#euntae lee headcanon
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years ago
Lookism characters with a male reader with squishable looking chests or/and butts
Lookism characters
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Since theres a million different Lookism characters I just picked a some of my faves.
Zack Lee
Zack is the type who definitely notices and takes a peek every now and then, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to touch you unless he’s completely sure that’s what you want.
He also glares at anyone who looks at you wrong or talks lewdly about you. He will start fights if he has too, even after his training with Gongseob, that’s one of the few ways to make Zack see red. You’ll have to pull him away or tell him to stop when he gets like this, best way to do so is to hug him, maybe give him a kiss.
Vasco/Euntae Lee
Vasco takes his respect juice, so he would never touch or grab without being strictly allowed too. Honestly in the beginning he probably didn’t even realize, since he’s well… Vasco. He would realize how others leer at you though, and glare at them because staring like that makes them a bad guy.
But when he does realize he’s the type to be flushed about it, but again he would never stare to grab unless you tell him he’s allowed too. Then he’s more likely to use your chest as a pillow.
Warren Chae
Another one who devours the respect juice, you left him speechless the first time you met and he had to put great efforts into introducing himself, always scolds himself for looking at your chest or butt.
Even after you started dating, he always catches himself looking and immediately looking away with a blush, at some point your gonna have to just pull him to your chest and let him rest his head there as he goes beet red. After this he will allow himself to look, and even touch, but he’s still shy.
Vin Jin
Vin never stopped himself from looking since he’s wearing sunglasses, but he can’t see very well with them on, so he probably never realized just how squishy and touchable your chest and butt was. He will throw down with anyone who talks about you though, since you’re his partner.
Then the first time he takes his glasses off around you, he says and audible “damn…” when he sees. This results in you smacking him and he just laughs and hugs you, of course copping a feel because how can he not when you are right there.
Jake Kim
Can’t stop himself form looking every now and then, because how can he not when your so attractive to him, he enjoys when you sit on his lap too since he can support your weight with a hand under your butt, but he doesn’t grope you just hold you.
He doesn’t take anyone talking lewdly about you or catcalling you well, and because your Jakes boyfriend the rest of Big Deal wouldn’t put up with it either. Afterwards he makes sure your alright, please hug him, he wont initiate it himself but he loves it.
Sinu Han
The biggest respect juice drinker, would never look at your chest or butt because he wouldn’t want to be that type of creep, though he has to admit you are very attractive. He would at times make you wear his jacket or clothes, not to cover up but because he likes when you wear his stuff.
Is in absolute heaven if you let him rest his head on your chest or your butt, he just wraps his arms around you and lays there in his own little world. Please kiss his forehead and brush his bangs out of his face, he’s so sweet to you.
Johan Seong
So blushy and flustered, especially if you wear tight shirts or pants around him. To everyone else Johan is tough and scary, but to you he’s just sweet and so embarrassed because he has no idea how this whole dating thing works.
You’ll have to tell him its okay to look and touch, and after that he always has his hand in your back pocket or rests his head against your chest when he’s had a long day. You are his favorite pillow in the world.
Hudson Ahn
Hudson would never be the type to stare or touch you since he’s worked in places that had a lot of those creeps and he’s always looked down on them. This also results in him being protective of you when those creeps look your way.
Has made you wear his jacket more than once to cover you from prying eyes as he goes to deal with said creeps. Hudson is also the type to walk around with his hand in your back pocket or on your hip, not to cop a feel like many others would but just to be close to you.
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months ago
Vasco x Reader: Conditioner
531 spoiler! G/N. Fluffy. Masterlists
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"What conditioner do you use?" You ask Euntae, running your finger through his silky locks.
"C-conditioner?" He stammers, face turning beet red and ears burning at your touch. "What's conditioner?"
Somewhere behind him, Jace gives him a look of pity while the Tool Council chortles.
You squint at his response, annoyed at the unfairness of it all. The audacity of this man to not even look after his hair properly and to still end up with this.
Euntae, as a first year, with his wild unruly hair wasn't your favourite look. Neither was his shorter 'do with Allied, to be honest.  So when he mentioned he was growing it out again, you had your reservations but you missed seeing it longer.
Then it grew and it grew. Somehow in one summer growing more inches than yours does in years.
Past the awkward phase where he couldn't do anything with it. Past his cheeks, past his chin, past his shoulders.
And now he has beautiful, long flowing tresses that you are disgustingly envious of.
That you sometimes catch yourself glaring at as you run your fingers through your own bird's nest, and inevitably it gets stuck and tangled.
"Don't you like it?" Euntae asks, avoiding your eyes and head bowed, a mere shadow of the intimidating Burn Knuckles leader when he's in your presence.
You sigh and decide to take it easy on this sweet, oblivious man.
"I love it so much it makes me feel sick."
What you actually mean is you would love it if it was on your head, and it's actually sickening that it's on his head instead.
But you can never bring yourself to be mean to Euntae. As if on cue, he peeks at your face and gives you a shy smile.
You miss it, too busy pulling a face at how the sunlight bounces off his hair, making him look like an angel.
Hmph. Definitely unfair.
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laceymorganwrites · 3 months ago
First time calling you mommy - Lookism guys
A/N: why is it always delinquent guys that get me back into writing?
