#chae wonseok
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sscarletvenus · 8 months ago
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succumbed to the brainrot ...
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lookismstuff-2 · 6 months ago
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koiiiji · 10 months ago
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he is not uncle. he is daddy. that’s the post. enjoy.
im sorry his chest? his character? i love simple manly MAN!! and Warren fits perfectly. u know where else he could fit perfectly?… *wink wink*
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his-saiko · 1 year ago
"You know I love you, right?"
You look at him with a thoughtful expression. You blink a few times and search for any sign that could help you understand the situation a bit better.
He only looks at you with a smile that could mean a lot of things. "What?"
"Can you not say it like that, please?"
He chuckles and wraps his arms around you. "What's wrong?"
"It sounded like 'goodbye'."
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razypie · 2 years ago
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if this doesn't happen at the end of this arc im gonna flip--
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myuiis · 1 year ago
sally park: a missed opportunity
this is probably going to rot in drafts for a WHILE but i needed to scream into the void about this so let me rant to YOU (yes, you) about how ptj fucked up sally park's writing and purpose in the story so much that she is now just a bundle of missed opportunities. the same could also be said about other characters like crystal choi, luah lim, etc. but i just reread hunt for hostel and i have a lot of insane thoughts that need to be screamed about.
as a character who was the center of attention during her introduction arc, she has been reduced to simply an eli enabler and warren's love interest, who gets about 3 panels to really shine, and then is demoted back into window dressing.
warning: mild eli hate ahead but i do NOT hate eli, i just hate ptj for making everything hostel related eli-centric, when sally is arguably just as important.
so. lets start at the beginning.
from the very beginning, the eli jang arc was told from sally's perspective especially based off the narration, and her character during the majority of the eli jang arc BANGED. initially introduced as a classic demure, feminine savior figure for bad boy warren in the first chapter of the eli jang arc, it's then shown that she isn't as naive or one-dimensional as she may seem.
in fact, shes shown to be fiercely independent and self-sufficient, learning to live by herself and deal with her own problems without anyone helping her, while simultaneously grappling with her grandmother blaming her over her dad's death (side note this plotline, which could've added so much depth to her story was NEVER picked up again)
on my first read of the eli jang arc, this sequence actually punched me in the gut and sally became an instant fav
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but i digress. continuing back to the main point, sally was a tremendously well written character (or as good as we're gonna' get when it comes to female characters by ptj) in the eli jang arc, whether it be her narration (scenes like "sometimes i think if i hadn't introduced them to eli back then, our story wouldn't have been such a tragedy"), or her actual actions in the story.
she was integral to the story. in fact, i would say that she was MORE central to the heart and soul of hostel than eli jang was (at first, before she got butchered by ptj and forgotten about) because it was HER that was providing for her family with HER own money, until eli stepped in months later. she was the one that everyone wanted to assist and protect because she was who was holding everyone together through her sacrifice and love.
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LOOK AT HER!!! just LOOK AT HER!!! she is so noble and tragic and she does everything for the sake of her family, including starving herself! she is so tremendously loving and sacrifices so much for her family, which is why everyone unites around her to help her!
in fact, the reason warren, eli, and others devolve into crime and stealing is to help her get more money for food, as they can't bear to see her starve herself. while this does come off a little bit white knight-ey (oh a big strong man has to save the sweet damsel), the point is that she has this kind of power over the people around her through her genuine leadership skills
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not only that, but she was actually also the one who came up with the idea of using their old building to provide for more homeless kids, showing that she really should be credited with the creation and management of the runaway fams, far more than she is in the story.
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even though, immediately after, its shown that she didn't think enough about the financials of the situation, and eli gets his time to shine by coming up with the point organization stuff, the way its framed portrays both sally's idea and eli's financial proposal of the financial system as equally important things. this scene makes me think that, at the very least, sally and eli's importance should be on equal footing: sally is the passion, the heart, the core, while eli is the figurehead, the brains, the fighter.
in summary, sally was the person who united the original hostel A through her leadership, kindness, and sacrifice, and had so much soft power over everyone that the entirety of her family would do anything to help her. she also came up with the idea of helping runaway families, demonstrating her kindness and generosity.
not only that, she was still actively managing the runaway families and making money while eli fucked off to j high to become a barber, allowing her to get closer to the runaway fams and inspire them with her leadership.
with all that said, it's clear that sally should be a three-dimensional girlboss who uses her charisma and good personality to gain soft power and lead the people around her as one of the figureheads and hearts of the hostel crew, right?
well. no.
after the eli jang arc, she becomes close to useless.
