#lookism yenna
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lookismfanfics · 2 years ago
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Lookism Actor AU anyone…?
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years ago
Okok so I read in another post a hc of all the lookism boys (+ Yenna) living in a house together and i thought what if 👀 there was a den mother of some sort. Like an older little hispanic lady that sees them in her house and just decides that yes these are her kids and she will help them find their way back. Obviously Yenna is her favorite ans she can do no wrong. I haven’t caught up with Lookism completely (just htf and mk) but i feel like the unacknowledged mommy issues have potential. Only if you can of course if this isn’t something you can vibe with i totally get it.
Oh anon, you mean THIS PIECE OF ART from Ying/@mymxnfgh?
Anon, you really asking for WWIII with all these boys vying for your attention huh. Let's give this a go, I think I may be waaaay off the mark.
Lastly, I really wouldn't be able to write hispanic well. British? Yep. East Asian? Sure. So... just casually skipping over this part of the ask.
Lookism Boys living together + vying for your attention dynamics
Platonic. From least chaotic to most. Based on this hc from Ying/@mymxnfgh
Daniel Park and Jay Hong don't really have any mommy issues, so they stay away from the general chaos. They're the 'quiet' ones (especially Jay). You make sure to keep an eye on them so they don't get left out.
Honestly, absolute sweethearts. If you want anything done, then you know you can count on these two. Low-key your faves as they don't cause any headaches.
For Eli, Warren and Yenna, family comes first. And family is Hostel. They're initially guarded, but ultimately they're still children looking after a child. You have a lot of patience for them and take them under your wing, especially Yenna.
You spend a lot of time with Warren trying to help him with his speech, and you absolutely forbid Eli from cutting anyone's hair. You threaten if he so much as touch a hair on Yenna's head then he's dead.
DG is too cool to make any overt bid for your attention. Makes a lot of sly comments to try and sow dissent, but just gets on with his own thing. He gets more enjoyment out of watching the general chaos.
The subtle rivalry of Vasco and Zack would return. Vasco, thinking Zack is a bit of dick, and Zack would of course think of Vasco as an idiot.
Their rivalry is relatively harmless, but causes a lot of headaches day to day. They would fight over washing the dishes, but somehow break everything. Doing the laundry and everything is pink. Cook to impress you but nothing is edible. You appreciate their intentions but your life would be so much easier if they just left it to you.
What can we say about Johan. We all know what this guy would be like. He is THE mommy issues. Jealous that he doesn't get your undivided attention. Clingy and needy, constantly around you. Sulks and throws tantrums if he doesn't get his way. Luckily you have Zack, Jake and Daniel to tell him to be reasonable, and Gun who threatens to beat his childishness out of him.
Having you around as a constant, comforting presence eases Johan's psyche over time. It doesn't completely undo all the hardships but it's healthy for him to realise he has someone there for him.
Goo would absolutely try and pull rank over Samuel over who gets to spend time with you. Sammy is all smiles and 'Yes, Sir" but as soon as Goo turns his back, Sammy would be immediately sucking up to you.
They never seem to fight, but they constantly snipe at each other. The insults escalate from barely veiled to full blown expletives and cursing. It's surprisingly creative. "Samuel it's a good job you killed you dad and he's looking up at you from hell because you are a disappointment." "Goo, the smell of bullshit coming out of your mouth is putting Y/N off their dinner."
(Jake and Gun loves these exchanges)
Jake and Samuel would be politely smiling at each other one moment, and then trying to kill each other the next. It's less to do with you, and more to do with their own brand of communication.
Jake, on his own, you find simply lovely and Samuel has his charms. But together. JFC.
You do try and help them work out their differences. All this mess with Gangsters and Gapryong Kim but turns out that they would fight over anything. Even something as mundane as how to cook something the 'correct' way. It's easier for them to just duke it out. They always make up in the end... but inevitably will be fighting again in the next hour.
Gun and Goo are surprisingly helpful to have around to help keep some of the others in line. And it's not like they really have any mommy issues and they can be respectful.
Peace doesn't last though. They have a short fuse, and will use ANY excuse to fight each other. Jake and Samuel throwing punches is one thing. But you worry about Gun and Goo literally blowing up the house to spite each other.
