’s spending the day with Zack. She chats animatedly with Zack about their family traditions and gushes over this “older boy looking after my baby”.
Zack keeps glancing giddily at Cloud who’s got a… hell, it’s a really fond look on his face. Clouds mom likes him! Clouds mom promised to send him mittens!
Zack wants to tell Cloud how he feels but He’s too busy making sure Cloud has a good day. Calling his own parents has Zack standing in the kitchen with a turkey baster having a mini panic attack while his mother over explains cooking times and stuffing. Then, like a guardian angel, Cloud takes the baster from him and preps the turkey like it’s something he always does.
Zack is struck with the domesticity of it all and desperately wants to blurt out “I’m so in love with you” but he doesn’t.
He had plans to tell him he swears. He’d boobie trapped the entire apartment with mistletoe and everything, but he’s so preoccupied with trying to make Cloud happy that he kind of puts it’s on the back burner.
Cloud however, beats him to it. It’s at the end of the night, when they are warm and full and cozy. They’d been playing chocobo racer, pushing at each other teasingly trying to put the other off, and then Zack had shoved Cloud a tiny bit harder than he ment too. Cloud -never one to go down without a hell of a fight- pulls Zack with him as he goes down.
They kind of just lay there for a second on their sides, Zack having rolled so he didn’t Crush his crush. And then Cloud gently leans in to Kiss Zack softly whispering a heartfelt “thank you” against his lips. Zack doesn’t have to ask what for, he knows he means the day, but he wants another kiss so he rolls Cloud on top of him, locks his arms around the smaller, and steals a couple more.
“Hey so will you be my boyfriend for Yule?”
“Just for Yule?”
“Or forever, Forever works for me if it works for you”
“Yeah that works for me…”
“Hey Cloud?”
“I’m kinda stupidly in love with you.”
Cloud goes an adorable shade of red as he mumbles “me too” into Zack’s chest.
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silverryuan · 5 months ago
Daniel Park with Daki reader
I know that this seems annoying but thank you guys very much! 200 followers...Wow... I actually didn't think I'd reach this far... Also, thanks for putting up with my BS!
Warning: Swearing, Violence
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• You met Big Daniel on his second week at school. You were absent on the first week because your Leader ordered you and your brother to attack certain gangs and collect information. You weren't informed that school already started a week ago. But then again, would you even care?
• When your classmates see that you're not present in class for days, half of the student body let out a huge wave of relieved sighs, thinking that you transferred schools while the other half kept it in, thinking that your absence is too good to be true. But when announcement you return was heard, Daniel was clueless on what was happening since everyone looked like they're preparing for a red-alert thunderstorm...
Zoe: "Hey Daniel! How was your weekend?"
Daniel: "It was great."
Zoe: "Really? I'm glad! You know, my weekend was so crazy! The--"
Random Student A, running: "EVERYONE UME SHABANA IS BACK!"
Random Student B: "W-WHAT?! THAT CAN'T BE..."
• Once the announcement of your return was shared, the students whispered to one another. Even Zack's goons are quivering. Mira and Zoe looked frightened at what they heard. Jay clenched his fist and a frown made its way to his face. Zack quickly repositioned his sitting posture and is sweating bullets. Meanwhile Daniel is just confused...
Random Student B: "Eh?! They still go here?! Dude, I thought they transferred 😱!"
Random Student C: "I knew this day would come...😔"
Random Student D: "We're totally fucked, man...😰"
Daniel: "U-um... I'm sorry if I don't know, but who's Ume Shabana?"
• Some of the girls stopped rushing and approach Daniel to explain but Zoe beat them to it.
Zoe: "Well you see, Daniel! U-uh...! Ume Shabana is a student in the Beauty Department--"
!!! C R A S H !!!
Zoe: "HOLY FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THA?-- I-i mean, eep! What was that?"
• The more the crashing from the across the hallways grew louder, the more the students shifted uncomfortably in their seats. A few students contemplated on grabbing their bags and just leave the classroom.
Random Student B: "Guys, who cares if we miss class?! They might remember that one mistake we did to them! I wanna live 😭!"
Random Student D: "W-what if it gets worse?! What if they bring their brother 😱?!"
Random Student C: "You calm down first 😑."
! ! ! C R A S H ! ! ! ! ! ! C R A S H ! ! !......
????: "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
Everyone: "!!!"
• The crashing sounds stopped and a girl's scream can be heard from the hallways. Everyone, including Daniel, rushed outside to see a rather beautiful but aggressive figure pulling on a girl's ear and shouting at her. A crowd of students from different departments gathered to witness the situation. They know that they couldn't bring your anger down so they can only watch as the girl struggled in pain against your grip...
Freshman Girl: "I-i'm... I-i'm sorry-- OW!"
• ...What? Did he heard that right? Out the window? Daniel's breath shortened and his body froze. Countless memories of him being bullied by his superiors, if not, even other students, flooded his mind. He experienced all the horrible things they did to him... Being treated like a pig. But even HE never thought of a person THIS cruel would go that far by throwing their own classmate out of a window and dealing with it like it's nothing.
• His body moved without him thinking and pushed the crowding students to make way to you. He grabbed the wrist of your hand that was dragging the sobbing girl before you could open a nearby window. You looked up at him and scowled.
Daniel: "H-hey..."
Ume: "Hah?"
Daniel: "Let go of her... P-please."
• The words were stuck at Daniel's throat when he met your piercing glare. The glare that screamed who's superior in terms of dominance. The young man didn't mean to sound pathetic but he had to, so that you won't do the unforgivable.
Ume: "And who are you to order me around, huh?"
Daniel, flinches: "U-um... i-"
Ume: "You're either bold or pretty stupid, walking up to me like that."
• Daniel's somewhat lack of fear made the girls squealed among themselves about how daring and bold he is while the guys are placing bets on who's going to die and who's going to walk out alive. Mira hurriedly went to the faculty room so that the situation wouldn't escalate any further. Some students started pulling out cameras to record the fight.
Random Student E: "AAAHH~! DANIEL~ 😫!"
Random Student F: "Who would've thought that this guy 😳..."
Random Student G: "Is so brave and courageous? Yes, he is~ 😍"
Random Student C: "Ugh, girls 🙄..."
Random Student B: "So who are betting on?"
Random Student D: "That Daniel guy seems capable."
Random Student B: "Yeah, y'know that one time he not only dodged Zack Lee's punches, he blocked it!"
Random Student D: "Oh yeah! I still rem--"
Zack: "I bet on Ume to take down that fucker."
Random Student B: "Crap, he heard us 😨!"
Random Student D: "Stop making us part of everyone's grudge list, man. Ume's is already bad enough 😔..."