i dont remember much of 2A outside of the big deal stuff, but what i do remember is that sally does nothing, wins a singular rock-papers-scissors game, and then becomes a damsel in distress again that warren needs to save and gets to show off his cool fighting skills in the process. (this may not be accurate, feel free to correct me if im wrong)
but my BIGGEST gripe is the hunt for hostel arc. the hunt for hostel arc was very much centered around eli, warren, and even jerry, more than it was sally, despite how much of an integral role she played in the formation of hostel. during the entire arc, she does basically nothing but watch on the sidelines
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... and then ptj pulls this on us. they all unite because they admire and love eli jang so much? only eli jang? not warren chae, gangdong's mighty? not max and derek, the two uncles? not sally park, THE big mama?
i cannot emphasize how ironic it is that sally, the big mama, quite literally gave birth to the idea of the runaway fams, and yet nobody mentions her again afterwards, and only ever eli jang. like... what did eli ever do for you? give you a shitty haircut?
and when warren and eli leave, i FINALLY thought that ptj was going to give sally a moment to shine and show her by herself again, like she was all that time ago, and how she figures out how to save her family despite being unable to fight...
but no. we get this sick ass panel and then she is completely irrelevant again
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the next example of the sally erasure comes when eugene is talking to eli about him joining workers. he tries to convince eli that this is the ONLY thing that he can do to protect his family, and that, now that he's here and so is warren, hostel is weak and helpless because the MEN that get everything done aren't there anymore and "oh no, what can sally park and the girls do?"
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like fym "what can they do"?! sally is a LEADER and she has POWER and INFLUENCE (or at least, she should). but no, the narrative doesn't prove him wrong, and sally does next to nothing in the narrative.
i cannot emphasize how much more of a leader figure she is than eli btw. she took all the runaway kids under her wing. it was her idea to build an organization for these kids in the first place. she was the one singlehandedly raising money for all 7 high schoolers in her family before eli stepped in. she STARVED HERSELF and CUT HER OWN FINGERS trying to make food for her family. she was THE big mama. EVERYONE wanted to protect her and respect and love her. and yet ELI is the main character of hostel that is oh so important and that everyone will unite under????
"oh no without you how will anything get done, eli jang?" stfu
and even when she does do things, later on, it's really more of an excuse for vasco to shine. while she was the one to get heather's mom to forgive eli, as well as the one that got vasco to save eli in the first place, 1) her major role in this part of the story is entirely sidelined and given no narrative weight outside of being the reason that eli's healing arc can happen and 2) the only agency we've ever seen her having since hostel arc is in relation to eli. she only ever acts on her own to save eli. she PROBABLY did stuff outside of that to help hostel, but that is entirely offscreen and not focused on at all, so her leadership and agency when it comes to things outside of a MAN are ignored.
in chapter 478, i thought that she was once again given a brief moment to shine when she looked sad and all wondering what they would do once they didn't have the income workers supplied them with, and i was hoping that she'd get a chance to creatively problem solve around it to show a good character moment for her and the rest of hostel... but who am i kidding this is ptj of course he wouldnt do that. nah, it was just a scene so that vasco could introduce jay again and be like "hey guys jay is actually relevant to the story and he's a nice person, just so you guys dont forget that he's still there! and also ignore this deus ex machina ass solution to a conflict that could've been a really interesting character study!!"
so yeah. that's basically it. in conclusion, i think sally park is a HUGE missed opportunity for ptj to finally write a good female character. kind, compassionate, charismatic, smart, sally's got it all. however, just because she is a soft character doesn't mean that she's a pushover and she held tremendous power and authority because of everything she did for her family. however, ptj decides to do nothing with her and turn her into an eli enabler and a warren love interest instead, ignoring her leadership skills and influence.
and once again, no hate to eli, warren, jerry, jay, or any of the other character i just shat on to make a point!! i like all of them, but i just think that sally's character assassination to allow them to shine was an infuriating decision on ptj's part
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lookismstuff · 1 year ago
Highlights of Ep 480
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Gun rejected Goo's offer of leaving Charles, by saying that he already sided (in his words: "drank a cup") with someone else. But he told Goo that he still drank the sake for Goo as a friend, even though he didn't like alcohol. Goo told Gun that from then on they were sworn enemies.
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Eli and Hudson had an offstage fight that again ended in Hudson's defeat. Hudson swore that he would rise again for the 4th time because he promised Taesoo that he would defeat Eli.
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Eli told Hudson flat outright that he wouldn't apologize for what he did in Ansan. He had to protect his family just like Hudson did everything to protect his. He knew that Hudson only joined Allied to get revenge but so be it.
Hudson then insisted on following Eli at Hostel HQ but was surprised that Eli even asked him if he had a place to stay, and that the Hostel kids were nice to him and even teased him. Warren even gave him a dishwashing shift, and Sally eventually even left a note welcoming him to the house.
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Gyeol (the fake doctor) went missing since after 1A fight along with Hangyeol (Hulk). Apparently Charles came to 1A discreetly at night by causing a blackout (he either hit or send someone to hit the area transformer).