Of course this is when DG decides to speak up and egg them on.
BONUS - Seo Haesu is the stray scruffy kid that seems to always be hanging around outside. You disapprove of his dirty clothes, his overgrown bangs (No, Eli. No scissors!), and feel bad for how he's constantly hungry. You offer him free meals and somewhere to sleep.
He's wary af as first. Uses the excuse that he wants to suss you out to hang around.
Would get on well with Zack, Goo and Jake. 'Well' might be an exaggeration, but these 3 have teasing big brother vibes. Their lively ways would help to draw Haesu out of his shell... or he might strangle them.
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mymxnfgh · 2 years ago
Lookism boys living together HCs
Ft. Daniel, Vasco, Jay, Zack, Jake, Johan (<33 ahem-), Eli, Warren, Samuel, Gun and Goo (because why not?) if I forgot to add someone maybe i’ll add it later
Overall HCs for them
DG is the Boss at home, why? Because I say so and he just gives me that kinda vibe😌
Vasco does most of the work in the garden 🪴
Zack doesn’t do anything at all but he will clean up if he’s told to
Daniel tried to help out here and there, wherever he can
Gun and Goo make money so they’re excused from doing housework
Eli takes care of Yenna so he doesn’t have to do a lot of work but he’ll still help clean
Warren helps Vasco in the garden 🪴
Johan cleans the clothes (guys he knows how to use a washing machine 🥹)
Samuel takes care of finances and all the paperwork 📄
Jake cooks and cleans
Everyone (except Jay)plays with Eden and Miro much to Johans distress
My HCs for Gun & Goo and Gun & Samuel
* Gun and Goo share a room (obviously-)
* They always argue so DG had to separate them
* Now Gun shares a room with Samuel (because Samuel practically begged DG to put the two of them together)
* Goo sleeps in the basement…alone. (no one wanted to be in a room with him for safety reasons)
* Gun visits Goo‘s room in the basement from time to time
* Gun‘s room is extremely minimalist and organized
* Goo sleeps in the basement but it doesn’t look like a basement at all… his room is very…flashy
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My HCs for Jake & Sammy and Jake & Johan
* Samuel used to share a room with Jake
* They literally had the „You can’t cross this line…here…this is my territory, there…that’s your territory“-thing (people who used to share a room with siblings will understand)
*you know this meme? that’s how their room looks like
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* After Samuel moved to Gun‘s Room Jake now shares a room with Johan
* Jake always tries to start a conversation with Johan but Johan usually ignores him
* From time to time they hold some conversations though and I feel like Johan would rant a lot and Jake would listen
* Johan would feel bad for ranting though so he’d probably do something for Jake in return like fold his clothes
* Jake likes to play with Eden and Miro a lot and although Johan didn’t want it at first he doesn’t care anymore
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My HCs for Danny & Zack
* Daniel and Zack share a room
* Zack often visits Johans room but Johan always tells him off
* What more can I say about Zack and Danny? They’re bffs
* Daniel cleans Zacks things from time to time
* They sleep on a bunk bed because bunk beds are cool
* Sometimes they talk until deep into the night until the people next to their room tell them to shut the fuck up
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My HCs for Vasco & Warren
* Vasco shares a room with Warren
* They hardly talk
* Vasco always tells Warren a lot of things and Warren listens
* Vasco somehow managed to completely misunderstand the things Warren says since he leaves out a lot of words
* They still get along well
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My HCs for Eli & Yenna (and Yenna & everyone else)
* Eli is in a room with yenna
* he always tries his best to fulfill her needs
* whenever yenna cries everyone comes rushing into the room (because yenna is the queen and everyone should love her 💯 …except Sammy, Goo and Johan they just put on headphones)
* Yenna runs around in the house a lot and everyone tries their best to take care of her (even Sammy, Goo and Johan try not to hurt her and sometimes take care of her as well)
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My HCs for Jay
* Jay! I forgot Jay!
* he sleeps alone because he’s rich 💵
* but he visits danny in his room a lot
* sleeps over in danny’s room too
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My HCs for DG
* DG sleeps alone in a big no huu~uge bedroom
* his room is like four times as big as the others rooms (and just twice as big as Gun‘s and Sammy’s room)
* I imagine his room to be like royalty style if you know what I mean
* he rarely leaves his room
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I’ll do some more HCs next time maybe and writing is not my forte but i’m still glad if you read until now! tysm for reading! 💖💕
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winterwump · 2 years ago
I genuinely hate the Lookism subreddit. CUZ WHAT IS THIS??????