• The sounds of noisy, horny, ugly women made your ears ring... This is irritating. The nerve of this idiot to...
Daniel: "!"
• Daniel didn't see the fist coming..........
Random Student B: "W-w-what the fuck 😱?!"
Random Student D: "He... With just one punch 😨?!"
Random Student C: "Oh shit, he's as good as dead 😔."
Random Student A: "E-even the wall... 😰!"
Zack: "Told ya he's a wimp. I won this bet."
Jay: "!"
Zoe: "DANNY!...Dan... Wake up!...call......where are .... Mira!.....eachers?!"
• Daniel felt his head ring and something warm and wet dripping down from his nose. The last thing he sees is Zoe screaming at his face and Jay lifting him up. Everything became blurry before going pitch black as he fell unconscious. He then wakes up in a familiar old house.
Small Daniel: "Mhh... Wha....HUH?!"
• Daniel immediately recognized his surroundings and realized that his bigger body is without conscious and he switched to his smaller body. He tried his best to fall back asleep but after a few hours, he couldn't. He searched in his belongings in a panic for his phone and put on a relaxing ambience video. A couple of attempts after that, he finally fell asleep.
• He finally wakes up in his bigger body with a headache. He blinked his eyes and sees that he's in an infirmary. He looked to the side to see the school nurses standing and admiring his sleeping face.
School Nurse A: "A-ah! He's awake... Sorry to disturb you~ Do you want to rest more 🤭?"
School Nurse B: "How are you feeling, handsome ☺️?"
Daniel: "Uhm... I'm fine, I gue- OW!"
School Nurse A: "Oh my! It seems that Shabana delinquent knocked you out pretty hard 😯..."
School Nurse B: "You shouldn't move so much. You have a cut on your forehead and a nasty bruise on the side 😧."
Daniel: "Sorry, ma'am."
School Nurse B: "Ohh, please! Don't call me "ma'am"! Call me by my name-"
School Nurse A: "He was talking to me 😠!"
School Nurse B: "No, me 😡!"
Daniel: "I wanted to ask... do you happened to know what happened?"
School Nurse A: "Uh well... you see, we heard that you were involved in a fight with Ume Shabana. You were hit-"
School Nurse B: "With one punch 😮!"
School Nurse A: "Yes, you were struck down with one punch- but it doesn't matter, you were trying to protect that girl, right ☺️?"
Daniel: "I-i was..."
School Nurse B: "OMG, you are such a sweetheart. I'm like, so jealous of her 😩."
School Nurse A: "Stop rambling, you dumbass 🙄."
• The nurses insisted that Daniel should rest more and that he's excused from his absence in class. The wall clock hits 5:00 PM, Zoe and Jay came to the infirmary to check up on Daniel. Zoe was fussing over him, reassuring him that he did nothing wrong and the attempt on trying to save the freshman girl was heroic. Jay just smiled, relieved that Daniel is okay. The blonde didn't say much and left. Just then, the freshman girl entered the infirmary with the intention to thank Daniel by giving him treats from the cafeteria. Zoe got a bit territorial despite her positive remark about saving her. Daniel thanked the girl and she left the infirmary skipping happily.
• Daniel asked Zoe what to the violent delinquent and she showed him a video from her phone....
• He couldn't believe it... He didn't even see how you punched him... You were so fast... Too fast... With just one punch, he collided with the wall. The impact was so great, it formed cracks on it... The side of his head was bleeding... You shoved the girl away and complained about Daniel thinking too highly of himself... At least you didn't drop the girl out the window... The video ended with your figure leaving and students gathering around him.
• After that encounter, he made a mental note to himself that no matter how his second body would help him overcome his fears, there will always be a person much more stronger than him. He started attending class a couple of days later. Every girl praised him of his action and even some of the boys acknowledged his boldness of facing you. However, some of them were pissed at him because some people are praising your stupidity.
• He the learned that you are not a person to be messed with. You are beautiful but deadly... reminding him of the obnoxious girls back in his previous school. You are hella strong too! Seriously, how are you so strong? It doesn't make sense that you beat him with just your fist. You also despise being around people of what you deemed unattractive and bully them. Maybe that's why you preferred to go to the Beauty Department. In contrast to your demonic strength, your gracefulness caught him off guard... He really thought that delinquents like you would look brash and intimidating. But perhaps that's another technique of tricking your opponent to think that you're not a fighter.
• You sometimes like to tease a flustered Daniel and flirted with him with a few death threats here and there, but you never meet him again after your brother told you not to. Meh, it's not like you like him or anything, it's just that you're reminding every girl in this school that no matter how attractive they are, the most handsome guys always look at you.
• Speaking of your brother, his impression of your older brother, Gyutaro, was also not so great... The first thing the tall and scary man does when he sees Daniel is threatening him that if he lays a hand on you, he will not be getting it back. The boy, not only kept a distance from you, he avoided you because of that.
• Figured out that the reason why you and your brother were not expelled is because the faculty is also intimidated by you. Whenever they caught you bullying a poor student, you'd change face and act innocently that you are in a particularly bad mood.
• Timeskip to the timeline where Daniel is formed an alliance with Jay, Zack, and Vasco. He figured out that you and your brother were part of a gang called the Twelve Kizuki and were one of the higher ranking ones. You two are fighting for that corrupt politician named Micha- Muzan Kibutsuji by making connections here in South Korea and controlling the districts. You just used disguises and names so that enemy gang members won't recognize you. Muzan ordered you two to eliminate every single person that witnessed their crimes, including Daniel and co.. Your third encounter with him takes place in a ruined building.
• Daniel made the same mistake of charging at you first. You disabled him swiftly even without using half of your power. You were about to dispatch him when his friends arrived to shield Daniel away from you. When the speed and strength of their attacks grew increasingly aggressive, you tried to flee away from the scene and called for your brother. Zack and Jay, albeit bleeding and bruised, quickly caught up to and tackled you before you could run away...
Zack: "Hey! We ain't letting you run away like a coward after we beat you fair and square."
Daki: "I-i wasn't running away! And I'm not a coward!"
Zack: "Pssh! Yeah, right! Not buying it!"
Daki: "I am NOT a coward! I am strong! Far stronger than you!"
Zack: "We literally tackled you to the ground! Which means we beat you!"
Daniel: "Z-Zack- you shouldn't-"
Daki, tearing up: "No... no, it can't be...! I'm one of the Twelve Kizuki! I'm one of the strongest members! I'm supposed to be strong--"
Daki: "!"
Jay: "😶!"
Vasco: "... It doesn't matter how strong you are... As long as you keep training and keep protecting the little guys... Then you're the strongest!!! All you did was bully those who are weaker than you... It's wrong!!!"