big dumb baby
never used to care about his dumbness and others calling him that because Jace takes care of most things for him
he always has others looking out for him and tells them regularly how grateful he is for that
once the two of you start dating Jace literally has a meeting session with you and gets you an actual fucking manual on Vasco
he doesn´t mean any harm, it´s just the way he does things
and it´s important to him to get to know you so he can know Vasco is in safe hands
approves of you immediately once he sees how much you baby his best friend and how much he enjoys it
teases Vasco about how clingy he is to you and that you´re more like his mommy than his girlfriend
´Is that bad?´
he loves it so much when you call him your big baby, is so soft for you
experiences subspace with you for the first time, he never felt that safe before, so taken care of
calls you mommy in public too, the Burn Knuckles and the others are already used to it but it´s still a bit awkward in convenience stores when he asks you to buy him snacks
the only actual sweet and wholesome one out of those oops-
you haven´t known each other for that long yet, just from school
you´re the only from your classmates who actually knows anything about him
he doesn´t know why he trusts you so much but you´re the only person who doesn´t make him feel like a complete failure
he can just ... be with you, without thinking about anything dark or sad
that´s why it´s so easy for him to introduce you to his family
Yenna loves you immediately and instantly attaches to you
Eli is so relieved that she loves you so much, it takes so much off his shoulder having you around taking care of her, someone he trusts, so he can go to work without having to worry too much
Sally and you grow really close, she always teases that you´re better suited for the role of mom than her since you care so much for everyone
but you always say that there can be two moms and that she´s doing a much better job than you ever could
she´s also the first one you tell about your feelings for Eli, you kept them hidden for a long time because you didn´t want to pressure him
you didn´t even want to get into a relationship with him, not wanting him to be tied down in any way
after everything that happened with Heather you didn´t want to remind him of any of that, you were happy co-parenting as his close friend
Warren is the one to get Eli to admit his own feelings for you, he already was vulnerable around you before, he trusts you immensely after all
but now that he knows why it all makes so much sense, but at the same time he´s so scared
comes to you immediately after the talk and just confesses right then, sharing all his fears with you
it´s only when he´s in your arms that he finally admits it out loud
´Can you be my mommy too?´
so fucking clueless
gives you such an awkward and unnecessarily long stare you think he´s actively judging every decision he made leading up to dating you
it was already so awkward and hard to get together with him because baby boy literally doesn´t know what he´s doing
the other boys had to set you two up on a date because he didn´t know how to ask you out
you gave him your number right when you met but he never called or texted because he didn´t know what to say so in the end the others just had to drag him out to meet you
granted he´s much better after that first date and getting over his initial nerves
still asks the boys about advice a lot, especially Sinu
and that´s how this whole mess started in the first place
him and Sinu live next door
one night he invited you over for dinner and to watch a movie and the two of you overheard Sinu and his girlfriend in bed
it´s hard to tell which one of you is more embarrassed (it´s Jake)
he won´t even meet your eyes after he hears Sinu moan ´mommy´
you two promise to never talk about this ever again, it´s the best kept secret, Sinu never finds out
still, Jake is curious about that kink now, he never really thought much about those power dynamics, he didn´t mind them but didn´t seek them out either
that´s when he notices that you take care of him a lot too and just how much he appreciates that
especially after a long day, you´re always there, to hear him out, to just be quiet with him, cuddle him, going out of your way to cook for him
´thanks, mommy´
it just slipped out, you will never forget how mortified he looked after he said those words
definitely needs baby steps to accept that side of him (and come to terms with having the same kink as Sinu)
´ooh you wanna call me mommy so bad´
´shut the fuck up´
okay so you´re either just fuckbuddies or enemies to lovers
since the second option is more fun I´ll go into a bit more detail here
you hated each other since you first met, you´re an older member of the Workers and responsible for showing him around at first
he´s a brat and not the fun kind, he´s unbearably annoying
he hates you because you´re not his type and he hates taking orders
you´re always at each other´s throats despite actively avoiding each other
it goes so far that Samuel asks Goo of all people for help
he tells him to just fuck it out in the most deadpan tone Samuel´s ever heard from him
one thing leads to the other and after you´re done he´s so mad about how good it was because to him you´re so ugly
´like you´re one to talk, sharpie boy´
you only keep sleeping with him because he has a big dick
not that he knows how to use it
you´re even more strict and harsh in bed which pisses him off, it pisses him off even more that it feels that much better when you do it in the way you want it
he refuses to submit to you no matter how much he likes it, just because his pride won´t let him
´come on, it´s not like we´re dating´
he´s so fed up with you telling him to call you mommy that he just gives in
he mumbles it to an extent he hopes you don´t hear it
but you don´t let him cum until he says it properly
´fucking fine! mommy....you happy now?´
he´ll never forget the smirk you gave him after that, the way you called him a good boy
he doesn´t know if he just has a praise kink or actually wants to date you
you´re the one to bring it up first
so fucking irritated by it too at first
it was hard enough for him to admit his feelings and get into a relationship with you, let alone have sex with you
he´s discovering a lot of new things about himself with you which he´s grateful for but also it still scares him sometimes, how overwhelming it all feels
especially with his eyes he feels so weak and there´s nothing he hates more
you used to fight a lot whenever you wanted to take care of him
it took him a long time to understand that you don´t do it out of pity or because you think he´s useless, but it´s because you love him and that´s just the way you show it
he´s gotten into being blindfolded lately, at first he was against it because he still has a hard time letting go of control
but it´s easier on his eyes, the blurry vision gives him a headache most of the time
´shh, it´s okay, I´ve got you´
´it´s okay...I´m okay now, you know I trust you´
kissing you feels so much more intense whenever you blindfold him, this man is addicted to your lips anyway
always kisses you to the point he´s completely out of breath
you´re the only one to ever see him smile
´mommy, come back´
he whines as he still feels your breath on his face, he always teases you like that when he´s needy, missing your lips even one second after they left his
´I´m right here, baby´
sweet baby boy
he is such a poster boy, like the best example of mdlb
it was love at first sight
you were new on the street, opening a new shop for sweets and snacks
needless to say it becomes his favorite within seconds
has the sweetest smile around you
he´s so easy to fall in love with
he´s a gentleman but also never afraid to lean more into your touch and keep looking up at you whatever chance he gets