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Like even if it’s a joke, idc cuz the comments are vile 🙃
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heongiu · 2 years ago
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bxksstuff · 2 years ago
someone asked me to draw more of eli and my dumbass accidentally lost the request so i'm so sorry anon 😭🙏🙏🙏 here are some things i did in case it reaches you !
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whyreyousoobsessedwithme · 1 year ago
Ptj still didn't reveal to us how gun got his yucky hands on Yenna
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ventivente · 3 months ago
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Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli white platinum hair Eli with platinum hair Eli
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moonbyulsstuff · 7 months ago
Is your request still open? If yes... May i've a request for Male ( dominant ) reader with Eli Jang , Like the tall male reader and also the one who always helps Eli Jang even though the male reader is not very close to him However, Male readers are people who care behind their rude, relaxed attitude and also really like to be frank.And also the male reader who often takes turns looking after Hyena with Eli Jang, when they are out for a walk with Hyena,The male reader will unconsciously put his arm around Eli Jang's shoulder or waist as a form of protection because when they are walking in a park after going to the supermarket To buy hyena diapers because Eli Jang was carrying hyena with him at that time.Then when Hyena first learned to walk and the little baby girl walked towards the male reader instead of towards Eli Jang and called the male reader "APPA" ( Father ) Then the male reader teaches Hyena Jang to call Eli Jang Daddy as a form of joke while smiling broadly and laughing very hard with Hyena Jang who also laughs.
✨✨✨ Your blog is my favorite blog on the list🧁
Male Reader
Requested by: @animeboyfriend01
Request Rules.
Awww, thank you so muchhh!! And Hyena is Yenna, since that is her name in the WEBTOON.
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Eli was lucky to have [Name] to have as his boyfriend.
[Name] was quite rude, lazy and was always seen relaxing or sleeping. But people found it hot, with the constant smirk on his face as he teased the girls and boys around him which cause them to reduce nothing but a blushing mess.
He was quite like the rest of the Vocal and Dance Department, quite cocky and talk the talk but he could walk the walk.
He didn't know how he managed to have [Name] as his boyfriend but it just happened one day, even if the male seemed rude, and lazy. He was really caring, he protected Eli a lot before they eventually got to know each other.
From the other's boy subtle? Threats, but especially from Vin Jin. But not only to him but to other people too, especially from Vin Jin's bullying.
He was caring even if people didn't think he was, Eli was happy to have [Name] be his boyfriend.
They got together but only saw each other during school grounds, [Name] was always curious on why Eli would disappear after school and he always refused to hang out or go out on a date after school, even if Eli didn't saw. He knew how hurt [Name] was on he constantly denied invitations out for dates.
He didn't mean to, but he had Yenna to take care of. How could he leave his daughter unattended.
But Eli knew it must've hurt [Name]. He wanted to tell [Name] but he was scared that [Name] would be disgusted, break up with him and tell the whole school. Though he constantly reminded himself that [Name] wouldn't do that.
But, [Name] eventually found out when Eli and Yenna were out grocery shopping. Eli wanted to cover up that he was just babysitting but [Name] wasn't stupid, he could see the resemblance with Yenna and Eli.
Eli was relieved when [Name] was accepting, he understands Eli and didn't mind.
So it eventually turned to [Name] babysitting Yenna after school whenever Eli goes out for work which the male really appreciate it a lot, sometimes he would come home and see Yenna and [Name] cuddle up on the couch asleep as the TV was playing.
Drools on their chin, Eli took a ton of pictures and would look at it with happiness.
And now, it was any ordinary day. Just the three of them, out shopping. [Name] arms wrapped around Eli's waist who was holding Yenna in his arms.
[Name] was carrying the bags of grocery and the other bag, full of Yenna's stuff. Milk, toys, clothes and diapers.
They attracted a lot of attention, especilaly Eli. I mean, who couldn't blame them. The man was attracted as hell, and Eli is the most attractive boy in the entire school, possibly beating Daniel in terms of look.