Zack: "Woah... Vasco, calm down a bit..."
Vasco, crying: "... I still haven't forgotten about you bullying that Pyeon guy..."
Jay: "😶..."
• The scene went from violent, to childish, to dramatic in minutes. Vasco became too passionate of his statement and began tearing up. Daniel gave him a gentle pat on the back. You suddenly let out a shriek and started punching the ground.
Daki, bawling: "....WAAAAAAHHHH!!!"
Vasco, Daniel, Jay, & Zack: "😨😧😦😮!"
Vasco: "...H-huh?"
Zack: "Are they...?"
Jay: "😶...?"
Daniel: "... throwing a tantrum?"
• Cue Gyutaro suddenly appearing behind them. They dodged his strike but he still made a beeline to you. He checked on your injuries and comforted you until your crying stopped. Meanwhile the guys at the back are just weirded out. This guy responded to your call and rushed to you so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up! Which means that he is far more deadlier and stronger than you. He sicced them like they were prey and he was the predator. Expressing envy, hatred, malice and rooted it to his rapid assault. He tortured them and cackled at their pained cries in a morbidly sadistic manner.
• It took them their entire knowledge of skills, the entire night and the entirety of the Burn Knuckles to take just the two of you down... The ruined building that all of you were fighting in has already collapsed its second floor... The pillars are barely holding up... All of them are fatigued and injured, but are still fighting... And on the crack of dawn, they finally defeat both of you.
Gyutaro: "SHUT UP!"
Daki: "YOU SHUT UP!"
• During your arguement, Daniel and Vasco ordered everyone to safety now that the building is starting to collapse its walls and third floor. Daniel looked at your direction and looked back at Vasco. Vasco was unsure of what Daniel intended to do with you but he knows that it's wrong to leave you here to die. So he joined Daniel and carried the two of you outside before the building finally break down. You and your brother argued and argued until...
Daki: "....I wish you were never my brother..."
Gyutaro: "....."
Daki: "Look at us... We don't even look the same...I bet we aren't even related... I bet you made up that story of mom abusing me... I'm better off without you... You're ugly... your only saving grace is your strength!... Now that you've been beaten, you're useless! ....I WISH WE WERE NEVER SIBLINGS."
• Everyone looked at you in disbelief that the two of you still have the stamina to argue. You just sit there with your dislocated limbs while your brother spat insults at your face. You've never seen your brother this angry before... he sounds like he's been holding all of these emotions in for a long time. Daniel's body once again moved on its own...
• Gyutaro stopped his outpour of emotions with a sudden hand gesture of Daniel covering the ugly man's mouth.
Daniel: "... I may not know what it's like to have a sibling, but I know that what you are doing to each other is wrong... you don't mean all those things. You are siblings through and through, even if the world turns its back on you, you still got each other. Despite all the bad things you did, no one will be on your side except your family... You must stick together and protect each other."
Daki, bawling: "....WAAAAHHH!!!"
Daniel: "U-um! I'm sor--"
• The others watched awkwardly as you cried. Daniel is frantically trying to get you to calm down. Huh, who would've thought that THE Ume Shabana the most beautiful, the most graceful, the most deadliest, one of the strongest foe they faced in Jaewon High... Is actually a crybaby?
Gyutaro: "........Ume."
Gyutaro: "UME."
Gyutaro: "UME!"
Daki: "!"
Gyutaro: "....I forgive you...and I'm...sorry too."
Zack: ".... Shouldn't we be...?"
Vasco, tearing up: "This moment is manly."
Zack: "What the hell is so manly about it?"
Jay: "☺️."
• So that's how your relationship with Daniel developed. It has rocky start but it's progress! You were shocked when Daniel, Vasco, Jay, Zack and the Burn Knuckles forgave both of you and your brother and even offered you to join them. Your thoughts went to the memories of your dear Leader. Oh, how you want to be by his side, but now that you've failed, he will throw you away regardless. But you still have your brother with you and your new... Friends? Acquaintances? Whatever. You left the Twelve Kizuki and allied with Daniel. It'll probably take decades to repent for your wrongdoings but at least you have your brother with you.
• A new dawn rises for you and your brother. You've always hated the daytime for how bright it is, but this time it's different. Your demons shall burn away in the light along with your hatred and wrath. Daki is in the past, defeated and burned in Hell.
• You are now Shiraume. No matter how many times you'll be reborn, you will walk with your brother for all eternity.
Daniel: "What are you going to do after all this?"
Gyutaro: "...Stay low for a while. Even if we hand ourselves to the police, Muzan will use his connections to find where we are and kill us."
Daniel: "I guess that's the safest option."
Vasco: "Ume."
Shiraume: "Ugh, it's Shiraume. What?"
Vasco: "Your apology to Pyeon-"
Shiraume: "Right. I'll do it, sheesh."
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silvergreenseraphim · 1 year ago
Angeal and Sephiroth (And Genesis?)—Dissidia Opera Omnia—Part One
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Alright, so this chapter was a lot, and it opened with Weiss quoting “Loveless” for a reason, it seems.
“When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end, the goddess descends from the sky! Wings of light and dark spread afar, she guides us to bliss…her gift everlasting!”
Weiss becomes our voice for Genesis, or his “brother,” in this chapter. When Seymour questions his quote, Weiss replies,
“It was a passage from a story our brother loved. He used to quote it for his best friend. That friend was Sephiroth, the hero and friend of the other “brother,” Angeal as well.”
This part was hard to translate into English, but Weiss essentially explains that Genesis used to quote Loveless for his close friend, Sephiroth, the hero, and Angeal was right there with them as the third friend in the trio.
Seymour is shocked and gasps, “Sephiroth and Angeal were best friends??”
Weiss replies, “It’s hard to believe of the now-evil “hero” that never reveals his heart. And yet, the exemplary First Class soldier that is a role model for everyone was his friend.”
I am on the fence about the translation of this part and may change it once my friend gets back to me, but for now, it seems like Weiss is pondering the friendship of Sephiroth and Angeal and how differently they turned out, because Seymour does make a comment like, “I suppose if you have dreams and honor, you can’t go wrong.”
But there is potentially more here that Weiss is saying about his own relationship to Sephiroth and Angeal—perhaps suggesting he is not their friend and doesn’t quite understand their past relationship himself. I will have to keep researching.
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We cut to Sephiroth again, who is confused about his memory returning. He says he didn’t expect any memories to return from the Lifestream, but shakes his head and denial. He claims these memories Angeal brought back are unnecessary and that he most remove Angeal from the picture immediately. His motives are set.