he´s submissive in the small ways, melts whenever you praise him
especially when you tell him you´re proud of him
you boost his confidence so much every time you tell him he´s attractive
he actually loves being called cute and being able to make you laugh
he´s still so happy to be dating you, he never thought he´d actually stand a chance with you
just kept annoying Jake and the girls about how to ask you out and afterwards how amazing you were
literally updates them on everything after you two were official, first time holding hands, saying I love you
you said it first and he cried on the spot from happiness
´I love you too, mommy, so, so much´
he is so SHY with it
doesn´t know how to bring up the topic at all
he´s home alone thinking about how to tell you he loves you, you´ve been dating for so long now but you never actually said you were boyfriend and girlfriend yet
Eli always told him to get to know someone first, to date properly before making any serious decisions like that
he´s in the kitchen when he hears something
he forgot Hudson is home, or rather Hudson forgot Warren´s home since that guy is just listening to porn on full volume
in this moment Warren is just glad that nobody else is home (and he also pretends he never heard anything not to embarrass Hudson)
he´s cooking dinner for everyone but keeps getting distracted by the sounds, it intrigues him
he always lets you take the lead in bed simply because he enjoys it the most, seeing you in charge, how good it makes you feel to make him feel good
and he´s so proud whenever you show him that expression only reserved for him
he´s more of a service dom with sub vibes in every day life
when you come home that night he asks you to be his girlfriend and when you agree he just decides to ask you the other thing directly too
´can I call you mommy too?´
it happened on accident
he´s always been very quiet about his own needs because he feels like he doesn´t deserve to be taken care of the way he always wanted to
you´re also a part of Workers, but used to work at Vivi´s club before switching over to his division
you´re pretty much the mom of the whole team and get along with everyone
he doesn´t mind you seeing him without his mask on, he does respect you and your reputation in the organisation but he doesn´t allow himself any more than that
he´s completely inexperienced after all so he doesn´t know what to do with the feelings he has once they appear
he doesn´t understand why you find him so attractive, but he also doesn´t complain when you keep telling him how handsome he is
you´re the only person who´s allowed to touch him
doesn´t like how easily he blushes with you and how his skin seems to be on fire everywhere you touch
he loves it the most when you hold his face in his hands like it´s the most precious thing in the world
he doesn´t understand at all
only reluctantly agrees to be your boyfriend and tells you immediately to not expect anything from him
he doesn´t think that you´re actually serious about him
kind of panics when he realizes you actually like him
keeps asking you why
´do I need a reason? I just like you, that´s not gonna change, you know?´
he´s extremely insecure about his abilities overall but he´s just clueless when it comes to romance so he actually doesn´t know what to do at all
he´s relieved when you take the lead, feels safe in your presence, like he actually matters and means something
you help him gain confidence and find his own self worth
he´s such a good kisser
one night he comes home exhausted from a job and just falls into bed, immediately asleep
you take the time to get some work around the house done
when you come back to the bedroom and sit down at the edge of the bed you can´t help but smile
Kenta´s having a wet dream about you, he looks so cute and small like that
´mommy...feels good...´
oh boy, he made the biggest mistake of all
he´s more on the sadistic dom side himself
he doesn´t mind having others take the lead in bed but it mostly ends up boring him
he has trouble feeling overall, he has to learn how to feel in a healthy way again
you´re...not the right person for that
in fact you´re much much more worse than him
you don´t give a shit about anything, you don´t do relationships, you only fuck with guys who shut up when you tell them to
Gun and you are friends, you´re very similar so you get along immediately
especially because it´s so very clear to both of you that you´ll never be compatible so you don´t even have to bother trying
it´s easier that way, working together, hanging out, no responsibilities or fear of getting hurt or hurting the other person
it should´ve remained like that
´you´d be the perfect mommy, you know?´
´fuck off, I don´t do that shit´
you´re not nice like a mommy´s supposed to be, you´re more of a mistress or goddess type but since you don´t care for the sexual partners you have there´s no power dynamic, there´s just you fulfilling your needs and wants
´that´s a shame, you´d be good at it, you´re a natural, trust me´
´and why would I do that?´
´cause I wanna see it for myself´
´fine. but we do it my way, asshole´
your arrangement is...strange to say the least
it´s not a relationship, it´s not even fuckbuddies either
Gun and you don´t even sleep together that much
you just clash too much
and Gun already is spoiled in every way of his life
still, he´s intrigued by the concept, it´s so...dull to him but somehow that just makes him all the more curious, the domestic part of it
it´s new to you both, even cuddling is weird, he´s touchstarved and becomes extremely clingy towards you, you hate showing affection in any way, you both hate being touched
but somehow...it´s not that bad
you become hyperaware of him and his needs, it´s hard to be soft, that´s just not how you are
but it gets easier over time, Gun doesn´t even realize it but he stops teasing you eventually, he didn´t think he´d enjoy it this much, not being in control
this bitchass wouldn´t hesitate to call you mommy the second he lays eyes on you
he knows what he likes and he isn´t afraid to show and express it
doesn´t understand why he should be ashamed of it either, he´s always been open with his interests and kinks (much to Gun´s dismay)
he always wanted someone to take care of him, not just because he´s a lazy and spoilt bastard but mostly because he´s a hopeless romantic (but refuses to admit it)
when Goo had his first date ever he over prepared with a bunch of flowers and chocolate and even had a bluetooth box with some cheesy songs playing and Gun laughed at him so much he never recovered from it
Gun still teases him about it so much so that Goo has to actively hide his romantic side so he can spare himself the humiliation
in private he just goes all out because of that
people think he´s just a joke but what they don´t get is that he´s brutally honest all the time
you´re the only one who got him from the start which is why he knows you´re the one instantly and full on fucking courts you, taking it slow, a good pre-dating phase, the most beautifully planned dates ever
´please be my mommy, I´m begging you´
´sure, why not´
´wait, that worked?´
he´s exactly your type, he doesn´t fuck around, both of you know what you want
he´s funny but honest to a fault
he doesn´t play games or anything of the sort, he´s just hopelessly in love with you
does so many things to impress you
shows you his sword collection and talks about it for two hours straight
tells you he loves you right after he notices you actually listened and were interested
´mommy´s proud of you, baby´
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mystery-hood · 11 months ago
Vasco: I'm not alone, I can send telepathy to Jace.
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Although I still have doubts about something, how did Vasco know about the tracking app? Did Jace himself tell him or did Vasco discover it on his own?