Eugene guessed that it must have been Charles who abducted those two, and as Mandeok wondered why, Eugene explained to him that Jinyoung probably knew something about Charles that the nefarious CEO wanted to hide.
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In a flashback, Charles tortured Gyeol to find out about Jinyoung and whether Jinyoung told Gyeol anything. Gyeol really had no idea, but Charles didn't believe him and keep torturing him.
Hangyeol the Hulk (also in the flashback) defended his brother in tears. It turns out that he still remembered and loved his brother, even though Gyeol turned him into a monster.
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Then Charles took the two of them out of the 1A facility after defeating Hangyeol, ensuring (and sneering) that no evidence would be left behind.
Out of nowhere, James called Eugene about a video evidence that Charles left behind that James recorded, as Charles left the facility.
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James told Eugene that he had been tailing Charles since the day Charles killed Bakgoo and Jichang in Chungcheong-do. Plus, now the video of the kidnapping of a minor (Gyeol) existed. He asked (challenged?) Eugene to make sure the evidence didn't disappear and to make it tenfold.
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Eugene agreed with James's plan.
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nanichi0 · 1 year ago
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I missed him
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bxksstuff · 2 years ago
Can you draw more yenna? SHES SO CUTE!(not in a weird way) ❤❤❤ she adorable! . I like the dynamic of her being protective of her father once she grows up!💞
that would be so soo cute tbh 🥹
sorry that i made you wait, had a lot of work this week 😓 here are some doodles !
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veryverv · 1 year ago
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Warren and sally
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katariinasworld · 1 year ago
Just finished reading the last chapter of Lookism. OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD !! Can’t wait for next week’s chapter.
Lil D when Vasco, Jerry and Warren came I cried a little ngl (I get emotional really easily sorry)
When Jerry and Warren told each others “don’t die” I SCREAMED !!
Im excited for the next chapter
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sscarletvenus · 1 year ago
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lookismstuff-2 · 8 months ago
"Oh, look at all the lonely people..."
(Cody Fry, "Eleanor Rigby" -orig. The Beatles)
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razypie · 2 years ago
simp warren 🤝 simp zack
Warren 🤝 Zack
Having cringe nicknames
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razypie · 2 years ago
eli, at the end of hostel arc:
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fifth affiliate! eli to ^this eli:
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minus points to warren too for not beating the shit some sense into his idiot best friend.
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where's the rizz you got here last time, my dear warren?
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lookismstuff · 1 year ago
Lookism: Ep 469 Reaction
In this episode, a recovery was made of a long lost relationship.
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In a flashback, Jake received Jinyoung's red headband from Bongae, with the message to make sure that Jinyoung saw that, because Jinyoung left it in Bongae's hand after he and Gabryong knocked down "a great power". That headband was Jinyoung's hero getup, something he wore when he was out there saving the world.
Bongae was realistic about this mission, however, and he was sure that Jinyoung would fight Jake because the pharmacologist had been disturbed for a long, long time.
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Onto Jake's duel versus Jinyoung. The younger man was cornered as Jinyoung kept pummeling him with Gabryong's and even Tom's technique. Seeing the red headband just incensed Jinyoung since he thought that Jake (or rather, Jake's brother the patricide killer) must have killed Bongae too.
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It was not until Jake was pushed to the edge and he swore to stand up to protect his people and wouldn't fall, like Gabryong, that Jinyoung was snapped out of his drug-induced oblivion.
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Tearing up as he remembered young Jake (no I'm not crying, smoke got in my eyes), Jinyoung offered Jake a hug, even as Jake punched him. He stopped as he saw Jinyoung crying and apologizing to him, for not being there for everyone and for "letting" Gabryong die.
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Just as Jinyoung almost told Jake what happened the day Gapryong was murdered, Alexander burst in to tell them that things were going badly for the rest of the Allied guys. Jake wondered if it was Hangyeol, but no. As we could guess, The Second Body had managed to utterly exhaust Vasco, Warren, and Jerry while it still stood undefeated.
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Jake still remembered that "Big Daniel" (gosh Daniel just own up to all of your friends already fgs) was terrible "in that state" but before he could do anything, Jinyoung tied the red headband around his head and said that he'd take care of it.
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Jake warned that "Big Daniel" was dangerous, but Jinyoung insisted on facing it, saying that he'd do anything for Jake. That from then on, he was on Jake's side...
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Goodness the death flags for Jinyoung. I don't know how many of you watch kdramas and films but sacrifice of a character who feels guilty for not remembering/for being lost for a long time/for being bad is a common trope in them. It's as if the Korean popular media want to punish these characters for forgetting, or maybe it's simply a matter of different culture, different tastes. But it will be such a huge loss if Jinyoung is not given the chance to recognize both Daniel and the Second Body, whose resemblance with him are so uncanny.
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