Meanwhile, Zack and Angeal are talking about how Sephiroth changed. I translated this on Altocat’s blog and here is what they say:
Zack says,
“Angeal, I know you’re surprised…I can’t believe that Sephiroth changed like that…
Angeal replies,
“So, you were taken aback as well…”
Zack says,
“It was out of nowhere. We went to investigate Cloud and Tifa’s village…and I guess he discovered his origins. He killed everyone and burned down the village. He had always been the hero I strived to be…”
Zack and Angeal are both very crestfallen here, lamenting this knowledge. Angeal pulls himself together and says,
“I know…I’m disappointed too. Everything changed while I was gone, I guess.
Angeal further laments that he wasn’t there, and Zack reassures him that even though Angeal disappeared at the time and pushed everyone away, Zack would have stayed by his side and helped. Zack would have left Shinra, and he says he is sure Sephiroth felt the same way.
Angeal thanks his student but says that it was his choice and lonely path at the time—he had to carry the responsibility as a First Class soldier. Zack chastises him saying he shouldn’t think that way—after all, Zack is a First Class as well, and has enough experience. He could have helped Angeal. Angeal begins to reply, saying, “Zack…” but then they are interrupted by the others.
They say it’s time to make a decision about Sephiroth, and Cloud explains that the silver boi is planning to turn the world into an empty vessel that he may sail the cosmos with in order to find another world. An Advent Children reference, of course.
Rufus mentions that this goal is very similar to the desire of Jenova. He has to then explain what Jenova is to the other characters, as well as the Reunion theory.
This makes a lightbulb go off in Angeal’s head and he gasps, “So basically…Sephiroth is Jenova?”
He puts it together that Reunion implies that Jenova’s cells must be drawn back to their source, and since that source is currently Sephiroth, they must be the same.
However, the others simply say that Sephiroth/Jenova must be eliminated, and agree to hunt him down. Everyone nods and moves forward except Angeal, who lingers with hesitation.
In the next part, they are in the process of tracking Sephiroth, but the group notices Angeal’s troubled demeanor. They ask him if he’s okay and Kadaj says that he heard about Sephiroth being Angeal’s good friend. He says that it must be disheartening to see Sephiroth in his current state, since nothing is like it used to be.
Angeal notes Kadaj’s own tone of disappointment and Kadaj explains how Sephiroth used him as a puppet to find Jenova’s remains, which horrifies Kadaj because if Sephiroth and Jenova are the same, then his own “mother” used and betrayed him in such a way.
Angeal encourages Kadaj and gives him one of his classic pep talks, appealing to his usual “dreams and honor” code. Tifa notes that Zack often spoke the same way, prompting Angeal to recall teaching Zack all those things.
In response to Kadaj, he then says he was indeed surprised by hearing what Sephiroth did, but he says that,
“Sephiroth had his honor once too…and he has a tendency to hold onto things, so even if I am surprised, I can’t abandon him…”
The others say that they aren’t sure if Angeal’s words can reach Sephiroth, who was cruel enough to destroy Tifa and Cloud’s village. Tifa agrees as she recalls how she begged Sephiroth to explain why he did what he did, but she does say to Angeal that she believes he could have a better chance.
She kindly compliments him on how his “dreams and honor” philosophy had helped her as well. :,)
She encourages Angeal, saying that his words will surely be a beacon and that he should try to speak with Sephiroth again. Angeal hangs his head sorrowfully and agrees, saying,
“I don’t want to give up on him….so I’ll try as hard as I can…”
This is a good place to stop because the next chapters are where everything gets chaotic, but for now, we have some build-up for what Angeal wants to do, and for Weiss being a stand-in for Genesis later.
Some little notes:
The Zack and Angeal scenes were very sweet, as Zack wants to convince his old mentor to stop shouldering everything alone. Angeal’s absolute refusal to give up on Seph tugs at the heartstrings too, and I find it so sweet that Tifa actually encouraged him.
The “Sephiroth is Jenova” point is fascinating, but I believe we will soon find that Seph’s own will is blended into Jenova’s, as they are aligned, and this might be what reveals to Angeal that there may not be much hope for his old friend. :(
I am struggling with the Weiss and Seymour discussion, and this has been one of the parts that has slowed me down, because the context is hard to decipher, but I suspect that Weiss is comparing Sephiroth and Angeal to the figures in Loveless, which also becomes relevant later. I will update as soon as I can get an explanation from my Japanese friend. I am not skilled enough to decipher everything yet on my own, you see. 😅
But enjoy this for now, and I will be back with more soon! <3
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kayfabe-is-king · 2 months ago
I’ve seen some negativity on Twitter about the main event at Wrestle Kingdom. Was it the best match technically? No. Did Zack have to do a bit of carrying for it to look genuine? Yes. But this match is a small piece of a larger picture.
2024 was the year to cement Zack Sabre Jr as one of New Japan’s brightest stars. And he deserved it. He is one of the best technical wrestlers in the game now. Bar none. He believes in and breaths wrestling and genuinely wants to make the industry better for everyone. Much like Bryan Danielson believes in AEW, ZSJ believes in New Japan.
Going into the Tokyo Dome, they knew the best way to keep the audience on Zack’s side (because he is a foreigner and there’s a reason him and Kenny are the only non foreign wrestlers to win the G1) was to put him against an opponent that is struggling to connect with audiences. And Shota, for whatever reason, still hasn’t fully won the fans over.
Some say it’s because of the stain of nepotism. It follows him around. There are always whispers that he’s only getting pushes because of his father. I personally think he can be very charming but mostly when he’s not in the ring. On social media, in behind the scenes footage and posts from his friends? He’s a lovable and funny guy who I’d happily hang out with. But in the ring, there is an uncertainty about him. He’s young and I think to some extent, being Red Shoes’ son does make him feel hesitant. In time though, he will find his way. But what he’s doing now is not working.
So what better way to help him find his path than by kicking him off the babyface road and seeing what he can do as a heel? The main event was another stepping stone towards that. His moments of cruelty (I mean seriously… shoving your own father??) also mirror Wheeler Yuta’s struggle before he finally committed to the Death Riders.
I think Shota’s match with Claudio will end up being the deciding factor for his 2025 story. Moxley could be sending Claudio to test Shota one more time before he’s allowed into the Death Riders. Or it could be what it appears to be on the surface: DR teaching Shota a painful lesson. And that humiliating lesson could serve as the final push for Shota to go dark side. Maybe it pushes him to join Death Riders or maybe House of Torture (imagine how much Red Shoes would blow a gasket at that). We have to wait for tonight at Wrestle Dynasty to see.
Either way, Zack made goddamn fucking history. So suck it up buttercup and put some respect on his name.