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I want to believe that when Vasco found out the truth about "telepathy," despite being a little disappointed, it didn't really bother him. That's why he decided to keep the app, as this way they could take care of each other. 🩷
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year ago
Words cannot describe how much I adore this cinnamon roll and simp for this man. Cue the pterodactyl hyper fangirling and screeching from my side for him lol. One picture wouldn't do this buff cinnamon roll justice so I had to go all out for him
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Look, he's an absolute cinnamon roll. He's also a romantic at heart. When he lays his eyes on you, that's when he realizes you're the one. He's a bit awkward and shy around girls but with you, he's all the more shy. It's almost adorable how flustered he gets when someone mentions you to him. Yet he's at a conflict with himself, he's worried that if he confesses to you you'll end up rejecting him. Which is why he has his loyal Burn Knuckles gang members to help him back him up. Vasco as a yandere would be extremely clingy, over protective, obsessive and possessive
He can't stand it when people look down on others. He can't stand bad guys. So what does he do when he sees you getting bullied or harassed by someone? He doesn't hesitate to jump into a fight to be your knight in shining armor despite all the bruises and wounds he's received. He just wants to protect you, keeping you safe and protecting you is always his number one priority. When you thanked him with that cute and adorable smile of yours, he swore he felt his heart stop beating and visions of you both getting married and having a little golden retriever as a pet and having a family together flashed in his mind. Which probably explained why he was so flustered and kept blushing like a tomato the whole time
He'll stare at you like you've descended from the heavens when you compliment him on his tattoos. You actually like them? Oh, you like his hair and his style too? Are you even a real person? You're an angel in his eyes. An angel who can do nothing wrong. Now, his mind will be occupied with you and of course his right hand man Jace would obviously know something is up with him. When he realizes Vasco's feelings of love for you exceed the usual and normal feelings of love, he calls an emergency meeting with the rest of the Burn knuckles members. Not because they're worried about his obsessive feelings of love for you that are getting out of control, rather, because they need to make sure you belong to Vasco no matter what. They're his loyal friends and family who'll be willing to follow him to the ends of the earth, you really think they wouldn't do whatever it takes to make him happy by ensuring you're with Vasco?
The Burn Knuckles members take their job quite seriously in making sure you're Vasco's. "Hey Jace...who's that lousy moron hitting on them?'' asked Ira Oh as he kept staring at you being hit on by some random jerk. Jace narrowed his eyes. "He obviously needs to be dealt with" said Jace as he and the rest of the Burn knuckles members would surround the guy and ask him to leave you the hell alone. Vasco won't be the one stalking you, his members will, to find out everything about you and to ensure you don't break their dear leader's heart
The first time you and Vasco went out together the Burn Knuckles members followed secretly after you both and stalked you guys during the whole thing. Vasco still might be a little awkward around you but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. You're always occupied in his mind and heart. You'll be the only one to have that special place in his heart. If you end up tripping over something this chivalrous cinnamon roll here would catch you instantly. He's a shy yet chivalrous gentleman to you. However when it comes to other people hurting you, yeah...he'll ensure they get sent to the hospital. He doesn't care if he gets hurt, his motto is to protect. To protect you no matter what. He doesn't care if you're a good fighter or whatever, he will not allow you to join a fight at any cost. If you end up getting hurt he'll feel extremely guilty and seeing a wound or an injury on you will just end up breaking his soft heart. He's driven by the passion to protect you and keep you safe and he does it seriously
He likes giving you cute little gifts that he knows you might like. His heart flutters in joy whenever you smile at him and thank him. He likes giving you chocolate milk too everyday. If someone else makes the mistake of giving you chocolate milk, he'll just get pouty and sulky for a while and get grumpy about it and he'll buy some more chocolate milk for you and hand it to you while the rest of the Burn knuckles have a 'friendly' chat with the guy. He'll always cherish and treasure whatever you've made for him. You gave him a handmade card once and he almost cried from pure joy, it was like the gods answered his prayers. He'll always treasure your little gifts, they're made with affection and love for him. What sort of man would he be if he couldn't cherish the gifts of his future spouse?
He wouldn't do something too extreme like kidnapping you but he will do whatever it takes to ensure you're his. He can't lose you, he doesn't want to lose you to someone else. With all the nonsense he's had to endure in his past, he knows someone as innocent and fragile and angelic like you would simply get chewed out and spat out and used by the world. Let him be your protector and knight in shining armor
Would definitely love to have a family with you one day. If someone dares to snatch away that dream from him with you, he'll get quite mad. He'd like to come home to you hugging him and greeting him and having cuddle sessions on the couch with each other, as you run your fingers through his hair while the golden retriever puppy of yours naps on the couch next to you both. Married life with him would be so blissful, like heaven on earth. He'll be the best husband for you, along with his possessive and obsessive tendencies of course
You're the cute and innocent little thing he's sworn to protect. And a true man always abides by his word and promise no matter what and what sort of man would he be if he couldn't protect the one that resides in his heart?
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koiiiji · 11 months ago
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 im gonna join lookism hashtag with random short headcanons.
TW: be careful i inserted the nun pic in the end of the post
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₊˚ vasco have spinners collection. yes he is proud of it.
₊˚ people scared of gun park because he looks like nun from “the nun” movie because of his eyes. (i got this idea yesterday before sleep, i saw his pic on pinterest and immediately remember that bright yellow eyes)
₊˚ zack lee have super dry skin, so he is main ambassador of moisturizing products.
₊˚ seongji yuk doesn’t understand hints. like at all. just no. just tell him what you exactly mean.
₊˚ jake kim have alternative personality who likes to gossip and spill the tea.
₊˚ samuel seo is the type of person who will say “it was better few years ago” when he sees quality of fabrics, food in grocery stores and etc. he actually never experienced that "few years ago" he just like to add this comments like a grumpy granddad.
₊˚ daniel park tried to cook fruits in glass few times and each time ended up just burning sugar and the pan.
₊˚ zoe likes cheese souse. she likes to add it everywhere.