[Name] was jealous of course, seeing the infatuated look on the people's face once they see Eli. He would glare at them but it would do the exact opposite of course, having a handsome guy glare at you? hooweee, might as well thank the gods.
They were now in the park, Eli and Yenna were exploring the park while [Name] was lounging around the bench with the bag of groceries.
"[Name]!" He looked up from his phone and saw Yenna walking slowly to him with a happy and excited Eli behind her. "She's walking!" Eli smiled at him as [Name] broke a wide smile, seeing Eli's bright smile and Yenna walking on her own.
"Oh my!" "She's finally walking [Name]!" [Name] took a video as Yenna walked towards him, she stood near [Name] and held onto his leg and smiled up at him. Eli was smiling so happily that it brought the sun to shame.
"Appa!" Yenna said looking at [Name], they both froze hearing Yenna say Appa, they both looked at each other. "D-Did..." "She call you..." "Appa?" They both continued each other's words before [Name] pulled Yenna in his arms and hugged her tightly but not too tight. "Oh my god!! She just called me Appa! Did you hear that Eli?! She called me Appa!" [Name] said smooching his cheek with Yenna who was smiling and laughing happily at what was going on.
Eli smiled happily, Yenna had already called him dad and to think Yenna would call his boyfriend Appa. It was really heartwarming, they were a family. And he can't wait for the both of them to get married eventually in the future.
"Now, call Eli daddy." [Name] said to Yenna who was giggling, Eli blushed a little at the word as he softly smacked [Name] back. "[Name]!" Eli said as [Name] looked at him with a smirk.
"What?" He teased. "C'mon, Yenna." [Name] said as Eli smacked him once more as Yenna just laughed and clapped her hands together.
"Oww! What? Do you want it to be only you calling me dad-" Eli smacked [Name] hardly on the head who laughed as well as Yenna. "[Name]!!!"
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jamesleecult · 1 year ago
The honored one
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a1ways-y0ur5 · 8 months ago
Is it jus' me? Or is Eli tryna pull your typical black-haired (historical, might I add) manhwa male lead 🤔
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Don't lie to me there IS some resemblance 🤓
I couldn't find the perfect panel, but it do give off the vibes I mean..... I ain't complaining, he's doin' a good job 🤫 😶‍🌫️
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Also yenna my cutie patootie, my sweet heart, my baby love 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I wanna spoil her, love her, coddle her, squish her cheeks, kiss her face, hug her tight, sing her to sleep, wear matching clothes and whatnot
When isekaing, it would be worth it if I could just play with yenna if not get with any of the Bois 🏃‍♀️
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lookismfanfics · 2 years ago
Fluff. Established relationship. HOSTEL TIMESKIP
Eli x GN Reader/Hostel x GN Reader
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It was fairly early in the morning when Eli shook you awake. You mumbled and groaned about how early it was, but he persisted.
Reaching numbly to turn on the lamp, you stared at the concerned features of your boyfriend. He looked tired… which didn’t surprise you. College was tiring, after all. He usually woke up early anyways. A nasty habit of his, in your opinion. His brows drawn into a tight knit, his lips pursed and cheeks flushed. He would look adorable if it weren’t for the urgency in his manners and expression.
“I need you to wake up. Can you stay downstairs by the door, in case she comes back?” He whispers. Immediately your face lights up, and you shoot upright.
“What’s going on?” You ask, quickly draping your legs over the side of the bed.
Eli places his warm hand against your shoulder.
“Nothing bad. She’s gonna come back soon… but Yenna and I got into an argument.” You rub your eyes, grogginess returning to you. “About what?”
Eli is silent, running a hand through his freshly-highlighted hair. The gray really contrasts with the dark natural color. You like it.
“She wanted to go to a birthday party…” he begins. You sigh, rubbing his shoulder while shaking your head. “Eli…”
“I know. Just…I can’t. So she said she was running away, and I said: okay.” He stands up.
You notice some flour dusting his shirt and pants. He was probably in the process of baking pancakes. Yenna’s favorite.
“She packed her bags… even took Warren’s jacket,” Eli moves to the door. “I know she’ll be back. I just want to follow her. Make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.”
“Where is she now?-!” You ask, alert and worried.