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the-fandom-crossroads · 11 months ago
Just finished rewatching Advent Children with bro and wow that explained a lot more than I thought it would. Bro had never seen it and I remembered the white void showing up there and that the 3 villains were sephiroth clones. I completely forgot the other hints towards Remake.
But Spoilers for Remake and Rebirth I guess?
I now understand why everyone insists Remake Sephiroth is Advent Children Sephiroth. Like the exact same monologue about going to space with cloud. And Advent Children was him revealing this new bigger plan to cloud. If Remake Sephiroth was the original VII sephiroth he should still just want to use meteor because it's "mother's" will.
But like all that is old news for folks who remembered Advent Children when playing through Remake 4 years ago.
I think the things Rebirth builds on about the lifestream is more interesting. The pond that forms in Aerith's church in AC is a natural mako spring like the countless ones we find in rebirth. Flowers are able to grow there long after Aerith's death because of this spring just below the surface.
When Cloud "dies" in Advent Children he meets Aerith and Zack in the white void before they decide to put him back. He's released from the lifestream in the natural mako spring now in Aerith's church just like how Tifa is tossed back out when she enters with the whale.
Again for anyone who's recently watched AC it's obvious the white void is meant to represent the lifestream. But that means Rebirth is confirming the Lifestream is a bridge between the different universes. Zack enters the Lifestream and runs into Remake cloud who's also been pulled in. AC is all about how Sephiroth is still in the lifestream and that's how Kadaj is able to be possessed by him once he has enough Jenova cells. Cloud kills Sephiroth putting him back in the Lifestream. The Lifestream that connects all vii worlds.
AC Sephiroth then uses the lifestream to start appearing before a Cloud that has only just reached Midgar. His Meddling summons the whispers which fight back to keep things to the "cannon" timeline. Sephiroth of course tricks team Avalanche into destroying the head Whisper allowing him to take control of them. Again old news for anyone that knew Sephiroth wanted them to break the bonds of Fate.
But if Sephiroth is using the lifestream to mess with other worlds. it shouldn't be a surprise one of the Aerith's also already in the lifestream got involved too. As other's have pointed out the Aerith that gives cloud the not empty White materia isn't remake Aerith. But another Aerith that pulled him into that universe to give him a functioning white materia. But somehow Remake Aerith knew the hand over happened? Because in the white forest she asks cloud for the materia and they swap so she has a functioning white materia. That part confuses me a little. How did our Aerith know the handoff happened?
Also Rufus and Kadaj have a conversation about how everything's a cycle. That Jenova "Mother" will always try to destroy the planet and the lifestream/humanity will always fight back. Made me realize AC Sephiroth wasn't going back on his timeline to make a new one but hopping into the next timeloop. OG VII and Advent Children's cannon is locked in. Remake is truely that a remaking of the timeline made possible by Cloud and Co defeating the whispers that enforce the timeloops. So now instead of one spiral after another and infinite number of spirals are forming while the remake loop is still happening.
That's why Sephiroth waited until the *spoilers* cannon event to appear in Rebirth. It's an all the stars a line situation. All timeloops have that moment, regardless of how it's different in different versions.
But Rebirth's cannon event was just a test run. Sephiroth wanted to see how much power he could gain just from multiple timelines merging at one point.
Sephiroth already told us what he really wants. The Black materia but not the one from the remake universe no the ultimate black materia forged from all the black materia. And what's the next big plot point that could be a cannon event? Cloud's breakdown at the northern crater after handing the Black Materia over to Sephiroth. If there's any point where the timelines would over lap it would be there. We already saw the power boost Sephiroth got. If that power boost happens to the black Materia yeah that's a multiverse destroying meteor right there.
Wow was that a long wall of text about stuff everyone else probably already knows. But I just had to put all the clarity Advent Children gave me about Remake and Rebirth somewhere. Expect a spiral timeline graphic in the future. Cause I feel like i'm forgetting to explain some of it right.
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accala · 8 months ago
The FF7 Gang's Reasons for Hating Shinra: A Dialogue
Tifa: So we all have reasons to hate Shinra... but I don't think we've ever shared them as a group before.
Aerith: Ooohh that's true. Why don't we try sharing them as a bonding experience?
Cloud: A bonding experience? Don't we know each other's stories already?
Aerith: I just think it would be cathartic to let it out you know? Here I'll start: I hate Shinra because my mother and I were kidnapped by them. Because we were the last living Ancients. Oh! And they wanted us to lead them to the Promised land. But Hojo mostly wanted to use us as experiments though. And mom took the brunt of it...
Nanaki: That was quite a cheerful introduction for an albeit morbid crime that Shinra did. However... I too have been kidnapped to be used as an experiment. And Shinra was complicit in it.
Tifa: ...It's eery how similar North Corel is to what happened to Nibelheim. Everyone we knew died too. The Mayor. The villagers. Cloud's mom. My dad. Even if Sephiroth started it, it was Shinra who decided to cover up everything.
Barret: And none of those ain't a damn bit surprising at all. Shinra was a bunch of greedy lifestream-sucking bastards who made false promises and took everything in their wake. They took my hand. Burned my town to the ground. And worst of all, they killed my Myrna and took Marlene’s parents away from her. They killed every person I ever cared about just to save their sorry-ass reputations. And I'm damn glad to be rid of them.
Yuffie: You guys already know what happened to Wutai. Shinra wanted to subjugate us to set up a Mako reactor—the greedy bastards. But Wutai wanted none of that. We wanted independence. So through our blood, sweat, and tears, our warriors put up a good fight! Kicked Shinra’s ass too until the SOLDIERs came along. And then Wutai was turned into a tourist trap. Our pride. Our honor. Our culture. All turned into a joke. Damn Shinra- <looks at Cloud> I know you already told us your whole story, but at this point you might as well share too.
Cloud: All of you already know that most of my grievances are directed at Hojo and Sephiroth. But I’m not going to pretend that Shinra played no part in that either. Anything Hojo or Sephiroth-related, Shinra was involved. My mother’s death; they covered it up. Our unwilling experimentation? Shinra knew where we were or rather didn’t care. And Zack’s death? Shinra issued a whole army just to kill him. Even my coma and amnesia were indirectly because of them. <nods at Vincent> What about you?
Vincent: A similar reason. Hojo decided that I too was of use as a test subject. Funny how there's four of us who shared that moniker.
Cait Sith: <shakes his head> That’s not guid. Not guid at all. Ach well, this has been a pure gloomy day. Ah huvnae got anythin' tae share though. What aboot you laddie? <looks at Cid>
Cid: ...