₊˚ jace likes to watch shows like "Love Island" "Married at First Sight" and others trash shows like "16 and pregnant"
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mymxnfgh · 2 years ago
Lookism boys living together HCs
Ft. Daniel, Vasco, Jay, Zack, Jake, Johan (<33 ahem-), Eli, Warren, Samuel, Gun and Goo (because why not?) if I forgot to add someone maybe i’ll add it later
Overall HCs for them
DG is the Boss at home, why? Because I say so and he just gives me that kinda vibe😌
Vasco does most of the work in the garden 🪴
Zack doesn’t do anything at all but he will clean up if he’s told to
Daniel tried to help out here and there, wherever he can
Gun and Goo make money so they’re excused from doing housework
Eli takes care of Yenna so he doesn’t have to do a lot of work but he’ll still help clean
Warren helps Vasco in the garden 🪴
Johan cleans the clothes (guys he knows how to use a washing machine 🥹)
Samuel takes care of finances and all the paperwork 📄
Jake cooks and cleans
Everyone (except Jay)plays with Eden and Miro much to Johans distress
My HCs for Gun & Goo and Gun & Samuel
* Gun and Goo share a room (obviously-)
* They always argue so DG had to separate them
* Now Gun shares a room with Samuel (because Samuel practically begged DG to put the two of them together)
* Goo sleeps in the basement…alone. (no one wanted to be in a room with him for safety reasons)
* Gun visits Goo‘s room in the basement from time to time
* Gun‘s room is extremely minimalist and organized
* Goo sleeps in the basement but it doesn’t look like a basement at all… his room is very…flashy
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My HCs for Jake & Sammy and Jake & Johan
* Samuel used to share a room with Jake
* They literally had the „You can’t cross this line…here…this is my territory, there…that’s your territory“-thing (people who used to share a room with siblings will understand)
*you know this meme? that’s how their room looks like
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* After Samuel moved to Gun‘s Room Jake now shares a room with Johan
* Jake always tries to start a conversation with Johan but Johan usually ignores him
* From time to time they hold some conversations though and I feel like Johan would rant a lot and Jake would listen
* Johan would feel bad for ranting though so he’d probably do something for Jake in return like fold his clothes
* Jake likes to play with Eden and Miro a lot and although Johan didn’t want it at first he doesn’t care anymore
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My HCs for Danny & Zack
* Daniel and Zack share a room
* Zack often visits Johans room but Johan always tells him off
* What more can I say about Zack and Danny? They’re bffs
* Daniel cleans Zacks things from time to time
* They sleep on a bunk bed because bunk beds are cool
* Sometimes they talk until deep into the night until the people next to their room tell them to shut the fuck up
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My HCs for Vasco & Warren
* Vasco shares a room with Warren
* They hardly talk
* Vasco always tells Warren a lot of things and Warren listens
* Vasco somehow managed to completely misunderstand the things Warren says since he leaves out a lot of words
* They still get along well
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My HCs for Eli & Yenna (and Yenna & everyone else)
* Eli is in a room with yenna
* he always tries his best to fulfill her needs
* whenever yenna cries everyone comes rushing into the room (because yenna is the queen and everyone should love her 💯 …except Sammy, Goo and Johan they just put on headphones)
* Yenna runs around in the house a lot and everyone tries their best to take care of her (even Sammy, Goo and Johan try not to hurt her and sometimes take care of her as well)
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My HCs for Jay
* Jay! I forgot Jay!
* he sleeps alone because he’s rich 💵
* but he visits danny in his room a lot
* sleeps over in danny’s room too
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My HCs for DG
* DG sleeps alone in a big no huu~uge bedroom
* his room is like four times as big as the others rooms (and just twice as big as Gun‘s and Sammy’s room)
* I imagine his room to be like royalty style if you know what I mean
* he rarely leaves his room
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I’ll do some more HCs next time maybe and writing is not my forte but i’m still glad if you read until now! tysm for reading! 💖💕
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akiyamanemu · 2 years ago
shitting tears as I read your lookism headcanons I am in love with them💕 Pls write more often :'(
It's your lucky day, I plan on posting here often again! So here are some:
💌.Random headcannons I have about Lookism!
• All characters are Twice fans.
• Jinsung is scared to the point of turning off the bathroom light and running to his room.
• Haneul has a Twitter account where she talks about her day to day life and talks about school and the two Hyungsuk's.
• Jin Hobin writes a lot of sentimental raps to let off steam and relax.
• Jang Hyun's hair is totally sensitized and broken.
•Seong Eun was very embarrassed when he got the butt tattoos.
•Manduk collects Hello Kitty stuff in secret, only Eugene knows about it.
•Gun and Goo are constantly fighting over exclusive designer clothing.
•Xiao Long uses rice water to grow hair.
•Ryuhei pays a lot of attention to the people around him, even being able to understand a lot about them, but he prefers to act annoyingly.
• Vasco is always mistaken for a thief or troublemaker when he tries to help people in public.
• Once Gimyung and Seong fell asleep leaning against each other and then Shinwoo called all of Big Deal to see them, like a doting mother with her small babies.
• Kenta has horrible nightmares about Jonggun.
• Seong Eun also suffers a bit when trying to help people, mostly because he's insecure and ends up thinking too much before helping people, but he tends to be very kind when he's away from anything related to the conflicts in his life.
•Goo is allergic to many things.
• Vasco is afraid of Annabelle after he tried to see the movie with BumJae.
• Hyungsuk always tried to eat snacks during training with Gun, but Gun confiscated them and ate them in front of Hyung.
• DG pays Korean gossip sites to cover up the shit he does.
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anticapitalistclown · 10 months ago
clownie can i request some lookism men fav positions
add Gun if you don't mind ty~
asked a friend who doesn't watch lookism to choose 4 men so we have this (she chose Beolgu at first lmao) (James girlies you're only lucky she has chosen him bc she's a GD stan)
Gun, James, Jake, Vasco and Vin Jin favorite positions, smut headcanons
Jong Gun: doggy style
He is a vicious man that would never reject any way of sex, he says he has no favorites, yet you always find yourself on all fours, his grip forcing you to exaggerate the arch; sometimes with your face against the pillow and his hand grabbing the back of your neck if you're tired.