Eli is already treading down the stairs, his posture slumped. “She’s outside, sitting on the curb.”
The knot in your brow releases slightly as you heave a relieved sigh. Proceeding Big Daddy, you wander downstairs, glancing out the slightly-tinted windows and catching sight of Yenna. Sure enough, at six-years-old, she looks totally prepared to face the world alone. She looks more ready to tackle taxes than you are. Yenna sits idly, playing with her hair and leaning forward onto her knees. She looks apprehensive, clearly not knowing which way to go.
You cross your arms, leaning against the wall and watching her for a while. As you stand there, you hear heavy feat gracelessly flopping down the stairs. Warren walks up beside you curiously. “What’s going on?” “We have a runaway problem.”
He stares outside seriously. This would be the first time Yenna ever attempted something like this. He buttons up his shirt absently. “I’ll go get her.”
“No… Eli— uh- wants to let her do this. For a little. She’ll come back.”
Sure enough, Yenna stands and is on the move. Her daddy is ready to follow, careful not to be seen. You and Warren wait anxiously. Soon you’re joined by Sally.
So then it’s the three of you. You sip on your (favorite drink.) Sally distractedly tries to chew away at her newest assignment. Warren taps his foot and stares at the door.
“I’ll work on the pancakes, actually,” you announce. Thank god it’s Saturday. Yenna has been gone for half an hour now (she’s become really stubborn- maybe she is her father’s daughter). Had it been a week day, you three would have been late to campus.
Eli had gotten halfway through mixing the wet ingredients. You grab a rubber spatula and continue his work. The corners of your eyes sting and remnants of your dust allergy have yet to vanish. A swell of frustration pulses in your head. It’s so early in the morning. You hope Yenna was wearing Warren’s jacket at least. It was cold, after all-
The front door opens and shuts. Eli enters and remains by the entrance, his hand gripping the knob.
Sally breaks the silence eagerly, “Is she coming back?”
Eli doesn’t answer. You stare at him, a frown on your face. Of course Yenna is coming back. Eli wants to be the first to greet her.
There’s a tentative knock on the door. “Hello? Who is it?”
“Daddy? Can I come home now?”
While you and Sally crack smiles, Warren rubs aggressively at his eyes. (It must’ve been some dust. Yeah.)
Eli remains stoic at the door. “Sorry, who is this?”
The voice on the other side sighs. “It’s Yenna Jang.”
You turn back to the pancakes. You haven’t parented Yenna as much as the others have, so you really don’t have the right to be upset about this. Why else would you by crying? I mean… you aren’t crying. You don’t even want to.
Eli opens the door, remaining upright. “Hey Yenna. I missed you.” “I missed you too.”
“Did you get into any trouble?”
“…Do you want to be part of this family again?”
You assume he’s knelt beside her. Based on the silence, they’re probably hugging. You smile to yourself, continuing to distract yourself by beating in the eggs and perfecting the batter. Yenna’s shoes echo through the room as she runs up to Warren and Sally, apologizing for running away and wishing them a “good morning.”
“(Y/N)! I was running away!” You jump, your head snapping onto the little Yenna who magically spawned beside you. “Oh no… but you decided to come back?”
Eli locks the door and grabs her discarded bags, trudging upstairs. There’s something about the color in his face that is off putting.
“Yeah! Because I missed everyone,” Yenna admits. She grabs onto your waist, staring up at you. “I’m sorry.”
“Well it’s okay. Just don’t scare us like that, okay?”
She nods.
“I also knew I had to come back. Because daddy is going to marry you soon, and I didn’t—”
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Just a blurb… because I can’t seem to finish my actual requests 😭
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nepentheseeker · 5 months ago
Hunt for Gun ft.Anya Forger
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how hunt for gun arc should have gone if PTJ wasn't a gun glazer
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lookismstuff-2 · 8 months ago
"Oh, look at all the lonely people..."
(Cody Fry, "Eleanor Rigby" -orig. The Beatles)
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meowlcdie · 8 months ago
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˖⁺ ⊹୨ 🎟️ lookism characters as twitter memes ୧⊹ ⁺˖ ━━ pt. 3 ˚୨୧⋆。˚
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heongiu · 2 years ago
Someone should give Gun his own Yenna cuz I wanna see how he handles her
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