Cid: Well damn. Right after all of your tragic backstories, I don't think I wanna share mine.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years ago
Lookism characters with a male reader with squishable looking chests or/and butts
Lookism characters
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Since theres a million different Lookism characters I just picked a some of my faves.
Zack Lee
Zack is the type who definitely notices and takes a peek every now and then, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to touch you unless he’s completely sure that’s what you want.
He also glares at anyone who looks at you wrong or talks lewdly about you. He will start fights if he has too, even after his training with Gongseob, that’s one of the few ways to make Zack see red. You’ll have to pull him away or tell him to stop when he gets like this, best way to do so is to hug him, maybe give him a kiss.
Vasco/Euntae Lee
Vasco takes his respect juice, so he would never touch or grab without being strictly allowed too. Honestly in the beginning he probably didn’t even realize, since he’s well… Vasco. He would realize how others leer at you though, and glare at them because staring like that makes them a bad guy.
But when he does realize he’s the type to be flushed about it, but again he would never stare to grab unless you tell him he’s allowed too. Then he’s more likely to use your chest as a pillow.
Warren Chae
Another one who devours the respect juice, you left him speechless the first time you met and he had to put great efforts into introducing himself, always scolds himself for looking at your chest or butt.
Even after you started dating, he always catches himself looking and immediately looking away with a blush, at some point your gonna have to just pull him to your chest and let him rest his head there as he goes beet red. After this he will allow himself to look, and even touch, but he’s still shy.
Vin Jin
Vin never stopped himself from looking since he’s wearing sunglasses, but he can’t see very well with them on, so he probably never realized just how squishy and touchable your chest and butt was. He will throw down with anyone who talks about you though, since you’re his partner.
Then the first time he takes his glasses off around you, he says and audible “damn…” when he sees. This results in you smacking him and he just laughs and hugs you, of course copping a feel because how can he not when you are right there.
Jake Kim
Can’t stop himself form looking every now and then, because how can he not when your so attractive to him, he enjoys when you sit on his lap too since he can support your weight with a hand under your butt, but he doesn’t grope you just hold you.
He doesn’t take anyone talking lewdly about you or catcalling you well, and because your Jakes boyfriend the rest of Big Deal wouldn’t put up with it either. Afterwards he makes sure your alright, please hug him, he wont initiate it himself but he loves it.
Sinu Han
The biggest respect juice drinker, would never look at your chest or butt because he wouldn’t want to be that type of creep, though he has to admit you are very attractive. He would at times make you wear his jacket or clothes, not to cover up but because he likes when you wear his stuff.
Is in absolute heaven if you let him rest his head on your chest or your butt, he just wraps his arms around you and lays there in his own little world. Please kiss his forehead and brush his bangs out of his face, he’s so sweet to you.
Johan Seong
So blushy and flustered, especially if you wear tight shirts or pants around him. To everyone else Johan is tough and scary, but to you he’s just sweet and so embarrassed because he has no idea how this whole dating thing works.
You’ll have to tell him its okay to look and touch, and after that he always has his hand in your back pocket or rests his head against your chest when he’s had a long day. You are his favorite pillow in the world.
Hudson Ahn
Hudson would never be the type to stare or touch you since he’s worked in places that had a lot of those creeps and he’s always looked down on them. This also results in him being protective of you when those creeps look your way.
Has made you wear his jacket more than once to cover you from prying eyes as he goes to deal with said creeps. Hudson is also the type to walk around with his hand in your back pocket or on your hip, not to cop a feel like many others would but just to be close to you.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months ago
AGSZC get stuck in a timeloop separately, what’s the first thing they do?
*In the Shinra Mansion library, Cloud barges in on Sephiroth while he's reading*
Cloud: Whatever you're reading, it isn't true! Okay, yes, you were created for the Jenova Project, and yes, your mother allowed it to happen, but you're not a Cetra! Your mother isn't a parasitic alien creature, and you're not bound to inherit the planet! STOP READING. GO TO THERAPY. GET A PET CAT. START ART CLASSES. DO ANYTHING JUST DON'T BURN DOWN THE VILLAGE.
Sephiroth: I was in the middle of reading a fantasy novel. What's this about my mother?
Cloud: You have got to be kidding me.
*In the training room*
Genesis: Angeal, stay back. I'll—
Angeal: You'll take Sephiroth alone, I get it, but then you'll get hurt and have an injury that refuses to heal, and THEN you'll leave Shinra, and then I'LL leave Shinra, and then I'll die, and then SEPHIROTH will die and THEN ZACK will also die! EVERYONE DIES! WHY? BECAUSE YOU TRIED TO TAKE SEPHIROTH ALONE!
Genesis: .....
Sephiroth: I had a dream like that once.
Angeal, hopeful: What did you do in your dream?
Sephiroth: I burned a village down.
Angeal: Oh my god.
*At lunch*
Genesis: Why don't we sneak into the training room after lunch? Once the Seconds are away, we can—ACKCKACKACK
*Sephiroth sprays him with water*
Sephiroth: We will not be doing that.
*Sephiroth pulls out a bag of his own blood and sets it on the table*
Sephiroth: How soon can you both inject yourselves with this?
Sephiroth: And perhaps afterwards you can assist me while I go murder Professor Hojo. The only way I can break the time loop is by fixing things.
Sephiroth: Stop looking at me as if I'm insane.
*Zack pulls Sephiroth aside pre-crisis*
Zack: I know this is going to be hard to believe, but I'm stuck in a time loop and—
Sephiroth: I believe you.
Zack: You do?? But I haven't even told you—
Sephiroth: Who must I kill?
Zack: What!? You don't need to kill any—
Sephiroth: It's professor Hojo, isn't it? Say no more.
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getvalentined · 3 months ago
i want to ask you all of them is that allowed? ALL OF THEM
exercising great restraint, i limited myself to most of them
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
[ Unpopular Opinion Ask Game ]
I will be putting most of these behind a cut so as not to stretch anyone's dash, but I'll take 'em all!
❤️ · Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Honestly there are so many characters who are grossly mischaracterized by fandom that this is hard to say. I'm going to go with the most popular and most mischaracterized, which is Sephiroth.
This man all but asks permission to have opinions in CC:
Sephiroth: I would prefer not to believe it, but… Zack: Then don't believe it. Sephiroth: Very well, I won't.
He also seeks permission to leave the company:
Sephiroth: […] Depending on what happens, I may abandon Shinra. Zack: [says nothing, but looks at Sephiroth with obvious trepidation, clearly uncomfortable with the option] Sephiroth: …Until then, I'll remain loyal to SOLDIER.
When Zack doesn't respond affirmatively, Sephiroth drops the prospect of leaving and never brings it up again.