There's something about watching the curve of your back, how your ass slaps against his pelvis, how his dick gets shallowed inside you that gets him all riled up. With this position he always finds that spot.
If you turn your face to see him with your cute eyes and that expression covered in pleasure, man has to pray in order to not cum right at the spot.
James Lee: missionary
The old missionary is his favorite, it allows him to take control of you and his pace, and gives him the chance to show adoration of your body.
He loves kissing you while having you in a mating press, your legs spread being held by him, his pace being monstrously and toe-curling satisfying, your brain already melted while he praises you between kisses.
You know he loves being on top of you, how tiny you feel under him, and you always see that exited look he gives every time he is inside you, how his eyes secretly travel down to see how you're taking him, how he makes that bulge on your stomach, that sight makes him harder if it could even be possible.
Jake Kim: cowgirl
He is not someone who thinks much of sex, so at first he just did the classic postures, old missionary and not much more than that... Yet, the day you just got on top of him and rode it like a champ, you changed his whole perspective.
He loves when you take control, how you use him for your pleasure, the way your body moves on top of him, if it were for him, you could use him all day. His grip on your hips is strong, Jake always helps you to continue for a bit more, encouraging you with words of praise.
Although you're on control, keeping a man like him still would need some chains, he can't help but kiss you, having his hands teasing you or holding at your hips, helping you set with a harder pace.
Vasco (Euntae Lee): spooning
Like Jake, he just isn't someone who thinks much of sex, Euntae just follows the basic and instinctive, the position is the last he thinks of while making love to you. Yet he would be lying if he said nothing comes up to his mind when a favorite position is asked, there's something about spooning that makes him hornier.
Maybe it's because of the intimacy and the romance it holds, how his hands cup every erogenous part of your body, how his lips kiss your neck and feel your moans, how you tangle your legs with his and when he places his hand on your lower stomach feeling himself inside you, he just loves the access he has on your body.
While making love to you, he also likes when you command him to touch you, both praising each other, showing how much appreciation you have for one another. After you both reach your high, he stays in the position, cuddling you with care.
Vin Jin: full nelson
He might show a rude appearance, yet, on the intimacy he was a bit scared of hurting you, that lasted until you both got more confident with sex. You knew he is strong and has knowledge and experience with wrestling so you just got the idea of trying a position
A position he LOVES, he loves showing you his strength, he loves having you crushed in his arms, he loves pleasuring you and most important, the fucked up face you make when you become too overstimulated.
It's not really a position you both usually do, he rather prefers to keep it for special occasions, especially when you don't have anything to do for the next days so you can recover.
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kumasakka · 8 days ago
Hiii! Can you do how lookism men reaction will be about reader asking them “what if I disappear one day?” or “what if I disappeared one day, what you will do?”
Like hudson, gun, goo, eli jang, taeso ma, James lee and other characters.
Sorry if there was any mistakes, my english is not good. 😅
little headcanon — how will the lookism cast answer or react to that question?
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“Find you. But it's not like I'd let you leave my sight.”
JAMES LEE.  JAKE KIM. JICHANG KWAK. Daniel Park. Hudson Ahn.
“...I'm not letting you go anymore.”
JOHAN SEONG.  SEONGJI YUK.  Daniel Park.  euntae lee (vasco).  jerry kwon.
“Is this your way of breaking up?”
ELI JANG.  SEONGJI YUK.  Jake Kim.  Warren Chae. Jaegyeon Na.   jace park. ryuhei kuroda.  eugene.
Panicks, thinking you would leave soon.
Blinks several times before returning back to his work. He will not answer such stupid question.
GUN PARK. SAMUEL SEO. Gitae Kim. eugene. diego kang.
“Search across the whole world, hang up missing posters, incite world chaos.”
GOO KIM.  SINU HAN.  ZACK LEE.  Ryuhei Kuroda. eugene. taesoo ma.
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© 2024 kumasakka — do not plagiarize , copy , modify , translate our work !
a/n's note — never ever let me rank again. bY THE WAY I'M SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years ago
This just pop out of my mind, lookism character and taehoon reacting to their s/o revealing that they are pregnant (They are still in the senior high/maybe college student if you pair with Gun or other older characters)
I can imagine the chaos of Taehoon's dad reaction lol.
Sam, I am forever sorry for taking ages with this and again - another shitty list 🥹
Lookism + HTF reacts to "Surprise! You're having a baby!"
Ok, let's just age everyone up in canon. Also ties in with some Lookism boys as a dad + kid personality hc (another @slimesam special)
Oh shit
Johan Seong, Gun Park, Eli Jang, DG/James Lee, Jihan Kwak
Oh shit, Dad is going to kill me
Seong Taehoon (spoiler: Hansu doesn't kill him. He's worried but over the moon to be gramps.)
Oh shit, Dad will acknowledge and love me again
Jay Hong
Maybe I should think about that therapy
Samuel Seo, Baek Seongjun
Tears of joy
Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Vasco Tabasco, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, All the Big Deal boys tbh, Warren Chae, Jibeom Kwak, Ji Yeonwoo, Han Wangguk, Kim Munseong
Indistinguishable tears
Could be tears of joy, could be tears of sadness. Who knows. These idiots lived in the moment and forgot about consequences.
Goo Kim, Vin Jin, Ryuhei Kuroda
Eugene, Hudson Ahn, Lee Jinho, Seo Haesu
It's not mine
Bonus: "Surprise! You're going to be a grandad!"
Park Jincheol/Samdak: Brain breaks completely. Will forever see Dabin/Gaeul as their lil girl and furious that someone has gotten close to them. Equally excited to be gramps. That's the only thing stopping them from killing you.
Hansu Seong: Wants a grandson so they can put Taehoon through hell. Wants a granddaughter so they won't put you or Hansu through hell.
Another spoiler: It doesn't matter. The grandkid will inherit the famous Seong personality anyway.