This man is not socially confident, nor is he remotely dominant in his behavior. He's not eloquent or debonair, he's quiet and awkward and has been brought up in such a way that he's all but incapable of making decisions for himself. We can very easily blame Hojo for this, controlling and demanding as he is, but for some reason the fandom portrays pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth as some sort of Daddy Dom sex god in spite of the fact that he almost certainly died a virgin.
🧡 · What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Where do I even start? President Shinra is not Cloud's father. Glenn is also not Cloud's father. The identity of Cloud's father doesn't matter at all, actually! Hojo did not sexually assault Lucrecia to produce Sephiroth. Vincent did not "abandon Sephiroth" to Hojo. Gast was not a good person. Just because the Cetra may actually have been self-important pieces of shit as a culture does not mean Jenova is secretly good. Sephiroth was not born in 1984. This is all extremely stupid.
💛 · What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Censored to keep it out of searches, the two that I avoid like the plague are Va|enwind and AG$ZC.
The first because it really bothers me that C!d is canonically abusive toward Shera for half a decade, still manages to get his act together enough that they get married post-Meteorfall, and then Va|enwind shippers straight up act like she either doesn't exist or like she somehow deserved the way he treated her. I've literally discussed this with people and had them assert that nobody likes Shera anyway so it doesn't matter how he treated her, she's "barely relevant to his character" and "easy to ignore." Multiple people have told me that she'll probably be removed from the FF7R series altogether because she just doesn't matter.
I mean, Shera is in the OG, in OTWTAS, and it's revealed that C!d named his new airship after her in AC, and she's mentioned multiple times in Dirge, but sure! Not important at all! The dev team didn't even cut Johnny but they'll absolutely cut C!D'S FUCKING WIFE because she makes him look bad and gets in the way of a popular noncanon ship! That's definitely how this works!
I don't like the Big Polycule because I don't think the character dynamics actually work all together, and most people who write it do so in such a way that everyone seems to be in high school for some reason. Like working for Shinra is the same as high school? As someone who has worked in a corporate setting as an adult, and has family who have been in the military and law enforcement, I find this whole trope to be really strange and it puts me right off.
Further, even if we ignore the canon that Cloud wasn't even on active duty until after both Genesis and Angeal had defected, hadn't even seen either of them in person until Modeoheim (where Zack held Genesis back so Cloud could pursue Hollander and then Angeal beat the shit out of the poor kid to stop said pursuit), and didn't meet Sephiroth until the Nibelheim mission, there's still a lot about it that grinds my gears. This is not shade toward people who don't care about this kind of thing, but I'm personally uncomfortable with the concept of two teenagers (Cloud is 14-16 and Zack is 16-18 prior to Nibelheim) being in a sexual relationship with three adult men who are up to 10 years older and in positions of power over them, particularly how this is always treated in-story like a great thing that is no big deal. If that power dynamic were ever played with or discussed in any way it might be different—I can appreciate some dangerous or unhealthy relationship dynamics in fiction—but I've literally never seen a Big Polycule shipper address it at all. Between that and the characterization mismatch, it just rankles me really bad. (Also, while I'm not particularly squicked out by the fact that Genesis and Angeal are canonically related, I feel like they had some issues with that, and it would definitely fuck up the sexual dynamic there.)
💚 · What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
You already talked about how Vincent is fucking hilarious, and I've talked about it myself in the past, so I won't soapbox about that. Honestly I think that's secondary to the thing that I feel everyone gets the most wrong about Vincent, which is that he's no longer in love with Lucrecia postcanon.
His entire character arc over the course of the series, from BC to Dirge, is him learning that he was wrong about her, she made mistakes, it's her fault he's so fucked up to begin with, and then forgiving her for it. It's him setting aside his idea of her and seeing who she really was, looking past the brilliance of which he speaks so fondly to see the mistakes that only he is still "alive" to pay for—and in doing so, reaching an understanding so deep that he's willing to give her the absolution and release that no force on Gaia can offer to him.
He thanks her for saving him, because he understands that's what she was trying to do, and he is grateful that even if she was never in love with him (which she wasn't) she did love him enough to do that. He's grateful that she loved him enough to throw away years of her life in the attempt to save him, just like he lost his entire life in his attempt to save her. They're foils of each other, but they're over. At the end of Dirge, he thanks her and he leaves, walking into the light for the first time in decades, free of the self-loathing he'd been burdened with by his misunderstanding of Lucrecia.
I think it's a beautiful, bittersweet story, but Vincent's ability to move forward afterward makes it more sweet than bitter. By portraying Vincent as still every bit as obsessive and love-blind as he was up until the events of Dirge, folks do a huge disservice to his character arc. I don't think it's impossible for him to fall for her again postcanon, if she somehow returned to the world of the living (which she won't, she's very clear that the majority of her spirit has been eroded by that point and there's no way she could come back), but it wouldn't be the same relationship. He still loves her, I have no doubt of that, but he's not in love with her anymore. That's the whole point of his character arc. It's only way he can be free, and he deserves it.
🤍 · Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Genesis. Genesis Genesis Genesis. I'm not gonna wax on too much here because I already have a fucking manifesto so I won't go into too much here, but Genesis is only the antagonist of CC because Zack is with Shinra, he's not the looming, manipulative liar that people portray him as in the slightest. He doesn't actually lie, like, at all. That's the problem. He is so brutally honest it ruins his relationships with literally everyone he's ever loved, because he can't fathom someone not wanting to know the truth. That's not a moral failing, that's a misunderstanding of emotional processing—because he's autistic as hell and nobody ever wants to talk about it.
He's described by Gackt himself as being "a sweetheart," the way he dresses indicates that he's used to fighting in very close-quarters while everyone else aims to keep as much distance as possible, he constantly puts himself down while elevating his loved ones, and he's not the one responsible for the accident that ruined everything.
And yet. Somehow. Bad guy forever. Okay.
🖤 · Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Angeal. I have a tag for this. 'Nough said.
💖 · What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
The "official timeline" provided by the multiple contradictory Ultimanias is wrong. This is proven by the actual source material, but god forbid you try to make people do basic fucking math.
Oh also Rebirth's ending was phenomenal and I'm sorry that it didn't go how people wanted it to go, but it's still exactly what it should have been for this point in the story. Sorry.
💔 · If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
This is...difficult. Almost all the major characters in the series are integral to the story in some capacity, so removing any of them would make it something else altogether. Yuffie could be removed from the OG without affecting the plot, but she couldn't be scrapped from later titles, so that's out. The main party member I'd be most personally invested in removing would be C!d because his backstory is very triggering to me as a survivor of domestic abuse, but that would break the story. I dunno how to answer this one—just because the character isn't integral in every title or I don't like them doesn't mean they should be removed. The series I love wouldn't be the same without them. I think they can all stay.