Manager Kim: The most level headed of these four, and that's something. Tears of joy, torrential downpour, absolute rivers.
Charles Choi: [scribbles list of ideas for 11th genius. Genius of crying. Genius of energy sapping. Genius of cuteness.]
Steve Hong: [scribbles list of reasons to potentially disown grandkid.]
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rinanar · 4 months ago
Headcanons of Gun, Goo, Kwak brothers, Jake, Vasco, and Jay (separately, feel free to exclude some characters if you want) with a little brother reader who'd often just go silent and not move an inch whenever he got hurt, especially if the pain was intense, staring off into space— under the pretence of 'if I stop moving the pain will go away/won't hurt as much'. This would worry our older brother(s) a lot because "my little brother just got hit/injured why isn't he moving??"
Inspired by me doing the exact same. Does it make the pain go away? No, but not moving lessens the pain, kind of 😭
Thank you in advance! Feel free to ignore this if it isn't your cup of tea! ^^
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character/s : Kwak brothers , Gimyung Kim , Euntae Lee , Jaeyeol Hong
type : headcanons — platonic , fluff — m!reader — NOT X READER
warning/s - details : injuries (some major, some minor.)
a/n : excluded gun and goo because I don't know how to portray them with this concept (⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠)
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KWAK BROTHERS : (Jichang, Jibeom, Jihan)
- When it happened the first time, Two of them (ehem, Jibeom and Jihan) were practically shaking you.
- They pulled you back and forth, begging for you to move, but when Jichang smacked both of them on the head, they finally realized you were breathing the whole time.
- Your head probably hurts even more from their reaction, actually.
- When you explained that when you moved less, it wouldn't hurt as much, and they understood, really. But they asked you to talk, even just a little so they know you're alive.
- And to be honest, the three of them probably have gotten used to it as the time went on.
- It's either they're scolding, making fun of you as a joke while patching you up (Jihan), or staying silent, glaring at you (they're just making sure you're alive
- But something that's even worse, is that when Jihan starts babying you, starts treating you like a little kid, that you need to stop being so careless, you almost wanted to strangle him that time.
- Honestly, after feeling a little inferior to Gitae, I think he'd care a lot about you
- He'll treat you like the little brother Gitae never treated him
- When it happened the first time, not to be dramatic, but he thought he failed as a brother.
- But when he found out you were alive, he was just..silent, but if you couldn't tell, he was half glad
- And half concerned
- And half mad because you were careless
- After patching you up, he'll probably still be quiet to let you rest or from shock
- He'll probably also ask you questions from time to time about that habit of yours. Sometimes he jokes about it too (no one laughs ngl, maybe except you)
- But as long as it helps you, he's glad
- Maybe he'll nag you about being more careful too
- Cue never-ending questions the first time he found out about it
- What do you mean you stop moving if the pain gets intense??? Hello???
- You actually warned him about it first before it happened.
- But when it happens, his mind goes blank and forgets what you told him
- Every time this happens, he always thinks your dead
- He's crying and getting emotional and stuff then Jace comforts him too (because he's unaware about your habit) while you're staring at him blankly, waiting for him to help
- He's a little dumb and confused but he's trying
- But seriously, whose mind wouldn't go blank if they saw their little brother bloody and staring off to space???
- Like Gimyung, he goes into shock
- But he's a little more dramatic. He can't express himself through words, but he's very expressive when he's scared, mind you
- He's quick to regain his composure though
- Then he loses it again for some reason
- He's desperately trying to stop your bleeding, he's so frantic he doesn't realize you're breathing lol
- He almost cried— actually, he IS crying, a little, maybe.
- He's crying while he hugs you so tightly it hurts, seriously
- Like he can't lose another family, please don't die, and be more careful
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mystery-hood · 9 months ago
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Them sharing an umbrella. 🥺🩷
The image of Daniel and Gun was shared by PTJ recently on his account, it's cute yet sad considering what happened in the last chapter.
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mymxnfgh · 2 years ago
hi yinggg! really love how accurate and in-character your headcanons are ❣️❣️
your drawing hcs for goo and lua got me curious on what (kind of) anime would lookism characters be a fan of/won't stop talking about. i would like to know your thoughts about it. 🤗🤗
hope you have a nice day! 🫶🫶
Hello Hi ~~ Aaa tysm for your kind words!! I’m glad you like my HCs!! And your question is really interesting! 💕🌸
Since I already shared my HCs about Goo and Lua I’ll exclude them this time ~
Also I didn’t watch most of these Animes/ didn’t finish watching so I’m sorry if there’s anything wrong with it~
What Animes would Lookism characters watch
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I feel like Daniel wouldn’t be too big of an Anime fan
probably watched some of the more popular ones (?)
Mostly watches ShounenAnime
One piece (he didn’t watch all of it only a few episodes)
Demon Slayer
He watches Cartoons more than Anime but sometimes he also watches Anime
Pokemon Go
Detective Conan
The type who watches Sport Animes
Baki the Grappler
and a lot of boxing Animes (I don’t know any though )
Mira and Zoe
Romance Anime, Shoujo, Ghibli Movies all the way~~~!!
They’ve watched Howls moving castle so many times
Kamisama kiss
Your lie in April
Ao Haru Ride
Oh and don’t forget Kimi ni Todoke
At this point I’m just kinda inserting my own favorite Animes 🌸
Maybe Horror/Psychological/Thriller Animes
The type who prefers to read manga
Junji Ito Collection
Perfect Blue
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Like Goo, a weeb
All kinds of Animes and he’s kind of just forgets about them after watching them once
BUT I like to think that Gun likes to watch „Yakzua to Househusband“ (I don’t know why it’s just funny to me)
Has similar taste to Daniel
watches only the popular stuff
Sword Art Online (even though everyone else in Big Deal dislike SAO Jake enjoys it a lot)
Alright ~ these are all of my HCs for now if there’s anything you’d like to add let me know! Once again tysm for the ask! ily and have a great day! 💖💕
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keenzinemugstudent · 2 years ago
Vasco x thicc reader! Thighs!!!
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(Second Story here👇)
Okay okay but hear me out *take in a deep breath and let out a loud sigh* Thighs! Now you can't tell me that Vasco isn't a thigh man y'all can not tell me this sweet innocent sweet gentleman looking boy isn't attractive to your thighs! okay here goes one day Vasco was at his crush house (aka you) cause you asked him to watch a new movie that just came out yep it's kind of like a date I guess and while sitting down eating popcorn and pizza in the living room both watching the TV, when all the sudden Vasco's eyes started to wonder and they just so happened to land on your thighs! He was blushing like an idiot he liked everything and I mean everything about you from your smile, personality kind nature but what he loved the most were your thighs. He was honestly trying not to be rude for starring for to long and didn't want to be a creep but come on whenever he got hurt or had a headache from his fights protecting people from the bad guy's you always offered to let him lay his head on your lap to rest. He would try to decline a blush on his cheeks but you'd just tell him it wasn't a problem and lay his head on your thighs playing with his hair he absolutely loves when you played with his hair while telling him he'd done a good job defeating his opponents he always shred tears of joy when you praise him like I said this boy loves you so much! He had asked Jace if it was normal to like your thighs so much, even tho shocked/embarrassed Jace being a good friend said it was okay to like your body parts it was normal (Jace was blushing like an idiot but was happy that his friend was finally becoming a man well more manly I guess back to the date!!!)
You noticed that Vasco was quiet so you turned to see him not looking at the movie but at your thighs.
"Vasco?" He looked up startled from being caught handed you just smile, "Y'know if your tired you can lay down on my lap." The poor boy was blushing like an tomato
"I-i'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean-" you just laugh at the flustered boy.
"It's okay really! I don't mind!" You move the popcorn bowel from you lap and pat your thighs with a smile, Vasco nervously laid his head in your lap with his face still red you just chuckle and start playing with his hair making him relax eye's closed and hands on his stomach.
"Y/N's skin is so smooth and soft!" The boy thought to himself or so he thought...
"Aw well thank you Vasco." You kiss his forehead making him open his eyes in shock starring up at your smiling face his eyes look at your pink lips NOPE his down soul done left his body it was to much for the poor guy he was out like a light. You started to panic trying to wake up the leader of the Burn Knuckles
"Vasco? Vasco? H-hey! Wake up!"
Hey at least he died in a peaceful way right?
Well that was fun to write here another one warning it's long and kind of lame⬇️
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akiyamanemu · 2 years ago
Hello! I really like you lookism writing. This is my first time requesting 🥹
Can you write about nsfw dom! Vasco x reader please?
It’s fine if you dont feel like it <3
thank you! 🌼
⛓.Dom Vasco x reader.
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The boy's big, rough hands held your arms high above your head, his dark hair touched your skin subtly as his lips kissed your body calmly causing shivers all over.
-EunTae... You whispered looking at the boy intently as he lowered one of his hands to the middle of your legs.
-Hm?! He grunted slightly impatiently as his fingers touched the skin of your thigh.-Stop being so needy...
His fingers slipped through your intimacy touching you slowly as he watched every little change in your facial expressions, Vasco liked to give you all the pleasure he could, he slowly stimulated you touching your body with care always. His fingers penetrated you slowly making you moan his name, Euntae released your hands and started to touch you more vigorously while his lips went down your lap to your breasts sucking one of your nipples slowly playing with his tongue in a back and forth over it .
A smile appeared on Euntae's lips when he heard your moans sounding more and more dragged, he withdrew his fingers from inside you, sucking them in order to taste you.
-Now you are ready, my princess. He smiled positioning himself between your legs. -Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you.
-Euntae... You whispered as you had done before.-Please... He rubbed the glans of his penis on your clit making you tremble, the boy's dark eyes looked into yours without losing focus.
-Higher princess... He whispered in your ear as he leaned down. -If you want it that much, you'll have to beg like a good girl.
-Euntae please... Your face was flushed, no one could say that that boy between your legs talking in that totally seductive way was really Vasco. -I want you so much...
A frustrated moan escaped your lips as Euntae penetrated just the head of the cock squeezing your thighs.
-I still haven't heard... he threw back his hair.
-Euntae please I need you inside me... At the end of the sentence you felt your whole body shudder, something like a shock went up your spine, your lips were parted and your eyes were totally focused on the tattooed boy in front of you .-Aaah Euntae, so good...
He seemed to want to devour you, your insides were filled with vigor by Euntae, you could feel every inch invading you, the wet sounds, his breath as his rough hands played with your breasts, squeezing and giving light tugs. Euntae looked pleased to see you squirm under him as you moaned incoherently.
-You look so cute moaning my name. He whispered in your ear as he pressed his body to yours, their hot, sweaty skins rubbing against his every thrust. He was playing with your focus, his lips touched the skin of your neck, kissed your face, his teeth left bite marks there too, he moaned hoarsely in your ear saying things in the dirtiest way possible. He loved driving you crazy under him, all he did was make sure you came when he wanted to.
Euntae's lips went down your neck and neck to your breasts, his facial hair touched your skin giving light pricks while soft lips marked your skin with hickeys in order to demarcate territory, your hands scratched the boy's strong back leaving red marks there with every thrust he made with his hips. As your hands went up to Euntae's hair leaving your faces facing each other, he held your legs pushing deeper into you, your vision lost focus, Euntae's heavy breathing against your face, the way your bodies collided and the way his hands held your legs was as if you lost control of your body to the guy, he commanded you without the slightest effort, speaking only what was necessary.
You felt your body heat up as your belly tingled, your nails dug into Euntae's soft skin as you moaned against his lips, your shaky voice and your vagina twitching around the guy's cock made him peak faster than he did. expected.
Breathing heavily, bodies sensitive and without strength, Euntae held you, sealing your face and neck lightly, stopping to appreciate your body trembling in pure ecstasy.
🌸.[Oh, thanks for sending me an ask, I hope you like it. Vasco is really cute, but Euntae...]
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