💕 · What is an unpopular ship that you like?
I am a load-bearing pylon in the Tseeve tag, which I think is a travesty, but folks wanna pair Tseng with his shitty boss instead so it is what it is.
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unknown-lifeform · 12 days ago
1, 8, 12? For choose violence
1. the character everyone gets wrong
I'm gonna go ahead and say Zack. And you know what's more, I'm putting myself into "everyone" too at that. Because I love my puppy Zack, I know he's great, but he's also a whole First Class SOLDIER who was cheering for murdering people at the start of Crisis Core. I'm by far not the only person who points out that Zack isn't exactly a wholesome boy who never did anything wrong ever, but I still feel like the majority of fanwork have Zack who is nothing but good at all times, and the only alternative is straight up dark!Zack. I think we should acknowledge more that he's kind of... in between. He's a person with good ideals who wants nothing more than to do good, but he also went at it the completely wrong way and he can be a little too happy about killing others. There's a lot of grey area there to explore
But lmao I know I should know better than to ask nuance in fandom
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Lucretia's story was a tragedy, she was absolutely fucked over by Hojo and circumstances, but that doesn't erase the fact that she was kind of a shitty person. Like she's not that bad if we go by her depiction in the OG alone, mainly because we only get a handful of information about her there. But DoC made her incredibly dislikeable to me, her whole behavior felt toxic as fuck, and while I don't doubt for a second she loved Sephiroth (at least by the end of the pregnancy) I absolutely think she would have been a terrible mother
Again I don't mind her if we go off OG alone, she's definitely a tragic character there, but whenever I see people who are into the whole Compilation and know what she was like in DoC and they still like her I just ask why. What is there that I don't see
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I liked Chadley in Rebirth actually and I have no idea why so many people were mad at him. He's just a little guy
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salternateunreality2 · 10 months ago
Time Travel AGSZC AU (AKA 2-for-1 whump hammer on Sefikura) - Opening
from the @strayheartless archives <3
Sephiroth and Cloud are fighting and jump into the past, but doing so knocks Jenova’s hold loose on both of them, and reduces Cloud's enhancements, so now they're in the middle of the desert outside of Midgar, Cloud is dying of injuries because his healing factor is gone, and Sephiroth is a mess of guilt and horror at what he's done.
Their sudden appearance is noticed by the Turks, who fly out with Genesis and Zack to see what's up. They see their lovers, Cloud a bloody heap, surrounded by Tsurugi's pieces, Sephiroth on his knees casting healing spell after healing spell, completely disheveled and unresponsive.
Zack: SEPH?! What- CLOUD?!?! GENESIS!!! 
Genesis dives in immediately, shoving Sephiroth aside when he realizes he's just casting wildly. Sephiroth slumps, his arms barely supporting his torso, hair a wild mess around him as he stares at the ground with unfocused eyes, heedless of his own (albeit minor) wounds. Zack runs up with Genesis and tries to get Sephiroth to make eye contact. Nothing's getting through to him though, so Zack just works on healing Sephiroth's wounds. 
Genesis is concentrating hard. Eventually, he gets Cloud close enough to stable and starts yelling at the Turks to help. Under his direction, Reno, Rude, and Zack finish what they can on Cloud, wrap him up, and strap him to a stretcher.
Genesis: Sephiroth. I don't know what's going on, but you are going to listen to me and you are going to get up and get in that helicopter. Now. 
Sephiroth drags himself up, Zack supporting him, and they get on while Reno and Rude secure Cloud. He can't look at any of them. He can't think. He can barely breathe. He feels their questions, but he can't make sense of the words. Following orders is the best he can do. 
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Hojo is at the landing pad when they touch down, hearing that Sephiroth might be injured and unresponsive. Cloud is removed first, Zack and Reno running alongside his stretcher, giving the medical team an update. 
Genesis: Sephir- 
Hojo: Sephiroth! Come ou- GURK! 
Sephiroth is securely strapped into a helicopter seat one second, and the next, his hand is crushing Hojo's throat, lifting him off the ground, Masamune through his gut. Then in the next second, before even Genesis can do anything, Hojo is on fire and hurtling over the edge of the building, his screams only croaks through his crushed windpipe. Everyone stands in silence, mouths agape, when suddenly, Sephiroth jumps after him. 
Genesis: SHIT. Call Hewley and a lockdown! 
Rude nods and calls it in, and Genesis starts making his way down the side of the building only a little more safely than Sephiroth did.
What he finds at the bottom is horrifying; a smoldering mess of deformed humanoid sludge with a sword through it, and Sephiroth with broken legs from his landing, leaning on the sword, glaring at the mutated sludge. No civilians are hurt, and fortunately, everyone is standing back. 
Genesis: Sephiroth? 
No response. 
Genesis: Sephiroth, you're hurt. 
Genesis: Sephiroth, I'm walking to you now. I'm going to put my arm around you, and you will come with me calmly. Mission complete. Do you understand? 
Nothing. Then, a slight nod and grunt. 
Genesis carefully grabs him around the waist, forcing Sephiroth to lean on him while lifting his entire body with one arm. Genesis barks at the onlooking SOLDIERs, Turks, and infantrymen to "clean that up" and "get that door open" as he takes Sephiroth in through a side entrance, then to a service elevator. Angeal runs up as they're waiting for the elevator. 
Genesis: Angeal, take his other side, we're going to the SOLDIER clinic. 
Angeal: *nods and obeys, trusting Genesis implicitly*
They reset Sephiroth's bones so they heal correctly, and he doesn't make a sound. That's normal for him, sure, but not even a huff or a hitch of breath comes out during the whole process, which would have a normal man screaming.
He can't look at them. It hurts too much. The betrayal is too much. How he hurt them is too much. What he did to Cloud and Zack... Sephiroth stays in his shell.
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Meanwhile, Zack is pacing as the medics work on Cloud. He's ready to jump in at any second if they ask; his magic power is strong as a SOLDIER, though he's not as talented of a mage as Cloud, Genesis, or Sephiroth. Then Cloud starts seizing.
There's not much they can do, just keep him on the gurney, protect his IVs, and tilt him on his side to prevent choking. But it calms down eventually, and they get back to work.
Finally, Cloud is wrapped like a mummy, blood in one IV, medicine in another. They try a mako drip since his file says he is enhanced, but it makes the seizures start up again, so they turn it off. Zack is left alone with Cloud, watching his breath fog up his oxygen mask, holding his hand, shaking and crying quietly.
Then Zack gets a call. From Cloud.
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